Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, March 11, 1857, Image 1

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Harrisbukg, March 2, 1857. j
The Convention was called to order at 10 j
o'clock. A. M., by Col. John W. Forney,
V'hdirman of the Democratic State Central
Committee. lie said :
flpntlrsiicn of the Convention : The day
nnd the hour having arrived for the meeting !
of the representatives of the Democratic party
f Pennsylvania, and fulfilment of the du
ty devolved upon tl c Chairman of the Demo
cratic State Committee, I beg, before procee
ding to the immediate work or organization,
to Fay a few woids. Less than one year ago,
ihe Democracy of Pennsylvania assembled iu
this Hall, and" through their regularly chosen
delegates, placed in nomination the distin
guished statesman of Pennsylvania, Mr. Bu
chanan, fcs their candidate for the Presidency.
That was a body of rare ability and charac
ter. Its proceedings, so harmonious, so em
phatic, and so enthusiastic, struck a respon-
MVe CllOrU Ml lUC p'-'puia-i uvaam ttvijr uiuu, j
vail when the Cincinnati Convention subsc- i
ucntly assembled, the choice of oi l Demo- j
-trratre Pennsylvania became also the choice of j
the Democracy of the Union We won that j
liomiuation, geutlemcn, because presented
u statesman ct i?e experience and ability, j
and because wo evaded no i.-sue, and shirked j
no responsibility. Our ground was boldly ta- 1
Jicn, and was profoundly national, orthodox
nxd constitutional In the great struggle j
which ensued, every true Democrat, every j
true national ' big, acted like a hero; and j
after the victory was won, our proudest boast j
was that old Pennsylvania not only led the j
triumphant column, but suieiaea ana savea
the federal Union. Gentlemen, everything
"jn ibi. memorable fight told and taught us
the value lirst of sound principles, and aftcr--wards
of Democratic usages; tor how can the
one be carried into successful operation if reg
ular nominations arc to be openly disregarded
aud sacred usages allowed to grow into disuse?
(j, you have sciuc most important
duties to discharge. Give us good nomina
tions for Governor and for State Officers, as
nert great principles without fear, declare your
unfaltering faith iu your organization, and
jou will crewn your labors with the happiest
uuspices, and open a new era of ralieal and
honest ascendanc' of the Democrat ia party of
Pennsylvania. Out immortal creed is never
to strong in the hearts of the people, as when
it is boldly dcfeudedr nd honestly represen
ted. Our most ardent, iirst feeling thould be
iidclity to this creed. It is a holy duty for a
Democrat to be true to it at all times, aud
under whatever circumstances of doubt or of
gloom In this ppirit we have been victorious
in the past, and by observing it, we can alone
be respactcd in the'futurc now await your
nomination for chairman of the Democratic
State Convention. (Great applause )
On motiou of Hon. Arnold Plumer, Mur-j-ay
Whallon, Esq , of Erie, was unanimous
ly chosen temporary Chairman of the Conven
ueu. . -
Mr. "Whallon, on taking his seat, aJdres
ed the Convention in a' neat and forcible
On motion, G G. Wcstcott, Esq., of Phil
adelphia, and Alex. .M'Kinney, Esq., of
Westmoreland, were elected temporary Secre
tarys. Mr Cessna moved that th list of delegates
be called over, and that those pit-sent answer
to their names, which motion was agreed to,
and the following delegates appeared and took
lhcir seats :
SENATORIAL delegates.
1. Philadelphia G. G. Wcstcott, Wra.
A Tcrtcr, John II Campbell, John E Deal,
-Tnutih Lir.tincott
iUODtgomery o acoo jjanauower
.Chester and Delaware liobert Irwin,
Berks Henry Flannerjv
Bucks Gen. Jos. Morrijon.
Lancaster and Lebanon William Pat-
L.n n-inic! BrOWLC.
7. Dauphin and Northumberland Ham
ilton Alricks.
