u u 0 1 .1 Off f' .(rf Iti- V ill. I f f I' V! .ft-1 ""Tp H A N S ' ,iflI ET SALE.- I v ,,r n order or the or-r-nT. V ..Vvv;- .'ci:kt ofcamrrIa I'll'i , :i iV COLLI 'i KjAi'llsU UH i ,vteJ. tbiowmbJ exposed to ' -ii-o o'clock iu tLt ft-raooa, at . .V i"JV; ,V Rhfel, iu ihc borough of ., ,. -a!',tv.,..'.lf,..lSai.i,ti15 following real i'l i ' i-' Jacksoa, lalo cf Blair 1 , , .-h -'' 'BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS!' FOURTH YEAR OF THE 1? MM THE 1AMOIS . ' EUSSELDORF GALLERY OF PA1NITNGS! rur.c:iASD at a cost of 4180,000! And Powers Yfurld-Pcnoicncd Stuiue of the GREEK SLAVE ! ! Re-purchased fur r.ix i?iouxa.iid dmlara, with sev eral hundred other works cf Art, in Paintings, r SIIE subscriber Las just received from (?TJ. JL the East a large nM pplemlid stock r,i cf new Goods cf the following articles, all' ot the. best quality, (jrcceries sueu as CoiTce, Sugar, To a, and Syrup Molasses, a little DR.- hi O It S E ' S ti 'a- e .' :'' i ? y.' ,!', V. ; -" r r''' ' ','' (x11? P"1 j Sculpture and Bronzes, c m pi ise the Freuiiuuis to ' , i j. f j ;tac..) b 'tr.. ' ' :-:. ac. j be asvar.'vd to the subscribers of ti.e "'l i;,.. 'inning at a po..t a cor- COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION", '-,.. 1 A. V1 u: - I who subscribe: before the Sih cf Jaaury, 'l&ZS ' 1 .'. ... V;J A. P. R- IE, tmnco along J at v.':.ich tira the avardj will tr.!:o place. i, icv .vy i'- v. -i r - ,.,t it to a ii.-.it, t a rose, Or V i:.- C 1! 1 1' T 1 0 X . DR. liUR.iE, the iavauor cf MORSE'S IN ROOT riLLB, has .-pent the greater part of his life in traveling, having visited Ei rope, Asia and Alrica as .weii as is'orth America has spent three years among the Indians of our Wes tern country it was in this wav that the Indian pf b.t th:.t h:s ! Root i'ilis wtre firt discovered. Jir, Movsn was ever loen hrought to ! the Srt man to otahlUh the fact that all uluv this town U-for. ALSO : f-er ari.j from IilRUUiTY OF TI112 R.L'JOD Starch Corn whka. is very j that our stiei.gtl:, neaUh nud life d.cadd upon j delicious f .r food, hi fact Le j this vital iiuid. - i has . everything thot is in the U'1,,,.,, tLr- VrKK: ?nt v-r.-n-r -i-'! ! t. r, eery hi e. .LM' A gotl as- do l rorlmcnt l l,;iv ! Attorney at Lair, tltir Hsbni g, V. i FFlCa A' FEW DOORS EAST OF E RO;', . i Hy ERT3-store. : - wv.4: 57 o N L Y o ; e R o T T L E Attorney nt Lar( ElxiiVnr, r, FFICE IN COLOXADK ROW. J? Nov.ll, i85T:l.tf ot act in perfect harruory with the Every snb?or:l:!r oi th-M m's is c-ntitol to Od-'T. Ha 111 1! c.pv oi" tho larrj and sple;did Un'iavi:iir, cntltied ilANii-TST Disiixv," r.hso to , t.ience (.,.e Vl.ar fd:--o to A (Jv it: ilea to iu the Award cf lhcmiums. also A iV.w a'ln.i.-.i u to the Dusscldcii" aaJ Cosa:o- , 12 v aje .v)it:i t'U der. 1 'g. 1 perch, ; v Mi:i;i:,,.tri UJ1U liO- J:mt.f .-.lie -. . i- '. ' ... . ;.. tuuis. AL. .O i.c has ado- d to ii-.-s , l.cJ,,U)Cs thick, eoiTupted ai.d uiiea.i : thus can- m.ov- a. K- i "'uiiai,. ci iMioM s:r,g ail nana Kiekuess auil tlhlrcof fc-.ery uame; j.0 0Lb, wiueh is very important to the our stren-th is fihaiislc-d.ou'r health we are do l armer at tins tune, cousului- of the U- privcl of7and if nature i net asistt-i in throw io .mi C"L Li o : tne Ktazii.int nnscrs. t ,e r.!i-,ci wi 1 be THE partnership heretofore ex'sEng lelwetn 1 Jmcs Murray and Jv'na M irray, in th- 0"itp,.u Tannery wus dhi-lvc-l n the IGth of (.Ictoher, lb5T, Vy riiutuul cotke:t. T!-,."Kt:-oi.'" will li.T.'.'i i'f t be earned a bv c.iiierent T .. . . ..'. .. . . i v .iA:.u.s :-d icuAx, JOHN MURRAY. El-er.sLrg, C:t.l, 1J57 50 1'- I : ; t- ir.wn a th ; p-.-i'tan C ahcries. I Tuns it is seen that for every Ires tLh'urs paid -r!ocr ntir.:v receives a c-t :; jven - : --rectol a name il.T.se . T! 1 V. '. V. HOI f. 1: V. X H TJ A Y ! C fr ' .:. head of plaue Nu. j - ,lt a;ni n-,. lcaa.in:iiy illustrated i-V- DOLLAR ALT JOUUXAL, 1 Each Mi'i;cider is ah:o presented with a Ccrti- fieate ii the Awards if l'tvminaus by which a I valuable w--:k -f Art, in Vahitirig or Sculpture, may be received in addition, thus giving to every I,-;, "' Isrtt, and a t'-stnicate io a -the SUth E;ut v.'-:-. tr.ut thence bv James r !' loo ... .1 ,, !.it, I e i'.a.iU vine. I '.3 !" ground sn the 1, r- j at ihu I.e. el .-f l':ane 5, j ,1 -r - I .1 I M i ' .ir.':- ' 1, 1 ill.' ' 1 ' I T;:::n ,arce f ' 1 Vv. u- :1 nisnn:, miea i cl if dosiicd. in T. V, .s h;.7iaii,g and Art Journal, restii-tcd to a t-in;:Ie share. Those ! y lae SO ',S. to ;h taku live mei i ; b.