Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 30, 1857, Image 2

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Utmottat nnft gmlinrL
k. a DEVISE Editor and, Proprietor.
C. D. inmKAY, AaiUtant Editor. '
. roa ASMMSLT.
6. N. SMITH.
' roa TRKAEraUl.
for rooa nocsa niRiCToa. .
roa ACD1T0R.
The Democratic
County Committee,
have authorized me
to annnouce Demo
cratic Meetings, at
the following times
and places, viz:
At Loretto. on "Wednesday, the tOth Inst, at
S v'rkek T. II.
At Kt. Aupustine, Clearfield town.hSp, on
Thursday, tho 1st Oct., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
At Klie'UntTerr's Hotel. Cliest townsLip, on
IM.lay. the 2d Oct. at 2 o'clock r. M.
At Carn.ltton Carn.U township, on Saturday,
ibedOct., at 3 o'clock, P. if. t
2 o'ilTk, P. M. .
At the village or limiork, v uhincmi wwtj- rn i l.r. f J T tV 1 I It ll I1D.V llf I C.t .hr. mt Zl 1
C'tWk P M " -
Alle speakers will attend and addrcm r11 of
tic above meetings.' All gentlemen of the oppo-
JHon parties who may feel desirous to advocate
tbeir principles on tbe "stump" are luvited to
attend the above meetings, and discuss with the
Democratic speakers present the issues involved
In the present campaign. They my rely on be-
Ing trsated in a kind aud courteous manner.
Chairman Demi Co. Com.
September, 1857.
At the present time when eflorts are being
. . .
made to induce the Democracy or Cambria
to abandon their old landmarks, aod to assist
the united Torces ot tbo ivnow-othing ana
Black-Republican parties to triumph, it will
ertainly bo admitted that the question sub-
xnitted to their determination is one of very
great importance, and the propriety of their
taking a comprehensive common sense view
of it must be evident to all.
Nothing can bo more eertain than that the
"volunteer candidates,". Palmer & Co.. are re-
all v tha candidates of. the Kncw-Nothing and
Black Republican parties. If we arc ' not
r.g0l .niois .ucsars.xa.meriv.caucorrec.
. .1 t Mi I. .
ns. But we Know weu tnat tney aare not ao
to. we know that they arc ashamed to avow
that they rely on Know-Nothing and Black-
Republican votes to secure their election, and
a it. - . a : . . . 7 a . a 1. . nMA
hum iuc uiuc rw uruiu w uuuj me euii
tngism and Black-Republicanism, or to dc-
clare that they would scorn to be elevated to
office through tha votes of men who arc the
open, the avowed enemies ot the Union and
the Constitution and of Religious Liberty; ... t. vr-t
iu a wora mgoieu unow-.iwujngs ana ianai
Ial abolitionists..
Their reasons for conducting themselves in
such a vicillating manner in this matter is
obvious. They aro -confident of. receiving
the entire Know-Nothing "and Black-Republican
voto of the eonaty, because it baa been
pledged to them by the " leaders," and they
hope to secure enough of votes from "dis
affected" Democrats - to secure their elec
tion. Whether they are right in their cal
culations, time will determine.. We hazard
the opinion that the result on the second
Tuesday of October will prove that they hare
teen rcekesrrg wit beet tkdr lest "
M 1.. 'W VB'I L a. . KAai. AS.. . . I - 1 m - . -Wv B
impeacuiucu. xney nae ueuuer iuc maa- wnue proieesiog to De a democrat, he was Ladya' Book" and Graham's
llnesa la onenlv nroelaim themselrea aa the I fr V nA .1m..). t t. : : I .... .... . . .
' ' 1 . 7, " J v luc prtuvi- which he will b abla furnish
. " f.w .m Huun-iiwumg V"J- o cau i tho HnbliKherK' -i
It i ided 'tifying "to prciT tU
tbniltftu rdJ nntnimity' with winch tba'Pe-
mntrt of C.mtriar are now rallrlng to the
upport of tha' State and County ticket,
That the entire ' Democratic , ticket will be
tleetedf by' in oTerwhelming majority. ; there
ean no.longer' be. any doubt JN The KoW- I
Nothings aliat National UcmocnKs, W no are
led on by such cenegade Democrat aa WU-
liam Pakuer and George C. K. " Zahm, will
find .that they are engaged in an uphill tusi'
ncss when thy undertake to disorganise the
Democratic party and accomplish a Know-
Nothieg Tictory in the -'Star of tho West."
