Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, January 20, 1854, Image 3

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    . -
XOCAE Itffi ::5'
Tanning. This branch of business continues
to Increase and flourish m our county ; we.hearl
of two new establishments projected in pur &eijgli
borhood, the one by Capt. Evans, "and another
by Messrs. Jones Jb Thomas. -
Our County offers remarkable inducements for
the investment of capital in the Tanning bu
siness. She contains "abundant available Water
Povrcr, forests" fnenjlocV. or Spruce Pine, which
we may almost aU'irfexnausibTe, an'd'her limits
are traversed Vj? two Bail Roads, with .which cf,
ery section wrtf be brought into communication,
by means of Blank Roads ; thus affording every
facility for the'ehcap knd ready importation of
nicies and, the exportation of the' manufactured
article ; when' these advantages beepme generally
known to the public, -we have no doubt, but that
our mountain slopes 'affording so many excellent
sites, will be occupied by flourishing establish
ments, giving occupation to a very large number
of persons, adding largely to the wealth of our
County, and also increasing the extent of our
Home market for Agricultural productions ; let
this matter be frequently discussed, our county
will be the gainer. For ourselves, we heartily co
incide in the opinion of the honest old Currier,
that " there is nothing like Leather."
YVe had fhw week another striking instance of
the beautiful working of our system of self gov
ernment, and of the benificent effects of the Pern
ocratic doctrine of rotation in office we refer to
the quiet, peaceable transfer of the peoples funds.
In other governments, such a change would be
attended with all the " pomp and circumstance"
of despotic power there would be guards and
gleifriiiig bayonets, and perhaps, as is unfortu
nately too cftcn the case, convulsion and blood
shed ; but here mark the contrast ! how different
all! Mr, Fwhey "gracefi-lly steps in, and Mr.
I loyd composedly "lays aside the robes of office,"
and retires ; no fuss, no Woodshed hot even a
drop of? is shed, because one of the parties
takes lemonade, and the other does not ; and the
only trifling inconvenience attending the whole
transaction, is that Mr. Rhey, will be obliged to
order new " robes of office ;" those worn "by his
predecessor, being entirely too short for his state
lier form.
P. B.'s Tfeare pleased to learn that extensive
preparations have been made, for ..thc.manufac
turc of these arcliitecural necessities, on the farm
of Mr. David Crawley, near this borough.
We are informed that it is the determination of
the projectors, to keep constantly on hand, and
furnish at the shortest notice, all the most mod
ern and popular styles of brick, including the
common " Brid" the " Perfect Br"cX-,"and par
ticularly the " Regular Old Brick." t
Wc would modestly suggest to the enterprising
projectors, that they would confer a public bene
fit, by devising some expeditious means of trans
porting these favorite building materials to mar
ket, and thus do away with the present disagree
able and inconvenient system, of can-ying bricks
in the hat, to which even our most respectable
citizens are now compelled to resort. '
The highly ingenious member -from Arni
utrong county, has introduced a resolution into
the House iot the "'appointment of a Cuuuuittce,
the number olank, . whose duty it. shall be to pro
ceed to the State of Maine, and examine into the
practical workings of. the "Maine Law ;" the
committee have not yet; been appointed ; we are
reluctantly compelled to decline the honor of ser
ving upon it, in consequence of the arrival, yes
terday, of SCHROTTIIT, from Carrolltown with
more or less" Lager Bier.'1-
Salt. We are delighted to learn, that the
Rock Salt in our neighborhood, is to be brought
to the test, artd that for that purpose, a project
is on foot. i . . ". I
Keep up the excitement, and by next week,
the project will be on ililts.
The present 'efficient County Board have just
closed their settlement for the past year ; they
did up lUeirbusmeKS in 2. AO time ; the Annual
"Statement is said to he "highly satisfactory.
Standic z Gcaimitteea. of the House. '
Ways and 3Icans. Messrs. Roberts,; Hart, Hip
pie, Wheeler, Ball, Rowe, Eld red and ioser.
