Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 23, 1857, Image 1

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    if !
-t t .!
tws;;: . .-. tJ: i.jLd j r.
evit ,-w'v - v "!5 r-. - . JJjr... it:
p'to; i 'I L- f U-! to.' .is?-?-.-! Is ;
vt Ufa
a I.f.J '
s.Au-iVi Vj v-
i THESLESSnidS 6? QOVERiJlSIEirT, T,T : gDZtfris (SVTtflfffE jfeltrtof AT.TTTK ttfOlT THE ElbHiJn):Tnif id'W', TITfi ElCli AKD THE tOOlL .1 11111 11 1 'T,
'SEPTEMBER 23,vl857;": ;
,OI. 4. G 46.
1 1
.:..--. ..: I -Jit 1 -VifY-3 -CKWTnT - -rtfrf;-? 11?
a a a. w . a - a 3 im i tji i i v r 5 , i a-t . t . i an .. .
mm w :; i;a;i r;-, a;:: mm
t3 ,'.'3.'-.. .it'.'VJiJ V-'J V-'T fu , . Mi Is
' . . . i . i . . i '.
Proclamation of General Election.
VcinLlyxf thaXirtamontrealtli of i'eiujsyl-
aaia. eotu!y.l Aq act -rulatnig to th4 election
tia'v of Julv. Anr.o Domini, one thousand eiht
"Hi-h Sheriff of .theCovnty .f CW.-m, in the
-Ftate of'ltnnirvivania. rt) nereoy mtUvC knovn
ana give nortr-e to me Zrr ,7 V."
-Uni, Vila, m uniiii '
Ji the Raid coniity of iC inihria," on " tl;er ttoooud
Y.Tuewlnj Jtu d-w) f; Oi oUr, ISH, at
"Wuich tLi3 Stftte.jd-. Uvuuty ofucerb, H'Ul L cloc
to tt: ..; , i.rr 'J '
-;'.Oae person to fid th omce of Governor of the
"C)!ntiion wealth of 'rcJinylvaina' ' , V . ;
H'f .rt; p-riyi to fi'.rthe'otSbo 'tf Canal 0nirn5
ivrtrf thOmrVniwealth-of Prtm.-yrvanli.'--
T j.rni-?t'iiH tini ofiiee of . .lnles of the
upreruo-Cviurt of tlifeCwrniuuw.iltk'cf J'enn-
'- ...i
f. , Ono" U 13. 1 the oHi.-o t r l.iittT.ana ;,
The t lectors of t!:e -fo.-npi-nr- me
f I?
nioeV'itk the C'- urt
iu.- ". e:i: u )vi"
TJie.'it(sxf- the distrjet eortiiv! fi" the
Th ehTt-irs of " the- district tf ped-'i'f' the
twitv?i J-f (3eFf , to meoii t th K?hooj -Ilonw;,
(ii the firm 1 itiditird J. i'ruu dioot,in sai-ilowi
1 ?!
r'.-rl'ir.- ol.
c.ii-.ijrti.-fi f the
t t'iO jicfc-l v! ''if-"'-
),.ryJ ui j. y
l . i. -.:d V.r-.u,a.
'"-Tf;ei-!o:;t Jte .'f.r!
V: Cf Su-iiini'.fii'''
'rUt r.iM-j-.
'..... f
t.5 nteet-n: thu Scluo! lh
v 'i'ti!t. !trt f th kiistrkt
.tO VI, 4r f A hcjh- vi.V , Ut UiVi
i 4, i --! tw.;i!.. t .
i t i: ! . .ji i
j .a c.fct.. th- d;vn-t
I". vfl""i" ' ' ' '-I-', t'1 m.'i-i
. n 1 i. H. ,vU; iir.i.U".
p-d .f.' the
rti lit i. i lUii.-l-
l.-.f L .r
I.i i.-iou Si.i e
i" n: t C 'rop.-sii O!
I t licet at c;;i; ,.;
i t vn
i .-.
i.-tiiei :::,) :-e
lo-'et at, li.Z :
.1 li'
,4 of J jii.'o't;
lTe'ry i;i;r- x,o s ml
- Wtors of " V.'."
.vi-: ij.
,1i?trii-t con 1 posed
t... . . I.. . , 1-
"Vvwuship of Ittchtav.t. t r trt.-et at tae oj
.tacOh Kring, insHi lor. i!:in. -j;The
elector of tke dU' composed of the
ol" Jiiiickhel:, to meet W tut- house . f
-AUt icku, h th .village t t;L1auo,,ia..i.J
.toAuhi;u . I , -. 'f ..: - ' , r- ,
T!o eie;t rs. nf the .nstnet compose. . o , tt.e
t jwtp.hi if S'V:pehan:i., to meet at the hie
if tnW, iu' Vaid township. '
i? Mt, n.'iri of the ritsliioi con m kiwi - 01 me
- tvTiM,fir t.f W'aMhio 'ton. b tuo.-t at si. a
:-.UC Mtli.ito at the f out of riHauv. 4,
ta vi.sliipv : " " 1 :
,r , TU. f'.rotv M.f thedi.tri..t. cor:p s;.;.L
tovvcehin of White, to meet, at h.l J3
d -ho I
of, the
I , in said jo w Mi ip-
.The a .tJi'rK-t.cniposol :of the
toWuaU!p of:Munster,t. m.eer. at tha ware h..iu
.vf ".f'.striie Duibin.'ia tho vill.rge cf Mu;:tcr,
of A in'ustTae. Duib:n,
.--1 ",,- iAn ' ''
" Tho tKvtors i tlio ftistnci - r.n-i m.
tOTSship of ConemauilW, ia iU'-ctuiS-: foilvW viz ;
District Jfoi-a i--a --t part of aal 1 towpship
of lAinenwugh, bvuu.kd .by ihc. S.4i.cit ,tou.t y
T .'. f , n 1 1
rllmkstonVltuni to the largo aquouuc aw uoous
rtotrov theaee VGnemangl Borough and Cone
iaug lUver to tiuaiuierluU township liae.tht n c
, by Jackson to vship line to Licliaua county line,
thence by the same to the place of Iwrrtttrengto
meet at Sch.xd House No- 5, near the Veiidence
pj,triut Xo. aAU that pan of said towns:
vWui-JLy tUc(n:Er-lilh'roUg..hno aud the
Curtnausn'nv.i b 'fliQ iUchlaud .titwn.-lnp hne,
ethe Stony C.lck T,ivcrand the, Johtifa Bor
"roushlinc.lo tneet'atc!l Uowo-0 10,-rne;ir
the farm or tlnsli-ira of David $ifi& t, .deo'd-.tii
rntim - , - , . . T T
aui lu-wnsmp .. ;,., ;
-J'ha eJectons ut: a2 itwtrwt, cotniica, .w me
t rwnahip of Summtrhul, to nucU ioilws , y ;
.District Xo. l.-ALhthab nart cUaid. towns! t5p
i: nnsti-rrt side of the diVU-n hftcdiv;-
Jiws. .yti: :
.finaid township into two election Bistrkrts, said
VtV A-ncll vi3
Vf'of tHelaUi!er CirWsle auf Mimutl c.ritnn
tracts HiheHOtB 120 degrees ,M;i40. iierchesto
the Sonfli For of the Coneniaugh W
at the School House ia tho town of J tKersonifl
taid townsliip. - ,
i' DUirietNo. 2l fAll fiVai part of lo-nship
t !y"m OU the' westt f n def the ffiid division line,
.to.ihcet at-the'Schcl Ijwc near-the town faum
" taerhill, la saU -township.-i o" w.t ; 'V 1
i Tha electors' of tho distiioi cociposrd ff ,th it
part of AUeg'aeuy Jown-Jup bounded and descri-
- bod M follows; to wit J JJegiiuung at the Jme de
riding Blair and Cambria counties at a 'point oa
t he dividing Hoc of two tract of lan"f, one of
, . One. person to h,l Llia tiien jt-cojJk-? t-i. t.iic , f iW O ns,'itution th;it ar, v araendnwt-o len-njeutanu tinier joease ot mvawon Or ui- Lly.tvans, ii:tter. I''ioney.1riotnikc!i, I
One person tV fill t!ie ocejof CmnSer ch manner' and at such lin.c. av least the tl.ed aplicrwiLan ein- Shuni;, u.Ler Ktee, Statul.;. V.Vlsh,AVilk.