It bas until recently Veen a received and un-
contradicted opinion, amony the members of
the Democratic party, that the ascendency of
its "princTplrt in the admroktratbn of the
affairs of State was essentially necessary to
the permenent glory and happiness of our
beloved country, and it was always heretofore
supposed that Democratic measures could on-
ly be sustained thTdfc;h the votes of Demo-
ocratiemen. But it would scorn from the
statements oi tue iN-a-t-i-o-n-a-i u-fs- i
mo-c r-a-c-y. that a new era bath dawned
upon the world, and that the ascendency of
rf , ,i
i Democratic men and meanres in " this ereat
utmovraiiB bicd uu iu 6
ceuntry of ours,'
t only ue sccurea mrougu
tho medium of Know-Nothing and Black-1
Republican votes. j
Democrats of Cambrili are yo prepared to 1
subscribe to all this? Are you willing that !
bigoted Know-Nothings and fanatical aboli
tionists shall dictato to you how to vote 1
; These are questions which you must an
swer on the second Tuesday of next October.
George W-iBowman.
A few weeks ago we took our leave of the j
Ex-Editor of the 4 Hedford Gazette," as we I
ilin nnnn!d fnrw for we had no desire to
give tkoiow fawning demagogue the benefit
, , .
of the Notoriety which we well knew, he was
"IT -. I.
endeavoring to acquire by keeping up a con-
tinued and exciting controversy with tho Dom- J TTnor
his last manifesto is such an exceedingly rich
document, that we have determined to accord
it at least a brief notice. It is addressed to
that veteran Democrat, Dr. Wm. A. Smith
of this county, who since arriving at the years
of manhood has always been an active con
cistcnt and fearless defender of the men and
measures of th Democratic party, and the
devoted friend of James Buchanan, through banks have been exerting themselves to the
all the vicissitudes of the political eareer of ut,most o the last rtnight. to sustain them
. . T - . ., salves, and most or them would etui be able
.u.uuubmumii.. n not .u
power oi xsowman w injure me sianamg oi j
Dr. Smith with the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania. No public man in the State can pro
duce a fairer record than Dr. Smith, and it
woold be well for Bowman if he could say
the same thing of himself with truth.
Bowman denies that he - ever inteftred in
the local politics of this county, and yet in J
almost tho next paragraph he acknowledges
that he advised or instructed the Democracy
of Cambria, through the columns of the
N- gn,itb the regular nominee of the party
for Assembly. Ui not this interfering m
nis own mouth ne condemns himself.
jjowman is exceedingly anx:ous to ereate the
. ...... .1
""preasion abroad, that the Democracy of
Cambria are hostile to the administration of
James Buchanan ; a viler calumny could not
u im!lg;ney. The Democracy ef this county
fe J . J
were tho earnest advocate of the nomination
f James Buchanan, and the vote which they
, . . . , . vnf.niv,r
proved the estimato which they then enter
tained of the man. And their opinion has
since undergone no change. They sincerely
rejoice at the prudence and success which has
thus far attended his administration. In no
I . . .1
ether county in tbe State, can he number
more sincere and devoted friends than in this.
If Bowman has no desire to to interefere
m the local politics of this county, why did I
he request the Editor of the " National Dem-
ocrat" to publish his communication ? The
Democracy of Cambria will no doubt feel
dulj grateful, for the commendable desire he
manifests, of affording them an opportunity
of clearly ascertaining the opinions and views.
of iVg late Adiutant Gennral of th rit
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania .
"Troth Demands Nothine from the Character
I r . s J i - n
" -auvocle.
ihe above is the motto of the " National
Democrat," the organ of the disorganize in
this county. We cannot imagine what could
induce Mr. Ilito to adopt such a motto for his
I i . a
1 paper, ucicsa u aa tne consciousness that
almost imsgine the Editor and his aicfs in i
council proclaiming to their brethren; retnom-
ber " truth demands nothing from the char-
after of its promulgators ;" therefore our
Know-Nothing brethren, do not forget that
I.. . . .
although we profess to be Democrats, and are
endeavoring to gain "character" in the ranks
of that party, we are rrally contributing our
best euorts to revive tbe fallen fourtunea of
"Sam." And since ."truth demands noth
ing from the chsracter of its promulgator,"
you will please regard us aa genuine true blue
members of the midnight fraternity.
