FALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure f n . nounciag to his numerous Customers aad the Pablic generally, that he has jmst returned from the Eastern Cities, and is now opening one of the largest aad Best Assorted Stock of Goods ever brought to CAMBRIA COUNTY. The Stock consist chiefly of the following, vis : DRY GOODS! A Largo Assortment of CALICOES, GING HAMS. CASHMERES, MERINOS, DELAINES, ALPACAS, &c, all ot" the Finest Qualities and most choice Styles. Also a Urge Assortment of MILLINERY GOODS. Suck as Braid ad Silk Bonnets and Bonnet Rib bons, Flowers and Wreaths, and a great variety of Trimmings and Notions. Also, a good Assort ment of HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Tin ware. Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Books and Stationary, and a very large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. He solicits an examination of his Stock, as he feels confident that all who favor him w itu a call will have reason lo be satisfied with the Quality of his Goods and the Cheapness of his Prices. . Persons virchasina GROCERIES in large quantities will receive a considerable Reduction, off vie reiau price. , N. B. The ONE PRICE SYSTEM strictly ad hered to. . . . d. McLaughlin. Tunnel Hill Cambria Co. Oct. 24. 1855. 12t Tannery ami Farm for Sale. I LIE subscriber offers f r sale his 'lannery an Farm, nine miles from Johnstown, in Somer- of .ountv. It lies on Stonev UieeK, ana is one Af k mcUt liTihle ritos for a Tannery in the V bUV "C ' m . m . , The establishment is quite new, with ii i, Tni-uWn Improvements in this branch of i , . , The stream is a never failing one, with a fall of 12 feet, and the choicest bark abound j in the neighborhood, which can be purchased at a nor r.rtrA. navable in merchandise. The land contains two hundred acres and is capable of be- in ViifrMv cultivated. - It is a rare opportunity for any one wishing to engage in the tanning business, and will be dis- twv5a,1 of on most reasonable terms. Apply to the undersigned on the premises or to Geo. r. L.ucKnarat. in joniiMDwu. CHARLES VAN LUENEN. - October 31.1853. 11FAT1STUY. A. J. JACKSON & S. KIMMEL have associated themselves in the ' practice of Dental Surcery, office at Thompson's Mountain House, where they can be found the third week of each month. Office in .TiirEf.-n.n nearly onnosite the Cambria Iron vvruw - Store. Ebensburg, October 10, 1855. liarhrr and Ilalr-Dresser. THE undersigned would respecfully inform his old customers, that he has removed his shop the office formerly occupied by Dr. Eylandt, (Colonade Row,) where he will be happy to give 11 norsinn visitinir hi3 shoo & clean haVC, Or the hair cut in the most improved style. W.A.KENNEDY. Ebensburg, October 31, 1855. Instate or Mark Cdwards. -JVTOT1CE is hereby given, that letters of Ad JL l ministration, on the Estate . of Mark Ed wards, late of the borough of Ebensburg, deceas ed, have been granted to the subscribers, residing in said borough ; ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. and those ha vine claims will mate tne same known.- ELIZABETH EDWARDS, Administratrix, .' EVAN E. EVANS, Administrator. 'Ebenhbiuy, November 14, 1855. Cabinet Ware-Room. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of furniture, Tools, &c of Ste phen Llovd Jr., would respectfully in form the citizens of Elensburg, and vicinity, that he will manufacture all articles of Furniture to ' order on the most reasonable terms. The stock now on hand is large, consis'.inz of TABLES, BUREAUS, STANDS, BEDSTEADS, .- CUADUij, &c. &c. All articles manufactured in the establishment will be finished in a workmanlike manner, employ ing none but experienced workmen. ROBERT EVANS, v Ebensburg, October 10, 1855- Tbe Place to get Tour Money ISacSi. ! II ART & BRO. would iuform the citizens of if Johnstown and country, that they have open ed a Familv Grucery on Main Street, in the house foruieily occupied by M. Weigert & Co., where they will keep achoice selection of GROCERIES, .FROVISIOXS. C USFECTWXUIWS con sisting in part of Dried Beef, Eggs, Pickles, Tobacco, Segars, Pine Apples, Cheese, Spices, Sardines, Preserves, Cordials, Candies, Nuts, Hams, Shoulders, d,S, Sugar, Tea, Soap. ' Candles, Crackers, Chocolate Molasses, Oranges, Lemons, Butter, Champagne, &c. "Abo, fine Wines, and Brandies, for family use, and common Liquors by the Barrel, Gallon, and ' auart. The highest price paid in cash for country pro duce. . IIART&BRO. Johnstown, October 21, 1855. " FASHIONABLE :GLOTniNGEMPORIUM. ; FALL & WINTER CLOTHING. i REAT