Or. Guysoit's 'Improved Uxti-atc or YELLOW DOCK & SARSA.PARILLA THE original and only genuine preparation for the permanent cure of consumption and dis eases of the lungs where they are supposed to be affected by the two free use of mercury, iron, qui nine, &c, &c. The Jdedieine, when used according to directions, " - Will Cure, Without Fail Eorofula or Kings Evil. Cauccrs, Tumors, Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Soro-Eyee, Ringworm or Tetters, Scald Head Ehe nmatiem.,Painsin tlie Bones or Joint, old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilis, cube f Kidneys, Loss of .lp pctitc, Disease ar riving from the use of Mercury, Pain la the Side and Shoulders, General DcWIlty, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice and Custie-nct-9. Saline, Mich., Oct. G, 1851. Mr. John D. Park Bear Sir: It is with unut terable feelings of gratitude that I am able, thro' the divine providence of God, and by the wonder working agency of that excellent medicine, Guy -&jtt3 i eflow Dock and Saraaparill.-i, to give you a few srmfitofns of my almost hopeless case. - la the" winter of 1850, I was attacked with vere pam, which was gradually extending through the whole right side and leg; at thc muio timtNi total prostration of my physical system; also, my leg had shrank to two thirds of its common size. 1 Jrocured fhe attendance of a skillful practitioner, who pronounced my disease one of the worst forms cf liver complaint. He said my case was one not easily handled btit jrcscribed for me. I remained aader Lb treatment until I was satisfied lie could dot help trie. : I then procured of your agent a this paiee, A- W. Beers, two battles of Guysott's Yellow DoCk and Sarsnpariila, from which I re ceived a vast amonnt cf benefit. After having ta ken four kettles more I was able to pursue my bus laces without nny Inconvcgience, and have been cince that time a well man, while but a short time since I tm confined to my bad three-fourths cf the time; and I cannot ascribe the return of my health to any other can" than by the agency of thrt truly Valuably medlcljie, Guysott's Yellow Do.k and Sar eopariUx HASSEL VA URIPER. The following letter Is from a highly respectable physician who enjoys an extensive practice ; Navarre, Stalk co., O., Nov. 1851. - Dr. Jhn D. Tark Dear Sir: Dr. Guysott's Extract of EarsaporiHa. This medcinc has been prescribed by mo for the last three years, with good effect. In General Debility, Liver Complaint, Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, Crouic and nervous diseases. In all female complaints it certainly is nncqualed. In the use of this medicine the patient constantly fains sirongthand vlgor.a fact worthy of great con sideration. It !s pleasant to the taste and smell, and can bo used by persons with most delicate Ptomachs. I am peaking from experience, and to fhe afflicted I advlso its use. DR. J. 8. LEEPER. Tlsters II oleum or IV lid Cherry. For the. rnxtir4 rehff and raj-'hd cure af Asthma, Cvn H70ftion, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croap, end aii disorders of the Lung a cmj Wlster'B Balsam of Wild Clierry I .THE BEST REMEDY' EVER KNOWN TO MAX. Fur krye, Cvhht, Asthma, Cronp, Influenza, Jiron sfxtta, lilUcfcng of the Lungs, lhjjlcull lircUh Liver Affections, 'am or Wtaknese of tftt Breast or Side, c, .Jc, .yc. tn short, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted to eve ry disease of the Lungs and Liver, which is prekt ceJ by our erer-varying climate, - rsuy Thousand Persons "lie annually in England of Consumption. In the I."cw Bnglaud States, the proportion in ono in fyur pr five. In Boston, probably ono in four. In the trity of New York, sixty-seven died in iwo weeks la December of this disease. It is less prevalent in the more northern latitudes, as Russia, Canada, and among the Alps of Switzerland, where the winters are long and severe, and thcra are fewer Buddeu changes. No thery can bo more welcome to the human rrrind than the one which establishes on good irrounds the hope for prolonged existence, if the al legations of those who arc at least entitled to ve racity may be believed, there is a preventive and a remedy. The great Author of Nature Las provided us with a remedy for Consumption, and the diseases lea linz thereto which are so fearfully common in our country. Has He left us to fiud relief from that fatul 6C0urge by ransacking other lands? No, the best, Nature's own remedy isat our hand. The Wild Caerry and the Pine, furnish us with a cure where a euro is possible. Oue cf the most important diseovciles of the age, La ameliorating the condition of this large class of Buffering humanity is Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Clierry, which has been before the public some ten years. This valuable medicine was first discover ed aud introduced in the year 1S33, since which time its success lias constantly increased the de mand, until it has become one of, if not the most popular remedy for Consumption, la ita