Glorious Democratic Victories in. Ohio . XaowMothingum Routed.. . The spring elections alhrd the most gratifying evidence that tlie Democracy are rapidly regain ing their ascendency in Ohio. The following cities and large towns have gone agains-t the Know-Nothings" and in favor of the Democrats by a decided vote. Look at the pyramids : " AKRON, -CIHILICOTIIE, V CUYAHOGA FALLS, DAYTON, NEW RICHMOND, MEDIA, TOLEDO, SANDUSKY,. HAMILTON, CINCINNATI, FREMONT, , These places gave large Know-Nothing major ities last fall. In C dumbus and Cleveland the bigoted and prescriptive order oi:ly succeeded by meager majorities. The Democratic ship has right cd up, and we have every indication that we wil! politically sweep the State in October next ! Speaking of the result 'of the election in Dayton, the Empire says : ' ' TLe result of the election in this city yester ihvr proves the truth of what we have all ir.g contended for ' that the people can, if they will, defeat the Know-Nothings at every election. The vote yesterday proved another declaration which we recently made '.that the bottom bad been knocked out of the Know-Nothing kettle, and that the institution was. at least in Montgomery county, virtually dead.' We presume that all trill now agree with us on this question. By ref erence to the returns,, it wRl be . seen that Know Nothingism haa been badly beaten in Dayton. When the Know-Nothing vote of last fall is com pared with the vote of the few who succeeded yesterday, the conviction canuot be resisted, that the" order has met with a decisive, humiliating defeat in every ward in the city! TLe exceeding meagernesi of -the Know-Nothing majorities fully indicate the pitiable condition of the organization, and we now predict, with the certainty which unmistakable sijns inspires, that a Know-Nothing ticket, as -such, will never be : offered to the people of Dayton again!" Cincinnati Inquirer, April 6. Later from Havana. NoaroLK, April 6. The U. S. Steamer Fulton has arrived from Ha vana. Her search for the U. S- Slovp-'of-War Al bany ha3 been entirely unsuccessful. The Fulton left Havaua on the 81st, and brings Account of the execution of - Es tram pes, which Cook place the previous dny. Mr. Iwblnscnj the U, S. Consul, under instruc tions, demanded his trial, under existing treity stipulations, but, notwithstanding his protest, he was tried dy a military court, and condemned. Having confessed his design to be to secure the independence pi the IJand, he showed the great est indifference- to his fate. . At the plafe of ex cution he manifested an intention to address the multitude, but the'drums and trumpets were or dered to sound so fas, to drow'n his voice. Notwithstanding, he was heard above the din to shout, Liberty-forever" " Death to all Kings. The other nnsoncrs were ecn..camed to long im prisonment. ! . ' . ' , The Eight of Visitation-. The Washing ton Union contends for the following proposition? : 1st. That a-a American ship, armed or unarm ed, public or private, has a right to pursue her lawful .olf the ocean-; without-being m tytded. dclzinj-l cr -J.-i'zJ,. ar-.-.;::sC her coh- cent, by the public aru-oi vessel of any foreign nation whatsoever.'- '-. - 2d. That any puo.ic armed ship may " ap proach" an American -vessel pursuing a lawfil commerce, so far as tins does not craw atter it the right of visitation, and without derogation of the right of the American to pursue her voy-ag without lying by or waiting! the approach of such armed ship. 3d.' That the right of an American" so approach ed to continue her voyage, without lying by or waiting for the approaching vessel, Is perfect and clear. -. From these propositions it follow-: 4th. That the attempt of any foreign armed vessel forcibly to impede, detain, sn 1 visit an American vessel pursuing her lawful commerce en the ocoin may by force also he resisted Republican Movemksts in Cakada. Though attached, by the strongest prejudices of national tics to the mother country, as the British portion of th! population of Canada has been for-along period, there has yet been gathering during the past ten or fifu n year Us sentiment among the people, savoring of republicanism, that cannot be concealed, and ii at length avowed in open parliament, lo the extent of making the Legislative Council elective, the member of which are now ap pointed for life, and to the takiug away from the members of ' the Comona all property qualification! An effort is also making to apply the elective principle to the Goveror General, J udiciary, and Magistrates In ad dition to this, it i.e confidently stated that se cret societies, aiming at the political indepen dence of all the colonies, have been formed in every part of theni. The time ha3 clearly arrived, it would appear to