Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, May 14, 1856, Image 3

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undersigned rcsDeetfullv
begs leave to inform the yvU-r
citizens of Johnstown and vicinity JfaA, yr
that ae has iust received and is now v
opening the largest stock of Clocks, Watclics and
Jeicelry.ever brought to Johnstown, without ex
ception, which will be sold "cheaper than the
cheapest." His prices will altcays bo uniform.
Jno customer will not be charged more for the
time quality of goods than another. A List of
jme of tle articles comprised in the assortment,
1 annexed. Prices may bj ascertained, and
goods ex.unined, at the Store on Main Street
Gold Hunting English Levers,
Gold Detached Levers, full jewelled,
Gold Lepines. 4 holes '
Silver English Levcis,
Silver Detached Levers, "
Silver Lepines, Guld Guard Chains,
Gold Vest Chains, Gold Pencils," with Pens,
Gjld Pencils, Gold Medallions, I
Silver Extension Pencils and Pens, !
Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Gold Eardrops, Gold Earring,
Oold Finger UiEgs, Gold Cuff Pins,
Gol t and Silver Vatch Keys, Portraonaies,
Lad'es' Fans, fancy aud plain.
Silver Tablespoons,
Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thioiblea,
Plated Tablespoons, beat,
Plated Teaspoons "
Silver Gbard Chain,
Plated and Brittania Tea Sett,
Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, tc,
Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 0 iuehes,
Gold Bracelets. Acoordeon?,
Silver and Plated S:!ctaclos, &c, &c., &c.
C J- All sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
repaired with promptness and at low rates. Gxi
"lident that Le rannot be undersold, the undersign
respectfullv solicits the cr iindence and patronage
of the public. LCl'IS LUCKHAEDT.
May 11, 18oU. 2'J-tf.
I-Iceiise Notice."
PURSUANT tj the provision and direction of
an Act of the General Assembly entitled
" An Act to Regulate the Sale of Intoxicating
Liquors" approved, March. lSG.
Notice i3 Hereby Given, that the following
persons have severally filed in the cilice of the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, m, and
for the County of Cambria, their petitions, and
intend applying for license under said Act, at the
June Term of said Court.
G. W. Stroheeker, f r License to keep an Inn or
Tavern in AUegheny township
Tames M'Ke3, " " Cambria tp.
Jacob Mack, " "
Henry Harber, " " Clearfield tp.
Sylvester Weakland, " " "
Henry Scanlan, " Carrolltown,
Iawrcneu Schroth, " "
James Reamer, ' " Cressm
Peter Malsey, " C memaugh Bor.
John Siretli, " " "
Win. 1). Nieh lion, "
James Campbell, "
Francis Seitz, ' ' "
John lleadrick " ' Conemaugh tp.
George Kurtz, "
Mrs. Mary Moore, "
Adam Ivurte, " " Cambria cUy.
John A. Blair. " Ebensburg.
Isaac Crawf.rd, " "
Mr:?. M. A. Litzinger, " " '
Juo. Thompson, Jr., " '
Geo. Enalebach, " ' Johnstown,
Samuel Shaffer " " '
Jared "Williams " "
George Iliniah, " " "
Henry Foster, "
Henry Saylor, ' " "
Jihn JI'Gi.v, 4 Jefferson
James D. Hamilton
Joseph Shoemaker, " " Keraville.
George Litzinger, " " Loretto Boro'
Mrs. A poll .uia Pf. ff. " "
Mrs. M. A. M'Kiiiz-Ie "
George Cor.rad, ' ' Richland tp.
Joseph Geis. " "
Frinn GallNcth, " " Surnmerhill tp.
William Murray, " "
Micha-1 J. Tlatt, - " Susquehanna tp.
Grrge E;ehcnsehr, " " Sylviana.
I-tonard K; st, " . " . "
James G least ,n, " " Summitulle,
James M. RilTe!, " "
Gide ,n Mitlett " " Washington tp.
Richard Trotter, '
William Sirouso "
EATISO nf)l'?E3.
Gotleib Hahn, for license to keep an Eating House
in Cambria township.
Daniel M'Donald " " Coneniaugh tp.
Joseph AKvine, " Borough
Abraham Kieper, " " Johnstown
John Pearson, ' '
Jacob Fend, " " "
Claries 2imm9rman, " "
Win, Ronaker, " '
John Fitzgibbons, " "
Valentine Malsey, " " Jefferson.
Philip Hartzog, " " Loretto Boro'.
Florian Bengle, " "
James V. Condon, " " Summitville,
Jacob Leib, for license to sell Lirjuor in quantities
not less than one gallon Carroll tp.
Danl. W. Goughnoiir" " " Johnstown.
May 14. 185C. at.
