41! ' : ' . t 'J .- 4. r ' f - t ,' V i ' ' - t ' '. - BLAIR COUNTY ART UNION! ffCtt THE DKTRIDITIOX OP FIXE xxc:ravji(s. the excoib. aue.iievt or tiic fixc ARTS, &C. " There is a tide in the affairs of inaa, ' " - Which, taken at the Hood, Lead cm to fortune," Ac AM persons purchasing Oue Dollar worth of . Uu-ravmr will receive a numbered receipt check, wutling them to a share iu the following named - property to be divided liy the shareholders, among themselves, byaCoruiaittee to be appoint ed by the shareholder, a.. soon as tLirty-Cr hundred dollars' worth of Engravings arc soli. - --L-ibii UJt ii 'Sht tw.. story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE ani Lot of Ground, with Ftable - and necessary outbuildings, fruit trees. fLc, situate ou Walaut trcct. HoUidaysburg, now in thu oc 'pncy of Wm, Nes-bit, valued at J 1200 00 1 fvdeudid Rosewood ri:no, . 00 1 Gold Chron-metor Watch, . 2C0 I Gold Lercr Watch, o 1 Mt-lodoon f) I Pewiag Mxchino 75 1 . fire Proof Safe, 75 1 Geutlemtn'i Watch, f 0 1 Lulys (.ever Wateh. 0 2 Broche Shin-Is, to W Packard of Dry ti. at 1 10 each, 100 0 100 1000 Do. do. a5 1 5 esch 100 Do. do. at 1 each ICO Do. Books, Engravings, or Mer chandize, at 50 cents, fcCO On thou&an 1 and eighty Engraving, at 5 cents, 270 Purchasers of Engravings can Select from the Allowing catalogue- of tho most popular prints frtsued. Tlain Engravings one dollar beautifully olorod. two dollars, and one numbered certificate to oich dollar's worth of Engravings sold. - EaTALllE IF IIMflISi - THE STAG AT BAY, - THE INtJrjDATION, SI0UARCH OF THE GLEN, CHIP OF THE OLD BLOCK, ; WOT CAUGHT. THE FIRST LESSON, . SOLDIER'S DREAM, ANGEL'S WHISPER. - . The site of these Eo gTavings is uniform, 17x24 kuhe, and they are ornaments that will set oil to advantage any parlor.- The popularity of the , Engravings, as well as the smalluess of the nura ' . ber to be sold, give assurance that the distribu tion will take place at an early day. Send on your orders at once, accompanied with the cash. Gome first, servtnl first. The Engravings and ertificates are sent by mail immediately after the receipt of the mony. . :.Be - careful and write your address in a plain kgible hand, giving Tost Office, Countv, and Bute. Agents and Clubs on remitting ton dollar at ne time, shall receive by return mail eleven En t jrravings, and eleven receipt checks. Letters en !oMg raaney should be registered at the Tost 3 5ce where mailed. . All orders for Engravinja'to be addreysed to WM. G. MURRAY, IUlidaysburg, Ta. I. B. Letters of inquiry, to insure attention, mnst contain a postage ktamp to pre-pay the re turn pontage. . March 26, 185G. tf. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware. MANUFACTORY. Canal Street, Johnstown, Fa. THE subscribe respectfully informs hh friea'ls and tho public generally , that he ha atain commenced the -n'ianuffnr tf Tin, Copper .and Sheet-Iron Ware in all its braaches, at the old btand, where he will be pleas ed to dl who want any article in his line. Feeling grateful for past favors, -he hopex, by . rtrict attention and f.iir dealing, to merit and rc- eivc a liberal share of patronage. 1 The Gush. System he has adopted, as he hates to dun, and long credit takes ihe profits. Merchants purchasing bills of Ware, woult? do well to call and examine prices and quality, which will bo found superi.tr to any offered in the otios east or west. AH orders from one dollar to five - hundred filled with promptness and dispatch. Price List sent to merchants, If requested. Wa'c-rooms on Canal .Street, one door below - the Collectors Office. , , F. W, HAY. Johnstown March 5th l8.r.6. COOKING STOVES. Large Oven, Etna, Iron City, Complete Cook, Diamond, and of Brad ley's celebrated Stores, for sale at Manufacturer's retail prices, by - F. "W. HAY- . HEATING STOVES, Radiator. Flora, Frank lin, Carlton, Parlor, and all Parlor or Room Stores made iu either citv furnished low fr.r cash -F. W. IIAY MINERS; LAMPS, Tinware, C -pper, and Sheet-Iron are, cheap for cash on Canal Street by F. W. II Y. SPOUTING, Roofing and all kinds of Job worlc done promptly at cash rates, by - - - " F. W. HAY. ALL who want a first rate Stoves, chap Tin ware, or any Kitchen utensil will call with .. Wjo cash at tho Waro-rooaas