ATTRACTION at the New Store JT of Evans and Hughes, one door above the . Store room of Shoemaker & Clark, where the sub- senbers are at present receiving and opening a . large and excellent assortmen ot fashionable - . - Heady Mad Clottilnjr of the latest and most approved styles, which for . cheapness and durability can not be excelled by any similar establishment in the county ; not wishing to brag, but what we say we will make good or take the water v Every article in the cloth " ing line will be kept on hand, viz: Over Coats, Sack Coats, Drop do.; Pants, Vests, Cloaks, $-c, - all of the latest styles. , Cloths, Casbimcres, Satinets, Vc6t!ngs, of all eolours and styles. . ,Our Department of BOYS CLOTHESTG promises . a much more extensive selection than usual. We flatter ourselves that we shall be ablo to furnish garments suitable for all c' asses, fitted up insuch a manner, and on such terms that shall " disarm all competition ; we therefore ask a liberal share of the public patronage. ... - EVANS & nUGHES. Oct. 5. '54 JAMES DOUGHERTY, r. " OPTHE FIRM OP DORSEY & DOLXiUERTY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO & SEGARS. . So. 3 1 Kortn FJftn Street, F lilla. WILL be happy to receive the orders of Lis couutry friends, and as many others as may favor the firm with a call. They will al- ways find a full and sefcet assortment of the best brands of tobacco and segars, which will be sold on favorable terms. .; September 5, 1855. ' .. ' ' ', . ; . ' XOTICE, ALL persons are hereby caution jd, not to pur chase any lands, purporting to belong to the Estate of Sebastian Graff deceased, from John Braw'ey, Esq., as his powers to do so have been MVokd by GEORGE MUSSER. Agent fr h:rs of sil 'Joea'SeJ. GEORGE HtrXTfcKTt Wholesale and ' Retail, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron ware JSanuractorer. Tf" ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Eb- JlI. eosburg and the public generally, that he ne to carry branches, wholesale and : retail. His wares will be made of the very best material, and in the most workmanlike manner. T Kepainng of all kinds done on the shortest notice, Jbr cash. ALSO, House Spouting made and put up to order on the lowest terms, J'or cash. AUo on hand and for tale, a large assortment of Cook and Parlor stoves, for coal or wood. Di ning room stoves. Egg stoves, &c Also a large assortment ot crates ana nre brick, for Cooking stoves, Coal buckets. Shovels pokers, smoothing irons, 4c. &c, all of which ill be sola low lor casb. Tin-shop and wareroom in part of the bmMing formerly occupied by George Herncame, back of the " Democrat & Sentinel" oflice. GAU orders promptly attended to Ebcr.nlurg, February 22. 1855. Yf. FALL KLILLITJERY GOODS ! 1855 JOUX STOXE & SOXS, If o. 45 South Second Street, j PHILADELPHIA, . i HE now prepared to oner to their customers, -CJL and to the trafle, (of tneir own importation,) est and hanasomest assortment of ililiin- TT i in UllS CUV COUMMIIIE 1U lUiri V1 BONNET SILKS, RIBBONS. VELVETS, FAN CY FEATHERS, FLOWERS, LACES. &c, &c. Which will be sold at the lowest prices, and on the most favorable terms. Philadelphia, Sept. 12 1855. JOHN PARKE'S JolinstoTTn Marble Works, Franklin Street, nearly opposite the new Metho- dist Church, Johnstown, Fa. "M fONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, Man- jLTXtels, Table, and Bureau tops, manufactured of she most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the East, with tlie addition of carriage. i rom long experience in tne business ana strict attention thereto, he can assure the public that all orders will be promptly attended to and the work finish ed in the best and most handsome manner,furnish ed to order and delivered at any place desired. ALbU, Grindstones of various grits and sizes, suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold by wholesale or retail. 7"For the convenience of persons residing in tbe east and north of the county, specimens may be seen and orders left with Stephen Lloyd, at his cabinet warerooms m Ebensburg. Purchasers are invited to examine stock and prices. june 20, 1055. Dr. Charles Walters. "VFFERS his services to the citizens of Sum- mirville. and adioininw vicinitv. in the nrac ce of Medicine and Surgery. He may be found at all times when not pro fessionally engaged, at his office in the building occupied by Augustin M'Connell, and immedi ately opposite barren's .New btore, or at the Mansion House of James M. Riffle. October 10, 1S55. ' . . Yaluable Water Power for Sale. fFHE subscriber offers at private sale his carding