Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, October 10, 1855, Image 4

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- Li
HAVPNjLL putehaaed ilue: eutite stock and fix
ture ot the Ebensburg Fonndry, the vub
acribej is pr epasvd" to furnish Jkrnicrs and other
with " -"vV ; ' v . ' - ,v
rio;'sisnoagli Points, Stores, JilUi
IroiiM, Threshing Machines,
and outing of .any kind that may be needed in
" ly Srict: ttentvH tui the business of the con
cern, he hopes to merit; and trust In; will receive
a lib'Tal patnjjiagcftvm trwiseiu want" of articles
ia Lis line, jt I? -- ''- ' '!
All Jatwinesa douo at the ruuntlry; :
. . - :, : EDWARD GLASS.
Marcher 5S-tf..r i t ! '-;
THE subsbribcrs rvstpcctfully inform tha citizens
ol .Jeficraou and vicinity, that they lmve taken
the. Stand recently -occupied by X li.Crig, whore
thv liave iust received, and will at oil tunc keep
on had an extensive supply of GltocEBIKS, FteH.t
BAfO.V, FUPIUC,A. i'-i v - V 4
Their term will l moderate, and no pains will
be spared to aceommodato tho public whose
patronage thev respectfully solicit.' H v W
t innMvnPPlV P.,
April 25, 1853. ,J fju'-vl'M ij i i
Geo. W.Todd, with ' :i:jS '- a
Importers it Wholesale Dealer In Hardware,;
Cutlery, Ac, No. 255 Market Street, '
U;. PhUadelpnia.- '
RKKl constantly on barulthc' penume 'llmo'
thy Slack's Augers, Win. Mann'x, 15cjittyV,
and. Hunt's "superior A: xes: Conrad t" Valtons
stipertur vohshed tecl Shovels, Darling &- Wal
drou'd and Cradling-Scythes, Common and
1'atcnt Scyt !ve Snaths, l atent Clothes Inns, $-c.,
Axi which they ofl'er for sale on reasonable tenns,
frj country dealcn only.
January 25, 1855.
Valuable Property FOr sale. ;
TipUE subscriber offers for sale a farm, situate
two miles from Cnrrolltown, in Carroll tp,,
Carnbriii eoiinty, adjotuiniug land of Mrs Hayns,
and other lands" of the subscriber, containing 100
acres, '25 or 30 acres of which are cleared, with a
hewed h house ami bom thereon erected. ' l"lie
kind gootl quality, with several never failing
upring ofW'atcr, and conveniently' situated for
njads, mills, &c. Au indisputable ,tit!c will be
Kiwn,fkud terms made easv. 'v -- -- " .;
1'15AXCI3 GILLASl'IE. .,
June lfr,'1855.
"MERRY MIX10NIGLE would respectfully, an-
J noimcc to the public that he has just received.
and oiK'iieil at, the stand well known as the" Alike
' Walsh " House, at the foot of Plane No 4. a 1 tof
cwGojda, which have ,-teeu carefully selected
- with a view to the wants of this community.
His stock embraces. Dry Goods such as Calicoes,
Delaines, Bareges. Muslins, which he will sell at
Iheloweit figure ; Made up Clothing, Coats, Pants,
Vests ; he would especially call the attention of an
astonished public to his stock of miracalous Hats,
containing specimens of the ilong Kong, the Se-
liastopol, and the half shared Hats, forming col
Icctiou of novelties, never equalled in this, aud very
few othcr-conntnes. ' ' ' "
His stock of Shoes and Boots:, defies compcti
tion, the Eureka Slippers, the' Varodi enamelled
Sheea.' Jenny lind Buskins, will'aftord unmiti
gated delight to the lair votitTtes of the mazy
dances.M while his Kossuth : Boofci," his Schamyl
l'urnps. and the -untiring : ORoUrko brogne.;
will enable the: lords of creation to do the' tallest
kind. of, walking. " ;':-''..''"
His Groceries he will sell at erst and ! carrige,
cnsidering thehardasss of the times he wishes to
make no profit on the provisions which sustain
human life, but at the same time lie would , deli
cofy BUBriest, that if ever any article ot sugar
was entitled to a premium, that which he offers to
the inspection of a discerning public, certainly is
the oie. - - ' " "
Jerrv" wants all the world and the rest of
mankind "to come and see his establishment and
ret bargainsj he is there for that business.
Hemlock, April 25, 18C5. -.
nq-Lx.' . - . . ,
The underpinned offers at private Sale, his farm
situate in Allegheny, townshi p, Cambria - omnty ,
about S-miles-from the Pennsylvania Railroad
Tunnel, containing 4 acres, about 3 atTcs of
. which are cleared,, and having a good dwelling
house the ret n croctc.1. - Tlie land is well timbered,
n4rjftUpnd in several excellent veins of ore.
The Clearfield Creek passes through it. The title
is indisputable.' "Possession giveu immediately
May. 1$, 1833. P. MOYERS.
i'- NOTICE. -''--i
rPIlE'"notc, and accounts of the late firm of
1 Robert Davis & C,, and Davis Evans & Co., L!
having been left with the subscribers for collec
tion, all persons-indebted to either of the said
firms, are hereby requested to call and make pay
ment on or before the first day of May, next, as
saiU wUl bo instituted after that time.
April 11, 1855.
Broke out In a Sew Place T f 1 '
" New Provision Store ia Ebensburg! , .
THE subseriler has just received a full supplv
of FAMILY PROVISIONS, at his new sfcre
in the room formerly occupied as a Foundry ware
room, and id prepared to turnish the same to cus
tomers at rates as low as the lowest. - His stock
is of the very best, aud consists of every item in
the provision linc,-as-fur instance ; 'M
Superior Cove Flortr Corn Mean in barrel or in
sack, lhuus, .Shenhtersi and Si lea of 'Bacon, Su-u-irCurcd
Uams.Fish of all kinds -Salmon, Shad;
Mackerel, Herring, Cod, ;&c,( Cheese, lricd Ap
ples, Peaches, etc, . s , - ; ; ; . - ;
Also. Confections and varieties, such as Can
dies, Nuts, Crackers, JJcgars, etc . ,. ..... .. .
