Btmacrat aab lentinil . H. C. DEVUTE Editor mn4 Proprietor, a D. HURRAY, Aafrtant latter. um ,m i .1 . - ' EBER3SUE3. WEDNESDAY MORNINQ::r::8EPTEMBER 8. mmm iim ticot. . - : rO OOTEEMOR. WILLI ATiT F. PAC3 LTCOMIMO corxTr. . " ' roa JimaBB o tub sl-ftiehk cocet. WILLIAM STRONG, OF BFXCS COUNT r. JAMES THOMPSON, Or ERIE COCXTY. lOTt CASAL COMMWEIONBR. NIMROD STRICKLAND, CHESTER COCSTT. COUNTY TICKET. ' ton ASfFJIBLY. " , G..N. SMITH. roa aEoisrrn Sc eecorier. MICHAEL HASSON. r0!t TBBASCBIK. GEORGE J. RODGERS. rOB COCXTY COUMISSIOSKB. JOHN BEARER. roB rooR norsE mrkctob. DAVID O'HARRA. ' TOR AUDITOR. REESJ. LLOYD. COURT-WEEK. Wc have been informed by those who ought to know that our coming court promises to be unusually throng, which we hope will be the in cans of bringing all our subscribers and ad vertisers to town with their "pockets full of rocks.' We liave been indulging thoso who have boon indebted to us for several years from court to court. MVe are now hard pres sed for money we are indebted to our paper merchant, hands, merchants and mechanics generally, and they want their money and must have it, and so must we, in order to pay them. Subscribers and advertisers will be iudu'gcd no longor than court weok. Those that neglect this notice must look out for IreaJcers. To Our Patrons. Having determined to turn our attention for scmctime, to the collection of outstanding Ucbu due the establishment, we hare entered into an arrangement with Charles D. Mub kay, rj ., of this place, to assist us in tho diso'iargo of our editorial duties. Mr. Mca kay is well known to a majority of the people of. this county, and we need sot atatt that he la a' 'reliable Democrat, always ready and Willing to battle In defence of the party. Y"-. -:::-;: H. C. DKVIXE In assuming ..a portion cf the labor of ed '. iling the 'Democrat & Sentinel," I have onljto say to iU patrons, that I will always bo ' found at my post, laboring faithfully, if Lot efficiently, in dofeace of the man ' and measures, of the Democratic party. That it is nvw the only national party in the coon try, the only part that looks to the preservation, of the Union, and the safety of the various parts :cf which it Is composed, no candid man will deny. ' Believing that its ascendency can only be preserved, by soppnrtiag and electing its nominees for , National, ; State . and County - feec-8, I will stand ever ready to oppose all self-styled Democrats, who ' afflicted with the "wild hunt after office," arc always wil lir to r.ct tie put. of disorganize rs, when they perceive ta opportunity, to procure a lucrative station la with the assistance the gift of the people, of Know-Nothin and Black-Republican rotes. V ; ' . Since its establht-hment up to the . present time, the Zfemocrai Sentinel," has always ' been a laithful and efficient organ ' of the De mocracy of Cambria, and I am determined to contribute my best efforts, to entitle it to the contiuued confidence and support cf the party. Having no experience as an Editor, I scarcely dare entertain the hope,, that my labors as " Assistant," will add aught to the-itaK rcf.t of its coItiibdb." : However. I am zealous in the cause, and determined to do my best. No man can do more. ' ' ' C D. MURRAY. EriTociAL BarviTitn. We refer our rea ders to a Prospectus in another column of a . forthcoiuiug work entitled "Kditorial Brcvi tics." The author is well and favorably known to the citizens cf. Cambria county as a writer cf -'cecsidcrfcMe merit. We have no doubt that the work will prove Lighly interesting and intructiveT It will contain seventy-five cr one kundrccl pege s of closely printed rea- i,ikng.nmirt l Sig's ePJ. 50 cts ; tan oop ks, 4,00 fi-pnfem? e ir zahm. Esa. la ovr advertising columns will be found tb card of the gentleman whose aine heads this article, announcing to the Frev and Independent Toters eC Cambria county," that J kt is a candidate for the offices of Register, Recorder and Clerk of ke Orphans Court, Mr. Zaha has always heretofore professed to lit be a Desaocrat, and wei bare nra disposition to ( deny bt or retatMM iritV-nisn, have for years bees f the srat intimate amd friendly j character. Dot now that he has arrayed I himsetfU the Know-Notbing and