the massmos op oovBaraaanr, uke the dews of heaven, shotod be disteibbted auee upon the man and the low, the bich andthe pook. ;fiy SERIES, EBENSBURG, NOVEMBER 25, 1857. - - - i - , VOL. 5. no. a. J filv Advertisements. urilBfS CCLBIIItATEB UOl'ID ,V or. e a t a DiiEsr HE (j j; t i " i ...j ;.. r inL'rntcd. for house. il riiii'" ' " Jt ' suriKtxsini in utility to- (.yi.r '"', 9,uu mucilnye. rv nlt or cement tver knoicn. far Application. T,r."VeOX r A run, CLOTH. A'"1"1 , ,M-I.T MV fill LF.ATlIEi:, 1 OUCKI.AIX ( II1NA.1MAU U.K. Oil IU.A. i . t j'i Ativ o'lior ki.own articlo. but a-.! n (civ, lenvins n- stain wlwre the N'iivj.n h ails. !!!' t !-r-.-.' vt-;Mupw:r.lsof 2-10.000 .tly .cki-ratwl LIQUID GLUE u; i li e rt';t i-divj-iiicncc wliieli t.i. ji i ,.TV '.tv', IllW IH.'MTl'IJi V Mt- llIVU l.i. ! tlx; liiAiiuf.H Uirf r has f.xuifl r,!t U rito't; :u knewloilptl by i if. its uteri i a tm far abovu L" vi ituif ntioti tcr olicicl to Or. 1 .jjrui-.1' j are nothing new, but have Uvn used by the doc CE ('. tjl' hsivrftf counfi'rfi-ikd ob j tors for many j'ears, both iu Fiance and America, Ofrlicih l Liquid I 7.r oL'ter. TWRSri'MM CKXTSA BOTTLE. .; -,-xA -'ii'l S. .1.1 Wholo.-'.lc '.nd Retail. bv ' YM. ('. M.ltKA. SfoHoner. r; S -07 i-e-tMiit Mrw-t., 1 iu:a teipiua ;. " b -rai inlu- :i.ent tVertt.1 to pe rsons !c- m 1! e.i'. t!ie liove articb'. S u. 23 1S57 4J -lv. sr it : CHEAP W I t: &. II.1RIV. v'K IH.S AND JEWELRY 1'HitLF.S ALE and lietail, at L ... ., , . F tii- 'I .ii.n:e:jiii.. waien huh Vff, ' X watch and N... 148 ('.Id No. li.l Street, Corner of -ij rrv.ri. 'phi a. Lever Watclien, i-arvt eases. full Jewelled, $28,00 14.00 24,00 ll00 . 7,00 7,00 1,50 3.00 H caret. . 11 11 1 ,pr Lever, tu.i jeweueu, TIT Lepilie, j-Wel, jri'ir (juariirrs, ; A Spectacles, .5? jiirer ?o., 1 . , 1 . .'1 iuM l'enri's, f T-i S ;"'. int. i I'm, w i'.li Pencil and 1 .00 1 5.00 i Silrer hol- 1.00 . V : r Itiog 37 ets t- S0 ; Watch , ;.- I-' ft.. Patent Ir-f ets., I.uuet 1. ! .i. ti mi j'r.X'rtini!. All go wis wn jIb vi:it Viev ;rvs. Id for. !C7" " hand i i-i Si,er l vi-is and Lei.ii es still .-at. the a' . v ori es. ST A I'Fl Ell SO. 1M.-.T 5 7 lv. II ALLEY ilKSH'iUT INHi;.Mn il: F T II A I A T I" It I T Y 0 I . i'hhi, d A Gi utis, the :yth Ti'Ji'suiiJ. i F w voi:ns -iiin- nt, w itl ox Tin: ra- oiit medicine.' -f ,r.' in - .;ieriuati.i r e.i -r TT laical Weakness, nil ! Li;iisM"i:s, lit-i.ital a"d Nervtuis De .. i .cfi.itiirc De av of the System, liiq.o ...a i i Iiiip.l'unents t Marriage generally, i;. UK la.aki, m. it. t ir..p-.rtaiit fact that the many alarming liinu. originating in tin- imprudence and i" i.fyoiirh. may be easily lestl'Ved WITU ''!!HI'1XE, i. in this small trait, clearly " '.-; ; and the enfinly new and highly ii mc-tiT, ;is ad'-pted by the Author, u-iailiivl. by ni'Hii i f which every one is ..lV cure lilMSELF pel feet ly and at the ; 'il'olo cost, thereby avoiding all the ad .l i. ..strums of ihed.iy. . o ;.uv addr. s. jrratis and p'-t free iu a nve!"M'.by remitting twi postage s1 :amps York. 11: LANEY. I LisiM.-nard t. ew :;', 1S57 ly HO W 4 U S ASSOC I 1TIOX. P 11 1 L A D K L P il I A . v roar a. xt axaoiwcemeat! : ) all prsns afflicted with Sexual Diseases, su'.lk as Sner:nat.:rrluea. Seminid Weakness, ipotence, ti. lorrlnua. Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice Onvufm or Self-Abuse, &e.. Vc, - tiOWARD ASSOCIATION, iu view of; ...'A Jstructun .f human life, caused by j . .! di-::i'.c, and the deceptions practised up- :!..; (!inate victims of such diseases by j have directed their Omsulting Surge n, 1 11AMI TABLE A(7T worthy of their name. ! .MEDICAL ADVICE (JRATIS, to all J :...-u thus aiilicted, who apply by letter, with 'r'pt.on .l i'i' ir condition, (a-e. occupation .