Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, August 22, 1855, Image 4

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, '-'
; i
HAVING pif chased the entire-stock and'fix
turee ot the Ebensburg, Foundry, tbesiib-'
scriber is prepared to furliwU farmers and tothers
With r- . .' fi " '
ploughs, Plovdiv IVrfr'!, CleVes. Mill
Iron, Tbmas &lacblDM,'' '
and castings of any bind that may be uoededin
the community. x . w. s- "
By strict attention to Hie business f the con
cern, he hopes to merft, and twist he will receive
liberal patronage from oh9e in want of article
in his line. ' - ' ": , ' ' ; . 1
All'tasuttss doae aftthe Foundry. '
; -r i EDWARD GLASS. '
March 22,55-tf.-j ' -: "'" ; 1 'J ;
Cafkibrla County, SS.
i JTA Commonwealth of Fcnmyloania to JOHN
TA YLOR of Cambria county. Greeting :
WHEREAS, France A. M. Taylor, by her
ext friend l-siac VVT. Gordon, ex n4atime,
did on the twerrty-seamd day of November, A.' D.
1854, prefer Uer petitiom to our said Judges of our
Court vf Common Picas (or tlie county of Cam
bria, praying for the causes therein set forth, that
the might be divorced, from the bonds of matrix
mony entered into with yoa, John Taylor, ':
Wc therefore command you, as we have here
tofore commanded you, the said John Taylor, that
aettin;; aside all other business and excuses what
soever, vou be and appear, in your proper person-
efore our Judges at Ebensburgh, at a Court of
Common Pleas tliere to be hel J for the county of
Cambria on the first Monday of Jane next, to an
swer tlie petition or libd of the Raid Frances A.
M. Taylor, and to ghew cause, if any you have,
why the said Frances A. M. Taylor, your wife,
should not be divorced from the bauds of matri
mony, asrreeablr to acts of General Assembly in
such case made and provided. And hereof fail
not. .--- ' ''
Witness the Honorable George Taylor, Presi
dent of our said Court at Ebensburg, the twenty
(fourth day of March A. D. 1855.
. Protltonotary
" June COl 1855. 4ts. '
fTtHE subs bribers restpectfully inform the citizens
i of Jefferson and vicinity, that they have taken
the Stand recently occupied by J. B. Craig, where
they have just received, and will at all times keep
on had an extensive supply ofGaocEBiES, Flaw,
Bacons Floub, etc.. &c. . -
Their terms will be moderate, and no pains will
"be snared to accommodate the public whose
patronage they respectfully solicit.
April 25, 1855. . .
Oc. W. Tdd, with '
Importers ft Wholesale Sealers in Eardwara,
Cutlery, to.. Ho. S65 Market Street, t
- Philadelphia.
T7"EEP constantly on hand the cenuine Timo-
iV. .thy Slack's Augers, Wm. Mann's, lieatty'v,
and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's
superior . polished Steel Shovels, Darling & Wal-
iron a Grass and Cradling-bcythes, Common and
Patent Scythe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, -c,
&c, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms.
to country dealers only. . -
January 25, 1855.
- Valuable Property FOr sale. v
fTpIIE subscriber oilers for sale a farm, situate
two miles from Carrolltown, in Carroll tp.,
Cambria county, adjoinining land of Mrs llayns,
and other lands of the subscriber, containing 100
acres, 25 or 30 acres of which are cleared,' With
hewed log house and barn thereon erected. - The
laud is of good quality, with several never failing
springs of water, and conveniently situated for
roods; mills, &c. 'An indisputable, title will be
givvn, and terms made easy. -v ' ; ! 4
June 13, 1885. r.
JERRY MEGONIGLE would respectfully an-,
nounce to the public that he has just received,
and opened at the stand well known as the' Mike
Walsh House, at the foot of Plane NW 4. a lt of
New Goxis, which have been carefully selected
with a view to the wants of this community. .
His stock embraces Dry Goods such as Calicoes,
Delaines, Bareges, Muslins, which he will sell at
tfieloweit figure -r Made up Clothing, Coats, Pants,
Vests; he would especially call the attention of an
astonished public to his stock of miracalous Hats,
rontaining specimens of the Hong Kong, the Se
bastopol, and the half shaved Hats, forming a col
1 ictiun of novelties never equalled in this, and very
few other countries. A ... "
His stock of Shoes aud Boots, defies competi
tion, the Eureka Slippers, the ' Parodi enamelled
Shoes. Jenny Lind Buskins, will afford unmiti
gated delight to the fair votaries of tho " mazy
dances," while his Kossuth Boots, his Scharayl
Pumps, and the untiring " O'Rourke brogue."
will enable the lords of creation to do the tallest
kind of walking. . U
Hi 8 Groceries he will sell at cost and carrige,
considering the hardness of the times he wishes to
make no profit on the provisions which sustain
hnman life, but at the same time he would deli
cately suggest, that if ever any article of sugar
was entitled to a premium, that which he offers to
the inspection of a discerning public, certainly is
the OLe. ' ' ' '
. Jerry " wants all the world and the rest of
mankind to come an J see bis establishment and
ijct bargains he is there for that business.