Black-Re- publican ranks, and at the earnest solicitation of the men who two years ago were nightly in the . habit. f organizing Know-Nothing lodges, consented to announce himself as a I a Tolunteer candidate for the purpose - of disor- J ganixing the Democratic ranks, we are com- I pefled to recognise him as one of the mid-1 night fraternity, and will hereafter treat him I as such, .' I v. -,aa r.rrra tn nnliin' whn n i If v nvui a. vvvi&v v waw . w - . I the Independent voters," to whom he is graciously pleased to address his card. -.1 They are certainly not Democrats, for they are too " Independent" to allow themselves to be used as tools in carrying out the arrangements . of a secret Know-Nothing conclave. If they are not Democrats they must be Know-Noth- in?s. and it is hard to recognize as Tndepen- dent voters the men who have taken an oath to proscribe a portion of their fellow citizens on account of their religion, or the place of their birth "We would therefore respectfully suggest to him, tho propriety of amending his card next week, by striking out the word "Independent," and inserting " Know-Noth- We understand George is not willing to be recognized as a Know-Nothing. If he is not, why has he taken his stand among them ? Why is he contributing his utmost to assist them in bringing about the defeat of the en tire Democratic ticket ? If he don't like his present company, let him come out at once from among the " foul party," and stand once m oro on the Democratic platform side by side with the truest political friends he aver had. But if he will not do so, if he is determined, to abandon his old friends, he must not complain if he is hereafter judged by the company he keeps. We have also been told that ho complains of bad treatment at hands of the Democratic party. This h certainly a mistake, for it is well known, that for years he has been the recipient of the emoluments of several of the most lucrative offices in the county, lie must have an insatiable hankering after the "flesh pots of Egypt" indeed, if he is not now satis fied with his share of tho spoils. G corge pledges himself in the event, of his election, to attend to the duties of the of fice promptly and satisfactorily. It is true he is a good business man, but still "Sparta hath many a worthier ton than he." The people of Cambria, will relieve him from the trouble and responsibility of redeeming his pledge, by electing Col. TJasson, who is also a good business man, and withal a staunch and reliable Democrat. The Democracy of Cambria would be insane indeed, could they be persuaded to abandon Col. Hasson, who for years has been one of their boldest cham pions, and enable the Know-Nothings and Black-Republicans to boast that they had tri umphed in a county, which gave Buchanan upwards of thirteen hundred of a majority. A Volunteer Candidate for Assembly. That pare patriot and National Democrat (7) William Palmer, Esq., of Summerhill town- ship, hath at length announced himself as a rolnnteer candidate for Assembly, in onpoei- Uon to George N. Smith, the regular nomi- nee of the Democratic part v. This comnleies the first instalment of the ticket which the Thu leaders have been cn traced durintr the last month in manufacturing' We may look for the balance shortly, v. perhaps . next week, if tho supply of renegade democrats is not al ready. exhausted- . . . ; i . j p Well, the Squire's untiring efforts have beca crowned by success, and we are : ''ex ceeding glad" he is the man. : ; . lie is at longth fairly in the field for Assembly, at the earnest solicitation of sundry national Democrats, a new 'appellation , certainly for Thugs and Black llepublicans, and will now have the extreme pleasure of showing the people, what a run he can make when once fairly under headway.. Like honest John G ilpin, he always "carries weight . when he "rides a raoe," and we shouldn't be at all surprised if he comes within 1700 votes of being elected. .: But Squire, let us entreat you; to ceaso : talking about your democracy.and opposition to Know Nothingism and Black Republicanism. If you are not one of tho fraternity, it is very strange that they are all your friends and supporters. We have not met with a