us when the sway of Great Britain should cease 'and determine among our northern neighbors. The conven tion is the greatest clog and hindrance to their prosperity, they have to encounter. Gertnaa town Telegraph. , From Mexico. Reported Triumph of AXvarez. ' The San Antonio Texan of the 22d ult., says: Yesterday, some Mexicans of credibility arrived in our city, and they in form us that the revolution party in Mexico has triumphed and tbat . Alvarez has taken the city of Mexico, and holds Santa Anna as a prisoner; and the latest account they have of iTTj- ' ine Pwots under Alvarez were holding a council to desermine whether Santa Afcna, should be .hot. By said informant, wc also learn that information has boen sent to Mexicans in Texas, who had been banished from the country, to return, that the ports of entry are all thrown open, and tho troops of Mexico are removed from the frontier." We have later dates from the capital, which men tion nothing of the kind. A Rich Legacy The Mclntryr estate, bequeathed to the city of Zanesville, Ohio, it is said, now amounts to about 300,000 the annual proceeds of which, in interest, rents, ic., are to be appropriated to the support of a school for the poor. Tai following is a copy of a veritable entry made by the recording secretary of a division of the bona of Temperance, at Lancaster, Pa. v gwmd tDrtugh the yewzuel fawins, taera was acolleckshio taken up, but nothing " .Cliq (ConrspanDrnfr. From Philadelphia, ' Correspondence of the Democrat $ Sentinel. Philadelphia, April 1, 1855. The steamer Asia arrived at Halifax . on the night of the 29th, with one week's later from Eu rope. The Vienna Conference had bten formally opined on the 15th. and all eyes were turned npc n it to note the chance of peace, which are consider ed to be nearly equally balanced with those for a protracted war. 1 The Allies have re-opened their fire upon Sebastopc 1 with good effect. The manifesto of the new Czar to his army is ljoked upon as a very decidedly wai like manifestation. The Roebuck Committee i still engaged in prose cuting their inquiries in regard to the management of the war by tl.e' last British Administration. In .the English market cotton has slightly de, clincd and breadstuff slightly advanced in price.- The details of the foreign news brought by the At'antic furnish us with a long account of a pam phlet upon the cc uduct of the Crimean expedition, which has recently been printed in Belgium, and excited much attention in France aud England. Its authorship is attributed to Napclean Banapare (si.n of Jerome) to Emi'e de Girardin and ot e s. It states that L mis Nap lean is the author sn 1 irventer of the expedition agaiust Sebastoi ol. That he sent on a full account of his project to Marshal St. Arnaud, by whom it. was submitted to. a council of war." ... '. ; At first. Lord Raglan, nearly all the naval Com manders, and Prince Napolean were strongly op posed to it, but the Maishall succeeded in convin cing them despite the prince's representations to the contrary that it would be a mere holiday task that the Russians force in the Crimea would be easily. subdued, and Sebastopol completely at their mercy, or at the worst, if compelled to be siege, it, it would le compelled to surrender in a short time. 4. The author alleges also that after the battle of lukerman and Balaklava, Lrd Raglan proposed to embark tho relics of the army, but the French Generals apposed the proposition. The whole pamphlet is very well written, and'gives a striking picture of the blunders of the war. Its political odject appears to be to hold Louis Napolcan per sonally responsible for the Crimean expedition. Uncle Sam has recently been achieving quite a victory in a small way over John Bull, iu our peaceful city, by the capture of a detachment of Her Majesty's troops, or in other words, a warrant was issued by Commissioner Heazlit for the arrest of the parties concerned in the enlistment of troops for the English serviee in our city. Thir teen of the recruits had b ea embarked upon the steamer Sauford, bound for New York, but Mar shall Wynkoop procured a steam stug, and, be fore the steamer got 1x1 jw the Navy Yard, bosxded it and arrested the recruits. He then returned to tne-city and weut to the office. No. CS South Third street, where Eve men who were supposed to have been tho managers of the business, were arrested. All tte parties were taken U.forc tie U. S. Commissioners. The recruit3 say that at the depot they were furnished with free tickets to Nova Stia, with the understanding- that on their amvu mere lacy were to ce c-uiisieu !ur service in the Crimea, and to receive $30 bounty and $3 er niotitli pay. Three f the parlies were held to bail $2000; two of them in So00, aud the rest were