f i HO! LOOK QEBE1I r 111 K ifiibar-ribflr Vifta inat received a fall i supply of FAMILY PROVISIONS, at ma new store m tne room tornieriy oc cupied as a Foundry waro-room, and is prepared to furnish the same to customers at rates as low "'as the lowest. . His stock is of the very hast, and consists of cverv itra in the provision-line, viz: Superior Core Fiour, Corn Mejd in Ixirrel or n Sacks, JTims, Shoidders. and Sidss of Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, Fish cf all kinds Sdmon.r Shad, Mackerel, Herring, Cod, ., Cheese,. Dried APPLES, "- Peaches, ets. ALSO, Confections and varieties, such as Candies, yutt, Craclcers, Tobacco a i Cigars. lie has also, ad . '.. . ded to his business, and intends to 1eep on hand for sale IRON & NAILS 'of all sizes of the best quality ; aud will sell at a Very low profit for cash or Country produce. Give him x call. Persons thai wish to buy any thing iu his lino, will find it to their advantage. ROBERT DAV13. Ebensburg, April 2, 1855. THE undersigned, duly appointed by the Or phans' Coart of Citnibria county a Comrnis fsioner to take the testimony iu the matter of the subpoena of John C. Bradley to the administra tor and heirs and legal representatives of Charles Sjradley deceased to prove contract of decedent to onvey certain Real Estate, hereby gives notice to all interested that lie will attend to the duties of his office in Ebensburg, on Monday the nine teenth day of II jy next, at one o'clock, P. M. C. W. WINGARD, Com. April 16, 1S5G. 4t. PCHXIC SALE. WU.K subscriber will sell at public sale at his I farm in Munster township, four miles East of Ebensburg, on Wednesday the 16th day of April 1856, the following described property viz: Two Brood Mares, Mdch Cows, Hogs & Young; Caitb, Ploughs & Harrow. 1 Wagon, 1 Carriage, 4- 1 Sleigh. Horse Gear3, & Harness, & Farming "TJteassis. Oats by the bushel, liny by the ton, Bye by the bushel, together with many article not ne--e6ary to enumerate. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., due at 'tendance and a reasonable credit wi'l be given. WILLIAM GLASS. April, 9, 1856. w nniuniT itirnniRinp m 11 liililikLil IlMM tU. OF L.OCSL IIAVE.V, PA. IN8URE3 Detached Buildings, Stores, Mer chandize, Farm Property, andothor BuildiDga, aud their contents. ft ft Wifi Q V f h ? EIBECTOBS. HO. J0H J. ThAUCE, Hon. G C. Habvkt, Johjt B. Hall, Chaales A. Mater, ' Charlb Ckist. Pftbs Dickbox, How. G. C T. T. Abbams. D. K. Jackmak, W. White. IThos. Kitchejc. HARVEY, Pres. T. T. Abbams. Vice Pros. Thos. KiTCHajr, Secy. BETERENCES. Samuel IT. Lloyd, A- A. Winegardner, Lt. A. Mac key, A. White, James Quiggle, Thoa. Bowman, M. D. Wm. Vanderbelt, Win. Fearon, Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. Updegraff, John W. Maynard, .Tames Armstrong, Hon. Simon Cameron, Jlon. Wm. Bisler. J. C. NOON, Agent. Ebensburg, April 9, 18-56. NEW BLACK. SMITfia StIOP. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and the vicinitv that he has rented the SMITH SHOP formerly" occu pied by Michael McCasrr.e, where he intends to carry on the B LACKS 11 ITH f N G in ad its branch es. Persons entrusting work to his care can nt assured that it will bt. promptly attervlod to and at moderate rates. He would also, inform the citizens that the business of HORSE SHOEING will.be superintended by himself personally. Owners of valuable horses will not be under the -necessity of scnling their stock to a neighboring village, as his experience in this line is widelv knowo. ISAAC SINGER. " Ebensburg, April 9, 1856. NOTICE. WnEREAS Letters Testamentary oh the List will and testament of Ulricji Straser, of Carroll township, Cambria count, deceased, .have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of said county, all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to .make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JAMES CARROLL, r . FRANCIS REACH, f lMlcn Ebensburg, April 9, 1856. 