i Bloodshed !in Utah ! JiijESJlaLiyUIL rjVIL KnWoriTer wald respectfully inform the geod cities of Ebttfburg ana inc. djoin mg Tiinit that h b retwrtied from tbeEas Ur citi with one of the largest and most va ried inortmit of GROCERIES ever brought to (Via pbuo. Uifi stock Jofii not consist of Grocer- many article: not numerated eaa Le pKrekasdd at his establishment : 80AP f all kind-?, MOLASSES aid Syrup, STARCH aud corn. do, SALT table and barrel, TOBACCO -of all kinds. AND CHOICE SEGA US, SUGAR white and Brown, CerFEK. TEA of all kinds, CANDLES star and mould, MRDICTNES a large assortment, CONFECTION AEY of everyjeind, INK, HUM, BACON, FLOUR. CHEESE, DRIED REEF, MUSTARD. l'Kl'PEK, GINOEB, MACKEREL, III1ERING, CODFISH, SALMON, & J ;-c, &'c, &c, y&L 553 CD 5 t'Siotce liquors : 15ran.lv; Cherry, Black berry an I Raspberry Gin, Old Bye Whiskey, Oorrnvu Tort, Maderia and Lisbon Wines, and CcUiir TVare : Tubs. Buckets, Chums, fcutter-bowls, Wash-h ards wood and zinc, fcilf bushel and peck Pleasures, Keler's II or fcTJ Wirt Seives. a large assortment of Cera grooms, horse, shoe and scrub brushes, curry mbd and cards, largo and small rope, bed ord"5, as.es, nails of ail kind, "Window Glass, Tutty, tic. Also : A large assortment of Clothes, Market and Far.cv Basket. ALL SOLD LOW FOR CASH. RICHARD TCDOK. Efc68larg, July 15, 1S57 3G. LOUIS LUCKHARDT. WATfJI ihaii:ii, A3 UiMSLdEIl In mi MIS AfiD mini rjnilE undersigned respectfully oitizeng-of John-town and vicinity if'h'. that he has just received and is now-.i enin s the largest stock of e"'o'.v- ! Jzwdi y,eer brought to Johnstown. without cx tteplien., which will be sold " cheaper thau the cne;ireat." His prices will aiVa;; be unifonn, Una customer will not be charged move 1t the ime quality of goods than another. A List o.r aoree of the articles comprised in the as--ortiKn.t- ivsinexel. Prices may be ascertained, and .'i5 t-.m.ined, at tho Store or. Main Struct. Gull Diluting English Levers, Geld Ditachcd Levers, ful jewelled, Gold dues. 4 holes ' Silver English Levers, - Silver Detached Lever?, Silver Lepiues, Gold Guard Chains, GJd Vest Chain, Cold Pencils, with Pens, Uoid Pencils, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Pencils and Tens. Gld Breastpins. Ladies and Gentlemen, Gobi Eardrops, GoM Earrings. fcwld Finger Kings, Gold Cmf Pins, Old and Silver Watch Keys, Portnionaies, Ladies' Fans, fancy and plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silvr Teaspoons, Silver Tin table Plated Tablespoons, best, , Plated Teaspoons " Silver Gb.nr I Chain, Plated and P.nttai.ia Tea ?et'., Yiolim and Ejws, Violin Strings, &c, Celt' and Allen's Revolvers, G inches, G Id Iiracelr t.;, Ac-'(.rdcoo., BHvtr and Plated Sjievtacl-S &c, &c. fee. to- All sorts of Watches, t.'h.cks and Jewt lrj repaired with proniptnes and at low rat ?. Con fedent that be cannot be uud'Tsold, the nnd r.-i-n-respecl'.'ullv solicits the confidence and patronage of the public. LOU IS LUCKilAKDT Hay 14, l$r,6. 20-tf. ri. Ueorge. Henry Ilrucli. NEW FIRM, it a U U V 1J RRIIE subscribars would respectfully inform the JL citizens of Cambria conuty that they have purchased the Tannery Estal li.shmen: at Ilcnilock Ciimbria County, formerly owned by A. M. S' K. "White. Tins cstabliohment wtil r.ndcrgo new re pairs and improvements which wid enable them t tnanufacti-.r leather of all discriptions for country use, ab various kinds of Leather for ttiO Eastern market. Cash will be pail for Lark r.r.d Hides of a mdri,orif preferred i:i exaai:ge f-T Leather. Nno but practical workmen will be employed ur.iers for Leather will be promptly attended to F. m. o;;o!it;E. ilENKY KEUCII. May 7, 1SC6. 2S-tf i.O. M. RtED. T. L. HF.YEK El-nabur?, Johnstown a tto n xx rs a t la w, T. Ij. ISKTCSl GENT for the. Lycoming Mutual Tniurance TH. Company. Counsel given ia the E iglisli and German U ju'g'' Othca on Higb :trcfclEbensbv.rg, Penn'a. Ite'. C.1856. ly. J " TfERrTsf AND r o ?.i g a l, i: o si r i: x t . rllE SrP.SClMPEIl, WISHING TO KET1I1E I to private life, t iters n r sa'e that well known tai.d. THE SUMMIT MANSION HOUSE." in Summitvihe borough, Camoj-M cunty auout one mile from Cre.vn ttatin on the Ccntr.il Kail Kjad. The lims is roomy an 1 eomn-o li ju, with go'.. 