Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, February 22, 1855, Image 2

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WHITE ft DEYIHS, Editors and Proprietors.
Goonv's Laot's Book, for March has been re
ceived. Godey always makes its appearance 37
head of time, awl w the only periodical that we
excliange with that appears to Lc popular with
those that b mrow and refuse to subsonic. It is
needless for lis to speak in praise of this . number.
It speaks for itself.
Appointment at Hemlock.
.- The notice which 'appeared in our paper last
week of tlie appointment of, Mr. John Mullen, as
Fostmaster at Hemlock, was premature. ' Mr.
Mullen has not yet received that appointment.
Some few weeks ago, tlie citizens of Hemlock
and vicinity asked for tho appointment of Ca pt.
,IIenry Schnetberg, . who Las been Deputy' Post
master at that place for t Ik-last year, and Las giv
en general satisfaction. Among those who signed
the application for Capt. Schnetberg, -was Mr.
John Mullen. ' -
Recently, the citizens in the neighborhood of
Hemlock, having If arned that the appointment
would probably be 'given to Mr. Mullen, and that
Capt. Sohnetberg would lie summarily discharged.
Lave remonstrated against the appointment of Mr.
Mullen ; inasmuch as Mr. Mullen was not known
to them as a candidate for the office, and he had
signed the application for Capt. Schnetberg, they
thiuk it singular that the appointment should be
conferred upon hiin. . '- -r' ' ' - '' : :
T ; This is the situation of the matt rr 4t present.
The remonstrance was signed very numerously,
nd sets forth all the facts, of tlie cose. Regret
ting as we do that such is the case, we neverthe
less are constrained to say, that in common justice
the wishes of, the community, in which" tlie ap
pointment is to lie made, should be regarded and
consulted. The citizens of Hemlock have a per
fect right to manage their own business. We
jnv have more to say on t!iis matter.
Blairsville Female Seminary.
. We arc indebted to Rev. S. 1 1. Sheply for a copy
f th Catolotige of the officers ami members of the
Pliiinville Fcmaks Seminary. Phe institution ap
pears to lie in a prosperous condition. The num
ber of scholars now in attendiftcc is 140, and a
mong the number, we notice several from this
place and vicinity M'irfha Bl'iek, Summit, June
A. Ecin, Eliz'iJrJh 11 Ilulduaon, Mary A.
Jones, Emily M. Robert, Amelia B. Thompson,
Ebensburg, and France J. Smith, Johnstown. ,
. .-The location of this institution is far more pref
ferable than some others. It is situated in Blairs
ville, Pa., few towns possesses greater advan
tages, Laving tlie turnpike from Pittsburg to Hol
lklaysburg, and the Penna. Canal, pass through
through it; tlie Central Railroad asses within
two mile nud and a half, with a branch loading to
the town. Tho btiildlug Is three stories, 80 feet
In length by 44 in breadth. The room are pleas
aut and well arranged for the comfort and beahi
oft he pupil; and ue should judge that cverjthing
hns been done to make it one of tho. mt wpular
institution in Western Pennsylvania
Mechanics and laborers-
The following act for the protection of mechan
ics and laborers was passed by the Legislature of
this State, in April last, and, though of great im
portance to that class of our citizens for which it
is intcuded, is now, for the first, being published
by the newspaper press: ' '":;' -
Sec. 1. Beit enartct. trr.j That in all assign
ments of property, whether real vr personal, which
hall hereafter lie mrnle by any person or persons,
or chartered companies, to trustees or assigns, on
aca ant of inability at tlie time of the assigumtnt,
to Vs' or their debts, the wages of minors, me-
hanks and hihorers employed by such person or
persons, or cliartered company, shall lie the first
preferred and paid by such trustees or assignees,
iiefore any other creditor or creditors of the as
signor : -
Provided, That any one claim thus preferred
shall not exceed one hundred dollars.
OO-Tbe Btard of Directors of the Sunbury and
Erie Railroad Company, have unanimously elec
ted ex-Governor BioLta President of that copora
tion, in plxec of Hon. James Ginpcr, resigned.
' This is a nt admirable election. Governor
Digler is the very man to .carry on that great
public improvement with energy to an early com
pletion. No lietter business wan could have lieen
selected in the State, and the Director were fortu
nate in souring his services. The A'urft Ameri
rttn, of Wednesday, speaks thus f the appoint
ment;, ,, v ;- . , :
f. " We are quiU sure Gov. Bigler will enter up
on the duties of his new psition - with the. good
wtslies of this community, r ;i Whatever political
differences .; marT have existel between bun and
tltcrn, the people of Philadelphia, generally, regard
him with sentiments of esteem,' and they will lie
glad toi give Ids adinmist ration of the aflkirs of the
railpnad every proper encouragement ami support.
I.'thini but devote hinisclf-as we 'hope and lie
Jieve lie will-witU eiM'rjy and singlc-mindiHlness
" " to the interests of the jrreat work over which he
lias lieeu cajyoJ t-i preside, aurt we can promise him
in advance to the etmlial sympathy : and hearty
Oropcrjtiioii of tiuo classes who can iUV ' most to
promote its success." : : ?; ,
CiTOA. lly ' the av of New Orleans we ..have
advices, from Havana to the l5Ui iust. ,' Tlie ex
citement still ixmtuiued;m relation f thJH re
lH-nlel iuya.-im Ne.y Militia troops efe fi-rin-
ing the coast was declared to. be in a ftate-
WirloiileV -itif tlid" frbritd in con-lition: otsiege.
