i- - r LuilJings. Hordes of banditti no longer lio in wait in every ravine for plunder and as Kssinatifn . Invasions of hostile armies Lave v-eascd, and iufuriated partizans, living ia our inidet bave emphatically" turned their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pru-ning-hooks. Laborers are every where at work farms arc uaJegoing rapid improvements Merchants are driviug a thriving trade and Mechanics pursuing with profit their various occupations - Keal estate, in town and coun try, has increased ia value almost without pre cedent, until in some places it is commanding prices that could cover ha.ru been anticipated. "Whether lhh healthy and happy change ia the- result ely of my Executive labors, of tot. it certainly has occurred during ruy ad ministration. Upon yourselves mv.st r.ir.irJj depend the preservation and perpetuity of tho present prosperous condition of alT:ra. Guard It vrith increasing vigi'anc? and prutcct it villi your lives. Keep down that party fpirit, vh:ca. if permitted to oi tam tue mastery i;rjit lead to desolation Watch closely, ana j went tint cn possibly tend to rise 3rd " v 1 dis union. h.u.ie.r no hc:d nv-ujice, to viuuK.v, ii uivuru lia prevailing bar ny To everv appeal t luese, U'm a Uif.i car, r..; u:u ..'LT.uur ci men t: toe prouiplinrs as a united La';d of uvo bv one co:.:.rirr; tL ,: c:co.v S. L'OUtid ;;ei':cr e the our ir.. or ,.. 6k;ne, tea LV v.r-. c -c i.jh? iary can 1-2 wautaiacd homci rtili IV. Y t;.! 1 . t cur h 13 ati-j hy the m:. it t.i h l' P'. riohcat llc.".:. , of Provii'nce Tj JO'J, tho pra?iu' inv rrca'.fi.l acl: i. ,ti c .t..-r.s c; iv in. I . ? . . r '. . r u: 3 and 1 : 1- i . 1 o ..v-rv.nv1? tn.l .do I ia ma;iy drh and tryia ' x . u l.:.ve u.y t:a- . t : h: offt-at t isr.iis a..d c;.ji.c..: rruvi-rs i..a: you USV jj tturjJiw! r'.riidv. 1 -i Ilea To tho l:id;..s cf tl.-? Tonit-ry the wives. mothers, sictcrs r.riJ d-iuh:.-:-? of the Loneii ietthT.i I ar.i a!' -:;i r h w. icht of oLIijra- tiou. Th'jir ph'U'J pv:'VtTj !:a vo t Le-u rais- -d ir vaiii. u-T liUi." li'.L.r.TuUi :;S."r:i coua Ieneo in the pii-y i' ir.y .vh..u:itru'.tO!j iuiled tj exert a t-sdat-iry !;: .i.cj Aud lat though not the leubi. I !i.u-t not bo uiituindf -jX of t!.s nehlo mcu v. ho f.irni tie Mu.tary D-jpatuiCitof the Y'et. G lt.;i1 Ir&iier F. fcsuiltb aud the c facers ac!.ii cnd.:r Ms coiuuirnJ I fUu'i: Valero thaj.:-: for for luariV varaab.e ..-v-:s AlUiO'';U troiu didereut r.aits ei iliO L'taon vzin naturniiy mi- hrucd with sectional prejuiices, I lino v.- of uo instance iq which tnch prejudices have Won rt,.'iLti-d to riAtd ii thj v?a7 of a faU'iful. 1 rcauv. ciiCtm:i v- t i.e. r e..- w-..,-,- duty. TLeh- cv,-i-livt ui th; .-.fpect is worthy of i'ivcrsi 'coruaicr.uittion. aua ;---.v:.r.:s a cntht cxaiiruc lor taos The good behavior of all the were calLd i;; 't! to a.-.-ist lue, i OhilflS v. uo , in Kict, de- nervi iug of especiid notice. 3iany truoiii. cf.lei.-rs ar.d men. lia-l tcrvB 1 o: tr.cse 'ii- on tho fields of M-.sieo, j.gni-iet v. f.-eig:i f-..-, and "u is a t.oi:;ee of no ii'sL ta:i.-.fuc:i n to It now that tho liurois there won have beer. further adorned by iio praiswoitby rith which they ided to a'ilay a de, nhiei iry tru Jiiv-- fratricidal strile at home. -With a fiiiii-ixlh-,:iC3 in the prctectht ; caro nj over-iuling providence of that Great IJeiog who Lolds ia L-8 Land the des-ti: i-s jUke of men and of u-itious, I hid farewell to Kansas and to her f eople. trusting that what ever events insy fserctltor befall thtrn, thoy will, ia tho excrebo of His wisdom, gocdiu-M and powvr, be so directed as to pror.ioLo thc-:r own interests and that-of tho beloved country of which they are destine J to form araost uu- portautpart MOILN W. GKAUY. Lecomi'TOX. March Fdch. 1 DIED. At her residence in llarrisburg, on Mondu', the 23rd inst., Mrs. John liiiAur, of the Urady Ilctel. The deceased wns a laJy possessed of the Eicst cnnohlicg traits of character. Iltr loss Tillie much ri'grettrd by :dl ho knew her 1. O. O. F. Ofhcc of D. J). G. Id. Dh X 11. Men.beis of III; -.1 1. e. .o. 123, wb7 meet at their Hall in Ebensbvrg, " V April 1st. CwTtcmango E -h'e. .o. in!, town, on Thursday A; oil 2nd, nn-1 Ah "dues, la; lit Jidui-T- Lo-.L on Saturday, April 4th. f -r the i:..-Uhal:oa of obi- cers. Each Inlge will he re'pi r.