commuted as witnesses. It is supposed that on Sunday last sixty recruits were seut .otf, and but for the iutirp sition cf our authorities, a consideralle number of ' recruits would probably have been obtained here, chietly among poor homeless wanderers, who are out of employmeut and whose prospects are desperate . The communication received by a number of different spiritual mediums, in regard to the con dition of European affairs, and the truth of the rurfior of the death of tho Russian Czar brought by the steamer Africa, which were published in one of our newspapers, and which were all more or less convicting in their character, have all been proved erroneous by the intelligence brought by the Atlantic. It therefore follows either that the whole modern philosophy of spiritualism w erro neous , or that tho ejaculation of FaLstaff " how this world is given to lying !" applies with as much justice to disembodied spirits as to the inhabitants of fhis mundane sphere, or that the mediums who furnished tne communications in question were im postors and therefore unfair representations of the system. Those w ho are very auxious to believe in the philosophy may adopt one of b.tth of the latter alternative, bat the first is the must legiti mate inference. Still the delusion has spread here to a very cou- siderah'e extent. Public meetings are held at different halls several times every week, aud a number of private circles are in operation every evening in different parts of our city. 1 atteuded the lecture of a female M. 1) on the suhject, a lew evenings since. " The characteristics of her dis course were au extraordinary profusion of xcordu nd an almost total absence of ideas, but when she did give occasional utterance to the ghost of au idea it was to the effect that from her " stand point" spiritualism was an endorser of her peculiar views of socialism, hydropathy, women's right ism 4e., aud if the address had contained a little more spirit and uot been so intolerably tedious, it would have been quite a capital farce. - Bnobi&m is assuming a cane-ma development not that the most worshipful members of our sno bjcracy are meeting the sad fate which Dromco feared, that of being turned into a cur-tailed dog, but that when the illu&trkms Mr. Some Pumpkins wishes to give a striking manifestation of his dis tinguished consideration to the justly celebrated Air. Block Head, he preseuts that worthy indi vidu- al with a cane, which the manufacturer assures him was constructed cf wood taken from the timbers of Independence Hall ; and not to be out doue in generosity, Mr. Block Head, of Course Tec tums the compliment, by presenting a cane manu factured of wood, which the manufacturer assures him, was taken from the frigate Constitution, &c; and so the process of caning each other has gone onlroin the Councilman of our city to the Council -men of New York and B aiou, aud from Tom to Dick and Harry toEWnezer uotil nearly our whole large family of littlo would-be-great-men has been handsomely caned; and Mr. Soft Soap has made speeches enough on different occasions of presenta tions to fill a volume as large as the Llarny stone. ! Our sight ce-ers, who love nothing in the world 1 better than to witocsi s man cvaiix,g within an inch of breaking bis uecK. and yet laving it after all, met with quite a disappointment the other cay. A" Professor "of the" science "of walking the rope, advertised to cross the street in front of the Circus upon a wire ninety feet from the ground. A great many people had made preparations to witness the feat, but the Mayor interfered and pre vented it, on the ground that it would cause tl.e assemblage of a very large, and probably riotous concoune. Our markets have not recently undergone any important change. Beef cattle sell at the exhorbi taut rate of from $10 to $13. Flour commands $9,50 to $9,62 per barrel ; Rye Flour, $6 ; Corn Meal, $4.25, Wheat sells for from $2,28 to $2,38; Rye, $1,25 j Corn, 92a93c. ; Oafs, CCa57c. Truly, Tours, - .- The Wheat Crop of the West "We learn from a gentleman who hs travelled pretty extensively through the States of the North-west during the, past six weeks, that the prospect of the wheat crop was never better. In Iowa a large quantity has been sown, but so great is the emigration to that State, and so rapidly did it fill up last season, that a large portic n of the surplus will be required for the new settlers there aud in Kansas and Ne braska. Throughout Illinois, it is represented that the crop never look ed better. The high prices of the last few yearn, and the almost certainty , that there will be but little abatement during the present year, have stimulated the farmers to sow an extent beyond former precedent. And the "same mayT'e std of Wisconsin. The