Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, July 09, 1856, Image 1

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    :.i "
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. 1 ,
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0 J i
... --- -i - -
: c ci.'ttivlt '
1 ud verv Wednesday nioridh:;, in Lbensburg,
IV I lli.l m i-. L is t 1 1 -' i L
i; : vayabria Go:, Fa:, at ,J I 60 per annum, if i.ud
..I. AiVA.NCE.'if uot $2 will be charged. ;
JlI V JiT I S EM U NTS will-be conspicuously fn-
r .,"eYted .at the following rate, via; ::-r:V '
"'" I Bou.ire 3 insertions, ... ..: .... - , $1 00
' Rrrv subsequent insertion, . '.' ., ,.: 25
5 I'nquare S months'," ; . .'. 00
ir.'j ..".: : i v '."4 00'
12 00'
15 00
00 '
iNSUilF.3irttu.rhitl .Huiiuiu's. .Stoics. Mer--haiiv
Fst.rtu rioj:erty, and other utl,!tg..
th:r ein'tjt. - , . ;
. ,:' 3JIRECTOS5.';.
Jiov'ToBV J. rEAB'.r.'f Ion. ff C. TIarvet,'
Jcbx H. Utvi :';-;T. T. Ar.RAvs.
rtAts A. AIatek., iH. K.; Jai kSias,'
C.'uARf.MS C:tIfT..,f i 7hitk,-i
i'sraa IM'-Kso.v, wTi-!ms Kiroi.KNV, : .
. , . Hon, ii.C. HAIlViVr. Ties:
. . '' tu.iMs., i'rr.
iTi'.'rv. li -inan.-M.
(Win. Vandeiliel!
! Win: I'ehron. '
J)r. !S. Cm furd,; I
A. .irpdegr.ilT t -
-.liiiue Armstrong,,.-,;'
l A. Mdckrv,"
A.' White,
Jacnns Quiir.e'r, ; '
iohn W. M.ivuanl, , SiL-ioa Oameron.'ll-iii. Win
J. C. N'dON, AoC!;t.
; Ho ! 1 this Way for Bargains ! !
HfiH m uiiu. nun . ai. .lam ium
Till Hii.lerbi..'ed Wohld V;speetf'il!!y .)iiiun:i the.
j.v.T rtrirens t.i Ebe.tnV an.l the sirroufl-"
iui; vioinirv. that c Ims just received frm the
Crtt one of-th.5 m'ist eluAcc H "Vx?s ever
r-iivit to this place.' (The 2 8c6ck'is v;iricd, and;
wlo.:ted with .u e;eJo, J.I5. .iiraneli;ite wants ..1'
fhe pnh'j.'. His stock jCoimj'N of. tliG followii :
'-m' Dre Goo-Ax. ainii j vhi'-h Kill be Jotitnl ...
'!ntr?,. .,.,.
yuihvv do. ,
Kcntue"kr Jean?,'
Fancy Vesting, ;
Shirts of all kinds
I'lain j!ovc5, ..
F.ncjr d.
Ala'pacar'.!'''' '
lLck -filkP. : '
3"aucy do.
iBIeaehcd 31nslln.
i"iil-leachcd do.
f alicocK,
ftinltainH, . .
Together with tn inn'i'n
bie assortment of 'ar'-'i
vhv not menfio-'l. i:u:illy kept in -a. uoniitry
mtorti. T!i"-.e gHi.-!- will !?. K"!d sit lair "prices.
"Vi and fxariiinc, vii ifyou do i t wish t j:i:V-
hre. : ' ' ' :.....:
M I I. I ( i li: K V r.OODS. .
.(.,! ., !,'r.fV',','ri,'(ii)).s' l-:ver y-;
. v - .-k 1 j .i - , - v'
,-liri, i: C' hu.-'.ve ti n !i:nd, and
m'.W W-'v in rcccit of the Litest styls
tt JS OS SKI'S, '.for old an I young. llli!I'$
oi vrr pattern and color, LACKS, EDitTSU,
A teautil'ul ass .rtiuTit of JlOl'iSfS(t Gool8
'tV'W oa h.aiifl, and at prices t,.siiit ti? tij(ierj -Ladle
arc .respectfully invitel to call .and ex-v-uinc
this sto; k wLlch is far ahoad of a:' goods
a :n ltlar Stind tuouirht to tin's jlac. .
" ''v ii:oRGi: M'CAXNV
X"i'no''T'c:, April 23. lii'. ' '" t "
TMUK subscribers would resp.-ctluliy nil.nin the
JL ntizens'of F.b.-iisbu'rg a. id Mo n-tiuMing
v isjitv, tlmt hev nive enternl hit" partners:. ip
t r the purpose of giving full satisfaction
to all
: itikin.t aiMl in the way ot giving liti. tliey may
b iound at 7the old establislnnent foriu"rly oecu
l i.-'l iv JieVUou ua I .(ones, inunediatei v opp.rf5
uitUrot Ciwv, JLei.iut). 1 ne puoiic inay rest j ..
. - .... .... 1 .- 1
CicV Me(.iut).
abjure I, (11.ll ail oik. eiuriiso-u 10 men care w 1.1
. . - t 1
r made in a workmai.nke manner, and at the
tJiin pi-omi-ed. tiannents wiil ie cut according
i t'h'c latt faehiou:' . ' .
A. U. TAYLOi:'.
,101 in j(;i:s3. !
Erxiiti.burr, March oth l-j i. ' '
" 1 - .
raimcrN Hok to Sour iMtcrsU!! f
I come witu tiooa to Cloti.e youii; , i
H K iiwiUtsi-'IIcI Wollkl riliecltlllV llttomi the !
