" sicaxRO wniTK::: rnEXRT C. DKV1NE "WHITE & DZYINE, Editors and Proprietors. EBENSBURG. ; WEDNESDAY MORNING:::::::::::::DEC. 10. WANTED Beef, pork, , corn, . buckwheat, oats, f-c, for subscription and advertis ing to the Democrat & Sentinel. President's Message. . To the exclusion of much other matter, we this week publish the message of President l'ierce. It is an able and Statesmanlike doc ument, and will well repay a perusal. The condition of our domestic and foreign affairs are clearly set forth, and the condition of. the government shown to bo highly prosperous. Tho acts - of the Black republicans upon the slavery questkn, and their factious, and trea sonable course is well shown up as utterly des tructive to the rights of tho States, and the equality of tho States, and to the Union. We commend it to our readers, who will be a ble to judge of it for themselves; but we do not hc&itatc to eay that it is one of the most able papers that has emanated from President I'icrcc during his administration. - Electoral College. The Electoral College of this State, met in tho SenateChamber. at Ilarrisburg, on Wed nesday -last, and organized by choosing lion. "William "Wilkins, 1'ivsident, and Wm. V. M'Kkan, Ks1 , of Philadelphia, and Gen. Wm. II. MiLLF.it, of Ilarrisburg, Secretaries. The Collcgo then cast the twenty-seven votes of -Pennsylvania for Jamek Bcciiaas nd Jviis C IJkecicim. k;k. Mr. Ca m prell, of Butler, was chosen baror of returns to Washington City Mr. Ostekmoct to Judge Kams of the U.S. Court, Philadelphia aud Mr. MNTAIH to the Ilarrisburg Post Office. The Electors visited Wheafltuid on Thurs day by invitation of Mr. Buchansn. and dined with linn. Tko Lancaster Iutellingencer says that upon their return t that City th-y all ex pressed themselves much gratified with their Visit to Mr, Buchanan, and the courtesy and Vmdnosa with whish thy wero wcleoiiicd to VwhofpitaUty. r . Enumeration. We aro indebted to Gorge C. K. Zahm Esq., 'Clerk of tho County CommisHioners, for the following enumeration of tho Taxable inhabi tants of Cambria county. District. Taxable?, Deaf & Dumb, Blind 1 1 1 Sckvhyous Convention. The proceedings of tho Convention of a largo number of Sur veyors who have been drawn to0ur town, and are now attending our court as witnesses iu -an important latd case now being tried ; will bo found in our paper this week, to which we -direct attention. Ges, "WiiiTFiELD.-Tbis gentleman who has again been returned as delegate to Congress from Kansas, was admitted to his scat on 'Tuesday last by a vote of 112 to 108, uotwith standing the factious efforts of tho Black Re publicans to prevent it. So ends the fight of Itecder and Whitfield, which may be consid ered as the last kick of Black Republicanism. Johnstown This old borough is still im proving tho Gas Works have been eomnlc ted, and a new light introduced into tho town We copy the following iiotici from the Echo of tho grc&l-event which occurred on Tuesday 3t. and which is wortny of record. We arc glad to hear of tho prosperity of our ncigh- lors, and hope that the reign of " dark lan- ierns" iu that region has coinc to an end at JasL - "TueLiciitiso .Up. Long before dark last evening our citizens were busily engaged 3n discarding candle sticks, lamps, &c , and snaking arrangements for the first appearance of gas in their respective establishments. Tho anxiously wished for time for the " touch ing off" operation at leDgth arrived, and the "brilliant light of gas illuminated the business jportions of Johnstown. Considering it was the first night of its introduciion, the light af forded was clear and beautiful, and the expec tations of the community fully realized. We understand it is the iutcntion of tho authori ties to light tho town with gas as soon as the necessary fixtures ean be completed." 'CO- The New York Ledger, the great family reekly paper, for which the most popular writers in the couutry contribute, has now "attained the extraordinary circulation of One Hundred and Ninety Thousand copies, and subscriptions are continually pouring m. Sec LttGKR's advertise ment iu ajiuihcr column. " Allegheny Tp., 29S BUcklick 1M Oembria, " 2t7 -Car Ml 417 2 Client 10 i 1 Jlearficld, 203 -Omcmaugh Ills 3 (V.netiiaugh Por, . 420 Eliensburg 2io 1 .Jackson, lrf -Johnstown Bor. 51 1 Ioretto, t7 Minister, Richland G31 vKiiminerLill, . 