Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, November 12, 1856, Image 2

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    Straorrnt. nub Ifriiinr-L
aiCTUitn wmriK::::::::";:::::::WEyKT pkvixe
WHITE Sc DEVINE, Editors and Proprietors.
Wi:UNi:SDAY MORNING:::::::::::::NOV. 12.
' The " Standard ". and Oalohan.'
-Calohan's toady is out this week in an arti
cle evidently intended to demolish things gen-
-crally. It must have Leon gotten up under
the inspiration of at least two $5 bills. The
article is not remarkable for vigor or talent.
The writer seems to have been embarrassed
by the waning fortunes of his hero, and docs
not produce an effective defence of him ; but
as something had to be said for the money, he
has attcuiptcd to divert public attention From
Oalohan by getting up a personal- controversy
. with one of the conductors of this journal.
This arrangement will not take. Public
attention has been too well aroused to Calo-
: ban. lie can r.ot slip through during the
noise and confusion" attendant upon a per
sonal fight. Whether the article was written
by the cargo inspector at Hollidaysburg, or
by the other penny-a-lincr who docs the dirty
work, we do not know, nor is it material ;
whoever wrote it tries to insinuate that he oc
cupies an independent position towards Oalo
han, and receives no favors from him. The
public know what value to place upon such a
statement. They have read with disgust the
fulsome adulations which the " Standard" has
heaped upon Oalohan and " the clerk," who
" done the work of two men," and everybody
.knows that the , 4 Standard's' puffs are expen
sive luxuries. It i3 well understood why the
' Standard' overlooks with sublime contempt
hard-working men like Messrs. Linton and
Brydon ; they will not come dotcn with the
The 4 Standard' says that Oalohan will be
appointed!. "Why these understrappers "talk
in King Cambyscs vein I" Will, be appoint
ed ! Then the notice that the Canal Hoard
Lave given of their intention to make appoint
ments on and after the ISth iust. must be all
Lurubug. The appointments according to the
"Standard" are already cut and dried, and
the notice is merely intended to bamboozle
the uninitiated.
The 4 Standard' then says that our opposi
tion to Oalohan arises from our inability to
control him. This is false If we wauted
Oalohan it would not be a hard matter to get
him.' He is a sjcculating character, and like
the ' Standard,' can'always be got cheap for
We showed last week that the ontiovcrsy
was not of our seeking, but had its origin in
Calohan's wcekness and want of veracity. A
roference to tie files of the 44 Echo" and the
" Democrat & Sentinel" for last November and
December proves this Those journals then,
in obedience to popular sentiment here, au
nounccd that they would be obliged to stand
in opposition to Oalohan .- That position they
yet hold. Nothing has occurred during the
past year to gain for him the admiration or
affection of the people of Cambria county, but
on the contrary, much has occurred to increase
their dislike and excite an irreconcilable hos
tility. Tho 4 Standard' next parades, in large type
plentifully garnished with capitals, what pur
ports to be a communication from 44 prominent
Cambria county Democrats," in reference to
Oalohan The style of the communication
woul I disgrace a Cambria county schoolboy.
-We will nevertheless examine a few of the
falsehoods with which it abounds.
The 44 communication asserts that Oalo
han has the coufidencc of four-fifths of the
Democrats of Cambria county " How did
the 4 communication" find out this fraction V
It is close" cyphering to say that just four
fifths of our Democrats are in favor of Calo
han. Upon what data does he claim four-
ft a n 4 U C.l.. A pr. 1 r. .
.tU, vi uiivk uuus, or iwonitns, or anv nltli
at all ? This absurdity is transparent.
The 44 communication" next says, that a pe
tition was gotten up and signed in Ebensburg
without the knowledge of Calohan -This is
an outrageous falsehood. The petition was
'carried round by one of. Calohan's men, and
special care was taken not to show it to any
body who would likely refuse to sign it. Fur
ther, we are told that many who signed, had
just been elected to office. Of course. Oalo
han is "awful papers" with office holders,
! but not much with the people. Wo mention
ed last week, somi of the misrepresentations
by which certain names had been got down
on paper. These statements we can prove ?.t
the proper p!ace,
The 44 communication" next tells us that
the petition was signed because Oalohan was
.a democrat 44 whose whole energies had been
put forth, and whose influence exercised for
the good of, the party " We suppose that
when the. Democratic party pays a man as
well as it has Calohan, ho may reasonably be
expected to do something in return. Where
were these terrible ' energies " shown ? -
lie did nothing through the campaign but at-
time in making capital for his appointment,
and satisfied the people that he was a mere no
nentity, ap.rfcct bla'u iu point of intellect.