of i. - , F. W. HAY. .1 UnT-ceivfcd at tlie store of EDWARD ROB- t,il Irs, ' 1,000 lbs Cxi Fish. 1 " 10 half Bris Herring, and ; rob. ,. BtU BLtXK J"?rtn". Subpuna's, Executions. lavtTU PctltlOUS. Ii.nU X-,. V.. -.1- -1 this office,. New Wholesale Drue- Store : IV. SPEXCEIt T1IOM 4S. NO. 26 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHI ADELPIII V -TMPORTER. SLinufactarer, and Dealer iu o pK. - Medicines. Chemicals. Acids, Dve Stuffs, Pamts, Oils. Colors, White Le.id, French nd American Whito Zinc. Window Glass, Glu. are, Varmshes, Brushes. Instruments,- Ground bowoa, h(,Ie Spices, and all other articles usu ally kept br Druggists, Including Bjrax, Indi Glue. Shel he, Potash, ic. ' ' All orders by mail or otherwise pimply atten ded to. -Couutry Merchants arc invite-i to call andeiaraice our stock bufora purchasing else- Good-i sent to any of th WharVes or Railroad 5taUons. Pnces low aud goods warranted. March 12, 1856 r-: . -DENTISTRY. " '-A. J. JACKSONT. RnroAn Tknn; " ' . ' ' uui .will Oetmnrl t Thnm tlie thiri week of o-xcli month. 025c in Johns- AYER'S PUIS. " ) isJvm ghttll bow dotcn to it, end ite great of Vt earth shall kneel before it." Never could this be said with more truth, than it now applies to this remedy for affections of the Throat and Lungs. . The exalted in learning and power, acknowledge its supremacy, rrbiJe both the little aud the great can feel its benefits. The liK'ru4-nirded among those skilled to cure are fre-ctoewn its faastery over distempers which Lave baffled their art. Those of exalted stations arc i'ot ashamed to testify to its virtues, but deem it a duty aud a pleasure to thus hold out the lamp of their experience to their suffering fellow nitru. Wiiucts the following: ftVTj (Translation.) Vermilliouvillc, La., April, 1852. Moms. IcDi. J. C. Aver : 1 have of late, n ade frequent use of your Citekky Pectoral in my practice, and am happy to inform you that in no case yet Las it failed me. I have made some fcignsd cures of Laryngitis and Bronchitis with it, sr.d ha vb completely cured one case t f Asthma, which had withstood every other medicine I could employ. Accept, Sir, he assurances of my distinguished CumikIeration. . JULES CLAUD GOUGUET, M. D. Late Surgeon of the "Uoyal Marine, France.' Extract from a letter of our Miuitttr at the Court of tire Sublime Porte. Legation of the U. S. A. Constantinople, Turkey. Dr. J. C. Ayeu. Dear Sir: The Cherry Pectoral received from you for the Sultan has beti"- delivered to his private secretary at the pal ace, and you xv' doubtless hear from it in due season. That you were so kind as to send me, has been given to friends, who have in many cases, fjund it exceedingly useful. Yours respectfully, GEORGE P. MARSH. Minioter Fk-nipote-itiary of U. S. A. to Turkey. Cr.ra.coa, March 5, 1So2. Dr. J. C. Aver: I use your CifTRitr Pecto BAL, daily in my practice, and am satisfied it is a remedy which must meet in every country the highest approbation. . C. W. JACKHEER, f. D. Resident Court Physician. Among the eminent Editors, who testify to their personal experience and knowledge of the wf nderful cures, and immense usefulness of tlie Cherry Pectoral in tueir sections, we may men tion Broughton & Co., of the Federal Union Mill cdgeville, Ga. L. Patton, Christian Advocate, Knoxville Tenu. J. B. Dobson, Ame.ican Presbyterian, Green ville. Tenn. J. B. Sanson?, Democrat, M'Connelsburg Pa. J. Russ, Jr., Slielbyviile News, Tenn. Harvey, M 'Kenny & Co., State Gazette Buil ingtoB , Iowa J. Knabb 5 Co., Journal Re iding Ta. Raymond, Harper & Co., New York Times. S. Cohh. Christian Freeman, Boston. Wm. R Jacobs, Christian Chronicle, Phiia. Hon. J. Wentworth, M. C. Democrat Chicago, Illinois. Rev. E. G. P.eeee, Methodist Trotcstatt, Balli movo. W. M. "Wrightrnan, Cliristian Advocate, Char leston. S. C. J. M. Magennis. True Delta New Orleans. T. M. Donnell, Daily News, Savannah Ga. Geo. D. Preutiss, Louisville Journal Ky. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, M. C. South Bend Reg ister, la. A. Commings, Cliristian Mirror. Portland. Me. M. II. Bartlett & Co., Republican. Hartford, Connecticut. Chaddick & Berry, Banner of Tcae, J a banon, Tennessee. Thompson A: Co., Uuited E.npire an Patriot, Coror.to, C. W. Charles Cook. Democrat, Danville. Pa. " M. Hannum, Democrat Alleutnwn, Sherman & Harron, State Gaz-tU Trcntn. New Jersey. Wight & Haven, Praiiie Farmer. Chicago. 