400 Summitvillo Bor. 85 Susquehanna ltJ.j 1 Washington 580 ."White, 125 Total, 5702 r- The, Home Journal. :, - The Itemc Journal always has been, and no doubt always will -.be, while-under the editorial care of Morris and "Willis, the most refined and elegant family newspaper extant. The series for 1857 will contain new attractions, new features, and new type. The editors will continue to de vote their time and abilities' to tho work. N. P. Willis proposes, in addition to his usual pictur ing!? of home-life, and rural family sympathies and interests, out-doors-aud-in, to give more of his valuable " Letters on Health," which his ex perience enables him to write, and which have been so widely quoted, both at home and abroad and also " a series of 'Portraits' of Living charac ters." General Morris, besides his usual constant labors upon the several departments of the paper will make it -the woof on. .which to broidcr first the new sketches, songs, ballads, etc., suggested by the history and events of tlie passing time. T. B. Aldrich, the gifted young poet, whose pro ductions have recently created such, a sensation in literary circles, Las prepared an original prose poemcntitled the I lose of Glen I.Klge," which will be published in numbers, from week to week. Genio O. Scott will continue his piquant and pop ular papers on fashion, gossip, romance, etc., which have proved so " interesting to lathes." Besides these constant writers, the Home Journal has a corps of correspondents, wholly unsurpass ed, in the society of New York, and through these gifted and -refined " mediums,"- its readers are kept apprised of all that occurs new, charm ing and instructive, in the brilliant circles of city life. For tho health, the moral improvement, and the religious culture of families, the editors watchfully gather ever3' new suggestion, and cure fully chronicle all signs of progress and utilit3'. By unceasing vigilance and industry, and by skill, acquired by long and successful practice, they will, undoubtedly, still keep the Home Jour nal undisputed as the bost family newspaper in existence. The terms are two dollars u year, in advance. Address Morris & WilUs, New Yoik. Gody's Lady's Book. The January num ber of this Magazine is on our table it abounds with the choicest reading matter from the pens of our first American Literary wri ters. The engravings are superb. Tho fash ion plates and embroidery, arc of the latest fashions. With the present number, iu point of literary merit, no Magazine compares. Profkpsou Armls' Lecture. The lec ture of Professor Amies, on the subject of Memory, was delivered before an intelligent and attentive assemblage at the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening last. The lecture was highly instructive, and vejire pleased to learn that ijuite a number of our citizens have joined his class iC-ST Mr.- P. Cook arrived at Washington on Sunday, from Arizona, the new Territory formed out of the Gadsden purchase from Mexico. He brings with him his credential?, and wili claim a seat in the House as delegate from that Territory, lie icports the popula tion of Arizona at from ten to fifteen thousand persons, and that tho Territory will make a State about as large as Pennsylvania. Minnesota. Gov. Gorrr.au, in Lis mes sage to the Minnesota Legislature last winter, stated the population of the Territory at 70, 000, as shown by the, census taken in the summer previous. At the opening of naviga tion in the spring it was estimated at 120, 000, and now. near the close of navigation, it is set down by St. Paul papers at 200,000. At its present rate of increase Minnesota will have a population of at least half a mil'ion iu 1S00. ' On Wednesday 10t h inst., by Rev. Mr. Pyatt. Mr. JACOIl STAI1L to Miss ELIZABETH HOOVER, all of this place. &- e v i: n y r e a d be ST'EL please not we the advertisement des t V seriptiveof Mu. Sears' Pictorial Fam ily Bible, and send for the Printed Catalogue c an our illustrated Work?. To the uninitiated in. the great art cf sell ing Books, we would say, that wc present a scneme i.r money-making, .ir better than all the gold mines of California and Australia. CO- Any person wishing to embark in the en terprise, win r:.k little l.y sending to tho Pub lisher $25, for w hich he will receive