It may be true, that " trtrth'demands noth-
ing from the character of its promulgator,"
but nevertheless we are boH to confess that
we would much rather tear the principles of
the Democrat party expounded by a member "T , yeuow 5Tcr 11 prevailing , exten- potfe of some good, inquired or her u she
of the party in e-ood atandicr " than K . tl "Havana. Three hundred as en (of- eould Ull him of any road no pedlar dab
Kne w ?ethiaw ar .1.11 JZ VAt. fiat travelled. -X. aid she. I Wow one.
Knew Nethinf er Bleek-Ref nblrewi Itflifa bH sht hava ihfd f ft. Vv ! ttt& eult n, tad att'a tfct read hftTen."
gw. - It ii eWoih wo bafatrtf IBap roun-
tain sen di or aweet ana miter waier ac me
same time,' Mr Hita wiU certainl act .x
pect the Democracy of Cainbriato receiTe
erery thing he enunciates s trafe -since hU
paper is the tapporter of the iKncrsr-NothiDg
candidate fAsseiuDiy.. anoirinpen. aa
itowm orgm ui me uim .vm.
time are industriously igged4d.ofg
to disorganise the ranks of e " Pemocratic
party in this county. f i . . .
'We presume that we are perfectly safe in
announcing the appearance ob or before he
1st day of SeptemW. 587 of the second
rokime of Editorial Brevities, cotsfiiting
of contributions to a country 'newspaper ; cal-
Id the " National democrat; tne aioresaia
contributions before their second appearance,'
having been carefully revised and corrected
by the author. - -. - ' '-
the Monetary Crisis."
Tbe pkHgdeipbia fcttquirer" ot Saturday
MtCTjg. . -
Yesterday was a day of extraordmarv ex-
dtrtnent m this city.
Soon after 'the opening j
of the doors of the Hank of Pennsylvania, it
wa deemed expedient to close them. Immc-
diately tho intelliirence spread with rae great-
J ., , , ? K ,
est possible .celerity, and crowds Boon aaseni-
w . gfi d and Third fclTerts &lld jneej
ju t,e neiehbdrhood t)f HU cftir leading mone-
tary institutions. All sorts of speculations
were mauigea aua many .niT.gau. rc-r.s
were circuiBiuu. iuc v"" uiwuvt
a run upon the "banks generally for specie a
All of them, except the Hank of Pennsylvania,
paid out, either in whole or in t art, until three
o clock, the uual hour . oi closing. ;.iean
while the Presidents of the Hanks assembled
in council at one o'clock, and after disttcsAiig
the condition of affairs, adjcamed to meet
again at four o'clock iHring th day, the
- -.i t i.t. . i
gpecig that was withdrawn from the various
institutions, amounted to somethinr like a
however little or no contusion -or aworacr.
atd those who made their demands, did so in
phcerful and pood-natnred spirit; At 4
..... L, . ,
o'clock, the Presidents of the Banks rs-assem-
bled, and renewed their disussion :of the con-
dition of attaira. lhev eat. iocnsanr two
bouts, when views pro and con were given,
all in a frank and kindly Hpirit-ithe object
expressed on all hands being to; pursue the
course best calculated to protect and assist the
community. A resolution, was .fin ally adop
ted, and with, entire, unanimity,', recom
rniA. Depositors, note-holders, "and stock
holders, need not feel the least alsrm.' The
to pay their entire circulation, and deposit.
but in doing so, they would be compelled to
withhold all assistanoe.frorn their customers,
and thus, in fact, to cripple' the 'community
and retard the general prosperity. They
have perferred the policy of temporary suspen
sion, and in this we think they have acted
It appears by Philadelphia papers received
this morning, that the excitement still contin-
ues, and the banks are censured for; want of
concert cf action. . The Pittsburg Banks,
with the exception of the "Bank of Pitts-
burg." have suspended.. All the Banks of
Baltimore, the Harrisburg, York and Head-
incr Banks have also susnended sneeia nav
land Banks, with the exception of those of
Providenee. Rhode Island, still remain open
and seem determined to bear up against tie
pressure. . .