I Where was his whole influence?" Was it in
Cambria county? About 50 men are employed
on thePoitageiu Ctmbi ia, and Calohan cannot
and did not control the political predilections
of five of them.
When Cambria rolled up her tremendous
majority, astonishing alike friend and foe,
considerable' inquiry wa made into the
causes -which had produced the remarkable
result The opposition of course shouted
fraud ! pipe-laying ! ! colonization ! ! ! A
journal in Philadelphia gravely informed the
public that the result was to be attributed to
the exertions of a gontlcmao from Massachu
setts, Mr. O'Brien, who had never even spo
ken in the county ! and new the Standard's
44 comniRoication " would have us believe that
Calohan did it!
In former times, the constant cry of the
oppositloq was that Cambria was kept in the
Democratic ranks, by the patronage and in
fluence of the Portage Pail Road. We were
charged, in the language of .fie Standard with
being 44 Democrats from interest, and not
from principle," "Pail Road Democrats,"
44 bread and butter Democrats," were some
of the pretty names we were called. Even in.
October, just before the State election. Hon.
R. B. McCombs of Lawrence, was brought
here to tell the Fremonters that they could
not hope to do much against the power of that
44 great political machine" the Portage Rail
Road. The Democracy of the county then
pointed with pride to the fact that the terrible
Portage was shorn of its influence an influ
ence which had oftener been used to the injury
of the party and its candidates, than to their
benefit, as some gentlemen now living can
bear stern testimony and Mr. McCombs was
rather taken aback, when shown that the party
in Cambria was in open, marked, and noto
rious opposition to the Supcrintendant of the
Portage, and that the Democratic organs
in the county were his avowed enemies
The heart of every democrat in the county
was gladdened, that we could now show to the
world that we were Democrats from priucijile
and not from interest, as the 4 Standard' in
sultingly insinuates, and that we owed our vie
tories to the intelligence and patriotism of our
people, and the talent and energy of our own
speakers, and we this year doubled our ma
jority, not only without assistance from the
Portage Rail Road officers, but in sjritc of
them. This no man can deny. And yet the
dolt, the blockhead who got up the ' Stand
ard's' 44 communication" would sully the
brightness of our victory, by associating with
it, the name of W. S. Calohan. We ask tho
people of Cambria to take notice of the mal
ice which is but too evident in this "com
munication." The 'communication' finally gets into Wash
ington township, and endeavors tocreate a diffi
culty among Democrats there This is a nice
business for "several prominent Cambria coun
ty Democrats" to be engaged in. . Wc do
think, in all justice, that the democracy of
Washington ought to be let alone. They
have been blackguarded without mercy by
Know Nothings and Abolitionists, and now
after doing their whole duty to their country,
it is rather rough to find 44 several prominent
Cambria county democrats" pitching in' to
them. This is our opinion, but as the democ
racy of Washington township are not much
afraid of a fight, we presume that they will
attend to anybody w?io interferes with them,
in their own way, and from our knowledge of
them, wc do not hesitate to say that Caluhan
or any of his toadies who meddle with them,
may rely upon being put through
We have thus noticed in detail, the princi
pal poi..ts in this " communication" signed
OCRATS," and dated Ebensburg, Nov. 10,
185G. It was published iu Hollidaysburg
whilst the Canal Board were there, and like
the last cards of the opposition on the eve of
an election, it was expected to settle the ques
tion. We have another word in regard to it.
All good men condemn anonymous com
munications and their writers, w ho like assas
sins stab in the dark, and put into circulation
slanders and falsehoods which they are afraid
to avow over their own signatures. The Stan
dard's correspondent, writes in reference
to a matter of public concern ; why not then,
avow himself? What reason for concealment ?
Who does he. fear? It is evident that he is a
coward. Whatever faults 44 Cambria coun
ty Democrats " may have, cowardice is not
one of them. No man here will acknowledge
the authorship of your "communication,"
and we therefore pronounce your attempt to
palm it off as a Cambria county production,
an insult to the people of this county.
Mr. Staudard, your 4 'several Cambria coun
ty Democrats," are men of straw, and your
44 communication is a LI PI, It never was
written in Cambria county, or by Cambria
county men. We dare and defy you to pro
duce their names. We arc confident that the
removal of the secrecy which surrounds the
authorship, will disclose, not "several Cam
bria couuty Democrats," jior even the cargo
inspector at Hollidaysburg, but the counte
nance of the well known levyer of llach mail
for the Standard. We need not mention his
name; he is alreedy mfficicntly notorious.