6t. T. E. IIEYER, Attorney at JLaw, and AGENT for the Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company. Counsel given in tho English and German languages. Office on High Street, Ebensburg, Penn'a. Feb. 6, 1856. lly. C. W. ITingard. ATTORNEY AT LITT. liissncBo, rA. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair, Huntingdon, Indiana and Clear field county. Office one door west Gf Dr. Wm. Lemon's. Cc?-Also Agents for the sale of Lands in Cam bria and adjoining Counties. Also Agents for tho Union Fire Insurance "Company. March 26, 1856. M. IIASSOX, AttOrneT t T.-ny. Titan .Vnt-fl. T. o FFICE adjoining the Post Office'. .aug. 24, ibo3. LM. SUTLIFF would again inform the citi- zens of Ebensburg and all the rest of mankind, that he wiil again visit this place, with a large collection of Books at the next term of Court. December 26, 1855. Cabinet Ware-Room. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of furniture, Tools, Src of Ste I phen Lloyd Jr., would respectfully in form the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, that he will manufacture all articles of Furniture to order on the most reasonable terms. The stock now on hand is large, consisting of TABLES, BUREAUS. STANDS, BEDSTEADS, CRALES, S:c. &c. All articles manufactured in the, establishment will be finished in a workmanlike manner, employ ng none but experienced workmen. ROBERT EVANS, & Co. . Cwawg Aptfl 2nd, 1&55. 3 Tm ILL WHOM IT MAY COSOERX THE subscribers having entered into s new ar rangement and system of business, respect fully but earnestly request all persons indebt ed to them to make immediate payment. A nromnt attention to this notice will save costs. - - - SHOEMAKER & CLARK. ; April 7, 1SD5. , - ' - . "We do not, hereafter intend to do a credit br:s Ees3,but we will scllcheax for cash or approved trad. cf all kinds. , S. & C. HOL3IES & f Ol AO, WATCEBIAKE3 & JEWELERS. JOHNSTOWN, PA. '' As business men of Johnstown Has got to making rhymes ; Tis only fair that we should say. Something of the times. For instance nolmes & Toung will soil Goods at the lowest rate, And for quality you'll find them. As fine as in the State. Our partner Holmes has been down East, For Goods in our line, Aud our kind Customers can have Everything to their mind. ; , Of Watches we have evay sort. And Eiags and Dreas'pins too, GoLl Pens and Clones and Silver Spoons, Most beautiful to view. Just call and see them for yourselves, Tiiey are so very nice, And remember always that we have For all things but One Price. Sign of the Golden Watch Main Street Johns town. April 9. 18oC BJEXTIS THY. A. J. JACKSON, Surgeon Dentist SMS. will be found at Thompson's Mount- House, where he can be found the third week of each month. Office iu Johns town nearly opposite tH Ouabria Iron Store. Ebensburg March 12, 1S5G. ' Assignees' Sale of VALUABLE TIMBER LAND. THE undersigned, acting Assignee of E. A. Vickroy, will offer at Public Sale, in Jeffer son, Cambria county, Penna., on Tuesday, the 22d dav of April next, the interest of E. A. Vickroy being the undivided half, in the following tracts of land : Tract Ao. 1. Situated in Richland township, CAmbria county, Ta., about eight miles south of JtnVrson, and fourteen miles east of Johnstown, containing 401 acres. This tract ii well timbered with wildcherry, ash, hemlock, cucumber, sugar and beech, and one half of it at least is adapted to farming purposes. Rachel' Run passes through this tract, aud there is a good mill seat thereon. The State road between Johnstown and Bedford also intersects it from west to east. It adjoins lands of John Brown, Isaac Vickroy, Isaac Horner and others. Tract No. 2. Containing 400 acres situate in Richland township, adjoining lands of E. L. An derson, Thomas Vickroy, Isaac Horner, &c. This tract is