sample cop ies of the various works, (at wholesale' prices,) carefully boxed, insured, and directed, affordin'" a wry liberal percentage, to the agent fur his trouble. With these he will soon be aole to as certain the most saleable, and order accordm-dy Address (post paid) ROBERT SEARS, Publisher 181 William Street, New York A val of the Trains at Wiitnore Station. The Past Line resumed its regular trip on Monday May 10th. The following i3 the schedule or the trains passing East and West. r.xpress et, 10 o'clock, 12 min Mail " 8 42 Local Freight 7 Mail Train East 11 13 " Fast Line C C2 " Local Freight 0 35 " A. M. V. M. p. m: A. M. P. M. A. M. Hacks leave this station immediately after the departure o the trains for Ebensbur". WAIAl'T HILL FAIUI, FOR SALE. THE subscriber will dispose of the above property, well known as tho Richard Ash craft Farm, situated in Susquehanna Township? one mile north of Carrollton, containing nearly of excellent farming, laud, ONE HUNDRED AND NINKTY acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. The improvement consist tf : TWO DWELLING HOUSES, A BANK BAItX, 100 foet by CO. Also, a large ORCHAHD o'f .'.v.t wim an mo necessary out-buildings. Water in abundance at the dwel ling houses, and in the barn yard, and - through all the mcudows. A more desirable location can not be found in Cambria Count v. Ant fiirii. information desired, can be had by calling ,n V M. K. riPER. Ebcnsburg, Dec. 3, 185G. ADIES and Children's hoes jind Gaiters at J. M'DEBMIT'S. EMPLOYMENT FOR THE WINTER. THE BEST BOOK FOR AGENTS. TO FEUS OA'S OUT OF EMPL 0 YMEXTt An Elcgaut Gift for a Father to Present to hi3 Family! - " - ' - &3- Send for One Copy, and try it among your Friends ! TJ ' ' WANTED Agents in every section of the United States to circulate SEARS LARGE TYPE QUARTO BIBLE, For Family Use En titled ' " - The People's Pictorial Domestic Bible. With about One Thousand Engraving!;!!! This useful book is destined, if we can form an opiuion from the Notices of the Press, to have an unprecedented circulation in every section of our wide-spread continent, and to foini a distinct era in the sale of our works. It will, rio doubt.. in a few years become THE FAMILY BIBLE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. fjcj- The most liberal remuneration will be al lowed to all persons who may be pleased to pro cure subscrilers to tho above. - From 50 to 100 copies may easily : be circulated and sold in each of the principle cities ' and towns of the Union IT WILL BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Application should be made at once, as the field will soon be occupied. CO Persons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe business, can send for a specimen copy. . fJCy- On receipt of the established price tSix Dol lars, the PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, with well bound Subscription Book, will be carefully boxed, and forwarded per express, at our ris-k and expense, to "ny, central town or village in the United Stales, excepting lho.c of California, Ore gon and Texas. 03-Kegister your Letters, and your money will come safe. - jiy- In addition to the Pictorial Bible, wc pub lish 11 large number of Illustrated Family Works, very popular, and of such i liih moral and un exceptionable character, that while jjood men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a Public Benefit, and receive a Fair Compensation for their labor. Orders respect fully solicited. For further particulars, address the subscriber, post paid. J ROBERT SEARS, 181 William Street, New York. THE MEAT FAMILY WEEKLY TAPES. THE SEW YORK LEDGER has now attained the extraordinary circulation of Or.c Hundred and Ninetv Thousand copies. The LEDGER is devoted to" POLITE LITERATURE, ORIGINAL TALES, SKETCHES, POETRY, ESSAYS, GOS SIP and CURRENT NEWS, aud maintains a high moral tone. It is everywhere acknowledged to be the best family paper in the world ! . Hence its extraordinary and unheard of populaiit v. Mr. RONXElt, the Troprktor of the LKDGER, em ploys the best talent in the country, and by so doing makes the best paper. Such writers as Fanny Fern, Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., and Emerson Bennett, are permanently engaged on it, and will write for no other paper hereafter. Mrs. Sigour ney, also, constantly