Trusting to a lileral patrouage, the above ne
ttrstiarles will be dispeed of at the lowest pjssible
a Ivame on cost, lor cash. .
Juuo 20. 1855. ' . .V ....
' ,.:.( IJEW GOODS.
The Flint of the Season.
TT? D WARD ROBERTS has hist receivl from
JLJ the east, and has now rcsvly for sale a full and
complete assortiiK'ut of
lticiui ung every aritciu oi laney, urcss ir plain
good.4' tliat can be'; a.-keI for in a eouutry store,
jither fir !adis or gentlemen's wear. HLs stock
ciin-ists 'of a general variety of calicoes, bareges,
rhiutzes. lawus, linens, muslins, laces, etc., for the
ladif, t'tgetlier with iMmts, shot s, haL, and a full
selection tif :rttrriervtHnW fof the gitlciiieii.; ' '
For the housekeeper he has laid Su a stock of '
einbmcing every iwticle tinder that liead : together
with tin-ware, carpeting, caflet-chaiy,tshcUng,
phirdng. etc., etc .. , ' , . , , i, v ;
Fot the farmer he has fish, s.ilt cnullean l mow
ing A-y thes, aud other articles of hard ware required
by tno pui.lic generally.
In short lie. has his storeroom filled with' articles
every deiKU-tmentd1 tntde, from which the
iwody ran sdect to suit their want ' ' '
fc-C luntrv- produce taken in exthang frgiiod
at the niarket value, aud goods sold cheap to cash
caiwtomers. c-jnie ant see.
Ebcaibur-, April 2, l?5Mf.
ccirrrrinc American.
jEiXTEXTirirbiBH W
V Ik -i
? The i Eleventh Annual' Volume of .thi: ust-fi :
publication conuuences on the 17th day of Sep
tembernexU ' . -. ; : ' '..
LUSTKATED PEltipDICAL, devoted hiefly ia
the promulgatuiu of ' iidormation relating totbe
various Mechanic. And Cbernio Arts, -Industrial
Manufactuj-es, Agriculture, Patents,; Inventions,
Engiuceriug, Millwork, aid all interests whicli the
light of PltACTlCAL SCIEKCE ia, calculated. to
advance. . s . ' . t n v i
lleportsof U.S. PATENTS granted are alsp
published every week, including OrFiCiAi. Copies
of nil the PATENT CLAIMS, together with news
and information uponTUQUSANDS OF OTHER
SUBJECTS.-. I..: . t -J, -.;.; .-
The CosTRiRCTons to the Sciestific AMKtii
cas are among the most EMINENT Scientific
and , practical men of Jhe times. , TJie Eihtonal
5s nniversallv
v jacKHowicugen 10 oe
rndiurtl "vith OURAY
ABILIl'Y. and to be
distinguished, not only for the excellence and
truthfulness of its discussions, but for the fearless-
Miess with Avhich brrof is combated and false thec-
riea'aveexiilodcd.r r f h i v'- ?
f ifdckamdsi' luventers. Enginoere, Cliemists,
Manufacturers. AsKieulturiste wd PEOPLE OF
EYEUt, jaiUFESSlUN IN. LIFE, will find the
Sciestific; Aslericaji p) be of great vail e in their
resocctive eiilliiiCT- . , Ite counsels ami suggestions
will save them HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS an
noally, ocbioos vin-riuug ium a couiiuuai suiuw
of knowledge, the AtjcpciicnuQ of .which is beyond
pecuniary tunativ ,i - ' i -s : - is
,.,Thc SCIENTH'lO AMERlCANis published
once a weftk ; e v cry s number contains eight, large
auarto noi. wrDuns annually a complete aua
snientlia volume,. uiusLraie.r wnn on
. i -ti . i . a J 1 '.1. f L.--tl?T A t
Grv Specimen copies sent GR Al IS.
flr.TF.RMS.--Sin'le SbscriDtions. 42 a year.
or $1 fo six moUt Five copies, for six months,
S4: lor a vcar. .
, For further (JI.uW rates and for statpment or the
fourteen large CASH l'RIZES, . ollcred , by. ;the
nnWislif rs. see Scientific 'American. V' . .
' -O ...1 - MT...... .....I Y.
Cffice Stamps, taken at par for Subscriprions.,
Letters should be threvted f pist paul) to , ,
: " ' ML'NN & coV. '
,' ''. 128 Fulton StreetNew-York.
ft Messrs. MLTNN & CO., have been, for mauy
years,, extensively engageu in procuring j-inems
for new inventions, and will advise inventors,
without charge in regard to the novelty of their
amprpvements. -.
August 22, 185o. J .; , . ,
Ar r'a Paten Self-Sealing' Can
I Foil PiiESEKVisa Fresh Fbcits, TomatToes
&c : Bu JJennetical ikalina. These Cans, which
are bealed by the House-keepers without' the aid
of a tinner, and open easily without injury to the
cau, are rapidly coming into general use. " Full
directions for putting up fruit accompanying the
cans ; and . the work is so easily " performed, that
by their use' every familv"msry have fresh fruit
and tomatoes on their tables all winter, at sum
mer prices.