Hemlock, April 25, 18G5.
The undersigned offers at private Sale, his farm
situate in Allegheny township, Cambria county,
about 3 miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad
Tunuel, coataliilug - -tflS aorw, about 3 - acres of
which are cleared, and having a good dwelling
house thereon erected. The land is well timbered,
and abounds in several excellent reins of ore.
The Clearfield Creek passes through it. The title
is indisputable. Possession given immediatcly
May. 16,1855.. P. MOYERS.
-- : XOTICE. . -
fpUE notc3 and accounts of tho late firm of
1 Robert Davis & Co., and Davis, Evans & Co.,
having been left with the subscribers for collec
tion, aU persons indebted to cither, of the said
firms, are hereby requested-to call and make pay
ment on or before the first day of May, next, as
suits will be instituted after that time. - t.
April 11. 1855. - :
.. dEORCiE tll'NTLBT, , . ; ,
r TTboleiftle and Retail,
Tia, Copper, and Saeet-Irsn Ware Xannfaeturer.
RESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of Eb
msbnrgAand the public gener.vily, that he
has purchased the Tin .Bhop, formerly carried on
by M tsars. Darts, ferana & KX-., and will contin
ue to carry on the business in all its various
brancLes, wholesale and-retail. His Wares will
he made of the very , bat material, and in the
roost workmanlike manner.' ''Bcpairin'f of nil
Linda done on thi shortest notice, fur cak; ' "
ALSO, Hons Spouting made and put up to
oykr on the lowest terms, for tosh.
Intending to dn business strictly ; on the caifi
tyttcm, he will soli lower than was ever lefore of
fered in this placed lie therefiW respectfully in
vites ' all who may ' waui anytliing' in his line, te
givehim a call; as ho will endeavor to gire perfect
satisfaction to all customer.' Terms, Cash, Cash.
7" AH orders promptly attended to. : '
!T7"Price list sent to Merchants if reqtiirr-T. '
EVnsbui, rVbroarr l,r. lv; '
1'3 PILLS.
Thepe has long existed a public demand for an
effective purgative Pill which could be relied on
as sure and perfectly safe in its ' operation. .This
has bccn rrepared to meet that demand; and an
extensive trial of its virtues has conclusively
shown with what success it accomplishes the pur
pose designed. It is easy to make a physical Pi7,
but not so easy to inake the bet d au run one
which should have none of the oftgeotioos, feut all
the advantages of every other. This has been at
tempted here, and with what success we woiaa
respectfully submit to the public decision. It has
been uniortunate tor ine pauent iiunertu umi ut
most every purgative medicine is acrimonious and
irritating to the bowels. This is not. Mayof
them produce so much griping pain aad revulsicw
in the system as to more than counterbalance the
good to be deri red from them. These pro
duce ho irritation or pain, unless it arises from a
previouslv existing obstruction or derangement in
the "bowels.- Iteiug purely -vegetable, no harm
can arise from their use in aay quantity ; but it is
better that any monetae sbou'd toe taken judi
ciously. ' Minute, directions tor tbcur tse in ths
several diseases to which they are Applicable are
given on the box. Among the complaints which
havs been sDeedilv cured bv them we may men
tion liver Coin plaint, in its various forms of
' Tanrwlir Tndifrestion. Lancruor and Loss of Artte-
tite, Ldstlessness, Irritability, Billions ueadacbe,
Billious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side
7 O 'J - - A
and Loins, for in truth all these are but the con
sequence of diseased action of the liver. As an
aperient, they afford prompt and sure -relief in
Costiveness, Piles, Colio Dysentery, Humors, Scro
fula and scurvy, Colds, with soreness of the body,
Ulcers and unpnnty of the blood ; in short, any
and every case where a purgative is required,
" They have alsr produced some singularly sue
cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout. Dropsy, Grav
el. Erysipelas. Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in
the Back. Stomach and Side.; They should be
freely taken in the spring of the year,-to purify
the blood and prepare the system lor the change
of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the
stomach into healthy action, and restores the ap
petite and vigor. They punly the blood, and.
by their stimulant action on the circulatory sys
tem, renovate the strength of the body, and re
store the wasted or diseased energies of the whole
organism. , Hence an occasional dose is advanta
geous even though no serious derangement exists;
but unnecessary dosing should never be carried
too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the
strength, when taken to excess. The thousand
cases in which a physic is required cannot be enu
mrated here, but they suggest themselves to the
reason of every body ; and it is confidently believ
ed this pill will answer a letter purpose than any
thing winch has hitherto been available to man
kind.' When their virtues are once known the
public will no longer doubt what remedy to em
ploy when in need of a cathartic medicine. .-r
Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take.
and being purely vegetable, .no harm can arise
from their use in any quantity. 1
. For minute directions, see the wrapper on tin
Box.. ;r . : , . . .. ' . ; . . . : : ; ;
' - PSEPARKD BY ' - -
. TT . TtMVO C a XTfTJ
- aA, A4b0 W A M. Kill
- :? '; v. : LOWELL, MASS. i- "
Price 25 Ct. per Box. - Five'Boxet for $1.