1 stabling and ncce.-sary out-luild-igs, a we 1 i f tji water at the door. &.c. If not so; I toon, the property will be ranted on rea ow'o:o Urins. For f arther particulars apply to ih subscriber ca tl.o premi.-es. JAi:S M. EIFFEL. SammltTiEfl. Pa., Spt. 15, 1847. ) LOOK HERB X i: W A r. K I T A.I, . JUST RECF.IVKD AND FOR SALE BY ' ROBERT DAVIS, A lot of Fnru White Lead, A lot of Linseed Oil, A lot of Tutty, A very large lot of P r Iron and Nails, all of wVhih b will fell on very una'! profits, for cash r.eour.try pr '.Lae. (.'ALL AND SEE. Also, e'w;it fo'get that hr cm!: :oies receiving fresh sup Yipj of Flour find Provition generally, of the V-'ity, v?ry f,!W d.a vs. "r WILL SELL on favorable terms that Saw -A. mid property calls 1 "Peroie." bituato .n TVoitt R'tn, ia S munt-rhill Townsldp. Persons ilir-'W of purchasing are referred to S. S. Blair, Eji-. Uellidaysburg, Pa or to the owner. WM. CONROW, T Clnr? t-.. Wit,-?, Is-.- C. 21. o-'-!- :A . " cjicl";e mco:csie . c a n be had at THOMAS DE VINE'S jrass rjg? 3 Opposite TllO!Up.SOIi?S ISoid, EBKXSBiRG, Pa. IN PAET AS FOLLOWS. Dr. "Weaver's Canker and Salt Rheum Syrup. Sanford's Invieortor. Indian IJnament. Wood's Hair Restorative. Rock Oil. The Universities family medicines. Graeferjjurg Family medicines, llalloway's Ointment and Pills. EOH Lindyey's EIockI Searcher. Sine's Dvscnterv Compound SALE AT Doerhave's Holland Bitters. Hoof land's German " TUGS. EEYIIJE'3 Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup. Ealm of 1000 flowers. CHEAP M'L-nc's Vermifuge. Curtis' Inbalimr Vanor. STORE. Railway's Ready Relief. Perry l) vis' Pain Killer. Keyser'd Pectoral Syrup. Dr. D. Jaynes rnctlicines. llalloway's Worm Confections. Rennet's Plant and Root Pills. Swa-vne's Svrup of Wild Ciierrv. Erandreth's Pills. Wrights Pi'ls. Ayet's Ci.erry Pect.-ral and Pills. Print's Pulmonary Balsam and Purifying Extract. Ebensburg, Sept. SO, 1S57. 17 J AV. THOMPSON has .p-t received and opened his I Vdl and Winter stock of Ilafs and Caps, lie has the largstt and nvjit com.lcto a.-sortment of HATS AMD CAPS ever brought tj the county. Having bought Lis .t- ck from the first manufacturers, and Laving a greater part of it made to Ids own older, he is enabled to sell Hats and Caps at city retail prices, and persons visiting Johnstown will find it to their interest to call and examine his tock before purchasing elsewhere. Gents Buckskin Mits and Gloves. Gents line Seal. Otter rmI Reaver Fur Gloves a u d Gauntlets, Gents Riding and Driving Gloves and Gauntlets, Hat Fur Brushes, And Umbrellas. Hals ;md Caps r.--:ide to order and repaired. The highest ca-oh pi iocs paid for all kinds of .-.hipping Furs. J. V.". THOMPSON, Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa. Sept.. SO, 18f7 -47 Tlie L'l-utecdon rrSnJnal E'Irc l!iu rasite Company of C li 11 R ! A COOTY. IXCOUPOKATKI) aiAItril 5J3, A. I. 1S3 7. OHGASIZEU APK1L C, 157. oTf I C E r sT JOHNSTON MuOKE, Prksilknt. WILLIAM -MURRAY, Vick Pr.Ksii-KXT. ALEXANDER C. M ELLIN, SrcntTAitv. EDWARD SHOEMAKER, Trkasurku. GEORGE J. RODGERS, Gh.xmiAL At. ext. DIRECTORS. Johnston Mookk, Eben:Lurg, EinvAi.n Si!ok:.!Aki:u, " Ai F.XAsm.it C. Mii.r.ix, " GEOKOK J. Rl DGKIlS, ' Jou.v Lloyd William R. II: ;in:s, Wilun re. Hknhy Scaxlas, Carroll ton. Francis Bkaukk, Susquehanna township. iilCUAKI. WidTK, Heniicck. William Mi rray, Summerhill township. Jamks Kaylok, Allegheny " Gf.oi:ok S. King, Johnstown. Jamks Potts, ' Matthew M. Adams, Summittville. FnAXCis 0?Fhiel, Munster. 0rOfiiec in the frame building, on High street, recently occuj.'ied by C. W. Wingard, Edi., At torney at Law. All communications to Le addressed to the " S-rc'in of t,',e J'rofo lion Mutual Fire Insur ance Cui.iiauijof Cumbria coiv," Elcnburi,ra. May '27. 157. tf. 