8. Northampton and Lehigh LeslieMil-
Carbon, Monroe &c Thomas Craig.
Adams and Franklin Joel B Dan-
11. York Charles M. Smyacr, (eontcs-
ted by J. M. Anderson.)
-12. Cumberland and Perry John Ilart-
13. Centre, Lycoming, &c II. L, Dief
.fenbach 14. Blair, Cambria, &c S T Brown.
15. Luzerne, Montour, &c Jas McCor-
roick. '
1C Bradford, Susquehanna, Sic John
17. Tioga, Potter, &c K h Blood, (con
tested by II A Guernsey.)
18. Mercer, Venango, & c Albert Price.
Erie .and Crawford Murray AVhal-
Butler, Beaver. &e Jonathan- Ay
Allegheny P C. Shannon, James A
"Washington and Green Wm N oik-
Somerset, Bedford, &c John Cess
Armstrong, &c Dr. Forney.
Juniata, Mifflin, &cJohn Cum-
1 and Favette T B
Scaright. .
27. Schuylkill Charles E Hippie. ; ;
Adams Henry llcilly.
Allegheny J E Iluey,
W II McGhee,
James Ilerdman, O
II Blackburn, John C
Dunn. ' '
ArnistTong, Jefferson ,and Clarion Seth
Clover, A 11 MarlaD, G T Crawford.
Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence Hugh Mc
Kee, Lewis Taylor, J Shriner.
Bedford , Fulton and Cambria II A Boggs,
J B Sansom.
Berks Levi WTunder, George Smith, Dan
iel Kutz, Charles II Hunter. -
Greene James Lindsay.
Blair and Huntingdon T C McDowell, J
M Gemmil.
Bradford Hiram L Shaw, J E Piolet. .
Bucks II K Sager, Ed Thomas, Hiram
Carbon and Lehigh Hiram Wolf, Jacob
Centre James Gilliland.
Chester Abel Evans, Samuel Ringwalt,
E W Shaape.
Clearfield D W Moore.
Clinton, Lycoming and Potter Ellis B
Schnable, F W Knox.
Columbia and Montour Charles 11 Buck
alew. Crawford Henry B Brooks, JW Gricr.
Cumberland Abraham Kiilian, George II
Dauphin George Bowman, Wm Lauman.
Delaware Dr. William Young.
' Erie B F Sloan, Isaac 11 Taylor.
Franklin J B Orr, Wm" D McKinstry
Fayette and Westmoreland James Rut
ledge. Jas C Clarke, Alexander M'Kinney,
Wesley Frost.
Indiana S S Jamison
Lancaster Thomas M'llvain. J F Kautz,
George G Brush, B M StaulTer. Joel B Light Lebanon Wm M Breslin.
Luzerne Geo P S'crlc; Wallace Seybert.
Mercer. Venango and Wxrrcn Arnold
Plumer, J Y James, Wm S Garvin.
Mifflin Chas Bower.
Monroe and Pike Charles Burnett.
Montgomery Henry W Bonsall, A II
Tippui.-E j -Acker.
Nyrthatnptcn John A Slater, Philip John
son. ' . '
Noi thunibcrland James McCormkk.
Perry Henry D Woodruff.
Philadelphia D W Morris, Geo Wr Ncbin
gcr, William McMullia, John P Murray, II
B Yeager, Wm A Sturgeon, Wm A Ed
wards, Francis P Magre, Chas W Carrigan,
-J G Brenner, liobert Allen, Michael School,
George Eshncr, Wm 3IcGleney, Peter Ram
bo. Schuylkill John Horn, Isaac Ward.
Somerset Danitl Weyand.
Susquehanna F A Ward, C C Finch.
Tioga Henry Sherwood
Uuion, Snyder and Juniata John M
Washiiigtor. Finley PattersoD, Wm Swan.
Wayne Wm U Wood.
York E P Lynes, John Abl, Alexander
C McCurdy. .