prospect there is that the abun dant crop of last year will be succeeded by ne equally as' good as this. We hear good reports, too. from Indiana and Michigan. On the whole, if no untoward event interposes between now aud harvest, the Northwest, which is in fact the gra nary of the Union, will turn out a surplus which will gladden the hearts f the breadiess in our Eastern cities. There will be comparatively few men engaged in the construction of railroads iu the Weot during the present seasonall the great lines lieing nearly completed. This will reduce the consumption of non-producers, and-cause a large amount of labor to return to agriculture thus increasing our supply by the operation of two causes. So, our merchants may look for an active fall business, atid a full supply of bread Stuffs, unless blight or mildew, or some other destroying agent, shall blast the fair prospects of tl piesent. fbua. Arrni. . DIED At bis residence in the n rthern part of Cambria, on luesflay morning, the 10th inst., Abraham Rowland, at the nge of 73. . The deceased was a worthy citizen aud an honest man. In the matter of the. Real Estate of Griffith Liloyd, deceased. To Holatid Lloyd, Eleanor, . intermarried trith Thomas Lloyd, and Miry, intermarried tcith 1 liomas J. Leans, now deceased. Take notice that a writ -f partition has I een awarjtd on the .eal estate of aid deceased, situ ate iu Cambria county, by the Orphans' Court of iaid county, and that an m-joest will be held n tne Rime. or the premises, tn the 7th day of Mty A. D. 1655. A. DURBIN, Sh'lf. April 11, 1855 It. ' Ctate of JoM-pli Piatt, Jr., dee'd. ffMI-IE. un iersigned, auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Guirt of Cambria 'county, to make distribution c f tl e assets in the bands of Henry Lloyd, amninistratt r of Joseph Matt, Jr., lafe of Misqnelianna township.- deceased, amongst the widow and creditors of said deceased, hereby gives notice to a'l ptrwons interested, tbat he will attend to tl e dut'es of said app intnunt, at his office, in the borough ot lUcnsOurg. on iuesday, the 8th day of May, next, at one o'clock. P. M. A. C. MULLEN, Aud'r. April 11, 18.-5 4t. NiW G03DS!! T0I1N RODUERS, jr., is just receiving this week, asujerior lot of Dry Goods, ladies' Dress Good, gents. Dress Gocxls, and a very superior lot of Bo ts. Shoes, and Hats, and Straw Ware of all kinds. Tl e ladies and. gentlemen are re quested lo frive him a call before purchasing else where, for he is determined to sell lower than any other It use in J lirr. Elicnsburg. April IK 1355 3t. AOTICC ALT j persona indebted t the firm of George Murray, or George Murray & Son, are here by notified, that tl e notes and accounts of said firms have Wen placed in our hands for collection, and that, uuless payn eut 1 e made in. mediately, suits will be brought t fn force it. - JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April li, 1855. tf. XOT1CK. fTtHE notes an 1 accounts of the late firm of if I Robert D ivis & C ., an 1 Davis, Evans & C ., having been foft with the sulsc-riler8 f.r collec ti n, all perscn-c indebted to either of the said firms, are 1 ereby requested to csll and make pay ment on or before the first day of May, next, as suits will be instituted after that time. - - JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 11. 1855. , Lht of litt era REMAINING in lie Post Office at Etensburg, April ,lt 1855. Robert Black, Mary Ann W.lliams, WiP.iam WilUams, Sr., Mrs. Ann Thomas, Andrew Strit tnatter. Miss Lutemela Swarts, Miss Sarah Shair, Miss Nannie Kaalblerk, Andrew Speuli, Gen. T. J. Power, William ANoel, Mers. Sterns & Hammotus Nathan M. Berwick, Ilcury Semore. James McQuado, Eliot Kvgar, Esra Rounds. William Rowland, David Rodgers, -William S. Campbell, Henry F. Cooper, Wm. Mf Coy, Rich ard Marlin, John Lucket. Rolert McGmbie, Jos. Kuhn, ' James Lytle, John Kinort, E 1. Klans, John Jones, Thomas Heyer, Joel Gates, Jane Gittans, Michael Dake Githan, James L. G win. Joi n Fncey, Edward Evans, William Evans, Hay E lson' Mrs. Eliza S. McCormick, Mrs. Catherine Donough, Miss Sarah Edwards, Mrs. Mary S.cre, Miss Ann Mulleu. M.C.M CAGUE.P.M. OKFIIAXS' COIRi Slt-E. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court, the following real estate, late the property of Daniel Keefe, deceased, will D3 exiMsed to public sale, at the house of John Godfrey, in Gallitzin, Cambria cotinty, on Thursday the 0th day of Hay, 1855, the undivided half of five acres of land, more or les, adjoining lands of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Samuel Watts, James M'Closkey. and others. v . Also The undivided naif of a lot nr piece of ground, situate in the village of GaUitzin. ad ioinir e the Peniisylvania Railroad, land of Jack son and Watts,' Samuel Watts and others, con taining one-fourth of an acre and twenty-nine perches. TERMS OF SXLT!. One half the purchase raonev to be paid n oimfirmation of the sale, the residue with- interest 'in one year thereafter, to be secured by bond and mortsrasre. -, Guardian of the minoidicir of Danl. Jieete, dee'd. April 11, l55. In.the Court cl Commin Picas at Cambria Covnir. McDougal & Clark, No. 17, Dec'2, 1854. AI. Vend. Expona. John P. Parrish. J rHE undersigned, auditor) appointed by the A "Court to marshal the proceeds of defts. real esUte sold by virtue of the writ above stated, hereby notifies tLe lien creditors, and all others interested in the fund, that he will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in the borough of El eusburg, on Monday, the 7th day of May next, at one o'clock, P. M. ' WM. KITTELL, Aud'r. i April 11, 1855. " . ' : IVOTICE. In the matter of the Real Estate of Xichx&at Ed litis, late of AUegfieny Uswnuhip, deceased. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Mary , Eve, intermarried with Nicholas Shank, Catha rine, intermarried with John Earhart, Adam - Kollis, and Mary Kollis, and to the widow of said deceased. . . CAMBRIA COUSTY, 66: ' ... V You are hereby cited to be and apjear ljefore the Judges of an Orphans' Coui t, to be held at Eler8burg, on the first Monday of June next, at 10 u'd ck, in the forenoon, then aud there f t ac cept or refuse to take the real estate of said Nich tlas Kollis, deceased, situate iu Allegheny town ship, Cambria county, containing eighty-seven acres, forty acres cleared, bounded by lands of Nichclas Shank, Bartholomew Trebts, anil oth ers, at the appraised valuation put upon it by an inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and re turned by the Sheriff on the fifth day "of March, 1855, to-wit, at thirteen dollars and sixty cents per acre, ($13 66,) and hereof fail not. Witness the Uonora Me oeorge iaylor, 1 resi dent of "said Court f Ebcnsburg, the ninth day t.f March, A. D. 1855. : - ,, WM. C. BARBOUR. Cl'k. AUDITORS HOntE. "kJ"OTICE is hereby given that I have been ap JL p anted Auditor, by the Orphans Court of Cambria County, to mar shall the assets arrising from thee tie of a portion of the Real Estate or Wi.barn Kodgers, late of said (ininty deceaSJd, and that I will set fir that purixse at mv ofiico in Ebenbburgh,ouTFiitirty, the 25th day of April next, wheu and where all persons interested may attend. ' JOHN S. RI1EY, Auditor. March 29. 18C6. 5t. Cambria C ounty, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to JOHN TA YLUR of Cambria county, Gbeetisu ; WHEREAS, Frances A. M. Taylor, by her next friend, Isaac W. Gordon, ex relatione, did on the twenty-second day of Govern ber, A. D. 1854, prefer her petition to our said Judges of our Court of Common Fleas for the county of Cam bria, praying for the causes therein set forth, that she might be divorced, from the bonds of matn mony entered into with you, John Taylor. We therefore command you, as we have here tofore commanded you, the said John Taylor, that setting aside air other business and excuses what soever, you be and appear, in your proper person before , our Judges at Ebensburg, t a Court of Gimmon Pleas there to be held for the county of Cambria on tne nrst Monday of Jur.e next, to an swer tho petition or libel of the said Frances A. M. Tayl r, and to shew caue. if any you have, why the said Frances A. M. Taylor, your wife. should not be divorced, from the bands of matri mony, ag-ecably to acts of General Assembly in uch case made and provided. Aud hereof fail n t. - - Witness the IIonorab!e George Taylor, Presi dent of our stud Court at htensburg. the twenty fourth day of MarcluA. D. 1855. - . MILTON ROBERTS, March 29. 1855. Prothonotary. WAATEU. ilLScl iot-1. Apply toor aodressthe undersigned. ou or oeiore ijionuay sne znu ov ri April next. JXO. L. WATT, President. Jno. HrMPBRErs, Sec'y. Summitville, March 22, 1855. EBFKSBliRG FOUNDRY I'lotigliM, I'louffti Iolnt4. si el e. Mill Iron, TlireMliln? MacliliieM, Cider I'rewit's. tc &c AIho, Tin Ware of rey dt-si i Ii tl . Foundry at tho South West end of Ebensburg. Ware House on Main street, nearly opposite the store of Shoemaker & Clark. - EDWARD GLASS. March 22, ,'55-tf. Cambria County, ks : The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to theSher- iff" of said County, Greeting : IF Christopher George make you secure of pros ecuting his claim, then we command you that you summon, by gooa and lawful summoners, Pe ter Moyer Stephen Augustine Moyer, Patrich M' CafTrey and Elizabeth his wife, Valentine Quartz aud Mary An.i his wife, Polly M'Call, and Matty George, late of your county, yeomen, &c, so that they be and before eur Judges, at Ebens burg. at our duuty Court of Gnunon