u Vr ' pipirwTisra From the riiiU. Ledger. The Germans of Pennsylvania. A Buffalo newspaper, in a bic article on the German farmers of Pennsylvania, in forms the world that they are hardly more intelli gent cr independent'thau thel-erfof the Fath erland a century and a half ago. ' The im uiicrrnscame over here with their Priest?." It say ft " a fragmert of the middle a.2"s un educated and uncultivnteil. What is the eon sequence? Wc see before U3 the pctrUication of a social and mental condition which has long since disappeared from Germany. We bohold a picture of the dark and gloomy mid dle age." one familiar wi'h tli-J German farmers of Pennsylvania need le told that this is a stupid and ignorant libel Irs author tuis cither never travelled through our Stute, or has maliciously misrepresented what he taw. fin far from our Getniau farmcis Leiu mi a level with tbo serfc of a hundred and fifty j Tears a-'O, they are vastly in advance of con temporary German or French fanners, or even of English farmer. of .similar means. On this point we need, no further for authority than to Mr. Mu:rch", the feilow hl-orer with Ii r--dcr in the late campaign, wno, thong!i licsiile io polities Jo our German farmers in treneral, -was forcwd, during his tour t'ltouii lVim! Tania, to admit tlieir sterling worth. .Mr. Munch 13 an experience ! an i nmetical tigii ulturalist, and not merely a p eii-tivc nj in of letters, that his juliTmCi;t (.n such ft ques tion is worth that of a s.;ire of vi.-ionary, ill informed, prejn ii.vct. Oi.sartioitjtvd deiua iroffucH or partisan editor. Af.'er t ulonizin tbo picturesque natural features of to.- r-snd- rar.ft of nnr ticrman eou::i its, rr"'--'' ti..- r - .... excellent tnsta woie.i lias presei yt n tlie lil!eide. at; 1 tsto;i't.p the rpr;.r.ii, f thft fnrni. this ireut!en.:.n a!o5 si-'niSeaii t. y that he found the population t-a c ti'al. olid a re?t:ectabie na-i p, eiiv'arde eiieum- ftanced in comparison wirb the Kuropcau far Tiier, very far Lis supoei.-r ia iLttIlijente and morals " It is time that truth f.hou;d he spoken, ard justice dono to our Garman p. u'u'i 'U We ars willing to go as fir as any one in testify ing to the va'.i'.e of books, newspapers and schools ; we are uillinjr to a Imit thaieur Ger rjaa farmers, as a class, have c ired l ss for these things than they ought ; l ur we are t: i yet euly enough to say t.;at a man i s t;tcrs.-a jily a had larmrr. -.rd-.-r; rt rofliate hushar. l. Locause Le does :iot speak j i-ngluh, is not crammed with bo.di-I -arniog. or docs not take in half a d .-n jojr::ud Our German farmers prove the reverse Whether a denizen of a State he v dual le to it on account of what he annuiily udlu to t'... realized wealth of tins coinmunify. or f.r his faithful obedience to the laws or f r th s.i eredness whilh which he preserve fhs family compact, our German farmers rertainly li-erit as much as any ether class for the prae-ie;! of 'Tithsr of these virtues, or indeed forth-.' ha--raoni.us cxercis of all Even their inteKi tnc is popularly un-lenati 1. As Mr. ?!nt.e'. ks said, they are of a . genial, s-!i. rc ppcctalio stamp ;" th re is n- fa1s-- tnei.ta! glitter about t!i-m ; in a word, they are r-irh-r tneu of sound judgment, than Irdiiant rhe toricaia or one sided ideologists All per on who have ha tran.sac' ions with iur (Jer tun farmers, l?arn tt rcspcet the eseclh.i.t Fcnio they disphiy in the ordinary cot corns of lif. Il is only whe-n poiitiei.1 diiferenecM arias, thut our Gorman ao f tigmstiaed as IoIts. Wou'.J il not I? mare cci;iiUtes.t. no: to say liberal, to give Germans cr !ir i :r quI honesty au-J t! lewdness, in puhiio at firs, as ia private ? Ar.i th .so who damage-; the German, bjcaus of thair votes, poss-s- ffed ofa monopoly of tl) :- int iccetj a.!i-J j a- triotistn of tho repuo.ic : IJat wc ar willing to waive this j art rf (he jnestion. There are other things, beaid-a political souudncss, valuable in aciu7.ni. In many particular Gc rnian farmers .urpiis.s even the people of New FjnghmJ, who, of 1 it, have put in a claim it would seem to be the n. ultra in all things. They undeiFtand, or if they do not understand, they observe the laws of health better than even the rural popula tion of Massachusetts ; and the result h that tby are rcraiiy the finest rae of iiei', physi cally, to be fcund within the borders of the United States. In certain favorable beaPties of Kentucky, or on the frontier, where, from being a dominant caste, or from the immedi ate vicinity of unpeoj'eJ wil i -rin ss, the in habitants live a half nomale life, there arc as fine, perhaps finer fpeciincna of men to be eeen ; but there is nowhere, m all Ameriea. an agricultural population, ti e members of which personally till the sail, that has s:;ch thews aud sinews, such a healthy devebpe .nicnt, or such trenerall v irohi i je l life, as our mucb-abused " l'enusyl vaiita Dutelimen. ' j To be plain, if some cf our crotchetf y, om i- dca. dyspeptic, thin, cadaverou,. N.Av Lb- J Jindbrcthern would emigrate to oar German ! . , ,, , c . ; -counties; follow, for a generation or two. the j epen air life of our German farmers ; and, Lit -of all, intermarry into our vigorous, anti-h--pcchondrical German fatuilie?, tiny would Boon cease to die by fcuch scores of consump tion, to complain that there were no bnirer any healthy women left, and to amuse seiod Llo people with such silly vagaries as r.oc farm associations. Pantheism, or the thousand and one intellectual vagaries which are bora of their abnormal physical condition. What Makes a Ucsuk:.. The following tacle of the number of pounds of various ar--tides to a bushel tr.ay be of interest to our readers at this particular geasoa : Wheat sixty pounds. Corn, shelled, fifty-six pounds. Jorn, on tho cob, seventy pound. Tlye, fifty-six pound's. Oats, thirtj-eix pounds. Barley, forty-six pounds. Buckwheat, fifty-two pounds. Irish potatoes, sixty pounds. Sweet potatoes fifty pound. Onions, fifty-seven pounds. J$eans, fixty pounds. Bran, twenty pounds. Clover seed, sixty pounds. Timothy seed, forty-five pounds. Flax seed, forty-five pounds. Hemp seed, forty-five pounds. Blue grass seed, fourteen pounds. Dried peaches, thirty-three pounds. Ma. Joseth Jackbos brmedy cf Ciacicnath tha PctxnaBtr General cftb Sandwich Is-lJi. Th II u Tab Coinmcrcii-l 1 ?a lepra il R jrccJ thing recently fiid ly ?Jr. rutltr-tn, in reply to a distinguished politician "vho 1 .-a J assured the President fleet that lie wished for no office himself, ami Lad i;o friend whom he desired to press for a place i: the Cabinet 15 nt. sir, lie continue J, I am not sure that I may r.ot "wish to keep some r.an cut of it Mr. Buchanan replied, is easier to keep a man out, than to got him in. Crj- The? sra cf $-.0. (0 h i I ten suhacri? cl in PbibirVlpbU in !i-1..f i!eS n'e-.v:i: EvIotL G'j- e v i: i: y e h a i l e -so "TjjTJLf. phase n'ticc the ndvei tise inert ? V s-n-i'.iive t.f Mt. Si.-Mis' riCT(:-iA!. Fam ily r.;in.!". :md send f r the 1" rioted Catalogue, ol Lab oin- liln.-rrale-i Woik-. fr- To tin. nnlr.iri-itcd i: t':e prrnt art 'sell- ' J";;ks- u c v"',1 V ! t w 1 sot. erne t r: ny-nutKing, nir ne tT.r man u u;c gold rubes of C:.hf. rt-ia rnd Au.'-tridia. f5- Any person wishiny io end ink in I1'- m tcrj.iisr. wi'! ri-k 1'ftle by percoiig to tho IVi. Ii.-.L-r S'J5. f r which 1 e will receive sr-mpb o p. ! les oi tie ;uk-us wetls, ( it wholesale prices.; cnrefmly I xed, m-ured. and directed. :T n " :: a v ry Lb' -ml i n ntfgc f. tie agent f r 1 is trouble. "With these o will poon liijiili' tun- cerf.iin the m-i.t V;t 1 Address fVvt pn!,l) I'.,' r nr. oi-ili :i!y I'u'oiNhcr 'i ll T KF.Ar." 131 William Sstcet, N-w Yr.!1;. lit IfUiscre On :i 'ii-ly l".fl.. i-.nd ! further rii 'P p.-.s S"iif:''r tr.t will stO at Yri'iuoro Station as f..:'.,ws : I" '- West, !.')! Trc.iii l.vt F;-.t I.'re 10 oUcc.fc, S2 n:in. A. TT. 12 12 v. ?-r. G t4 " V. T. s 4i " i jr. Md VVrt. l.-avp tl is i-tat "on imirclintt-lv after thc- -oart' e ' f the tnii.8 for KhefsV.rrff. PHIL S, NjON j EDnSSLUIIG, lENA. Ofce on C 1 mna le R.ev. T3V virtue of an order f the Orphans' Cut ft f Otmlrhi Osm.tv. toe inniir.-itied vi., ix:'ot.e t FiJ Le V. i.dne r o;.t;-iv. on ! 3ATU151AY, 10TII DAY CF .J.NU I1Y 1SC7 toe !' llow T)fotiei'v to (Vit. lo;;!ine(t r.n- .-Co-1-y i. e-t j.s 1 s : le'.i'.iui iz sit a f.gar u.o i- e .1:0 ( on vc.l to .)i In ( tti v. r mi.1 Ian.! eoi:eye,l to I;.; .a ul Pnr.m. no; ti IF) per ch (..-. m ve or ies-. to a p--s-.t, th'tve l.y land e. n-veve-.i to Wi.:-'. .ir.ti n Ii yd, ea.-t 14 cui is t. a - st. t! i i:c- 1 y l .n 1 toi.vi yt,l to Henry l.Fyd a. .nth l'.O 1 100 j e i-i-l.es m-:e r less to'a wl.it pine, thence 1-y lai.l o pvcmnI to John V mm. we-t 154 j errhes more er "u-s- to the h oc of l.t uim.io: , r :.!;.!!.!' l ;;1 , nt i c I ni.i!:i'i; :i- e m 'it ..rl-.sii col": tv. hi S i-f;U'.ha;.:.a 'i' jv:;si.io C.uub.ia TEiiMS CF SALE. O. e fUrdto he pd.l n':r):,r n 1 ti 1; (i'arec in two at: i.e.: rayn; tits wiih i: test ?t f . in h;fe to h: h i.io; t v:e ;.tj? h -i.osoo the u:c:uhei. seemed S-1j to t.ic n t re n.i. cj. By the Cur:. ...(in A- .l.-i.N.oU, 'sef t' 21, IS IEtata ef Thoiaai Cra'-man de- CO le.l. Doc. a j. Cs r5sr::s' (cuit rule. M. tucot an r. er oi t.;e On nam.' C-'U;' f C .o.i ;-; 0 ..itv, the u:ok r.