- ..f life, etc.) and in ca. s of extreme pov- rii si.iierii.e. to FCRN1SII MEDICINES XX. F CHARGE. T:.e II .w i-d Aisiu-iation is a benevolent Insts- est.iblilietl by special end. iwme'.it, for the f tha sick and distressed, afiiicled with :a'.mt an I Epidemic Diseases." It has now rpliiH of tneaus. which tnc Jnre'ctors nave vo- t espeud in advertising tho abov notice It ! to a l t tiiat tne .ssociaium eommanus uiihest Medical skill of the age, and willfur- 1 t.i.- nijst apjirovcJ ni'Xiein treatment. 'ot P.:b!isl:el. by the Association, a Report Sj.trnrttorrheeA. or Seminal Weakness, the j: O.vuiisin. Masturbation or belt Aliuse, ami D last's of the Sexual Organs, by the Con- ung Surwon, whioJi will le sent by mail, (in M envelope.) FREE OF CHARGE, ou the e'pt of TWO STAMl'S tor postage. VldresB Dr. GEO. K. CABHOUH, Consultuig n. Howard Aswciation, No. South NINTH I'hihidelphia. Pa. Bv order of the Direc . EZRA U. ilEARTWELL. -0 FAIRCHILD. Sec'v. Pres't. I't. 30, 1857. 47 ly. RICHARD M. JONES, . . ' . WITH : ' . 8VJIRE, ZIMMEREIAN .fc ALLEN WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DllY GOODS, 0 M3 MARKET STREET, PFXIL 'IM IT lira fcV FOVRTH, ' PJIJI.AI'KI J M.Z MVI I'MAV I HiE N. A l.i rV I 1H7. vf City Advert iscmcats. Gifts J Gifts ! ! GiftsTl! A Irie to Every Purchaser, At the Quaker City Publishing House of DUAXE UULISON, -MIILADELTIIIA. BY buying a b"Kk for 81, or more, you are at once presented with a prize, worth from 25 cents to $100, consisting of .Fine Gobi Jewelry, Watches, A'C. All orders by mail be promp tly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most pop ular books of the diij-, and will be Fold at the usual retail price?, many of them for less. Fer rous wishing any particular Uxk can rdcr at ojice, mi.Ut will befwarded.w'jtha ifi "'calaTg"ue"gvTng fuU'inlormatiort, witTi a list of books and gifts, will be sent post paid, by ad- 3J a m drcs-iitig 1UAXE RULTSON. No C3 South Third St., Philadelphia. C3-Agents Wanted, 1857. 3m. S-p 9 :iinonrO'K Golden I 1 1 1 s fur I'rmalrK. f NFALLI I1LE IN HEMOVIXG STOPPAGES JL or ii regularities of tht menses. These Pills with unpa railed si ccus in every case, and he is ured bv many thousand ladies who have used them, to make the Pi'ls public, for the allevialiou of tlifse mi tiering from any irregularities whatev er, as well as to prevent an increase of family by tho.e whose health will not permit it. Femaks jieciiliarly situatedr tluse eonsideringthenise'ves si, are cautioneil agailit Using thee pills while in that condition, as the proprietor assumes no responsibility after the above admoi.iti.n, altho' tlieir mildness would j.rcveut any mischief to health ; otherwi.-e the-e pills are recommended. Fnl! and : xplieii directions aceompanv each box. Price 41- SOL LD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BY ORERT DAVIS. General A gent for Ebens- burg and vicinity, lie wiil supply dealers at Proprietor's 'iriecs budscml the Pills to Indies (confidentially) by return mail, on rcceij.t .f $1, sent him through, the EUnsburjr Post Office. Each 1m is has my Mgnalnre for particu lars get circular 1 f A Set it. J . D L" l'( )N CO. Netv York. I'roaihvay lost Ofiice. Ebensburg. Aug. 5, 1857. Cm. P. FORD'S BOOT, S IT O E. AMI Ri nisi:u wari:eioi:sc Ao. 133, farmrrl)- XoilU Third Slre (Opposite Cherry Street.) Philadelphia. C P. AUOLKES I'hihidelphia, Juiw 24. U57- Cm. BEN. P. THOLIPEOW, wniT P. I. PATTON Zl CO. WL lcsa!e Jtcahm in and Mnnufactora f c n j no ri nn lj 1 ill tJm JL Slatterx' 31atcrls.l, Stiatv Goods, Artificial Flowers' Ruifalo r.obes, &c Nu. 118 ?I AltKXT STHKET, Mote Fourth, &th Side, PHILADELPHIA. CASH PAID FOR WOOL ASD SIIiri'lXG FCIiS. PRICK L PATTON. A. OPPEN1IE1MEU. Dec. 17, 185C. 8. 512 1 SL.A X) LLI'Sl I A Wood Moulding Mill, AVI I low Street above Twrlfili, A'orll Side. Mouldings suitable f..r Qirpeiiters. Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always .on band. ANY PATTERN WORKED FROM A DRAW ING. Agents wanted in the various Towns in his por tion t ti e State," to whom opioi tuniiics wilt bo itiuTed foi lame profits to themselves. SILAS E. WEIR. A pril 8, 1857- raii-ii kkvmku. liOHT. J- AN' bKKSOX. RE YMER AHDESSQS. WHOLE-SALE DEALERS IN OR FEIGM FRUITS. NUTS. SPICES. t'ONFRGTIONART. X U M "A U:,.S . : FIRE W ORKSi cC. C3- Oranges and Lcnu-n received weekly. ' So. Co Wood street. j Cr7"0ppo: ite the St. Charles Hotel. Pittsburgn. Pa. March 4, 1857. tf. JOSHUA COWrLASD, MANCFACTL-RF.R AND IEALEU LOOKING GLA8 No. 3 7. Sontli Fourth Siren, BETWEEN MARKET AMD MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. Gilt Ticture and Portrait Frames made to or eler. -.'Mouldings for sale. ;,; ' ., Oct. 21, 1857,-50-7. ' , .' ... ;tili wa. II. LAWSOX. EUWIX XEKKES. GKOItGE ROCHESTER, WITH 1 its. IMPORTERS OF . ixr.s, UllAXDIES, . OTHER LIQUORS, Ko. IOT llarktt Street, b, Stilh, PIIILABELPIII A. October 21, 1857. ly. Dr. Menrj Yea&lej,: Practising Physician, Johnstown, Pa. OFFICE next door to his Drus Stor, of Main And Bedford tresto.. Jomwi, fury JM. IK US Js published every'' Welnesday- Morning . at ne uouar ana. Fifty Centu per annum, payable In advance VXE DOLLAR.' AXD .SErEXTl'-FIVE CTS. If not paid within six months, and TV70 DOLLARS If not paid until tl; termination of the year. No subscription will be taten for a shorter period than six mouths, and no t-uhseribcr will be at libertyto diwcontinue his paper rurtil. ''all. Ar.: rfarages r "paid; except at theJ option ot the editor. Any person subscribing for hx months will be charged one UfcLLAB, unless the money is paid iu advance. Adtertlslng Rates. One inserCit. Tic o do. Three do. 1 square, 2 squares, 3 squares, 12 lines! $ 50 $ 73 Jl 00 1 CO 1 00 2 00 1 50 2 CO 3 00 3 months, o do. 12 do. . 41 CO- 53 00 45 00 2 r,0 4 SO y 00 4 On 7 00 12 00 G 00 0 00 14 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 15 00 22 00 35 00 '24 lines" 3G lines $ lines or less. 1 square, 12 lines J 2 squares, 24 lines) 3 squares, 30 lines Half a colitmn, One column. 63 All advertisements must be marked ..with ?he number of insertions' d.ired, or they will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. Misc'ous Advertisenients. N OTICfi IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fallowing Hccinits have U.-en passed and fi led iu the Register's OfCco of Ctmbria county and will be presented for confirmation at the next Orphans' Court of said county, to bcheid at Ebensburg, on the first Monday of December next, to wit : The final account of Samuel D. Lilly and Michael Iit-avy, Executors of Moes Brown, dee'd. The supplen.ental account of George Litziuger, Executor of Leonard Litziuger, dee'd. The final account of Wesley J. Rote, adm'r of Allen Rose, dee'd. The partial account of John W. Ilaync, one of the Executors ol Joseph dee'd. The partiid account of Win. Eittell, adm'r of Wm. M. Smyth, dee'd. The partial account of Win. Ryan, Jr., adm'r of Joseph A. Todd deceased. WM. C. BARROUR, Register. , Reg'rs office. Nov. 11, lbo7 to. (il 3 -AND FASCY FIRS, I . 1 II LMt7t !. m returning his thanks J to the citizens of EWnsburg and vicinity for their lil-eral patronag in the p;ist, boirs leave to inform them that he haa j 1st opened the lar gest and most complete assortment of J1ATS AND CAI'S ever brought to the county. As his stock is so large and the styles too numerous to mention. he will only say that you can get a II AT eir CAP of an- style or quality desired, that can be had at any Hat store in the Union. Hav ing taken great care iu selecting his FALL STOCK from first manufacturers, and having a greater part of it made expressly to his order, he is euabled to sell oods in bin line lower than can be sold elsewhere in the county. Thow visiting Johnstown, in want ef anything in his line will find it to their advantage to call and examine his stock, lie has also achfiice selection of Gr nts' fine Buckskin, seal skin, beaver and otter fur gloves and gauntlets. Hals and caps made to order and repaired. Thehivhrst cash prices paid for all kinds of d-ippia-'Furs. J. W. THOMPSON. Clinton t., Johnstown, P. Oct. 21, 1837 50 tf. Bargain IS Bargains ! ! Copper, asiel Sheet-Iron Ware, TVS' ERCH ANTS and others in want of TIN, are rspectlul!y invited t'jcall and examine m- stock, jrot up expressly for the fall trade. It is the iaigestand l.