JU i r" ; v.-! 5 A t K Dr. Guysott's Improved Extract of .. TfXIXOWDOCS SARSAPARILLA ; THE anginal and only genuine preparation fur th pttmauot cure of consumption and dis eases of the lungs where . they, are. supposed to be affected by' it" two free use of mercury, iron, qui- Lb,Ac., sr i . ;-.T- -?. 1 r j fr The Medicine, when used according to directions, --I-' -"-; Will Cmre, Without Fail a - - - i Scrofula or Kings Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of the- Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore-Eyes, j ; ....EingworiBM? Tetters,-Scald Head Rhe- , - .!uinatjsjn, Pains in the Bones or Joictj, t i t.. . old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling T.. ,r ,i'' of tte Glands,. Syphilis, ease. j y - r---" -" S of Kidneys, Loss of An.- M.: ... "' petite, Disease r- ; , . rising from the-use f .Mercury, fain in the Side'iiud ShouMers, General DililUy, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice and Coatire .' f. . .I-r. seas. - -C .!' ; - i" .. .i Saline, Bfich., Oct. C, 1861. "Mr jo r- Park Dear Sirs . It is will unut terable feelings of gratitude that - I ain able, thro', the divine providence of Qpd, and by thewonJer . working agency of that excellent medicine, Guy sotfs Yellow Dock and Sarsapariila, to giro you a few symptoms of my almost hopeless case. In the winter of 1850, I was- attacked wi":h a se vere pain, whiclt was- gra.fnally ex'tendirig through the whole right side and leg; at" -the same time-a total prostration otm? physical system ; also, uiy leg bad shrunk to tiro thirds of its common sue. . 1 procured the attendance of a skillful- practitioner, who pronounced my' disease one of the worst forma of Hver complaiutj j JI& said jay case,wns ore nor easily handled bat yrescribed. for me. '.' 1 remained tinder hia treatment until I was satisfied be couUF not hc!p me. .1 then procured' of your agent a this pajce, A- V. Beers, two batttes of Griysoti'a Yellow Iook and Sursnparilla, from whu-h I re coIt ed s Tast amount of benefit. After having ta ken four bottles more I was able to pursue my bus iness without any inconvenience, and have been oince that time a well man, "while bnt a'snort time since I was confined to my -bad three-fourths of the time ; and I cannot ascribe the return of my health to any other cause thin by the agency of thrt truly valuably medicine, Guysotts Yellow Dock and Sar eaparilla. H A.SSEL VA URIl'ER. ' The fullowing letter is from a highly repcctablo physician who enjoys an extensive practise Navarre, Stalk eo., 0.r Nov. 1651.' Df. 'John D. Tark Dear Sir: Dr. Gaytt's x tract of Sarsaparilla. This medcine has been prescribed by me for the lost three ycars.witb good effect, in General Debility, Liver Complaint, Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, Cranio and nervous . diseases. In all female complaints it certaiuly is unequaled. - -la the use of this medicine the patient constantly gains strengthand vigor.a fact worthy of great con aideration. It is pleasant to the t.isto and smell, aail. caojbe used by persons with most delicate stomachs. I am speaking from experience, and to the afflicted I advise ita use. r .... ... . .... DR. J. S. LEEPER. 1 Wlster'a Balsam orjtl'ild Clierry. fvr the instant rtlirf and rapid cure ef-Asthma, Con- mmption, Coughs, Colds, Uoarsentss, Croup, end all duordtrs of , the Lungs and , -Chest. fr- , f . Wister'a Balaam of Wild Cherry ! THE BEST REtrEDY EVER KNOWN TO . v ... . .. MAN. , . . For Coughs, Clds, Asthma, Croup, Influenza, Bron " thitis, Bleeding of the Lung, IHfficult Breath- - IAetr AJfeetions, l'ain or Weakness of the Breast or Side, .yc, 4j-e. la short, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted to eve ry disease of the Lungs and Liver, which is produ ced by our ever-varying climate. .- JFiTly Thousand Persons Die annually in England of Consumption. In the New England States, tbe proportion in one in four or five. In Boston, probably one in four. In the city of New York, sixty-seven died in iwo weeks la December of this disease. It is les prevalent In the more northern latitudes, as Russia, Canada, and among the Alps of Switzerland, where the winters are long and severe, and there are fewer audden changes. -' - No- theory can be more welcome to the human mind than the ono which establishes on good grounds the hope for prolonged existence, if the al legations of those who are at least entitled to ve racity may be believed, there is a preventive and a remedy. ' The great Author of Nature has provided us with a remedy for Consumption, and the -diseases leading thereto which are ao fearfully common in onr country. Has He left us to find relief from that fatal scourge by ransacking other lands? No, the best, Nature's own remedy is at our hand. The "Wild Cherry and the Pine, furnish us with a cure vfbere a oure is possible. One of the most important disco veiies of tbe age. In ameliorating the condition of this large class of Buffering humanity is Dr. 'VYistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry, which has been before the public some ten - years. This valuable medicine waa first discover ed and introduced in the year 1838, since which time ita success has constantly increased the de mand, until it has become on of, if not the most popular remedy for Consumption, in its recipieat .stage vor known. .'