PHIL S. NOON, ATTORNEY AT JL.AW, EBENSBURG, PENNA. Oflic onGtlonnadc Row. M. D. 3IACEEIAX A TTO IS Nil Y A T L A IF, Ebruilturgi Pa. FFICE No. 2, " Colonnade How," near the O Court House. December 7, '51. ly Cl'Jil'S IL. 1ERSI5IXG, Atnmaw Tow JohnstOWHl Pa. o .FFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second Sto ry of Good &' Pershing's Store Koom. January SO, 1851 ly. AI3RAIXA9I ROI'EUS, Attorney at Law Johnsto-wn o FFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of the coiner of Main and Clinton. April 3, 1823. . L. JOIlJCPTOy. A- C. MCI.LIS-. JOHNSTON & MULLIN ; Counsellors and At torneys at Law. Office opposite the Court House, Ebensburg, Pa. Nov. n ifoi py ATTORNEY AT LAW JEBENSHCEG, PA. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair, Huntingdon, Indiana ami Clear field county. Oilicc one door west of Dr. Wm. Lemon's. (JO-Also Agents for the sale of Lands in Cam bria and adjoining Counties. X3-Also Agents for thy Union Fire Insurance (VrniMirty- March 25, 183G. William A.Murra MURRAY, KITTELL HAVING associated themselves in the prac tice of the LAW, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to them. Ebensburg, June 14, 185G. M. HASSOX, Attorney at Law, EbeBshursr.Pa" o FFIC13 adjoining the Post Office. Au?. 24, J853. F. 31. GEORGE, Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane Ho 4, A. P. ft. R. WILL attend promptly to all collections en trusted to Ids care. Office, adjoining the lV t Office, July 28, 1852. , DENTISTRY. A. J. JACKSON, Surgeon Dentist L will be found at Thompson's Mount ain House, where he can be found the third week of each month. Office in Johns town nearly opposkc tit Ciobria Iron Store. EbcraV:; Was' 12M85G. -l'eterllHcGougli. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and SCRIVENER, Clearfield township, Gmibria county, Fenna. Collections and other business will be promptly attended to. Ma 0, 1S54. Dr. Henry Yeagley, Practising Physician, Johnstown, Pa. o FFICE next loor to bis Drug Store, corner of Main and Bedford streets. Johnstown, July 21, 1852. WM. DAV.3. JOUS LLOYD. Davis & Eloyd, MAYING firmed a partnership in th Mer cantile Business, would respectfully solicit the' patronage of their friends ami the public gen erally. Call and see us at the old stand of Vm. Davis. Apiil 29, 1832. mJWAS TEE'S EAGLE HOTELS LIBERTY STREET, BETWEEN HAND AND SEVENTII, (Near the Penn'a. R. R. Depot.) PITTSBURG, PA. May 21. 1S5'3. SO-ly. JEFFERSON HOUSE. (NEAR WILLMORE STATION, PA. R. R.) JEFFERSON, CAMBRIA CO., mm k MWS HACKS. JOHN ITCOY Proprietor ALSO, IX COXSECTI0X, Will always be in readiness at Wilimore Sta tion on the arrival of each Passenger Train, con veying Passengers and Baggage, free of charge to Hotel, and leave directly via Plank Road for El)ensburg. CALL FOR THOMPSON & M'COY'S HACKS. June IS, 183G. "Dmon house. . . EBENSEUEG, CAJ1J3RAI County, Ia. JOHN BLAIR, Proprietor. ALSO, IN CONNECTION, EMI .6 EOS Mil Will leave the Union House for "Wilimore Sta tiun in time to take the Eastern or Western trains. Every accomodation will be afforded to make jfiiH i r c(tr.frle. WILLIAM CARR & CO, WHOL SALE GROC RS, IMPORTERS And Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQTJOSS. OLD ilOKONOAHELAandEectiaod Wbiskcy. No. 320 Commercial Row, LIBERTY STREET PITTTSBURG, Pa, . Sundries 5G0 Ells double Rectified Whiskey. 187 Bbls Old Monongahcla Rye Whiskey, (Part very choice.) 50 IThds N. O. Sugar, 70 Bbls N. O. Molasses. With a general assortment of Groceries, also Bacon, Flour, Ird, Iron & Nails ic, all of which will be sold at low prices for cash. WM. CARR & CO. June 18, 185G. 31- ... ABE YQU HSIRE! 1 SUR EYS made Rnd applications taken for in surance against Fire in the irotection mutual fire insu rance company of blair COUNTY, II Y ROBERT A. M -CO V.-Agent. Wilin .rc P. 0., Cambria Co. REMOVAL ! PAUL GRAFF, JIAXCFACTUREJl AND WHOLESALE DEALER IX BOOTS, SHOES, STRAW GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, No. 63 J North Third Street, . Between Arch and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. March Gth 1S5G. .loSin IIE&ea?e, Haimfaeturer and Dealer In all Kinds of Cigars, Snuff, Caewing and Leaf Tobacco. Montgom ery St., Hollisdaysbarg, Pa. "onsUmtly on hand, a fine and well selected V tt'K'k of Spanish, and half Spanish cigars, at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment arc warranted to be what they are represented. August 8, lS53.