Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, April 16, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. 4. NO. 25.
" II) 111
:d Sr.- - :
: rw i 1 r i i r ri n i i i
ed evjry Wednesday morning, in Ebensburg,
Cambria Co., Pa;, at $1 50 per annum, if paid
ik ADTiscE, if not $2 will be charged.
JLDVEUTISEMENTS will be conspicuously in
serted at the following rates, viz:
1 Bquaro 3 insertions,
lUrery subsequent insertion,
1 square 3 moritha,
1 " 6 et
" 1 year,
' col'n 1 year,
"if " " "
CTVelve linos constitute a square
I "
41 oo
as hereH provided, shall be granted by the
Court of Quarter Sessions of the proper coun
ty, except Philadelphia and Allegheny, at
their first or second session in each year, and
shall be for one year. The said courts shall
Pittsburg no licenses granted under the 12th
and 13th sections of this act shall be for a less
sum than seventy-five dollars.
Sec 14. That no license shall be granted
for the keeping of eating houses, except where
fix by rule or standing order, a time at which they may be necessary for the accommodation
. - . J? ' .... . . I 7i r i. . 3 i 1 1 -11 1
application for said licenses, shall be heard,
at which time all persons applying or making
objections to applications for licenses may be
heard by evidence, petition, remonstrance or
counsel. Provided : That for the present
3'ear licenses as aforesaid may be granted
at the third or anv earlier session of said
Twas an hour of fearful issues
When the bold three hundred stood,
For their love of holy freedom,
By the old Thessalian flood j
"When lifting high each sword of flame
They called on every sacred name.
And swore, beside those dashing waves,
They never, never would be slaves!
And, Oh! that oath was nobly kept.
From morn to setting sua
Did desperation urge th fight
Which valor had brgun ;
Till, torrent like, the stream of blood
Ran dowu and mingled with the flood.
And all, from mountain cliff to wave,
Was Freedom's Valor's Glory's giave.
O, ye3 that oath was nobly kept,
Which nobly had been sworn,
And proudly did each gallant heart
The foeman'a fetters spurn ;
And firmly was the fight maintained,
And amply was the triumph gained;
They fought fair Liberty, for thee :
They fell to die is to he fb-je.
&)t Itrqnor Xutu.
Tlie Aew License Hill.
An At
:t to lieyuhite the Sale of Intoxicating
Section 1. Be it enacted by tho Senate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assem
bly met and it is hereby enacted by the au
thority of the same, That from and after the
. passage of this act, it .shall be unlawful to
keep or maintain any house, room or place
where vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed h
quors, or any admixture thereof, are sold or
drank, except as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. That no license hereafter issue
to any venders of vinous, spirituous malt
brewed liquor, or anv admixtures thereof,
. either with or without other goods, wares and
Merchandise, shall authorise sale of said li
quors or any admixtures thereof in less quan
tities than one gallon, except as hereinafter
provided: nor sba'.l any license for the said
sales in anv quantity be granted to the keep
of any beer house, theatre, or other places of
Section 3. That breweries and distilleries
in all parts of the State shall be returned,
classed, assessed and licensed agreeably to the
provisions of the act of tenth of April, Anno
Doniini one thousand eight hundred and forty
"nine, entitled "An Actio create a sinking
--'fund and to provide for the eradual and cer
tain extinguishment of the debt of the Com-
monweaitn ana tne owner, proprietor, or
lessee of any and each of the said breweries
nd distilleries shall bo assessed and required
to pay annually, beloro obtaining a license,
double the rate of taxes assessed agreeably to
said act: Provided, That the same shall not
"in any case be loss than fifty dollars, nor shall
any such licenses authorise sales by them of
less than five gallons, except malt or brewed
liquors, which may be bottled and delivered
in quantities not less than one dozen bottles
Section 4. That the provisions of this act
shall not apply to importers selling imported
wines, brandy, liquor, or ardent sj irits in
the original bale, cask, package, or vessel, rs
imported, and said importers shall be return
ed, classed, assessed and licensed, as provided
by an act to provided revenue to meet the de
mxnds on the Treasury, and for other purpo
ses, "passed on the fourth day of May. Anno
Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty
-one, upon the payment of double and addi
tional rate or tax in the tenth section of said
act mentioned.