Judiciary. Messrs. Lowry (Tioga,) Knight,,
lonahpgan, Crane; Parmlec, Davis, Chamberlin,
"Hamilton and Paulson.
Pensions and Gratuities. Messrs Wright, John
son, Caidv ill, "StCwart.Miller and Sidle.
Claim. Messrs. Try, Ball, Gibbonj, Hills,
Gllaiore, Crancr.n l an Wheeler.
Agri-ul'ure.-! Messrs. Carlisle, Galleathae,
Crane, Wilson, F-illade, Simonton and Cummins.
Education. Messrs. Monaghan, Daugherty,
De France, Stewart, M'Kee and Foster.
Domestic Manufactures. Messrs. Baldwin, Cal
vin, Hamilton, Abraham, Rawlins, Sallade and
Accounts. Messrs. M'Kee, Barton, Eldred."
Parke, Sidle, Caldwell and Horn. "
Vice and Immorality. Messrs. Gibbony, Bey
er, Smith, Crane, Muse, Putney and Gwin.
31ilitia System. Messrs. Beyer, nills, Jack
man, nerr, Boyd, Hunsecker and Hunter.-
Eletcicm Districts. Messrs. Manderfield, Bush,
Atherton, Gray, Cummins, Ed dinger and Gil
more. 2?s. Messrs. Forster, Ziegler, Fry. Scott,
Dougherty, Passmore, Cook and Fletcher. .
Estates and Escheats. Messrs. Knight, Struth
ers, Bigham, Johnston, Hiestand, Shenk, Stock
dale and Ziegler.
Road and Bridges. Messrs. Sallade, Gwin,
Groom, Beck, M'Conneil, Beans and Evans.
Corpo ration s. Messrs. Struthers, Barton,
-Siron;?, H nnmcl, Moore, Magee, Montgomery,
Carlisie ana Lowry.
Local Appropriations. -Messrs. Kilgore, linn,
Parke, Maguire, Parmlec, Shenk, and Simonton.
L 7. Messrs. Moore, Ialmerf Collins, Eck
crt, Rawlins, Adams and Mcily.
Divorces. Messrs. Stoekd-.le, Cianriberliu, De
France, Parks, Evans, Jackman rhj uuctt.
New Counties and County Seats. Messrs. Dun
ning, MeConnell, Deegan, Porter, Byerly, and
ilunlcr. , -
Compare BiZ.V.-r-Mcssrs. ILller,Eddinger,Beck,
M'Connell, and ELla. :
Library. Mews. Patterson, Roberts AHerr.
Inland Navigation an I Internal Improvements.
Messrs. Scott, Hart, Collins, Killgore, Deegan, J
Stroqz,.Wickleu,BverIy and Atherton. - i-
U &Qilroadsl-Sites8&,l Ttowe? -DaviaV TJunrfirig.
jLiny., xrusuiorpytiippic, jy pgui,..onigoineryt
and Bichaxn.' .. " " - .' ,
T " . ' f If C ' T l . ,--., -
i ruuvng. 4vicgs. -iv6". x?caerv ana aaiuer.
-;" iuWic" B'uMiagsrhlessr. 5 Wicklein", Linn
and GaUentine.V .... . .
- - Great Excitement in Erie. . ;'
" ' ' ; Ears, Jan. 17.
State and French' street bridges are both taken
down, and the timbers, are now--being burnt.
A large- concourse pf people are now: assembling
about (lie Depot. Xiid-a band of -iiarosje "accompa
nies' them, j FurtnQr .destruction is anticipated.
"I " fSE&JTD DISPjCTChI " " .. ' .
Both the Railroad Bridges crossing State street
and French strceUwWe .demolished to dayj by the
woman Of this city, who were afterwards escorted
through the town,' with a band of music, and
banners on which were inscribed,' " . Six feet or
four feet eight and a half inches." The streets
are thronged and great excitement prevails. :
The old Board of the Erie and North East Rail
road was re-elected to day.
.-Washington, Jan. 17.
