JUL .'. i 1 i5 Tfir An' Overwhelming Reply. ! - :' In lbo course, of a iong,able. .and wither ' in reply to the oft-refuted slanders ra regard 1 to tha Federalism q JI;Buckanan,tbe -New York Ai JWf say s t j : .; 5 i i r . Now the truth is, Mr. Cuohanan 'never 'Vis a Federalist;-! Jn the true peuso of that .term.. A Federalist - was an opposer of the war of 1812;' Mr. Buchanan supported the war by bis own good sword. " Mr. Buchanan ; was elected to Congress, the first time iu lSiO ' and as a supporter, of Mr." Monroe's aduiitus : tration ; yet as this' administration was sup . ported by the Federalists; the Cliatoniaos, and Democrats,' i givea Lis enemies a chance Jo ay that be.was' a Federalist The true way to determine what he was'is to go to tlie record. Did be support Federal or' Whig measures? Did he favor a strict or liberal construction of ' the constitution ? By their fruits ye shall know them. Nov almost the first tpreeh (and, a must able one it was) which Mr Bu chanan made on the lloor cf Congress was iu opposition to" a bankrupt law. In this tpeech he-showed its injustice to the laboring classes, and its wrong iu granting special privileges to " ' Upon other questions bis rccnid is etjual It Democratic. "Jr liuca then were not drawn The old Federal party h?d forsaken its principles, and made pretentions to the era of good feeling, ' asil; was called. Y ben however, Mr. Monroe drew theTmes iu bis celebrated message upon internal improve- cent, and "in the tuunclatiou of the Monroe doctrine, the goats .soon separated from the fehcep. Tl.e former ell at cuce became ' Na ional Republicans,' snlMr. Cby. cliviriced nd disappointed, joined them." Where v.-as Mr. Buebauan all through this? Did be go oil after the . strange go Is of the Republican nirty, like so many pretended Democrats of the present day ? ..Not "at all. We find him uuvravering ia bis support of Democratic prin ciples from the day he entered cn the floor of Congress until the present,' c?tJ ice d. jj his -encvr-Us to prove drfvrrnf'y" "The Kill-eni" Doctrine. Ia t!ic I'ittibuvg Cjavectioa. a tevr months go, after prayer by the 11 v. Mr. Love-joy The iUo. Mr. Brower, of Connecticut, MM be was iu favor of using fire-arms, and fight-rig for freedom ia Kansas. Rev Mr. ChandL'r s-uii he believed that 'r-Sharp.:'s ritles v.eru itu best peace-makers ;- there was no daugcrtoo many of th.-ui wuld hi iair-.ulaeed iuto Kansas. jbc. Mr.'Lovejoy was v.idingtogT citacr a a captain or privaw He would use Sharp's rifles, and fire irith goad aim In the North Cbur.-h, soou alter, ths eo. Ilenrv Ward Eeechcr said : "j.ld it to h on etnlistinj disgrace io shoot at a man and not to hit him!" .-(Jo the t-ame occasion the samo re-trend yentlezr.an Paid N had t.?ver board of but una compromise which he thought was a good one aud that was contai'ied iu an answer which be nil-god Itobiuscn, the bogus (jovtr ernor cf KaufM, has made to Gov. Shannons den.aul for a sum-nder of th? Sbnrpe's riL'es bfld by the people of La-vience, which an-e-xer he f lat, d to . " Well, sir, ia ragard'to the rules, I pro pose to cc&ipro.no we will keep the weapons ' tiurBd ves ut ju jo'i the contents .'" ".That c.iiupronub'i "continued Rev. Mr. Beecber "1 Tills k woild workI" "MA iT Y "OF" 1l r2 7ST Cl- Ilockcr v.Lu murdertd young Davis at - Williamsburg, r.Uir co.,has h&sa arrested and is n?w iu jail at HJlidaysburg. The Brllefintpir.c Gazette. f Lngan comity, Ohio, an o'.d Whig pap.'r, has come out Demo- v-f Ktic. ar.d run up the name cf Uuchaaaa and Breckinridge. PEtr.ta rer. Pccitanak. After ell the fuss , the Black Republican- have made about Reed-r aad bis right to a seat in Congress he has openly avowed himself in favor nf Buchanan. Ti.e Clcivclander, published iu Oavelaad, says be announceJ that a. l.is poaitlvn in that city. How do the K?pblicacs like that. Ilnga C'.crigan was remove 1 ' from the jail of AllegteD? county, to Gr eis'jur.j, on Wcduc-d.iy ereaiag. Ha was m"cb r ff -to l on L'r.vin t:t- risa; and wpt 1 ittt-rly. M-.uiy of the prison ers, tho bu.:l ii'.de h; acc-:.i :.'