-.: z- .; 1 will '.x;. ' '-c t' ; iii lie Ye ii itie or ittny. ov. Tl vr- -- the lUtii c'.ay ( fFi.-i il.ai v E".-"i7 i;i i;e TV V s -. t';.C f-.'.i xving ihal E.-t:.?e t. w it ; Loin Vi :!.-. i o.-cribe I as ! ' -ws : Begh.! Imr :t a r.st. i it' wot C( n cr of a 1 tv;.: ?r tr; t firveyed f r lJ;"'s. t:.c.!c jt oer c:-.e :o .1 eisty j eicl c- to a h-ccl tiieti-.-;- t.m.th -i.i-.'y-f ur p re I s te. !..!. thence by land -f an old r st.rvoy to Ge.tr.e Me k. o-.tl-f-'Jty oei:iees v. e. t : e hundred an 1 f ty-f. er percl e-i t- a white oik , tic pre west fi ft v ) ereb's M a 1!;tcIi, ticwii.t l.trndicc' and twintv s'x perches to place t-f lvsinnitig. C r.t. lining efehty nine a-res rnd n'a.'fy-wven x-r-l es ni-.re or Ln-. tuate and br-ii-g in Cbcr. ll t.-wiship Cnail O i coe.nty. to it(! , in rules in V'edi tsdav the ,V,Vf,f J ,'v l?-7. TEJEVS OFSALF . Or e third rf the i-mbs t;.' t!-y on c. iiTroii.t Ion of Sa'e. t' e 1 ui": n o it: two annval jam e;.t with i')Tere.-t fr.m .'-.te -f roi'firri:ati,.r, , f f:iid P i'c. t . be recmed by Eon h i'.n jljitja.c r ii t! t rr: :s 15y ori'.cr e f the Or, t r; i -rt. ion:: r:.EFrr.'E Adrr.V. c( the eslatjcf Jacob liases e'.e'd. . npp"llitmei: v.r.t en I. ft the I September Term. 1 ?-'o. t take the testimo ny in the tna'scr if the su'p-H-na c-f B5c!i.-r 1 A: bereft to ct fro the fi'c-c-ifie performrn 'e f a r-oiitract ra ide ly D;'v id f n tin rvi"l". in his life li ne. h..v i-ig been I y t' c Oridiatis' C urt of Oam- j 1 ri a comity, at D ; and er Teim. ?:6. continued noti. 1 1. e.-i t a:l i i.'c-: e:.'i m ti.e rrc- 'i.es. tb.-t tb- C in.-.i, -fi. i cr v. ill bri nr.tbr f11'"8 ,,f ,!r,;: P :'',tn ,K; r 1 fl'- 1'"U, Jil,!!:sr.r'1,(-St at one o cn-ck, i . T. L. HEYFE, Com'r. Ebershnrg, Dee. '24, 135G. 4t. S O"! S .4 J.C, m-ml.crrf NEW SLEIO IIS mnnnfartured by exn-riciK-r d v.-. iku eii at the manuf.is- A turing Citabliihn.int i f FOrEPiT CALLHA1TII. Ehcnsburg. Dec. 24. IPuti- 13 Still Y I El I'EiOPllRTYj: r1'il"i 'c-it Lhan.h Insurance G inj anv is pre---- p.tro l t take rbks . j, pi 1 1 t it! er on the CASH, MUT'JAL c r PEUPETUAL plan. E.-.cn dep.ritioent of tl i, Cmpauy is managed sej.;rat(ly:l,id tl t ir i x t ; c me c ure in toLinr ri.k makes it tl e ehejij esr. smd snfV!-t e mpanv in the Svtte. I-lv . ry mai shoi.l 1 !:ave his property in sured. For a very mu iI! amount f money his mind i? entirely relieved from imensiness and his fanv'ly incase his property is E'lrut j fn.m ,nt Persons desiring to c Meet in-r ranee will find it to their a 'vantage ?. examine the terns of thi.- C mpany and tliir i.- . cle c f loii: bttMnvb wLE-!i tl ey can do 1 y calling on the AgiLfr. F. ? n . t ? n .- ? 7 v t n-n. Wm. Eigler, Ih n Simon C.imrron. Join ten, on, Esq., and to jers. I,s insured in tins corn par. v. ITnv. O. C. ITATiYEY, Tres. Titos. Litciiek, Secy. T. C. NOON, Aec-.t Ebensbnrg. Pec 17. ISofi. R'OTI . i:. A LL pcrnrn having ucc i.nts rr cvi.lrncrs r.l debt of any nature against the rromh of hll.ensburg t itlie-r for ti c prercnt r in-t yco.. will pie if presf-nt thni to the tiudersigued im meditely. Tl.is is nere sary in order toenrU. the Council to make rriortof the En.uices cf the Boryugb. By order of the B trgcss an l CinneiL JA9. a NOON, Cleri. j Thx. 17, IM6. 8-4t. , J3. S. PA7TOM & CO, irhc-ejult Dealers in and SfonvfacLrs cf infra f i if? u rrnd I2attcrs Sliltes-iass, Straw GoaCs, Artificial Flowers 23rCiloT.obes, c. ?. 113 ?J A HKCT STREET, Fuvrih, fr uik LiJc, PIIILADLrillA. CASH PAID I0P, V O CL A17D SUIPrUsQ rmcr: i. fattox. """""a. cppizxheim;;?.. ik.i:,i. s. .ft s ! -V v, "T "S vie VC' ( r JTIE siihcril.ers, 1-nvii g ynrc'.fcl the rifdit - to :.iki .-.i, 1 If ALlJICMAN'iS I'ATI'.NT ADJUS I'AULL HALLOW, :.n l Leing :u:xi-, to have it iniii.tdiai'ly i:.troilii! efl, pr- o.-e t ?) tow i.b!.ij ri: Its at try low i f :c. This Harrow is one cf the too.-! inwi..i tn:,t ioj joovc-tot ills oft! e iie. and esju-( i i'ly : nitul le f i ti.is cof.ntry. We r .-.j. e !f..'.'iy inv lie-, la i ii:'i s to c n.o mjcI exsnnne '. ! i Ihor-iA-. W ev-ii! I e :eily t i k-.L tousss'.op riulits rti-.i! th li-t of I.),-C'. n tcr.urier wj.ii-ii time iho tovnLii-s a jt ilhp, s-! f 1 e res rvrd I v us. ' ,M. C. JFCAGUL L CO. Octolcr Cth, IfGf 1 tf. S-"vi Ni i X iiy V4 fTAiiil sul'sciii cr has jt,.-t re eivei tin.l now ij .L eni-'d out a; Li slur- loom in the Lvroiigh of Lu;tttt. a htre aad v eli tii ctcd sU-ck f viz ; Cloi iiS.Cassiu-cH-s.Satii.cN. Twi tvs. Jeans, Le lies' i)i'(:s 'itu:r!s. l'n i:e-h M.ri iocs. TrtU l'hd.i. S lks, Du j i-i es. Poplins. Kiijtlhdi Meii nocs. G- burgs, Alpacas. Dti-enc. I ty .State'ha-g .ind square f-i-awls. C-trieH-.s, G.i-ghi.ms, CL'ckf; Tivkii:, (Src. A handsome asfvirtincnt .f together wi'ii ;i Liri? (iis Htnvi t !' Groceiics. lliiidware. Q u enswao". D. i';s, Oils. Psiinr, Fat 'nt Mod.einm. I'ye-htui!'