Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 12, 1855, Image 4

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HAVING 'purchased the "entire stock anil fix-,
tuxes ol .tho Ebensburg -Foundry the sub
scriber is prepared to furnish farmer and others
: V '! ; "-; ,:
ploughs, Plough Point, Stoves, Mill
Irona, TbrcNhlns; Machines,
and castings of any kiud that may be needed in
the community. ... , . . '
' By strict . atteation to the business of the con
cern, he hopes to merit, and trust he will receive
liberal patronage from those in want of articles
in his line. ... ; - - J
AU business done at the Foundry.
Mareh 22, '55-tf. "c , ',' -
THE aubsbTibers restpectfully intwm the citizens
.rf Jcnersoii and vicinity, that they have taken
the Stand recently occupied by J. li. Craig, where
tliev have just received, and will at all times keep
mi had an extensive supply , of Groceries, ?Fjsh,
Bacon, Flour, &c.Z &c. ' f t r ? '. t. ? i '
Their terms will"le moderate, and no pains will
lu spared to accommodate the public whose
patronage they respectfully solicit.
April 25, 1855. 'Z " ; T . f.
Geo. W. Tedd, wit .- -
- coxrid & WAiros,
Importers Wholesale Dealers la Hardware, -Cutlery,
c, Ho. 25a Market Street,
. raiiaaeipnia.. ... .- - i ..
'EEP coustaatly on hand the genuino Timo
thy black's A tigers, Wm. Kastn'a, tfeatty'a,
ad Hunt's superior Axes. Conrad & Walton's
superior polished Stool Shovels, Darling & Wal-
.kon'a Grass and CradUnz-Scythes, Uommo ami
Patent Scythe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, 4c.,
&c, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms.
to country dealers "only.
January 25, 1856.
TaluablelProperty FOr Sale. j.
fTpHE subscriber offers for sale a farm, situate
two miles from Carrolltown, in Carroll tp.i
4amhria-countv. adioinining land of Mrs Hayns,'
and other lands of the subscriber, containing 100
acres, 25 or 30 acres of which arc cleared; with a
2iewed log house and barn thereon erected. ' The
and is of good quality, with several liever failing
springs of water, and conveniently situated for
oada, mills, &c An indisputable title will be
riven, and terms made easy. --' ' !
June 18, 1855. ' 1 1 1
VERRY MEGONIGLE would respectfully an
ej; nounce to the public that he has just received,
nd onened at the stand well known as the'.'.Mike
Walsh " House, at the foot of Plaue No 4. a lot of
Xow Goods, which have been carefully selected
with a view to the wants of this community
ilis stock embraces Dry Goods such as Calicoes,
Delaines, Bareges, Muslins, which he will sell at
thelowest figure ; Made up Clothing, Coats, Pants,
Vests: he would especially call the attention of an
astonished public to his stock of miracalous Hats,
fonLiminf jioeeimens of the Hong Kong, tho Se-
l.astonol. and the half shaved Hat forming a col
lection of novelties never equalled iu this, and very
few other countries. H
His stock of Shoes and "Boots,- defies compete
tion, the Eureka Slippers, the Parodi enamelled
Shoes. Jenny Lind Buskins, will afford unmiti
gated delight to the fair votaries" of the : mazy
dances," while his Kossuth Boots, his Schamyl
Pumps, and the untiring O'Rourke brogue,'
will enable the lords of creation to do the tallest
kind of walking. ' '" ' .
Ilis Groceries he will sell at cost and ' carrige,
considering the hardness of toe times he wishes to
make no profit on the provisions which sustain
human life, but at the same time he rwould , deli
cately suggest, that if ever any article of sugar
was entitled to a premium, that which he offers to
the inspection of a discerning public, certainly is
the oie.' '
Jerry wants all the world and the rest of
mankind " to come and see his establishment and
net bargains he is there for that business.
, Hemlock, April 25, 1S65. ... . ' .. . , K
Tlie undersignel offers at"private Sale, his farm
wtuate in Allegheny township, Cambria couuty
abjut 3 miles from the Pennsylvania RYdroad
Tunnel, couUining 43tt acres, about 3 acres of
which are cleared, and having a goal dwelling
house thereon erected. The land is well timbered,
and abounds in several excellent veins of ore.
The Clearfield Creek passes through it. The title
is indisputable. Possession given immediately
May. 10, 1855.
rBIIR notas and accounts of the late firm of
1 Robert Davis Co., and Davis, Evans & Co.,
having been left with the subscribers for collec
tion, all persons indebted to either of the said
firms, are hereby requested to call and make pay
ment on or before Utc first day of May, next, as
suits will be instituted after that time.
April 11, 1855.
