11? A lt i-y Aty V 'Sir y ' r T1IK BLE5SLXGS OF GOVERXMEXT, LIKE TIIE DEWS OF HEAVEN, SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE UPON TUB niGH AXD THE LOW, TUB RICH AND THE POOR. r -e.- EBENSBURG, THURSDAY, MiY 25, 18-54. VOL. 1 30.35. 1 lY ftt awl 'W 11 V m f A M 3 H TKEASl'RKH-S SAX.E 01 Unseated Lands and Lots in Cambria County, A. D. 1E54. I, Axdhew J. Riiev, Treasurer of Cambria County, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in pursuance of the several acts of Assembly of said Commonwealth directing the time and man ner of selling unseated lands for Taxes, no here by givb kotice, that the following described tracts of unseated lands and lots cf ground in the said county of Cambria, or such part thereof as may be necessary to pay arrearages of taxes due thereon for one year or more, will be offered for sale at the Court House, in the borough of Ebons borg, on the Second Monday, (being the 12th day,) of June next, aud continue by adjourn ment from day to day until the whole be -sold for such arrearages of taxes, and costs necessarily accruing thereon. Allegheny Township. Names of Warrantees or Owners. A. P. Taxes. 100 James C. Muguire 81,75 330 Aaron Bowcn 23,0-1 410 44 Abraham White 32,18 06 James llammen 7,0(i 425 30 Eleanor C. Iliestcr 23.30 100 John Bendon 3,10 183 10 "Warren llammen 11,40 318 119 Kufhs llannum 14,70 409 137 Miillin llannum 25,40 100 William "Weukland 0.20 80 Martha llannum 2,50 Rlachlick Township. 107 Andrew Duff 5,C7 07 Parts Daniel Benjamin, Fred. lineman & Jno. llambright 1,58 Cambiii Township'. Michael Zcigkr 10 25 50 Jonathan "Walker 2,0 400 David E.Jones 10,80 200 Griffith M. Joues 3,20 Carroll Township. 100 John Redman fi.So 372 Sarah Barr 21,50 3b5 Wilson Barr 22,32 401 Daniel Barr 23,2 3t2 Lewis Barr 22,1 4 65 Peter Sawyer, W. M. Adams and Joseph Lyons 1,-S ClearJidJ Townslt ip. 433 151 4535154 433 154 433,154 433 154 433 154 433 154 William Barton Samuel Bethel George Bickam John Ely John Fisher John Feuns John Frainbergcr E.ekiel Fannon John Harrison David Jackson Henry Kcpple John Mitchell William Fieton William Smith John Singer Lewis "Wolf William Will John Young William Bidulo Michael Kepple U. Cottinger James Bryson John Mease Joseph llutehins Abraham Sinsrer John Caldwell Jacob Cox Jesse Bush Mahlon Hutchinson John Servoss George Horner Jonathan Lewis Hubert Jones Joseph Jones Hilary Baker William Lambert William Will George Cobb Concmauch Tuicmhip. George Funk fc Yickroy Alexander McGregor George Shrum William Bcatty John G. Brown James Gill Alexander Cochran P. Shocnbcrpcr 21,41 15,07 20,02 21,44 21,44 19,40 15,07 21,44 20,5.S 21,44 21,44 14.72 178 21,41 17,0") ls,4i 18.44 14.72 1 ,45 7,10 7,10 3,30 2 47 2,47 G.00 4.0'J 21,4 1 - 1 1 19.53 20.15 14,18 21,4-1 39.C0 20,71 21,44 21,44 3,82 C.C9 433 416 154 21 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 89 433 154 433 151 200 150 130 400 100 433 154 330 395 407 129 215 433 153 800 419 433 154 433 154 233 400 134 152 136 100 112 SO 400 -400 400 4O0 150 207 123 120 155 113 401 141 401 25 400 400 400 400 400 400 8.20 7,47 5,88 0,09 14,20 14.20 14,2u 14,20 5,32 7,38 7.24 5,45 3,97 14,20 14.20 14.20 14,20 14,20 14,20 14.20 14,20 1.42 6,00 16,78 18,24 11,49 9.42 King & Storm Benjamin Willi;unt liichard Smith John Ilaydon John Teeter William Brown George Moore Thomas Wilson Andrew Kennedy James Roberts Charles Jones John Bell 40 400 308 404 CO 21 54 M. Bracken Callan (J. Kerr) William Clar ark 324 150 210 81 Adam Ream Jackson Township. Thomas Yiokroy James Steele John Clarke William Clark Samuel Stitt John Crawford John Steel Peter JJortman James Steel George R. Shoup James Stitt 1 Thomas Stitt " George S. King E. Yickroy &. Jac. Levergood John Simpson John ltiblictt John Titsworth Robert Grey Robert Murdock Charles Irvine James Latimore Benjamin Shoemaker Henry Shoemaker John Stoncr Christian Sterner Jacob Rupp John Hubley Richland Township. William Nichols Jacob Clements Robert Ros3 Henry Barrington Joseph Yickroy Hugh Roberts Storm & King 288 135 440 422 220 400 290 400' 80 8 400 30 300 300 100 275 405 135 100 - 130 313 271 191 34,05 18,92 30,28 18.92 30,10 21,80 30,10 6,89 30.10 2,58 22,57 22,57 8,64 20,50 17,41 4,30 23.00 13,43 11,05 8,21 35,72 33,00 4,85 25,80 17,20 17,20 17,40 420 371 113 300 200 200 405 131 400 401 533 11,80 11,80 12,71 11,80 . 