.:cr, '.ro a4so Hobert C. W;i!kcr, Si-ertUry cf the St-.fe Agri--cultural Sieiety, heretofore an aciive Whig, an l enco a member tf the State Legislature from Al legheny; has piven in ."r. adliesy n to the D-'iao- cratic platf;rt2, ard viil rjivo the nominees his i best efforts. X3T The Vy'rightsviilo (Pa) Star say " that it is the intention of Mr. Buchanan to take op bis quarters and Fper.d tho summer at Wabank, a place of tome celebrity as a fash ionable refort for gentlemen of leisure, on the banks of the Cocestoga river, a short distance '. from Lancaster city. fry. -The day fixed for the election cf electors t elect a-President and Vice Presidt-nt of the United States, is tl e Crst Tuesday r.ftcr the first Moadaj, in Kovcmter. It will fall this year up on the fourth day of the months . The Illinois Central Railroad is cot yet all fiinshed, tut lbre i a lcrge frrce of laborers atwoik on the uncompleted portion, and the progress made i 3 very rapid, so there is no doubt of its being completed on or bofrre tb rfct of. October. This will lein time for thn farmers along the lino ef the road to use it for ' toovcyins to market their growing crops. StpaGE EvETfl. An exchange rcrorrh: the mafriao cf JJ.n M. Strange and Dozil-eth Strange as a "fctranjre" event. The Xiext event will probably Te a little stranger." An old lailyin Pennsyjvaniahad a great aver sion to Rye, and "never could eat it in any firm. "Till cf late,", slm taid, ' tl ey have Rt to ma king it into whiskey, end' I find that I can now and then worry down a little." , - " A lady making, inquiries cf a boy about bLs father I an inttmperate rran, who bad lten t'i?k for some time, asked whether be had regained his appetitel " " 2so, ma'am," says thoj lvy, ' " not txactly, Itid apttt-is very-ioor, but his dfiuk-a-tite ia as good as ever.'r ' , .' ' ; ' a i $ tt5- rTr drink any wtcr whicV ypu have cot Wa.-' 1 -.7.,- - ---- ---'- w-"---"' -y-rrrir . ' " " 1 ' ! New 'Advertisements. . - "Blair County Art Union. f $ :-' It ia confidently expected that the first disri bntion will take place on "or about the 20th of June. We would therefore advise all who intend to invest in the enterprise to do so at once as de lavs are dangerous. , See . advertisemert in th columns of this paper.-- ' ? , .-- v 7 .- 1'OIt KALE. ' s A VN Al lerney Bull two years and four months j3L oh!, alsi one fiesh milch cow and cr.lf. in quire orA. Pivbin Esq.', Mv.nster, r Wm. Ghus one mile ivrth of Minister Cambria county. July 2. Ib5a. S6. : ' " - Stray CatUC ' C1 AME to the residence vf tl.e J subscriber on the IGth June l.i.-t eiicht head of Cat tb, viz : 3 r,. nnvl wi'ita steers 3 vears old 3 years old. O killll' lie -f ' 7 V ! IT T 1 red II -itier a years oiu i oiaeo. mm years old. The owner is. i-cquested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away.fr they will be deposed of accruing to law. A. Al.- lliii!.. July 2,1833.- CC-3t.- - . GRIND BALL ., WILL "l.a given at the -Ehcnsburg House, ii Ebenolur?.'. Pa.. the eveiiing of the , , -atu of July, . wl-'re all 'the lovers" cffiin ar- respectfully invi ted to attt-nd. The" best of Music is engapri.. 0- A Supper of the best the est era. Market c:in iiu-.r.i, will bo served up ia the evening. Jiau 25. 1850. Coicbralloa ef.tSio 4t!i- A r'i.:-nic will be siven en th 4th of July ia JL. the woods Jljinin the Summit. DIS.NER " will bo serve i vp at 12 it'ok, and abundant r'fresbrre;its provided under the mauagemeut uf the Ladies. gkx. josepu ;raosAtn will deliver an ORATION' ; and several other distinguished speakers arc expected to speak on the occasion. ' TICKETS 25 CESTS, the proceeds f which will be app'ic-fl to the erection uf the t-iwer of St. Aloysius Church. 37i:iOM tl.e subscriber .-a the 20th instan. aa jL indentured apprentice named Iletjrylvist, lie is about lo years old. ; I hereby lautiou all neraous not to trust Mm on my ar-euuiit:- - . IIliV''Y J. CATdl'BELL. C.irrobtown, June 2, lr'5(. 5'. - At Jaiaes M'Bermit's r ICIIARDSON'S Sberry Wine Bitters. L Dr. Weavei'.-, Cauher and salt rheuin syrup rlu.'iftri.in B.i'.-am, W.-r.