Broke out in a New Placer
Sew Provision Store In Ebonsburg! ,
THE subscriber has just received a full supply
of FAMILY PROVISIONS, at his new store
iu the room formerly occupied as a Foundry ware
room, aud is prepared to furnish the same to cus
tomers at. rates as low as the lowest. His stock
is of the very best, aud consists of every item in
the provision line, as for instance- 1 -'
Superior Cove Flour, Corn Mean in barrel 'or in
sack; Hams, Shoulders, aud Si lea of Bacon, Sif
. gar-Cured Hams, Fish of all kinds Salmon, Shad,
Mackerel. .Honing, Cod, &c, Cheese, Dried Ap
ples, Peaches, etc. r. ,'
Also, Confections and varieties, such as Can
dies, Kute, Crackers, Segars, etc .
Trusting to a liberal patronage, the above ne
cessaries will be disposed of at the lowest possible
advance ou cost, for cash. .
June 20. 1855.," s : . ; -
HEW . GC0D3. '..
. Xlie Firt r the Season. 1
"I?0110 ROBERTS has just received from
X-i the cast, aud has now reswly fur sale a full anil
complete atment of
incluling every artkle of fancy, drvss or plain
goods that can be asked fr in a country sture,
ritlier for ladies' or geutlemeu'a wsir. UUiOick
r i moists of a general variety if calioies. baregc-n,
chintzes, lawns, linens, muslins, laves. etc., fur th
hdics. togctlier with boots, sIujis, ltats, aud a full
wHectun wf summer stuffs fw the g -ntkntcu.
For tlie bonsekecper he has laid in a stock of 1
-'. , FRESH GROCEaiCI. ' . -etuLraciiig
very artkle uihk't that heail, together
with tin-wan?, carpeting, carpet ciisin, .sheeting,
shirting, etc, etc. ji
For the armer he hm 4j,ait cralleanl mw
Sugcythos, and otU-r article of hardware reiuiref!
by the public generally... , -
Iu slwrt he has his strnfUled with artk-les
in every ibtfMU-tnwut of trails.' frnv which tbeq
needy can select to suit tleir wauts., ; .. r. .. ?
OcConntry produce taken in exchange for good
at the market value, and goods sold cheap to cash
CTsnstomers. Come and see. " s ."''V - ' '
Lbcniburj, April I5o6 tf. iv
the ECiEirriric ahekicaii.
llic Eleventh Annual Volume of this usetui
publication ci-nuuences on the I an uay pep-
tetuDer next. 1 .
LUSTRATE1) PERIODICA U devoted chieHy to
the 'promulgation of, information relating to Ui
various Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrie
Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents, Inventions,
Eninnecnng, Mill work, and all mtcrcbts whicli the
light of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to
advance. V
Reuorts of U. S. PATENTS Raed are also
published every week, including Okfici. Copies
of all the TATENT CLAIMS, together with newa
and information upon THOUSANDS OFOTHItt
Tbe CoMTRiBUTons to Uie SciEsttnc Amkri-
cah are among the most KMiri! T acientmc
and practical meu of the tunes. The Editorial
Deiartintnt is uuiversaffy : ckowlcdged to be
conducted with GREAT ABILITY and to be
distinguished, not only for the excellence and
truthfulness of its discussions, but for the fearless
ness with which error is. combated aud false theo
ries are exploded. . . , v . , ? r
: Mechanics, Inventers, Engineers, Chemists,
Manufacturers, Agriculturists, and PEOPLE OF
Scikstific American to be of great value in their
respective callings. Its counsels and suggestions
will sav them HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS an
nually, besides affording them a continual source
of knowledge, the experience of which is beyond
pecuniary estimate. "",
once a week ; every number contains eight large
quarto pages, , forming annually . complete and
splendid volume, illustrated with SEVERAL
OCJ- Specimen copies sent GRATIS.
" 03-TERMS. Single Subscriptions, $2 a year,
or $1 for six months. Five copies, for six months,
; for a yea, $8.
For further Club rates and for statement of the
fourteen large CASH PRIZES, offered by r the
publishers, see Scientific American. '
Southern, Western and Canada money, or Post
Office Stamps, taken at par for Subscriprions. ;
Letters should be directed (postpaid) to
. ; : 128 Fulton Street, New-York:
fO" Messrs. MUNN & CO., have been, for many
years, extensively engaged in procuring patents
for' new 'inventions, and will advise inventors,'
without charge iu regard to the novelty of their;
improvements. 1 - ' 4 . ' ,' .
August 22, 1855. " . '; '
Artbur'a Fat en Self-Sea ling; Cans.
' For Preserving Fresh FRriTs, Tojiattoes
Src ; By HermtticaZ Sealing. These Cans, which
are sealed by the House-keepers without the aid
of a tinner, and open easily without injury to the
can, are rapidly coming into general use ;; Full
directions for putting up fruit accompanying the
cans ; and the work Is so easily performed, that
by their use. every family may have fresh fruit
and tomatoes ou their tables all winter, at sum
mer nnces.