3,97 11,89 6.11 40 401 63 405 120 125 Summerhill Township. Christian Smith Robert Stewart Arent Souman Jacob Nagle Henry Wood James Dalton James Scaright John Everman Isaac Eranan John Nicholson Charles Smith William Smith William Smith D. D. Henry West Isaac Jones John Simpson John Nicholson John Nicholson Jacob Goughenour Jacob Goughenour Frederick Croyle's Estate John Kean Susquehanna Townsh ip, Isaiah Jones Patrick McCoy James Whitehead Barnabas Douglass' Heirs I J 'ash ington To vn sh ip. Thomas Jackson James Johns James Magellan John Taylor (part) George Gutwalt Peter West Arent Souman 11 250 400 439 80 439 80 439 80 439 80 439 120 440 80 430 438 440 410 440 200 220 400 190 443 131 443 131 180 400 31 G 10 1G0 300 4 200 M 50 1 28 170 439 80 150 200 1200 140o 2"i 201 43 200 210 l'.G 433 120 433 150 359 119 433 153 552 433 153 100 35 4 ('5 100 400 100 373 13 400 100 110 230 2G3 120 20 109 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 377 100 318 3o 333 200 210 25 3lMJ 300 350 199 S7 I 2U0 7 ! loo TO 10.50 39,00 23,90 28.9G 28,95 28,90 28,90 29,04 28,38 28,90 29,04 29,04 29,04 13,20 14,52 20,40 12,54 29.24 14,05 11,83 13,20 18,24 528 20,18 C,G0 5,79 3,42 G,8 14,90 5,41 72,80 55,20 04,40 7,20 8,51 9,20 Abraham Morrison Francis John Areat Souman (part) li'hitc Township. The mas Trun Robert Atkins Garret Cottinger Joseph Hutchins John Martin William Spayd James Thompson Richard Scely (part) John Scely A Villi am Servoss Casper Binder George Hill Jr. Robert Evans John Marshall James Wilson "William George CaJwallader Evans Timothy Paxton Thomas Stewartson Joseph Sausom William Sansoiu John Clarke George Peddle James Hunter John Sc-rvoss Thomas L. Moore Ann McMurtrie James Craig Joseph Ashmcad Owen Jones James McMurtrie Thomas Murgatruid John Brown Michael Musser Abraham W'hitmorc James S. Gallagher 4,78 0.09 o et o.j 12.?3 21,78 7,ul 0.14 17,05 8,70 10,78 14,50 4,20 0,85 15,30 19,43 9,39 9,39 9,4'. 9,39 9.39 ..39 9,39 5.44 10,18 40 4,2 2,90 0.08 30 4.30 5.0-1 10.44 10,11 10,15 2.90 7'ov-n Lots. Lots Mo. 2, 3, 4 & 7 in town of Atnariah V. Bullae's Estate, 1 Lot in Munsttr, T. Reilly. ummerhill, 1.32 1 ,30 ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold the following Seated Lands and Lots of ground on which the taxes remain unpaid, and which have been returned to the Commissioners agreeably to the act of Assembly, of April 29, 1844. A. P. Allegheny Township. Taxes Silas Moore's Estate 12,1 1 J. Conrad & Co. 37,70 William Gibbons' Ilstale 90 Blachlick Township. 2G0 322 80 300 luo 55 100 ThoiEas W. Jones James Luke George Rink Michael Donegan Carroll Township. Henry Arble Hugh Boj le Henry Grey Francis McKee 3,90 3.20 2.02 1,95 100 300 50 10 1,30 17,09 75 78 1.38 1 ,95 3.12 13 O.'j .uicnaei .ucuawicy 50 Isaiah Delozier 80 Thomas Priestly 1 Lot Geo. W- Todd Conemauh Borowih. 1 Lot Edward Cassiday 1 Lot Ferdinand Damer 2 Lots " Snowden 5i A. John Young Jachson Township. 39 1.C3 73 3,90 100 50 300 50 120 100 415 80 Hiram Ragar Teeter Breiineman Charles Murray Thomas Ragar David Stewart David Caldwell Elizabeth Garman Peter Dillon's Heirs Richland Township. Patrick Kcelan Summerhill Township. James Boyles Jacob Crum Nathan Crum John Holder John Eagan Thomas Patterson's Estate James McKce Philip & Matthias Biter Ami-rose Branitf David E. Davis Samuel Earnest Thomas Leonard Richard 1 illy . Stephen Plummer Sarah Roberta John Skally Jr. Jacob Settlemoyer Barnabas',Sweuny James Young Bernard Wilmore's Estate John Weaver S usipiehanna Townslt ip. 1,50 2,05 G,44 2,81 4,95 1,03 10,13 2,14 C5 50 20 50 50 1 Lot 147 A. 100 40O ICO 104 103 400 140 100 40 80 191 10O 288 110 37 400 1,38 2.12 1,81 09 12.57 0,39 15.83 1,54 4.G3 4,11 2,53 57 1,01 1,71 1,51 1G,91 C.O 1,88 7,CG 3,42 0,25 1,80 100 Llovd Hoke Treasurer s Uitice. Elcasburg, April 5, 1854. -30-lt. w OOli, Butter, and all kinds of