I citizens t.t l.bensuurg, auu . Jai iners oi tiie j
.. .. I- .1... i... i ...;...i .. '
iirroUUU.UlJJ COUIlirv Ulilt ill- liia uiiom uu .
Urge STOCK Or lOJll-ifOatliV OOVJ'if,
i insisting of pl.iiu- am; laucv- C.tSaiueUfa large
Tai;ii-ty of Jeans j'JAiiiH-.ys, JJtirre.1 'ami J'l'im
jri'tnivls, Jilnnlcels, I 'ic rli1s a)iC Haize. . Tho
bove gixHls will lie exchanged fr wooKn kV
-rm.s.' ami if tbe do:lv nrn'iiot Ji.iir:itil tiie mar-' f n
et price wiil bo paid in-Cadi. . -r . : - . v, 4
April J5V185S.. :, .; .l)r. GWINNEIi. (
-1 lVliolesale ami lletail, '
Ti, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Warn Manufactnrer.
KKSrECTFULLY iufonns the citiz, us of. Kb
ensUirg ami the' piiblio geniTatlj-, that he
has purchased the Tin Shop, formerly carried on
by Merii.';,DavisEvau9 ix Co., and w ill contin-
e o carry on tho busiuess in all its- variou?
branches, wholesale and retail.; His, wares. will
made of too very, host . material, and in tho
most workmatdlke manner. Repairing of all
kimls dono on" the shortest notice," fur'caxi.- .
ALSOi :2fouse Spotitibg made and put up to i
nr on tue lowest terms, for ea.vr.
Atvj; on hand and forrsale,a targe assortment
of Cook arid I'arlor etoves, for coal or wood, Di
ning r ;a gtoyes,, Kgg stoves, &c,.! 'I i "j u- -.
Alsi a large assortment .of grates-. and fire
hrick, for Cooking stoves Cjal buckets., SlioveU
rkere1 wVjOiing', irAos, e' Ac:, all of wiiieh
will behold low f.r tabh.--''l;kJ-'''..v::' ' ' V '
Tin-Hhup and wareroom ihp.irt of the "bunding
formarly occapied by SWphcri Ltoyd ak; a c?bi-n-twareroom,
ami opposite Geo. l'Ginn'B etore.
ZAW orderr promptly attended Uv; :
.... .,r;, .HIV Ijir.-ir,,-
' f V-M-WV " 1 1 I i' '!"r 1 -rf,!
i(S HIE. suosirmcr Jms usiretentu iun
; m r - - . - . .
' -
' sunniv of FAMILY I'llOVISlO-NS,
cupid'as i'oVmJry wartruom, aad is; prepared
5 tn fnrnm i t he sinu to cuslonars ai raiea h iv
.s th lovvet Jli fct H'k 5s pf the: cry Lest, ..and.
ct.jislsts of -every, item the provision line, yiz:
JStrtK-rt'vr CJt e Flo'r,, Corn Meal in Ixirrti ot
' - ' i"jt ,S-A-, JJums, yStotdtlert',: and Sicj
t . o?' 'l fct uds SaLivit , Quid t jy.i'i-;
. "' "' " Mickervll lfcrringu.Cod, r livi-.
. - tWur Chctue,. hritd . v?I - J
.,lPtocJit'sfits,-.., : . . '
!, (ci! o . 'C'a d te ., ; j
. S'tds, Cracker, ToImicco ' , j
WiiZ Ct-inrs'. lie has" "ho ud- . i
rrV't fy ' 'nsiat?s''vd intends to
A(p y hand for ftdelRO ( AILS .
i of jdl si .es of the U-t quality ; aii! wi'.l'tU al a !
;-veryIow profit for caf.h or Oointry prmluce. " ive j
him a cidl: '-lVrss.ii"that wish to buy any tiling 1
1 in his line, wi! find it to their advantage. "
t - . ;'.-.! t . . ;. RUBEIiT DAVIS. '- '
!- Eben.h'trg, April 2. 18S; ;...,.: ..i ... : j
A Iluiiiiin "Life Sated. ;
: i lowAiAo, Mien., March 11," 183.
J. A; R HO 1 ES, Esq. i U.sir Sir As I took
' j our niedicine tu tell on consignment, no cure
no pay," I take pleasure in stating its eilucts as
": rtporttA to me py thre5 lu-otheni .wiwlive in this
j p!ao.-,,and their 'testimony is a fair Fpeeiiaeu of
ail f have received: ... . - , .
W. H. CoXKLix told nic " I had taken nine
j hottles of-Cliristie's Ague liakini, and eontinu;d
! ly run down while', using it until ' iny lungs and
j liver were CoiiiffSted to thai degree that Llovl
' discharged from my uouth afid ; bowels', t-o that
! all thought it impc?sil'lc fjr me to live through
anothtf clulh. lite did all they couid
i for ine, but thought ,1 must die. Xotnicg did me
; any goo-1 until' I " got ili isles' Fever and Ague. which' at "once relieved ine e-f the distress
a::d nausea at ui- &omach and paiu in my Ifead
I a'id hovvels. and proluced a permanent cure-in a
! siiort time,"- -"- : ' " J ' - - -'; 1 i!.'C'-i! :
H. M. sa.os : 'tl ' Iiad- been; been ta
king lnodicino vf 'as.giKxl a doctor its -fee. hayed n
our... county nd taken any quantity of qiuViue
and siieines "without any good result, frviuJjWa,
August to 17th DeceiubtV. ,, ritt seeing how nice-
' ly it operated on inv br..ther.d pot' a bottle ol
i linonr.s' fkveh and aouh wi.ieh
j cilected a permanent cure bv using two thirds f
j a hottie:":; ':t : ' --' -.ic v.i.