PICS.Vmt Cans $2.00 ; Quart' J2.50
Half-Gallon ,$3,50 ; Three Quarts' $4,25 ; Cal
Ions 15.00 per dozen The ditlerent sizes' n'ost.
in order , to secure economy in , transportation:-"-'
Coimtrvt Storekeepers Jwill. llnilthis new artitfa.
krone of eady sale. "Manufactured antf sold byv
July 25,1855.-r3m ;a mtmmJm,
T A'iLL persons indebted to" thai Ertil uf George
m. Murray, or Goorge;MMnay & Sou, are here
by, notified, that the ,iotes and accounts of,sud
firms have been placed in our hands'' for collection
ana tnat, unless payment ue maue ui.iuKujau.-ij-uits
will he brought to enforce it-' " ' '" 1 '
I ;-v"-' ' JOHNSTON ' S: MULLEN.
. April II, 1855. tf.
' : ,-. ,-rr i FASHIONABLE . ' .- -.-
GREAT 'ATTRACTION at the New Store
. of Evans aud 41ughes one doui'.altove the
Store room of Shoemaker & Clark, where tljsul-.
seribers are at present receiving and. oening a
Harge ami excellent assortmen of fashionnbl i -,;i
Ready JMftfle Clothing - . :
! of the latest and most approved styles, which lor
cheapness and durability can not be, excelled by
any similar establishment in the' cyiuity ; n l
wishing to brag, but what we say . ve wil make
good or take the water. Every article in fhe cloth
ing line will le kept on hand, viz: flyer Coat,
Sack Coats, Drop do.: Pants, Vests, (..looks, $-c.,
f'all "of the latest styles. . .. i (
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets,. esUngs, of all
colours and styles. .- . ' " ' . : -,' ,. .
Our Deiiartmcnt of BOiht-lAJi nlu proinics
a much more extensive selection than usual,
We Hatter ourselves that we sluill Ihj able l
furnish garments suitable for all c'asscs, fitted up
Insuch a manner, and on sucli terms that shall
disarm all commotion ; jvc therefore ask a liberal
share of the public patronage.
- w x-c .8. irt'r!tir?a
Oct. 5, '54. .... : ,.; .
Tli undersimed having removed to the new
building two dxrs west of the old stand, woulvT
rosi-ect fully inform his customers and the public
generally, that he has lately added to his former
supply of Goods, aud keeps constantly on hand
a full supply ot
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,' "
Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps,"
Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen
ter's tools. Smith's tools. 2Cails, a full supply o
assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. ,. '.
Stoves and cast liollow-warc constant! r on hand
Also, copper aud tin ware. Groct rie v; Nlesale
and retail. . ,...
Pine, Poplar and Cherry Lumer t "Ait and
sold.. . -, : . .
Goods will le sold at the very lowest jricw in
exchange for Cask or Country lroduce.
V . E. HUGHES. .
Ebensburg, March 15, 1855.'
No. 29 North THIRD Street, PHILAD'A.'
- - Morocco Maxofactpbehs, Ccriers and Im
porters of FRENCH CALF SKINS, and dea
lers in Red and Oak SOLE LEATHER & KIPP.
. . Feby. 22, 1855. 1 year. ' ' ::
Kotlcc to tne Travelling Public.
THE undersigned, carrying the United States
Mails between Cresson Station and Ebensburg,
will, (Hi and after the first day of April, 1855, run
on the Turnpike between said places, a MAIL
COACH which will be adequate to the wants of
travellers over this route. - -
The coach will leave Eliensburg every niorninj r
(SiindSysexceptol) at 9 o'clock precisely eon nee- I
ung with the Mail tram going East, at Ctesson;
and will return immediately after" arrival of
the Mail train going West, arriving f Ebensburg
at aliout half-past 10 o'clock, P. if. ' ; s. . ,i
' Passengers nt;ty rest assnrod that the proprietor
will use every efibft ta.cwry then between these
points wUl all possible dispaUf ""'fcomfcirf.l.U'
Pnsscn-gers will be required .L their fare be
fore taking scats uj $h Coach ; .
U ' Ebensburg, April 18,; 1856,
IPirhhrnd Lodge No. 428 meets fverv
WEDNESDAY evening at their Hair f i OFFICE On MaiastreetaMniJrtJ hCean always
on Higlt- st., in the' upper stotyi A4jTBr found, when not profesaiouaHy engaged. :
Shocm'ttker & Chirk 's building- O., n-jv-10 . .'.-! .v ---i -i
s -1 JaitJ e4'f - tie ' Peabe Cbnsbprg.'Ja.,'
TnriLL aUend promptly to mil scoSaction"cn "
T 4F trusted to liis 'care, v Office adjoiningf his j
uwelune. ' 1 "
; July2?t. l852.tiV,-t
i. MAGEBAK.7 ", ' 1 il iL C.-D. SlURRAT.
t T T 0 JVN'E'T H A T LAW,
Court House: i" '4 ?s c
"is ifi
December 7, '64 ly ' - -
S. c. Wtaeard ana C. W. Wlngrard,
TXrILL 'practice an tne several Axurr 01 urn
KT i
bria, Blair, JIuntingdon, Indiana and Clear
field cbuutv. ' Orficcrncarly JUtanger Hotel. .
. W-Also Agente lor ti.e sale ,yi uxnpa in yun- of
.ria and adioining Counties. ' ' ' ' :
- - - I
bria and adjoining
fcJ-Also Agents tor
Union Tire. Insurance !
CO-Also Agents lor ine American uic insurance;
r . - . . ., 1 : . ... :
April 6, J8&4
Attorney a Lav, Zbensbvrg', Pa. - ;
FFlCI'I in the Cdurt House, tip stairs.' '
Ajug.:24,-1858.."";1 4 V
' Attorney at Law, Ebeniburg, Pa - - -
WILL practice m the several Courts of Cain
lria. Blair and Indian, counties. All pro-
fessional business entrusted to ms care wui oc
promptly attended to. , - - , .-f.v..-t.
Mice. OU Jiain strcei, aujuuiiiig u unt.-utiij;,
house. " : ',.' ' " v 1
Kbenshurg, July 1 !85S--2(5-i-3m . ; ' :
i-n.. isGEORGG M. REED, J
- Attorney" at law, Zbensbarg; Pa.' - :
WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties'.