Urain, taken in exchange tor koojs at J. MOORE'S STORE. TEK3IS: Tbe DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published every Thursday morning, in Ebensburg, Cambria Co. Pa., at 1 50 per annum, if paid in advance, if not $2 will be charged. ADVERTISEMENTS will bo conspicuously inser ted at the following rates, viz : 1 sq-iare 3 insertions $1 Every subsequent insertion 1 square 3 moiitli3 3 i g .4 5 i t J year g column 1 year 18 " " ' SO Busiuess Cards with 1 copy of the Democrat ,f Sentinel per yoar 00 5 05 00 00 00 00 00 11. T. COFFEY, M. W. A NNOUNCES TO THE PROFESSION, THAT -t- he lias opened, in the rooms adjoining his of fice, in Hollidnysburg, a ai'RGICO-MECUAXICAL INSTITUTE, for the application of cj'provcd physiological sup ports, in the treatment of Chronic Disease, and thuse numerous Weaknesses aud Deformities of the body, in which support to the relaxed and drag ging organs is an important condition of cure, and necessary to the success of internal treatment. All the appliances uscl, are endorsed by many ol the most eminent members of the rrol'ession, and consist, in part, of Body Braces, for Prolapsus Uteri, (or Fulling of the Vvomb, ) and the diseases of the Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, nnd weak ness ol the Back and Nerves, which result from such "falling," Spinal Supporters, fur every vari ety of Spinal affection, Chest Expanders, to e-rcct the body, and enL:ryc the Chest, Pile and Peri neal Elevators, Hernial Trusses, etc. The increasing importance of this department of pathology, and the Uiilioulty the country practioner bas in procuring any mechanical aid, much less those that act in harmony with nature, induces the undersigned, at much cost and labor, to supply what is alike, a pro fessional desideratum, and necessary to guard the public ngainst the imposition of unscientific find injurious contrivances. Physicians, 'and ailothcis interested, are invited to call and examine. Those who desire to give their patients the auxiliary benefit, of any variety of scientific support, can send their patienta to the Institutc fjr that purpose, without riei of any aLute of such confidence. A discount of i-0 per cent to the profession ou all instruments furnished them, or at their request. Arooia will be fitted up specially fur Ladies, with a Laly in attendance. ll..Hid:ysburjf, Feb. 3, 1S54 4m. TO S'51SIClArt The attention of the Medical Profession in Penn. is respectfully invited t-j the following important facts : 1. Not less than two thir;!s of the American wo men are atUieted with Prolapsus Uteri, and its u3 Suciaicd complaints ; the result of natural delica cy of organization ; defective physical education ; early umrriacs ; the various accidents of pregnan cy, and labor, and general neglect of hygienic "mea sures. ? That as Prolapses Uteri is a displacement, or 'falling" cf this organ, it necessarily involves a like descent, or drojy'uij of the Heart, Lungs, Stomach, and Bowels, and that one fundiinent.il condition of cure in all these caes, is, the applica tion of such a Physivlopioid brace, or supporter, as will most cifeclivcly brace the weak back und uriil-jut ejMpr r.'.'o;, 1s3i.1t the relaxed and over-taxed muscles in perfuruiin tLoir natural ofiice of lifting and holiiiny in U'trir yhice, the drawing viscera of lic Chvtit as:.! Abdomen from Ui !trcictl "Uterus. Th i-rvation of every Physician, and thecxten- s;ve an-1 increasing usj of abJommal supporters, (so called) furnishes conclusive proof cf this. 3. That the Supporters inw iu use never have received the approval of the profession, because, they id!, iu common, r.ct as luaiiai; aud confining cinixps, compresses, and riluxinri iouttices, creating a necessity for their perpetual U30 by retraining the freedom and exercise of the muscles, which they should only tissist, anj, also, aggravating the 'failing" and drajrvdsig, by their crozcdliig and eom prisslng rather, than their bracing and elevating tendency. 