(a pernon to t !! the ofHee f A ttddar f?r three f tlit.,ur,; i,;e.;.fe . thcTt-f... l r1 f-V .-MA,t;W, CraU..! Frazer Greg-,
jJXn person iwr Dree --tor ri t.-.e JW and Iloa-e , 4 Ci'tc C,,'ire.-t'th oTr'nt- ' ect'on "'c of ' t!. O-mmotroT-nTl h - Sa fc ui-btwu was dcterance'd in the aflirmai
.fj2UnuloymontJ)r-Wrk;cMw;iv:i ,l-- ; viV'ii'-zmrf AZltfivCdkdn Utay 7 trierwA:ent? lfep1e,.r tivels -1 - v"; V-'4 I
liitti person tud -luo oHivS mI. ie isuirer .J..r I j, ti. :.. r i .loavifd to unv uo!iviJuai.-conlrnv voriioranon On the miestimi. - -. u. , ....
tojv uhipovC-vriihn.i-r t l w:Wri 'Wtw
in the jJtrougli'of lib-isuur-.., ,.f
"TueVfacbv.s of .tl'i Jl4tnv.i C",:jHied of.ti.e
i.'.wnsfiipor Carrrii; t ' iurtt tCc t'ehoo! Thie
"-i'ari-.ihowriln vsid'towi'snrir'
liue,the Sy.ny.Ue.t.veri. -i-i.iVwu xs ,-;u-lilUiU,.tUww.bJ-.
.5e t.f.f L'r-.t:".o to he
i,dcu of Uietony Cre.1i.aod Liltte- t,tnet,.augh
'"nt.-A ...n o. no IiL'de Cor.einr.ug1f Cj-ttrtr lar-e
,t - .... u-,. i.,a...ia i i-.-r an,
n lueua-.t across - - s , ftM.fmAd iin""nnd flEcerlaluA'. .Ttii.Iit- -I:ficaf4
thaBigConemanph 1 hheof riiJil be signed by dcXpnCZeict tteS.
, Co, hue tnd phveco. .om e aoo I ofwhieh shall be filed in the-oftice of the See-'
mtfvV 1 - n tbirVA M ?i2p " rv of the Cunnnonweaith, and the other- de
'District N . -jA 1 " ! ivonxvl- Hvcrcd to M Cem-ui,r, win; duty it shall bo
"Honrtde.lljy the Cownnangli lover ana ieoavi 1,r,11.i!ir,11,T,M, ...W-tw thn .m,i
- 1 .. 1 . -1 1 1 . T n 1 r.-i 1 ww v , - - . .
4tmsioit line beginning w?xf.&.Uft cf wnrr-rote.1 in-4lo p.itnes of, AC5jV.fcr. Cf
tlmU wvlWilvUKS-U tUwi;e n of-o,l degrees
C.west 970 pcrulieH lho fjalbraith rotul ! , 1 : buinj
heldiviuV l"Utween,Sunim
-nchhi. 'Arain eorarneTttin -at the cor-
whidi i warranted in tlie name o Aaron Bow
enf aud tb ther in the name of. Jtary Duyren and
Venus Lewis, tLence . south,. 80 degrees ; vvett ,jS j
perches, thence .south 10 degrees. wett to i jcipt
on the old Uuriroon car road.', tbcrsce along said
: roc.d to. the' township road leading to Ylmht Mills
thence 13 dejrreea west gSJ'perches to' Je-
ronie Dawson's mills and house, tfcenc&afonjj the
township road to E'irnt Mills to dividing: line be
tween AHegla'ny , and i; Washington v toAvnfhjps,
thenca&Iou, VahuifttK,n township. line'ta.djvj:
ion'liue between Cambria, and Wair countie .t
meet at the school "house in' the town'of '.QaHitz
rnr Vn "paid district, and ?n icho'as Kag'e.wiJI he
iudsdj-'niKp Charles. O'Hnan' and James Cror.aa
in!.t6fa of srdd election till others tire ilafr'cfec- f
i 'tevt
ami:ndmexts to :thk constitution.
I also hereby make known that at the: same
' welit$ lh(J Constitution will Le.votod.'npon; 3n
I ra:,uce iVith KnAet of .Asmbl.v, pMdvrdj
! the Uay of May, 1357, as follows Whew
A3, A j'.iut resolution prciiin2r certain AmeTid
niiTits to d;e (i nstitution of this Comrnon.weaJtb
his been agreed toby a najoiitvof tTiC n omlcrs
fletted to each House of the Lejriblature, at two
srieccsiv Bessiuns of the same, the hrst sefs'.ca
commencing on the first Tucsnay of J;ainary,' in
the jear of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred
Midiifty-fcix, and the becond seAiion comn.encin
on. the linit Tuesday of .January, , in the y-ar .of
our Lorduo thousand tiLt hundred and; fifty
seven : " ' " . . - r '
.An -1 V.7.rrci.&, It is j-nmdwl in the tenlh artiV
purpose of uHetrtainiiig'the sense of the "1 citizens
of this "O iisrnoi.wosl'.U- in rc jrard to t.lse4uhpt:.on
he jK.-ectton f h.tid :ixn'udravi.t.s', it eitivrof hem
.the Uuvi'juor tf this O iuni'i;.is-va'sjh h:dl: nm a
writ f vWvlifii -di 'ectc.!
to the Slwriilof each "an5
.evury.coci'ty yi- tnw t-.iuunt .uy."w ij-i.u Mf:osn.'ii :u ; !
iuthe:") t.i-ive n -tiee in t luti' ii'tjalV rnaniif -r i
ii t e.s-; iTiSn twf. -RewsjiaSfs in" "e'r..: h" V:.:::!'S
proyidfil tt rtt sar many fire- pnb:jshed -trrtVoin,
thnt p.hle tin'vil' l held In-each of t!'- tovii
.sliSps? wards ail 1 districts therein , ori tho-Xl.e neo
trid Tnt-Silay of OcLobtT. in the .year of T.r uVi
niic thvH.uid eipht huudr;d.abJ hj'ty-scvfu, i". n
ihe.puri o'! of i;e-: ii;ji, ut:viij th-adoj'i-ii or
:eV;li -;i i f th. av n.nendtrrenfs, or auy vi tl.c-ro:
v.h'k-lj" dd cUct'.r.n bh.i:! 1 c h Id at the -j h: e.;.