A TEACHER for the Common School of the
Borough cf Summitville, Gimbria county.
An examination of applicants will be hel l at the
School house in said borough on the 21th instant
t 2 o'clock, P. M. VE ( r.!er of the lUanl,
J. W. COXDOX, Scc'y.
May. 7, 1S5C. 28-3 w.
PubllfTSui! iV t"ainallctroicrly
IpIIE undersigned will sell :it private sale his
l.well known property situated in Susquehanna
Township, Cambria county, it joins the farm of
Win. G!a.Sj about 15 miles from EVnaburg. The
Susquehanna and Ebenburg Plank R ad, passes
through the farm. The following are the improve
ments, a new Saw Mill in good running order
4 Dwelling Houses, tiie one in which the subscri
ber resides is a large building, having all the ne
cessary conveniences attached a large Bank
Barn, 100 feet long by 46 wide, Graneries, &c,
3 Coal Banks within 80 rods of his residence
and immediately on the Plank Road 100 acres
C cx'Hent farming land, with a large quantify
cf Pine Timber, toother with 150 acres of titn-
ler leave all tbe Uui lays in the Susquehanna
Tiver. Pertons wishing to examine the property
"can call on the subscriber at hi residence. Tenus
will be made easy to suit purchasers, as he is de
termined to leave for the west.
March l6, 165C.
Hollidaj-sburg Standard," will "please copy
8 montLs and charge this ofrice,
THE subscriber will sell at his residence in
Washington township Cambria county, on
Mjnlvj 21h day cf May l&oG, the following
described property, viz : Three town Lots exten
ding from Lilly' Station to tha old Portage Rail
Road, on the.loUis erected a largo Brewer' and
and Dwelling House. Tho property is in good
condition and will be sld to suit purchasers.
Sale t commence at 2 o'clock A. M. when duo
attendance and condition will be niado known
cu tho day of sal D. KENEDY.
April 80, 1S0.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex
ponas, and Levari Facias issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, and
to me directed, there will be exposed to sale by
public outcry, at the Court House in tho Borough
of Ebensburg, on Monday the second day of June
next at one o'clock P. M.
All the right, title and interest of Joseph Moore
of, in and ta a lot of ground situate in Kernville,
Cambria county, fronting on ' Ilaynes and Napo
leon streets and alley having thereon erected a
two story frame bouse and back building attach
ed, now in the occupancy of the said Jos. Moore.
Ttkeu in execution and to be sold at the suit
of James Russel. ...
ALSO All the right, ; title, and interest
of James Dick, of, in and to a lot of ground sit
uate in Conemaugh township, Cambria count y,
containing 12G porches, more or less, fronting on
the Pennsylvania Canal, adjoining lot of Lewis
M'ngres anubthers, having thereou erected a one
aud a half story house, and stable, now in the
occupancy of James Dick.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Robert Watson for u-.e of Henry Bohlin.
ALSO All ti e right, title, aud interest of
Martin Mixsell, of. in and to a lot of ground, situ
ate in Summerhill township, Cambria county ad
joining lands of Iiewis Paul, Terence M'Elroue
and others, containing eight acres more or less,
about two acres of which are cleared, and having
thereon erected a one and a half story log house,
now in the occupancy of Murtiu Mixsell.
Taken in execution aud to be sold at the suit of,
J. & G. Murray.
ALSO All tho right, title, and interest of
Francis Groshberger, of, in and to a lot of ground
situate in Carrolltown, Cambria county, and hav
ing thereon erected a two story plank house, frame
fctable, adjoining lot of Mrs. Stultz, fronting on
tho read to LiUlnger's Mill. Alo, ninety-four
acres, more or Uss, of laud, situate ii Carroll
township, Cambria county adjoining land of
John, Jacob and Levi Luther, about twenty-five
acrca of which are cleArod, and having thereon
erected a log house and log stable; Also fifty
acres of land situate in Carroll township Cambria
county adjoining lands of E. Bender, John Camp
bell and others, about twenty acres of which are
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Francis J. Baker.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
Charles Dillon Jr., of, in aud to a lot of ground
situate iu Carroll township, Cambria county, at
the forks of the Ebensburg and the Susquehanna,
Dry Gap and Elder's Mill roads, having thereon
erected a two story frame house, a board stable,
and blacksmith shop, now ia the occupancy of
the said Charles Dillon, Jr.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit of
Nicholas Xagle for the use of R. L. Johnston.
ALSO All the right, title, aud interest of
Augustin M'Connell of, in and to a lot of ground
situate in SumnTitville, Cambria county, fronting
on tho Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiaua Turnpike
Road, and adjoining lot of William Henry on the
west, an alley on the east, and haviug thereon
erected a two story frame house, and kitchen,
now in the occupancy of the said Augustin Mc
Connell. Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit of
John Ivory, for tise Chaffees, Stout & Cc.