4. In view of the above facts, which every Phy sician b9 ben compelled to feel but too keenly, is it not the duty, as well as the interest of the Pro fession, to seek for an instrument which acts upon established principles of pathology, and which is at once effective, and necessary to the success of tlc practitioner, and professional ia its origin and de sign ? The undersigned, therefore, acting in accordance with the true interests of the Profession, and after much iavc.-tigation and outlay, now offers to them an instrument which fully meets all the above in dications. The Brace invented by Dr. Banning of N. Y., hns alone received the approbation of the Profession, or taken rank as a permanent contribu tion to Medical Science. V.'hile it sujporU the weak back and lifts vp the abdominal viscera, the undersigned, by combining it with a recent inven tion, has added greatly to its efficiency iu erecting the LwJg and expanding the chest, and these instru ments are believed to fulfil eccrg indication that oau be derived from mechanical support, while acting iu complete harmony with the forces of nature. Desirous of introducing these Braces through the cooperation of Physicians, aud hciug enabled to fur nish them at Manufacturers prices you are respect fully referred to the annexed ipiotntions : Fine Steel Body Brace, Ketuil Price, Silver Plated Fiuc Steel Erector Brace, Retail Price, Silver Plated " " $10.00 15.00 15.00 2G.00 Twenty per cent discount off these prices to Physicians. A Scientific, Treatise, and Descriptive Essay, will be sent to Physicians, gratuitously, by addres sing Dr. II. T. COFFEY, Feb. 3, 1851 4m. Hollidaysburg, Pa, Advantages of the Body Brace over Other Suppor- 1st. It is cool. 2J. It light. 3d. Its pads can nil be shifted up and down, right or left, as fre quently as the necessity of tho case may require. 4th. Its great and universal flexibility. 5th. It LIITS UT ALL OTHERS BEAU DOWN. Cth. ItS pad3 are four, and press on the weak lips, nnd particu larly on the iceak back, supporting, yet not restrain Kr.l v 7th tt. r.nils hein of naked horn. '. ' f ..... i o - stimulate and harden the muscles, while soft and , , -, i I 1 T cushioned ones use poultices; reiax uuu icemen, through heat and perspir.itiou, and Boon become rancid. 6th. It ij so constituted asto admit of at taching to it any j roper spinal apparatus, and also the most perfect pile and hernial truscs. 9th. It may combine with its mechanical influences the virtues of the galvanieattcry, locally or generally applied. The Ercctor'Brace and Chest Expander, iu addi tion to the above, makes pressure upon tho front of the thoulders, and without constraint or compres sion, erects the body, expands tub chest, aud promotes .healdi, grace aud beauty. It is free from strap's, bandages, or ccnipro-scs, acts in har mony with nature, aud defies scientific objection. For those who have tceak hacks, stooped shoulders, narrow or flattened chests or defective forms it is the best invention ever presented to the public. Rule of Meascbemest. For the Eody llracc, draw a tape snugly around the body, one and a half inches below the tips of the hip bones, over the li nen for the Erector Urace, add measurement around the chest, under the arm-pits, and send the number of inches, cash companying tho order, aud the Cracc will he sent to order, with an explanato ry circular; aud exchanged to suit, provided it be immediately returned, in an unsoikd condition. B. II. TUDOlt. M. BOBEBTS. MUSSi:??. Tl'OOR & KOISHUTS. I REELING thankful to tne citizens of Ehensburg aud Ticinity fur their former patronage, beg leave to state, that having been both East and West, they have purchased the largest and best stock of GE0CE2IES AND CONFECTIONS, that has ever been brought to the place, to which they now invite the attention of the public. Their stock consists of, Sugars, Iilnek and Green Teas, Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Chocolate, Prepar ed Corn, Pinkee's linking Puwder, English and American Mustards, Crackers, Clietse, Fine nnd coarse Salt, l'alm, llosiu and Castile 8oaps, Can dles, Flour, paeon, Mackerel, Cod-fish, S.i'mon, and Herring, Yiuegnr, Syrups and