PRICES. Pint Cans $ 2,00; ' Qiiart" 12.50 ;
Half-Gallon $3,50; Three Quarts $4,25; Gal
Ions $5,0v ' per dozen, i The different sizes nest,
in order l ti secure economy in , transportation;
Country, Storekeepers will , find this new article
one of ready sale. Manufactured and sold by J
, , -. ARTHUR, BURNn.AM & CO.
; . : ; No. 60 South TENTH St, PIULAD'A
. ,J uly 25, 1855--8m. ; - s
k -LlY persons indebted trr the firm "of George
JjL Murray, or George Murray & Son, are here
by notified, that the iotes and accounts of said
firms have been placed in our hands for collection,
and that, unless payment he made immediately,
suits will be brought to c-nforce it. " - -i
: April 11, 18I.S- tf. i :: :."....
GREAT ATTRACriON at the New Store
of Evans and Hughes, one door above the
Store room of Shoemaker & Clark, where the sub
scribers are at present receiving and opeuing a
large and excellent assort men of fashionable
Ready Ma Clothing
of the latest and most approved styles, which for
cheapness and durability can not be excelled by
any similar establishment in the , county ; not
wishing to brag, but what we say we will make
good or take the tooer. Every article in the cloth
ing line will be kept on hand, vizi Over Coats,
Sack Coats, Drop do.; Pants, Vests, Cloaks, 4c,
all of the latest styles. - -
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings, of all
colours and styles.
Our Department of BOYS CLOTHING promises
a much more extensive selection than usual.
We flatter ourselves that we shall be able to
furnish garments suitable for all c' asses, fitted up
insuch a manner, and on such terms that shall
disarm all competition ; we therefore ask a liberal
share of the public patronage. '
Oct. 5, 54.
Hie undersigned having removed to the new
building two doors west of the old stand, would
respectfully inform his customers and the public
generally, that he has lately added to his former
supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hanil
a full supply f - ..- ' - : '
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats aud Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen
ter's tools, Smith's tools. Nails, a full supply' o
assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. '
Stoves aud cast hollow-ware constantly on hand
Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale
and retail. ' ; . !
Pine, Poplar and Cherry Lumber bought ami
Sold. ; -'-i; " ;i ; ' ' : ' ' ' ' '
Goods will le sold at the very lowest prices in
exchange for Cash or Country Prodnce. - ' '
Elnsburg, March 15, 1855 -
' ," ' LEATHER. T,
. No. 29 North THIRD Street, PHILAD'A.
; Morocco Makcfactdrers, Cubiers and. Im
porters of FRENCH CALF SKINS, and dea
lers in Red and Oak SOLE LEATHER & KIPP.
Feby. 22, 1856. 1 year., Vj- .. r
Kotlce to the Travelling PubUc.
'HE undersigned, carrying the United States
Mails between Cresson Station and Lbensbnrg.
will, on and alter the hn day ot April, 1855, run
on the Turnpike between said places, a MAU
COACH which will be adequate to the wants of
travellers over this route.
' Tho coach will leave Ebensburg every morning
(Sundays excepted) at 9 o'clock precisely connec
ting with the Mail train coin East, at Ctessoa :
and will return - immediately after the arrival of
Uiu Mail train going West, arriving at Ebensburg
at aooui naii-past iu v ciock, r, sl.
Passengers mr restaaured that the rrofrietor
will use eyry euori to carry flien" between these
pouiu ye&li all possible dispatce and c xnf trt.
pasaerigers will be required to pay their fare bei
ijre lamng seats in ine uoacb. : 1 "
-1 - ' - JOUNABLAIR.
Ehensburg. April tt,1855.- - 5
1. o. o. f. . -'r.-v
Highland Lodge No. 428 meets cverv
tntDNw DAY evening at their Hall.
-.,' High St., in the upper tAoty nfA
fclioemakeT & Cltrk's building.
Jnatie f the Joaoe, Kenstarj, r.,
TT'TILL attend promptly to all collections cn-
V T trusted
to bis care:
' OSice, adjoining his
dwelling. ; '"-V"'
" July 21, 1852. tf.
Jl. O. MAGEBA2. ' ' C. D. MURRAT-
OfTtCE No. 2, "Colonnade Korvnor the
Court Hons i-. "
WILL practice in the several jourts warn
bria, Blair, Huntingdon, Indiana and Clear
field county. Office nearly Lrtangwa Hotel.
09-Also Agents for the sale of Lands In Cam
bria and adjoining Counties. .
Also Agents for the Union Fire w&Wrance
Company. , '
03-A!so Agents for the American life Insurance
Company. -:
April 6, 18M. " , f ; V.";
: Attorney at Law, "Cl)iuMtr;"f a.
OFFICE in the Court House, up atxira.
Aug. 24, 1858. - . . . .
e. niJTCUiifsojr, Jr.,
Attorney at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa.,
"Tf7STILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
V T bria, Blair and Indian counties, , All pro
fessional business entrusted to . his. caro will be
promptly attended to. ; .. .. . , . ,
fiice on Main street, adjoining his dwclfing
house. v?