.'. I Another I'liyslclan's Testimony. Mr. Fowle Dear Sir : I could send you a dozeu certificates, strong and decisive, of the really sau- ativo effects of your valuable Balsam of Wild -Cherry, within the past twelve months, under my own supervision and direction.. . Indeed 1 know of few persons who have used it, comparatively, but - commend it in the strongest terms. , A case of Asthma, the severest I ever saw, to which I was ' called a month ago, evinced the superiority of the Baleara. - It lasted him six weeks, and the dysprca and suffering was dreadful; he sat up every night. The gentleman old me to give him something to last him home, (21 miles) so that he might see his wife and chili, and die in peace.1- I gave him one bottle of balsam and four-ounces of eyrnp squills, . directing him to take teaspoonful doses of best - Bordeaux olive oil, when the difficulty of breathing was greatest. Next day I forced Lis. despondent - well, and made him take six bottles of Wistar's Bal- earn of Wild Cherry home with , him as a present, he having alledged that he had used so much ex- - pensivo medicines to no profit. Last week Mr.'A. . called and expressed his gratitude to me in the - warmest manner, said the mcIicLae had saved his iiftl, paid hia whole bill, and tiwk aix . bottles moir, and left my pfiice for home, rejoioiug. is '.! . . , Very respectfully yours,' 1 -- 4 WM.SAAW, M. D. Washington, North Carolina, Aug." 12. Canuotbc Dkci-euited. ', W annex i- fow statements from individuals - well known in thia vicinity ; the first of which is from Alderman Perkins i :, - - ; :'- ' ''-.. - Boston, Febuary 3, 1851. Dr. S. W. Fowle: Dear Sir Having lately had . occasion to try your celebrated remedy for coughs s and colds, Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry, which I did with success, I cannot in justice to you with fcold my testimony in its favor. For several day: 1 had been suffering from the effects of a seven cold, accompanied by a very aore throat nnd sick headache, which completely incapao tated me for , Business. 1 nad taken but a very sma Vort i of - m single bottle of this Balsam, when I experienced relief. My cough waa broken up at once, and my lungs entirely relieved from the pressure which had become ao painfuL .. I 'attribute the relief en tirely to the good effects of your Wild Cherry, as I took bo atlier medicine whatever. I cordially re commend it to all my frienns. - Respectfully yours C- SAMUELS. PERKINS. ' SSf Put up in quart bottles, $1 per bottle six bottles for J5. Sold by . ' . . ; J, D. PARK, : t j - . - - Cincinnati, Ohio. . rorthwest corner Fourth and Walnut streets. Entrance on Walnut street, to whom all orders must ddrwed-; ; Murray Zahm & Co. Ebensburg, Moore & keple. Carrolltown, John Ivory &. Son Soramit, Johnston &Edson Jchnstown.JP. U0 diandl.dianJ. C. Day BlairsvilleT Augtaa 19, IPC'S. ly. " ' ' JobustownJJIarble.lorfcs,, '., One door North of the comer of Main aad Clintoa j . i .- . BtroeU, Johnstown '' MONUMENTS, Tombs. 'Grave Stones, Iantels, Table, audlmrcau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and do taestlo murble;'alw.-ys m hand and made to order, as cheap as theycau be purchased in the East, with' tbe addition of carriage. , rrom long experiencein the busincsj and strict attention thereto, he can as sure the public that all orders wilt be promptly at tended to and the work finished in the-best andmost handsome' manner, furnished to order and deliTered at any place desired.1 ' li: 9-J lI l.i ALSO, Grindstones rf Variooa grita and sisca, suitable for farmers and mechanics.' Sold by whole sale" er retail."''1" - v;aa"1''j '' -'-v Purchasers arc invited to examine stock and pri cea .... : . :. Johnstown, Nor.-25, 1853. tf. i --i a-' vt ' . Hide, Oil, and teatlier Store; ; 'J T-i D. KISKPATBICK, - No 21," South Third Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia.-. , H AS constantly on hand and for Bale, Dry and Vrv Salted Spaaishf ilidea, iiTR and Green Salted I'atna- Kips, Tanners' Oil, Tanners and Cur-, rici-s, TOOLij at the lowet .prices and upon tue best terms. . , . .v.j i. -'t I'".. . ' All kimls of Leather in tlie rough wanted, for which the bigUc inarket.pr.ee will e gjvcn In' cah, or taken ja exchange for hides. , "". ' '.' " . fitS" Leather stored, free of cbargejlnil sold on eonnnissiou. , ., , May;W 18i3- ' v. ? i. Ms: ' llepubllcan llall.,. .- A NTnONY VQlVINKLKrcspectfti..jr 5uformoW A. public that be is now prepared, -as the law di .f ith pver rt-fiuisite for the V acoommoda- tion of strangers and travellers' at his new stand in the Northern Liberties of Uollidaysburg, and rMneptfullv auks for a share of custom. His ta- 1.1a witl nt nil times he sunnlied . with the best the market ftuVrds, and his bar stocked with tno best wines and liquors. : : . ' - i ." - ' - The larger Hall can bo rented by the day or night, and a Piano and Pianist famished. ; L Bk&- German wines and Lager Beer kept con stantly ou hand, j j r.., 4, f 4.. ; Uollidaysburg, .May 0, iboJ. . t Hell, Jolnston, Jack, &.Co. . (UTt BELL, JOUNSTOX, & CO.) - . f . .- ' Office of Deposit, Discount, ft Exchange, .