-. Kails l;y t lie Leg. Ohus i.y the I. ox. l'ishai.d S:l!M th" 1 nriel. C (lav ware, together witJi lotiny o; vr rr::e!es ton 1 u mtr us to ifenfion, r.ll -f whirl) vviil !;! h-I at the iowc: t fceie. Grain ( f a'.l ki;;;! t-iheti !-o:ir.:s 1 - ;-- I an-1 shii v: i t.- P. II. SHIELDS. Lor-fo 0 t. !:!. 1 S". f -1 tf l(-H 11 J ,ui U ; ! i. i . i IJ w-1 1 Cccrce EI'Ceeii intte Ilcld. ylH'. uiider.-igm d v on!d respectfully 5nfrm the I g"l (it:;:eiis .f Ei.ti;.-! mg ti c sun ont.d c.g i'ii iiy. tiott he Las iur-t received from ti.e East one ! t;ic mux e!.. ice .-( e 1; ( f goods ever Lioiisl.t to this vlace. 'i'he stock is varied, and i -eleCed with ail e ve to the immediate w ants ol tl -1 puVi j.. His t-.-U e 'li-i-ts i the following: A firtural assnrdtiatt tf Xrtc t'k-n if Foil i:vl Y iitttr CitoJn, cm ' ri.-.if j a rri f',' t f J.a-uV.-' Di es GuoIj, tiuLUua ii-' '(: iii'.i i-c j'uinul Eror.v'e, Sills of ,,-t col.,r & styles -Uerctm ts, i r. vc jr Law lis. Debit:?, Abpc-as, a'; Cm-:: .C Wool I'JaitiS, (a&siiners, l";iicv Co. a w ecos, Kentucky Jrans, Fancy Ycsimgs, fihirts cf all kinds Cravats, l'iain Gloves, Ff.ncy do. fancy elo siieaeneel iiu:-:iics. Unbleached di. C.dieoCS, GingLan.s, v.t"tos. A i-ohndid I t of L-vb-s C.c:-.V.h anl TVrn v'tb .i ! t e b:;.i-o ; . .:.: -:fg of i'. e .f Low ; b(sci e, 'i urufra, :--bi, i :, r.u I St ::. .;;. 1 tr-'.vt.,: ir.ii r:.b -i tn.ent cf ;.r- .i..: n-:t oMl- !:(.:. i - bjf a ( untry si-'te. The r-e- g. o-.'r v !!i le i...d.U fair pi he-.-". Call an 1 examine, even if i.u do i.-A wish to pur- ?; 1 1. r. i r-1: n. y noons. CONNECTED with ti.e .-tore a hire?-r y st-.k. I j11L12'F1U OOOUS. iWu 'ijrf- .irfiele in this Liuwe have- n hand, . ;:n i Ai l Le constantly in re-eint e.f the Litest steles .f jjuyxuio. t-.r old lii.'i y.-un -. n:.'j;d:;$ I" e very pattern a::-I cbr, I.AUPS, l.!.'G;2. V i A l-eatiliod as rtmei t of ?AV.Yc7 G-.ocTs :n w on L.u.d, a. d r t-rees t--st.it t:-e limes. Ea.'ioaie vesoe: tto.'y invi'ed t (ail ro d cx sn.ine t1 is s . k whi .; is i. : . i ;; ,,f anv g.x.cb i a s'.ii.ila.r .ino b;-e;iy:.t t tlds : !;. e. GEt,'lt - :-l'CAXN. i:icr.-.burjr,0 . 1; "C. j .'. n,i. ine at'.- nti n . , ;i t- n.ti;,o- t vj l!a!:IS cf J, .Ln.-to v.'li and sin- C-i-' rounding er r.rdry, to Lis h.re ;;-. ! cl;- i eauoiul ;o;o;tn:ent oi I'jyd, ZiiiLi:Al, Vil,.ib, wl i :b be is .Meinnntii to fill ebeap for CAirll knowing tiu.t he eau i.n t wi;l .-ell cheaper than any hou-e in ton, ( r in toe Eat or We.-t. Tb'..su wishing i.Mrgains would elo well to call upon him "stock and prices bcf..rc purchasing elsewhere. Ti.e i..;n.s cf Lis stock eon.-i.-ts of ti.e srziYFsr ,srrLLs axd of run JJIV J V .C-.-iAii. j (JijLiii ' Also, tb..s wisbing to i nr. ba c- wholale c m buy aseEeap hi teas in t! e East iud cheaper han in the YY-st. He thalbri'.cs J ,,hnstow n 'br : tyle and qu dity of go. els. lie invites ad toetdl end fro f-.r their -selves, as the word humbug never did b.bng to Lis nameer his denhngs. Jolmstown.Oct. 22, ISofi. ll-.t.Uo ol" iclj;icl -easoii Jecd. Tll.-l undei-signed nu.at. r, npj.oi.ittd Ly i;r pham.' Court of Gambia county, to asccitaiu what amount, if any, of the-.le bts of Michael E -u-soii. deceii-td, are to l,t. , ,.j , f the pi-.-cetd.-of tho rcsil estate of said .Le used, s- I I by Ju!m Hravvley, trustee, by onle of s ild C-urt. pursu ant to pr tceedines in pm titbn, nud to investigate and cietermiue the validity . f ti.e claims, ns u.'au t ascertain the flens. if any th rc are. ngainsc the heirs of said Michael Eei s.'n, whi h ! .ini? their re sucetive interests in said rea t-stte. hereby i.ti-fi.-s all i-er.-oi s infi-este t that hewilatr.nl to tbe duties of s.d I appointment at bis of.ice, in tbo Uroiigh oT Hoi n-Ltirjr. on T-tt-HsnvT, Tut: 20tc tat ok NorrMP.rtt xrx at one . 'clock. P. M. dCEX S. EHEV. ' KV-sbnrjr. Vt. l.'th A nditor rA?.EC to t e res'.lence of the subscriber, residing tl b Carroll v.wns'.ip, C.ir.dii.i counry, Fa, a GP.EY Z'-IARE, about tn-d-.T or flfle'i: 'ears old has a lump o 1 each f re leg. S! e bnd a V--e r.alt cr . n when taken up. LE T LUT-ilEll. O.-t.lcr 22d. If 53. Si 'It 1 VR. O AME to the resi b. (: t. ,.f jjiC sub-cri- 2? l. ber residin? in S :snnd nr-o.. tit-..s.-l-'i .'in. iibont t' o fii.f. i f fWr.t..., . i .rW 4 vnite sow with a li' tar of pigs. The ovner is rerjuesiel to e. me f .rwp.rd !ay charges and t-ik hei away, othenvue she will b3 disposed of-according to law. v oAifES M'OLOSKLT. EMPLOYMENT rOR TI1F WINTER TH2 Hvsy rnV X'sio srrT.