ALSO All the right, title, and interestof
A. 11. Longenecker, of, in and to a piece or parcel
of land situate in Blackliek township, Cambria
county, adjoining lands of Abraham Mahiu Isaac
Mikin and others, about twenty-five acres of
which are cleared; and having thereon erected a
log house and log stable, now in the occupancy
of Abraham Longenccker.
Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit
of John Rees.
ALSO All the right, title, and interestof
Samuel Copelin, of, in and to a lot of ground-situate
iu the Borough of Johnstown, Cambria co.,
fronting on Canal street, an alley on the east,
M Miilcn on the west, now in the occupancy of
William Meauor.
Taken in execution, anl to be sold .t the suit
of It. L. Johnston, Adinr. cum. test, anucxo of
A. Donnelly, deceased.
"ALSO All the right, title, and interest'of
Adam Bowers, of, in and to a piece or parcel of
lan t situate in uiearmia township, Cambria co.,
adjoining lands of Ilonry Krise, John Zerbe, and
others, containing .t venty acres more or less,
about eleven acres of which are cleared, and hav
ing, thereon erected a hewed log house, and log
stable, now in the ocenpanry of Adam Bowers.
Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit
of John Ivory and William Kitlell Executors of
William Todd, deceased
ALSO All the. right, title, and interestof
John Skeby, of, in and to a certain piece or par
rel of land situate in Summerhill township, Cam
bria county adjoining lands of Jacoi Settlemoyer
on the west, Hudson's heirs on the cast, and
others, containing fifty acres more or less, about
fifteen acres of which are cleared, and bavin
themm erected a two story log house and stable
not now occupied.
Taken in execution, aud to bo sold at the suit
of J. &' G. Murra'.
ALSO All the rirht, title, ami interest of
Henry M'Kinzie dee'd, of, in and to a tract of
land situate in Washington township, Cambria
county, adjoining hinds of Joseph Itel, John M'
Kinzie, Sr., and others, containing one hundred
and seventy four acres (174,) more or less, about
seventy-five (75) acres of which are cleared, hav
ing thereon erected, a one and a half story hewed
log house, and a hewed lo.j barn, now in tha'oc
cupaney of Mrs. Ellen M'Kinzie.
Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit
of G. L. Llbvd & Co.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
Cornelius Crum survivorof Reuben Crura, and
Nathan Crum of, in and to a piece or parcel of
land, situate iu Summerhill township, Cambria
county, adjoining lauds of Christian Smay
and others, containing three hundred
acres, more or less, about seventy acres of which
are cleared, aud having thereon erected, a two
story 1 g house, and hewed lug barn, now in the
coc!ipauey of
Taken in execution, and to l-e sold at the suit
of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for use of
Corbett it Johnston, now for use of Catherwood.
Craig & Co.
ALSO All tho right, title, and interest of
Wiaiam Bradley, of, in and to a piece or parcel
of land situate in Munster township, Cambria
county adjoining Philip Gillenon the south, John
on the north, and containing thirty acres
more or less, about twenty acres of which are
cleared, and having theieou erected a two story
log house, frame house, now in the occupancy of
said William Brad'ev.
Taken iu execution and to be sold at the suit of
William V. Ivory & Co.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
Patrick Keelan, of, in and to a piece or parcel of
land situate in township, Cambria
county adjoining lands of Pen rod, ' Varner
and others, containing fifty acres more or
less, about ten acres of which are cleared, and
having thereon "erected a log stable and a log
house, in the occupancy of the said Patrick
Taken in execution and to bo sold at the suit
of Charles Bilestein.
ALSO All the right, title, and interestof
Samuel Ioon, Jr., of, in and to a piece or parcel
of land, situate in Richland township, Cambria
county, adjoining lands ox
and others, containing forty-five acress more or
less about thirty acres of which are cleared, and
having thereon erected a two story plank house, a
Tan house and stable now in the occupancy of
Samuel Noon, Jr. .
Taken ia execution and to be sold at the suit of
Georera Murray.
ALSO AH tho right, title, and interestof
1 Pominik P(mor)d, of, in end to A piece or parcel
of land, situate in Summerhill township Cambria
county, adjoining lands of James Doran, Bernard
Mullen and others, containing thirty-six s acres
more or less, about twelve acres of which are
cleared, and having thereon erected a log house,
and log stable, now in the occupancy of Douxinick
Taken in execution, and to Le sold at the suit
of R. Davis & Co. - ,
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
John M'Manamy deceased, of, in and to a lot of
ground situate in Conemaugh Borough, Cambria
county, fronting on Rail Road street, running
back along Singer street to an alley, and adjoin
ing lot of William Flattery, and having thereon
erected a two story frame house, with "back build
ing attached.
Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit
of Thomas Campbell, Morris Tiernan and N. G.
Murphy, surviving partners of the late firm of
Tiernan, Campbell & Co.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
Thomas Kaylor, of, in and to a piece or parcel of
land, situate in Allegheny township Cambria co.,
adjoining lands of Thomas Parrish, on the east
and Teter Kerrigan on the west, containing fifty
acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres of
which are cleared, and having thereon erected a
one and a half story log house, and cabin barn,
now in the occupancy of Thomas Kaylor.
Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit
of J. Blair Moore.
ALSO All the right, title, and interestof
Gee.rge Harncame, of, in and to a lot of ground
situate in the Borough of Ebensburg, Cambria I
county fronting on High street, and running back
to Lloyd street and adjoiuing lot of Thomas Wil
liams, on the west and of the heirs of Thomas O.
Evans on the east and having thereon erected a
two story frame house, a frame stable, now in ;
the occupancy of the said George Harncame.
Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit 1
of Warnielr Sr. LichraiiJt.
ALSO All the right, title; nd intmstof
Adam Carpenter, of, in and to a piece of land
situate in Summerhill township, Cambria county,
adjoining lands of Pringle, Wonders and others,
containing fifteen acres, more or less, about two
acres of which are cleared, and having thereon
erected a one and a half story plank house and
Taken in execution, and to be sold at" the suit
of Daniel
ALSO All the right, title, and interestof
Hugh M'Guire, of, in and to a piece of ground
adjoining the town of Jefferson, Cambria county,
containing five acres, more or less, fronting and
lying between the Allegheny Portage Rail Road,
and the road leading to Munstcr, from Jefferson,
having thereon erected a two story plank house,
log and frame house, attached ; Also a lot of
ground fronting on Main street in the town of
Jefferson, Cambria county, (being No. 18.) ad
joining lot of Joseph Miller, and having thereon
erected a two story frame house, and stable ; Al
so one other lot of ground situate in the town
of Jefferson in said county adjoining lot No. 20,
situate on Vine street, and having thereon erect
ed a Black smith shop. Also No. 19, fronting on
wo-xl street aud Morris Alley and adjoining lot of
Polly Muck, situate in the town of Jefferson and
county aforesaid ; Also cne other piece c f ground
situate in Summerhill township county aforesaid,
adjoining lauds of Neal Dugau, Ephraim Crum,
A. Thompson and others, containing four acres,
more or less,, having thereou erected a two story
plank house.
Taken in execution and to he sold at the suit
of Jacob Fell for use of G. L. Lloyd & Co. efr. al.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
Charles Lehman, of, in an 1 to a lot of ground
situate in Conemaugh Borough, Cambria county,
fronting fifty feet on Hubcr street, and running
back four perches to Hill alley adjoining lot of
Joseph Bridges on the south and lot of Suppes
and Marbourg on the north, and having thereon
erected a two story frame house, used as a brew
ery, not now occupied.
Taken in execution and to be sold at tho suit
of D. R. Galway, et. al.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
James Ross, of, in and to a certain tract of laud
situate'in Clearfield tp, Cambria county, warranted
in the name of John B-;Tgs, adjoining lands of
William Burns, James M'Guire and others, con
taining three hundred and fifty-five acres and one
hundred and thirty-four perches aud allowance,
Taken in execution and to be sold at tho suit of
James Gardner Sr Co.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
James Ross, of, in and to a certain tract of land
situate in Clearfield township, Cambria county,
warranted in name of William Burns, containing
three hundred and thirty-three acres and forty
four perches, more or le.-s, adjoining lands war
ranted in the names cf James M'Guire, James
Burns and others, unimproved.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Maria Magehan, Admr'x.of Jas Magehan.dccM
ALSO All the right, title, and interestof
James Ross, of, in and to a certain tract of laud
situate on the waters of Cleai field creek, in Clear
field township, Cambria county, warranted in the
name of James Burns, adjoining lands warranted
in the names of William Burns, JumeJ M?Guirc
!rid others, containing G01 acres and 113 perches
be the same u r jg ahout 30 acres cleared,
having" thereon erected o.., jllble saw min ODe
Singie saw mm, lour uei nousea ..j threo
stables, in the occupancy of John Ross, Thomas
Ros and Charles Mills.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
cf John Fenlon tor use of John Charters.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest of
Emanuel Shaffer, cf, iu aud lo a lot of ground,
situate in the Borough of Sohnstown, Cambria
county, fronting on Vine street and adjoining lot
os Allen Rose on the west, and having thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling house with
back building attached ; Also-all the right, ti
tle, aud interest of the above named defendant,
of, in and to a lot of ground situate in ti e Bor
ough of Johnstown Cambria couut3', fronting on
Rail Road street, and having theieou erected, a
olic and a half story frame building, now occupi
ed as a carpenter's shop and blaik., truth shop.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of William Parke.