111. These gentlemen have not only ccrrifisd t these statements in their paper t . tlie. publi ?. but have seut mo Uipir personal Utters, to th? f fect that they hav fund my preparatii in a;i t . ti cle of great public utility. Space will not admit full testimona! here, but the Jigent below named will furnish my America:! Almanac, gratis, to all who ask f.r it. when i-j are full particulars, and indisputable prjcf of these statements. PSKPAREn T.Y DR. JAIKIES C. AYER, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. LOWELL, MAPS. Prt're 25 Cts.per Box. Fire hrr for $1 Sold by James McDermitt, Elu-nsburg. E P. Hildebrand. Indiana, W. M'Conm-l!. KutnmitviUe, Dr. R.A.Johnston, Johnstown, and by dealers everywhere. Cabinet lVare-Kooui. THE undersigned having purchied the entire stock of furniture, T.tols, Sec f Ste phen Lloyd Jr.. would rM.iwtYiiiir- form the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity that he will manufacture all articles of Furniture to order on the most reasonable tern s. ' " The stock now on hand is large, consisting r.f TABLES, BUREAUS, STANDS, BEDSTEADS, CRADLES, &c. Ac. All articles manufactured in the establishment will be finished in a workmanlike manner, employ ng none but experienced workmen. ROBERT EVANS, & Co. Ebensburg April 2nd, 185G. . ; Tlie Place to get Tour .Moiiey Hack ! HART & BRO. would inform the citizens of Johustown and country, that they have open ed Family Grocery or Main Street, in the house formerly occupied by M. Weigert & Co., where they will keep a choice selection of GROCERIES I'llO VISIOXS, C OXKLVTIOX,iRIES-fonl sisnug in prt oi Dried Beef. I Egcs. Pine Apples, Cheese, Spices, Sardines, - v Preserves, Cordials, Candies, Nuts, Hams, Pickles. Shoulders, . Tolacco, Cc'ffeo, Segars, Sugar, Crackers, Tea, Chocolat S-ap. Molasses, Candles,. Oranges, Butter. Lemons Champagne, &c. Also, fine ines, and Brandies, for family use and common Liquors by the Barrel, Gallon, and' quart. . due?6 1,itjiltbt 1ricc raiJ in cash for coulitry pro- t "t.-i , ILVRT 3c BRO. . . JoiifliStown, October 24, 1855. KiJlOVAL! PAUL GRAFF, MAXCFACTCREIt AND WHOLESALI PEALEB IN BOOTS, SHOES, STRAW GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, . No 63 J North Third Street, Between Aroli and Cherry,- nr 1 " . XllILADELPniA. March th 1856. .. . somm ov tsmperakck. fW Highland Dirision, Ho. 84, Sons of Tem j y.f prance meet at their Hall erery SATCR "JDAT rnin, 3 d-wrs hmlow Blair's Hotel. OF THE FIRM OF DORSE Y 8l? DOUGHERTY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO & SEGARS, Xo. il ivortn riftli Street, PliJla. WILL be happy to receive the orders of Lis couutry friends, and as many others as may favor the firm with a call. They will al ways find m full 'and select assortment of the best brands of tobacco and segars, which will be sold on favorable terms. ,4 , Soptcmler 5, 1865. . - i. KlAOVAL! The undersigned having removed "to the new building two diors ffest of the old stand, would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally, that lie has lately added to bis former supply cf Goods, and keeps constactly on hand a full supply of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's tools, Smith's tools. Nails, a full supply o assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. ' Stoves and cast holfow-war constantly on hand Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale and retail. . Pine, Pi'plar and Cherry Luaaber bought and sold. Goods will le sold at the very lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country Produce. E. HUGnESr Eltensburg, March 15, 1855. NEW GOODS. "FIRE 1 FJRE ! ! FIRE ! ! I THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed his stock of merchandize, since the lute "1-ire," to tho room formerly occupied by Kane & McGJgnn, where he has just received an 1 open ed out a large lot of Spring and Summer Goods, which were selected with an eye to the wants of this community, and will be sold "lower than the lowest," for cash or approved country produce. JOHN M,COY. " - Jefferson, June 6, 1855. PANAMA, Leghorn, Empire, Magyar, Palm, and in fact every variety and style of fashion able Hats, for sale cheap, at JOHN M'COY'S. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Lawns, Bareges, Silks, Challies, Swiss, &c, cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. SALT, Nails, Oils, Fish, &c, very low at JOHN M'COY'S LADIES, Misses', and Childrens gaiters, a fin variety, at JOHN M'COY'S. A LARGE lot of Ready Made Clothing of almost every quality, cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. VERY large stock of Boots and Shoes, uncom- monly low, at J0IIN M'COY'S. B ROWN and Bleached Muslins from 7 to 14 cts. per yard, ot a good quality, at JOHN M'COY'S. WOUNG HYSON TEA 50 cts. per pound, Rio I Coffee 8 pounds for one dollar, ai.d other Gro ceries in proportion, at JOHN M'COY'S. rORKS & RAKES, Scythes & Snaths, Shovels I & Hoes, together with a general variety of Hardware, very cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. N L. Pe.sons having accounts with the sub scriber of over 6 months standing, are requested to call and settle them. JOHN M'COY. Jefferson, June C, 1855. Dr.; Charles Walters. FFERS his services to the citizens of Sura mitville, and adjoining vicinity, in the prac t'oe of Medicine and Surgery. He may be found at all times when not pro fessionally engaged, at his office in the buildin -jeeupied by AugustiirM'Connell, and immedi ately opposite Farren's New Store, or at the Mansion House of James M. Riffle. October 10, 1855. HO ! THIS WAY: FOR CU C.41- 1XARG.4IXS ! ! THE undersigned would again inform the cit izens of Ebensburg, and the surrounding county, that they have received from the city ol Philadelphia a large assortment of GROCERIES, Coffee, Teas, Sugars. Molasses, Salt. Vinegar Pepper, All-spice, Candles, Soap, Mackeral, Sal mon, Cod Fish, together with many articles not mentioned. ; WILLOW WARE. - Hand Tta..lrt& oil i .. - v" "io! aim sizes, small Jias- jkets for children, Clothes Bakets, Ladies' work j Baskets and Fruit Baskets. ULDAH WARE. , TuJbs Buckets, Half Bushels, recks. Wash boards, Sives, large and small Brooms. Tobacco and Cigars, ol all kinds. Nails and .Glass Ware. - Ropes of all kinds ami sizes. Liquors of all kinds and brands CONFECTION ARIES. Candies, ts, Prunes, Figs, Almonds, Tea Nuts m fact every article in this line. We would here remark that we arc now enabled to sell a cheaner nrf if!o i: i tin the county. Give us a call before purchasing 1 Pkniflirn o v, . ' TUDOR & ROBERTS. Ebensburg, Nov. 14, 1855. tf. 31. M. MARPLE. E. C. MCCLUKE." J. PATTOV THOMPSON. IHarple, McCIure &. Co. WE have this day a.ssQciated with us, J. Patton H Thompson. The Style of the firm will be Marp.e McQure & Co. The Business of the old firm will be settled by the new. i. , M. M. MARPLE, - - " E. C. McCLURE. r ' ' , Philadelphia. January 9, 1S5C. T IV OTIC c. HE undersigned having disposed -of their stock aud business to Wm. II. Gardner & Co., would hereby notify all persons indebted to them by note, book account Or judgment, that the same must be paid immediately! The books will be left at the old stand until the 15th of February next, where those interested will do well to cal'. r ' I ' G- L. LLOYD & CO.'" Jefferson, Jan. 9, 1856." ' Having purchased the stock, good-will, &c, of GL Lloyd & Co.. we will continue the Dry i5' rtOCT.y,ani a-riet winess at their old stand. Hie highest prices will bo paid for Lum ber, Gram and Produce generally WM. II. GARDNER & CO. Jefferson, Jan. 9, 185C. . . ' Iortor on rtt. ' LEWIS BEYNON Tailor and Decorator cf the outward Tabernacle HAS removed his shop to the west end of town, a few doors west of the ux nnunna. 3. foundry. "where senflemen nd tK.; will find it to tlieir advantn'TA u il. ..u senber. and get their clothing fashionably made up and to fit in a style wnpossib'e to be excelled by any ether establishment in the couuty Eosbnrg, March Ctb" I8fi6. , 500 assorted pieces of SYm v c&vd at the Cheap Store, of 1 ' ' EOBERT.O. - RICHARD JOi:S IxistUe of the Peace, EVenstror, Ti'lLL attend promptly to all "collections en- dwelling' c"e'-- &cc adjoining .bi July 211852-tf. " J ; . 