Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, March 29, 1855, Image 3

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    r y.Txom JhiladelpMa. r' ; W
sCorjttpond'tftl Dmoeriu f.H
' ' "Prm titi,wni,' Afarci 25 1855-.,; r
.TJbe'Ensub Government having by its improv
idR ad - neglect Sacrificed tiousinxl ad teas
of thousands of tbe lives of the brav troops sent
o'the Crimea, acdliayihg laTed in its' scheme of
enlidtiug, foreign jnereeuaries ,'on . the. , European
Continent, h& resorted to the strange and lesper
te expedient of opening recruiting offices-in the
United States.1 Our city papers" are punishing
an advertisement stating . that "The Lieutepaiit
Governor ,f,;Nova Jicoua is (empowered ; by the
British Government to raise any number of rmeri
which may be required to seive' in the Foreign
Lfcguuis'Depc(ts aW established at Halifa'x'nd
directing applicants to inquire for further partic
ulars uitS8 Soutii.Third Street, where they are
furnished with money to pay their fare to llali-
iax ; r ...... - .....-; .... .- .. ;r
I do not know how successful this movement
. ha been, "but in the dearth of employment which
Las existed, some poor unfortunates may have cm
braced this 5cperatroii5tion-of exposing
themselves io the Sharp fire of tLe Russian armies;
and the keen privations of the badly; furnished
British camp. It is a tad commentary tin the ar
rogance of proud: JouhBi ilLi that Le should be
obli to seek soldiers iipon he shores of Brother
Jonathan, and when' we consider how peculiarly'
sensitive he is 'at' the idea of the furmitipn of uiiU
itary companies to Assist .the. people of , ny. 'other
Batii jn, ho should have'xousidercd whether his ex
am phv in this .instance, may not be imitated hir
some Tu ture cession'-in a. way very disagreeable
to hira, . , jt.."-;.f'i I tin r.5.s-:s .. - i
j Some of onr old cdmtcrfeitcraTecieiitly resorted
to a heir md curious dodge to palm off thcirspu
s t.-v..ii:' 'fi.X
nous curjvuujr upon uus i4utm.xii j.vujcm.Hij
met. an nspphistipaie4 Aud mut very prudeut cler-t
gyrnau .from the : countrj', duly .decorated With a
white icravat, and proposed to him that ns they
were all 'unskilled in the' ways of tlic world, and
halt a number pf. jiurclia.-c to iMake, it would be;
agreat.tfavvrif be would go out shopping with
them and assist ' then! in. their selections as well'
as visit different places' of amusement, at the same
time, generous? y-offering to pay alliiis jrxpenses,
as they had plenty of mouey. ; -j H I" j t v; J- p.
; IIe,willingly accepted the proposition, 'andhis
aauctiSed and really honest air warded off thesus-'
picion-of : the" shopkeepers, and the rogues were
-enabled to palm off quite a number of $5 bills, re-;
ceiving at each' place a few;, trilling, articles and
-the balance in chaugein good money, nut A final
ly they pushed their fortunesiutotookeen aquar-.
tor, where the1 whole part3 were arrested. The
astonishment of the duped clergymen may be rwore
easily imagined than described.' : However, -some
of his friends managed to rescue him from his un-
joriuuxie jtrcuicciiiiciifc, uiiu 11c nnu uu 1113 nay.
rej-ncing. One cf the rjgues managed to escape
on traw :bail and . the other will probably be
tried. ' - ' ; 1 "
The book hunters and literati generally of this
and neighboring cities,'-are attending in great
numbers, the sale of the library of the late Edward
D. Ingrahani, which canny rises' over 20,000 vol
umes of choice ana rare works, besides an immense
number of engravings, autographs, and othfT lit
erary enriosities. .The novelties of tho collection
excite lively ' competition, pud old books which
have grown rave, or a:e cndttliisheil with valua
ble autographs, are bringing treble their original
coste-An oripmil copy of " rpur lllchard's Alma
nac," so'd hr jift-itco ihilqrs. A copy of Cicero's
ato Major, printed. by Frauklin, sold for $21 ;
Wm. Ienu's Great Case of liberty of Conscience,
with autographs, &c, sold for $42 50. Tne sales
will continue throughout tills week, and the col
ijcticn will no doubt yield a large amount of mon
y probably over $20,000. . . , . .
The Grand Jury have recently had underinves
. ligation, an a:-scrtiin in a pamphlet lately issued
" by the friends of Dr. Beale, (the' Dentist, convic
ted sometime since, of .an outrage upon a female
patient,) that propositions had been made to them
ti secure Ids pardon if $10,000 could be raised.
The allegation is that some of our lawyers were
intriguing for this amount, as a reward for their
services as pardon, brokers, but neither our present
, nor late Executive are implicated in it In any way,
the Grand Jury exhoneratingthem from alibi, one,
bill condemning m. severe terms," the practice of
the employment either of professorial or oo;pfo-
fessional aje( to assist in the procuration of par
dons, ss calculated to engender suspicions against
all concerned. - "' -,
To solvo the knotty problem of the quid nancs,
'Is the Ernperor Nicholas deadP and at the same
time to t the reraciousness of comnjunicatioos
Teceivfri through the spirit rappers, one of our af
moon papirs issued proposals for information '
from them, promising a liberal rewr-rd if it proved ''
correct. It has published seven answers, varying !
much in their statements. : The spiriU of Daniel '
Webster, the. late Czar Nicholas, his father. St.