H bensburg, July 1 1 853726 3n., . ; -
Attorney at Law, XbensVarg,
WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria, Indiana, and Westmorelani counties.
Office in the Centre st. adjoining Ge, McDon
ald's dwelling. , .. , .. ,. , -
. Jan. 15, 1851. ly. -' ; ; . ' . -
, ..... CTRF8 Mm FERSUI2V6, ; '
. Attorney at Law, Johastewai Pa. ' .
OFFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second Sto
ry of Good Pershing's Store Room. ' '
January 80, 1851 ly. i.1
;. Attorney at Law-JobAS town t; i-
OFFICE on Clinton Street, a few i doors north
i of the corner of Main and Clinton. 5 '""
, April 23, 1823. v ;l - ? a.!.' -A -, ; ?
.. s , , T. I IIEYER, , .
i . . Attoraey at Law, Johnstown, Pa. -
OFFICE in Main Street, two doors east of the
Echo Office. . . )
- March 13, 1851. ly. , ' ' s ;
F. Bf. GEORGE, ) :
Jastise of tho Peace, foot of Plase Vo 4, -
. - -A. P. A.
WILL attend promptly to all collections en
trusted to his care. Ofiicc, ' adjoining the
Post Office, .. .... ..
July 28, 1852. . ; : , ; ' ' ' " ; .; V
WM. G. WIUOjy, -1 V-
JUSTICE of the Peace, Summitvine, Cambria
county, Pa. OfiBce East of tho Allegheny
Portage Railroad on the Turnpike.
March 80, 1854. ' .... '
Sr. Charles Walters. ?
iTFFERS his services to the citizens of Sum-
V-r mitville, and adjoining vicinity, in the prac-
in mancine ana burgcry.
v may oe louna at ail times when not uro-
testuouaiiy engaged, at his ofiice next door to
Bell's Store, . or at the Mansion House of James
M. Riffle. V ' ; .
May 25, '54. :'
Dr. Geo. B. Kelly,
OFFERS his professional services to the citi
zens of Jefferson and vicinity, in the prac
tice oi ucdicme and Surgery.
Office next door to Mr. Lylle's Store. ;
May80, 1858. : "
can be found at his ofiice. No. 2. Gifonade Row,
at all times or tlie day, if not professionally en
gaged. .. . nov9,3mts
R. I. JOHnSTOX. i " . x. C. MUIXIN
I0IINSTON MULLIN; Counsellors and At-
J torneys at Law. . Otfice opposite the Court
House, Ebensburg, Pa. - '
Nov. 80, 1854. - fjy,
Dr. Henry t'eagley,
Praotisins; Physician, Joluutowsu Pa. . ;:
VFFICE next door to his Drug Store, corner
V- oi Alain anit lied turd streets. ;
Johnstown, July 21, 1862. : '
loun h'dsvitt. william m'dstitt.
WHOLESALE grocers and dealers in For
eign and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whis-
Flour, Bacon, Fish, Cheese, c, &c, No.
. Liberty street, opposite the head of Smith-
HDd Pittsburgh, l'a. . , r -s , , t..
Dec 21, 1852-9-tiI. , A .
Darla A lloyd, '
TXAV1NG formed a partnership in th Mer-
JLJL cantile Business, would respectfully solicit
the patronage t their friends and the public gen
erally. Uau and see us at the old stand ot wmi
Davis. t. a., v. ' --"-n :,--?WJ :
, i-April 29, 1852. s Use. .1 ;-- ' '
New Cabinet 17 are Rcmhuk.
JAMES S.: TODD, informs the citizens of Eb
ensburg, and the public generally, that he
has opened an extensive and varied assortment of
CABINET AVARS in Mr. Robert Davis' new
building. Main street, nearly opposite tbe "Man
sion House," where he wul be happy to have
them call and examine bis -
consisting in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bed
steads, secretaries, stands, etc., &c -
He will have constantly on hand an excellent
assortment of Fancy and common Chairs, which
he will sell lower than ever before offered in this
place. . " ' ; ; .:
: Every article offered win be made in the most
workmanlike manner, of the best materials : and
REPAIRING of all kinds will be promptly at-
termined to sell low. and keep none but eood ar
ticles, he hopes to receive the patronage of a dis
Ebenshorg. July 29, 185 ; " ?' 7rfn
Uishland DiviMoo. NoL 84, Sons of Tem-
i fperanoe meet at their Hall avery SATUR-
DAY evening, 3 doors below Blair's Hotel.
TnTATIKG located in Lore.Cambr'iCcunty,
iU. .. peers his ptoJoswoeat services to tie citi
sens of that place and vicinity . - . :. -s s
OI 1 11 h On Mam street, where be can always
be fmnd, when not profcieiouaUy ensagcdU
i novSO
j. u soar
HAVE just opened at their old stand; In the
Borough, of Ehenshurs, tha richest and
rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of
ever offered "to the people of Cambria County.