-ly. . Cabinet Ware-Room. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of furniture, Tools, yc of Ste- 2 phen Llovd Jr., would respectfully in form the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, that he will mauufacture all articles of Furniture to order on the most reasonable terms. The stock now on hand is largo, consisting of TABLES, BUREAUS, STANDS, BEDSTEADS, CRADLES, Ac. &c. All articles manufactured in the establishmcn will be finished in a workmanlike manner, employ t ng none but experienced workmen. ROBERT EVANS, & Co. Ebcnsburg April 2nd, 1S5G. XEff BLACK SrtllTII SHOP. fjftllE subscriber would respcotfunV inform the ,, ritWmo of ,v.i"jv u 1 vT"" lcluuy that lie has rented the SMITH SHOP formerly occu pied by Michael McCague, where he intends to carry on the BLACKSMITHING in all Its branch es. Persons entrusting work to his care can rest assured that it will be promptly attended to and at moderate rates. He would also, inform the citizens that the business of HORSE SHOEING will be superintended by himself personally. Owners of valuable horses will not be under the necessity of scnling their stock to a neighboring village, as his experience in this line is widely known. ISAAC SINGER. Ebcnsburg, April 9, 18oC. ConcmaKgii Hotel. THE subscriber wou' . respectfully inform his numerous friend and the public generally, that he has erected a .nrge and commodious HO TEL at CONEMAUGH STATION Cambria coun ty. The House is situated near the Peun'a 11. R. Every arrangement has been made to make it a convenient stopping place for the travelling pub lic. The Table will be furnished with the best the market will afford. The Bar will contain li quors of the first brands, in f vet notions will be left undone to render it one cf the most desirable stopping places in Cambria countv. GEO. EICUENSIUER. September 19, 1S53. GBENSBURG FOUNDRY HAVING purchased the entire stock and fix tures of the Ebensburg Foundry, the sub scriber is prepared to furnish farmers and others with Ploughs, Plough Points, Stoves. Mill Irons, Threshing Machines, and castings of any kind that may be needed in the community. By strict attention to the business of the con cern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will receive a liberal patronage from those in want of articles in his line. All business done at the Foundrr. , EDWARD GLASS. March 22, 'Zo-tf. MEDiCIXES, At James BFBermit's EBENSBURG, PA. . RICHARDSON'S Sherry Wihe Bitters. Dr. Weaver's Canker and salt rheum syrup Hungarian Balsam, Wood's ILiir Restorative, Vickers tetter ointment, Petif s eye salve. Insect Powder, Syrup-black berry root, a sure cure for dysentery. Avers Cathartic Pills, Holloways Wright's Indian Vegetable Tills. Brandrcth's do do Bonnet's Plant and Root do McLaiie's Liver . do Swaynes Sarsaparilla and tar nils, University's Jayucs and P.adway's Pills, Cambrianrills, cough iicmctues Aj-res Cherry Pectoral, Keysers Pectoral syrup Swaynes Svrup- Wild Cherry Universities remedy Jayncs Expecto rant, Brant's Pulmonary Balsam, Syrup of tar, wild cherry and hoarhound. Terry Davis' pain Killer, Radwav's Rcadv llcMr f Mustang Liniment Indian liniment, iucinc ou ar.u magnetic oil, tvennetiy 's Medical discovery, Braati? Purifying Extract, Iloofland Bitters. Holland Bitters, Browns essence of Jamaica Ginger, Ilollowav's worm ponfivtinrw 1VI,.r o , - " ,, ' OW8VUCS and Jaynes vermifuge, jl nompson s Lye-water, Cure for toothache, Cure far earache, deafness, $c, of a thousand flowers, Hair tonics and Hair oils. Ebensburg, April GOth 1S5C. 27. Now for Bargains. rglUE subscriber has just received from JL the East a large ad splendid stock of new Gooels of the following articles all oi iu-, oum ii uainy, urocerics such as Cofiee, Sugar, Tea, and Syrup Molasses, a little of the best that has ever been brought to this town before. ALSO . Starch Corn which is very delicious fur food, in fact lie has everything that is in the Grocery line. ALSO A good as so.tment of fancy stationary and no- tions. ALSO he has added to his tAaVo"??0!1 assortmct of HARVES1 lUULb, which