niences cannot be surpassed in the county. There is thirty feet fall of water, and an abundance of coal and Iron ore on the property, as well as timber, and wou Id be suitable for a furnace, or mill. About H 'teen acres is cleared, and in high state of cultivation, with an orchard of young fruit trees just commencing to bear. It is situated m Carroll lownship Cambria eo Pa. on the road leading from Summitville to the Cherry Tree, and is about two miles east of Car rollton. The title is indisputable, and possession will b given immediately to the purchaser. He also informs his old customers and friends. that he is prepared to carry on the old business as usual, and wishes those who know themselves indebted to him to make immediate payment and save iurther trouble. FRANCIS H. WHITE. August 22, 1855. Peter McCougli. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and SCRIVENER, Clearfield township, Cambria county, Penua. Collections and other business will be promptly attended to. May 9, n54. NEW GOODS. ". FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! rHE subscriber would respectfully iuform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed his stock of merchandize, since the late 'fire," to the room formerly occupied by Kane & McColgan, where he has just received and open ed out a large lot of Spring and Summer Goods, which were selected with an eye to the wants of this community, and will be sold "lower than the lowest," for cash or approved country produce. JOHN M,COY. Jefferson, June 6, 1855. nANAMA, Leghorn, Empire, Magyar, Palm, I and in fact every variety and style of fashion able Hats, for sale cheap, at JOnNM'COY'S. I AD1ES DRESS GOODS, Lawns, Bareges, Silks, l Chauies, bwiss, &c, cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. SALT, Nails, Oils, Fish, &c, very low at JOHN M'COY'S L ADIES, Misses', and Childrens gaiters, a fine variety, at ' JOHN M COY'S. LARGE lot of Ready Made Ctnthing of almct every quality, cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. VERY large stock of Boots and Shoes, uncom monly low, at JOHN M'COY'S. B ROWN and Bleached Muslina from 7 to 14 cts, per yard, of a good quality, at JOHN M'COY'S. lOUNG HYSON TEA 50 cts. per pound, Rio I Coffee 8 pounds for one dollar. at.d other Gro ceries in proportion, at JOHN M'COY'S. r-ORKS & RAKES, Scythes & Snaths, Shovels 1 & Hoes, together with a general variety Hardware, very cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. N B. Pe.sons having accounts with the sub scriber of over 6 months standing, are requested to call and settle them. JOILN M'COY. Jefferson, June C, 1855. TAKE NOTICE. rilhe ur A ty, undersigned, intending to leave this Coun has left all the accounts, notes. &c. of rorsvta & Co., and J. Is. Craig in the hands of Jos. Miller, of JofTcrson, for collection. Persons knowing themselves indebted, will please call on mm imicsuiaieiy ana mafce settlement. J.B.CRAIG. Jefferson, August 1, 1855. 8m. . EAST XOTICE. A LL persons knowing" themselves indebted to CJ. me by note ur look account, are requested to mate payment to K. Hutchinson, Esq. I have Las purchased the Tin Shop, formerly carried on by Messrs. Davis, Evans & Co., and will contia- on we omauess in an its vkuu left my notes, books, &c. with him, and his re ceipt to all persons paying will be valid. ' - 7 Early attention to this will save costs. - - B. F. DAVIS. Wbttr2 Spt. 12, 18 TKa iirulprsirrw3 ha vine removed' to the new building two doors west of the old stand," would respectfully inform ins customers ana ma puunc generally, that he has lately added, to his former supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hand a full supply ot -,:.' .u Staple ana ancy ury vrooas . . Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Uips, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's tools, Smith's tools. Xs'aiis a lull supply o assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. - . Stoves and cast holww-ware constantly on nanu Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale andretail. ... .