Molasses, Whihkey, Uraiidy, Wine, Fluid, Alelmhol, nnd oils, Tobacco and Cigars, of the choicest rmu.Js ; nnd a gcniral cssortmcut of Tubs, Buckets, Bas kets, liroeAiSjiirushes. Window Glass. &e., ftc. ALSO, Every variety of DM Ell FRUIT, such as Citrons, Prunes, Currants, Figs, Dates and Rai sins; Jellies aud Preserves; NUTS OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, and iu fact, every thing that an epicure could de sire. They will ever be hnppy to wait upon all who may favor them with their custom, and feel satis Ced that they ire enabled to sell LOWES FOIt CASE, than nrv otherestiibliHhmeut in W$ plaec. Ebecsburg, kov. 25, lf3. ly. JOHN FAEKE. JclmslGTi n 32iii-JbIe Uorkx, Ore door Kcrth of the corner cf Zlaiu and Clinton Streets, Johnstown' Pa. MONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, Ma.itels, Table, and P.ureau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of firiu and do mestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can he purchased in the East, with the addition c f carriage. From long experience iu the business and strict attention thereto, he can ns sure the public that all orders w ill be promptly at tended to and the work finished in the best an lmost handsome monner, furnished to order and delivered at any place desire!. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits aud sises, suitable fur farmers and mechanics. Sold by whole sale or retail. Purchasers riro invited to examine stock and pri ces. Johnstown, Nov. 25, 1853. tf. Elide, OiI,iad Ltallit s- SItorc. D. XIUKPATIIICX, No. ill, South Third Street, between Harhet and Chcsnut Streets, Philadelphia. ITAS constantly on hnnd and for sale, Pry nnd -- Prv Salted Sr.nni.sh Hides. l)rv end Green Salted Patiia Mips, Tanners' Oil, Tanners' a:id Cur riers, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the best term0. s:3f AT. hinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the Li-hest market price will be given in cash, or taken in exchange fur hides. fcyI.eathcr stored free of charge and sold on commission. May IS, 1S53. Ittl.uLIicuis ISall. A MTIiO:-: VO"NKLE respectfully informs the puhlic that he is now prepared, as the law di rects, with evtry lcijuisite for the "accommoda tion of strangers and travellers" nt his new stand in the Northtm Liberties of Hollidaysburjr, and respectfully asks f v r a share of custom. His ta ble will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, nnd Lis bar stocked with the best wines an 1 lhyaorg. IrS" The l.rger Hall can be rented by the day or night, au la Piano and Pianist furnished. Eijf Genaau wines iiid Lager Peer kept con stantly on hind. Holiidaysfcurg, May C, 1S53. P. J. F.VAX3. J. I). IlLT.UES. EV.tXS &..-IIl'GI2f:s, IOL"LD afain inform the public that they have i just received from iho Eastern cities, and have on hand a Urge and excellent assortment of IFailaiad "IViutcr Clotliiiyar, which they are prepared to dispose of at reasonable prices. Xleir stock consists, in part, of men and boys wearing apparel, manufactured from Cloths, Cassiuieres, Sattinctts, Satins and silks. Also, Woolen and Cotton Undershirts, Prawers, &.C. 1I:iJs aud Caps, of all kinds, suitable for the season. Also, a Ure assortment of OVIIRCOATd and CLOAKS cf the latest styles. They have also ou hand Cloths, Cassirncrcs, Sat tinctts, nud Vestinprs, which they nre prepared to manufacture to order according to the latest appro ved fashions. The goods have been selected with care, and can be sold vEiir iow. Call and examine their stock. They will suit you as to quality aud price. Ebensburg, Oct. 21, 18-33. Administrators Xotice, LETTERS of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, ly the Register of Cam bria county, upou the estate of James Rhey, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate nre requested to make immediate payment to ub, and those having claims w ill present theia properly au thenticated for settlement. SUSAN 15 HEY, Administratrix, ANDREW J. RHEY, Administrator. Ebensburg, .October 21, 1S02. tf. Tliomas I. Martin, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hasgor, Johns