-d to have its re- turns properly ma-.e out, witn it percer.tage. l-eforc the installation takes pi.vro. II. C. DEVI a hi, D. EbcUibnrg, Mr. eh 1357. D. " Vooit..xi Cukam" -1 1'oiua 1c f.rlw:i- j jT'liny the Hair highly perfumed, s-np-n- r to any I French itnicle impoiicd, and f r half toe price, j For dressing Ladies II .as 110 c , It ransc. i a bright g'.OGi",- (b 1 men's Hair to curl ia the mo.-t. !r.ti;ral vvavn ::r. It removes d.in.lru;;', id.vays v;i viti;- the JLti; the appearance t-f being f- sh iliaKprw1, Price only ftv cents. None gepnine unless s.lgnod " FETUIDGK & Cj. N. Y. Proprietors cf the Tor sale by all Drugiots. "LJr. tfa Thousand Jlouers.'" March 4, S."7. SEALED PROPOSALS will bt received at ti e Canal Comnii.stoncr's cfi'ce, llarristttrg, un til the 17th cf Apiil next, b;r the sale of that piece of land belonging to the Commonwealth, tiituate in Conemaugh township, Cambria county, lying between the dnal nd tl.e Conemaugh river, formerly belonging to Dan'cl Zcch. "By order of the B-ard of Canal Cor.uaisdoners. THOMAS L. WILSON, Sccr'y. March 23. C857. t dv. JCcw Cloclis, TValc2:cK uud JcweJiry Attlic Cheap veiry Store. THE sulscribers' tbanhfnl fjr past patronage, 'lcg leave to announce, to their numerous rusto mrs, tbat thev have inst received the largest as sortment of Ciotks, NVatchrs, -Jewelry, 'iolkis, Accordeons, &c, ever brought to this "town, ar.d vi!l sell elieivner ttiaa ever was sold in this -ru-ln- ity. All articles warranted to be as remestnted. ! ll.ey will charge nothing and consider it no trou ble to fhow Ihdr goods. Prices can be r-Secrtrdn-d,-aud gec-hi examined at their i tore, opposite the " Mountain House." .t";, O Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instru ments, &c., repaired with protiiplness and char gee mo'lerate. All repairing warranted to give Katisfurtiou.- Betnie ar.d gis-etheui a call at the pign of tho "Big "Watth." . .... STAIIL & EGBERTS. Ebemburg, Much 5, !8o7.lf JUST received at thctot cf ElWALD liOB EKTS, 1,000 IhbCcKirish, JO half BrlsHn ring, arl 10 half Ei is .Macheu! ftK 6, 152. THE subscriber offers for sale, 50 acres ofland ia Clearfield iowuship. adjoining John Krise, James AVifl and others; about 28 acres cleared with a hewed log house and stable thereon. This land is situated about two inile3 from the Loop Church, and will be scld at a bargain. For par ticulars enquire of tli3 subscriber residing at Plane No. 0, cf old A- P. It- It. MR?. M'DEVIT. March 25, 1657. Cta. FOP. BEST. THE subscriber will rent, for one er more years, the dwelling House and Store room, lately occu pied by Joseph A. Todd, decease !, situated in Allegheny township, Lamina county, at the Junction of the Cnerry Tree arid Pbilipiburg roads five miles Korth-cai.t of Loretto, and oiiC mile West of L'he: Springs. This property ii in the midst cf a thickly settled neighborhood, ?nd in a fro 1 bx-e'iou for a country Ptore, or any tneehan Lai l usir. -ss. There is en? acre of groi: nd Lv!oa?ing to tus II .u.e, wp.k a garden, stable. &c. WM. RYAN, Jr. Chc-s-; Swings, hlareb l2Z, 1SC7. lis. M. V.EV.X. Drs. Horn U I,. M. SHANNON. nm nnrnirrr. nnuninr i t;ii V ji ; 1 i U i ii tf Hii d i b I iUj 0 , JEFFERSON, CAMHRIA CO., PA., Tvnder thcir i rt fi-s.--:.".:.! services t thocir- izf.:.5 cf .t;::orw and vv.urr.tv, :g ntedij.il ail. Night cab' promptly t'.n "cd t. I'.OCUKSTEU WITH e U E R . G R E 0 5 ci S II Y n E a . . :iu:rsa.:t. LI J It c U i l'i L ft I 2d t5 ICO. 13 AliCSZ STitCCT, PHILADELPHIA. M.u-th is, is:r. TTIir;iilhS, letters of Adsninistration outiie cs t a tat j cf O wen Corblev, late of CleuriieLd towa- is'dp, Cftrabria countv, dec-' 1. havo been jrranisd i-rie.!, notice 13 hereby give:; to all persons hav iiv: cl.t':. ajc.i.:st sr.id estate to present theia pr-pcr'y anther.ticatosl f ir t:tte:ncut, n J tboae in hv-'.cd are request ed to m.-ike pavmeut vitboiii d-j!ay. JOIIa SX' XrAY , Adui'r. LI-irch 13, 1357. -Gts si a; sic. 1 4 LOKt.irt rotiLLi wl.i teach st bfs residence : o . rit.f.:i-.i:i;r;?. 1 etween tn t;nrs ol tour and fi-x o'. l ek, I . si.. o:j J'.i-K.I.iy, euuesaay, ?.nd Friday, uf e.-eh week. Violin. Flute, l'iuno, Cor.-aclt, I3iig!-?. Organ, Trumpet or any " vther icsfrnuiental Uiusic. Ebenhburg, March 21, 1S57. ArrJvitl cK'tlio. TiiiLu at "Wiimcre On "..ri'h-'.y IDth, ai!l r.iitil further r.ntice pan- I Sanger tram.i will ht-: at Wilusore Station as i ; ; j w i',xpr'?i6 -cst, Mad Train K:it Kiisi L:.:e t n . 