and i Tv-M P,1. a;:1 el .! af the tin.e ntatid i:Vn
xhich the "-nr-ral t-Tf-tf,,; r,f thi jr Oniraion v.-ei't h
aieluM, 'e:sed. j!, cfowd ; it (.hall -! J'.e
ittv t.f.tne judges, iusi-cetor- and tlerks of i h
in .-aid t:iwashiSi v i!s ft:id dutii.ts t n ceive
j :t the .-.tiil thvtion tickets either wri:tf-n or j.iin
j ted. or part'y written and .partly printed, fr in
! .-'urns duly qu'ied to 'v.t'. fui iiernr'-rs of 'the
r.d Awsf'-V? '"" deposit fiitfn'tn a 1. x
.ces to be f r that p"rp'o provide 3 bv "the
i'f;ncr vn rr:-? : v;.i-f
1 t :-!;.'1s Siial! l e resr ec!i n-l v
'..ihei'.ul on ti.e'o::'-'
on 1 aiuesulmcnp,'
hut th ar.icndir.tiit.
, -irst amen-itneut,"
'tih.l anu'n'jmcnt," atid
and these wh
j are
b'o to sald.anxuid;
ten or vrinici, or
or any i.f .separate v.iit
wri.t'.n' or printetl bal
lot o or th:
contaimnvr 00 t;
de tbereof
those who
the words,
f,..r the :uv:e:.
;ire oiMon'd to :ntl
iiiay express their opposition by rotlng each os
many separate written '.r printo.1 ballots or tii-h:-c?s
containing cn tho ii.s'nle thcieot the wordj
- the amendment t,.", . ,' ,. f. j
61c. 2. That the elettioii on the said proposed
ameodtucnts shall in all respects be conducted a
the'giieral eh ctiotis' of this O'tmni.nwealfh are
110W conducted ;'r.nd it shall le the duty of the
return judges of the respective counties "and dis
tricts thereof, fiit having carefully ascertained
the number of votes given for or ea-'h of
said ariicu'.bon:nt iu the "manner foresaid. tv
j o'-t tt!pUCte rcL'.irns i:n ien, tsj ivsseu in .v.Tl
1 length and not in figures x:o y. one of whi !i
r . i- 1 . . ..1 r 1
icturnssd made' shad 1 e'lfck.e-t in the' proth
tjirj-'s clnee of tT.c c urt of corr?r'ncn pleas of the
prftjier -cou-.ity and the otiser sealetl and dirc-'tci!
. tii the Secretary -of the Commonwealth, and by
;0n oi.sriid judgo deposited fU tliwith La tho mu-1
.c:i"rcij"uiit oo,st (. tike. : 1 ,-. '
' Jiiu 3- That it Jurther be tl.9 duty ofihejec-i
ix-hir'y oj tl..- C'nanqnwealth, on reeeiviiig. the
i-aid returns T,.r .ii;d'.hj..ii:iVt saTd ' .'medn:eui;, to
l-c!iv5r th-eWtne to" the i-pcaVcr'of tlie Senaffc on
or' iK'foro the ?Fst Mn hiy f-flcr the -r?nnir.aton
Jifthe Jticxt Lpgishitiiro ali. r the iid retnm- sha'.l
so bs rceiivwl, w.ho shail so open and publish the
n.pi iu ti.MpKJbtutje of lU miLtuLerif of tho Senate
; ia 1 House -ol ipicenUtiYeson tsicncxt liAS.Uy
1 thietifier; an I .when f.he niiuJier of vct..- giren
F ' t . . .u': .:r.;,.:;v:.,i .11 t:'.. : i .
a asm;: t-:a :n:r. iio.iiviu m.b.i .na-.e oevu
j meuts, or any of them, have been, or have.iuit
lecn approved and rdtij.-v by the cit:um4 c f tlIa
Comnvnwr;.th. ' . ''.' "
Stic 4. That tV.c Sheriff ami Cnmmissfo'ncrs of
the city and county of PhiTaddphia and the5 sev
eral counties of th:s Ounmonwealth shall do and
perform all the duties and acts necessary by them
to be dooo to give effect to and carry out the rrovi- I
bions of this act.
- - j."lay;i:exce cetz. ;
' 'Speaker rf the He hnt'pr, thifrtXreJ.'
! (vvvn v : -a DAYI1 TAGGART,- - '
iif-t'-. ii- v typta&rr of vxe Senate.
L.j; AROYFiiT-ThBtwehth-day. -of -may, Anr.o
.Il.imii.i ..iifi thnnsa.nd :i&hthurkll- so.? tt,-
;Ut-bu nUxi a ud. : ht t
r,"r- ' " Z , . . v
it rt
"iV rntnti to the cor.stit'ul ior of" the Common-
fvsdth. riii.Tt i f -'-- itt
f i Hctolral hyilu fietftfe 'mvl flint tt of Tlrpi-cxrnki
eiAieizhiy vitfl, TWi , tkey ollvg;;ancjd-
s 10
SEcpi?s lf Th State raay'contraot dvhj,? , to
ments are proposed to ti.e" Constitution. of.? the ,. i,, m,.i . " . Y V. "
,-1 li 1 ; ..--' , ' UEstimenarr.ent.'yeaiJ-T81 twvs:-liJ 1 xm tlwJ sec-
dieSS f vacUdm9.t; WS734,
'rO ttS ai : ;"Vi y.y .u4the, Wrth
There mM Ujf Hddifltf ai anient d ' ff Scf fentel
.Cnnslitattoar toi M detgr.tea as -aTticlO'.oloveitV-'Jii za .'.TACOB.EIGEER' dlcrJc !
follows -,1V- ' - .I f-U ' -?TitI iri-Rrn-rU1uKrVi
supply -caasual tit c;ts orJathirtsiwfrcvcinic SKcnHi-Akv.-s. Q-raCf t'-
rtQjuefei cxtnii-jt bir.cwi.e provided for j)iul t . .,. , e-jrllAiuiWa-vG,-.Jui,22,' 1857? J
He aggi.a?e'au-irvnt 'of sj.icU 'debts, elirccl "laud , ptiwyfwir-, vt 7, )"-,,
contjnsDV whether rontractrd by -virtue ;of -juo , JdojL-eryfy jriat ITjiVehegAitig;! a
'or few of the General :Aeoerobljf; or at drfi-d true and correct copy tf tl "ivcW!uion
front period of time'sha,!! tnevei exceed; .seven
hundred andifiityjthouaarK dollars, and, tbe fenrnf
Arising Ijcbq tlie erection of .such, dettfi.ishall
b at tlied te tlie ljurro for whicii it -S"s obi
tained'or fo repay the 2elt"io contf:icte3; and'jto
no otherfttrpc whatever: l" 1 i j
-pECTio.-lnadditibnio tVe:Ja3vc mltcd
power the State-' inay bolrittact defs tf repel iriva
EtonVuppreeH iitsarreccionv lpfiiidr --Itl '&fate in
war, ortor&eeoi ihprfntinBtstacdin'icdebt
edqef 5 of thv.,Stata butj tl-e .joueys ;ar inf. from
the coalraciin,'; i4 such dcbtsriall be applied; to
purpose, fyr wiucji iu.w'sc;;Jui.or; to. repay such
do.otsud to no c.tT er p'ii'p-Jwhate'vf-r' .