-r:-1. ips, rtiiiittit re eiili- v;vi.i) S-.r.th SO deg. West 1 i ps ps :) of the A. sedation are given SCYTHES, SNATHLS, FORKS, ' j HAKES, be all of a good qual ity. ALSO A rvx"! assort ment of DRUGS and ZJZIMCIXL'S to r e n t i o ii. Ai.-Ti Alame Wof G 0 01) FL OUR. ALSO BAU lllOX, NAILS, vA GLASS. Call and see an ! examine fr ycnrstlves, you v. ill not regret by doing so. ROTiERT DAY1S. Eb'cnburg, July 0, 18.30. 37. instate cf it. Li. feijj;s, it'd, -rliE UNIMdtSIONED. HAYING RE EN Al -I pointed auditor, by the Orphans' Cint of Cambria county, to make distribution of the fund in the hands oi William Kitte'd, a!m'r of the es tate of YViilia.n II. Sni'nli, deceived., as she wn by his partial ad:iiinistratin account filed, among the creditors, and heirs, Arc, of tai l deceased, eorrio. choked and ce;ise to act, and thus our. light oi u:e win te turcver Ll- wu out. IIov.- iir.in- tant then that we t-liouhf keep tl;e various pas- V:tlai;ic iTopsrty Sor Sale. n?HE Sb13SCRird:R WILL OFFER THE iL f.llo'.viog valuable prcprity at private sale, situated in Jackson twi sliip, Cambrsa e, .ujity, witn:n a quarter oi a mile of tnc biei e I ie, lea- saki-s ( t.,e boiiy liee and o;en. Ana i.c1" meas- -.- r.. pi - . ,, , - , . . 1 . ! oUig iioia i-oeiitLi.rg, ant to tis that we liave it ir. our power to nut a A VALL'ARLK FARM, medicine in your resell, namely, Morse's Indian - T . . , . Root Rills manufactured from plants and roots . .(known as the Lamuaugh tarn: .) which grew around the mountainous clhu in Na ! O-nitannng aoont ono huuorcd and eglty a-res, tine's ...arden, f-r the health and recovery of dis- al'out J' h-onreu aero .cleared and m a high , i i.' nt o, ..r !. r... ,i.i.- state of cultivation, having therein erected a I n j j 'iiu.u nil o ilUiil i.i.t i-.. l t- t 1 11- 1 1 Fids are ma d- is .T Sudorific, which opens the ' rn, awciang noie r.na c.cr ne- pore ( f the ikiu, aid ats Katttre in throwing ccsary improvements. cut the finer parts of the crrnntion within. The . ALSO-4(J0 acre, of V land, situated rceciai is a plant which is an Rzpectorant, that u-.pu i.anna town.ihip Cambria rounty m'les west of Ebtiisbarir, lying on the Stone i'ike, adjoining lands cf Alexander M'Yi'ker, D-'uj. James, and Martin JIunday, whi.-h will be sold in parcels to tuifc purchasers. Terms made oo.-y to suit purchasers. nov. lS:2:3w JAMES MURRAY. irix. stMM-r..s iNVIGOliATOlJ. 0 A' L 1 V E li - R ; ; l V . . "S REQUIRED TO CERE AN V ONivTKCb" i A. bicdwiEi Liver C'.npbdts, unless the raoai i-:.-peiale cii case.-:, when the i-' tONo bottle wii's. sitis si::rcp .siiig'.c failure, reu rc- t:;e patient l3 health and vigor. Vtc v.'.ii. i-i mii the atteut:vii. of ail t. ibtsi fr.tt. 1 1. it the Ievi.vrj.t T is tUi poundeJ bv a ph tit iau v. lio ha.1 u-cJ it ;n L;, practice f.ir th- past twenty y.-ars. ih a u.'.o-ee.-s almost evc.-ih us, a:id li at it it entirely t? t-t able, U-ing .om.i.-. d wholly f snm--'.-' '..I .: ; S-;:,.' ide ' f tiie rtrM:g:t if tht-.e. .ivy ; i-c f.-rm-l v.-hi :i it kth.ajimi lollle of tbe.lu . vi.irorat r contains i.i:i,h ?ircngt:i onei-vn-"' ore.l does of Ud- .mil v.ithout duy of .its deietin- cv.s i iTeit--. ' . ' One hott'e 's the surest thinir k?H-n to carrT' away the bad effects .f inktcrai poison of any tand, ( 'id y on" bottle is needed to thrt.-w out of tils' .' Vi'tem the rile to cf r.-.td'.c-ino aiieri a long sick- ns. One battle taken for Jaundice removes all ytl hoviiess or unnatur;d lor frt.:"n tl e i.kin. tine do r.f; . r atlv.g Ls snfiic-ient to relieve i1 s'omaeh ?.nl pitwe.t the food from ridng onJ svming. . (inly one t!oe taken U-fore retiring prevents niirhtmare. V.iw d.ise tahvn at night l- reus tic bowels r cntl v, and cures oo!!vn,ws. opens an 1 uuctoss the passage to the lung.s and thus in a southing manner, pe-f.-rms its duly by ! throwing i ii phlegm, and other Lumors from the lungs by copious" spitting. The third is a Diu retic, which gives tithe and double strength to the kidneys ; thus encouraged, they draw- large amounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thro, vn out bountifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not hae been One doi. taken after ea-di m-al will cure Dya- ;i C . i ,. . v S.iKh SO de- et l.-g. e:--t Z'6 ps. to a o v est rs. to a post . 1 , V.. W.:st 10 ps. I,, tl place In the Art Journal, w i:n.h ct.utamo over sixty l;cno-y notiUej ail persons in teres ten in saio urn.; j ,Ps:h:.r-e.l in any other way. The fourth Is a snletilid Emirav-t.-s, rri--' f.'i'iy r.