writes for it; so do a host of other popular authors, including Mrs. Emma L. N. South worth, Alice Clary, Mrs. Vaugnan, Mary W. Stanley Gibson, Clara Snyder, &e., &c. The LEDGER is beautifully illustrated every week. The NEW YORK LEDGER is printed on beau tiful white paper, and is composea of eight pages making the handsomest weekly paper in the country-. It 73 pnVoshe-1. every Saturday, and sold at" tho News offices in eveiy city f d tOV'U throughout the country ; and is mailed fur sub scribers at two dollarr per annum; two copies are sent for three dollars. Any person obtaining eight subscribers at $1,50 each, (which i our low est club lates,) and sending us $12 will be enti tled to one copy Free. Terms invariably in ad vance. Address all letters to ROBERT BONNER. Publisher of the New York Ledger, 44 Ann Street, New York. - N. IJ. N ow is a jroood time to subscribe as EMERSON BENNETT'S Great Original Novel of FRONTIER LIFE, will be commenced in tho LEDGER on the first of January. VALUABLE lItOIKIlTV FOR SALE. THE subscriber will dispose of bis property in Munster township, Cambria county. Tho f;rrm contains SEVENTY-SIX ACRES more or less, about forty acres cleared and In a good state of cultivation. There is on tho place a Log Barn and Log House, together with a Young Orchard of choice fruit. Any person wishing to purchase can call on the subscriber residing on the place. Capt. DAN. BRADLEY. Dec. 2. 1856. 3t. .tclmf iIi1i;i1i s IVotUc. T" ETTERS of administration have been grant JLi ed to the undersigned residing in the Bor ough of Ebensburg. Cambria county, on the es tate of c William Gillan of Munster township Cambria county, deceased. All person indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and settle their accounts immediately. HARRISON KINKEAD, Adm'r. Dec. 3, 1850, C-Ct. - ESTiCAV. CAME to the residence of the subscriber residing in Cambria township, about the 20th of Nov ember a GRAY MARE, about 15 or 16 years old. .The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, other wise 6he will be disposed of as the law directs. FRED. FCLMER. Dec. 3. 1S5G. . : CAtTIoK'. ALL persons arc hereby cautioned against trespassing on my farm, by throwing down fences, turning in cattle and otherwise injuring my property, as I am determined to enforce tho law on all trespassers. WM. CARNEY. Munster tp., Nov. 2C, 1866. ADMLMSTRATOK'S AOTICE. X LITERS of administration on the estate of JUt "Willi am Duncan late of Blacklick township have been granted by the Register of Cambria County to the subscriber residing in Brush Valley township Indiana county of which all persons interested will please take notice. JAMES STEWART, Adm'r. Nov. 20, 185C. Gt. STRAYED AWAY. -- STRAYED away from the subscriber residing at the Summit. Cambria County, a White and' Red Cow, white- in the face, with a bell on. Any information in regard to her will be thankfully received "and a liberal reward will be paid for "her recovery. REV. T. SUEHAN. Nov: 20, 185(5, " - - ' STltAYS. 3 GAME to the residence of the subscri-'JpfTTSN ber residing in Susquehanna town-rijj! iip, about the first of October, a large white sow with a litter of pigs. The owner is requested to come forward pay charges and take hei away, otherwise sho will be disposed of ac cording to law. JAMES M'CLOSKEY. Nov. 26, 1S5G. -. - ' -. 1 - TjAPER Iietter. note and foolscap - P ttancr. Steel Pens. Ink. Ouills.. lM vc'.ooes: Books. &c.. at teBiiavr J. M'Dermit's. OLD Rings and Brciastoins Combs Port, monies, aiid Toys, at J M'Dermit's Have you Subscribed to I lie COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION FOR TIIK THIRD YEAR? SEE , T.II E RARE INDUCEMENTS ! The managers have the pleasure of announcing that the. collection of Works of Art designed for distribution among the subscribers, wb se names are received previous to the 28th of January, '57 is much larger and more costly than on any pre vious year. Among the leadiug works and in Seulptur executed in th finest Marble is the new and beautiful Statue of the "WOOD NYMPH,'' Tho busts of tlie 3 Great American Statesmen, CLAY, WEBSTER AND CALIIOUN, Also the exquisite Ideal But,. " SPRING," APOLLO AND DLVNA, . In Marble life size, together with the following Groups ami Statues in Carrara Marble of the STRUGGLE FUR THE HEART, . YEN US & APPLE; 1SYCHE ; MAGDALEN: CHILD OF THE SEA; INNOCENCE; CAPTIVE BIRD j & LITTLE TRUANT; With numerous works in Bronze, and a collection Of SKVEBAIi HUNDRED . -. rine Oil I'ainf ings, by leading Artists. ine wnoie ol wnicn are to be distributed or al lotted among the subscribers whose names are re ceived previous to the Twenty-eighth of January, 557, when the Distribution w ill take place."" TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber of three dollars is cnlitled to A copy of the splended Steel Engraving, "Sat I'RDAI XIGHT," Or A copy of any of the following ?3 Magazines " " one year ; also A copy of tlie Art Joc k.vac one year, and A Ticket in - the Anual Distribution ofWurks of Art. - Thus, for every f 3 paid a person not only gets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine one year, hut also receives the Art Journal o'ie 3 ear and a Ticket in the Anual Distribution, making four dollars worth of reading matter besides the tick et, by w hich a valuable painting or piece of Stat uary may be received in addition. Those who -prefer Magazines t- tho rnirrvmn Saturady Night' can have either of the following im vnr : Hrner Macrazin ? r( nwlr.T-'u T..,l.fV. one - - -. L o , -. . v l 1 o liooK, ymieu ocaies jiagzinc, nnickerhocker Mag azine, GrabamV Magazine, Blackwood Magazine, Southern Literary Messenger. No jcrson is restrict! to a single share. Those taking fiye menderships, remiling $15, arecnti. tk-d to fix F.ngravin. and lofix tickets in distri bution, or any five of tha Magazines, one year, und six tickets. -" Persons, in remitting funds for membership will jdeaso icgistcr tho letter at the Post Office, to prevent Joss; 011 -receipt of which, rt certificate of Membership, together, with the Engraving or Mag azine desired -will be forwarded to any part of the countrj-'. For further particulars, see the November Art Joirnal sent free on aplicatinon. For membership,- address C. L. 1KRB Y, Actuary C. A . A. S"S Broadway, New York, or Western Ofiice, ICS Water street, Sandusky, Ohio, or II. J. ROPERTS, Hon. Secfv, at Eleusburg. iACoB sxAiiL. C. TLOs!. IlOIiEllT?. STAHL &l ROBERTS. Ttte "T HE subscribers, thankful fur KftfyL I the liberal patrouaire exten ded totheni. boir leae toan- nonce to. the citizens of Ebensburg. and vicinity that they have just received another large and beautiful assortment of articles suitable lor the Holidays, viz : Gold and Silver Hunting Watches, Gold and Sil ver open face Levers, Silver Lepines, Silver Quartiers, Uold Guard Chains, Gold Vest and Fob Chains,. Silver, Plated and Steel Chains, Gold Pencils. Gold K?ns, Gold Lockets, Gold Hooks.Gold Breastpius.Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Eardrops, Gold Ear-riugs, Gold Finger Kings, Gold Cuff Pins, Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold Armlets, Gold Studs. Gold Charms, Gold Guard Slides. Silver Thimbles, Plated and Stetl Spectaclos.Gold Vest aud Fob Keys.Gold Watch Seals, Violin Strings. Necklaces, Wristlets, Clock KcySjSteel Keys,Violins, Flutinas, Flutes, Accordeans, &c, &c. EIGHT DAY AUD THIRTY HOUR CWCKS of the best qualit3 All articles warranted to be as represented .and sold cheaper than can be bought in this vicinity. 0 All kinds of CLOCKS, WATCIIIX, JEWELRY and MUSICAL JXSTJWMENTS repaired with promptness and at reasonable rates. Don't fail to " bob round" at their room, opposite the Mountain House," as they feel confident they c:m render entire satisfaction. Nov. 19, 1S5G 1 tf. - TIIK LOSO I.OOKEDFOK HAS COME AT CI.OTlll STORE! ! The largest, bet, and cheapest assortment of CI'OTIUXG ! S, Bernei would respectfully inform tie citi ?ns of Ebensburg aud eurroundinxountry, that he has just opened out at bis new establishment, near the Cour House, one of the largest, most va ried, elegant and cheapest assortment of Clothing ever brought to this or any other place. His stock is iraquestionabiy tlie richest and ra rest ever imported to the top of the AlU-ghcnies. and embraces everything that can be enumerated or conceived in the Clothing line, consisting of Overcoats of all sizes and qualities from $3,00 to $20,00, - . - Coata " " " $1,00 to $20,00 Pants " " $0,75 to $8,00 Vests ; ' ' " $0.75 to $8.00 Also, a full assortment of silk Neckerchiefs Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Shirts. Undershirts, Draw ers, Socks, Comforts, Collars, Travelling Bags &c, &c. - It is useless to attempt to give anything like a general enumeration, as the task would be a dif ficult one, but in lieu of this, the public aro most cordially invited to call and examine if they wLh the best of bargains. vElwnsburg, July SO, 1850.