- .'AT llULLlDAiSBLRG, PA. . . . ;,; JAMES M. BELL, Robert B. Johu ton) and Wil liam Jack are the Active Partners, who alone transact the business of the firm. THE OIktB PARTKEBS ABB . , A. P. AVilson, Joseph Smith, Wm. lorris- Jr. j , , of liollidavsburs, ra. Yt n. T. Or hi son, of Huntingdon, Pa T. C. McDowell,1 ' Wm. M. Lloyd, -James Deuniston, ' ' R. M. Lemon, Geo. R. M'Farlane,' Samuel AV. Rhodes, Samuel Calvin, ThaJeus Banks, John Crcsswcll, Jr.- Alex. M.'LloAd, Baker & Watson,'- ' of Gaysport, Pa., John Miiler, of Temper- anceville, Blair co. Pa. r. Shoemaker, " 1 . 1 of Ebensbargr Pa., Thos. White, - of Indiana, Pa., S. II. Smith, John Crouse, David Watson, of Johnstown, Pa. John Xeff. Samuel Dean. James M. Johnston, Wil liamsburg, Ta. XSOthert ma; end uill be added."& Collections made in all parts of the United States. Drafts furnished on Phi'.sdelphia, Tittsburg, &c, ic , ; The usual rate of Interest, in such cases, paid on Deposits for 3, 6, and 12 mouths. . Other Deposits received payable on dcinaad. .1 Uollidaysburg, July 1C, 18-52.' D. J. EvAxa. J. D. HcoHEa. EVAXS& IIUCillES, , . , tTTOn.D again inform the public that they have Y just received from the Eastern Cities, and have on hand a large and excellent assortment pf rail and Winter Clothing, which they are prepared to dispose of at reasonable prices. Their stock consists, in part, of men and bovs wearing apparel, manufactured from Cloths, Cassimcres, Sattinctts, Satins and silks. Also, Woolen and Cotton Undershirts, Drawers, &c. ' Hats and Caps, - of all kinds, suitable for the season. ' 1 - Also, a large assortment of OVERCOATS and CLOAKS of the latest styles. They have also on hand Cloths, Cassimcres, Sat tinctt?, and Testings, which they are prepared to manufacture to order according to the latest appro ved fashions. , . ; - The goods have been selected with care, and can be sold yeby xow. Call and examine their stock. They wiil suit you as to quality and price. . - Ebensburg, Oct 21, 1853. '. " ; . Administrators Xotlce, ,r LETTERS of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Cam bria county, upon the estate . of. James Rhey, de ceased.. .All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us,' and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. SUSAN TIREY;' Admtnitrratriz, ANDREW J. RHEY, Administrator. . Ebensburg,-October 21; 1852. tf. " . ' i ' ,- - ' " 1 ' ., C. W. WEBSTER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg Fa., "'C'X'ILL practice in the several Courts of Cam v t bria, Clair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business intrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. ; Office on Main stieet opposite Dr. Win. Lemou's office. Ebensburg, April 23, 1853 27. . '. Thomas Slartin, . - Hoase and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Johns town, Pa. ' i SHOPon the Island, nearly opposite D. Leceh & Cs Warehouse. - ' ': i .': i -'Pec."22,'1852.- -:-r- -r ....,. Dr. IC. ?r. s. Jarksou & ur. James C. . Howe, - - HAYING entered into a. Co-partnership in the practice of medicine, offer their services to the inhabitants of Surnmitvirle and vicinity. ' Dr. Jackson can be found at his residence near the toil ga.to, and Dr. Howe at the old. office on the Summit. ' -' '. ' - Sept. 9, 1853. tf. ' ' ' ' '.'' ""--'! .- . Exchange Hotel,.' Ebensburg, Pa. . Trill E undersigned jespectfully informs the pub X lie that he is now prepared with every requisite for their accommodation, . and will exert every ef fort to render his house an attractive and comfort able stopping place. His table will always be sups plied with every deljcacy. the season affords, and his bar stocked with the best of Wines nnd Liquors A careful and attentive hostler will have charge or the stables. - Ue respectfully solicits a share of patronage. --.., ... , . - . . i 4. JAMES MYERS April 28, 1853 1& ,fls , ... . ITIIOLSTERIG, ; ; ' IV. C. Black, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Uolli daysburg and vicinity that ha-will remain in this place for -a few weeks and holds himself in readiness to manufacture. Hair, Straw and Husk Matrasses and Lonnges, and do the general up bolstering work of houses, auch as hanging1 cur tains, carpeting rooms, &c. :' He will also repair Sofas, &c. He may be found either at the Exchange Hotel or at McFarland . &. Son'fi Cabinet Ware Room. '' - ' ., ' v Hollidoyeburg, Dec. 9, 1353. Wesartfa Eher. Lerf Matthews,-WjlUam shba " RIIEYy MATTHEWS fc CO.j i K- I Ifif OLESALE , Grocer and Conmution ijfer " II . chants Dealers In" all '"kinds of Produce and rittsburr Manufactures, Jfo. 7T' and 79 Water Street, " S- ' ' ; -1 J " ' - ' - PIttsbnreh. Pa. -t-i i August T3," 1853.- j i JOIl-V '.MEVlTX ,.4t RKO.;' X7HOLESaLE Ercer8 ftn,i detJer8 Q : Foreign YV- and Domestic Liquors, Rectified 'VVhisVey, Flour, Baoon, Fish. CUeeser &c., &c No 311, lib erty atrect, opposit the head of Smithfiold, l'ltts. burghk Vti-'-s ': ' i-fi - ; ,i, 3eccmbcr 23. 1852 STtf. , . ." AS leased and refitted, the McMillcn House, ibita the Bonnet Hotel) in. the Dorougu vi Johnstown, where he will be glad to receive any uf his friends who may favor him with their patronage lit bas-ulso opened a bar with a choice elycUon of wines and liquors of all kinds. ; ... : Meals served to suit passengers who wish to tra vel by the Pa.