is very important to the farmer at this time, consisting of the fol lowing articles such as SCYTITES, SNATHES. FOURS, HAKES, all of a good qual ity. ALSO A good assort ment of DRUGS and MEDICINES t o Also-A largo lot of G 00D FLOUR BAR IRON, NAILS, an C-LAJSS. Call and see and examine fur yourselves von will not regret by doing so. """cites, you Ebensburg, Jul- 9, l856.Pl8?.ERTI)AVlS' jnjASKETS-Clothes,Toy and ivkfto " " . J- M permit's. LOGIX HOUSE. CORPORAL JOHN KIEFFER, TV"0UIiD respectfully inform his old friends T T and the travelling public that he has leas ed the Logan House, Hollidaysburg, and is pre pared to entertain all who may favor him with their patronage in unobjectionable style. The HOUSE has been newly furnished thro' out in a stylo not surpassed by any establishment in the interipr of the State. His TABLE will, always be supplied with all the substantial and delicacies of the season, and attended by atten tive servants. In a word, no pains will be spared to make the Logan a first class house, antl noth ing will be left undone to render its guests com fortable and happy. " The STABLES, . which are extensive, will be attended bv honest and faithful hostlers. RESTAURANT. The basement is occupied as a Restaurant, where meals will be served up at all hours of the day, together with oysters, wild game, fish and all the delecacies and refresh ments of the season. ' JOHN KIEFFER. June 4, 1S5G.-C2tf. New Wholesale Dg." store IV. SPEIYCEK THOMAS. NO. 20 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHIADELPUlA. IMPORTER, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, -Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stufls, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French, and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glass ware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usu ally kept by Druggists, Including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c. All orders by mail or otherwise promply atten dee! to. Country Merchants arc invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing else- wlicrc - ' liooils sent to any of the Wharves or Railroad Stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 12, 1850.: KE310VA1.X The undersigned having removed to the new building two doors west of the old stand, would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally, that he has lately added to his former supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hand a full supply of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats ami Caps, Boots and Shoes. Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's tools. Smith's tools. Kails, a full "supply o assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. Stoves and ca-st hollow-ware constantly on hand Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale and retail. Tine, Poplar and Cherry Lumber bought and sold. Goods will te sold at the very. lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country Produce. E. HUGHES. Ebensburg, March 15, 1855. M. M. JIAI1PLE. E. C. MCCLURE. J. PATTON TllOVrfcCX. Blarple, McClnre & Co. THE have this day associated with us, J. Pat ton (I Thompson. The Style of the firm will he Marple, McClnre & Co. The Business of the old firm will be settled by the new. M; M. MARPLE, E. C. McCLURE. Pmi.AiELPniA. January 9, IS 56. KOTICE. LL persons indebted to the firm of George Murray, or Geor ire Murra r A- Sm 9n by notified, that the notes and rviimra cowl rms have been placed in our hands for collection auu mai, uniess payment be made immediately, uits will be brought to enforce it. JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 11, 1855. tf. TEE GREATEST ATTRACTION ! J. MOORE & so:v HAVE just opened at their old stand; in the Borough of Ebensburg, the richest and rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of FALL AKD ff JKER GOODS, . eyer .offered to the people of Cambria Gwntv. Uniisal care was taken in the selection of these goods, and care has been taken that nothing with in the range of a Country store, nor any ways near it, but what they can supply to their- cus tomers, at leastas cheap as they can be had in the country. Their stock of Drv Goods i )inm-i,,. large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and