-,-, , Pine, Toplar and Cherry AAimoer oougu euu sold. ' , ' "'. . Goods will te sold at the very lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country - Ebensburg, March 15, 1855. : EBENSBURG FOUNDRY HAVING purchased the entire stock and fix tures ot the Ebensburg Foundry, the sub scriber is prepared to furnish farmers and others with lMouglu, Plough Points, Stoves, Mill Irons Tnresliing Machines, and castings of any kind that may be needed in the community. By strict attention to the business of the con cern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will receive a liberal patronage from those in want of articles in his line. All business done at tbe foundry. EDWARD GLASS. March 22, '55-tf. GROCERY STORE. THE subsbribers restpectfully inform the citizens of Jefferson and vicinity, that they have taken the Stand recently occupied by J. B. Craig, where they have lust received, and will at an times Keep on had an extensive supply of Gkocebies, Fish, Bacon, Flour, &c, &c. ' Their terms will be moderate, and no pains win be spared to accommodate the public whose patronage they respectfully solicit. April 25, 1855. KEW STOCK. OF FA EE GOODS. GEORGE M'CANN . has just received and opened at the store room formerly occupied by John Rodgers, Jr.. in Ebensburg, a splendid stock of Fall Goods. His Dress Goods department is full and complete, and contains some of the rich est and most desirable goods ever offered in this vicinity, such as Extra snper silks ; French Merinos ; Cashmeres; Mous de Laines ; Plaids ; Stripes ; Coburgs ; &c. Needle Work The best assortment in town. Collars, Chemizettes, Sleeves; Flouncings, Edgings and Insertingsj Shawls. Cloaks. Talmas and Scarfs : ' : New style Broche, Plaid, Cashmere, (.Velvet, Stellas. Crane Silk. &c. A general assortment of Ribbons and Millinery Goods. A splendid stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, ?-c. Irish Lines ; White and Brown Table Clothes, warranted to be of a superior quality. Tofcther with a lai se assortment of Jiourning Goods of all descriptions. Call and examine tbe stock before purchasin elsewhere, as we are determined to sell goods low fur cash. GEORGE M'CANN. Ebensburg, Oct. 17, 1855. al Estate Tor Sale. TTaY order of the Board of School Directors of Jl3 the Ebensburg District, the following Real Estate is offered for sale : Three School Houses, known as Nos. 1, 2, and 3, with appurtenances situated in the borough of Ebensburg. For further information and terms, apply to E. J WATERS. Ebrnnburg, October 10, 1855. ENTERPRISE Broke out in a Kevr Place ! New Provision Store in Ebensburg! miTE subscriber has iust received a full supply JL of FAMILY PROVISIONS, at his new store in the room formerly occupied as a Foundry ware room, and is prepared to furnish the same to cus tomers at rates as low as the lowest, ilia stock is of the very best, and consists of every item in the provision line, as for instance : Superior Cove t lour, Corn Mean in oarrei or in sack. Hams, Shoulders, and Si les of Bacon, Su gar-Cured Hams, i ish of all kinds Salmon, Shad, Mackerel, Herring, Cod, &c, Cheese, Dried Ap ples, Peaches, etc. Also, Comections ana varieties, such as can dies, Nuts, Crackers, Segars, etc. Trusting to a liberal patronage, tb6 above ne cessaries will be disposed of at the lowest possible advance on cost, for cash. KOUEKT DAVIS. June 20. 1855. John DlcUcag-e, Manufacturer and Dealer in all Kinds of Cigars, Snuff, Chewing and Leaf Tobacco. Montgom ery st., nouuaaygDurg, rx onstantly on Land, a fine and well selected stock of Spanish, and half Spanish cigars. at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to bo what they are represented. August 8, 1855. ly. Conemaugh Hotel. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his numerous friends and the public generally, that he has erected a large and commodious HO TEL at CONEMAUGH STATION Cambria coun ty. The House is situated near the Penn'a R. R. Every arrangement has been made to make it a convenient stopping place for the travelling pub lic. The Table will be furnished with' the best the market will afford. The Bar will contain li quors of the first brands, in fact nothing will be left undone to render it one of the most desirable stopping places in Cambria county. GEO. EICUENSmER. September 19, 1855. . : FOR SALE. ; rfinilE subscriber offers for sale a piece" or p J- of land, situate in Susquehanna townsJess f !nmbria county, containing 7 1 acres more or about four acres cleared, with a two Story plank house, frame stable, and other out buildiugs, there on erected. There is an orchard of about t0 choice apple trees, grafted, and about 30 choice peach trees iu a thrivioK condition, mostly bearing truit. There is a never failing spring of water within two rls of the house. The alove land is situated within one mile of Cberrv Tree borough, and being well Umbered with Pine and Oak, offers inducements for lumber ing. Persons wishing information on the above, can have it by addressing the subscriber. JACOB A. BRETII. Newman's Mills, August 22, 1855. 