recipient etasre ever known. Another Physician's Testimony. Mr. Fowle Dear Sirt I could send you a dozen certificates, strong and decisive, of the really san ative effocts of your valuable Balsam of Wild Cherry, witldn the past twelve months, under my own supervision and direction. " Indeed I know of few persons who have used it, comparatively, but commend it in tlie strongest terms. A case of Asthma, tlie severest I ever saw, to which I was called a month ago, evinced the- superiority of the Balsam. It lasted him sixwecks, and the dyspnea end suffering wa3 dreadful; he sat tip every night. The gentleman told me to give him something to last him home, (21 miles) so that ho might see his Wife and child, aud die in peace. I gave him one bottle of balsam and four ouuees of syrup squills, directing him to take toaspoonful doses of beat Bordeaux olive oil, when the difficulty of breathing Iras greatest. Next day I forced his despondent well, and nirule him take six bottles of Wistar's Bal anm of Wild Cherry home with him as a present, Le having alledged that he bad used so much ex pensive medicines to no profit. Last week .dr. A. willed and expressed his gratitude to mo iu the warmest mauner, ej.i l the medicine bad saved his life, paid Lis whole bill, und took six bottled more, flftd left my cilice for home, rejoicing. Very respectfully yours, WM. S.VAW, M. IK ?ahuigton, North Carolina, Aug. 12. Cannot 1 Discredited. - We annex a few statements from individnala Well known In this vicinity ; tho first of which is front Alderman Perkins : Boston, Febnary 3, 1S51. Dr. 8. W. Fowle: Doar Sir Having lately had occasion to try your celebrated remedy for coughs and colds, Wistar's Balsam of- Wild Cherry, which idid with success, 1 cannot injustice to you with hold my testimony in its favor. . For several day? I had been suffering from the effects of a sever cold, accompanied by a very sore thirst aud sick. heaiache, which -completely .iucapac tntod me for business. I had token but avery smt'i nort'on of a single bottle of this IinUam, when I cxpcriouccd relief. My cough was broken up at once, aud my lungs entirely relieved from the pressure which ad become so poiuful. I attribute tho relief en tirely to the good effects of your Wild Cherry, as I took no other mdieino whatever. I cordially ro (Kxumend it to all my frienus. Ropet fully yours, SAMUEL S. PERKINS. JfcOrnt up In quart bottles, ft per bottlo ts bottlos for f- Soil by ' ; J. D. PARK; Cincinnati, Ohio. yorthwt cornrr Fourth and Walnut Ptreets. Entrance on Walnut street, to whom all orders must bo addressed. Shoemaker A Clarke. Ebensburir. Moore & Kepler Currolltown, John Ivory ft Hon Snmurit, Jehnston & Edson Johnstown, M. F Ilil-Uity-and Indiana, J. C. Diiy Blairavillc. August IV, 185S. !y. JOHX FAEKE. Johnstown -Marble WorKs, One door North of the corner of Main and Clinton Streets, Johnstown' Fa. MONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, Mantels, Table, and Bureau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and do mestic marble, always on hand und made to order ns cheap as they can be purchased in the EaFt, with the addition of carriage. From long experience in the business end strict attention thereto, be can as sure the public that all orders will be promptly . at tended to ami the work finished iu the best and most handsome manner, furnished to order and delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and sises, suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold by whole sale or retail. Purchasers are invited to examine stock and pri ces. . Johnstown, Not. 5, 1 853. -tf. , Hide, OJI,?and LratlicriStore. D. klEKPATUICK, ICo. 21, South Third Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia. HAS constantly on hand and for sale, Dry and Dry Salted Spanish Hides, Dry and Green Salted 1'atna Kips, Tanners' Oil, Tanners' and Cur riers, TOUL.S, at tlie lowest prices auu ujwu mt best terms. tf All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given in cash, or taken in exchange for hides. jjtjyLeather stored free of charge and soiii on commission. May 13, ltt3. IlejmlrficuiB IJall. A NTIIONY VOWINKLE respectfully informs the 2- public that he is now prepared, as the law di rects, with every requisite lor tuc -uccnii""U'-tion of strangers and travellers" at his new stand in the Northern Liberties of Hollidaysburg, and respectfully asks for a share of custom, llis ta ble will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and his bar stocked with the best wines and liquors. . . rgF" The larger Hall can be rented by the uay or night, and a Piano and Pianist furnished. Iy" German vines mm imager tioer Kept con stantly on hand. Hollidaysburg, May C, 1853. Ut-ll, Joliston, Jack, & Co. (late bkll, joiixsto.v, &. CO.) Office of Deposit, Discount, & Exchange, AT HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. JAMES M. BELL, Robert B. Johi. liam Jack are the Active Purtnei ton, and Wil- rs, who alone transact the business of the firm. TUB OTHER 1'AllT.NKK.S ARK A. P. Wilson, Wm. Dorris, Jr., Wir. P. Orbisou, of Huntingdon, Pa., T. C. McDowell, Wm. M. Lloyd, James Deunistou, R. M. Lemon", Geo. R. M'Farlano, Samuel W. Rhodes, Samuel Calvin, Thadeus Banks, John Cresswell, Jr. Josedi Smith, of Hollidaysburg. To. Alex. M. Lloyd, Baker & Watson, of Gaysport, Pa., John Miller, of Tcmper- ancevillu, Blair co. Pa. E. Shoemaker, of Eben.sburg,.r., Thos. White, of Indiana, Pa., S. II. Smith, John Cror.se, Daviu atson, of Johnstown, Pa. John Netl", Samuel Dcnn, James M . Johnston, Wil- liainsburg, Pa. XgQOtiiers mat and icHl Le added.