Pleas, there to be hehl the first Monday of June next, to show wherefoie, whereas they, the said Christopher George and the aforesaid Peter Moyer, Stephen Augustine Moyer, Patrick M'Caffrey and Elizaletli his wife, Valentin- Quartz and Mary Ann his wife, P. l'y M'Call and M.itty George, together and un divided, do hold all that certain tract of land sit uate in Washington township, Cambria county, warranted in the name of Philip Johns, contain ing three hundred an 1 twoi.ty acres, more or loss, with the appurtenances, adjoining lands of Austin Thompson, Philip George, Paul George, and th cts, the same Peter Moyer, Stephen Augustin Moyer. Patrick M'Caffney and Elizabeth his wife, Valent-ne Quartz and Mary Ann hij wife, r41y M'Call aud Matty George, partition thereof be tween them to be ma le (according to the laws and the customs of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided) do gainsay, and the same to r done, do not permit very unjustly and against the same laws and customs, (as it is said, &c.) And nave you tnea and there the names of tho summoners and this writ.- Witness the Honorable George Tayhr. Presi dent of. our said Court, this 14th day of March, A. V., 1855. MILTON ROBERTS, Prothonotery. March 22, 1355.-6t. LI31E! LI ML! I The subscriber has finished two larre kilns for burning lime, near Duncansville, where he is pre pared to furnish by contract, or otherwise. - anv amount of the best lime burned in the interior of the State, and can be used for any nurtxise. All orders by mail, or otherwise, will be promptly auenueu vj oy addressing 2mj JAMES FUNK, March 15, 1855. Duncansville. Blair Co., Pa. Oca. W. Todd, with COMliD & iVAiros, Importers Wholesale Dealers la Hardware, Cutlery, Ac, Ho. 255 Karket Street, PailadelDhia KEEP constantly on hand tho genuine Timo thv Slick ll AllAr Wm aud Hunt's superior Axes, Gnrad & Walton's penor uonsuea Mecl Shovels, Uarlin; & Wal- til's GrlM and lV:uI!in.T.S--t-f hl finniVl. ar.A Patent ScvtVe SuathK V.,t rs. &c, which they ofier for sale on reasouablc terms! to country dealers only. January 26. 1855. iionsra FOCI XALM 'A N excellent two or four-horse team for sale, bv wif xt rTRT? Al Snaiaer HiU, Mircb 9,-1656. v . . ''-Z'7 KOTICC The undersigned, appointed Auditor, by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, at March Term, A. D. 1855, to exhibit to the said Court, the appraised value of the several purports, as accepted by the heirs of fcJUas Mcore, deceased, on the partition of the Real estate of said deceased, lying in Cambria county, hereby notifies all per sons interested, that he will bit for the purpose of procuring the necessary iuf rmation in the prem ises, attheonkei.f K. Hutchinson, Eq., in Lb-jns-burg, ou Monday, tlie lcth day of Apr A, text, ar the hour of I o'clock, P. M. March 15. 18551 C. D. STEELE, Auditor. VALL PAPER DEPOT. LLOYD BLACKBURN & CO.. (Successors t A.M. LI j 1 & Co. ) WHOLESALE 6c RETAIL DEALERS 1 X GILT, Satik, Gbolnd asoComsjo.s- Waix Papeks. Our stock is prjcured dlr.-ctly frrn Me.-rs Curistt & Coxstakt?s Extensive New York Man-ufaet4-y, and embraces the latest and nwt fash iouable styles We ffer all kinds at very low prices, and are confident that buyers will find it to their advantage to give us a call. Large lots sold at great bargains. ' &Our prices range For Gilts at from "5c. to $1.25 per llt; Satins 20c. to 50o. jer bolt; GrouiKts 15c. t. 25c. per bolt; Gnomons 8c. to 20;::. Merchants will be supplied in as favorable terms as at the Manufactory, or by City dealers. LLOYD; BLACKBURN & CO. March 15. 1855-3m Cayort. Blair Co., Pa. KCUOfAL! llie undersigned having removed to the itew building two doors west of the old . stand, would . rest c-t fully infi cm bis customers and the public generally, that he has lately added to his former supjly of Goods, and keeps. constantly on hand a full supply of Staple and Faacy Dry Goods, Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's tools, Smith's tools. Nails, a lull supply of assorted Bar I. on, Sheet an 1 Hoop Iron. Stoves and cast hollow-ware constantly on hand. Also, copper and tin ware. Orreries, wholesale and retail. Pine, Puplar and Cherry Lumber bought and Sold. Goods will I e sold at the very lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country Produee. E. HUGHES. Ebensburg, March 15, 1855. LEATHER. FRITZ, HENRY & Co. No. 29 North THIRD Street. ITIILAD'A. Moaocco Masitactcrers, Cubiers and Im porters or FRENCH CALFSKINS, and dea lers in Red anl Oak SOLE LEATHER & KIPP. . Feby. 22, 1855. 