In another column will be found the Proc
lam a tion of the Governor, calling' an extra
m , ' T . .
session of the Legislature. We. are not well
enough posted to hazard an opinion with re-
j . . . -'
gard to propriety. or impropriety, of the mcas-
ure. The members of the Legislature during
tbe extra session, will receive' only three ddl-
- w
iars per aay ana mileage. , . .
Nxw Hat Store. J. V -Thomwox, of
T 1 ... .. - . 'J, .
ounsiown, wm open on the nrst tiay oi our
Vyouaiy fair, a large and beautilul asssort-
FURS, in the store-room noV occupied by
Mr. David Davis, " Colonade Row." We
-1 : ' j -fri.-..
f'suic iu rtccuuiiucnu'iie lur. iuuuiu-
son and his stock of goods to our. citizens
w . ,
generally. All articles sold in his line will be
tin ton and warranted to .rire satiafaeiion.
Give him a call.
. . - - -r r
mllwq otv at Cost. George M'Cann
intending to reaiove' from this plane., will sell
lg and fancy akrck of good at FI11ST
I ITIl.vir x t
.u .u. oguou goous. aua
V" xo suu ine UQjes, will hmLit to. thir
aaBtage to call soon or they will miss the
best Dargins they are going off rapidly.
Postmaster Jtf. C. M'Caguei has ra
I ccWcd
the October numbers of "Oodev'a
Mags tine,'
purchasers at
GodejV and Graham's Magazines
for October are on our table. They are cap-
I uai numt'ers.
t3T County and State Tickets will be
ready for distribution on Saturday next.
t&- Attention is called to the "advertise
ment of Lane. . '
Ten thousand men are being- enlisted in
uwiimuit, iui aouia ecvrvh service. Anoiner
AlfimAwA . . A . 1
iMciraguau expcauion is supposes AO be on
v : 3.. . ...
- A Yankee has invented a suspender that
J c004" on your approaoh to water : . that
) "0e Ju CQm punaie it Jtfta you
over and drops yon on the other side.
1 1 -
We understand that the Democratic meet-
.inat-Moatown. onerday. was very
largely attended. The utmoat harmony and
rfatbueiosm prevailed. . Gen Packs, addrcs-
sed the meeting in a. lengthy and able speech",
- l-fi -i. o : '- -t.-
a gentlemen who was present, informs us that
Gen . Packer -acquited himself with great
bonor and produced aC favorable 'impres-
sion ? We give below the resolution adopted
by the meeting.- The gentleman who-han-
j u
uwt mm -u vanned miuiuK us wo uuun l
' , . a- 1 '
ol the president and other omcers. . . , ,
IteaolveJ, That the Democracy of Cambria !
eotinty are true to the principles of the Con- I
Btitutkm of the Union, as they are unequiva- I
ctlly expressed in the platform of the Cincin- j
nail uonvnincjn. i
Ifosoh-ed, That as Pennsylvania Democrats I
e feel prad of tbe elevation of James Bu- J
'ettbanan-, to the office of Preaidcnt of the Uni- (
ted State's. We regard him as a well tried I
I .
statesman, a tine patriot and a man whose l
wicfte We bab baen devoted to tbe best inter-
cresia or ine couorry, naving every commence
in his aV.Iity and patriotism. We hereby
pledge him our zealous support in the admiu-
lstration of the aflairs of the Nation. - I
Hesolved, That we do most cordially en-
dorse the nomination of Qenl. Wm. F. Paek- I
av'' rjf T.VAAmtfifr AAnnftf fn rkfTi.A nf Clew I
ernor. His larce experience in State affairs. I
bis high character for integrity, nd his firm-
ness as a democrat as manifested by his able.
and -eloquent address this evening, give us J
full asauraeco the administration of the public (
affairs of our good old Commonwealth will be
safe in his hands. beseby pledge Liru I doubt, with hoseat purpose. but with weak
our hearty and earnest support. j ness of resolution, have brought disgrace on
Jlu solved, 1 bat we have every confidence j
the ability and integrity of lion. James
Thompson and Wm. Strong, our candidates
for Supreme Judges, and Nimrod Strickland, 1
our candidate for Canal Commisfiener, and I
pledge to them our undivided support
Itcsolrcd, That enr County ticket being J
composed of true Democrats, gentleman
in whom the people cah place implicit reliance
for the discharge of the respective trusts to
which they are nominated, deserve as they j
ill receive, the earnest and ordiai support I
of the Democracy of the county. - j
KtsUved, J bat the proceedings or the j
meeting be published in all the Democratic
papers of the county.