Section 5. That the provisions of this act
"shall not extend to druggists and apothecaries,
who shall sell unmixed alcohol or compound,
or sell any admixtures of wines, alcohol,
spirituous or brewed liquors, in the prepara
tion of medicine, or upon the written prescrip
tion of a regular practising phvsician ; Pro
vided that no druggist or apothecary shall
sell or ksep for sale, under any name or pre
tence, any preparation or admixtures as afore
said, that may be used as a beverage ; and
any violation of this section shall be punished
in the manner prescribed iu the twenty-eighth
section ot this act
Section o. That licenses to venders of vi
nous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors as
aforesaid, either with or without other goods,
wares and merchandise, in quantities not less
than one gallon to keepers of hotels, inns and
taverns, selling in quantities less than a gal
lon, and to the keepers of eating bouses .for
the sale of malt and brewed liquors and do
mestic wine, shall only be granted to citizens
f the United States, of temperate habits and
good moral character, and, not until the re
quirements as hereinafter provided, shall have
been complied with.
Section 7. That licenses for sales of liquors
Section 8. That every person intending to
apply for a license in any city or county of
this Commonwealth, from and after the pass
age of this act, shall file with the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of the proper coun
ty his, her or their petition at least three
weeks before presenting the same in Court or
to the Board of Licensers, as the case may be.
and shall at the same time pay said Clerk
twenty-five cents for publishing notice there
of, and said Clerk shall cause to be published
three times in two of the newspapers of the
proper city or county a list containing the
names of all such applicants, their respective
residences and kinds of license. If not more
than one newspaper be published in any city
or county, then said publication in it shall be
sufficient, but if no newspaper be printed in
any city or county, then the publication shall
be by printed handbills, in such manner as
the Court may prescribe, and whether by
handbills or advertisement, the first publica
tion shall be at least ten secular days before
the time fixed by the court as aforesaid, and
in the case of hotels, inns, or taverns and
eating houses, the petition shall embrace a
certificate signed by at. least twelve reputable
citizens of the ward, borough, or township in
which such hotel, inn, or tavern is proposed
to be kept.-or if there be less than fifty taxa
bles in the borough or township, by six such
citizens, setting forth that the same is neces
sary to accommodate the public and entertain
strangers or travellers, and that such person is
of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house room as here
inafter prescribed, and conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travelers.
Section 9. That no person shall be allowed
to keep a hotel, inn, or tavern, in auy city or
county town as aforesaid, which shall not have
for the exclusive use of travelers at least four
bed rooms and eight beds, nor in any other
parts of the State at least two bed-rooms and
four beds for such use.
Section 10. That before any license for the
saie oi liquors unacr tne provisions er this
act, 6hall be granted, such person applying
for the same, shall give a bond to the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, with two suffi
cient sureties, in the sum of one thousand dol
lars, where the license shall be above the sev
enth class, and iu five hundred dollars for all
in and below that class, conditional for the
faithful observance of all the laws of this
Commonwealth relating to the business of the
principal obligor, and a warrant of attorney
to confess judgment, which bond and warrant
shall be approved bv the said court and be
filed in the office of the Clerk of Quarter Ses
. & . i i
siona oi tne proper county, ana wnenever a
judgment for any forfeiture or fine shall have
been recovered or conviction had for any vio
lation of the provisions of this act, or of any
other law for the observance of which said
of the public and travelers, and shall only au
thorize the sale of aornestic wines, malt and
brewed liquors ; and all persons so licensed
shall be classified and rated according to the
provisions of the twenty-second and twenty
third sections of an act,, to create a sinking
fund and to provide for the gradual and cer-1
monwealth, approved the tenth day of April;
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and forty-nine, and shall pay double the rates
required to be paid . by said act : Provided,
That no such license shall be granted in the
cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburg for a less
sum than fifty dollars, nor in other parts of
the State for a less sum than twenty dollars
Sec. 15 That all persons applying for li
cense and classified under the 13th section of
this act, shall be assessed and returned as
provided in the sixth, seventh, eighth and
ninth sections of an act relating to inns, tav
eras, and retailers or vinous ana spirituous
liquors, passed the eleventh day of March,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-four, and those classified under the
twelfth and fourteenth sections of this act
shall be assessed and returned by the persons
and in the manner provided by law in the
several counties of this State for the appraise
ment of mercantile taxes : Provided, That in
the city of Philadelphia and county of Alle
gheny said "assessments and returns snail be
made by the board of licensers, as hereinafter
prescribed : And provided, That where an
applicant has not and cannot in due course of
law procure his assessment, rating and classi
fication, before his application for license du
ring the present year, the proper court may,
on inquiry, fix the amount of his license, ex
cept in the city of Philadelphia and the coun
ty of Allegheny.