-uh-j,o- nu-:u- tn.it i:o will attend to t.ic uiiuy -t ns sent r.p- fthartie, and aecouinanies the other properties Si ceiu.eii copies v.ii! be "sent t ail pc-rsonc I poii:t.n;ent, at his ofnee. in the Roror.gh rf Eh- i ( ti.e -s while ei!'a"edin pmifvirr; the blood; :t;:ning R0 acres and Ci 1 pcrc.i ,.!' w.Jch arc cleared. ' 1' i th'T pie; C ('V l'.".i',' i i f h.:el ' ,y p '' -n :-a:d (h -il'g att of :.r :j-;;.it. l'.,-:':!o;i:.c; at a l eech , ; i r i f ii,,- tract (h'-uce nth :, j, :. to a black shittem. tiietiee . 1 io-. to a white u;ia. '."'jlim-c '.'.'i-t F'o ps. to a white oak. et l'JS VS. to a l.ot .vho ile.-ire t subscribe, on receipt of live pot tags J ensburg .-.n Saturday, the COth day oi January tj-,e Co;u-ser particles 'of impurity which cannot 0vr sixty sjicnuid JZupravirys, and giving fail .tamps, (15 cents.) Address text, at one o'clock, P. M., ft which time and p.;lj.s 1-y ll:c other outlets, are thus? taken up and particulars of the be-muts of the Cosmopolitan C. L. DERI .Y, Actuary 0. A. A., place they may attend if they th.nk projer conveyed oll'In gieat quantities by tiie bowels. Art Association, Uo dollai s a year, single copies, 51. Sroadway, New York. P. S. NOON, AuRtor. Froni the ab-ive, it is shown th:-.t Dr. Mor-t 's j fiy ccufv. Specinun eojiies will bo sent to all M. V. MVAGl'E, Ilouoiarv Secretary ELens- Pec. 23, 1837- C:4t Indian Iic-t Pills not only enter the stamach.Lut j who wish to suleribu on receipt of five postage bar,'. Fa. Deo pcp.-ia. tM.e dose of two tea spcoiisful vv'ul always to licvo Sick Headache. " ' One bottle taken for female obstruction re moves the cause cf the disease, r.r.d raakis a per fect cure. Only one duse immediately relieves Choke, while" On-? dose often repeated i? a sure cure for Chol era Morbus, and a stive l'rcventative of Cholera. SEND FOR IT ! The most superbly -Illustrated Magazine ever! One dose taken often will prevent the rcr.f published in America, is the December number i rer.ee ofbiii.us attacks, while it re!i?ves all pia- ' the Cosmopolitan Akx Jockxai., coiUaaang rtilE UNOERSIGNEI), AUDITOR Al 1'OIN- ted by tiie ('ii'naus' Court of Cambria coun- ' KiTH T'-" r i ted by the (hpnaus' Court ot Cainoriacoun- M ' " ) tss t- J-!' , i $i i'v .'r. M -'. tiM ' tv, to make distribution of th funds in the hands ot Jae o Stiiu-mau, Jr.. and 1 :.copni.i;s ii. liey- 'V'':".t,:1.'" v' !::'' 1.'.,"iC0 : illustrated, i b cr. Executors of Jac. l. SLin-man.Sr., late of uicn lnd towiishin. ueeease.l. appearing upon their l.ecome united with the blood, for they find way stamps, (15 cents.) to every pari, and oomph tely rout out ana cleanse dverliscmei-t hened "DnViant iVi?'. tiie system from all impurity, and the life of the us" in this napor. Ad. Ire- be ly, vhith is the blood, becomes perfectly heal- j C. L. DERBY. Actt ary C. A. A., O'JO, ILLUSTRATED. ! respective administration acctr tiled, 1: ere by V i . t t l. .--! 1 1 '.:' i s notice to ail parties, interest. i tl.at lie will ! t. i ..( t iT.ti i . . . i . - . i , I i I - v t o . T T." ... ....... 1 1 .1 t ......-. '..1 o i w-: i rt :i f nt ti.. e.t r. i..-t ! ' ' ' ' ! -V 11, ie . o) -1 v.ie.;. UUl.Ul', J i.tTj IS one : aiiCiai o ur; uums . .- "l' - ;. ...-hip af. n - dd. (Icing pa.t of , (- . ,r.,.,.. ;Ui s ;t hurarv papers of the ; Foster House" in the Ik.rough of J jnm-towu.on : fat, P.-..-.im.:.ngaT a post ' Au p,- q r(.i.taiiu;g s.ir.irr pa- j Mornhty the Sth day of February next, at one :' J.'.ii. Geo-y's lafl t' ei.ej ( ,,r Kv.,.T-x tui.! ii.o-, of cu .! taiii'.t-j: cri-'-.ad do.-k iti th- rdieiHi. u. when and where they fdec 2, 1857:C:Ct 54m i'.roadv.av, New York k "2 WILL receive in payment oi ta.es, 1...T J. Note? of th.e Ranks of Pe-an.'vlvat ia which to ti e .ti -. i W ..-t lo c . t t..i..e i : : ' i " " o i . V. .t :'.:'. i a-, mat ' cr : week. ;.n 1 1 1-I.C. tvtiy Y.,-t ft :'0Ah ire: 15 Y." ! . 1 I . a . a i -.,'( "T : 1 'J ' ,-(. Kra-'-i-eiatay t-u rccci J ICHlj iO 1 t e.xli .t Of lu3 ( :5dj earn u hscr,ii .tiou m-iv attend U ll.ey roe pro;:er. VM. KiTTELL. Auditor. I-co. 3, 157. mtc 1 i . ... s : f.-r cue year, .1 ( f.r tuo ve.-.ls. -'. !' 1 r t ".ri-e v u, s, " i .- i.ce -.'-. 1 ; v 'J an:i : Ci . )-' tio.s .i. l; sou a. ei ueir ai. ia- j'U.'u-j I.avc- a-.ic-i to 1 1., m-elves vi . ;, ry up en , iA em or.rg i.Kt. , 1.. J j Edwaid Evans, l?.te-f thv 1-c-rough of El;- v-cr, .rv.hy restvih.u' niil.i 'i.s f Hie -iek t. Moon:- j 7 eisluiv. in ilooi.ntv .4 C..;,d..ia. dc easel : in.' .vdth :m ! l-.ijo iuc-.-s. Yes. thai-ands who ' TotTH iPjierlj' lor SiMC. TAKE Nu-jN'E. Th.a an L..-.ue. t wih La held i-.leeu rack-dor toimcntcJ with skkue.s, ; HE UNDERSIGNED WILL DlSFiJSE Oc at the lad- .1 we; ling house i-.d' .wd Evans, d.i- 1 ...... ..j.,'. v,i; .;;:.,t; ..j..-; shose p cole fran.es have his valuable roperty, situated on the Sv.s- cvasid, in the b..rcm.