vj.mic, i ii, ei is, oassimercs, l weeds, Jeana, &-c, &c, Flannels', Sheeting, Shirting, aud made up Clothing of every description. A Teat varietv of LADH:S' FANCY DRESS GOODS of all patterns and at all prices. Laces, trimmings, -gloves, mitts, &c. Their assortment of hats, caps, boots, "and shoes, is complete and unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety and quality. A well selected variety of Hawl ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Queensware and Glass; Paints, Dye stuns. DRUGS & MEDICINES. And all for sale low for cash, or given in ex change for country prodrcc. Give us a call. . J. MOORE & SON. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '54. COACH MA5UFACTOSY. rnilE subscriber would respectfully inform the 1 citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinitv, that he has removed his shop to MOORETOWN, where he has every facilily for carrjing on a largo busi ness, and hopes by using none but the best mate rial, and employing none but the best workman, he hopes to convince all who will do him the favor to examine his work, that in point of dur ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any similar establisluuent in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a carringo , will con sult their own interests by giving him a call. They are prepared to supply thefollowing kinds of vehicles, viz : . Buggies of different "qualities and prices, Bar ouches, Chariottecs, one and two horse rockaways close quarter eliptic and C-Spring Conches; second-hand w ork of different kinels, &c:, making a variety thatwill suit all tastes and all purses. Repairing done with neatness and despatch ?nf on ROBERT GALBREATII. Spt .2a0, '54. Ceo. V. Todd, with COM AO & WALTOS, 'Importers & Wholesale Dealers in Hardware. Cutlery, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. ' KIlFc?nS,tl'ntl70nlian,lthe Pennine Timo i ylack S Al,Sers Wm. Mann's, Beatty's, and ITunts superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's superior polished Steel Shovels. Darling & Wal STiff Glan,l0CK"llinS-Scytl.e8, Common and ratcnt Scylhe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, $-c., &c, wich they offer for sale on reasonable terms, to cou try dealers only. Jan nry23, 1855. ER NTDV, Win c, and Old Rye Whiskey, for sie at . i TrTnnpjG - a. u y- -i j m. .iun.-j.tAt;jc. Highland Division, Xo. 84, Sons of Tem pcrance meet &t their Hall every SATUR- LWdi iD thG Wr TJ f;R- "IMHITE Beana, and Drk-dUFriiitfor sale T at J. M'DeruitV. Rons rtu rr . NEW ARRIVAL! CHEAP GOODS!! . . . ueorgo El'Cana in the .Field. THE .undersigned woiild respectfully inform the good citizens of Ebensburg and the surround ing vicinity, that he has just received from the East one of the most choice stock of goods ever brought to this place. The stock is varied, and selected with an eye to the immediate" wants of tehpublic. Uis stock consists of the following : A general assortment of New Styles of Full and Winter Goods, comprising a variety of La dies Dress Goods, among ichu 'i trill be found c ad, Silks of all color & styles o.,lroinec3, Fr. & Eng. French & wool Plaids, Lawns," Cassimcrs, ' Delains, - Fancy elo. Alapacas, . Tweeds, Black Silks, Fancy do. Bleached Muslins, Unbleached do. Calicoes, Ginghams, Cloths. Kentucky Jeans,' Fancy Vesting?, Shirts of all kinds Cravat?, Plain Gloves, Fancy do. A splendid lot of Ladies Cloaks and Talmas; with a lot of Shawls, consisting of the following styles, Broche, Turkera, Stela, long and square Bay-State, and gents travelling Shawls. Together with an innumerable assortment of ar cles not mcntioncel-. usually kept in a country store. . These goods will be sold at fair prices. Call and examine, even if you do not wish to pur chase . PIILLINKUy GOODS. CONNECTED with the store ss a iarefts stock of MILINERY G O ODS. Ery fraP article in this Iinewe have on hand, and will be constantly in receipt of the latest styles of EON NETS, for old and young. RIBBONS of ecij .ottran vulur, jJUCiTj EJJaZTii? Sc., S-e. ' A beautiful assortment of MOURNING Goods now on hand, and at prices to suit the times. Ladies are respectfully invited to call and ex amine this stock which is far ahead of any goods of a similar kind brought to this plac. " GEORGE M'CANN. Ebensburg, 035C. , GREAT ATTRACTIONS I THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Carroll ton. Cambria county that he has received a lorge and splendid stock of DRY GOODS, of all descriptions, consisting partly as follows CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, CASSIXETS, JEAXS CALICOES, &c. together with a large assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, ecc. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Lumber taken at market I GEORGE WEIMER. Nov. 2G, 185C. vous-Evans. EVAN EVANS. hcgh Jones. A Chansre New Firm ! THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY INFORMED that the partnership heretofore cxistin-' under the firm of Evans, John Hare, Evan K? Evans and Hugh Jones, has been dissolved. Mr. Hare retiring. Hie firm as it now stands will carry on the business in all its various branches at the old stands. The Tannery will be under the su perintendance of John Evans at the old stand formerly owned by J. Moore. The Sho.nnaking business will be carried on as usuaba few doors east of Snyder's Hotel in all its branches. The highest market price will be paid in cash for hides. Chestnut andllemlock Bark in trade They have constantly on hand a large assort ment of French ealf-skin,"Men and Womens' Mo xocco Boots and Shoes, and are prepared to exe cut3 work on the shortest notice. Being, practical workmen themselves, and usin" none but the very best materials thev are -oonfi dent they can execute work as well and as cheap sis any establishment in the country. April CO, 185C-27tf. JOHN PARKE'S Jolnjstov.ii JKarlilc.TTorlis, Franklin Street, rearly opposite the new Metho dist Church, Johnstown, Pa. J, MONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, Man .fl-tels, Table, and Bureau tops, manufactured of she most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the East, with the addition of carriage. From long experience in the business and strict attention thereto, he can assure the public that all order will be promptly attended to and the work fmishl eel in the be'st and most handsome manner ,furnLsh cd to order and delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grinelstones of various grits and sizes, suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold by wholesale or retail. 0For the convenience of persons re .id tug in the east and north of the county, specimens may be recn and orders left with Stephen Lloyd, at his cabinet warcrooms in Ebensburg. Purchasers are invited to exnmine stock and prices. fjune 20, 1855. Nliw ooi, GOCS. TnE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his numerous customers, and the public generally, that he is now opening one cf the largest and most desirable stocks of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ever presented to this community. IHs stock consists chiefly of the following viz : LADIES DRESS GOODS ! such as Talmas, Vizcttes, Shawls, Silks, Mori nos, Cashmeres, Woolen Plaids, De Laines, De Bages, Alapacas, Ginghams, Calico; BONNETS Ribbons, Collars, Trimmings, &e. - GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING ! such as Over Coats, Dress Ceats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, Src. Also a large stock of DOMESTIC GOODS ! such as Brown and Bleached Muslin, Drills, Denims, Siirlings, Checks, Kentucky Jeans, Sati nets, Cassimcrcs, Flannels Lindscys, Ticking, ElanJcets, fyc. Also Boots, Slioes, Hats, Caps. Trunks, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Tinware, and a large stock of GROCERIES! He would solicit Farmers who are in want of GOOD CORN SIIELLERS & STRAW CUTTERS to call and examine his stock ; he would, wish also to inform them that he has made arrange ments to supply them with all kinds of FER TILIZERS, such as Peruvian and Mexican Gu anos, &c. lie invites one and all to come and examine his large and well selected Stock, before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determineel to sell at smaller profits than ever befeire known in this vicinity. The ONE TRICE SYSTEM will be continued as heretofore, so that parents may send their children to make purchases with as much advantage as if thev went themselves, DANIEL M'LAUGIILIN. Tunnel Hill, October 