LOUIS LUCKKARDT VATCII 31.IILLIS, AXDDUiliUK I Mil, WATSHES AEB JIMII rnHE undersigned respectfully - ri citizens ol Johnstown and vicinity 17" that lie fiaa just received Ami is noWsssi opening the largest stuck of Clocks, Watches awl Jcictiry, ever brought to Johntown, vrithoat ex ception, which will bo so!il cheaper than tLc c'uexpest." Hid prices will aluuij be uniform One customer will nut be charged more for the same quality of goods than another. A List of s ino of the articles comprised in the nssorti ieut is annexed. Price may bo ascertouod, sir good examined, at tho Store on Main Stuot Gold Hnuting English Levers, Gold Detached Levers, full jewelled. Gold Lepines. 4 holes Silver E.iglish Lovers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Chains. Gold Vest Chains. Gold Pencils, with Tens G..id Pencils, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Pencils and Vint, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold Eardrons. Gold Karrinr.'s. i r Gold Finger Rings, Gold Cuff Tins, Gold and Silver Watch Keys, Purtruonaics, . Ladies' Fan.-, fancy and plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimbles Plated Tablespoons, best, Ilatctl Teaspoons " Silver Gbavd Chains, Plated and Brittanin Tea Sett. Violins and Bows,' Violin Strings, Ac, Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, G inches. Gold Bracelets, Aecordeou?, Silver ami Plated Spectacles. Sec, Szc, Ac. All sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with promptness and at low rafts. Con fident that be cannot be undersold, the undersign respectfully solicits the confidence and patronage of the public LOUIS LUCKLIAUDT May 14, 1850. 20-tf. The IV sir Ended ! ! 01 IDWAUO ROBERTS has arrived home with J a. l:ir-'t! stock nf choir- 'mula ftvn ta V .u tt-ru cities, which he will dispose of on terms to Miit all customers old as wed as new ones. His stock h;is been selected with great care, which for quality and quantity cannot" bo beat on this Bido of Jordan. The stock consists cf Svrtijn and Auieri- Ticking, can Ltoths. AlaHicas. ylainm Cassimers, Fancy do, Sttinctts, Kentucky Jeans, j icccus. Delaines, AVir Styles, CvLurj Clotis Flack Silks, Fancy Silks Xiw Style of Prints, Vesting of all kinds, Ginahams, viiitt ana JJrav.crs, ( attcces, Cm vats, JIatit Ikcrch ief , Gloves and Hosiery, Flannels. Woohn Plaids Shirting Muslins, Sheeting dv. A largo rupply of JAiD WARE. QUEESS WARE and Gil OCEJUES. Call at tho store of E I. .Roberts if you wish to purchase goods aid at low prices. We consider it no trouble to show our goods so walk in aud judge for yourselves. EDWARD ROBERTS. Lbeusburg, April 23, 1SCG. FALL & WINTER 600D8 RODGERS & JONES HAVE just received and aro now displaying a carefully selected stock of fall and winter goods. Their Btock consists of Dry Goods of every description and quality suitable for the present and approaching seasons. A very hand some assortment of Lroad cloth, Cassimcres. satinetts, JeaDs, Sec, Sec. Keady made clothing! Lawus' Goods Such as fine merinoey, a line assortment cf bilks and woolen plaids, every variety of De Laines, uud silks of every de:rii t:on. l bHA LS An uuusual'y haudsDme variety troche and woolen, of all size, qualities and prices. PH1XTS Foreign and domestic, of evcrv price an I quality. UOOST & SIIOF.S llic very bestsslecteJ st-xk in tho market. HAltmVARR ."t: CUTLERY Builders and Mechanics are requested to call and examine our stock of Hardware, and the attention of house keepers is railed to our cutlery. GHOCF.1UES Their stock of Groeoiies is un usually large, consisting cf sugar, coffee, molas e, rit-c, tea, penper, llbh, and salt. ALSO Paints and dye stuffs, wooden ware, and clocks. In short a full and complete variety of everything either for show or use, that can find its way into a. country store, all of which will be Hold on the most reasonable terms fur case or country produce. They return thanks to their friendu for pa t favors, and respectfully ask a continuance ol tJl-- RODGERS & JO.'E3. Lbeusburg, Xov. 0, 'H. JOHN PARKE'S I' lutstoivu JlaiLlc lVoiXiK, Franklin Street, nearly opposite tie new Metho dist Church, Johnstown, Pa. MONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stone., Man tels, Table, and Bureau tops, manufactured of she most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the Last, w ith tho addition cf carriage. From Ions experience in the business and strict attention thereto, he can assure'the public that all order will bo promptly attended to and the work nuidi ed iu the best an i most handsome manr.er,furnish ed to order and delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grind limes of various grits and sizjs. suitable for fanners and mechanics. Sold by w hoi es;d e i retail. CC7"ior the convenience of persrni re.idin" in tbe cast and north of the county, specimens ruav Useen and ordcts U ft with Stephen Lloyd, ct Ins cabinet warcrooms in Ebensburg. Purchasers ar iavitud to examine stock aid lnce3- fjuue 1'0, 1855. TombStoiifs! 