10 o'i!j.-.s, "2 nun. A. Id. 12 12 " P. II. 6 LA " P. M. y 4 i r. id. ii station iiiiruc iiatelv after the ,;;! West, H it ks ieav t; departure of the tnvin f.r Ebcr.sbiirjr. TUP. subscriber would respectfully iuforru t!i? citizens of Cambiia. and the a.ijoining couuties, lhi;t he his the er.ii-ntive right of selling Light ning lb). is, taauufaeturrd by tise popular iirtn of Craw ihrd. ()I-Tuu)u;e, , Cj., the best in u.w. Peru ns ia want of tlc arttoh', car. b-j furnished at all tlro?s by :d.'.ro;.dag him at his residence in I-.bonshiirg. i-v letter or otherwise. j f Mar 1 10 B EllT G ALliF. A1T1I. THE Subscriber will sell 400 aers irorr or less of bn-d, sitn.de in Cand.iia township, Cambria couutynbout 4 mil s West of F.ben.sbnrg, South of the Chy turnpike, r.bout CO acres cleared, vith a goo-.! cabin hi-.is :md tarn, thereon trect- Th ivna m well tisrbereJ. and a never For g s parti-idars apj lv o E. J.-AVATERS, Executor of Timothy Davis, deceased; .ircK 11, 1?57. Ct LETTEiiS tef.tctmentary having been granted bv tus Eegi;,ter of Lamoria countv, to the SUl)- - t .:r;otr, tjpon tn-tdi.fo of 2-r.cch I tees, late of ; 01 ciiiiiiri.v lowii.-mn. in s?.ra roootv, ueeeaso 1 j l.e hereby request all pt rsor.s indebte e la'e to maka im:ne itc ay:nent. ed to Mid and tho.'C ha iiig clairn3 to r-ivsent them nroo.-rlv anthen- icated for bctiLmtnt. Ji. J. VrATEKfc'j IlxecT'.tcr. March' 11, 1 57. Cts Ur-llQU GAsS3AL. THIS WORK having been 'eularsred throui!- 0! to aim.t ttt largest t-:;:ed I'enusylvania Canal I !'., nfc- i'i,n iriO.p ! ! I.n !.-! ?. ft: .. ? T ; 1 A I tf lie vling, c.n the first day of April. Toil Sheets m l iidormation respecting the C r.al can be obtained it the Ofliee of the Comua- ;n,io. 5j .a.nut street, 1 liiladoipma, on ao-f i-. It. PUNDLE t?:iITII, rretident. I March 11, 1357. o'.s - Executor's Notice. LEdTEPiS testamentary have beer granted ot the subscriber by the llegister of Cambria county, upon the estate cf Mary Susan Litzinger, late of the borough of Loretto," in said county deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted, are requested to mako immeliatc payment, and those having claims agaitst raid estate will presoiit them properK authenticated for settlement. VM. UVINN, Phcecutor. M.irch 11, 1S5T. Cts VuSaaMc Erc?irly for rale. . I "IE UNDERSIGNED rcsi.ling in Sumraor hi'd town-:hip, Cambria county, Fa., and about 4 inde from the vill.-ige ofJe.Terson, will rent bis we'd known property, consisting of hiafarm, con taining 00 acres, which has been in clover fur the last four years, there is on the place, 2 barns, d dwelling houses, 1 tan yard with all the necess ary fixtures. Also 2 fine orchards of the choicest ru-f Call on the iubscribcr residing on the place or lo i ai. Kitrell. Esa.. Ei ensbr.rr. Pa. raarcb 11, 18-57. -tf JOHN KEAN. . l. The subscriber; will dispose cf the fol lov.iof; at private sale. 4 Miih Cows (Durham bree.3.) Fat Hog?, a l it of sheaf oits, com in the car, end a large qnainfitv of hay, together with a ,ot cf housfcho'dand kllehen furniture. J. K. ERS0 receiving for abot: ceivod no value for said note, and am determined not to pav tnc same unless comnr'iedby Ja "vVILLIAMD. JON Eft. Msvch 1, 157, . ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioned against or giving any valuable consider n'f n. a note of band -iven ly me loE'ti-nr.l D.v..,, t the 10th dav of Marebf 1 R." 7 o t i- ' LOUiS LUCKHARTD. WATCH 3IAHLR, An 3 DEALER Es: ELOCXS. WATCSES ABB JEWELRY. HlIIL uadersigacd respectfully h("Ti Ipave to inform thn citizens cf Johnstown and vicinity ?s$T that he lias iust received And isnow-yvC- opening the largest stock of C 'locJ;s, lVatfJits and Jmcetrij, ever brought to Johnstown. cii?tou1 ex ception, xvhich wiil be sold " cheaper than the cheapest." His prices w HI always bo uniform, Uue customer will not be charged more for the lame rjuality of goods than anoiher. A List cf 6 jnie of the artkies comprised i.n the asorttient is annexed, liices may bo ascettuioed, nnd goods examined, at the Htoro c z. M:iiu fc'tictt Gobi llur.ti;j FugiUh I.-vc-.s, Gold Petadicd levers, full jewelled, GuH Li'jjiiiCij. 4 holes Silver Eaijlish Levers, " bilver Detached Levers, Silver Lcpines, !! Guard Cluur.., Gold est Chain. rol I 1 Vueiis, with Puis, (J.dd Pencils, G dd Mehdlior.s, Silver Lxtensit n 1'cnciU an'PPons, Gold I'reastpins, L irik-s and Geutlcmen, Gold Far-drops, Gold F.