0. MAOEhAN. " C.D.KUEBAY. J MAGE HAN & MURRAY. AT TO 11 NE YS, A TLA 0Jr ' ' Kenatjiirsr. Pa. ' FFICE No. 2, "Colonnade Row," near tlie Court House. ; ; , ' ' December 7, '54 ly ' . . - K. IS UTCII IXSOlV, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., "lILL practice iu the several Courts of Cam ? ? bria, Blair and Indian counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to bis care will be promptly attended to. fnce on Main street; adjoining Lia dwelling house. . Ebensburg, July 1 185326 Sm. GKOltGC M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office in tlie Centre Bt., adjoining Gen. McDon ald's dwelling. . ' . Jan. 15, 1S51. ly. cykcs. l.. i-i:rsiiiivg. Attorney at Law, Joanstewn Pa. ro FFICE on Clinton Street, in the Sscond Sto ry of Good & Persh inpr'a Stnrfi Ttnmn January CO, 1851 ly. . . '. ABRAHAM KOPEUX, Attornfly at Lw Johnstown o FFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north, of the corner of Main and rflint. April 23, 1823. F. M. GEORGE, Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane Ho 4, A. P. ft. R. X7"ILL attend promptly to all collections en- trusted to his care. Office, adjoining the Post Oflice, July 28, 1852. Dr. Geo. 15. Kelly, OFFERS his professional services to lh citi zens of Jeflerson and vicinity, in the prac tice of Medicine and Surgery. Office next door to Mr. Lytle's Store. May 20, 1853. Rr L. JOHNSTON. - A. C. iiri.LIX. IOIINSTON & MULLIN; Counsellors and At J torneys at Law. Office opposite the Court House, Ebensburg, Pa. Nov. 30, 1854. py Or. Henry Ycasrlev. Practising Phvsicia.ii. Johns mum t. o Ti ICE next door to his Drug Store, corner oi aiam and JietUord streets. Johnstown, July 21, 1852. WM. DAVIS. JOHN LLOVO. Davis & Eloyd, HAVING formed a partnersliip in th .Mer cantile Business, would respectfuliv s.licit the patronage of their friends and the public gen erally. Call and see us at the old stand of Wm. Davis. April 20, 1852. A OTIC E. ALL persons indebted to the firm of George Murray, or George Murray & Son, are here by notified, that the iotes and" accounts of said firms have been placed in our hands for collection, and that, unless payment le made immediately, suits will be brought to enforce it. JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 1J, 1855. tf. Iartiierslif j notice. THE subscribers have entered into a copartner ship, under the firm of JOHN R. SAVAGE & CO., for the general Manufacture of Chemicals. JOHN 11. SAVAGE, A. M. fc It, WHITE. Office No. 14 north FRONTS treet. . . Philadepbia, Jan. 4, 1855 NOTICE. fpIIE notes and accounts of the late firm ol I Robert Davis & Co., and Davis, Evans & Co., having been left with the subscrilers for collec tion, all persons indebted to either of the said firms, are hereby requested to call and make pay ment ou or before the first day of May, next, as suits will be instituted after that time. JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 11, 1855. John . . Ei eagre, Manufacturer and Dealer in all Kinds of Cigars, Snuif, Chewing and Leaf Tobacco. Montgom ery St., Hollisdaysbarg, Pa. Constantly on hand, a line and well selected stock of Spanish, and half Spanish cigars, at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to be what they are represented. Augusts, 1855. ly. Conemau ii liotel THE subscriber wou . respectfully inform his numerous friend and the public generally', that he has erected a .arge and commodious HO TEL at CONEMAUGII STATION Cambria coun ty. The House is situated near the Ptnn'a R. R. Every arrangement has been made to make it a convenient stopping place for the travelling pub lic. The Table will be furnished with the best the market will afford. The Bar will contain li quors of the first brands, in fact nothing will be left undone to render it'me of the most desirable stopping places in Cambria county. GEO. EICHENSIIIER. ' . September 19, 1855. EBKNSBURG FOUNDRT HAVING purchased the entire stock and fix tures of the Ebensburg Foundry, the sub scriber is prepared to furnish farmers and others with . . IMougrlis, I'loiiprli l'nlnts. Stores. Mill Iron, TlireNhlngr ilachlne, and castings of any kind that may be needed in the community. . By strict atteutiou ; to the business of the con cern, be hopes to merit, and trusts he will receive a liberal patronage from those in want of articles in his line. . All business done at tbe Foundry. - EDWARD GLASS. March 