Arnaud, the French 3Iarshall who died before Se
bistopol k few months since", and of isapolnon
Bonaparte, have all leen summoned, but their
answers are a.? sccnift-llhg atlhe tesw rhouy of wit
nessjta.iB aa excititg cross- act ion assault and bat
tery case. rz -X-.Z:t n .Vl C If
The sumtof al of the intelligence may therefore
b summed up about as follows: The Czar is dead
yet he U not .dead, hut merely sleeping ; hedied
natural death yet le was' poisoned. "- Consols
rose and rain mia tljc English7 rna-ket, on the
cooflrrnation of the intelligence pf . hig deaf bV yet
the uo. report ever tnaUy '.proved to have been
mere ruse of the stock jobbers. SlirjMy contra
dictory MrtheM .unieations aappear,
they are ,Tr VWtfAhU&i
and about as accurate as the speeulations of '
"enterpming" newspaper., vLicn by - . in torn every passible contingency of the fu
ture, are so wonderfully prophetic that everything
happens precisely as ithey;' predlKted."
A week or tivosipce VhltliyVWngchWspme
ten months oTd, neatly attjred. was found deposi-
,'e Mow the door of a wealthy but
childless couple, u A well written note in the bas
ket expressed a wishjthat they would adopt 'it. as
they had no chihlren, and, prqraid that itwoold
never be reclaimed.. The heart of the family, how
ev, seemed somewhat incredulous as to the truth
of Tnpp.. aaertioa'that babe in the house b
It was thea'gt von to the poUmenone of whose
wives oonclude4 to adopt it, and there the matter
would probably have ended, but the mother of
the child, or & woman who asserta .;herself to be
euch, has come forward to claim it, naserting that
her htuband had taken .it away from ber'withctjt
her consent. ;Tbe policeman's wjfe refuse io give
it up, and appeals to the Guardian of the Poor
for their decision - in the matter, and I Buppose
they wni nallcicl4 ftwifljji degrv-rwisdom
only- second. tctlwtvinceS"by ?Soloiaqn in the
somewhai . Utmlar case, I in Ayhiqh ha promouncejpi
his celebrated judgment. : ;t :; r ' '
' The' 'Ingenuity cf our light fingered; gentry is
con'sjtautly i.splaying "itself in new devices of ra&?
cality." (One of. them recently -adopted the novel
expedient of going to a hotise from which afuncr
al was about to,' take place, wnere he ' represented
to the f;uiiily''that he was sent by the undertaker,
arid to the undertaker that he was a friend of the,
family,' ad l&o a leading part-in . all the solemn
arrangt meats of the occasion. As - soon"1 as the
family hadlet lo perforrii tlie last sad ofiicl for
their departed! friend, he ransacked the cha abers
and 'carried off,aH the portable article of value b
could find tmbaacing jewels,1 trinkets and soine
money. Several pockets Jiave also been recently
picked as eongregaUonshayel)cnk;aingclitiTcn;
,;The failures. or.rather suRpehsioBs of the lead
ing California Banking Houses, have caused com
paratively but-very little panic here, as it is gener
ally believed they w HI -soon be enabled "to resume
pa;iswts and the reported'death of the Czar, and
consequent . probability , of, the cstahlishment of
peace in Europe together with "the greatly im
proved t me wliich' pervades'all 6ur business oper-
atious, tuore' than counterbalance any unfavorable
impression which the CidifomUnewa might other
wise have created. Money baa. not been more
abundant for1 eighteen months than at present, ex
tensiyepeparations are being made for building
during the coining season, and tha feeling is gen-
erally 'entertained that we are cncC more on the
track .of prosperity. . : r.,. .,.-, -v
v.Onr markets have not , recently; wdergoue any-
important change. : Beef cattle sell at the exlior
bitant rate of from $10 to,$18. Flour commands
$9,12 to $9,5 per, barrel.;' lye' Flour, $6 ; Corn
Meal:i4,12. '"VVheat , bells ' for from $220 to
$2,35 Eye,. $1,25 ; Corn, 9U02C; Oata, 64a55c.
.v.- - 1; :.Trulv, Yours, ' : ' :
(in .: . " , . , .. , .
The Character of the late Czar. -" "
In the recently' published ecocd volume of
Sir Archibald Alison's " History of .Europe"
(new eries,: we Jind the following" striking
portrait of the late Emperor of Russia : i
Xioholas 1. is the 'greatest sovereign that
Uusbia has kaijwn since Peter the Oreat ; in
some respects ho is greater than Peter himself.
.Not lcs energetic in character axul ardent ' in
improvement than his illustrious predecessor,
he is more thoroughly rational, and ' be has
brought the -nation forward more completely
in the path which nature had pointed out for
it. Peter was a Kussian bis despo
tism . his violence, his cruelty, bis benificence,
his ardor for improvement, his patriotic am
bition were all borrowed from the states of
Western Europe As these were greatly fur
ther advanced in the career of civilization
.than his was, his reforms were in a great part
premature; his improvements abortive, his
refinements superficial, i. ' ' ' ; :
lie aimed at doing by imperial what sojnany
ardent men have endeavored to effect by Dem
ocratic despotism to ingraft on one nation the
institutions of another, and to reap from the
infancy of civilization the fruits of its matu
rity. 1 The attempt failed in bis bands, as it
has ever done in those of his republican imi
tators ; as it will do in those of their succes
sors, whether on the throne or in the tribune,
to the end of the world. ( His civilization was
all external merely ; it made a brilliant ap
pearance, but it did not. extend beueath .the.
surface, and left untouched the strength and
, itals of the State. ? He: flattered himself that
he had civilized Russia,' because he ruled by
a police which governed it1 by fear,' and an
army which retained it in subjection' bydis-r .
cipline. , .-" r''xV'''$ ?"'? i ? 1 1 .'ST; -
Nicholas, on the other hand, is essentially
Russian-in -all Ms ideas. '-'Iftf Is heart and
soul patriotic,' not merely in wish, but in spirit
and thought. JLIe wishes to improve and ele
vate his country,' and . be has done much ta
effect that noble object ; but be desires to do
so by developing, not changing the national
spirit, by making it become a first Russia, not
a second France or England.- ' He has adopted
the maxim f 31oatequie,' "tiat no nation
ever attained to teal greatness tut by institu
tions in conformity with its spirit. He is nei
ther led aWay by the thirst for sudden mechan
ical improvement, like Peter, nor the praises
of philosophers, hke Catherine, nor the visions
of inexperienced philanthropy, like Alexander.