'Every I?aj JStlug Soint J 13 Jngr xew.' mw YORK COESMICSIOW It 12 A WAREHOUSE. -THE SUliSCIIIBEIi "W!SIIi:S TO INFORM I the citizens of Johnstown and the surround ing country that he Iras opened a Warehouse in the Arcade Building, oppoMte Canal Street, where he is .selling goods at New York city prices! As 1 sell on commission (lor cash only) I can of fer inducemtnts never before met with in this lo cality. My stock corads-ts in part of the finest TEAS, COFFEES and SUGARS the market can afford, toL-( thcr with everything in the gnc-rv line ; an immense stock of TOBACCO, American and Imported SEGARS ; a varied assortment of ROOTS and .SHOPS for Men and Box s : La-Pes' Misses' ai.d Children's SHOES; thebt stock of" IIATS and. CAPS ever brought to this market, of all grades and sizes. ALSO, Wholesale Agent for the sale of Dr. J. HosU'tterV celebrated Stomach Bitters and Wolffs Aromatic: Schiedam Scnapps. For particulars call and examine my stock- I have adopted the r.nejrt'fe syxtetn, so that a child can purchase as w-eli as iho n-.rv. Mr,CTi. j enoed person. PETER MASTERSON. Johmtov.-n, Sept. 9, 1808.-44-tf. -i. omacjeiiax A TTO 12 Ni: Y A T L A Wt eiiflnrpr. Pn. EFICE No. 2, "Colonnade Ilow" near the o Court House. December 7, 'oi ly ASSRAIKA3I KOPLLI.V, Attcrafiy at Lav Johnstown o FFICI' on Clinton Street, a few doors north it tne corner of Mam and Clinton April 23, 1823. HI. SIA8SO.V, Attorney at Law, Ebonsbnrg,Pa" FITCE adjoining the Post Oflice. Aug. 24, 1853. o It li 31 o V A li . Th nv.de rsigned having removed to the new Linhhng two doors west of the old stand, would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally, that he has lately added to his former supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hand a full supply of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps, boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's tools. Smith's tools. Nails, a full supply of assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. Stoves and cast hollow-ware constantly on hand. Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale and retail. Pine, Poplar and Cherry Lumber bought and Sold. Goods will e sold at the very lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country Produce. E. HUGHES. PAUL GRAFF, MANCFACTCTJER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, STRAW GOODS, IIATS AND CAPS, No. 68 North Third Street, Between Arch and Cherrv, PHILADELPHIA. March Cth lSCO. JOU 15. 1LL1L & CO. NOS. 2 4 CHESTNUT Street, (south bide, be low "Water,) PHILADELPHIA. (The OrrEsT AVood-wai:e IIocse, i?r tiii nnf .J . Ltifacturers and Wholesale dealers in Pat t Machine made BROOMS, Patent Grooed CEDAR-WARE, varrantlnot, to shrink, WOOD & AVILLOW'-WAEE. CORDS, BRUSHES, &t-f of all descriptions. Pi se call and examine oio March i, IS 37. ly. Ueo.lV.Todtl, - ItJi Importers ft Wolsal3 Uealers in Hardwtra, Cutlery, to., No. 2c5 Il&rket Street. Philadelphia KEEP constantly on Laud the" genuine Timo thy Slack's Auger, Wm. Mann's, Realty's, and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's superior polished fctot-1 Sbovtls. Darling & Wsl dron's Grass and Cradlinu-Seythos. C A:r:: ,n and Patent Scythe Snatlis, Patent Clothes Pius, $c. fcc, vliich they oiler for sale cn reasonable terms, to country dealers only. , Jiinntry '2d, 1855. M M. MAEl'LE. E. C. MCCLUI'.E. J. PATTOX THOStrSOX. aiaiplc, 3IcClurc & o. TJE have this day associated with us, J. Patton Thompson. The Stylo of ti e firm will be Marple, McClure & Co. " The Business of the old firm will be settled by the new. M.M. MARPLE, E. C. McCLUKE. Pi!H.ADLLPI.lA. January 9, 18oG. Hym. Wm. M 'Devi ft. MYERS a M'DEVITT, VT IIOLESA L E G II O C 11 11 S AND DEALERS IX Forefgrtj mid IJonisfic TVlnes am! Liquor. 70. 