Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, November 25, 1857, Image 3

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rj&xo .
- i . i - -
,. js'ov. 22. Tie sfeomsuip At- j
J thia evcmnjr. wit Liverpool
Sr""tX. the 11th inst, J
! 7'n t-r arrived out on 1 the .9th
r"TJ.,,,,,,r,oon the 11 instant.
brought ly the Aliuniic is very
i, ,,l, si latter ,im! vices from
1 ,iC
'r'''Ht tLe progress of tLe financial crisis.
1' f ,."!... ; the mency market contin---"'''anJ
t!.c Hank ofKaglanJ has
TA the Mt6 of discount ;i0per
v;n,r the present rate 10 per cent.
f 'r- "'"I a7ifici from Liverpool anounce
53t Wrie-hiy uyeuing.
- Co.- huvc fai
tre esiimaitu
at 2,000,000
t if v csiern
Dank of Scot
.ti'! if.
ihltcm-k of Livcrpo,l aud New
, !,sTl. B:sO
fallen. J Heir uimuies are
a - . ,.,.,1
Several other failures
'. - -. . - l -l:,:. . . 11,..'
Ct'i tf ill! ll'"lll."l01tlIl. I V"""
r a'viots liava beou received, cosifiriu
ir'...';ure of Delhi. The. garrison at
'c '"Ll been relieved by General Have-
U5t s " J , , -, , . !
General .Mel uas oecn Kiueu.,
1 n-Ki.-K "fl)slhi bui rendered M the lirjt- !
i,J LUifo ha been spared. His (
, :,i w re
from Liverpool aud Glasgow
... v1;-i; V
eti-ie voted, to luuoco rue uuv-
i! r ti. r..
., .!. j'l tiie;,.ture., vi re.iei. i
' ('..i:i,cici;ii Assoeiatiou has declined
. i.c", aT-e ; ''lt; I'lovemciit.
)a isi'' ''j imis Av;ro boyaut, and ad
. 't--J. l-'our tliosnnJ iovo c"g'i were
i ?; ;j tl'.e I'ai-k r.f Kuhmd for bcothiud.
, aU..j); i':, in of tlni W estern Bank had
...i ;un on all the other banks, including
s ll:lPaicess in moreaittile
but j rt.-ing deti!aiJ fur uccuats
T:!'.' alviedi iu advance f the over
i iiJ'.ii Iiivo I; en received iu L-mdou, a
".,i.!it !f.T?r t'jan previous inteli. nco.
;. '.i;v of Delhi vr. in complete pesscs-
J'ri is'i on the 21ft of fc?ep!emb r.
i !: M:uoUoii '.pis died of the wounds
tit H' l m lUL '
Tin: LATiwr. .
vis rui-.i jrsJ in Liverpool on Weuonsday
,; ,;e ihuk of Trance had stripped paymcut,
: L? .- on, it n believed, grew out of
ktrivauoe iu the rates of discount.
Al'ucfUa ar steamer had boen wrrcked
uLi.pian v'e. TLe captain, three licu
ta t eib'litcen men wire drowned.
t'ci'lif h (ioverniiK nt has arrargn
l.i::tuii Maii Mcutr.s!i;n CiMiipanv ftr the
...iui.hi'! weekly mail to and from Imiia, J
A .';ut '.win Hair.r urg, dated the 7th inst j
;.-;! a grnernl panic prevails in ti e i
re hpecie was scarce and i
Tu !l.'r.-
.lik of Ijiverpool had
k under the " Joint
s Act," but were un-
to r-;;i-ier a Ran
-i ilat 'ti": ('"nipaiei
y.ri n: tue j.r
: i-rtj of winding ap at-
i.'u;ij(!i-s in Ameriean Securities vrvs Yin :
Tiic fi.M.iwrns ipuotstiot:s wrro reporter
i.'mn 1 limis, R 57 73
share!! 1 4 a lo discount
i.ik Cet.tral hnros 70.
T?ie Atlantic !VlaVraph C
1 dc-
..i r , -. . i . ...... , t ... i i.i ' i
t tlie UUa:r part ot .1 inc next,
('. Tie middle ufthe Atlantic, as artaindy
i.i ii i) and ! lliott liad commenced
- :.striie'.iou iif ae'dii i ual cable, making
i i.. milt-n in all- K i?ton it Anus
1j ' ling new paving-out maehiues.
Louden 77;if ilevotes a leader to the
-iikihlu coolness of Ameiicaus under the
crisis, in which it strongly c nsun s j
U'liontroileu issue ot paj er maitiey.
Directors aif the Bank af Fiance had
tu !ree with the. Kmperor, ai'l uti'ue-
ffuily urged a duty at" 3 per cent on the I
".'t;.tuiM of specie. !
ikf Emperor reported Lin-self in favor rf i
'.'iv-riM in tbe rates of mscount to pa r j
t. On ratitns in the French manufactu
I lint ricts were completely stagnant.
Hi- S uai:ei-d pressure had Tracheal Sweden
I Na.rwav. 'I ho Hank of Frankfort ami
ok of Pi-u."ia, had raised the
.it t. 7 pir cent.
rate of
A N'i t yon Aholitiomsts. A petition vras
f( nt;d to Judge Hudson, of Greenbrier
'.'.'.v. on Tuesday, signed by old Wills, a
c iitgro, formerly belonging to James Kra- j
r. 'ieca'ased, requesting j crmission of the
:r' to s'.uTer him to becaime a slave again.
' "UiS that Wills has tried lifo auiong tho
iti .mists, and having become convinced
-N'g:o fracdoin is a grand humbug, he
m to choose another master in tho State
ii j;nia. Ho -sclccied Mr. Thomas rs
.,astrr AYaViHaou Ftxqit irt r.