'I'oinls Stonre' Jl 1Cl,iP 'NI:S "M-tfully m" rm; the 7P" c. 1 HS to furnish all kind ot Tomb Stones, of Italian and American M trble manufactured in the lute, t style, and lettered ac cording to any directions. His yard is situated, at the south part of the town, where a large assortment of articles in his line are always kept on hand. From long cxjicricnce he feels coifiln,t l,e ,.an please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to bs pit roiiized by a generous ublic. June 17, ISo.i. DRUG AND MEDICINE STORE. riIHE undersigned would inform his many liicndsin the town and country, that he ha treceivd a new aiul larqs assortment of DliUGS AND MEDICINES. He sdu-it the patronage of the public, and pive the assurance that every kind of orders such ab RECIPES, Ac, prom ply, Wl to lower price as in other stores will be attended to. FREDERICK SNYDER. Jidy20.18oL Tf A ER -L ttei, llof r I li) 111 J. M'DeimitV. GREATEST ATTRACTION ! !! 5" AVE just opened at Tbir old stand; in tho JcJL Borough u-f Klx-iMbiirg, the richest and rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of FALL m WINTER GOODS, ever olkred to the. peojde of Cambria County. Umisal care was taken in the selection of these gcHls, dud care has l.efii taken that nothing with- lit me range ol a Country store, itor any ways near it, but what they can supply to their cus tomers, at leastas cheap us they can bo had in the country. Their stock of Try Good is imprecedently large, cmLracmg Cloths, of every variety and texture, Satiuetts. Cassimeres, Twee.ls, Jeans, &c, &c. Flannels, Sheeting, Shirting, and made up Clothing of every description. A great variety of "LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS of all patterns and at all prices. Lacos, trimmings, gloves, mitts, Ac. Their assortment of hats, caps, boots, and shoes, is compute an 1 unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety j aim quamy. wen selccteU variety of Hard I ware. Cutlery, and nails. Also, Qu-.-eus ware and Glass; Paints, Dye stuffs, DRUGS & MEDICINES, j And all for tale low for cash, or given in ex i change for country prodrce. Giv us a call. j J. MOOHE & SON. j Lbeusburg, Nor. 9, 'o4. i COACH MAffirPilimnv THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, that he has removed bis shop to MOORETOWX, whero he has every faeilily for carrying on a large busi ness, and hopes by using none but the best mate rial, aud employing none but the best workman ho hopes to convince all who will do him the favor to examine his work, that in jK.int of dur ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any similar establishment in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a carriage , " w ill con sult their own interests by giving him a call They arc prepared to supply the following kinds of vehicles, viz : Buggies of different qualities and prices, Bar ouches, Chariottees, one and two horse rockawavR close quarter eliptic and C-Sprmg Coachos Vc-cond-hand w ork of different kinds, &c. maki'n a variety thatwill suit all tastes ami all purses. Repairing done with neatness anil despatch "OMKT UALBKKATir. SEW LINE OF COM'ilES From EbensLurg to Willmore Station ! THE Subscribers having associated themselves together, have put upon the Ebtiibourg a"J Jef ferson Think Road a double Dally Line of Clialsc Co:.c2ies, would say to the Public that thev will spare 110 pains to carry passengers to and "from Willmore Station with all despatch and comfort. &3-Coaches leaving Ebensburg at 7.30 A. M Connecting with train going west at Wilmora Station at 11.83, A. M. Leaving Ebensburg, at 3.15, connecting with train going east at 4.