A- ahio teen Issise-1, "ordertng an
eiiHftnMnt of y vol uuteers7'bet ween ! tliie' ages of
5 Tan! CO, capable of bcanng arms. It apiears
: that the nows of the fiUibustoro movemeut was
brought by the British steamer Cul'issus," whose
- oSkers reported that they had met a fleet of Ame
' ricaji vessl,crowdcd with inen..Tlio British ship
of tlie line Boscawen had Jeft Havana. The ninst
cxtravagaut reports were intkttJation.- , " V
- ":v". - ' ' '
Township and Borough Elections.
The election fur Muukipai, Oflicers of thiSsbor
ougb came off on hist Friday.x-TIe (Democratic
and Whig parties pjade their nomination- litthl
interest was taken by eitlR-r, although tlie ohl parr
ty lines were strictly drawn. The result in a feV
townsliips shows plainly that tho Jyow-Nothings.
have not been idle. The fdlowingjs tlie result of
the borough and township elections. . White and
Conemaugh have yet to make their returns.
- Am.eo.hf.s-t Towsship. Cinstable.--E." Mc-
Midltn. . . .r. . '
" Supervistrs. Jacob BhaD'er, James Driskel.
Overseers -lames McGough, M. McGuire.
SclhuJ Directors. Jerome Dawsac, George-
Assessors. James "T)ylo; 5Alx. MeMulleW,A7
Douglass, . ; ; . .. ,v
Auditor. Simon Weakland.: r. ; r , .: 'f
, Town Clerk. Michael Jjevi.. - . , . ,-
Judge of Election. Francis Coojier." ' . !
, Insjxfct ors. .Itihn Bradley, Jas. Douglass... I
' Justice. Mi:hael Levi, Michael Wagnor. ;
l!L.0Kr.i( K. Ciinstablc. Benjamin F. Davis. '
- Sujien-isors. H. B. ltees, J.' A. Makfn. ", '"-
Ovemvrs. John Nips, J. R. Brown.
School Directors. rtllis Jiowland, John Gillin.
' Assessor. Enot;h Rees. . - ,
Assistant Assessors John Gillin, Jr. William
Duncan. .- CL . . ''-
Auditor.- Samuel ReciL'V- - ' , u,..-i
Town Clerk.- Johu Ferguson. ' '. - ' -t
Judge of Election. .John R. Williams.' " ;
,! Insjiectors.- JVMakin, A. C. Makin ;
' Cambkia. Constable. Wm. E- Tibb it. :
Supervisors. Daniel D. Evans, Evan R. Mor
gan. - " ' ' ; ' ' ' ,- -
Overseers. Rowland Davis, David W. IVyce.
. School Directors. Daniel W. Evans, ..William
James. . . .
Assessor. Win. D. Tryce. . s . r-.
. Assistant Assessor. Thomas M. Jones, Wm.
n. Hughes. " ' ;
Auditor. Thotnas W: Williams. . 1 '
Town Clerk. E. J. Waters- ' " ' ; ' " " r
Judge oT Election. Wm. J. Williams. ? -Inspectors.
Alexander McYicker, William B.
Lutz. - - . - ' i ' '-i ; -' --s.S
Justices. Richard Jones, S, CV, E. J. YYatcrs.
Caruoi.i. -Coustablc. Blossius Noal. ! , ,
Supervisors. Adam ; Ditrich, I Jandlin Good-wald.-
: :.- :
.Overseers. Jostph Bemlor, Cliristi-an Buck..
School Directors. Peter Hoover, Jos. Behe.
Aasessor. Jos Bender. 1 " ' '
Assistant Assessors. John Campliell Hiram
Fritz. . : .,', : ,- v: . ..
Aiulitir. Jtiseph Iihc. ' .l-i
Town Clerk. I'Juericus IV'nder. . ; -r J :
Judge of Election. JL, Kenuwly. -Inspectors.
Dominic-Eagcr. ...
; Clear fieij. Constable. David Mills.
Supervisors James Ale Mullen, Tim Caulley.
Overseers. T. A. Durbin, Ii. McFeely.-
School Directors Joseph Mover, Ljiwis Storm.
Afsessors- uej, Rutleilge, -m
Thomas Wilt. '
' Auditor. John Earhart.
Town Clerk. Peter McGouglu"'"
G. Krise,
Judge of Election. los. Myers. 1 -'
:. Inspectors. G. A. Miller, Johu Adams. .' "7
Chest. Constable. Jacoh Kibler.- - ' A
Supervisors. Peter Downey, Martin Toner, i
Overseers. T, A. Durbin, B, McFeely'.. ; . ,
School Directors. James McAnuc, r '
Assessors, Jacob Jvliue, Michael Kibler, Fran
cis Shimpf." - ; , .J,, , J. . ..
Auditors. Jacrb Kline, ' -
. Town Clerk. R. J. Proihlfiiot.. r . V
Judge of Elect5m. Anthony Gill.-?- - - '
V Inspectors. Francis Siiimf, It. l'ruudfxit. c;
- CokemaCgh Bon. Ojustable. Jas. M. Stewart.
Burgess. James Shannon. T" ' -
Town Councils. Irvin Rutletljie, Jas. Purse.
John Woouburn, John Zcntz, John Kooken, w ,'j
Overse:rs. .Jas. Alwine, David Lucas. , ....
School Directors'. . John Beam, A. llrown.
Assessor. David Iucas. '
Assistaut Assessors. Robert " Brown, deorge,
'McLain. ''" '- - -r'- ' -
Auditor. R. II Ciuinon. " ? !": :.
Jiulgo of Election. R. H. Gin rum.
. Inspectors. Johu T. Weir, Wm. Henry. :.i
Ebkxsbubg Bon. Constable. Thomas Todd.