Condition of Ranks,
-c examination in to the 'affairs of the
n'l Cey JLmk, N. Y... is closed. Its cir-
sif.unow out is 100,000. Assets 1500
-f ital wns 300,000. Loans 370,000
as 107,000. ;-
I.I.M .. . I, -
are oa-easiona when nven thf health-
' vi medicine, the changes of diet, ofi
-ather, anal hundreds' of olbcr cause?,
;u'- a laxity id the system that needs cor-
CT in nthr wftnlc tho llvn KofAmra
IK- 'loranged, end needs a stimulator. If
Oil lit.. I ll . .It- !
luaiuacivfn in iins simmion v ,
a-andford s Invigorator, they may be !
""'g lleadnche, Indigestion, Sour Stoni
n'i other iIU so common in a familv. It
13 a
"(aijcine.' enssrer and Relftr lhfn
liM0f r"',!l we ever swallowed, and it i;
L"1 tlut the smnllot Infjt.f .or. t.l- If
TWW by Druggiets. 4t.
j' IVfaRivisof Jthe Washington C'lote,1 re-!
marka in a recent article : ' v i vi i
t ! don't believe iu this feeding the poor
froai the public crib. I always noticed when
we used to feed the hogs from the crib down
in Virginia, two or. three big hogs got all the
corn and did wcIU and the rest got leap, but
they all staid in the lane "where the corn was
thrown, and never put their noses to the
ground to help themstlves the whole winter.
But those that were turned out and not fed
from the crib, went off to the woods, and in
the spring were all as fat as butter, and their
tails curled eo tight that they could hardly
get their hind legs on the ground," ,4
.v The greatest natural ornament to? the
" human form divine," is. unquestionably - a
fine, luxuriant, healthy growth of .hair., It
has been so esteemed in all ages of the world,
and among all nations, savage and civilized.
Hence, the Indian brave regards the ecalp of
his euciiiv'as his greatest trophy."- For a sim-
I ilar reason, the fashouable telle often dis
j guises the region of vanitr; as w II as her
other, phrenological organs with borrowed
locks.' ' -;.' ;-
lie who should di.seover a mode of prevent
ing the hair -from showing the inroads of tn-
yious 1 imo by turning - prematurely gray, a
method by which it could be restored when
fulling oft' or turning white, and a way of
promoting its continued and luxuriant growth,
weu M he justly entitled to rank among the
benefactors of the human race. Kead the
tcKtiuinniats in another column, of the wonder
fup Rot to say
p,.,,,. yy
almost miraculous effects of
ood's Hair Restorative," and
see if he has not accomplished all this. Cap
ital (,'ity Tact j
For sale here by all Drugzists 2 2w.
On Thnrslay evening last, by Rev. l'eter
Z.thm, Col. EDMUND I'AIOK to Miss EM
MA IV:G(V, all of Indiann b -roujih, 1
m; hurLiivisoiis axi school diuec-
xs of "thy -ilifArent Twnslfips"in 'Cambria
county, are Iiere-oy Dotu.fvl to return eertuietl
copies of their assessments for nm-l and selixl
Jin r m th' ir rcsp-eetive townships, on or be-
:".re the fir.-t laj- of .Linuary next.
Uvord:rof tlie Commissioners.
" . C. K. ZA11M, Clerk.
C' -
Ebciihburg, Nov. 25, lfr
rcr.Lic AKK
I that the unrlersiirneil lias tliis hiy loli;ht t
John Stevens, one liAY MAUE, five years old
next Spring, anil have left the same with the said
John Stevens during mv pleasure.
Ijoretto, November 17. 1657 3
i that 1 purchased ;it tlonstable's sale, the fol
lowing eisonal proj)prly of t.tho StSner, viz :
Oac M lit v. n ml tiro C'l Wagon t,
which 1 have left in the p oss-Ssion of said Sti
nor until 1 s.-e proper to remove thctn.
Nov. 2.", 1857:3:31
f J? lilE ml.scribers
wisli t" make knowu to the
e. , r.l -it. f .f
jieip.i ot r-benst urg
! and vicinity, that they hare
! jnt rei a iveal. at their '-tore
on Main t-treet, oj-j s:ic ties
"M untaiu 1 louse,"' t) e lar
gest a n al best elci cd
St'K-K. ot
IT a t c I;
e s
Jtwelry ,
Their Vttck cusists
ever brans!it to this town
in joirt as follows, viz : '.
Eie'ht dav and Thirty h'T.r. nrnr and weight
Ch'ck. Fancy, Pa i lor and liar-ra-om Clocks,
Gold Iluntimr case amIojen fuo Ix-ver Watali-
es, fjold Hunting-case levers. Gold
Hunting ca- La jiines, Siiver Hunting case Le
vers. Silver Hunting case detached L vcr-, Sil
ver II uiting ease lupines.' 0;t n face Levers,
Ra pines and Quartiers. Ciohl (iuard, Vest anal
Fob Chains', Gold Lot kefs, Gold Seals, Gold
Vn i's. Hard &. Wilson's ei lebrateil Gold Pens,
Gi.ll iinl ('.'iiiitit l'.ri'iisti.iiis. Gild Eur-i infs.
( ;llils jr,..u tj ins, Ga.ld Fingir Rings.
Gold Cull Pins, Gold Snirt.StnaU,
Gul l Sleeve r.uttanK. CJ o 1 d CharniK,
(M l, Silver ami- Steel Watch Keys,
Gold Cros. vs. Cold Hooks,
Si!cr and S;l er-iihttt al
T':l and Tablf SpooliS.
Butter Knives. Silver Thimbles, Silver Guaral
a:il Ft b Chains. Spectacles. IWt M'.nnaies,
;i.M-k Keys, Aceorda-ons, Yialins Flutts, -c,
iVc, A"c, &?.
The a'ove and many ofhar arlia-Ie5. pot men
tioned, will be Sold as eheap if not iheaj er than
can I e bought iu any other establishment this
side of Phi'.ialclphia.