J ' . IS. M, (A.vsLrx Wx.K ';ot JfrcLutU-ththeothciv
:. 1 brothers say his case was the-; sanie as Jl. M j. 1 1
' sold thenediciiie to both the nC day, a:tl. the.
'-,. cure was'ioi p'fn.uj "tVi4panie.'sinaII lyiantity ,
and I might so M.ecifv, " Yours with respect.' . '
i - -- A: IirNTINGTON". .
i Toe ave ppeaks for itself. GochI prKT us it
j is. it i of'no etter fnor than - the va-t namlwr 1
of like eeitilicates i have already publishl, hud J
j the still greater .amount that is continually pour- 1
j ii.g in to me. ' - , . . : J
t.ine thing more. L ot 3-ear I had occasion to
Caution the I'ublie in thfsp ,w.on.s :r
lii'liCf on i' firm into mire htur'x r-iif
v gcn'rul circulars, sult.iifulol lite mnne
: h-w'runi far imi 'nnJic'r,". and thru irilli
r ihijnuU-ucc end ihfir yihy!th t trit'i the r.xrla million,
i IjeUhn pr'wrietor rf y nthcr mediciuc suy air
v r y.rkl he dure;, Src, .
, 1 take ph-asi'iv in
! tlon ref-.-rred to the. same
1 IJalsam that is incut lone
! tifica'e. '''.
1 'There are several other industrious reoi'le who''
. Are aro lving to their poisonous trash all that
ti- I
j publir-h about my fever ami Ague Cure, or Ant
d te to Malaria, except tho L. rtihcates of t nres, t
and the Uertilicatt-01 W;e oclcbratea Liieimsi 1 r
.lanii-s II. C'tidton t in favor oi its per-j
I tached to everv bolt!,, TW will always serve
to distinguish mv meun'ine trom mutations.
JAS. A.' RIIODKS, Proprietor:
April 23, lH.-.t. .".m. . lVovidenee," I. T.!
i'or Siile bv Druitg'st generally.! v '
three years. 1 iiave been
1 i
engaged iu
t busiuess
kiiowii inly to mvself, '
1 ami, comparatively, a lew oiticrs,
i iiir-tructetl for thcuiu f 2tK ea
whom 1 liare
li, which has !
j averaged me at tfic rate of: from .$3,0L'0 to .$.jb0l
i iht aiuii.m : aud haviug uiade ai rangements ti
! to t" Kuroj.e .in the nuaitii of August next, to
1 . 1 x . .:ti -...
enuage m tlie same misiness, i am wimng to gie
1 tw incttioiis " in th'- ai t t any person m the
United Mates-or C.uia.las, who will remit ine the
Mini of 1 am in luccd, trom the
Miccesti 1
t have been favored vvith,'"ahd the many thankful
i' iu-kiioU'dgments ! have received from those
wliom 1 Juive instructed,' and who aro making,
i Irom foto per day at it, to every person an I
oppotmnty to engage in this busmos, which is,
eav, lleasant, ami v.err jirontatie, at a Miiau cost. :
TI;;, ,is lKMliVely No Uummto in the matter, t
!lef,;reiK:c of the Wst c lass tan be given as re, i
ganis its rnaracter, anu - l can reier to persons i
whom I have instructed, who will testify .that
they are making , from Jo ; to perday at' the
same. It is a business in wuich either LA 1)1 Lb
or t.t.MUUir,A can engage, aim w in peneci,
ease make a very liamisome : income.
dirs in various parts oi cw orkptate, leiilisyt-
vani-i -md Mirvlind whom I 'have instructed
ania, ami .uarxJami, wiioni p ae in i u cl;
are now inaKing trom ro .o per oay at, u. i.
is a. GKNTF.KL-'. BUSINESS,' and but a FEW ;
SHILLINGS' are reqntreil to start it.- Lpon re-
cciptofi; 1 wnliniiueiiiatoly seni tottie appn--;'
Vant' a printed iircvJar corjLumng lull mstrucUoiis
. in the' art, wldch .can r lerfectly untkl'stooil nt-,
once. . - .; . ... ij-''; ' 1 - V O r.L'j J
A..t. .PARSCiXS,. Office, Xo.
Broadway New York
April -jy, 1830. '1 m:
P! i:
-d vlfN
'"XEW" llfjACK' S31IT11 SIIOlV,
fiRHE subscriU-r would rcspectlully infoim: Ihe !
"X -citizvns of Eocnsbur'' and the "viciuitv that"!
10 has tented tho SMITH 'SHOP' formerly oecu- ?
.ied bj-.Michael .McCague, where he intends to
:arry on the BLACK.SMITU1NG i l its branch-.'
rersoiib entrusting work
Owners of valuable horses will not le under the"
mcestv iC sonriing tlieir stock' W a rieighbortng -i
yiUae, as lni experience m ; this line is -wide! y
loiow a. . ISAAC SING ER.
. , Kbrisbnrg, April 0; 1856.
ROCfCRILS, Csodits;.
yuts and ' Cracker I"
assured that ft will be promptly:, attended to and, y?. i 't it - ? - vi ..r -v. '
at ...i,...a mi... .'it.. ie.: 1. him Tjohtically; that the interests of the :2a-
it.wt eiw - j -7 vt.-t- iiin-I lit IUU - I ! I ' ' i it t1 1
citizens that the busihess. "of ItOUSL' SliUKINO ' tlon 'T0 his hand.4. lie stands before,
will', be superintended by' himself personally'. 'r ns.too aman of irreproachable 'private charac-'
.V 'J..