Burgess John Thompson, Jr. : t . "
TownJCouncil. Jolmston More, Pijicr,
N. I Roberts, Wm. Lcmnu-n A. C. Mullen.
Overseers. Evan Griffiths, John J. Roberts.
School Directors. E. J- Waters, Isaac Evans.
3 years., D. J, Jones, 2 years., A-C ; Mullen, 1
A.s.scssr. John D. Hughes. ,... .
Assistant Assessors. T. B. Moore, David Davis.
' Auditor. Richard T. Davis. ' " '
Judge of Election. George Reed. " -Inspectors.
Wm. J. Williams, David J. Evans.
Justice. 1). H. Roberts. '
' Jackson Tr. Coiistable.---T. A "Ilildt-brand.
Supc-rvisors. Thos. Harrison, ITios.- Davis. .:
Overseers. Samuel Davis, Paul Oibaugh. -School
Directtms. II. P.: Cooikt, Thos. Harri
son. ; ; . '
Assessir. W. W. Harris,
Assistant Assessors. J. A. Ilildebrant, - Paul
Cobaugh. ' ' ' ' " ' ' "" . ' . .
Judge of Ejection. II. P. Cooper.
Insicctors. TliMiias Gouplmor, Geo. Ragar. '
JonxhTowx Bob. ConstaMn. Adam Kuntz.
Burgrss. Wm. Orr. v f ' ,
Town Council. .Jordan Marlniurg, Henr) Sut
ton, S. L. Gorgas Jos. .Laytor, Alx. Kennely.
School Directors. -E. IShafler, R. B. Gageby,
Jordan Marb-mrg. . ,
Assessor.' Henry Sutton. ' ' ,
Assistant Assessors. R. B. Gageby, R. Haines.
Auditor. M. Hay. . '
Overseers. Win. Orr, Henry Sutton.1'1- -
Judge of Election. JJn White." - - f - '
Insjiectors. Daniel II. Barnes, James Heslop.
Justices. Samuel Douglass, L. B. Cohick. . ..
, Ixuietto Bon Constable. P. J. Little.""'...
Burgess. John Reilly. ; !. - ; 4J-
Town Council. Peter Christy, Aiam"Addlelcr
gcr, Hugh McMullin, D. Ga'L ghcr. r
Overseers. Peter Ilartsixk Pettr Clir'stv. t ,
; School Directors. James Wilt, John B.Myers.
Assessors. Geo. Linger; Wro. Lit singer, P. J.
Little. " "-'.' r. -
: . Auditi. P. J. little. , ; - ' -I' r -'
Judge of Election. P. BranifT. - nL
; Inspectors. A. J. .Mj-ers, George Yingeri f
; Musstkb Tp. Constable. John ; Myers. ?'- ;
, Supervistirs. M. McIIugh, Henry p'Harro... t
-. .Overseers. Jos, Noal, S. Saunders. . . . .
School Dire tors. Thos. Gallagher, Jar. Ghiss.
P. Storm ,' CDiver. D. O'Harro, Samuel 0'IIarro.
Assesfors.- John 3Ivers,; Tliomas' O'Brien, P.
Kavlor. - -"'' " ' ;f
: Town Clerk! CJ Diver, Jr.:":' - .iJl'i
Judge of FJeetion. :Dcnni Nrou :: "'n. - a Vf
Iusix-ctors. Wm.-Olaw. Peter. Parrii-h.
" Justice: ErancisU'l'Vkl, Samuel D. Lillyt- '
RrrHi.Asi).5 Constable.-John Murphr ;
--S i pervisors. David Esch, Frederick Castor- &
)versfr.-Mar4in Stall, J. Sanakls.i rJ?t
- Scbuyl ; Dirwtora. M i.Liv"uigsti J: Uersh
berT, J $tuJt. v, - J 5 ;6 gj
A sejS( rs. G cci Orru.? .S ti neuwj jL.l lersh
TWu CJ.-vkJak; S-f.ul? -'
.fudge i f U(rtit.jf.S. P.Vunmver?'233'-'
--1niTetrs.F. F-StnU; Janies CostloW7. I ' -
Ju-4ke lion'mau? via j ccj 5. l; ifci
- Scm ifeRim.i;-i-Crt3f al4ei--T SI Menrgotner
s .Sapcrvisorp-Hei;ry ACeaverCOrtiin. -;-OverscrW-JaSi
U mmilb.n. Jas. "Millers e
School Directoi. Attstiu-.Thompson Siunnel
Paul, 3 years., Ei-Crum, 2 years Wm R. Hnghes,
Jason lriugle.l year., i - : t: " i - ..V'
... Assessor Henry .Michaols;,- . r.s--- .;; "" -?J
. Assistant-sessor-JhQ.J Kteppap, -J'v'ltn S.
v Auditor Jos. Miller. .... , .-
Vl'owu Clerk. Henry Oster. . y'-'y " ;
Judge of Election. -JohrrlMngTe. .
i Inspectors. B. F. Slick, John McCoy, I .
Justice. Austin Thompson. : . A
iSuMMiTviu-EBoR. Constable. W."YY",lvory.
j Burgess. John C. Lucket. I ?i " ; ; j
Town CoTiocil. James M. RiflTle; Jolui tLudaj
J. Coulter, James Mehafley, Francis MeJiee.'
. 0erseersrGeo. W. George, Jas. MehalTey.
School Directors. Clias. Farrel, John Ilunix h
rcys :- - ' ' " " " "
- Assessor:. Chas. Earren; Jol ai I vory- J as. W
Condon." ' -" " " ' .... . .
- Judge of Election. Wm. Rainy.. - r-.