-, II dr Rest". rati ve, V'iekers tetter ointment, LVtU's eye salve. Insect P.iwder, yrup blackberry root, a sure euro for dysentery, A v res Cathartic Pills., ll'd'owavs ' Wi-Uh-.'s ir.diia Wgetabb Piib ' F'.randreth's do do Bennet'.s Plant and Rout do MeLai:fc's Liver lo Sw;iynes Sars.iTi.ir.lla and tar Pirls. Uuive'slcy's Jaynes and Uudway' Pills, O.mb.Lm Pdls. Cm-rh Remwlies AyrcsClierry Pectoral, Kevers Pectoral syrup Hwayr.es Syrup Will C!it-rrv Universities renvd.v Jayi.es Expe-to-rat.t.V.rant.'s Pulmonary B.iham, Syrup cf tar, Wild Cberry and i-.o:.rnoui'u. 11S3L-CUE) Perry D.ivis' pain Ki'ler, Ra. 1 w.iy 's Ready Relief, Mustang liniment Indian liniment, E e;tric ':! and Magnetic oil, -Kennedy's Medical discovery, Brant's Pnrifyir.g Txtract, II h.ihind Bitters. Il-.lhmd Bittern. 1'nnvns essence of Jamaica' Otnger, Hollowav's worm confections, McLaaes, Swaj-aes and Jaynes Vermifuge, Thompson's Eye-water, Cure fir toothache. Cure fr earache, deafness, $-C, Balm of a thousand f.owers, Hair U i.ics ar.d Hair iU. EK-ns-ur- April EOfh lP-r.5. 2?. - JEFFHUSCN HOUSE (:CEAR WILLMORE STATION, PA. R. R.) T T T. T"1 EGO H , CA31I221SA CD., JOHN r.i:C0Y Proprietor - ALSO, IK CO.VSECl-IOy,' 3FC0Y &' .I! Pi'S HACKS. Will always bi ia muii::ss t d:inoro Sta tion oa the arrival of each Passenger Train, con veying Passengers and Baggage, free., of charge to "ih. lei, and leave t'.iieclly via Plank Rua.J fur Ebeiobura. CALL roil M'COY BLAIR'S HACKS. Jii.ie 13, lb?. WILLS A nil CARR &, CO, WHOLES A-LE GROCERS, . ILIPOETEIIS iLnd Dealers ia Fjaiaj& D JUL -.STIC LIQUORS, OLD JjlOASAHAandaJcUfls'l Wiiiskey. No. 320 Cammereial Row, " ' " ' LIUERTY STRKKT ' : . PITTTSBURC. Pa. tSuhdrits 5C0 Bids double Rectified WhUkey. 187 Ebls Old MununguU'a Rye Whiskey, (Part very choice.) . &n Hhds N. O. Sugar, " . 70 El Is !N 0. 3-Il.Lxsscs. With a general rtaSiirtment of Groceries, alsi Bacon, Fl.J:r, Lard, Inn A; .Nails &c, allof which will be sold at low prices for ca5.li. 'AVil. CARR & CO. . June 18, ISoG. 31- . ". ; i;X!:cutok'S 'KOrtcs. LETTERS Ttstaineiitary on tbe estate of M tthew Iviryf late of Allegheny township diTtasud have been granted to the subscriber, re siding in Clearfb-M tovnwlrip.' Those who owe said estate are requested to come fjrw:,f 1 and settle; ami tLose " having claiots against it. will pretent tliem prATvrlv proven fur settlement. WILLIAM IVoRY, ) JOHN' 11. DUUO LASS, Jcutors, June IS, ISOG. ,4-Gt. - I'ovitivcly tlie Lai! A'oilce. fWIIE underMgned takes this method t inforrr.- B ing arsons vho w indebted tobim.Jlat he lias pl.tced bis books in th- hands of Esq tire Williams for. ctl'ectiou. Those knowing them s.lves iudebtetl will do well to square tJieir cmnU in t wueka from the date . this adver tisement and save costs. After which tiica all persons not complying will Le sued. -' A r ; ! MORRIS PATE.--") Juae 13klS5 UNION IIOISE. ..4 i , EBEHSETJRG, County, Pa. J J0H1I -ELAIR, Proprietor, ; J - ALSO,TN Ct)NyECTJON,- , i: Will leave the Union House for. Willmord StiV tioh in time to take tlif Eastern or Wtcru train-. Every sccomodtioa w ill r be afforded to- make passengers comfortable. " JVOTICE. : THE Undersigned Commissioners 'uni--f the -Act nf 221 May, 185(5, to re-eiamme the claims against the Commonwealth, certified to be due and unpaid on the maia line of the public works bv the Commissioners appointed in pur suance of the 20th 'sectioii .f the Act of 9th May 1854,' give ; notice, to all persons having such claims.'that they are required to present a state ment thereof m" the office of the Auditor General at Hanisburg. on ox U forc THURSDAYj TilE li)TH DAY OF JULY. NEXT. Such statement lnut sit forth a detailed account of the dates and items of the d.iim.and the name and residence of the lumant; and, if assigned, the name and residence of the assignee. No claim will be ex amined, unless so presented. Hie Commissioners further fcire notice that; they will meet for the purpose of taking testimcny in inference UlrlaWi,,' i n seated in conformity vUh tl is notice, at Oi-es-l,n Cmibria Countv, on THURSDAY. THE 17THOP JULY NEXT, at 10 'cl.-k :i. m., and contiuxie by adjournment from day to day as may be necessary. - E. RANKS. ' TIIOS. E. FRANEL1X, II. S. MAG RAW, . . '. ; llarrisburg, June 18, 18l0.. St. Sheriffs Sale. BY virtue of a Writ of Vend. Expon., issued out of the Omrt of 0mrnn Pli- of Phila dtlpbia and to me directed, there will l eko s-td to publio sal-on the premises on -Saturday the 5tii day of July next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. i All the right, title, and interest of R. M. S. Jackson, 'of' in aad to' the fM'..wiijg deserilwd Real Estate' situate in V.as.:nugto:i township Cambria county, to wit : . ' . 