22,,55-tf. - - - , CAMBRIAHOUSE, JEFFERSON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PENN. THE undersigned takes pleasure in informing his friends and the traveling public, that he has leased the Cambria House, and having made much improvement in its interirr, be feels confi dent that ho will thereby be enabled to render comfort and satisfaction to all who favor him with theirpatronago. His fast and superior -MAIL LINE OF STA PES will always be in readiness to convey passen gers io and frorn the , -PENN'A. RAILROAD STATIONS to his borne,' and also leaving direct after the ar rival of the trains by a good llank Road to Ebens burg. : , - - . j dry- He will ever be happy to accommodete hU old friends and acquaintances that will favor bm with, a call. . , JAMES D. HAMILTON, t Jefferson, April 20, 1864 t. V v THE GREATEST ATTRACTION I ff Nooltc t -soar- - HAVE ytt opened at their" Old stand; in the Borough of Ebensburg, the. richest and rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of FILL B WIKTM CflODS, ever offered to the people of Cambria County. Lnusal care was taken in the selection of theU goods d care has been taken that nothing with in the range of a Country store, nor .tit ways near it, but what they can supply to their cus tomers, at leabtjw cheap as thoy caa be Lad in the country. Their stock of Dry Goods is unprecthlentTy large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and texture, batinetts, Cassimc-res, Tweeds, . Jeans, I &c- It"neU Sheeting, Shining, and ..V, y vuig oi every aescription. A sreat variety o: - - LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS of ell patterns and at'all prices. Laces, trimmings, gloves, mitts, Ac. Their assortment of hats, caps, boots, and shoes is complete and unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety and quality. A well selected variety of Hard ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Queensware and Glass; Paints, Dve stuffs, DRUGS &r MEDICINES. And all for sale low for cash, or given In ex change for country prodrco. Give us a call t , -J MOOUE & SON. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '64. COACH MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicin'it-, that be has removed his shop to MOORETOWN, where he has every facilily ftr caiTj ing on a larsc busi ness, and hor.es by using nor.e but the best ma'e rial, and employing none but the l-st workman, be. hopes to convince all who will do him the favor to examine his work, tjiat in jtoiut of dur ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled, by any similar establishment in the State or elsev. hcn?. rers.i.a wishing r barcain in the purchase of a carriage, "will con sult their own interests by piving him a call. They are prepared to sup'ply the following kinds of vehicles, viz: Buggies of different qualities and prices. Bar ouches, CharioUees, one and two horse rockawnvs, close quarter eliptic and C-Spring Coaches; second-hand w ork of different kinds, &c, making a variety thatwill suit ail tastes and all parses, Repairing done with neatness and desoat-h ROBERT GALBREATH. Spt.2a0, '64. NEW LI.VE OF (OMiL'S From Ebensburg to Willmore Station ! THE Subscrilers having asocited themselves together, have put upon tlie Ebensourg aud Jef ferson Plank Road a double Daily Einc of Clialse Coaelies, would say . to the Public that they will spare no pains to carry passengvrs to and 'from Willmore Station with all dc?,;ach and comfort. ?y-Coaches leaving Ebensburg at 7.C0 A. M. Connecting v.ith train going weat at Wilm'-e Station at 11.33, A. M. Leaving Ebensburg. at 3.15, connecting with train going east at 4. -its, P. M. Leaving Ebensburg, at So'cl'k, P. M., connect ing with train west at 8.12, P. M. Leave Willmore Station for Ebensburg on the arrival of every train, both East and West. The Public ruay rest adaured that there will be a coach allwavs at the station on the arrival of the cars. THOMPSON & HAMILTON. Ebensburg, November 9, '54. Go. W.Todd, with CO A" R AD & 1VAETOX, Importers & Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, &c. No. 255 Market Strest. Philadelphia. V7"EEP constantly on hand tho genuine Ti.no- jb-s. xny riach. s vugers. wm. AlonuV, Beattv ITT . 7 ana Hunt's sup rior Axes, Conrad A; Walton'u superior Dolisbc r . ' " """.ii, lv lron s Grass and Cradling-Scythes, Common and TV-. 