The Union has received- intelligence, confirm-;
ing the election of Mr. Brown as Senator irom
Mississippi. Mr. Davis was not voted for.
clear and pleasant to use. Warranted all it is
recommended .or 'money paid back. Prepared
by II. 6. 0. Cary, Druggist m&d Chemist : Cl -.
land Ohio, to whom all orders-should l addressed.
Sold by an authorized Agent in every town in the
State. For sale by Fred. Kittel, Ebensburg Pa.,
and by Hughes &' V berry, Jefferson Ta. -
Delay is dangerous neglect that cold and cough,
a few weeks, and the hope of recovery be lost to
you forever. Let not any pecuniary consideration
deter you from trying to save your life and health
while there is a chance. Consumption is annually
sweeping off thousands to the tomb; no disease has
baffled the skill of the physician like it: no physi
cian, perhaps, has done more for the cause of suf
fering humanity than Dr. Wistor. An " ounce of
prevevtative is worth a ound of cure, therefore, -beforc
your lungs become ulcerated, and so diseas
ed that no human means can save you from an
early-grave, try in season, try at once, a medicine
which lias been of such-Infinite value to thousands
obtain a 'bottle of Drt 'Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry, take it, get another if necessary, persevere
in ussng it, until you have removed the disease en
tirely, which if neglected will terminate your life.
Pulmonary Consumption has, until within a gew
years, been generally -considered incurable, ul
tliough tunny medical men of the highest standing,
among whom we might mention Lucnne and l is
friend Bayle both distinguished authors admit
that this dreadful disease may be cured, even in
its most advaced stages when the lungs are not com
pletely disorganized. The remedy which we now
offer, IVistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, not only ema
nates from a regular Pbysieian but has been well
tested in all the complaints for which it. is recom
mended, with entire success. '
27 -See advertisement. -
Ebeksburo, Friday; Jan. 20, 1854.
Flour per bbl.
Wheat per buh.
57 25
1 25
12 a 13
10 a 12
1 50
1 25
ix) rn,
Butter per fb.
Eggs, " doz.
Buckwheat per busb.
Hay per Ton,
Wood per cord.
Coal per bushel.
Chesnuts per bushel.
Lumber Market.
Ebensbcrg, Jan. 20. 1854.'
Cullings, .
First Oommou,
Seeond '
Hemlock," . .
Chair I'lack, ; '
Cherry r
S7.00 a
10,00 a
12.00 a
15,00 a
7,00. a
14,00 a
14,50 ra
. 7,50
OnTuesdav, the-17th jpst-, by the Rev-.Ir.
Morton, Mr. David . Jces to Miss Amanda P.
WninBT, both of this place.
We found the above notice upon our table ac
companied by a very extensive "eolation j"ur
Devil who is always on hand on such occasions,
indulged in rather envious remarks, and seems
to think there is rio'use at -all in people being
" pnakms," for although theymay be endowed
with beauty," goodness, all the domestic virtues,
they will go to "Davy Jones" at last.
On Thursday 19tb inst.rbyRev. Mr. Powell,
"Mr. John Morqas- to Miss Esther Roberts all
of Jackson township. .-.
A delicious token of remembrance accompaiued
the above notice, and as we gladdened our soul
therewith, we did hope that the "happy couple'?
would continue to love one another, and be happy
as now an example to all laggard sinners to go
and do likewise.
-X DIED, ..;..."'
On Thursday 12th ins t., in Johnstown, Jane
consort of John Owens aged 3Q. years 1 month
and I aay.
Valuable Farms for. Rent.
THE undersigned will rent for one or more years
the following valuable Farms,- vie: .
.The Form formerly occupied by John M'Gough
Sr., situated in Washington township',- containing
one hundred and sixty acres, seventy acres cleared
and in good cultivation.
Also The Farm occupied by John M'Gough Jr.,
situated in Washington township, containing sixty
acres, between thirty and forty acres cleared.
Also The Farm occupied by Samuel M'Gough,
situated in Washington township, containing fifty
acres, about thirty cleared. -
All the above farms have the necessary buildings,
Barns, Stables, Out-houtea &c, .