Mr. Plumer moved that the Chairman ap
point one person from each Senatorial District
to select oincers for the permanent organiza
tion of the Convention
Mr. Cessna moved to amend the motion by
providing that the delegates from each Sena
torial district select members of the Commit
tee. The amendment and the original motion
were discussed by Messrs Plumer, Cessna,
McDowell, Carrigan, Schnable and others,
when the amendment was adopted, and the
resolution as amended was adopted.
Mr Shannon moved that the Convention
proceed to decide the contested seats from the
11th and 17th Senatorial districts, which mo
tion was agreed to.
Mr Sansom moved that such contestant be
permitted to" occupy 15 minutes in addressing
the Convention, either in person or by proxy,
in explanation of his case, which ' was agreed
The first case considered was that of Mr.
Anderson, of York county, who contested the
scat of Mr. Smyser . -.
Mr Anderson proceeded to state that be was
the regnlar Senatorial delegate from York
counly, and presented the proceedings of the
County Convention, which appointed him in
substantiation of his claim, which proceedings
were read.
Mr McKinney. seconded by Mr McDowell,
moved that Mr Anderson bo admitted to a
seat in this Convention.
Mr Smyser, in reply to Mr Anderson, said
that he appeared here under peculiar circum
stances, and he had stood in this hall with pe
culiar feelings, during the election of a Uni
ted States Senator, last January. He re
membered the indignation with which the in
telligence had been received in York county,
that the Democracy had been betrayed by
one of its representatives, who had sold him
self to the enemies of the Democratic party,
and joined with the Republicans in the elec
tion of General Cameron, ne then presen
ted the following document, signed by sixty
eight out of the seventy-eight delegates in the
Cou-nty Convention, addressed to the State
Convention, in explanation of his position ; to
gether with the proceedings of a county mee
ting in York county. The document wag read
as follows.
To the Democratic State Convention to As
semble at lTarrislmrq, on the 2d of March
The undersigned delegates to the last Dem
ocratic County Convention, (which appointed
EBENSBUliG, MARCH ! 111857.
delegates , to ' the State Convention.) do fully
and heartily concur in, and approve of, the
resolutions unanimously adopted by the De
mocracy . of York county, at the public mee
ting held in the borough of York, on Satur
day, January . 17, . 1857, ' which resolutions
condemn the course of the traitor Samuel Ma
ncar. in the recent Senatorial election, and
revoke the appointment of J ames M Ander
son as the Senatorial, Delegate from .York
county to your Convention. Wrc also fully
and entirely approve of the appointment of
Major Charles M Smyser, as the Senatorial
Delegate, in .place of said James M Ander
son. ' . - f
" The following ' resolutions adopted by the
county meeting of York county were also
read: " . ', ' ,
Resolved, That the open boast of James M
Anderson, of Carroll township, that he bad
the entire control of Manear, and yet refused
to exercise his influenco to save the party from
betrayal, although at Ilarrisburg, has forfei
ted the confidence of the Democratic party.
Jlesoh-cd, That the Democratic party of
York county, now assembled in county meo-tin-,
hereby revokes the appointment of
James M Anderson, as Senatorial Delegate
to the State Convention, which assembles on
the 2d of March nest, and appoints Major
Charles M. Smyser, of York borough, iu his
A similar paper also addressed to the State
Convention, signed by 3G out of the 40 mem
bers of the Domocratic county committee, ap
pointed by the.county convention which ap
pointed James M Anderson, was also read,
concurring in the appointment of Mr Smy
ser, and revoking that of Mr Anderson.