3m. - . - . NOTICE. THE notes and accounts of the late firm ot Robert Davis & Co., and Davis, Evans & Co., having been left with the subscribers for collec tion, all persons indebted to either of the said firms, are hereby requested to call and make pay ment on or before the first day of May, next, as suits will be Instituted after that time; ' JOHNSTON to MULLEN. April 11, 1855. - - I. a. o. f. Highland Lodge No. 428 meets every -f WEDNESDAY evening at their Ai-U 0Hieh st.in the WJjpT Wl-fJ r heeqif St CL vVs balding. RICHARD JOXES, ' ' Jnstiee of the Peaea,' Ebensburg, -TJTTEL attend promptly to lall collection en . T f ' , trusted to his xare Offioa, adjoining his dwelling., .,.rN. :, ,y, .---j I .: .vf , July 21. 1852rtf. C ii ,; ; l ... .i U. O.MAGEHAH. . CP. : MiGEffAS tc HTTEBAY, 1 ATTORNEYS A Tr X, MUBKAY. a w, ; near the Ebelitbarg, Pa. o FFICEN'o. 2, "Colonnade Bow," Court Honse December 7, 54 ly S. C Wingard and C. W. Wlngard. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ItlKIHCBO, IA. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair, Huntingdon, Indiana and Clear field county. Office nearly Litzinger's Hotel. Cz3-Also Agents for the sale of Lands in Cam bria and adjoining Counties. Ocj-Also Agents for the Union Fire Insurance Company. 03-Also Agents for the American Life Insurance Company. April 6, 1854. ' m. .iasson, Attorney at Law, Ebeniburg, Pa. o FFICE in the Court House, up stairs. Aug. 24, 1853. E. IIUTCIII.XSOIV, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., "Y7rr"ILL practice in the several Courts of Cam T T bria, Blair and Indian counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. fhee on Mam street, adjoining his dwelling house. a bensburg, July 1 1853 26 Sm. GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. "YYTLL practice in the several Courts of Cam T T bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office in the Centre st., adjoining Gen. McDon ald's dwelling. Jan. 15. 1851. ly. CYRUS E. PERSUING, Attorney at Law, 7ohnstown Pa. o FFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second Sto ry of Good Pershing's Store Room. January 30, 1851 ly. ABRAHAM KOrELIX, Attorney at Law Johnstown OFFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of the corner of Main and Clinton. April 23, 1823. T. E. IICYEIt, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. OFFICE in Main Street, two doors east of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly. P. M. GEORGE, Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane Fo 4, A. P. E.K. WELL attend promptly to all collections en trusted to his care. Oflice, adjoining the Post Office, July 28, 1852. DOCTORS GYVIAX &. COEISL'RX. TTT-kVING associated in the practice of Medi- IX cine, offer their services to the citizens of Loretto and vicinity. Dr. Colburn may be al ways found at the office of P. Braniff, Esq., and Dr. Gwinn at his residence in Loretto, when not professionally engaged. September 19th, 1855. Dr. Geo. 13. Kelly, O1 .FFERS his professional services to the citi zens of Jefferson and vicinity, in the prac tice of JMedicme and burgery. Oflice next door to Mr. Lytle's Store. May 20, 1853. B. L. JOIiSSTON. A. C. 14CLLIN IOUNSTON & MULLIN ; Counsellors and At J torneys at Law. Office opposite the Court House, Ebensburg, Pa. Nov. 30. 1854. . fly Dr. Ilenry Yeagley, Practising Physician, Johnstown, Pa. TFFICE next door to his Drug Store, corner V- ol Alain and Jledtord streets. Johnstown, July 21, 1852. WX. DAVIS. JOUS LLOYD. Davis & Eloyd, H AVING formed a partnership in th Mer cantile Business, would respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public gen erally. Call and see us at the old stand ol W m. Davis. April 29, 1852. Kew Cabinet H are Rooms. rAMES S. TODD, informs the citizens of Eb ensburg, and the public generally, that he has opened an extensive and varied assortment of CABINET WAKE in Mr. Kobert Davis' new building, Main street, nearly opposite the "Man sion House." where he will be happy to have them call and examine his MAHOGANY. WALNUT. CHERRY AND OTHER VARIETIES OF FURNITURE, consisting in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bed steads, Secretaries, btands, &c, arc. He will have constantly on hand an excellent assortment of Fancy and common Chairs, which he will sell lower than ever before offered in this place. Every article offered will be made in the most workmanlike manner, of the best materials ; and REPA1RLNG of all kinds will be promptly at- tended to. His terms are CASH, and being de termined to sell low, and keep none but good ar tides, he