- R. R. a MAG ILL.., Johnstown, Pa., July 22, 1853. FOREST HOLSE. "' ' . Campbellstowa, Cambria county Fa.. , A f TUl nndcrsigned. Proprietor of the abovo. Ho-, tel, informs his friends and the public tbt be ia well prepared to furnish, the beet of accommo dation; and is determined to please all whamoy call with him. ' ' ": "; " ' '?" - 1 ' t-r , JOHN P. PARISH.-.-. Campbellstown, June 16, 18o3 Si-m. J D' R. A..YEAULtr having jroi7, lwtcil in Jefferson, Cambria county, reop-eeuuiij tenders his professional services to uie ciuwns 01 the place and thesurrounding country, in the prac tice f Medicine and Surgery, . .. ... f . . Office on Main street, where he can alnrys be found and consulted, except when absent OB pro fessional business. ' " " Jcffersoa April 1 85325. ! : Dr. Geo. 15. Kelly, , OFFERS hisprofessienal services to the cUixena of Jefferson and vicinity, in the practiie of Medicine and surgery. " ' "'' ' ' " ( Office next door to Mr. Ly tie's Store. " May 20, 1853. ' ' : ;' . C. Sheridan IrT.'O., RERPECTFULLY tenders his services to the citizens of Johnstown end vicinity, Jia the practice of Medicine and Surgery.: ... ' f f Office at the Drug store of Kratzcr'and Sheridan corner of Clinton nnd Main streets. Residence Main street, second door below Von Luenaifs store. Dr.' 8. "RJ Tlch, i. RESPECTFTJXLY teaders his services t the cit izens bt Sinnmerhill township in the practice of Medicine and Sureery, 4 ' Office at Half-Way House,- Cambria cojinty Pa. Nov. 24, 1862. DR. E. COMITTI, RESPECTFULLY" tenders his servicesto the cit izens of Ebensburg, in the practice of Medi cine and Surgery. " " ' - j Office in Dr. Schneider' Drug Storej opposite the Presbyterian Church. . j 1 June 24, 18-53. . : RICHARD JOXES, Justice of the Peace, Ebensburf, Fa., W1 ILL attend promptly to all colections en trusted to his care Office, ' acjoining his dwelling. ' 1 - July 21, 1852. tf. ' ! ' . , : , 1 F.9I. GEORGE, I r:. JusUce of the Peace, foot of Plant No 4, - - -A. P. R. R. - f U TILL attend promptly to all collections entrtsted to his care. Omce, adjoining tn X'ost once, July, 28th, 1852. - ' - Dr. Ilenry easier, Practising Fhyaician, Johnstown, Fa. OFFICE next door to his drug store, . corner Main and Bedford Btreete. 1 , Johnstown, July 21, 1852. ; f ; WM. DAVIS. JO MX LLOt"I. Davis & Eloyd, j 4 HAVING formed a partnership in the Mercantile Business, would respectfully solicit Ue pa tronage of their friends and the public generally Call and see us at the old stand of Willian Da- vis. April 29, 1852. Alvraj N on Hand - OTONEWARE, Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-steel k7 and Salt, fpr sale by i ...... s - DAVIS A LLOYD May 12, 1852-29. .r. , : HI'Earland and on. i CABINET WARE ROOMSj Allegheny Street, Hollidayibarr, Pa. "TX7"OULD respectfully invite the ati-ntion of the , v v. public- to their superior stock Ut Furniture of every description. Fnrniture of aV kinds man ufactured to order on the shortest ntiice. All or ders from a distance promptly attended to. July 1. 1852. . W rw 4am ww Ail 56 Laborers are wanfed'to'work in the Ebcns- burg and Susquehanna Plank load, te whom liberal wages will be given- Apply Neither of the undersigned. i . j GLASS & IICTHISON. " Elensburg, June 3, 1853. i , . . , - - , . h-j - S. l'etersberser , a Wholesale and Botail Clothing Store. - COATS. Vests, l'ants, Hats, Caps, iliirts, Hand kercheifs. Cravats, Boots, Shoes, Jarpct-bags, Trunks, &c. Sold cheap for Cash. -. Simmit, Cam bria County, Pa. f J. Patton Thompson wim jaarpte, iaiib & a. tmi White Goods, Suspenders, Combs, Rushes, But tons, looking Glasses, &c " ; i No:; 15 "North Third Street, tr6 doors above Church-Alley, .Philadelphia. . I m. m. MAitpLE, j,,.; :,;,.'-. , -" ' J..A. ELLIS, V - . ' E. C. McCLURE, j " ' ' ? Philadelphia, Feb. 1C, 1852-S2.' '.' ' ' Kew Cabinet WarcRoomg. " JAMES S. TODD informa the fitizens of Ebens .burg, and the public generay, that he has opened an extensive and varied aortment; of Cab inet Ware in Mr. Itobert Davis' uev building, Main street, nearly opposite the ."3ansion House," where he will be happy to have tkem call and ex amine his. . , MAHOGANY WALNLt, CnERlY AND OTHER !,: VARIETIES OF FURNITURE, J consisting in part of Sofas, Bufeain. Tbles.t rle.l- steada, Secretarys, Stands, Sic ,He will have constantly on band an excellent as sortment of Fancy and common Churs, which he will sell lower than ever before offered in this place. Every article ordered win be male in the most workmanlike manner, of the best materials ; and REPAIRING of all kinds will be promtly attend ed to. His terms areCASH, and being determined to sell low, nnd keep none but good articles, he hopea to receive tbe patronage of a discriminating public ' - ' "- ! a -.Ebensburg, July 29, 1853. . ; ., . EGXER & GREGG, ",fT7'II0LESALE dealers in Wines and Liqiiars, :JJ which they are prepared to furnish merchants and . hotel keepers. Warehouse 208 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. , .' i eb. 2, leo3 jy. IMPORTERS and Dealers in Foreigilnd Domes tic FANCY DRY GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Satins, Silk Vcst.ngs, Cravjis. Ribbons. '"T uanierrMtrnuir. rr i" tt WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT IN AST 1 4 A sever fading: piotare can now be got at the Blair' ; Co. Gallery, Odd Follows HaU.. n .'I.;. G GORGE W. FISHER takes this netbod,of in forming bis numorous friends throughout the county, that be has permanently located himself at Uollidaysburg, where he is now prepared to furnish j superior portraits to all that wish a good picture. - After a long and serious time of experimenting in -the Art, he is now ; prepared . to take the finest kiad ef pictures Ixx all kinds of. weather.