In the name, aud by the K.uthrjrity of the Cvm-
montccallh of. Pennsylvania, Jambs Pol
lock, Governor of the said Commonwealth:
Whereas, a serious financial revulsion has
occurred, resulting in the suspension of spe
cie payments by the Banks of this and other ,
fctates of the union, ana the iauure or many
long established commercial houses, leading to
the destruction of confidence, and to the gen
eral embarrassment and depression of trade,
and threatening to affect disastrously the
credit of lb Commonwealth, and the great
indus'rial interests cf the people;
Aud uiureas, an occasion so extraordinary
requires prompt and efficient action to relieve!
" 1.arnjed ani? cuflering community :
. LrtJirt- L 1m" 1 ouo?k ".r'
nf tu nwPPtt -onf rVd on n.e b the consti-
Vi IUC r VV as a a. va vu ujv asj a v v- uu
tution do hereby ccnveiie the General Assem-
. . , , , .i i
bly of this Commonwealth, and require the
members of the Senate and House of llepre
sentativea to meet in their reppeclive houses
in the capitol at Harrisburg. on Tuesday, the
sixth day of October. A. D, 1S57. at 12
o'clock at noon of that day, then and there to
,,.. .v '.i
ures of relief in the rremisis as the present
: . . ,
to demand. , .
Iu testimony whereof. I have hereunto
ii i i .i . i r .i
set my hand and caused the great seal of the
Commenwealth to be affixed, at Harrisburg
this 28th day of September, in the year of
onPiord i57.andof the independence of
iuIa Sfof tr,, UrA.
I a., wm-- Q ml
By the Governor. AnpkewG Ccrtin.. '
l. Secretary of the Commonwealth
Crckltt at Ska. The captain and two
n Vn.lIJi .Ion 1, Um i i-T cm A
IUI IC3 Wl U "
to ba u at Liverpool, for torturing to
death a Bailor on loardtheir ship.- It was
proved on the trial that he was Cogged every
T b7 tne u,re, pr'spners thata large mas
, - . . i i . .u Pj.c.
L- ;nJi '.iw, tLe
" J o " 7 .. . .
flno. in Qtrma mi lavmcr bhinl I
I UtWU l" - 1 - -
j the most ghastly wounds and ulecrs that an
iron bolt was put across cis moutn, ana nis
chained to a strong Dolt in tne aeck oe
bind his back that he was put into an etnp-
ty cask and rolled along the deck that his
own excrement was lorcct aown ms tnroat
that he was sent aloft naked to furl sails, and
severe! v beaten with a rope before making tho
around his
ucva, uu uv iimiihov vmi .w -"
Ietion of threo feet, where he WSS SUSpen
i dei for ore minntes. and that when lowered
he fell on his back like a dead aian ! ' Death
at length, more charitable than his persecu
tors, put an end to his suffering.-, when his
body was found to be indented with marks of
the rope, and his wounds full of maggots.
Dacotah. The last Congress, it will be re-
membcred, oiganiaed a new Territory under
the name of Dacotah. This territory includes
a great part of the valley of tho Sioux, the could he ever have be como a fit man for G oy
vallevs of the James and Vermillion riverse ernor? Deuiociats, there is not a Whig in
a -w a a t A t 1 1 A.
and large traets of beautiful bottom lands ly
ing on the Jlissouri, In regard to the cli-
" a a a.
mate, it becomes milder to the westward, ao
much so that tha winters in the northwestern
part of Dacotah are said to be not much more
severc than in Northern Pennsylvania. Tbe
prevailing want of the entire region is timber
Its chief attractions are fertile soil, pure air
? Twl am iinncnallv h lt w 1 im t "
1 an1 It !n i ToBAtii in airinnsnrft
1 -
r ;n-.i ni
l .ww..