hopes to receive the patronage of a dis criminating public. Ebensburg, July 29, 1853." KOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the firm of George Murray, or George Murray & Son, are here by notified, that the uotes and accounts of said firms have been placed in our hands for collection and that, unless payment be made immediately. suits wul be brought to enforce it. JOHNSTON & MULLEN. "April 11, 1855. tf. Partnership Xotice. mHE subscribers have entered into a copartner- X ship, under the firm of JOHN R. SAVAGE & CO., for the general Alanuiacture ot Chemicals. JOH.N It. SAV AGE, A. M. & R, WHITE. Office No. 14 north FRONTS treet. Philadephia, Jan. 4, 1855 Kotlce to tbe Travelling Public. T HE undersigned, carrying the United States Mails between Cresson Station and Ebensburg, will, on and after the first day of April, 1855, run on the Turnpike between said places, a MAIL COACH which will be adequate to the wants of travellers over this route. The coach will leave Ebensburg every morning (Sundays excepted) at 9 o'clock precisely connec ting with the Mail train going East, at Ciesson ; and will return immediately after the arrival of the Mau tram going West, arriving at Ebensburg at about half-past 10 o'clock, r. Al. " Passengers may rest assured that the proprietor will use every effort to carry them between these points with all possible dispatce and comfort. Passengers will be required to pay their fare be-' fore taking seats in the Coach. - . - 1 - - - JOHN A. BLAIB Oemtarg, April 18, I860. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION ! Jl j. sioore & soar: HAVE just opened at their old stand; 4a- the ' Borough of Ebensburg, tha"richt and rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of FALL iD WINTER. GOODS,: everbfiered to 'the people of Cambria: County. Unusal care was taken in the selection of ,these. goods, and care has been taken that nothing with-! in the range., of a Country store, nor any ways near it; but what they can .supply to their cus tomers, at leastas cheap as they can be had in the country. " , j Their stock of Dry Goods is unprecedently large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and texture, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, &c, &c, Flannels, Sheeting, Shirting, and made up Clothing of every description. A great variety of LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS of all patterns and at all prices. Laces, trimmings, gloves, mitts, Ac. Their assortment of hats, caps, boots, and slices, is complete and unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety and quality. A well selected variety of Hard ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Queens ware and Glass; Paints, Dve stuffs, DRUGS & MEDICINES. And all for sale low for cash, or given in ex change for country prodrce. Give us a call. J; MOORE & SON. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '64. TAILORING. THE undersigned informs his customers that the firm of Beynon & Johnston, is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still continues the business in the room recently occu pied by the old firm, where he will be happy to see Ids former patrons and as many new ones as please to call. He receives regularly from New lork and Philadelphia, the latest fashions and cannot be beat either in the shape or fit of Coats, rants or Vests, by any other lailor in the coun try. He respectfully asks the public to give him a call, and confident his work will recommend itself. fcj- All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for work. LEWIS BEYNON. April 20, 1852.-tf. COACH MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, that he has removed his shop to MOORETOWN, where he has every facilily for carrj ing on a large busi ness, and hopes by using noiie but the best mate rial, and employing none but the best workman, he hopes to convince all who will do him the favor to examine his work, that in point of dur ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any similar establishment m the State ' or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a carriage . will con sult their own interests by giving him a call. They are prepared to supply the following kiuds of vehicles, viz: Buggies of different qualities and prices. Bar ouches, Chariottees, one and two horse rockaways, close quarter eliptic and C-Spring Coaches; "second-hand w ork of different kinds, &c, makice a variet5T thatwill suit all tastes and all purses. Kepainng done with neatness and despatch. KOUEUT UALliUEATH. Spt.2a0, '64. Aimv 1 11 Li