town, Fa. SHOPon the Island, nearly opposite D. Leech &. Go's Warehouse. Dec. 22, 1S52. Dr. It. M. S. Ja fison & l)r. James C XIowc, HAYING entered into a Co-pr.rtnership in the practice of medicine, offer their services to the inhabitants of Summitville and vicinity. lr. Jackson can be found at his residence near the toll gate, and Dr. Howe at the old ollice on the Summit. Sept. 9, 1S33 tf. Exchange Hotel, Ebensburg, Fa. rrWlE wndersigned respectfully informs the pub X lie that he is now prepared with every requisite for their accommodation, and will extrt every ef fort to render his house an attractive and comfort able stopping place. His table will always be sup plied with every delicacy the season affords, aud Lis bar stocked with the best of W ines and Liquors. a rn refill nud attentive hostler will have charge of the stables. He respectfully solicits a ohare of patrouacfe. 1 JAMES MYERS. Apill 28, 1S53 tf. LKO IIEKE: Justreceived by the Pennsyl vania Rail R.iad, and fur sale J. MooVe, Grind Stones, Patent Duckets, Rroonis, Cheese Cotton Yarn, Clover Seed, aud a l.-.igc lot uf Car penter' ' Tools. April 1. v i i s o i r in si ?. w . 1Y.V . Ithuk, i .RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens cf 1R,!U V. daws burr mil viidnitv tlmt I... C J -. ..... .vl..u m I tins place f.r a Tew weeks and lo'uj 1 im-t'f in readiness to manufacture Hair, Mra and Husk Alaira.-ses and Lounges, and do the ' eneial nj. h.ilsteiing work cf houses, such as hr.nin cur taius carp-fling rooms, &c. He will sd.- . repair Sofas, Ac. He may t e found either at thePxch-'ne Hotel or at McKarland Son's Cabinet Warn Room. HoUidaysl uri', Pec. '., 1003. rgl.'US WAY ! For I have just received mid i-f-L fer sale a large lot of Stone and E;a theu Wares. The hi -hest price paid for wr.ol. llbeiu.burg, April 1. J. MOOEE. Toitl .-tu !s! TomlM Sloncs.' I" ICHAlwJ JONES re.-pccful'y informs the j.ub- X lie that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Tomb Stones, of Italian aud American Marble, man ufactured in the latest style, and lettered according to any direction,:. " His y;ird is situated nt the South part of the tow n, where a Imc assortment of articles in Lis line are always kept on hand. From b,n- experience he feels confident be can please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to be pat ronized 1 y a p nerous public. June 17, l:-j-'L John Parker. James H. Farker WHOLESALE Grocers, dealers iu Flour and P.acn. Foreign Wines nnd Ur r..r..-s til.) i Moiioiiahela and Rectified Whiskey. i0. 5, commercial Row, Liberty Struct, Ilitt.sbtirg-, Ia. August IP, lSOo'. ly. raNliioimlIX'Iot!iiitKljliaioifMXiJ, Clinton St. Jo'aaEtown Pa. GREAT attraction r.t the corner of Clinton raid Locust sirei.ts, oj-positc the Exchange Hotel and the .M'MIIIen House, Joh.-istoH !!, C:-n:li ::i Co., Pa., where the subicril-ers hnve just received a larpe and fashionable ass..rt:iKiit of Fall and Win ter Ready ma k-CLOTHING. Nov. d, JOSEPH (JANS i G. O. HALU)WEliL, T. 11LL.M, A. OI'I'EMlElMEIt, L. U. fcTL PI1FN. II. 1. Tiioiiii-.tMi, ;vit!i CBAS. II ZL.ili.Ll. ii CO. WHOLES LE Hat ni.. I Cap Manufacturers, rurs, tl Str.MV Cords and Hatters'Tiimmins No. 173 Market Street. Philadelphia. Pec. y, iso;?. Fortierly the Washington Hotel, Allegheny Street, near tho Fiamond, THE subscriber respe-. t'ully informs his friends and the put lie generally that he has taken the above old e.-tabllshel stiu 1 and entirely reilttcd anil rei:iireJ it in such a manner as to render it sccuuJ i,i n.i linti-l in the country. The Par Las been newiy stocked with the best Winer, Liquors, and Segars that could be purchased, and the Table will nt nil times be supplied with the best the Mar ket affords. The RESTAURANT attached will nt all times contain all the delicacies that can be rocure 1, which will be served up at nil Lours, ou short no tice. Ho respectfully asks the public to ;ive him a trial, fully assured that he can render satisfaction. G. W. DANNALS. Pec. 9, 1S53. CAUTION 70 PUKCKASE3.S. fPHE title to all lauds formerly the property of 1 John Nicholson