Tt. ..liUilol trttina mar. Ladv
Mae." is dead. She fell and broke her neck.
while trotting a match in San Francisco,
lately. Bhe was valnea at i,aw,
A pedlar calling on an old lady to dis-
..... ? 3 . r 'M m
Delinquencies' of Clergymen, .
There are few insolvencies of more evil mor? bankruptcy of clergymen. Not-
iruosianaing this advancea age oi civilisation
and the moral and intellectual improvements
. .. ..... .
ical aelinquencie. increase in correeponding
ratio. Though it is conceded that the great
majority of them are, as in former years, good
an rue min Jet lbe fearful, record . of our
'courta giveaa vast increase of miuUterial cul-
the u,st;nr intelllcence of aom ministar hav-
ing seduced some innocent girl, or absconded
with another man's wife, or been guilty of
oUiw. effeuoo equally revohiBg to tba moral
feelings of society . rand disgraceful to . the
t rrit .. . 1 - , , , ,
eburch. This evil is made ten-fold, worse by
.u. ntnrl tato nf tl,
dal more publicity beinsr eiven to one clcri-
cal enlprit than to ainety-and-nine faithful
ministers whose exemplary walk and denort-
ment challenge the most rigid scrutiny of so-'
cieiy. iui iaise siep oi a uiimuer. tiierelorc.
becomes a wide-sprtadinc evil, unsettlioz the
faith of hundreds, neutralizing the labors of
a thousand evangelists, and leading many to
rocard the clerical profession as only a cloak-
- . . "i
of hjpocruiy, by which ta cover up their sen-
soanty. '
pisi oi tbeM unnqueucies are the result
of the minister's influence over the female mem
bvrs of his church, which, as may well be
supposed, is quite natural. -The tu mister is
looked up to, especially by that class of his
congregation, as quite incapable of a bas act.
n nntinnnl ilirnM i1ia...1va 4
unwittinelv manv times within his nower ' '
There ia no doubt, that many eorrapt and
1. sensual men, seeing this controlling influence
f clergymen over the fcvinds cf the tender
sex, have assumed tbe sacerdotal garb to facil-
itate their licentious sehemes. Oihers, no
their pi ofewion by unguardedly allowing taeni-
selves to be placed alone with femalvs aot over
fastidious or guarded in their ton'rersatiou or
actions. The only rsmedv for this, now al-
ready too prevalent an erii, is for ministers to
distrust themselres, and nevr allow a female
to bold an interview wnhout a third person
present. It is not vnough that, forty-nine
times in fifty, ts-o wrong is either enacted or
contemplated at prtvato interviews : the act
that wrong is sometimes done that corrupt
and bad men abuse the license accorded to
clergymen in lb ir private conferences with
women should be conclusive. . If every cler-
gj man now ordained were absolutely .unim
peachable, it would still be wrong in them to
do what would tempt hypoeritcs to enier the
ministry on purpose to enjoy special opportu
nitifg with females! The natural ascendency
of clergymen over the minds of most women,
the confidence generally'repoued in the minis
terial office in short, all that gives to the in
tercourse of clergymen with their female par
ishoners a freedom and familiarity which, iu
tbe case of others, would cause scandal im
peratively requires that olerpymen should pre
scribe to themselves and insist on a c&ution
and reserve in this intercourse which must
render sin impossible and scandal incredible.
Bloody Tragedies in Texas.
We find the following in the Dallas Herald
0f the i!9th ult :
b ,u. . , f .
most desperate and nding tragedies
tb4 ha CT,cr. b"n ncted in ibis region of
i country, uoau ioo;nson. living some lour
or five miles from Iiirdvnlt, Tarrant county,
on Friday morning of last week, withoat pre
vious provacation as we are informed, almost
without sn intimatien of his fiendish inten
tions, shot , and killed dead two brothers.
George and James Anderson, brothers of bis
wife, then attempted the life of his wife, and
tailing in that, proceeded aeliberatelv to his
. ,V " : J "
neighbor s, old man Sublett. a distance cf
Vr. r .t... ur
1 .jff t " , V
uiue u niiuiu euuri uistaoce oi u;s Dome.
Kofiuson finiBhed LorriJ d un'Ratur
e. i , .J -6, , , ,. ,
n,t k"? behead, and pushing tne
mggc-r wun nis ranirod, put an end to bis
own life instantly. The whole affair occurred
in less than an hoar, ' ' "
"Robinson previously had a'diffieulty with
his wife, and had agreed to a separation.