ALSO All the right, title, and interest cf
P. 13. M'Ciorkey deceased, of, in and to a viece or
parcel of ground, situate at the Laurel Swamp,
near the cro ling of the Pennsylvania Rail Road,
fronting on the Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana
Turnpike Road, aud adjoining lands of Dr. R. M.
S. Jackson, and haviug thereon erected a two
story tavern stand, now in the occupancy of R.
M. S. Jackson, Waslnngton township, Cambria
Taken in execution, and to Le sold at the suit
of Benjamin Jones, et. id.
ALSO All that certain tract or piece of
land situate in "Blackliek township, Cambria
county. Penna., Bounded and described as fol
lows viz : Beginning at a post, thence north one
hundred nd Eix perches more or less to a post,
thence east twenty-eight perches more or less to
stones, thence north forty-six perches more or less
to a post, thence east, one hundred and thirty-two
perches, more or less to a post thuicc south one
hundred and fifty-two perches, more or less to a
post thence west one hundred and sixty percho
more or less to the place of beginning, containing
one hundred and thirty-five acres, one hundred
and nine perches, and the usual allowance for
rciads. &o. -
Taken in execution, as the property of Jacob
Campbell and to be sold at the suit of James C
Fisher and Samuel F. Fisher, Exr's. of James C,
Fisher dee'd, and James C. Fisher trustee -c. ,
ALSO All that nicssuaee or lot of ground
situate in the Borough of Johnstown, Cambria
County, State of Pennsylvania, loundedin front
bv Vine street on the west, by lot belonging to
j Allen Rose, on the south by an alley, and on the
' east 7 lot belonging to Goorg S. King, and
known on the general plan of Johnstown, by the
number " one hundred and eight.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the pro
perty ef Emanuel Shaffer, at the suit of Levi B.
Cohick, for use of Henry Sutton, now for use of
Lydia Ann Magill.
ALSO All tho following described prop
erty, situate' and lying and being in the Borough
of Johnstown, Cambria county. Pennsylvania, at
the corner of Main street, and Market square, in
said Borough, and known as the "Old Linton
property," bounded on he' north by Main street
in said lxrough, cast by Market square, aud pro
perty of John Dilert, formerly belonging to R.
Constantino north by alley, running from
Franklin struct and intersecting Walnut street
west by alley, running from Main street
and intersecting the last mentioned alley, at right
angles, together with the appurtenances and he
reditament. Taken in execution, and to be fold as the prop
erty of Martha L. States and Thomas B. States,
at the suit of William States.
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued
out of the same Court and to me directed, will be
sold as above at the same time and place.
All the right, title, and interest of Peter
Donahoe. of, in and to two lots of ground, situ
ated in the town of Jefferson, Cambria county,
fronting on Crooked street, adjoinirrg lots of John
Holder, Elizabeth Lilly and Mrs. Collins, now in
the occupancy of said Pet&r Donahoe.
Taken irexecution and to be sold at the suit of
James Donnel. '
Sheriff's Office. 1
Ebensburg, May 7, 1856. 28-St J :
Surgeon Dentist,
FROM Baltimore will visit KU
and remain a short time. Ho will
be fullv prepared to perform, all operations in
DENTAL SURGERY including the regulation
of Chttdren,d TceHi Extracting Filling Clean
ing and the insertion of Teeth either on Plate or
Firot. Also, Continuous Gum and Block work.
The public are respectfully invited to call at
his rooms at the " EbellsbUTg" House," tthcre ho
may be seen and consulted.
Dr. B. has for sale his superior Tooth rowder
which has been in general use in Baltimore for
!iwcntv-five years. -
April $0, 1856. 27.
Li Re, the petition
of Ellen M'Carthy to
pcrpemate testimony.
In tho Common Pleas
of Cambria co. No. 20,
Sept. Term, 1S55. Alias
ND now. Sept. 5. 1655, it appearing to the
LSl. Court here, that due and le;ral service of
the alas subpoena awarded in this case having
been aiade as by the Court directed, the court, on
motion of Messrs. White & Coffey, appoint Alex
ander C. Mull in, Esq., Commissioner to take and
rcduje tho testimony to writing in this case, and
mala? return thereof to the said Court at the De
cember Term, 1855, first giving due notice there
of, y personal service on all the parties to the
pRieedings who reside in this county, and by
thne publications in the " Mountain Democrat,"
as to those who live out of the county; the last
of Vhich to be at least ten days before the day
of fleeting. C, December 1S55, appointment con
tinual to nest Term. 12, Mar., 1&5G, appoint
men) continued to next term.