well timbered with the same varieties as No. 1. The Bedford road passes through the south end of this tract, and the new State road recently located also parses through it. lne south fork of Conemaugh river runs through the tract, affording good mill seats. Tract No. 3. Containing 257 acres, situate in RichLmd township, adjoining Tract No. 2, and lands of Snyder, Anderson and Thomas Vickroy. The timber on this tract is about tho same as on Tracts No. 1 and 2. The mountain branch of the south fork of the Concuiangh intersects said river on this tract, thus affording several excellent mill sites, with a never failing supply of water. " These lands all within six miles of the Pennsyl vania and Portage Rail Roads, are amongst the best timbered lands in this region, and well worthy the attention of capitalists. Persons desirous of seeing the land will call upon John Brown, wlio resides near the premises'. Terms One-third paid, and the remainder iu two equal annual payments, with interest, secur ed by bond and mortsaue. CYRUS L. PERSUING, Acting Assignee of E. A. Vickroy. Ebensburg, April 2, 1356. KOTICE. THE undersingned will oifer for sale, at the same time and place, bis interest, being the undivided half in the above three described tracts of land, and upon the Same terms as specified above. JOHN WILLLUIS. Auditor' A'otlce. fffHE undersigned, auditor appointed by the JL Orphans' Court of Cambria county, to make distribution of the assets in tho hands of Francis llarr. Administrator of the estate of John Harr, late of Summerhill township, deceased, hereby notifies all parties interested in said fund that he will attend to tho dutirs of said appointment, at his office in the Borough oL Ebensburg, on Satur day the 3d day of May next, at one o'clock, P. M., at which time and place they may attend if they think projwr. JOSEPH M'DONALD, Auditor. April 2, 1S56. 4t. TREASURER'S SALE, Of Unseated Lands and Lots ia Cam bria County. A. D 1856. I CHARLES D. MURRAY, Treasurer of Cam bria County, in the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, in pursuance of the several acts of As sembly of said Commonwealth, directing the time and manner of selling unseated lands for taxes, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that the following described tracts of unseated land3 and lots of ground, in the said County of Cambria, or such parts thereof as may be necessary to pay arrear ages of taxes due thereon, f r one year or more, will be offered for sale at the Court House in the borough of Ebensburg, on the second Monday (being the 9th day) of Jne next, and continue by adjournment from day to day, CDtil the whole be sold, for such arrearages of taxes and costs, neces sarily accruing thereon. Allegheny Township. Names of icarantees or owners. A. P. 100 410 44 810 44 96 425 33 120 100 01 220 C2 64 100 108 100 372.128 385 128 401 108 382 152 C5 100 100 106 400 10 119 100 403 laxes James C. Maguire cts. 6 40 Abraham White 1854 12 12 6 20 9 C 6 12 3 2 71 13 40 44 60 40 Si 95 92 33 " . 1855 James nannura Eleanor C. Hiester Heirs of Walter Elder William M'Dougle (part) Warner Ilnnaum Miffiin Ilannum Robert Whitehead Thomas Cloudesdale fflacldick Township. J. Jordon Jacob Fronhaiser Cambria Township. James Means Carroll Township. Sarah Barr . . Wilson Barr : - Daniel Barr Lewis Barr - Wm. M. Adams Peter Sawyer and James Lyons Euly Eager Chest Township. Walter Butler Richard Seely (part) John Seely John Myers James Foster Henrv Dclczier 7 10 10 65 9 18 20 21 22 21 3 8 50 20 10 05 CO 00 3 7 55 54 21 63 8 46 3 55 23 73 Jamos Hunter . Clear fAd TattmdUp. Mahlon Hutchinson . : ... , -.Johnathan Lewis - "- ' Simon Utringor's heir - ' Hilary Baker William Will ; Jesse Bash Y . . , George Horner (part) John Nagle Sr. Y " ' " Jacob Cox i- -. ; z Wiliiam Lambert . . ' ? William Tilton Coneviiugh Township. George Funk and