-est assortment to be found West of the mountains, made iu a superior manner and of the very best materials. Having adopted all the improvements of the times in tho trade, in machinery and materials, I am repaved to complete successfully with city manufacturers, in prices and terms. . . Orders fiom one dollar to five hundred .4.'i!ars worth, promptly filled, the wares carefully packed and guaranteed not to leak. One trial from merchants who Lave not dealt with mo heretofore id requested. At least send for a Price List. ' . Thankful for past favors, I respectfully policit lheir contiuuancc. Address - - , ...... , l W, HAY. Johnstown, Cambria county, Pa. Oct. 21, 1857: t-Otf . CAXCtR trRED." T HE SUBSCRI3ER WOULD , RErSrECT- fullv inform all persrna who are afilicted with the "above disease', that he caa cure it with out failure. Numerous cases have been cured, ami any number of certificates can be procured if necessarv. . Cill on the subscriber, 2 miles from tha village of Strongstown. , , PATRICK MULYEI1IL. Nov. 4, IS5C:52:ly. ... ;Tonn lroperty. for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL DISPOSE OF Lis valuable property, situated on the Sus miehanna & Ebcnsburs Piauk Road, and adjoin ing the residence of . Rev.- David Jenkins, The prooertv being beautifully situate-1, would make a' good summer residence. The building is two storv. and well planned, together with all the ne cessary out-buildings attached. There are 4 acres of m-ound attached to the premises, on which will I, tnnnd a choico lot of fruit trees. Terms made easy. - JAMES R. DAVIS. ; Ebensburg. Aug. 26,' 185742- TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN APPLICA I linn will be made to the next Court of Com mon Pleas to be held for Cambria county, for the inmrnnrsitinn of the "Welch Calvanistic Metho dist Church" of Johnstown. ": JOS. M'DONALD, Pro, Not. 4,157 52 The$Wonder of the Age ! J' 4 LINDSEY'S GREAT MEDICAL DLS- COATRY ! Which is a purely voyetaJAe I'rq:ara!unt, for the purifying of the blood, giv ing vigor to the Liver, stomach and bowels, and expelling from the fysteia all morbid matter, and substituting in its stead a healthful activity thro' all tha functions of life. t HOW IT. WAS DISCOVERED. In the fall of 1854, a daughter of Mr. Lindsey was suffemg from a malignant attack of Can cruni Oris (Canker of the inouth.) She had pre viously been prostrated by the attacks of Dys eutary, InCamation of the Lungs arid Hectic Fe ver, successively, which resulted in the above na med d: u!-S!iu-its 'orst forrn..ljer; condition was "most deplorable her mouth and cheek were literally rotten- the atteuding physician pro nouueed the case 0 hopeless tue. Everything in aicrd:cd a tpeedy and horrible death a death of rotting out of life ! , At this critical juncture, Mr Lindsey prepared a compound for the purpose of alleviating, possible, the pains of the little suffer er. She was made to use it freely, and in a short time, to his most delightful astouishmeut, there was a very perceptible chauge for the better. The mouth begaii to put on a bright and nealchy appearance the find breath became sweet the api elite was restored, and the child scetr.ed to parfike of a new j.nd fre.