Inspectors. John B. Black. J. Sharbaugh. ; .
yt SusqcIHASA, "Tr-. Constable. Geo McCrery.,
1 Supervisor -M. Forbis John Porter. , "
..Crseri4olMixWtover James Connor
School Dircctors.R, H McCurmick, Peter
Garman." ' 1 " ;
' Asse?sors A. Curran, J. Baum, J. Kinports.
Aaditors. O. Kinports. : . . -.
j Town Clerk. Wm. Laflerty.' 'y . ".
' Judge of Election. Isaac Gilford.':- -.)
Inspectors. J. Baum, J. Brothers. . .. ; .
Justice. John B. Daum. ' ,. ; .
.. Washington. Constable. John W. Short. .
Supervisors. Richard Sharp, John.McGough.
. . Overseers. J. McGiOUgh, J. Burgoon.
Assessors. Paul George, David Sharp, B.
McColgan. ; ' ' " ' ' ';
Amlitors. R. Trotter, T . II. Porter. "
- Town Clerk. DavUlSliarp. - -s. '
. Judge of Electionv Francis McConmll. - ' .
'inspectors. Wm. Myers, Wm. Trotter.
Governor Pollock's Appointments for Phila-
. . ,, :- delphia- ,. ::. --1Iaurisbceg,
Feb. 16.- The following are
the appointments "made for Philadelphia, by
Governor Pollock : - - 1 -; j-
George R. Graham, Harbor Master.
'" Abraham Myers, Sealer of Weights and
Measures for the old city of Philadelphia. -;
-i Samuel D. Abbott, Sealer of. Weights and
Measures' for the old county.' 1 f '; '! !
William D. Baker, Bark Inspector. j
Henry Pleasants,. LazaTette Physician
Howard Taylor, of Chester eouuty,- Port ;
Physician. ' , ' m-I ... i - -. t i
Jacob Pepper, Delaware county, Quaran
tine Master.o . ' .v ; '
,i J.:W- T. McAllister, Ileal th Officer, ur. i
Joseph E. Harned, Master Warden. .
': Andrew McLean, Keeper of the Powder
Magazine. , . '. , '
Stephen Miller, of Dauphin county, l'lour
Inppectorl 1- .'.. - ' -'i i
John Wi Cowell, of Bucks county, and
John JI. Seltzer, of Berks county,' Whisky
Inspectors. : . v S .-.i - - - ' ; 3 i
.r l'homas E. Pollock, Grain Measurer e ;
Georgo Metzger, Butter and lard Inspector.
.' John L. Austin; of Northumberland, Lum
ber Inspector. ; n ?A h.. L
William A. Ott, Salted Beef and Pork In
spector. ;r- '-! : - ' ' i ' J-.:-.-'!
Isaac B. Garrigucs, Marble Measurer. -
All the above appointees' are residents of
Philadelphia, except 1 those otherwise, stated.
Know-Nothing' Letter read in the New York
.Legislature ; x- n - r
. , Mr .RTckerson,:. of Greene County; Kew
York, a member of tho House of Assembly,';
read to that body the following letter received
by him- from a Know-Nothing brother. , It
illustrates in a striking manner the base char
acter of that organization. ..It will be seen
that it relates to fais ; vote for United States
Senator.?- ,-. v -.',,..:- 5.
L- ,r. . . yCAiSKiLL,' Jan. 1855. .
': " Mr. M. ; L fc Rickergon-; Dear Sir ' ami
Brother :- -1 regret to hear thatyou have made
application for a withdrawl card from, your C.
I am pleased to hear; however, that your ap
plicaticn was not granted. - ' - 1 - - -;
I" I learn, moreover,- that you are pledged,
and were previous to election,- Or your nomi
nation, to vote for Wm. H. Seward. -
- ; Now, I hope I am mkiDformed, and that
you will bo true to the ; sacred -obligation you
have taken, and to the promises you have
made to mo. But if you are not, you will not
be permitted to withdraw from your C - ' .,
but you will be expelled," and notices will be
sent to every C- -in the State, (some one
thousand in number,) of your - expulsion, and
reasons why namely; for being a traitor and
perjurer, and not be trusted in any business
transaction ; and more than this, our members
ewear they will burn you in effigy in every vil
lage in the county, if you do not prove true.
Now, these are not mere threats, to be forgot
ten, but will be carried out to the very letter.
Now, I sincerely hope you will prove yourself
a man in this emergeucy, and not be let by
a party demagogue, . who has always been
your most bitter enemy, and now makes . his
brags that he makes you do anything he wish
es, in spite 6? all your obligations and promis
es, i Now, you; inusfc bo well aware .that if
you vote for Seward, it will be your political
death-knelL Uesides, the promises they have
made :you willliotbe kept after Seward; is
elected. You can do what you chose, for all
they eare . .' ".- : . ?- ' .v " - .,
It is currently reported all over the country
now, thatyou have been bought with money
audjpromiscd to vote for Seward. -.Everyman
I meetr almost, from the country, is . asking
about you, aud it seems they, cannot believe
you vUi" debase yourself so much as to violate
your oath; and they alL say you will do that
if you vote for Seward; and you are as '.well
aware of this as I am. , Now, , remember that
you alone aro to suffer by this course, and I
trust and hope you will not not do what you
will regret when to late., j . ;..,...r ; - , .,
"I enclose resolutions as passed by my.C
in respect to your voksJL also enclose reso
lutions '. sent to, me to. forward , to you,i from
Lexington r-they not knowing vou address at
Albany.. -T--, ' -r; 7:JmJ
s-;-t ."i;l.0Tir, fatcrnally, -
, J. ,11. VAJS UOKD1CN." ...