-irri:is, Gold I'injrer ILin-zs, Gold C'nfi' Fins, Gol.i m l iSilver Watch Keys, l'ortmo:iie?. Ladies' Fans, fincy aud p-hdu. Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thioihlea 1'Uted Tablespoons, best, I 'kited Teaspoons Silver Gbard Chains.. Flated and EritUinia Tea Sett-!, Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, &c.t CIt'd and Allen'd Revolvers, 0 inches. Gold Bracelets. Accordeon?, Silver and Plated Spectacles, &c, Sec, Arc. All sorts of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired with promptness ana aiiuw nucs.---confident that be cannot b-J undersold, the undersit: respectfuliv Bolicito the confidenee and patronage of the public. LOUIS LUCKUAKDT May 14, lfcoG. 20-tf. Ero(l R- Gold Pen Kuufactnrlnf; &. Co., No. S35 KLOADWAYiAV" VOUK. LIoT OF EETAII. l'RICT.S : Gold Fens, Gold Pou and Silver Holders. GoldlVn and dbh' ex-Silver Hold ,Mamoulh, " Leviathan " .'.'" Fountain Fen, Desk Holders, i-.lamouth " Engrossing Pens. Ieviathan and Itx, UotLic Silver Case aud Pen, " Fngroiing" " Mamouth " Gold Tooth l'ieks. " Tooth and Fir Ticks, Pencil YVatoh Keyrf, Ladies Gold Pencils. , . 41 00 2 00 3 00 1 CO 5 (X 3 0;) 6 00 2 00 r co 3 00 4 co r CO a co s 00 'd co, 5 UO 4 CO 5 00 8 00 10 00 li: 00 8 00 ) . it it j " with Pen, i Celts' Gold C.i?es and Pens, Gothic " " " Hciew Pencil, And all oiher lamls and stales tt the retail pri- it.'kmiums rsinszxj-nD to ?ukchai:rs. To every prison buying a gold pen of v.s we present a uunsbercd ceililicate, anl each of these certificates entities the holder of it, by tho extra pavment of -& tents, to rn article of joweiry, in value from Jl to JlcO. i'his jewelry consists of i Gohl and Luvcr atclies m great varietj. Silver Goblets, Sdver l'nut jv-isket?, Gold Guard Chains ,jT lrtdl3, Lckete,' Bracelets, Cents' (Jold Fob and Vest ch:dns, Thimbles, Frcatdnes, Bracc tts, iCar Drops. Studs, Icings, Crosses, ftp., ixne of jvaieh sell fr less than 1." ibr Hi-cry dol lar jnii.l t;s, t'ia Parly is lZaliflcd lo a. 2in,-tl'.Ttu ccr1fioxU;, aud by the jiaymenl cf 25 Cls. E:tra on each cerfjh:ate he is cr titled 10 rccive tclwkcer the uu::ibcr vf the ctrljuate ?iiis7iafes. V.'e have been i:: operation tor tiiree years and thousands have bouc.ht bf ti?. atid we have never le.irr.cd th:it any one v.-as ever dissattbfred. Tiiisjibm adords every opportunity of obtaining a gold vatch or some article of joweiry, lor a, trilling sum. Al! our pens, pencil case?:, ice, arc genu ine artieh's manufactured lv ourselves with great Ci:r2. . in nil r.tl we oiler iiiein precisely at r.rices askevi other stores iu the ci.tv. a o agents wc make a Ivantagwuus oiieis, and an energetic per son can do well by working for us. We wish agents iu every place in the conntnv, aud persons who woull like to beeonie such will please ad dress us, and we will send Ihein printed circulars of prices, tiroi.s, &-'., We have no stated periods for diitributi m. The moment a pen is purchas ed, tho purchaser is entitled to receive his premi um on the p vymentof 2u rents extra. Ali orders bv mail should be addreswd MEPEIGK, liEIJTON .v- DEAX. ?,"r Brondwav, 1'ew York. A G E"NTS A XT ET). 2. H Gold peas repointed io a sujsrrior man ner. Enclose the pen and CO cents in P. O. ! 5-timpA, and the pon wid bs repointed and return ed post pant. Th EROADVvAY f!0LT) PEN MANUFAC TUKING Go. if. v.-cil known throtighout the country, but as their are ur.donbted'y s.me who are not acquainted with m v.-e :ppeud the fol lowing well known firms as n'.rrenefs: FKLLOWS & Co York. Ivo. 17 Maiden 'Lane, New IIICIv'S & MITCHELL, No. do do j . F.ENT'ON BROS., Cor. Broadway Coniilnr.d t.. New York, roid Cin-ritmit Ftreet. Pi.il idelphia. J. II. STUUDY & Co., No. C Gilsey Building, rnrrrn . vnon to. 9 Maiden Lane, do. ' 185' - - , . V tf n n vilriT rS flirt f it-l joii' Pji'tf rf t A 1 i i 1 V Vi Itll VlVlVi W 1 VHV 1 I'll C-i 'W V V S) Cambria county, there will be exposed to pub lic sale at tho Hotel of James Reamer, nt Cresson, on Saturday, the 28th day of March, instant, at one o'clock, P. M., the following valuable timber land, situate partly in Washington aud partly in Munster townships (contiguous to the Rail-road,) bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a post (the South East corner of the tract of which itris a part) t.hcuce South G4 degrees West, by land of Jarncs Bradley, 103 perches to a post, (tho South. W e.;t corner, of ' the tract,) thence j .North, by land of David U Tlxrra. 