Sold bv James McDermitt, Ebensburg. E. P.
Hildebrand, Indiana, W.M'Cbnnell, Summitville,
Dr. K. A. Johnston,' Johnstown, and by dealers
everywhere."' """ " " ' '
June 6, 1855. 34-3m. . ,
of Evans and Hughes, one door above the
Store room of Shoemaker & dark, where the sub
scribers are at present receiving and opening a
large and excellent assortmen of fashionable
Ready Made Clothing
of the latest and most approved styles, which for
cheapness and durability can not be excelled by
any similar establishment in the county ; not
wishing to brag, but what we say we will make
good or take the tcater. Every article in the cloth
ing line will be kept on hand, viz: Over Coats,
Sack Coats, Drop do.; Pants, Vests, Cloaks, fyc.,
all of the latest styles. ' '"- '
Cloths, Cassimcres, Satinets, Vestings, of all
colours and styles. - ' -' '
Our Department of BOYS CLOTHING promises
a much more extensive selection than nsual.
We flatter ourselves that we shall be able to
furnish garments suitable fur all classes, fitted up
iusuch a manner, and on such terms that shall
disarm all competition ; we therefore ask a liberal
share of the public patronage.
Oct. 5, '54.
The undersigned having removed ty the new
building two doors west of the old stand, would
respectfully inform his customers and the public
generally, that he has lately added to his former
supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hand
a full supply of " ' ' ' '
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Silk Goods, made-up . Clothing, Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen
ter s tools, Smith's tools. JS aus, a lull supply o
assorted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron.
. Stoves and cast hollow-ware constantly on band
Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale
and retail. - ' , , ,
Pine, Poplar and Cherry Lumber bought and
sold. .- ..)! !
Goods will le sold at the very lowest prices , in
exchange for Cash or Country Produce.
- E. HUGHES. '
Ebensburg, March 15, 1855. "
No. 29 North THIRD Street, PH1LADA.
Morocco Uanufactcbers, Cubiebs and Im
foeters ok FRENCH CALF SKINS, and dea
lers in Red and Oak SOLE LEATHER &KIPP.
, Feby. 22, 1855. 1 year.
Kotlce to tne Travelllngr JPabllc.
JT HE undersigned, carrying tho United, "States
1 Mails between Uresson btation and r.nensburg,'
will, on and after the first day of April, 1855, run
on the Turnpike between said places, a MAIL
COACH which will be adequate to the wants of
travellers over this route. " " i
The coach will leave'Ebensburg every morning
(Sundays excepted) at 9 o'clock precisely connec-r
ting with , the Mail train going East, at Cresson i
aud will return immediately after the arrival "of
the Mail train going West, arriving at tbensburg
at about half-past 10 o'clock, P. M. ' ' ;. '"..
Passengers may rest assured that the prttpriefor
will use every efiort to carry thent between thesie
pon;ts with ail possible dispatce and comfort.
I'as.s. nger8 Vill be required to pay thciT fare be
fore taking seats in' the Coach ' "
i , ;-.' ' T '.!.. JOITVA TtT.A TTf T
' Ebensbtirg, April 18, 1856.:- f ; -. t i
'W I. O. O. F; ;-
'"v- IIighlarnl Lodge No. 428 meets erery
.WEDNESDAY evening at their Hall
' " - on High st, til the Ttppfr ztrry
Sb ir.akfr &r Clrk bnihlrogc ; " -
H o. .Madr.Ha. tt a J- c. pi hvxxat
FFICE No. 2, " Colonnade Row," near; the i
Court House..
December 7, 54 ly
8. C Tf lngrard and c. tt. xrinsrara.
, ' 5 JkTTORJfEYS AT LATT, v,,
..' ... ; BSSKSHrBO, FA. J ; s - ..
w-rriLL. practice m the several vxkiits oh uuu
. W brisi, Blair, Huntingdon, Indiana and Clear
fipM muntv.- Office nearly LitzanKerS Hotel.
-i fir. Alarr A fronts for the sale uanas in wm-
bria and adioinine Counties. ' -'
firvAlso Aerents for tlie union rire insurance
- TW T
Z o AUtbeencanLeln
April 6, 1S54
m. iiASSoar, :. ,
Attorney at Law, Zbensbnrg, Pa. '
FFICE in the Court House, up stairs.
Aug. 24, 1853.
w, Ebeasharg, Pa.,
WTjrriLL practice in the several Courts of Cam
T bria, Blair and Indian counties; All pro
fessional business entrusted to his care will hi
nmm ntJ v attended to. '.-' "; ; .. -
ffi ce on Main street,' adjoiniag bis dwelling
house. " . ' "" ' ' "' ' '"'
kj bcnsbuTg, July 1 1863 '2! 3m. v
Anorwiy at Law, temAat, Pa,
"WTKTILL practice in the several Courts of Carn
J J bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.