?' '-. j
.1 ii-r:rTVHi.r2loatniah Dance
'mi, trJ ?mc of O' floriuusdav."
" .Send forth'our. hosts in blight rray,
'I 014 Buck and Bttck are n-the held
j 1 f
- And, ,.;i:igger! wtrspper7 nuisj j.. k .
;Divnce my lcartios dance .riu;.i v;: .1
-(-DancC; my heartiea danced t Huwr r. .7Tl
.'We'll dance all nigTat till hroa day -light
Vy ttie irlorions tune of the ' V uion.
- . o
Jle- O, to the polls we'llfgo v,i i
- ; ; ; v'Ahdrnake an end of isms, 0. ' '
. ;! . '. - .'!.
. Old Ihick's a Brick, and Breck'.-i a Bucki .
-Whose Ktars are ever in good luck ; ' t ... . : a
They'll navigate against all fata"'' ' 'f ' ,
Our blessetl glorious Ship of 'tateJ ' : - ' ; t; ; 1
. ' Then dance ye freemen fiance ' ' 1 ;;',
Dance ye freemen-fiance, ," '.","," ,'In
We'll datioc with joy from North to
": '' ' '" . ' '' " ' .. South .
. ..To the glorious tune of the " Union'
.Die iCux tho Foils we'll go,
.:Aivd make an end of ismsi O.
Come all young meu and old ones toi , ;
". Aul join1 our gh'.iioii , Union Crew," .
jA:t -Abolition and all such triik's ......
G'ashooL themselves witlt .f Dwcher's Killeii."
j March y"e. freemen march, - .--:r I
1 iMarcli, 3 e ; freemen march, : ' ,ts .
r We'd march all day till election day - '-'-''
n. - To the glorious tunc' of our Union."
1 ' ; Hie 0, let the BeecheVB blow, i " s:
. While Buck" walks in lie SVl.ite
. v : ;( -; - " -'- ;iioiU,0...,
Ddiccrol at te VwxruaV lafiJkJu,Yi Meeting
' in Fh;jfirM,.hia- on the lOtliill. ' V, i
"PrLLow C'lfjZES.---I am here this 'evening j
Vs- iIia kind invinon of vour cominittee ' I';
am here under the generous and .comprehen
sive "call of; vor "ineetinff.-and: l am here
with as strong a wiA' as animates ' any one
within tho-?onnd of ' uiy voice that the ticket
nominated at Cincinnati may le Successful. r-i
In coming here, I am conscious of ' no separa
tion from ar.ciciit friends or'from existing po- j
litical orgauizatvonVfor t tie great party with
which I have -solel j acfetl is practically extinct.
Xo onoprood W it lortgef 't'fia'tf I 'did. ' TlirMe
who'-would now lprostttute-its name for others
uses, (and even that is hardly pretended,)
have no claim on my fidelity; and those who,
without a change of feeling or opinion on any tiriofiolo -cf erovernment. think t hero is
fomerhiu more- sacred than-' --a traditionary '
B" I c
j party name they -and there are thousands
I sucii around us and amongst us-4will, on the
great 'ones'ion as to whose "hands the trust of
our Executive" government shall be f confided
for the - next ; four - years, will come with me'
and vote with" y f.Ti.
T am , glad to be among
a sacrifice
But, be it . what it may, no one
shall say it is 'tf half-way. timid hositafing step
or that now, after a life of very decisive pol-
Jjcs'-T hesitate to do
that which every senti
ment of loyalty to the Constitution, of clear
I duty to my native State and to my native city
prompts. Thus feeling, thus speaking, Ujus
i very wunnsr to act coining . 100 u pnvuie
f and 'undistinguished citizen, with no aids to
i'min. no'. fesT'-r'tion to trratify, I consider I
shall ho welcome. -
1'ut I. have a. .pec'a! nh-? a local object in
boing "here to-nigiif : and wish that what I
ray could reach ever v man f business in the
community, for, on tho grouna ot mere local
irtcrest. I can demonstrate which side Phila
delphia ousht to take in the issue now before
' 1 the people Shall the capital of Pcnnsyl vania,'
this metropolis so often postponed, so niccli
overshadowed, cast its influence and throw its
vote is it wise, is it patriotic, is it politic for
Ht to. throw its vote against a Pennsylvania
j candidate for the Presidency ? Especially' is
it wise to do so when the vote, would, in all
human rrohability be cast in' favor of a prin-
i of Sr.ctionalisni ajrainst which Philadel-
arraveJ itself? With aggressive sec-
r. ,. . . .- r - y-i-.
?naI.lsm " nJ To this tbe. f00."
stitution never has had, and never can have
k!iiiuim"ii, .wm iui h.-u .. .
.v-a .. . . .. .'!
Philadelphia hereafter finds herself obliged to
'choose between a merely '.Abolition cause 'in,
j anv foriri or' gnise. and "the Xatiotial , party
i j Q higher law' than the Const t-
tution', nnd.makes its principles conservative
TT . , ;.'.TT -.,.
I"1 ,l!e l-m(,n "er cmzeus iu come wnvaiu
r . cl . . Ap : inan :.i, H
i.'" :" " 4 . "
ous and fc?nrty a will, as I teet it my duty to
f'do nnw. T emporary atld national excitements
maypave their iufluence of delay but the ul-
tmai6 result is certain: ' Wlieu Jlr" Bucliaii-,
-nft- avt .fc'ere. returning from; public' service'
- f'n' ftts-ftinin thft vinliticiins birred thi door
t against him.