-si Collections made in all parts of the United States. Drafts furnished on Phi'.sdelphia, Pittsburg, &c, &c. The usual rate of Interest, in such eases, paid on Deposits for 3, 0, and 12 months. Other Deposits roopjved payable on demand. IIollidayaLnrg, July 1G, 1 502. D. J. Evans. J. D. HvonES. EVASS & IHTUI, 1ITOULD again iuform the public that they have VV just received from the Kawtern cities, and have on hand a large and excellent assortment of - r Fall and Winter Clothing, whioli they are prepared to dispose cf at reasonable prices. Their stock consists, in part, of men and boys wearing apparel, manufactured from Cloths, Cnssimercs, Sattinetts, Sutins and silks. Al.so, Woolen and Cotton Undershirts, Drawers, &.c. ISats and Ca;s, of all kimla, suitable for the season. Also, a large assortment of OVERCOATS and CLOAKS of the latest styles. They have-altfo on baud Cloths, Cassiioeres, Sat tinetts, and Yestings, which they aro prepared to manufacture to order according to the latest appro ved fashions. The goods have been selected with care, and can be sold vf.iit low. Call and examine their stock. They wiil suit you as to quality and prico. Ebensburg, Oct. 21, 1S53. Administrators Xotlee, T ETTE11S of Administration have been granted -1 4 to the undersigned, by the Register ot Cam bria county, upon the estate of James Rhcy, de ceased. All persons nilchted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those having claims will present thorn properly au- tuciiUcatcJ lor settlement. SUSAN RHEY, ' AdminUinUrU, ANDREW J. RHEY, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852. tf. ' Thomas L. Martin, House and Sign Fainter and Paper Hanger, Johns town, Pa. OHOPon the Island, nearly opposite D. Leech & Co's Warelionse. Dec. 22, 1852. Dr. It. I. S. Jackson & sir. James C. none, "TTAYIXG entered into a Co-partnership iri the practice ol medicine, oner their services ; the inhabitants of Summitville ami vicinity. Dr. Jackson can be found at his residenco near the toll gate, and Dr. Howe at the old office on the Summj- - - Sept? 9, I85S. tf. Exchange Hotel, Ebensburg, Pa. TIVllE undersigned respectfully informs tho j.ub JL lie that he is now prepared with every requisite for their accommodation, and will exert every ef fort to render Lis house an attractive and comfort able stopping place. His table will always be sup plied witli every delicacy the reason affords, and his bar stocked with the best of Wines audLiquors. xV careful and attentive hostler will have charge of the stables, lie respectfully solicits a share of patronage. JAMES MYERS. April 28, 1853 tf. ' ' . , I'MIOLSTKIRIfG. VV.C . Black, ' . ::; - I" ESrECTFULLY informs the citizens of Holli-- daysburg and vicinity that he will remain in this place for a few weeks and holds himself in readiness to manufacture Hair, Straw and Husk Matrasses and Lounges, und do the general up hohstering work of houses, such aa hanging cur tains, carpeting rooms, &.c. He will also repair Sofus, &c He may be found either at the Exchange Hotel or at McFarland & Son's Cabinet Ware Room. Hollidaysburg, Dec. 9, 1353. : ' TIII3 WAY '.For I have just received and of fer sale a large lot, of Stone and J3arthen Wares. The highest price paid for wooL Ebensburg, April 1. J. MOORE. T OOK . HERE! Justrcccived by the Pennsyl JL J vnnia Rail Road, and for sale bg J. Moore Grind Stones, Patent Buckets, Brooms, Cheese. Cotton Yarn, Clover Seed, and a largo lot of Car- j putt' Tooh. Arrill. George Ehey. Levi Matthews. William Ebb HUfV DltTTIimc it tn Itim.l, ..iiilllLl to., 'A VVIIOLESALE Grocers and Commission JUcr- chants, Dealers in all kinds of Produce and) Pittsburg ilonulactures, ISO. n and "a. Street, f Pittsburgh, Pa. August 19, 1853. JOUS M'DKVITT. WILLIAM MlEYlTr. JGEi. M'BEVIT'f & IIIIW., "T.TniOLESALK grocers and dealers in Forci VV 1 and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskei Flniir IS.