Know Xothing or Black Republican during the last week who was not hurraing and electioneering for Pal nier. We have not time at picsent to honor the Squire with a more extended notice. If he will indulge us to next week we will en deavor to do him full and complete justice. In the meantime he will please accept the as surance of our very dis tinguished considera tion. Post Master JPCaouic has received Har per, Graham and Godey's Magazines for Sep tember. They are all capital numbers. Per sons who are in the habit of borrowinjr inaa sices can now have a chance of purchasing any one cf the numbers at the Post Ofice, at 25 cents per copy. msokoaitizers Although the secret party which for a time- spread terror over the land hat passed away, the morbid appetite which it created remains tad is pending itself further than the Know nothing ranks. Lore of cSice originated tnat party, and disappointment of ofioe destroyed ; bat the lor of -office rename, nst vosta of nprtnchpled torn are found wVo are wiflmg to disorganixo party , in tie hope of gratify iog that ambition which the soy f oQce in- cites. -Among these may , be iountf mei ww used to call tiiemseirea Jhmocrais, mot because they loved the principles of that party, but because they believed there waa'a potency in the name which would finally elevate them to position of honor and emolument. 1 Being disappointed m that, tbej corn around and unite with the enemies of those principles which alone could preserve the Union. These men are generally from the ranks of those who sought, but were refused admission into tbe secret conclave of know notbingism, as w - . . i - being uawortoy to belong even to assassins ; and it is not to be expected that such men could benefit the Democratic party in any po- sition they might hold. As "dirV clings to dirt ' so there is a kind ol ammty between the scattered elements of tho broken party and these discontented politicians: Among these may bo found the renowned "Shanghai" of Bedford, who for twenty-six years has crow-erf for office, and has as long been considered by the Democratic party unworthy of it'. Aesu ming all shades of principle, he has always endeavored to affiliate wiih tho doiunant par ty, but hos uniformly been mistrusted, and "laid up to dry." l-mally, becoming dissat- lbCed with the consolations of poluieal defeat, he sought spiritual consolation, wkh such ef fect that even his own party organs remarked that ' "While the lamp held out to burn. The vilest tinner did return." However copious theae consolations were. thsy did not appear to satisfy his yearning soul and he retired from tho arena of politics altogether that i?, he "sold out." This al so failed to foothe a guilty conscience, and lately we find him returning like the "dog to his vomit and the sow to her wallowing in the mire." He h?.s returned with about seven other fpirits more wicked than himself, and like the rebellious angel who was thrust from the realms of happiness into the regions of despair, he is not satisfied with the narrow bounds of Bedford county, for seeking out his fiendish malice, but must seek new fields of operation, that his Upas breath may also taint tho political atmosphere of other regions and bring a greater curse upon the party. He has inveigled a few "kindred spirits, into chains which will bind them politically for a "thousand Years." durin? which the world will have some peace and quietude He is too much of a coward to enter the arena him self, but he promises others an equal share of the miseries which await him if they carry out his designs. And it must be admitted that he has a few supple tools completely har nessed. He shoots his darts across the Una, and they pick them up, but they prove "td um imlelle sine iclu." He attacks nomioa tiors fairly made, and endeavors to wrest from tho people of Cambria county the right to choose for themselves, ne tells them that they have not scnee enough to make a nomi nation, and ctks them to take his advice. Will they not resent the insult? Will they not inform this bowman that he is not only "shooting at a venture," bat that they are shielded by principles impervious to his darts. I however eunmngly they may be armed T Wal tll'y not