-40-1 y. GREAT ATTRACTION ! ! TnE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Carrollton, Cambria county that he has received a larse and splendid stock of DRY GOODS, of all descriptions, consisting partly as follows: CLOTHS, CASSlMIiRES. CASSINETS, JEANS CALICOI-S, &c. together with large assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, &c. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Lumber taken at market prices." . GEOEGE.WEIMEE. ..Nov. 2G, 1850. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration have bcea Grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of Wil liam Owens of Blacklick township, Cambria County dpe'd. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make, immediate pay ment, and those having .claims against said es tate, present them duly authenticated for set tlement. JOHN OWENS, Adnrr. Blacklick tp. Ivov..2G. 1 UMMER Coats and Pants, and. Silk. Lan i3s Gingham Handkerclriefa at J. M'Dermits. Oi:0. W. REED. T. I.. IftTKB. - . iicco 111:1 AT TOJl NE YS A T L A II', Ebensburg, Pa. ." T. I.. IIKYKIt A GEXT for the Eycoming Mutual Insurance -iJa. Company. Counsel given in tho English and German languages. " . Office 011 High Street Ebcusburg, TcnnV -Feb. 0. 18iG., ly. . ; James Il lX-iinits Store . OPPOSITE - THOMI'SON'S HOTEL. CI N till rQVXB TlBi: K LADIES Muwjcco, Calf and Patent Leather Boots, and strong Shoes suitable for winter, Gaiters and Gum Shoes. GIRL'S Shoes, coarse and fine child's Shoes Overshoes and Gum Shoes. . MEN'S AND BUY'S Boots Hats and Ca.s."' MEDICINES for the Sick. , ' . (X)FFEE. Tea, Sugar, iSrc, for all. CANDIES, Nuts. and Apples.' CIGARS, and Tobacco. A CHOICE lot of Pen and Pocket Knives. PORT-MONA1ES. COM15S, RINGS, AND BREAST PINS. STOCK I NO YARNS. NOTE PAPER, letter and Foolscap ditto. . COMFOKTS, Gloves and Hose, BliUSHES and Combs. PATENT Thread, and SshxI Thread. VELVET. &c. MANY articles suitable fur presents. CALL AND SEK OUR STOCK, Admittance Free. J, t Ebensburg. Nov. 20, 1800. 3t. Ho! for Salt River! THE subscriber offers at private Sale, all that Valuable -property, situate in MooreUmn, adjoioiog the Borough of Ebensburg, consisting nf two contiguous lots on the plan of said Mooretown, upon which arc erected a line ' TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE,'", well finished ; a Frame Stable ; a Frame Wood Shed ; and other necessary out-building. There are also upon the premises a thriving lot of choice fruit trees, and a never failing Well of soft water. Any person desiring a residence at Ebensburg. would do well to call upon the subscriber, as his terms will be moieratc. II. J. ROBERTS. . Ebensburg, Nov. 2, lOGC. 2 Gt.. Estate !' Aeitiitfny I.IJzinger licc-l. LETTERS of administration having leen grant ed by the Register of Cambria county on the estate of Anthony Litzinger, late of Irelto. in said county, deceased, to the undersigned. No tice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said decedent to present them properly authenticated for settlement, and those indebted will 1 lease make payment without delay. WM. KITTELL. AdruV. Ebensburg, Nov. C, 1&5G. Ct Instate ofJanics L.. Watt, tlec'd. WHEREAS, letteis of Administration on the' es tate of James L- Watt, late of Summitville, Cambria co., dec'd.have been grantfl bv the Reir- l&vtr 01 'jlUii,y. L) ,iie uni.ersignei, notice is hereby given to all persons; Lriug claims against said estate to present them properly autlirntica ted fur.settlelnent, and those indebtsd are reques ted to make payment without dthivl Oct. 23, Isob-Gt. MARY ELLEN WATT. THE subscril-er offers for sale the following de scribed property, situate in Washington tp., Cambria couut' : Cne lot sLuated near the A. P. R. R., fronting on said road, 10 feet front, with a large tavern stand thereon erected. ALSO 250 acres of excellent timber land. 75 acres cleared, and in good cultivation, situated near the A. P. R. R. ALSO One lot near Lil ly's station. Persons wishing to purchase an call on the sulscriber, at Xo. 4. A. 1'. R. 11. IWi1 sion given on tho 1st day of April next. Oct. 22. 