Thoa. Vicroy Wiliiam Bcatty , .. Alexander McGregor James Gill P. Shoenbereer C CC 1 295 43S 100 433 233 330 215 95 375 225 200 11 14 6 14 T 11 14 9 12 : --T 6 10 6 11 14 14 5 7 9 14 If 14 14 14 X 21 11 11 14 5 10 14 14 14 17 2 1 01 69 11 69 90 23 63 43 76 C4 80 153 164 152 86 156 400 400 150 207 133 400 400 400 400 400 40 308 324 210 400 155 300 401 401 400 248 30 CO 82 12 09 20 20 35 44 46 20 20 20 20 20 42 89 5$ 20 20 05 65 20 20 20 65 13 11 120 King and Shoenberg?r George Moore Thomas Wilion Andrew Kenned James Robert ; Charles Jones John Bell ' John Callin William Clark Adam Ream Alexander Cochraa Benjamin Williams .; Richard Smith John Hayden ' John'Toeter William Brown John Crouse David T. Storm Samuel L. Gorgaa Jackson Township. John Buchanan Wm. DTult Thomas Vickroy John Clark William Clark John Crawford Samuel Stitt John Steel James Steel George R. Shoup James Stitt Thomas Stitt John Stoner . Christian Stonec Jacob Rupp John Hubley Abigail Ramsey Tcter Bortman Thorn an White John Simpson John liibblet Daniel Good Gilbert Lloyd Solomon Benshoof Eli Benshoof Richland Township Joseph Vicroy Elisha Rodgers Daniel Reeso Storm it King 1 Francis Devlin Robert Ross Jacob Clement Summerhill Township. Christian Smith Arent Sounan John Nicholson John- Evcrman Isaac Bran nan Frederick Croyles Estat Jacob Goughnour John Kean n John Thompson Robert Evans (part) John Nicholson 21 81 126 141 25 437 414 SS 422 220 290 400 400 400 30 300 300 800 200 200 405 100 80 140 405 100 25 35 65 76 63 437 436 125 101 433 401 11 400 92 68 135 24 22 25 29 15 15 21 21 21 2 15 15 21 14 14 28 t 6 10 28 7 1 S . 2 2 3 12 11 6 5 12 11 87 01 54 97 62 44 SO SO 30 13 96 96 30 20 20 76 10 68 38 76 10 80 55 41 82 CG 00 67 33 80 54 CO 88 54 01 73 76 44 02 60 28 63 97 76 80 38 90 76 8 135 63 120 6 4 74 240 47 15 34 84 28 34 81 SO 21 83 8A 15. 17 7 190 439 440 180 443 400 338 271 4S0 120 80 131 40 131 440 200.. 220 100 440 . William Smith - . .... Isaac. Jones Y John Simpson William Clark (part) Henry West , Lots in the town of Summerhill. Amariah V. Ballou's Estate. Lot No. 2 Lot No. 7 84 Susquehanna Township. Mordecai Roberts Washington Township. Thomas Jackson James Johns James Magehan John Taylor 304 8 21 02 81 50 1 176 439 150 1200 200 400 201 50 1000 400 400 410 410 410 445 445 445 453 445 446 400 400 250 263 208 1QQ 200 319 47 98 30 - o ooo 200 200 25 300 7 8 9 18 7 117 19 19 8 1 98 10 10 21 21 21 19 19 26 26 26 25 5 11 7 15 18 11 11 18 2 5 4 o 6 3 4 5 19 84 69 15 80 60 35 60 CO 60 28 George Cutwalt Peter West Arent Sonman Christian Lingenfelter Fred. Hintou Francis Johu Robert Flinn Arent Sonman John & James Kinpork John & James Kin port White Township Robert Hoggs Mary Brown Andrew Small Alexander Rrown Thomas Brown William Harris James Harris John Harris James Reed Wm. Serross George Hill, Jr. John Marshall James Wilson. William George Michael Musser Abraham Whitmore John Servosa Jeremiah Musser Jacob King Thos. S. Moore Ann McMutrie J ames Craig Joseph Ashmead Owen Jones James M'Murtrie Thomas Murgrtroid John Brown Patrick Boreland Thos. B. Moore T. B.Moore J. M'Murtrie and others Lloyd, IIUl & Holliday Hugh Hollin Graff and Malone Thomas Town 43 87 30 00 40 40 12 12 12 77 77 28 75 28 75 90 80 39 64 88 80 80 86 78 75 52 93 95 oo 54 45 23 23 90 49 03 80 80 64 25 CI 60 60 100 100 120 109 87 - 4 350 300 400 203 595 1400 400 20 11G 19 44 12 ALSO, At the same time and place will be sold the fol lowing Seated Lands and Lots of ground, on which the taxes remain unpaid, and which have been returned to the Commissioners, agreeably to the Act of Assembly of April 29th 1844. JT7 m t . juegneny lownsnip. Silas Moore's estate John Ilatton " . Dr. R M S. Jackson 78 1 250 30 t 243 50 9 02 56 18 37 6 30 55 -82 Joseph Lawson Charles McGovem . Daniel O'Keeffe : Patric O'Conner John Burke's estate , Peter Carr Keefle &.Howley- :, Thomas Kaylor Peter Murray ? ; Petina. RaB Road- Go . 