. .He has not attempted to erect a capital in
a pestilential marsh,- and done so at the ex
pense of a hundred thousand lives ; nor has
he dreamt of mystical regeneration with a
visionary sybil, and made sovereigns put their
hands to a holy alliance from her influence.
He neither corresponds with French atheists,
nor English Democrats ; he despises the praises
of the first, he braves the hostility of the last.
His maxim is to take men as they are, .and
neither suppose them better nor worse.' J ne
is content to let tlyui grow up in a Russian
garb, animated with a Russian spirit, , and
moulded by Russian institutions, without the
aid either of Parisian communism or Brittsh
liberalism. ."si .i-n , mtt
i The improvements ha has effected iri'the
' government of his dominions have' been vast,
the triumphs with which his external policy,,
have been attended unbounded; but they have
allbepn 'achietpd, hot in imitation of, but in
oppositTon to. iho ideas of western, Europe-7-.They
hespcaktiot Jess than. his internal gov
ernment,: the national character of hia policv "
iui ii success. a me lest ot worldly ; wisdom,'
he has not been far wrong in his system, ' for
he has passed the Balkan,- heretofore imner-
vious to his predecessors i he' has, conquered
Poland, converted the Euxme iaW a Russian
lake, planted, the cross oalhe bastions, of Eri
van, and opened through subdued Hungary a '
path to Constantinople. . . -. ;; ; -. ,
Nature has given hlhi all the qualities' fitted
for such an elevated destiny. ; A lofty stature
and princely air give additional influence to a
majestic countenance, in which tho prevailing
character is resolution, yet not unmixed with
J? --e' Wclli0gton.,CW, : and
many other of the great men recorded in his
fr xpiwaon has become more intellec
tual as he advanced m years, and became ex-
CFCrA ?-ie8 V "eignty, instead
of the stern routine of miUury6discipnne.
a faithful husband; and an effectionab father! :
he has exhibited in a brilliant -court, and when
Surrounded fcy every j temptation which -llTe
can offer, the simplicity And affections of patr
archallife.. Yet is he hot a perfect character.
His virtues often border upouicts, :: His ex
cellencies are akin to; defects.u.-f "i 1
Deeply impressed with the responsibility of
his situation, hw firmnesa has sometimes be
come sternness1,' 3is- sense of justice degenera
ted into severity: 1 Bir Archibald explains in
a foot note i-;'.' It s ''"in regard political
offences of a serious dye, however, that ibis
severity chiefly applies " .. He knows ho"wto
dis.tingnbh tbe .innocent from the. guilty and
has often evinced a noble ."and . "magnanimous
spirit-in-separating the one frpm the other;
and showing oblivion of injury even kindness,
to the relatives ' of those who had conspired
against hia throne and life ; but " toward? the
guilty themselves" he has, not, been equally
compassionate; t He has not .always let the
passiomof.the contest pass away with Raster-;
minatioB. tile ut an Alexander thr Great in
resolution,' butnot in"' magnanimity.1 -'He
wants the last grace in the heroio character
he-does not knoWhow to forgive. . f oa -
' - r Sponging on thie Printer.. .', ;.
Here isa little iteofwe think sompthing of
framing, to hang conspicuously over the edjtorjs
table i , . ! 4J- 'X-'am; .': wn-i.'.-"
!,-.-. ''The. public have a funny notion about
printers - They think it costs nothing to puff,
advertise, ie: ' And thus one And another
will Sponge an extra paper; a puff, or some
benevolent advertisement. , They ' forget that
it is !this .business . that makes their busi-?
ness known to the world, They forget that
it is the printer's ink that makes nine-tenths
of these immense fortunes.' i They forget that
it takes money to pay! compositors -to buy
ink- tvnfl and t)aTer and lastlv. thev forsret.
to even thank you for: working for nothing, byJ
gratuitously puffing their business. ...
,.- r f Ebeksbubo, jAIareb ,20th, 1 850.
TIIE members of Conemaugh Jjodge, No. ItiU
w-ill meet attheirHair in Johnstown, on
Thursday,vthe 6th of April, and Highland Lodge,
No.-428, on Wednesday, .'April 4th, for tli pur
pose of installation v.The Past Grands will meet
at their Halls at the second stated meeting in 'April,
to. vote for oflicers of tlw Grand Ixxlge of Penna.,
and for a D. D. G. M. ot this district. : . r . -t
- . - H. C. Dcvine, 1). D. GSf.
'- '.- AirmToiis' woTicE. - tv; r
IVTOTICE is hereby gj,vi?n that I liave lcen ap-
Xi pointed Auditor, by the Orphans' Court -of
Cambria County',' to marxhall the assets arrising
from the sale of a portion' of the Koal Estate of
William Eodgers, lateof said County deceased, an J
that I will set for that purpose at my office in
Ebensburgh.on Wednesday, the 25th day of April
next, when and where all persons interested' may
attrnd. ,' .' . ' ':'.',
; 1 ' ' JOHN S.HnF.T, Auditor.