Office in the Centre st.. adjoining Gen. McDon
ald's dwelling. - '
.'. Jan. 15, 1851. Ty. A
lastlsett the. Pesce, Ebensburg, Pa.,
MTIIAj attend promptly to all collections en-
to his care.
Office, adjoining his
dwelling. , . , .,
. July 21, 1852. tf.
Attorney at Xaw, Johnstown Pa. '
S FFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second Sto- i
J ry of Good if Pershing's Store Roonu '.
January SO, 1851 ly. , .. - -
Attorney at Lav Johnstown
FFICE on Clinton Street," a few doors north
V-r of the corner of Mam and Clinton,
April 23, 1823. .
7 T. E. I1EYER,
Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. ..
OFFICE in Main Street, two doors east of the '
U Echo OfSce. ,
, March 13, 1851. ly. ', ' , -.
" ' F. 91. GEORGE,
Jastiee'if ths Peace, foot of Plans Ko 4, -
A. P. S. R. .'.
WILL attend promptly to all collections en-
trusted to his carl" Office, a.hoinine the
trusted to his care. Office,' athViining the
Post Ulhce, , . - .- .
...July 28, 1852. V . .." . . ,
. TUSTICE of the Peace, Summitville, Cambria
CP county, l a. Ufhce East of the
Allegheny j '
Portage Railroad on the Turnpike. . t
March 80, 1854. , 4 "
. I .1 I I I Ml II J
Dr. Charles Walters.
STAFFERS his services to the citizens of Sum-
mitville, and adjoining vicinity, in the prac-
ln Medicine and Surgery.
e may rxr- found at all times when not pro
fessionally engaged, at hid office next door to
Bell's Store., or at the Mansion. Honse of James
M. Riffle. : : ;
. May 25, '64. ' . .V, , .
Dr. Geo. IB. KeUy,
FFERS his professional services to the citi
zens of Jefferson and vicinity, in the prac
tice of Medicine and burgery.
Office next door to Mr. Ly tie's Store. .
May 20, 1853.' 1 .
J. E. EYLAN DT. M. D.,
can be found at his office. No. 2. Colonade Row,
at all times or the day, if not professionally en
gagecu , - nov9.3mUw
. X.. JOHW8TOJT. A. C. 1IT7I.I.IH.
JOHNSTON & MULLIN; Counsellors and At
torneys at ; Law. Office "opposite the Court
House, Ebensburg, Pa. ' 0 f
Nov. 80, 1854. rf . ,r py.
Dr. Henry Yeagley, .
Praetisiag Physician, Johns to wa, Pa. -
FFICE next door to his Drug Store, corner
of Main and Bedford streets.
? Johnstown, July 21; 1852. ;
THOLESALE grocers and dealers in For-
, v cign and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whis-
Flour, Bacon, Fish, Cheese, &c.. &c, No.
Liberty street, opposite the head of Smith-
UDd Pittsburgh, ra. v , , - -Dec.
23, 1852-9-tif. , ;
DaTl& Eloyd.
TTTAYING formed a partnership in th i Mer-
can tile Business, would respectfully solicit
the patronage of their friends and the public gen
erally. Cau and see us at the old stand ot wm.
Davis.' '' " " '' ' ' " : :' ' '; '
April 29, 1852. -V,
New Cabinet Ware Roonout.
JAMES'S. TODD, informs the citizens of Eb
ensbure. and the public eenerally. that he
has opened an extensive and varied assortment of
CABINET WARE in Mr. Robert Davis' new
building, Main street, nearly opposite the "Sfan
sion House," where he will be happy to .have
them call and examine his " - '
consisting in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bed
steads, secretaries, stands, &c, etc: -
' He will have constantly on hand an excellent
assortment of Fancy and common CHAias.-which
he will sell lower than ever before offered in this
place. ''.' -. . .
Every article offered will be tnade in the most
workmanlike manner; of the best materials ; and
REPAIRING of all kinds will be promptly at
tended to. His terms are CASH, and being de
termined to sell low, and keep none but good ar
ticles, he hopes to receive the patronage of a dis
criminating public. - ' ' 1 "
Ebensburg, July 29 1853,;: ;
Highland Division. No. 84. Sons of Tem-
3 ' Iperauce meet at their Hall every SATUR
vm - ,DAY evening, 2 doors below Blair's HoteL
..-. .Or C. XT. troSiccUer--:.; r
TT TfAVING located In Loretto, Cambria Cocnty,
JLJL - offers hi professional services to the citi-
en'4f that place and Ticiirity.1 ; -.