122 perencs to a post, thence North 01 degrees Ea&i, by the res idue of the tract, 103 yierehe.e to a post, thence South, by trai:t in lVame of John Murdoch, 122 perches to. the place of beginning, eootoining 70 acres and 1 2') perches: It being the South end ot a larger tract of land of whiclf James Smyth, died seized. . . TERMS. Cash on Confirmation cf the sale. ALICE SMYTH,- Atlmr'x. of James Smyth, deceased. . March 4, 1857. St. . . : m ' House aurt I ol tor Sa!o ! ! 7HE subscriber offers at private sale, the prop I ci ty now occupied by the Undersigned, in the Borough of Ebensburg. It is si V,! ted in a desi rable part of the Borough. - The improvements arr, a good frame House, also a frame Stable, Wood and Carriage SAeds. There is a never fail ing well of water on the premises- - An indisputable title will be given, and terms jur.de known by applying to ... . . ""' W. BATEMAN. Ebcnshurg, March 2, 1957. tf. JLANIv Summons, SubpennaV, Executions Tavera rctitivns, Bono, rcc. tor ff.ie at t this office ,., r - ; . . . y I'BOl'EKTl rlHL West Branch Iusiu-auce duapany is pro- ' X pared to take risks on propertyeither on I tch CASH, AiUiuALcr PKUPETJjAL plan each department of this Company ia managed separately and their extreme carei'u taking risks makes it the cheapest, and safest company in the State. Every man should have his property in sured. For a very small amount of money Ids mind is entirely relieved from uneasiness and bis family incase bi property is burnt J from Trr.nt. Persons desinng to effect jasurance will find it to their advantage to csaaik;c the terms of this Company aud their mode cf doing business which they can do bv calling on the Agent. IIn. Wm. r.ii;!cr, Hon. Simnn Carru-ron Vn!on, Esq.. and to persons ir.su rol in this com- pan v. Hov. O. C. IIAUVEY, Frf s. . Tii 'S. iviTtiits., Secy. J. C. NOON, A-eut. Elx-ii-d-nrg, Dec 17, lS.'j. toweshm rights at vcrv low rates. This ILirrow is one of the inost important improvement of t):e are, and especially suitable for this courdry. We respectfully invite fanners to coir.e and examine this IlarrovJ V.'e will be ready to sell township rights until tho 1st of Dec-en jT, after which time UiU tv. a'"A;S3d,cf will be reserved by us. ;ih (J. 3l"Uti Un a co. October 20th, ISoG 1 tf. Valuable Fana :jr rJalc, TOR sp.I.j by the subscriber an excellent farm Jb situate one mile fri;:n Loretto, Cambria coun ty, known astho llenry J. Map;uire farm. It contidi;s one bumlred acres nine acies and allow ance, with about 36 acres cleared, and iu a good state of cultivation, and the balance is covered vitn Va-iiable Timber. The improvements con fiist of a hrc levTv:o Stcry Lljuso. containin,'' Parlor, l)ir:tn-room and Eitchcn on the first Hoar, ami live chambers on the second Hot. The nthar improvemcijts aro a good suv mill, tenant l;oure, carpenters fihop and other out buil oinprs. Tliere aro never f.tiiirp cprinps cf water near each house, there is a fine your.g orchard on the premises. The township road passes through the place 11 is about. r. dies from Cre-;son on the" Pennsylvania Bail Bond, and almut the same distance from Gullitzin. It is in tight of the Lo retto church, St. Francis' Acadcrnj-for boyr,St. Ah'iysens Ae:ulen.y f.r young ladies, and J of a mife from the Plank Load. An indisputabo ti tle wi! -be i vc:i and t?:cis made known ly ai pMrgto ii. HASSOrr ElK,nsbi:rg, I'eb. 18, 1R.-.T. Cm. CanccrCused. T"IIE subscriber would ref pcvtfidty infirm nil I person who yre afiliote l wit'i tlte above d;s-ftftt-e, trial be can cure it without fiil. Numerous ctses have l eeu er.red. and any nr.rnbcr of co tiil catcs can lc pr j ured if ncctiary. Call on the subscriber 2 rj-iiies fnm the village of Sirongt jwu, Indiana county', Pt. PATRICK 1IULYE11IL. Fel. IS, 1S57. K2V7 ARRIVAL ! pnpjfPv? fsnpFHiT ppflSIFs UiiUiiLhii. bxtiibLuii.i5. LiibUliiiiLd IJAB.T ec LS0., would respectfully inform ft their old customers as well as many new ores tnat they nave received a large quantity of Gro ceries, which for quality ;ul cheapness cannot V o excelled by any sdmih'.r establihment west of t'ne Allegheny mountains. We are determined to- sell lower tan-ibo lowest, e have alsc , oui4 band - 0,000 CISARS v.hich we will dispose cf wholesale or ret? ii. HART & BIiO July 9, ISoC- . . Vsiluatiie rami for gala. "fIIE under-igned i'I dispose at private, sale his t farm situated on the North Bra' 4eh of the Blacklic!:, Cimbria co. Ia., containing 150 acres of Land, Q acres cleared r.nd in n good state of cultivation. T';eir is on. tb iarni a double log I'.arn and a squarr lot? house. Also a coal vein S feet 10 inches thick., ti-gftther vith a good" Mill .eat. Their is on tha f uni a g Sod orchard. The farm is only 7 mi'e.: North cfllbensburg". An indisputable title Will ba givou Wa.I. GITTING?. Carroll tp.,Fcb. 25, 3SoT. Sm. rniLii- r.ETiisa. 