Unusal care was taken in the selection of these
goods, and care has been taken that nothing with
in the range of a Country store,' nor any ways
near it, but what they can supply to their cus
tomers, at leastjts cheap as they can be had in
tho country. " . v
. Their, stock of Dry Goods Is unpremlently
large, embracing' . Cloths, of every variety and
texture, baunetts, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans,
&c, Ac, Flannehi Sheeting, Shirting, - and
made up Clothing of every description, .A great
of all patterns and at all prices. ,
Laces, trimmings, gloves, mitts, Ac' Tlieir
assortment of hats, caps, boots, and shoes, Is
complete and unsurpassed." ' -A
GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety
and quality. A well selected variety of Hard
ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Queensware and
Glass ; Paints, Dye stuffs, . . '
And all for sale low for cash, or en en in ex
change lof country prodvee. Give us a call. ,
, .. . J. MUUHK & BON.
Ebensburg, Nov. 9, 54. ' ...
THE ttttcherslgned infornw his customers that
by mutual consent and that the subscriber still
continues ths business in the room recently occu
pied fey the old Amu where he will be happy to
see his former jmtroh and As many new ones as
picase to can, itc receives reimutHy from Aew
York and PhUadcl tihla, the laieet mshtonB and
cannot be beat cither ih the shape or fit of TAts,
Pants or VesU, by any other Talk lb the coun
try. -' He respectfuirv asks the pttbltc to give hfm
a call, and confident his tvofk will Kcumhieud
tself. ' , ,
Ocr All kinds of country produce taken In ex
change for work.
AprU 20, 1852,-tf.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinitv, that he
has removed his shop to MOORETOVN where
he has every facility for carrying on a large busi
ness, and hopes by using none but the best mate
rial, and employing none but the . best workman.
lie hopes to convince all who will do him the
favor to examine his work, that in point of dur
ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be
excelled by any similar establishment in , the
State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargaiu
in the purchase ,,of -a carriage, will, con
sult their own interests by giving him a call.
They are prepared to supply the following kinds
Oi vehicles, viz : .. ....
Buggies of different qualities and prices, Bar-r
ouchos, Chariottees, one and two horse rockaways,
close quarter eliptic and C-Spnng Coaches; second-hand
w ork of different kinds, Ac, making a
variety tliatwilt soit all tastes and all purses.
Repairing done with neatness and despatch. .
SpL2a0, '54. '. r,:,.;; v . ,..
THE subscribers would again inform their old
as well as the new customers that they
have received a large assortment of Groceries
from the Eastern cities, which for ... v 5
Quality, Quantity &. Cheapness 7;
cannot be surpassed by any similar establishment
in the country, it is hardly necessary to enftmcr
ate the new and varied assortment of articles we
have on' hand, but a few of the many we will in-wrt-
v'.r. ; Floun FinK.-. Cofil-. Tf K.m 4
Spices; Cheese; Salt; Brooms; Willow-ware of all
description; labs; Buckets; Wash hoards; Kat
traps; Clothes pins; Shovels ; Bed cords; Sieves ;
Bruwies; iOur bags; noaps of all Kinds; &gars.
Tobacco, and. Confectioneries of R kinds and
OV9 : .. . . .. . .1 KLM5E.KTS.
From Etcssbnr to T7illmert CUtlon !
THE Subscribers having associated themselves
together, have put upon the Ebensburg and Jef
ferson Flank Road a double ' .
Dally line of Cbalse Ceachei,
would say to the Public that they will spare no
nains to carry passengers to and irom W nunore
Station with all despatch and comfort.
ftt-Coaches leaving .bensburg at 7.30 A. M.
Connecting with train going west at Wilmore
Station at 11.88, A. M. .V ,
Leaving Ebensbarg, at a.15, conneetmg with
train soiiis east at 4.48 P. M. - ' .. : i
. Leaving Ebensburg, at So'clTt, P. M connotat
ing with train west at 8.12, P. M.
Leave Willmore Station for Ehensburg on the
arrival of every train, both East and West, ,
' : The Public mar rest assured that there will be
a. nitch allwavs at the station on the arrival of
. Ebensbarg; November 9, '64. --a . .
. . EG NCR & GREGG, .
"wjrrHOLESALE dealers in Wines and Liquors
W whioh thev are nrenared to furnish cheap
to merchants ana noiei Keepers. - wuiuiuc io
. . " 1 II' 1 tin
Maoke.f street, Philadelphia, Pa. . ;
Feb 2, 1852-ly. -
i, I-. A. SZZVSS, Proprietor.
: Aie 27, 4354. , '
JAMES McDERMITT still continues his
opposite the Tost Office, one door west of J,
Moore's, wnere can oe nu very cneap
Vnriatv Goods. Motions and ioy
Boots and Shoes large and small long and
: j. shor M
Coffee, Teas, Chocolate, Sugars, Molasses;
Candies, Crackers, Nnts, Raisins, Figs, &c;
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars; , ir '?