Mi. Anderson replied by saying that the
Convention had heard the charges against him,
and he thought it but" lair that he should ex
plain. He said that in the meeting referred
to, which had revoked his appointment, not
a word had been said against him, : nor was it
known that any charges were to. be made a
gainsthim, until the resolutions were read.
lie pronounced the charges made against him
in the resolution as false, and the men who
made them as malicious falsifiers lie said
that the statement which had been published
explained everything, but the newspapers of
York county had, with two exceptions, refus
ed to publish it. x
Mr Smyser presented a letter from Ileriry
C Stroman. Chairman of the committee on
resolutions in the meeting referod to in York
county, in reply to the statement of Mr An
derson, which was read. ' -
The question then being upon the motion
to admit Mr Anderson as Senatorial delegate.
' Mr'. Lindsay Tnovcd to arm?nd by inserting
the name of Mr. Smyser as the Senatorial
delegate, instead of Mr. Anderson.
Mr McDowell proceeded to address the
Convention on the motion at so'me lenghth, in
defence of Mr Anderson's position.
Mr Schnable said that there was but one
sovereignty in this country, and that sover
eignty was the people Mr Anderson etood
here alone 6ixty-eight out of the seventy
six living delegates who had appointed him,
now repudiated him, and he was here without
a constituency. He believed that no man
had a right to force himself into a representa
tive position in this eountry, and he carried
this belief so far that he would say Manear
had no right to represent York county in this
House He (Manear) had betrayed that
county, and his action coul 1 not bind its peo.
pie. lie had nothing to say against Mr An
derson personally, but tha people of York
county did not want him to represent them
in this Convention. That fact was apparent.
The amendmeut admitting Mr Smyser was
adopted, and the motion as amended was a
dopted. The next case was that from the 17th Sen
atorial district. K L Blood was, on motion,
admitted the delegate without any discussion.
The Senatorial districts were then called
over, and that delegations announced the
members to compose the Committee on per
manent organization, as follows :
1 David W Morris, John P WTherry, W
IT Sturgeon, F P Magee, Robt Allen.
Jacob Danenhower.
Robert Irwin.
George Smith.
II K Seagec
Daniel Brown, B M Stouffer.
George Bowman;
Jacob Dillinger
Thomas Craig, Jr. - -J
B Banner. "
J C McCurdy.
George II Bueher. '
Ellis B Schnable.
. Thomas C McDowell.
George P Steele.
JEPiollet. . .
Henry Sherwood.
J Y James.
B F Sloan.
Hugh McKee.
P C Shaunon, James A Gibson.
Wm Work mm
J B Sansom.
Jacob Forney. ' ;
Charles Bower. ...
J C Clarke.
, Chas D Hippie.
The comndttee bavin? retired, tho Conven
tion took a recess of ten minutes.
The committee ' on permanent organization
having returned, the Convention was called
to order. , . '.
Mr James, of Warren, chairman of the
committee, then announced the following of
ficers for the permant organization of the Con
vention : ,.....
- . - rBESIDEXT. . .. , .
Col PHILIP JOHNSON, of Northampton.
. . Goe W Nebinger, Philadelphia,
Charles Bbrrcl, , do . .
W A Edwards, do -
Peter Rambo, do ; : ' -
John G Brenner ' do :
A UXippin, Jlontgouiflry, ; ; y
, Samuel Ringwalt, Chcfctcr,VA Y," T.
Edward .Thomas, Berks, '
W B 'Pattor, Lancaster, ',-
Tim M Breslin, Lebanon, ' ! .j- J
II Alricks, Dauphin, ; ' , . :
, John A Slater, Northampton,' V t
".Charles; Burnett, Monre, :J, ;
,1 J B Danner,; Adams, ' '. :
John Ahl; York, ' ?