1. A certain tract of l.vid knowh as the Lwrel S. vamp Tract." containing Three hun dred and iurtv-three acres more 'of le.v?,' bavi.ig thereon erected a large Tavern Ib.nse, kn wn as the Mountain llouso," a Tavern II use known uh the V Cre.sn Hoiic," a log h.uise, a board h'.r.-f, an 1 stable all in the occupancy if James Rmiit r, a ot:e f.t..ry plank hottse in the oceuoamy of John Ecklcs. a ojiestiry piaak house in theoo cupaney of Peter : Hi luran, Jr., and John llolby, a one and a half story plank hoiiso in the occu pancy of j.cob K'.ei-hart. and a two story fr.irao bouse and otore room ia the occaponcy of John Troxeil. . . 2. A cert-;n tract of land known as the "Troxeil Farm," containing one hundred and thirty acres more or less, "having thereon erected a-vmall frame house in the occupancy of Charles Pearv. a double dog Louse ia the occupancy of J .hn M.;Ana:ly, and a t'o story franio U'Use, a blacksiuith fchop and a frame Rani in the occu pancy of the said R. M. S. Jackson. Taken in nxecution and to le sold, at the suit of George W- Jjnes. - :.'J0H1T .ROBERTS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ebensburg June 18, 18-jO. St. J - . PUBLIC SALE ! Oi" Valuable Ileal Kstatd BY virtue if aa order of thu Orphan's Gurt of lilair and Ca::ib;ia comities, the undersigned administrators of the Estate of Goo. P.. Spang, late of B air county dte'tK' will s!l fit Public S i!e or outcrv upon the premises, 435 acres anl 182 perches and allowance, of land, more -or Ws, .sit uate oa the head waters of Rob's aii Bono's Creeks, pirtly 'ia G'-eeoii-l l towashij) ia lilair county aod partly inCimbria conuty. And also one oli.tr trac t adjoining the above, continuing 34rt acres or thereabouts, oa Friday the 11th' day of July next. . " The above tracts of land arc well timbered have plenty of "water, g od sigljt ir Saw Mill 3c, They will be offered in Lts or all toatther to suit tmrchasers. Sale to commence ' at 1 o'clock P M., of said day, whttq due attendance will be giveu. Terms of sale :aade known by JO P. M ANN, J. M. SPANG. Adair's cf Geo: B. Soang. June 11, 1850. 33tf. Dissolution. 1 jpi HE partnership heretofore existing unler the M- firm of It Jxirts and CletnentA was dissolved by 'mutual consent on Saturday May 21.-t. All persons knowing thems. Ivts indebted to the lat firm will please call ou tho subscribers and settle tlitir respective accounts. WM CLEMENT. JOHN 110IJE11T3. June i, 185C. ; o2- Administrator's llotice. LETTEliS of aumini.stiatiin having beou grant ed the undersigned, on, the E-tate of Charles l, Kcnnady. Jate of Washington Township deoM. Ail perrons indebted to said estate are requested to make innv.ediate payment, and those having claims against it, are requested to present them properly authenticated for set tlen-ent. THOMAS H PORTER June 1. 165C 32-tit. Adndnistia fr. - m m wm r ': SUR EYS made and apjlications taken for in surance against Fire in the ' PROTECTION MUTUAL FIRE IXSU . RANCl-y U0UPANY OF BLAI11 ' county, nr ' , ... . -y ROBERT A. M'COY, Agent. W i'morc P. Oi, Cambria Co. Pa. ' . April ,1C, 185ti ? - , Willi an Eitwil. Villiam A. Murray. KITTELL : MURRAY, ' "?""TA VINO as-ociated themselves in the prac jH.II. tice of the LAW, -vUI attend promptly to all bnsina entrusted to them '" ; , Ebemdnirg. June 14, 183C. . ... . U'JT " - - ATTOHNZY, AToLAWANl A GR'T-f V the Eycokrng "Mutual Insurance Counsel given in the Eugb'sh aod German languages.'-. , , - ,. , ' . J (JuKcou Ilrgh Street Lbcnsourg, Perm a. ,. ': I'el.'C.".lSi6. .' ly. . . . . . EASKET3 Clot he, Toy and Work Biskets at J M'Drujit,i. ; c AT LI OLIO Prayer B.ks, Cuechutm; Rosa lies and"Crucifix at J. M'Dermit. '-- S PAVlNG'Cird. Silver.Tidrubles. Sdver;plated .Spoons aad J;'orkat- r,, J..Al.'Derouts, -:, QUMMKR Coats and Par ts, Silk. UwV'"aiid M Gingham 'tlaalkerchfefsat ' J- M'Dennits.. i' ' 1 1 r. ! . .c .. j1. t . ... - GLOVES Stotkmgs', '-Suspend rs.