"Xo welcome greeted him from
Uut the nu'ti of1 business, the
merchants of' Philadelphia took, the - duty in'.
their own' hands 'J hey lhauked Itun for
tnaintainirig "their honor abroad " Tliey thank-'
ed him for his effort to maintain . peace, ami
with it the interests bf commerce and peace-,
fu industry. To .theiii' he poke wordi. of,
-eriial gratitude and of conservative vounsel--
'If during the canvass about to begin,
liuchanan ..maintains, as I nui' sure.he
will,'-his attitadp of 'dignified moderation f of r
admonitory reserve to all who froin auy quac-r'
etand as1 he 'now does before tbe nation the
TPe cf eonwrTati-TB ttatTBjansnijt Srith'M
-- " ' f tlm firef nf tha rrrpnf. PODerV.ttl Vii liartV of tills j
-tying that the Can-J - tci',; Hr.n- ,,...:. rt ' North.
Dr.. I'm i.-Mie s AgiK' . ,. , '.v' . 1 1,' ti ! ho'h imssion
d in the above cer- 1 ............ 4' n,.;, tt-l.
f v.o 1 mn totiriT n ii?i Tin ions st-r. 1 r. 111.1v lie . -
... in. -iUl-'lHU lIC . f..l AlWr-tfr, Hior inoil f paiii
' "f abatement of -'fidelity to the creat party who
: -in honoring Jiini, honors itself, I, as one of its
j huiublest citizens, inviteTiiai Lack to. I'hila-
r dfdnhi to " n. nw "nniU hfnrtifr wdnnmp . T
j Bti3.11 be glad to see a Pennsylvania President
i welcomed iu Independence HaIlJ iK
;t 'Fhis matter of iStatp prided this local exul
tation in honors rendered to pur, own. public
tniju.'muiit not be "looked on . as- an illusory
entiuient. Your 'distinguished guests' to
faight,' from other State?1,- will not think' the
rrpe of .us for indulging it.s It is that which
Las made ;Vinnuia ther Mother of, , Presidents.!
f e" nurses-lit r childreo like lovely mother,
raod oioue not hioiT 'theui out or. cast them pff
without care as to what l ecouico oftLom. ' It
waB' that which niade' JIafes'acbusetts cling to
Mr. -Webster: r North Ccrolina' to, William
j Gaston;. and South Carolina toiMiv Calhoun
j'ajd her other. honored sou, William Louudos,1
j (4 representative froin Garoliaa, ' whom" it. was
hr pride' to: send to the Halls - of Utngress,
! rum of peaceful, geutle'caivatry,) s.nd which
j bund Kentucky , by devotion that never aba
! teJ, to Mr.. Cla- -And now,- "when for ..the
; fiist time for beventj ysars, a. l'e'nnsylvauia
j -Statesman is o?tued for the highest honor in
I thjOsation'8 git'M liavewp hot a right, naj, is
; not our duty to avow the throbbing of the same
I pure seutiuient in our heart? If the habit of
j easy serf-sacrifice, the readiness to becontcnl
i with, small,, honors and: subordinate r offices
winch has beeu so long ihe discredit and shame
ol l'enusylvftnra.. if all tliis have not chilled
to absolute indifference every uau'tral emotion
of honest pride Juur bosom- this common
wealth for her honored son. in
tones which, wdl;not soon,, die away-iu silence
-rinJ from no point, if her fccl'iDgs and opin
ions on points ot public policy be .moderately
respected, will there be a 'stronger and hear
tier utterance- from this her Whig metropolis.
liut there is an actualpolitieal signiHc-aucy
iu these nominations, that of Mr Jjreckiniidge
as well as that of the President as respects lo-'
ealnv. that "caunot be overlooked. It ii no ex-
1 ireme oj teniiory mat luruiMicr luutduumcwtj
!;They come diom ile Middle States, from the
ceuter or te Union tor iveutc-Ky, sttiotiy
speak iug, is no longer a Western fc'tate.. They
are the reoresentativcs of that central baud
which encircles theJ.uiouv.and3 Inch, if ever
the Union is severed, iuut: Lreak asutideiMu ,
ragged edges , to .tear -and wound by the ani-i
mosuy-.of frontier warfare, Kentucky and i
1'emisylvania, though with diflvrcut social m- -
stitutions.'are. of the same political parallel of '
moderation on all national questions,
....... 1 .....i ,.e;
wiwavering- iidelitv ion the Constiiution
Uuiou. Pennsylvania is one : of the h4
v,.i . . ts ,.,..... .--!.,: i.:i.i
-at-least their first-born beyond the Alle- i
uheuy niountams. '"' he beautiful river which
washes the shores of Kentucky and on which
Uoats the friendly commerce of so many uni
ted States, is. formed of Peutssylvauia streams.
Fauaticism has uot, and never haq had a foot
hotu m I enn,syivauia, except, perhaps, near
the .New r York iiu'e or on the edge of the ..Wes
tern Reserve, and Kentucky has never seut
a - child of her houored soil into the councils
of tUe nauou,' whosc'aets or words gave pain,
or alienated the hearts of patriotic wen, how-
ever sensitive, either trom tee ooutn or . tue
The candidates thus selected have a
. - They have immediate coLstit
have ' traiued them in the school
! of Constitutional loyally and that mission.
as 1 religiously hope, (jiud lor this I lookT. to
Air. liuchaiiuu s election witu uuwouuaeu con
hd!iice,) is to put an end, by wise and deci
sive Counsel, and by administrative discretion,
once and forever,: to "1 that sectional agitation
which has so long afflicted and perplexed this
nation. What a priceless blessing it will be
'to 'hs ve an administration for foui years, du
ring which', by the mere force of example, no
word of acrimony shall be uttered oh the sub
ject of domestic slavery, aud the nation s evil
passions may be at rest j --,1 ... .