- -A; visit , to hia room and a trial, is all" that is asked.'- Hia. object is to please, and having the boi-i, light ill the Borough; he eels that no failure can be inude. . Pictures-neatly colored and put- iu; good cases, from $1,25 to 10to. Children taken in , the worn-, iug from 9 to 1 1 , In the short space of one second Instruction given in the art,. s embracing all the improvements, on the most reasonable tennsj , Ap aratus and fixtures for Dagucrreotyping furnished. Uollidaysburg, Sept. 9, 1852. -tf. This way Tor Good and Cheap Goods. WJLL.be opened thia week at the brick store of J. Moore, in Ebcnsbnrg, a general aisorU. mcntof cloths, cassimeres, satiuetts,,twoedB, und a,' great variety of aummer goods. ' ' v Together with any . quantity of. prints," dcTafris, lawns, , cashmeres, . ginghams, 'lustres and other dress goods. ;, .-' ,. .. '".'"". "" "' -. ALSO A LARGE "' y' . and "good assortment of . hardware, queenswnre, 8addlery,.lfLbing., stationary, drugs,' ftc, &c."' Persons wanting bots and shoes, bats and caps or ready made clothyig. will find It to thoir ad van- ' tage to call at the.'"- " "" ' .. .. KSricltStoreV ' ' ' The suJUa-ibr, ihaakful -for past favors, ear nestly requests- his customers, and the public gen-, eriij ,10. ut icuoi cnu auu examiueuis biock. kuu h he cannot suit every person in quality and price It is not hia fault. i..iMVu.j Uu)irr of all kinds taken iu exchange for goods; and be also takes CASH when offered. . ; ..... - , . - ,.:. '. ' J. MOORE., . . Ebensburg, April 23,' 1851.', . Tlie Grant House, Corner of 4'h and Grand its. Pittsburg. THE subscriber has leased the large and well . known Hotel, (late Lainartinc House.) at the comer of 4th and Grant streets." I'ittsburg, which has been repaired and newly fitted up in all its apartments so ad to give a larger and more liberal accommodation to travellers and boarders. His larder will be stocked with the most choice brands the markets can afford, and his Bar furnished with the best. He would respectfully solicit a share of public patronnpe. , ' Sept. 8, 1852. , t , ; ' ' " " B. PERRY"7 St. Charles Hotel, ' Corner of Third bnd Wood Eta. TT1HIS fine establishment, having come into the JL hands of a new Proprietor offers great in ducements to tbe traveling community ; and also to regular boarders. Every delicacy and luxury will be provided in it' season ; and 110 pains will be spared to make this Hotel a comfortable home to all who may call there. . ' . ' '' " V W S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Pittsburg, Sept. 8. 1852. Hoots and Shoes. Evans ft Jones, WOULD respectfully announce to the public that they still continue the manufacture of every description of Boots and Shoes, for Ladies and Gentlemen, at their shop, a few doors East of Mr. Carmen's Hotel, where they will be happy to see their customers. Being practical workmen themselves, and using none but the very best materials, they are confident they can execute work as well and as cheap as any establishment in the county. May 13, 1853 George Uarncame, Wholesale ft Retail Tin, Copperi and Sheet-Iron ware Manufacturer, and Dealer in the fol ; -, lowing named Stoves : GLOBE Air Tight Cook, Portable Range, Flat Top Complete, Union Air Tight, Cooks Favor ite, Bare Cylinder, Delaware Cook, Bar-room, Key stone, or ludepeudent. Harp cauuon, New com plete, . Hot Air . Parlor, Victoria complete, Air Tight, Complete Cook, .Union Coal Burner. Ebensburg, Sept 1, 1852. ,. Fashionable Clothing- Emporium, Clinton St. Johnstown Pa. GREAT attraction at the corner of Clinton and Locust streets, opposite the Exchange Hotel and the M'Millcn House, Johnstown, Cambria co., Pa., where the subscribers have just received a large and fashionable assortment of Fall and Win ter R ea Jy made CLOTH INQ. Nov. 4, 1852. . JOSEPH G ANS & CO. ras. w. iiat. W. 8. EUSOS. Hay & Edson, Wholesale ft Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturers, and Dealers in the fol lowing named Stoves : COOK ' Stoves, Keystone, Nine Plate, Liberty, Parlor, Radiators, Etna, Star . Franklin, Wa fle Irons, Complete Cook, Star Air-tight, Cast iron Sinks. Ware Room on canal St. one door below the collectors office. . Johnstown, Ta. July 14, 1852. IOO livery. BUSHELS good coal wanted at this Of fice, ibr which caii will be paid 011 !o- Exchangc Hotel. Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa. THE proprietor assures the public that no exer tions will bo wanting on his part to render his house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. POTTS. April 29, 1852. , . ... : 40 BARRELS Concmaugn Salt for'sale by - J. MOORE; 50 BARRELS S.ALT just received at the Store of HUGHES & WHEKRY, Jefferson, Pa. July 8. . ... . OOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain, taken m exchange for goods at ; -"-. J. MOORE'S STORE. "X7"OUR hair is falling off, is ' it? Then call at J- , Klttell's without delay, nnd buy a bottle of Storr's Chemical Hair lnvigorator, or you will be come entirely bald. It is the best Hair tonic now in use." ..'.'