-h -f Ehcisbur-. Cambria pt( ,. ,.c..5, .pJ bv the bmv.k.-r demt-nts raging ; .pta.l.anna Ebensburg Piauk Road, and ael.v -in-.: m t v. Pa., n .-'.A'i' CRi.'A Y, the t 0:h day , f : rv( r and who" hayo been ho ueht, a-- it were, i ii the residence of Lev. David Menkii.s, 1 he iVI-ru.a-v n-.-xt. at 1 oh..I; in the afuam :on of , ;,-,. .. ,p,, f sdc:o -raveLow stand re- property being beautifully siuiat--1, would make I 1 , . a. 1 r nil a'.e 1 neir ;n i.iv. i i tny ; conequentiy ah siotucss ari l pain is onv cn from the system, for theycai.net remain when the body becomes so pine and clear. TI10 reason why people are so di&trcssed when s:ak, and w in' so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflic ted parts, ami which will open the natural pas sages for the disease t he cast out ; hence, a .argc uuaiRUy'i.t food and other m ittcr is l.,dged j Philadelphia, &c. with the i rxepth n cf the ;nd the tcma-li "and intestines are literally over- i "Rank of Pennsylvania." (.bet tors will be caref'.il nut to revive aov N-ti'- f the "hmk of New t a-tie," "Eric City Rank." cr "Warren pdi throws Iheovn-.ti'tclinat- , ( . vmtv Rank." ercrft tne k mmissiun- ful feelizm's. tlj' One or two doses taken occasi-"r.rdly is 0:1 of the 1 est r .-medics fr a ccld ever known. Thousands of cases of ii ilaiomatlou and weak ness of the iur gs have been cured by the Invigo rat r. One dose taken a short time U-fcre eating givo, vigor to the appetite and makes f.d digest we!;. One d.ve- oi'tin vcpi a'.ed cutos Chr. nic Di.n rho a in its worst forms, while summ-r amlbowv! complaints viehl rdm-e-t to the. first dose. One or "two d. ise cure:; attacks ouscd by worms, w Idle for worms in children, ther-j is no the world surer, safer and speedier as it never fail5. There is no cxaggerstn in thrsa statements. . 1 - .- f . i . l. .l r.... 4 . . ..... were in good Mantling at tnetm.c 01 me reeeni tliey arc pi.un aim sooer mi-i.-, imti - siisiu msbm of snccie oaviatn; l v the l.:n.;s ot evidence to prove. rtmcov m ; fiuwii.g with the corrupted mass ; Ems unaer j in;.; di-iagv.iHu.ibI.- fermentation, constantly mix ,. 1.' .. .1 tt r tin iiii -erv vein n:.J nrt-rv, nr.t-1 is ? 0i.-. C. I). Mt.'itiiAY. Tcal,ivr. I talca lr. u. tiee ;o, iy oy ea -ease. in. ....ise.-! j reasurer s uuut. f. have a-.oe-l to 1 h: m -elves vi. t, ryi:pen j Eler.sbr.rg Oct. b, 1 i, . . j TILL while a 1 who us;? it are tr.vi'n tlieir unanimous testimony m Us iavor. :o!ts. , -1 f. .. Ye v;.-:i idlwhoare sick and debilitated to try this remedy, and tcM It th' .roughly, and ?ny who are net i.e-r,,.-lilted by its u.-o we should like. I . hear from, as v.e have ;. rt -i h-ar from the i -. . .. .1 ' 1 ... 1 r 1 v . 1 . ... . Ill's i ner.-'Oli W no .::.- ii.-' o 1 , 1 e ! i:n-. in. rator w iti a-t. inishi.: matter he re.-. iviiig benefit, for thre are Fin b iedieiral virtues in it, that idl. no 1, -r.g o v have been idle; if th 1 .r :pl ilnt .vise: C r m e .r, the- t- o!.t v ' 1.1 -e ilh-: 10 1 : Il.-t : . r..r. 1 -. ; 1 . . iJ p e .1 pal' . r ti-. t.) o 1 r -1 : .1 . .- i j p .u 15 ae,. 'ill: '1 1 ' so ,h-,r V ... 1 V s..i ! ). e.. ...11. a, ihi. by f cu: .'.C f bC- t I I 1 10 ;o iO bate:. !') obi ' .'0 ' I'U '.o V'M) I. :1' '2--0 - r L' I t.i-- p e.a . ...... 1 1 1 La. t r nan el t i em tm-.iea by No. -v. .'.:. i .! :r. E.. '. o ' ps.. t... 1 ' c v 15- V. t the r, al S. It o in ;, e. : Silver Vv'.. ii o u'id Gc.ard., Ueao d I,.. I:.-.s. ; .S of ..-'I d.C do s ,1 r I luv.t V.-:, h.-s, ateh' S, el ) do (lol l Y at. limdag Ca.- e 1 . . i 5 CU . a e. ; 1 1 i : . : ;s. ; ;;' t"), and 1: 1 -eta. ,j , -d i.rc ..vn-prised in a ohe: 5f.r. cvh. do 5 '-"00 1 ', ( 11 h. .hi ilciO ti", each. that day, f.r t! the re. 1 est. .to 1 his ih.l oil. a). OC ih i.O W.fho i riatng pi'it.ti'. a .a van. uie-.e.svd, t ..tl:d ataoag ' J a la s ( i.tati d pi". iodivC t. n l!: dy to tc.-t i'y oil with the e 1 W 1 1 1 same ean j d i g .1 tl e ; s:,n 1 wise to vaute am: am ;. a -- t i-.e san.e, 1 icordi:.;; to law at hi h t'n.e and place yoH ;t: J le it.Led to alien-1 if u thtt k proper. JOHN KORKKTS, Sheidf of Ca.n.biia eo. Shciiah. Ofhce. Ebci -b,;rg, D. .amber Id. I.s57.:5:dt. j t 'theV Wet! ,, had it n i I b -! C . :. 1. 1 i , . . ,j n.- -. l i-n WUilliOI- : a gooa summer rts.'.eiiee. 0..1. m - u f. r this great j story, and will planned, b gclhcr with all the oe- se-'s In han 11 ot i e.-s-ary out-buib!ir.es attao.ied. j here are 4 acres V.. n i of :-r -md alf.uhe.1 to the rren.a ts, on winch w ni ml a chuicc lot of f. nit t r c. T. rms made rimam eii.-v'.s. -m.i i.:uy , ea.- . " ... i- --- i ..l,n...;li .,!.,! ! l-.'