; These, my fellow citizens, arc. somo.of the
reasons which 'iufluence my judgment and cou-
duct now Thev are not meant to be obtrus- :
iyely uttered anywhere, or to be offensively
urged on those who may think differently from
me. . There are other topics rather . relating
to the past than to the future I should be glad
to speak of, but "this is not the lit occasion.
On then, and especially on - the anti-republi-cauism
of-secret .political organization, niy
views are well known, for I spoke them long,
ago, when, as now, timid counsellors advised
silence. : 'On all public matters, I am apt to
feel strongly and to speak decisively; but I have
sought iu what I have said to-night, to utter
no word to udvi iain or' excite ' unpleasant
feeling i ny where. I have tried i to feel aud 1,
on a great question of political interest, as, an
Americau public man should think and speaK,
and trom -the ; bottom' of" my heart, Air" j
President and 1 fellow citizens,' I- thank'you
ror tue opportuniiy you liuvejusi. given me ui r
sn(.,kin,i out. I roaWv hnlirtvo . will bo.
-;-o . 7- r r.-r j . ,
n it us not now, the true nohey of Philad.el-
;. -i...
;Give jTpvks5 Ciiitw a. ; Papeh.A: child
beciuuing to readr, is Relighted with a news- f
paper because he reads names of things which
are faiiiiliar; and will make progress accor
dingly. ; A newspaper in1 one year ia wortb
a quarter's 'schooling to a: child, and cvery
father, jnust consider a substantial information
connected , with , advanccmeu t. Tho- .mother
of a family being one of the hcads. and haviug
a iiVore ini mediate' charge' of the childern
should herself be instructed; a mind occupied
becomes fortified agamst tho ills of life, and
is braced for. any emergency, Children auiii
,id l.-r rpadin""- or stndv. are of course more
j considerate and uiWe easily governed, . , ltow
manv parents have not given twenty uwi
given uunurcus ,w iwiaiui a . !
. a : i:.':t ij.i.i -'..i
S ignoran tlyVr thbughtlessl V '.faHen
t .ik! rv.j Uiiit.Pii.oi i-u
riifvrn'r- ; rsr.r.U'VK .xaJil
ter wno nas.
into temptation
f I il
We! knew an '' Id iuaid; out
rht "so t
..- I
wriut tea.-that they-usffd her face fof
'a bors-
V'if 4ib jrattr
We were leaning back in our
chair, dream -
ilv buildinr? castles rn the. ,,mouied bais" of
of a one dollar bill, which a delinqnent sub
scriber had found it in his heart to pay iu. in
that comfortable state between a -'walre and
a snotoze." Our feet were elevated upon the
fender.' and a promise of another vartn meal'
during the week. - ' V' " 1
;,,.:;. Editor, bUT, . ?.''';'
, ' Yes, sir;" .-;;;.,., -.., a -.'. '
-.r' "Wall, you are the . feller I want to see.
I'jn I'rof.. Ouaeketii. of the Swashyillo Medi-
kal Instiloot. tlieJoyentoj. and' sole, jrro-prie- j
tor of a: new' medicine, the Great Jlorso Pow-
e-r Cathartic, or I tar lnvigerator Lver beam
on the article before VT ' - ' "' "J" " "" . ' ,' '"''
Hnve not."? J ' ' - l " '
-: !';Wall, hau't Lutijest found it out myself,
but it goes like ginger. It never fails. .' I'm
sending it , to all , parts of the koqtenant j be
sides South Amerikv and other places. ' It
keeps in all . climates, Everybody buys it
everybody liios it ever3"body Las huir that
hns tried it. But here are some ccrtifikats
all well authenterkated know 'em all myself.'
Ma be you'lllook at 'em 7" ; -
-The little man handed us a well-worn copy
of the tswashville Daily Bugle. The leader
was devoted to- the new discovery. - We copy ;
-.;" Our hundred thousand readers will be"ar
us out in the assertion, that we do. not open
our kolums to speak of patent medicines. But
the 'Great Horse-Power Cathrine liar Invig
erator' is an exception We boldly, fearless
ly, uuhesitatiugly, pronounce it the diskivery
of 'the age! We have been ' bald from our
birth owing to early troubles; but once using
the invigerator. kivcrcd our head with a dense
growth of har. ' Oar friends are all astonish
ed. Had the prophet known of this he: would
not have been called old bald head by the lit
tle ones, and forty and two torn into slivers by
the bears. Wc will let the ;P,role.sor speat
for LilUFeif " ,7." -. .',:' :: . -
The way I diskivcred this wonderful med
icine, was in this wise : . - -
I'd been out huckleberry n, and when go-
in home through the' back pasture,
where 1
' n i;r.iii on, 7 liob mv tew' nulkin?
, . T . kinV Q. tired like, and sot down
bu hof wceds. ,.. They felt queer, and
r rubbed p0IiJe 0f them between my fingers.
u et. than ew-hitnuie,-my forefinger and
thanib.Were kivered with har, full out an inch
. , T t , . weedoa t'other hand.- au-i
1 bar there tou;.nl-.. jumped-up trom wuero x
ttiti' and what a sight . My new,
' - ' r -. . - t
' t.?' .., locked like the rump of a
i "
nth har three inches long! 5 I did
at- A. homc about tu,n
But an idea struct
me. ' L iiieu wiu etu.u
i of the house , and it was kivered witu nar.