II Li VI LVllllUi From Ebensburg; to Willmore Station ! THE Subscribers having associated themselves together, have put upon the Ebenstmrg and Jef ferson 1 lank lioad a double Dally Line of Chaise Conches, would say to the Public that they will spare uo pains to carry passengers to and from Willmore Station with all despatch and comfort. CO-Coaches leaving Ebensburg at 7.S0 A. M. Connecting with train guing west at Wilmore Station at 11.33, A. M. Leaving Eliensburg, at 3.15, connecting with train going east at 4.48, P. M. Leaving Ebensburg, at 5 o'cl'k, P. M., connect ing with train west at 8.12, P. M. Leave Willmore Station for Ebensburg on the arrival of every train, both East and West. The Public may rest assured that there, will be a coach allways at the station on the arrival of the cars. THOMPSON & HAMILTON. Ebensburg, November 9, '54. LOOK HERE! JAMES McDERMITT still continues his VARIETY STORE, opposite the Post (Jmce, one door west of J. Moore's, where can be had very cheap Variety Goods, Notions and Toys; Boots and Shoes large and small long and short; Coffee, Teas, Chocolate, Sugars, Molasses; Candies, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, &c; Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars; Gloves and Stockings, Cotton and Woolen. JEWELRY Ear-rings, Finger-rings & breast pins: Tocket Knives, and Razor; A few common Dry Goods; Call and exam i im hit ttockfi: FAMILY MEDICINES AT McDERMITT'S VARIETY STORE : Dr. Jayncs popular Medicines; Dr. Swayncs do do; McLane's Vermifuge and Pills; Radways Ready Relief, and Pills, arc; Brants purifying Extract and Pulmonic Syrup; Schencks Pulmonic Syrup Syrup Naptha; Pain Killer Barrels Indian Linametft; Shepherds Sarsaparilla and Vermifuge; Hoolland Bitters Holland Bitten Pepsin; Rat Exterminator Petroleum; Ayers Cherry Tectoral Essence Ginger; Brandreth and Wright's Pills; . Horse and Cattle Medicines; Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Essences, &c, $-e. Dec. 21, '54 I'XIOS noise, Ebensbnrg, Cambria Co., Fa. TnE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the tiaveling public, that he has leased the house formerly kept by Mrs. Mary O Evans and is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him. with their custom. The estab lishment has been furnished with every conveni ence that can be had. His rooms are large and well ventilated. His table will be supplied with the best the market can afford. His bar vil' con tain liquors of the best brands, and his stable is large and attended by careful and obliging host lers. , JOHN A. BLAIR. Dec. 23, 1853. Ceo. W. Todd, with COARAD & WALTOJ, Importers Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, 4c, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on hand the genuine Timo thy Slack's Augers, Wm. Mann's, Beatty's, and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's superior polished Steel Shovels, Darling & Wal dron's Grass and Cradling-Scythes, Common and Patent Scythe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, 4-c, .Arc, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms, to country dealers only. , ....... January 25, 1855. v 10 Brls Mackerel , . 10 Brls Herring, and ' -J , ' - 1,000 lbs Cod Fish., just received and ft sale ai the cheap store of - EDWARD 10BEBT8. ... PrlT&t&.Sale. Valuable House and Lot in tbe Borocgh of Loretto, the property of the heirs of JaOuL A- Fels, deceased. ' Term will be made easy, and aa indisputable, title given. Appuca.on to be c to fcvaena lrarcin, Aiunster, or the subscriber. - "J; ';, M. HASO:r. - -April 25, 1865. r - .:-? j- i- oas STAjta, ion Kill, mi mi. avou town :. JTEWFItlMJ THE PUBLIC - ARE HEREBY INFORMED that the late firm Of Evans & Jones, have en tered into a co-partnership with John Evans and John Hare in the Tannery and Boot and Shoe manufacturing business. Their friends are invited to call at the old stand of. Evans & Jones, a fevr doors east of Cannon's Hotel, and the Tanning establishment owned by J. Moore. . They have constantly on hand a large assort ment of French calf-skin, Men and V omens' Mo rocco Boots and Shoes, and are prepared te exe cuta work on the sliortta-t notice. The highest cash prices paid for hides either ta trade or cash. Being practical workmen themselves, sad nsinf none but the very bet materiasl they are confi dent they can execute work as well and as chj as any establishment in the country: Feb. 17. 