201 LIBERTY STREET, rear the mouth JJI of Sixth i-t., Pittsburg, Pa., keep constant ly on Land a supply of Oi l Monona -hehi and Rectified Whisky. Bacon, ri-h, Fh.ur, Lard, Oil, Cheese, and Pittabm-g manufactured aiticlrs ren frally. Apvil 13, 1S57- V 1 LLIaM C AR R CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS IMPOETEES And Dealers in FOREIGN & B01IESTIC LIOT7CF.3 OLD MOXOKGAKELAandrtectiaed V. Liskey. ' No. 32') O.n.mercial Row, LIBERTY STREET PITTTS3URG, ?a. Sundries 500 Bbls double Rectified Wl.isk"v. 187 Bids OM Monongahela Rye Whiskey, Par very ch'dce.) 50 Ilhds X. O. Sugar, 70 Bl Is X. O. Molasses. With a general assortment of Groceries, also Bacon, Flour, Lard, Iron A- Nails &c, all o'lwhich will be sohEat low prices for oah. WM. CARE & CO. June 18, IS-jO. Haaufacturer and Dealer in r.U Kinds of Cigars Suutf, Chewing and Leaf Tobacco. Montgom c:y St., Ilollisdaysbarg, Pa. j1onstant!y r.n Land, a Cue and w e'd selected y stock t f Spanish, and half Sc:Vi.di cigars, at the lowest possible -rices. All articles sold at this titabli.diincnt are warranted to bo w hat they are represented. Augusts, 3S55. ly. 7 ME Yi SSHHEB 1 QURVEYS made and applications taken f,r in- 0 burancc against Firvin the PROTECTION MUTUAL FJ12F LYSU J2AXUU COMPANY OF BLAIR COUNTY, BY ROBERTA. MCOY, Agent. Wilmeio Cambria Co. 1 MIE undersigned would respectfully inform -a the mblic that Le Las purcha.-ed the inter est of of Milton Roberts, deceased, in tho Grocery business, and will continue to carry eai at the old stand, and would solicit a share of the public cus tom. The books of the firm of Tudor and Rob erts have been placed in my posse.-soin. All knowing themsehes indebted will pleae call with me and settle. RICHARD TUDOR. Ebesk'r?. vrmt 21, 1850. S. M. KERN. M. EHANNON. Drs. Kern h S h a n n c n , PUmiSIIS PHYSIC! AES. JErFERSON, CAI'IHRIA CO., PA., Cr- Tender their j rofevsional services to thecit l.ens of Jeftcrson .n,l vicinity, and all ethers do sirmg medical aid. Night calls promptly at tended to. 1 J March 18, 1857. WJI. DAVIS. J0H;, llotu ' J 3 RAVING formed a partnership in tn Mer -a- cantile Business, would respectfully solici U ... .hi v ouiitti. ic patronage of their friot.d. nr.,1 tl, ,.Ei;.. erally. Call and see us at the old stand of Wm. Davis. April 29, 1852. Tavern Stand for slc or Rnt. rI,I1,i: V,SDERslGEn OFFERS FOR SALE Ins 'lavern Stand, situate in f e the borough of Lop tto. The l.ouss iSCS ist is large and well adapted for Lum- Wtiiit ties.;, Two lots of g.ound, with all S3 the necessary out buildings, a good well of water and cistern in the yard. If not sold shortly it v. ill be e.liered for rent fcr a term of years. Apply to the subscriber, living near the promi- "'s . P. H, SEIELDS. Loretto, Aug.2G, 185742- KCW I1LACK S3I1TH SIU17 rHE subscriber would respectfully inform the A citizens of Ebensburg and the vicinity that he has rented the SMITH SHOP formerly occu pied by Michael McCague, where he intends to carry on the BLACKSMITIIING in all its branch es. Persons entrusting work to his car can rest assured that it will be promptly attended to and at numerate rates. He would also, inform the citi.er s that the business of HORSE SHOEING will bo superintended by himself personally. Owners of valuable horses will not be under the necessity of sen Jing their stock to a neighborin" village, as Lis experience in this line is widely known. ISAAC S'NGER. EfrwpVwtf. Aprfl 9, Its. XUe WQIi&er OI thP AP T 8 2-. l.l.NDM:.A'bGRL;ATMEDICAL DIS- c's, general tk-bibty, loss of appetite and oth- " wvrjui -itiiicii is a purely rcretJ.'jle i r utseai.es arising irom impurity of the blood ! I'rqjaraUon, for the purifying cf the blood, giv- ! I would not like to do without it. I con.-ider it j ing vigor to the Liver, stomach nn-1 l.owol tn.1 t an excellent family nn-dieii-.f i expelling from the system all morbid matter, and suostituting in its stead a healthful activity thro all tho functions of life. HOW IT WAS DISCOVERED. In the fall of 1854, a daughter of Mr. Lindsey wad buffering from a malignant attack of Can crum Oris (Canker of the mouth.) She hal pre viomsly been pro-lrated by the attacks of Dvs cntaiy, Inrlamation of the Lungs and Hectic Fe ver, successively. wLLdi resulted iatLe above na med disease in its worst form. Her condition was most deplorable her mouth ami cheek were literally rotten the attending physician pro uounced the caae 3 hopeless one. Evervthiii" in- aicatc.l a speedy and horm.Ia death a death .f i on in;.' one oi ,'ie : t tins critica; juncture, .Mr TLe mouth began to put on a brbht and Healthy appesrrance tne loul breatli became sweet the i",,u; i"li""1J' c"oii...i.uu lor me purpose oi ; --- worse i.