"ft ik I t I i-- t-.Kf ur. PEN AND SCISSORS. Errtifa Cur acntion Las been called to u following typographical- errors, in the niunication from Gen. "White, which wa Cblishcl last week. In the first column of f.tt .Aniinuiiication, 30 th line from top, in fue"' . . , , i . u. 7. , l . xr...1...1..1 T fl.f oi lDj mn 0f communication, read dificvltg in- jj of ftrc- Same column, 10th line ! m the top, instead of antecedents read s !ru'f Same CCMUmn, rcfid "" Luwp IIh instead of . J Lu,,rpkin. In 3d col !, 12th line from bp, instead of awake "ca-lV"6'- Same column, 18th line from fl.t of column, instead ut fur marc than a rcau w cicm tt ijmiiier tj a In the 4th column, 39th line from century lurll. read prevan g msn-au m 2t r!""l""J- Same column, for et-for of affront, read ro?or lfpnt.ct. Same column, instead of r!l!(t ai" '' ""1'' Colon nude read guerilla (,) Colonnade. jfVMi" HoiiEKT Davis has just opened at v - , vrt on High Street a largo and well toci." f groceries, which he will dls f st the lowest possible rates ; give him jiMii. A- UtAiw. has" removed his Bar- Vpr L ofiicc formerly occupied by ..er s. .... o. j.VcJ V. llcvcr on Center oircei ,ur. Bar- Mcssrs in in I'.-ancxctfTieut and accouiuiouutin frranii merits patronage, r;-Messrs 1U:kd, & IIkveu. havo rcmo- TfJ their office to -No. 1, cotonade How. James C. .Neon, Ks;-q., has removed to the room two doors Easlaf Thompsons Mountain House tf'Dr Win. A Smith arrived in town on iloimIjy evening, and will remain here duiing tlic present we ek. He received a hearty wel come from Lis old friends aud neighbors. 'c sincerely hope t Lit health ai.d prosperity ,aj always he his aUccu?iDts while .sojourn ing in the city of brotherly Jove. rWc learn that Mr. Longaktr speaker of iLellouscis seriously ill of typhoid fcjycr.and tat Geo. Nklson Smith, of -this county, has bocu e-hascn by the House to act as speaker daring the bilance of the session. Dollim' friouJ Xcftuue appears to be "still alive and ticking" at Harrisburg, notwithstanding the tromeudous efforts of Splashboard & Co. to exterminate him. JiTEichard Morgan of Blacklick towu liip promised us an origioual poem for our ppcr this week, hut bus disappointed us. He promises to redeem his 'pleJgc' next week Alilnugh llichard unlike splashboard who dt.es the doggerel for the "Mountaineer" is not i Lawyer, he is nevertheless something of a Y& and coi taitily as good a man and a great ku.Wu.er democrat than Spl&sdiboard. f?' We direct the atteution of our read er to the Card of Mr. .Henry Foster, in an othcr column, foster is a model hiudlord. Uis table js always supplied with all the lux uries our market contains. As we ni t er in dulge in anylhiug fetimulating, we e:i n't saj-an)-thing with regard to his Bar, except that we have been assured by those w he indulge ntationaUij, that his whiskey is above par ijsph-r.did t ticlo of the pure juice of Uye, UECOS.S1IKJ5ATIOT OF TIIK Lecompton Constitution ! TJllIE UNDF.USIUXED HAS LATELY liE 3. tttrned from the East, after making a pur chase of a well selected stock of GOODS, in his line of business, which he has since received, and is now busily engaged in opening and marking, .inI w inch he will oiler at sale at very small prof its. All kinds of country produce will betaken in exchange fur oods, and CASH will never be refused these h:nd times; 11c fee's thaikful for the pationagc he has re ceived iu his business, and hopes for a continu ation f the same, and lie pledges his word that he will nut leave any thing undone that may lie In his power, to give general satisfaction. His goods consist in part of the following na med articles : Groceries. Also, Spices Such as Teas, of all kinds. Coffee, Sugars, Also, Tro- Molasses and visions, oyrups. sucuas Flour, Corn Meal, Buckwheat Flour, Oat Meal, l'otatoes, 1! utter, Ctiecsa and Fish of all kiuds. ALSO A ood assortment of Hardware, Iron, Steel and Xails. Also Drags, Paints and Oils. Also a new stock of Wall paper, consisting of new patterns and styles, which are very desirable tliis-season of the year. Also Foreign and Do mestic Fruit ami Cnfectionaries, well assorted. In fact the various other kinds of goods he keeps are too numerous to mention. 