Possession for the first farm can be had immedi
ately the other two by the 1 st day of April.
. Summit,. Jao.,20, '54,, j - J ( , i '.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE partnership heret ofore existing' under the
firm of Robert Kerby and Robert Galbraith in
the CoaoV Mating boips" was dissolved on the
18th of Norember, by motual consent The books
are in the hands cf Robert GalbrV'th, who will set
tle the badness of the fir ni. " '
; Jan; 20; 1854 - ...... . , .
Auditor's Kotice.--i-J?J?
FLLIAM RAf, - In tha Common Plea of
Esq , for the as j Cambria county. .. Execu
of Michael Downey, j tion Docket No. - 47, June
now for the use of E- T. 1813
A. Downey; now for
use of John M'l'oy,:
Es eeutor of Pa trick -M'Coy,
deceased. "
. Bennet Bureoon-
Sheriff returns this writ that fcavine eiven
and public notica of tha tima and place: of aale, I
(i d on the sixth day of Jan A. D. 1853, expose the
premises to sale by public vendue or out-cry, and
continued the sale by adjournment from day to
day until the eight day of June, A. D. 1853, and
. sold the same to Michael Burgoon for the sum of.
three hundred dollars, he being the highest and
best bidder for the same. ' -
10th December, 1853, C. W. Wingard, Esq. ap
pointed Auditor. .
By the Court,
' (ExTttAcr rnoa the Rxcoau.)-
CertiSed the eleventh dav of January,
A. D. 1854. - .... t .
R. L. JOHNSTON, Prothonotary.
In pursuance of the above appointment the Aud
itor therein named will attend at his office in - Eb
ensburg, at 1 o'clock P. M on Monday, tha 27th
of February next, for the purpose of attending to
the duties of said appointment, at which time and
place all persons interested will attend, or be bar
red from coming in for any part of siid fund. '
C. W. WING ARD, Auditor.
Jan. 20, '54. 4t. ,...". . '
THE subscriber would respectfully Inform the
citizens of Ebensburz and the public generally.
that ho will earrv on the Coach MaVii. inUi-
amg me biuiin work at tbe Machine shop formerly
occupied by Mr. Anderson, in the rear of E. Hughe's
Store ; where by using none but th choicest mate
rial, and employing none but the best workmen,
he hope to convince all that will do them the
favor to examine his work, that in point of dura
bility, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excel
led by any similar establishment in the State or
elsewhere. Persona wishing a bargain in the pur
chase of a carrioge, will consult their own interests
by giviog him a call. They are prepared to sup
ply tha following kinds of A'ehicles, viz :
. Buggies of different qualities and prices.Barouch
es, Chariotees, oue and two horse rockaway, close
quarter Eliptlo and C-6pring Coaches; second hand
work of different kinds, &c, making a variety that
will suit all tastes and all purses.' "Repairing done
with neatness and despatch.
Jan. 20, '54. . .
Administrators Xotice.
T ETTERS of i dininistrntioa were granted to"
-1iManna Kerr and Peter Collins on the 13th of
January 1354, to administer on the estate of Peter
Kerr, late of Alle-gheny tp., dee'd. "All persona
knowing themselves indebted will settle without de
lay. Those having olaima against said estate will
present them properly iuthent'eated for settlement.
Jan. 20, '51.
Roue & Euston.
111 Xurlh Third Street below Race Philadelphia:
Mascfacti bkes and Wholesale Dealers ix
Corn Brooms, Looking Glasses, Cordage .
Painted Buckets, Clocks, Wick Twine,
Willow Backets, Window Shades, Matches,
Cedar Ware, Bristle Brushes Blacking.
Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds, at the JIanufaC'
turers' loirest eath prices.
Jan. 20, 'o4. 2ra. ' ' '
".: Foruterly Brown' Saloon.'
THE Proprietor of this establishment, W. R.