Sec. lo. lhat for the purpose of granting
licenses to parties enumerated under the sixth
section of this act, in the city and county of
Allegheny, the Judge of the District Courts
in and for the said counties respectively shall
immediately after the passage of this act, ap
point three temperate and reputable persons,
citizens of said counties, and in no manner
interested in or connected with the liquor bu
siness, who shall constitute a Board of Licen
cers for their respective counties ; and the per
sons so appointed shall meet at tho District
Court room on the Monday next following
their eppoioiment, and shall )Q&ke fiPtH or. af
firmation, before one of the Judges of said !
Courts, to discharge their duties faithfully and
impartially, and shall then and there in the
presence of said Judge divide themselves in
to three classes by agreement or lot with a
term of one, two and three years respectively,
from the first Monday in February last and
annually thereafter in the month of January,
the said courts shall respectively appoint one
person of like qualifications to fill the vacancy
caused by the expirations of any term of ser
vice as the same shall occur, and to serve for
a period of three years, and any vacancy in
said board from death, resignation or other
wise, shall be supplied by said courts respec
tively for the unexpired term thereof.
Sec. 17. That immediately after being qual
ified as aforesaid, and annually thereafter be
any appointment or classification being set
aside, the said board shall proceed to correct
the same, according to the order of said Court
and if an appeal from any license shall be sus
tained, they shall return from the applica
tions already made such as may be most mer
itorious, subject however, to an appeal in like
manner, and from time to time, as may be
Sec. IU, lhat appeals from any apportion-
ties, which apportionment shrdl be made with
reference to the convenience of the public and
the accommodation of strangers, travelers.
sojourners ; and the sail court may, from
time to time, a? occasion may arise, alter, en
large, and chaDge such apportionment, Pro
t ided, That the number of licen?es to keep-
ersjtt eating houses shall not exceed in any
city or county one-fourth of the nrmber of
licenses for hotels, inns and taverns, to which
ment, classification or grant of license by said the' said city or cdURty may be entitled.
board, may be taken to the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the nrorr county. - Proyide'J .
jl nav tne exceptions thereto shall be in writing
and sustained by oath or affirmation, and shall
be filed in said office within five days after
the return, but no appeal shall be taken to
J any apportionment as atoresaid, unless, tne
exceptions inereio suaii oe signeu vv at least
twelve citizens of the ward or township, or
borough affected thereby. And if exceptions
to the granting of any license as aforesaid
shall be sustained bv said court, the decision
of said court shall state upon whieh of said
exceptions the said license may be refused,
and shall be endorsed upon the petition and
returned by the clerk of said court to the
board of licensers.
Sec. 20. That after the lapse of five days
as aforesaid, or as said appeals shall be deter
mined by the court, the said clerk shall make
out and issue to the proper persons said licen
ses, which shall run for one year from the 1st
day of May, but no ucense shall bo issued un
less the applicant shall have paid the follow
ing lees, to wit : 10 tne cierK oi saia court,
for publication of notice and petitions, and
for all other services, one dollar; and; for all
the services of tho board of licensers one dol
lar, which latter amount shall be accounted
for, and paid "over weekly, to the respective
treasurers of said city or county, to defray
the necessary expenses incurred by said board
for advertising, stationary, and otherwise
Each member of said board of licensers shall
receive five dollars for each day necessarily
occupied by Iiim m the discharge ol his duties
Provided, That it shall not exceed, in any
one 3'ear, the sum of live hundred dollars,
and shall be paid upon warrants on the State
Treasurer, drawn by the Auditor General, in
favor of the parties entitled to the same.
bee. 21. That if any person shall give, be
stow or promise any money, reward, office, or
anything of value to any member of said board
of licensers for the purpose of influencing his
Sec. 28. That tny rsalo made of vinous,
SDiritJiana. malt, ox brewed llcfuars. or any ad
mixtures thereof, contrary to the provisions of
trus law, snail be taken to bo a misdemeanor.
and upon conviction of the offence in the court
of quarter sessions of the peace of any city or
county, the person so offending shall be sen
tenced to pay a fine of not less than ten, nor
more than one hundred dollars, with the cost
of prosecution, and to stand committed until
the sentence of the court is complied with.