II er brothers were assisting to remove her
things, wheu he shot themboth with a
rifle and a muket. Somo time ago
UiYrmi committed a brutal aault up
on old man Sublelt, and was punished with
several months' imprisonment, which was
probably the csuse cf his animosity, against
I :j:.:.j.i
Traitor and Tory.
TORY was found in all Pennsyl vania'and that
wa WILMOT of Bradford. . The execrations
3f every FRIJ-D of Pennsylvania will fall
UDOn and follow him until he reaches that
0iacc where the worm dieth not and the fire
hs not quenched
This was the language usod by the Hanis-
burg T'ltgwph in 1840. and republished by
the Clinton County Whig at that time It
was also reiterated by the entire Whig party
of this county. Now, gentlemen, did vou
tell the truth when vou used this language
I m reference to Wilmot then ! If he was a
time is he fit for Governor now? W ere you
honest in your declarations then I it you
were, have changed your minds since? If ho
was tl eu what you called him a TORY
the county resident here in I040, wno aia noi
I call Wilmot both a TRAITOR and a TOKk .
lavaiai .a .1 .1 t CIa
If they did not Jibel hiin then, tney
support a man now for Governor who is both
TRAITOR and TORT, if they are for rt xl-
mot ! Remind every one of them cf this fact,
Democrats Clinton lfemoerot.
Potato Rot. The Alexandria (Va ) Sen
tinel hss been informed by two gentlemen,
one from Fauqier and the ether of Fairfax,
Va.r that the rot has appeared in a portion of
their potatoes in a very destructive degree.
Scarcely a potato in the infected plantings
seemed to escape the taint. One of the gen
tlemen intended immediately to dig his and
feed them to his hogs. In the ease of the
other eron the taint had extended too far to
permit this eewkat questionable eernrrny.
Proclamation of the Delhi Inaorgenta.
The following b a eorreot translation of tbe
proclamation issued at Delhi by the insur
gents : 1
''To ull Hindoos and Mu42mas, CiiZxen --ond
Servants of Jlittdastan, tfu officers cf
' the Army note at Delhi, and 2&rut send .
Greet img y
- It is well known that in theaa days ail
the English have entertained theses til designs
J first, to destroy the Religion of "the whoii
Hindustan army, and then to make tut peopla- -by
compulsion Christians.: Therefore, solely.,
on account of our religion, webave combinels
with the people and have not spared alive oni,
infidel, and have re-established the Delhi jdy .
nasty on these terms, and thus act in obaaiv
ence to order, and rteeire double pay. , ,
"Hundreds of guns and a large amount- cf '
treasure have fallen into our hands ; therefore
it is fitting that whoever of the soldiers and
people dislike turning Christians should unite
with one heart, and, acting eorageously, not
leave the seed of these infidels remaining.
For any quantity of supplies delivered to the
army th owner are to take the receipt of the
officers ; and they will receive double pay fioni
the Imperial Government. Whoever shall iu
these times exhibit cowardice, or credulcaslv
believe tho promises of these ioiposter, tL
English, shall vtry shortly be put' to shark
fur each a deed ; and, rubbing the hauJs tf
sorrow, shall receive "for their fidelity the re
ward the ruler ef Luck now got.
. "It is further necessary, that all 1 1 in loos
and. Mussel mans unita in this fctruirels, and.
following the instructions of souve respectable -
people, keep themselves secure, so that good '
r3r may be maintained.
the poorer classes
"P1 contented, and they themselves b cxal
vcu. in uigouy . i. xi. i
as it is possible, ropy this proclamation aul
despatch it everywhere; that all true Hindoos
ad Musselmaos may bo alive and watokful.