3U"'KT. J. ASDSESOS. R E YUM & "A'BBESSQ H VVIIOLFALE" Dll'JdT.S IN FOREIGN FRUITS. ft a FT V v 4 m I ft ;j 5 p if U G A R S . Oranges and Lemcns received wechly. o. Ylv-iiil street. OC'Oppo. ite tho St-, diaries Hotel. Pittsburgh. Pi. March 4, lSol. tf. " JOia! SJ. ASjl33f & CO. NQ3. 2 -1 CHESTNUT Street, (south side, be low Water,) PHILADELPHIA. . (The OLDirrT "V!Ou-wrAnEIIorsi:, in-the City. Manufacturers and Wholesale dealers in Pat ent Machine made CUOOMS, Patent Grooved CEDAR- WAUE, tcarraniclnot to shrink, WOOD & WILLOW-WAKB. CORDS, BUL'SIIES, &c., of all descriptions. PIer.se call and examine our stock March 4, 1857. ly. G ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. PI3H, CIIE23S & PRGVISIOlC'd, No. 47 North W1IAKVES, (below liae Street) 1TIIL ADEL1TI I A. Have constantly on hand a large s sort ment of FISH, CHEESE & PROVISION'S, which they are prepared to sell at the lowr t possible rate. Ctf- ORDERS promptly att-.-Tided to. Feb. 13, 1337. Sm. ' EettitCHor Joiiiryibert, Ieccr.Rcd. THE unders:gnl. Auditor appointed - by " the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, to examine, decide, and report rpon the exceptions filed , to the account of ficovW. Kern, executor of John Dibrrt." deceased., hereby i.otifas ad parties inter ested, that ha cviil attend to the duties of his said appoimnent, at the Area lo.IIolcl, ("kept by Henry Foster, in tho borough of Johnstown, 'on Mon day, the 20th day of April, nest, .it cue. o'clock, P. M.,at whieh time and place thev can attend. ,7M. KITTELL Auditor. March 18, 1857. 4ts SUMMER Crate: m.d Parts, and, SilBs. Lawns. Ginhr.jii Ilintlkerchiefs at. J. il'ibruiits : FIMK! SAVE iota ii 'V.i (.y ;f !' - .l.Ai;.:. ' fv, lUvpl-rry Bra:, iv. lre...-h Prvdv.. r..r. J-' i.d..r. il. IS 1 V 1. Aiil. ..V-r,:ha:,l Unit. yI;-h Bni .!;.r r c : n. V.. M It v ; . 1 ... , . ,, , , . ,, K -!. ii!s rv 4 c ..-1 r.it.-! -jvc3 . r a!o t M uvdacturct i rpiIE SKbscritors, bavin- rurcha l the ri'd.t I r" f' 'v- V "t ' ,.V Vs s; fds, P.a.ts-r ra.a t rices, bv X to make and k-H 11 A bl)UM AX'j PATnKT u' &'-":r"? 'Vi:0? a-bs. CJ,rt-,t I V ". IIAT- ADJUSTABLE IIAllUOW, and bcin- anxfous to a;"-?" SV''1 V '." fall ki. d,. ! . have it inunediately introduced, propose to ell " " VrtT, V.-.'i " ' ,cf 1 -'ens, Sluliii-1 TTfrEATINU SlOVF.. B-idiator. VIom. Fr.A. Gr.JlAT SIXC1TE31K XT ! ! lajU EM!!! THE subcriber would respectfully inform the . gooil citizens r.r Loeubnrg and the a.ij..bi ing vicii.ijy th-t Le h-s returned frs-m Phila-h ! phia, with thti larg't nd must VAriI a.w rt inentof GTIOCEIililS ever offore 1. The stock con.sis.ts a iVlluws : Groceries: Uu.vsca. S.n-ars. Tcs. Tt-cc. C.aidles,Si!w, S:dt.liu-u.uA. Mams. PI. -or. Oat Meal, Corn .M-al. Tobacco, Pcv i,,.-. Fr.c ! App.es. SM.'Tatw-i.Jtrt'KUfg S.. V.'.. I l!cr PS Pui kce's ii.ii;- P..-.V.;. r, Sar l.t c. V.u cx, lluiioways V.,no t..nf. . Vii. Couroclfciutrit : Candid, EvililrS. - Oran.j. 1. 1 Til- t Citr t,s. Pro:.-. S.: ira, 1 1 f;. r!.S. oy, ia.t:l-rrv Bra:, iv. ire Wia-. Old Pye Wi i-.k.-y. Iirtttslifs, cr., Ur : i Together with a large r. ;porl? .-.c cles notcrjiinieratc 1, width v j,i ' cf ot.c-t art:- if not cheat -er r.a K0i( a? . i-. -n than any stal .ishmt-r.t ir. tt . countv. :,bnr. Ju-V 0 iff VP TUDOr" .sorD, Ju.j .0, 18c o - .40. Ebei .i.,sr(E7.tX':' t LL per.s.D)is nuiruiv ti ltol crts. dc-e'd, for ct ..x . .--t:u s J rethoiK tary ai,l tierkof the Q iai ter So-;, ,,s are ijtrei.v rtli 10 maK paj men 1 .oui-j uelay. as it will h re ry unpleasant for me. 'to 1 avc to resort to comr.id siry measures and th- .-re' jy add c.sts, which will be imperative unless pr'i.l s-bortl-. Howard J. Itobert s, jf this boron -!i is dul au thorized by roe. to r c-cr Ivc sa:d fees anl rere pt f. r the same, lie vi'.l r.itend for that imn.se, a the I-Yotlicnotary7 j off -0, in Ku-nslnrg, at 'the cc suing Court iu l)f .cen d r r.cxt. ."OilX WILLIAMS, Fx'r. Ebcnsburg, O'.t. T5. IboG. -tf. Toctcr g:3 nts. Lailor" i L(jccr.