1 year. , LrjIUL'R! LIMBER! THE undersigned has on hand 200,000 feet of prime pine lumber. , 1 in.. 1J, li, and 2 inch in thieknes. Also, 250,000 joint shingles, which they will sell low for cash. DAVIS & LLOYD. March 1, lS55-Ct. 1'artnerwliip Xotlce. THE subscribers have entered into a copartner ship, under the firm of JOHN It. SAVAGE & CO., for the general Manufacture of Chemical. JOHN R. SAVAGE, ' A. M. & R, WHITE. Office No. 14 north FRONT Street. Philadephia. Jan. 4, 1855. I ro L.ono Iibllc. N E W G O O D S. JOHN M'OOY has just received at Lytle's old stand, in Jefferson, a well selected tock of -FALL AND WINTER GOODS consisting of Dry G.ods, Notions, Hardware, Queeuware, Cedar Ware, Ready. Made Clothing, and a large lot of Boots ani Shoes, for Meu's Boys. Ladies' and Misses' wear. . . Groceries of the veiy best quality always on hand. His motte is, " Small Profits, Quick Sdfs, and Roady pay." Having bought for cash, he is de iermincd not to le undersold. He respectfully tnvites his friends and the public generally to call aud examine his stock before purchasing else where. N. B. I am constantly receiving good by ex press. JOUNM'OOY. Nov. 23. 1854. Jtf. LOOK HERE! JAAIE McDEUMlTT still continues his VARIETY STORE. opposite the Post Ofih'ce, one door west of J. NL ore's, wliere cau be had very cheap Variety Gtxxls, Notions and Toys; Boots and Shoes large and small long and short; Ciffee, Teas, Cuocolate, Sugars, Molasses; Candies, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, &c; Tobacco, Suutf, Cigars; Gl ves and Stockings, Gitton and Woolen. JEWELRY Ear-rings,-Fingcr-rings & breast pins; Pocket Knives, and Razors; A few common Dry Goods; tltll and examine his stock!!! FAMILY MEDICINES AT McDERMITT'S VARIETY STORE : Dr. Jaynes popular Medicines; Dr. Swayncs do do; Mc Lane's Vermifuge aud Pills; Radways Ready Relief, and Pills, &e- Brants purifying Extract and Pulmonic Syrup; Scheucks Pulmonic SjTiip Sj-rup Naptha; Pain Killer Barrels Indian Linament; Rhe)herds S irsaparilla and Vermifuge; Il K)flanl Bitters II Jland Bitters Pepdn; Rat Exterminator Petroleum; Ayers Cherry Pectonil H-sence Ginger; Bran lrcth and Wright's Piils; Horse and Cattle; Castor Oil. Sweet Oil, Essences, J:c., $-c. IVr ?1. '54 f 3. PATTOJf IPOJttf SOU, .. ritti aiarple t. 31 cC lure, . IMPORTERS and Dealers in Foreign and Do, mestic FANCY DRY GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Satins, Silk Vestings, Cravats, Ribbous, White Goods, Suspcidcrs, Coiubs- Brushes, Buttons, hooking Glasses, xo. No. 15 North Tliird Street, two doors above Church Alley, Philadelphia. ' M. 31. BlAKl'UZt, a McCLUlUL Phil'"., Feb. 16. 1S52-32. - , GGOHGB HINTLKl, Wholeitale aud Reluil, Tinr Copper, and Sboet-Iroa War Kmufaetnrer. RFSPECTFULLY informs the citizena of Fb ensburg and the public generally, that he has purchased the Tin Shop, formerly carried on by Messrt. Davis, Evaus Si Co., and wi'.l contin ue to carry oa the business in all its various branches, wholesale and retail. II s wares w ill be made of the very b-st material, and in the most workmanlike manner. Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest notice, for cah. ALSO. House Spouting rnV.e uud put tip to order on the lot est terms, foAcaxh. Intendiug to do business atrictly on the rnxh system-, he will sell lower than was ever l-ofore of fered in this place. Ho therefore respectfully in vites all who may want anything in his line, to give him a call, as he wiR endeavor to give perfect satisfaction to all customers. Terms, Cash, Cath. ICAU orders promptly attended to. Caprice list sent to Merchants if required, Ebessburjr, XVibrcery 22, !85fi- !y. - TOltlClffMLIcr T iohard Trotter wc-old i g leave to sty to Lis M. ftieMda-and the travelling Public gtnerally. tbat be has leased George's laurel Run Exchange at the foot of llano Ko?4. IU will pare .no . I vUilVi Mi'lC UiUN i.v patronize his houe ; his table ill at a'l times be furnished with the best that the market can af forded his bar with carefully selected liquors and wines. " .. , Hoping to receive a liberal share of Patronage -he remains the publics obedient servant RICHARD TROTTER. " IlemJock.Oct. 4. '64 flyj JUST received from B ston, fifty-nine packages assorted fifth, which, during these penitential times of Lent, will tc sold at a small advance for . Cash." The a,Ttnicntenibracis - i'iK-n.cri, -4. i, t, aim a ; superior iiess rnac. Nova Scotia Herritig; as rted scaled, and Scotch Herring ; Salmon No. 1 ; Spiced Salmon, and Cod Fish. 1 - Also, Wright's ctkl.ratcd Oysters in Cans Oysters in the shell. I also have cn hand a large and varied aiorUmnlf rncy aud.Manle ii y Goods. Also Cithdic and Protestant Bookj, Hard- ware and Cutlery. Clocks of various styles of manufacture. Groceries. Boots, Shoes and Bro gans. Hats and Caps. Brandies. Gins, Whiskey, Champnigne, Chinei-e Pre-rvti Pickles, i.c. &c. All of which will be s Id low for Cash, and " Cash only. - - . MARIA MAG EUAN. Summit, March 1, 1855. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION f f , J. MOORE &. SOX HAVE just ojened at their old stand; in the Borough of Ebensburg, tlie richest and rarest, the finest and -cheapest assortment of FILL IAD WIATER GOODS, ever offered to the people of CanA-ria County. Unusal care was taken in the selection of thee goods, aud care has been taken that nothing w ith in the range of a Country store, nor any ways -near it, but what they can supply to their cue- ' totuers, at least as cheap as th cy can be had ia the country. Their stock of Dry Goods is unpreceuentfy large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and texture, Satiuetts, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, &c, &c, Flannels, Sheeting, Shirting, and made up Clothing of every description. A great ' variety of . . t LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS of all patterns and at all prices. Laces, trimmings, gloves, milts. Sec. Their assortment of hats, caps', boots, and shoes, is complete and unsurpassed. GROCFR1ES & LIQUORS, of every variety and quality. A well selected variety of Hard ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Queensware and r Glass; Paints, Dye tufls, DRUGS & MEDICINES. And all for sale low for cash, or given ia ex change for country prource. Give us a call. J. MOORE & SON. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '54. FA Ili HANKS' PATENT SCALE . W AR Ell ft L'S E 225 j'.-.rkct Sirvtt, Philadelphia. -v Ui.UX.VK w. VOUiY, Aftent. Railroad, Hay, Grd snd Famrs' SCALES, set in any part of the country, at short notice and by experienced workmen. oc"tl2.1&54 FIRST tltlllliL OF TI1ESCASO.Y. . EDWAHD ROBERTS, RESPECTFULLY announces that he i bow loading his shelves with one of the bet and argest assortments of - FALL AK& W1KTEH GOODS.' tha have ever Come to Ebensburg. The assort ment consists of every variety cf DRY GOODS. GROCEnitt. rAIXTS.IIAED WARE CUTLER Y. . His selection for the winter season has been very extensive, embracing every variety and stjle of " II ATS, CAPS, BOOTS 4SD SHOES, and every comfort that the inclcmcucits of winter may require. Very grateful for past patronage, he shall try to continue to deserve it, and with many years 4 experience devoted ex lusively to catering to the wants of his friends hi thinks he caxnot fail to . please them. His store is at the old stand, C mer of High and Julian Streets, where he will be happy to make Ids best bow, to old and new customer. EDWARD ROBERTS Ei.ensbur2.0ct. 10. 1854. tf. lr. G. W. Mrokecker, HAVING located in Loretto, Camlria County, ofTers his professional services to the citi zens of that place and vicinity. OFFICE -On Main street, where he ran lv be found, when not professiouaily engfged. nnvSO III. AC kSMITIIIKC. . . THE subscriber would respectfully inform Lis old as well as his new customers that he still continues to carry on at his old stand in Loretto . Borough tlie shop formerly occupied by August Walters. He has now every facility for doing work cheap and on the most improved plan. He will turn out from his shop, Wagons, Bvagies, SleigliS, dc., from the WOOD WORK to the IRONING. If the work will not cotniete with any manu factured in the County of Cambria I ill giv it -for one half of its original cost. I defy 'soaipe- iiuon. All kinds of Country prodnco taken in, ex change. . ' JOHN A. BUCK. Loretto, December 7. '54. R. L. JOHSSTOy. . A. C. UCXLIX. :1 JOHNSTON & MULLIN; Counsellor and At- : tornevs at Law. Oilice opposite the Court House, Ehent-burg, Pa. Nov, 0. 1854. ly. 8OS8 OK TEHPEKA&CE. ' - QXlty Highland Division, No. 84, Sons of Tem- .'ir,erance meet at their Hall every SATUR- DAY evening, 2 door below Blair's Hotel. , I. O. O. F. sL0 WEDNESDAY evening at tlieir Hall on High st., in the upper story of Shoemaker & dark's building. r- v CaiiiLrla County, as ; - The CotnmoniceaUh cf Pennsylvania ta tiuSAcr . iff of said County, GEEtTlsa i . WE command you that you attach James Brad ley, late of your county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in wdiose. hands or possession soever the ' same may he, so that he be and appear before our said Conrt of Common Ilcas to be holden at Ebensburg, in and for said county, on the first Monday of Jure . next, there to answer Thomas H. Torter of a pica of tresspass oa the case Witness tLe Hon. George Taylor. President of our said Court, this eighth duy of March, A. D. 1655. MILTON ROBERTS, Prothonotary. M..rch 2'Z, lS55.-8t. 1 Mlxcable Irejrrty For gale. ffflHE subscribers will sell at pri vat sale, the lot of ground, on which is erected a two sto ry dwelling house, now occupied by John D. Hoover, and a frame Carpenter shop. The buil dings are new, .and there is every necessary cda enicnoe oa tb premises. . - ' LKWI5 C LUTZ. T:;.borg, Mrch 1, IU ,