, ninvea and Stockings, Cotton and Woolen.
JEWELRY Ear-rings, Finger-rings & breast-
, ' pins; ; .
Pot ket Knives, and Rasorsj
A few common Dry Goods; t : ;
, . (Jail awl examine ; his ttockl tl..
FAr-:LY r.:EDtci::is
Dr. Jaynes popular Uecucmes;
Dr. Swayaea - aa o
McLane's Venniruge and PCls; : . ', '
Radways Ready Belief, and Pills, &c; . .
Brants purifying Extra ad Pulmonic Syrup;
Bcbencks Pntmowc Srrwp Syrnp Naptha; ,
Pain Killer Barrels Indian linamet; ,
Ehepherds Sarsaparilla and Vermifuge; '
Koofland Ktters Inland Bitters Pepsin;
Rat Exterminator Petroleum; ' 1 ' '
Ayers Cherry Pectoral Essence Gingen ,
Drandreth and -Wright's Pills; ;
Horse and Cattle Kexlidnesf , ' ; ; -Castor
CXI. Sweet Oil, Essences, &c, ;
Dec 21, 5W" :'.;': : .?"
assorted pieces of Stone Ware, just re
ceived at the Cheap Store of. ;
- e cOBirrs
Westmoralana Co Pa. ' r
J M. MARSHALL, having leased this com-.
modious and popular Hotel, situated near
the Pa. R. E., invitee a call froea tba Raveling
public The eelahlisment has undergone consid
erable repair, and finished in the best possible
manner. No pains will be spared to add, to tha
comfort and convenience of its guests. t j . ;
Dec. 23,1853..i
mi&vmmn goods
HAVE just received and are now displaying a
carefully selected stock of fall a.d winter
goods, llieir stock consists .of Dry Goods' of
every --description and quality suitable' for . the
present and approaching seasons. A ery hand
some assortment of Broad cloths, Cassimeres,
satinetts, Jeans, Ac, Ac. 1 Resuly made clothing.
Ladiks' Goods Such as fine merinoes,' a fine
assortment 'of silks and : wKlcn phiidu, - every
variety of Do Laines, and silks of every descrip
tion. - ' - - -i-- ..'rtJ i i
SHAWIiS An unusually handsome variety,
broche and woolen, ' of all sizes, qualities and
prices.-- - 'j" .: ' :. ,f--n -t-'.f i.
PRINTS Foreign and domestic, of every price
and quality. :".-.-,
BOOST&SHOES The very best selected stock
in the market. .-.
Mechanics are requested to call and examine our
stock of Hardware, and the attention uf hoise
keepers is called to oar cutlery.
GROCERIES Their stock of Groceries is un
usually large, consisting of sugar, coffee, molas
ses, rice, tea, pepper, fish, and salt. - .J .
ALSO Paints and dye stuffs, wooden ware,
and clocks. , Iu short a full and complete variety
of everything either for show or use, that can find
its way into a country store, all of which will be
sold on the most reasonable terms for case or
country produce. --F '
They return thanks to their friends for past
favors end respectfully ask a continuance of
them. . , , RODGERS & JONES.
Ebensburg, Nov. 0, '54.
risii! pisnit Fisiitii
JUST received from Boston, fifty-nine packages
assorted fish, which, during these penitential
times of Lent will be sold at a 6mall advance for
"Cash. The assortment embraces
MackeraT. Nos. 1. 2. and 8 : superior Mess Shad,
Nova Scotia Herring ; assorted scaled, and Scotch
Herring ; Salmon No. 1 ; Spiced Salmon, and Cod
Fish.. ....
Also. Wright's celebrated Oysters in Cans
Oysters in the shell. I alsu have on hand a large
and varied assortment of
Fancy and Stkple Dry C'oOd.
Also Catholic and Protestant Bookj, Hard
ware and Cutlery. Clocks of Various styles of
manufacture. Groceries Boots, Shoes, aud Bro
gans. Hats and Caps.. Brandies, Gins, Whudtey,
Champaigne, Chinese rreserves, 1'ickles, &c. &c.
AH of which will be sold low for Cah, and
Summit, March 1, 1855. ,
to tue pirnLicl
Richard Trotter would bog leave t say to his
friends and the travelling Plhlc generally,
that he has leased George's Lann.1 Run Exchange
at the foot of Plane No. 4. I7e will siare no
nains or expense to make comfortable thne who
patronize his house ; his table w ill at all times lc
furnished with, the best that the market can af-
urdind his bar with carefully selected liquors and
wines." - " " " -
Hoping to receive a liberal share of Patronage,
he remains tho publics bodient servant 1 " '
. . .. . s ..! 1UUHAKU 1 Kl l I r.H.
