siedicixes, - At James LTDermit's EBENSBURG, PA. RICHARDSON'S Sherry Wine Bittqrs. Dr. Weaver's Canker and salt rheum syrup Hungarian Balsam, Wood's ILur Restorative, Vickera tetter ointment, Petit's eye salve. Insect Powder, r , . Syrup blackberry root, a sure cure for dysentery, Aynw Cathartic Pill, Holloways " Wright's Indian Vegetable rills. Brandreth's do do Bonnet's riant and Root McLane'e Liver Swaynes Sarsaparilla and tar 1 ills, University's Jaynes and Radway'. Tills. Cambrian Pills, , Cough Remedies Ayres Cherry Pectoral, Keylers Pectoral syrup Swaynes Syrup Wild Cherry Universities remedy Jaynes Expecto rant Brant's Pulmonary Balsam, Syrup of .tar, wild cherry and hoarnounu. Terry Davis' pain Killer, ltauway s ueauj vu", Mustang liniment Indian liniment, Electric oil aud Magnetic oil, Kennedy's Medical discovery, Brants Purifying Extract o H.wfland Kitters, Holland Bitters. Hmwns essence of Jamaica Lunger, SoUowaytworm options, Me Lanes, Swaynes and Jaynos Vermifuge, Thompson's Eye-water, . Cure for toothache. Cure for earache, deafness, $-0., Balm of a thousand flowers. Hair tonics and Hair oils. Ebensburg, April SOth 1856. 27. Now for Bargains. fllHE subscriber has just received from JL the East a large al splendid stock jT. of new Goods of tho following articles, all of tho best quality, Groceries such as Coffee, Sugar, Tea, and Syrup Molasses, a little of the best that has ever been brought to this town before. ALSO Starch Corn which is very delicious for food, in fact he has everything that is in the Grocery line. ALSO A good as sortment of fancy stationary and no tions. ALSO he has added to his stock a good assortment of II 'All VES '2 TOOLS, which is very ' important to the Farmer at this time, consisting of the fol lowing articles such as SCYTHES. SNATHES, FORKS, RAKES, 4-c, all of a good qual ity. ALSO A good assort ment of DRUGS and MEDICINES to mention. Also A large lot of GOOD FLO UR. ALSO BAR IRON, NAILS, and GLASS. Call and see and examine for yourselves, you will not regret by doing so. Ebensburg, July Q. 1856. 37. TO THESllAIlElIorWEttS OF THE SMALL FRY GIFT ENTERPRISE. fllUE" flattering success the proprietors of the A "Small Frv Gift Enterprise" have met with, has enabled" them to inakcr-uvh rc;rt to the Comn.ittee, that said Comniittca have tLu;;ht proper to meet in Altoona, on r'KU'AY, J 7:'.. Octolwr. 1856. to distribute t!? property - f the Enterprise, when it U desired thtt r.s many mem bcrs as can, will attend the distribution. As there are yet a few tickcto unseal, in the hand cf agents they are requested to use a little exertion to dis pose of them, and mako their returns as soon as rsiblc. KRIGOER, M. II. JOLLY, A. GUEKN. J. SINK, J.M'CAHEN, M.DOUTY. J. MORROW, W. VALENTINE, J. D. HAMILTON, . G. F. M'CABE, H. ROBERTS. Gnnniittee Room, ) Altonna. Aug. 15 1850. ARC4DE HOTEL.. nENRY FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens f Cambria county and the travelling public generally, that he has leased for a number of years the above Hotel, and furnished it in a manner eqnal. if not superior, to many Hotels in Western Pennsylvania, and it being situated in one of the most business streets in, Johnstown, makes it a desirable stopping place for business men. The Bar will be furnished with the best liquors the Philadelphia Custom House can ffbrd. Attached is a lar ge and commodious Saloon in the basement story, where every delicacy will be served up. Every attention will txpaid to visit ors. HENRY FOSTER. Johnstown, Sept. S, 1856-tf F. M. Cerffc. Henry Reach' NEW FIRM. a n n x r jj. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Cambria county that they have purchased the Tannery Establishqient at Hemlock Cambria County, formerly owned by A. M. R. White. The establishment will undergo new re pairs and improvements which will enable them to manufacture Leather of all descriptions for country use, also, various kinds of Leather for the Eastern market. Cash will be paid for Bark and Hides of a kinds, or if preferred in exchange for Leather. - Noue but practical workmen will be employed Orders for Leather will be promptly attended to F. M. GEORGE. HENRY REUCII. May 7, 1856. 