1 -'kfKCTi6:r Ejrtf i the "fh-T'ts above specified,
hi eetions'op.e ancl-twd of tr.isi article no debt
-whatcTer-shall 4e cK&tcd by" or on' behalf of the
tntB. irtoit i&v-e fci ry--'9-r ,
JBEeTifoNi4.To.prov5di&rf the "payment of the
jreseut deb'aud ifny. dl tsconti i40teri as. foresaid,
tho .Legislature i-lui'd, - t .it .rst session, after the
'adoption of,Uis aincj3rpcnf, create a sinkjngXund
which shail T e siiufeipnt'td j .-ay the. acc it-ing In
terest oriVrir'h tJebtf.arrtJ ann'uarly to reduca the
princ;al thereof by a sum .not less than two
hundred scd -fifry thotntalid doliarfc'whieh niiik
ng farnl hall coiisist "ahe net annual income f
tli'piitii works fmrtQ time tu time owned by tlie
Qtate, w the ptorqtls tf the jjao if the same, or
any part therotjf, andoithe ia4ae or procccdsof
.sale of stocks owued iC the State together . with
other funds or resources" that ma v be "dcjrriated
by; law, ' The said ??nkfr) fund may be increased, I
from time to time, by fe.sfsn!n'g to rS"JanypVrt: tf t
the tuxes, or anyotlicr revenues of the state, "not
Tbin"ired: for thcprdinary'iinil cnrreritfcxenseR-i
or asciatii'n -: t"r':shad' th. Comnv 9 wealth
kherealicr W-otiy.a j rint.ownerj r ifctockijoileriu
any tompanji Jisspciauon W eoVpcraiion. f,... ;
v Section' r. rl"i e 'G'mrrtyiivvealth: gha!I " as
sume the deht.' rr f.iiy' pf there-if. tC fltiy eoiir
ly, city, boronsrh. or towrTifp :' of ift any. ctfrr
.Tatir.iiVor a's.Tatrrn inh-fss uneh, d.jf sriaH liave
eoBtrsfrted tAri'ati!o-tlio-f5tte'tftreyl invn
rimi. e tiTwrcifs. rlornestic ;r jn.snrrect ionj defend I it.r
iself iiv-, time, of waf," or -iW i'tate1 in -the
discharge of cny portion of iU pjcFt-at:.iiidobtfl-
uS3. , f ' ' ''j ' -
:Vi:on7. Tl.eTrf,giTaisre 4,:fTI, iiot ' r.uthf.m-?
rr.v oi "vtv, eit v, lifT'ii'T1, t;wrV: r r jpfi.n.i).
'fated dfstnet", by
virtue 'i a 01 us c:t:;r-n.
or 'th,i'i"ie ljerf -nvc -a steekliolch-riu any r;n-
jnnv--'nFK,!arhn or cTvr!iiinii: or o--oi.faoi
i iix.v fir4 op .; its reiit lo any corporation,
a.WtiijOj,' iVB"vV3?'i'2'J'83X'' A . J,' I
iT!Pcre fha'l 1 .n VcViii -.Ml articTe o paid con
stitution, to be dftijnatcd'as' article XII, as fol-io-ys
: " . , - . . - ,- .. .
- . - Al:ri(U'. XH..,
No county som!
e divided l-y a linf rutting
.ofl" over in cntu cf its population, ("either to
Joitu a i.e;v toiifty or otncrw.-,e.) without the ex
ro-ess assetd cf such 'coTii. t'. by a vote of the e'ec-to'-.
thereof : tut s-h:dl ar.y 1 ew c H.rfy 1 estah-lish-e.1,
containing h-fs than four hurd-ed rnare
,i-v . TrirEn-jtsiEKiiMrKT.
1 Fronr-scetioh two of the first; artieio of theO n-ftitntionFtrike-
rf tlse wards.- '-of . the 'i'n ' of
J'htiaJJphiti, qud. ,f ea:h firmly : rtrfKciicely "
from - section., five., Faroe .art kJc- .rtrike out the
fr'o.ui ifC;'tSinVeven,s;ime nrficle strike out
the" words', ''wither '(Jit" city ir'li'(tdiM)Tiial nor -
crw.w and im-erl In lieu thefco the word?, Vahd
vn and strike out "srrf.on ft.vr, same article''1
and in bu tlwi f kisert the following r "V
v'-Seellon 4. In-the 3-car : one -Ihousara ciglit
hnuoretl and sixty-four, and. , in. every .seventh
year thereafter. ' representatives, to the r.rcibcroj'
one hundred, shhdi be -ipfo) ifoned and distril u
tcd .Cv'trdly,' thronghhut the State,', by disfrivts.
hi f .rorortiorl ' to fl Vj-.'.Tiibor of'lo inhhbi in the sevcrrd parts ihcrenf ; except that
any county reritalning nt leosf throe then.-and five
liTjndrcil tuxables, may-ie nltoived a ieparatertii
resentaiitm s tut nr more. than. ?tio-ec. .vounties joined, and no jcounty, shall be dlviyed,
in the formation of a cUrtrict., ; ny city ccD tain
ing a suflicient number 'xS' i .u'titjc .it
to at least t'iyo reprr-ftcj.hitiycs, shall Live 'a sej-9Taf'ee)rc-cttf.troa'-ads!enal
It. and" shall be, di
vided inconvfrlmt '.distrids of- contignV-us tn
rt tory of '-qurtl tjsxahle riopohrtlou ai.eflr ns my
he, e.icii t f eath of which ditiicts shail tlcctf Oto
tejiresetrti'tiye-'' . t .1 , , iUj;jej -V, :
At ti.ecnd of pectiop s-evfu Fnr-ie.ariJij. jasert
nmtion ''- t- i ij ly--.-f;
'ihe Ijegisfature f.t. itsftstf seRiiw,' "after the
adoption of this amendment..-''shall tr"viue the
city of Philadelphia into sciiatrijd arjcl representa
tive districts in, ..manrt r above "provided; such
districts, to- feraain unchanged until the appoint
iatlie year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-
f-ur- -; -;, : - -
. ,. Fot-nrn f AsiEPirrxT. ..