NKWst'O'EB. Judge . Longstreetrx. whose
views on t. all eubjects are sensible - practical,
and worth treasuring np, -thu set forth the
value of a newspaper : -is r-,i cJ L ';:!
lt Small is the sura that is required to patro.
nizea newppaper, and most amply! renumera-r
ted in the: patron. .- I eare not how t humble
and nnpre tending the gazette, which hti takes;
it is next Jto impossible to fill a sheet fifty-two
times a year without putting into itouiething
that is worth.lhe.auhcrJptionprice. Every
parent whose son Js off -from, him at school
houl J Je supplied with a.paper,.", .X well re
luembeT what a difference . there, wds between
those of ny isclioql mates who had,', and, thosfl
who; had not f access t6 newspapers . Other
things ,bcing ual,ftthe first were always de
cidedly . syperior lto, the last in debate" and
coinposition ftjteask The reason Is plain and
they had command of more facts. , Yeuth
will persue newfnapcr .,with . delight twhen
hey wilt need nothing else." y. ,r;;.t,"
.U . Public Jlet&Dg.'":
A large and respectable meeting of the citizens
of the northern portion of Cambria County was
held in the Court House on Tuesday evening last,
for the purpose of expressing their , views in oppo-'
sit ion to any division of tlie County .-, ' r
The.roooting was organized by appointing As;,
drew Lewis, President, William IfT Hughes,
Evan Griffiths, David Summerville Esq., Richard
Jones Jr. Isaac Evans and Willian B. Lutz Vice
Presidents and SmieVDTPryce and jolin Lloyir
Secretaries. . . .
Col. C. II. Ileyer stafed the object of the mee
ting, and on jnption the following gentlemen were
appointed 'a comnimlteo' to report resolutions:
John Williams Esq.-' 'Thomas B.' Moorei Joml "S.1
Rhey Esq. Col. C. II. lleyer'and Daniel O. Evans.
Hie meeting was ably addressed by M. D. Ma
gellan, Eq. E. Hughes, John S. Rhey ' Esq." and
others ; Col.' Ileyer stated to the meeting ; that in
looking over the proceedings of a meeting recently
held in Johnstown, in favor of Conimaugh County
had been represented as having signed a petition
in favor of Conemaugh County :" This he positive
ly denied and asserted that if his name appeared
on any such petition it was a forgery. , lt ,
The, committee reported the following resolu
tions wldch were unanimously adopted..- . .' :
- ReatAced, That the erection of tho new .County
of Conemaugh, is a project started by, and intended
for tlie benefit of a few uiterevtcd iudividuals resi
ding in Johnstown, injurious to the interests of all
embraced within its limits,' excepting persona 'of
that character, without merits of any .kind, un
called for either by extent of territory, population,
or delays in the administration of justice : and that
we firmly believe that tlie Legislature would be
guilty of an act of gross injustice to the citizens of
the Counties to be embraced "within its limits by
complying with th 5 demands now made by tho
citizens of Johnstown alone. .''' 1 7 1 ' "
Resvlced, That we fully endorse the resolutions
passed by our fellow citizens at a previous mee
ting ! charging George S. King with violating his
pledges', made prior to the late election; we assert
Jtlicui to JUs true and that the charge is. .fully sus
tained by the votes of George S. King, - since he
entered upon his duties as a Legislator.-. . ; . .
" Rcsolccd, That we look lupon tlie charges made
by citizens of "Johnstown, against citizens of
Ebenssbnrg and vicinity for the -purpose of .sus
taining and vindicating Gecrgo.S. King, with
pity and contempt, and only: excusable on the
ground, they are altogether ignorant of the pledges
made. With them we can have, no controversy
upon this subject, the r charges are .preferred by
men Well known to "every citizen of Cambria
County, whose characters for truth", and varacity
stands as high as that of George S. . King, or his
keepers, with them we can have no controversy
tuiless tlwy admit that George S. King is unfit to
speak for himself, ami that they are i now bis re
gularly constituted, guardian-t.. ,.; With him ami
him alone, will wc discuss the subject." and as
soon as he over his'owu signature denies the charge
preferred, will be ready to meet him and sustain
t-1 " " . ' ' "' :'v "'- - " "
- RcsoJr'ed, Tliat it is untrue that George S. King
was either nominated, or supported. s a new
County man, and that the result if the election
tJiows Uiat his fellow citizens opposed to Cone
maugh, relied upon his honor and integrity,- in
wlu'ch they have been biisoly deceived. ' The fact
that not a single paper in Johnstown, during the
poUtical campaign ever, agitated or a'ludrd to
the question of a new County, ami that every friend
of GoorgeS. King in that place, always depricated
the idea of discussing that subject in the north of
Cambria, sustains us fully in this assertion. ' -
. Resolced, That we have too much confidence in
the lionor, nd integrity of Hon. Wm. Daugberty,
to believe that he would prior to an election,
make any pledges calculated to injure any of his
constituents without their knowledge, and that If
such pledges were made they were obtained by
misrepresentations. Wefeel therefore assured that
he will when fully informed, not disregard' the
interests and wishes of a large portion of those- he
represents. . - ' . . ... r- - .
: Resolvxl, Uiat wc consider the attack made upon
the judiciary of our Cunty. as. unjust and ungen
erous j only made o subserve a selfish object. Ye
feel ourselves fully warranted in saying that life,
libertyi and propcrt jr, have been as well protected
here, as in any other County in the State. '. .- -
: Rc4oUett, That we feel it our duty to appeal to
the Legislature, to protect us from the 'attempts
now making to dismember Cambria County ; an
appeal warrented and; sustained by the fiict. that
a majority of tho citizens embraced .in. tlie new
CoHnty of Conemaugh do not desire jt ; tliat a
majority of the citizens of Cambria are opposed to
it. . . . . ," ' ' " '.'