Ol'FHM'-On Mainsfaeet, where he can always
In? fotmd, w lieri not profpsHytiaiiT encasrdj-
J, JIOCIXE &l SOM ' : I;
'AVE just opened ai, their old stand; in tie
! . Borongh of . 'Ebensburg. the richest ami
rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of
Hmm 'jlaTELl GOODS, :
ever effefed' to the people of Cambria "County.
Untts&l oae ws taken in the selection of these
goocb, and car has been taken that Nothing with
in tire range of a Country store, " nor any ways
near , ttat what they can . supply to their , cus
tomers at least jas cheap as tfeey cast be had in
the country. ' ; l- -...-
Tow stock t . Dry uoods is utiprecedentlT
large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and
texture,' Satiaeus,: Casauneres. Tweeds, Jeans,
&Ci, c.. Flannels, Sheeting, : Shirting, and
on. . A great
variety of
of all patterns and at all prices
Laces, trimmings, gloves, milts-, Jkc. Their
assortment of hats, caps,- boots, and ahees, is
complete and unsurpassed. ; , .
OliCHJtKLKS & LIQUORS, Of every Variety
and quality. A well selected variety of Hard
ware, (Jutlery, and nails. - Also, Uueensware and
Glass; Paints, Dye stuffs, -
And all for sale low for cash, or given in ex
change for country produce. - Give us a calL
J. MUUllti & SVN.
Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '54. . i ' ; :
THE undersigned informs his customers that
the firm of Beynon & Johnston, is dissolved
by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still
continttes the badness in the room recently occu
pied by the old firm, where he will be happy to
see Ms fanner patrons and as many new ones as
please, to call. He receives regularly from Xsew
York and Philadelphia, the : latest fashions and
cannot be beat either in the shape or Jit of Coats,
Pants or. vests, by any other Aauor in tne coun
try. He respectiully asks the public to give bim
a call, and confident his work will .Koommend
itself. . . .. ' - ' . "
fir- All kinds of country produce taken in ex
change for work.. . J-hlWiS UtiXXiJX.
April 20, 1852.-tf. . , ;; : r ; ;
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Ebensburg, and ' vicinity, that be
has removed his shop to M00RKT0WN, where
he has every facility for carrying on a large busi
ness, and hopes by using none but the best mate
rial, and employing none but the best workman,
he hopes to convince all who -will do him the
favor to examine his work, that in point of dur
ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be
excelled by any similar establishment in the
State or - elsewhere. : Persons wishing a bargain
in the purchase 01 a carriage , will : con
sult their own interests by giving him a call.
They are prepared to supply the. following kinds
of vehicles, via: , '
Baggies of different qualities and prices, Bar
ouches, Cliariottees, one and two horse rockaways,
close quarter eliptic and C-Spring Coaches; second-hand
w ork of different kinds, &c, making a
, jrtT ,TLn f T
lPS with neatne and despateh
variety thatwill suit all tastes and all purses.
Spt.2a0, '54.
HE subscribers would again inform their old
as well as the new customers that they
have received a large assortment of Groceries
from the Eastern cities, which for - . .4- I j
Quality. Quantity & Cheapness
cannot be surpassed by any similar establishment
in the country, it is hardly necessary to enumer
ate the new and varied assortment of articles we
have on hand, but a few of the many we will in
sert, via : Flour; Fish, Coffee ; Teas ; Sugars ;
Spices; Cheese; Salt; Brooms; Willow-ware of all
description; Tubs; Buckets; Wash boards ; -Rat-
traps; Clothespins; bhovels ; lied cords; bieves;
Brushes: Hour bags; boaps 01 all Kinds; begars.
Tobacco, and Confectioneries of all kinds and
qualities.. ' - -- ' - '
ov ; ; - v 1 uuuu liuii tans.
From Ebea8l)iirg to Willmore Station
THE Subscribers having associated themselves
toeether, have put upon tho Ebensuurg and Jef-
ferson nanx itoaa a uouuie
w -r e jt 1 1 -
Dally Line of Clialae Coaches,
-would say to the Public that they will spare no
ains to carry passengers to ana trom. VV Ulmore
station with afl despatch and comfort. ;
.i fcf-Coaches leaving Ebensburg at 7.S0 A. M.
. . Connectine with tram going west at V ilmore
Station at 11.33. A. M. . : .
. , Leavine Ebensbure. at 3.1o, connecting with
train froiuff east at 4.48. P. M. - '
Leaving Ebensburg, at 5o'cl'k, P. M., connect-
in with train west at 8.12. P, M. f : .1 .
Leave Willmore atauon ior joensourg on wic
. v., 1 . . 1
arrival of every train, both East and V est.
The Pnblie may rest assured that there win oe
" ...... .ei
a coach allways at the station on the arrival ot
Ebensburg, November 9, '64. -:.-:.:
: . , EGNER & GREGG,
"WTT7H0LESALE dealers in "Wines and Liquors
1 W. which they are prepared to furnish cheap
to merchants and hotel keepers. Warehouse 20
Maoke.t street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' "
Feb 2,1852-ly.