-18, P. M. Leaving Ebensburg, at 5 o'cl'k , P. M., connect ing with train west at 8.12, P. M. Leave Willmore Station for Ebensburg on the arrival of every train, both East and West. The Public may rest assured that there will be a coach al'-ways at the station on the arrival of the cars. THOMPSON & HAMILTON Ebensburg, November 9, '54. Ceo. XV. Todd, TvitU CO.Mt.4D & WALTOX, Importers & Wholesale Dealers in Hardware Catlrry, &c, No. 255 Market Street. Philadelphia. o?nS,t;!nt1 "" haml 11:0 uine Timo , hy Ck s A,,SC". Wm. Mann's, lk-atty's, and llmu s superior Axes, G.nrad & Walton's superior polished Sted Shovels. Darling & Wal drou s Grass and Cradling-Scythes. Common and 1 ateitt Scvt.ie Snaths. Putf.r. n....... i:.... r - j - viviucn 1 till-. a-C. &c, which hey oOer f.,r sale cn reasonable terms! io luuuiij- uu.tiers only. January lo, 18oo. Peter MctlougU, JUSTICE OETHE PEACE and SCRIVENER, CJ?arfiC'J township, Cumbria county, Penna. Cohections and other businc's will be'promptly attenaeo to. 1 J M3 ?. i?5L J S5 KVAKS. IVAJI ETASS. BieUJoKf,. A Change Few Firm! milE rUitLIC ARE 1IEREEY IXFOIHIED 1 that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Evans, John Hare, Evan E. EvHns and Hugh Jones, has bven dissolved. Mr Hare retiring. The firm aa it now stands will c-mtv on the burmess in all its various branches at the old stands. Hie 'lanncry will bo under the su permlendanco of John Evans at the old tand ormcrly owrd by J. Moore. The SKo.making busmcs.-, will be carried on as usual a few doors east of Snyder's Hotel iu all its branches The highest market prices will bd paid in cash for hides. Chcitnut and Hemlock Bark i trade They have constantly on hand a large assort ment of l rcnch calfskin, Men and Women' Mo rocco Btx.ts and Shoe, and are prepared to exo cut work on the shortest notice. Being practical workmen themselves, and twin none but tnc very best materials they arc conli dent they can execute work as well and as cheap as any establishment in the country. April 30, 185C-27tf. John . Ketigr c, Manufacturer and Dealer in all Kinds of Cigars. SnnlT, Chewing and Leaf Tobaeco. Honteom- C cry St. . Hollisdaysburg, Pa. g Constantly on hand, a fine and wcll selected ttock of Sj-anh. ami half Spanish ci-ars at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to be what they are represented. J August 8, ISC5. ly. C IV. Wluirard. ATTORNEY AT 1 .4 W zur.xtnvBo, r.. VTrlLL practice in the several Gmrts of Cam 1 V bna, Llair, Himtinglon. Indiana and Clear Held county. Office one door west of Dr Wm LeiiK n s. CO-AIfo Agents f.-.r the sale of Lands' in Cam"! Una and adjoining Counties. OAlso Agents for the Union Fire Insurance I II Tilt. 1 W Company. March 20 18u6. ltXCIIAKD JOXES, Jnstice of the Pea. rw.v W inVflS0", Vr."mly a collections en- tnu.tc.1 to nw care. Qfiiee. adjoining uwoiini'' ' o July 21, 18.-2. tf. fillTE P. cans. and Dried Fruit, fr 6ale J. 21'Dermit's. at i T ADES and Children's Shoes and G.vtcrs at f . J. M'DERMIT'S. j GROCERIES, CaridierNu" and Crack cV ! d M'DcTruit'a. TKE A Human Life Saved. Dowauiac, Mich., March 11, 1856. J. A. RHODES, Esq. : Dear Sir As I took your medicino to ell on consignment, no euro no pay," I take pleasure in stating its effects as reported to me Dy three brothers who live in this place, and their testimony is a fair tpecimeu oi all I have received : W. S. Cosklin told me " I had taken nine bottles of Christie's Ague Balsam, and continual ly run down while lifting it until my lungs and liver were Congested to that degree that blood discharged from my mouth and bowels, so that all thought it impossible for me to livo through another chill. The doctors to did all they could for me, but thought I must die. Notning'dkl me any good until I got Rhodes' Fever aud Ague Curo which at ouce relieved wc cf the distress and nausea at my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a pcrmauent cure in a I snort time." H. M. Conklix says : "I had been been ta king medicine of as good a doctor as we have in our county, aud taken any quantity of quinine aud sjiecifics without any good result, from 25th August to 17th December. But seeing how nice ly it operated on my brother, I got a bottle of RHODES' FEYEli AND AGUE CUUE, which effected a permanent cure by using two thirds of a bottle." S. M. Con klin was not here, but both the other brothers say his case was the same as II. M's. I sold the medicine to both the same day, and the cure was as speedy from the same small quantity and I might so specify, Yours with respect, A. HUNTINGTON. The