ak once 861 "m do11 M oU broken down, one horse politician and a note- rious disorganizer? Can they not aee that the entiro opposition to the County ticket is a "ring streaked, speckled and spotted" faction, com P0"1 of 5x11 the olJ Partic nd cliques com b'med' no 10 d0 S001 but to mke PerUe aemonstratiou against tno party ana w.inga- ten away or alienate a few inexperienced dem ocrats. The missiles were first aimed at one man. but now the important fact has eked out, that the whole ticket must bo opposed, "Straws show which way the wind blows." I nasson is as objectionable now as Smitli and an me rcsi aro as oaa as nasson. iuc cai -11 1 - J J TT ' ml - L L . is out." The "piebald' nartv" must "defeat tho whnle ticknt. hpr-ruisA t.hft insatiate archer from Bedford aav an. ' Therft U a ' "wheel -.1 i i , , . . eC -. . r ibusa s n uovi auu iut7 avc ajMiauguia turns the crank. . Tho whole ticket inust be defeated ! Now honest Democrats, look atrit ai nrst tne 'cloud .was , not larger r man a man's hand." , Some silly objections wero made to Smith, which some simple Democrats believed. But now the whole ticket is to be defeated I Men who cannot, bv the' force of merit, get a nomination, must bolt the partv. and defeat the tc-hole tioket. Then they will a m - come iuto rans next vear and ask . acotner nnrriinafirkTi Ta nnnian f ia milt Uwu..uuwvu. ii vi vyuuutui iuaii iuvj n" be severely iebnked. Wc ar 'not troubled about the result. We wish to'-' nut democrats nn irin erimrA Th Qhn JlM! but he can t crow. lie may put the party to some trouble to knock him off ; 4You know the feelings that it .brings us, When e'en a mean mosquito stings us.'.' nui ne win soon be naiiod un in ms noliti- cal coffin, a warning to all who maliciously launch into the vice of political dissension .' t Mb. Buchanan. A AVashWton letter! says : "lne .President has been slightly un- well this week, owing to excessive applications to business.- No President has ever civen a i more lalorious attention to the details of bus- j incas than Mr. Buchanan. - r r- - ; Constitutional Amendments. 1 The proposed amendments to the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania arc acain published ' in the newspapers of the several counties. They are ward for weed, the came that were pub lished last year ; and having been agreed to by two snsceasive Legislatures, the next step towards their adoption will be their . submis sion to a rote of the people at the Oetobar election. The sxuendmenta are four in num ber, and the Tote will be taken for or against each oe aerjeratelv - They are all of snfiicicnt importance to demand the serious attention of every citizen, and we think thair expediency and propriety are so apparent, that the peo ple, without destinction of party,, will be ready to accept them. . . ... , The firrt amendment i elates to. the public debt, -and proposes -. the following salutary provisions : v 1. That the State Debt shall never exceed (760.000, except in case of war, invasion, or insurrection, or for the purpose of; redeeming tho present debt. . II. A Sinking Fund shall be provided suffi cw nt to pay the interest on the existing State debt and to reduce the principal 250,000, a year. Ill, The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any manner be pledged or loaned or the Commonwealth become a stockholder in any corporation. - -:IV.' The Commonwealth shall not assume the debt of auy county, city, borough, or township, or any corporation; uuless the same was contracted by the State in time of war. V. No county, city, or other muncipal cor poration, shall become a etoekbolder in or. loan its credit to any company or corporation whatever. . :, The second amendment provides against the needless division of counties by prohibit ing the erection of any new coutty containing less than 400 square miles, and rcquieriug the expressed assent of the voters of the coun ty, to authorize any division of such county which shall cut off one-tenth of its population. The third amendment relates principal!' to Philadelphia, and propose to amend the first Article of the Constitution, by striking from its several tactions the words which recoernize the seperate muncipai existence of the