1 lcatc call In and examine ids stock for yourselves, before purcha sing elsewhere. x5SS2iis In addition to the above, he wishes jftpjSf , to notify the public that he has a new add Improved LAMP for sale, for bur ning Carbon Oil. (sometimes called Rock Oil.) It is certain jy the best improvement now known, b sth for economy and safety J it can not explode and can be regulated so as to give much or little ight. Iamps made on this plan to suit all pur poses. Any person wishing to try one, before purchasing, can get one ready trimmed and filled with Oil. take it home and use it for forty-eight hours, free of charge, provided it is returned in as good order as when taken away. Call and see them. ROBERT DAVIS. Ebcnsburg, April 14, I838:22.tf oni'invs' touttT s vi-r. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE OR phans' Court of Cambria county, to me direc ted there will be exposed to public sale on the premies-, on MONDAY, the 10th day of MAY, next, at nti o'clock P. M.. the following real es tate of flrtiich YiUi..m Iludiondied seized, to wit. A certain improved tract of land situate in Washington township, Cambria county, bounded and Ascribed as follow?, vik: Beginning at a post o.n the v c a side of the public road leading from Muioter to .Jefferson, fliCHce west 158 per ches, along iL'r f hmd of the heirs of Hemy'M' Kcn.ic,decd. to a Mich, thence south 3 degrees eat 21. " pcrcl.es to a surr.ee, thence north 74 .le-rccs eat oi pcrcheJ W a. port, tl ence north 71 A d.-grccs cast, along lire rf E. Skelly, 10 per ches to a jx.st, thence bv san:e north 55 degrees east 44 perches to a post, thenuO same south 5S .legrees east 12 pnehes to a hrCCC at the said 'public road leading from Munster to Jcffcr soii. theiire nlonT Raid road north 22 deT. "at - . - -tj 143 perches to a post, thence by same north 12 - perches to the place of beginning, containing 140 acres and 17 perches and allowance. T E It M S : One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale ; one other tliiid in one year thereafter with interest, to be secured by tle judgment bond aud mort gage of the purchaser ; and the remaining third to remain a lien on the premises legal interest to be paid on the said sum annually to Esther M'Kinzie, widow ef said deceased, from the date of the cou th niation of said sale, by the purcha ser, dining her lifetime and the principal, at ! her decease, to the heirs and legal representatives of the aid William Hudson . . YM. KITTELL, Trustee. pril B, 18o8:22::H . kinERirr-vs sal.iv- BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY WRITS OF VEN ditioui Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County , and to me di rected, there will be exposed to sale by public outcry, at the Mansion House, in the Borough of Johnstown, Cambria counrfy, on FRIDAY, the 30th day of April, 1858, at one o'clock, V. JI. A'l tho right, title and interest of William Howard aud Ceorge V. Hodges, of, iu and to a lot of ground situate in the Borough of Johns town, Cambria county, adjoining the Canal Ba sin, lots of John Barnes, D. C. 'Wakefield's herrs and others, having thereon erected a two story frame warehouse, not now occupied; ALSO All the right, title and interest of said defend ants, of, in and to a lot of ground lying in the borough of Johnstown aforesaid, adjoining the above mentioned lot and the old Allegheny Por tage Rail Road, unimproved. ALSO All the right, title and hit rest ot William Howard, one of the defendants, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land, situate in Concmaugh township.Cambria county, adjoining lands of Henry Goughnour, the .lohnstown Iron Company and others, con taining fifty acres more or less, about t enty acres of which Jire cleared, having thereon erec ted a hewed log house Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit of Fificld and Smith, for the use of Chester Granger. ALSO All the right, title and interest of George W. Hodges, one of the defendants, of, in and to a lot of ground situ ate in tho borough of Johnstown, Cambria coun ty, adjoining the Canal Basin, lots of John Barnes, D. B, Wakefield's heirs and others, hav ing thereon erected a two-story frame ware house not now occur. ied. ALSO All the right, title and intercut of said defendant, of, in and to a lot or piece of ground lving in the Borough of John- stown atorsaid adjoining tnc aoove mcnuoncu lor and the old Allegheny Portage Rail Road, unim proved. ALSO All the right, title and interest of William Howard, one of the defendants, of, in and -to a piece or parcel of land situate in Cone maiigh township, Cambria count)', adjoining lands of Henry Goughnour, the Johnstown Iron Company and others, containing fifty acres more or less, about twenty acres of Nfhicli are cleared, having thereon erected a hewed log house. Taken in execution and to be ?old at the suit of Arnold, Martin Potter, fer the use of Ches ter Granger. ALSO All the right, title and interest of Charles Mcrriman an3 Susannah, his wife of, in and to a lot of ground containing about one fourth of an. aero more or less, .situate in Concmaugh tnu-nshin. Cambria countv. ndioininz lands of i Lewis Jacoby, Samuel J. Horner, Peter Jacoby and others, having thereon erected a oi:c and a half story plank house, now in the occupancy of the said Charles ami Susanna Mcrriman Takcn in execution and to bo sold at tho suit of Teter Jacoby and Margaret Jacoby his wife.? JOHN ROBERTS, 53 95 28 Shei ill's Office, Sheriff. Ebcnsburg, April '58. X-fTUAriniiTY ok tuolt.iit in ukkamini-.. A very remarkable circumstance, in a point of analogy, is to be found in the? ex treme rapMity with which the mental opera tions are formed, or ratlur with which the material changes on wdiieh the ideas depend are excited iu hemispherical ganglia. It would appear as if a whole scries of nets, that would really occupy a long lapse of time, pass 'pccdily through the mind in one instant. We have m dreams no true perception of the lape of time a strange property when; en ttrt j into the eternal disembodied state, time V nnnear to us clcrnitv The relations of i j . T'i1, as well as time, are also annihilated, 'What almost while- arc ctorntty is compres sed into a moment, infinite space is traversed iiiorc swift lv than bv real thought. There urc numerous illustrations of this on record A gentleman dreamed that he had enlisted as "... .. ... . , .. a soldier, joined Ins regiment, dcsei j.cu, was apprehended, carried back, tried, condemned to be shot, and at last led out for execution. After the usual preparations, a gun wr.s fired. lio awoke Willi the report, ami loutm tnat a noise in the adjoining room had, at the same moment, produced the dream and awakened him A friend of Dr. Abercombie dreamt tAiat he crossed the Atlantic and spent a fort- tnjut in America. In embarking, on his re turn, ho fell into the sea, and, ri fjiitlic fright,, found that he had not iu Lei ten minutes. AKtt:ABC HOTEL, i:iiciisI)Uisr, I"a. HENRY FOSTER, Proprietor. Hp-US HOTEL, FORMERLY KNOWN AS jL the 'Ebcusburs House." is one of the old- c-t and best stands in fbc borough of Ebcnsburg. f..r tho accommodation of the traveling communi ty. Tho Proprietor assures all who may be dis- pi Sf 1 to patronize him that his TABLE will be supi bed with all the luxuries ot the season, Ms BAR with the choicest oi Liquors, ami no pains spared to render his guests coinf. rtable. Kli nsburg. April 14. loK:"J:iy. AtUITOK'S XOTICK. -rill. L AlJhUMUAiu;, iiiviic iuin -t-.i I pointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria County, to hear, decide and report upon the ex ceptions filed to the account of David II Rob erts, adm'r de bonus non cum testamento anncxo of David Todd Sr. deed hereby givchuoticc that be will sit at bis ofiu-e for that purpose on i-Jl.U-x tin- 7ih l:iv of MAY next, when and where ail persons interested mav attend. JOllA r. K1L1..1 . -uuuor. Ebcnsburg April 7. 