Ofriw in the Centre st-, adjoining ,Gea, McDon
ald's dwelling. ' " . ' " . .
Jan. 15, 1851. ly. v ; V ;' ; ;' V ". .
". . ' Attorney at Law, Johnsto'wtt Pa.
dVFlCK on Clinton Street, in the Second bto-
W ry of Good 4 Pershing's Store Room.. .
Jannary 30, 1831 ly. ,; .. . .. ; ..
Attorney at Law Johnstown j ';
FFICE on Clinton Street, a few loors north
, o( tlie corner of Jlain aud Clinton. A
April 23, 1828., i '-f , ; i v
Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. . . .
OFFICE in Main Street, two doors east of the
Echo Office. ; . ; ; , . ', . , , ..
, March 13, 1851. ly.' ' .
Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane No 4, '.
.' ' - A, P. R. R. J-,,. ., i , T
ILL attend promptly to all collections en-
trusted to his care. : OflSce, adjoining the
PostOCicev ! ? t.
.Tniw ? ir.'
July 28, 1852.
JUSTICFof the Veact, Summltvrllej Cambria
county, Pa.; Office East of the Allegheny
Portage Railroad on the Turnpike. . v
, March 30, 1854. . ; ; . ? ' .
. TT . ,K, . ,
. ; Dr. Charles Walters- .
OFFERS his services to the - citizens of Sum
: mitville, and adjoining vicinity, in tho prac
in Medicine and Surgery. - - -, j
e may be found at all times when not pro
fessionally engagwl, at his office next door to
Bell's Store, , or at the .Mansion House of James
May 25, '34.fi4. lif.dT f
Dr. Geo. B. Kelly,
OFFERS his professional ser-iccs to "the citi
zens of Jefferson and vicinity, in the prM
ticcof Medicine and Surgery.. ; ...,.,
. Oflice next door to Mr. Lytic 's Store. . .
: jMay;20 1853.; r. :;U'J .A j . '"A
..- E. EYLANDT, M. D., J 7
can lie found at hi-s office. No. 2. (Jolonade Row,
at all times of the day, if not professionally, en
gaged. . . ,. t ' -. ?. t.novQmta0.1.-
" . ;
a. i.-'joimstos. '.''". ',' . c,
JOHNSTON & ML LLTN; Counsellors and At
torneys at Law. Office ' opposite the Court
House, Ebensburg, Pa.
Nov, 30. 1854. . ' - j,y
t ;lr. Henry Tfeagrley, , , t
.' Practising Physician; Johnstown, Pa. s
OFFICE next door to hia Drug Store, corner
of Main a ml. Bedford streets. ; . . ..
Johnstown, July 21, 1852. .; 5 - I - r .-;
' jobs; NcDEVITT &EE0., .i i
"VTCTHOLESALE -rrocers and dealers in For-
v eign,and Doiiiestic Liquors, Rectified Whis
! Flour; Baoon, Fish, Cheese, &c, Ac, No.,
Xiibcrty1 street, opposite the head of - Smith
Ilfid Pittsbureh: Pa. !': : ' '
1W 9a:-lft5-w.tif. : ' 15 . ' '
Davis &. Llojd, ,;
TTTAVING formed a partnerslup in th Mcr-
M 1 cantile Business, would resiectfully solicit
tin patrtmage of their fricud and the public gen- ,
erall v. Odl and sec us at the old stand of Wm. ,
Davis.. ;,--! -, . ' u-
; April 29, 1852.
Kex Cabinet Ware Rooms.' ,
JAMES S. TODD, informs the citizens of Eb
ensburg,, and the public, generally that he
has opeucil an extensive and varied assortment of
CABINET WARE in. Mr.; Robert V W new
building, Main street, nearly opposite tlie Man
sion House," . where he will be. happy to have
them caU and examine his i , ,' .....
consisting in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bed
steads, Secretaries, Stamls, &c, &c.
.; He will Iniye constantly on , liaud an excellent
assortment of Fancj- and common Chaius, which
he will sell lower than ever before offered in this
place r; -: : ' !- '"
. Every article offered will lie made in, the most
workmanlike manner, of the best materials; and
REPAIRING of all kinds w31 be promptly at
tended to. His terms arc CASIIt and" being de
termined to sell Tow, and keep none but giod ar
ticles, Le hopes to receive tlie patronage of a dis
criminating public. 5 , jj " .'
Eliensburg. July,29,;i853 ;;; .
: Highland Dirisia; No. 84 Sons cf Tem- !
..t;5perauce PK-et atthcrHalt every SATUR
a.sS 1) a V evening 2 doors below Blair's Hotel.
.tifl-n .t i-u..''i;..;,- :t
i ? ? Dr. CJ. 1Y, StroiecUer, j r . J
HAVING located in Lrretto, Cambria County, i
offers Lis professional sorviecis to the citi-
zena of that place and vicinity.
tlTAyfiit JWrli &X: f-l 1 "3T:.JSHALI.,-haT.- leased ,tliii cot- f ;Iretto, ihenert
mMm a. nun . i .- . weiuaoreuuia vo., . . . l r
Xli. Borough of Ebensburfr5 the richest and1 Vi ffliodW tod popifliif Hotel;"titoitel 'near' tl. dwxaii.H.JlwtiAilItirteac.a
' . Tl 1 1 " ii n AI I ' nnn n A A n n , " pubho. The estbhsmeni thaa undergona consid- taSJTiaDw WiMunsteri cf tiaiKJjsGiUrft.
MLL iiU ' UliVjijH tlUuU!j r?V'JBA .b.rpfM.sUe.i ! .mt'.ru'rllJUZSOJte V
eVer ofierod. to, the, people, of, C'mbrU : Count'r. f W ' ?P Pttin.wU liP4 toM4o . jlprj, 25,.;856wi h-i .zui e.
people of ..Cmbri : County.