Kennedy, takes this method of informing the 'cit
izens of Ebensburg and the public in general rtiat
he has rcStted and otherwise improved his
Saloon, and is ready, at all times, to aooommodata
all persons who-wish to indulge in the luxury of a
good plats of Fields No 1 Oysters. He will have
them forwarded to him daily. - He solicits a liberal
share of public patronage.
Jan. 20, o4. J :
Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser.
IN the basement story -of Davis & Co's., ware
Ebensburg, Jan. 20, 18o4.-lr.
N. B. Shampooing done, and razors honed in a
superior manner. -
SEALED proposals will be received at the office
of the Superintendent of the Allegheny Portage
Rail Road, from this date, until Saturdav, the lutu
inst., for supplying the following materials for the
year 1So4: 10.000 white oak and chesnnt oak
cross ties, Oxfein. 7 J feet in length.
60,000 feet white cak and sugar string timber, 6x8
in. 12, 1C, and 20 feet in length.
The above wood materials to be delivered at
such points on the road most convenient to con-r
tractors, piled up in good oruer, conveniently lor
loading, inspecting and measuring, and at such
times as may be req-uired.
For supplying coal at Planes No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0,
and 10, and at Ilollidaysburg and Johnstown De
pots and Boat Slip?.
For supplying Motive Power, and repair castings
in such quantities and at such times as maybe
JOHN ROSS, Supt, Motive Power.
Superintendent s Othce.
HoUidaysburg, Jan. 11, '54
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Cambria county, there will be exposed to pub
lie sale, on the premises, on Monday the 6th day
of February next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following
valuable real estate of which Soloman Oster died
seized, viz :
Tbe one undivided half partcf a certain piece or
parcrl of land, containing 49 acres, be the same
more or less, situate near the Half way House, in
Summerhill township, Cambria county, having
thereon reeled a Grist mill, and several, small
shanties, bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a spruce stump, a corner of Robert
Erwin, thence North 30 deg. West 54 perches to a
post, thence North 05 deg. East 6 perches to a
post, thence North 18 deg. West 7 perches to a post
on railroad, thence up said road by its several
courses and distances to the line of Alexander Car
lisle, thence by said line South 5 deg. West 86
perches to a post, thence South 44 deg East 20 ps,
to a post, thence South 55 deg. West 12 perches to
a walnnt, thence down tbe Conemaugh by its sev
eral courses and distances to the public road, thence
by line of George Murray South 75 deg. Eaet 23
perches to a post, thence South 21 deg. West 20
perches to a sugtr stump, thence South 45 deg.
East 3 perches te a post, thenee by line of William
Murray South oo deg. VVest 26 perches to a beech,
theuce Sooth 28 J deg. West 27 perches to a beech,
thence South 47 degs. - 22 perches to a sugar,
thence South 70 deg. West 33 J perches to tb place
of beginning.
, TERMS OP SALE. One third of tha purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
tha residua in two equal annual payment thereaf
ter with interest to be secured by tbe judgment
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
' . , Administrator.
January 6, 1854. 8t. '
John Parker. James H. Parker.
WHOLESALE ' Grocers, dealers in Flour and
Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old
Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey.
No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty 8traet, -Pittsburg,
Angnat 19, ltt9.-1j. '": '
Exacotop's KoUc: " ' -
T 'ETTERS testamentary "haw ben mated to tW
J subscriber, on tha eatata of Oeorca Roberta.
lata f Ebensburg, ;Cambria county, deceased; all
persons indebted to said estate are hereby .notified
to settle the same without delay, and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for set
tlement. r v. . . , , . .
i " EDWARD ROBERTS, Exacutor.
January 6, 1SS3. - .
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Cambria County, the subscriber will offer for
aale the following real estate, via: About fifty a.
cres'of land situated near Jefferson, in tha town
ship of Summerhill, adjoining land of Dr. Kara,
Harriet Montgomery and others, being tha proper
ty of Woodburn Benson, one of tha minor Heira of
Michael Bensoa dee'd-.
Sale to take place at tha public Hons kept by
Jdin Brawley in the town of Jefferson on Saturday
the 11th of February 1854 at one o'clock, P. M. :
Tenhs of Sale. One third in hand and the bal
lance in two equal annual payments, with interest
from the confirmation of sale, to be b secured by
judgment, bond and Mortgage.