1853 21 It Conrad Suppes for use "1 In the Court of Com of Rosini Geis I mon Pleas of Cambria vs f County, No 124, March 1 nomas Wilson and Terra, 1858. Al. Vend William Burns. F.xpon. -THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BKEN AP I pointed by "the Court to make distribution of the proceeds of defts. real estate sold on the writ above stated, .hereby notifies. all persons interes ted in the fiuid, that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of v.Lcnsburg, on SATURDAY ,tlic tli day ot iay ne.ct, at one o'clock P.M. WM. KITTI.L.L., Auditor. April 7, 185321 -It LUBL.I1" SAL.15 ..r..-iTirTT TVTT.'X'TMW". Tp-v TT TI1L iSLl-'l IOI'IjII liilJiMli11l lO JllV move from Ca.ubria county will olTer at pub lic sale at his ics'lencc in the liorough oi iocns- burg on THURSDAY XJ1K 15TI1 iAl UF APRIL IXST, all ids household and kitchen furniture, consisting of illaJiOgny and plain Uiairs Breakfast, Dining, and SltJe tables, Sofas, Bu reaus, Beadsteads, wash Stands, varpeis, ocovxs botl. for wood and coal, Pots, Jve.'Ues together with mau3' other articles unnecessary" t! cnurncr. ate. The salo will commence at 10 O'clock A. M. A reasonable credit will begiven, and dut at tendance at the sale, when the terms will also Ls made known. Persons desirous of examining, or purchasing articles previous to tho sal can do so by calling at his residence. WILLIAM A. SMITH, Ebcnsburg April 7th, 1858. HEREBY GIVE-NOTICE, that the. ioilowing described tracts ' of unseated lands "and lets of ground lii the said county of Cambria, or such, parts thereof as may kc necessary to pay arrear ages of taxes due thereon, for one year or more' will be offered for talc at the Court House in the Borough of Ebensburg, on the second Monday of June (being the 14th day,) and continue by ad journment from day to day until the w hole be sold for such arrearages of taxes-, and costs, ne cessarily accnuug thereon. UNSEATED LIST. Names of Warrantee or owner. Ptr. JUlcgltaivj ToiCHsin. James C. Maguire. 1850,57 Aaron Bo wen, James Hannum, Heirs, Walter Elder, Wra. M'Dougal (part, Warren Hannum, Mifilin Hannum, Robert Whitehead, Thomas Cloudsdale, William Weaklaud. Martha Hannum, Mathias Behc, Samuel Will, 1857 Lewis Cassidy, DlacUick Toicns7dp. John Jordon, 1850,57 Jacob FronJiciscr, - Jacob Prcssinger, Paul Lcbo, Daniel Levy, Joseph Mardis, Win, Dunca", Sarah Reed, James Kane, John White, Andrew Duff, (part) Jacob Anderbon 1857 Wm. O'ConnclI, " Cambria TuicnsJiip, Andrew Lewis, 1850,57 James Means, Andrew Nelson, James Means (part) Andrew Duff " John Thomas, . Samuel Bryson, part) Carroll Toicnsltij). 128 Sarah Barr, 1850,57 .128 Wilson Barr, ' 108 Daniel Barr, 152 Lewis Barr, Juo O'Harro, (pt T. Ed wards, 1857, Ja. OTIairo 44 Bernard Donahoe, 100 114 Henry Lebo & Robert Irwin, (parts) 1850,57 121 A. Carson & F. Hubley. (parts.) ;1857 100 Juo. & Wm. P. Brady, 1850,57 : . i Chest ToirnshijK -. 130 George Gillison, 220 James Foster. 377 100 James Hunter, 270 Melchoir Rudisell, 233 Martin Myers, 100 Walter Butler, 100 35 Richard Seely, (part) 400 100 John Seely, 119 John Myers, 100 James Foster, 405 Henry Delozier & G., 200 Adam Weaver, (part) 450 William Gray, 433 153 Joseph' Gray", 108 Stephen Beck, 107 Jacob Beck, Clearfield TutcnshijK 433 153 Robert Evans, 433 153 George Bickham. ' 214 John Canan. 395 Mahlon Hutchinson, 419 Joseph Jones, 120 John Cooper, 330 Jesse Bush, 215 George Horner, part 375 Jacob Cox, 225 Wm, Lambert, 200 Wm. Tilton, 70 Patrick Shiels, 100 Jas. Diver, formerly 100 Abraham Shultz, " 200 Patrick Kelly, 57, 200 Patrick Such, 57, 58 John Kelso, part" 1850,57, Conemaxifjh Tvicnship, 5G,57, Acres, 100 380 90 120 100 91 220 02 04 100 80 40 200 70 100 198 300 o o r ood 313 100 97 100 230 100 50 73 100 10 115 217 100 150 174 180 385 401 382 100 100 30 $ 7,05 29,07 11,00 9,18 7,05 0,97 1C,S3 9,53 9,78 19.12 0,12 7,04 7,90 2,76 7,40 11,10 12,40 11,50 11,10 7,40 7,18 7,40 17,02 7,40 1,80 2,78 3,70 1,87 8.47 10,57 10,70 8,80 13,04 19,02 18.05 18,82 17,98 2,55 2,55 1,02 9,40 3,13 4,70 405 135 05 03 70 20 122 300 90 C3 440 439 440 430 04 101 74 400 "401 433 40 401 400 11 257 7 11 250 439 80 439 80 439 80 439 80 439 120 4-10 80 190 180 443 131 400 33S 40 300 271 440 440 200 100 440 100 100 300 440 429 80 230 .57. 