1 tHtTiy,iri Ml .-.:ot .1- im ait -!:" ; -, , . r-i ' ' i.ni ' : -Tr-! -' ' " - w--1- ... - THE BLESSINGS OP GOVEIlkilEjrT, LIKE THE DEWS DF HEAYE2T. SHOTHiDBE DISTBIBuiil) CUXE UPOU THE BIQa A3STD !THE LOW,TjiB EICH AND THE POOEi J 1 i I J 1 UllD 011:11 pW, SERIES, i 'f - ! .. ;t f i ; i I i: a tTs. ... -4e . .. - . I'H j 151-1! r- sri i;- - ' -i m , m jn.u m- si ill.. - h v Av; M1V,V",5 - ' 4 tV JV IVi JJ1 Ik . Iff. M . c , ' - ' -.TS ,' .:: S .i.rtii'J s n ?1 II rVe 'J'-vfrf tteriuif&iUJi fur house, 4-j-'i wiiv'e surpassing 'in vtility tc-X ; V, 1 J5f i y' J'K' miieiUtge. t.n'f.'ti Sivi(Jy tor Asiilicatlon. ' i v : hi'' OH T. I'KJCl.OTl! LKAl'IIEi:, 1: UK, POi;CKt;AIN cniNAMAIt ULE, ;OR GLASS;' i"7 J J ; tjyit nuln i: ftu'rnVVIcj'. Artiolos, Toys etc., Vs. 'ft hs n-u;;r:'jr, not only poscssiug gieaUT ' "Vrthri f!f,?lttTrcfr jtT-y of 2rO.1W0 . . , . .1 . 1 r iitiitiv' ill Tii V. MUI f r 4 'lftain KvhicK tVis rnAirtif.irtitrfr hr.s foMtnl -Id.a.n.aa.'..." rMield V. iioV-aTe-' p.nd llctml, by No. .:i.etui!t.?Jre;t.v Philadelphia.. 0n Liberal iaJneen-ieifts Affvred to" persons' de ! - ni.uf .-ellirg" t TrtfiiJ- f Js. .-. -H-iJ' S-p. 2T ISoT 45 Jy. ' a - -ST A I T'.R n.iKLGK. "dlE'ip- TtXlCjll-S A'Nt) JEWEU1Y . iww .----- ' - - V. . w . t . ti!.;j..,ir,.;n .,f..l n,l rl : . -Jn . A 1 care vases, ! s.-- .: -jflwlel Lertn.ls Caret,; 9 23,00 .24,00 .00 ,00 .00 7Md jirelet. 3,00 -i;i7v iur.ro.-- 1 1 T;; 1,00 fiWit T Spoohn. tj v;;ui -.-.'l 5,00 ail j'n with Pencil and Silrer hoi- . ..- ; 1 drr, ",. . ' 1.00 I1r.r KttitrW S7J' K t $80; Watch Wv.i lij ctn.. Put.ti t rts. Ixtm-t t,,t'nr artii'Ur in prortio. All g-vids wr-Jr-t-d t-J w)V thry m re t 1 f. r. HJr'On !-and '..r,.Vjr..bl,!i:TSjiSfr lrcr.SHud I.pires btill - tK.Vf?"t5a the "ateiT pri-". " ? v,,,: vtjTAUVlER S: IIAP.LKT. ript. SO, IP'T 4T--!y. - tr' TUK SEUKT 1 Nil UM ill OF I T n A . I JIATKIYY. 'Jw !KJj!U!rl 6V.i,'j, 5' TLws-tvJ. i" 1 "'' V.!.H I S (JX THE 2:a "ft7;eytty tn-afiiit-.tt', v. -tin Hit r.ntl'; it,e,' t . fe2a3r Sptrrnatotrl ca or Ia-al Weakness, N'ttr.riial Kn.i.;oi,f, (itniiAl a'.d Nervous i.ic- l.htr, Prejn.if.re. JJcca 'f h Sy-Um, Imj-o-n-y, an i lr..;olin,vats to Marri g-J raily, .y ' " 1- DK LANfclY, M. 1). T'jimpnTiant fuet V.vA the mauy a!arn...ig jyMM .i'xnt"1. niipiuating in the imprudence and ...?rt idM-f vor.t'.i may ?o cosily removal WITtl ' M F.niCf X K, Ts m'tl.i' ru.tll tract, clearly .VMaw'imrariMlf a'd ll' Witirely new and highly .vucceKful ti .'.lniit,. as-ailopttd; ly the Author, fuiiv ':p'.!5ie h niy nirans f which every one is nxUc-i trrejllliSKl.K. it-i footly and t the if 4t piwrij" .'. "then-by. -avoitlirg aH tbe ad- x rrtihfd T.rPi.'is .f the day. T-t .iivunr adfri'5 gratis and pot free r in a . 'a!ifV ':. Vflc-.p,-l r-ty.-Kubg twi pot t;u;c t-tamps I-1:. 1K I. A.'. . 17 LisptnarJ at.,itw York, - 'pt-''lSCT-i-lr: "'' ' " m. ' -,- - - ,-'-"-.-;--' .? : : ' ' ...... . ' t , . . . iiOW J IIU, .AKOCUTIOX. im . , p .H I L A I), t I IMI 1 1 . -.. jjHrciKTAxr ANXOUXGEMLX? ' m1 jier.ui ni;etod wiuh Fcxnal I)icaes, 4 t.uch iu J?pvnnatorrho?a, Seminal Weakness, 'i . , iclenc?, G;4i'ji t. '.era. G lect, Syphilis, .the Vice ' t'uMiiMn or bvTi A btlia. Air.. v."C. . - "Tbe IIOWAKD ASSOCIATION, in view of -:eawfnl destruction if hr.man ijfe, ftuisevl . hy ,iv;-es, iwi the Jeoeptiuus .praetLsud up- tW unf jitu'iate victlins',f such diseases by -'Quack'. have directed their - CortMtd ting Surgeon, ,-.a a CUARlTAldX ACT worthy, of their came, to give MhJJiL'AL, ADVICE Gil ATI S, to all 'persons thus aWictwl, who apply by letter,' with description if iheir condition, (age, occupation lbi. ui life. Arc.) aud in civ-cs-of extreme pov '"riyand 'mffuri'ue, to' 'VUKNItill MEDICINES kHf.r OF'Cti augbT'4 v, UJ ;' ; i frhtt-llowanl Association Ua lrenevolent ' Insti tution, established by spcc'.al ei.dowmcnt,'fjr the relief of th"- sick and distressed, afflicted with ;:Viru!cjiaiCl l'p! 3-nnic Discai.? -It has now " :isfimhn of i:suHT vT-1 Xiio'Directors,have vo- fid to exend i advertising the abovo notice. It U rVdfisa to'ruiflfchat tlxe Association commands "ho, highest iied:i skiilof the ago, and, will fur 'iRhlli irV-st fipproved toodeii-n treatment.' " ; .