not exceeding thirty days : and upon a second
or subsequent conviction, the party so offen-
amg, shall, in addition to the payment of a
fine, as aforesaid, undergo an imprisonment
in tne county jail of not less than one month.
nor more than three months ; and if liceused. succeeded by his grandson, Louis XVI. Louis
shall forfeit said license, and be incapacitated XVI, left a son behind him, but that son per
from receiving any license, as aforesaid, for bed in the filthy dungeon to which the cru
one thousand eight hundered and fifty-four,
utitled An Act to protect certain domestio
and private rights, and prevent abuses in tho
use and sale of intoxicating drinks," and the
same are hereby declared to be in full force
and efft'ct. Provided, however. That'the act
entitled "An Act to restrain the sale of in
toxicating liquors," approved the fourteenth
day of April, Anno 'Domini oue thousand
eight hundred and forty-five, and all other
laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith,
are hereby repealed. Provided, also, That
any license heretofore granted shall not be
hereby invalidated. -
Th Occur nts or rum Fkkkcu Tu&oxk.
Not a little remarkable is it to observe that
from the accession of Louis XIV to the pres
ent time, not a single King or Governor of
France, though none of them, with the ex
ception of Louis XVIII, Lav j been childless,
has been succeeded at his demise by his son,
Louis XIV, survived his aon, bis grandson,
and several of his great grandchildren, and
was succeeded at last by one of the voUDrcr
children of his grandson, the Duke of Bur
gundy. Louis VI, survived his son. and was
succeeded by his grandson, Louis XVI.
il 1 f .i
tue penoa oi live years tuereaiter ; ana any
Keeper ot any drug or apothecary store, con
fectionary, or mineral, or other fountain, who
shall sell any spirituous, vinous, malt or brew
ed liquors, mixed or pure, to be used as a bcv
erage, snail be deemed guilty of aTOisdemean-
or, and liable to conviction and punishment
as aforesaid.
Seo. 29. That any person who-shall be
found intoxicated in any street, highway,
public house, . or public place, shall be fined
upon the (view of, of upon proof made before
any mayor, alderman, or lustice of the peace.
not exceeding five dollars, to be levied with
the proper costs upon thegoods and chattels
of the defendant.
Sec. 30. That any person who shall sell
spirituous or other intoxicating liquors as
aforesaid, to any person who shall drink the
same on the premises where sold, and become
thereby intoxicated, shall, besides his liability
in damages under any existing law, be fined
live dollars for every such offence, to be rccov
ered in debt before any alderman or justice of
the peace, by any wife, husband, parent, child,
relative or guardian ot the person so injured,
lty of she terrorists had confined him. The
King of Itome, to whom Napoleon foudlv
hoped to bequeath the boundless empire ho
had won, died a colonel in the Auitrian ser
vice. Louis XVIII, was, as we have said,
childless. The Duke de Berri fell by the
hand of an assassin in the lifetime of Charles
XI, and his son, the Duke de Bordeaux, is an
exile from the land which his ancestors regard
ed as their own estate. The eldtst. son nf
Loois Phillippo perished by an untimely ao-
cident, and his grandson and heir does not sit
upon the throne of bis grandfather. Thus,
then it appears that for upward of 200 years
in no one of the dynasties to which Franco
has been subjected has the son succeeded to
the throne of the father. London Timet.
action in granting any such license, or if any and levied upon the goods and chattels of the
member of -said board snail accept the same defendant without exemption : rrovideil,
for bis vote or influence therein, any person ! That suits shall not be instituted after twenty
bond shall be conditioned, it shall be the duty J fore the first of April the said board shall give
due notice, by advertisement in at least two
papars published in their respective counties,
of the time and place of their meeting, when
and where, and from time to time, as may be
. it 1 1 II .
necessary, tne saia ooara snail proceea to ap
portion among the wards of said city of Phil
adelphia and words, townships, and boroughs
within the county of Allegheny, the hotels
inns, and taverns and eating houses to which
said city and county may be entitled under
the provisions of this act, and to receive evi
dence for and against said application, and to
grant licenses, for which purpose they shall
inquire into the moral character &nd sobriety
oi tue applicant, and ascertain the locality,
commodiousness, and extent of the houses
and property proposed to be occupied for the
purpose mentioned in the petition, and wheth
er the said license shall be reqnired for the
accommodation of the public , and the Clerk
of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the said
counties shall produce before said respective
board of licensers the applications filed in their
omces' with proof of publication of notice as
aforesaid, and shall, as a majority of the said
boara suall determine, mark on said applica
tions "granted" or " refused," and the said
board shall at the same time decide upon the
sufficiency of the sureties in the applicant's
bond, upon justification or proof, for which
purpose and in the discharge of their other
duties the said board shall have the power to
administer oaths and affirmations with the
like effect, as if taken . in a judicial proceed
mg in Uourt.