8, 1850. I. O. O. F. Highland Lodge No. 428 meets every WEDNESDAY cveninc at their Hall Shoemaker & Clark's biding. - TTJAPER Letter, note and foolscap M paper, bteel Pens, Ink, Quuls,i Envelopes, Books, &c. at ' J. M'Dcrmit's. EMMONS arid Raisins for sale by R. TUDOR. K nssorted pieces of Stone Ware, just re eJWvccivcd at the Cheap Store of E. ROBERT. CIIAXGEOF PROPRIETORS, OIINSTOWN, PA. JOHN Vi'ILSOS, Proprietor Mr. SAYLOR having retired, the present Pro prietor will take pleasure in accommodating Im friends and the traveling public at this well known stand. He hopes, by energy and attention, to add materially to the character of the House. His TABLE and BAR will always be furnished with the lest that can be procured, so that the patrons of the House can rest satisfied upon the score of good living. It is his design to make such additions also as will make the House superior to the generality of hotels. A HACK rum to the R. R. Station upon the arrival and departure of every Passenger Train." HACKS also run to Somerset, via Davidsville and Stoystown; departing from th's House at 7 o'clock, every morning. January 14, 1857, SOTICE. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Jacob Nagle, late of Carroll township, Cambria councy, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by;the Register orsaid county; all persons in debted to said estate are notified to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. NICHOLAS NAGLE, JACOB NAGLE, Jan. 14, 1857. Executors. ATTKXTIOAT1IE YF2IOI,ET CYRUS L. HART, late of the firm of Hart & Brother, would inform his friends and the public generally, that he is receiving a large assort men of GROCERIES, CONFECTION ARIES and FAMI LY LIQUORS. Also, 200 barrels of Salt, 'Zk barrels .Mackerel, 25 barrels Whiskey. 15 chests of Black and Green Tea. Any of the above articles will be sold, whole sale or retail, as cheap as can be purchased in Pittsburgh. CYRUS HART. Johnstown, Jan. 21, 1857. N. B. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the late firm of Hart Bro., will please call and settle the same before the first day of February, as after that date the accounts will be left with Eq. Cohick for collection. A Chance for Capitalists. THE undersigned will offer at private sale a val uable tract of land situated in Cambria town ship, Cambria county, Pa., about two miles from Ebensburg, and four miles from the Central Rail road. The Ebensburg and Jefferson Tlank Road runs through the tract. The tract contains 400 acres, well timbered i ith spruce, cVrry and pop. lar. There is a never failing stream running through the land, capable cf running any kind e?f machinery. The site is well adapted fJr a large Tannery. Capitalists wishing to purchase wTll be taken ih rough the land. Inquire of James M'Kee, Walton House, or the sulcriber. DANIEL T. JONES. January 21, 1857. Cm. V. M. (ieorgf. Henry Iteucli. NEW FIRM. a n nt x ii FRHE subscribers would respectfully inform the JL citizens of Cambria county that Hiey have purchased the Tannery Establishment at Hemlock Cambria County, formerly owned by A. M. R White. The establishment will undergo new rc pairs and improvements which will enable them to manufacture " Leather of all discriptions f..r country use, also, various kinds of Leather for the Eastern market. Cash will be paid for Bark and Hides of a ciruls,orif prefcrrenl in exchange for Leather. None but practical workmen will be employed Orders for Leather will be promptly attended to F. M. GEORGE. HENRY RFX CII. May 7, 185G. 23-tf omiKistioneiV xollcc. THE appointment of the undersigned as Conf missioncr to take the testimony in the matter cf the subpoena of Samuel Flenner, fc enforce the specific performance of a contract made by-Dnn-itl Flenner, in his lifetime, having been continued at December Term, last notice is herehv given, that said testimony will be taken at my oflice. in Ebonsburg, oji Wednesday, the 25th day of Feb ruary next, at 1 o'clock. P. M-. A. C. MULLIN, Conrr. Ebensburg, Jan. 28, 1857. Valuable Property for Sale or Rent. THE subscriber will sell at private sale his Tavern Stand, situated at Chess Si riags,Gim bria county. It is in a good situation, and in the midst of a thriving settlement. It has a number of outbuildings atraeched to it, and aheut one acre of ground on which ia thriving young or chard. On an adjoining lot there is also a dwell ing house, and Blacksmith shop' crecfcd, which together with a number f Blacksmith tools will also be sold. All of the above property will be sold together, or separately to suit purchasers. If not sold by the first day of April next, it will then be rented for a term cf years. JAMES KAYLOR. Feb. 3, 1857. 