old city of 1'hiladelphia. This amendment also proposes some chances in the mode of apportiouine the State for Representatives ; the most important of which is that it will allow the city of Philadsdphia, (and any city with taxable population mffi cient for two Representatives) to be divided iuto single Representative Districts. The fourth amendment proposes a new sec tion to the Constitution, in which the power of the Legislature to alter, revoke or repeal any charter of incorporation, (which of course it posesses, by virtue of its sovereignity, al though Eouie affect to dispute it) is expressly declared. This is a mere outline of the propoo l Amendments, but sufficient, we trust to show their importance, and to iuduce our readers to examine thtm carefullv, so that they may be prepared to vote upon them with an intelli gent understanding of their nature and bear ing our present fundamental law. Reading Gazette. A Masonic Movement.Pnrchase of Mount Vernon. We find the following announcement in the Richmond, (Va.) Dispatch, of the 8th: We understand that ono or more of the Masonic Lodges of this city have originated a plan for the purchase of Mount Vernon, which, if taken hold of hi earnest by the "brothers of the mystic tie," throughout the Union, can not fail of success, lhe plan proposed is to get the eubordinata Lodges to contribute 1 for each member. Tho rrico asked for tho Mount Vernon cstato is 200 000, and the Masonie statistics show tlat the ordor num bers three hundred thousand; so that if all the Lodges in the Union accede to the propo sition and the probability is that , they will the purchase of Mount Vernon may be look ed opou as a fixed fact. But the suggestion as given out, docs not atop nere. When, the land which contains the last mor tal remains of Washington is possessed by the Masons, tbe v propose ta present it to tbe State of Virginia, only reserving to their or der tbe "8nt to "eet around the tomb of their deceased brother every year, to celebrate his lmDoriBuable deeds, and Keen alive nis ereat name. We have strong faith in this patriotic plan for the purchase of Mount Ver non, knowing, as we do, tnat tne order irom which it emanates are ever ready! for good deeds, and never look back when they put their hands to the plow, .Let every true Ms- son leei tnat tue ioxb or abuiutos cau onlv be preserved : from decay by . his efforts. m 1.1 . ri lir . and but a few short months will roil oy, ere t . a it will be the property of that btate which gave mm, au ".ug - .. - - - ; - - - ' ' Tmportant to Railroad Tbavkilers A I . ........ . m niirt ;n t)hio has decided that tho loss 01 a railway ticket falls upon the purchaser. It held that, the ticket being negotiabla by ; de ry, any one picking up tno lost ticicet co a I ride upon it. The ticket agent, having Bold a ticket to the plaintiff, the latter was obliged, if he rode to giro it to the conductor;? It was held further by the court that passengers. by the purchase and delivery of tickets to, tho conductor, did not become lessees or tne cars; that they were still in the "possession and un dcr tho control of the company : that if tho company ordered a passenger who. had thus paid his fare to leave the cars, and he refu- sod ne ngn be ejected without rendering O the company liable to an action for assault and battery; that' they would, however, in such i, i;i.i r v...anriu..,tn I .. 1 I .. M n .1 . n I COLU liJOil auu iUlLll U13 IUOUU w pajf I I such damaircs as resulted from that breach of duty, either for detention or any other loss Klddcr township, Carbon county. Ta., which wlH be ono of the largest establishments of the kind in tho United States. The main building will be ;betwecn six and seven' hun dred feet Ions andfty feet wide, calculated to tan oD.UUU bides in a vear more, it is said, than any other tannery in tho United States. An engine of ninety horse power will be. put up, ; it" We perceive that S. D Anderson, J Ikq.