38,00 SO.S-T 30.10 2,49 11.59 28.50 '50,57 12,70 50, S" 1850,57 B awakiug. been The Passage, Many a year is in its grave, Since I crossed this restless wave ; And the evening, fair as ever, Shines on ruin, rock, and river. Then, in this same boat, beside, Sat two comrades, old and tried, Due with all a father's truth, Oac with all the fire of youth. One on earth in silence wrought, And his grave in filencc sought ; liut the younger, brighter form l'asssed in battle and in storm. So whene'er I turn my eye l'ack upon the clays gone by, KadJcaing thoughts of friends com o'er mc, "Friends that closed their course before inc. Ihit what binds us friend 10 friend, Ihit that soul with soul can blend? soul-like were those hours ofyoro hct us walk in soul once more. TRTEEREAS LETTERS O F ADMIN1S ? T tration on the estate of Michael Farrabaugh, hito of Minister Township, Cambria county, de ceased, have been granted to the undersigned trcs'dlng iu said Township) by the Register of she s:iid county; all persons having claims against aid deceased, are hereby notnied to present them propcrlv authenticated for settlement, and those indebted are required to make payment withoiit dciav. 1SA1X nthi FAliliAliALull. Admr. Feb. 12, 1858. CAMBRIA COUNTY, SS. . ygsiV The Commonwealth of Pennsylva xjySainia to Simeon J. Evans, son of Ed- gJTfli ward Evans, late of the lorough of steJKLsSKbensburg, deceased. anl L. J. at- crs, Esq., guardian pro Jioc rice of William and Sarah iarr, grandchildren of the said deceased, smd to all other persons interested. GULL1ING: Vou arc hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court at an Orphans Court to be held at Ebcnsburg, on the hrst JUon lay of June next, then and there to accept or re fuse to take the real estate of said Edward lvr.; deceased, situate iu the borough of Ebcnsburg aforesaid, at the appraised valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly awarded bv the said Court and rcturne-il by the Sheriff on the 8th day of March instant, to wit : Premises No. 1 at $800; premises No, 2, &300 ; premises No. 3, $275 ; premises No. , &850 : or to show cause why the same should not be sold. And hereof fail not. AVitiicss the Honorable George Taylof, Presi dent eif eiur said Court at Ebcnsburg, the fifteenth day of March, A. D. 1858. M. IIASSON, fmar21:19:Gt Clerk OUI'IIAXS' COURT SALE. Y VIRTUE CF A PLURIUS ORDER OF the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, there will be exposed to public sale at the house oi John G. Given, in the village of Jefferson, on Tuesday, the 1st daT e f June next, at one o'clock P. M., ail the right, title and interest of William Crum, in the following described tracts of land, viz : All that piece or parcel of land, with its ap purtenances, commencing at a spruce, corner on line of Arant Sonman. thence ncrth 75 west 84 perches to a post, thence South 5 west 280 per ches tea post, thence South 75 east 02i perches to a sugar on line of John M'Coy, thence north 44 east 32 perches to a line, thence north 5 east 17S perches to the place of beginning contain ing 99 acres ami 128 perches, the same being al- otted to W imam and Benson Crum, ami situate in Summcrhill township, Cambria county. T E R M S : One third of the purchase mon ey to be paid on confirmation of salo. and the re sidue in two equal annual payments thereafter with interest, io be secured by the judgment bonds ami mortgages of the purchaser; EPHR AIM CRUM, Adm'r. March 21, 1858:19 5,50 9,28 8,43 0,35 9,74 4 22 1'78 25,70 10,12 0,30 12,f;5 8,43 12.05 18.24 9,08 9,03 60,57, 31.04 84,08 17,10 81,58 33,54 9,00 20.40 172 30,02 17,98 10,00 5,00 8,00 8,00 8.00 8,00 4,02 Take fee. y uoaunan, inrice ttiv Jake; I give it willingly; i'V invisible to thee, pnits twaiu have crossed with me. AnjIIXISTllATOR'S AOTJCE. ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION HAVE been granted to the undersigned on the es tate of William Byerly. late of Johnstown. Cam bria county, deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requester to make immediate payment mil all persons holding claims against said estate will present them jirepelly authenticated for settlement. HENRY CIMA F.L. 1 . , iIil t t r ? -!. i . r JaHT iu?. iti.ui.au ) March lO, if 58:lG:Ct NOTICE TO SUPERVISORS AND OTHERS THAT THE WEST END OF THE nUN .tlngdon Cambria and Indiana Turnpike Road, from its Western tcrrainus, in the Borough of Blairsville, to the mile post marked 27 miles from Blairsville and 50 miles from Huntingdon, near the old tavern etand of Thomas James, in Cambria County, is abandoned and no tolls collect cd for the use of that distance, lhe Supervisors of the several Townships, and Boroughs, through which that part of said road passes, arc hereby notified to take charge of the same .as per Act of Assembly concerning certain state and turnpike roads, passed I9th April, A. D. 1844. JOHN S, lSETT, Seq'r. of II. C. arid Indiana Turnpike Road, March 3lst 1S58. 20, NOTICE. AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN' MADE to the Court, of Com.non Pleas of Cambria Co'-nty, for the Incorporation of S. Francis A eadcniy, at Loretto, which - will be granted by our Court at its Session, to be held on the 2th day of May next, if no sufficient leason be shown to the toiny-arv. - o ; . "JOSEPH M'DONALD Prot'y. rrolhonoarv's Office, March.. 21, 1S58, 4t, ' , ICG 80 400 155 400 401 S00 228 30 00 . 400 400 300 100 400 132 400 190 400 405 102 230 400 401 350 400 200 10 300 282 405 200 30 75 310 133 53 207 400 308 324 404 210 50 150 IpS 400 400 4t0 400 400 40 308 824 "flSU A fresh lot of Salmon, jL ring and Cedwfch. fo: sale bv Mackeril, He R. TUDOR. 0' TREASURER'S SALE. . F UNSEATED LANDS AND . LOTS, IN Cambria County, A.. D. 1858. I G:oi tr J. Rodders. Treasurer e.f Cumbria Couri ty, in the Commonwealth of t'ennsylvanias In pursilancb of th? several Acts ol Assembly, of 6 ;id LobifnoiHN lallh, directing he time and ina i.ucr .of . tiling unseated lauds for taxes. , Do 437 414 35 100 8(W 400 300 400 400 30 300 300 300 200 200 405 140 273 112 George Shrum. Wm.;Beaty, ' Alexamler Cochran, Benjamin Williams Wm. Brown, 25 John Teeter, 12G Richard Smith, " JuJin Grouse, David T. Storm, Samuel L. Gorgas, George Gates, 57, Jamison, Harsh berger. , Sinclair, Crook, Geo Funk & Thos. Vickroy, 1850,57 John Gill, R.'Crenkleton, J. Brown, Allen Brown, J. Paxton, William Brown, William Stewart, James Gill, Decker. Harshbcrgcr, Jacob Stitt, . Jacob Klinefelter, Caldwell Improvement, Joseph Black & Ben Gorgas, JNancy Dawson, William Fagan, . Leviston Tract, Christian Ilrsh berger, Robert Allison, James Nelson,. Shepley Priestly, JA-lcr Shoenbcrger, . . it William Clark, Adam Ream, Robert King. .-"' - v.v, lMCGregor, . . 20 King & Shoenbcrger, '50,57, George Moerej Thomas WiUson; ' Andrew Kennedyj' ' Jas Roberts, Cliarles Jonesj . - John Bell, - 21 John Grllan, William Clark, Jackson ;;'. 92 Jehu Duchauan. 1850 C8 William Holt, :- Gilbo'rt Lloyd, Abigal Ramsevs 50,57 Peter Hortmauj-. " Samuel Stilt,' Henry Shoemaker. John Steel, James Ste-el , . Geo. R. Shou; ; James Stitt; . lliomas Still; 1 0,04 0,91 10,00 0,18 10,00 10,00 12,00 19,83 2,40 2,40 7,80 7,80 7,80 1,95 7.,80 150 154 100 103 213 100 110 100 81 50 1 170 140 439 150 100 1200 200 1000 200 233 201 400 400 252 50 70 100 410 410 410 445 445 445 453 445 440 250 203 208 319 199 200 30 200 200 25 300 350 300 433 47 98 400 203 30 595 20 23 40 43 CO 00 CO 120 109 John Simpson, Solomon Bcnshoof, Eli Bcnshoof, James Murray, John Clark (part) John Clark (pait) Jlunster Township. Scth R. M'Cime, llichlasd Township. Joseph Vickroy, John Anderson, John Morrison, Valentine