and fix it in i udc conspicuous place (butpm
dently to avoid detection.) and strike a blow
with a sword befere giving circulation
The first pay cf the soldiers of Delhi will bo
SOr a month for a trooper, and lOr a month
for afoot man. Nearly 100. 000. men are
ready, end there are 13 Sags of the English
regiments and above 14 standards from differ
ent parts now rai5el aloft for our religion, for
God and the conqueror, aad it the inUn
tion cf Cawnpore to root out the seed of the
devil.' This is what the araiy here wish. ,
Mam Lost i.v a Cors FiBLrotT focsd c
til the FoLkTH DAT'.--Gf est "solicitnde wa
created a ahort time since bv the absence of
our old friend Dahltl S. Morrlsen, cf Hot
Spring counfy. lie ha6 a very retnarkab
field of c-Drn, and walking down one evening
to see what damage tbe - coons were doing
he chanced to strull to far from the fencw,
soon became lost au l dcwilderei iu tbe im
mense growth of cm He "wandered ft
three days, subsivting during tht time ta
green corn. n. negroes becou1njr alarm4
about Liin commenced a dilijri,t naarek. atii
found Lint on tbe fcurtL da. lie wa lLan'
buisily engaged in ruKbicg twu dij tioi w
gtsthvr to make fire. th gro stn havio
produced an UDp!cnt scuaiion in his uu
seh. He thinks he would have .'-naJ L'
way cut en ihe third day tut Le iuW a
patch of Black llepublii-sn baai-s and tht
gtVC UJi I.ltile J'vch Arte. Gut,. '-ff. 5
The friud of a celebrated i expr
srd surprise that, with his age aa 1 hi fa4
Bess for tho hot:!, h houl i hsv thntlgbt it
nee!S!iary I marry. A wife was necessa
ry, he siii ; "my acq-iii tinpv began 14
say that 1 drank too n.ueh for a single maa."
A deaf and du'-ub weiding ca-ue off in
Lzington. Ky., last Week. Bride, bride
groom srd laibister. were sli deaf mate,
aud the service was performed by the la
e cf signs. As miLt. pa!uraily .have
been expected, there was
bet llt;U
abvtit It
One of the men who wasiajared by the
bear, at West Troy, rectntly. is recovering .
He taiJ that it wa the hardest tussle herrer
bal. lie " thruwed the bar three times."
but the fourth be " got thro wed hiitBelf,'
and then, he said, " the bar had the aJvan-
There is nothing in the whole l:.t of mdi
cine creating such a stir among invalids as
Dr. Saufurd's luvigorator or Liver Remedy.
It j,'ivcs such fjU'ck relief sb to convince the
patient Of receiveitig betitf:t sln:'f t soon a
the medicine is taken. We do n-t know of
a single instance where it has been taktr-vrith-out
beucfit, and in nearly all cams a complete
cure is effocted by its use. It has acquired
its wide pr-julsrity simjy l ecsnse it d-ea
what it is recomeiided to dn. It is conttantly
enlarging it circle of friends, carrjiug heal
ing cn its vimg, and joy to tue hearts cf
i those suffering from Liver Complaint. Jaun
! dice. Dypep!-ia or general debility.
For sale her by ail Druggist 47 it.
Died. At his residence in Blacklick town,
ship, in this county, on WednesdaV. the SOth
ins: . Mr. JAMES DUNCAN, in the SSiU
yesr of his age.
Ou Friday, the 26th instant. Mrs, Todd.
of James Jodd, Ksq., of inoiana nor-
ougb, aged about 50 years. '
"feTAl'FFEn "i UARLET.
wr-rrnnT T SA F.F: and Itutail. at - &t A
f the 'PLiladelpbia waleh .rd
Jewelry Store" . No. 14$ (eld No.
06) North Second Street, Correrrf
Quarry, rhiladeipnia.
Gold Lever Watches, fulf Jewelled.
18 caret cases, i-S.Cf?
Gold Lepine. IS caret. 4,01
Silver Irfjver, full jewelled, 24.(Hf
Silver Lepine, jewels, 12.0
Superior Quarticrs, 7,00
GoVd Spectacles, 7,00
Fine Silrcr do.'i 1.50.
Gold Bracelets,- $M
Lady's Gold Pencils, 1 KOO,
Silver Tea Spoons, set.. . 5.0tJ
Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver hoi- .
tier, ' . 1 -. - 1.00'
GJd Finger. Kings 7J ets to $R0; Watch
Glasses, plain 12 ets., Patent JS cts., Lncet
25 ; other articles in proportion. Allgwls war-,
ranted to be wliat tbey are sold for. JCT'OnJbanrf,
i some Gold and Silver Levers and Lejics btiJ
1 lower than the abov prices. -
l . Spt, if
Id7 47 If. -
i ;r.-iY: i;j
o c
a c