Resolced, Tliat in consequence of the difference
of opinion - existing amongst the citizens of -'the
different Counties to 1 affected by the erection of
Conemaugh, it would be but on act of justice to
those citizens, that the question be submitted to a
vote at the next election for the purpose
of having a full and fair expression of public opin
ion on the subject. I ." ', ; '," . . .
On motion the proceedings of the iueeting vere
ordred,to le published in the Demtxrat and
Sentinel and AUeghenian; and tliat a copy of
them be sent to; George S. King Esq., Win. T.
DaUgherty Esq. and the members of tho Legisla
ture and also to the . Speaker of the Senate ' and
the Speaker of tlie House of Representatives with
a request tliat they present them in the respective
houses over which preside.' I r-Ki? -rt,
- - " :t 'i Signetl by the officers.
t,',T..f-! Late Foreign. .News- rl:f T.l
. The Royal. Mail steamship Asia; ' arrived at
Halifax on Wednesday, - with Liverpool dates
the 3d inst. ',,. ,;. .- ;; . e r.t
- A Ministerial crisis has arisen in England.
The resignation of Lord John Russel has been'
followed by that of tho entire Aberdeen, Min
istry., . Lord Derby had been -invited by the
Queen to form a now . Ministry, but his efforts
at the latest accounts were unsuccessful, r ,,-
Affairs in the Crimea remain in statu quo.
The condition of the English troops was im
proving but the eeveritj'qf the weather con
tinued. ; . , .; ,'- . '.. f - ..: r : . '
Germanic relations were . in as ; complicated
.a condition as ever ; indeed, new, difficulties
were, daily- springing; upr . In the. Diet the
proposition of Prussia against the mobilisation
of the G-crmanic army had been carried, not
withstanding the opposition of Austria. 3?he
Prussian army is, to be placed on a wax footing
but Prussia refuses, to permit a Prenehiarmy
uTmarch througU her territory. .- j.Tho French
force ta guard the Auatrain frontier is set down
at 80,000 men. : r5V, .:iA i-.
The Russians are receiving reinforcements.
', - Mr.-Soule ie, reported as lyjng dangerously
iU at Madrid ?..,.,-.vv t,.u c. -it -.,! ,!-
TheLiverpool Cotton Market was dull.1;.. In
Breadstuffs the transactions, during , the" week
prior to the sailing of the Asia, had boen dull
and prices of Wheat and Flour had a declin
ing terolen ey, ;, Indian Corn had .dcelitied.1 s .
pcr: 4$04bs.K.i t .;ft Utiii-l:.
v Ot'tt TnOrblE vith Sj'AK.-A'-desiitttch' 'froi
Washington states that satisfactory" progrt is is
making towards, a settlement of puf chiims on
Spain. It is believed that indemnity will be grari
tei in all leading eases! . The new- Minister," 1 Ion.
A-C Dodge, will sail utMarch, with instructions
to pursue the demands of this Government juith
energy. r.. !-.'., - T
C3See new advertisements. -' . .
fcJ-Tho Ijcgislature of Missouri has indefinitely
postponed the election of U, S. Senator.
Ccj-yiio Emperor of Russiais forming about
Moscow a second grand army of reserve. He is
in earnest! . . . .'.... .
, T Ccf-llul'instein, a Russian pianist and composer,
is making some boise in tiermany ; he hfsaid to
be an extraordinary -musician." "- :-
(JO-Work has been commenced npon the Stcu
benville Railroad.
- CO-President Pierce has signed -the Lieutenant
General Rill. r tX . , . -.- : if'!' t
; OtJ-Tlie Sunday mail over the Central Ohio Rail
road has been discontinued; J ' ' - - ;
; - ' . - i - - - - - - - - - - - -t . -. P , " 1
JyTlie North Carolina Legfslature has wisc,ly
rejected a proposition to make railroad stock the
basis, in part, of the capital bank, ... .,r ...
i tEadi of ihe ten inch shells thrown by the
allies in the siege of Sevastopol, costs, it is said,
35-ab6ut 150. ' ,'' j"'T .'
' . Ocj-II. Bresvoort, the missing , treastirer of the
Glcndon . Rolling .Mills, : at Dos ton, has turned
up" in California. '; -Aii rmUi. .
(Jrj-Tlie French Academy of Science offer a prize
of 2,000f? for aliistoryof -T1 Origin of the
Phcenician Alphaliet." ' : -
i &5Tlic Whigs of, Kentucky have resolved not
to hold a State ; Convention to nominate a candi
date for Governor ... h- .,- n .-: , :! -. -;
1 Or-Tlio United States Government . pays over a
million of dollars a year in pensions. - : '"
: OCr-The Republicans of Ohio talk of making the
IIoi. S, P. Chase, Governor of that State. ..... ;
0O"Tlie Governor of Michigan signed the Maine
Liquor Law on the 1st, to go into effect in ninety
davs. '-' - ' - ' - I - - -
" - - p - t- ' " ' 1
. GCJ-Wc learn from New Orleans, that the suit
of : Daniel -. Welster against that city, claiming
450,000 for professional services .in the Gaines case
Uiejury were unable to agree." . - J f
IE7""l'lie banking house of . William Brewster
Co., of St. Paul, Minnesota, was broken into on
the 21st ultimo, and robbed of -5,700 in cash:
"0tj-Tlie.t ladies of Crpus Cliristi 'have' held a
meeting and resilx ed iit t). ass-icLitc with young
men wlw patrouize Mexican faudaugos. . . -
, ; JCT'riic bill which has passed the.IIouse, in
creasing the salaricsof U. S. District Court Judges,
puts up the aggregate from ' $75,000 to $102,250
a year the annual increase being $27,250.