5 3 1 1 O 2 2 04 27 60 90 00 00 40 48 45 1 10 Lot S77 106 43 50 C4 1- 1 t it 02 53 100 .. 150 Y 5S9 .. ',. 100 " 1 Lot "50 58 226 60 " 50 . 48 . 93 - - - 150 ; ' 200 3S0 299 . 433 436 245 203 : ' 58 100 160 171 145 94 100 20 4412 100 . 1 Lot 1 Lot 50 ; 2 Lots 8 44 18 41 10 55 10 t I 3 39 73 99 21 52 1 53 4 1 10 70 6 72 4 32 2 80 3 73 1 64 02 87 80 8 90 48 39 46 1 1 1 82 22 48 52 1 10 2 10 10 Joseph. Houk Gaorge- Weftklaod ir- Patrick Gillespie - Thomas Kaylor -BlackJxck Township. John Donahoe - Wm . O'Conner jr. Jacob Mardis Mulford& Alter CurrciU Thwnship Henry Arblo M&thias Bartram John Biller Y , Y . George Drinkle Nicholas Lambouru Michael Thomas Jacob Whito Chest TownsfUp. . John nelfrick Isaih Hollis Clearfield TomtAip. Joseph Adams Y , Daniel Kraft M'Guire&M'Derxah John Anderson Daniel Colclesser Samuel Calvin William Nelson Simon Weakland George Cowan . . . Daniel Colclesser Samuel Calvia Timothy Cawley Michael Farrel Luke M'Guira James lloss James Sargent Hugh M'Mullan Daniel Kline Joseph Watt Johnstown Borough. estate 4 70 Jackson Township. 102 Arthur Murphy 6 86 63 Isaac Clark 1 20 193 : Charles Dillon 13 35 415 John Garman 17 34 40 John Horner 4 29 173 E. A. Vicroy 19 41 50 Henry Wagner 2 17 100 John Murray 3 74 77 Peter Dillon 2 24 Toll House - 44 2 Philip Alwin 33 185 Michael Dodson . 3 14 60 George Findlej 1 38 90 : John Penrrin 1 24 50 Isacbar Rood 66 45 David Teeter 85 Toll house west of Laurel Hill Richland Township. Archibald Dunlap Patrick Killin Elisha Moyers Jesse Layton Summerhill Totsnship John Egan Samuel Earnest Daniel Flenner John Trotter John Roberts . Sarah Roberts Michael Benson's estata , . ' Maria Murray ' part Fleet wood Benson's estate Peter Ermire Thomas Leonard Henry Oster Solomon Amigh John R. Cruin Patrick & Thos. M'Gough ThOs. Patterson's estate James Young John King Susquehanna Township. Henry Adams Johnathan Anderson Lloyd noke John M'Douald Joseph Plitt John Plott Sr's heir" Isaac Evans Joseph Plott's estata "John Dalton Alpheas Tibbota t it George Feith Lewis Keeth Washington Township G. W. Bowman John Dowd Patrick Fitzgibbons Daniel Hearken3 Thomas Iluitt 2 49 80 56 70 50 146 400 298 414 44 80 13 10 T2 55 i i 83 80 18 01 18 3 5 90 1 60 8 40 20 03 23 15 00 45 57 85 60 75 1 1 1 34 100 211 100 330 196 270 50 100 35 100 50 80 155 94 200 100 200 100 50 40 8 1 1 Lot Lot Lot 2 00 C 1 6 2 1 1 1 95 20 20 39 43 82 05 6 04 1 o o 6 4 88 50 00 00 80 94 44 1 30 2 27 o 2 08 1 95 10 40 3 25 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 1 1 350 1 1 1 200 1 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 James A. M'Gough John Magan : Martin Myers Terence M'Elrew - John G. Miles Michael Monow George Ross James Rusior Michael M'Laughlin James O'Conner Josiah Thompson John Ashley Francis Bennet John Dillon Bingham & Brothers John W. Geary - John Hagan James Henry Francis Henry John Kinports John Kettly Daniel Kiler Sr Gideon Marlett Thomas Moreland Michael M'Laughlin William M'Laughlin Martin Myers Terence M'Elrew James Noel John Wherry Edward Howard Dennis Conoban John J. Glass William Carland , Henry M'Kinzie's estato John G Miles George Nagle Samuel Short -Austin Thompson 95 95 10 95 20 60 30 95 65 10 10 44 85 Lot 1 Lot 200 50 2 20 3 85 3 85 2 71) 2 20 1 10 2 35 6 53 2 75 1 10 4 09 1 10 1 10 2 20 1 65 3 58 O 1 100 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 125 200 15 120 45 150 Lots Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot- Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 44 20 65 69 70 75 34 48 65 White Township.