- ; ; A. JtEEVES, Proprietor.1 '
- Arart 27. 4354. -
JAMES MeDERMITT still continues his
opposite - the Post Office, one door west of J.
MnnM'i wlicm ran Via had verv chean ' B K
Variety Goods, IS otions and 1 oys; ' . -"t. '
Boots and Shoes large-and small -long and
. ' shor" ' v' '
Coffee, Teas,- Chocolate, Sugars, Molasses; -Candies,
Oackers, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, &c; '
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars; . ; . .
Gloves and Stockings,- Cotton and Woolen. -JEWELRY
Ear-rings, Finger-rings St breast-
. : ' " pins; ' :::-' 1 ' ';' - - ' ! '
Potket Knives; and Razors; ' ' -'
A few common Dry Goods; - - - - - -:
Call and examine hit ' stock ! ! I . " "
u - Dr. Jaynes popular Medicines; , ; v
; .. ..Dr. Swaynes ,. do . - do; ' . '. .
McLane'8 Vermifuge and Pills; .. ;
' Radways Ready Relief, and Pills, &c
, Brants purifying Extract and Pulmonic Syrupj.
'.. Schencks Pulmonic Syrup-Syrup Napthaj :
",. Pain Killer -Barrels Indian Linament;
Shepherds Sarsaparilla and Vermifuge; . ;
" Hoofiand Bitter Holland Bitters Pepsin;
Rat Exterminator Petroleum; -: t: ;
: Ayers Cherry Pectoral Essence Ginger;, . t:
, Brandreth and Wright's PilLi; . ,;. ? r, , -"'
Horse and Cattle Medicines; ,. t -r,
t Castor (XI; Sweet Oil, . Essences, Ac, oc. -r
Dec. 2!Z4r- f 7f ;, "v-
ejr assorted pieces of Stone WafeV'just re
O U U omed at thrr Qv Store of t h
, ; "Wistmorslaal C., Pa.
J M. MARSHALL, haying leased ,thi com-
modious and populaTHotd,: situated near
the Pa. R; R., invites a call from .the traveling
public. ..The establisirient hte nndergonc consid
erable ipopair, and finished in the "best possible
manner. No pains will be spared to add to th
comfirt and convenience of its guests. t, . ,;
Xec. 'Zi, lb63. . , ;
Mil. & WIKTBR 600D8
HAVE Just received and are now. displaying a
carefully sdedted stock of fall and winter
goods. Their stock consists of Dry Goods of
every description and qiiatSty suitabTe for the
present ana approaching seasons. .A very nana
some assortment of Broad cloths, Cassimeres,
satinetts, Jeans, &c, &c. Ready made clothing.
Ladies' Goods Such as fine merinoes, a fine
assortment of silks and woolen piaWs, every
Variety of De Laiwes, and silks of every descrip
tion. SHAWLS An unusually handsome variety.
broche and woolen, of all. sizes,- qualities .and
prices. .- - , .
. , . rRlNTS Foreign and domestic, of every price
and quality. .
BOOST at SUUfcS ine vefy best selected stock
in the market. , .
Mechanics are requested to call and examine our
stock of Hardware, and the attention of house
keepers is called to our cutlery.
Ulx;KUlfci Their stocx ot urocencs is un
usually large, consisting of sugar, coffee, molas
ses, rice, tea, pepper, fish, and salt. . .
ALSO Paints ana dye stuns, wooden ware,
and clocks. In short a full and complete variety
of everything either for show or use, that can find
its way into a country store, all of which will be
sold on the most reasonable terms for case or
country produce.
Thev return thanKs to their menus ior nasi
favors, and respectfully ask a continuance of
them. liUUUtitb juucjo.
Ebensbnrg, Nov. 9, '54.
v.snnTvri a w-v.yra
JUST received from Boston, fifty-nine packages
assorted fish, which, during these peuitential
times of Lent, will be sold at a small advance for
" Cash.' The assortment embraces
Mackcral, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 ; superior Mess Shad,
Nova Scotia Herring ; assorted scaled, and bcotch
Herring; Salmon No. 1 ; Spiced Salmon, and Cod
Also. Wricht's celebrated 1 Ovsters in Cans-
Oysters in the shell. I also have on hand a large
and varied assortment of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods
Also Catholic . and Protestant Bookj, Hard
ware and Cutlery. Clocks of various styles of
manufacture. Groceries. Boots, Shoes and ' Bro
gans. . Hats and Caps. Brandies, Gins, Whiskey,
Champaigne, Chinese Preserves, Pickles, &c. &c.
All of which will be sold low for Cash, and
Summit, March 1, 1855. ,
Ridiard Trotter would beg It-ave to say to his
friends and the travelling Public generally,
that he has leased George's Laurel Run Exchange
at the foot of Plane No. 4. He will spare no
pains or expense to make comfortable those who
patronize his house ; his table will at all times be
furnished with the best that the market can af
fordmd his bar with carefully selected liquors and
; Hoping to receive a lileral share of Patronage,
he remains the publics obedient servant
Hemlock, Oct. 41 C4 - f lyj
' Tomb Stones I Tombs Stones t
i ICHARD JONES . respectfully informs
JtVrublic that he is prepared to furnish all kinds
of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble,
manufactured in the latest style, and lettered ac
cording to any directions.