-.'xr cZ taa citvrard of Haakind. "0"ASrer mo -vc. Lis thou to the v.-c-ft tndft JLJL cf tov J 1. 1: lew ti .M-.rs v.Cit of the Foundry, wh?ro go3itionu.'U and; ie:r sons wid find it 60 their advantage to cll on the sub scriber aud -;es their clothing fashionably made up and" to l".t iu a tL impossible to l a excelled by any ether establishment ia thec;-uut. E.esbacj', "March : Glh. 1S."G- oro. 21. T.EEr. ' T. U KliYCa A TT O JISEYS A T LA V,', 'bcnsl.urs, F.i. A 3E2sT fi-j the Lycomiuii Mutv.al Insurance Ojiuise) iven ia tho Enghsh sn-J German hinf ,-uagv "OfLV.m IPjgU Street Ebensburg, I:.ii'a. Fed, o, lSCO. ly. OPPOSITE THOMPSON'S HOTEL." i:BErsnvr.c, ia. C.1IV EH FO: SI TEICIIC TOADIES Morocco, Calf and Patent Leather Foots, ar.d strong iShoc-s Kuitablo for v. iuier, Gaiters and Gum f-'boes. GIRL'S Shoi..?, coarsa and line child's Sh.-es Overs'.ioes ar.d Gum Slu t;. MENrS AND ROY'S FootsHats and Cai-s. MEDICINES for the Sick. .COFFEE-, Tea, Sugar, &c, fur all. CaIsDIES, x cts. and Apples. C IG A RS, and Tobacco. A CHOICE lot f Pen ar.d PucLct Knives. 1-ORT-MONA1ES. -COMfiS, RINGS, AND ERE AST PINS. STOCKING YARN'S. NOTE PAPER. Letter and Focl.icap ditto. CtJMrOUTS, (il..ves a:-.l Hue?, BRUSHES and C.-tubs. ' PATENT Thitad, and ?pr.c.i Thread. VELVET, Oce. . MANY articles wdial-le f.r prcc-nt-. GALL AND tEE OUR STOCK, AuEiltance Free. Eben&burg, Nov. 20, 3S0i. ot. P. !. PATYOft & CO. Wholesale Dealer; ana -.'?,('.' Artificial riovrciG' I-fulo Erics, lc Pdmr Fourth, South Hi, 2c, l'lIILADELl HA. cash r a p ion wool and smrnxG PRICi: J. FATTON. ' A. OITENiiEIMER. Dec. 17, Iooi- 14. Tiiii z.oxv tGO;i;y ror. n-s co.ii: at The lajrgert, Lest, and cheapest atsortuicct cf C3LOTSia?:fi! S, "ik'rnoi would re?pcctfiin.v inform the citi zens tf Ebensburg and surrounding country, that he Las just opened out at his new establishment, Jear tho Cjur. House, one of the largest, most va lid, elegant and cheapest a.-sorl:v.cnt of Ch-thii g ever brought to this or i;uy other place. His stoc k is unqttestloiiabiy the richest and ra rest ever importetl to the top of the Alleghenies. and embraces everything tbat can be enu?i;eratjd or conceived in the Chahi:;g lir.e, t.'c-m.ist:ttg of Overcoats of all sizes and qualities from i0400 to. S20,00, Coats " " " JL:0 to J-.QO Tarits V. " " . ."3Ugs.00 Vests ' . ' " 10,7jtoS.C0 ! Also., a full assortment of rilk ?.e kerchiefs Scarfs, Ilandkcrchiefs, Shirts. L:r.deribir;s. Draw crs. Sock?, Comforts, Collars, XraycEh;- Rags, It is useless lo attempt to lve anything liho a "c:."ral enumeration, as the task "Would be a elif-1 licult one, but tn l;t-u ot toi.s tr.e pr.i i:c rro r.i! cordially invited to call and csarutna if they r ijh the best of bargain?. Ebensburg, July SO. I80C 40-ly. - 1!Y person iodentct to n.c f. rfees, r.i Pio thonotary &o., of Cu:rd ria county, v.IHsave costs, bv settling the Kinio lnniiliatc-!.'. HOWARD J. KOEERTS. El cr.sbnrg Doc. CO, 1S50. . -"--'- i ROt E.'UES. Cc: dhi Ntis and :. Crackers ). - I'lVi icit F. ' V":.r-r,-.- f a uu-J o'.c C-' T 1 el jw I Nut cf l.b-.ri.- i ; ... fV' t : O" : . 1,00) DOLLARS R KW.tKIl. 17IIOU-.LB AD KLTATL Tin, topper, antl Jscrt-Iroa tTaro. SLMNXTFACTOKY. f.'lM'IE Kibs.-iil rcipectfuh'y infcn.s bin ft Ji. IixikU and tl.c pul-lio p'-r.erauj , t! (nsi !.r ss.'.iu coTan.i n -il the iiio'-.frii;c b'.M.i his. at tic h! r. l,i.i"elic dl i-l 'n- l cts i t vt a.', v . vnm ;-;y r.r.i .c .n f.' j.i-.e. j Ft l'n zr .?i ful f r j .i.tfv t. l. h ' Vy ! -tr!-t att-i.i. n i...d i.... tj :.r.t ii--t r wife s. i:er.-'i h.at- 1 pi.roj.-i;. 11.2 t '"!"! bcl d -f Uti. m aJt4 t !:-.kr ti-;' vr- I w- '1 .-,;-. in i- i I " i T i I t-(5 tb JTT ... .ir...: bid.-of ."r. Wvu!' d. i f . - . 1 r'-r t tr -. r-rri i-j t! C'd A'.t r-rr f :;.. m.j b.i'r t f. I Ipn.ilv s:d r.Mticli. Iin.-C.ii boo. Parley, ai.d all Par! r or Ilxmi j Stoves made in either citv furnil.el V.w for e;ssh. F. V. JIAY I LAMPS, Tinwrro, C-r-r, ( jLvA Shc-c-t-Lc-u Ware, cheap f, r ea.,!," ..n- t Siret-t bv F. W. HAY, ' CJ POUTING. Itoof.n'i and all-"kind - uwM L .1 -1 1 'n raU-A bv ' 1. U. UAT A LL wl.o want a Grst ralo Siwos chap 1.n Jr. ware, or any Kitchen utensil will call iiU ti:e cash at the V.'are-rccms of r. Y. 1LT. EC r - - .