- 80 George Oshei - 09 50 Y Y. -Lawrence Heburner " ' 94 CHARLES D. MURRAY,- Treasurer. Treasurer's Office Ebensburg V ; - -ApTil 2rAYD 1856 . ; ., - 1T To TFIicm it mar Concern. OTICK i Lertty givtn. thai aprUcativU will be made to tho Governor of Pennsyi tftcia, for the pardon of Rrcbr3 Uadott who is now undergoing an imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary tr the crimes of Burglary and Lar ceny, of ad for which ho wjts tried, convicted and teeteMccd by the Onrt of Quarter Sections of Cambria oounty, at December Term. A. D. 1863. JOHN CESSNA. , - - - - Attorney for Oazlett. - March 19.1856. ' : . - - - Public hale. THE subscriber wi.l sell at public Sale ..t the Summit on Tuelay April Ut lS&o. All their assortment of Dry Goods, Hats, BooU, and Shoes, Hardwaro, Qieanware, Drugs scd Groceries &C. A lot of damaged articles, furniture ftc, takea from the house at the time of the fire, alto, 1 Top Eusgy. Will be soi l also," 6a acccunt of freight and Storage, 1 barrel cf Brandy, 1 ditto Gia, and 1 do.. Port Wine. Salo to commence on Tuesday April lt, at 10 o'clock and continue until ail the goods art soli. A reasonable credit will given. JOHN IVCRY St CO. Sntnmit March 19, 185C. Last Xotfce or .Settlement,' AS we are leaving this place tho Bjok ac counts. Notes, Judgments and Freight a counts will bo left in the hands of P. Dougherty, Esq., for co'duction on, and after the tth day of April next. ' " ' "'" ' JOHN IYORY & CO. TVew Firm. TAYLOR &, JONES, f B HIE subscribers would respectfully inform the M. citizens of Ebensburg aud tho surrounding vicinity, that-they have entered into partnership for the purpose cf giving full satisfaction to all mankind and in the way of giving fits, they may be found at the old establishment formerly occu pied by Beynon and Jones, immediately opposite the store of Geo. McCann. The public may rest assured, that all work entrusted to their care will be made in a workmanlike maimer, and at the time promised. Garments will be cut according to tne latest lastuon. A. H. TAYLOR. JOHN JONES. Ebensburg, March 6th 185C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Hare. MA1YUFAC TORY. Canal Street, Johnstown, Pa. THE subscribe respectfully informs Lis XjUr friends and the public generally , thstwy he has again commenced the manufacture 5 of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware in all its branches, at the old stand, where ho will be pleas ed to see all who want any article in his line. Feeling grateful fr past favors, he hopes, by strict attention and fair dealing, to merit and re ceive a liberal share of patronage. The Cash System he has adopted. a3 he hates to dun, and long credit takes the profits. Merchants purchasing bills of Ware, wouli do well to call and examine prices and quality, which will be found superior to any offered in the cUics east or west. All orders from one dollar to five hundred filled with promptness and dUpatch. Price List sent to merchants, If requested. Ware-rooms on Canal Street, ono door below the Collectors Office. F. W, HAY. Johnstown March 5th 185C. OOKING STOVES, Large Oven, Etna, Iron City, Complete Cook, Diamond, and of Brad ley' celebrated Stoves, for at M iouiwi retail prices, by F. W. HAY EATING STOVES, lladuitor. Flora, Frank lin, Carbon, Parlor, and all Parlor or liJbm Stoves made in either city furnished low f. r cah. F. W. HAY MINERS' LAMPS, Tinware, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, cheap for cash on Gnal Street by F. W. HAY. s POUTING, Hoofing and all kinds of Jub work dnc promptly at cash rates, by F. W. HAY. ALL who want a first rate Stoves, cheap Tin ware, or any Kitchen utensil will call with the cash at the Waro-rooms of F. W. HAY. U.ST received at thestoro of EDWARD ROB ERTS. LO0O lbs Cod Fish, 10 half Brls Herring, and 10 half Brls Mackerel; Feb. C, 1S56. Administration A'otlce. LETTERS of Administration ds bonis non cum testamento annexo, on the estate of John Murphy, late of Ehensburg Borough Cambria county deceased, having been granted to the sub scriber by the Register of said county. Notice is hereby given to ail persons indebted to the said estate to