-; Just PaUisfu'd,'-1i t;e Ass.)c:ati4i, a Report ui iiperiuatorrhcea.; or Seminal Wcikiicss, . the ji-ieeof Onanism, Masturbation or Self Abuse, and : Other Di-raseof the'Hextnl Orgnni, by the Con- uUin 6urg on', which wtll.be sent by -mail, (in ft calttd envelope.) JFIIEE 01 CUARG E, vu the receipt of WQ 'STAMPS f.r postage. , ' ' ' j Ad'lrew Dr. GKO. R. CABHOUH, ansn!tin? 1 Burgcou, Howard Association ,o..bunth NINTH Btrcet, Philadelphia. Pa. liy ordr of the Direc ' Ur. ' EZRA DrilEAUTWELL; PGEO.FAIRCniLD.'Sec'y. 1 Prcs't. i ,Sepu;;o, I867.r47 ly. c ! ;.v ' - i.;,'Ua cds -.--BnV IPtor'R Office, ! Summit, Oct. 6; 13574 Jt THE CapUinn or Commanders - of Companies within the 3d Brig., lG Divia. P M. will re . trtmirediafely.tp this office, a list of the Uni formed Members, and also n list of those. who liave become exempt from" Military duty, nod thjQ a list of all the Anns and other Public prop- , erty of the State 0 which may b in possession of .wid. Company. " " r' , ' ' " . " ! ' : Se Sappleuicnt: Sec. 4. to Act," paad April t XI, 1849. . s.j j,.-JOHN HUMPHREYS. 1 . .Innpec. 8J Brig, llth Wvi, P. M. .Oc4,rlSJ7.-8t. : : ' ' " -:i "'' ":tf.r ?i'Tu fir"""?: c! r ' i!:iifatLi 't''ir T;"cral tq N'.'rth St'.tt .Street. V rmr -f OisL QuaYrjtthlUdeii.rm. - - 'O.d U-orerV atc!c5, full ' JewelieJ; fc SiWcr Ijevtr. fall icwvlled, ; , -..... ... . ' Filfi: L'tvinr jewels, .. , rSunrior Quanicrt, , MJoW Spcctae!'.,j:f ' " - 7 Citj: Adycrttscmcets, j - Gift s ! Gifts ! ! Gifts ! ! ! - -- A Prize lo K ve r y PurcJissser, j:; At tlie Quaker City Publishing House of ;-i ; duane kulisox, riiiLAin:LriirA;; : BY buying a book fir vli ur more, rcii ave at one.' prwenti'tl with, a, prizo. worth frpui 25 ct-iita to $100, toi:.s;t;:n; of Fine Gobi Jewelry, Watches,' tVrc' ' All oi iKts by niaf will be prom p-. tly filled, anl tbe prize or yirtbs 'will r.ccornp.iny the book.s.': Onr list coritains all of the most pop tikt -books f the tlay, and will be sobl at the iLs:il retail prices, niAiiy of them for less. lcr toiis v.i.-hiiig auv particular book enu .cnler at once, -and it will fce forwards! , with a gift. ; A cataiojjiw givit; full ' iid'i Tinution, with a list of b-joks and gifts,, will be seuV Ipaid, , hy ad-j Hi" i-iNo S:l SoitlhThirdNi;, Philadelphia, i i : .CCf-AgeuLs Wttiitedy.i i :: Sep q. l?i7. ;3m. J 2r. IJupoiico'M & o 1 1 c 11 Pills for fFAUJDLE IN liEiK or i:re'u!aritu-3 of ; th TFALT.tDLE IN liEiiOYIXG STOrPAGES are nrtl.iiig i.ew, bid have Lecn used by the dc tors f rniany years;' U'th in France and America i uitJj rip:iia! !od sr,e.cets hi ever3' case, nnd he is ttigel by many thousand hulifs who have I used tllmj fa make the lllsptihlic.for the alleviation ef tk'tiSi ulii r'uig ireni any irregu'tirities whalev vrqs wuil as to preve-nt au increase of family by thVfj whote healih will not permit it. Fiinaks pecnlisr'y sitiiated.or thote coiisideringthcnjKt.-l.ves sV arecuutripe(Vr.g:dnt:t iwdng. these pills' wLil in that condition, a the proprietor assumes no rcsponidbility after the above, -admonition, altho? their - mi'duets .-would revent any .mischief to htalih j otherwij these pills are recommended. Full ami i xplicit ditxxtl- ns accompany each box. Price Jtr- "" . "- ' OOI.I WHOLESALE AND REl'AIT, . CY UOP.ERT DAVIS, General Agent f.