Cambria tountj,SS.'
. ' The Commonwealth of Pctinylcania io JOHN.
'JXAYLOR of Cambria coujtty, Greeting ; t '
WHEItEAS, Frances A 1L Taylor, by her
next friond, Isaac W. Gordon, ex relatione,
did on tbe twenty-second day of .November, A. D.
1854, prefer, her petition io our said Judges of our
Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cam
Dria, praying for the causes therein set forth, that
she might be divorced, from the bonds of matri
monj' entered into with you, John Taylor. . '
We therefore command you, as we have here
tofore commanded you, the said John Taylor, that
ettiag aside all jtiihoE. hutanasii and. ii nnn orltaA
soever, you be and appear, in your proper person
before our Judges at Ebensburg, i.t a Court of
Common Pleas thero to be held for tlie county of
Cambria on the first Monday of Jane next, to an
swer the petition r libel of tbe said Frances A.
XL Taylor, and to shew cause, if any you have,
why the said Frances Mi Taylor, your wile,
should not be divorced, from' the bands .of matri
mony, ag-eeably to acts of General Assembly in
such case made and provided: And "hereof fail
not. j.j-j.
i Witness' the' Honorable' Gxorge Taylor," Tresis
dent of our said Court at Ebensburg. the twenty
fourth day of March A'. D. 1855. T '''
, ..... ........ iijtoNIIOBERTS, t,.
: "March 20, 18551 t' 'i . X V ? ProUwnotary,
- ' WASTED. -:"
A competent, person to teach the Summitville
school. " Apply to or aodressthe undersigned,
on or before Monday the 2nd day or April next.'
.... ,., JNO. L, WATT, President.
I Jso. HrMPHRKYS, Sec'y.' ' " ,'
Summitville, March 22, 1855. . rlll'X
lloa?bs, Plough J'olnts, Ktore, Mill
IronM, Threshing- Ulac-lilneH, Older
Presses. &c. &cA1m, Tin Ware
j of vey derfpfIon. ;
: Foundry at ll South West end of Ebensburg,'
Ware House on Main street,' nearly opposite the
store Of Shoemaker & Clark. - ' ' - t
: T ' " ' " - EDWARD CLASS. "
March 22, '55-tf. -V: ;' ' : ; '; L '
Cambria County, ss s.-?.i. ,,0-ti- -'j
' The CommmCicecith of Pennsylvania io the Sier
ijf.of said County, Greetiss: . L r
IF Christopher George make you secure of pros
ecuting his claim, then we command you that
you summon, by goocraod lawful sum moners, Pe
ter Moyer . Stephen Augustine Mayer, Patrich M'
CafTrey and Elizabeth his wife, Valentine , Quartz
and Mary Ann his wife, Polly M'Call, and Matty
George, late of your county, yeomen &c, so that
they be and appear befitre eur Judges, at Ebens
burg, at our County Court of Common Pleas, there
to be held the first Monday of Juoe next, to show
wherefore; whereas they, - the said Christopher
George' and the aforesaid Peter Mover, Stephen
Augustine Moyer, Patrick M'Caflrey and Elizabeth
hi wife Valeutin? Quartz apfl Mary Anu his wife;;
Polly M'Call and Matty George; together and un
divided, do hold all that certain tract of land sit
uate in' Washington township, Cambria county,
warranted in the name of Philip Johns, contain
ing three hundred and twenty acres, rtore or less,
with the appurtenances, adjoining lands of Austin
Thompson, Philip George, Paul George and oth
ers, the same Peter J Moyer, Stephen Augtistin
Moyer; Patrick-M'Caffney nd Ehahetb his wife,
Valentine Quart?, and Mary Ann hid wife, Polly
M'Gill and Matty George, partition thereof be
tween them to be made (according to the laws and
the customs of this Commonwealth in such case
made and provided do - gairtsay; and the same to
be done, do Dot permit very unjustly and against
the. same laws' and customs, fas it is said, Arc.)
And have you then and there tth names of those
snmmoners and this writ. ' Y. : '; , J '
Witness, the" Honorable George Taylor, Presi
dent of oar said Court; this 14th day of March,
A. D., 1835. : ' " " - " - ' v;,-
r.. MILTON BOCERTS, Prothonotary;
i March 22, 1855.-6t;w
. .:.r . LIMEt USIEl "-
; ' Ihe subscriber has finished two large kflris for
burning lime, near Dnneansville, where he is pre
pared to furnish by contract, or otherwise, any
amount of the best lime burned in the interior of
the State, ,ud ca be used for any purpose, s- All
orders by maijlV or otherwise, will be promptly
attended to by addressing . - .
.March 18, 165. Dnneansville, Blair Co., Ta.
r f o 4 i t'.yrrr y -v ff
, .Tho undersign appointed Auditor ,fcy the
Orphans "Court, of .Cambria county, at March
Term, A. D.; 1855, to exhibit to the said Conrt,
the appraised value of the 'several purport Ss
accepted by the heirs of Silas Moore, deceased; on
tho partition of the Eeal estate of said 'deceased,
lying In Cambria county, hereby notifies alt per
sons interested, .that he will sit fur thc purpose of
procurrng the necessary information in the prem
ises, at the office of E. ilutchitison; E sj.rin Ebis
burg, on Monday the lcth day of, April, 're'xt,
ar the hour of 1 o'clock,' P. M. ' ' . '
March 15, 1853. 'C. D. STEELE, alitor.