above speaks for itself. Good proof as it i, it is of no better tenor than tho vast number of like certificates I have already published, and the still greater amount that is continually pour ing in to me. - One thing more. Last year I had occasion to Caution the Public in these words : ' I notice one Jinn tcho have t.i!;cn one of my yeneral circulars, substituted the name of their nostrum for my medicine, and then with brazen impudence end their jxtmphlet tcith the exclamation, Ltt the proprietor rf any other medicine say as much if he dares." Ore. Now I take pleasure in saying that the Cau tion referred to. the same "Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam " that is mentioned in the above cer tificate. There are several other industrious people who are applying to their poisonous trash all that I publish about my L-vx-r and Ague Cure, or Anti dote to Malaria, except the Certificates of Cures, and tbe Certificate of tbe celebrated Chemist Dr James R. Chilton of N. Y.. in favor of its per- fectly HARMLESS CHARACTER, which is at tached bi every bottle. These will always serve to distinguish my medicine from imitations. JAS.A. RHODES, Proprietor. A pril 2C, 1 85fi. 3m. Providence, R. I. For sale by Druggists generally. FASHIONABLE CliOTMNB EMPORIUM. SPRING Si SUMMER CLOTHING. BEAT ATTRACTION at the New Store sJT of Evans and Hughes, one door above the Store room of Shoemaker & Clark, where the sub scribers are at present receiving and opening a large and excellent assort men ol" fashionable Heady Made Clothing of the latest and most approved styles, which for cheapness and durability can not be excelled by any similar establishment in the county; not wbh'ng to brag, but what we say we wbj make good c r take the water. Every article in the cloth ing lint will be kept on hand, viz: sumer Coats, Sack Cctts, Drop do.; Pants, Vests, Cloaks, Sec, all of the latest styles. Cloths, Cass'tmeree, Satinets, Vestings, of aU colours and stv Our Department of BOYS CLOTHING promise a much more extensive selection than usual. We flatter ourselves that we shall be able to furnish garments suitable for all c'asses, fitted up in fcuch a manner, and on such terms that shall disarm all competition ; we therefore ask a liberal share of the public patronage. EVANS JL- HUGHES. Juno 4, 'SC. CEOBGIi HCXTLCV, TTIioIcsalc and Uctall, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturer. ESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of Eb HV ensburg and tbe public generally, that he has purchased the Tin Shop, formerly carried on by Messrs. Davis, Evans & Co., and will contin ue to carry on the business iu all its various branches, wholesale and retail. His wares will be made of the very b?st material, and in the most workmanlike manner. Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest notice, for cash. ALSO, 2 louse Spouting made and put up to order on. the lowest terms, for ca.fh. Also on hand and for sale, a largo assortment f C ook and Parlor stoves, for coal or wood, Di ning room stoves, Egg stoves, Ac. Also a large assortment of grates and fire brick, for Cooking stoves, Coal buckets. Shovels pikers, smoothing irons, Ac. &c., aU of which will be sold low for cosh. Tin-shop and wareroora iu part of the buildin" formerly occupied by Stephen Lloyd as a cabi net wareroom, and opposite Geo. M'Canu'a store. 0AH orders promptly attended to. E'.ot.iburg.May 7, 185G. 28ly Kew Firm. TAYLOR &, JONES, rilHE subscribers would respsctfully inform the JL citizens of Ebensburg and the surrounding vicinity, that they have entered into partnership for the purpose of giving full satisfaction to all mankind and iu the way of giving fits, they may be found at the old establishment formerly occu pied by B.ynon and Jones, immediately opposite the store of Geo. McCanu. The public may rest assured, that all work entrusted to their care will be made in a workmanlike manner, and at the tune- promised. Garments will be cut according to the latest fashion. A. II. TAYLOR. . , JOHN JONES. Ebensburg, March 6th 185G. Cusubria'C'otmty, ss. 11 E COMMON WEALTH 01 PENNSYLYA- rc-ii-V .XI A TO James R-rrt.;iiA A T - 41 I J.IA..W T Zr Jane SninrrilU . 