DKONS, -c.
repaired with pr m'tiKss and at low rates. All
tloods sold, and arti.-les repaircl. warrauteil.
Corftalent that they cinnot 1 e unders. Id, thesub-
s 'lM ers wenld rci-pectfullv s hvit a contmuauce
Cr the patronage of the public
Aug. 2G, 1S.V7. 42-tf.
plicatiam will Le made to his Exeel'enev
Govarnor JVIIock for the paralon of JA5JES S.
CLOSSIN, ca.nvicted in the Ouarfer Sessions of
j Cambiia county, for Iirccny, and scnten-
j ca'il to un.lergoiui iiiij risonment in the Western
j Penitentiary for 2 years anal 3 months, anal at the
same ses.-iains con vn tec oj j.urglary ana sentcn-ca-al
to undergo, an imprisonment in' tt.e Peniten
tiary fr 3 years. - J, W, SLICK.
Sept 0,1857. 44 cjm.
TIIE partnership heretofore existing between
James Murray anal John Murray, in the
Qt'itman Tannery- was dissolved on the 15th of
October. 1857,' by mutual consent.
The business will hereafter be carrieal on by
Jame Murray, in all its branches.
YZxnitmieg, Ct. VI, lfW )
7 LCCTl'RE. '-
A seal by the "Ebensburg Literary Saaciety," a
lecture will be delivercal before that body, at the
ITi.nrf TTi.llcr "in t)i u it- .iiolt t.f l-'lu..wl
ti e evening of TUESDAY", the 8th of December
next, by Robert L. Johnston, Esq. Subject
"The Moiintaiu County.-" The public are invited
to attend. Admittance. 12V rents. '
Bv order of the SaxMoty
Dr. D. W. LEWIS, V
Enensbtirg, Nor. 18 td
E B OT T L a
OF f J
O 11 ,L I V E 11 REM v n V ;
bled with Liver 0rrmlAint ni
. . t "uiica nits Ili ti,
desperate of cases, when the skcosd bottle will scarce a s-.nglo failure, restore the patient to
health and vigor.' Wc wih to call the attention
of all to these facts, tliat the Invigorator is com
pouudod by a physician who has used 'it in -'his
practice for the p:est twenty year., -with a suc
cehs almost credulous, aud that it is entirely veg
etable, being composed wholly of gums.
Some idea 6f the strength of .these gums may
be formed when it is known one bottle of the In
vigorator contains as much strength as one hun
cred doses of Calomel without any of its deletiri
ous effects. rT. . ., .
r One Mtle is the surest thing known" to carrv
away the bad effects of mineral poison of any kind
Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the
system the effects of medicine after a long sick
ness. ' . :
One hot tie taken for Jaundice removes all yel
lowness or unnatural color from the skin. .
One d se after eating is snflieient to relieve i IV
stomach and prevent the food from rising ana
souring. .
Only one dose taken before retiring prevents
nightmare. -
One dose tak-n at night loosens the bowels
gently, and cures costive ness. ;."
One dose takeu after each' meal will cure Dys
pepsia. ' ' '-.'-. " i
One d-w of two tea-spoonsful will always re
lievo Sick Headache.
One bottle taken for female blistrnetiwi re
moves the cause of the disease, and makes a per
fect cure. ,
Only one dose immediately relieves Cholic,
One dose often repented is a sure cure for Choi
era Miirhus. and a sire preventative of Cholera.
One dose taken ofum will prevent the recti
renee ofLiii-ius. attacks, while it reli?ves all pain
ful feelings.
JO One or two doses taken occasionally is on
oi the best remedies for a cold ever known.
Thousands of cases of iniiammation and weak
ness of the lunga have lceu cured Lv the lnvi"o-
Oue dose taken a short time before eating gives
vigor to the appetite and makes lood digest well
One doe often repeated euros Chronic Diar
rhoea in its worst forms, while summer and bowel
complaints yield almost to the lirst dose.
One or two doses cures attacks caused lv
worms, while for worms iu children, there is no
surer, safer and speedier, remedy - in the work'
as it nevi r faiis. .
There is no exaggeration in theo statements,
they are plain and oher facts, we can give
evidence to prove, while a'l who use it are giving
their unanimous testimony in its favor.
We wish all who are sick anal debilitated to
try this remoaly, anil test it tlivoiighly, and any
who are Uail laMielitteal by its use we sh-ir.ld like
to hear from, as we have yet to hoar from the
first pafrson whai has used a bottle if the Invigo
rator without receiving benefit, for there are mch
astonishing medicinal virtues in it. that all, no
matter how long they have been :dTectcd, if tha-ir
complaint atises from a derangMl liver, will be
benefitted it nit rntirelv euml.
SaNFORD tc CO , Proprietors,
S45 Broaalway, Ne- York.
CO- For Sale here by all Druggists.
Ncv. 4, 1S57. Mm.
! e restored cifecl!y to original growth, and
ci Fr so far as tin ir locks are concerned does not
admit of doubt ; besides, it v. ill cure every possi
ble di.seaso i f the scalp, w hether devtl ipetl as
d.mdiuir itching or in tlie iape of cutaneous
eruptions even scald-head and in no possible
case will it, fail of curing as if by magic, nervous
or periodical head-ache, and if used twice a wetk
by the young reguhuly, it will preserve the ca.lor
and keep the hair from falling, to any imagina
ble age. Read ami judge :
5ii!lf.rd, Wtrcester c .. 5Iass., Nov. 1S55.