.: " GASH will b Pid for 4000 or 5000 pounds wool, by .. . ?. HUGHES & WHERRY, , . . i .'i.-.'-. .-. Jefferson,. Pa." AFRESH arrival of Boota, Shoes, Summer Hats, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw. Bon nets, Powder, Gun Cups, Shot, Lead, &c, received this day and for sale at the cheap store of June 26, 1851. , ., J. MOORE. - .. James Dougherty, at . "- iv. 'REEVIIOLD, DASH & CO., WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadel phia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CHEWIUG TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIGARS, Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any hoase in tbe city. Orders promptly attended to. August 5, 1853 6-ly. " '' ' "i': John Parker. ., , , ,T , rx James H. Parker. -" JOHYIMRKEU&.CO., WHOLESALE Grocora, dealers in Flonr and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. . , Ho. 5, Commercial Bow, liberty Street, Pittsburg, ro. August 19, 1853. ly. " " ' ' ' 0L VlTXOMr CJl-.W0I.rr. il jokes.. CKO. v. Drrr i , ' - Importers and'Dealers- laHardwure, Sign of. he Anvils, No. 50 Wood tt., thrn doers j . 1 .;.;-. abote the ist. Charlt Hotel', - V3. ' '.ii. -; l'lttttburar, la. - o i TAKE this method of informing customers and Dealers.tHai" iTrey a"rcf.tJ1u . receipt of their Fall Supply5' wJScfcta. -boon. iIetcd.';Itlj great care froiu-the Jlanaractones 01 turojieanu me .as-tem8ta4tsi:,-.j., . . . j ... . - ' ; Our stock comprises a miicli larger 'assortment tbau is generally kept by' .similar" establishments, and is particularly adapted lo the Country Trade.' Jiaviug superior facilities for procuring goods it is without hesitation thut we defy competition from any quarter" "'-'-' ' ;' ' -' : ' 1 ' " 1 We are now receiving Birmingham and Sheffield Manufactures,-purchased nud -forwarded by one of the 1'irm, who has been spending some months in England and Germany, and ' who-will continue to keep us supplied -. with Foreign ljardward .bought from first bands only. f .. '. t .. , ; . Western Merchntita are reject fully, invited to an exaininrtion of our stock and prices previous to' go ing further Eastward. 'Among our assortment may be tound-ako following: , . - Int. ' . C524 dox. Knives jcid Forks, 1100 doz. Chibils, , r 3114 pcu kuives . 35 cases planes, " 1800 " tc'usors 4S: sheers '8200 Joz. files ilttspa 210." rasors in cases" 217 guu-locks 50 silver plated lead' table Spoons, 250 " German silver .. -v I !' ' r : 350 : .- fcboseU and spades 3 " gross Britauia 247 Lay and iuanuro forks, 150 " .Says ." , 75 ' ' tenueut sawg 15" bales Deer's Lair. 400 Mill pitt aiid cros cutt saws -1700 do knobs. loclts aud latdiea . 4200 r ,( pair trace t hains 2000 " pad chest locks , 400 " ". Jialte'r and .dog cLai:i3,"'beKows, anvils, vices, log "nnd coil chains, cast, sheer ' and Blister 1W irloz axes, best brand, &c- 1 . - " i SadUlerj iiurdtvnre. . " We are eoti tinning to make large addition te tils branch of our business. : , Sept. 2, 1S53, . , A. iew Arrival ofHattlietaud Jew el ry. On th corner of Clinton and Locust Sta. . . THE undersigned respectfully invites the Ladies and Gentlemen to call and tee bis new and splendid etock of Watches and Jewelry, which be has juat received from Germany; warranted to be solid and pare, end for style and finish it cannot Le surpassed. ,' He has nlso received a birge asvji t mnt of Jewelry from the Eastern cities, viz : Gold hunting case watches Irom $7f. to 100 Patent Lever - -8.r to 80 'Ladies anchor lever and I.epine, .-.SO to 45 Silver patent lever and buntiiig case watches from 15 to 20 . . . . . . ... ... . 1 ' Anchor Levers do, from 12 to 18 Lepine9 do, 10 to 14 Quartiers do, 6 to 12 - Gold miniature cases. Ladies Gold Bracelets aud Necklesses, Ear-rings, (iold Gwarl, Vest and Fob chnina. Gold chains for Ladies, Fingfr rings. Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Silver Spoons, Silver Thimbles, Steel, German and Silver Spectacles, Port Monaies, Pen Knives, Silver chains, ic, Ac. All of the above articles are warranted to be of the best material, and will be sold very lotcfor cash. Clocx nnd Watch Rtpniring. He has the best workmen in the country in his employ, aud all work entrusted to hiui will be promptly atteuJed to. Thankful for past favors he solicits a continuance of the same, aad is confident be can give satisfac tion to all who may give him a call. GEORGE P. LUCKHART. Johnstown, April 15, 1853. AOOO Dollars Reward. GttEiclltBieii(U Wtlctl GEO. J. RODGER S has jntt received from tbe cities of Philadelphia aud New York and im mense stocky of New Goods, and now offers to bis old as well as new customers the"" LargtstCJieapcst and best assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ever brought f 0 the Ebensburg market. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods Queeusware, Hardware, Ccdnr Ware, &c, all of which have been purchased with a view to satisfy tbe wants of his numerous customers in quality and price. Gents Wear. Blue, black, brown and broad cloths, plain and faucy cus'nucres, tweeds, summer cloth, linens, silks, satin, Valencia aud marscills vesting. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. &c. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints, rnous de laius, ginghams, luetres aud fancy colared silks, bobinet, laces and edging, jackonetts, ribbons, fan cy silk gimps, Ac. Hardware, cutlery, and tools of various kinds. Queens-ware, consisting of many new and splen did patterns. Groceries, consisting of coffees, sugar, tea, fish, spices, salt &c. jgiSy All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods Also Lumber, Wool, &o. GEO. J. RODGERS. : May 20, 1853. Look out for the Ixtcomotivet Cash and Produce Store ! - HUGHES Si. WHERRY, HAVE.-t,theirS tore, LnJeffcracca few jloors East of G. L. Lloyd & co.'s store a large and entire new assortment of Spring i Summer Goods, which they just received from the Eastern cities, consisiinir, in part, of the following articles. ' I LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Barges, Mous liu de Luines, Lawns, kc, &c. Also, Cloths, Sati netts. Tweeds, Drillings, &c. - . Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and Tery best quality. Give it a trial. .' Hardware, Queeusware,' and Stoneware, of every variety comprising a large assortment. STOVES, of every decriptiou, always on hand and warranted. We flatter ourselves tiat we can sell Stoves lower than any establishment in Cam bria county, and being located on the Rail Road we can always secure a supply. ....... Groceries Such as coffee, sogur,. rice, molasses, tea, -vinegar, linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and every article necessaay to supply thia market. .. The public is solicited to call and examine our stock, as we are confident it will admit of inspec tion. ' i , - - , JRfcS" A'. kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. ; Lumber bought at the highest market pri ces. ' - - . . ' Mayl7,lS53. .--.,.- -nwj-.wcTullorinsf. ... . TnE undersigned Iaforiiw.his customers that the firm of Beynon A Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the 6ub6criber still con tinues the busiucas iu the room reeeutly occupied by the old firm, where he will be happy to see his former patrons Alula many new .ouca as plcaati.to call. He receives regularly from New York and Philadelphia tbe latest-fashions and cannot be beat en either in the shape or fit : of Coats. Pants or Vests, by any other Tailor in the country. He respectfully ask the public to give Lim a call, and confident his work will recommend itself. . . . - .teiSFvAll ' kinds of country produce taken iu "ex change for work. LEWIS BEYNON. , April 20, 1852.-tf. . . ,1 TombStoncNt Tombs atones! RICHARD JONES re?pecfully informs the pub lic that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, man ufactured in the latest style, and lettered according to any directions. r His yard is situated at the south part of the town, where a large assortment of articles in his line are always kept on hand. From long experience he feela confident be can please all tastes, and he therefore hopea to be pat ron'ued by a generous publw. r .- .,.-- , June 17, 1858. THIS WAY ! For I have just received and of fer sale a large lot of Stone and Earthen area. The highest price paid for wool. Ebensburg. April 1. .-. . . J. MOORE. latter, eggs wanted J. MOORE. by gTOItR?S CllEJIICAK HAIR IJlVlOi ORATOR. ; 4 THIS delightfnl.awil j.m.uUr ri"fcle is tte lef: preparation fortbe 4;rrwbloi long eirperi euce and ucicntino reac-rm H bust produced, ituer,aa an artinlft'Tor IhtTtOllefVor its beneficial effects in all the diseases to which the human hair Is liable. It will impart to the roughest afSdeearsee fcairta :( most beautiful appearance, tatorely, cleenstjig Jtvl from all imporit'.es. ., - r .. - But while we assert that it is the best article ttr -the tol'.ct of those who wish to retain tbe hair i& aliiu yontbful s-: . .; -i.: LUXURIANCE AND BEAUTY, ? . ; . it most, not Lc forgottou tkat iu all diseases cf t. hair or ec'a!p, each as the falling of the hair davi ' ruff, pimples, or eorea ' on the scalp, Ac, it is per- ; haps the article which hua civen. decided 6uU34c tiou every iutance w here it has been used. Its operation iu case .of baldwes3 is peculiarly "' active, so that, in numerous, where other remedies have been tried iu Toiiv STORR'S CHEMICAL I.N. VIGORATOi; Liis aupeiseued the ornaments of art, by reinstating, iu. full plciitituJe, the pcrtuancxt ' gifts nnd graces of nature. ' It is f Msed of a " character ' wholly differing from the Oils, Great. Restoratives. &c. which are now h j numerously L foisted oii the public, for li4jdut-.s, gra l.s, Lt; , . . Storr'a lavigoratot baa now been tested, for j.-:.rs, ted its tfiiency b&s ' been proved by thousands'.. Every year itsrepnta tion and sales have increased, until more ,ot' it is . consumed annually ,'thun of any oihor pr tu utlon for the hair ever offered to tiie Ajm-ric-ii public. It is compounded on strictly scientific rincip!?F, and the proprietor' will stake Lis-rep uta tiou on ita efficacy. ' ; . . ; . ' Its extraordinary cueane places it witLiu 1I1 , reach of the humblest farci.y, uuJ its conceded ' value insures it u place ou the most luxurious toll tt, . . . , ; . Fcr sale by the profiietors prk-e 25 ct t:ts. -' '' C. 1. AMJIT CU, ....... 12o Arch atrcat, one tJoor ULw Sixth. . For sale by Fred. Kitteil, I'bensburg ; James Bell. Summit; G. Mui-kcrb'iJe & Co., Jobnstowu."'i December 1G, 18523-ly.