-'re I" J'L'RSOXS QUI OF EMI L 0 YiZESTt An FJegant Gift fr a Father to Preseut to Li FJ.d!y ! tcy Send f r Ouc Cjp , and try it amon your Fr"ci:ds! 57AM'r.D Agents in every section of the T Unifcd States to circulate blu A US LARGE TYI'i: Q'JAIITO liiLLi:, 1? fuunly Use ha-ti'h-d TLoFGcplc HctcrirJ Dcmcslic .';;' 'lit One '1 Imi s iii.i Eoravinps ! J ft'! ... C.I 1 ' 1 - , - oj.inion fwr.n the Xorioe.; of the Press, to -have an ' j ma tidii ui o-xiii is c.ej t'.neu. it we c.n i -ini an unprecedented .-ireuiati.n in every sec tion of .ur m i :e spr'. :,.t cc iitiLent, m.a to 1 a in aS:stinct era la ti.e sioii ot t;-.!)- v. few years ' eec cc It wi'!. n i ! i-.!.t, in k ill FAlIiLY EIIiLi: OF T f .1 Is frs- Tiie ni lilx-r.d reiiitireratj.in will I e hl- p.wcd to all jiem-iis v.-'.m may Le jjlea-sel to ro- cure st.o;enivro to tue alxivu. From CO to 1( 0 copies may e.tsily 1 e ciicv.l:;ted and sold in each f the prinei,-!.! r'Le- ;m 1 towns of the I'niotc IT WILL D E SOLD BY S'JESClllPTlON ONLY fr-2- Afj li.-.tion th .ul.l Lu madsj at once, s the; Held will wa n be occupi-d. (XT' Persons wishing to act as agr-i;ts, and do a safe business, ee.?i rei d f -r a s-j ecinieri copy. C3- Oji r.-reiot of jl.c e- tft'oL-vLe:1 T-,.in. Sir IW. lars. t! c J ICTOUIAL FAMILY LIi:LE. with a well bound Subse iption I .-k, wid le carefully b xed, and forwarded per --Xuicss, at onrri.-k and i'X! to TV t!:tr.d tow !: or village ill the Ui.i'cl St.-.tes, excej-ting tho. c of Cidifyrnia, Orc-g--n and Te-x-is. CO-dh'tt-r j'or.r Lcttc.s, a:;d 3"(jur mosey will come sni'e n- In addition to the Pictorial IhLlo. we pnb hh a lar;,-e numl-ir ofE'ut-triited Faiody Works, veiy jo u'rtr, :md e.f such a LEh mor.i! nod nn-ej-E-md le character, thntvwhilj got-d men mav safely .Ullage in their circulation, they will eoof.-r a. PrcMO E:-:ti"iT, and receive a Fa lit Cost: i:xsaTIo:' for their ?a!;ot. 0 Or.h-rs r?.- e -tfidSy M.iletted. For further paiticuh;r.-:, addicts t' e n.b- "v;j...r f -r.t paid. FOHI F.T SEA11S. 1S1 Wi I am Street, Xew York. fi m fiiLY ieey m. Tliiu ;EV YOUK EEDOEK 1ms now :iUaioed the cxtr.'.oniioary e irei.lati( n -f O: Hmatred and Kii.ttv Thovs:!:d e-t. pies. Ti.e LEIXi I II i-dwot.-ci tJ PoLl'iE EiTKi: ATUitE. ..lj E Ah TALES. tKE'l CUES. Le ETi:Y. ESSAYS, COS- dl an- lit EVP NEWS. luiiintaiiis a !i moral tone. Jl is evi rvc here acKn o i ;i;co to !e ti;e i. st fimi'.y paper in the woi id ! Hence irs c-x' vici :ioii! y and (odieard . p-iptd i i1 y. Mr. KON'EIE ti e Tropin i. r f ti e LEDGEiE em-pl-o. s the- l-e.-t f ih-i.t in the CoHlitvv. and bv Bo elomg mukis ti e l est jsoer. -tieii Wiiiei.j as ranny IVrn, C -bb, Jr., end Eon r. Bennett, are peimanently engav.ede.ii it. and will u i ite i -r ii t.iir paper ne Mrs. S nev. als n.t antdv writes for it: so do a h- stof ther ptpr.lar atit'iors. im-ludlng Mts. Emma L. -C. S-.-iit li won h. Alice On v. Jlrs. Y.i'ir!:s!!, 3farv W. Star ley .EEe:i. Clara Viiyder. efcc". eve. Ti.e LEDtiEll is Leant i".ln,iratd eveiv week. TheEW YOUK LEI Mi EE is .iinted. n 1-enn-tiful whiff- papc-r. and is e -mps-.-c: of tij.t page liial.ii.g tie. h:nH:.S::H!e!-t v.cchly pf per in ti e cc.r.riy. It is j-n' ! s.ied e very Saturday, and sold at thu Mews efli -es in cveiy city and town thn ughout the- country j and is tna'ded f-r i-u'o-sciii eisat two eh ll.irr per r.nr.nrn ; two copies are sent for thre dollars. Any person obtaining eight Eul sci ibers at each, (wb: L is our low est club tates ) and ten dm: i s 51- will be enti tled to one copy Free. Tein.s invariably in ad vnore. Ad;'r -vs s. 1 1 L ttc is to llOEFilT PONGEE. I'ub'U-or c f the New Ya k Lth" r M. !!-N . MKP.'-X ! i 1 , ,v- :v 4t Ann Street:. Mew Yoi':. w i-- a i("xv:: T.'irr. ! c f.r- ! tiiti'- t rifsTioe a? Great Ori.;n:d Move 1 of vVl Id'.' -;i:cd i :- L. v.4 .r.iE;iL: siiioi5-:;:TY FOR SALE. subscriber will dispose1 cf his property M.m-ter township, CV.mlria county. .1 e-'nla'os X in The br rnreor !es?. -.vt -v.i f y a. -res e bare-! nnl in a gO.ul sf :rj ,,f ((i' r l ti' m." I Log inin and L 'g II Yoimg Or.-bmi --f eh. i:: vi -hi.-g to purrha-e can rejoin ' ( :h; tdaco. i nere is on tlie p r.ce us tog: !bt r with a f-'nt. Any iters, n c?.il on the tul:cribcr t. DAN. DEAD LEY. F:-. 2. E rt. K 4lrt:Iibt a!ot iti:e. f l.TTi- J..-3 f a.inm.j.-naJioii have been srranl-JL-J e i to the u:.t'( r. ij-i i il fesidieg in theE.-r-o.udi f I'bcns! urg. niv.bsia co'mt-. n the c-s-tat'1 of Wriiiini Gi'.hiu (f ?ii:naer town.-bip C.mbti.1 c .tint v. decea.-.'