-mon. Fish. Cheese. &c, &c. No 311, Lir erty street, opposite the head of Smithfield, l'itf- burgh, Pa. December 23, 1 852 9-tf. JOI1-V C. lUACill-L., II AS leased and refitted the McMillen Hoic, (late the Rennet Hotel) in the borougliioi Johnstown, where he will te glad to receive an.ioi friends who mnv favor him with their patroniie. Ifn lm5 hIso opened a bar with a choice selectioiof wines and liquors of all kinds. j Meals served to 6uit passengers who wioh tora vcl bv the Pa; R. K. . I . - JOHN C. MAGIL$ Johnstown, Po, July 22, 1853. j FOREST IlOt SI'. Campbellstown, Cambria county Pa. t rrillE undersigned. Proprietor of the abovello- 1 tel. informs his friends and the public tnal w is well rrcDared to furnish the best of accommo dation, and is determined to please all who maj call with him. , - JOHN P. PARISH. , Campbellstown, June 1C, 1S63 o c A CAltU. TP- A. YE AG LEY having permanently locatcu . . . i m 1 X.J in Jefferson, Cambria county, respecttully tenders his professional services to the citizens o the place and thesurrounding country, in the prac tirp ot Aietiicine uiiu ouitviv. .. . T 1 C . Office on Main street, where ho can always be found and consulted, except when absent on pro-j fessional business. Jefferson, April 11, 185325. Dr. Geo. II. Kcllr, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens i and vicinitr. in the practice of Medicine and surgery. Office next door to Mr. Lytle's Store. May 20, 1853. C. Sheridan, M. !., TP ERPECTFULLY tenders his services to the 1 .1, pitiiens of Johnstown and vicinity, in the uructiee of Medicine and Surgery. Office at the Drug store of Kratzer and Sheridan corner of Clinton and Main streets. Residence Main street, second door below Von Lucnan's store. lr. S. K. Ficli, T" ESPECTFULLY tenders his services to the cit- Jlj izens of Summcrhill township in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office at Half-Way Houso, Cambria county, Ta. Nov. 21, 1852. ElSClIAIil) JOK.S, Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa., WILL attend promptly to all collections en trusted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling. July 21, 1852. tf. F.M.GEOKfiC, Justice of the Peace, foot of Plans So. 4, A. P. B. R. I JTILL attend promptly to oil collections entrusted It to his care. Office, adjoiuing the Test office, July, 28th, 1S52. Or. Henry Yeagley, Practising Phynician, Johnstown, Pa. OFFICE next door to his drug store, comer ct Main and Bedford streets. Johnstown, July 21, 1852. WM. DAVIS. J0H5 LLOYP. HAVING formed a partnership in the Mercnr.tile Business, would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of their friends and the public generally. Call and see us at the old etund of William Da- vis. April 20, 1 852. Always on Stand. TONEWARE, Earthen ware, Nails, Cost-tel and Salt, for salo by DAVIS & LLOYD. May 12, 1852-20. Win. Dl'Fnrland and Son. CABINET WARE R003IS, Allegheny Street, HoUidaysburg, Pa. "VVTOULD respectfully invite the attention of the v public to their superior stock Jof Furniture of every description. Fnrniture of all kinds man ufactured to order on the thortott notice. All or ders from a distance promptly attended to. July 1, 1S52. . Laborers Wanted. T"V Laborers arc wanted to work on the Ebcns burg and Susquehanna Plank Rood, te whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to eitherof the uudersigned. GLASS & IIUTH1S0N. Ebensburg, June 3, 1853. S. Petersherger's ani- bagj, Trunks, &c. Sold cheap for Cash, bria Couuty, Ta. Summit, Cam- J. Patlon Thompson, With Maxple, Ellis & M'Clure, XurORTERS and Dealers in Foreign and Domea- JL tic FANCY DRY GOODS. Trimmings. Hosierv. Gloves, Satins, Silk Vest.ngs, Cravats, Ribbon White Goods, Suspenders, Combs, Brushes, But tons, looking Glasses, Ac! No. 15 North Third Street, two doors above Lriurcn Alley, Philadelphia., M. to. .".lAIU'LE, J. A. ELLIS, l E. C. McCLURE, j Philadelphia, Feb. 16, 1852-82. Sew Cabinet Ware ItooniN. JAMES S. TODD informs the citizens of Ebens burg, anil the public generally, that he ha opened an extensive and varied assortment of Cab inet Ware in Mr. Robert Davis' new building, Main street, nearly opposite the "Mansion House," where he will be happy to havo them call and ex amine his - i MAHOGANY, WALNUT, CHERRY AND OTHER VARIETIES OF FURNITURE, consisting in part of Sofa's, Bureaus, Tables, Bed steads, Secrctarys, Stands, &c, &c. He will have constantly on hand an excellent as oortment of Fancy and common Chairs, which he will -sell lower than ever before offered in this place. , , Every article ordered will be made in" the most workmanlike manner, of the best materials; ami REPAIRING of all kinds will be promtly attend ed to. His terms are CAS II, and being determined to sell low, and keep none but good . articles, he hopes to receive the patronage of a discriminating public. , . . Ebensburg, July 29, 1853. ' - EGXER & GREGG, WHOLESALE dealers in M ines and Liquors, which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers.. ? Warehouse 208 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. - ' Feb. 2, 1853 ly. . . : ' irOOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain nlr en v v in exchange for goods at ; J. MOORE'S STORE. CASH will bo waol; by paid for 4000 or 5000 pounds UWillES & WHERRY. ""- JofiiTsoo Fa. vTkolcsale and Retail Clothing Store. rflOATS, Vests, Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, II V kercheifs. Cravats, Boots, Shoes. Carpet- Iagucrrfoj Iin? "WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT IN ART! never fading picture can now be got at tho Blair Co. Gallery, Odd Fellows HalL qqege Wl FISHER takes this method of in- Vj" forming Lis numorous fiienda throughout the rnuntr. that he has rermaneutly located himself at llollidnysburg, where he is now prepared to furnish superior portraits to all that wish a good picture. Alter a long ana serious time oi experimenting in the Art, ho id now prepared to take the finest kind of pictures in all kinds of weather. A visit to his room and a trial is all that is asked. His object is to please, and having the best light in the Borough, he feels Jbat no failure enn be made. Pictures neatly colored and put iii good cases, from 91, 25 to $10. Children taken in the morn ing from 9 to 1), in the short fpace of one socond. Instruction given in the art, embracing all tho improvements, on the most reasonable terms. Ap aratus and fixtures for Daguerreotyping furnished. Hollidaysburg, Set 9, lfc2.-tf. Tills way lor Good and Cheap Goods. w: ILL be opened this week at the brick store of J. Moore, in Ebensbnrg, a general assort ment of cloths, enssimeres, satiuetts, tweeds, and a great variety of summer goods. Together with any quantity of painto, delating, lawns, . cashmeres, ginghams, lutttres and other dress goods. ALSO A LARGE and good assortment of hardware, queonswaro, saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &c, &c. Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats and caps or ready made clothing, will find it to their advan tage to call at the. Ilrlck Store. The subscriber, tlli'"l Vr past favor", onr ntlr rcuuests lils customers, anil the public gen erally to at least call and examine his stock : and if he cannot suit every person in quality and price it is not his fault. Produce and lumber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods; and he also takes CASH when offered. J. MOORE. Ebensburg, April 28, 1851. The Grant IEoiinc, Corner of 4th and Grand sts. Pittsburg. T HE subscriber has leased the large and well known Hotel, (late Lamartine Honso.l at the corner of 4th and Grant etreets, Pittsburg, which has been repaired and newly fitted nu in all its apartments so ns to give a larger and more liberal accommodation to travellers and boarders. His larder will be stocked with the most choice brands the markets can afford, and his Bar furnished with the best. He would respectfully solicit h share of public patronage. Sept. 8, 1852. B. PERRY. Ht. Charles Hotel, Corner of Third and Wood Sts. THIS fine establishment, having come Into the hands of a new Proprietor, offers great in ducements to the traveling community; and also to regular boarders. Every delicacy and luxury will be provided in its season ; and no pams win be .-pared to make this Hotel a comfortable home to all who may cull there. W S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Pittsburg, Sept. 8. 1852. BOlVEItY SALOOV, f Formerly JSroivnB Saloon. fO HE Proprietor of this e?tblislir.ient, W. R. I Kennedy, takes this method of informing the cit izens of .Ebensburg aud the public in general that he has refitted and otherwise improved his Saloon, and is readv. at ull times, to accommodate tall persons who wish to indulge iu the luxury of a good plate of Fields' No. 1 Oysters. He will have them forwarded to him daily. He solicits a liberal share cf public patronage. W. 1L KENNEDY. Jan. 20, '5. George IZarncame, Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron ware Manufacturer, and Dealer in the fol lowing named Stoves : LOBE Air Tight Cook, Portable Raugo. Flat Ton Comnlete. t'nicn Tiht. Cooks I sivi.r- ite, liare cyniiuer, 1'eiaware inu, umr-roooi, ivey stone, or Independent, Hurp cannon. New com plete, Hot Air Parlor, Victoria complete, Air Tic-ht, Complete Cook, Union Coal Burner. Ebensburg, Sept 1, 1852. Fashionable Clothlnar Emporium, Clinton St. Johnstown Pa. G1REAT attraction at the corner of Clinton and T Locust streets, opposite the Exchango Hotel and the M'Millcu House, Johnstown, Cambria CO., Pa., where the subscribers have just received a large and fashionable assortment of Fall and Win ter Ready made CLOTHING. Nov. 4, 1852. JOSEPH CANS & CO. FU3. W. HAV. ' W. S. KDSO:. ISay & Edson, Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturers, and Dealers in the fol lowing named Stoves : COOIC Stoves, Keystone, Parlor, Radiators, Etna, Stoves, Keystone, Nine Plate, Liberty, tar Franklin, Wa-' He Irons, Complete Cook, Star Air-tight, Ct iron Sinks. - Wure Room on canal St. oue door below the collectors office. Johnstown, Pa. July 14, 1852. lOO livery. BUSHELS good coal wanted at this Of fice, for which cash wiil be paid on de- Excliane Hotel. Hollidaysburg, El air Co., Pa. TUE proprietor assures the public that no exer tions will be wanting on his part to render his house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. POTTS. April 29, 1852. 40 BARRELS Concmaugh Salt for sale by J. MOORE. 