CatilrSa County, s.
;j A true extract from tho Iwccord.
I Certified April 10th, A. D., 1S5S.
Y virtue and in pursuance of the above ap
pointment, the Commissioner therein named
hereby gives notice to Patrick M'Girr, Bernard
M'GiriJohn M'Mecl, and Catharine, his wife,
Peter H'Girr, and Bridget, his wife, and Mary
M'Bride.heirs and legal representatives of Rev.
Ttrrcuce M'Girr, deceased, as well as to all oth
ers intcreed iu the premises, that he will attend
to tho duties hereby enjoined upon him, at his
Office, in Ebensburg, on Tuesday, the 10th day
of June, n?xt, at one o'clock, P. M., when anl
where they mav attend if desirable.
A. C. MULLEN, Commissioner.
Ebensburg, Mav 7, 1856. 28 St.
V. 21. ticui-Rt.
Henry lleuch.
milE subscribers would respectfully inform the
JL citizens of Cambria county that they have
purchased the Tannery Establishment at Hemlock
Cambria Count v, formerly owned by A. M. $ R.
White. The establishment will undergo new re
pairs and improvements which will enable them
to manufacture Leather of all discretions for
country use, also, various kinds of Leather for
the Eastern market.
Cash will be paid for Bark and Hides of ad
kinds, or if preferred in exchange for Leather.
None but practical workmeu will be employed.
Orders for Leather will bo promptly attended to.
FR11E subscriber offers for sale his larm with ail
.P. 4ln 5rtATArrVfmPllts till oreun. situated in Carroll
Township, Cambria count V about two miles from
Carroitown, containing -w-c-i -i-x-
with forty five acres cleared, fenced and in good
state of cultivation, well watered. An orchard
six vears old, a Good two Story House and a
gxKJ substantial jsarn iy ou ice.
rrK L-i-il-.rtt-iK will rpm;un ill CaiTolltOWll for
a few days, at the house of Lawrence Schrott
where he rnay be consult di as 10 uiuuiup
fjrmi im coin of nhnvR si.leiHliJ tropertv.
L41lillJ-l IU VIA"-- l
. . i . i i i .r v r - ?
It is to bC understoou me huic muav iui wou,
ii ... i .ii i
the subscriber must sen, anu buu iow.
May 7, 185G. 28-St.
Wholesale and llctnil,
Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturer
IT ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Eb-
li ensburg and the public generally, that he
has purchased the Tin Shop, formerly carried on
by Messrs. JJavis, lwans x Uo., and win conv.n
ue to carrv on the business iu all its various
branches, wholesale and retail. His wares will
be. made of the very best material, and iu the
most workmanlike manner. Repairing of all
kinds done on the shortest notice, tor cah.
ALSO, House Spouting made and put up to
order on the lowest terms, for cani.
Ahp on hand and for sale, a large assortment
of Cook and Parlor stoves, for coal or wood, L)i
ninrr room stoves. Esrsr stoves. &c.
Also a large- assortment of grates and fire
brick, for Cooking stoves, Coal buckets. Shovels
pokers, smoothing irons, &C. &c, all of which
will be sold low for cash. - .
Tin-shop and warerootn in part of the building
formerly occupied by Stephen .Moya as a caoi
net ware room, and opposite Geo. M'Cana s store
C7"A11 orders promptly attended to. " -
Ercr.-dnirg, May 7, 1856. 28ly
GEC-CERIES, Candies, . Nuts and Crackers
at J. M'Dermit's.
PAPER Letter, note and foolscap jrffSJ
Taper, Steel Pens, Ink, QuiUa,jfaar
E velopes, Bookt, Arc, at "" 7
; - - J. 'M'Darrait'a.
Wholesale & Eetail Watch, Clock and Jewelry Store.
31aln Street .IoIiiikIotvii, la. - - - -
"irE are prepared to supply the "trade with all - sorts of CLOCK and - J?X
nAtLET, BAUD, and 1VII.SOA8 Beit Quality
Arcorleon Miigle, orby the Dozen.
Those wishing to Purchase Wholesale will ple-ise give 3 a call, as we can and -w 01 U
as cheap as the Eastern Wholesale Dealers. A Hberal discount made to the trade, W
are constantly receiving fresh supplies from the Macu'fecturrrs.
Call and see our Perifocal Spectacle those who once user them, would not be sithcrat them
for three times their cost. ' .