- Thteads": a ti H JJJI'DermitV: T List of Setailers. OFGoods;.V4rr llercbafeeis.itbtn ; he County ,vf XJambria, returned and classi fied aocortbng to law, os follows . - t E tenth urg ByrougH, J a - - License. ; 10,00 - Johnitan Moore-,' Davis & Lloyd, , . Rcvlgers & Jones,' . E. Hughes. , . Tudor 6i Roberts, Eyaus 5- Hughes. . Siioemaker & Clark, George M'Cann, Edward Roberts -Robert Davis. I emmon & Kitteil, Samuel D. Tryce, M.C. M'Cague, "13 -14 l: 14 14 liquor 14 14 ' - 14 11 14 14 14 14 . 14 7,( 0 7, 0 7,C0 7.00 7,00 7, bo i . 7,00 7, DO 7,00 ' 7,00 7.00 7,C0 7,00 7.00 7, CO 710 7,00 7,00 7.00 7,00 7,00 7.0) 7.00 7.G) '7,00 '00 ; -o-i 7.00 ' 7,0) . 7.o0 7,0') : 7,00 7.0o 7. CO 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.C0 CO.Oo 7,00 7.(0 . 7,00 7.00 "".7,00 7,00 7.o0 10.C0 7,00 7.00 : 7.00 7.00 7. CO 7.00 ?.0d 70 7.0o 7.00 . 7,00 7,00 7.00 7,00 7.' 0 7.00 7,00 7,00 ,:' 1,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 -' 7, :0 7,o0 ' 7,00 - 7,00 7,00 7,00 1 1 7.'0 '7,00 .7,00 7,00 7.00 7.00 7,00 7,00 7.00 ; 10.00 J AW : 7,00 , 7..C0 ' 7,00 7.00 7. 0 '7,00 7,00 James M'Dcrmit, Isvretto BtjTuugh. Felix Jacob; 14 Piiilip Herxog, George Litziugcr, Andrew Guice, Daniel Gallagher, Wm. Litzinger, . Patrick Shiela, Hugh M'Mullen 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Johnstown Borovgh. ' Rutledge & Bo'yer '' 14 Edward Goodman, - 14. Good &' Pe-shiug, . 14 ; r Walters Sc ,7m - - 14 : Dinie;Burk4 .""''. 14 Fraokel & Hart, '14 Geis'5 Murphy, - - - 14 Jacob Fronheistr," ' ' 14 W. C, Lewis, ' i r ; - 14 ' C. Lowry, ' 14 Casr or RurgrafT, ' 14 J.W.Thompson, - 'i 14 Bolsinger & SSon, 14 Valentine Luther, -14 Henry Kratzer & Son, "14 Adam Foikbr, 14 John M. Kiidey 14 Wood. Morrell & Co. 15 - S. t. GorgasS Cj. 14 David Hamilton t 14 Andrew J. Lohr, " 14 J. S.Rose,. ' ; ' 14 B James, - - 14 C. T. Frazier, '14 Sweeny & Dougherty. 14 Dell, Smith & Co. (Pankers) 13 Cunciaaujh Boiough. M'ohaf l Sciort. 14 Clement & Ilassingcr, 14 - J hn Seivert, . 14 Casper CradK 14 J4it Eisenstbr, - .14 WUiiam Nicholson, ; - 24 John Kimrsr n, 14 'Hiouias M'C.d e. ,14 V.r. H Ornnin & Co. 14 Edward Cashtiian, 14 SiuHUiitviUe Borough Maria Magehan, 14 Josej.h A. Pwrrish, - 14 Mrs. Lydia Horner, - 14 ".' James Glea.Mn. 14 -' Win. M'Cbanell 14 Margaret Omwav, 14 James F.M'Dormit. 14 AlLghaiy I'uizvsltip Joseph Todd. .. 14 Montgomery Douglass, 14 ' Wm. D. Uurd, . 14 . - Joseph A: Courad, 14 Jobu Kratzer. 14 Augusiin J. Naele, ; ' 14 ' Henry M'Kibbon, 14 Peter Soissongj 14 Philip G. Davisi - - - 14 A. D. Carnrater,: " " . 14 '- John SrnitlrVj-:.' ' 1 ' 14' Daniel M'LHUghlin, 14 John Porter, 14 " Thomas Rradlev, : !4 li'.-nry M'Dade. -14 ' Carroll Tovensh.p. J. Mo-'ve, - ' . 14 James Carroll, It James Fa gen, .14 Henry C3 rue, 14 " " Cruemuygh Toicnshij. C inemaugh Iron Co. : j ; MX Johustown Fuinace Stove, 1".; i Il-nry R dtzer, 14 Wood. Morrell & Co. (Ben's : Cieek Furnace,) ..''14 Wood, Morrell & Co. (Cam- , bria Fr-mve.) 14 Chest Touuxship: Jos'-ph Gill, " . 14 Charjield TuicnJiip. John Zcrbe, . 14 William Maguire, . 14 Dauiel Litzinger, 14 Jackson Toicushipt . David Leidy, 14 - . JJuiuler Tournship , -J dm Bradley, , ' 14 Francis O'Friel, 14 . SdhltnerhiU Toiinship, , William "Murray,. ; .14 , Francis Uallisvt, 14 Christian Weaver, 14 ! Rididi-' &. Roreabaugh, 14 , John M'O.y, , . ' ; 14... . John Id'Colgan,' .: ,. 14 - f Ned Dug-.m, 14 . ' , Lawrence Cassioj", . 14 Ettingcr & UHman, 14 Wiu. H. iardi:er& Co.- 13 Win. R. Hughes, ; .14' v: SusqucJuinna Township, Jacob GaTmnn, 14 Washington Tuichship, John Trov-!!;- ' -; ' 14 ; ' ' 7,00 .7.10 ,7.00 7.00 7,i 0 7,t'0 . 7,(0 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 10,00 7.C0 '7,00 7,00 Mullin. & .Short, 14 ,00 Frederick Fagel, 14 - ' 7,(0 Frederick George, - ' -14 ' ' V 7.00 Frederick Ix-ib & Co. V 14 57 - ' 7.00 D Hiiiniik Kcanedy, 14 7,00 WirtTiley .' .i 14 , 7,00 Charles lople, 14 7,00 Lewis Cassidy , 14 I C ' '7 . 0 Tlmmas H. Porter, 14 " " 7,C0 B. M'Clgau. 14 , -,7,00 Capt. Mark McLaughlin . 14 ' ' ' ' 7,00 White Joicnsiip, . -LInyd, -Bingham. &. Holliday 14 ; George Walters, ' " 14 . ' . .' Lrhu & Rowlaud, " ' 7 14 . ifiller & Gwin, . 