-rrn. jiy apj.f-tite- was comoh t'-l v j alleviating, possible, the pains of the little suffer- j P" and when, in order to preserve life, I'wcuid I er. She was made to me it freely, and in a short t t myself to sw a'.'.ow a mouthful of f hR f f. ' time, to his most delightful astonishment, there Ft' mach wonld imn.ediat.ely loath it, and rust it ' was a very perceptibie change for the better. ' forth with the spittb'. I l.n.l ...!. ,',!, K,-.r;.. ! appetite was re.-tored, and tho child seemed to j ant Oy.-pop.sia, I v.-as r;!uced. partakeof a new and fresh life. recovery; I th. -tight I r.-nsti iiops was inspire-1, ami ti.e use ot tne com- pound was f.titiifully continued, the result of which, with the blowing of God, was her com plete restoration. Site is now perfectly hen! thy ! From this eireumstarce, Mr. Lin hey was iet to prepare; with greater care and exact nc.--;, what had so astonishi.v cured his child, mid coiuinuod his experimental e.Torts until ho succeeded in bnnziog to peifcetif.n liis drtal llene-lf for IX-jg I Juqn-.rlhj .-dncc which time itr efiectr. Lave b-.H-n almost niir.uiulous. Hundreds upon Lund- reds, by it. have been matched tn.ni an emtime- K- wr!w rtoro.1 to the Kwri-ts of health an 1 the ende.irn nts of friends. The young and old Lave te:-tcd its inir aloud its saving powers virtues. Sav thev "aftir ruing IJndscv's Im- proved Plooil Sean her, we Lit as if a now life . was vtirr'r.g our viins. and under God we owe to j it m --.re than wor IS can evpres. Put Lear from th-ir own lips and then judge of its valuable effects. TLe few tcstitnor.i.ib- that fdlow show that ii is deservedly styled the Great e.:( Diis'-i-very of this cr any other an?. J. M. LINDSEY. HoEidayibmg, Blair eom.ty. Pa. c j: 12 T J F I C A t j: $ . Ration vi!!.,, Bedford co., Pa., OA, 11, '57. Mr. d. M. I.h v Dear Sir : I w;ts severely afliictt-d with rhu matism for a whole ve r nin-.i ifiontbs of wl i.-h I was not ;ibL to have ?:.y b-e..' whei wonderful effects ;f-v.,ur Imi''o v U'-.v. ;::g d Phol fit and .. tt'.v,- 1 Searcher, 1 deiermitie-l to pp.. tne -me give it a fair trial. After n.-i:,g thr e was aMc to walk ard.n l a.'.ai:i a: u . ' al. a; ! ; now wholly cured. I can rcci n : :v. t- . ai who r.re simiLirly iifiiicttd, and belie ve it i. claims to be. Yours, truly, JOHN SHAFITiR. DESPERATE CASE OF TETTER AND BARBER'S ITCH, enrcet bv the u.-.e of Lind.n v's Blood S 'archir. I, tin, undtisim. d, some ii.i.e. in last March, v.-a sevtrciv a'dictcd with what wa picie.v.nced Ty my physician's to be a certain kind of Tetter and B rbu' Itch. My condition was one of tno gn ,-ates-t m face was alncot constantly running wi: C'.rrupti'.n that, escaped from the tub r. liich it was alurot-t compRtely coven being iiialcr the care cf my phys-i.-ian-twe months, with.iut the iea.-t beiietit, duced to n.aho a tii.il of E'n.d. 's Id.,. ;ry the my i- -U i I CICS. I V l, 1. AfllT f- r i-err i wr.s i e , ,. ii.- er, ana tne K.-ult was tn.it in n.-e.n .e o.l a half 1 found a perfect cere. 1 may a: that I eagerly tried whatever was pein r. a a euro. Such w as my w rotei decs ; een resoiietl to the dangi reus xpi-r.!;: pouring pille crcx te on u y fu e an I lie. all to no purpose tho BL-od Searcher w ;.L at f.r.-t and ci.lv thi.ig t' it oi are an'- a puritier it- is irn ci 1 Lave me.de a tt r i.d reaiii e gr atefnl teat 1 cm r its healing virtues, and 1 co Icnt'iV reo l etter, s r e..:; i : n v .'. it to any who may si.fa r rem er disease arising Uom an imi-u:- :;a.c .i i blood. JOHN DELLLIEXT. Hollidaysburg, Pa., July 2J, 1C57. 4 N INTEP.SETiNG CASE OF SCROFF LA cured by one bolt's Lindsey 's ' v.t one . Pi Searcher. This ei rtiiles tiiat our little son aged b ur years, fiictcd with what t pay '.cians p accnr '...T.n-.c-i ; : ly f r n. . be.Ucli'. In;::-:..!