or of Morris and Nicholson, within the bounds of Cambria ami Indiana coun ties, as well as a portion of said lands, situate in Clearfield count-, being;rested in the Heirs of the late James C. Fisher, and from whom only a le gal title can be obtained to any of said lands. All persons arc therefore" cautioned against pur chasing a title to any of said lauds, from persons having or pretending to Lave tin agency from the heirs cf Nicholson. Every information regarding the tille to said huids may be obtained by application to the sub scriber. II. NIDLMAKUi, AtCyinf.ut Jnr thcjlr'rs of J. C. Fisher, dee'd. TAtl'AHI.12 IEI1AI. KrsTATE FOR sal.::. THE undersigned offers at private f aie the Farm (known as the M'Coy Farm,) about -milcs North East of Ebensburg, adjoining binds of Patrick Farren, John 1). Jones nnd others, now iu the occupancy of K. R. Hun..hreys, containing one hundred and sixty-eiht ucrcs and some perches, about one hundred cleared and under good fence. There ure erected thereon one two story IlY4'l!!l3gr liOJSSC, A pood Bank Barn, with convenient Sheds and out Houses. There is a Good Orcliaitd of various Fruit Trees on the place. A po.d pprin? of water convenient to the house, and a Fountain Punp at the door Water in almost every field. ALSO One lot of ground with two small houses erected thereon, mid now in the occupancy of Mrs. C. Humphreys, at the loot of l'laue No. 5, A. P. It. Road. L-'iTAu Indisputable title will be given for the above property. TERMS rcasouablc. JOHN HUMPHREYS. Summit, Dec. C, lSoS. '.Sl'RIXG ailLI-SSKRY GOODS. JOHN Stone &Sons, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia, have now in Store, cf their own importation, large assortment of ribbons, silks, Flowers, Crapes, nud every article suitable to the Mi'linerv Trade, to which constant addition will be male throughout the season, thereby ens biir.z tl'em to offer the largest and most desirable selection of articles iu their Hue to be found iu the Citv. , , Philada., March CO, 16-j '-in. SLT M 31 II 1 1- IK XTiV til Y. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Cambria and the adjoining coun ties that he has commenced the Brewing in all its branches at the HALF WAY HOUSE, iu Summer hill TowusLip, Cambria County. He will a.l times be iu readiness to sur?''' Lis customers rvtli Ac, Siren aud Lager LEER. e GEO. I1UETHOR. Pec. 'J, 1853. 3m. A !tEVIXTIO IX EUi:.SRlRW HE W AD CHEAP STORE!! JROPGEl S, Jr.'wouU invite the publio to call and xnmine his extensive and splendid assortment id Miscellaneous Rooks, cousiitiifr of Hot Com Seep s iu New York Shake' peur's Quo tations Webf er's I'if tionnry, UniibiiJped Rol lins listory Juele Tom's Cubin Lorenxo low JosepLus Cooper on Dislocation and Practice Robin Cruso Light aud Shades of Freemnsoury Chambe r's Information for the People Elides of ail kinds Protestant RIbles Doway Cities -PreS-'vicriau Hem Ruks School Rooks of ull kinds ifncycl .pd.ein of Ann ricana Drafting Paper Tra ei'.jr Muslin "-tutioiiary of all kinds Song Rooks of all kinds. His collection is far superior to any ever brought to this place, and be hopes the pub lic will extend him a liberal patronage. .MarOi 3, lbol. II ATS 1U C APS. fFii!; MiJ'-eriber invites attention to his late f;les J of Hals, consisting of all the various decryp tions now worn, which cannot bo eiceUcd in Phil adelphia or elsewhere. Country merchunts will find it to their advatit to purchase nt this establishment, us our faci'iiiel for manufacturing will enable- us to ofler great in ducements to country merchants. ISAAC M. ASH TON. 17H Mailct st., Philulelphia. Dec. IS jo. LATIIOHE IIOTCI Westmoreland Co., Pa. M. MARSHALL, having leased this commoJi ous and popular Hotel, situated near tho Pu. R. R., invites a cull lVoin the travelling public. The establishment has undergone Considerable repair, and finished in the best jossible manner. No pains w ill be spared to add to the comfort and con venience of its puests. Pec. Ho", lSoo. M:V ASlltAXGIEUCIVT. TTVVST LINE RED COACHES, EELON'GING . t j Mess. Thompson & Erawly will leave Lhcns burg, twice every day for Jefferson. The first will lcae nt 9 o'clock, A. M., meeting the morning train on Penna. R. R. for the cast at 11 o'clock nnd tlS min. Second couch leaves at 6 o'clock iu the evening meeting the truin going west at 7 o' clock and oS min. f returning, lirst coach leaves JiCYrsou for Ebei.sbi.ig nt 1 o'clock, P. M. nod second and 8 1'. M, i'-umedlatcly after urrivuls of the Passenger Trains. February 17, ISol tf. KLtl TOIlS .OTICH i . LTTERS testiracntnry on the estate of James K. M '.