1 -A. x- 4.1 1 r . "., v'"tc,arrieu wiin i i?r HHShc"' n.ow dcilJ.) lvid Somerville, and .lliam Somerville heirs and representatives cf David Somerville, late of Sasquehanna town ship, deceased Greeting : You and every of you are hereby cited to be and appear at an Orphans Court to be held at Eb ensburg m and for said county on the first Mon day of September next, then and there to answer to a certain petition made by Richard Ashcraft for the specific performance of a contract made between the said Richard Ashcraft ami said David Somerville deceased in his life time, for a certain piece or parcel of lana situate (then) in Susque hanna township, now Chest township containing one hundred acres stint measure vtc. Ac And herein fail not. By the Court. Wm. C. BARBOUR, CPk O. C. Attest JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg Aug. 2, 1S5C. St. T M. SUTL1FF would again'inform the citi ' fenf of Ebensburg and a the rest of mankind, that be will a?nin ti.;- a large collection of Books at the noit twm U December 25, 180. KEJIOVAL! PAUL GRAFF, MAXCf ACTL'ItEIt AND WHOLESALE DEALER IJJ BOOTS, SHOES, STRAW GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, Mrc!,0tbl8D5. rillLADELPniA. LOCiAX uoiSE. CORPORAL JOHN KIEFFER. "tf MrOULD respectfully inform his old friends T T and the travelling public that he has leas ed the Logan House, Hollidaysbnrg, and is pre- r...w .vIWIUimUOmaV ,aVor jiim .j tlieir patronage in unobjectionable stvle. The HOUSE has been newly furnished turn out 111 a style not surpassed by. any establishment J:Z V.lU,,r vf,thc. Stat' TABLE will ahvajs bo supplied with aU the snltantials and uelicacies of the season, and attended by atten tive Krvants. In a word, no pains will be spared to make the Logan a first class house, and noth ing will be left undone to render its guests com fortable and happy. The STABLES, which are extensive, will be at lby ,,onest faithful hostlers RESTAURANT. The basement is occupied as a Restaurant, where meals will be served up at all hours of the day. together with oysters wild game, fish and all the delecacies and refresh ments of the season. JOHN KIEFFER June 4, 185G.-32tf. l'ulilic Sale or Valuable Iroperty. THE undersigned will tt!l at private Bale his well known property situated in Susquehanna lownship, Cambria county, it ioiris the farm of W m. Glass, about 15 miles from Ebensburg. The Susquehanna and Ebensburg Plank Road, passes through tho-farm. The following are the improve meuts, a new Saw Mill in gxd running order 4 Dwelling Houses, the one iu which ths subscri ber resides is a large building, having all the ne cessary conveniences attached a large Bank Barn. 100 feet long by 40 wide, Graneries, &c, C Coal Banks within 80 rods of his residence and immediately on the Plank Road 400 acres of excellent farming hind, with a large quantity of Pine Timber, together with 150 acres of tim her leave all the land lays on the Susquehanna river. Persons wishing to examine the property can call on the subscriber at hi residence. Term's will be made easy to suit purchasers, as he is de termined to leave for the west. , ISAAC GIFFOKD March 10, 1856. rilollidaysburg " Standard." will please copy mouths and charge this office, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Cojjer, :s4 Saeet-Iron Ware. ,. M A NUF AC TOR Y. Canal Strot, Johnstown, Pa. MnilE subscribe respectfully informs his JO. ineiKls una the public generally , that he has aea'tii coiunjenetn.1 tl of Tin, Copper 'and Sin et-Iron Ware in all its branches, at the old stand, where he will he pleas ed to see all who want any article in his line Feeling grateful for past favors, he hope:, bv strict attention and fair dealing, to merit and re ceive a liberal share of patronage. The Cash System he has adopted, as he hates to dun. and long credit takes the profits. Merchants purchasing bills of Ware, woulif do well to call and examine prices and quality, which will be found superior to any offered in tho cities sast or west. All orders from one dollar to five hundred filled with promptness and dixpatch. Price List sent to merchant, if requested. Ware-rooms on Canal Street, one door below the Collectors OSice. F. W, HAY. J.jhnst-wii March 5th 1858. COOKING STOVES. Large Oven, Etna. Iron City, Complete Cook, Diamond, and of Brad cy's celebrated Stoves, for sa'e at Manufacturer's retail prices, by F. W. II AY- SEATING STOVES, Radiator, Fhu-a, Frank- Iiu, Carbon, Parlor, and all Parlor or R.iotn Stoves madt in either city furnished l w for cash F. W. HAY INERS' LAMPS, Tinware, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, cheap