50 BARRELS SALT just received at the Store of HUGHES & WHERRY, Jefferson, Pa. July 8. A FRESH arrival of Bootn, Shoes, Summer Hats, -Za. Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw Bon nets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot, Lead, &c, received this day and for Bale at the cheap store of June 20, 1851.-' . J.MOORE. James Dougherty, at . KEIMIOLl), DASH & CO., WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadel phia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CHEWING TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIGARS, Domestic cigars, and 8nuff, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any house in the city. Orders promptly attended to. ; August 5. 1853 5-ly. , J John Parker, i James H. Parker. JOII Y PARKER & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahcla and Rectified Whiskey. , No. 6, Commercial Bow, Liberty Street, Pittsburg, Pa, , , ., August 19, 1853. ly. TouibStonc! Tombs Stone! T ICHARD JONES respecfully informs the pub J-. lie that he is prepared to furnish all kind of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, man ufactured in the latest stylo, and lottered according to any directions. - His yard is situated at the south part of the town, where & large assortment of articles in his line are always kept on hand. ; From long experience ho feels confident be can please all tastes, and he therefore hopoe to be pat ronized uv a gencTOtrs rnnufcr. We 17, ISO M" WITMOBE, C. H. WOLFF, 'if. JOKES, OKO. i .Ptif W hit more, Wolff, & Co., Importers and Dealers in Hardware, Sign of the Anvils, No. 60 Wood it., thru doors above the St. Charles Hotel, Xitttburgr, la. T 1AKE this method of informing enstoroers and Dealers that they arc now in receipt of their Fall Supply which has injen selected witn great enre from the Manufactories ol .urojteu.u uio r.us- tern States. Our stock comprises ft much larger assortment than is gcuerully kept by similar establishments, mid is particularly adapted to the Country Trade. Having superior facilities for procuring goods it is without hesitation that we defy competition from any quarter. ....... We arc now receiving Birmingham ami sMieuicm Manufactures, purchased und forwarded by one ol the Firm, who has beeu hpending some months iu Eugland and Germany, and who will continue to keep us supplied with Foreign llardward bought from first hands only. Western Merchants aro respectfully invited to an cxaminrtion of our stock and prices previous to go ing further Eastward. Among our assortment may be lound the following: C521 doz. Knives and Forks, 1100 doz. Chisils, 3114 1S00 210 50 250 850 217 75 pen knives 8- cases planes, scissors & sheers 8200 doz. files i Rasps raeors in cases 217 gun locks silver plated lead table Spoons, German silver " " " shovels and spades 350 " gross BriUnia hay and manure forks, 150 " Saws tennent saws 15 bales Deer's hair. 4X Mill pitt und cross cutt saws doz knols. locks and latches 1200 " pair trace chains liOOO pwl cbeet locks 400 halter and dog chains, bellows, anvils, vices, log and coil chains, cast, sheer and Blister 450 doz axes, l?!-t brands, &c. Saddlery Hardware We are continuing to make large additiou to this branch of our business. Sept. 2, 1853. A Xcu Arrival of Watches and Jew elry. On the cornor of Clinton and Locust Sts. THE undersigned respectfully invites the Ladies and Gentlemen to call and see his new and splendid stock of Watches and Jewelry, which he has just received from Germany ; warranted to be solid and pure, and for style and finish it cannot be surpassed. He has also received a large assort ment of Jewelry from the Eastern cities, vix : Gold hunting case watches from !t'75 to 100 " Patent Lever " " 35 to 80 " Ladies anchor lever and Lepine, 80 to 45 Silver patent lever and bunting case watches from 15 to 20 . 44 Anchor Levers do, from 12 to 18 44 Lepincs do, 10 to 14 44 Quarticrs do, 5 to 12 Gold miniature cases. Ladies Gold Bracelets and NecklesBcs, Ear-rings, Gold Guard, Ycft and Fob chains. Gold chains for Ladies, Finger rings. Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Silver Spoons, Silver Thimbles, Steel, German and Silver SpcctocWs, Port Monaies, Pen Knives, Silver chains, kc, ic. All of the above articles are warranted to be of the beet material, and will be sold very lotc f-r cash. CIock and Watch Repairing. He has the beet workmen in the country in his employ, and all work entrusted to hiu will be promptly uttcnufu to. Thankful for past favors he solicits a continuance f the sauie, aad is confident he can give ttiafac- tiou to all who tuay give him a call. GEORGE P. LLCKUAUT. Johnstown, April 15, lb-53. fiOOO Dollars Reward. Great Kicllnntnt tit AVelcat G1 EO. J. BODGE RS ha cities of Philadelphia s just received from the meuse stock cf .New Ooods, ana now oilers to nis old as well as lew customers the Largest, Chcajiest and Leal assortment of SPRING A SUMMER GOODS ever brought to the Ebensburg market. His stock consists cf every variety of Dry Goods Qacrm are, Inr-Jnnic, Cedar Ware-, eve, nil of which havo