GO-Tl.e recall of Gen. Gadslen, the American
Minister, it is said, has been suggested by the
Mexican Government. ; .; . . " ,-.
, " (X-Anotlief post office clerk has been caught in
robbing the mails. He had stolen several hundred
dollars at Milwaukee. ' ' '.
I 27"Mlliara ShcmhiU," a soldier of, the Revolu
tion, diedjn Brcckenridge cwmty, Kent4ick3-, on
the 27th of January, in the 103d year pf his age.
. OO-Mr. Joseph Wood, a wealthy citizen oi Tren
ton, N.'J.', has given $500 to the por tliis win
ter $-5 per day since the 1st November. ;
KTnie jofticial majority or Henry, C Pratt,
Esq.i as State Senator from Iliiladclpliia, is 1983.
CO-Tbe Kcw Orleans Delta says that the drought
throughout LotuViana lis very severe." ' 1
' IT7During the lat six yeeks, no less than 159
deaths hy scarlet fever occurred in New York. -.
...... . . " .
OComraandcra Cliarles U; Bell and " Abraham
Bigclow have become , captains --in the navyi in
place of . Capt. John Downs decease! and Capt.
Downing cashiered. - -' ;-': ' - ' ' ' ' : '
OO-In the House of RepresenUitives at Ilarris
burg, on Friday last, the bill to prevent the sale
of intoxicating liquors on Sunday, was passed by
a vote of 73 to C. ' - -, t- ; ! . 4 -
CtJ-Gov. Qarke,of New York, has offered a re
ward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the
person or persons wht mrirdereirGideon Westcott,
at Antwerp, JefVcrson county, on the 8th iust.
C-Thct jHihce of New York recently made a
descent upon a lottery establishment, and seized
a large nuinlier of tickets and circulars. Tlie
dealers however, contriveil to effect their escape.
OO-Both' houses of ! the Assembly of Nebraska
passeil a bill hieating the capital at Omaha. . .'fhe
Governor has signel the bill. ,;K. V ; , f f -"
(XJ-At Bytown, Canada, the mercury stood at
S2 degrees below zero on the 7th of February ; at
Calais, in Maine, at .24 ; '.at Woodstock, in Ver
mont, at 30 ; at Boston, 10, and at New York,
" g-Ex-Governor .' Bigler has been unanimously
elected Prcsidenr of the Sunbury and Erie Rail
road, rre Uon. James Cooper resignftl: f If this
office be not so lionorable,' it is at least more prof
itable than that of Governor, with perhaps fewer
cares aud perplexities. , , v ';t ' . '; , t
CtJ-Tlie qiKstion is often askel, what is tlie pro
per age .to be married ? Adam took. Eve talus
bosom before, ho .was a year old, arid old Parr
iharricd at the age of 120, we conclude, therefore,
that 'anywhere between these two ' points will an
swer. " ,
C3P"Ju Sacramento, recently, a colored man em
ployed to clear sidewalks, pick oil up a pair of old
inexpressibles in the street, and thinking them
heavier? than they ought to be, ripped open the
lining, and found tlere one hundred and fifty dol
lars in gold dust. J .i:-.'.0::-.,i n :1 . :f" ".ir:
' (CTA letter from" Santa Fe mentions a 'report
that theJMcxicaiis in the Meilla Valley have haul
ed, down'ttie Unitcxl States flag, and raised the
Mexican." natioiud tri-color. . Troops from Fort
Fdlriiore. however, it is added, have, gone over
-. - . . - - - - - - ........
tlicro to. put down the usurpers. -s elCi - ' ' -
- QCThe fare over the Panama railroad has been
fixed at $25 ';-cbildren1uiKler Iwelve years of age
half price: Freight on baggage of passengers(ie
cents per lb.; on gold of" l ier5ccnt.; and oil sif-
ver'J'ofJ per ccuC';
- , ' re is an application bc-fore the Legisla
ture to erect a new county out of parts of Dauph
iiirIjCbuuu Rml Schuylkill 51111061.10 00 utviuod
BollocK- Cvunty razi iJ aU ccTI iu I
feriIarylAml-has Ithc heaviesl debt'i in propor
tion toopifl.itio" of aiiy State In rthc TTnion. It
exceeds -fifteen 'millions,3 to a7Kpulation of five
hundrexl and cightv-two thousand, bond and free.
t, 'C-Therc'are ,thirteen . newsp.pcra "foreign
jangnage rubu4olJn.Xcw Wrk. 'J5ew Ger
man three' SpaTihih, twJ;'eatk, and,ou Itluut;
;V -CCIUf Corrrnponhrnrr.
fltom Philadelphia.
CoriytpoifJcnce of the Democrai If Stntintl.
Freraleiire of Extravagance Ex-Govern err Biijtcr
EUcted President of the Sunbury ami Erie Rail,
road Annual Commencement of our Jligh Shxi
The "Poor Fund" Contest for the U.S.