To us it ia immaterial whether Calohan is
appointed or not, We have the satisfaction
of knowing that Wc have discharged our duty,
and expressed the views of the people of our
county. We know that we have fallen under
the displeasure of the office holders and the
speculators; we have earned - the dislike of
gentlemen in fine linen and kids, with porten
tous watch thains'reaching to thir knees.
Be it so. - We have no sympathies in com
mon with them. It is for the people, and
with the people that we are striving with
the indepencent farmer, the swart artizan,
the toil-worn laborer, tho warm grasp of
whose hard, honest hand, is as welcome to us
as the touch of the eold, clammy fingers of
the aristocratic blackleg is discustin"1 and re
pulsive. Washington' township.
We hope that the opposition are now satis
fied with the conduct and vote of Washington
township, in this county. Much attention
had been attracted to the township, from the
fact that Charl -s Sumner had spent some weeks
this summer at Cresson, which is within the
limits of tho township. Mr. Sumner does
not appear to have made -many oonvcrts in
the township, for the returns show but ten
votes in it for Fremont, bleeding Kansas and
bleeding Sumner.
This township gives a heavier majority than
any country district in the State, The oppo
sition have been awfully ' excited on the sub
ject. Bowman, of the Johnstown Tribune,'
has been trying to cyphei it out. He says,
that on the 14th of October, when the State
election was held, the election board wire all
drunk. A friend at our elbow suggests that
if the' were drunk on the 14th of October,
they must certainly have been suffering under
mania on the 4th of November. One thin"
is clear they evidently had the Buck fever
on that day.
Fiightful tales have been put in circulation
about the fraudulent iucrease or colonization
of votes in Washington. Bowman, Jones,
and the other learned Thcbans, who have been
obliged to give it up in despair, do not seem
to have had correct data on that subject. We
would merely mention that Washington town
ship contains six villages, 1G saw-mills, 3
steam saw-mills, 9 coal banks, 2 breweries, 1
distillery, one stave factory, and that tho in
habitants, for many years, have been actively
engaged in the production of democratic vo
ters. Wc trust that a knowledge of these sta
tistics will clear up the bewildered optics of
the opposition.
We have four districts in this county which
have cast over 1100 majojity for Buck and
Brcck :
Buchanan. Fremont.
Washington - 41 21
Allegheny 344 29
Carroll 2S7 SI
Clearfield 1GG 25
1172 majority.
Can any county in the State beat this ? If
so, let them try our eight districts, which give
over 1400 majority for Buchanan.
Buchanan Fremont.
Allegheny 344 29
Carroll 287 31
Clearfield 1GG 25
Chest 84 . 5
Lorctto 40 2
Munster 133 14
Summit villa 5G 00
481 21
14G4 majority.
This wc arc certain cannot be beaten. Hur
rah for Cambria, the. Star of, the West!
The following is the official vote of this Rep
resentative District :
Representative District.
Reamer, Smith, Sellers, Pringlo
Cambria, 2777 2778 1248 lo49
Bedford, 2304 2295 2170 ' 21G7
Fulton, 944 92G 075 G77
G021 5999 4393 4380
Democratic majority, 1G2S !
The Popular Vote.
The returns from the different States are as
yet necessarily so imperfect that it is impossi
ble to form a very exact idea of the popular
7ote. As soon as possible we shall collect and
publish it complete, but in the mean time we
wish to direct attention to several apparent
features of it.
The Republicans claim great credit for the
vote they received. They boasted some few
months ago of how badly they would beat the
Democratic party, and spoke cxultingly of tho
immense tide of popular sentiment that would
sweep Fremont into the Presidential Chair.
They now boast because their defeat has not
been more overwhelming ; but, after all, their
strength is more apparent; than real.
They set out with the idea of combining
and consolidating tho North in one unbroken
phalanx. Yet with all their efforts their can
didate, Fremont, has not obtained half the
votes of the people of the non-slavcholding
States. He is in minority in the Union, we
judge, of at least a million of votes, and, cl
though he has carried more States than Fill
more, he has received in the nation at large
but comparatively few. if any, more votes than
the latter.
Outside of New England, Michigan, Wis
consin, and perhaps Iowa, Fremont is in a
decided minority in every State of the Union,
lie has a clear majority in but eight, inclu
ding Iowa nine States, polling in all but fifty
six electoral votes out of 296,
Mr. BccnANAN will not fall far short of
having a clear majority of the popular vote
over both his opponents, and he is sustained
by large majorities in both branches of Con
gress. , . .