make immediate payment and those hav ing claims against the said estate will present them duly proven for settlement. D. II. ROBERTS. Administrator do loms non cum testamento annexo of John Murphy deceased. March 26, 1S56. XOTICE, THE Partnership heretofore existing between Andrew Lkwi3 and WIlliam LrTZ, in the Plastering business has been dissolved by mu tual consent. Tho business will hereafter be con ducted by the undersigned. All persons indebt ed to the late firm are respectfully notified to make payment to ANDREW LEWIS. April S.18GC. BLANK Summons, Subpoena's, Executions, Tavern Petitions, Bonds, tc. For sale at this office. New Wholesale Drug Store rr. sie.ci:r tiioas. NO. 26 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHIADELPHIA. IMPORTER, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Chemical, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, Whito Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glass ware, Varnishes, Brushes. Instruments, Ground Snices, Whole Spices, and all ether articles usu ally kept by Druggists, Including Boras, Indigo, Glue. Shellac, Potash, &c. All orders by mail -r otherwise prouiply atten ded to. Country Merchants are invited to cull and examine our stock befora purchasing else where. Goods sent to any of tho Wharves or Rai!road Stations. Trices low. and goods is arranted. March 12, 1356. " IVIio Oirea U." rpIIE Books of the Fuhscrilicrtt have been placed I I in tne nancis oi ooim v imams, "q., ior col lection. ' MURRAY & ZAHM, MURRAY, ZAHM & Co. Ebensbiyg. Deo. 2, lS5f. " I. O. O F. -jStSi Highland Lodge No. 42S meets every ii WEDNESDAY evening at their Hall vft- ou High s., in"the upp? story of DV.IIWHjlll'l BLAIR COUNTY ART UNION! fon tut: DiSTnmonoH bp fuve AGJUJ1IL'T OP THE riKU A CITS, &0. " There U & tide ia the aflWa of was, Which, taken at the flood, I-fruis on to fortune." &c- All persons purchasing Oca DoUr- wttt v4' Spgravinga will receive a bumberd inr i tAvca ' entitling them to a share in the fllowu.g bachm property, to be divided by the sharuholJun. among themselves, by a Committee tube appUot ei b tha shareholders, as soon as tlurty-tie hundred dollar' worth of Engravings ar A1. That two stry BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Lot of Ground, with Stabla aud necessary outbuildings. Fruit trees, &c, tiiuate on Walnut street, Uollidayblurg, now in tint w eapancy cf Wm, Nesbit, valued at JliXKi Splendid Rosewood Piano, Gold Chronometer WaWb, Gold Lever Watch, Melodeon Eewing Machias " Rre Proof Safe, , . Gentlemen's WaU., Lady:s Lever Watch, Eroche Shawls, coo SCO 1-00 80 Ts 40 ;o iu 100 ico ICO too 270 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 20 100 1000 Packages of Dry UuCU. i (It ech. Do. do. at (5 otech Do. do. at 1 each Do. Bocku, Engravings, or Mer chandize, at CO cents, Ons thousand and eighty EnjraYkijs. at cents. $3,600 f'O lurctascrs of Engravings can Select from the following catalogue of the most popular pritiU issued. Plain Engravings one dollar beautifully colored, two dollars, and one numbered ctnifi'jiti to each dollar's worth of Engravings sold. mm of mim&i . THE STAG AT BAY, , N THE IKUIJDATI0N, MONARCH OF THE GLEN. CHIP OF THE OLD BLOfjn. NOT CAUGHT, THE FIRST LESSON, SOLDIER'S DREAR, ANGEL'S WHISPER; Ths s:ie of thess Engravings is unlfortii, 3?i-24 inches, nd they aie ornaments that wdi st oil to advantage any parlor. The popularity of tLs Engravings, as well S the smallntis of the uv.iu bt-r to be sold, give assurance that the distribu tion will Like place at an ei ly day. St-nd o your orders at once, ac;onipHiiied with the caih. Come first, served rs,t. The Fngravings and certificates are sent by mail immediately al:w ll.m receipt of the money. Be careful r.ni write your address in a pl&n legible hand, giving 1'obt Oilico, C'wutly, and State. Agents and Clubs on remitting ten