.urisbur". UT. - '. lo-. VI- i o d b ,i , n Laleei 1.1 . I I . 1 aoS- -tUle.y 'lis II. eeiJ... iiOo C, ca.h. j ,J 7-) 00, i... h. ! fi r. t h ; v I-r , i Ves r:;i t, I - ' . i ; Wat, rlct v 15 (G !, I V vs, ; - -f i. ' her 4 e: CO .- V I ' ! - i r l- ' i ! ,- . ; . o,.jc;j ujj w Ji v 0 . . I .',1.. linn itrti-lviil a la.ifit and Si-li iaiol Stock of 1 (, ea. h. ; --, v jr r-x G! i oa. jl jlJLs. 5 -v-1 , A ND b: epen'm: at his -t. re room, one of the Ji.X htr .-t an;: Pc-.-t stn k of goods ever in f re br.-u-iht to Ebensburg. J i is a g nera! Ladies fur nishing -t' re, .: l. sating .f;dl kinds of goods f. r hahee. and w ill s;ii tl em at a vi ry sma 1 i o-.m-ei aai Sh-s. Ad.-r o, they a : e- a in v ; tne -sing t d thev give ii take aw; v all i!ek.a;s. pa tut y at . me i !o w-:k at the !' andatioi. oi tne i disease, which -s the blood. Therefore, it w ill he ... i . . i a'. , : u 1 I M,uiV;l, t -peeiai.y I V liU.-e liJ -ase inv.-i: i ii u, 1 that thev will so eh-.mse and pvrifv. that di-ea-i that deadly enemy will take its flight, and : tho i'iu.l of voiti, aad l-.-aatv will agdn return, I .lie ea.v ;.!!,; tccia-.il,, am a ami angmsii nut fr;m a deranged liver, will t bcuctUtcd ii n- t entirely-cured. SANFORD cv CO. , Proprietors. C 1 5 Proadway, Ncv YciV. y For Sale here by all Droggi-ts. Nov. i, 1?57. Km. p ft tr F. W OO It'S v wu. nm .... v ,f 14 "W1 :" !i ." ;v " j; 1 ! "X il .'' 'I .Na IT HAS WvLKLif Mill AC LEU! ! i'i ,7 AND FANCY FOS. ml U. e pre-, eu oi a long .r.a nappy me wn. e :,U O. eaoii. I i -:5 l-U. eea h.. I and . iu hi ;e .. :;n r-o. aci.. rs, l'r--ei t-s. Ear i r--ps. . . ; e Cat i : x -1 .! W. ur i-avs a cu of er feit sb A A A. IT,. WlliT! r a. j Vi". T UOMPstC.N, in returning his thanks to the ehizens of EUnsburg and vicinity ! fur their Ill-end t.atronag iu the past, ngs leave - i to inform them that he h.13 just opi-ne-1 the lar- -rr. All genuine have the name of A. J. j .est and m, st cotnph-te a-.-oitmcut of ! ) ... a .;',..., ' , ) i . . . i . . . - i . . ,' (Jo. on each I ox. Also tne :-:nvvrc RV-i'-'e S Co. All others are summits. I J. v'FiITE il- Co.. ,SVe 'rT ie'ivs. j ..( L- euard Stre-et, Nt-".- York, i iL! 7Vj Ja ehlLS' ev r brought to the county. As his stoc k 1-ir-m and. the styles tc-o ii'imerelis to ment TIIAT ALL THE P.ALD AND GRAY CAN Ij i-c restore:! perfectly t j original growth, and colors- far as lln-ir l-.e!;s me oiu-irnwl dew.-s jitt admit of doubt ; besi-les, it w id cure every possi ble dis as:' of tie? scilp. whether developed as dandruff itcl-ir.g e,r in the shape of cutanecus eruplmtiS even scald- l.-a! and in no possible case will it fail of curing as if by magic, nervou or periodical head-ache, and if used twice a wt-tk by tiie young reg'.larly, ii will j n-se rvc the coh r and kcei. the h . . -. ... v 11 .'!' CM' ..f . r lame, ami will s.ii tl em at a vi ry small . . t ...v ., :m -o pnts .ir:. M id b v ill i v:" av 11 ; V , v "' in bearing voluntary ti-t:mi.:v lo the im,-,- I r to , Lade s ;i'c re,;m-sted to call and examine i , ; T ,. V. 1 - a:v stile or quality d--si red, tnat can be had at j0 t-f.gts of our won h-rf d Hair ih-slerative. As I Is sto k 1-iio.v puiehasmg chew bote, as he is j -L -l. ory 'o-vn "id i" 1 ham- any Hat store in the Union, llavi.vi taken great pir l.aek as "l -oo. my hair comm. nerd falling . fi aeUindmdtoselil w for j :.; It .J" t yev V.-.h h-tCa - v'ji i tare hi selecting his FALL M OCIv Ir-in first nnt:i thet.m of my scalp Ice ,me bald and sm.K th r-r ST tt-l -T-rr IV.! c ''i f,Mr,s " ' " " manufacturers, and having a greater paii it aS Ali. R h.as ontlm-.t'd to taU for a L-rcat . rV V-rT-rvXT I'-Va. "V:;- - .rEliWtoailc SU VM;- -Icr, he is e,mb W o ;;:;uy ,,r, u,twh:a,lls,. 1 have Used many ii L A C x. ii U ii I t. i. v i UJLiji.,, - , ; -...His m his hue lower taan can be smd eisew ucie j vio, ...,t.. I o-'--,.-rat:a a s f-r ns'oraticu s.e-n... - ti!-.;., ot- V-Vrfirbne:! j m. t : -.pm i ;. . po ;..ge i ...u. m , ,.(,nr.tv. Th"se. visiting .h-hi-towu. in I ., m. A; ' , ' . , -,.,, ,, , , -. " ''Z ' l.-le ae. Read and tU'l-c : U f i M.ilf-i, Woiaiesicr c., Mrs?., N Ho!" 1 Mi!!' I) J WfMil") iS. r Sir - -y tmagma- -v. If'.?. I lake nitia- ae .a i -.i r a-; 'la e', 1' .'. b-0. t-' tae t ,,i -v alh 1 1 Ocg on -.e r ' o, !-.-. -!.. -t' i-' a ! s. o a :, i 1 p,. t -A c. o 1 the . g 1 C . 1 e r re,l if : i bv th-enee d ; . ; a l y i '.. 1 ' '.r .- r: i res . v '' 5 me V o v.- i . 1 r .c wi'. eas we ei ., . 1 -in dplion ud i - w ; ' : I . i or. ri-, el', I to Fiaia ad liiirtiiTeied. i Silk TI-. ties, ami R. ei a Fre-i.tl-, Em i-s Lawns, F Ih iu.i v. -o:vi 0 , m i.m cour.iv. . :"s-a v- ii.e- .v ... vottr a.lvcrti-ment W.ltit oi aCVintr.g IU i:.s nee v. .1, n--., 1 -,-;,-;, 1 -i t .