I Tf ven i-ofror1 'LTnM.. VtV.!n 1 ti i
Republicanism as the main topics of interest
in tho campaign, and consider Fillmobe as
the representative of the former, and Fremont
of the latter, it is curious to note how com
pletely and overwhelmingly these isms have
been rebuked by the American peoplo
Nearly, two-thirds of the vote of the country
has been cast against both of them. The en
tire Fillmore as well as the Bcciianait vote
purported to be antagonistic to Black Repub
licanism, leaving the latter with not much
over one third of the vote of tke country.
On the other hand, if the Fremoxt vote is
counted as antagonistic to Know-Nothingism,
and it is added to the - Buchanan vote, as
against the doctrines of that party. Know
Nothingism is left in a minority of less than
one-third of the popular vote. The two isms
arc, however, so blended in the Northern
States, that they cannot be fully separated ;
but, enough is known to clearly indicate the
fact that the Democratic party, in opposing
both Black Republicanism and Know-Nothingism,
is sustained by the intelligence and
patriotism of an immense majority of the cit
zens of the United Slates. Pennsyhanian.
The Yankee States.
By reference to the results of the election
it will be seen that all the Yankee States arc
against us, and wherever the Yankee element
predominates in other states, the democracy
stands no chance. This is particularly the
case in old Pennsylvania. Wherever the pure
Pennsylvania element is found, there you find
large majorities for Mr. Buchanan. In the
northern stru ta, where Wilmot rules and ruins
you find a Yankee population, and they go for
Fremont to a man. Fanaticism is a rulin
trait in the. Yankee character At the North
he is a raving abolitionist, and when you take
him South, he is a cruel and fiendish slave
driver ! He started at home by puttirrg a boy
in the stocks for laughing on Sundays, and
forbade a man by penal laws, from kissing his
wife on the same day of the week From
this his decendants broke away and became a
denier of the fundamental doctrine of Christi
anijjj From having been a rigid Calvanist,
he turns over to Unitarianism and Univcrsal
isra. He then turns into a transcendentalist,
and then all yankee land runs crazy with spir
itualism, and at length having entirely ex
hausted the religious element of his cha.actcr,
he seeks for something to fill the void, and
takes up temperance and anti-s .a very, and at
last fizzles out by dressing his wife and daugh
ters up in short frocks and long pantaloons !
There has been in other days, something to
admire in these people, but since the revolu
tion they have always been opposed to the
country. They burnt blue lights in the last
war to show the enemy where we might be at
tacked, and in every war since they were in
sympathy with the enemies of the country
Their preachers at the present day preach lit
tle but politics, and- large numbers of them
have thrown aside their clerical "profession,
and are now pot house politicians. Who won
ders that all Yankeedom should go for Fre
mont? Chester Co., Democrat.
Preparations for the Inauguration.
The following gentlemen have been appoint
ed a Committee of the Keystone Club, for
the purpose of making arrangements for their
visit to the city of Washington, to witness the
inauguration of James Blciiaxav, of Penn
sylvania, as President of the United States,
on the fourth of March, 1S57, and also to re
ceive the Young Men's Democratic Union
Club of the city of New York, on their ar
rival in Philadelphia, who will accompany the
Keystone Club as their guests upon that occa
sion. Upon the arrival of the Uuion Club in
this city they will partake of a banquet pro
vided for them. They will be accompanied
by Dodsworth's celebrated band, which, with
Beck's Philadelphia Band, will furnish un
rivalled music. The Committee have charge
also of presenting the Democratic prize ban
ner to the county which is entitled to receive
it. in accordance with the proposition of the
Keystone Club. A meeting of the Commit
tee will be held on Monday evening next, at
the Head Quarters of the Club, for the pur
pose of organization,
John W. Forney, Wm. Badger;
Charles R. Buckalew, Wm. C. Patterson,
George Plitt, James C. Vandyke.
Chas. W. Carngan, John N Hutchinson,
Samuel J. Randall,
Pennsylvania Legislatue.
Philadelphia City Wm. A. Crabbc, Chas. J
is. I enrosc.
WilKam II Witte,
George H- Martin,
Andrew Dehaven,
Edward G. Webb,
William Rice,
Robert W. Wilson,
William Mecscr,
James It. Ludlow,
John M'Makin,
John C. M'Call.