-r Ebtns bur and vicinity.' He will supply dealers at Proprietor's orices Mid send the Pills to Ladies (confidentially) by return mail, on receipt .f $1, scut him llroiigh tl.eEbeUs.burg Post Ofiice." , E.tth lox has my fciguature for partico lars gi-t circular f Ariit. -" i, ;. .'..,. , . J- DUPONCO, New York. .'' J . Proad way Post Ofiice. -: El!i:sbnrg. Aug. 5, 1357. Cm, " '-: ' !' p. r 0 H I' s B 6 p T , S H O E. . ; ; , ; - AND RVOBCR WARI310l'SC!. So. 133, formerly 5, Kortli Third Slrt (Of fOMte Cherry Street,) Philadelphia. C 1. M'CLEES. rhiladelphia, Jan 24,1S37 Cm. - BEN. v TII0BIP20JM, P. !. PATTOW c6 CO. h'jlfs;:lc IKulcrs iji cud 7f".ir:factors vf HATS, CAPS, FIRS, Hatters Elalerials, Slraw Goods, Artificial Flowers' Buffalo Robes, &c X. 118 MAIIICKT STHKET, Ddov, Fuurth, South SiJi, I'HILADEU'IIIA. CASH PAID. IV II WOOL AND SUIITING FU11S. PRICE L PATTON. A. OITENHELMER. Dec. 17, 185U. 8. Wood Slouldin Hill, "Willow Street a1ove 1'welltli, JfortU Side '," Motildi rigs suitable fr Carpenters, Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on -; -' hand. 1 ' ANY- PATTERN WORKED FROM A DRAW- I NO. . . . - - - : : 'Agents wanted in the various Towns iti his por tion of the State, to whom - oppoi tiruitics will be offered fo: largia prolitsio themselves. , ' . , ' SILAS E. AVEIR, i 7 Aprils, 1S57- ' ' - : rmitp bkyxkb; '-' ' -' -bobt. Axdersok. 'SI,YMI1& illElSSI.! : ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' ' ' ." 1 .-: r : FO RE J GN FRUITS. . ..-'h . . i: KUTS. SPICES. ' - ' IJOKFECTIONARYv' i ,. sua -a .11 v . - : " fire works; &c. , - CO- Oranges and Lemons received weekly. - . . ; , . -., , 5 5o. 3a "Wtsra pdoot. . 0C? Opporite the St. Charles Hotel. , . Pittsburgh. Pa. March 4, 1867. ti. : I Orphans' Court Sale. - rV VIRTUE of an order of the Orphan's Court D of Cambria county, the subscriber will expose to public saZe or outerv, on the premises, on 1 SAT U AD AY, the 2lth"day of. October inst., all tlie light, title and interest (being one undivided half) which WiLliam Gillan. deceased, in his life time hadj of, in and to the following described real estate, to wit :' . -:'. ' ' ' - A'l that certain tract or piece of land,' situate in Washington' township, Cambria county, ad joining lands granted or to be grantwl to Mat thew M'Hngh, lands now or Jate of , John Biter, etc., containing' niuety-threa acre4, one hundred and three, perches and being part of a 'larger tract warranted in the name tf "William' Gal braith, with the appurtenanccsl" . . ' r TERMS : One third the purchase money b coufirmatfGn "of "thelaIeJ"one third in one year thereafter, with interest; and the remaining third at and immediately after the death of tho widow of the jfciid; decetlent, 5 the interest thereof to be paid annually and punctually to her during her lifetime. -To he Secured by tho Bonds and Mort gage of the pnrchaser. it..l 1 -. ;;3 1 ,r HARRISON, KINKEAD. , i ' Administrator cum 'testamento annexo'of "s ' ' Wmr Gillan. dee'd. ' Oct. 7, 1857. fc . BLANK Summons, Subpcena's, Executions Tavrn Petitions, Bonds, Ac. For sale a bia fnM; -;;"'V" '''' ' ''' r-fMl a CP "Ls published every ; Welnesl:iy Jtorning 'at Oitc Dollar nud; Fifty Cents per ssnaium" payable In advance; ' I 0KE DOLLARAND SEVENTY-FIVE CTS. .': If not paid within six months;, and1" ': ? i ;TW0 DOLLARS' 7 .;.: ' If not paid xmtil the termination of the year.: No subscription will be taken for a shorter pfriod than six months, and no subscriber will be at liberty to discontitmc his paper until, all ar rearages are paid, cxcipt at the option T of the Alitor. -; . . ' (2 1 -oi i Any person subscribing for mx montba will be in advance. Advertising Rates. . .1 : . ; ' One instrfn. 'Jco do. Three do. 1 square, Tl2 lines! I 60 . 