.'i Ali persons in 1- b'cd t 5a i I estate ar ; lr-ouetod t c ic f a w ard i.nd settle the-ir airoimts iromeliatc Jv. HAEUISO; IIEN'EEAD, A.hn'r D.'C S, lf.G. (bCt. tl!R to the i esident e cf the ! siibsepher re:.'n'.in:i in Cambria tow n .. jo. about t! 20th of N7- ' inner a x -I.iliii, anv'itL io st- ...1 r t - .1" . T 'r It; years old. . . 1 IjC (.T.cr is ivniivPti-ii 1 cotiifj f.jrvvn.r.: owner is rcqu f-r- pr.;( ity, ec.:rjos wise she wul bj dhcooccd of a th" law :. reefs. FilbD. FEE:) Eli, , LL jicrsons i;re hiiehy cantimrd p.gainst tre-si-Kbrii enmv la rm . h v t mto win jt 1 own Luces, turning in cattle and otherwise iivuring my pr.pi-ty, a I aui determined to enforce the bw on all tresp iisc.5. WM. CAENEY. Mun-ter tj., !b.v. 20. 1S-.0. .i5H5sv; :i lto :t ' .o t ecie. W E'n iL.S of u hninisir ilion on the estate of iLi Wilh.im Dun -an late of El n kLck township have 1 een granted by the Eei ter of C onbria County to the subset t ber n siding in Erm-h Vai!e township Itiiii.u.a county of- which all persons interested will please take notice. JAV.ES STE'A'AET, Adc-.'r. Nov. 2C.lSr0. Ct. AIHtI;T ESSIES, PARH, FOR SALE. rjJTIIE sub-.criuor will ch-pose of tho abnvc Jul j.ro! erry, well known as the Richard Ash craft Farm, situated in Susquehanna Township, one n.ile north of Girrobton. containing nearly of execlVnt fanning land, ONE I1UNPRFD AND N 1 i:TY acres' cleared, and in a good state of cu'tivatioti. Tbe impi.oven.ents cew.-ist e.f TWOPWEELIXG HOESW. A EANK BARN, 100 feet by CO. Aho, a large 0P.0II AfiD "-f choice Fruit, t:etlir with all the necessary out lmiHing. Tater in abundance at the dwel ling b u-es, and in the barn yard, nnd through all tho meadows. A mora desirable Pcatbn can not be found in Ounbrb Gmnty. Anv further information desired, can bo liad by cnl'ing on WM. K. PIPER. Ebensburg, Dec. 3, lSoO. $-Jt APEIl Letter, note nod f lscnp ti paper, Steel Fens, Ink, Qjills.; iovTBiopea, Cooks, 435., at i, . - i j Ilav icu Suliscribcd totlie CCSEEOPOLITAH ART ASSOCIATION FUJI TI1K Til HID YEAUT SEE THE It A RE INDUCEMENTS! The managers li.ive the pleiiureof aniiecncing that the collection of Works cf Art designed for d;.s:.iim.tio!i among th.e buhicribers, v.iiose name are received picvi usto the 2Sthtf Jaiiuary, '67 i.5 tiitxh larger and more cobtly than on any pre vious 'ear, Aun-ng the lea ling works and in Sculpture executed in th? finest Marble is the new; i.ud Leutifiil Statue of the "WCOD KTIuFII ,r 'Uit3 cf the C Gre;it American Statesmen, CLAY. WEESTEi: AND CALHOUN. Also the cxquEite Ideal Bust, k APOLLO AMD DIANA, In Maible lifa size, together with the fallowing Groups and Statues in Carrara Marble of the STRUGGLE FOE THE IIHABT, Yr.N I S et API'EE; PSYCHE ; MAGDALEN: CHILD OF THE SEA; INNOCENCE; CAPTIVE LIED ; cV LITTLE TRUANT; Yith numerous works ia Brcnze, and a collection of fcnvi.xAL lXNinin riac Oil rarnlingM, Ti;e v.L p; of wl.ivh r.ie to be distiilulcd c-r al lotted au:e.ng the subscribers wEosj uames are re ceived previous to tho T t-Kty-cIsSitJa cf Jantiary, when the D'otiibuiuei will take place. TEIlilS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber el three; dollars is ui titled to A copy cl'the spleiided Steel Engraving. 'Sat- iuua Manx," or A cop of any of the fallowing S3 Magazines one j car ; also A copy of the Aiit JornriL e no year, and A Ticket in the Anual LEtributiJu cf Wurks e f Al t. Thus, for every tZ paid, a person notoaly pets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine une year, but a'so receives the Ait Jeurnul o ie year and a TLbt in the Anna! Distribution, making f.a.r dollars worth of r-ai'in matter besides tick et, by w hich a valuable painting or j iooe of Stat uary may be icceivcd in addition. l'nose w li- j. refer Magazines to the Encraving "Satorady Ni.nht' e-n have either (.f the f PoAing one year: li eroer's M ig iziue ; Gxiey's Lady 'a i J.x.k , Uoile i States M.iz:i.e. Kniokerboektr ibg ay.ine. Graham's Magazine, Lbickwuod Magazine, S .uthe-rti Literary Me-.-M-nger. No pers'.n is restricted to a single share. Those taking live mi mber-Lij's, lemiting 15, arecnti tied to rix F.uiira viiifs, juid tosiv tickets in dUtii oution. or iiny live c-ftna Magazines, oi.eyear,anj six tickets. lVrs'ii-. in i emit ting funds f.r Membership will phase icgi.-ter the letter:.! the Post Cfriec, t.. prevent h i-; n receipt f which, a eerliikalc of Meniber.