Hemhxk, Oct. 4. 54 -1 , : - f ly
Tomb Stones I Tombi Stonei!,
"ITl 1CUARD JONES res)ectfnlly informs the
jLaulJUC that be m uieuwwl o fui uinlj all Kinds
of Tomb Stones, of Italian and Amoriran Marble,
manufactured in the latest style, and lettered ac
cording to any directions.
His yard is situated . ut the south part ol tlte
town, where a large asHortmcut f artk-lcs in his
line are always kept on hani.
From lone expornmce he fwls confident be can
please all tastes, and be therefore hocs to be pat
ronized by a generous public.
June 17, 1763. .. .
Doarder and Day Scbonra.
(ckmi Tit cut ot Til Sirrtu or Mtscr.
THE School is divided into three general divi
sions or classes, in which the following bran
ches are taught : " ,
r .. . FIRST CLASS. ' "
Geography, Grammar, Spelling, Reading, Arith
metic, Tables, V rtting, Uompceition, I'oetry,
History Ancient and Modern Philosophy, As
tronomy, Use of the Globes, Plain and orna
mental Needle-work.
This Division includs all the branches taught in
the first class, the distinction . existing only in
the length of the lessons.
Spelling, Reading, Writing, Table3 Arithmetic,
Geography and Urammar.
OCJ- Extra branches common to all the classes.
Piano Forte, Guitar, TVocal Music. French and
For Boarders $100 per annum (including wash-
ins, bed and bedding. ) -
Day Scholars First and Second Classes, $8 per
Third Class $2 per quarter.
Music with nse of instruments, 15 00 ;
Drawing, ; . .. 4 00
French, - 3 00
June 1, '84. tf. t
ccaiTEiDininj hotel.
Ebenslrarg, Cambria Co-, Pa ,
fThe subscriber would respectfully inform, bis.
A- many friends in the town and from the coun
try, that he has now arranged bJa house, and is
now prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their custom. - His table is well suppli
ed with tbe best the market ran afford. His Bar
contains Liquor f tbe best Brands, also Lager-
Beer, &c.,&c, ; . . - ,
July 20,M. ly. ,
" Ebeasbarr, Cambria Co., ra.
HUE subscriber would respectfully inform his
1 friends and the traveling public, thai he has
leased the bouse formeilr kept by Mrs, Mary O
Evana and is orcMisd SO accorosttodate all who
may favor him with their cufo The cstab
lishment has been furnished with every conveni
ence that can be bad. ' His rooms are large and
well ventilated. Bis table wiltbe'sapblicd with
tha best the market can afford. " JSb. bar vil) con
tain Kqwm of the best brands, and hi stable is
large and attended by careful and obliging host
lers. - " , , JUUM A. BLAIR.
Dee. 23, 1853.
Partnership notice.
rTTlin5 subscribers have entered into a copartner-
iL ship, under the firm of JOHN R. SAVAGE
it CO., for . the general Manufacture of Chemicals
' A. M. & R, WllTE. -
; Ofiice No. 14 north FRONTS trest. . 1
i Thiladephia, Jan. 4, 1855."
rrlvat Estls;
' A ? Valul', House and Lot ia tLe Borouti of
Loretto, (he Property of tho heirs if Jacob
Fels, deceased, lenns will be made easy land an
indisputable title given. Application to be made
to Sheriff Dur bin, Uunstcr; or the subscriber -7
April 25, 1855. . .... ;....s. , ... v ,
(Successors to A. M. Lloj d & Co.)
Saf ft, G aociro ass Coiutom Wiu Pafebs. -"
Our stock is procured directly from Messrs
Cheistt A Constakt's Extensive New York Man
ufaetiiry; and embraces the latest and most fash
ionable stYlea.;. We - offer all kinds at very low
prices, and are confident that buyers will find if
t their advantage to give ns a call. Large loHf
sold at great bargains.
CO-Ouf prices range "For Gilts at from 76c to
41.2S per boR; Sarins 20c to 50c. per bolt
Grounds 15c. U 25c pef blf ; Dimmous 8c.
20c. Merchants will be suppfeed ofl as favorable
terms as at the Manufactory, or br CitV dilbn
March 15, 1865-Smi Gayjort, Blair Co., Pa;
. ".. f . - LE a. '0., , '
Wholesale and Retail Merchants. - . ,.
v.-; Jnhntvu-nt CtiwtOria Co,,
"'npnst Sl,54 .
- i Kew Estahlislineat.
rpHE Unlersigied would respectfully inforrrf
J- the citizens of Ebensburg and vicmity that h
ha opened a Grocery Store en Sample street ad
joining his residence, where he wilFbe happy Ur
wait ou all who may wish to favor him with their
custom. lie lias received a irood imwtmt
Groceries of all kinds, viz : Flour by the barrel
or by the small, Cheese of the best quality, Rice
Pepper. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Ginger, in fact eve
ry article kept iu the grocery line. Beer and
Sarsaparilla always on hand. Bacon of a superior
quality. . ,
He hopes by strict attention to business to merit
a share of the public patronage. - . t , t ;
. ' , t ,e, , MARK EDWARDS.