- -... . ' . ' EI V ElTcoM PLi a VT, JAUKDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC (:T. 2iXS V0US D2EILITY, DISEASES OF 1 - . THE JOXKEYS ., .. AND all diseases arisingfroia fulijia.xjtrjd.iikT or stoniuch, such uj con:tipntion, inward I)iles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the Ktomach, nausea. Lenrt-rmrn, disguwt for food, fnilness, or weight in the stomach, sovr e-uctatior.s. sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach. swimming 01 Uie iiead, burned awi difhcult breath ing, fluttering at the l-.curt, choking or- suffoca ting sensations wheu in a lieing pasture-, diuiuea of vision, dots or webs before the sight fcter aoi dull pain iu the head, uilScicucy of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in tbe et4e,' back, chest, limbs, Ac, sudden flushes of heat, qurning iu the flesh, constant imaginings of ewl aud great depres.-iou tf spirits, can be cffuclusu cured by . .. DR. HOOFLAXD'S CELEBRA TED HERMAN BITTERS. ' ' rtrPAntu by- DR. C. M. JACKSON,- At the German medicine Store. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. TJieir power orer the ubore diseases is not xfVri if equalled by any other preparation in the I'muM Slates, cs the cures alitst,in many cases after sxi,l physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva dlis. Possessing preut virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands exercis ing the most searching powers in weakness ani affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, curtain and pleasant. That this medicine will cure Liver Comp!.-iat and Dyspepsia, no one can doabt ufier using it us slated. It acts specifically upon the stomach aud liver; it is preferable to calomel in ail lili-ms distaees tha ef fect is immediate. ' They can be administered to female or infants with autcty uiid reliable benc&t at any time. Look well to the narks of the Genuine They have the written signature of C. M. JACK SON upon the wrapper, and his name b!ov.niatb bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Evtuil at the Gern.au Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch 'itreet, one. door b low Sixth, Philadelphia ; and by respectable" deal ers generally throush the country. " ritlCKS KElllCED, . To enable all clascs of invalids to enjoy the a vantages of their great restorutive powers. Single bottle 75 cents. For sale by Frederick Kittell Druggist Ebctt burg; .'anics Bell, Summit; G. Mucktrhide A Co , Johnstown. December 16, 1852 S-lv. JAMES HCLL, - SUMMIT, CAJtERIA C0 PA., V I A 5 the t. ? 4 a 1 1 T-44 r. f u t .......... . . ... -""v.uviug to tr no ---a. would secure the best bareaiua to I.- tr..r.4 ho in this county, that he is again in the field with, one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully se lected stocks of Eall and Winter Goods I Ever brought .4.,e pcen purcoast d w.ihia the lust ieir,das Philadekhia and New V...I .. .' iu ed to the wants of this M.irket. 1 auaiu tiin.. !liV T, ban- ncr to the breeze, insci-Ttc6rwith my oldmotto ef Quick Sales era Small Profit. I confidently invite the attention, of purchasers to my stovk, which viU be fuu1 unusually large, varied and attractive, being full aud com plete in every department. Everything new, fash louable and desirable will be found embraced in my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new aud beautiful etvlea of LADIES' D2ES3 GOODS, which I have just received of lute importation Iu Genu' wear I defy competiou, and cor.fi lent' r invite an examination of one of the lar"et,chean est and best selected stocks of readv-made clothiuir cloths, cassimeres, &c, ever brought to Cahjbriii county ; comprii,iiig all colors and qualities, which 1 will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Aijo, caps, bonnets, " BOOTS AD MJOKS, : of the beyt qualities and latest styles, tcgetac with queeusware, hardware, groceries, aalt, booki stationary, kc. KfS4VThe hilipst ninlti.f n.;.. t 1 r . 11 of Produce. . . November 11, . J852. ...... . r , . "A RE YOU BALD! Is your hair falling off ? J- Or is your hea l covered with Dandruff or Scru4T If so, then make a fair trial of Storr's t.hemical Hair Jnrigorator. Hundreds of persons in all parts of the country whose heads were entire ly .bald, have hal their hair fully restored to its original perfection' by -the use of this valaable article. CAlT1U sk fur -" Storra' Chemical Hair Iu vigorator, and never let dealers peruad you t use any other article as a substitute. Price 5 cents per bottle Proprietors. C. P. Aiet i Co ' No. 120 Arch street, PhUadilpLia. For tale by dealers generally. Sold by Fred. Kittell, Ebens burg ; James Bell, Summit; E. P. HildeLraud. In diana. .... . ,' Dec. 8, 1852 ly. Ezckiel Hughes, . Ebensbcrg, Pa. DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gra cerics, wholesale and retail fish ; hariware and cuttlery; guns, nai'.9, bar-iron, sheet-iron. Gbect-zino, etoves of all kinds, stove-pipes and sheet-iron ware, tin ware, corper and brass ket tles, Ac. Grain, wool, butter end other country produce bought aad sold. , ;; A dealer in while pine, poplar, ash' and cherry lumber; lumber always, bought, and a large quan tity constantly on hand for sale. Cash always paid for lumber cuttOordor or such as suits tbe present demand of the market. A large lot of new. goods as embrace! in tS above list just received aud more opetilng fyr 1M1 at the lowest market price. ' September 28, 1&G2, tf. inn 0 00 Oc