Sec. 18. That whenever any license as afore
said snail be granted by said board, they shall
agreeably to the provisions of the 12th 13th
and 14th sections of this act, and according
to the classifications therein contained, esti
mate and ascertain the annual sales of said
venders and of said keepers of eating houses,
and the yearly rental or valuation of the house
and property occupied, or intended to be oc
cupied as a hotel, inn or tavern, and shall de
cide upon the rated price, to be paid for said
licenses for one year according to said classifi
cation. The petitions and bends in all cases
where the application may be granted by said
board, shall be returned to said clerk's office,
and licenses therefor be issued by him at any
time after five days from the date of said re
turn, unless an appeal be taken, as hereinaf
ter provided, from the decision of said board,
upon any appointment, classification, or peti
tion as aforesaid, in which case at such time,
and in such manner as may be fixed by rule
of Court, the said Court of Quarter Sessions
shall forthwith proceed to consider and deter
mine upon said appeals,- and in the event of !
ot the district attorney ot the proper county,
to enter up judgment, and institute suit there
on, and thereupon the same proceedings shall
be had and with the like effect, and with the
same costs as now provided by law in the case
of forfeited bonds and recognizances in the
several couuties of this Commonwealth. The
bond to be given by the keepers of eatinsr
houses as aforesaid shall in all cases be in the
sum of five hundred dollars.
Sec. 11 That it shall not be lawful for the
clerk of said court to issue any license as afore
said until the applicant shall have filed the cer
tificate of the city or county treasurer that the
license fee has been paid.
Sec. 12. That the venders of vinous, malt
or diatuiea liquors, eitner witn or without
other goods, wares or commodities, except as
hereinafter provided, shall be classified and
rated as prescribed in an act to provide reve
nue to meet the demands on the treasury and
for other purposes, passed the 4th day of May
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and
forty one, and shall pay double the additional
rate or tax in the tenth section of said act
specified ; but no such license for sales in any
for a less sum than
fifty dollars.
Sec. 13 That all hotels, inns and taverns
shall be classified and rated according to the
estimated yearly rental of the house and prop
erty intended to be occupied for said purpose
as follows, to wit : All cases where the valua
tion of the yearly rental of the said house and
property shall be ten thousand dollars or more
shall constitute the first class, and pay one
thousand dollars ; where the valuation of the
yearly rental shall be eight thousand and not
more than ten thousand dollars, the second
class, and shall pay eight hundred dollars;
where the valuation of the rental shall be six
thousand dollars and not more than eight thou
sand dollars, the third class, and shall pay six
nundred dollars ; where the valuation ot the
rental shall be four thousand dollars and not
more than six thousand dollars, the fourth
class, and shall pay four hundred dollars ;
where the valuation of the rental shall be two
thousand dollars and not more than four thou
sand dollars, the fifth class, and shall pay three
hundred dollars; where the valuation of ren
tal shall be one thousand dollars, the sixth
class, and shall pay one hundred and fifty dol
lars ; where the valuation shall be five hun
dred dollars and not more than one thousand
dollars, the eighth class, and ball pay fifty
dollars, and where the valuation of the rental
shall be under three hundred dollars the ninth
class, and shall Jay twenty-five dollars. Pro
vided, That in the cities of Philadelphia and
- rr 7 - I ,i l . , . .
eu uneuuiug t,uau oe ucemea guilty oi a mis
demeanor, and on conv;cto thereof b fiaed
in a ui3 not less tnan one nun area dollars,
nor more than five hundred dollars and suffer
imprisonment not less tnan one montu nor
more than three months
Sec. 22. That every person licensed to sell
spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors un
der this act, shall frame his license under a
glass, and place the same so that it may at all
times be conspicuous in his caief place of ma
king sales, and no such license shall authorize
sales by any person who shall neglect this re
quirement. -
Sec. 23. That the Commissioners of the
several counties and Board of Licensers shall
furnish a certified list of all persons so ap
praised, with the classification as made out and
finally determined upon, to the treasurers of
their respective counties, or of the city of
1'hiladelphia, as the case may be, who shall
within twenty days thereafter, transmit to the
Auditor General a copy of such list, and 6hall
receive and collect the bums to be paid for
said licenses in the manner directed by law,
with any fees payable thereon.