-.T. r-.' . e SALli THE fubsciiber cfA-rs at r-rb, ale sale, tho !rooerl f.y now occupied by her as a Hotel, m' tt lvjTOUtrhof Lbei:buri. - It id .vi uiiU .1 iii jit j J - igiblo and busiuess part of tbo Korough. l'veo bion will be given the first f AtvrJl next. MAUY ANXLiTZLXGEU. Feb. 4. 1557. if EICIiAIlD SL JCNZS, wiru CQUIRr, ZIHKEHKAIJ ALLEIJ WHO LEGALE DT ALE! S IN DRY GOODS, NO l-Jh" MARKET STRKLT. miTwr.EK tiiii:d axd rovr.Ti!. GEORGE ALLEN. J Feb. 4. 1R57. If- .oticjl:. v.; iii-.iiL.ib. Letters oi Adrmmstrarron on tbe V V estate of Catlieriiie E-.-bo b-.te cf AIJesbenT tavrnship, Cambria county, deceased, has been granted ly the IU- . saiu C'"-'.i.tr, to tl e uti- derigu.d, residing in the tovi:!ut aforesaid, a'.l ..crso.:s having claims r.g.-.inst the es-tite of said decedent, vill p.rt-sent tlc:a r.-.perly authei.ticu te;l for tvtt'.emtr.t, and these ir-.iebted arereoueb ld to mahe x-ivmcnt v.itbont delay. d ACOR REHE, Ad ir.irdst rater. February 11, 1SS7. Ct. 7jcv Clcc-Sts, TV atclics 'w" Jewelry. "THE subscriber hereby pro- -.s I claims to tbe inhrbitants of Oounstown and the rr. .i 1 1 t i .; raSjaaw ccnintry tnat i.e Las just rctmnct Irom New lcik with the largert and best assort men t.cf CLOCK S , WATCH US &. JEWELRY ever brr-ught in their midt, hich he tr.ors La can and will sell cheapei-luan a ir dealer iu the town or county.. His cheap Rreast Pins, hitherto sold f.t f 2. w now behold at $1,00; such' as were sold at $2,i5 are now of.eied at $l,G2i. etc. His Cue plated Ear 1 rop. v.hich wore sold at i 1.75 are now sohl at f 1 ,2j : others held at fi 1,37 wiii be. sold at $1.:0, m.u a1 other rrtic'ea i;f Lis ot ! tiv-k remaining m hand will I c- disposed of at a liho discount. His new stock consist in r ait of 1 3 silver hunting cr-se Lcvre Watches ; b cv.es richest style if Clocks ; ISj Rrea-.t Pins; 12) Err i)ror-4 ; 1-00 Finger Ring', together v.ith a ratietv of shirt stud?, Wrist and Neck Buttons, G-I.i Pc::s and Holders, Fob ar.d Gnnrd Chains. ad Li any minor artiees to numerous to nu-nticii.. He hs also added a number of ucv and imrcr tant iinplc-meuts to bis already lr.rge cl!'iui.n of t-Jols, whercly he is c-mbTcd to txccule workxiih greater displvtch and les e-st. Thankful for past favors, tiai Lnpipg for a con tiiinauce of the same, he trusts that Lis friend vi'l fw.'ct the one-prieed store f JOSEPH (E HOLMES. Ma;n f ?reet. tin cf the tig Watch.. February 11 Eo.. - Vul:ial!? Town Ircicity FOR SALE. UK :::r riter will '; r r.t private s-nle Lis e. r:nr House r.n i. lot, sitnaic 1 r. lii' li Vet, t wo l.l doors west .of the Mam-it-n Hon-e. . iviio, a go.- U store room back boiUlings anjoiuincr. two &;.v;ea hh fi, wti' with a go(d stable i" :x:es c.-i cxcv.i : t l.o.C in A r M: ti jr., and auH.ir.it-g the b Touch 'h,,,..!,-,,-, r, . DAVI- d: EVANS, Eons::urg. Dee. SI, lt'ifl to ran . , mi, uk yr rwivMi and now op- w v TT 1 ' K . 1 i L 'itre room in the Kring? of rc a largv; ar. r ,v.,i t. v ;aii p.vtd Winter' Goods, ' 7, l0 'jis,Cas inieres . tSa t i i; e t Twi c.is; .! en us. J.ao-.js )rts otlxs. Freud Mvruiocs. Tartan 1 !ai Silks l)e L-iui-s, IVv bus, EuolWa Uvri n'..Ts. 0.brgs, Alnncis. Eei.ege, li.iv Stila lon nr.d square thawU. Calicoes, tiluaraF. Cbk Tiviiig, Ac. A handsome ahsortinent f 3ZADIrs ItLOililXG. toother with a large assortmci.t vf tiroeeHes Hardware, Qucci-bware, Drugs, oh. Paint, IV.:-t-ut Methciacs.. lye-stuirs. Nail. by the Lc.Cias by the box. Fidi ai.d b'alf 1 ; sbe barrel. Cedar, ware-, together with many other articles - too ru. mcrous to mention, rdi rfwldch w i.l hest!datth I .v.r.-t fg-.ie. Grain of all kiad 'takan b-rd and thingies WMind. p. H. SHiF.LFS. Lcrctto. Oct. 0, 18'C 1 tf " ---v P A. DORSSY. wholesale and ret.v1e dealer toijacco asi:gas, To. I liortbi irifTiU street, Phl!n. 7TILL U bppy't.i r-cir the order., f hiH : V 'cmatry frunds. vr.rl a3 ttr,T oti.cr. may favor the htm Mithacsdl. Th'cv wiiEai " ways find a fu:Lan.i select asM-viniPnt of the bUl Plan.. oi toiw and 5ei&, vhu h will U an Livorabic lenn. -. S'ptc.aUr 5, 12:5' ' r w 1 1. :n 1 1 1 9 I Pi " E.-t rt t 1. li.M . tr.-.if !!. . ti- ' '- .4 ' 4' hi' . ? ;Hrv O I V y-v-1 b i t. ' 1 . , : 1 ' -r- 0: -f i : -if .- f 1 . ; i ! i ' . " - -i i V:-'.r . t - ; ii 1 i 5 -4 ; f : i r: f . - h , K ' -- K - k ( . Kt it ' ' " - - H-' XAi K " - . I5 .; f D OOR I Tn Qopi