-, a ready and vigorous writer, has become J the editor of the "Pennsyhraman. He has I had much experience in the profession, and I will no doubt sustain the high reputation .of I that well known political tournal. PROF. WOOD'3 HAIR RESTORA-' TIVE. In our advertising columns is to be found'an advertisement of this popular restora tive. - YY e know nothing of its merits save what we read, but that is sufieient, particu larly when see sueb testimonials of its eSeaoy as tne Xollowmg, which we clip (rous tno Ot tawa xre J radcr; :v " Having tried successively Maori highly recommended 'hair tonics on our own naif denuded orown, we about lost all eoafSdenoe in nostrums of that sort, until a week ago wo met a distinguished politician of Urn state whom we had seen three years ago with thin hair, and 'gray as a rat,' but now boasting as fine a head of hair as one could wish. We deman ded the secret of .his,, improved appearance. when ue readily accounted for it by ascribing it to the virtues of Prof. Wood's Hair Restor ative,' We shall try that next. Rock River Democrat. J -' i For sale here by aU druggists. Sep.2. 21 43 ? ? ? ? ?,?-$Y? ? ? s ? It is a most 'undoubted fact that Dr. San ford's Invigorator, or Liver. Remedy is one of the greatest discoveries made in medicine tbe past century. It has been a study of the Dr. during twenty yc-ura' practiee to find what particular organ, when diseased, caused tbe greateet number of ills or pains, and his con clusion is, that tho liver is the greatest reg ulator of tbe system and the meet liable to disease, whilo if kept free from disease is a preventative of Dyspepsia, Jaundice, general debiiity, Ac, while last but far from hast we mention consumption : for our xpcrionce is that more cases of conbumption 'occur from diseased liver thau from all other causes put together. Taking this to be a correct hypotbobU, we have but to fiud a remedy with which to co rect tho liver, aud we have a cure of nearly all the diseases we are subject to by simply Ubcing a preventative That the Invigorator is fcuch a reined y is beyond doubt to all who try it, for its virtues are tuch that for all com plaints arising form liver derangements it is an unfailing remedy, while as a family niein ieine, for all diseases of the stomach or bowels, which are caused in a greater or lets degree by liver derangement, it is the paft-bt, surest aud most efficacious remedy known. For sale hero by all DruggUts. 12 4t. 1 Or. I?iipoucos Golden i'llls for Females. NFALLIIJLK IN KKMOV1NG STOPPAGES or irregularities of th mens. These Tills are nothing iit-w, hut Lave, bttrii uscJ hy the doc tors for many years, both in France and America, with unparallcd success in every car-e, and he la urged by many thousand ladies who have used them, to make tho I'ilLs public, for tho alleriatiou of those tufterhig from any irregularities whatev er, as well as to prevent an increase of family Ly those whose health will not permit it. Fcmalts peculiarly situated .or thot-e consiilciintLvmsclve' bo, rre cautioned against using thevo pill while iu that condition, as the proprietor a.sMimis no responsibility aftiT tl.r nliove admotiitiou. altho thtir inildneM woi.l l prevent any mischief to hcahh ; otherwise thoe pills arc recommended. Full aixl iXjJielt diroctlor.n accompaiiy each box. Trice $1- SOLI) WHOLESALE AND RCTAIL. Y llOKEHT DAVIS. General Agent for Kbs bursr and vicmitv. He wiil dealers at eupplv Proprietor's orkes uud scud tho Pills to Indies (confidentially) by return mail, on receipt of $1, tent him through the Etjensbur? I'oat OCice. fej- Each lx hrt my signal uro fi xarricu rs get circidir of Agent. J. DUPONCO. New Tork. Iiroadway Poat Office. Ebensburg. Aug. 5, 1857. 6m. MARRIED. On the 26th inst., by Rev. I. It Powell, Mr. John Fclmeu. of Carroll township, to Miss Haurikt VAIBWoaTIt, of Blaoklick township. To tlic Yotcrs or Cambria tr. N PURSUANCE OF REQUESTS FROM . numerous National Democrats, In diftiTcnt parts of the comity, I hereby otfer myself as a candidate at the ensuing Octolwr election, for a seat as representative in th next Lgi Jature. If elected, I pleIge myaclf to discharge my duties So my constituents to the best of my abuitiea. YViB. I'AUlhK. Jefferson. Sept. 2. 