Oaster, Daniel Reese. Francie Devlin, Wm. Nichols. Ileury Barrington, Robert Ross. Jacob Clements, John Cop2, Edward Coj.i, mi merh ill Tokii ah lp Christian Smith, Robert S'ewart. Jacob Nagle, Henry Wooels, James Daltcn, James Scaright, John F.verman, Isa.c Brannan, John Nicholson, . Fretlrick Croyles Estate, Jacob Goughenour. John Kcan, John Thompson, Jacob Blodget, Robei-t Evans. William Smith, Wm- Smith, D. D. Isaac Jones. Wm. Clark, (part) Henry West, Henry Weaver, Adam Burk, Samuel Stolse's Estate, Ebenezer Brauham, William Hunt, Lewis Cassiday, Lets in the town ef Summerhill Lot No. 3, '50,57 Lot No. 4. Susquehanna Township. Joseph Thomas, '50,57 James Rhey. James Whitehead, Peter Garman, R. & A. White; '57 Wm. D. Owens, Joseph Griffith, Morgan Jones, Washinjlon Township. Thomas Jackson, '50,57 James Johns, James Magellan, John Taj lor, Joseph Dilworth, George Cutwalt, Peter West, . Henry Gillan, Arent Sonman, Christian LingcnfcPer, Arent Sonman, ' Samuel Hinton, William John, Francis John, Christian Constantino, J no. R. M'Farlaue, Henrv Sharp, J no. W. Geary, Lewis Cassidav, A. M. & R. White & Co White Township. Re.bcrt Boggs, Marj Brown, Andrew Small, Alexander Brown, Thomas Brown, William Harris, James Harris, John Harris, James Reed, John Marshal, James ilson, 4,40 23.08 23,10 22,80 7,02 8,40 8,40 30,00 20.24 14,00 8,94 0,57. 91 22,02 39,78 39,78" 39.78 39,78 19,70 19,90 17.20 10.29 40,14 30,20 30,01 27,15 5d4,54 39,82 39,82 18,10 8,33 S9.82 4,20 So r ,Ot 53,01 39,82 38,88 20,02 251 75 250 401 4 SI 200 400. 500 358 840 1050 200 410 300. 4112 251 Samuel Calvin, Michael Farrell, J.unes Russ, (Boggs ' (W.Jones, '55,50 (Haines, (J. Jones, (Jacob Haines, (Diffncr, (Boggs, ( (Adams-, (Duck, (Ponahoc, m 55, 1,27 4.12 12,75 ' 15,07 12,99 0,80 15.35 17,05 9,01 25. bS 17,85 7,48 7.4S 5.10 01.75 1.27 1.87 '57 153 William Ocorgc, John Scrvoss, Michael Musser, Abraham Witmer, Thomas L. ibxire, Ann M'Murtrie, James Craig, Jexseph Ash mead, Owen Jones, James M'Murtric, Thomas Murgatroid, John Brown, George Hill. Jeremiah Musser, Jacob King, Patrick Borland, Thomas B. Moore. Thomas Canbv, T. .L. Moeire, Jas. M'ilnrtrie and others, Graff & Malonc. SEATED LIST. 911 ,91 11,40 11,08 8,08 12,39 8,31 8,90 4,94 8,90 8,74 3,50 ,70 12,34 9,80 30,70 10,50 7,00 84,00 14,00 70,00 14,00 10,30 14, OS 14,00 14,00 17,00 14,00 3.50 7,00 43,04 j 43,04 43,04 C2.80 C2,30 31,14 03,44 C2,30 C2,40 20.24 55,20 43.GC 3 ,4 4 20,84 21,00 1,50 17,48 10,50 10,50 1.24 15,74 12,24 25.20 45,42 4,20 10,30 14,00 21.20 4,20 20,80 2.80 Samuel Calviu. 55 Joseph Devlin, 50 1 2 lots James Kaylor, 120 Philip Smith. 95 Patrick llagau, 400r George Cowan, Concmaugh Townxhtjt. 8 Michael Downey '54,55 82 Widow Stewart" (of J.) 35 Abraham Alwioc '51 120 William Blackburn 1 Emanuel Horner for S. II. Hor ner,! 1 lot Alfred Beggiii iif 1 lut John Benst 1 lt John Deck man, . 1 lot Joseph Flembocli, 3 David Hopkins, 27 Ebene'zcr lusicho, 8 ' Samuel Kennedy, 1 lot Alexander Keating 2 Abraham Kopclin 7 Jacob Ijiiig 1 lot Joseph Lambough, 1 lot Danul Lys.igt 2 " Silas Ix;wtilyn 2 lots Wat kin Morgan 1855 1 lot Philip Perry 200 Samuel L. Sherbino 112 do d.x - 4 John Seigh Jtbcndurj Jioroujh. 2 lots Silas Moorcs Es'e 53,54,55 1S5G, J " Mary Allison 55,50, 1 " Lewis Ueynon 55,50, 1 " llichard Jones C. . 50, Jackson Towushijy. John Gorrnon, Isaac Clark, George Findley, 11. L. Johnston David Teeter, Henry Wagner, Philip Alwinc, William lirown, John Horner, Jacob Hildcbrand, Charles Murray, oo.oG, Arthur Murphy, John Pergrin, Samuel Smith, Elizabeth Carman, Munster Township. Francis Bradley, Jr., '55 3,14 Rielduiid Tvicnulup, Jesse Lav ton, Joseph J. Duulap. Archibald Duulap, Joseph Slick, Isaac Smith, lot Jno B. Myers, Clinton Messenger, Sum merh ill loicnsJi ip. John Auiieh, 1851 4 lot Fredrick Croyle's Est 211 Patrick & Thos. M'Gough, 1 lot Henrv Oster. '54 Henry Ulden, Maria Murray, '64 Frankliu Boyles, T'5,60 Nicholas Crura, Aaron Cnlui, 415 C3 CO 50 45 50 2 50 40 14 300 100 00 54 440 40 50 200 80 1 1 1 5S 07 100 50, 5.10 1.42 4,00 1.30 J, 00 1. 