-hip. logubcr with ti.eEngt avii g c r Mag azine ilebircd will be forwarded to any part cf the conn try. For tV.rther particular, see the November A:l Journal S' nt free e n :: l.ca'.ii.cr.. For menihe-rsidr!. .rr&s C. L. D"I'.BY, Actuary C. A. A. TATs Brortda-ay, N w- lovk.or vlcrn CCice, ICS Water sHtt. Sandusky, Ohio, or IL J- BOBEBYS. Hon. S-vfy. JACOU ST A 11 L- C. T:.OS. Ke-UKKTS. . S, ROBERTS. "rllE subset ibers. thankful for I the libera! patronage exten ded totheiu. beg leave tor.n- nonce to the eili.e-ns ef Ebenslmg nnd vitinitv tiiat they buve just received another birge stud beautiful aa-ortmcLt cf ai ticks Miitable for the Holidays, viz : ti- 1 1 and Silver ITur.tmg Watches, Gold nod Sil ver open face Levers. Silver Lcpines, Silver Quart :ir., Gold Guarl Chains, Col I Yest ami l-'ol C.1"ir-; Sllvcv, I late 1 and Si eel Chains. Cb.'id Pencils. C 11 ju-rs. Gel i Lockets, CM Hook O 1.1 lii-ei-E ins.badies and Gentiemtn's Gold Eardr ;s, CM E ir-iings. Gold" Finger t lungs, Gold Cuff I Vs. G.dd Moeve Futtons. Gold Armlets, Gd 1 Studs. Gl 1 L'b-nr.s, G. hl Guard .Slides, Silver Tliiir.bles. Fh-.t.ed ai.-l Steel Specta:! -s.Gold Vest and F..b Key.Goid Watch S?cab. Violin Strings. Neckl.vxs. Wiisthts, Clock Keys.Stee 1 Keys, E.'iius, l'lutiuas, Flutes, .o! ucms, e.c, tzc. nm bay id mm n mm. of the best quality. All articles warranted to bi as re.ir .s.-i:ted.aiid idi cheaper than cau bebtught in t bis i initv. rr ah kinds cf clocks, vr AT CUES. Jhl'.Tl.liy repaired with promptness and at reasonable rate;, lion't fail to boh Mund-' at -their room, opposite tl e " Mountain House' ns they Eel ce'iiCdent they can render entire satisfaction. Nov. 10, 1SC0 1 tf thk t.o: ti I.002MB roil HAS AX 3 ii V.4 W U 4 J W -w vi -i -w-i. WAIi1a The hiigcit, lest, ar.d cheapest assoitxr.cnt cf S, Bf-rre! would resj.ectfully inform the citi zens of Ebensbuig and sum -uocling country, that, he has just 01 eiii .i c ut at his i:t-w cstabiishuient. near tiie Cuir ib.u.-e, one of tbe largest, most va ried, elegant and cheapest assortment of CbtLiug ever brought to this or any other place. His stock is unquestionably the ii jl;e.-t and ra rest ever imported to tbe top r f the Alleghciiies. and embraces c verytl.irg that can be enumerated or con cived in the Clothing line, consist irg of Overe-oats fall sizes and qmdUlcs from $l,00 to i20,0d, ats " Jl.fO to .tCo.OO Pants ' " " iO.75toJS.00 Ycsts - " " S0.75 to $y 0 Also, a full assortment of silk Neckc-rcliief.-Scarfs. II in Ike-rchiefs, Shirts. Undershirts. Draw : ers. S.K-ks, Comfoit-s, Cellars, Travelling Bags eV.. eC. It is useless to attempt to pivc r.nythirg like a gc-neral enumeration, rs the ta.-k would be a dif ficu't one. but in Leu of tl.is. the publb are most cordially invited to call and examine if they v.Eh the best of bargain. EV-nsburg. duly CO. 1 S"G. lO-lr. fiSJKLT .tTTIl.lCnO. ! ! ri3"EE undersigned would respectfully inform jl. the citizens of CarreIItcn, Cambria county that he l as received a Larue and fplendid stock ef DKY GOODS, of .ill drs-udplbrs. eonsistfu'r pnrtTr as fellows: CLOTHS, CASSIMEKM1S. CASSINETS, JEANS CALICOES. Ac., together wi(di :i l uge asscrtmct'it cf READY MA 1)11 CLOTIIIN G, ec. All kinds cf Produce taken in exchange. Luu1m- taken at market prires. GEOEGE WEIMEIE Nov. 2o. ISoC. A l 32 1 X 2 ST i J ATO U 'S il TI 1 11. TT ETTERS of Administration have leen grant ed to tbe undersigned on the estate of Wil liam Owens of Blackllck township, Cambria County dee'd. All persons knowing themselves inhbre.l to said estate will make immediate pay nic r.t, and tiioFo having, cliims ep.Jnst snid es tate, oretcnt them dn'v a-it.h .n'j f ir tement. JOHN OWENS, Adm'r. Lliich'.ick- tp. Nov. 2G ISr.G. QUMMF.R Coats find Parts, and. Suit, Lawns K jGichtrafllandkoreLtefli at J. M'Pwroita. STAH1 L-l I i. n. m t;j. cno. H. HFXn. I KI1CD & IlTPa Ett, "at t o r xe ts at la if. Elienburg. Pa. . J . - T. 1. IIEYIt AG ENT for tha Lycoming Mutual Iavraic Company. Counsel given in tho English and Gom.au ' largiiiiges. Oiiicoon High Street Ebcnsourg, Tenn!. Feb. G, 1856. ly, James 3ZOerniIt's Store OPPOSITE THOMPSON'S HOTEL. EBEXSBVRG, PA. CAX Old FOIXD TIICZSC LADIES Morocco, Calf and Patent Leather BoU, and strong Shoes suitable for winter, Gaiters and Gum Shoes. GIRL'S Shoes, coarse and fine cbUda Shoes , Overshoes and Gum Six es. MEN'S AND BOY'S Boots Hats and Gaps. MEDICINES for the Sick. COFFEE, Tea, Su?ar. &c, for all. CANDIES. Nuts, and Apples. CIGARS, and Tobr.r-co. A CHOICE lot ( f Pen and Peckel Kuiyts, ' PORT-MONAIES. GOMES, RINGS. AND EEEALT1TNS, STOCKING YARNS. NOTE PAPER. Letter and Foolscap ditteu COMFORTS, Gloves and Hose, RELISHES and Combs. PATENT Thiead, and Spool Thread. VELVET. Ac. MANY articles t-uitalle for ptescnti. CALL ANI) SE.FJ OUFt STOCK. Admittance JPree. Ebt us.bttrg. Nov. 2C. I80O. Zt. SIo! fr Salt Sliver! nTYHl subscriber offers ht private Sale, all that JL Valuable