1857. te."' To tlie Independent Toterw Of C: 1rla County.' ' T' HE UNDERSIGNED OFFER3 HIMSELF aa an Independent Candidate fir tl rm- ces of Register Recorder, and Clerk of the Or phans' Court of Cambria County, at the election in October next, and pledges himself. If elected. to attend to tho duties of aaid offices promptly and satisfactorily. GEORGE C. K. ZA1IM. . Ebensburg, August 20, 1857. r A MEETING OF TUE B0NDH0LDFRH JjL of the North Western Rail Road will be held at Miskelly'a Hotel, in BJalrsTille. on Tuee. day, flept ember loth, at 2 o'clock P.M. ' ' S1 TRATED Oil STOaMIH;. From' the subseriberi on the night of the 1 1th of Au- cust, TW O MILK COWS one a brown cow, 8 or 10 rears old. with a slit in each car ; the oth er a white and red cow, 14 or 15 year.1 old, with a bull calf about 2 months old. same colm;. small red spots on each. Any penon Riving informa tion of the same will be liberallv rewarded. 1 MICUJEL KENNEDY. ' Carroll Township, Set. 2 13-rit. ; ' STKAY 8TALL1DX. t. AMR TO THE RESIDENCE OF THE UN- dersifrned, livins in Hemlock, AYashiogton township, Cambria county, on the 17th inst.. ONE DARK BROWN STALLION, blind of the left eye, a little crippled in the left hind leer. supposed to be about 13 years old. Tbo owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away; otherwise be will be disposed of according to law. . DxVYID SHARP. Aug. 26,' 1857. 42 3t. STOLEN. FROM THE RESIDENCE OF nenry Allcman, in Clearfield county, Tenna. on Friday, August 21t, 1857, a GRAY "SI ARE, about three years old, fourteen hands high,' hav ing a narrow rump and foot very much woru off, with no shoes on when taken snid mare belong ing to Jacob Cordas. A saddle and bridle was taken at the fame time. Any person finding, trading for or buying the above described mare will be handsomely rewarded. Adircss JACOB CORBAS. Tipton, Blair co.. Pa. or Jaynesville, Clearfield co., Ta. , Ang. 26, 1857 St 42 ST, ALOYSIOUS ACADEMY, STUDIES will be resumed in St. Aloysions Academy, Loretto, Cambria county, on Monday. Septem ber 7th. It would be desirable that the pupils attend on that day so that the classsa may be for med withrit delay. faeg. 26. 57 New Dooli in Pres& finUB CNDEBSIQNED has prrrrl Jl wiU soon issue from the pr4 of V. 8. Ua TtM PitUbarg, a volume of MiaceiianooUs Skctel S and familiar DeMrtadona, catuld DiaCM BREVITIES r thai set proi I taatBTe of which trill b of YTISTE&N xTOTES, Jotted down do ting a leossrt trtntbroufih Iliuaois. WUcoajtia and Minnsnotn. Ia addition to tnesn Kctes, the pa. gss of tho tarthenmlng work will ecrtaia abent twenty learflaf; an4 a fnr minor artklas uor various tropics Of local attd geaeral Intstest aV trrnatiar from deicriptive to discomiv eome of which have heretofore appeared as editorial ia tLe columnsoftbe "CAMBRIA TRIBUNE. Unce the name of the book. With regard to the e-i-itorial articles, we may remark that they rabra! nothicg of a personal or koctarian character ; whiU (to ouote from the Preface) no article Lai bmmn retained that was supposoJ would not prove l&Wr eating or suggestive to tbe general, reader, and uone that would not be as pertinent now. as whed first published." Wemay .al3 state t'uat tL reader will b cmable to discover th slightent trace of political bias in any paragraph of tb whohi book. It has been cmr aim in the preperatioo of this ottr first literary ventuis. to premt enlr such fct and opinions as will be acceptable ta the majority of all clastic and parte, and to a void the presentation f sentiment which rriLt be deemed obnoxious or he'.rodox by members o f any political party. We deem this explanation necesary, since onr connectino wlrh the "Tri bune" as Kuitor and Publisher, slightly iJert;5s un with the movements of a prrat pol tlial party tbe nan! of wU'ch ws hava nu ft rUn. 44 Fditorlal Hrevities" will ontain between seventy-five and one hun Ired pao of cksely printel rcadirg maltn, ami will be jr.'ttea iu Haveu's bent sty Is. It will be printed ia ocuro form from clear type and on fine bita pper. and will be handsomely and subiUmtial'.y bouaU It will v furnUhevl to subscribers upoi the f lowing terms: SINGLE COPY, 60 otsTEN COriES. i4 00 Two copies will lie sant b7 mail. n"t paid to a y post office iu the United State fr On iVi'dar. The book will b reviy f r delivery about th 1st dav of Spteml-er. J. M. SWANK. Jonestown, August 18, 1857. LSTiTK OF KOW.tltD EVASTH. LF.1TE1S TKSTAMBXTAEY IUV!2f( been crantel to tb undersljrsed auoo tbe estate