Unusal care was taken, in ih selection of these
goods, and care has been taken that nothing with
in the range, of a. Country store, nor any waya
near it but what they . can supply to their cus
tomers, at leastaa cheap a they, can be had in
the country.- " ' : .7. ",' jri.-i.:, . .t,,,..
Their .stock of. Dry .Goods: is unprecedeatiy
large, embracing; Cloths, f every r variety ami.
texture, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Tweeds,, Jeans,
&C4 ;&c.. Flannels, .Sheetings Shiitipg, and
made up Clothing of every description,, j A great
variety of : .: .fcj(u:i:t ,..f -, ;.'
T . . .,M4li a-ar ' A. S-B V A A4JJJtJ
all pattenl8 and ftt
t", :
Laces; .trimmings, i .gloves, mitte, , -Ac .Their
assortment of hats,.: caps,, boots, .and shoes, .is
complete and unsurpassed.' . , ,vi v., r
GUOCERIES & LIQUORS, of every) variety
and quality.: A well selected, variety. ; of JLird
ware, Cutlery, and nails. .. Also, Queensware and
Glass j Paints, Dve stuffs. ,: :
v ;i DRUGS. & MEDICINES;,; ,'-. .. j
Ana ail lor suto low 4or tasn, ot .given m ex
change for country prodrpe. Give us a call.
, ...:.,,:i!-,.,,.,.n... I- .'J.-JQOJU
E & SON..
Ebensburg, Xov. 9, 54..
THE undersigned informs his customers tluit
, the firm of Beynon & Johnston, U dissolved
by mutual consents - and that the subscriber still
continues the business in the room recently occu
pied i by the old firm, where ho will be happy to
see his former patrons and - as many new ones as
, please to calu lie receives regularly trom JNew
iork'and 1 lwudclpma, the latest fashions ami
. cannot be beat either in the shape-or lit-ot Coats,
rants or Vests, by any otlier, iailor in the coun
" try. He respectfully asks " the rpublio to gi ve hini
a call, and' confident : his work will recUmmend
itself." ' ' . ' " ' -
OCJ- All kinds of country-" produce taken: in ex
change for work. ' ' U2WIS BEYNON.'
'- April 20. '.- J-''- .v'-'i - --i
. m m,. ., . ., i . ,- ,.: . ,.T . . .. ' i .. w.... h
THE subscriber would respectfully inform1 the
citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, -that he
has. removed Ids shop to MOORETOVN,s whore
he has every facility for carrying on a large, busi
ness, and hopes by using none but the best' mate
rial, and employing none but the best workman,
he hopes to convince all who will do -him the
favor to examine his work, that in point of dur
ability, appearance of cheapness, it: Cannot le
excelled by any sirailsir csUblislunent in the
State or elsewhere. ". Persons wishing a bargain
in the - purchase -' of ' a '"carriage , will con
sult their own interests by giving him a call.-
They are prepared to supply the following kinds
of Tehicles, viz:-. f . -
Buggies of different qualities and- prices. Bar
ouches, Cliariottees one aud two horse rockaways,
close qtuirtcreliptic and C-Spring'Coaches; second-hand
w ork of different-kinds, &c, making a
variety thatwill suit all -tastes and all purses.
Repairing done with neatness
j r R0BER1
!spt.2aoi '54. - " v ;
'. - ' -
and despatch.
: 110! FOR KANSAS!!
THE subscribers would again inform their old
as well as the new customers that thev
have received a large assortment , pf Groceries
from'the Eastern cities," which lir-'-'--v
Quality. Quantity-, Cheapness
cansot be scpased by any similar establishment
m the country, it is hardly necessary toenumcr
ate the new and. varied assortment of articles we
have on band, but a few of. the many- we will in
sert, viz: Flour; Fish,! Coffee ; ; Teas ; .Sugars;
Spices; Cheese; Salt; Brooms; Willow-ware of all
description Tubs; Buckets ;' Wash boards ; Rat-,
traps; Clothes pins; Shovels; lieu con Is; Sieves;
Brushes ; Flour bags; Soaps of all kinds ; Scgars.
Tobacco, aud Cuuicctioneries of all kinds: and
qualities. ; ; i ' 'i s '
OV ;,.., V a UlUU vV li.UljJCAliit. .
From Ebensburg to Willmor Station !
THE Subscriber Laving associated fhcmstl ves
together, have put upi the Ebenspurg and Jcf
fersjn Plank Road a double .
Iaiiy Line of Chaise Coaches,
would say to the Public thai they will spare no
pains to carry passengers to ami from Wrllmurc
Station with all despatch and comfort. -U r
KH3oailes leaving Ebensburg at 7.30 A. Al.-'
Connecting with train going west at Wil more
Station at 11-83 A. M. ? -i - J.--" ' ; i
leaving Ebensburg, at 3.15, connecting- with
train going east at 4.48, P.; M.. H ' ' '
Leaving Ebtnisburg, at 5 o'cl'k , P. M., connoct-
ntr with train west at 8.12. P. M.
; lave i lllnwrc rstanon lor r.oensnurir on mc
- ...... . . . . . i -i - ' .1
arrival nf everv train, both East and West.f '
- ...... .,
Tlie Public may rest assured tnat tnere win oe
a vuc.h allwavs at the station On the arrival of
the cars. - TUOMltSUA UA411L.1UA
Ebensburg, November 0, '54.
"TTTi0LESALE dealers ri Wincs'and iiunors
VV which they are prepared to funh clicap
to merchants and ..hotel keepers.,, .Warehouse, "40
Maoke.t street, Philadelphia, Ta. .-,-.. .K
, Feb 2, 1852-ly. ; : ' i . ; .- ':
" ' '' A SEEVES, Proprietor. ' '
Arai 27, 4354.; rf
JAMES McDERMITT still continues his "
opposite tlie Post Office, ' one door west of J
Moore's, where can be had very cheap '
, Variety Goods, Notions and Toys; , . , 'VV,
! Boots' and Shoes large and small long and
short; .' ' ' . ;
Coffee, Teas, Chocolate; Sugars,' Molasses : .