Senator thip Got. Pollock's fiem AwKnulmmti
Election for State Senator The Market, be.
r puiVAVtxrHiA Fdiruary 18, 185-57
One ofhc.)ntetikugta'fn'ai
compar! wkh vauatrj lifej'iii'the spirit Wextrav
agauce which pervades the mass of the couan ami
ty, from the highest to ; the lowest ranks. The
temptations to expenditure are so varied and nu
merous, so artfully designed to;' sult'cvery varu ty
of taste, and tho powerful Force of example is so
constantly exercised on" Cvery,sidd, tliat compara
tively -very few inen arc' enabled to; live within
their incomes, and while thousands Ih e far beyond
them those whose circumstaneea wtmkl enable
them to save handsome sums annually, consider
themselves fortunate if they can make both ends
meet at the end of the year. t The homely habits
of thrift and economy which still fjrtunately pro
vail to a great extent in the country seem, almott
entirely obsolete here. . - - i . "'.y..e
y Tite destitutiott'wbic:h prevail among Hegives
many illustrations of the fact J have just alluded
to. Mechanics who have long lcu in the unin
terrupted possession of good situations, whore they
receive from $2 to $3 per day, when thrown out
of employim-nt were frequently in an utterly 'des
titute condition and compelled to apply jS f.aid t
the.cliarity fund in a week" afterwards. Even
many of those who obtain this aid aud thereby
gain but a very short respite from the direct dis
tress, seem, such complete slaves of their old hab
its of extravagance that they squander it in tho
most injnilicious and reckless manner, purchasing
butter at thirty-five to forty cents per pound, eggs
for from twenty-five to thirty cents per dozen, and
other luxuries commanding the highest prices.
Those who have orders in groceries given them by
tlie Benevolent Associations for the prcst-ing ne
cessities of life, not uufrequently include in their
selections fine ljaf sugar, . raisius,. figs, and tli
rarest dainties tliat a pampered appetite. ;could
crave. .: .".....:' - : i
Tlie study of domestic economy has leen sadly
neglected of late years, and much as tho necesMty
of its practice may be deplored, if it serres tl
purpose of inculcating the needful . lesson, much
future good will yet result from the present evil
of hard times. . .
The recent clectioa of Ex-Governor Piglcr a
President of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, will
give a new impetus to that great work. Without
any solicitation or agency of his own, lie was elec
ted a manager of the rostd by the almost wnltni
mous vote of the stockholders, ' and President by
the unanimous vote of the managers. The press
here, of all parties, has warndy approved hischv- .
tion as one calculated to f nsure .the entire confi
dence of the community, and it is hoped and gen
erally believed tliat the distentions and diflii-uhies
which have so long clogged anil impeded the ad
vancement of this great, will now l
entirely removed, aud the iron link which is to
bind us with Lake Erie and prove a channel for
the conveyance .of the rich treasures of her com
aierce to our port, bo fpeedily completed.
Tlie annual commencement of our High School
recently took place in the Musical Fund Hall, lie
fore a crowded audience. . Degrees of Master and
Bachelor of Arts, aud testimonials of merit uero
conferred upon a number of tudeuts, and some
excellent addresses were delivered by tlie new
graduates. Our High School is conducted in a
very excelh'ni manner, aud will compare favora
bly with the bet colleges in the city.
A demented 'individual who has acquired the
cogmmien of the " I'or Genius," is devoting his "
valuable, time to the dcIivc.rx.oL .street harangues
somewhat after the Angel Gabriel stylo, although,
if possible, somewhat nioro, mooherent.
Much interest is fi-ltiu the contest for thtV.
Senatorship at" Ilarrisburg. ..Rumors" are'rife tf
the employment of corrupt inrluences by sfmc of
the candidates. If the priw is to be a purchasable
one, it should be put up at auction to tho highest
bidtler, so that the Commonwealth, instead tf the
Legislature, should receive the bonus which eager
aspirants seem so willing to bestow. ' --'
Gov." Pollock has at length made bis appiut
Tnents for the city of Philadelphia. : 'George R.
Graham ; formerly cilitor of Graham's Magazine,
and who has beeu prominently connec ted with
literary enterprises for many year?, has been, ap- .
pointed Harbor Master. Win. D. liaker", Fq., a
member of our Bar, who has beeua loading sjiirit
of the Native American party for some years past .
has been appointed . Bark Inspector. - Swphca
Miller.of Harrisburg, the editor of the Pennsyl
vania Telegraph, has been appointed Flour Inspec
tor. " Of the eighteen appointees all are residents
of this city except six. " '
. For . the offices in question in this city, there
were, two thousand apjliciuits from Philadelphia
alone. .We are growing to bo ka nation of office
seekers. Tlie uiahuly haspread wider and widtT
witheavh new year, and from present appearaueos,
the time is api-oaching when the tnan of mature
age who. lias neither sought or held and office of
some kind or other, will be tle rarest cariosity
that Barourrt could jKissibly select for his "museum.
Ambition is an all pervading feeling; and no doiibt
acts ns the ruling imentivc for mauy othe mVst
worthy dcetls of niMiikiiiJ,'but it is rather lahic
table . tliat so much of it should be directed into
the "political f hanneLj Legions of aspirants but
injure, if Uiey do not ruin thc-iuselves by their ia
juilicious pursuit juf -political honors; and thou
aiwls more do muchi more harm than good to the
country by their occupancy of fetation the duties
of whjch they are not competent to properly dii
lhargc. ' . ; " - J ' ' : 'r " ' , T . . , . Jl
Tlie telegraph gives lis a 'short suinmary of' tho
news ty the Asiiv," whicl W- bnmght European
dabi to the 3d insU Matters lfiyast'opia
rcmkinunc-haused.Vihe Enli.h Adeen M,n
istry had broken .upand tlio.lri of .Derby had fc
tried but unsuccessfully, to fvnu new one.
The speciid elect ion for State Senator' has resul
ted in the choice iJIonry-Oy Pratt. thaWLig and
American candidate, by a majJ.iityd' 1,983.' Hie
voteof the l)isf rict was about 10,000 less than at
theixst general elec-tion, when thp cofnblned Whig
and ' Amcrkair vote was 2,0C3 greater than the
Democratic vote.'
An iudiviJu-d ha-, been .arrested up tou i, v no