'io 2. C9 1.4U 1.IO .5; 1,' 1.00 ,4 f.C 1.04 28 07 W8 50 28 U8 1,40 51 84 10,80 11,0a 1,80 8,30 1,70 1.74 1.4U 1.04 1.14 30 SS 8S 50 17.00 1.65 1,45 1,70 15,84 'to 55,50 55 'Ob '50 1,04 8.S5 70 30 1,00 2,1 'J 1,13 12 107 140 371 55 '55 '50 64 54 John Stoneri Christian Stonir Jacob Rupp, John Hubley, . Thom.u White, Thomas, Yi''.kroy, '50 12,22 IC;00 7,59 10.00 10,14 8,10 9,19 10,00 10.00 14,28 16,00 8,00 ,41 12,00 11,30 10,12 8,00 1,48 3,08 8,58 10;2O 2,10 8,29 10,00 12,29 12,97 10,12 s 41 2,23 12,40 10,04 10,00 lC,T)0 10,00 10,00 -19,00 1,C0 24,8 12,97 18,00 18,02 1,57 14,25 9,50 88,00 28,50 28,00 38,00 3,00 28,58 28,50 2S,S0 14,31 1,4,31 28,50 19,00 18,39 ALSO. At the sa'.ne time and place, will be sold, the following Seated Kinds and Lots of ground. On which the taxes remain unpaid, and which Tiavr! been returned to the Commission crs agreeably to the act of As.-embly of April, 29th 1S44 Acres. CO 250 12 82 100 300 50 100 400 Q 338 97 100 02 50 40 Per. 'Alleghany Township. John Burk, est. 1S55 R. M. S. Jackson, " Silas Moore's Estate, 2 lots A. J. Weaklaud, Lawrence Cassidy &co. lilacklick Township. John E. Evans, Hers, John Donahocv George Lister, 50 55,50 55, 50, 55, 56, Henry Marlett, Paul Dishong, jamcs Wilson, Nicholas Altimus; Daniel Cameron, John Davis, Mathew Kane, Jirnes Kane, 1 lot Joseph Makin; Wm. O'ConnclI. John T Williams; Mulford & Alter, Cambri-A Township. 2 lots", Silas Metres Ea'c 53,54,55,50, 80 Joseph James 55,50 1 lot Lewis lieynon . . 50, 2 lots Richard Jones Es'qr. 100 50 $3,44 8,50 4",08 1,09 C8 3,50 9,45 70 4,79 21,85 113 10,54 4,75 1,75 4, OS 4,81 1,17 3,90 1 4 ,33 4fi 5.85 2,91 34,40 ilot 1 i o 11G 100 100 100 100 213 55 '54.50 '60 lots Peter Donahoe. 55 3S7 William Mulholbn, '55,50 100 Thomas Patterson's estate, 1855,50 SO Theodore Slick, 1 lot L. S. Montgomery 2 Ilarman Paul, 2 lots William Slick 80 Jno. Murray, lus.-t Summ itiille Jioro'jh Jacob Coulter Wm Henry, F. C M'Dcrmitl, Saml. M'Clelland . Philip Neon, John Ivory, " John Major, " Jas T. Moore " A Donahoe, James Wilhclm, JSusqiichanva T jicnth ij. Joseph Griffith, 1S5G Jno. D. Jortcs, Morgan Jones, William D. Owens. Charles O'Xcil, A. M & B.-White, Washington Towntliip. Chaffee 2.7G 1,84 0.33 2.30 2,30 3.88 3,00 12,49 3,9S 3,75 5.G7 1G.50 1 lot 1S55 o 50 50 55,50 . 50, 10,12 '0,44 5,10 2,97 Ccth'dll Tmcn'shijf. 258 . John Fenlon, 1955 - 3,09 ! lot Henry Cook", 21, CO Michael Thomas; 1,09 I lot Cliarles O'Niel, ,12 10 Jno. P. fairish , 1,99 103, 'lliomas Davis, 1,23 75 William Richarets: ,55.5 6,"0 "GG CoCstantine Crjvcr, '5 1,15 100 John Fox. " 1.00 SO James Refl'ner, 1,00 200 : David Davis, ' 3,40 25 LcwIk HaHlninj ,51 50 Matthew Kane, ,85 100 J'hn.P. Davis, .1,00 C Icitrficid Tvwnshiji. 22- Adam Bowers, '55,56 2.91 70 Roger Shiels. '55 2,94 5e Simon Wcakhind, ,80 1 lot Stephen Iholhtu. ,28 Joseph D3saft, Hot James Dougherty, ldo William Dougherty, -Bernard Daily, Samuel Earnest, Jno. WT. Geary 1 lot Samuel Gray Philip Hanlan 1 lot Thomas Hcwit, 1- G. W. Kelly, 1" Henry Lovely, 100 Joan KiDports, 2 Win. Latimorc, 100 Geo. M'Culougb, 300 Thos. B. Moore, 400 Michael Moyere, cso 55.50, 11 Michael M'Call. 55, 200 Jno. G. Miles, .Hot Wm. O'Neil, ."1" John Quail. 4" Jamcs Busscll. 15 Hot John Bainy. 120 Samual Short, 170 Wm. Smith, 3G Michael A. Skelly, 1 lot Wm. G.Tiley, . ' 1" Clement Urban, 10,84 9,30 o 01 1 1 2,32 4,00 1,84 2,10 3,22 1,20 4,20 1,80 1,70 .00 1,07 1,45 .74 1.1G 1,00 l.CH) 1,00 1.00 G.20 490 70 3,50 1,40 1.01 2,80 4,40 2,10 1,40 1,40 2,10 2,80 G.00 2.80 2, SO 12,84 19,20 70 9,80 1,40 1.04 7.00 2,10 70 1.50 4,7(5 2,37 1.40 2.1a 100 no A. M. & 11. White, FKnn.5C4,20 100 Henry Fright-hoof, lgnatus Adams, 2 hts John J, Glass, Hugh Peach, 1-2 lot Wm. Jackson, 1854 1855 280 5,00 4,08 2,10 2.10 1,40 1 luliu WherrV, 8 - ' Geo. W. liowman, White ' Township. -100 Thomas Cowan, 1855 2,10 3 Philip Kdiainston, 42 GEOltGU J. RODGERS- Treasurer Treasurer's) OQ'kc, Ebensburg, Mrsh, 19th 1858. V 00 00 00