28-tf - Positively the lAst Sot Ice. THE undersigned takes this method ol inform ing persons who are indebted to bim, that he has placed his books in the hands of Esquire Williams for collection. Those knowing them solves indebted will do well to square their ac counts in two weeks from the date of this adver tisement and save costs. After which time all persons not complying will be sued. MORRIS PATE. June 18, 1856 KOTICE. TUB undersigned would respeetfully inform the public that he lias purchased the Inter cast of of Milton Roberts, deceased, in the Grocery business, and will continue to carry on at the old . stand, and would solicit a share of the public cus tom. . The books of the firm of Tudor and Rob erts have been placed in my possession. AH knewing themselves indebted will pleased-all with me and settle. RICHARD TUDOJL bWc Ll?t 21st 186. v ,j I. O. O F. jf00" Ilighland Lodge No. 428 meets every 1 WEDNESDAY evening at their Hall on Hish st. in the upper story of Shoemaker & Clark' building. ADIES' Kinetic Belts, Black and faney col i n xt'n . D. MACBHAa. C. D. MCBSAT kageoah inraaAT, ATTORNEYS A T L A W, Bbtnibarf Tm OFFICE No. 2, "Colonnade Row' near the Court House. . December 7, '64 ly CYRUS I. PERSUING, Attorney at Law, Joanstow Fa. OFFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second Sto ry of Good Pershing's Store Room. January 80, 1851 ly. AUilAIIATrl KOPELUK, -Attorney at Law Jeanatewn o FFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of the corner of Main and Clinton. April 23, 1823. B. I. JOHNSTON. A. C. MULLIK. JOHNSTON & MULLIN; Counsellors and At torneys at Law. Office opposite the Court House, Ebensburg, Ta. Nov.i 54 fly C. If. Wlngrrd. ATTOKHEY AT JLATY BEsnuBe, pa. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair, Huntingdon, Indiana and Clear field county. Office one door west of Dr. Wm. Lemon's. fjO-Also Agents for the sale of Lands in Cam bria and adjoining Counties. $y Also Agents for the Union Fire Insurance Company. March 25. 1856. . William Kittell. " William A. STnrra KITTELL & MURRAY, "STTAVING associated themselves in the prac AH. tice of the LAW, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to them. Ebensburg, June 14, 1856. us. cz asso:v. Attorney at Law. Ebembnre.Pa o FFICE adjoining the Post Office. Aug. 24, 1853. F.JI. GEOIM2E, Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane So 4, a. r. it.R. T "KTILL attend nrom;tlv to all collections en- I 1 ... trusted to his care. Office, adjoining the rost Utrice, July 28, 1852. DEVTISUIY. A. J. JACKSON, Surgeon Dentist will lie found at Thompson s Mount ain House, where be can be found the third week of each month. Office in Johns town nearly oppsVe tv Ccbria Iron Store. EbessW W?t 12 1 850. Peter McCough, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and SCRIVENER, Clearfield township, Cambria county, Penna. Collections and other business will be promptly attended to. Ma3 9. 1354. Dr. Henry Yeagley, Practisinsr Physician, Johnstown, Pa. o FFICK next door to his Drug Store, corner of Mam and Bedford streets. Johnstown, July 21,-1852. WM. DAVIS. J.OHK LLOYD. Davis & Lloyd, HANG formal a partnership in th Mer cantile Business, would respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public gen eral! v. G'.U and see us at the old stand of Wm. pril SO, 1852. 1'IASTER'S mum mm L I D G K T I STREET, BETWEEN IIAND AND SEVENTH, (Near the Tenn'a. R. R. Depot,) PITTSBURG. PA. May 21, 1856. SO-ly. JEFFERSON HOUSE. - (NEAR WILLMORE STATION. PA. R. R.) JEFFERSON, CA3IRRU CO., Pa. JOHN DI'COY Proprietor AliO, IN COXSECTIOJJ, M'COf & BLAIR'S HACKS, Will always be in readiness at Wilimore Sta tion on the arrival of each Passenger Train, con veying Passengers and Baggage, free of charge to Hotel, and leave directly via Plank Road for Ebensburg. CALL FOR M'COY & BLAIR'S HACKS. June 18, 1830. UNION HOUSE. EBENSBURG, CAMBRIA County, Ia. JOHN BLAIR, Proprietor ALSO, IN CONNECTION, M'COY & ILAIS'S EACESL Will leave the Union House for Wilimore Sta tion in time to take the Eastern or Western trains. Every accomodation will be afforded to make passen gcr Cfrnfortcble. WILLIAM CARR &, CO. WHOLESALE GROC RS, IMPORTERS And Dealers in FOSEIGN ft DOMESTIC LIQTT0&8. OLD MONONGAHZLA and Rectified Whiikey. No. 329 Commercial Row, LIBERTY STREET PITTTSBURO, Pa. Sundries 5C0 Bbls double Rectified Whiskev. 