for cash an Canal Street by F. W. HAY. s POUTING, Roofing and all kinds of Job work done promptly at cash rates, by F. W. II AY. ALL who want a first rate Stoves, chap Tin ware, or any Kitchen utensil will Cill with the cash at the Ware-rooms of V. Y. HAY. JUST received at thestoro of EDWARD ROB ERTS. LO0O lbs Cod Fish. 10 half Brls Herring, and 10 half Brls Mackerel; Feb. 6, 1855. BLANK Summons, Subpoena's, Executions, Tavern Petitions, Bonds, Ac. For sale at this oCice. . ITew Wholesale Dug Store HI. SPCXGER THOMAS. NO. 2G SOUTH SECOND ST., rillADELFIIIA. I M PORTER, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Qfs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French Stuffs, and American White Zinc, Window Glass. Glass ware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usu ally kept by Druggists, Including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, Arc. All orders by mail ot otherwise prom ply atten ded to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock beforo purchasing else where. Goods sent to any of the Wharves or Railroad Stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 12, 1850. . OEXTISTIIY. . A. J. JACKSON, Surgeon Dentist ...til 1. e i . mi win oeiounu at laompsou's aionnt---CILjC7 .iin House, wbrrn Vi r:iTi lm fonrwl the third week of each month. Office in Johns town nearly opposie tVi O'.xsbria Iron Store. EbensVi.' Z 1856. Fanner's Look to your Interests!! I com -Tlth Goods to Clothe you.lt : THE uiidersigiied would respecfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and farmers of the surrounding country that he has arrived with a large STOCK OF DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, consisting of plain and fancy Cassiuets a large variety of Jeans, Linscys; liarred and riatn Flannels, Blankets, Coverlids and Baize. The above goods will bo exchanged for wool on low terms, and if the goods arc not desirable tho mar ket price will be paid in Cash. April 23, 1856. JOS. G WINNER. I. O. O. F. ' iSN1 Highland Lodge No. 428 meets every ptWEDNESDAY evening at their Hall r ?maker & Claik's building. K f( ortcd pieces of Stono AVare, just re J VFceivcd at tho Cheap Stnre of E. KorERrs. OF" THE FIRM OF DORSEY 8l DOUGHERTY, WII0LES-LE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO & SEOAKS, IVo. 11 Kortu Firth Street, 1'liJla. . "fMILL be happy to receive the orders of his wuuiry iric-mu, and as many . others as may favor the firm with a call. They will al ways find a full and select assortment of tho best brands of tobacco and segars, which will be sold on favorable terms. Septcruler 5, 1855. REMOVAL! The undersigned having removed to the new building two doers west of the old stand, would respectfully inform his customers and tho public generally, that he has lately added to his former supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hand a full supply of Staple and Taney Dry Goods, Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's tools, Smith's tools. Nails, a full" supply 0 assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. Stoves and cast hollow-ware constantly on hand Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale and retail. Pine, Puplar and Cherry Lumber bought end sold. Goods will le sold at the very lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country Produce. E. IIUGI1ES. Ebensburg, March 15, 1855. NEW GOODS. FIRE! FIRE!! FiaE zt f THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he has removed his stock of merchandize since the lute "kirk." to the room formerly occupied by Kane & McColgan, where he has just received and open ed out a large lot of Spring and Summer Goods, which were selected with an eye to the wants of this community, and will be sold "lower thau the lowest," for cash or approved country produce. JOHN M,COY. Jefferson, June 6, 1S55. PANAMA, Leghorn, Empire, Magyar, Palm, and in fact every variety and style of fashion able Hats, for tale cheip, at JOHN M 'COY'S. I AD1ES DRESS GOODS, Lawns, Bareges, Silks, L Chillies, Swiss, &c, cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. S ALT, Nails, Oils, Fish, S:c., very low at JOHN M'COY'S LADIES, Muses', and Cbiidrens gaiters, a fine variety, at JOHN M'COY'S. A LARGE lot of Ready Made Clothing of almost every quality, cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. A ER large stock of Boots and