been purchased with a view to satisfy the wants of his numerous customers iu quulity and price. Gents Wear. Blue, black, brown and broad cloths, plaiu-an I fancy CBbinicres. tweeds, summer cloth, liueus, eilks, satin, Valencia and marccills vesting. Hats, Cups, Bscts, Shoes, c. Ladies' Dress and Fauoy Goods Prints, mous de lains, ginghams, lustres and fancy colored silks, bobintt, laces and edging, jackonettj, ribbons, fan cy silk gimps, &.c. Hardware, cutlory, and tools of various kinds. Queens-ware, consisting of many new and splen did patterus. Groceries, consisting of coffees, sugar, tea, fish, spices, salt &c. . jpey" All kiuds of country produce taken in ex change fur goods Also Lumber, Wool, &c. GEO. J. RODGER3. May 20, 1S53. Look out Tor the locomotive! Cash and Produce Store '. HUGHES & WfSEllRV, HAVE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few doors East of G. L. Lloyd ,S: co.'s store a largo and entire new assortment of Spring & Summer Goods, which they just received from the Eastern cities, consisting, in part, of the following articles. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Barges, Mous lin de Lainee, Lawns, &c, He. Also, Cloths, 2Sati uetts, Twccd3, Drillings, &c. Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and very beet quality. Give it a trial. Hardware, Queensware, and Stoneware, of every variety comprising a large assortment. STOVES, of every decription, always on hand and warranted. We flatter onrselves tfcat we can sell Stoves lower than any establishment in Cam bria county, and being located on the Rail Rond we can always secure a supply. Groceries, Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vlnegnr, linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and every article nocessaay to supply this market. The public is solicited to call and examine our stock, as we are confident it will admit of inspec tion. . JSjy" All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Lumber bought at tho highest market pri ces. May 17, 1853. Tailoring-. THE undersigned informs his customers that the firm of Beynon & Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still con tinues the business in the room recently occupied by the old firm, where he will be happy to see his former patrons and ns many new ones as please to call. He receives regularly from New York and Philadelphia the latest fashions and cannot be beat en either in the shape or fit of Coats, Pants or Vests, by any other Tailor in the country. He respectfully ask the public to give him a call, and confident his work will recommend itself. S? All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for work. LEWIS BEYNON, April 20, 1852.-tf. - - . . Ezeklel Hughes, - . Ebensburg, Pa. DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gro ceries, wholesale and retail fish ; hardware and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron, shect-iinc, stoves of all kinds, stove-pipes and sheet-iron ware, tin ware, copper and brass ket tles, &c. Grain, wool, butter sod ether country produce Also, A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry lumber; lumber always bought, and a large qoan- w7 wuDiauuj uu ii nn a jor sale. Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or such as suits the present demand of the market. A large lot of new goods as embraced in the above list just received and more opening tbr sale Vuu owesi inarnet prico; Mackanlcs Manufacturers and Inventor. A new Volume of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICA. Is commenced about the 30th September, eoL. year, and is the best paper for Mechanic aud In ventors published in the world. Each volume contains 41G jtagos of roost valu.. blereadiDg matter, and is illiihtrated with over MECJIAX1CAL EXGRAVIXUS of new In,,, tions. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a Weekly J nal of the Arts, Sciences, and Mechanics, havin for its object the advancement of the interests of Mechanics, Manuacturcrs and Inventors. Kch number is illustrated with from five to toe, OltlCilNAI. KNGUAV1JIU of new mechanical inventions, neorly all f the inventions which are patented st Washington b0ig. ;iinuf I-, rl in th Scientific American. It aNn pm, tains a weekly list of American patents; notices cf the lie progress of nil mechanical aud scinnttfio im prot rovements; pr-ictical direction on the oDt mo ion, management, and use of ull kinds of inaehlu- Lion. Tiiauncet It is printed with new type on beautiful ppi and licing adapted to binding, the subscriber is possessed, at the end of tho year, of a large volume of 410 pages illustrated with upward of 500 me chanical engravings. The Scientific American is the Repertory f Ph. cnt Inventions ; a volume, each complete in iulf forms an F.neyclopedia of the useful and entertain ing. Tli a Patent clitims alone ure worth to tie the subscription price to every inventor. TERMS ! TERMS ! ! TERMS 1 ! One copy, for One Year yt " Six Months fj Five copies, for Six Months (4 Ten copies for 