- O -, lev ta -eto . ;l :n-.l ex iva',e ,;s .--t'-, K. tie mis 1 - 1 1 ... -f '. ri ,11 . 1 I r'-i-r. I.ac i.ceml. a 1 1 no., a.ei ! fmmd. af.er lehi'iic.-e-.-ciion oi .tri:i i.ae .;o:oi.,.,.m .ii i t.;-.r,. ;;r.,,!v set. and 1 was indue i-ii to civc venr utter aatoniLii'f-rt. n : heat; ;m . that m hair i.r- s-tm . .1 a v.:.y am! beau - Yo -' l:i ei IU. U t o'( :-r i'3. It 57. 1 1 1 , i .la ' 1 s ';"V, mdfal of WI m -Ib-s !- -V-j skin, beaver and otl .r far gFves and gaui.t'efs ; r.. . , ;., .e, .v, u bv.;, pla.n Kd'tmb-Vr:.,, Sai,: and Jo; .- i IrClIienuOUS ITCltCOIli; ! "ats nail cu; -a taade to orde ram rl: j 5lart U.tt!e, mv 1-1 head was covered over mtE-us. Inithns. togetlur with a large JE UNDELSlONLD WOULD RESI'ECT- I , c:u!l mjm' " :l Y A vt.i-c-.:? cr.avt a , f hair.whhm m.mtiiv ,'.f prints of ad kii.ds ami qaaiitho. j JL f ,;v l;,h,rm ti.e citiz n of Luensbur- and j shipping urs. J; v- , g " ' ." j m-wlom one to tw.. mcl- m length, ra.-J A Ills, to. k ti Rmae-sisone of tl,-latge.t ai.d ,7 sU! r.-.nu-ilag u-initv , that he lias just aVrivcl n . .... S'!'- uo.ms.oM., 1 a. .rowii.g tast. ourr. truly, m.at fi-m-.a-ila ever slapped to this j lace- : ,,,., 0;e Eastern eldea with a lirge and varied ! 23' , . -HENR 'OODRICIR i .0 i ti . 1 .: 170 r..ad :s to to-- 1 1 1 d, ; -rtnnmg, -'..ntaia N i. ! i .'v ' ert.d, n !, l-.er.auit g at t. t Eo. lb .S 'Ola t-- .', lie: s -., to i . V -v. :.gnp Wot 'el i aig 1 ) aeles. i other piece ,- Towt slap r , x ,P-. Fast 170 .;.,nh I,:, , --.Las- Li ps.thetiee by ot .No., .. -ito -.:) !.... V---t 177:... iu tha t owi..-.hi p roa igaea.e .. .i.i r.. . s ,-oa a o .7 .... I ITU: 1 1 V i.-iii-i L.. t ' I e 1 1 i ; e . .. i a i H. -i I ii'; , Itli'.t 1.5 'i i'i '-I-' e e . a . so . : u... i i. un try. tint I - hi. a., i e. i.li,ei i- d bn.-it.' 1 mhiia.r ha-m- :ly o . .. t'.'u ilis'i'? west i 1 i'l.'-ii' i to carry n his ' iiduabii: rpnrAnY77 Air?; S!u?Ji'M.iF5fi:. i t;, ,d.s of all .h scriitluus usmi.iy k( yt m MiUm- i ; 8Sl,,', ..K :;t ;f i le-.vls of all descriptions, vm : j . jjr JScxij-y Ytnglcv, s thh; mt!h-d oflrfuim i arv s.t nes can be had. Miss Ell-n McCami will! (hiPEEE, TEAS, Sh'GAES, M(d.Ao.'ShS and I .na',"--'-! rnan-- mbcrg and smaom.d j he-lcppv to wait e a all her lady friends ia thi.. 1 .;L'(;;;s (!f all kinds, together wilha D-g" lot of . " "T . - i 'v! ; i: i vt.i from Cen- liiou ; depa.;mcat, i FlSH.from mdnmn dwi, to Herring, which Wit O1 't 1'titt' . V 3 ' t.. Elvu-1 un:. in the; V-t- ,rt -rr XT TZ2 ! be disposed of by the barrel or eloz.-a. V of L.u ami Le, lord mreet. i i. ; . , k:.i ..v --.-u-' -i 1 ' .,i'. , ., . . --r-. cv-l-r-l- Job UStOWIl, .In ! V 1 , lbO. :VI' "ij , ' ", . V ' AND ClilLl.IlEN aS spc...s Cents and Roys' TOi'ACCO. sLclA.l;, AND S-iLFl, ! u.e. w.eoe :,e m,, s; ( r .0;tt j,.;, i.c., 'V. le Cloths. ; ...f aH '..lim Is atv! niiees. NOTIONS and CON- n, k r.wrai. v. 3. N n t...it vari-eU". ota.: ut.-i . . . c . . . i -o i .,.,,1 , r : t-.....-.i ,,,,r K ,a rractislng Tliysician, Zo'anstown, Fa. Drug Stoic, cor e. i Raatah.i'-n -., Cjats, ; to eeulb -furc pare1 re.i : ''i n -.-j c. - South 1 1 d. We.-e :t 2i ps-. the nee ps. to the place N... 13. A certain !..t oi ground m .ae i .e-r-.-'i aibresai-i, known on the plan of the E r - the n. . 17, having thcrs. .a erected a fiaui.e . f all d.-s.:ilpit. -n kc.t cnstantly on hand, at macs to .met the wai ts f the p- r as well c.;.ta;'.iag 10 acres. ,s ,;.e r;,., (.'.'untry Merchants can have or- deis !lH-d to at.y Pt.toent. Mending, f all kin-Is (! :;' at the shortist notice. 1y strictly a! ttc.nl it or !. business, he hot.es to receive a fair share .-.lading house and other ou.b.mgs, now la toe cut,,j..t (V'm.me-v of John E. Storm. j' WM. SINGER. .vj. 11. A Ciii'laiu other lot of erouml in the i l.;pCf,..b. Jlay fi 1SG7. I r ugh afe-rcs-iid, known on the daa of the hoi- ) .u.i. hy the No. 41. I . rC!XrnrXIXZ: , i-i. certain other lot of u round in the j -e',"h at -res dd. kuoiva on the plan there f by -Jill E ET( ;Cis HOLDERS OF TIIE A LLE : - N'T 51 j 1 OlIENY MOUNTAIN HEALTH 1NSTI- T L h'w S One-third of the purchase j Ti'TE are hereby notified that a meeting wi.l be tj be paid oti c airtrniation of sale; oim ; hold at the fit. Lawrence Hotd, in the city tf m"''- ir 1 in one year thereafter with int.-resi, Philadelphia, on the 2Cth .lay oi January. 1S58, S .! '.'..,.,... bv tho i-td-tmmt bon.ls an 1 mort- i for the nrp..so f organizing that eoiapany, -i'of me pareh.isers; and tho remaiaiiig third j electing officers, &c. - r.