2m " ISats, Caps, Hoot, .shoe. THE understgned takes pleasure in inferniing the citizens cf Ebensburg and the public gcuealy, that he is still in the lowlands ef Johns town, carrying on the Hat and Cap trade ia all its various branches. In addition to his l?.rc Stock of H?ts and C-ps, he has added to b;s bu siness by purchasing the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever brought to the Gwnty. Thank ful to his friends for their liberal patronage of the past, he solicits a continuance of tha same. His stock consists of Hats and Caps of the latest styl, of every description for men and boys. Having a thorough practical knowledge of "the hatting, and with over eight years experience in the busi ness, the public can rely on getting Hats and Caps of the best material and best manufacture. ALSC) Boots anel Shoes of every description, for Ladles, Gents' Misses, and Children. He only asks the public to call and examine his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident that his goods are of the best, and his prices the lowest. CCy- nats and Caps made to order. CC?- The highest price paid for shipping furs. J. W. T3IOMPSON, -Two doors South of the Exchange Hotel, Feb. 11, 1857. Johnstown. Pa. Coal! Coal!! ALL persons known ng themselves indebted for coal to the undersigned, will please make pay ment by the 1st of March, as after that time the oco unts will be left in the hands of a proper ofii aer for collection. GEO. C. K.ZAIIM. Feb. 11, 1857. St. FOR SALE, A number of XEW SLEIGHS manufactured by experienced workmen at the manufac turing establishment of ROBERT GALBRAIT1I. Ebensburg, Dec. 24, 1850. FISH A fresh lot of Salmon. MackcrJ, Her ring and Codfish, fo; sale by " ' R. TUDOR. JUST received at the store of EDWARD ROB ERTS. 1,000 lbs Cod Fish, 10 half Brls Herring, and 10 half Brls Mackerel: -Feb. C, 1S5G. JOIIX COXRAD, SSEIMAT m uuumiowx, Uambuia Co., Pa. COUNSEL given in the English and German languages. Collections promptly attended ' to. Office on Clinton street, in the room former ly occupied by David Hite Esq. Jan. 7, 1857. Illy. lVALXL'T IXi:.L FARM, FOR SALE. THE subscriber will disjose of the above prorertv. well known an th a.i. T - craft Farm, situated in Susquehanna Township iiiuu norm oi iarronton, contaimng nearly of excellent farming land, ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. The improvements censisWf TWO DWELLING II0CSES, A BANK BARN, 100 foet by CO. Also, a large ORCHARD Jf choice Fruit, together with all the necessary out-buildings. Water in abundance at the dwel ling houses, aud io. the barn yard, and thfou"?r all the meadows. A more desirable location ran not be fouud in Cambria Gumty. ' Any further information desired, can be bad by clfin" tn WM. Iv. PIPEK. Ebensburg, Dec. 3,1850. Wholesale ami Retail. Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Kanufacturer, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Fb ensburg and the public general! v, that ho has purchased the Tin Shop, former! v carried oa by Messrs. Davis, Evans eV Co.. and "will contin ue to carry on the business in all its various branches, wholesale and retail. His wares will be made of the very best material, and in the most workmanlike manner. Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest notice, for rash. ALSO, House Routing made and put up u order on the lowest terms, fa- cash. Alo on hand and fur sale, a large assortment f O ooii and Parlor stoves, for coal or wood Di ning room stoves, Egg stoves. Ae. ' Also a large assortment ef grates and fire brick, for Cooking stoves, Coal buckets.' Shovels pokers, smoothing irons, JLe. &c, all of which will bo sold low for cash. Tin-shop and wareroom in part of the building formerly occupied by Stephen Llovd as a cabC net wareroom. and opposite Geo. M'Canu's store. KTAll orders promptly attended to. Ehtr.s1urg,llay 7, 185C. 2SIy lISSOI.i;TIOrt. THE Partnership heretofore cxiVting li-twreu R. A. Dorsey !c James Dougherty, trailing under the name of Dorsey & Dougherty was dis.lve-d by mutual consent this day. The l,ks .f tU firm will be scttledby T. A. D m y. i, t Signed, R. A. tiORSEY. rinlsul'a, Jan. 8. 