April GO, 1850. -27tf. " " -
Ho! tMs way for Bargains! important to Collectors.
THE undersigued would respectfully inform the
I good citizens of Ebensburg and the surround
ing vicinity, that he has just received from the
East one tf the most choice stock of goods ever
brought to this place. The stock is varied, and
selected with au eye to the immediate wants oT
the public. His stock consists of the following:
' A general assortment cf 2iew Styles of Spring
owl Summer Goods, coviprising a variety cf La
dies' Dress Goods, among ichieh will be fouriJ
Black Silks,
Fancy do.
Bleached Muslins,
Unbleached do.
Fancy do.
Kentucky Jeans,
Fancy Vestings,
Shirts of all kindj
Plain Gloves,
Fancy do.
Together witu an innumerable assortment of ar
cles not mentioned, usually kept in a country
store. These goods will be sold at fair prices.
Call and examine, even if you do not wish to pur
CONNECTED w ith the store m a largr-flfe
stock of MILIXERY G 0 0DS. Evcrj & :
article ia this Imewe have on hand, and
will be constantly in receipt of the latest styles
of BONNETS, for old and younsr. RIBBONS
of every pattern and color, LACES, ED GLNG,
c, 4"C.
A beautiful assortment of MOURNING Goods
now on hand, and at prices to suit the times.
Ladies are respectfully invited to call and ex
amine this stock which is far ahead of any goods
of a similar kind brought to this place.
Ebensburg, April 23, lSoG.
TIIE Partnership, heretofore existing between
the undersigned in the manufacture of Leath
er, Eoots and Shoes, uuder tho name of John
Evans & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. P.ut the buriiiies-s in all its branches will
be carried on at the old stands and under the old
name by John Evans. Evan 1- bvaus, f. 31.
and Hugh Joues who are duly authorized to settle
all the accounts of the old firm and receive all
debts due to and pay all claims against said firm.
Witness our hands at Ebensburg tue 2Sta day of
April 1S5C.
Ebensburg, April SO, 1S56. 27 St.
A Change New Firm !
L that the partnership heretofore existing under
he firm of Evans, John Hare, Evan E. Evans
and Ilusch Jones, has been dissolved, iur. llare
retiring. The him as it now ctanus win carry
on theljusiuess in all its various branches at the
old stands. The Tannery will be tinder the su-
perintendauco of John Evans at the old stand
formerly owned by J. Moore. The Shoomakiug
business will I carried on as uual a few doors
east of Snyder's Hotel m ail its Lranches.
The highest market juices win oe pai-.i ui
cash for hides. Chestnut and llemlocU: w
Thcvhave constantly on hand a large assort
ment of French calf-skm. Men ana w omen -mo
rocco Boots and Shoes, md are picTarcu i cl-
cutj work on the bhortest notice.
Bein" practical workmen tnemstivcs, uu uMi.g
dent thev can execute work as well and as cheap 1
T! ( .1 ' f , n i 1 iiv: vvi y . - k
as any establishment in cuv, w"""j.
April SO, lsou-zm.
T5ie "War Ended ! !
mini ei m-m
, . , , !,1
EDWARD IMJUtK is nas arnvea nome wu.i
a large stock of choice goods from the Eas
tern cHk!Swhich ho will dispwo of on terms to
suit all eustomers old as well as new ones. His
stock has been selected with great care, which
or quality and quantity canviot bo beat on mis
side of Jordan. The stock consists of
Foreign and Ameri-
Delaines, Xew Styles,
Cobury Cloths
Black Silks,
Fancy Silks
Xeic Style of Prints,
Iylain Cassiuvor,
Fancy do, .
Kentucky Jeans,
Vesting of all kimls,
Shirts and Drawers,
ITandkerch iefs,
Gloves and Hosiery,
Woolen Plaids
Shirting Muslins,
Sheeting do.
Flannels, .
A luge fupplv of HARDWARE, (jUEE3
Call at the store of E l. Roberts if you wish to
purchase goods and at low prices. We consider
it no trouble to show our goods so walk in aud
judge for yourselves. EDWARD ROBERTS.
Ebensburg, April 23, 1856.
and Dried Fruit, for sale
J. il'Dermit's.
"NOTICE is hereby given, that the following
H owmft. have bc-cn i.assed and lned in the
lCcaister's Office at Eliunsburg, and unl be pre
sented to the Orphans' Cctirtof Carina coui.ty,
for confirmation and allowance, to wit :
Account of Jacob C. Horner administrator ot
the Estate e-f Jonas Homer, Sr., deceased.
Account of George Zt.-ch administrator of the
Estate of Daniel Zech, deceased.
Account of J bn Hoffman administrator cT the
Estate of Dan'u I Ream, deceased.