44 f. 44 One ye fr!5. Fifteen copies 44 Twenty copies 44 Southern and Western money takna at pr fjr Subscriptions,, or Post Office Stamps te.ken at thtir par value. Letters thould be directed (pobt-paid) to MUNN L COt 128 FulHi etret,ltew Ja7 ft. C A. II IIIl I A IIOISC. Jefferson, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, JOIIX IIUAWEEY, Proprietor. rrillE Proprietor of this new Hotel would re. JL pectfully inform the public that be haa It now open, and ready for the accommodation of guests. No pains or expense has been spsred U the furnishing and arranging of this House ; stwl the building itself being new, commodioug aud convenient, it will be found a pleasant plaoe of a journ for travellers and boarders. HIS BAR will at all times be supplied with ths best of Wines and Liquors, and II IS TABLE will contain every dclicocy the Market can afford. Th bcJs are new and good, and the health, case aci comfort of his guests will be untiringly studied. BOARDERS will be taken by the wek oa m. sonable terms. An attentive Ostler wiil always be ta mv dance, and the stabling will be found gooL Nov. 18, 1853. To all whoii It may Concern. THE subscribers having disposed of their etrk of Merohnfi lizo to Mesrs. Shoemaker & (lk. respectfully request c-f all person having uasetLtd accounts with them, to call and stttle on or Imfure the first day of March next. Lumber, Grin, aud all kinds of country predate will be taken for accounts, if delivered before ts time above stated. Persons interested neg'.ecting th above bartioe oMinot 'com plain bhould their accounts t-e ltfl tat tlie bonds of other persons for collection. . MURRAY, ZAHM A CO, F.benebtirg, Deo. 21, lr3. N. B. Mr. .khm of the firm has rtuio-4 Books and Papers to the office of M. D. iarhiu Esq., No. Q, CtloKode ?uw, where he oau b fooau at any time. it., a. a co. Hcc.23, loS. UAXXAI.S HOUSE,' Potiaerly tho "Washington Hotel, Alleghecy Street near the Diamond, IIOLMAYSBl'RG, IM. THE subscriber respectfully informs his fritij and the public generally that he has taken ice above old established stand and entirely rsfittaj and repaired it in such a maimer as to render it second to no hotel in tho country. The Bar hae been newly stocked with the bct-t Wines, Liquors, and Scgars that oould be purchased, and the TW will at all times be supplied with the best the Moa Wet affords. ' The RESTAURANT attached will at all timea oontuin all the delicacies that can be prourL. wbUh will be served up at all hours, on short no tice. He respectfully asks the public to give him trial, fully assured that he con render satisfatilitN G. W. DANNALS. Dec. 0, lfT.3. Pennsylvania Kail Road. ""IROM and after thi ibitn Pu.n X1 . t . ; , seats iu the cars without tickets, at station where there is a ticket office, will be charred ten cents extra. W. W. IVORY. Agent l'cnn. R, &. Ou pHimmit, July 23, 180339. Atlainn & Co's Express, W.W. IvorviCo.. Asrenta. WILL forward all packages of goods or moy, daily, except Sunday, to all the nrinciral cities in the Union, and all towns on the Rjtil Road between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Dritfts col lected from California. Drafts soU on lrelooJ- England or Scotland, from 1 upwards. Moncv fj drafts must be par. Summit, July 28, 1SV1 89. O. HALLOW ED L, T. HELM, A. Orr-EXUEIXEB, 1 B. PHEKS. II. I. TIionipKon, with HAS. IIALLOHF.LL & CO. irilOLESALE Hat and Cap Manufacturer?.' Fo.- Straw Goods and Hatters' Trimmings Ko. 1 Market Street. Philadelphia. Dec. 9, 1853. JAMES DEEI, SUMMIT, CAMBRIA CO. PA, TTAS the pleasure of announcing . to all A A would secure the best bargains to bo offer! In this county, that he is again in the field wLb one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully so lected stocks of . Fall and Winter Goods I Ever brought to Cambria ' county, all of whips have been purchased within the last few days la Philadelphia and New York, with particular regard to the wants of this Market. I again fling my ban ner to the breeze, inscribed with my oldinotto of Quick Bales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchasers to my stock, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, being full and oonv, plete in every department. Everything new, fah-a iouable and desirable will be found embraced la my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new aud beautiful styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I have just received of late importation, In Gents' wear I defy competion, and confidently invite an examination of one of the largest,ohap est aud Lest selected stocks of roady-inatje clothiug. cloths, oassimeres, &c, ever brought to Cambria county ; comprising all colors and qualities- whioh I will sell cheap and warrant to give saUafaciiuia Also, caps, bonnets, , . : . BOOTS ASD SIIOK8, of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, bocks stationary, &c. . perThe highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce November 11, 1852. 20GW1"' VftTO, butter, ri I. jftXTKU.