1 ;-" 14 ' 7,00 7,00 7.0) 7,00 ' , JlitKWKiiiES. lOlh ClasSi Andrew Guicci Loretto P rough t :$5O,O0i William Byerly, Johnstow n Boiough, 60,00 Martin Schrott, Carroll township. . . , - :, 50,'rt Giar'ge,Hiittier,"S unmerl.ill tp, .,".'. - . l Lji'z.vius Rvigle, Washington tp. if ( 60,00 . ' '. pisxi ttER i.Esj ,',1 0urClas84i' -,".Cr ! Daniel Giughnoiir. Jv.hnst(wn B foagh. i ro0,00 "T V ; ','. 1 JltUVHD ' Tjible. Henfy Foster, John;owu, r if . ;. T . ? -T 30,00 ; . Ten Pin Alley. Joseph Al wine C momstig'rf B imitgh , 30,00 jJvVAi'R TpIfciiictyEs.M 1 8 jgla3S, Clement Haednger, (J 'nemaugb Pvri .- , fOiO Casper Cradle," " ; y ""' " 5.00 Mrs. Lvdi Horner fliunmitviPo ,'- - . ' -6,110 Joseph A. Conrad, Alleghenv p. -... : "t -X.00. 2Ap appeal , will Ihj ImI 1 at,the Court Houses n the. B Tough-. of'.EleuKburR. a -Saturday iny 12tb 1&5G, where any f ermn tlisatisfie! with the Rliove.anpraisement and tlassifieati' n. mat attend if they .thi.uk proper .:"lP, J LITTTLK, iS ..xjjitrrrbjutt'k r1VmraiKf. ooe o FFICE aIj.Hning the Post Office. "Aug: 24, 1853. HOLMES Vhblesale & Eetail WatchV Clock and: Je7relry Store. ; , -..jr jjjaia Street Jolinsioww, Jf. T fc. are precared to fupd!v-the trade WA 76' ilatoHal?.- JEWELRY; B IGLET,' HAUI), nl AVILSO.V'S Bt Qnclliy GOLD PKS8 al-wayu ott Hid.-S5f:-Cj. V.!i, SILVER 1 TulMEES.' Si!02SS. ViSLiBS, Ml .mm & ML II JIIHSS. J 'Ac coitfcorss Mngle, or by tbc Doeu. , ..'i .Those wishing to Purchase Wbole.-sli wdi phase give us a call, as we cea and will sell as cheap as the Eastern Wboltwde Dcalei"3. A liberal diseouat made to ike trade. -.Vd ztq 'constantly receiving Tres.!i EappHcs frcs lis 31acufcturers. ii-v. Call and see oVtr Peufocal Spectacles these who oaca use them, wedd rot be whliont tlitta for three times their cost. ' ..'..April 30. 1S5G.- . 7tf. ' - rjff!llE Partucrship. bt-retolVre eststitig l-etwer-n ; jL the tmders'pned in i-.r munufaetuie of Leath- j er. RiM.ts and' Slices, ur.ccr tt.c name ot ..(hn ; L'vans & C j., is thirsty dissi'.ivs 1 1 y muuuu con sent. Ihit tlie l u.-,ir.c:S in nil its braii-b-es will bo carried 'on at tl e old stavds and under the old nnmo by J hn Evans. Evan E. Evans, S. M. and Hugh Jones who are duly arthr-rrwd to settle all the "accounts of xhd old trm and receive all debts due to and pay all claims against "aid Him. WitnrK3 cur hands at Elensburg the 23th day tf JOTIN . EVANS, JOHN IT ARC. IIVANE. EVANS, 2. M. HUGH "JONES. Ehensburg, April 0, 15 5. DR. BALDERSTOrvS S rseo:s 2?rIIst, rrnu Rdtimuic will -;u fb- r 7mnr;na on the 5th of Mav (CjrH run i riuaiu civ. . m... ..... i r..;i.. T !..r.,'nv, r.ll f:nrr-iti, ms ia lid rriiiaiu a iv iriv j.: !;! i . i . v 1 - i ' --j ' ' DENTAL Sm GEIt J in-lu-Vt i:g the' rcjvlci'ion of Cinldr n 'i- i edit lxirr.en tfj i .i.u o. and tl e insertion of Teeth either n PUte r Pirot. Also. Continuous Gum a,i-l B'ocf: work. Ti-.e public" are respectfully invited to cU at hL rooms at the ' E'- nl urg House," wl ere he iiiav be seen and corfivdted. Dr. R. has for side 1 is superior Toh Powler which bns been in general us-. iu Baltimore fr twent v f;ve veais. . April 30,13oo. 7. hhastee:s mLtmAi IK! 1 IAU i. r it v. it rsf st k r. i: t , I3ETWEEX HAND AND SEVENTH, (Near the Penn'a. R. R. T'e.t.) i PIfTSBUKG, PA. May 21, 1S50. CO-ly. 1LASD rOIt SAL!!, " THE fub-criber will offer for sale about Tvo Hundred and eighth-en acres, and aRowstnce' lit valuable la-.d situate in Cambria township, Cambria county, Pa., about one-half mile s- utn of Pei.'.sacola gWn' Miii, and about 3 miles from -Kben.-biirg. owneil by the heirs of David Sowers. The land is wd timbered and calculated for farming purposes, also well adapted for plow and meadow lflr.d. For mrtientar a'plv to the sub fccrdr. STEP HEN LLOYD. ; May 21 , l?5o. ' 2-3-tf. ' r" " ' :; ' . - 1" lie IFIacetofrct j our Jloncj' Uirck is at J. Bradley's Cheap Store ia Munsttr. where is to be found a large and well s.e'ected sUd ot goods -siu led to tlte wants of the coromutiiry. u-'i.ii 1 Jia will soil at his Usual ! DllCeS. fcX- ! ckinge for AVcxil, Ruiter, Eggsjor other pniucc, on auvauceil terms. , . , ; N. R. Those having; accounts standing six months, or longer, are respectfully and taiuitly rcu nested to call and settle the same. , . J. BRA L LEY. Mn'nster, May 21, 1S55. ' 30-at.