, Capt' John Ilartzell, Perry, ', - '
II L Diffenbaugh, Clinton, r ' . ' i,
J M Gremmill, Huntingdon, -''.,
Wallace Seybert, Montour, '. .' ' '
'Gen John Blanding, Susquehanna, . ';
V Tr Knox, Potter, V ' 7 '
- - IKS Gatvin, Mercer; c - " ; ;, Y
Isaac R Taylor, Erie, ? : V
Gen Jonathan Ayres,' Lawrence,
W n M'Kee, Allegheny, ' ,
l)r JJI Blackburn , Allegheny, '
Finley Patterson, irashington, ' . ,
Daniel IT eynard, Somerset,
Dr J II Crawford, Armstrong,
rMaj John Cummings, Uniou, , ;
Col J B Scaright, Fayette,
Isaac Ward, Bchuylkill, ' . '
Edward Glancy, Berks, ,
D J E Iluey,' Allegheny, ,
James E Linsey, do
John Campbell, Philadelphia,
L II Shaw, Bradford,
r E L Acker, MontGomery,
II A iioggs, Cambria,
A M'Konnery, 11 estmoreland,
Dr Grower, Juniafa.
On motiou the President was directed to
appoint a Commi'.tee of seven to draft resolu
tions expressive of the sense of the Convention.
The Convention then, on motion, adjourned
until half past two o'clock.
The President called the Convention to or
der at half past 2 o'clock.
The , Chairman i announced the following
committee on resolutions : -
Messrs Shannon, Buckalew, Workman.
Westcott, Carrigau Sbriner, and Bonsai
Mr McDowell moved that the Convention
proceed to nominate oandidatcs to be balloted
for nomination for Governor.
Mr Whallon moved to add Judges of the
Supreme Court mJ Canal Commissioner,
which was adopted, and he motiou as amend
ed was agreed. , " -
The nominations vere then made as follows:
Mr Rambo nominated Wr II Witte,
" Home'
: Gillcland
Bower H";
" Lindsey
' Gricr
" Clover
" Young
" Baum
Samuel W Black
F W Hughes,
Wm F Packer,
: Wm Hopkins, ,
E Banks,
Seth Clover,
J L Dawson,
J P Brawley,
Geo II Barret,
'j bos S Bell,
Isaac Slenker,'
Un motion, tn
tiwnomi nations cioseu.
Mr Frost presented the following letter
. it TT T.-l.n T. T.dn n-l'.ifli h")k
irOUl LUC ilOU OUWU XI A'U cuu,
re&l :
Bkowxs ville. Fob IS, 1857.
Gentlemen ( the Content in :
j After much reflection on the course proper
i for me to pursue, on this occasion, I have con
cluded to withdraw my name ironi yqjir con
sideration as a candidate for. the nomination
far Governor. While, in so doing, I retire
from the position assigned me by the partial
ity of my friends I at the same time consult
my own inclinations, which, I am freeV say,
accord well with the pursuits of private lifo.
There, are, however, other reasons which
present themselves to my mind with prevail
ing force. I believe that the time especially
demand for the position a man of decidedly
elevated character, firmness and energy, and
I trust that the Convention will be duly influ
enced by these considerations in their selec
tion; and that unity of the Democracy in
Pennsylvania, which was ucver more desirable
than now, when a new administration under
the auspices of her most eminent citizen, is
about to enter upon its career, appears to me
to demand of every true friend of his ' party
the sacrifice of all narrow and merely person
al objects. It is only by such a selection
and such unity of actiou that wo shall be
able to restore to public sentiment that high
moral tone, in which legislative corruption,
so rife of late as to awaken tho earnest solici
tude of every honest man, shall find its stern
est rebuke and most effectual corrective. It
is only by unhesitating concession on tho part
of individuals that we can hope for that har
mony which is the true source of strength,
and which will enable "us to carry out those
views of State and National policy which we
believe identified with the vast interests of the
Commonwealth, and the welfare of our people.
Impressed with these convictions;' my duty
is a plain one. In conclusion, I beg to tender
my thanks to the friends who have seen prop
er to give a kind expression of preference for
for me, and to pledge my hearty support to
the nominees of the Convention.
I have the houor to be,
With great respect, &c,
- ' John L. Dawson. .
The Convention then proceeded to ballot
for a candidate for Governor :
Messrs. Alricks, Ahl, Blanding. Brua,
Buckalew, ' Bowman, Dieffenbach, Evans,
Finch, Flannery, Gilliland, Hunter, Kutz.