-h life. Hope was inspired, urnl the use of the com pound was faithfully continued, the result of which, with the blessing of God. was her 00m- jilete restoration. She is now perfectly healthy ! irom this circuwistancc, ilr. Liudsey was led Iom prepare with greater care and exactness, what had so astonishly cured his child, and continued his experimental efforts until he succeeded in bringing . to perfection his Great Remedy Jur LIrtxl Imjtxirihj since which time its effects have bt-":!i almost minr.culous. Hundreds upon hund reds, by it, have been snatched from an untime ly grave and restored to the sw eets of health and the endearments of friends. The young and old have tested its saving poweis and sing aloud its virtues. Say they "after using Lindsey 'a Im proved Blood Searcher, we fait as if a new life was stirring our veins, and unUer Gd we owe to it more than works can ex pre, s. But hear from their own lips ani then Judge of its valuable effects. The few testimonials that follow show that it is deservedly stjded the Great-e-it Discover) nf this or any other aye. J. M. LINDSEY. llollidaysburg, Blair county, Pa. CERTIFICA T E ?. Pattonviile, Bedford co., Pa., Oct, 14, '57. Mr. J. M. Liupsey. 'Dear Sir : 1 was severely afflicted with rheu matism for a whole year nine months of which I was not able to leave my bed--when hearing of the wonderful effects of your Improved Bhod Searcher, 1 determined to prociue some of it and give it a fair trial.fter using three lottles 1 was ale to walk around agrsm ns UoU.d, and am now wholly cured. 1 can" recommend it to all who are similarly afrkcttd, and indieve it is all it claims to be. Yours, truly, JOHN SHAFFER. A DESPERATE CASE OF TETTER AND BARBER'S ITCH, cured by the use of L'ndsey's Blood Searcher. I, the undersigned, some time in last March, was severely afilicted with what w.u pronounced by my physicians to be a certain kind ol letter audi Uarber s ltcu. My Condition was one of the greatest misery ; my face was almost constantly running with the foul corruption that escaped from the tubercles, by which it was almost completely covered. After being under the care of my physicians for nerr two me.pths, without the least benefit, I was in duced to makiJ a trial of Liuelsey's Blood Search er, aud the result was that in using one bottle and a half 1 found a perfect cutc. 1 may also say that I eagerly tried whatever was recommended as a cure. Such was my. wretchedness that I even resort t-d to the dangerous experiment of pouring pure creosctc on my face and neck, but all to no purpose the ilood fcearcher was the first and thi g that did me any good. As a blood purifier it is unequalled, and 1 have great reason to be irratciul mat 1 ever made a trial ol its healinu virtues, and I confidently recommend t to any who may suffer Tetter, or raiyoth- r disease arising lrom an impure state ol tue blood. JOHN DELEIIUNT. llollidnysburg, Ta., July 20, 1S57. A N INTERSETING CASE OF SCROFULA cured by ono bottlo of LindscyV Blood bean tier. 11ns cert.nes tiiat about one year ago our little son ageel I'.ur years, was most solely af flicted with what the phvsicians prououncetl to be scrofula, and was treated accordingly for nearly vear. but without the slightest U-uefit. His eyes were running a thin watery humor almost constantly, which would encrust his eyes bejond the power of opening them until they were wash ed and cleaned by soap and water. About the same time an abscess formed just below the groin which in elue time broke and commenced a ehs- charse, which was found impossible to dry up or heal the bed wcmld be very much stained and the clothing of the child perfectly sickening in single night's time. After having the attentions ' tf a physician for so long a tuce, and finding the child to be getting worse, we eJetermmeel to tr- the effects of Mr. Liudsey '& Blood Searcher. This was in last March and before two weeks had passed away the change was manifest, and I am happy to say that in the use of a SINGLE BOT TLE our little.boy has been restored perfectly to health. We cannot speak too highly of this in valuable medicine. It should be in tvery family none should be without it. - As a purifier of lood it is beyond all price ! DANIEL liULLl-NULli. IlolliJ.iysburg, Ts., July 29, 1857. : . ' Hollidaysburg, Ta., Dr. J. M. Lixdset. 