-p'd , , Arrival uf tli riM ut IViliuore The Fast Lines resumed S;ts regular trip n MirndaV M-.iv 19th. The following is the schedule - i. i a i .. . ol the trams passing r-isi ami ei. Express West, 10 o'clock, 12 min A; M. P. M. P. M. A. II. P. M. A. M. M .11 L -cal Freight Mail Train Eass Fast Li mi Local Fi fight - 8 42 1 " ' li . 13 " C , . - o2 " Hacks leave this station tmtite oateiy auer ii.e deiarture o the trains f Ebeiburg. THE partnership "'heretofore exiting between Morgan Hughes and John Roberts iu the I liisterinsr buoiucss was dissolved, on Friday j 4th X nril lb5'3. - - April ic JTORO AN HUGHES. E:ensburg, April lCthl t5ti. ' . - -- F. 51, , George. Ueiiiy U.dcli. MEWi FIRM. 1 a U U C X 11 v nom.' ...lriVinrs would rA-ct'CtfulIv. iuforni the 1 citizens .of Cimbii county that they have j purchaso.1 thcTanucry lustaLUsnmenwu jiu.u.ok Cambria Ck-untr formerly imned by A. JI. u. White The esublishment will .uniurg.. new re uBits and improvements, wl ich will enable them to manulacture Leather cf ad disyrptioi s hr eA.imti v ut-e.-aU., various kmda ol Lcatoer h..r the Efktern market." - ; ' ,,;,''".,, Cash will Ihj paid for Bark and Hioes ot ad kin Is, or if preferred in exchange for Le;.aher.,s N 'lie tait M-actk-al . i koen will be eiujdved Orders for Leather will bo ,r.:nptly atMuW to ., .. . , F. MGhOhGt-. '. , . ,;, , :. ,-. ini:Y in-ecu.- ' May 7, 1856: 23-tf T . ' 1 " i iAu x iaa-sE. CORPORAL JOHN KIEFFER, ; "SrOULD'respet-.tiuMv inform bis old friends. T 'and the traveling public that he lias leas ed the" Logan, House, lb .JUdaysWg, and is pre pared to entertain ftU who may tav..r loro vito thdr patronr.ge in unobjectionable styie. ' The' K0U3E has bevn newly ti.rn.shi.nl tYo -orit in-aUi W hot furpis.W! by a.iy 1.;!;; in the interior of the State, -lib. TABLE wi-1 always W w.pplied witix'all toe MiWti.tuds ano tlclicnciesoftho season, in I atStmba vy , art. n tive J-vnU. . In ',.rd. n . pams w.h bespaitU t.J uVSkc tl' Iau a hi t el iss hosisc, and noth ing wiUJ e .left nndJu-e'.lu it rider itLgacsK com ' fort-able and happy Ji . The STABLES, . which ate-.e'sive, w.d be attended bv-liid'rt faithf4 t:H is. ti irsT a'lVa a NT Th ba. meot is oceuv ie! ! as a IL'Siaurant. .w:iecx' meals, vill be serve; t uj I atfall."iairsf Vw d J. tgcthtrwUh foyaters.- iifiid'' ftioH, nsii ana an tne aeier.icieH:uu. r me its of the reason. --j i JUUJi.U'aiOiv. June ljd.tfv' ;. t : X-T -Va. tf';rhlar.d lac N. 4 ?S ntet-ts ;'ry Jt$ yp nT ESP AY evening alldadrILill "''Irt lUgb. io J PP slor3" '1 lkemakr.. .& .ClarVs builliup.jafc;,jr.:n '.TT -XT1 1 1 V Jfclaatic-t7 B'-ack and : fajrY celr JLYSsTt ' 1 J.Mnv. with all sorts cf 0 L'JiJK and V VATCnE3,-. CLOCKS,. -aad 9f:' 1, 1' JAO03 SXAUL. c. tuos. - roBsa? IJfgSi StS-pct, rbcusburg-. ra. f$ I-SPIXTF L'LLY inLrm the ciiieus of Eoeuhiirg and surrounding co!;jtrv . that thev have recti ved a assort- meat of 7 - I'.' '.f.' v. i J w w - S and Jewelry of every fiold Kevs. diser'rition. Also, Vest Bard &, WiUon's cele- Fob da. brated Gold Pens, G old Xoekw'ti, Gold ChaiuH, . ' Seals, Plated do. Guard " ... Steel do. Siecl, cc Erass Keys 6rc., too numerous to mention, all t f whieb will le sold cheaper thm they can bo- bought -tlso-where in this vicinity. Clocks uv? Watches u-ar-j'UWi'eJ ac-d time keeper ttr no f.j.V. OtJ- CLOCKS:, WATCHES, JEV.FLRY and MUSICAL IXSPhCMES'TS repaired with'r.ea: oess and !:.-patch and warranted. Give tlerh a call at their room wpp, ite the Mount-di House' as tta'V witl give you entire satisfaction. ' Ebiiisburg, May 14. 1350. - "' lEIfillBmiSlkrr THE subscriber hR the jilepinire if ai-houncirig to the citizens of Tunnel Hill p.nd'Gallitzin and Juq public generally, that-be k3 reccivel from the Eabtcin cities, a tew and splendid stock 7-:-':---.x- Spring atid Puninifr Dry Goods. to whielhhe leg9 Ieare to c-dl the attention t ffd! who ere desireus r-f jAirchasing the lst qnaLty and iiKet fasiiiouable styles at the lowest priXts. lli wk -f . .