15G 3t. J. M GONIGLE. OIll'IIAXS' COURT SAI,C. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Cambria County, the undersigned wi!lespne to public Vendue or outcry, on Saturday the 25 day of October inst., the following described Real Estate with the appurtenances, to wit: All that lot of ground, situate. in the village of St Augustin, in the county of Cambria, adjoining Jots ol George Smith, John Cane, David Mill and others; containing one acre and eighteen pert hes. AI.SO'. All that piece -or parcel of land, situ ate in Cleai field township, Cambria County,-adjoining lands of Lewis Caile, John Zeil; and others, containing thirty acres or thereabouts, un improved. Ij7" Sale to be held on the premises on the fol lowing terms. One half CASH on confirmation of the Sale, and the l-allanceiu six months there after, with interest to bu secured by the bonds and Mortgage of tlie purchaser. : 11ENRY BENDER Guardian of the minor heirs of Joseph Wliar ton deceased. ' October 8, 185G. Administrators Xotlco. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Edward Hutchinson Esq., late of the Bor ough of Ebeusburg Cambria county deceased, having been granted to the sulscriler. by the Register of spid county. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebfc-'d to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. . - -: . II.. KINKEAD, Adm'r. October 15, 1850.- Ct. . NOTsCE. 13ETITI0N of the . So:ict3T o f Hu manity at Jolinstown And now, to wit: 10 Sept. 185i. Petition read and ordered to le p no li ished agreeably to the Cambria county, Pcnu sylvtnia, for lncorp provisions of the Act of ration. li tmmoii Pleas of Cambria coun ty, No. December Term. 1850. .-scmbly in such case made and provided. By the Court. A True Extract from the Record. Certified this 1 3th Nov. 1850. II. J. ROBERTS, Prothonotary l L.S. j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LTTERS of Administration have been grant.l to the undersigned, residing in Sumnicrltill Township, on the estate vf Caspar Wendle, t f Suinmerhill Township, deceas;d. All jcrsons knowing themselves inlebtcl to said estate are hereby notified to settle their accounts without de lay, and all persons having claims against the es tate will present them priuK-rlv authenticatwl for settlement. . J UN WONDERS. Smumerhill Tp., Nov 19 j?$t;t. SOTICt, IS hereby given to all persons indebted to the sulseriber?to call and settle their accounts lie rore the 1st day of Decern bt r. and those having claims against hiir: wifi present them for scttlo ment PETEIi MOVERS.- November L, 1S36. , 2 2t. , Sacculation. ""' rpilE Mi Wt ilers, bavirg prchsrd ffio r?cht J to make and' wll H A LDEMANVi PATENT ADJUSTABLE II A Ilinnv. f.i 1-;. j have it immediately introduced, pninoso to nel I township rights at very low rates. Tlii Harrow ' . is One of the most imM,rtant improvrmentH of tho age. and especially suitable for this country. Y rcsjHvtfully invite farm-is to o-mc nd examine this Harrow. We will le ready t sell township ri-hts until the 1st of December, after which time the townships .it.it disposed of will lc n-wrved by Ufi- M. C. M'CAGUE & CO. OctoU-r 2.9th, 185C 1 tf. rplli: subscril-tr has just received ami now op-J- enetl out at his store room in the IvXongh vf lxiretto. a large aud wt-Il selected st(K;k t f Fall and Winter Goods, T o,i;3VViS'C;In;crt's' St'nt-S Tweeds, Jeans. Ladies I ress ; Goods. French. Merinos, Tartan In t ' 1 ! , ' ,LaineS' X0"' "KSlh ilerl noe.. Coburgs, Alpacas, Delx-gc, Bay State long and square shawls. Calico, Ginghams, CLock., k King, Arc. A handsome assortment of MAEC-M- CiOTIHAO, together witlr a iarge assortnient of Gnccticg , I f ll 'T- Quf ,!Vi,rc' l)ru Raint,-lVU tnt Mchcmes. Dye-stuffs. Nails by tliekc'OI-ua hy the box Fish and Salt by the barrCeS : ware, together with many other articles Ul ITr nM;,,l,;?1f of which vill be sold atth louesthgiue. Gran, of all kind taken-WdS '"" -,nS -,,ntI p. IL 5U1KLDS. Loiettn. O. t. L9, lPSG 1 tf JVWXAX'J UEXTILES OUTDOXEi mm TO SETTDIfl MOSEY MlU I irJi"(i0rsisr'wl wou,J Ict fully inform J- theit. ns of EU-nsburg and surrounilinK country, that they have received a large aort ment of . READY-MADE CLOTHING, from Uic Eastern cities. The stock comprises all the latest styles, aud suited to all