1 1 00 ,' 1 0 S months. : 1 so ; 2 f,o ; 4 00 G 00 ; 10 00 " ' 15 00 $ 75 - $1 00 Z squares, 'JA lines 1 00 2 CO . 3 00 12 d. 15 CO 0 M) 12 CO 14 00 20 00 35: 00 3 -sgnares, fsD lines' 2 CO G dO. ; 43 00 4 00 7 CO 9 00 12 00 22 00 8 Vines or Jess 1 square, ; 2 squares, f 12 lines! 24 lines oG liucsl 3 squares, Half a column, One column. &3- Alb advertisements must bo marked, with ,he numler of insertions . desired, or they will be continued until forbid, aiid charged. accordingly.' Cljoicc Jpoctrji; CLCE TO CLARA. A - Saratoga Letter. " - - - BT JOnjI'O. 6AXE. 5 Df.ab Clara : I wish you were here ". : The prettiest spot 'upon earth! , , AVith everything charming, my dear i Beaux, badinage, music and mirth ! '' Such rows of magnificent trees Overhanging such beautiful walks," '. , . Where lovers may stroll, if they please, ? And indulge in the sweetest of talks. t't We go every morning, like geese, "7 . ' To drink at the favorite spring : . Six tumblers of water apiece Is simply the regular thing j . For such ts its wonderful virtue, ' Though rather unpleasant at first, 0' No quantity ever can hurt you. K r . . , Unless you should happen to burst ! And thet what a gossiping sight ! : . ' ' .- What talk about William and Harry ; How Julia was speuding the night. And why Miss Morton should marry ! Dear Clara, I've happened to eee Full many a tea-table slaughter, T But, really, scandal ' -with tea, ;-; . . . Is nothing to scandal with water ! .. ' Aprcyios of the spring have you heard The quiz of a gentleman here -On a pompoo3 M. C, who averred ' ' " ' Tliat the name was remarkably queer ! ' . The Spring to keep from failing. AVith wootl is encon?iassed about, 'Aud derives from its permanent railing z The title of "Congress," no doubt ! 'Tis pleasant to guess at the reason t. " 1 The genuine motive which brings -5 : - Such ail sorts of folks in the season, To stop a few days at the springs. Some come to dispose of the waters, ' : (The sensible bld-fAsliioned elves,) .": Some come to dispose of their daughters, And some to dir-posc of themselves ! - - " f 'I Some come to exhibit their faces ; ..To new and admiring beholders ; Some come to exhibit thci- graees, And some to exlubit their shoulders : Some come to make people stare j : ; At the elegant dresses they've got ; Seme to show what a lady may wear, " : . -And, perhaps, what a lady should not ! - .?---v Some come to squander their treasure, And some their funds to improve, And some for mere love of pleasure -' And some for the pleasure of love ; And some to escape from the old, ... - 'And some to stowhat is new : r ; . -, But most it is plain to be told . Come here because other folks do ! And that) I suppose, is the reason, , -Why I am enjoying, to-day, . What's called "tho height of the season," In'jather the loftiest way, ! '! Goddjye for now I must itop V." To Charley's command I resign P -. I'm his for thejegular "hop," . n ' -Bat ever most tenderly thine.' -j ' !; xtmauaxitom. ' 8- TheSunday Atlas tells a story of a one-legged -; Know .Nothing t orator , named Jouch, who waa pretty successful, in banter inir an Irishman, when the-latter- asked him how the devil ho came to lose his leg.", ,: . . . Wp1V" Raid Jones 'on examininir mv Sx:'a inM 'a-, 'Tf f. -.i-tJt. Ci j ' 1 lj tnere was some xrisu uiouu m me, auu uecom ing convinced "that it had all r settled ia my left leg, Ihad it cut off at once' ; t ? - Be'Jabcr,, said Pat, 4it ud V? si' good i.:-.r, it ; i,i ootij :A t. v -.uiuj-, it i. uu uuiji bv.uu m, jw.utwi y ,7! vWWUClalii Boston. j ; The fiimon Pocsticks" has furnished the "NTtr Yorlr Pfenvnne an areonnt ' of hia sit ---1,.. to' Boston, ffr-4i Jwhicb thd following extracts arc 'incde : -i - ;f Ninotv-iine'.eitra--; sized angle' worms loco- moling at Ligb prcssure'peed about & garden walk of a fihotrcry afternoon, and . being 4Peri petuallvtSl Back-when -they ' get to the" , - ' ! a'-w-v 1 , .