- ah .Ti fe.hl, and was treated i year, but w ithout tiie s.ig..t t es ware running a thm v. atcrv Hi constantly, which v.ouiil tr.cimt Lie cyi s the power e-f ojiening them until they were v.e let i tiV siiav ami water. Abe-r.t tt.e u.-t bvh.w the groin commenced a dis- same time an al -sc-s forme.' which in due time broke an charge, which va found ine is-i! to 0.1 y H i.eal tne owa wov.ic; ie very muci stainea atat a tho clothing of the child perfectly icki nie.g in n single night's time. After Laving the ationih i.s of a pl.ysician for sn long a tl.uc, and tin ::n tl e ci.ihi to be getting worse, we determined to try the effects of Mr. Lindsey 's Bh od Search) r. This wa. in la.-t March and be-foic two weeks had j a-sed away the change was mauif.si. and 1 am happy to say that in the use of a SING Lb! BOT TLE our litile boy Las been restored porf-oily to health. We car?ne.t speak t.n highly f this in valuable medicine. It should be in every family none should bo without it. As a puritier el lood it is bevond all price ! DANIEL BOLLINGER. Ilollich-iysburg, Ps., July 2'. 1857. lioliidaysburg. Pa.. Dr. J. M. Liypsr.T. March 10, 1857. Dear Sir : I have been using your Improved Blood-Searcher since some time last summer, and I deem it to Le a matter ot duty to bear my tes timony to its inrijoraHiig bbml reshraUve virtue I Lave leen, for a number of years, severely troubled w ith ai;.'"'2)c!as and general debility but since I put myself under the influence of ymir Improved Blood Searcher, I find a very decided improvement. Indeed, my acquaintances fre quently remark, that I look so "fat and hearty," and I know of no other cause than the use e-f your Improved Blood Searcher. Judging from my own experience. I bebeve this U one of the most val uable medicines that woman can use, especially those who are or have entered upon the decline of life (from 40 to 50 years f age.) I feel that it would Lave been above ingratitude em my part to have withheld this testimony, and in thus con senting to appear as a witness before the public. I4 Lave Wen actuated solely with reference to the voice ef conscience and duty. You are at liber ty to make whatever use you may ileem proper of this statement. Yours, respectfully, MARGARET W. O'DONNELL. IYER COMPLAINT CURED BY I.TND- i SEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER. JJlair county, sz. Personally appeared Ik fore me, one of t'ne Justices of the Peace, in and for Blair county. George Kopp, who, being dnly sworn according to law. doth depos? and say . Ewo years ago I was afflicted 'vith pr.in between the shoulders, almost constant cough, loss e.f ap petite, chills. nighUweats, and very tibjt?ct to take colds ; I, at length, became ro weak that I could hardly walk ; my physician elone me no good. Sometime last fall I commenced taking 1 Lmdsey'i IfttrTd Blood Swehtrr, rwl bj tli !useo1 twobottles was perfectly cured. I fee' j to recommend it to all who suFVr Iron npr.iic j (Signed.) GEORGE KOPP. J and say that, in t spring of 1S3 ;, f ..Va a vi uotu t;ep.ose ; "ni t . tint v-or-t of diseases dvset..sia and that ! from. the Ague :paeh nsta.-h lastin-f j.h..nt . ;' I r.mr.rns e-ut 1 tt.e twelve, so th.it. with t; ne agu? I tL.ough lev'-od ; niy jdiy -ici. n -o. ... h.,- i..i yyn i. men was my c moiti ! w tirn ,ir. j'.n-.sev sun; i 1 Uie with :i but . t Lis Improved P.hvl Hearche-r -il.ee. I ei.;-.y dcT'c f .r 'aficcii rtv.and I fed Iter sta ofbe-.R than I ha, V yrs iH:u re ; 1 am strong r.nd 1 I j confident that .under the hh.-Mogy.f ;., I ,.wv to the invaluable Imp-jve-' S,- in uf-r. 1 1 ei'-ve 11 ''- a sure remedy f.r a e bttt an infallible pr-een'uHee. at iilai'e cor-i. ii-c. and. a 1, as such, I w(.u:.i recmmeiiu it to v.a v. its or r "idences expi-e their .:ij!K::r,S liah : thi- on .-.-.iful pest of humanity. Dysj s: the Improved I'd "1 S..-ar: . r I fc-ei it my duty to i oint all .annot : !:iv w .. .-re is propcilv used. 1 who t!:fuTj tj this JOHN MORAN. ; Iy:h d.iv . ( M. r. , j r.Ii- laalii g i.vUc:m. (Signed.) ! Sv.,ia a-.d .i' s iihrd i A. .. 1S5 7. iOitN k.i X. J. 1 I'OI! !-' J. M. G. 5 il.V i f rv . .c-rt ".