Shoes, uncom monly low, at JOHN M'COY'S. r)ROVN and Bleached Muslin from 7 to 14 cts. 0 per j-ard, of a g od quality, at JOHN M'COY'S. YOUNG HYSON TLA 50 cts. per pound. Rio Coffee 8 pounds for one dollar, and other Gro ceries in proportion, at JOHN M'COY'S. FORKS & RAKES, Scythts & Snaths, Shovels & Hoes, together with a general variety of Hardware, very cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. N B. Pe.sons having accounts with the sub-scriln-T of over C months standing, are reipifsted to call and settle them. JOHN M'COY'. Jefferson. June C. 1S55. Dr. Charles Walters. FFF.RS his services to the citizens of Sum- t'ce of Medicine and Surfer v. He may be found at all times when not pro fessionally engaged, at. his office in the building occupied by August in M'Cor.n-yll, and immedi ately opjMi.sitc Farrcn's New Store, or at the Mansion Houe of James M. Riflle. O.Ubcr 10, 1855. SI. II. MAItl'LE. E. C. Si.CI.L HK. J. PATTOS T1IOVPSOX. larpie, McClurc & Co. JE have this dav associated with us, J. Pattn lhompson. llic Stl! of the tirm will lie Marple. McClure fi: Co. The Business of the old firm will be a.ti'ed lv tlie i:ew. M.M. MARPLF, K. C. McCLURE. PlIILAMLriilA. January 9, IS.'B. XOTlt'E. THE undrrsignnl having disposed of their btock and busiiuss t4 Win. II. Gardner A: Co., would herebj- notify all ersous indebtoil to them by note, book account or judgment, that the same must be paid immediately. The biks will be left at tlie old tand until the loth of February next, where thoe intertstel will do will to cal'. G. L. LLOYD i CO. Jefferson, Jan. 9, lS5o. Having purehaetl the tork, g.Kul-will, Ac. of G. L. Lloyd & Co., we will continue tho Dry Gootls, Grocery and Variety business at their old stand. The highest prices will be paid for Lum ber, Grain and Produce ccnerallv. - WM. II. GARDNER & CO. Jefferson, Jan. 9, 185C. . Doctor 011 Fits. LEWIS BE YN ON Tailor and Decorator of the outward Tabernacle 01 JSlansina. H AS removed his shop to the west end of town, a few doors west r.f tlm '-41 Foundry, where irentlemen and their Ki.n will hnu it to their advantage to call on tho sub scriber, and get their clothing fashionably made up and to fit in a style impossible to be excelled by any ether establishment iu thec&uuty. Efcesburg, March 6th lSoG ' Positively the East Xotlce. THE undersigned takes this method ot inform ing persons who nre indebted to him, that he has placed his books in the hands of Esquire Williams for collection. Those knowing them selves indebted will do well to square their ac counts in two weeks from the date of this adver tisement and save costs. After which time all persons not complying will be sued. MORRIS PATE. June IS, 1836 Cabinet Ware-Room. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of furniture, Tools, &o of Stc nhen Llovd Jr.. wonhl ru!niur..Ti.. .- 1 r . Liuu f in form the citizens of Ebensburg, ami vicinity, that he will manufacture all articles of Furniture to 1 V. . i . , A 01 001 oil tnc iuosl reasonable terms. The stock now on hand is large, consisting of TABLES, B.URE A US. STANDS, BEDSTEADS CRADLES, &c. &c. All articles manufactured in the establishment w ill be finished in a worktnanliko manner, employ ng none but experienced workmen. ROBERT EVANS, 8s Co. Ebensburg April 2nd, 1S56. HO SB OK TKMPRAXCE. Zrs Hichland Division. No. fii Son tf Totv perance meet at their Hall every SATUR DAY' eircTxm;, 2 doors below Bl&ir'i Hotel. MAGEHAJf JtTXXBAY, JM'aaY- AT TO R XE YS A T L A W Ebcnibnri, P ' OFFICE No. 2, Colonnade Row." near u, Court House. December 7, 'ol ly K. HUTCIIIASOIV, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebnbar, Pa., XV'ILL practice in the several Courts of Cam T T bna, Blair and Indian counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to his care will I promptly attended to. V tr Cieo on Maiu street", adjoining hu JwUio iioufce. Ebensburg, July 1 18o2 26 Sm.o GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam .bna and Westmoreland countiw. Office m the Centre St., aJjoinin- Gen. McDoa ald's dwelling. Jan. 15. ISol. ly. CYI1LS E. 1CUS1IIXGV Attorney at Law. Johnstown, P. o FF1CE on Clinton Street, in the Second Sk rv of Good V,rAU..r' 5,.. r.....