- edge, andxompeliC(I to crossch othe, trail in''!in&um-ablov"i4irectidnst wbulj," if,' the ram's iiorrssind haa got irorb .. : coxrjexf j.than a cord of cress cut saws, . 1 . r climb nine hills and turn ninety corners be fore you get wlhiu hailing distance J of Jones airaiu The streets look as if they had Lecn made somewhere else and dumped hero in a huge tangle, and nobody had ever taken the trouble to straighten thjm out again It looks as if somebody had been building a lot cf cities by contract and the job hadn't come .out. even, and he had thrown his remnants of 'streets and odd ends of alleys, and 1 bits of lanes and alleys, and If any,' street in the town! sh straight mile in any direction, it would go through a dozen private parlors and forty-five In fact, Boston ''looks as a . . if first-rate material for an excellent city had . 1 - been melted and poured through a sieve on a side hill and left to cool." ' '" ' ' ' : - . Preachers has Eiz. .,. The Nashville Whig says the followiDg conveys a practical lesson ; . Hawkesville, ivy., oept x, ioi. 4 ; Messrs Editors: The following amusing incident occurred in this town a few weeks since. It will apply to other localities as wed asthis: -': "- - s A short time since it became necessary to adopt measures to procure the services of a minister for the African church m this place. Accrdingly a "committee wai appointed to wait upon 'Brudder Pearce who was gener- ally acknowledged ; to ' be the most suitable personage to fill that high and honorable eta- . ...... - . .e. v: tion. and solicit mm to accept me naswrauiu of their church; : They were informed that ho would undertake the laborious task for the "' a-'' 'e "frtl.f-fitTi ilf.Ihrs 'tiw auuuni; uui. maiguiuouu. m mo B2em, Lis Hock-thought it cxhorbitant, and peremptorily refused to give It. ' " ; ; i Two or tlree weeks passed, a.nd being nn- ' agreed to pay the stipend, and on the ensuing Sabbath the following took place: ' , Brudder Pearce, we's 'eluded to ' gin yon forty-five dollars to preach to us,' said a be- nevolent colored individual; whereupon our clerical friend arose and responded : know was three weeksago, and preachers has riz -.fi- -.".'.: . cr .-I ,t ! - i f-' ? A Hit at. thb Times. The Boston Her ald has the following : est. . He . was holding an loterview with - neichbor: while on his death-bed, and that . i J a.i "... , i neishbor pretended to sympathize with Grab- kins. ' Very 1; hard to be oblecged to die, ; Mr. Grabkins," said he. ' - , .;'-! "Yes"," replied Crabkins, "hard ! I should uv ;f:,0 M-A-itn K VTT.7fr. when money money money -brings three c , or four per cent, a month on State Street !" And Grabkin's countenance fwore anything j but a loot of pious resignation as he aiarked a few figures with his' emriclated fingers on the threadbare coverlet of his bed. and taen kici . . , ea tue Ducxet. o-r c . .. : - Not so Bad oi r ; as Ye ' Seem. In the mflation of, prices i produced bytneaouw prfirtit in 1 K.w tho nriees of tood ran un . - - . . . i an enormous, height, in some eases exceed , - v l1 ing, the high prices ot taa ? present year Flour, waa ft 12 per. barrel, , and other articles ia the same exorbitant, proportion. ' So com pletely had ladustry been diverted from labor to speculation, that, wo were actually obliged - j to import grain from Europe,, a fact nuexam- Ped in our history, betoro or since... JSow, i nowc e caae M; au-ereDi. .ountuut II it r 1 rr A T . l A. i , , . , r-Zl- "! ?r?Z -a -ia i, .r i :r - .w,.u wuuu uu tU mu.i, uiguj u ,uB iu uaie" pncea uia not prevent ;iu, xue gen S"?:" 1 will enabLi us -i to' par our debts abroad I -. '.ii..' i - 4 i uiiud vuicr o-our prouycwuiuk"3uiieiu. ground weie soft and. tbeir every lootstep ' D plainly visillo draw on the garden walk afore Monsum Uiver Eank, Sanford, Me." " j pVid,W'toieMlyacrara Sanford liankv" A i il 1 - :, , -ii.