-. i.-. 'i re. ( MX' Eii Chr:tv. J. K Lit. as D- "-;r-. Eh-. : : Win. R. IP. ed.es. J Tiite. J.,1 mt..v.n. :2: r-i. V f1 n !5: P- V u ii r 0 1 X i) !! V ii 'J it ii 11 i) V ti-.ro erg Fom.di v. the .ub farmers and others j-rc., i urn a;e; cast:n the c.mi.o: By strict cern, he ho a liberal p. i)i i:i lim?. it. at mav t.e n-.'-'ic-: in ni'.y. attci.ti. pes t. . l.'e -to n.--;. ; to the 1 iisint i the cn- ri , and tru.-ts he will rcaive :i these in -. ant of artielr.- A ii business d. r.-: March 22. 'oo-tf c.l thf Fr.r.!;drv. EDWARD GLASS. VatcIiK X Jr" civ-, 1 1 1.' .-iL.--" rii er y pp. iien! . i :e ,:i n . oe:cii lr N c .v l v. it; s- UT't nt t S c. JEWELRY ci.Oe MS, WA' 'r t .-..i"t.: in their mid: t . eLicl ' 'V, i an i will f.'d ci.cr.j e: than ;v,v dealer the .' oi .en.: v. ins (. ; cap Bi-eer-t Pins, Li tberto sold at f 2. v.'fd w le. dai i,:.0: eU'h a wen s Id at 2,2.'i Me -w oSlcred a 1 .C-2. Ac. Hi M.7-: i,..c pl-tet: Her I r..ps, which were sold at r- v. 1 1 :it fl.2". : .-'hers 1 11 at i.:;T . ' at jl.oil. u:.d :-'! other articles e-f Lis ' ' k reir .dideg on har d will 1 p ibnu-cd . it aLhe d unt. 1I1& new .:e-ck et-nslsi-iu i-ait OS i'u . r Printing case L'vre Watc IS eases r: Lc.-.t stv-e of ( ! k? ; K0 1 !,-,-;, t Pins; J20 Ear Vrop- ; .'iC.c 'J) I ir.gT long-, ti-geti.er irt st:: :-. Wii t and' Neck Br 1 lb hh rs, F. ! and Guard. ( r.s. Gold Piii.s i:.s, am! many i' a.. r artlee-le-.- alst i i.im-i'. us t r. e..ei: to h a nu'id or of new and '.re v., r- is a Veadv l.-.re col!e.-tl.-n .-J" whereby Le is cal led tu execute ork v. l;h s- e t. nhf .! f-r i .ce- of th .1 : : 'C ii. vers, an-h- true er.j :r:g tor a ct s that Lis filer re f . HOLMES. n- tmr w ii! :n.t :e-nrieed s' TOSEPH lVL:-n:irv"lL : sfr-H" 1857. sign e-f ti:c big Wan Something of Importance 0 A sod tbst ril e rs Tilly inform t ho s.. vrt -it .- .1 t; e citir.ens t f Eft usburg. .1 i .co-n t.-r i mat tn.y the ile.-tc; n chics with : - , , . ...... .ave just arrived larger, better sc. troii 1 an.: cheaper stock t f that ev, r was ct fore, viz : .ered io the tewn rr cou cr Coats rv r't- of all kiuds,. Frock Coats, of all colors Raglan Or S i- c ts i quality, Cassm.erc, S a 1 1 i uett. Tweed and FuMian pants. 1 t. b.ik. Satin, Cloth. Cassimere and Twrcd I Vests, Hats e f all kinds, Silk, Plush and Cloth j Caps, fine and common Shirts, Silk Handker- ; cniets, Cravats ot all kinds. ( (vcralhs, Undershirts, Drawer- of all qualities. Umbrellas. ALSO A huge sleek of fine Cloth. Ca-si meres, Sattir.clts. Tweeds and Fits'. ian withsuit a'.le Trimmings for tLe same, which they Arc prepared to make up to order and according to the latest style. Pbvse call and see them before von make a purchase else wis ere, Vs they feci satisi'u-! tl ere are no Jews or Gentiles in tLe county can render vcti the same satisfaction. EVANS cl- HUGHES. Ebensburg, Sept. SO, 1S57 tf t'aliiiirt Warc-ncjiM. ep3 THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of furniture, Tools, Ac of Ste Ltn. pheu Lloyd Jr., would rcsjirctfully in form the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity ."that he will manufacture all articles of rurnitr.re Tto order on the most reasonable terms. The stock now on hand is large, consisting of TABLES, BUREAUS. STANDS, BEDSTEADS CRADLES, Ac Ac. All articles manufactured in the establishment w ill be finished in a workmanlike manner, employ ing none but experienced workmen ROBERT EVANS, & Co. EbcnsMirg April 2nd, 185G. DFmTISTRV. " A. J. JACKSON, Surgeon Dentist rf?rrHW,il befound Thompson's Mount---J-Jain House, where fc-can be found the third week of each month. Office in Johni twn nearly opposik- ti Curabria k Sl-a sworn anl subscribe! this ICth day of March, j trade. It is the largest -n d l- e fe'- i A. I) 1857, Sefere me. j found Wcst of tl.e T i .v.nt vn- jt.tV't i Acc air. Kopp is a resident of Frtirkstown. manner and of the very b- '' -!n ' v and is well known to the eiticrsef Blair Pn ! adopted all the improve n-e-u f:s-!!