His yard is situated at the south part of the
town, where a large assortment of articles In his
line are always kept on band.
From long experience he feels confident be can
please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to be pat
ronized by a generous public.'; ! .. '
June 17, 1763. - : '
. - - FOR '
Hoarders and Day Sell oars.
THE School is divhiod into three ecu oral divi
sions or classes, In which the. following bran
ches are taught t : ' a .
Geography, Grammar, Sjelling, Reading, Arith
metic, Tables, Writing, Composition, Poetry,
History Ancient and Modern Philosophy, As
tronomy, Use of the Globes, Plain and orna
mental Needle work. " .
This Division includs all the branches taught in
the first claw the distinction existing only in
" the length of the lessons. i '
Siielling, Reading, Writing, Tables, Arithmetic,
Geography and Grammar. - n . .
fto Extra "branches common to all the '. classes.
Piano Forte, G uitar, JVocal ; Mosic, French - and
Drawing.. . . , j : ! ' -
; TERMS. ,
For Boarder 4100 per annum f including wash
ing, bed and bedding.)
Day Scholars TuTit and Second Classes, 3 per
quarter. ,
Third Class 2 per quarter.
Music with use of instrument , . . o 00
' Drawing, . : . ; ; ' ' -4 00
French, ' , .3, 3 00
. June 1, '34. tf.. , , - . r ;
- Ebenjbnrg, Camurta Co , Pa , "
r I ''be subscriber would respectfully inform his
many friends in the town and from the coun
try, that ne has now arranged his house, and is
how prepared to accommodate" all who niRfv-tir.
r. - X -
nun Willi meir cuhioiu. xiia iuie ia wri BUr)T
vu wilu uie itsfc uu wmrtLvt, vjuj tuuiu xlia USX
contains Liquor of the best Brands, as0 Laer
Beer, &c.,&c, - ' ' i . .
July 20, '54. ly. f
' Zhenshorg, Cambria Ce4 P.
subscriber would respectfully in
rm his
1 mends and the Uavelmg pubhc, thai -v
leased the house formerly kept by Mrs. Ms
e has
ar U
Evans and is prepared to accommodate all wliu
may favor him with their .custom. The estab
Ushment has been furnished with every conveni
ence that can be had. ' His rooms are large and
well ventilated. His table will be supplied with
tho best the market can afibrd. His bar rill con
tain liquors of the best brands, and his stable is
large and attended by careful and obliging host
lers. ; - - JOHN A. BLAIR.
: Dec 23, 1853.
Partners!? Rotlce.
THE subscribers have entered into a copartner
ship, under the firm of JOHN R. SAVAGE
St CO., for the general Manufacture of Chemicals.
.t- '..: th.i JOHN R. SAVAGE,:
'- 'I 'c'" A. M. & R, WHITE, '
Office Nb.14 north FRONT Stret.
rhildrh?a. Jan. 4, 13$.- - ' -" - h
t Private fini- -
A Valuable House and Lot in the .iJorpogh of
J Loretto. tho property of the heirrf
Fehr, deceased. ' Terms will be made easy, and an
indiKWtable title given. 1 Application, to be made
io Sheriff Durbu), Uunster,or thesobscriWr.,
- : M. HASSON.,
Apri 25, l85o . . . . .. , r
(Successors to A. M. llo d & Co.)
batin, ubound and Common Wau Pajpfbr.
Our stock is proctired diroctW from MpVjan-
Christy & tosst AST's Extensive New York Manufactory-,
and embraces the latest and most fash
ionable stylo. We ofifer all kinds at very low
prices, and are confident that buyers will find it
to their advantage to glv ns a call... Large ) lots
sold at great bargains'. -
OO-Oui- prices range For Gilts at from 75c. to
J1.25 per bolt; Satins 20c. to 50c. per boltt
Grounds 15c. cd 25c. per bolt ; Commons ' 8c. to
20c. - Merchants will be supplied on as favorable
terms as at the Manufactory, ot by City dealers.
March 15, 1855-3m , Gayfpori, Blair Co., fa.
Wlnlesale and Retail Merchants,'
Johnsfotcn, Cambria Co,, Pm '
tJgnst 81, '64 ' "
Hew &UtSi5at.
THE Undersigned would respectftilfy Irferin
the citizens of Ebensburg and Vicifcity that h
has opened a Grocery Store on Sample street' ad
joining his resiircrtc, 'fc-ltere he will be 'Ls-i-t to
wait on aij.wno may wan to iavor nrm with tlieir
custom. He has received ft afisorttneiit tf
Groceries of all kinds, viz : Flour by Ihe Wrrt-l,
or by the small. Cheese of the pest quality, Rice,
Pepper, Sugar, Tea, Cofiee, Ginger, in fact eve
ry article kept in the grocery line.: Beer ; and
Sarsaparilla always on hand. Bacon of a superior
quality. , -
He hopes by strict attention to business to roorit
a share of the public patronage.' ... .