Knox, Lauman, Carl, M'Cormick, M'Curdy,
Piolett, Smyser, Smith, (Berks) Shaw, Scar
borough, Schnable, Steele, Seybert, Sher
wood, Thomag, Wundcr and WTard, (Susque
hanna) 31, voted for Wm. F. Packer. ::
Messrs. ? Acker, Allen, Bueher, Bonsall,
Brenner Campbell, Carrigan, Deal, Dana
hower, Edwards, Esher, Kiilian. Lippencott,
Morrison, Miller, M'Ghee, Morris, M'Mullin,
Murray, M'Glenoy, Nebbinger, Worrell,
Rambo, Sager, Surgeon, School, Tippin,
Westcott and Yeager 27, voted for Wm. U
Witte. ; , . - , . - .
Messrs. Ayres, Blood, Blackburn, Boggs,
Ceisna, Crawford, Clarke, Dunn, Gibson,
Iluey, nerdman, Irwic, Jamison, Johnson,
Marlin,' M'Kee, M'Kinney, ; M'Cormick,
(Northumberland,) Magee, Shannon, Shriver,
Sansom, Slater, Taylor, (Beaver,) and Wey
and 25, voted for Saml Black.
Messrs. Boyer, Brush, Frost, null, Kauntz,
Lindsey, M'Kinstry, Patton, Patterson, Ring
wait, Jlutledge, Staright, Stouffcr, Swau and
Workman 15, voted for Wm. Hopkins.
Messrs Brooks, Danncr, Forney, Grccr,
Garvin, James, Price. Plumer, Reily.Shaipe,
Sloan, Taylor and Whallon 13, voted for J.
Porter Brawley ' ;
Messrs. Brown, Bower, Cummings, Dil
lingcr,. Gemmil, ITartzel, M'Dowell,' and
Woodruff 8, voted for Epbraim Banks.t
Messrs. Burnet, Craig. ' Clover, Moore,
Wolf and Wood 6, voted for G R Barrett.
Messrs. Breslin, Hippie, Horn and Ward
4, voted for Mr Hughes.
Mr Baum voted for Mr Slenker.
Mr Young voted for Mr Bell."
The result of the first ballot was announced.
Mr Evans withdrew the name of Judge Bell.
Mr Hippie withdrew the name of Hon F
W Hughes, and presented a letter from that
gentlemen, which was road as follows:
Messrs Hippie, Ward ami Horn :
Gentlemen- : The County Convention that
selected you as delegates to the State Conven
tion about to assemble at Ilarrisburg, without
previous intimation to me by any one, recom
mended myself for the Gubernatorial noinina
tionand instructed ycu to sustain the prefer
ence designated. I need not say that I have
felt flattered by. aud am deeply grateful for
this manifestation of confidence and regard
on the part of my Democratic brethren in this
coufty. Had I been consulted, however, I
should, by announcing the resolve, for some
time entertained, to decline all political official
position, probably have occasioned the enun
ciation of prefcrenco fcr some other Democrat
better qualified, more available as a candi
date, and whose ambition can be more at
tracted by the responsibilities' and honor of
the post of Governor of thi3 great State. I
must ask of you therefore not to regard my
self as a candidate.
I have no other wish to express in the
premises than that the choice of the Conven
tion may fall upon one who, with moral and
intellectual qualifications for the high post,
shall, by the integrity of his pasta dherence to
the great cardinal doctrines of our party, in
spiie its members with su?h conuuecce and
enthusiasm as again to rally in their might
and vanqui-h a desperate opposition, cement
ed by the absorbing passion of hate to the
great truths of Democracy.
I am very respectfully,
..... Your obedient servant,
Pottsville, Feb. 27, 1S57.
Mr Biooks withdrew the name of. J Porter
Brawley, and presented the following letter,
wijich wus read :
Surveyor General's office, )
IIarkisciro, March
il, 1S57.