TJandies, Crackers, Kuts, Kaisins, IlgSj&c.j
Tobacco, SmuT, Cigars; ' ' "
Gloves and Stockinas. Cotton and Woolen.
J EWELRY liar-rings, Fingcr-riugs & Lreast-
' . puis; ,. 4 . . . , Si- . .. t .
Tocket Knives, on4 Razors; .' . . .
A few common Dry Goods; . . ' , . '.
. CuU aud examine .kit Hock til
Dr. Jayne popular Medicines; :
. i Dr. Swaynes j do - doj .i i -. -' .-; '
IcLanc's Vermifuge and Pills; .. .i : ;:a
Radwaya Ready, Relief, and Pills, Atip : U
Brants purifying Extract and Pulmonic Syrup; I
Schclltks Pulmonic Syrup Syrup Naptha;..
Pain Killer -Barrel Indian Linament;
t Shepherds Sarsaparilla and Vermifufie; , : , . ,
i llootland Bitters-r-UoUand Bitters .pepsin;
Bat ExteTminator Petrolenraj' ' - v-i i
f.Ayera Cherry Pectoral Essence Ginger; .'- s'
;Brandreth an4 AYright's PUIs; ' i.-i a
Horse and Cattle Medicines; .fj:-:
Castor Oil. Sweet Oil, Essenres, &ci &cy 1
v Dec. 21, '54 j -"..'.-"; ;.. , ,-. '; 1"
Kf)1 assorted pieces -'of Stone Ware just rV
tiUllceivcdatthsChean-Stortof ' -
I E- E0BBTfir; :
. wesunoretana vo.t
. : ":. . - ..
' "" B0DGERS.dt. JONES .
HAVE just received and are now displaying
carefully selected -stock of fall and winter
goods Their stock 'r contdsU of Jry , Goods of
every aescnptioa ana quality suitable lor thej
1 some assortment of liroad cloths,1 Cassimeres
sannetw, jeans, rc. cc. Heady made clothing.
Ladies' Goops Such as fine merinoes.'
a hue
aseortment 'of silk awl' woolen -araids,'
variety of D Laiues, and silks of every 'descrip-
t SHAWlJSf An imusnally haudsonle' variety;
broche and woolen, of all 'sizes, qualities' and
prices.- -r-f ' !' -'
' PRI NrS-FoTegn alid domestic, bf every" price
and analitv. '-!" " ; '' i- t , i
BOOST & SHOES Tlie very best selected stock j
in the marKet. ;- ' ' ' '' r- ''-
HARDWARE & CUTLERY Builders and 4
Mechanics are requested to call and examine our
stock of Hardware, and the attention bf house
keeiK'rs is called to our cutlery. ' ' - : ': -J
GROCERIES Their stock of Groceries is un
usually large, consisting 'of sugar, coffee, molas
ses, rice, tea, pepper, fish, and wait.' '
ALSO Paints and dye stuffs, wooden ware.
and clocks. In short a full and complete variety J
of everything either for show or use, that can bud
its way into a country store," all of which will be
sold' on the ' most ' reasonable terms' lor' case or
conntrj' pnxluce.. ,.,. , ,
; They return thanks' to their friends . for past
favors.' and tespcctfullv ask a continunnre of
them. ' - ' : "RODGERS & JONES. "
T -Ebensburg; Nov.'?, 54Vt "! ? ''. ' ',
FISH J FISH ! ! FISH !! I : f' i
JUST received from Boston', fifty-nine packages
"assorted fish, which, during these .niteiitial
times of Lent, will bo sold at a small advauce for
" Casu The aisorlment embraets-r"?
' Mackeral. Nos. 1 , 2. and 8 ; superior Mens Shad
Nova Scotia Herriug; assiirted scaled, and Scoflj
Herring ; Salmou No. 1 ; Spiced Salmon, and Cod
Fish. ... .: ... .. t . . ... -. ;
ALso, Wright's celebrated Oysters , in dps .
Oysters iu the shell. , ,1 also have on haud;a large
aud varied assortment of - ' "
Fancy aud Staple Dry Goods.
. Also Githolic and Protestant Book.,, Hard
ware and. Cutlery. Clocks of various styles of
manufacture; " Groceries; Boots, Shoes aud Bro
gans.' Hats and Caps. Brandies, Gins, Whiskey,
Champaigne, Chinese Preserves, Pickles, A-c. ,&c.
AU of which will be aold , low for . Cash"" and
Cash only. .: ; ' , .- MARIA MAGEHAN,
; ..Summit, Maruli .1 1855.-:; ;, ,-f . ; . , .,- .
. to the piblic!
Richard Trotter would beg kave to say to his
friends aud the travelling Public generally,
that he has leased George's Laurel Run Exchange
at the foot of Plane No. 4. . Ho will spare uo
pains or expense to make comfortablo those who
patronize his house ; his table wid at all times be
furnished with the best that tlie market can af
forded his bar witk einefully selected liquors and
wines. .'tuf. ntX J .i i
i Honing to receive a Eberal share of Patronage,
10 remains the publics obedient servant . v t.
Hemlock, Oct, 4. f5t
fiy I
Tomb Stones 1 Tombs Stones : ;
ICH AUD JONES respectfully informs "the
nublic that he is prepared to furnish allkinds
of Tomb SLohcs," of Italian and-Amcricuu luirbje,
manufactured in the latest style, and . lettered ac
cording to any directions.?
: . IIu yard is situated at the south part fl tlie
town, where a large, assortment of articles iu Jliis
lio are always kept on baud. . ; ,i i ...