187 Bbls Old Monongahela Rye Whiskey, (Part very choice.) - . 60 Ilhds N. O. Sugar, 70 Bbls N. O. Molasses. With a general assortment of Groceries, also Bacon, Flour, Lard, 1 ron & Nails &c, all of which will be sold at low prices for cash. ' WM. CARR & CO. June 18, 1856. 84- AM Yi 1ISIE0 ? SURVEYS made and applications taken for in surance against Fire in the PROTECTION MUTUAL FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY OP BLAIR COUNTY, BY ROBERT A. M-COY. Agent. Wilmore P. P., Cambria Co. nfl118?0' Pieces of Stone Ware, just re e JVfceiTed at the Cheap Store of E, ROBERTS. W HITE Beans, and Dried Fruit, for sale J. M'Dcrmk's. James niigrlerfy, - OF THE PI It 91 OP DORSEY a DOUGHERTY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO & SEGARS, If o. 11 Kortla Fifth Street, Phlla. WILL be happy to receive the orders of his country friends, and as many others as may favor the firm with a call. They will al ways find a full and select assortment of the best brands of tobacco and segars, which will be sold on favorable terms. September 5, 1855. M. M. ItABPLE. K. C. MCCLDBE. J. FATTOV THOMPSON. Marple, McClure & Co. WE have this day associated with us, J. Patton Thompson. The Style of the firm will be Marple, McClure & Co. The Business of the old firm will be settled by the new. M. M. MARPLE, E. C. McCLURE. Philadelphia. January 9, 1856. REJIOVAL ! PAUL GRAFF, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, STRAW GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, Ho. 68 North Third Street, Between Arch and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. March 6th 1856. Job a Ul'tteage, Manufacturer and Sealer in all Kinds of Cigars, Snuff, Chewing and Leaf Tobacco. Montgom ery St., Holliedaysburg, Pa. Constantly on Land, a fine and well selected stock of Spanish, and half Spanish cigars, at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to be what they are represented. -August 8, 1855. ly. Doctor on Fits. . LEWIS BE YNON Tailor and Decorator of the outward Tabernacle of Mankind. HAS removed his shop to the west ende of town, a few doors west of the fik Foundry, where gentlemen and their sons CL will find it to their advantage to call on the sub scriber, and get their clothing fashionably made up aud to fit in a stylo impossib'e to be excelled by any ether establishment in the county. Ehesburg, March 6th 1856- Cabinet Ware-Room. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of furniture, Tools, &c of Ste- 3 phen Lloyd Jr., would respectfully in form the citizens of Ebensburg, and viciuitj', that he will manufacture all articles of Furniture to order on the most reasonable terms. The stock now on hand is large, consisting of TABLES, BUREAUS, STANDS, BEDSTEADS, CRADLES, &c. &C. All articles manufactured in the s?ab"i-.I;mei;t will be finished iu a workmanlike manner, employ ng none but experienced workmen. ROBERT EVANS, A- Co. Ebensburg April 2nd, 1856. SEW BLACK S 33 ITU SHOP. fjIIE subscriber would respectfully inform the A citizens of Ebensburg and the Vicinity that he has rented the SMIT1I SHOP formerly occu pied by Michael McCaguc, where he intends to carry on the BLACKSMITHING in all its branch es. Persons entrusting work to his care can rest assured that it will be promptly attended to and at moderate rates. De would also, inform the citizens that the business of HORSE SHOEING will be superintended by himself personally. Owners of valuable horses will not be under the necessity of sen ling their stock to a neighboring village, as his experience in this line is widely known. ISAAC SINGER. - Ebensburg, April 9, 1856. Concmaugb Hotel. THE subscriber wou' . respectfully inform Lis numerous friend and the public generally, that he has erected a .arge and commodious HO TEL at CONEMAUOH STATION Cambria coun ty. The IIoue is situated near the Peun'a R; R. Every arrangement has been made to make it a convenient stopping place for the travelling pub i: mm. - :fi 1 . . i 1 .?