Dear Sir: llaviug learned that my
friends have presented my name to the Dem
ocratic Convention (io session here to-day) as
a candidate for Governor, I respectfully wish
you to withdraw the same. Wishing that
the Convention may unite cordially and unan
imously on whoevr may be its choice, and
in such a manner as to ensure the triumph of
our party by a good old fashioned Democratic
majority, and sincerely thanking my friends
for their confidence and partiality.
I remain respectfully,
Your obediens servant,
Mr Baum withdrew the name of Mr
The Convention tten proceeded io a second
Wm F Packer,
Samuel Black,
TFm II IHtte,
)lm Hopkins,
Ephraim Banks,
G R Barret,
Tim F Packer,
Samuel Black;
lira II THttc.
ll'm Hopkins,
Ephraim Banks.'
WmF Packer,
Wm H Witte,
Samuel Black,
WTm Hopkins,
Wm F Tackcr,
Samuel Black,
Wm II Witte,
Wm Hopkins,
Wm F Packer,
Samuel Black,
WTm II Witte,
Win Hopkins,
Wm F Tackcr,
Samuel Black,
.Wm II Witte,
Wm Hopkins,
Wm F Packer,
Samuel Black,
Wrm II Witte, .
Wm Hopkins,
Wm F Packer,
Samuel Black,
Wm II Witte,
Wm Hopkins,
Wm F Packer,
Samuel Black,
Wm II Witte,
Wm Hopkins, ,
Wm F Packer, -Samuel
Wm H Witt, ..
Wm Hopkiui, -
VOL. 4. ISO. 20.
- B'm F Packer,
Samuel Black,
Trmll THtte. " '
Tlrm Hocking,
Mr Hunter moved that this Convention do
now adjourn until 7 J o'clock this evening.
On this motion the yeas and nays were re
quired and were ts follows : . .
Yeas Messrs Alricks, Acker, Ahl, Brown
Boyer, Jlrna," Boggs, Brooks, Bowman.
Brush, - Breslin, Bower, Burnett, Campbell,
Carl, Clover, Crawford, Dillinger, Dunn,
Flauncry, Frost,. Forney, Gemmel, Gricr,
Ilftrtzel, Iluey, Ilerdman, Hunter, Jamison.
Kutz," Killain, . Kantz, Lindsay,. Lauman,
Marian. Me.Kce, Patton," Plumer. I'atterson.
Ringwalt, Smyser, : Smith, Scarborough.
Sloan, Stauffer, Slater, Swan, IHiallon. Tlbrk
maD, II under, Hard, (Schuylkill,) and Hood
53 - ;'
Nays Messrs Ayres, Aller., Baum, Blan
ding, Blood, Blackburn, Buckalew, Bueher,
Bonsall, Brenner, CraigCessna, Clarke, Car
rigan, Deal, Danahovrer, Danner, Diffenbach,
Edwards, Esher, Evans, Finch, Gilliland,
Garvin, Hippie, Hull, Horn, Irwin, Jame.
Johnson, Knox, Lippincott, Morrison, Mil
ler, McCormick. (Luzerne.) McCorniick.
(Northumberland,) McGee, M'Dowell, Mc
Kinstry, McKinney, Morris. Moore, McMul
lin, Murray, Magee, McGlcncy, McCurdy,
Nebinger, Orr, Price, Piolett, -Reily, Rau
ledge, Rambo, Sager, Shannon, Scaright,
Shriner, Sansom, Shaw, Sharp Schnable,
Steele, Seybert, Sturgeon, School, Sherwood,
Taylor, (Beaver,) Taylor, (Erie,) Tippin,
Westcott, Uorrell, Ward, (Susquehanna,)
Ileyapd, Young and Yeager 7G
So the question was determined in xhn neg
ative. The Convention then proceeded to tho
Packer 47 WTitte ; S8
Black 33 j Hopkins ,.-15
A motion wa here made that the Conven
tion adjonrn until eight o'clock, but. was not
agreed to yeas G5, nays 67.