1857. CC?- R. A. DORSEY will cor'innethc Vuinei at the old stand No. 11 North 5th Strict,' and hopes to teceive the patronage of !he fri. cf the late firm. l. a. Im RnEY. Feb. 4, 1857. 8fs. Fountain Inn. THE subscriber respectfullv informs his frigid and the public generally that "he has .-,u:,in tken possession of the well kuown tavern Mand " Fovb tain Inn," situated ou the turnpike in Blair's Gap, where lie will at all times be prepared to wait on his friends and cu&ti im-rs. Thankful T r pat f.ivors. .e can aure ib people of Cambria and Blair ,oni-t!ts, that no pains will be sp ,rcd to gain merit cf their pat ronajc. JOHN FRIES. Feb. 4. 1857. XOTICE. THE undersigned would rcypeetftdlr ix&.Ttn the public that 'he lias pun hasetl the inter est of of Milton Roberts, decease.l,in the Gr.H-t rr business, and will continue to carry on at th old stand, and would solicit a share nf the public cu -torn. The looks of the firm of Tudor and Rob erts have been placed in my p,scsmoi. All knowing themselves indebted will please cal! with me and settb. RICHARD TUDOR El-ensK-7r;A- 21st 185C. ARCtDll IIOTKI., HENRY FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. The subscriber would respectfullv rm tl, citizens of Ciimbria county nd the trnvellin public generally, that he has leased f..r a nnniWr of3"ears the al Hive Hotel, ami furnished it in a manner equal, if not superior, to manv Hetels in Wetern Pennsylvania, and it being Mtuatcd iu one of the most 1'usiness stree ts in Johnstown, makes it a desirable stopping place for busiiKFs men. The Bar will be furnished with the 1 -t liquors the Philadelphia Custom House can Cl.rd. Attached is a large and Saloon in the basement story, where every dtiicacy will 1 e served up. Every attenlien will lpai.I to visitor5- HENRY FOSTER. Johnstown, Sept. 3, lSoti-tf sraTtcE. RllIE notes and accounts of the late firm ct 1 Rolert Davis & Co., and Davis, Evans & Co., havina leen left with the tion, all pcrsi ns indebtel to either of the s;iid n . i i -l . .. uun, arc- iicreuy refuosTeci to call amTnmke pay ment on or before the first ibvnf Mr i..-rt j suits will be instituted after that time. JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 11, 1S55. TO TSIESEIARESIOI.DERSOFTI1C SMALL FRY GIFT ENTERPRISE. THE flattering success the proprietors of tho "Small Fry Gift Enterprise" have met with, has enabled them to make such report to the Committee, that said Committee have thought proper to meet in Altoona, on Fethat. 17th ef October, 185G. to distribute the property of the Enterprise, when it is desired that as manv mem bers as can, will attend the distribution. As there are yet a few tickets unsold, in the hands rf geU they are requested to use a little exertion to dis pose of them, and make their returns as soon, as possible. S. KRIGGER, M. II. JOLLY, A. GREEN, J. SINK. J. M'CAIIEN, M. DOUTY. J.MORROW, W. VALENTINE, J. D. HAMILTON, G. F. M'CABE. II. ROBERTS. Committee Room, . Altoona, Aug. 15 185G. . ' For the "Ladle,; The following conversation, we overheard be tween Mrs. Jones and her friend Man- oml ,c it is no secret, we will divulge it lor the' benefit ef au our laoy reaeicrs. . Mrs. Jones Good morning Mary, where have you been so early?" " Why I've been to John M. King's Ladies' Store to make a few purchases, but as" he sels "s cheap, I bought a full rig. Bonnet. Collar. Cloak, a sett of Furs, Silk Dress, Corded Skirt. French Corset, Gloves, Bracelet, Undersleeves, Handker chief. Bottle of Musk, Hair Oil, Soap, pair of Shoes and Stockings,, suffice it to say, he kT3 a full assortment of MHlinary Goods, Drtss Goods; Trimmings, IVLite- Goods, Notions, Ferfumtry; Toys, Shoes, and Fancy Articles in abundance, and every thiug you can think of for Ladies; Misf ses and Children." ; The last we saw of Mrs. Jones, she was gin into Jonx M. Kino's Fancy Store, next door I the Cambria House, JoLnstown, pa, Feb. 11,157.