There ' shall Ikj f au , additional 'section to the
fust articlo of said ' Constitution which' be
uunibered find read as follows :' ;': :
, Sectiox 20. That ihc Legislature . siiall . have"
the poweE.tofllterex-i'Ueandul.-any-. charter
of iiicorporation hereafter conferred Jvl'r under,
anjvipecial or ceneral law, t whenevj. riif , their
opiniou it uiay .b jejurious to tlie'citiattns of ai.e
Commonwealth ; Iti tXi iuanncr,''Jjovvcr ' tliit
no injasrice -shull be done to the chrpoi atot?. '
p f-3 -.i is Senate, MtechV; 1 "
M."JJofocJ,-.Thrat- tbisj: resolution-i$t.-v- On tiio
first.sBiiendtnerit,fyc5ak24, nays 7 ;-tfei.Ii'e saond
Ameudriuait; yeaa 23, nays 8 ; on the third auieiid
meut, yeas 24, nays 4 j 011 the fauttUjaaifcaauiati
yeas 3, UrtYH.4,4 . - - . . ',' .
"r? (Extract from the Journr''a ,C' n !
' - oeo;;,w. h.vit:rslT.j
April 29, 183
x ui'j iaoBcrviar-s oaicv. S.aT Z, 1M1
fa ttv:
tkese. v. gt?s, Fi.ilaU. hAui. shall he .'
vine 1 iruv iwgie s'.nqwrnu turners, ry rpnftguo
Tcn tiory crxtuwh' chitr t in'tS-iit-U "vfhvfdtUm '
. ReS&CMll -tfo.a. 3..H..TS T.o ' ifS .1 .1
proposipg aft-rend-iTicTitl t 'the 'Constitution of the
f.Ci)UriMa1tB,,.w!ti fbe vote- in eacb.?:L'ranc6;
of the Legislature upon tli final passage, thereof!
av Hj'iKiiif,iwiii jji igmais in aie in mis oiuce.
Ylj & A testimony whereof, 1 have herenrrtf
I Met my Land atdeau3ol tobe afiixed nfcue
seal of the Secretary VQflioc. the dy-udcyear
above writtea. " ' ' j
The resolution proposing an.erMhnen't to.:thi
Coiistitution of the ;CymnionwcaltU beingnndei
consideration. ' - - -. ,
On the; 'question. - - i rji
' Vill .iie Senate .agree to amendmeaf t
Tlu and nays wre taken agrecaoly to the
proVisibffs of the Coiistitutlon,"" and were "aa'ful-l
lows viz ! -" - -- ' ". -- " - i
Ykas Mssrs. Lrcwer, Urowne, Coffey, Ely,
Evans, Fi tter, llcnnikin, Frazer, Ingrain. Jor-'dan,sKillinger,'-Knox,
Laubach, Lewi-!, Jlyor,
&nfield, isclFers. human, .Stet-le, Straub, Welsh,
Wikins, Wright ami Taggart, &pc(ti;ar 24. , i
Iats Messrs. Crabbe, Cresswell, Finney,
Orepg, Harris, Penrose and Souther 7, " " .
.So the quettiou was determined iu tlie aflirma
tive, , . . . , ,
" On the question. ' ;
Will the Senate agree to tho second amend?
? :" . .. , : - i -a i. v ' ;
The yea and nays were taken agreeably to the
provisions of the Constitution, and were as foU
low, viz : . ', sn '
Y e s AIsi;s Iiiuu;t- . Cr e f s wel I .
Will .the Senate agreo thotljrJ ami ;ndjnent'
f j lie yc;H 'nays were tajtert agreeably to ti:
provisions the Coititutioir, and .were us- foU
ftuiv,vu j.,- ft-s, f -s r.-ii
eas Uosrs. Erewer, Jo-ownc. .rabo, Cress,
vrff, Ely' Evtmi FIrfcmht"Fraher,'- Tnrfarr.:
J prda j- K-i fli ogc r. Knox; I Lnubt'c! r," Lew is. M . eI
Scotifld. Si-iiei s, Shiunan, Souther, Steele, Sriiuh,
We'so, Wilhius 'and Yih;ht "i. " !
Xavs ileR-rs. Colfe. Gre"-j, Harris and Pehi
'c .' - .
. So;tLe question was dcU-.rtnined iu the aftinna
ivr," . :
On the qurstion. - ,
. Will thoSen-Ue arrreeto the fuu-thnmc-n.hacntl
ei nd navs w ere tah'jiageeahlv to tha
:is of the Constitutiin, iu-l were
low. : '
Yka? M-.-ssrs. Brewer, Brcwn, C'f:ey. Cressl
well? Ely. Evans, Flenrrlken. Fr.iix-r. Ingram,
Kiliinpcr. Jvnox. Lauback, Lewis-, Mycr, :Soo-flf-lu,
fWllrrs. Shumao, Souihtr. Steel ', Straub,
Wehh, Wilkinsand Wii;-ht
Xays- Mefcsis. C: abb. Finney, JVrdau and
Ten rose 4.
fio the question was octerndi ed In the affirma
tive. '-
Is Tlti: IhlVr Of Rri'ItKt-r.XTATlVKS.
Aprii ;:y,
T!:e res--e!:it:en j-roptsing an.endmetits to the
Cnstitutiow of ti e ecnnnonv.ea'th bt-ing uu.ler
)o the iue.-l:on.
AViil the House agree lo the first amendment 7
The yeas and navs were taken agreeabiv to the
provisions of the Constitution audwere as follow.
Ykas Messrs. Anderson,
.BsUh Beck. Pdshots Bowe:
Arthur, Backhouse,
cr, iirowu, Uaiiioun,
.Carupl''d, - tliase, Cleaver, - Crawfird, .IJickey,
EntEystor, Faust -Id, FosUr, .Gib'xiney," Gildea
Ilamel, llsr.icr. lleh,Heistand, llih, Hillegnt!,
llofiinan, (lieiks.) Iu.biie, Iunes,-Jacobs. Jen
kins. Joh!,-J4.ns0i., Ku-fijuan, Kerr, Kniht
M'Uaiint-nt, Milv:-.iu. Moojhead, Muniroa, Lei?
Vt nrig,"Lo.gaker.'Tovett, Manear, MaugI-,' Mil's.
selmsnXicli Is, Nicholson, Ktn !inaeher,-Pe;rr-
laon; Iuy-rt, I:rik.rv, I'o.viiali. parre'l, Iiumsey,
fU.ilaUeip! ia,) i.-.m-y. Jork.) I. earner, J.eeo,
Rohertf , R-jpp'Sh'a w; :Sl ihtf. Smith. (Cunbriii.)
Smith.. Ctnt re.) t-teVri sort.rolaa,-Vatl Yanhtiir
vjs. Yklitrs,,. Yoeyhtlv, Wa'ter, ,Westlook, Wilton, With'e.vw, AYiaght," Zim-j
tr.erinan' arid Gelt. SpcaKrr 78. ;" - ' -
. Xays M?s.eTs'.'Backus; Benson, Dock Hamil
ton, Hancock." Ifirfe.YHovTrrtan: (IjehMiiou)" fx-bo
tnitjierXT!Ui rpr WafaeV'aiid Wiutrotle 1 s
L So the (luestioti '.vasii:teriuiiie,d in the afliruia-'
h .!:... ' ' -1 - - - - ' - '
.lt-. '
- On 'the quest to:-.. ': -: "' r- ' i: ' j
r r ;Wili agrpe to th eot--u4 atnehd-
liient? . ... .. , . . .. -t ,,r
Tlie j-cas and nays 'were taken agreeably to thi
proviiious of the Gjnstitution, and were as fo-kw
viz : . . .... .. .. , . . ,
Yi:as irc&Ts. Anderson, Backhouse, B-dl
Beck, . Bower, Calhoun
Fa usc-ld, Foster, GiV.ta
Camj.beil. Cariy
v. E .ti
il.uoeT, Harper.