- J. M'COY. '
Guardian of Woodburn Jitnton.'
' Jan. 13, '54. 4t,
R S. BELFORD, Surxaon Dentist. Informs the
publio that he has returned to Hollidaysburz.
and permanently located in tbe office he occupied
during his late visit, (one door west of Hewit's
Store on Allegheny st.,) where he will be pleased
to attenl to any operations in his profession. All
work done by him will be warranted. '
HolKAiyttburg, August 20, 1863.
.. - ' ittorney at Law, JKbenabarg, Pa.,
II7ILL practice in tha several courts of Cambria,
It Bltir. and Huntingdon counties. Germans can
consult and receive advice in their own language.
Oflueopposite tbe Court House, formerly occu
pied byR. L. Johnston, Esq.'
Ebaisburg, February 3, 1858 ly.
i Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa.
"VT7ILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
' V vi bria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties.
Office on main street two doors west of the
store of Murray.-Zahm & Co. "
My8, 1851 ly.
. ' Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
WHLt practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.
Office onCeutre St., joining Gen. M'Donald's dwell
ing. : .- ( . ,
Jan. U, 1851. ly,
" Ve. ULTTCIll.SOAT, Jr.,
- Attorney at Lav, Ebensburg, Pa., ,
WILE practice in the several Courts of Cam
br'o, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
fessional business entrusted to his care will be
promptly attended to. ...
Office or.Main street adjoininghiadwelling house.
Ebensbu-g, July ly 1853 263m.
H. C. CAUt;?U, .,. , . . , Wil. TEKHT, J. C IlIW
Cto. W. Tciid, with . . '
- Carutli, Terry & Dear.
IMPORTIRS and Wholesale Jobbers in English,
German and Domestic HARDWARE, Guns,
Pistols, Waiters, &c.
154 Mabcet Stbext, between 4th & 5th, PHIL
ADELPJJTAj ... . ; Sept. 2, 1853.-3m.
Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa.
FFICE n Clinton Street, in the Second Story
of Gooi & Pershing's Store Room. ' '
January 30, 1851 ly.
r i M. E1ASSO.V, :
-' ; " Atttrnev at Law. benaburer. Fa.
FFICE ia tha Court House, up stairs.
Aug. 24, 1853.
- - - Attorney at Law Johnrtewn, Pa. .
Of FICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of
tLe corner of Alain and Clinton. '
Ap-il 23, 1853.
White Lead, and
Linseed Oil for
sale oy
' Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa.
t FICE on Main street, two doors cast of the
Echo Uliice.
March 13, 1851. ly
(IE higkest price paid fnr wool at the etote of
, : . EXIwOX & IIEYER.
Atnrney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
OFFICE 'two doors West of Major Thompson's
Attirney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.,
II'ILL prartice in the several Courts of Cambria,
If Blair aid Indiana counties.
Office, Na 4, Colonnade Row," near tbe Court
Hoase. '.
Ebensbsug, Aug. 19, 1853 ly.
' Athmey at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
afAFFICEiNo. 3, "Colonnade Row," near
W Court
t louse,
ri, 1851. ly
llOtlAS C.
Attoiey at Law, Hollidayahnrg, Pa.
WILL ittend the several Courts of Cambria
couity, as heretofore. Office one door west
of Wm. MFarland's cabinet wareroom.
July 211 852. ly
Idams &. Co.5 ExpreM.
JB. civiG, agent will forward all packages of
goodi or money, dally except Sunday to all
tbe princiUl cities in the Union, and all tbe towns
on the Rilroad between Philadelphia and Pitts
burg. , CHAKISH. API S
mm aki iqroR store,
No. 333 Nrlh Third at., mbo-w c Callowhtll,
C-st Side, Philadelphia.