-n.ata a i:n '-n the premises legal interest b- M. ft. tO.i, . u, .aid sum to be paid to Anna Jacksci, ( lOs.L MOORE, -,L-.v of Thomas Jackson, dcc'.h, annually, by K- 1 l lA- . n-;rL'na..er.-:, fr m the date of the connrniation ! 'fU-.s, during her lifetime and the principal, : ':.-: ,( ee;.s ', to the heirs Jii'l legal re,resenta Ji -aid Thomas Jaeka n WM. Kll'TELL, Trustee. D::. 30, 2S57 7::tt r- A 'it (omuussioncrs. Virf.xd'i.f ijiiftfi fJwguM. dt'C'tl. , . :. h.- milK UNDERSIGNED, AUDITOR AP Ta. pointed ly the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, to marshall the proceeds in the hands of th? Sheriff, arising from the sale of the 12 el. cwheru as his stocK is hire e and vaiie !. 1-Ihensburr,-M'ay 13, 1857. j JOHN PARKE'S ! Franklin Street, nesrly opposite the new Metho dist Chat eh' Joh'.'.btown, 1'a. -JfONIJMF.NT:, TOMES, GRAi E ilvJL Stones, Mantels, Table and Ru- the-M '''. ''i iveaa t -ps, maiaifactt.rcdi of the most p-eb, ' beaiit'.f.ii ii.-id iineet quality of foreign i'''r domestic marble, always on Lai d f j H- and mai'.e to order as cl.cn p as they can Ml-i puiehasci! in the East, with the addition of carriage; Fioia long exp-ciionco in the basilicas and strict attention thereto, he can asoiue the public that all orders will be promptly attended to and the work finished in the bet and most handsome manner, furnished io order and delivered at any place desired. ALSO. Grindstones of various grits and sizes, suitable for farmers and mechanics. bold by wholesale or re-tad. TJ7'l-r the convonhncc of persons reaidhig in the east and north of the county, specimens may bo ceen and orders left with Of urge Huntley, at has Tinware Establishment in Ebensburg. Purchasers arainrited to examine slock nn prices. Mg. 10, '57. fjune 20, H.55. mirs are requct u.-u , 1 1 .AKi..ft m aoundane- abnnl V.'e have also ad Ld to our stock a well selec ted asaortna'-nt cf liVZlHOt HOOZ-S i ST.iTIOSTAUY, which will he ui-Ted of to suit the times. Also: Hardware, Paints. 0 i 1 a , LVeti-s, Dye Stuffs, eVc, Our stock cf Flour, Meals, Iron, Nails, Steel Rorax, &C, is huge and will be disposed of at the lowest cash prices. All kinds of Grain and Marketing in general, such as Ruttcr. Eggs. Poultry , cbc, will be taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market price paid. .- ,--- Uive us lllii.il ceioie pn. ..o.i.sie-Oj elsewhere. R. DAY1S. Ebensburg, Dec. 0, 1857.5 OON, ti rceasburir. i'.ier.sburg. R"" AYING associated themselves f..r the prac JLjL tiee- of the Law in Cambria county, wall at tend t.) ail business intrusted to them. Oliiee'on 'C-himme Row;" Ehensbuig, Oct. 7, IS57: Jacob Staiil. (J Tnos Robekts cr " fi TO TilU riKLSC KT.I1E PUBLIC ARE IIERERY NoTIiL.D .1 that the undersigned have this day bought ef John Stevens TWO BAY MARES and their sucking colts, aud leave the same with the said, John Stevens during our plemsure. GFJ llO E 1JT.1NGF.R. E. C. M'MULLIN. Oct. 2S. 1P57 51 AtlissSiiistsii tor's Xoticc'i Tl ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON THE i- i -owi'.vsi-.--.. :.. ..i e- -., ie:-. a. la. Ccr.t.-; Nothing but a duty and syn.p..t; v th.it 11-. m tu I'oiiimumcate to e :;;'.-:.- t lliclctl as I i.ivo teen, ivota i mtiine me to gb.i; this public aehiiewle icrmeet f the 1 em-lit I have leceived ' When i I uu'.t-.- i.-'r.iv, and m spets entire; v nil i r-.i. ii . s lia.r i. iriit.re - t comm; need Using it. m 4ajr Wa-j ay, an-! in s-pois entirely 1 a'...l. 1 i.av., now o--! the re.-torative al mit five :aouth, an i my hair is eniri iy th.-.pge.I to its original clor brown, and the new hair is over three itches in iengih i:n tiie sp ts . he.-? ii v.as bald. I ,aV. also been much gistkh d at the htahhy laoUlu're and vigor ol the baa, w hich before was drv c.uel It li.'.s cea.-t-d to ta me out as f-.rnit-i'y Respect: idly yours, cl Mis. R. A. STODDARD. Ftora Mrs. Ingal's, a well Lrcwu nurse in ijioicn. R- su-n, Oct. 13, ltoo. Gouts t At iour rrcru-st, e,-A U-ing so 1-igl.Iv pleased with the effects of the Restorative. 1 am free to state that my hair had bect-ine quite thin, and catlr. ly vKHc. I have f.r the past live years ! ce-n In the habit of using dye, but l.oar;n' e'ftho cxtraardiuary tdlcyts of tins article. I was iiidui-J t.j t iv il. My hair bias beoi rostorei! to its orii- !..n liot.M.iss, ami .