1 :s March 19, 1857; " Dear Sir : I have been using your Improved Blooil Searcher since 6ome time last summer, and I deem it to be a matter ot duty to bear my tes timony to its invigorating blood restorative virtues I have been, for a number of years, ' severely troubled with erysipelas and general debility ; but Eince I put myself under tho influence of your Improved Blood Searcher, I find a very decided imorovement. Indeed, my acquaintances fre quency remark, that I look so "fat and hearty,' and I know of no other cause than the use of you Improved Bloexl Searcher. Judging from my own experience, I believe this is one of the mobt val uablc medicines that woman can use, especially those who are or have entered upon the elecline eif life (from 40 to 50 years of age,) I feel that it would have been above ingratitude 'n my part to have withheld this testimony, andm thus con seutinjr to appear as a witness before the public I have been actuated folely with reference to the voice of conscience and duty, lou re at liter ty to make whatever use you may deem proper of this statement. . Yours, respectfully, ' MARGARET W, O'DONNELL. I VF.U COMPLAINT CURED BY LIN D- SEY'S IilPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER. Blair county, as. Personally appeared before me, one of the Justices uf the Peace, iu and fur Blair county, George Kopp, who, being dnly sworn according to law, doth depose and s;iy . Ewo years ago I was alllicted with pain between the shoulders, almost constant cough, loss of ap petite, chills, nightsweats, and very subject to take colds ; I, at length, became so weak that 1 could hardly walk; my physician done me no sockL Sometime last fall I commenced taking Lindsey's Improved Blood Searc-htr, and by the t use of two bottles was perfectly cureI. 1 let", j to rew.mnicnd it to all who sutler from Liver dis eases, general debility, loss of appetite, and oth er diseases arising from impurity of the blood,- I would not like to do without it. I consider it an excellent familv medicine. (Signed.) " GEORGE KOPP. Sworu aud subscribed this ICth ?ay cf March, A. D. 1857, 5eforc me. , XoU Mr. Kopp is a rcMcct of Fraukstowu. ar.d is well known to the citizens of Blair and IV-df.ird counties as a man of excellent character and iiidueuce. A DESPERATE CASK OF AGUE AND Dysipsia entirely cured by the use of Lindsey's '-Improved Blood-bearcber.' - Li air county, a ; Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of , the J ustices of the Peace, in and for said county, John Moran, who lieiug duly sworn -according to law, doth depose and say that, iu the spring of 1350, I was a vie-" tim t j that worst of diseases dyspepsia, and that in iss worst form. My appetite was completely gone, and when, in order to preserve-life, I would force myself to swallow a mouthful of food, the stomach would immediately loath it, and cast it forth with the spittle. 1 bad also been sufieriug from the A ruo ; each attack lasting about nine months out of the twelve, so that, with the ague and dyspepsia, I was reduced as 1 though beyond recovery ; I thought I must die ; my physiciau could do me uo g'xul. Such w as my condition, when Mr. Lindsey fciipplied me with a bottle of his Improved Blood Searcher, assuring me it would work a cure. I commenced its use with but little confidence, but in one week's time so great was its restorative powers 1 found my ap petite to return, ray stomach received a new tone so that I could eat anything without the slight est inconvenience, at'.d before its healing touch the ague fled as from a chnrm ; nor have I been troubll with ague or dyspepsia since. I eijoy a better state of health than 1 had done for