Tried it on the' door stone with the same enect
producing a thick mat of imyse-eoloi-ed hair
iu thirty minutes. In ploughing up the weeds
tho mold bould board of the plow looked like
a steel gray mush rat, with handles to him.
In digging out a woodihuok, I accidental!'
laid mv iron bar upon the weed and the next
morninc it wa? kivered with a thick coat of
i T 1 : . . ..1 .1- . nm nr arid
-"ray liar. J. ssinneu mai iiukh.uuuiuu
ied him home, and left him by the side of
of the weed. In tho moruiug tne car-
c;ss wa
s kivered with har. .And however m-
it may seem, I kept that woodchucK
several days, and. tovk.oa tivinnv-swcn ...
crown woodchuck skins, and a lull coat, oi liar
' on al! of 'cm! !
sot in
Ono of , Si;M?V.U,onS .a
AhCsanic- weed nor eggs e
1 .j k.. o'n.l tho hictcens como out wi
CO Willi -uo. ...
i Ion bar on ?ctu ! i was sure that such
.;, must, be nowcrful. and so biled some on t
down. . The dub kettle was Kivereu muu lung.
" i. . . .- i ...t.i. i
ipt black bar. 1 kept on experimenting.
i... i-..,,;.d L-fmbernatious. rro;iuceii
l - - - l.l
the Iu-
.;-, nnri'lv veirotable au
Iwavs sure
t c,n.ntv thousand certiiikits from the
bald healed of all countries; but will lead you
00.. a fc,
, ;
ml ,.;f,r
., . T
Pro f Owch
lean : i nia may l"
mat i i
bald.-and have used up
.. !
barrel of common hair dye. I accidentally
i ,f r.ii,;,Trtiir. and mirchased a
bottle, aud carried it home in my
nearu oi iuui x n . . . . ,
in my overcoat
pocket. The pocket was
full of hair again I
got home! ,1
took the bott',e and held it in
. t '1 . .1 . ,11V ll.n.1
vto -- , . , , ..-
l.j cun w ierfi inc. suauuw " "'J
OUl lu llllii -J , , ,
. - j -..;i.l Snd' me twenty bottles by
anu. 'cnuuiiu. - . -
rtnm mail. The eall for the Iuvigrator is
,,nnroedented. ; A neighbor of mine
' '.'lExcusa us, . Professor, to-day,
and - call i
- '11
, j.. dew it, t-u.
You'll-find, the In vis- j
crator ,.cat on har ';.: .. ,
I''duub'tedly ! Cy' Chi:
j', ' :' ; : : r. ' t. ? Uonrsro TTI' "'
Inuepenaence opwi v - -.
.ATW n.I' Times of
jr. atson, wiiosc ....-" -7 - . , . .
:q the Revolution we have W -
OOU lOl luo- 1 . , .
J . . wrtI!.m fmind -himself in r
to-1 the word;- iur . . . i
i . -e .i. t),nn. Mnv to elbow withEord
.V rn... Tn.ia t.ood around .m pronns-
cuous eenlusion as Le eniered. It was a dark.
and foirav day. The high windows, in
......L "i lMden bars.' angmeut
rloom:nv Watson was struck with the
ted tapes-try. on the walls, rcpresentiu
r.r Hi Snrinu i iirmaua. . j
- . r . i the crowd with sonic A-
lean lUval.sts ov
jcclion. Alter waitu
approach of the King
whove looks-betra?ei tlieirde-.
waiting uearly..two hours., ine
the i:
of Lord on the occasion or tue jxiu . obtamt.a promotion tor uis bravery . .
r .eortiizi" the Independence of the L mwd , T,io contrary instance referred to at the j
States : l ie was conducted t. tho House fl;oaJ ofour paragraph was tcld as fohows:- ; -Kv
thVEarl of Ferrers. A the door, the Ivtrl-j Aftcr. the BritUU and Indians had with
whintt'ed to him, " Get as near tue Throne, drawn; Croghan '.ha4 iuW one man-onlj'.
r- --.!.:. ? .iiinnn- nis action - . i i..ia,i n ln little band aud e-.l in ii ii in 21 . . . . . - - - r Aim.: lr n iimii iii'iiiiii:..jt .v
' , ' , !, oVat- ' Jtrr Vhftt in the dibcrcnce peiwreD a
it xm a stoek 1 -AVith; ev-Uan ?: One w. .a dtad iel un-i the Mt
iW frow his txcketUhfti-J -T.ilv;i.-i.: .-'f : ! ' : " J
nnnni:i(n III lUtl i1tt" iro" -.
vb of artillery : . 1 Ie was
. I 1..' finV Yilm flt. fl
youe0, --'-.:" h racket
. - t.