-o-u t.) i;, i..rrrrr ce-lor, wtucu :IDERS!GNED,- ALE't I OR AITOIN- 1-rsona! j.p-perte- oi ; ,m n. ? ' '' ..TfTICE is hereby mven that, when anyper- li.e Indians' C-virt of Cambria cua- j raudrv writs o i . r a. neie.y m m s n. ,:ie L, . . , , - - ,.x ' ses. &c. be- , .i ii .1..; ... I. ;i it (..no i.i r ,. ,mri -s i saia aDru luiit-ui, i - -- maae i.isti. button oi li.e t-a.ancc 1.1 -c , ' ... , V .. . i I imn !. I'iiirT.. to t'.io couutv. no such expenses ' ,.f s. r,i. H.i.ro,, n.V. dir. r.f Ibn .wtateoi ! at Ins oi.ice. la tne O'rouuti Oi oens. .uif., .... x , - -- y - - - r, '.. , m, W . - ....... ; - - - I , , . r , ., o ...'..r Hi l","l ihlV of I Oh- W 1 1 1 He pam uni-'S -ei 0111 01 a-.-iiia i.-o oi.v l)e.,.m. dec-hh--appca.mg from her ad o e.o., i . .1. , ,..i ,v.ka.ai L m h. .iu i properly authcnticate-L and in no case will ,i-n of E.e account -tL-t.e- at Sep- , rtt.-ry A. A 1, , IJILb.NoON moJ tl:ln three dollars be allowed fi.r cofiln. b.,'m. Ie5; hereby nc t.flej all p-isomJ t j-ocusbuig, c..n. b, o.L. WM. PALMER, r- t- 1, thai he will atUdid to the duties of said I- ': .t'."!:t at hi- r.r.Ice, in Eh'Cii.-b'.trg. eg Fri ;.t'.i -;h day of February next, at 1 o'clock ' f'-'tiv-m, at whiehtimo ami place tia-y can :-'. i f t'.ev t t-roorr. JdIN" S. RHEY, Audit r. L.-i. ir-r,- st..ie lei-!! A fresh iot of Salmon. Macl i thtgaadCxIS-A, fo? sale by 7'oticc io Ike ZuLlIc. rrIIE TWO RAY MARTS AND TWO SETS of Gears. f Tmcriy ( '.vned by John Stevens, 1 now in Iiis po..-t .-s'ti a, belong to me and are loaned to the mid Stivers, therefore 1 caution the Public not to iv.iy t i.e said mares or cars from acker il, Her- i Rnv person or perftons. ! CliKIfti ui'iibit iixr.rs.WJJ-'i EDWARD GLASS, DAVID O'HAARA. Directors Pooi Cambria Co. 7:61 8 ITST received at thcotors of EDWARD RGR ttP El ITS. 1,000 U s Cod Thh, 10 half Brls Hairing, and 10 half Pk llaotwc Ql ROBERTS, TrTAVE just received, at jiL their old stand, opno- site the Mountain Hou.-e, an- " rV f-ther large and splendid as- 1 y .r f r-.-w.rt t nt i C L 0, C K 3 , WATCHES, JEWELRY, c, Which will be sold chonpor than can be bought elsewhere. Give us a call before purchasing a ..ther p.laces. CLOCKS, V Aie.iii.r, -imir.Li.1, fj-CS- Ac, repaired in the very best style and warranted. Dec. 23. 1857.-C-tltf estate of Joseph W illiams, late of Cambria Township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Cambria County, notice is hereby given io all having claims against said estate to present them duly antra ntR-ated for settlement, and to those hide! ted thereto to make immediate payment. JOHN WILLIAMS. Ebensburg, Dec. f :5:6t Adnvr. light brown. Y curs, respect 1 td !y . MRS. INC. A ELS. ice: 7TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT NO VISITORS Jti will be admitted to the Poor Hoiina Riiildiug on Sunday. ED. G LASS. WM. PALMER. DAVID O'HAERA. Poor House Directors. Dee. 0, 1957.-5 rmr "SAVE COSTS .The ma il I uti" ttir.igned all nt closing busin-ts 1 iu this p-late, is desirous that all persons knowing 1 il.nii-li-cs in.h'bt.'.l ta him rv ante (,r Twiel; nc- 7VT0TICE is lercby given to tne -members cf c,Amt to ca;i tta St.ule their accounts on cr be- JLl the Pr&tectioa Mutual F.r.-.Ius jraiice Lota- f,,re tpe 20lh of January next, after th.n time pan-r of Cambria County, that the annual e.eetion a,.counU wj-j pe kft wiih a rrope r ulcer for for directors will be held at the otace f tne said cop(.(.ti..i,. GEORGE iFCANN. comjiauvi ia Eleiishurg, cu the .second Monday , Ebensburg, Dcctiubcr 3, 1S57. C td. (ele-.-f nth dav( oi ' . at.uary. 1-, netwecu tne hours of 10. A. il. and P. M. of caid day. A. C. MULLIN, Soc't. -Ebcciturj, Dc. SO, 1857:7 Tho folk wi ag is from th Pastor of the Orhj do-: Cimi'eh, r-roohih-M. P.n-.kihl i, Mas?., .Tan. 12, If 55. P.-uf. Dear Sir Having made trial of your Hair Ref- ratiw, it gives ire ph-asuie to s-iy tl.i-.t its t-g.-i-ts i avc bn n excellent iu remo ving inlhin.mation, dandiiui". ,nd a e.--ast:int teu dep.cy to hchiug. w iih self;,. !. I have bic-ii troub led from my childhood, ami has also restorodt !. hair, which was becoming gray, to its original Color. I have used no other article will; thing like tl c tame- j leisure ar. le uis, truly, :!. any- J. K. RRACG. fi ffassi'rted pieces of Stona Ware, imtt rc tJJt v7civt)J at the Cheap &qh of Vi'n vi- is r F- n T. m Wo.-p's H.:ti i'.n. STCUAllVK F -pa-ii'.n u.-l-o! .Jaily bv l.u;;. dl'f.'s. We aavacr with. ;-t he;it.ltio; or"f.;al of c-un'r-idlwii'ii:. t"..ut it li thceuly ai tii le know u n ad ii im-mb-as f,,.-- ti .,. human hai r ".- ;.-.'.:.'.. i c s,:f t'.e- ; : ioJliV!',; KU.'i'-.-'e .':-. .' It is -Cut ti Iiai Dye. It; ui-n-Y-ivut;.! ti:hi:-atn Ib-storafe c O. J W(;CDA Cm. l'r. pneior. f.lv Rr. , New York. ami lit M..ik?t v.. Si. Ijs. :, Ye th her vj teri ,iT It. y7 Wii'eh V. io ii v'.il rc:i , 2 k. TUDOR SO, 1557:7tm u 1 .- 1 ' 00 00 00