(Successors to A..M. Iipjd&Co.) - '
Satin, GttouKnAi:n Common Wau.Papees. fe
.'.'. Our. stock is . procured ..directly from Messrs
CituisTT & Constant's ExtwisiieNev York Man-.
ufaetoryrand embraces the latest and most fash
ionable stylea. We offer all kinds at very low
prices, aad are confident that buvers will Jind it.
. to their advantage to give us a calL Larg'j lots
sold At great Darjyuns.. r, ... - .:-'w
'.. XO-Onr prices' range For Gilts at froul 75c. to
1.25 ier boltt Satins' S0c- to 50c '-ner , holt
Grfuuds 15c' tj 25c. per bolt; Commons 8c,, to
20c, .Mereliants will be supplied on as favorable
terms as at the Manufactorv. or by City dealers..-
March IS, lS55-3m Gayxport. Blair Co., Pa.
PfBUCSAiE, ;:'.
The subscribor will expose to public sale at his
residence, in Washington township, on
the following property, viz; , -. . . t . f
"1 Four-Horse Wagon ; 2 Two-Horse Wagons j
FIVEHOKSES ; one sett Blacfajnith Tools?
T weaty Head : of. End Cattle ; One Hundred
Thousand ' Feet of Poplar ''Lumber ; one lot of
Pine Lumber; one lot of Hemlock Lumber. .'.A
quantity of Bye by the bushel. . .. A Lugo lot of
Rye Straw in bundles,, : :.M"lf
i . Also-Drjf. Goods and. Groceries, and many
other articles too numerous, ta-meution. .
Terms nrade khoivn on-dnv of sale.
vli iiV i MATTHEW M.; ADAMS.
March 15, 1855.L, ;. ; i.'- V.i.iv.i --.i'.fp
- ' - ' roioval: ... . .,' .
The uutlersigned; having removed to the new
building two doors west of the. old stand,-" would
respectfully inform his customers and the public
generally,, that, he has lately added to his.ormer
supply of Goods, and .keeps constantly ou hand
A full SUpply d l y , , j i . ll..4 I
Staple and Taacy Dry Goods, . ..
Silk Goods, made-ftp Clothing, IIats and Caps,
Boot and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, . Carpen
ter's tools, Smith's tools. Nails, a full supply of
assorted Bar Iron, Sheet aad Hoop Iron.
: toves and cast hollow-ware constantly on Itand.
Also, copper and tin ware. ' Groceries, wholesale
and retaiC --:iu-'- : '' - -.-,:.'."
, l'inc, Poplar and Cherry Lumber bought and
sold, . . i . - . - : -' j--' -;
. Goods will I e sold at the. very lowest prices in
exchange for Cash or Country Produce.
:- Ebensburg, March 15, 1855. H . . r-
. rCULIC 8A1.C ,. V
There w ill bo sold at public sale, at the Wash- J
ington llouse,". m the borough of Ubensburg, on
Fill DAY and SATURDAY, SOth and 8lst days
of MARCH 1855, the following property, viz:
80 bedsteads, beds and bedding ; 25 setts Chairs ;
Settees and Sofas, Parlor-and Stair Carpets j .
Cook, . Parle; Chamber and Bar-room - .
stoves ; Breakfast, Dining and Side . '
; ' -..-4 tables f a large lot of Queens- .
A y ; ware, and other table fur-
.Y -i - niture. In fact every
j ,-. - : - . . thing necessary - , '..'-" .1
to furmsli the interior of a lublic House. ' Also
4 head of 21orses; 1 Hack ; 2 Carriages i I Buggy;
1 .Wagijn; 2 Sleighs, and a large lot of Harness,
suitable for Wagon, Hack i and Carriagc t i
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m., . of said
day, . The usual credits will be given. - -
. TO c '' 't ' B n ?AES; WJR' 'I
March 151855, ,.P . t , . .,,..-
I A N excellent two or four-hofse team for Sale,
jV by 5' - -uZ . WJL' MURRAY.
;StmmerTIilI, March 9, 1855. - -' '' &
i F ; X.131 BERl 1.1'JM DEK! -
THE undersigned has on hand 200,000 feet of
prime pine lumber, J, 1 in.,1 J, 1J, and 2 inch
in thicknec Also, 250,000 joint shingles, whicli
thev will sell low for cash. - -
-. ....... ! r. . .',niVT5jtrITmTl
March 1, 1855-6t. ;. vi-i ' ..- -'
Valuuble Property For Sale.
fTJlIIE suWribers will sell at private sale, the
lot of ground, on which is erectel a two sii
ry dwelling house," now occupied by John !.'
Hooverl id a frame Carpenter shop. The buil-
: .': FETTZ, HENRY &Co, '- l-;
Xo. 29 .North THIED Street, PHILAD'A. -;
Morocco MAurFArTrEKRRf Ct'RrEBS and Im
pobtkrsof FREKCn CALF SKINS, and dea
lers iu Red and Oak SOLE LEATHER & KIPP.
: Feby. 22, 1855. 1 yeafV ", '; :r . :
" ; - ; XOT1CK. 1 '
L -LL persons knowing themselves indebted- to
,'jJL ' John Rodgers, will come forwanl and settle
on or before the 10th of March, as I intend to do
business in another way after that time.
' Feb. 22, 1855. St. - .. . j ; ..:'.J. ;;::'; '
i CJew. W. Todd, wltU , '
i iCOVRAD & WALTON, .' , ''
: Importers ft Wholesale Sealers in Hardware,' :
I" : Cutlery , o., Ko. 255 Xarkat Street, " '
! Hi : . .- . . PaUadelphia.