OIi. 3. 1NtO. 37.
scroll containing his speech. le CoTDmon
were summoned, and after order wo rotorwi
4 the King proceeded to read. - -
1 . t . iv.Tton.
l was uezir uiui , . tujj - -
"and watched with intense, interest, every
tone of his voice, ai:d tvery emotion tf hia
countenance.! After. some general and usual
remarks, be continued:' I ; lost 110 thne ia
giviug the necePFary -onlers to prohibit the
farther prosecution of offensive war upon the
continent of North" 'America. Ad"optibea
my inclinatign will always lead nie to do, with
decision ' and effect whatever I' collect " to L
the sense of my parliament and my people, I
have pointed all myviews and measures, la
Europe, "-as Tn'KortV America, to an entire and
poVilifli rfMioneiliation with'the colonlesl -Fin-
h ding it:iudispeusibVtS the -attairiiisentof thia
j object, I did not hesitate to go to the full length
I of the powers, vested .in. ne, and offer to de
clare them.' Here he paused, and was ioev-
icLint agitation; either. emr a rrassed in ,reu
ing his spcvh, by the darkness of the room,
or effected by a very Jwur'vJ cuvAion. Ia h.
moment i remmed': "And'oJerto declar
them Vie and Tndqjemlcni StaU$.- In thua
aduiitting their separation from the'lrown f
these Kingdoms, I have sacriScedjpverycan
sideration'of' my own" to the wishes and 'opin
ions of my people., rmake it my humble and
ardent prayer to Almighty God. that Great
Britain may not feel the evils which might re
sult from so great a dismemberment of the
Empire, and that America may be free from,
the calamities which have formerly proved, ia
the Mother Country, how essential monarchj
is to the enjoy ineut of constitutional liberty.
Religion, language, interest and affection may,
and I hope will; yet prove a Lond of perma
nent union between the two countries. ;
" It is. remarked that George the III. it
celebrate for reading his speeches in a dU
tinct free and impressive macter. ' , On thu
occasion he was evidently embarassed :; ha
hesitated, choked, and. executed the. painful
duties of the occasion 1 with an ill grace that
doeshoUhelong"l(J hira: I cannot ad eqxtfttely
portray my -sensations in ' the progress of thb?
address; every artery beat high, -and (swelled 1
with mv proud American Uood.' It 'was im
possible not to revert to the opposite shores of
the Atlantic, and to review, with my ' mind' ;
eye, the. misery .and woe I Lad anysf witness- .
cd in several stages of the contest, andtlio.
wide spread desolation, r resulting from tha
stubbornness of this very I King, iiow so pros- )
trate, hut who had turned a deaf ear to our '
humble and importune petitions for relief
Yet I believe that George III. , acted under
what he felt to be the high nd solemn clauua '
of constitutional duly." ' . -
Incident? of the Revolution. : ' 7 -A
military officer with whom we Lave lon
beeu intimate, relates two incidents connected
with Croghan's gallapt defence of Fort Steven
sou ; oue of which affords strong po-itive proof
and the other a s'.rong negative proof, of th
adae " ilrtuoe favors the brave."
As the Bri?i.-h and Iudiaus, in their opera
tions, had violated their, pledge and the usa
ges of civilized warfare, by wantonly muruer- ,
ing their priscne.s, Croghan's little band (only
1UU strong, with a six pounder, and turrouu- j
ded bv aboitt six hundred Indians,) had mutu- ,
a'lv agreed to ell thtir liver, as deatlv- aa pud- ; :
Slum. . - . - -
When all was ready, the British commander :
sent a messenger under a, nag of true to trct .7
for the surrender of the fort. Croghan point- .
i . t i - i . -i
S - ."-J 'lei iim enl.r We .! ; ',
ill volunteer to meet
j j CC UUI ntaauta , " -
him ". - " - ' -.-:..; i
As it was pretty .certain, that whosoever,
should leave the fort . on such a inif sion :
would be murdered by the dastard foe, there ,
was a brief pause, when Ensign Shipp replied V -1
will, upon "one condition ": , ; ... ,
"What is that T asked the captsin. r .
"Pledge me vour word . as an officer and a .
man of honor that you will keep that gun bear--. ,
ing directly upon me, and that you win nre iv ;
r.ff i.iii.nte' you seo- me raise lay nana.
. , .f. ...... i.;r. - forth
; X lie pieuue - 1 tr " -
To all the arguments and persuasions of thw
enemy, his unwnveriug reply was : -..
; j am instTuctcd toeay that we acfena the
fort.': - : - - : : :. i ' ' 1:,'.' '
Soon tue Indians began, to surround biui.-
One clutched his euauiuts ; another insswora.
, Shipc'j wha was of Herculean frame, released
' - . H 1 11' i ? 4- . .
i tlm fia-fiv, coollv said:
Sir, I have not put mysclt unu-r protec
tion of your truce without knowing your mode
of warfare. - You see that guu." said ht.
pointing to the. solitary six pounuer, it i
well charged with gapo, and I have the eol- . -emu
pledg s of my commander that it will bo J
fired the moment I givehim the signal. -
Therefore restrain these men snd respect the
law f war. or ybu shall instantly" accompany:
me to the other world.? - - i . v v -This
was enough, ghipp was no niore hi6-; .
lested, but returned to his comrades in safety, . ; ,-ht out the desperate action that ensued;
. e - .. t.pV wre for some time
all enorts wr u iw-w, .
-AMelt t lencth Lis remains were
.,. ...i :., t!i garret of one of tho bioclca.
wlicr ha hadcrept for safe ty, am
an-.j m twQ- t ,. a .ean.nen;bali. All tue
and wjb
rest .
killed hsnnt-uo l to b thc one that proved bio--
...It tn hi- a eowar J. ; ' ' .
i. . , r . .. : ' .:
Jl:V . . t.-A;r?,rcn6 betwn a M'
ea-iHUi, their chance tor ine noi woria u
. .1. . .
Ceulcbra-, tvM)1,chtV ' only t-ought .t.S' 'do their duty,' ami :
Sv-Y.V-.r Lptcaped alive trom jiernaps tue uio.i ur-r-
..wiirnl7.i'l 1 . .:- .. i' Tl, AiLli.;r,in tVlut vul
:VW","V ..i.i tio-rtT TWuru. j uc vuiy "
' .
J ;
i .
- r
; '.' '
v .