Heistan.l, Hillegas, Hon'uiaa. (Berks,) Ihrtisekce-,
Ter, 1ml rie, lnnes, Jenk'.os,, .L hnson,
Kauffroanj Knight, Ieiseuiing, Iiongakcr, Lov-
ett, Manear, Mau-le, M'llvain. Moorhead, Mus- sesseil agreeably to the constitution, and givesni
fctiimn Vi. Iiotfi . Xii-bi'lsjri- Xunemaeher- Pear-' r isfacf-ifY evidence eitheron his own ath or ffir-
son. Peters, Petrikiu, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey ,
fl'Iiiladflnhia.) Ihimsev. fYorkJ Reamer, Ih.b-
erts, Ruj-p, Shaw, Sl.-on, Tolan Yail, Yoeghtly,
Walter: West brook, Yv'harton, Zimmerman aud
Get., Svetiker 57
Navs Mes-ah.' Arthur. Augustine, Backtrs
Bensou. Iishojv Brown, Chsso, Cleavor, Craw-j
firL Eyster, Gibboney. Hamilton. IJ;inoqk. Hill,'
Bine Hoffuun. Leb :non, Jacobs. JKerr.LoljpJ
M'Culmootj Muomia,' Reed. tSmith, Cambria,
'Siuttli." f Cent re "1" Stevenson' Stnithers, Thorn
Ya)voorhis,Yicker;,Yr;i''jnnsi!lor, Warn
trode. YTitherow and W rights 4. '. . "
SotJie question vas -U-ef ironed in the'stCTriba
tirt.;-; , i-..,-, !-.s4 i ."''-- " j
Onthevquestioi V"
7 it
41 tho Hoa a3re tie.thiixl,ameudiiit
Beck. Benson. Bower. Brown4-C;dHcUn.1. Cnmpi
U4rClnase?Cleavef; Cnwford. Dieke,i:nt,-Eyst
ter FainsJd. Fosi rv ' (.'H.5iiyt- Hamel; IlaTjr;
-Hiins, lllstaad Hdl.dIdlesBs,HojTroan, Berks
ll jtVan, Lvhanoii, Ilnuaer perTiubtie,-.
.acobJ.-.-gseli'ivi' Lclxy,
-L-')ogidvi -r-Eoyet Menear,' Mangle, : M'C.drnont,
JJoo'rhca'd", Mununal Mnselman, XieV'ls- Xfcliol-NiiV"XimtraiadTrr.l-tnrso-n
"Peter?, I'etr.kiti, Povs
i'twaiJ'-l'wrct IMfhser; tVr Keamer; 'Rer,E
ikton . With.-row ' Wri ht. Zimmerman and Geta.1
jj). 72.. . - '
XTs Messrs. Arthur, .Augr.stiue. J.aekus,
BVusCar'v. Dock. GiMeu. Ham'dt.-n, Hiu-cck,
liio yeas r.nd pays were tnaii agreeably toUie
priTvisaons oi the Cou-'tUutku, follow
- t . J m S ' " ' " ' i. - - -
'A-EAXrriVrtck-n. BMhnse .Ball,
ltup7fc.fiaw,.5l.)anV-Sr'-fh, (yNmtn-iH.j Mnii!i,l
fCentreJ' Stevenson. Tolan. Yail. Vanvrhi.i,
, Mokfcrs.Yx-ghtv.Y 'agous-ellor, West! rock. Wil
Hinei. Jwkjut;KuigltiZEei-oring McIIvn',
Ramsey ,f JVJdladeirjhia.T- Jtobcrts, Snudiers-,
Tl6rn; Walter.'Warricp;, barton and Wiiif rode
So the question was determined in the aSirma-.
tive ; , , r r . I
i,fc6n tliV'nfttfonl1-' "s is 9-a f
iVfil the ILbusos igree'io t the; four th-.-a;nerl4
twenty ! . - . .
The yeas aud nayH v.-fre takeu agreealxy to t!i
provisions of the Coatitirtonind 4w e as followj
v'arii s-S irlsi tsast ,yo-.'i 21 -,;. --I
Yeas Messrs. Anderson,' Arthur,,
Tiackus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Li?hop, ' DowerJ
Browti C .H,hm t ,'Ca ropboll .: Car ty , Ctias e-, Cl -a v-j
r Craw ford, Divkey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold. Fob,
fer,Gihbooev, Gildea,, llao.el. llarper." .Ileinsl IlirTtlinVtiBan fUt Sqh J
IIoftraaB lierks, Housekeeper., Inibrie JnnSj
Jacoos,5 Jenkins,.-. Johns. ; Johnson, KaufHiian;
Kerr, Lebo, Lineniing. Longaker, Lovett'
near. Mauri?. McOalmonr,- Mcllvain, MtnTtmr,
Musaolman,'. 2Cioh Is, isichcison.-i Xuneroaeher,
I'earson, Teters, Fetrikiu, l'ownall, 1'urcell, Rauif
sey, Phih-idelpliia. jJarristv.TYork,") lleamer,5
Reed, Roberts; Rupp, Shaw.Sloiin,raith, Cam-j
briij Smith, fGentre. Stevenm, T'lan, - Vail
Yanvoyi'hisi Vickers, Y.eghtlv, W"agonellrr
Walter. XYarner.r AYcstbi 00k; Wharton,' W1IlTs
ton,1 Wltherow,' Zimmerman and Gv7., Smoker
Xa vs Messrs. - Dpckr .Hamilton . Hancock
Strothcrs,, Thorn, YVintrode a.'jd Wright .
r So the question wasdeterramed in the afirrna-j
tive". -. - -
:-.'..-' i : '.tl'-.: SixketaY.y's Officx. A
... . . . T "-. ., I-is'our.g, June 22 1S5T. ,; '
rennsylrani't '.' t ' . . . . " J J
" I do certify that'tlie nlov nr.d frejrri' iso
true.and ccrrect icopy of the yeas" and Xays"
takeu s o .the resolution propsing ai.ienlrjents
to'the Oni'stH ution of the 'O iomonVeslth.'ns tho
sam? appears on the Jnurti'ds of tlie two Houses
of the. general Assembly of this Conimmw ea.Ulr
for tlie session of lo.T. - . . . 'J-f rr wTocTT sahlonocer shall ha ve een t!ecte"ii;fii
fj Wifne-Fs "my hand'and the .:d r,f sat-1 1 ser.ttit lha" place ff 'eieeiion, shall reject' one of
'' Jof said office, this twenttvseoir.d tday. i-f j th. irrlumber to fi.I 5U?h vheanev.