4. A. ti . 1. . 1 , . . ifll Sll..-1-..l.J Ultimo .1. V-l i u.eni, ocj i e ruiains, i atent CUotiies fins, -c, &c, which they offer for sale on rras nable terms, to country dealers only. January 25, lbCo. " refer 3;cCug,Ii, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and SCRIVENER, Clearfield township, Cnn.bria ti".u:v. Prima. Collections and other business m ill be "promi tly attfndel to. Mas 9, i?54. Adutlnisti atlon IVolIcc. "ff ETTERS of Administration de lonis non JLi cum testamento anneso.vn the estate of John Murphy, late of Ebensburg Borough Cambria county deceased, having been granted to the sub scriber bv tlie !:c"'.vl.'P i,f i.',' ..- V is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said j estate to make i'-nliarc jiirnrnt a 1 t''s hav- ! ing claims agaiiet. t .- i; t'ate v.i'I present t.;ieni uuiy proven iir fcettieineut. D. II. T.0BERTS. Administrator ue bonis non cum testamento annexo of John Murphy deceased. March 20, 1856. ITIio Ones Cs." "THE Books of the subscribers have been pieced 1 in the hands of John Williams, Eq., for col lection. MURRAY & ZAnM. MURRAY, ZAUM&Co. Ebensburg, Dec. 26, 1855. "IT. " M. SUTL1FF would again Inform the citi JLie zens of Ebensburg and all tbe rest o mankind, that he,will again visit this place, with a large collection of Books at the next term of Court. December 26, 1855. J US EVANS. IVAS EVANS. MLOU J J ft 1. A Ckange-v-I-Tew Firm ! THE TUBLIC ARE HEREBY INFORMED that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Evans, John Hare, Evan K. Evans and Hugh Jones, has been dissolved. Mr. Hare retiring. The firm as it now stands will carry on the business in all its various branches at the old stands. The Tannery will be under the su perintendauce of John Evans at tbe old stand formerly owned by J. Moore. The Sho-nnaking business will be carried on as usual a few doors east of Snj'der's Hotel in all its branches. The highest market prices will be paid in cash for hides. . Chestnut and Hemlock Bark in trado - They have constantly on haud a large assort ment of French calf-skin, Men and Womens' Mo rocco Boots and Shoes, and are prepared to exe cuta work on the shortest notice. Being practical workmen themselves, and using none but the very best materials they are.conh dent they can execute work as . well and as cheap as any establishment in the country. April 30, lS5G-27tf. C W. Wlngrarri. ATTORNEY AT LAW BSCXSKCBS, rA. r WILL practice in the several Giurts of Cam bria, Blair. Huntingdon, Indiana and Clear field county. Office ono door west of Dr. Wm. Lemon's. . " . . . . fcJ-AIso Agents for tlie sale of Lands La Cam bria and adjoining Counties. .. 0rAlso Agents for the Union Fire Insurance Company. . ; March M, 186. i I LOUIS LUCKHAfcrvr watch maker; AXD DEALER I MS, WATCEES AID HWll thatie h33j;ist received and is ng as 'S'ir opening the largest stock of Clocks, WaH&ta and eire.ry,ever brought to Johnstown, tnihou cptcon, which will be sold "cheaper tLac'the cheapest.' His prions will Zy U Wo-m VnecustrrU not be charged more foS same quality oT goods than anotberv A' L-'st some of tbe articles comprised in tie aftrrtnenv goods examined, at the Store on Main Street. Gold Hunting English Levers, , , GJd Detached Levers, full jewelled Gold Lepines. 4 lunes n . t Silver English Levers, Silver Detached levers. " ": Silver Ix-pinw, tluld Guard Chafnu. -Gold Vest Chains. Gold Pencils, with Peh. Gold Pencils, U,.ld Medallions S.lver Extension Pencils and Pens, Gold Breastpins. Ladies and Gentlemen Gold Eardrops, Gold Earrings, Gi-U Finder Kings, Gold Cuff Pins ' Gold and Silver Watch Keys, PortLoc Ladies' Fans, fancy and plain, " Silver Tableppoons, - ' i Silver Teaspoons, Silver TLimblt Tlated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teasprjons . Silver Gbarl Chains, ' r Plated and Brittania Tea Sttk Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, &.. Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, C inches J Gold Era"eMs. Arcordeonf, Silver and Plaffr' SjK-ctac'es, A-., At-., &i . C"5- All soris t.f Wrdches. Co-ks end JewtW repaired witu promptress and at low rat Cc fident that he Cannot be undersold, the ur.derijr refpectfidlv solicits the cohfienee r.d patro"ni- of tlie public. LOUIS LUCKHALDT Miy 14, 1S5C. 20-tf. The War Ended ! Apim of if mm "ODVV AKD j:OBEET.