Goorge Megee,
Thomas Graham,
Pierce Butler,
Gideon G. Wcscott,
Francis M. Wynkoop,
Nat. B. Browne,
Albert R. Scholicld,
Edward W. Power,
Charles Worrell,
John B. Rooncy,
John A. Marshall,
John D. Mihs,
James McClintock,
Jeremiah M'Kibben, Geo. W. Nebinger,
William A. Xborpe, John T. Rcilly.
William Sergeant, II. W. Bonsail,
Oscar II. Mott,
George 31. Lautnan,
Wilson Rcilly,
Charles Glantz,
John Hancock,
William Y. M'Kcan, Isaac Leech,
David Boyd, Horace V. Mann,
C. M Stranb,
Henry J. Stable,
S. S. Jamison,
Lewis C. Cassidy,
N. Ilicks Graham,
William Magill,
John Logue,
William ByTely,
Joseph Collins,
Thos. J Timmins,
William C. Rice,
John E. Baum,
John L. Ringwault,
Joshua T. Owens,
Robert F. Bowers,
Col. Sam. W, Black, Philip Johnson,
Andrew Hopkins, Mifflin Hannum,
B. S. Schoonover,
John F. Lord,
Thos. N. Biddlc,
Richard White, .
Joseph B. Baker,
Wm. A.- Stokes,
John Jay Ward.
Benjamin Ihrie,
ilson Lord,
William T. Dougherty
James M. Porter, Jr.,
Henry Welsh.
Victor E. Piolett, v
miivutipuiu county rv j. irunuc, liar i
- --o , "
Montgomery Thomas P. Knox.
Chester and Delaware .Tames J. Leicis.
Berks John C. Evans.
Bucks Jonathan Ely.
- Lancaster and Lebanon John W, KiUin
gcr, Jacofj G. Shitman.
Dauphin and Northumberland. Datitt
Northampton and Lehigh Joseph Lau
bach. "
Carbon James II. Walton.
Adams and Franklin George W. Brewer.
York William II Welsh
Cumberland and Perry Henry Fetter.
Centre Andrew Gregg,
Cambria, Huntingdon and Blair John
Luzerne George P. Steele
Rrad ford JJ. h td Xrgcr.
Tioga Henri Sfintlur
Mercer Glenni W. Scnjjifld.
Erie and Crawford ). A. Finney,
Beaver John 11. Harris.
Allegheny William Wilkins. Eilxavd D
Washington and Greene John C. Flenni
Icen. Bedford, Fulton and Somerset Francis
Armstrong Titian J Coffey.
Juniata James M Sellers.
Westmoreland and Fayette William E
Frazt r.
Schuylkill C. M. Straub.
Democrats in Roman.
Opposition in Italics.
Tlie EJecl oral Tote.
New Hampshire 6
New Jersey v 7
New lork
Rhode Island
North Carolina 10
South Carolina 8
Nov.. 1832 Nov. 18
Pierce. Scott, Cuc'n. Fill'e
Total 254 42 174 8 114
Pierce over Scott, in 1S52 212
lucl;anan over I remcnt, probably GO
House of Hepresentatives.
Adams John Mussulman.
Allegheny Wm. 11. Stercr.son, C. S. Kg
ster, John T. 1 'i ters, J. B. Bach house, A
Voegtly, Jr.
Armstrong, Clarion & Jefferson J. K. Dal
houn, W. M. Abrams, R J. Nicholson.
Beaver, Butler, & Lawrence D. I. 7m
brie, George P. Shatr, A.W. Crairford.
Cambria, Bedford, & Fuhon George N.
Smith, W C. Reamer.
Berks J. Law Getz, Wm. lleins, B. Nu
ncmacher, Michael Jloffumu
Blair and Huntingdon John, 11. Wintrode
John M. Gibbony.
Bradford.. B. G. Babcock, Cullrn F.
Bucks John Maugle, Alex. C. Johnston,
Johu II. Lovett.
Carbon and Lehigh Ilcrmaun Eapp, Enos
Centre John Smith.
Ohetter Dr. 11. V. Dickey, James Pen
rose Pa.rton 1 7 .
Oleartidd, M'Kean and Elk Seth A.
Bach us.
Clinton, Incoming ani Potter J. M. B.
Pctriken, Isaac Benson .
Columbia and. Montour Peter Ent.
Crawford JoscjJi Broicn, Ijeoannrd H'ed.
Cumberland James Anderson, Wm Har
der. Dauphin David Mmnma, John Wright.
Delaware Hiram C'ertr.
Erie, Warcham Warner, Gideon J. Hall.