August 24 54. -
Joan liSIt ETAS STAJta.
Ctl jut!
that the late firm of Evans & Jontt, haie en
tered into a co-partnership with John Evans acd
John Hare in the Tannery and Boot and Shoe
manufacturing business Their friends re invited
to call at the old stand rf Etahs A Jonec, a few
doors east of Cannon's Hotel, and the Tanning
establishment owned by J: Moore; t i
They have constantly on hand a large assort
ment of Frehtli calf-skin. Men and Womens' Mo
rocco Boots and Shoes; and are prepared to exe
cute work on the shortest notice. , , , . '
Hie highest cash prices paid for hides either In
trade or cash.
Being practical workmen themselves, and using
none but the very best rnateriasl they are confi
dent they can execute work as well and as cteap
as any establishment in the country. 1 ".
iet. IT. 1854-tl.
W1IOL11SALE and retail dealers in Tol arco.
Snuff and Gpars, warehouse at the South
West dorner of Thiri and Race streets, Philadel
phia, lately occupied byXndwig,Knccd!er tr Co.,
keep constantly on hand a hirge and well selected
stock of the most celebrated brand n of
Domestic cigars, and SninT, which thry filer for
sale on as favorable U-rms as any. house 'in li.4
city. Orders promptlyattended to. - ' ' 1
August 6, 1858" 6-ly . - '
THE undersigned -would inform his many
friends in the town and country, that he has
creceivd a new and larce assortment of
ne solicits the patronage of the public, and
gives the assurance that every kind of orders sut h
as RECIPES, Ac, promph", an' to lower prices
as in other stores will 1 attended to. ' - "
- , . FREDERICK- SN YLRii. s
July20,1854v . .t.
Tormsrly ths Waahiagton Hotel, Allefhsay Strest,
near ths Dijnond.
IIOLEIDA 1 Sill RG, PA. ..
THE subscriber respectfully iniuinis his frieuda
and the public generally, that he Las taken
the above old established stand and entirely re
fitted and npaired it in such a manner as to ren
der it second to no hotel in the country. The
Bar has been tiewly stocked with the best Wines,
Liquors, and Segars that could be fiurchaKcd.'and
the table will at all times be supplied with the
best the Market affords. l4i
The RESTAURANT ahathed will at all times
contain all the delicacies that csh be procured,
which will be served hp at all tours, on short no
tice. ... , , , . . - T ' v
He respectfully aks the public to , give him a
trial, fully nwmrrd that he can render satisfacticr .
Dec. 9. 1853 O. W. DANKLS."'
B. I. Thompson, wltn
WHOLESALE Hat and Cap Manufactured.
Furs, Straw Goods and Hatter's TrixaiaingA
No. 173 Market Street, PUlacelplia. "
HAVE constantly on hand a full assorTrncr.
of Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceritf ger
eraUy:' ' v t
Ve.1T Xarta Watar Street, and
... Ho. 10 Korva Delaware Aveans.
Jan. 2t ,1363. : " 5 " ! ' ' ' ' ' ' .
10 Brls Mackerel; . ' .. . , .
"10 Brls Hrrring. and
L000 lbs Cod Fish, jnt receded and
for sale at the cheap store of '
. - . ; , ' EDWARD ROBERTS.
sJ rpilE undersigned taxes pleasure in lniormmg
rSL his friends and the traveling pubhc, that ho
has fased tne jenersoa nuuw, wu imtuii,
muchitaprovement in iU interirr, he feels confi
dent that fce will thereby be enabled to 'reader
comfort andsas&ctKn to all who favor liinj with
their patronage. . l-, A
His fast and superior ilATL LINE OF STA
PES will always be in readiness tocobwy passen
gers io and from the
to his home, ahd also, leaving" direcf after the ar-
rival of the trains Vy a good Plank Road to Ebcns
Lburg. -: .. , .- ULvt.
" w- He will ever be nappy 10 aocomuiwv
old friendsrini,acquaintance that will favor Lua
with a call. "V. JAMLTX HAMILTON.
Jefferson, April tvt4., . . , J. ... ..
" m. -EiWEix St c. ; 7;
Bowse, siyn and Oraameatal Painters, :
ARE prepared . to execute ail "work intrusted
to them with neatness and despatch.
Designs, or Painting, in either W alnut, Oai,
Cherry, Bird-eye Maple, or other woods; or Mar
blcized Fronts, finished true to nature, i v-t- -
- Paper banging or polished giving we will fin
ish to please the taste of our patrons.
' ; All orders earcfnlly : attended to and fimiued
promptly. We solicit a Share of the pubtis pat
ronage of the citizens of Cambria cwmty.
Ehcaburg,Avnl 2. .18A5.-i- t 1 -