XT" EEP constantly on hand the. cenuine Timo-
- ' : Ci 9 . -v' J ?
and Ilimt's - superior Axes', Conrad & Walton's
superior polished Steel Shovels, Darling & Wal
drous Grass aad Cradhng-Scythes, Common a'nd
Patent Scyt!e: Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins; 4-c,
&c, which they oifcr for sale on reasonable terms,
to country; dealers only. -j S
j January 25, 1855 - ....... - -
? ! " l bolesale and .Retail, ? -Tin,
Copper, aad Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturer.
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Eb
ensburg and the public generally, that ho
has purchased tho Tin Shop, formerly carried on
by Messrs. Davis, Evans & Co., and will contin
ue . to carry on the business in all "its ; rariolip
branches,; wholesale and retail. His .wares will j,
be made of the very .best material, and in the
most workmanlike manucr.- - Repairing of all
kinds done on the shortest notice,' eask. ,
; ALJSQ.--Housa Spouting made and put up to
order on the lowest terms, for cash. '
; Intending to do business Strictly oil the cash.
systjn4 he will sell lower than was ever before of
fered in this place. -4 na , therefora tespectfuily m?
vites alt ;who may "want anything iu his line, to
give him a call, as ho will endeavor to give perfect
satisfaction to all customers. Terms, Cash, Cath.
tLAU orders promptly attended to. -.X '-'-X "l
C7Pric list sent to Merchants if required. .r
Ebensburg, Eebmary 22, 1855. Jy.
venience on the premises.,. - - , - 4' , .T"",
. , ... , . f - LEWIS & LUTZ. . t ioo t v''ir- q
, ,f.i!A -d-r 1 1849 Ig. B. ukmson. Sum-
i.,. , .r. -..j j . . -1qjT1, K,I 1o;-,l,l ;,i
- l
sj.-lsiz into twwv prm.irr '
ioh8JLTOtter would. beg lave"to sy to hit
fnanda and the travelling Public generally.
that he has leased 'GeoTge's Iaurcl Pum Exchange
at the' foot of Plane Ho. 4. Ho' will spare; no
pains or expense to make comfbrtaLle those who
patronize his house ; hia table wSil at all times' be
furnished with the tx?st that' the market, can af-fordLhd-hii
barwRh carefully selected liquors and
Hoping to receive. a Jilral bharc of Patronage,
he remains, tiJ'uLlies obedient wrvant - -
-v'.'.r "t ''( . -ItlCIlAUD TUOTTE9.i
' ncml ,ck,0ct- 4::M . . ,, v," Jlyl
JUST rec;ivcd from Bi ston.fiffj- iiinupiuluigc
''assorted nsb," whieb, during tlicse"iiit:iuial
times of Lant, will be 8.ld at a small adrauc-c fur
"CAsn." The assi-irtmciitcmbracts : "
Mackcral, Nos. 1, 2, and 8 ; superior Mess Shad,
Nova Scotia Herring; assoited denied, aud Satch
Herrihg : Salmon is'o, 1 : Si-iccd Salmon, and Cod
Fish. ,,..'.., , '," .. .. ...
- Also, Wright's celebrated O-sters .iji Cans
Oysters m the sliell. I also have on hand a largo
and varied assortment of
Fwicy and Staple Dry Good.
Also GflJolt- and r lrotestant "finokj, Hard
ware and- Cutlery. Clocks if lirious styles of
manufacture. Groceries. Bool, Shoes ami 'Btor
pans.'1 Hats and Caps. BrautUes, Uim Whiskey,
Champaigne, Cliincwe Preservts, Pickles, 4c &c
All of which will be s-Jd low' for Cash, and
Cash otilj-. "'": MARIA MAGEHA2C
Summit March 1, 1855. . -
Of Cambria touiityjfn ihe tor4flh'day of Jamtr
ary A.D. 1854 nntil the OurUenUh hi of Jan
uary A, D. 1855, 0ie latter day included.. ,
: - ' RECEIPTS; i: ..... v C
ANDREW J. 1UIKY, Jsq., Treasurer, .-. DK.
To amount received from Collectors - $0,726 81J
To amount received on iiatzsated' ...J
-lands: County Tax, - -
Road Tax, .K-.lJr:'.; -.Zlli.r-i
School Tax, .. . - . , , .. ? tt
To amount "received from miscella
neous sources. ' ' .:
To amount received on redemption,
To amount received on seated lands,
returned by Collector; J .-;
County Tax, r , . : . ,n , ,
Road Tax", v ' ;' " ' "
School Tki''"-:: - : " y
Balance duTrf-asitrer, ' -' I :
.iri .. i .'. - ' ' - -;
138 87
7,45 57
"78 20.
1U0 50
$14;fi24 83
By cash paid '
Auditors, : ' , ' -- '
Assessors, ' -.: ' '
County Commissioners,":
Commissioner's Clerk;
Commissioiier's Counsel,
Criminal Prosecutions, -Constables,
Court Crier,
Collector's Commission.
Exonerations, - ' ' -'
Elections,- " ; " : " " '
Tox scalps,
Fuel,..- : .- :;:
Crand Jurors, .
Insane Hospital,
Mercantile appraiser, j
New townships,
PiDthonotaries, , V ,
Printers, . "
Poor House,
Refunding, ".."J
Redemption, 21'.;i- ''-
Road views, ;-
Hod damegM, -; .
' 700
; 48
. Z. 1 i J V
489" 9
245 15
89 50 J
819 37
149 44
S21 20
247 49
5 C2
8 00
842 99
194 00
157 12
198 00
.172 611
134 56
CO 46
. 249 12
1,778 87 J
.'12 00i
98 00 :
,-Si):2 i-2
Stationary,. ,; .
Traverse Jurors,
Late Treasurer. .