- Uv, LeoL-rdccunties as a man of excellent character trade, in machinery and mattri 7 ' r auo. influence. j to complete ruccf s.'fully with eit v ' ' ' I in i riecs and tem-; " " " "L -' A DESPERATE CASE OP AGUE AND I Orders from one del, r to , , . Dvsj.epsnt entrrely cured Ly the use of Wdth, promptly fdled. tho wares c-'rV ' :' Limbey's "Improved Bl .od-S archer." and guaranteed not to L ak """p - U'air counts .Personally appeared before One trial from mercl.ai ts w,,, mo, the snbscnl-r. on-of the Justices of the with me heretofore is renuc-sV.i ? IVaee, m and f. r said, county, John Moran, who for a Price List. . .r, n ....... .. ... . . .'V.i'LJ l.llt M I T T. i l l i.-i . Tl ' . Til I - would work a cur-. 1 , mnun.,,l b rcwU i " t ' h 7 -, but little confidence, V ut in w. tl ' .V,l J tl:c "AU('T ' 1 tLe HisT- - greal was it- re -t.nuivc nowcrs-I t'.X " f.. U fif'1 'tL petite to return, my st-.nacli reccived'ancw t ,U ZrV t11 lit0U' l " so that I couh'i cut ar. thing witl, at t- i.-ht ; " lu a v" "r1' l' v.-li: ' - c7ti..onvcnien,, andb-f,e it , l.(,:in, ih t?ti thepgoe i:ed as from a ehnrm : m.r have T been t f.Z,V. i -, rinCr-l ..'a,-. ii "ii .- iu, ;-'it" it iM:.;i . Bargains! lirave, MERCHANTS an-i , tiilrs - COPPER OR SHEET-Ii;(! T are rtspeetir.liy invited to call c,., ,. '"I'1- ' Thankful for past favors, I re?r., iticir continuance. Add i.CTfaS v. x; ti, Jonestown, Cambiia ca -V 21, 1857COtf Oct not si: CORPORAL JOIILT Vilrr, ftrOl LD r.i,ctrnl t ? and the travelh.T . miv ! !. ed the L-.gan IL'Hm-, II'::;.1,"';', pared to entertain all v.h , rjv . j nc- L-'ir, mis . Ccn V il. Ti e STABLES, attend-.', bv 1,,.; ,.r wm are ex? x.itj. . e.- r.i.i j. , i je 1 a as a l-.v-c.H'i.;;,:. where nu- -11: a ill ,.ol!-s ( tr.t i iv, tv-t-:; - r .1 the d,'. wik: i: e-.t h and -' a.-e..Ti. tf. HENRY F(hSTF.R,Pi:! ! T .o suV.-ri!.(r j citi;:tr.s of ; P'ddic g, :v.i : of yeu.-s the r '-"' : lit v mbria e. b-. that ! I r I p-rm cr c. We-tern orai if tl makes it n-co. T? ihju.-rs ::, Attached t'ne bic!: d, if r, t sup. -nrt-y:..i:.:a! a; U. v-t Lu-;nef.- sir.- L r w ... i:.r..i, . , i:.ah!:.h..;( - : 1 irge and o -: .: story, v, I err ev-rv s rvtil i; p. Li i.ta n ; i If-'t -; j; ; . v ors. ooi nsf own, St- fi t.nntuici sm. oriber resp-c:f;:T'v :;.' ''- JV r.rr.-Py ;,'.;:t"; h TIE and th 511 p.. S-se. t.d.i m. Gap. v.; wet:r c Thar.: people : O' e wee K;e -w a '. . " t-gna'.t d O i ti. . l e i.e a ih ;it irl. reb an 1 o, 5 ;d for pat f.i-. .e 1 Cen. i rin a ad Pair m:.:. ; it rpir-.d to gal-. n.t;e. t. i i ami v. ' rt e 4, 1 S.r.7. L ? !' P j I. i 'rris: r Ii 4 eV ii 1, s . r r c t f . r i E e .nab; l.t c for l . av-P i i the mo 1 C a - ; t-.l - .iv. 1 , teria:n:r.:; l.onre is t: I'fCts to re-ie-l.ji : e , ci.::r.;'.v i tl.e c n i -'i.e. a ' LAWUK.Nei: he mmi :.. : bria c trie U . eil i evcrc ; 1 I.e . -- - will c- ntahi lest fl.e m-.r it'e'cne t , :.. ill. p V NT Cl., siLi.nn STt rT:' AI.S(i, IN b--NNi f ; . v. ikm c. b" Vi J t i n i .or- iet; e to C . e n : ; take t'i e I" .A Ii V ill :r.. !.;,. E pass. Tf I (NEAR WILI.Mv -RE TA'.'1 . V.t?2Illil CO., IV. ZOEU LVCQY Prcprislcr 4-- i TEE GREATEST ATARACTICS j. :ooni: x to- TT.WE ust opened at the:.- ' 1 J?.'l lb.rov.gh.f Ebcrsb-r rarest, the finest ai, .1 .-i FA LL m It IJ i ever o:.c: e; Uuusa! car to ti.e pc, w as t.li.ell gXHls, ami care as b a Ca in the range t near it, but what they '. ;i tomcrs, at least as chc.-; the country. Their stVic cf Dry G.-s t5 un'v" large, embracing (i.-ihs. ! evtry .a t.. texture, Satinet ts. C.sr.urcs. 'iVit-i. See., Ac, Flannels. Sheet ii:.;. f-'-.-t-1 r-' made up Clothing of every Jcs. r:pu&. variety of , "LADIES' FANCY PP.Ps -A of nil patterns and. at all prices. Laces, trimmings, gloves. 'ii-tl- ' assortment of hats, ears. L-ccts U- -k- compleie and uusuri asse... GROCERIES & LlQUOKs, cf every j and quality. A we'd sehvte;! var:eu ware. Cutlery, and. nails. A.so, And all for sale Lw f.,r cash., or g-.r change for country prodrce. by i-: 'j. MO0i-i-iS- Ebensburg, Nor. 9, 'ol I. O. O. F. ic rreit .w rriT:n 1Y eTldi-i fc t . - r - .s . I 1111 J I f mV SIt)Ck. "fit 11 n frt-.r,.r. '.. r '-L.t r I I n