PROF. . J. WOOD Dear Sir : 1 take p!?a
ure in bearing voluntary tei-timony to the mag
ic effects af ur wonderful Hair Restorative. As
far back as 1830, my hair commenceai falling off
until the'top of mv scalp became bald and smooth
as glass, and it has continued tat f ill fur a great
many years, iiotwithstantling I have Uocd many
eilebrateil preparaiiains for restoration. Seeing
your aalvariisaniert, 1 was indiiccil to give j-our
article a trial, and to my utter astonishment,
found, after a few appliiatia-ns, that m hair be
came firmly 'set. and assumaMl a glossy and beau
liful ajpearance ; anal by the time I hail used a
quart bottle, my bald head was covered over
with a voting atul vigorous growth of Lair,which
is now from
growing fast.
ooe to two inches in length, and
Y'ours. trulv.
Charlestown. Mass., Aug. 'J, 1855.
Gents: Nothing but a duty and sympathy
that I feel ta communicate to others that are af
llicted 'as I have l-n, wouhl inaluce me b "give
tliis puiiiii: acknow lcalgement af the benefit I have
teceived fra.ns Pr f. Yax.'.'i Re.-toratire.
When I first ea.mmenccal. using it. my hair wis
ajuite gray, anal in spots entirely bahl. I have
now used the rostairative about five months, and
my hair is entirely changeal to its original color,
brown, and the new hair is over three inches in
length on the spots where it was bald. I have
als been much gratified at the healthymi&ture
and vigor of the hair, which before was dry, and
it has ceased to come out as fuinerly.
Respectfully vours, ore ,
From Mrs
"- -a
a well known nurse in
Boston, Oct. 19, 8'5. v
Gents : At your Tcapiost. anri iK'ing so highly
pleaseal with the eficcts of the Resterative, 1 am
free (o state that my hair had become quite thin,
anal entirely rchile. J have for the past five years
been in the habit of using dye, but hearing of the
extraordinary e.Tects of this article. 1 was induced
to try it. My hair has been restored to it origi
nal thickness, anal also to its former color, 'which
is light brown. Y'ours, 'respectfully. , !
" ' w MRS. INC. ALLS.
The following is from the Tastor of the Ortho
dox Church, Broaikfichl. . .,
Bra)okficld, Mass., Jan. 12. 1855.
Trof. Waxvl Dear S'r Having made trial of
your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to
say that its effects have been excellent in remo
ving inammafi in, dandruff, and a camstant ten
dency to itching, with which I have Ken troub
led from my childhood, and has also restored the
hair, which was becoming -'gray, to its original
cailor. I have used no other article with any
thing like the same pleasure and profit.
Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG.
. From the Jersey Ci'y Telegraph.
What is it Fon This Woon's Hair Rf.
STOitATlvK? Is a question askeal daily by hrn-
alreds. We answer without hesitation or fear of
contraalictiam, that it is the only article known
which will do all it promises for the human hair.
t7 trill renew ia growth it will atop its ftllinij
it trill restore it natural color ! . It is not a Hair
Dye, but a speealy and efficacious Restorative.
O. J. WOOD afc Co. Proprietors, 312 Broadway,
New Y'ork. and 114 Market st.. St. Louis, Mo.
' O K L Yrf):N
For gde here by all Druggistf'. nor. 1 1, e7
ditiori: Exponas.' issued out5 of the Court of
Common TleaRof Cambria county; ami to medi-
recieu, mere win be exposed to sale bv public
outcry at the Court Ilcuse in' the Wough of
r.oensourij, on - . . -
MONDA Y, tie 7th Jay of December, 1857,
At one o'clock, P; 51- :
All the right, title and. interest of William
Burns, one of the defendants, of . in and to a lot
of ground, situate in the Borough of Johnstown,
Cambria county, fronting on Market street, aud
extending back to the bank of Stony Creek river
adjoining lot of the Johnstown Lyceum and lot
of Haljhick." having thereon erertt-d a
two story plant house, now in the occupancy of
Mrs. Carpenter, John It. Jones and James T. Da
vis.; ' ,
Taken in' execution and to be sold at the suit
of Conrad Suppes for the use of Rosina Geis.
ALSO All the right, title and interest of Isa-
dore Beaujohu,of. in and to two lots of ground,
uirnitn i V lift!' . -f r . V l . .1-1 . .1. 1 .. I
.u u. uu..?iuun.uSii .vno u
fS:rVbur?;ro,'.tin?. ,Bt'Jfd a"
joining lots of llrs, Me-Manicle on the northwest.
tnd lot of Mrs.Beaujohn on the southwest, hav- I
mP. hereon erected a two story plank house,now
in tht. occupanr- of said Isadore Beaujolm. -
Taken iu xecution and to l old at the suit
of George "NV. Osbourne, surviving partner of the
firm of Dibert & Osbourne. '
ALSO All the right, title and interest of Jo
seph Itel, tif, in and to a piece or parcel of land
situate in Washington township, adjoining lands
of John 5l'Gou.i jr., heirs of William Hudson,
dee'd., heirs of Henry 5I'Kcnzie, dee'd., and oth
ers, containing 100 acres, more or less, about 40
acres of which are cleared,having thereon erected
a hewed log house and a log baru, now in the oc
cupancy of said Joseph Itel. ? ; .
Taken in execution aud to be sold at the suit
o G. L. Lh.yd & Co.
ALSC All the right, title and interest of John
S ay, of. in and to a piece or parcel of land, sit
u te iu Summerhill township, adjoining lands of
' cob Slick, Ephraim Crum and others, contair.jj
100 acres, more or less, about 40 acres ol
ch are cleaied, having thereon erected a log
t'sc and a log barn, now in the occupancy of
h"n Smay. .. . . ;
Taken in execution and to be eoIJ at the suit
of G. L. Lloyd S,- Co. " ,
ALSO .(ll the right, title and interest of Te
ter Eehenrode. sr., of, in ami to a piece or parcel
t f land situate in Allegheny township, adjoining
lands of Philip Hartzog, Christian Rigle, Chailea
Fleck and others, containing" 0 acres, more or
less, 'about 50 acres of which are cleared, having (
thereon erected a heweal loir htuso and u cabin
b.irn, now in the occupancy of Oth o Biter.