-. . - .. ii HCU)i -3I.tDE ClT.OTfiI!VG 'f is large and vell assoitrcl, rovl Wi'l lc.'so!d at a s-oall per ccntagtr over coct; Hsiie'a large sup id of ' ' '-' ' - 4 - : ' - ' Groceries. ; r ''' Eocli'ilc SLow'i'." Hardware, "' . ." l)riig& is. ledicineaj'. Queenswarc, Wall Paper, , ; ,t Glassware, - ... Book ub.Sutlootjrji Tinware, , : ..' u . Triiamings;. Hats & Caps, Noticna, ic. , '- Also, a good assortrnoLt of a f ISonueZs and MSHIncr j Gocdet Tl.e one price system which has proved Ht sat isfactory to 1 is " customers and 'biuiseif v.iiiyb strictly adhered tv1- . - .'...;" C ANIEL T.FL A UGHLTN; Tunnel Hill, Miy 1.4, 1S5G. 20-12t. - rxtcutui 's 'ct icer " f ETTERS ttstrtuiet.tary having fceen'gfarilcd JJ to the irub: riher? n the ITstate of .'Mrsi Uosar.a M'Laughlin, late cf tl.e towsHp cf Washington Canibria county, deceased. "All jer cus, therefore kTvjwing.UieniKlvt intbted to the said estate wiib-call iiumeuMU-iy,. and. 5(tle their accounts, with v any f- tL nnoer famed Ex e uitcrs. Qdll persr .ii- hvingjclauos aa.fct thtf said Estate will please j reseut tb-m Lr tettle ment pn perlv autl 'n'iciiled f ,? thvii'th. . ... J'ETEll DOUGIIERTV, ",:- ' 1 ' .TnilV rtcisTiiy rrvKuum. J Muy S, 1550. 10-Ct lublic Sale ef Valuable lrorertj IJ1HE Undersigned will tell at private aie bis I' well known proferty situated in Sutifebaiuja Township, Cambria county, U iolas, tie ikrtn..f w in. Glass, about lo miles from Elensburi:. .- The Susquehanna aud Ebeiisburg Plauk Road, passes through the farm. The f. JL-wiug are the ioiprove meuts, a tiew Saw Mill in good rULuiug onlei- 4 Dwelling Houses, the one in which the tnhscri ber reiks is Kdarge building, having all the se , e.-sury conveniences :;ttaci.e.I a Targe Back Rain, 100 feet long .by 4d.ide. Gi-aueriea, Scc.i 3. Coal B ihlis within 80 rtds of his resJdenc a.nl immed!a'e!y h the Plank .R iad 400 aciea 'f.exctlir'nt firming land, with a large quantity f Pine Timber, together with loO acren cf tim her leave ;d! the land lays on the Susquehanna river. Persons wishing to examice. the ptoperty can call ou the subscriber at hi residence. Terms i'.l be inade easy to suit purchasers, as Le h de tcrmiuvd to leave for the west. . .- V - ISAAC G1FFORD ihuch 19. iSoo. -- - f H'il!idayshr,g "Stand.ird will please copy 3 months and clair this f.Riie. ' - ' : . ', ,i . . FASHIONABLE Mi O'T II 1 K fi "E 0 R I lr-11. SPRING & SUKPIER CLOThllr. REAT ATTRACTION. &t- the New Store 'OT. of Evans and Hughes, t;e door.above tho Store room of Shocmsktr & Clark, where th; 'sub scribers are at present., rec eiving and opemug iia-gc and Xi.'lka't.artHen .f frtshionalde- Hdy Irte t lothl,fj J i. of the latest :uid most approved etylos,. wlik-b 4br cheapness and- durability can in it l-e excelled by aiiy similar "eTstablishnw-nt in the comty : not wjsb'flg.to troy, A 'l-l what we say we ui 1 rxuko g. njd ' r take ! wafer. Every article iu the cloth i;.g li'i will 1 e kept on hand, viz; sunn r'Cu its. Sack Co ts. Drop do.; TauUi Vt.sU, Cloaks, Vc all of the iutest stUs. ' : ' ' Clotlis. Cassirncics, Satinets, Vestings, of all colours and stvles. '. Our Denartrnent of ROYS CLOTHTNQ promises a much more extensive seh'ctior. th- .r uual. r -.. We flatter -nrselves that we shall be able tJ furnish garments suitable for all classes, fitted up in such a manner, and- on such terms that sha 1 disarm all ra petit ivu. we tlkfiibre &Jc a 1oenJ lrare of the public patron aer7.' " ' . - i i 1 : EVANS A- HUG I1ES. .June 4!cC. i ,A" I " i.V' -.v -l G ItH.TJ Rim: and .Breastpins Comls. Port- . nioaib.j ai.d Toys, at J. il'Dei mii' i H ATS, CAPS and LOOKING 1 GLASSI'S OL 2 '.a,. ..- . . J: M'DERMIT'3." f TfTl'E l'.eans, d Dried Fndf. IjX 7sala ' , J. 31'iXru.it's. ; at - 7- 2 : AIH17S and Children's SU cv ar Utiitets at lU ' ; 7 - -J. M'HEH MIT'S. .OTICt.'. K 1 In t! . uiuLkMMif IrtT -hj .v(g's;'er of said r-.nty. all 'fe'n mrf'-'etl to tlie tvrr.etf:sidd.iya d are' .ehy rotifirri ts nke.,: iouiiodiat p. vment, and ' tbote having mmVavt.l 4rMtai thtia properly authenticatd - . t i .rcJ a UN t; Aitiv t.i I txeauior E.'n.liU'i:. Apr:: a, i-c. 17. 11EREA3 Liters Te.taoorit Vry An'thsf tat y T wiii nn , testnmeivt of Ulil.vx Ktrasdef, t" idwnslii'i. Cturdiria-xi$ flerfct "d. . . . . i . . . . . . f'- mi . i.'Y; 1 -1 7i .v- :S t t . 'XT- l V 1 - i ' i i. . "'it. 77! :7 i A . , K f ' - Ci " . i . -. . .- r v. .1 ' ! 1 -X t 1. t r inr