-i-l :u ' , ' "A'-'1 i j i 1;-' - , ilancock IJank. Llisworth, ?Ie ;r Boston. .; It' v crookeder than nine acres of ?ank of ITallcwelL ITallowoll M Yoti see vor friend." and " vou call out, I ,;T ' . , ,''' ' ifankofSoath Koyalton South Uoyaltoa , V 1 15 "Jones, wait a minute I and you start to .ace t,. , J ' ,.T ....... , i... : Stark Bank; Beumugtoa, v t. . .... . : Jones, thinking he is just across the etrcct JiCe Bank, Lee. Mass.' ' 7 "' ?Misguided,man I far distant Jones' you Bass' Kiver Bank, "Rrddpm T can't nreach for that' nrice. I 7?rTpn Conntv Bank. Ilackensack. N. J. 50 I r 4 . Z Jr rr, xt "r n I i-vuau; originaiiy. Why yon only axed forty-five. cried half Amencan Lank, Trenton . - 0 Tfce isnotslo as the . do.Pr, rnW,: ' , I . - ' rhillipSburgBank, Phi hpsburg, N. J izzATli . .. -T -onore cue, a aia, oreuuercu, uui-um jou . , i Mr. Grabkms was a miserly hunk wnouaa rAgricuiturai .kanK, .krowrsviuc, iemi.. I cnain navo been forwarded to Samuel T accumulated "much wealth by shaving notes. Western iJaok Memphis, Tenn: . ' y yor Esq . collector, for that pert, by and last week Mr.' Grabkins was called on to of iNasliville INa.bvi He, lenn. '. ; liucnanan President of the United States; . . . - - . . . . , jxctiange JanK iwunreesDoro , Acnn - - i te presented to that "nobis -veteran of pay tlie debt- or nature, principal ana lnter- , :. Thb Mosjy Crisis. .The . monev banic J etill continues to spread, and the excitement icnt far from being allavcd. All the New Y , . - - t - , , fcPe rymis lasc wcck, others m every direction .atL fcouth. and 1 iWest We aacs correct listcf discarded Eanks, copied from, the Philadelphia Bulletin. Our S0-UV TCdr ' wbo are not nvrsaBt with the. value of paper currency, will do well to be 'governed by this list iu taking ;Cr. rejecting Batik bills'. "' " lscount 75 75 15 15 o J Weare JhnJUAnipton Falls, N.'IT. j I Exeter Bank, Exter N H.- " : 5 " Danby Bank, Dauby, sVt.f '- , Bcynrly Monsca Bank, Jlonsocj Mas. 1 ' Western- Bank, Springfield, Mass. ' All Solvent Pf-bode Island Banks y; 10 Farmers'.Bank, Wiekford.. E. I. -W No Sale Warwick Bank, Warwick, It: I.' , llhode Island Central Batik, East.Gfecn-' which, Jt. 1. . .. .; r - , -. - -, . Tiverton Bank Tiveron, R. L . ; 3Ioant Vcrnon Eank, ilhode Island. : Merchants Exchange Bank, Bridgeport, I : Conn. Charter Oak Bank, Hartford; C Mercantile Bank, Hartford Com 0 50 fcat , 1 a'catck Lon. I InTiir of nrlh AmoriM Sprninrp t.orTl Wm3LaIa Couatv Bank.' Brooklyn'. Conn 50 ii iu-juaui eiuuu;j uiixv, Vjvuu Thompson Bank, Thompson. Conn. - ' . Addison Bank, Addison. New York. ;.' 50 60 Agricultural Bank,. Herkimer, New York.' CO Tsland Citv BanV New York '10 1 Arapd.nc' "RnnVInfr A ccnf Tftn TC V 10 iowery Eank, New York;, 10 50 50 i x$aiiK ot urieans; .icioa, ; iew xorK, Central Bank, Brooklyn, New York, 50 80 50 50 Eeci TOcity BaIlk Buffalo. New York. I 1 Oliver Lee & Co.'s Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. Pratt Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. I Niagara laver lianK. x cnawanaa . x , 50 50 . r.'tv l?ant Ph.l N Y.' CO Western Bank, Locknort, N. Y. co J Yates County Bank, Penn Yan, N. Y. Huguenot Bank. New-PIatz, JN . 1. M "STiTV xt v fc iucaina janK, ueuiua xi. a. r; e TirfV- XWnort V Y. RO 50 Leuordsvilie Bank. Lenordsville, N. Y. : 50 Hank of Lima, Lima, N... Y , . Hamilton Exchange Bank Green, IN. 1. 