Jaken m execution and to be sold at the suit
of Patrick Shields. ,
LfSO All the right, title and interest of John
Miller, aif. in and to a piece or pane' of land sit
uate in Carroll township, aioresutd county, ad
joining lands of JactJj Stultz, B. Noel and oth
ers, containing 14 acres, more or less, about six
acres of which are cleared, having thereon erec
ted a log house, now in the occupancy of John
G. Miller. "
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of R. L. Johnsta'n.
ALSO All the right, title aud interest of Ben
n Jones, of, in and to a piece or parcel of j
, situate in Cirroll township, aforesaid c uu- j
aaij .iniug lanals of George eaklaii'l, llliam j
Gittens, Michael Kennealy and leter Sawyer,
containing 80 acres, more or less, about t5 of
which are cleared, having thereon erected a two
story frame house, and a log barn, now in the oc
cupancy of David O. Jones.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
oi Daniel iioweu. r
ALSO All tnc fight, title and interest of John
Litz, of, in nd to a lot of grounti, situate in that
put of Johnstown h-rough known as Kernvlile,
aforesaiil county, fronting on M- rris street, and
extending back loan alley ; boundeil on the north
by Dibert street, anal on the south by an alley,
having thereon erected a two story plank house,
now iu the occupancy of Jo.n Litz.
Taken iu execution and to be sold at the suit
f Orho Stciner.
ALSO All the right, title and interest of
Francis Clement, of, in anil to a piece or parcel of
land, situate in Blacklick township, in said coun
ty, adjoining lanals of Leonani Ott' John Hasson'
and others, containing 43 acres and 24 perches
and allowance, about 25 acres of which are clea
red, having thereon erected a hewed .aig house
and a round log barn, now in the "occupancy of
Mrs. Mary Cicmeut.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Barnard M'Meel for use of John M'Meel.
AI-SU All the right, title ami interest of
George Huether, of. in and to a piece or parcel of
lan-., situate in humnieriiiti townsnip, m sain
county, mli lining lands of Mrs. Croyle, Johu
Murray and oth'-rs, containing nine acres, more j
air le-as, laving tbereem erected a one aud a half;
story fram? dwelling house, a frame building oc
cupied as a brcwerv. and a frame stable, now iu
. it
the occupancy ot saio lie rge nuemer.
Taken in execution ana to be sa l l ai tnc suns
of M. B. Brown et al.
ALSO All the right, tit;C and interest ot
James D. Hamilton, of, in and to a piece or par
cel of land, situate in Summarhill township, in
said countv , adjaiining lands af William A. Skel
ly, Margaret, David M. Davis, and oth
ers, containing 12 acres, more or less, unimpro
ved. Taken in exeoutmn anal to oc soui at me
suit of E. Simpsam A G.
ALSO All the right, title ami interest: oi ja
seph Sharp, of. in iin-l to a piea e or pared of
land, situate in Washington township, in said
county, adjoining lands of Henry Sharp, 1 lnhp
Warner, and others, containing nicy acres, more
or less, about 20 acres of which are cleareal, anil
having thereon erected a two story irame nousc
and log barn, now in tho occupancy of the sa:d
Joseph Sharp. Taken in execution and to be
saild at the suit of A. M. & K. White., for the use
of James J. Dull.
AI'O All tl.e right, title ami interest ol
James Kaylor, of, in and to one acre of grounad
adjoining Daniel Litzinger ou the south, Win.
Ivory on the east, and the Philipsburg road on
- . . ... . . 1 1 A . 7 ..
the north and west.situate in uicarueiu ioumo,.
in said county, on which is erectiil a two story
plank tavern" house, plank stable, in the oc
cupancy of Augustin Weakland. ALSO a one
story plank house in the occupancy of George A.
Miller. ALSO A blacksmith shop. Taken in
execution anal to be sold at the suit of James V
Will, assignee aif Anthony Will, jr., now for Use
of J-Moore San, ct al.
ALSO All the right, title and intcre-t of John
E.igaa,f. in and to a certain pieccor parcel of
land, situa'o in Ooucmaugh tawnsh.ip, in said
county. confa:ning"200 acres, nw0 or less, aal
joinhig lanals of lCShoenherger, Samuel Turner
and others, having thereon erected a dweilin
house,"barn aud saw-mill, now In the occupancy
of John Eagan. Taken in execution anal to be
sold at the suit of George Murray.
ALSO All the right, title and interest of Con
rad Rager. of, in ami to a certain piece ar parcel
of land, situate in Jackson township, in said
county, adja .iuing lands of Michael Brawley, and
others", containing about 50 acres, more or less,
about 120 acres of which is cleared, having there-
,on erecteil a log house and kitchen aud log barn.
now in the occupancy of O'nrad Eager. lain
in execution and to be sold at the suit of George
a T SO, all the riarht. title and interest of Sara-
v. -a.-. 9 - - - - - .
Tiel.laml tativnabin. in Raid COUn
ty. adjoining lands of Henry Kring, Joshua Rev-
nolds, Samuel Knng and others, obtaining 90
' . . ,-i?
acres,' more or less, about 1 acre oi wmcu is
cleared, having thereon erected a one and a half
etorr dwellirg houreycotf now occupied. Takn
in execution aud to ba W.1J at the suit of Solorccii
II else'. " - - -
,;; ALSO AI1 the right, title and interest of Den
nis Connahah,6f. in and to a piece or parcel of
land, situate in Clearfield township, in said coun
ty, adjoining lauds of Francis Ihjover, Thomas
Aams and others,' containing 15 acies, more or
less, about 8 acres of which is cleared, in the oc
cupancy of Henry Ilarber. Taken iu execution
and to be sold at the suit of Rev. Joseph. Galla
her, for use of Rev. Thomas M'Colloiigh, now for
use of Rev. E. F. Garland. -
AI-SO All the right, title and inten ft of John
Kean. of, iu and to the fullo ing Real Estate, to
wit :
No 1 A pieci or pr.rcel of land, situate in
Summerhill township. Cambria couuty, adjoining
lands of James O'Neill, ; Lynch , and otliers,
containing 111 acr?s, more or less, about I'O acres
of which are cleared, having thereon erected' a
....a..:i.i;., ;.. i r rru t of tlit? Curt of Common
a log house in theomipancv of Patrick Gahin; ! -r-?dJ1,i2e. 'If'0 "
and a tenant house unoccuuied. - st tLe ouse
No. '2.TA tract of land situate in Summerhill
I township, in said county, warranted in the name
oi amuei iuougci,mLiuumg piece purcnasco iron. .