of Edward Evans, decvasel, late of lst;s bnrj; b-irc'Ugb, Cambria ooutT, Pa., notice is hercly given that all person in.ebt.l to svd -tate, as well an thoso havii g claims spainX tLe rauie, to call on the nnden;imed fur ttlfeuveut K. J. WATERS. Executor. KLIZABETn EVANS, Executrix. Ebensburg. Aug. 2G 6t. 42. Town I'ropcrty for Kale. THE UNDKUSIGXED WILL DISPUTE Cf his valuable properly, ituatel on tL S qnchauna & Elensbiirg Plank Road. aniuWfi ing the residence of llev. David Jcnkirs. Tiia property being lcutifully Hituate-'. wwld tass a god summer resilience. The building ia tr-i try. and well planned, together wltl all the -t.-cesnary out-buiidins attached. Tlier are 4 acrca of ground attachel to the preniisra, cc wbivLwi'l be found a choice tot of fruit tr-e. TiBma-! eapv. JAMilH R. DAVLs. EWn.burg. Aug. lBil 43- Tavern Stand for Sale or Rta7. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR fiALS his Tarern r5:d, Unate In the borough of 1 t t to. The bm Is lrg" and well adapted f.r bni . ucr. Two lots f ci.mid, m ith a'l the nemwry out btiikliTigs. a tl f wto-r and rUtern In the ysrd. If not s.JJ ihtJy Wf will be offered fr rent f r s rtn f jesrs. ' Applv to theaubecriber, bvinj pesr tie iflfpt aes. P. II. KUltLl),; An?.2. 1857 42- T on ii 7 America Turrt Flatel. MANL'FACTURINO NEW HAT E X. CO.. T"f!: HIS PISTOL IS INTKSDKD AS TRK 't rcrunner of the ordinarr psVl ' and ta desicnwl for young men and 1wys waa wish ' t- enjy the exHlrin rport ff firing at a tar gat. at the m'wt trifling erpense, and wrUiot;t any dag ger (f acci lent. Tle cheapaat cvtHnarj . pietot is three or fcmf time the price nf this besides betaj dawgerona la the bands of baya. Taia rtstU . U kwded with the emnwxi fVe Cracker, wkiei fnrma a complete rartridee, and er"Il rarry a halt ten or fifteen pare with the same prerfstea) as tto ordinary pisW. but not with mftVient foree Vi im any aerione damage. Ae America Is sbneftir nation, the Yrmng Americatistniiat and will team tlte art by which onr mdepenrfenee was eacared. Hence this Target Pirtol is exact! r in lime, avt moKt meet with universal aal aasmig ovr ymxth of the Sooth aad West. Its operation 'a perfectT simple, and ia th4 liable to et out of orfVw. " foil description will aroompaoT aeery eaes f PW tols. . Tlws riatVla are pat wp at the TacWy kt cases nf 50 each, ready to snd by express to aoy part of tbe Va tad fttatos w Csia4a. RETAIL PRICE. 2o CENTS: BY TTTE CAS3. 70, OR 15 CENTS EACJT. . . i;. FRENCH, H ATX AOff. Kxw rls-wan. CL Aug. 26, 76-41 -10m. ECEtlSCUnS CRANCII I1AILR3AB. nnnJB aubecribeTs wish to make kaowa ta tbe JL people of Zbensburg and vicinity, that they hsva just received, at their ht'e on Main street. rtproil the f'Mountain llonse," the lr- ti A Vk . . k rirl . Stork of L 1UI. n "i TT atehef .- .: JwrlrT evtr brought to this twn Thr stock eOQeJv(s in part a follows. ri : ' ' , , . '' Tliffbt day aid Thirty honr. sprmi and vWfkt Clocks, Fancy, Tarlor nd Bar-rcAtn Cleeks. Gold Hnntinc-csse and open face Isyer Watcri- es, Gold Huntinjf case detached Lexers. Gold Hunting case Lepines, Silver llnntfnji cere Le vers. Silver Huntine ease deUche-j Lever-, EfX ver Iluntine ease Lepinee. Open (ace Levrrs. , Lepines and Quariiers. Gold Guard. Test and Fob Chains, Gold Lockets, Gold Eeata. (rr.ld Tencifs. Bard t Wilson's celebratel Gold Tewr, Gold and Cameo Breast pins. Grid Ear-nngs, Gents Brcaftpins, Gold Finger Ivinps." Gold Cuff Pins. - Gold Shirt Ftud.r Gold Sleeve Euttcvis. : Got d Chamns. Gold. Silver and Swl Wstch Keya, Gold Cros-'Ts, Gold Hooks, Silver and PiNer-plsted Tea and Table Spoons. , . . Butter Knives. Silver Thimbles. SAver Guard and Fob Chains. Spectacles, Port" JlonnaW. Clock Keys, Accordeons, Tlolrns, Fltrtca, fee, &c, tc. ' -' The abovo and many othrr articles, ot roew tioned, will le sold as cheap if not cheaper than can., be bonght in any other establishmtnt ttia a . side of Philadelphia. r , CLOCKS. WATCHES. JEWELRT, ACCOR DEONS, fa.. - repaired with promptness and at low rates. All goods sold, and articles repaired. warraated. Confident that they crnnot be undersold, tbefuh scribers woull respectfully soliat a eootinqnt or the patronage of the public. MAKL- kOTERTS. Ang. 26, 137. 42-tf. er