- n . , iic. xue iuie win ue mrnisiivu wuu west the market will afford. The Bar will contain li quors of the first brands, in fact nothing will be left undone to render it one of the most desirable stopping phpes in Cambria county. GEO. EICHENSIHER. September 19, 1855. EBENSBURG FOUNDRY HAVING purchased the entire stock and fix tures ot the Ebensburg Foundry, the sub scriber is prepared to furnish farmers and others with Ploughs, Plough Points, Stoves, aim Irons Threshing Machines, and castings of any kind that may be needed in the communiiy. By strict attention to the business of the con cern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will receive a liberal patronage from those in want of articles in his line. All business done at the Foundry. EDWARD GLASS. March 22, ,55-tf. WOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the firm of George Murray, or George Murray & Son, are here by notified, that the aiotes and accounts of said firms have been placed in our hands for collection, and that, unless payment be made immediately, suits will be brought to enforce it. -JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 11, 1855. tf. - . SOTICE. fflHE notes and accounts of the late firm ol a TZ3 Pavis & Co., and Davis, Evans & Co., having been left with the subscribers for collec tion, all persons indebted to either of tho said firms, are hereby requested to call and make pay ment on or before the first day of May, next, as suits will be instituted after that time JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 11, 1855. mrrn , WOTICE; fTlHE undersigned having disposed of their M. stock and business to Wm. II. Gardner & Co., would hereby notify all persons indebted to them by note, book account or judgment, that the same must be paid immediately. The books will be left at the old stand until the 15th, of February next, where those interested will do well to caT. G. L. LLOYD & CO. , Jefferson, Jan. 9, 1856. Having purchased the stock, good-will, Sc., of L,. Uoyd & Co., wo will continue the Dry Goods, Grocery and Variety busmen at their old stapd. The highest prices will be paid for Lum ber; Grain and Produce pener?l!v t r WM 11 GARDXEK A "CO. Jefferson, Jan. 9, 1 856. f TIASKETS-Cletbce, Ty and W.., Bakct THE WEST SE&SSI I5SMASCS U, OP JLOCS. II.4TEX, PA. rSURES Detached Buildings, Stores, Mer chandize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and their contents. DISECTOES. Hojr. John J. Peaxce, John B. Hall, Charles A. Mateb, Chablbs Ceisi. Hon. G C Habvit. T. T. Abbasis, U. K. 4ACKUAN, W. White, . Thos- KlTPHVW Peteb Dickson, llox. G. a HARVEY, Pre. T. T. Abbams, Vice Pres. Thos. Kitchen, Secy. &ZFEBEKCES. Samuel H. Lloyd, iThos. Bowman, M. D. A. A. Winegardner, L. A. Mackey A. White. ! Wm. Vanderbelt, Wm. Fearon. Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. Updegraff, James Armstrong, James Quiggle, John W. Maynard, Hon. Simon Cameron, Hon. Wm. Bieler. J. C. NOON, Agent. Ebensburg, April 9, 1856. LOGA HOUSE. CORPORAL JOHN KIEFFER, WOULD Tespcctrulty inform bis old friends and the travelling public that he has leas ed the Logan House, Hollidaysburg, and is pre pared to entertain all who may favor him with their patronage in unobjectionable style. The HOUSE has been newly furnished thro' out in a style not surpassed by any establishment in the interior of the State. His TABLE will always be supplied with all the substantiate and delicacies of the season, and attended by atten tive servants. In a word, no pains will be spared to make the Logan a first class house, ami noth ing will be left undone to render its guests com fortable and happy. The STABLES, which are extensive, will be attended by honest and faithful hostlers. RESTAURANT. The basement is occupied as a Restaurant, where meals will be served up at all hours of the day. together with oysters, wna game, ash and all the delecacies and refresh ments of the season. JOHN KIEFFER. June 4, 1856.