Murray M'Cunnell, containing 441 acn-s, more
. i -r-t i ? t i i
or less, bavins thereon cro ted a Saw Hill' and
frame ho-.ise, unoecup:c I.
No. 3. A piece or parcel ot land situate in Sum
merhill township, in said county, adjoining lauds
of Austin Thompson, Fatrick Reiily and others,
containing GO acre, more or less, having there
ou erected a Saw Mill and a frame house, now in
the occupancy of Mary Settlemoyer.
No. 4. A tract of land, situate in Summerhill
township, in -ail county, warrant! d in the name
of John Nicholson. cmtaii;ing 439 arres'and li'O
perches anl allowance, unimprove-'.
No. 5. The undivided me 'half of a piece or
parcel of land, situate in Washington township,
in said county, being the same lands held jointly
with John Kin ports, containing 100 acres, more
or less, unimproved.
Taken in execution and to be soldjat the suit
o'Xewhouse.SpatZaS: C.
ALSO All the right, title and interest of
William Hcudersou 51xre, of. in aud to a piece
or parcel of land situate iu Allegheny township.
Cambria cr.unty,ad;oining lands of John J. Glass
Daniel Ga'lagher and others, containing 24 acres
more or less, unimproved. . -"
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of the Common wealth of lVniylvaui.i for the
use of John J. Patterson and Lucrctia E. Patter
son, late Luc ret ia E. 5Iojrc.
ALSO All the right, title, aud interest? of
George W. Hamilton ,oi. iu and to a lot of pronnal
situate in the borough of Johnstown, in said
! count v. on Vine street, adioiuinir lot of EvanR- b
erts, Esq., on the west, and an alley on the east,
having thereon erected a two story plane ha use
and a carpenter's shap, now in theoccupancy of
Georze W. Hamilton. Taken in execution anal
! to be sold at the suit of the CommouwealtU of
Penn ylvania et al.
ALSO All the right, title and interest of Ami
Zt?rby, of, In and to two lots of griHind situate in
the town of Jefft:rstn, in said county, fra-ntiug on
street, adjoining lots af Ferdinand Ncwkirk
and Ephraim Crum, one of said lotshaving there
on erected a two story framJ holism and a frame
stable, now in the occupancy of saial Ann Zrby.
Taken in execution and to be sohl at'the suits of
Wehn Wa'ters et al.
1;0 All the right, title and interest of Rol-
crt-T rotter, of, ir. anal to a ht of giound situate
near the foot of plae Nai. 2. A. P. R. R., Wash-
mgton town hip, in said county, aaJf)iuing lot oi
Robprt 1- inn on the East, anal IlarKensT"Utt on
the west, having thereon erected a twoJ btory
frame house, now in the occupancy of Xavier
Seff'T. Taken in exesutiou and to be sold at the
suit of Charles Butcher.
ALSO All that certain tract or piece of land
situate in Black lick townsnip, Camona county,
State of Pennsylvania, Wmd-l and described as
fallows : Beginning at a past, thence Aortli too
perches, more or less, ta a jKKst, tnence r.ast
nerrhes. more or less, to stami-s. thence north 4 ti
perches, more or less, to a ist, thence East 133
perches, more or less, to a post, thence South 152
perches, more or less, to a West 100
perches, mere or h-ss, to the beginning contain
ing 1 So .acres, 100 pa-rcha-s and the usual allow
aiicc for Rondsi $-c..jabcait 25 acres of which are
cleared, bavirg tha-rcon erwteal a one story log
hause and a log stable. T be sold in pursuance
of a writ of Levari Facias at the suit of James C.
Fisher anal Samuel F. Fisher. r-xecutars of James
C. Fisher. ahcM.. Jamea C. Fisher, Trustee, Ic,.
asainst Jacaib Ciimpoell.
ALSO All that certain tract or piece of 'land
situate in Carroll township, in the county and
Suite aforesaid, lwaundcd and described as follows:
Bernnnincr at a hickorv. thence North 89 Fast
ir4 7-loWrches to a fallen beach. thence-South
1 West 141 ptrchasto a Walnut, thence by
lands of Gcorjrc Leslie North 57 West 85 per
ches, more or less, t a pa st, thence by same lands
North 7J West 83 perches to a post,
North 81 f.-lO lurches to the place of be,
containing 100 acros and 7 perches,?
t ncnec
and th
usual allowance lor roads. aVc. aUut acria ol
w hich are cleareal. haviusr tlicreon erwU'al
To be sohl in pursuance a f a w rit of Levari
Faeiac. atTthc suit ot Ann I i.-tier, ilary.r, r isii-
er, James C. Fisher and Coleman Fisher, execu i
tors of James G. Fisher, and against Thomas
Ferral. i ' .