From long exixrience he tecis cttiirit Pe cat)
please all tastes, and he then-fore liop.s to be pat
ronized by a generous public. ,
June 1, 168. - ; ; r s . j , t
. . . FOR . -
hoarder and Day, Sell oars.
(ijcm tm cihk or thk !HixiLuii or Mcacr.)
THE School is divided into throe general divi
sions or classes, iu which the following bran
ches arc taught : -"' " ' "." ' 1
first class; : ; ; ' .'.
Geography. Grammar, Sjclling, Reading. ' Arith
metic lablos. Writing. 1. imposition, roctrj,
Ilistor3v Ancient and Modern Philosophy As
tronomy, Use of the Globes,: Plain and orna
mcntai Needle-work. '
r ' ' . .SECOND CLASS. ; !
This Divft-Joft includs all the branches tauglit in
the first claws,- the distinction existing ouly in
the length tl Kwon. ' ' ' -
' THIRD tLASS. I '' "' '
Spelling; ReaTling; Writing, Tables, Arithmetic,
Geocraphv ana Orammar
ftv Extra branches common to u
tne classes.
French aud
, t V
Piano Forte, Guitar, joeal Music,
t .Ai
- y . .1 :- - - '
" ' ' 5 TERMS. '
For Boardcra--JIOO per annum f including wash
' ing; Ixkl aud bedding.) ""' '
Day Scholars Fu-st and Second Classes, $8 er
'quarter.'"' ' . '
Third Class $2 per quarter. ; "
" " ' TERMS FOR "EXTRAS, I " '
Music with use of instruments, , : $5 00 ""
Drawing, " ! J " 4 00
French, " -. .' " ''.'". ' 3 J 00
June 1, '34. tf.
. j r Ebensburff, Cambria Co , Pa , : '
The subecriher would respectfully "in form bia
many friends in the town and from the coun
try, that he has now arranged h:s house, -and is
now prepared to accommodate all who may favor
bim with their custom., His table is well supp'i.
ed with the best the market can afford. His Bar
contain Liquor ,of the best Brands, also I-aer-Beer,
&c.,&c, - - -- ;
., . . .. . . :. FREDERICK SCHNEIDIiRi ; .
July 20, '54. ly. . - '
.....i.VHOIUOl'ltE,,!., ,..
...... - , Ebenabsra;, Cambria Co.; Pa. ;
ffiHE subscrilter would tespectfully inform his
I friends ami the traveling pubho, that he ltiut
leased the house formerly kept by Mrs, Marv O
Evama and is prepared to accommodate all who
may favor. hin with; tlieir custom. The estab
lishment has boon furnished Vith everv couveni-t
ence tliat can be had..- His rooms are larrre and
well ventilated,. His table will 1 supplied with
the best the market can afford.) Hia bar vill con
tain liquors t the' best brands, and his stable is
large and attcuded by careful and obliging host
' "Partnership Sotlce. - -
f llHE subscribers have entered into a copartner
JDL ahip, nnder the firm cf JOHN R. SAVAGE
& CO., fur the geueral Manufacture of Chemicals.
. a. . JOHN R. SAVAGE, ' 7 '
-' - - -A. M. Ar R, WHITE. :
Orfico No. 14 north FRONTS trocU r' -
Fhiladcphia, Jan. 4185 ; "; '
" -'Valuable-House Lot in llii? rSh i?
-of the h(" :rs ct-Jitottf
f cr I'l-r in a ii-rt'r-W- V""--'
! WALL. iTU'tll Ll'U ! t--
ii-'ll )rf'j.-f ..ifci-ievl.jt ;Jf iSiiCt!f4t
, iLOYD, rLACmZU '
i- --..-if -XSueoeesora.tQ AjAI LloulJk Co.) hi ow
Satix, Gsou'i X ftCoxaios Wajx f arfuut fj
i .Qur,sU)cJi -U .procured, directly-from ,lZsim
Chuistt & CoxsTATfs Extensive Isew York Uaar
ufaetory , an embraces the latest and most Juuih
inn'able .'.stVle. " Ve 'nfTtw ' T1 tinIu 0.' 1.'
mc$, rilart,c6iifidetrt tW1buyri Fttt.' 'find it -
to Uii advahtarrt: to mve us a call. ' f Vi-n
scjd at tneat barcains. " ' :'. '--' t. . i i-... -f
(&-0it ptiees iug-Fof Gilts at" from 76c.' tr
IL25' pcrtx'ltj: Sati'-20ej o :60c - per . bolt p
Grouuds 15c; to.S5c. per bolt I CoreHlQriSi : Sc - to-;
20c. ' Mert hai4s wjLJ be supplied cia us-avorable,4'
terms as aj like tfa'mifiwtrv; or W City'eaiera
1 w ''V' '5X0YDV TiLACK BtfRN l-"CO. ,
March l5,'lB55-8ra' - Gen) "yvrl, JSlair Co. Per "
-.nw 'iio IfEV 0 M il to
'i -U'jIi
't- - .,' holesale and-Retail Merchant,
. , JotruicncnM LamUna Jfa,
m. ....IT i - - ' L . S fF . , .i -
1 :.trt
URL OI. i , . .
Hew , Establishment.