-32tf. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware. JJl AJY UF AC TORY. Canal Street, Johnstown, Pa. TITE subscribe respectfully informs his friends and the public general; thatn lie has again commenced the manufacture of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware in all its branches, at the old stand, where he will be pleas- eu to see au who want any article in his line. Feeling grateful for past favors, he hopes, bv strict attention and fair dealing, to merit and re ceive a liberal share of patronajre. The Cush System he has adopted, as he hates to :lun. and long credit takes the profits. Merchants purchasing bills of Ware, would do w.-.'.l to caa and examine prices and quality, which sviil be found superior to any oilcrcd in the cities ast or west. All orders from one dollar to five hundred Gdcd with promptness and dispatch. Price List sent to merchant, If requested. Ware-rooms on Canal Street, one door below the Collectors Office. F. W. HAY. Johnstown March 5th 1856. QOKING STOVES. Large Oven, Etna. Iron City, Complete Cook, Diamond, and of Brad ey's celebrated Stoves, for sale at Manufacturer's retail prices, by F. W. HAY- HEATING STOVES, Radiator, Flora, Frank lin, Carbon, Parlor, and all Parlor or Room Stoves made in either city furnished low for cash. F. W. HAY VflTNERS' LAMPS, Tinware, Copper, and JJ JL Sheet-Iron Ware, cheap for cash on Canal Street by . F. W. HAY. SPOUTING, Roofing and all kinds of Job work done promptly at cash rates, bv F. W. HAY. ALL who want a first rate Stoves, cheap Tin ware, or any Kitchen utensil will call with the cash at the Ware-rooms of F. W. HAY. New Wholesale Drug Store IV. SPENCER THOMAS. NO. 26 SOUTH SECOXD ST., PIIIADELTHlA. IMPORTER, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and American White Zinc. Window Glass, Glass ware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usu ally kept by Druggists, Including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c. All orders by mail or otherwise promply atten ded to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. Goods sent to any of the Wharves or Railroad Stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 12, 1856. Farmer's looh to'.yonr Interests!! I come vrltU Goods to Clotlie yon It THE uudersigned would respecfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and farmers of the surrounding country that he has arrived with a large STOCK OF DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, consisting of plain and fancy Cassinets a large variety of Jeans, Limeys, Barred and Plain Flannel,' Blanket, Coverlids and Baize. Hie above goods will be exchanged for wool on low terms, and if the goods are not desirable the mar ket price will be paid in Cash. April 23, 185G. JOS. G WINNER. REMOVAL! The undersigned having removed to the new building two doors west of the old stand, would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally, that he has lately added to his former supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hand a full supply of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's tools, Smith's tools. Nails, a full supply or assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. Stoves and cast hollow-ware constantly on hand Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale and retail. Pine, Poplar and Cherry Lumber bought and sold. Goods will le sold at the very lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country Produce. . - E. HUGHES. Ebensburg, March 15, 1855. T.UST received at the store of EDWARD ROB f ERTS. 1,000 lbs Cod Fish, 10 half. Brls Herring," and 10 half Brls Mackerel; Feb. C, 1856. g?LANIy Summons, Suhpcrna's, Execution, j. layern J entu ns, bonus, . For sale at this othce. GREATEST ATTRACTION ! !! J. MOORE & -SOX HAVE just opened at their old stand; in the Borough rf F.VnaVuiT-r rirhost tmA C U. , rarest, the finest and -cheapest assortment of FILL AND WINTER GOODS. ever offered to the people of Cambria County. uuusiuinre was laxcn in tne selection ol these goods, and care has been taken that nothing with. in the range of a Country