Sec. 24. That it shall be the duty of the
Auditor General to charge the said city or
county Treasurers, as the case may be, with
days from the commission of the offences in
tlllS U(I tha nrW
Sec. 31. That it shall be the duty of the
court, mayor, alderman or justice of the
peace, before whom any fine or penalty shall
be recovered, to award to the informer or pros
ecutor, or both, a reasonable share thereof for
time and trouble, but not in any case exceed
ing one-third ; and the residue as well as the
proceeds of all forfeited bonds as aforesaid,
shall be paid to the directors of the public
schools of the proper district, except in the city
of Philadelphia, where they shall be paid to the
city treasurer to be applied for school purpo
ses ; and nothing herein contained shall pre
vent any such informer or prosecutor from be
coming a witness in any such case.
Sec. 32. That no person, pursuing exclu
sively the business of boltler of cider, perry,
ale. porter or beer, and not at the same time
following or engaging in uny way in the busi
ness of keeping any hotel, inn or tavern,
restaurant, oyster house or cellar, or place of
entertainment, amusement or refreshment,
shall bo required to take a license under the
provisions of this law : Provided, -That such
persons shall not sell or deliver saia ciaer,
perry, ale, porter or beer, in less quantities
than a dozen bottles at one time, nor permit
Origin of the Words Yeoman and Escnire.
The title of yeoman was orirrinallv cm a
level with esquire. The title is of military
origin, as that of esquire and other titles of
honor. Esquires were so called because in
combat they carried for defence and ecu or
shield; and yeomen, because, besides tho
weapons proper for a close encasement, thev
fought with arrows and the bow. which w
made of yew, a tree of more elasticity than
any other. The name bow seems to be deri
ved from yew, or yew from bow. as Walter
Dryden uses the eugh for bow in bis transla
tion of the "Eneid:"
" At the full strength of both h!s hands lie drew.
And almost joined the horns of the tough eugh."
A Beautiful Extract. When the sum
mer of youth is slowly wastiner away into tho
night of age, and the shadows of past years
grow deeper, as life wears on to its close, it is
pleasant to look throuch the visits of time
upon the sorrows and felicities of our earlier
years. If we have a home to shelter aud
hearts to rejoice us. and friends have been
gathered together around our firesides, then
the rough places of our wayfaring will havo
been worn and smoothed away in the twilight
of life, while the sunny spots we have past
through will grow brighter and more beauti
ful. Happy, indeed are those whose inter
course with the world has not changed the
holier feeling, or broken those musical chords
of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodi
ous, so tender aud touching,
of age.
in the evening
the amount payable by the several persons in any of said liquors to be drank upon the prem
said lists, from the payment of any part of
which amount said Treasurers shall only be
exonerated by producing satisfactory evidence
to the Department that the party or parties
so returned failed to obtain a license as afore
said. Sec. 25. That it shall be the duty of the
Auditor General to return to the legislature
annually, in the month of January, a state
ment, arranged in a tabular form, of the num
ber and classification and license rates of all
importers, brewers and distilleries, keepers of
hotels, inns or taverns, eating houses, and
venders of vinous, spirituous and malt or
brewed Liquors, cither with or without other
goods, wares and merchandise, designating
each county separately.
Sec. 26. That where any license may be
granted, as aforesaid, under the classifications
of the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth sec
tions of this act, it shall not be transferable,
nor shkll it confer the right to sell liquors as
aforesaid, in any other house, building, or
place, than the one mentioned and described
in the license, nor shall the bar or any apart
ment so called, or used, be underlet: but if
the party so licensed shall die, remove, or
cease to keep said hotel, inn, tavern, eatiDg
house, or store, the said court, or board of li
censers, may grant a license tor the remainder
of the year, at any term of the court, to his
or her successor, who shall ccmply with the
law in other respects, except so far as relates
to publishing of notice.