Wild cat scalps,
Wolf scalps, .-
Western Penitentiary,'; ' ; ' . '.'''"'
Unseated lands sold to the county.
Treasurer's - commission u ' 14,
i 323 51 a 3J per cts. , .: :
Incidentals, ..
;i J-r T i.n'l .'
12 12
: 290 00
-i i
CT i rn-. !.:?- (14,824 S3
v . " " County
1843 David Lucas, ConcmauglJ cts.
' i ". township, . ' ; . v 45tt97
'( cts.
247 00
" 13 46
27 Si 9
; 27-99
32 09
. " James McDermitt, Clcar
'. field township, , . " . . " t
1844 David F. Storm, Johhs
-X town Borough, ' !
1845 John Westover, Susque--'.
hanna township, -- 4
1846 William Bradley, Wash-
"15 93
54 8
24 50
mgUm township.
38 37 '
30 21
C8 46
mcrhill township.
119 23
Andrew Burgoon, Clear- - - - - -
field towntJiip j .177.82 : 1385 5
Barnabus. Collier Cone-- . -. -. ,..t
maiigh borough,'," 200 05 ''. 47 1
Levi P.. Cohick, Jolits- . . , . , ' ' "
town borough," ' "' '; "J 1 ' 14 79
Paul George, Washington
township, 938 79 400 69
1852; E, C. McMullin," Alleghe- '! ' ' -
ny township, XTv .Xl': 12 iL lC2 43
..George Yoingker,,.,Cone- ---;
' " V ' tnaugh township, , 7 ,12 03 . C2 43,
" . , Samuel . D. Goughenour, . . ' .-
'... Jackson township,' 113 39 -
.72 45
40 G9
64 07
1853 Philip I lartaog, Allegheny '.'- -
township, -'100 51:'
" ?David Powell, Cambria
; -. townsliip,- 165 S3
" Jenkins Jones Conem'gh
borough, ". X" , " S35 10
f " Robert Davu?, Ebensburg " .
:'' borough,' ; '.V , ' 17.3 93"
Joseph Burkhart, Jach-n
! township, '"'"f ''-':-'l28 54'
" Jas. DavLs, Susquehanna ;
; township, f.0"73i
" - M.- M.-Adams, YTaahing
'1 ton townfcMis1 t7f2
1854 George Galiagher, ,Alle- ' -i
,-:'. gheuy tuwiiship, . . 217 82
" . Samuel Read, , lilacklk k ; .,
; ', township. . .-, -148 SS.
' " ' ' Alex'r M'Yicker, Cambria
f township C5 90
. .. Blassius Noel. CarrJl tp. 171 0
" James Litzinsrer, . Clear-' t
: ;' field township, ; - 180 09
. ",i Jno. Morgan; Conemaugh
. - i, bffoucb, - 319 20
' J. B. CfcbaughjContma'gh
- ' township', . 640 57-
).,- Gwgo J. liodgers, Ebena- '
4 - . : '.burgh birongh, f SI2 0
-" ; William W. Harris, Jack- -
; son township, - - 2CC 68
Henry Sutton, Johnstown - -
' borough, . 299 97
I4 Augustine Litiki, Loretto -
: 122 17
, Cii 25
5 CO 44
" .28 13
183 08
78 85
I: GQ 14
252 17
' Ho 8
"9 tO
119 80
237 87
132 W
100 20
91 55
, 47 7S
, 1 47
.- borough. r- . 128 64
George ' Orris, Richland
townfchip, v 306 86
Jas. .Young, --Summcrhill
township, S4? So '
David Sumraerviae, Sus-
queharmat:wnslu.p. " ' 2Cl CS , ,10 SO
- ton townihip,,. ', . -s $n S4 ;- 271 SI
"i... Jos. Miller White twp'.4 32 58,! . &
., . TotV.';' - "; w 4a,a34 28 43,602 32
Huntingdon'; Cambria,' and Indiana ' -, '. '"
Turnpike Road dmipaiiy, ; - '
Peter Co!liuand J.hnl"liounis,liaIancr,'
Jesse Pattf-rson, J ate SI itai:', .
George E4ey; I ite OintUiissIoRer
15 fl 3f
4 02
, 5 62
'"' 43 18
. voo
N 11 bam Ptlmer, la(4 . ",'
1 ;
$C53 72
Amount if jinavs'f mI.Jo Crbts. 42,027 24
'Given .under bur hands at JTlieiisbcrg.TL; thir
teenth dy ot Juiuarv A. D.
- 'J. R. STULL."
" ,; .L JL DCH GLA&S,
. . , CotHiuiiricnertJu..
'-We, the ui-A'Mgted Anoiff-rs of Cambria coua-j
ty, do report. tLat v. e ,;;ve.riefuny exumined tl.'e
accounts AivJ vourlors i $ the .receipts and expoo-k
ditures cf Ihe iiforeaid Cvuofy Onniishiaiii-r?"
fnm the twelfth day of January.' A. D. I8i4, un-t,
til the thirteenth day of January A. P. 1 .55, '(the'
latter day iucludd) and find them to le correct, a
is also the foregoing of outsiandirg,
debts. ' ... '. " "'
Witness our Land'tat the CV.ninii $o'nv
at Ebmshurg, tho tLirtuth dv of Januajy
D. 1355.. :. - joux a:'McC0xkel
M, 1 W.y CiER, ' j
Ebt-naburg, February 8. 1854.
HAVE just oeiud at their old Btand; in the'
. Borough of Ebcnsbnrg, , thd ; tidu-st, and
rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of ' " . '
Fill AM) VI.TEtt COODS, i
evcroflered to the people of Cambrj County.