Property, situate in M.Jorctov.n. adjoining the Borough of Ebensburg, consisting f two Coniuous lots on the pi m of E-i 1 M-oretown. upon which a'cerccte-.! a fine TWO STORY FRAME II0FSE, well fbELcd; a Frame Stable; a Frame NV.xmI Sbexl ; and other iiecess;iry ont-buildings. There lira jtbi upon the prernhes a thriving lot of choice fruit trees, and a never failing well of soft w ater. Any pesen desiring a resilience at Ebensburg. woi Lido well to call upon the subscriber, as Lia terms will bs moitrate. H. J. ROBERTS. Ebenbburg,Nov. 2, 2-Ct. EstiKcoi Antbony LIlzlEger Dtc'd. I ETTERS of administration Laving been grant L ,ld by the Register ef Cambria County n tlis estate of Anthony Litzinger, late cf Lorc:tto. ia said county, deceased, to the undersigned. No tice is hereby given t all jtr.soi.s having claiira against said decedent to present them prop.eily authenticated for settlement, and those indebted will j bate make payment without chlay. WM. KHTEEL. AdmV. Ebensburg, Nov. C, 1SC5. Ct Estate uf Jauiis 1 MTatt, dee'd. i f IIEREAS, Icttets of Administration on the es rH tate of Jamets L. Watt, late of Summitvilb, Cambria c.. decM.have been granted by the Reg ister ef sai l county, to the undersigned, notice m hereby gben t all p:rs ns having el.iims against sil l estate to present them propuly authentica ted fjr set' .-mi-nt, an l those ind..btsd art reques ted t make payment without c'ebiv. Out. 23, 18W-SL MARY ELLEN WATT. hYIIE srd scriber oi-'ers for sale the f olbw ing dt L scrile l proHr!y, situate In Washingtcn tp., Cambria county : Ore lot si.ua ted ne rr the A. P. R. R-, frtuiting on said mad, lOG fe-et front, with a brge taveru stand thereon erected. ALSO 250 acres of excellent timber lmd, 75 "Tes cleared, and in gv.d cv.liivation, situated near the A. 1 . K. E ALSO One 1 t near lal lv'sstation. lrc.e i:s wishing to purchase can call cn the faubseriber, at No. 4.A. P. R. R. Fossco sion given on the 1st dav of April nezt. Oct. 22. lSiO St. " J. M G0NIGLE. ORIIIA?;fc' COtRT SALE. BY virtue of an e-rdcr of the Orphans' Court of Cambria County, tlie uneleraigned will expose to public Vendue or outcry, on Saturday tbe 1'5 day of October inst., the follow icg desciibtxl P.e.d Estate with the appurtenances, to wit : All that lot of ground, tiiuate in the village of St Auguslin, in the county of Cambria, adjoining lots of George Smith, John Carle, Dayid Mill and tsthera; coiituiuiug vue acre and eighteen perches. ALO. All that piece 01 parcel of Ir.ud, situ ate in Cleat field township. Cambria County, ad joining lands e.f Lewis CasE", John Zeibe and others, containing thirty acres ct thereabouts, un improved. Sale to lo held on the t'rrn-.ises on the f d lowing terms. One half CASH on oinfirniation of the Sale, and the lallar.ee ia fix months there after, w ith interest to If secured by thebonda and Mortgage of the purcha.cT. HENRY TENDER Guardian cf the nv.ncr heirs cf Joseph Whar ton deceased. October 8. I80G. Administrators SToticc. If ETTERS cf Administration c the cstata of JLA Edward Hutchinson Esq., rate of tbo Bor ough of Ebensburg Cambria county deceased, having len granted to the subscriber, ty tho Register c f sid county. Notice is hereby given to jd persons indebted to said (Mate to make im mediate p.iym&nt, ana those having claims against ti.e same, will present them duly authenticated br settlement. II. EIXKEAD, AdniV. October 15, li5C. 6t. .YOT.CE. TITI0N of the Scietv of II a- And n-w, to wit : 10 S.'pt. 1853. Pctitiou read and ordered to be pub- manity at Jehnstown Cambria county, IVnn liisbeel agreeably t. tb sylvtnia, for Incorpo- ) provisions ef the Act of ration. Ia Common Pleas of Cimbria coun ty, No. December Te;m.lS55. Assembly in suco cos made a. J provided. By tho G-urt. C '-A ) A True Extract from the Record. L.S. Certiiieil this ISth Nov. 15G. ( ) 11. J. ROBERTS, Prothonotary. X BS S X I ST it ATO II 'S X OTIC E. L 'ITERS of Administration have been grafted to the uie'erslgned, residing in Smrljic rhill Township, on the estate of Caspar W ndb cf Summirbill Township, tecnml. Ali perils knowing tlunselves indebutl to said t-Matc are hereby i.o:ide.l t.i settb their accounts w iti.outd I.iy, and all persons having claims against the es tate wul panttheut properly authenticated br settlement j UN WONDERS. Suinir.crh: 1 Tp., Nov 10 856 Ct." xoncc, IS hereby given to all Perf s Indebted to th J w.bsenber. to call and settle their ncci.in.t Le ror. the 1st d.iy of DcvuciUr, and thev. hiriz claims agabt Lim vlR present them for ttU ment PETER MOVERS. Voverr.'bw 1 , 1 55. t - Zt. h.f . r. i I. 1 1 , ' l'i':. 1 : i !.- b ! - 1 i '- inr I