ALSO All that certain tr t or piece of lan.l
situate in Allegheny township, in the county and
State aforcsail. boiuale I ami describcal al follows:
Beginning ar a marked Iran wooal iu the line a.f
and of John Hagan, thence South 73 perclies to
a pod, thence East 00 perches more oriels, ta a
post, theicc Sitith 55 perches, more or less, to a
I cech, thence West 4:J perches, niare or less, to a
post, thence North 45 perches, more or iess, to a
paist, thence West 2-i perches, more or less, to a
post, thence South 151 J perches, nwre or less, to a
paist. thence Hast 03 perches, more or less, to the
beginning containing 103 acres anal 72 perches,
3trict measure, about acres of which are
cleared, and having thereon erected iu
the occupancy of -- To lie sold in pursuance
j of a writ of Levari Facias, at the suit of: : William
Logan Fisher against I eter bmeltzer.
ALSO All that certain two-story bull "ing
and tenement, situate in Cambria city, in Cone-
mauidi township, on the northern side of
stri-ct, along which runs the Rolling Mill branch
railroad, in said Cambria city. containing in framt
on said strx-t 34 feet, anal back 21 feet to back
budding, which said back building is 20 feet
sapuare, m l the lot or piece ot. f,roiuvi. or cnrri
laire appurtenant to .saial building, the said lot be
in situated between Nos. 13 anl 14 on Front
street, and lot No, 2 on
street, and having
an a'ley between it aixl N's. 13 and 14, and al
so at the back rnd. ; 10 ne sohl ui pursuance e
a writ of levari Facias, at the suit of George AY
Mi-giry and Henry Barnes, doing I-usincss as Me
irarv Barnes, acalnst Emani.el Sbaffer and
r. j - -
Raheeea Llewellvn.
fi:- N- B. The Sheriff has made the fallowing
fl i-nnditioiis of tho sales, viz: One fourth of
the imrehase money on ca'b sale to be paid at
tbe time the property is struck down, when
the sale amounts to J."0i) and upwards: under
$500 and more than $100. the one third ; unda-r
ilOO and more than i-30, the halt: les titan Soo
the w hade amount,' otherwise the property will
immediately be put up to sal-J again, aud no deed
will be presenteil f ji acknowledgement unless the
balance of the purchase money be paid before the
following adjourned Court.
- JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff.
, Sheriff's Office, Ebjiubnrg, Nov. 18. 1857 -ts
of Q 11 K R IFF'S
SAL E . By virtue of
- f K SUmlrV
writs of Venditioni Exponas isued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Camb:
j county, to ;rno d.recteal there w l. be ex po.
l i. ...1. 1... ....1,1. f-A-t. fit tli rial KA OI JO
Pleas of Cambria
to sale by public outcry, at the house, o? doiin
ir, oa SATURDAY, the SSS o"Aor&jr..l85.,
O. IILVCII. Ill UIC W ' . v.
at 1 oVIdekv 1VM all the lighC title and inter
est of 'Robert Lytle of, in and to a piece p
cel f laual situate in . SummeihiH towihip,j in
tlie comity aforesaid, adjoihiug lands .f Josx pU
Wright on the South, heirs i.f John Crum,"f.w
ceasd. ou the Ycst. heirs of Hactwcvxl Ilen.-.!i
deceased, on the North, and lands A V. M'G-y,'
alcceasanl, and John Kean on the East, containing
three hundreil acres4 more a.r less, aK.ut one hun
dred and fifty acra-s f which are cleared, haviu,:
thereon erected a two tory log house and frai
bank barn now in the occupancy of IIoLry Al
lenbaugh. -
Taken in execution and to lw sold at the suit
of Itolort A. 5I'Coy and George C. lv. Zahiu.
assignees of John 51'C-ov. .
JOliN ROBERTS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Onioe, Eltenslurg, Nov. 4, 1857.
Q II E R I V V S S A Ii E S . T.y virtue of
i D sundrv writs af rnd. Exnonas. issued ml
l'kas of Cambria couu
ill c expestl to'
in the boronh of
E'oensburg, on
FRIDAY, the 27 th day f Xovcmler, 1S57;
om,0c,,K.k p. M av the right, title and in
rT. f Jam.s w' f. in an.llo two tract of
land, situate in White township, m said comity,
one of sahl tracts warranted iu the name of R b
ert Brothortau, and tlie in tho bauiw e-f
(Jeorge Brolhertou, ci.taining in all seven hun
dred ami sixty-three acres, or thereaVoutti, ad
joining on the east a survey in the name f Ml
dam llutchinsa.n. on the south land imrvcyed, in
the name of John Brotherion, n the wet
known as th ; Harris and Brown mrvey. on the
ntrth by land of William Gallagher and others,
haviag theroii itih ttnl a log cabin hoiu. a lo;
cabin barn, a small plank htnise. ncctiactl. ane
large plank stable, oue steam haw -mill, with all
the uecessar fixtures, anal ow large plank, ten
ant house fi r the boarding of lumds. now :u tiie
possession of G. L. Lloytl, A. L. Ilolliuay and
otha rs.
Taken in execution and to he sold at the "roto
RoWrt Cannon, for use of Howard J. Roberta,
et. r.L ......
ALSO-7 All the. right, title and interej-t f
James Ross, vf, in aud fo tract of. land, situate iu
Clearfield township, Cambria county, yarrai.te l
in the nam of Thomas Harris, atljoining. !mi3
warrauteil in the naimsaif Jajhu II.irris.-.Wi!liHiu
Jones. Harman.Dil worth and others, containing .
42S acres, more or Irs, unimproved. Taken iu
tx t-ution and to be sold at the suit tf MTjum
iuxi. Jack & Co.