iy.c, from th old to the young, and th6 prices a.lajrfed to tha wants f tl rich and the ix.r. The stock con sists of . all and Winter Clothing fine black and blue new style Dress and Frock Coats, business coats of all qualities, double and single breasted vests, plain and fancy pants of every quality. ALSO A full supply of hat caps, shirts, collars, Cravats, handkerchiefs sus penders, hosiery, gloves, stocks, rc. ' The clothes-wearing public are respectfully so icited to call, and examine and price their goods and judge of their quality and cheapness them selves. EVANS & HTGHES. Ebensburg, Oct. 20, 18GG ly. NhW AKHIVAL! CHEAP GOODS" George Bl'Cann in hq Field. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the good citizens of Elcnsl auJ tJc slirrouc4. in? Y;VlT.uy, that he Las ut receive.1 from the Eat one of the most choice stock of goods ever brought to this place.. The stock is varied, and selected with an eye to the immediate wants of thcpublic. His stock consists of the following A ycneral assortment of Xcw Styles of J ut and Winter OwkIs, comprising a variety of La diey Dres Goods, amonj which icill lc found Brocade, Silks of all color & style jjieromoes. r r. oug. r lencn Jc wool iiaida, Lawns, Cassimers, Dclains, Alapacas, Black Silks, Fancy do. Bleached Muslin?, Unbleached do. Calicoes, Ginghams, Cloths. l'ancy do. Tweeds. 1 Kentucky Jcac, Fancy Nestings, Shirts of all kind Cravats, Plain Gloves, l'ancy do. A splendid lot of Ladies Cloaka and Tlm. with a lot of Shawls, consisting of tlie AJlowinc styles, Broche, Turk era, Stela, long aud squara Bay -State, and geuts travelling Sliaw Is, Together witli an innumerable abu tment of ar clcs not mentioned, usually kcjt in 4 couiury Btoie. These goot's will 1hj sold at fair prices. Call aud examine, evoui if you do nut LJi to pur chase. -MILLISEUT COODS. CONNECTED wiUi the slorc m a laro Stock f.f MI LIS Eli Y U O tfX. K,vrrv article in this lincwn h:ui.m ,.Ti ------ -r UgA will ho. conslantlv in n-rpinf ff D.rt i.if -w2-' niv iuiA4 i n : of I! ON SETS, for old and 3-011 ng. BIBUOSS of every pattern and color, LAVES. EDULXG, $c,f-c. A beautiful assortment of 30 URXIXG Goothi now on Laud, ami prices to suit the times.--Ladies are respectfully "invited to call and ex amine this stock which is far ahead of any goods of a similar kind brought to this place. GEURGE M'CANX. Ebensburg, .Oct. 29, 1 Sod. JOSEPH C. HOLMES. n AMi tire attennou ine muat- W itants ol Johnstown and sin- CiT:, rounding country, to his large and icauiiiui asfrortmeni 01 -. CLQCKS,;WATCKES. JEffELRY. M. II which he is determined to sell off cheap for CASH Knowing that he can and will kcII cheaper thau any hou in town, r in tn Eat or Wet. Those wishing bargains would do well to cull upun hiia and examine his stock am) mim before purchasing elsewhere. The jxiaid of bia stock consists of the XEWEST STYLES AXD OF THE FINEST WORKMANSHIP. Also, thos wishing to piTcbase wholesale can buy as cheap here as in tie East and cheaper fjtn in the West. 11c challenges Johnstown for Itylv a lul quality of goods. He invites all tocall and see for thcnW vs. the word, humbug ncvcrdid belong W ins naaickr his dealings. Johnstown, Oct. 22, 1306. ' I.sl;itc oi'3iidincl iremon dee'd. TIIK undersigned auditor, npjxiinte.1 by the Or phans' Court of Cambria county, to a.sorriati, what amount, if any, of the debts of Michael Bn sin. dec'aRel, arc to e im'ul out of the proc.rM of the real estate of s;iil deceased, sJd b' Joht. Brawley, trustee, by order Ts.iid Cinrrt. pm-M ant to procxtHliug in partition, and to invcstig.t and iletermjne the vaiidit3- of the claims, as to ascertain the liens, if 51113- there arc, against tit heirs of said" Michael Bens.. n, which bind their . sective interests iu said rcn estnte, hereWw) lies all persons Interested that be will attend the duties of tcud appt.intmeut at hits ofrice, it, the Inmnigh of Ebcnsbnr". -on ThCKSDAV, TIIE20-WI i,:VY Of NoVEitBER at one o'chk. P. M. JOHN S. RHEY. : " ElK-iisb.irg, (Vtl.-.th. Auditor. vistuA'ir. : CAME to t!ie residence-of tho imbsciiber, residm -in Carroll Wwnsiip, C'amWia cunty. Pa. x GREY..MARH, aln-ut twtlveor fiftcvn veaisol-! has a lump 00 each fvre leg. She hl a mpen di' er on when taken iP. . LEVI LUT31EK OctoL-er 22d, ltbxi. . .. V " If ' r. 1:' - - r t f i I - il ft - It , 1 II