store, nor any ways near it, but what they can supply to their cis tomers, at leastas cheap as they can be had in the country. Their stock of Dry Goods is unprecedently large, embracing Cloths, of every varietv and texture, Satiuetts, Cassimeres, Tweeds. Jeans. vc, ore, rianneis, Wheeling, Shirting, and made up Clothing of everv deacrinfion A croat variety of LADIES FANCY DRESS GOODS ' of all patterns and at all prices. ibices, trimmings, gloves, mitts, Ac. Their assortment of hats, caps, boots, and. shoes, is complete and unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every varietv and quality. A well selected variety of Hard" ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Queensware and Glass; Paints, Dve stuffa, DHUGS & MEDICINES. And all for sale low for cash, or given in ex change for country prodrce. Give us a call. J. MOORE & SON. Ebensburg, .Nov. 9, '54. COACH MAXUFACTORT. THE subscriber would respectfully iuform tbe citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, that he has removed bis shop to MOORETOWN, where he has every facility fur carrjing on a large busi ness, and hopes by using none but the bet mate rial, and emplo3'ing none but the lst workman, he hopes to convince all who will do him the favor to examine his work, that in point of dur ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any similar establishment in the State or elsewhere. Fcrsous wishing a bargain in-the purchase of a carriage, will con sult their own interests by giving him a call. They are prepared to supply the following kinds of vthic'.es, viz : Buggies of different qualities and prices, Bar ouches, Chariottces, one and two horse rockaways, close quarter eliptic and C-Spring Coaches; sc corul-hand w ork of different kinds, &c, makin" a variety thatwill suit all tastes and all purses Repairing done with neatness and despatch. ROBERT GALBREATn. Spt .2a0, '54. . SEW LIXB OF TOUCHES. From Ebenabnrg to Wilimore Station ! THE Subscribers having associated themselves together, have put upon the Ebenstmrg and Jef ferson Plank Road a double Oaiiy Line or Cltalse Coaches, woidd say to the Tublic that they will spare no pains to carry passengers to and "from Wilimore Station with all despatch and comfort. (jtJ-Coaches leaving Ebensburg at 7.30 A. M. Connecting Vith train going west at Wilmore Station at 11.33, A. M. Leaving Ebeusburg, at 3.15,. connecting with train going east at 4.48, P. M. Leaving Ebensburg, at oo'cl'k. P.M., connect ing with train west at 8.12, P. M. Leave Wilimore Statiou for Ebensburg on the arrival of every train, both East and West. The Public may rest assured that there will be a coach all ways at the station on the arrival of the cars. THOMPSON & HAMILTON. Ebensburg, November 9, '54. Geo. IV. Todd, Willi COSRAD li. WALTOS, Importers & Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, fcc, Ko. 255 rs.i fcst Street, Piiiladelphia. KEEP constantly on hand the genuine Timo thy Slack's Augers, Wm. Mann's. Jieattv's, and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's superior polished Steel Shovels. Darling & Wa! dron's Grass and Cradling-Scythes, Common and Patent Scythe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, $-c, &c, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms, to country dealers only. January 25. 1855. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. GREAT ATTRACT20at the New Store of Evans and Hughes, one door above the Store room of Shoemaker ci Clark, where the sub scribers are at present receiving and opening a large and excellent assortmen of fashionable Ready Made Clothing of the latest and most approved styles, which for cheapness and durability cau not be excelled by any similar establir'ument in the county ; not wishing to brag, but what we say we will make good or take the water. Every article in the cloth ing line will le kept on hand, viz: sumer Coats, Sack Ccvts, Drop do.; Tents, Vests, Cloaks, -c, all of the latest styles. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings, of all colours and styks. Our Department of BOYS CLOTHING promises a much more extensive selection than nsual. We flatter ourselves that we shall bo able to furnish garments suitable for all classes, fitted np in such a manner, and on such terms that shall disarm all competition we therefore ask a liberal share of tho public patronage. EVANS & HUGHES. June 4, 5C. GEO&UB HCSTLIiV, Wholesale ana Retail, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturer. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Eb ensburg and the public generally, that ho has purchased the Tin Shop, formerly carried on by Messrs. Davis, Evans ic Co., and will contin ue to carry on the business in all its various branches, wholesale and retail. His wares will be made of the very best material, and in the most workmanlike manner. Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest notice, for cash. ALSO, 2louse Spouting made and put up to 1 AVA 1 . A, A. J t - orucr ou tne iowcsi lerms, jor casn. Also on hand and for sale, a large assortment f C ook and Parlor stoves, for coal or wood, Di- uuig ruoui t.ot es, r; stoves, vc. Also a large assortment of grates and fire brick, for Cooking stoves. Coal buckets. Shovels pokers, smoothing irons, &c. &c, all of which will be sold low for cash. Tin-shop and wareroom in part of the building formerly occupied by Stephen Lloyd as a cabi net wareroom, and opposite Geo. M'Cann's store. ICAll orders promptly attended to. Uhcr.sburg.May 7, 1856. 28Iy New Firm. .TAYLOR &, JONES, THE subscribers would respectfully inform tiie citizens of Ebensburg and tho surrounding vicinity, that they have entered into partnership for the purpose of giTing full satisfaction to all mankind and in the way of giving fits, they may be found at 'the old establishment formerly occu pied by Beynon and Jones, immediately opposite the store of Geo. McCann. The public may rest assured, that all work entrusted to their care will be made in a workmanlike manner, and at the time promised. Garments will be cut according to the latest fashion. .. : . A. II. TAYLOR. JOHN JONES. Ebensburg, March 5th 1856. THE LOUIS LUCKHARD WATCH 31AEK.E1VAXD DEALER IT Wm, Mm ABB JHRUT: rniH undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform the rTSi citizens ot Johnstown and vicinity a . . M " 1 mat jie nas just received.And is now opening the largest stock of Clocks, Waichet and Jewelry, ever brotighWo JoLnstown, tritkout r- -ception, which will be sold cheaper than th - - i. , . . cueapcsi. . , xiis prices wm always be Uniform -One customer will not be charged more for the ' iame quality of goods than another. A List f some of the arl ides comprised in the assortiaeni is annexed. Prices may be ascertained, ud goods examined, at the Store on Main Street. Gold Hunting English Levers, Gold Detached Levers, full jewelled. Gold Lepines. 4 holes ' -Silver English Levers, ,. ..;. Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Clinics. Gold Vest Chains, Gold Pencils, with Pens Gold Pencils, Gold Medallions. Silver Extension Pencils and Penu, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentleme, Gold Eardrops, Gold Earrings, - Gold Finger Rings, Gold Cuff Pins, GolJ and Silver Watch Keys, Portmenaies Ladies' Fans, fancy and plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimlles Plated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teaspoons " Silver Gbard Chains, 'l'lated and Brittania Tea SvtU, Violi ns and Bow s, iolin Strinjis, Ac Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, e inclits' " Gold Bracelets, Accordeons, Silver and Plated Spectacles. &e., Ac, &c. fjt3- Ai l sorts of Watches. Clocks and Jewelrv rujiaireu witn promptness ana at low iatts Con- May 14, 185G. 2!-f. Tlie War Ended J , ARRIVAL BF-IET GUSH! XDWARD ROBERTb has arrived home ith -Li a large utocbof choice goods from the Eas tern cities, which he will disose cf on terms to suit all customers old as well as new ones. Uis stock has been selected with great care, which for quality and quantity cannot be beat on this side of Jordan. The st.H.