August 24 '54. . .. . ,
oaa btabs. jobs 1111. ta kvas-s.'
can joaxs
Jfcir nn in 1
that the late firm of Evans & Jones, have en
tered into a cc-partnership with John Evans and
John Hare in tlie Tannery and Boot aud Shoe
manufacturing businr. Their friends are invited
to call at the old stand . of Evans & Jones, a few"
doors east of Camion's Hotel, and the Tauuing.
establishment owned by J. Moore. :
They have conxtantly on hand a large assort
ment of French calf-xkin, Men and Womens' Mo
rocco Boot and Shoes, and are prepared to rxe
cuta work on the shortest notice.,, t
The highest cash prices paid for hides eititer in
trade or cash. . , . t
' Being practical workmen tl-emsrlves, and using
none btit the very bet materiasl they are confi
dent they cn execute work as well and as cheap
as any' establishment in the country.
Feb. It, l54-tf. . , ,
JalSfiOtD, DASH & GO- . ....
WilDLfcSALE ami retail dealers in ToWceo,
Phiiff and Qgats, warchouMc at the Sorttfi
W est i Wnt of nnr.I and Race streets. Iiladel
phia, 1Wy occupied by Lndwig, KneedWr & t3o.,
kecp constantly c hand a large and well m-hrcted
stoik 4" the xnt&i celhfated btaads of -
Domestic cigars, and Suuff. which they offer for
sale on as favorable terms as anr house in the
city. Orders promptlrHtUttdcd to.. .
Augnst 5, 185S 5-jy - . . .
THK fchMifcrcipncd M-nuld infi.rm his many
- fronds in the twn and countrv, that be ha
errrt-- a new and Urgr assortment "of ,
lift W -licit the patrottUge of tlie ruUic, snl
givrs thf awtiranc that every Li9d of order suoh
asREOPES. Ac, promply, and .toferkef prir
as in other stores will I attended .
July 20. 1854. . f . .. "
D ixxix'ji iiorsc,
Tormsrly tbs Vashiagtoa Hotel, Alles;hay Street
nsar tha Diamond,
subscriber respeirtfuily iniotms his friends
f- and the public generally, that he has taken
the above old established stand and entirely re
fitted and repaired it in such a manner as to ren
der it second to no hotel in the country. - The
Bar has been newly stocked with the best Wines,
liquors, and Segars that could be purchased, and
the table will at all times be supplied with tlie
best the Market affords. . . ' .. , . , , ,
The RESTAURANT attached will at all time
contain all the delicacies that can be nroru rr?
which will be served up at all hours, on short no
tice. : - - -
He respectfully asks the public to cive him tk
trial, fully assured that he can render satisfaction.
Dec. 9. 1853 G. W. DANNALS.
D. P. Thompson, wltn
WHOLESALE Hat and Cap Manufacturera.
Furs, Straw Goods and Hatter's Trimming
No. 173 Market Street, Philadelphia.
. Dec. 9, 1E68. . . - - ?
HAVE constantly on hand a full assortment
of Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries, gew
erally. .- . -.
Ho. 17 jrorta water Street, aad
. Ha. 10 Xerta Pelaware Aveaae,
-. .. . ,. rgH.aPtT.PHIA.
Jan. 27,1853. . , . . :
10 Brls Mackerel; '
10 Brls Herring, and ;
LOCO lbs Cod Fish, lust ceceived a4
for sale at the cheap store ef . ;
1 JiCFFEXlSOjr UOV&E. ' , t
THE nndersigned takes pleasars in informing
his friends and the traveling public, that be
has leased the Jeffesoa House, and having made.
much impiovemeot in its interirr, he feU oonfi
. ... . 1 V .. VI 1 . 1
dent that he wii tneoy ee viwutx . moaeq
comfort and satisCwpn to all who favor him with,
their patronage. -
- His fast and superios MAIL LINE OF STAi
PES will always be in readinoss to convey passen
gets io and Croin. the - " 5 -
to his hocae, and also- leaving direct after the art
riva) of the trains by a good flask Road to Ebena
burg. " . ! . . . v .1 , .
07 He will ever bo happy to. aocommodcte bis
old friends &d afonaiBtances that will favor hira
withacaU. JAMLS XX, 11AMILT0N.
:; Jefferson, April 2w 1854.. -
rousa, Slga and Oraameatal Painters.
ARE prepared to execnU all work intrusted?
- to them with neatness aad dsrTateh. :"m
Designs, or Painting, in either VVaJiKit, Oak.
Cherry, Bird-eye Uaplo,'or other woods, 01 Mac
bjeized Fronts, finished true to nao. '
Paper hanging or polished gildiag we will a
bh to picase tbe taste of our patreas.
All orders carefully attended to and fiaisiedT
-promptly. We solicit a share of the pnblic pat
ronase of the citizens of Cambria ceunty.
Ebcnbus, April 2. 1Z3 -