-Permit, deceased, Laving bfen granted to James McDennit of Ebenuburp, and James Me Mu'.len of Clearfield township, all j.ersons iudebtcd to sal 1 estate are requested to make payment, and persons bavin? claims will present thtui properly proven for settlement. JAMES MPIIRMIT.J r. i. . ii'iii'inv flexors. J.A.lll IU JtlLLb!'... I March SO, 1S04 Ct. Y5I. CJ. W1LSOV, JUSTICE of the Peace. Summitville, Cambria County, Pa. OCice East of the Allegheny Voit.igo Euilroad on the Turnpike. March 20, IS51 tf. Looli out lor tlic Loromotlve.l Cash aud Produce Store ! ii runes wiicrky, "JLXAVE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few doori East of G. L. Lloyd .S: co.'s etore a large an entire new iinsortmcnt of Spring & Summer Goods which they just received from the Eastern cities, oonsistiiifr, in part, of the following articles. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Purges, Moua lin de Laines, Lawns, &c, &.c. Also, Cloths, Sati uctts, Tweeds, Drillings, c. Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and very best quality. Give it a trial. Hardware, Queensware, and Stoneware, of every variety comprising a large assortment. STOVES, of every decription, always on hand and wai ranted. AVc flutter ourselves t but we can sell Stoves lower than any establishment in Cam bria county, and being located on the Rail Road we can ulways secure a supply. Grot-cries Such ns coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar, linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and every article nccessany to supply this market. The public is solicited to call aud ezaniiue onr stock, us w c arc confident it will admit of iuspee tion. jf-.Tf- All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Lumber bought ut the highest market pri ces. May 17, IP.'.il. 5000 Hollars Howard. Great Kxclltiucutlu Walea! GEO. J. IU IGERS has just received from the cities of Philadelphia and New York and im mense Muck of New Goods, aud now otters to his old ns well us new customers tho Large-:', t1heaf't and lt nssoitment of SPRING & SI MM EH GOODS ever brought to the Ebensburg market. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods Jucoiisware, Hardware, Cedar Ware, &c, ull of which Lave been purchased with a view to sntUfy the wants of Lis numerous customers iu quality and price. Gents Wear. Blue, black, brown nnd broad cloths, plaiu nnd fnncy casiraeres, tweeds, summer cloth, linens, silks, satin, Valencia and luarseilla vesting. Hats, Caps, Puots. Shoes, &c. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints, nious do bii.is, ginghams, lustres nnd fancy colored silks, bobinet, laces and edging, jackouettK, ribbons, fan cy silk gimps, &c. Hardware, cutlery, nnd tools of various kinds. Queens-ware, censisting of many new and pler. did patterns. Groceries, consisting of coffees, sugar, tc fish, spices, salt &c. t t;:fS All kinds of country ' produce taken iu ex change for goods Also Lumber, Wool, &c. GEO. J. LODGERS. May 20, 1853. TO TIIE IL'IJL.IC. fin HE subscriber would oflci nt private sale, that i wtU known two ptory largo slate colored frame Louse, fronting on Main nnd St. Peters Street, ia the' boroudi of Loretto, -12 by 20 feet. The Think Road from' Laurel Swamp to the Cherry Tree tuds through the town, which will make the house pood business place. Empire of the subscriber for further particulars. WIWTV T TTTT r .UOLl March 10, 'ol. -X7-HISKEY, W hite Lead, T sale by and Linseed Oil for J. MOORE. Tills Vaj! 1DR the highest prices nre paid for hides, skins -.1 I tanner's bark in cither trade or cash by " J J. MOOKE.