Jgne,.one thouandeifeLt rjoindrcd. and fifiysev- j -litha'J 'he tho ilufy of tlie several flFS?rs.
en. , . , , . A. G. rERTIX.' ; !,esjertivety to atterd -at tl ila5e-f ittilinig
'-' a 5sr-rfflrrjr oft?!h7 jry generaTTFicial or townships ete--r!Tj. dnrf
Jl "i ?5.:r-j . c o i' ! ! the tine said eJe-tion is ker t omn. -f-r the pv.r-
L also ij-p.he kn-vu n-l iye rftice. 115 in aji I-1; t -
hy the'lSih section .'of Le afotX'sai.ractatn
lecf.; '"thst cverv-
ery iei-s-Mi- -.-xcepur.g jusnces 01 j
the ticaee, who ehnll lKltf ny cdiee or appoint-
nient of rotl or trot uvder. t!:e govemruent cf
tl.c-TTiiite.-l State, 5-r Slate, cr any city or
inc"rporate'.l district, a -HTrirohined f--titer
or oiheiwisc; s sv.b, .rd'nati; .v-fficcr, or ncf-nl
Wl:0 IS. l-r Sl;a,l
hr the 'cais'
ttve. juu:c;aiy. or executive" ccpartmcnt ct this
State or the Unite.! States -or if :.ny citv criaeor-
oratel dh.ttkt. nd ;.L-a, thr.t every i.;en.btr ri
Congress and the State L,r;5sh;t::r., r.n of the so-
Mi nors .i any mc ,'rjorateit :'tJ5cr. is ,uy jaw. in-
cape.b'e of ln-Ming or exercising at the Siimc4ime
the r app'-iutment r joJge, inspector or
clerk of any election f this Commonwealth, and
that no inspector or juoge. or ti,er omcer ci any
such election, fchall iiceligMite to
lo he C?d f r.7' "
vy utaco t;;en
A!.v. that io the fonrta
fcci:in ot ac ot
As.-eoi ly, ei.titl.-d -Aa Act
re j-.ting to execn
tt; n-. an.t lor ottii'r purposes.
aj'I'iiMiM ii ;o m
1G, iy40. it is enacted that the aforesaid 10th
section "shall not be so construed as- t prevent
any militia officers r borough office rs fr m serving
as j'td-e. ii:spectT or clerk at ai;y tencral or spe-'
ti:il election of this Common wealth." !
. Also, tlait in.) the .Gist section 4" said act it -is
enacted tlkit 'every general si ecial election
shall be opened between the hours o f eight and
tenin! the tot cnoon; and shall continub .without
L inten uiitiAin or .aojuxinncnt unt.! seveu o ci rcle
in the evening, when toe poll sna.l t-e ciosei.!."
Tlie ge'nrral, special. city.-incorporate.l district
and township elections, and all electioiss for.elec
tors of President and Yice President of the Unito.l
States, shall be hi Id and conducted bj the iuspec
t ors and judge-s elet-d as aforesaid, and by clerks'ted as' hereinafter provided. -" '" '- " '
-i .Xo' person-sliul. 15 irmitted to vote at any
election, as a foresaid, hot a white freeman f the
age of twenly-obo'-yeiT- or niorr, who shall have
1 e.-ided in this SrliTe at least n-u? year.and in the e'.ce
tiou - distrk't wkM:e ha t.Juis t vote atdcast U
da vs unmevaatoiy
sin ii eK-cU.m and f
wition two yr-ars pr.u a s-aie cr county -tax. 1
which shall have been assessed at least ten oays
before the t lection. -Lilt a citizen of .the Lnttol
States wlio has previously been a qualiru'd voter
of this State nr.d removed therefrom" and rttr.rn-
ilaral wLo shall have resided in the election dis-
trict and.paid taxes .as aforesaiJ , shall be entithul
"is, vote after residing in . this State six" 'moi'tjis..
pri&cfclt'ftiiit no white freemen, cifiz rs6f the I
United' States, between .the ages of 21. and 22
1 .j-ears.- nnave r eio" " ui?ei' y o" .
fris afores-ud; shall To 'entitled to yt-tc, although-:
hl.evodnill vil liare paid taxes: --? 7 "'' I
uXo person shn.l bo. adiiiitteuyto ; vote wln
n.?roe is nut contained, io the list of taxable' in
habitants furnished by thccoron-iisf.!--ners,iiiiy?sK,.
First,' be pr dacei rcspt,for-.the. payment.-
w ithiu two yonM, 01 - a sta.e or, ;cuni aax.ii-r
mat ini.6rrm the oath or affirmation of anotlur, j
'that I.e. baa paia sucu a ui, ur on u 10 pro- 1
oUCC areeeipi, snail mase iwui o. ine -niin-ui 1
thereeif, or: Si-corid,if he claim a vote by being j
t 1 .11 '. ... r !... .... a 1
an electr between the ages of 21 ana. 22 years.:
he siiall depose on oath or affirmation f hat he has
resided in the Shite at leat one year before his
fcp-pliciitimi and fmtkeuch proof of his residence,
in the is required by this act, and that
Ikj does verily, belie; e front the accounts .ivtn
him, tlmtLe !sJofthcge nfons-ai-?, and give such
-erfliet evHtetire n is fexrtiii-edbv thisiic-t," wLtre
npon the name of the-person. admitted U vote;
shall -be insert el in thca! pliaV.i-tical list by" the'
iuspectors'l a'vl a note : made opposite thereto liy
Avritinf the word 'tax? IT te shall 1 admitted "t
vote by reav-n "f having paid tax. or. tue w ord j
asre if he shall lx admittttl to vi.'e by reason of
such age as shaTT oe'caTTcd oof to the tieihs, w ho 1
shall make the like notes ia the Tist of voter kept
by theji-u -vxs 'sv " - i'- .
. h all cases where. the nan-.Q of t!e perron Clai
ming to w vote Is iic-t TouthT'OiI t: c list 'fo.rriislel
!ho-ei-imii4oners- atl a-tnnr; rhik tight to''
vote, whetlwar found there n or. not, is objected t
"by any qfialified "nth-en iliiai". te the diity "of,
the inspectors fcf snn.Tne sucri Terscn PiY-rT.tnvnsi
to his qualrficationi, and if he claims to have . re-.
si.. led within tl e State fr n9 year er more
-' . . - it' f a"t 11
Oiit.i will l-o sua proc-i xrereoi, im .snail,
make- rroof- l-v5 fttdeast "YnVctmpetent wUnos.'
wh ishail lMi-:qua"i."lwl tv-etor-, lht he hew r-si-lel
wtthib the district-for more hautc-ii tlays
next inr.uf dif.telv pi; sai-f electi on, "r-ud
shall also "hi inset f m tbt turf h.u. Me n
1 0ure iu pui hUHUj e w ui y.utui w nil--
in tl.o elistrp-t aj.u uiat. ie ii.u i-oj. Remove
said district f.f the -t:rpo of voting therein
1 1
I ; HEvery pet son qualified asafarasnidf;antl who
rhall Hke-Hio proof, 4f- ivjuirtd, hi rehki
and payment of taxes as aiortsaia, .Ua-u 1 auniii
te t-4 vote in the township vard, or di -trict in
whi h lielshkll reside. .7. .. - -
'If any psrsyahail prevent, or attempt t-t
preveutany ojiTcer of any.' election, under thin
actfof ,ho0ni such, el ction, or or threateu
any violence to any such officer, ir hall Interrupt
or improperly Interfere "with him in the execution
of hisduty, tm thall block vp the window or av
enue 5 eny-vidiw. w here tho um may ie hol
dinj5," akaH tkifcuJy disturb' tho.jeace. at such
election, 01 shall use or; practice iatimidatirg
threats, .forrc pr violence, with Redesign to iutiu
ei cQ unduly oyprawaany electorcr toirevent
lJm from votirg. px to ytstraTu ' the "freedom cf
clu-Lce, such a "perron en conviction shall be fined
in 'auy sum not fxcsedinR fivo, iutdred dollars
and, imprjsoneAi for any .time, not lesa thau xne
reonth nor- more than tirdve Diotith; and if it
shall be shown to tho court, where the tml of
fcUvu-viTnce sLaU be. had, that the iera.n soof
Ti ndlngwas n.a rebidept, of. the city,, ward, r
district or where the .said tlente was
committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then,
on convution, h shall Le sentenced to pay a fine
of not le tban 0110 liuudre-l dollars or more than
one thousand- dollars,, and be .imprisoned for not
less than six months cor more than two years.