- i.as arrive a home wfth JL4 a large stock of choice goods from the Eas tern cities, which he will dispose. of on tejiLg k. ! lu' "ul weu as new or.e. Hi .stock has been swlectcl vi:h great cre, which for quality and quantity cannot be ttat'oa XU I Bl.1 .f .T,,,.,l- TI.. ? . r Forej,?. and Amtri- Tickir.n. - ran 2'lain Gc4L3. AhipacGS, Deluinrs, Xczc rt, Cthurq Cloth $ ' Black S.lk-i, Fancy Si' As 2fac Style cf ini CiimeriM Fancy do, Satinetts, Acvtucky Jean, Tweeds. Yestinns of all linJs. Shirts andPrutcert, Ca'icc-et, Cravats, Woolen Fijid, ' ITan'UcercJaefg, Skirtinq Mmlinj. Gloves and JAsiery, Skeetinj d3. " Flamiele, Alaige supply of HARDWARE, QUESTS. WARE and GROCERIES. Vm at the store of Ed. Robert if rou w'h !a purchase goods and at low prices. Ve eon-i.'r it no trouble to show our goods so walk in ' : judge for yourselves. EDWARD ROLLETS Ebensburg. April 23, 1?5C. FALL WIiVTJgR GOODS IiODGERS i JONES I,. fc w V.l IjU Jg AVE just received atd are now diplarjnra JL carefully selected stock of full aud wmtw j jicir mock, consul ol L'ry of e-very cescMj,tion and . quality .suit present a:;d arrcftcidnscascns A ... J.e for tiis VrT- 1 sr. 1 some us.orniK-nt cf Broad cloths, Cissiircw, satuictls. Jeans, Src. vV. Ready made clothii: I.MUE.S' Goirt Sach as Cne Wrinocs assortment of silks and woolen plaids,' every varu-ty cf De Laiues, and siiks of evei-r -rir. tion. 1 SHAWLS A a nnr.si!Ti broche and woclen, of All rricd. slrss, quali;ies ad l,i"7S -t'fc:- Rd Jo.csiic, of ery rrio and quality. BOOST F-;nOHS-The very r.:!cUd vi in the msTKet. JIARDWARi: .t CT-TLERY Bu-'r. ad .ecr.amcs are requesud to t ail and examine our stocc of Hardware, and tlie attention of -hcise-fvrtrj---rs -ca;l.-.i to our cutlery. GROCERIES Their stock'of Groceries Is tu usuaMy large, consisting of sugar, cofTe, xaola ses, rice, tea, pepper, fish, and salt. - -i ALSO Paints and dye stiuTs, woou-n wars and clocks. In short a full and complete variey of everything either for show cruse, that can find so'd oi ccvnn The itv way it is a cotmtry stor, a-i rf sold on tho iiivHt resor.abl ttrm f . V rtturu thanes tn thr frnAm favors, and respectfully ask a contirranci f them. - RODnPRSAJiixiN Ebensburg. Nov. 9. "54. JOHN PARKE'S JcImstovin Marble Work, Franklin Street, nearly opposite the new hletis- dist Chcrch, Johnstown, Pa. 7fONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, Ma JfitCi?, Table, and Bureau top?, manufactured of she most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and domestic marble, always on hand ami macd to order as cheap as thry can le purchased in th East, with the addition of carriage.- From loc experience in tbe business . and strict attentioa thereto, he can assure the public that ail orders will be promptly attended to and the work finish, ed in the best an! most handsome manner.fdrnuij ed to order and delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and sires, suitable for farmers and mechanics. 'Sold by wholesale or retail. - (C7For the convenience of persons reaiding'ia tbe east and north of the county, recimer.s may be seen and orders left with Stephen Lloyd, at his cabinet warerooms in Ebensburg. Purchasers are invited to- examine stork" an3 prices. f june 20, 1&5C." Tomb Stones! Tombs Stones! RICHARD JONES respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, manufactured in the latest style, and lettered cording to any directions. ' -. - ,( His yard is sitnatel at tho south part cf the town, where a large assortment of articles ia LLi line are always kept on hand. From long experience he feels confident be can please all tastes, and he therefore hope to be pat ronized by a generous public. " June 17, 1853. ' DRUG AND RIEDICITJE STORE. THE undersigned would inform his many friends in tho town and country, that be hi ereccivd a new and larce assortment of .. . - DRUGS AND MEDICINES, . : t He solicits the patronage of the public, and gives the assurance that every kind w orders such as RECIPES, &c, prom ply, and to lower prices as in other stores will be attended to. FREDERICK. SNYDER. Jnlv f0,lr,4. w. - PE i Letter, njte aud to.4scap JL ra per. Steel Pens, Ink, Qtiils v a . - ir