00 i , . i v y- SfQld Saratoga. Schuylersville, N. YO Farmers Bank,' Hudson, N.J Y, I - v t m :w-- t r- 1 tlndson ltiver tanK, uuason, i. i. i?ank of chcmung County, Horschcads, N. Y. 50 j i?ank of Watcrtown,' Watertown. N. Y.' 50 g; X - Central Bank U tica n . 1., 50 oO T , x Brunswick. ' I N. J. ; - CO Pennsylvania. Philadel rhiar Pa. jjank of Commerce, Georgetown, D; C, -15 ijunk of Kanawha, Kanawha Salines, Va Ohio Life and Trust Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dayton iJauk, Daytcn,.Ohio. . ... - 1 ' ' Miami Valley JJank, Dayton, Ohio. Shelbyville Bank Shelby ville,' Tenn a Lawrenceburg i?ank, Lawrenceburg Tenn. I ml mf n:.l. .f rr n'' Bank of Trenton, Trenton, lenn. Bank of the Capitol Indianapolis, Ind. Cectral Bank, Indianpolis, Ind fnTflr nf h. ii I.lmn TIK 'ank of Belle villC Belleville, 111. Rock River Bank, Belot, Wisconsin Bank of Nebraska, Omaha City,'N. T. l onteneue x.anx, enevue, r. 1. Peninsula Bank, Detroit. Mich. Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit, "Mich. - ' - " ' J . ElPAKSIOKS A N P COXTRACTIOXS.-The Banks attcr making money plenty, stimula- - 1 i . i 1 . .. - fc- . niinc ana ruinous speculations dv tneir er pansxons, now Bee at to make money scarce by tteir ruinGua contractions. The .New . m or .Qd ;discoUDts to- the enormous amennt to I . -iv i . . f I V A AVW AuuA.d u.a V- iWUWi V UI tttULU lUiiUB j 1 uurty muiions oi aouars. wiuun - tne past weeks.' Is it any wonder that we hear of mer cantile failures, and suspensions among" busi ness men of all trades and professions? " Can a lueasurQ of yulue like that ot paper curren cy,, which alternately: expands .and contracts like an air balloon, o safely relied upon by a civilized community If What should we think of a dry "goods dealer who used a yard stick as a measure of length, made of India rubber, . which would expand to m day and contract to a foot tho next ? Would any one be duped into dealing - WQat are 13anks afl a meaBUre of v&lue - ll Uww. The samcremarks apply with ' equal force .by I to- the Banks of this Commonwealth. Many i ' V:ttv: " Ja U j ' u i our lariuwrt, mecuauics auu puor.uaj ju-j- ittle' snipped off Bridgeport City Bank, Bridgeport, Conn. 50 The Deroocraiio gains have been tremeadom m''1t"ii iuim Colchester Bank, Colchester, Conn." ' and It is thought we have elected our caadi- Caaeu IOion. 7? , f jr.rtrriT3 pnnvtfr TTj.Hfnrd-fV.rw data for finwr, T....... --.i 'J-: OUid be cut al i 1 tt. .r, 3 . . tn w f il. t..:i.i-' .... .r,- J , . - - ;.t r ; JMineral Bank, Cumberlaud.JUd. ' ; - . cuh.mm, uVireu,, mm . is th crs Lave been "wdencffv for- tnbcfns taok f'wujr 'iyer9rymvll'ffiath'. nor- uivua jjriee-B iorjoeir EL'QABSi , "i lift, qnftlOll has now been olred ,The wLoltt market Iru feen jq the hands of BpccilUlors.'wUo.- thro the a.sistancc of-tne Banks , 1 have iccif abl t to control it. . Since he xecenUispeBW?f the Phila delphiarrbankaaoma Startling evefojments hare, been nscdo'.J 'Among other things, it has. leaked out that the President of t he Penn sylvania Eank loaned to'Iiis eon thb enormeHS snm of $600,000; for th purpose of specufa tnig in the article of : sugars alone' V'1 This 13 but ia portion b the'dcvofopccicnts of ffao Bank.jWha.t tBe others would ffesentVere, a thorough examination instituted, it is'-im- possiblo to tell.T. There 13 bet' Tittle doubt, however; but the whole brtch laye leen'cn-gage!-l in tho same kind of biisioesp. :; TteEletticcs. t.,.. , Califorxia. The majority fcrdorprner V ELLKit is. about 1 1 . 