fifteen years before ; I am strong and hearty, and I feed confident that, under the bk-ssing of God, I owe all to the invaluable Improved Blood Searcher. I believe it not to be only a sure remedy lor ague but an infallible preventative, and, as siich, I would recommend it to all whose business, hab- its er residences, ex)ose tiiem to this urcauiui pest of humanity. Dyspepsia cannot stay where the Improved Blood Searcher is properly used. -I feel it my duty to "point all who suffer, to this all- healing medicine. (Signed.) JOHN MORAN. . Sworn and subscribed this lMh day of March, A. D., 1S57. JOHN CON, J. P. FOR SALE BY Robert Davis. Thomas D.'v'ne. Ebensburg ; J. Moore. Carrollton : Wm. R. Hughes, Jefferson; G. S. Christy. J. K. ilitc, Johnstown. Nov. 48, 1857:2iGin. . PRO THE COLLECTORS of State, County and I: Townshin t;ixi-s. You are required by. the act of Assembly to make vour returns of unseat ed lands to the County Commissioners on or be fore the first elay of January 1:1 eacn year, lou will attend to the above as no returns will be re ceived after that date. Bv order of the Nov. 18, 1S57. COMMISSIONERS. TSTar 5. Taj" blt1 nan bb A TEACHER TO TAKE CHARGE OF A male school, in thel-orough of Loretto. Ap ply to the Board of School Directors of said bor ough. P. BRANFIF. Sec'y. Sept. C. 185?. - - - SAW-MILL FOR SALE. I WILL SELL on , favorable terms that Saw mill property called "Perote." situate on Trout Run, iu Summcrhill Towi. ' i;. Persons desiro"r rf purchasing are referred to S. S. Blair, Esq.. IIolI Javsburg, Fa or to the owner. . . . ., WM. OONR0W, . Le Claire tp., S-"ott county, Iowa. ' Oct. 21, '5y 8t cssK i. rosrra. p. s- xoox, . Greensburp. . . Ebensburg. FOSTER & x o oar, II AVING associated themselves for the prac tice of the Law in Cambria county, will at tend to all business intrusted to tl-tm. Office on "O-lonade Row;" Ebensburg, Oct. 7, 1S57. TO THE PLBLIC" fftUE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED JL that the undersigned Lave this day bought of Stevens TWO BAY MAKES and their sucking ceilts, aud leave the tame with tho aid John Steven during our pleasure. GEORGE LITZINGEK, : E. C. M'MULLIN. Oct. 23, 1S57 51 LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON the estate of James Duncan, late of Black- lick township, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing m saui township. All per sons indebted to said estate are rc questtxl to make payment, and those hamg claims against it will present them properly auinrriiicaTPu ior settle menu - . SARAH DUNCAN, Adm'x, Oct. 27,1857 51 et GAME TO TnE RESIDENCE OF THE SUB scriber, residing in Cambria township, about the 25th of October, a RED COW. wuh maU CTOoked horns, and both ears clipped, and a lrnle in the left ear. ' She brought with her a CALF about two months old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they w ill bo dis posed of as the law directs. f nov 1 l:St:l J . DAVID E. JONES. J. C. NOOS, Attorney t I.w, Ebemburg, OFFICE IN COLONADE ROW. . Nov. 11, VouV)? America Target Plstofc MANUFACTURING X E W- HAVE N, CO.. CT. rinnis pistol is intended as the 1 forerunner of the ordinary pistol and is designed for young men and loys who w-i.-h t enjoy the exciteiug sport of firing at a target, at t ho most trilling expense, and without any dan ger of accident. The cheapest ordinary pistol is three or foji'r. limes t he price of tLu boides iting dangerous iu the Lands of boys. This Pl.t-il ii loavied with the common Fire CraekT. vhkb forms a copipltte cartiidtje, aud will cart y l'l ten or fifteen paces with the tame rt-:isiv.r. the tirdiuarv pistol, but not with Mifiitient firc to d. any serious. damage. As America is n iT.