- January SO, 1S51 -ly. ABRAHAM HOPELIX, Attorney at L?.w Johnstown OFFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors noriii of the corner of Maiu and Clinton Aprd 23, 1S2S. M. GEOKG11, Justice of tic Peace, foot of f laae No 4. A. P. it. . "VyiLL attend promptly to all collection v rXr U" tire' V' ih 1 ost Orhce, July 2S, isr2.. Mr. Geo. 15. fielly, OI FLRSLis professional sei vketo the citi zens of Jeffers..!! and viduitv, in the prac tice ot Medicine and Surgery. Office next ihK.r to Mn Lvtio' Store May 20, 185:J. K. I.. JOUXSTON. . c ...... JOllNbTON&MCLLIN; Coiinsilh-r; and At-' J torneys at Law. Odice oppo.iic the Cv.urt Hoil-i , Ebensburg, Pa. Nov. CO, 18GL rr Or. Henry Yesiiri- - . -1 y XTaCtlSic.S' Phvtician Tv,n.t- T- O t i lth next door to in lrn St..r.. of Main and Bedford utnt u. ' Johnstown, July 21. 18o2. nil. Ravlsi. Lloyd, AVING forme.1 a j.artnership in th canti'o Business. w..nl.l r.i..-.tf,.n . . tiie patronage ol their friends and the public gen erally. Call and see us at tho old stand of . Davis. April 20, 1?.',2. - ' . . A I.f. lierson.4 iiul.-l.t.l . it n C,, . r - i. Murray, or Geirrc Mumv ;., i wu , u i v v . l-y not.hed. that tLe .lotes and accoui.ts if i,l lirms 'nave len Rued in our hands for co'dei tio.,, and that, unless pa mimt le madu iu.mcdiatcly! suits will be brought to t-n force it. JOHNSTON a MULLEN. April 11, 18Z5. tf. I'artiicrsnip A"oSif7c7 Tffl HE subscribers have entered into aeopartuwr--B. ship, under the firm of JOHN Ii. SAVAG1 & CO., for the general Manufacture of Chemical JOHN R. SAVAGE. A. M. A R, WHITE. Office No. 14 north FRONTS treet. PhiUocpl.ia, Jan. 4, fnllF. i-.otes and accounts of the late Srm ot 1 Robert Davis & Co., an 1 Davis. Evan A. C-o., having lfwii kft with the Kubs.riber for collec tion, all j ers..ns indebted to cither of ttie aid firms, are hereby requested t. cadi aiw? make pt ment on or it-fore the first day of Mar, next, ' suits will be instituted afu-r that time." JOHNSTON A MULLEN. April 11. l$f.5. Conrinausla Ilott 1. rjnilE subscriK-r wou respectfully inform hi J numerous frieud aik! th public genera'lv, that l.e h.i-! en cted a .r;-e ami eniumotiioiis Ht' TEL at CONEMAUGH STATION Cambria coun ty. The II u e is situated near the I'tuii'a R. R. E ery arrangeint nt has l,eeii matle to ln.-iko it a convenient stopping place for the travelling pol lie. The Tal-le will le funddml with the ir the marliet will arVcrJ. The Bar will contaiti li quors of the Urst brands, in fat t nothing will l lft undone to rem'er it - ne .f the most desirable stopping places iu Caml-na county. GEO. EICHENSUIER. September 19, 18.r5. EBENSBURG FOUXDRY- HA ING purchased the rntire stock and fix tures ol the EU-usburg Foundry, the sub-scriU-r is piepareil to furnish farmers "and others with 1'Iouprltn, riougli Point, Stoves. Mill Irons, Tlircklilug .Machines, and castings of any kiud that may be needed in the community. , By strict attention to the business of the cou cern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will reeeiva a liberal patronage from those in want of article in his line. All business done at the Foundry. EDWARD GLASJ. March 22, 05-tf. CAMBRIA HOUSE, JEFFF.nSON, CAMBRIA COUNTY", PKjfJf. , THE undcrsiguetl takes ileasurt in informiu his friends and tho traveling public, that has leased the Cambria House, and having made much improvement in its interirr, ho foels conn dent that he will thereby be enabled to render comfort and satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. His fast and superior MAIL LINE OF ST PES will always be in readiness to convey naWu.1 gers io and from the " TENN'A. RAILROAD STATIONS to his home, aud also leaving direct after ti c ar rival of Hie trains by a good Plana Road to Ebcns burg. CO- He will ever 1 happy to accommodcte Lis old friends and acquaintances that will favor hm with a call.- JAMES D. HAMILTON. Jefferson, April 0, 1854. XEW BLACK SMITH SHOP. jflRUE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens ot JLbensburg ana the vicinity that he has rented the SMI Til SHOP formerly occu pied by Michael McCague, whert he intends to carry on the BLACKSM IT JI ING in all its branch es. Persons entrusting wort to his care can ret assured that it will be proaiptly attended to and at moderate rate. He would also, inform the citizens that the business of HORSE SHOEING willbe superintended by himself personally. Owners of valuable horses will not be under tho necessity o sending their stock to a neighboring village, as hit eiperieac in this hne is widely known. ISAAC SINGER. . Ebensburg, A pril 9, 1 85