1854-tf. DRUG AND MEDICINE STORE: THE undersigned would inform his many friinds in the town and country, that he Lai ereceivd a new and large assortment of UltUGS AND. MEDICINES, He solicits the patronage of the public, and gives the assurance that every kind of orders cue as RECIPES, etc., prom ply, and to lower pricW as in othr stores will be attended to. FREDERICK SNYDER. July 20, 1854; JEFFCKSOX 1IOLSI2. JEFFERSON, CAMBRIA COUKfY, PES!. THE undersigned takes pleasure in informing his friends and the traveling public, that he has leased the Jefferson House, and having made mych improvement in its interirr, he feek confi dent that he will thereby be enabled to render comfort and satisfaction to all who favor him wiik their patronage. His fast and superior MAIL LINE OF STA PES will always be in readiness to convey passoa gers io and from the ' " PENN'A. RAILROAD STATIONS to Lis home, and also leaving direct after the ar rival of the trains by a good Plank Road toELx burg. Cc- He will ever be hsppy to accotainodete hie old friends and acquaintances that will favor Lli with a call. JAMLS D. HAMILTON. Jefferson, April 0, 1854. 1K51--V5. fill & WINTER GOODS RODGERS & JONES HAVE just rereivi-d and are now dispJavirsg a carefully selected stock of fall and winter goods. Their stock consists of Dry Goods ef every description and quality suitable for the present and approaching seasons. A very hand some assortment of Broad cloths, Cassimeres, satinetts, Jeans, Src, arc. Ready made clothing. Ladies' Goods Such as fine merinoes, a i. assortment of silks and woolen plaids, every variety of De Laiuea, and silks of every descrip tion. SHAWLS An unusually handsome variety, broche and woolen, of all sixes, qualities are prices. PRINTS Foreign and domestic, of evry prise and quality. BOOST & SnOES The very bestsectsd stock in the market. HARDWARE & CUTLERY Builders and Mechanics are requested to call aud examine our' stock of Hardware, and the attention of heu keepers is called to our cutierv. GROCERIES Their stock'of Groceries is in usually large, consisting of sugar, coSte, molas ses, rice, tea, pepper, fish, and salt. ALSO Paints and dye stuffs, wooden wtre, and clocks. In short a full arid complete variety of everything cither for show or use, that can find its way into a country store, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable t&rrn3 for case cr country produce. They rtturn thanks to their friends for pt favors, and respectfully ask a continuance ef them. RODGERS & JONES. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '54. ' Tomb Stones ! Tombs Stones I I CHARD JONES re.-tfu:!y inform the public that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, manufactured in the latest style, and lettered ac cording to any directions. His yard is situated at the south part of the town, whore a large assortment of articles in hie line are always kept on hand. From long experience he fc-els confident be en ase all tastcf, and he therefore hopes to be paw r ized by a onerous public. ' une 17, 1763. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. FOR oardfrs and Day Scl Mr. (I'JDIB THt riKK Or TUB i!TSBI OT Mlllf.) HOLLIDAYbHUKG. PA. THE School is divided intr tire general diri. sions or classes, in which the following brea ches ace taught : FIRST CLASS. Geography, Granimar, Spelling, Reading, Arith metic, Tables. Writing. Composition, Toetry. History Ancient and Modern PhilosophyAs tronomy, Use of the Glibc, Plain and orna mental Needle-work. SECOND CLASS. This Division includs all the branches taught te the first class, the distinction existing only it the length of the lessons. TUlliU CLASS. Spelling,' Reading, Writing, Tables, Aritkmetls, Geocrapny and Grammar. (X- Extra branches common to all the daeeee. Piano Forte, Guitar, J ocsl Music, Freuch aad Drawing. TERMS. For Boarders 1100 per annum (Including wash ing, bed and bedding.) . Day Scholars First and Second Classes, $8 per quarter. - . Third Class $2 per quarter. TERMS FOR EXTRAS. , Music with use of instruments, $6 00 Drawing, 4 0 French, 8 00 June 1, tf. SCHNEIDER'S HOTEL. Ebensuurg, Cambria Co , Fa , . ' I ''he subscriber would respectfully inform his many friends in the town and from the ccunj, try, that he has now arranged his house, and is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His table is well suppli ed with the best the market can afford, nis Bar contains Liquor of the best Brands, also Lsger Beer.&c&c, - rBEDERICK SCHNZIDEE. July 20, '51- ly. : BOSS Of TKMPKBA5CE. Highland DivisBn, No. 84, Sorj. of Tenf i peranoe meet at their HaU every SATCB-- DAY evening, 2 doors bekn Elair's Hotel. . 1 1 i i' .. i tlOfi Msorted pieces f tone.Wari just re fJUiFceivedattlisCVAp Store ef