HAS conantly on hand French Brandies, Hol
land G'a and a general assortment of FOR
ALSO. Alkinds of American Spirits, &c.
ficnool Books,
A general issortment of BOOKS, such as are
used in nr common schools, for sale by
AVE constantly on hand a full assortment of
Teas, Vines, Liquors and Urocenea general
. 17 Sorth Water Street, and
! Ho.
10 North Delaware Avenue.
January IT, 1653.
arlarButbels of Baene, and 100 bushels of dried
JLvPvf Atples on band and for sale at the foot
of plane 4, A. P. R. R.
July 8, 1852. W. K. PIPER-
Tills War 1
'OR the highest prices are paid for hides, skins
and tanner s bark ia either trade or casn oy
X OOK ' HERE ! Just received by the Pennsyl-
- vama Bail Road, and for sale be Moore,
Grind Stones. Patent Buckets. Brooms, Cheese,
Cotton Yam. Clover Seed, and a law lot of Cor-
penterU Took. :' ' '.April l;
f - ' wpm-Crt Sale.
- TY virtue of an alia dw ef tha Orphans' Court
of Cambria eouoty. there will be exposed to
publie aale at the Court House in tbe Borough of
Ebensburg, on -Moaday to 6th day of February
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following real estate
of which Rev. Terence McGirr died seized, vii ; -
All that certain piect or parcel of land situate in
Cambria township, adjoining lands of Alexander
McVlcker, David Brawley, and others, containing
64 act es or thereabouts, of which there is about 20
acres cleared.
- , . ALSO,
A piece or parcel of land containing seven acaea
and seventy-six perches, situate iu Summerhill
township, beginning at a deal sugar, thence by
land in tbe name of Robert Means East 26 perches
to a po6t. thenea South 46perchea to a post, thence
West 26 perchea to a post, thence North 46 perches
to the place of beginning, being partcf a larger
tract in tbe name of Andrew Kelson.
TERMS OF SALE. on half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
tbe residue in one year thereafter with interest
to be secured by the bond and mortgage of tbe
January C, 1853. St. -
THE subscriber invites attention to his late styles
of Hatg, consisting of all the various descrip
tions now worn, which cannot be excelled in Phil
adelphia or elsewhere.
- Country merchants will find it to their advantage
to purchase at this establishment, aa our facilities
for manufacturing will enable ua to offer great in
ducements to country merchants.
. 172 Market et, Philadelphia.
Dec 80, 1853.
Strayed or Stolen.
FROM tha undersigned, ia Alegbeny. township,
Cambria county, on Tuesday, December 20th
1853, one bay horse and one brown mare, the
hore in tolerable working order, tbe mare low and
heavy made, and in good order, both with a star
in the forehead. Any information leading to their
recovery will be thankfully received.
Jatuary 6, 1853.
Executors Xotlce.
sons indebted to the estai
Stoltz deceased are required to make payment
without delay, and those holding claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated to
the undersigned, Executors of tbe last will and
testament of said deceased, at their reaideuce in
Carrol township, Cambria county.
Executors. .
January C, 1854 CL
THE subscribers offers to sell the farm on which
tbey reside, situate in Carroll Township, Cam
bria county. Pa., containing one hundred acres, 70
of which is cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion, there are on tbe premises a good hewed log
house, a good hewed log bank barn, a good young
orchard, a never failing rpring of excellent water,
a good spring house and other necessary out build
ings. This property is convenient to roads the
plank road is within one mile, and 3 miles from
Carrolltown and 7 miles not th of Ebensburg. An
indisputable title will be given. This property
will be sold cheap as the owners are going to Cali
fornia. JAMES DICK,
Dec SO, 1853.
- C. 1). HURRAY,
Attorney at Law,
Ebensburg, Cambria Co., Pa.
OFFICE a few doors above the Ebensburg
Dec. 30, 1853. , j
' Attorney at Law, Ebensburg", Pa. '
OFFICE No. 3. "Colonade Bow" near the Court
January 15, 1852.
ALL persona are cautioned not to purchase a
note given by me to Hugh A McCoy, as he
has received value for the same.
Dec 1C, 1S53.