The Convention then proceeded to a four
tecnth ballot, Willi the fo.lowing result: '
Packer 44 I Witte v 4ft
9 J Ilopkina
Mr. Buckalew moved that when the Con
vention adjourn It adjourns to meet at8J
o'clock, which was agreed to.
Mr. Buckalew then moved that fhe Conven
tion adjourn, which was adopted aud the Con
vention adjourned.
evening session.
The President called the Convention to
order at 81 o'clock,
i The Couvcntion proceeded to the fifteenth.
ballot, with the following result.
47 votes
40 "
Before procecdingto the
Mr. Cessna moved, that iu each
ballot after two, the lowest candidate upon the
list should be dropped, and so on uutil the
nomination is made.
Mr. Whallon objected to this motion. It
was departing from the established usuagca of
the party
Mr. Cessna said he did not know that he
should vote for the motion Lfrusclf. He made
it for the purpose of gettiug an expression of
opinion from the members of the Convention.
It was tut right that the lungs of the Secrataryi
should rest and those of members be exercised
If the motion was adopted, one of the promi
nent candidates must be nominated, and ho
thought this was right. One of these de
served a nomination, and two or three ballots
more would, under the motion, decide who
should be the Democratic nominee. - There
was no hard feeling existing and he wanted
none to exist. Any one of these men would
he thought, be acceptable to the party, and a
Domination ought to be made. If, however,
the Convention wer-i not ready for the motion
yet, he would withdraw it for the present, but
he wanted to hear further from his colleagues.
Mr Whallon oppestd the motion.
Mr McDowell moved to amend by inser
ting after the " 10th " ballot instead of tho
"2td." -
M r Lindsay moved to pospone the motion
with the amendment for the present, which
was agreed to.
10th 17th, ISth 19th 20th 21st 223
IS 10 10 4 2 -
,"iwEXTY-TllIliI VOTE.
Gl Witte. -M
Ulaefc, Ul
Packer, CS J Witto, .ft
Black, 14
Foii W F Packer Messrs Alrteks. Ahl.
Baum. Brown, Blanding, Blood, Boyer,
Buckalew, Bowman, Bower, Carl, Cessna.
Cummings, Clover, Danner, Dieffenbach,
Evans, Finch, Flannery, Frost, Forney,
Gemmil. Gilliland, Grier, Garvin, Ilartzell,
Hull, Iluuter, Horn. Irwin, James, Jamifon,
Kutz, Knox, Kauts, Lauman, McCormick,
(Montour,) M'Kinstry, M'Cormick, (Nor
thumberland,) Moore, M'Curdy, Orr, Price,
Patton, Piolett, Plumer, Patterson, Ring
wait, Sager, Smyser, Shriner, Smith, (Berks.)
Shaw, Scarborough, Sharp. SebnaLk, Sl&n,
Stauffer, Steele, Srybert, Sherwood, Taylor,
(Erie.) Thomas. Wundcr, Woodrulf, Hard,
(Schuylkill.) Hard. (Susquehanna.) and
Young, GS .
For Wn II B'itie Mos.c-6 Ay res. Acker,
Allen, Boggs, Brooks. Buchur. Brush, Bur
nett, Bousall, Zrcnner, Campbell, Craig,
Crawford. Carrigau., Deal, Danahowcr, DiU
linger, Edwards. Eshcr, Hippie, Johnr-on,
Killain, Lippiucott, Lind.say, Morrison, Mil
ler, Marian. M'Kee, M'Dowell. M'Kinney,
Morris. M'MulIiu, Murray. Magee. M'Gleu
cy. Nebbinger, Reily, Rutledgr, Rambo.
Slater, Sturgeon, School, Swan, Tippin,
j'ti '!!'
r t
! - I,
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