dollars al one time, shall receive by return niuil eleven En gravings, and eleven receipt checks. Letters en closing money should bo registered at thj l'wt ofSce where mailed.' AH orders for Engravings to be addrcsscd t - WM. G. MURRAY, Hollidaybburg, Ph. N. B. Ijttter8 of inquiry, to iusure fcttcntlo must contain a postage ttamp to pre-pay lis re turn postage. March 2C, If 56. -tf. OUR. FRIENDS ARE INVITED call at Holmes & Yocxu's gy--u) amine ore of the finest and lar gest lotsof Watches ever (without exception) bruught to this county. They arc all of the new est nylo and superior to any tiling Lerctofuc mad-j. Cylinder watches rf beautiful style and f'x.a. suitable for young nie-n or ladies. Ifiir?ting-cas silvcr-detaciitd Levers, full-j-wcllcd, and warran ted 116, S17, and $10. Saver Lfpiiie $8,7 to $11. Ilanting-casf-s, $14 $15. Also, a sp!n did assortment of Bard & Wi!sn's ce-lebr itcd 1 caret patent angular Nib Pens, each cue warran ted not to break. All persons tl...t love good sight, would d w4l to try the jur ty.Celcbralcl Peri lval Sw,ctiele, of which we l.ave a full supily fr all ag-s. We will just say, in ronciuMon, that wo tu thankful for the liberal share of business we have received, and will always endeavor to please acd suit our kind custoruers. HOLMES & YOUNG. TeT-sons wanting hocet goxs and fair deal ing, will please look for the sign of the GOLDEN WATCH. Johnstown, Dec. 5, 1855. Orphans Court Sale. BY" virtue of an order cf the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, there u ill be exposed t ) sale on the premises, on Monday the 2 1st, day of April 1SG, at 1 o'clock P. M. the following real estate, lite -the property of Griffith Lloyd, decea-ed, viz : One lwt iu the Borough of Ebens burg, known on the general plan of said Borough by number 54. Terms of salo one third of the purchase money to be paid cn confirmation of sale, the balance in two equal annual p3jtnei.ts. to ba secured by bond and mortgage. D. U. ROBERTS. Administrator, cf Gi itYilh Lloyd dee'd. Public Sale of Valuable Properly- IPHK undersigned will sell at private s.ilc Lis 1 we'll known property situated in Susqti hai.na Township, Gimbria county, it ji:ns thefrmf Wrn. Glass, about 1 5 miles from Eb--i-.sburg. The Susquehanna and Ebensburg Plank Road, parses through the farm. The fallowing are the improve ments, a new Saw Mill in good running onW 4 Dwelling Houses, the one in which the snUrri ber resides L: a largo building, having nil the ne cessary conveniences attaehel a laru Bir.k Bain. 100 feet long by 40 wide. Graueries, &c., 3 Coal Bank? within fcOO rols of his residence and immediately on the Plunk Road 100 acre of excellent firming land, with a large quantity of Pine Timber, together with 150 acres of tim ber leave all the land lays on tho Susquchanr.a river. Tenons wishing to examine the property can call cn the subscriber at liis residence'. Terms will be made easy to suit purchaseis.'afche is do termiiied to leave for the west. ISAAC GirFORD. March 19, 185C. dlol'.klsysburg " Standard," will please copy 5 mon'hs and charg" this oTioe.") tio:. To tit Creditors of te lluutingilon, Cambria and 1'iJiana Turnpike Road Contjxiny : That the Court of Huntingdon county at the January term, 1656, direct ! to 1-e paid t j credi tors ttrojvr ceiit. on tVir claims on which former elividcnds have boon declared which I will pay on the presentation of their ccrtiGoctes of deposit bv thcH)selvt-j or their agei.t". . '' ' . JOHN S. ISETT. &quea'txatvr. Sprvce Creek, February. IS, 1S3. Ct. - -' Executors Aotlce., TT etters tettamentary having been gTante-1 it JLi the sul)scriber on the estate of Bartholomew Trcbus lite of Allegheny township,. Cambria c unty deo'd. All persons therefore having laims against s dd estate will please present thera for Eettloment forthwith. ' itABY MAGDALENE TP.EBU5. A'pril. i, 1536. inr