Franklin Geo rgt Jacopt, John Withtnuc,
Fayette and Westmoreland II. I). Pos
ter, John Faushold, Samuel A. Hill, Peter A
Greene R. K. Campbell.
Indiana . Morehcad.
Lancaster William Hamilton. John A.
Ilclstand, P. W. House her per. Christian S.
A'atiJTmait, Jos. D. Pomioll.
Lebanon C K. Hoffman.
i uzernc Steuben Jenkins. Thomas Smith
Mercer. Venango, and Warr-ii S'tmuil
Kerr, S P Jf 'Catmoitt . Thomas Struthcrs.
Mifflin John Pnrcell.
Monroe and Pike L Westbrook
Montgomery Jos W Hilligas, A W Long
akcr, George Hamill.
Northampton John A Iuuis, Jesse Pear
son Northumberland J II Zimmerman.
Perry Charles C Brandt
Philadelphia city S S Bishop, George T
Thrrrn, Jacob Dock, (Hco 1Z Smith.
Philadelphia county Chas M Leisirigring,
TowDscnd Bearsley, Franklin Mclllvain, C
Carty, Abraham Arthur, John Roberts, John
Hancock, Robert B Knight, John Wharton,
Frederick J Walter, Henry AGildea.
Schuylkill William B Lebo, G A Wagon
seller. Somerset Jonas A ugnstinc.
Susque'na, Sullivan & Wyoming Simeon
B Chase, Alfred Iliac.
Tioga L P Williton.
Union and Juniata Thomas Bower.
Washington J S Yanroorhis, John C
llayncN W Vail.
York James Ramsey, Samuel Mcancar,
Isaac Beck,
Democrats 53 Opposition 47.
Dcm. Opp.
Senate, 15 ,18
House of Representatives, 53 47
Buchanan over Fremont & Fillmore
G5 majority on joint ballot
Pettingell's Pistol.
Wc understand that a company has been
organized with a capital stock of one million
dollars, (all of which has been taken) to man
ufacture "Pettingill's telegraph revolving pis
tol," a new invention, which combines sim
plicity, strength and rapidity of execution.
It is said to be an extraordinary weapon, and
destined to supercede all other revolving pis
tols, and that it adopted by the army
and navy.
It is alleged that this pistol is" self-eocking
an important improvement and thatitcan
be fired six .times in a second and a half of
time. The hammer is enclosed, aud there is
no strain on the main spring except at the
moment of discharge. There are but seven
pieces in the lock, (two less than a market
lock) and these arc so simple that a blacksmith
can repair them.
It has received the commendation of some
of the most scientific officers of the army and
navy. The capital stock of the company is
not for sale. 2iew York Evening 1'ost.
The contents of gun-barrels bring moro
soldiers to their bier, than my other. 5
Cum berland
i awrccce,
lTnion. '
Fremont, Fillmore.
000 (Ky
Total, 000000 000000 000000
Battle Between Mexican War Steamers.
It will be remembered that we published
few days ago, an account of the Mexican war
steamer Democrat being run off from Vera
Cruz by her crew ; her subsequently appear
ing at the port of Coatzacoalcos and forcibly
carrying off the collector of that j lace, togeth
er with the customs specie in his bands, and
the departure of the other Mexican war stea
mer Guerro, from Vera Crux, in Bearch of the?
mutineers aDd their vessel.
A passenger was on the schooner Jovctl
Maria, which vessel arrived here on Wednes
day from Tampico via Campeachy, with spe
cie, relates that wheu arrived at the latter port
the Democrat was there waiting the return of
a boat that had been sent ashore with the Co
atzacoalcos collector. On the departure of
the Joven Maria from Campeachy, the steam
er Democrat started to sea, apparently in pur
suit of the schooner ; but not far out the lat
ter met the Guerro, still in search of the Dem
ocrat. They encountered, and as the schoon
er sped on her way from the scene, her crew
could distinctly perceive the two vessels enga
ged in deadly conflict seeing the flashing of
the guns and hearing their report.
The rext arrival from Campeachy or Vera
Cruz will doubilcss bring us news of the i.vtio
of the fight between the mutineers and their
former comrades.
The Democrat, while at Coatzacoalcos fired
into and sunk a Mexican war steamer, name
unknown, formerly the American steamer
Ben Franklin.. O. Picayune of Oct 31.
XIT A couple named Jerry Better and
Louisa Wells, were married at the Cathedral
in Cincinnati, on Saturday. Louisa was Well
before, but she ia Better now. - -