"In case the jxrsyu who. shall have received
the second Ligl.cstnuraber of 'vi tes for inspeetor
shall notattnd Vn 'the'day of election, then tba
lerson who bh.all have received the next highest
nurrd? of votes jiiilgo at the next spring elec
tion sliaTI aifl inspector in h'ra' place. -And ia
cahc the jierstm Miio shall have re-eived the high
est i;umU-r V'f votes for inspecUr shall not attmd,
the per.n elected judje shall appoir; t an ir.Kj-ec-t
r, iu his plato ami in case, th pescn elected
shall nntattcud, llieu. the inij cctor who received
the higln-fct tiodr.of wtc slmliappoirit a judge
in his place, or if any. vacancy sis a. I continue "hi
the lKard for t! e snace of oce"nour aHer ti e tinm
f;el by taw for Ithelppir.nrt'oTlhe'election. the
eua'.:j-.el voters ol toe tow nsiup, mrc.w nt.iriti
o - e of riving insulation tt the 4acpectOTs and
juilgeswhen called on' in rclalion lo tlie right of
ay person asattsca bv.U.ent to xlcviwi.jL-'.ec-
tious, crsrvh othe-r-matters-in relation 'o tlie o-
stHsmcut of vott-r ns the said insjx-etors or either
--v.tbei-j jfhal fo-nv tlnitoJimt'nqnircVj t
Piirsuai't to the precisions coi.tAirieuin tht
Act firsTaforesiiid. tlie judges rf the aforestd 1 dU-
! friers shall rcpectively tak-sfch-arg'-s of ti e-certi-!
Jteate or return their res-ective ilistrivt.-s, and
LVroiluco tlsem aCameeti'igef f i trhidgefn-'m f-acji
t:istr;. t at ti.e tourt tionsc, in me i.iit uii u
EL - iK - burgoir the thirl day afterlheday .,i-fcjix;-
. Mpe Fridav. the IfUli djT otOctolxr.' A.
1). lb57, then an i there to lo and pcrfoim th.ti
!ntie Trqr.irdT)rthem .by Taw, -
Aud furti er," if any judge, by sickness or una
voidable accident, is unable to atttfld sidd meet
ing of judges, the certificate or return f. roahl
shall bo taken charpe of by ouoof the iusjct-ir
or clerks of the elerti m e-f the district who shall
do and perform the duties required cf said Judgcj
unalde to itt nd.
Given under my hand .t my fnco iu Ebet;s
burg, the seventh day of September, in the ywr
of our Lrml. one thousand eight hundred and fif
ty-seven anl of the Independence of the United
States tho eighty-seccr d
- .. . : J01IX ROBERTS Sherili'.-
Fept- 0, 18-r7. -
Ilr. Duponro'-i liolden I Ills Tor
... . -. : Female.
Jb. - or irregularities ef the meies. ' Tliese Pills
.ire nothing tie w f but havo lt-u ied by the doc
tors for many years, both in France and Amerira,
with unparaHed success in every case, nd he ia
urcd by many: thousand ladies who have used
them, to make the Pills "public, f.-r.the- alleviation
of those puflvrivg fioni any irn-pu'anties whatev
er, as well as to- y-fevent an increase of fanuly by
those whose beaiil. will not rn.';t it.- FcnuJtS
pcculiar-y sit r.atcd ur th.K-e o usi.'.oi in; themselves
st, v.rd' cnuiioi ed pgahitt titing the-.c j-ills while
in th-it-condui'!!. s tie Trorrietor asjtiane-s' r
rcsijonsibilitv aftitr the-above adrnoiati n. aJtl.u
t;je:r m-.'i'.ness wviii.t, prevent any ir.iscia t t
hr - rdta '-; eitberwi.o these pills are ret-rrTnonhd.
Full aud.-Jxplkit directJons accompany each bux.
J rice 1 , ; . . ..r . ' . . .
r O ROBE'dT DAYISv General A cent for KUr-
i-biu'g iand-VicuvitVi He.wjil supply -dealers at
Proprietor's ..oriccs tt.d send the. Pd's f Ijdks
(ccnfidentiallv) hv rvlurn pail, receipt f !,
sent bim tbroush the r.t-ensl urg 1 tt I'rhce. - -Crj-Each
1X has 1113' signal urcf? i par'.h 11-
lar gel circular f A ant-
J. DUPOXCO. Xw Y.-rk.
Brtadwuy L-t i.'Cice.
: :Ebei sbuTg Aug. 5, lb57.r iiu. ; 1 rb "
: ' . 5 T,. ATTORXEY ! AT, "L. 41Y, , a
, , . . . . EBESSBURG, PFA'N A.' r
OTh-c in O lonnadc Row. "
1. b-M-firp;. P.
FFICF Xo. 2. "Colonnade Row," near tl e
G'urt House. ; -
Pej-'t-iul-f 7, oi.-y . ... . . .
cvztrs f prrtsimc, , u
Attorney at Law, Johnstown. Pa. "
OFFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second Stt.
. ry t..f Good Pershing's Store Rooiii. ; r V'
j January cO, JS51 ly. ...
i ? AISRASIA3I .2iOPjEI.IA, u .rJ"
...... x Attoraoy at La-i7-.-John8towa .. w
OFFICE on Clintou Street, a "few d.iors noi ih
'of the corner of Main and Clinton; ;
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg.Pat
OFFICE nJj oining the lt tJSice.
.Aug: ii.'isss. ; - -
I .-sPF Mcury Ycagley, t.
"Fractisirg fayEician, Johnstown, Pa.
"VVICK next -door to la
b Vi ol Maiu ard Bcilfurd st:
as 1'rog Sw-rc, e truer
streets.. : ; . t
.Tviii..-tow n, Jaly 21, 3802.
-"H Al'ER Letter; not ami f.xJscap gTr
I . ;aper. btl Pens, Ink, Quiihsi'Si'ife,
Ein tiore-s, Ik vks, vie, at tsSkfci
' ' ' J. S!I V-rmit's;
11 A M Y."V)i. :.i.: (. Id Eve
W hi-kvf.r
at a
F " 4
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f. ; '
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