-otirg nation, the Young Americans tnifct and i ill learn the art by which our iiTd piiak-n-c was ruifT. Hence this Target Pistol is exactly sn time, aj must meet with universal sale among oi r vouth ! of the South and West. Its operation is perfectly simple, and is nit liable to pet eut of order. A fidl description will accompany eve"-y cr-e f Pis tols. The Tistols are put up at the Factory in cases ef 50 each, ready to se-ml by express to any part of the I'nited Stati-s or Canada RETAIL PRICE. 25 CENTS ; BY TUE CASE. $7,60, OR 15 CENTS EACH. FRENCH. HALL k CO- New York Depotl 392 Broome St., N. Y. . 03- AGEMTS WANTED TO SELL THESE PISTOLS. Aug. 2C. 75 42 -10m. JOHN PARKE'S JoInistou Marble WOrkK, Franklin Street, nesrly opiosiie the new Metho dist Church, Johnstown, Pa. s f ONUMt:NTS' TOMBS, GRAVIS liiJLjjL Stones, Mantels, Tabic and Bu- I reau tops', manufactured of the mott "beautiful and finest oualitv of foreign 1 1- 1 1- i. " 1 .1 aim uemesuc . mai o.e. aiv.ajsen i::n ;t aud made to order as cheap as they can 5bo purchased iu the East, with th addition of carriage; From h-i.g c-xperienn- hi the business and strict attention tin reto, he can assure the pMolio that all orders will be promptly attended to and the work 'finished in th let and most handsome manner, furnished to e-rdcr and delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and sizH. suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold by wholesale or retail. RyFoT the convenience eif persons reading in tlnj east and north of the county, specimens may bo s een and orders left with George Huntley, at his Tinware Establishment in Ebensburir. Purchasers are invited to prices. f Aug. 19, '57 examine tock and . nr.e 20, 185&. XOTil'U TO COLLECTORS! WILL receive i 1 payment of taxes, Bur.k Notes of the Banks of Pennsylvania which. 1 were in good standing at the time of the recent suspension of specie twivmtnt by the Banks of 1 nuaoeipnia. ivc, wna u.e exception c.l ti.e "Bank of Pennsylvania." C-olleelors will be careful not to receive any Notvs of the B;.nk of New Castle," "Erie City Bank." or "Warren County Bank." Bv order of the Commission ers. C. D.MURRAY. Treasurer. Treasurer's Ofiice. Ebensburg Oct. 8, 1857. J LIST OT CACHES, S' ET DOWN FOR TRIAL AT A COURT OF Common Pleas, to be held at Ebcnsl iir" for Cambria county, commencing on M 01 .day, De cember 7, 1S7. i inr wffk. Little Phiiipps Johnstoii Rowlaud Lcmke ; Youngkiu Allen Leland Irwin Cooper Allen Watts . vs Hamilton et al vs Penna. Rail Read Co vs Ueorgo Ts-Jhomas vs aBingharn vs Tlojlo vs Murphy vs Hamilton vs Bess vs Bickford vs Murphy vs Mauher vs Crec vs Coeiper vs Hoover . vs Litzinfer vs Stewart vs Gillan vs Davis vs Nagle vs Oxjier vs Wherry vs Dimoivl. vs Hartzcll. Bathurst Bickford Clearfield Tp. Litzinger Com m on w eal t u Roberts Dimond Deiugherty Bickford Hutchinson's admr. Halm Ilollca SKCoXD WfEK. .Trotter's adrars, Campbell CaniplK-11 Grifiith Asham CiissiJay vs Duuh-rp vs Boyic, v Penna. Rail Road Cc. vs Barr vs Jones' admr. vs Troxe'd vs. JCagle, vs llofi'man, vs Baker, vs Cri5m. vi Frohheiscr tt al. vs Galbrtath tt a., vs Same, vs George Rher, vs Hobb.lI, vs M'Gemigle, vs Same, vs .Meyers, vs Thompson, vs Hamilton, vs Meyers, vs BiugLam, vs Jeff. & EWnsLurg TPk Road Co., ' vs Stineman's exci-iitorSj vs Rhey; Matthews &, C.j vs Cline tt al., vs Cline et al., vs Cliue tt ah, vs M'Uuire, . vs Fronheisxr i Meaner vs Bickford, vs Dugan's adm'ra., vs Roberts, va Gill, vs 'M'Gahey, vs JoiusetaLj Vs Shaipj vs M'Couafehv. vs Ellis. Vs Shartz et al, vs llt..v-r, - vs O'Neill, -xg Pringle, . -s ZerKv vs Weakland, vs IVulon, l.raw iey Statier Fox Barry admr. Baker John Linton 11. 1'. Linton John Lintou Shifteger Harkneas Same Kroft Woodburn Lammcr Hall for use Lcmke Harris' executors St: neman King; sur liar M 'Mullen !, Walters M'Connell Campbell Levtrgooel ., Gioper M'Dnnn Riddle Gill i M'Gahey Commonweidtii Scott ..... , Power Roberts Pringlt Milb Heem Kean ' Cnu.i Groftet al pobb's executors M Goniglo vs Tik-y. JOS. M'DONALD, Prtrttotctrv. JCottIS, 1867 rti y 00 00