"Account of John Fox Guardian of Ame.ia Ann
Bomgardner minor thild of John Bomgardner,
Account of John Iilig Guardian of the miner
children of John Moser deceased.
Account of Samuel D. Goughonour and Jacob
Good Executorg of the Estate of Christian Gough
onour,Merfeased." "
- Account -of Benjamin Vaughn adm'r. of the
Estate of Jr.mes So'esby. deceased.
The account of John S indors administrator cf
the Estate of Jacob llins, deceaf ed.
WM. 0. BARBOUR, frgkter,
LADIES and Children's Shoes and Gaiters at
- - J. M'DERMIT'S.
r . iui j .j u" i 'i - v ic'i j - " w - - 1
COLD FEXS lwyon hnd,
cates remain uiettled,are hereby notified to maks
payment, before or ouring the June Gourt. JSo
further indulgence can ot will lo given, after tha
time. CD. MURRAY, Treasurer.
Eber.iburg, 23, HS5G. 6t.
List 6f Causes Set Dawn for Trial at June
Term, 1856.
nr-sx wxkk.
vs M'Kinii
" Oshcl
" Gitticg
Weakland. tt fcL
Ross, ct al.
' Jacksoa
" Gallaher et al
Holliday, et al.
" Jackson
l Tronheiser
Harncame, et aL
" Litzinger
" Jacksuu
' McKinzio
Dougherty, et al
Wilkinson, et U.
Campbell, et al.
Sim a
Patterson, for us
Mjiguira, et al
MILTON ROBERTS. Protbonotary..
Prothonot?.ry's Office, Ebensburg, i
April 23 i80G. J
List of CaxisesTSet Down for Trial'at June
Term, 1S5S.
vs Binghaia
" Riley' Adm'r
" Kopp
M'Gough, et al.
Jones, Adm'r
Kena Adui'r '
" . Sama
" Danlap ,
' Kea
M'Kee, for um
M'Gough, for uae
Hubert & Ashccm
M'Devitt & Bro.
M'Naughtca, et al.
Commonwealth, ftyr a
Bir g'mm, t L
Forsyth & Co.
Barnes, Admr.
E. & S. PIk. Road Cw.
Johnston, et al.
Weston's use -Schittiger
, '
Ryau & c
Singe Moore
" Henry ct al
f Shoenberger
" Penn. Rail P.od O.-
" Kriss
" Davu
" Pringle et al
" Cortes
Mirlett et al.
' Keau and M'Frlan
" Ctuib
" IJ!.?yd & Hill
George et al.
M J ickson
" HJoell, et ah
" O'Neili.
" Dlmond .
M. ROBERTS," Protj;
Ebensburg. April 23, 1855.
Attorney at Law, nhd
A GENT for the Lycoming Mutual Inmiraaoa
-a. Company.
Counsel given la the English, aiid Gorman
Ofrice ou High Street, Ebensburg, Tena'a.
Feb. C, 185G. lly.
J. TV. IVIaigar.I.
"T7"ILL practice in the several Court of Cam -
V V bria, Blair, Huntingdon, Indiana and Clear
field county. Oliico one tloor west of Dr. Wei.
3-Also Agents for the sale of Lands in Cam
bria and adjoining Counties.
5 Also Agents for tha Union Firo In&uranc
March 20, 1 850.
Attorney at Law, ZbeasbtiTg.Pa
OFFICE adjoining the Post Oko.
Aug. 24, 1S53.
SURVEYS made and applications taken for ia
su ranee again.-J. Fire in the
UObEUT A M'COY, A cent.
Wi'.more P. O., Cambria Co. Pa.
April 1c, lSo'3.
rllE partnership heretofore eristing between
I Morgan and John Roberts in the
Plastering business was dissolved on Fridav, 1655.
Elxn?burg, April lGthl 85-3.
farmer" Look to Jour Interests!!
I come -ritU Good to Clothe roalt
THE inderfigiied would respecfully inform the
citizens of Ebensburg, and farmers cf the
surrounding conntrv that l e I. as arrived with a
consisting of ydaia and fancy Cassinets a largs
variety of Jeans, Linscs. Barred and Plain.
Flantuls, Rlai&ds, G'vetiiils and iirfr;. Thj
above goods wid lx; exchanged f.r w-xlon lovr
terms, and if the goods ar not desiratlo the mar
ket price will be paid in Cash.
April 23, 1S5G. JOS. G WINDER.
g ASK ETS Clothes, Toy
and Work Ba.-kett
J. M'Dermu's.
LOVES, Stockings, Suspend r. Thread,
at J. Ji'JJeraii s.
OLD Rings and lirpaRtpius nita, rort-
mcmiw, ani T7, at T. wwi