00U over both' Ins . citm petors of the-Black' l?rpiiUican and" Know Nothing stripe. liTfais- is truly a- "pratifyifc- result and one that our Democratic, frieodjr of the gol Jen State may juatly b proud cL; u Jli5fi5sirn. The election- in Mlcc;; has resulted, as was expected, in Ihe complew triumph of the Democra tier party 'all oyer the State. .J--,:: I zi I '.. t - - :-. Uiuo. Aho election Is running Very cloia oe correci; irmn be a. great and unerctei triumph as bar friends had a Black Eepuili- can majority rof forty -four thonstnu, last year, to overcome ' ' to overcome Iowa. The returns f 0 far as rrir-or? wonld seem tor indicate that the? Democracy have also carried, this .Sute. .- ; . t ; c . Baltimorb. As; usual Mtlwj Tlug, TJglies have carried the muneir,al their candidates m arl the wards but tho eighth.-'.-Id fcreral of the wards the Demo crats were driven from the polls and prevented IMrxxEsoTA -The election In MIt.w,:- t- also believed to ha've gone for the Democrata. , IIarrisbubo,! October 13, 8, P JJ. The rtclief Bill has passed both llotiids find TlAn Clflrn V wr ll.. f - . . vv ..6uvu u uicuuTcraw. xt 1 a I substantially the same as reported in tie Sn- ate, ana rnicii originally yarsed that body. j Several sections were added the substance of which I subjoin : ccl'n. .-AUtuorizcs tho CoUectorss of j axes and Tolls. -Arc. and the. nr.nntv Tr i -'i- . . ... j urers, to receive lor ctate r urpescs the nctM rf solvent 'banks,-though not specie paying ; Section 8 Reserves the richt of the Lei- lature to aifer, revoke, cr annul the charter of any Bank acceptiug the 3provieiona ot this tit) I -t l, w .1... ' - ., Ve ;L?r ihe Section 10 Prohibits Banks and SavInV. Institutions from purchasing' the notes of other incorporated Eanks at leys than par Section 11. Prohibits the sale of stocks and bonds, promissory notes and other securities. tnas nave oeen nypotnecated from being sold for a period of 'six months, without the con sent of the debtor being first Lad," - The time fixed for the resumption a the second Monday of April," the same as it cas- friends of e best that -101 could be secured under the irinn.t.nA Bothllouses have adjourned sine di f . WWCt- I s IIasdsome Pkeeexts "From PretEext Bwhasan. The Norfolk Dav Booh :mt C: iieinvtr UIQ . caw- J auies m.T vcean. Lant. A .inhnRtrm fixA xj: I 17 V A If IT ff 1 X ( I barque Ellen T who p-allantl-wnt fv I - . . . i teeuc wi passengers 01 me Central Aracr- ica.; " This magnificent watch and chain ar M - to be of the best the world can produce; and, i o-iuii.g us a presccs irom sucn a- source as tbo I'resiocnt. of the United States, must . . mako an indellible impression upon the inind . of future generations of the .heroic lhavior " J of Capt. Jchnson on that perilous " recaslon. it is supposed that its C05t eor.hl nt been less than S350. 3T The Oswcro rimes 'cftLe 2?th?WT the following story " J i- - '- 2 Two men, named resprctivclr. "Ward 'and Ilall, were at work - down . the ; lake shore. I I- A I 1 ' 1 wuco lJQey a-iscorerca a small Jteg buried in J Pe fand. : This they dug out, and opening 1 " - 'v KUIIUl t V Bill XXT lew ". u and of the dendminatiou cf . seven-frano of P"es! The coins were of an ancient Fru-i. I ..j-.rii..- j..i.- ... a pieces, valued at$1.09 bach. ; The twomn, with their treasure have left for Philadelphia, where they intend to exchange! their coin at jthe. niiqt; Itis , probable that thfi! money was secreted in the place, where it was disco eredby some "French officer, during ib old French war, and afterwards thft'oflai may have been killed, Ieavipg no trac where the treasuxo. was concealed.. a 'a. What it witLCosTurlL estimated that the expense jb? extra .session, -of the Legislature, to fujfaiu the injured credit of the .suspended baaks will -not "fall -short of one hundred thousand dollars; This the peo ple will heve to pay by an ic crease of. their already enormous taxes. Are the , banks a of public blessing? r, -i. i L i i i; f 4 V i i V v - to 1 - ) r 0 .. tr Co p