ALSO Al! the right, title and interest tf,
James Ross. of. in anal to a tract of land, hituato.
in Clearfield township, Cambria county, wr.cran
led in the name of Peter Jones, adjoining lauds
warranted in the name aj James Burns, Aa.-oo
Jones, anl others, containing U50 acrc-s, or thera
abouts, on which there are the following iuirova
metits, to wit: about 40 acres cleared, and
thereon erected dwclrng house anal a a.ont..
log barn, in the occupancy of Tim. thy Caulyj
alt'iit 15 acres cleared and thereon erected a cabin
house, in thc.-oociipniiay i f Miehael Caula-y.;
40 acres eleare.1 and thereon erected a plank
house, a loir kitchen, a ihaible barn and small
ttable, in the w-cupna-y of Elisha Fultz ; and
abamt 12 acres cleared anal tnereon erecrc i a tiew-
ed l'-g house ami Lg stable, in the occupancy cf
riiomasZW illianwui. laker, in cxecutiain ami to
be sold at the -uit of Timothy Cau'ey. et. al.
ALSO All the rit;ht, tiuc and luterfft of
James Ro-s, ef, in anal to a ct rta'n tract ef land,
nituate on the waters of C.cartield creek, m Clear
field townshij, stiai anility, warranted ia th
name of James B uns containing C'Jl acrfs, and
113 perches, more or less, about 30 acres of vtdwen
are clearcil, having thereon ereeteit one doubla
and one single saw-mill, four .dwelling huuse-.
and three stable, in the oceupaucy ef John nnd
Th' inas Ibs anal Charles Mills. Taken in exe
cution and to be sohl at the suit of John Ivory
lor use of William Kit tell.
ALSO All the riyht. title and Interest tf
James Ross, of, in anal to a tract ! land situate
iu Clearfield township. aiid county, warranted,
in the naino of Jamei M'Guirr, adj-oiuiug tract
in name -f James Burns. William Burna Linals. containing 3S3 acres anal CO perches,
inaire or less, about 20 of which are cleared, and
having thereon erected a h-sg house and log stable
anal a barn, in the occupancy cf .
ALSO A tract situate in Clearfield township,
Cambria county, warranted, hv the name ef Wil
liam Bums, adjoining Jones Burns i;n 1 others,
containing S33 acres anal 44 -perc-Les, nia.rci or
les-!. unimproved. Taken in execution and t3 be
sold at the suit of R. L- Johrstain. et. al. - .
AlSO All tho right, title and interest of
James Rots of, iu and to three tracts of land situ
ate on the waters of Clearfield Creek, in Ch'arSeld
tow nship, Cambria county, warrenicd in the n.-tmo
of James Burns, William Burns and James M'
Gtiite. Thaj tract warranted in the name of
James Burns containing 3fl acres anal 113 jx-rch-en.m
ore or less alxmt 20 acres of w hich are clear
d.aud having thereon erecteil a ikurb; saw milLi
teonenglfc-aw mill, four dwelling houses, i ow
enantea', and three stables. The tract warr nt ii
in the name of Wi'dam Burns conta'idng 833
a:nl 44 ;erchcs, unimproveal- The tract warren-
ted in the name of James M'Guire camtaining $82,
acres anal CO perches, n i re or less, al . ait 20 acres
of which are cleared, haing thereon erected a big
Imuse, a log stable or barn, now in the occupancy,
of Adam Otteurider. Taken in execution and t V '
ba,' sol 1 at tb.e suit of Jules and Taylor, tor use of
Thomas and Philip Collins, ti al. '.. ' 1
ALSO All the . right. : title ad interest of
James Ross of, in and to a trace i f Jand situate ie.
Clearfield township, Ctijnl-ri ctmnt v. air-t'.l
iu tlie name of John Karris, contai ping 400 icrrs,
or thereabouts, a.lj.'ining lauds of Joseph Harris
in l othi rs, about even acres of w! ich are clcar-
e having thereoa erected a cabin bouse rtr.J !g
stable. Taken in execution and tJ Lesvhl at thy
suit of James Weakland.
ALSO All the rigt, title anal interest f
James Ris, af, in and to a tra- t of land rit
in Clearfieht t vnship, Cambria com ty, r.:l;ii.ii.
lauds warranted in the names of .Tamrs u:ns.'
John Roa"p, anal others, rcntain'rg lf,0 rcr, or
thcreabamts. v.nimprovod. TrVen in -exe. .;t:cn
r.nal to be Sold .t the of Jani-.s Weakland.
et. a'.
ALSO All the riht. title and ii.tereft rf
James Raws, a f, in and to a tract ef lan ituate
in Clearfiebl taiwnslup. Cambria count v., wan a n
teal in the name of Aaroi: J ma-s. aihoiniiig la::ds ta Joseph Jones. Peter Junes. io:
a-thers, containing 400 aens. more or- uss. :.TiUt
30 acres of wit ich are cieareal."with a plan ha-.o,.-.
ami frame barn theroV-u erected, now in the occu
pancy of Jacob-' i after and Ithaniar Mre. Ta
ken in executi ami to bo sold at the ef
Time thy Caul .
2'j: It M S. Cash., wlunevtr the roprr'v U
struck ahwn. JOHN ROBERTS, SVr.C
Sheriff's Ofuce, EUuisburg. Nov. IS, 1857. "
ValitaliJc Proper I j' lor fralap.
following valuable property at private sate,
situated in Jackson township. Cambria county,
within a quarter of a mile of the Stone Pike, lea
ahti2 from Elacnab'Uii, adjoining luniks of Alex.
M'Vieker, James Mills a yd Martiii Muiidy.a val
uable FARM. I" known "as the Iimbaugh fartr .)
containing alvaaut one huitdreal and tigfciv acre,
about one hundreil acne ckarwd and in a Ligi
state f cultivation,' having thereon erected, a
new frame barn, d vebing hcrse and other ne
cessary improvements. ... . '
ALSO 4U0 acres of good pine 'land, sitna'e 1
in Su quehanna township. Ctmbria county, wi t
.-e sold in parcels to suit purchasers ,
Terms made easy to suit puroliaseia. .
nov. 18:2:3w J.MFS MUFiRAY.
Summon!, Subpiena's, Fxecution-
Fctit:ocE,Ik,EaJ.f, Ac. Ft Ve