THE, Lndejsigued wirtild Respectfully intrm
s the citizeus of Ebeusburg and; vicinity, Jtial lii
has opened Grocery SUiTQon, SaiwpUi stret.,ad-J
joining bis residence wLtre.e -ilHieiipyt
wait on all who may wish to. favor, ni their r
custom.'; He li'as received' a gotl ' asiortinett of
Groieries'of all kinds. 'viz tloiir t.v n. I t s
or by tlie small, Clieeseif the lst quality; Kilt
l-pper. -Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Ginger, in fact
ry rtdu kept in the grot rery Cue. y Becr. ami"
Sarsaparilla always vn-hand.' -Bacon of a superior--"i1'1-'
ttii ib i !--. v- i-'if-r. in i
. Hu hopes by st ra t atteirtk.n tf buainpsa to merit,
a suare oi tii iuiiic iiatrfmae. ;
Angust i 54,
VMS XYAASuaa NAc.;ST4f TXK ICfB iiui
thaf the Jatt- firm of Evans & Jones, Wo en.',
tereil into a co-partnership with John Evans and
Ji.LuHare in' the "fanut-ry and Btot 'and Shoe
manufacturing business. Their friembi are invito!
to call at tle ohl stand ' of Evana & Joue', a few
doors east of Cannoti's Ho.4, nnd the Tauuing'
establishment owned. ly J; w-a v-r
,They liver constantly n .hand a large hb-i1A
meiit of Trencli calf-skin, Men and WonuW. M
rocco Botts aud Shoes, and are prepared to xe4
cutv wr.rk on the shortest notice.' , v
' The highet cash rrites paid for "'5iida"'iti! ' iix
trade or rash.J ; ' ' ' ' ' " '' ""'- !"'
-Being practieal Workmen thempeh-rfl'aad tisin
none but the: very. Lest InuUerust tliey are OmiC-s
dent they can exectUe work as ? well and a eliua
as auy establishment in the country', 't. ni
tel.. JlbU l.i . ,
Wfl OLESA I Jv and "retail dealer In . lUa'cco"
T T 'Snull and Cigars,' warehonse-at the. South
West dorner of lliird and Raee streets'..
phia. lately riecupicd by Lrwlwig.KfieefiW Ar Co.'.'
keep constantly tin hand a large and. well tielected.
stock of the mist eelrbrated bralHhr i. i-.i..' 1
Domestic : cigars, and Snuff, which Jtbey'.-fffrr for.
sale oil as. favorable, terms ;as anj house in tit
cit V '' Orders pronii'tlyatU-inlttl. to.
txt-f e
.iu,u t, ,ucfO 1 T, t
nrrlll' iinU'rsign.l would infornj : his many
-A friends In the towu and ortintry that he Laj
creceivd a new ami larire ass..rimcnt"of"" ""
He-solicits the patronage' of li.'puine, arKl"
gives 11 asMiTance that every kind i or lerssueh
as RECll'Eiv&c,, nnjprvi and: to lower ait
as L" olhvr tioris u iu W attended to. -1, , ' ,
f if . -V- 1
Formerly tbo Washiagton HoteL Allerheay Street;
!( . f nt act; ui uiamoaa, .
npilE subscrlsecf,nly Inioiniv Lm friend
aud.the.p'ablu goneralJy, that ho has taken;
the alxve old :CsUbiibhed,,san4 and en tuely re
fitted and rrjiairetl jt in sii'ch; manntT as te r1'
der it second to no hotel ,i'a tho ii9trr. The;
Bar has been newly stocked with, the k.t Wioee'i
Uquors, and Srgars that could be prrchase, x
the table will at all times be suppli? J with th
best the Market 'fi'ordi.? ''" - -' "-'iw u
The RESTAURANT attached will at' all times
contain all tlie delicacies tliat ran be ' procured ;
which will" be servel up at all hours, on short n
Uci v.i T;- ; !",?' iisvTwt
He respectfully isks the . public jto gire him ft.
trial; fully assured that Le ran rrjider satWfactiou.
Dec; !). 1853"' , ' G. W. DANNALS. V
. ... i. i.i i . .. . . --
, ; I. Thompson, with 4 I r r
WHOLESALE Hat and Cap Mann fart urera
Furs, Straw Goods and Ilattcr'a Triimuinga
No. 173 Market Street," Philadelphia. ... c j
Dec. tf 4S.
GEORii E L.1 PmtOlT . tO i
HAVE constantly on had a tWl. a4rtarn)
of Tias,'Wrnes, Liqtiofs xsd Grocencc,geo-
.ltlT worth Water Street, aao;. -So.'
10 Kortlf IelrrWare Arenn.
Jan. 27,1853.
.1 , vl
10 BrU Mackerel; ' '
10 Brls Herriug. anl .n t
1 O00 lbs. Cod Fish, just received and
for fcalo at the cheap etoreof . m . . rir
- : .y.i JEFFERSOK UOISE." 4 .v- -w
THE undeirgncl tak pleasure in informing
his friends and the travelins public, that b.
has leased the Jcffcrson llouse, and having made
mucli improvement in it interirr, lie feels conu
dentthat lie vnir thereby I enabled to mulrr
comfort and satisfaction to all who fa vor him with'
their patronage.; --j.: .u :' .-:'
. Ilia fiist and superior MAIL LINE, OF 7Ai.
PES will always be in readiness rsbnvey.passca.
cers io and from tlie ; 1 , .., -- f it ,7
to his hnc, and also leaving direct after the ar
al of the tram or a good Ilank Koaa toLPens
' He wtll ever 1 harpy to aoepmnaeio oi
old friends and acquaints that will favor him
with acafl, - ; ? JAMl D ILSJlinro
Jefferson, April 201854.,' , -.;-:.f .,, SJ;1
o 4--..;, .. 1W. TtlirEIt A. CO. '; '
- Hoese, Siga and OrsamoBtal Painter;' v--
A RE prepared to execute, all work intrusted
Cfc. to thero with neatness and i'.epatch..
' Designs, or Painting, in either W alnut OaV,
Cherry. Bird-eye Maple, or other wood; or Mar.
CiclAod Fronts; finished trua to nature-x r ?
, Taper hanging or polished gilding we will tp
sh to please the taste of our patrons, t' " "
iAR-ordera. carefully attandad to and finished
promptly, . We solicit a share i, the public pat.
I ron a ge of the citizens of Cambria county. , .
J ri,iu:i.r, lnril 1RSS. - -' -v1-'' 4 '
s -