Sec. 27. That the number of ucenses so
granted to keepers of hotels, inns, or taverns,
in the aggregate, shall not exceed in the cit
ies one to every one hundred taxables, nor in
the several counties of the otate one to every
one hundred and fifty taxables, the number
of said taxables to be taken from the returns
of the preceding year, and it shall be the du
ty of the courts of quarter sessions of the re
spective counties (tho city of Philadelphia and
county of Allegheny excepted, where the
board of licensers shall perform such duties,)
immediately after the passage of .this act, to
apportion the aggregate number of hotels,
inns, or taverns so to be licensed, under the
provisions hereof, among, the cities, boroughs,
towns, and townships of thjir respective coun-1
ises occupied in said business ; and any viola
tion of this section shall bo punished as and in
the manner provided in the twenty-eighth sec
tion of this act: And provided J urther, lhat
producers and manufacturers of domestic wines
and cider may sell and deliver the same by
any measure not less than five gallons, and in
any quantity not Jess than one dozen bottles,
without bcense therefor.
Sec. 33. That the constables of the respec
tive wards and townships shall make return of
retailers of liquor, as now provided by law ;
and in addition thereto it shall be the duty of
every sucn constable, at eaen term oi tne
court of quarter sessions, of the respective
counties, to make return on oath or affirmation,
whether within his knowledge there is any
place within his bailiwick kept and maintain
ed in violation of this act, and it shall be the
especial duty of the judges of all said courts
to see that this return is faithfully made ; aud
if any person shall make known in writing,
with his or her name subscribed thereto, to such
constable, the name or names af any one who
shall have violated this act, with the names of
witnesses who can prove the fact, it shall be
his duty to make r2turn thereof on oath or
afErmotion to the court, and upon his wilful
failure to do so, he shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and con
viction shall pay a fine of fifty dollars, and
be subject to imprisonment at the discretion
of the court, of not less than ten nor more
than thirty days.
Sec. 34. That if any person engaged in the
sale or mannfacture of intoxicating liquors as
aforesaid, shall employ or permit any imtcm
perate person in any way to assist in such
manufacture or sale it shall be deemed a mis
demeanor, and any person so offending shall
be liable to conviction aud punishment, as
provided ia the twenty-eighth section of this
Sec. 35. That nothing herein contained
shall be construed to impair or alter the pro
visions of an act approved the twenty-sixth
of February, Anno Domini one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five, entitled " An act
to prevent the sale' of intoxicating liquors on
the- first day of the week, commonly called
Sunday ;" nor of the actof the eighth of May j
3T Tue Sailor's Ketobt. A sailor was
called up on to the stand as a witness.
Well, sir," said the lawyer, "dovouknow
the plaintiff and defendant V " I don't know
the drift of them words," answered the sail
or. " Whatl not know the plaintiff and de
fendant 1" continued the lawyer ; " a pretty
fellow you to come here as a witness. Can
you tell me where on board the ship it was
that man struck the other one V " Abaft
the binnacle," said the sailor. " Abaft th
binnacle," said the lawyer, "what do you
mean by that?" "A pretty follow you,"
responded the sailor, to come here as a law
yer, and don't know what abaft tho binnacle
An Irish lawyer in a neighboring county,
recently addressed the court as ' gentlemen,
instead of "your honors." After he had
concluded, a brother of the bar reminded
him of his error. He immediately rose to
apologise thus : ' ' May it please the court,
in the haste of debate, I called yer honora
gentlemen. I made a mistake, yer honors."
The gentleman sat down, and we hope th
court was satisfied.
pain in
Sir, I am a doctor I have cured a
the head of navigation, and drawn
teeth from the mouth of the Mississippi. I
have anatomized the side of the mountain ;
blistered the foot of a hill ; felt the pulse of
an arm of the sea ; plastered a cut on tho
hand of nature, and cured a felon on the fin
ger of scorn.
JtST" An incorrigible wag, who lent a min
ister a horse, which ran away and threw his
clerical rider, thought he should have some
credit for his aid ia spreading the gospel I
JE-ET A j'oung man in Chicopee, who at
tempted to kiss a youcg lady, slipped and fell,
losing his kis and two front teeth. Poor
fellow ! And what a disappointment to tho
young lady.
g3T A wag says that Dr. Kane tried to
get to the Pole to deposite his "vote but the
icenberg faction prevented him.
JtJT An old bachelor says that
was iustituted for no other purpose than to
prevent meu from sleeping diagonally iu be.