-k consists of Foreign and Amtri- Ticking, can Cloths, Alajxicas, Plain Cassimers, PLrin. Nttc Styles, Fx? t?0, Cchitrg Cloths Sjtinttts. Black Silks, Kentucky Jeans, Futicy Silks TiceeJs, Neu? Style f Prints. Vestings of cdl kinds, (Jingkuvis, Shirts and L'ruicers, Calitt-et, Cravats, BW-w Plaids . Handkerchiefs, SJiirtivg Muslims, Gloves and Hosiery, Slutting Jo. Flamuls, A large supply of HARDWARE, GVEEXS WARE and GIlt CERIES. Call at the store of E L Roberts if yon wi!, f purchase go'.ds and at low pr?c-8. We rounder it i:o trouble to show cur goods sa walk in at'd judge for yourselves EDWARD ROBERTS. Ebensburg, April 23, 1S56. . IK3S 'S7. FALL & WINTER GOODS LODGERS & JONES HAVEjit received and are now display in? a caivfulljr selected tock t.f fall and winter goods. Their stock consists of Dry Goods f every description and quality suitable fwr th present and approaching season. .A very hand some assortment of Broad cloths, Caimeres satmetts, Jeans, &t. Ready made clothing Ladies' Goods Such as fine un-iii iocs, a fine assortment of silks and woolen p?aids, ererv variety of Dc Laines, and silks of every dencrip tion. ' - SHAWLS An unusually handsome varietv, broche and wookn, of all sizes, qualities an prices. , PRINTS Foreign nd domestic, of ererv price and quality. " ROOST & SHOES The very best selected tk in the market. HARDWARE & CUTLERY Builder and Mechanics are reaiir-sted in 4 VT V stxxk cf Hardware, and the attfr.iiou of house- Keepers is called to our cutlery. GROCERIES Their stock'of Groceries is un usually larg, ccntisting of sugar, collee. mola ses, rice, tea, pepper, fish, and salt. ALSO Paints and dve stuffs. w I. . . u . V . and clocks. In short a full and complete variety of everything either for show or use.ihat can find us way into a country store, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable teriLS for case or country produce. They return thanks to their friends for pa. t favors, and respectfully ask a continuance of tlie". RODGERS A JONES. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '54. JOHN PARKE'S Johnstown Marble Work, Franklin Street, nearly opposite the -new If eta e dist Church, Johnstown, Pa. MONUMEXl'S, Tombs, Grave Stones, Man tels, Table, and Bureau tops, manufactured of she most beautiful and finest quality of foiign and domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the East, with the addition of carriage. . From long experience in the business and strict attention thereto, be can assure the public that all order will be promptly attended to and the work finiih ed in the best and most handsome manterurnieh ed to order and delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and hizes, suitable for farmers and mechanics. . Sold by wholesale or retail. (ETPor the convenience of persons residing in tbe cast and north of the county, speciBiens may be seen and orders left with Stephen Lloyd, at his cabinet warerooms in Ebensburg. Purchasers are invited to examine stock zni prices. fjune 20, 1855. joax it a ir a. KTAS IT1SS. bitch Jviwis. A Change New Firm I THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY INFORMED that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Evans, John Hare, Evan E. Evana and Hugh Jones, has been dissolved. Mr. Hare retiring. The firm as it now stands will carry on the business in all its various branches at the old stands. The Tannery will be under the su perintendance of John Evans at the old stand formerly owned by J. Moore. , The ShoamakiEg business will be carried on as usnal a few doors east of Snyder's Hotel in all its branches. The highest market prices will be paid In cash for hides. Chestnut and nemltck Bark in trade They haTe eonstantly on hand a large assort ment of French calf-skin, Men and Womens' Mo rocco Boots and Shoes, and are prepared to exe cute work on the shortest notice. - Being practical workmen themselvea, and wslng none but the very best material? they are cocfi dent they can execute work as well and as cheap as any estM4khment in the country. April 30, 135G-27tf. gi ROCERIES, Candies. Nut and CracleiS fJT t J.M'Deratt'e. Uttent tnat be cannot be undersold, the undersi'n respcctfulh' solicits the cenfidene anl natronaa of the public. LOUIS LUCKU ARDT