Unu.sal care' was taken in tl:c ,tejettioo thT
gooiLs, aiid x;arc Las, been taken that nothing y itli
in the range f a Country tKrc, noz auyr wifys.,, but-vhat thc-yciui supply heir, ciw-"
tomers,'at IcaSl as cheap as' they tan W had ia,
tho country. ...... . "V-7.- - " ... : . '.
Tlieir stx-k of. Dry Goods .is unprecedcnliy
larjey 'embracing CloUiS, of. every and
texture, Satinctts, Castimeres, Tweeds,. Jcaut,
&c, &c. Flannels, Sheeting, Slortiug, and
made up Clothing of very dcscriplioa,. A gToat .
variety of '
of all patterns and at all prices. p -
i . 1 ccs, trimmings,, gloves, mitts, JLc- TLeic
asortmeut' of. hats, ; capiS, t boots; fitad shoes, ia
complete and aDsurpasod, ' ; . , t
GROCERIES & LIQUORS, ,of every variety
and quality. , A well eelecl variety of Hard
ware, Cutlery, and nails.. Also, ioensware and
Glass Paints, Ive rtufls, . -. ' .
. -DRUGS -Af MEDICINES. . ... :
s And all for sale low for cash, or given ' in ex r
change for country prodrce. - Give us a call. '
.Ebensbmg, Nov. 9, '54.
: ' : "FAIIIBAXKS' .'
" ' 1 PATENT
225 Market .Street, Philadelphia.
... GEOEGE W. COLBT, A rent.
.Railroad, Hay, -Coal and Farmers' SCALES, set
in any part of the country, at short notice and by
experienced workmen. - ., octli.1854
RESPECTIX'LLY announces that he Is now
loading his snelvosjivith one of the best s sntlT
argest assortments of : . - J :- 1
tha haye ever come to Ebeusburg. The Assort;;
ment consists of every variety of , ... ;
WARE S,- CUTLERY. ., ....., -'
His wh"cti'u fvtlieAvintr season has benn very
extensive, embracing very variety and style of
and every comfort that sthc inclemencies c f winter
ma.v? require, r . - ; ) ) v
Very grateful for "past patronage, heeLall 'iryn,
to continue to tleer- t, nd with many j.a4
experience devcted exclusively to catering to- the ...
wants of Ins friends he tliinks he cannot ,,fajl to ,.;
please them, t ... : .. . .' ; :
nis store is at the old stand,. Corner of .High,
and Julian Streets, where he " will be happy to
make his best bow, to old sud new customers. . ,
ElnsbuTg, Oct, 10, 1854. tf. : . . ... ':.'.-"
Dr. C W. Sfroliecker, . . ; ."
HAVING located in Lorclto, Cambria Cor.htyj
on"ef his professional services to the citi
zens of that place and vicinity.', - '
: OFFICE-r-On Main street, where he can always
be found, when not professioually engaged.
' nov30 , - r ; - --'. r
... . '" IlIaACK-SMITIIIA'C;, . : i
TIIE subscriber would respectfully inform Lia-.
old as well as his new customers that he still
continues to carry on at his old stand ia" Loretta
Borough tho 6hop formerly" occupied ly-Angnst
Walters. He has now every Cictlity fur doing
work cheap and on the most improved plan. He
will turn out from his tiop, - .; XX'A i
I lla7t, Jivsiqie. $ltifh.' dr., ' ' '
from the iWOOl WOltlC to the IRONING. ' 7
' If the work will not compete with any manu
factured in t,bo County of t fimbria I will jive it
for one hcif of its wigiwal cott. F thfy tonipo
tition. - ''"-, .'''. -
Ali kinds of Country produce taken' in ex-i
change. JOHN A. BCCK.
Loretto, Dotioraber 7.. '54.
. : : r .
K.X. JOITKSTOX, ' ' A. C. Mt'1-I.IS f
JOHNSTON A- MULLTN; Counsellors and At
torncys at Law. Office opposite the Court
House, Ebensburg, Pa. , ';
. Nov.-80. 1854. ; .. . ; , . . . ly.
FOR K-41.E. -
HE Builcing and the apjirtenances in Eb
ensburg, now occupied by James S. Clark,
Possession given in April, 1855.
TrvCT?rtf c.,r-v r r
February 14, 1855. . ' ! ; ' -
.v . SO Si 8 OK TEHPKllAMK, .
9,-C? Highland Di"ision, No. 84, Sons of Tern
iV'perance meet at their Hall every SATUR
tsjPstJjY evening, - 2 doors below Blair's Hotel,
I. o. o.
it;.,,.!.... j t l., xt
428 rr.ecU evcr
-X&X. "Xf YV K 1N ESD Ae venin g at hcif 1
--i;. on jjjgi, fit iiTthc upl-er, story
Shoemaker & Clark's building. 1 "
Cumbria (County, ss .& t r.r
Tfif Cwonu:iallh jtf PeiinxylrahiQ to theSher
iff if taid CvuHty, Qbevunu : . , j
WL command you that you attach James Brad- ? ,
ley, bite of your county, by.all and singular
his goods and chattels, lands and tencmants, iu
whose hands Or possession soever the 8a,rr,f nisy
!,' so that he I and appear before our saidCourt '
of Common Fleas to be holden at.Ei ensburg, in -,;
and for said county, on the f.rf?t Monday of jne
next, there ta answer .Thomas H. Tortcr o( a plea
cf trrssjiassfn the case.' - "-'?" -
Witness the Hon. Gcorp TvVf -ptvii.lfif '
our asid Curt, this eighth day of March, A. F.:
1US. MJLTON ROBERTti, Protbocarr: -March;?,