TnE undersigned offers at private ale the Farm
(known aa tbe M'Coy Farm,) about 2 1-2
miles North East of Ebensburg, adjoining lands of
Patrick Farren, John D. Junes and others, now in
the occupancy of R. R. Humphreys, containing one
hundred and sixty eight acres and some perches,
about one hundred cleared and under good fence.
There are erected thereon one two story
Dwelling IIoue,
A good Bank Barn, with convenient Sheds and
out Houses. There is a
Good Orenand ' '
of various Fruit Treea on tbe place. A good spring
of water convenient to the bouse, and a Fountain
Pump at the door Water in almost every field.
ALSO One lot of ground with two small bousea
erected thereon, and now in the occupancy of Mrs.
C. Humphreys, at the foot of Plane No- &, A. P.
It. Road.
6rAn Indisputable title will be given for the
above property.
TERMS reaaouable.
Summit, Dec. 6,' 1853.
THE undersigned would respectfully inform the
citizen of Cambria and -the adjoining coun
ties that be has commenced - tbe Brewing iu all its
branches at the HALF WAY HOUSE, in Stunners
hill Townsbip, Cambria County. Ha will all time,
be in readiness to supply his cue torn era with Ale,
Strong and Lager BEER
Dee. 9, 1853. 3m. .
Xbesaharg, Cambria Co., Pa.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform hia
friends and the travelling publie, that he haa
leased the house formerly xept by airs, wary v.
Evans, and is prepared to accommodate all wno
may favor him vritb their custom. The establish
ment naa oeen lurnisnea witn every cuuvcuii-uce
that can be. His rooms are large and well venti
lated. Hia table will be supplied with the best the
market can afford. His bar will contain Linuors
of the b9t brands, and hia stable ta large, and at
tended by careful and obliging tosuera
Dec 23, 1853.
Westmoreland Co., P&.
JM. MARSHALL, having leased this aommodi-
ons and popular Hotel, situated near, the Pa.
R. R., invites a call from the travelling public. .The
establishment has undergone conaiderable repair.
nd finished in the best possible rnannet. . No
pains will bo spared to add to the comfort and coa-
Dec. 23. 1853. . . " 1 - '"
David T. Storm, '
Hotary Publie, BerWaaer and Cenvwyancer,
ttttt.T. 1.a .t ton if tnhia fln tie aa Justice. L-'
W eal instruments cf writiniu such as de-e9
aa-reementa. Foreign Power of Attorney,. c-
itnvn nit afcnralelv.' Collectiona entrusted to
his care will receive strict attention. '' r - ' "
May 13,1852 80-tf, li-r-.i-
Messrs. Troon, a tcokerts.
FEELING thankful tAciiiieBS of 'Ziy 'r1
and vicinity for their former " patronage. lcg
leave to state, that having been ath Eaat aud WaaVt .
they have urchaed tbe largest aad beat stacjfc ot
: : 0E0(rjrnw?rrECTI3"."
.that has ever been brought to the flaca, to which)
they now invite the attention of tha public. ....?
Their stock consist of. Sugars. Black and Crefn
Teas, Coffee, Ess-nc of Coffee, ChocUat. lMrepar 0
edCorn, Durkee a Baking Powder, , English and
American Mustards. Crackers, Catetea. Fine and
coarse Salt, Pain, Rosin and Caatile Soapar Can
dles, Flour, B-icon, Mackerel, Cod-fish, &aion, and .
Herring, Vinagar. Syrups and Malacca, Whiskey,
Brandy,. Wine,' FluiU, Alcbouol, aad oils. Tobacco,
aud Cigars, of tbe cbotoee brenda .
and a general assortment of Tuba, Rackets, Bat- r
kets. Brooms, Brushes. Window Glass. Ac. Ac
ALSO, Every variety of DRIED FRUIT, snch
aa Citrons, Prunes, Currants, Figs, Dates an Rait
sin; Jollies aad Preserves ;
and io fact, eyery thicg that an epicure could de
sire. ...
.They will ever he happy to wait upon all who '
may favor them with their custom, and feel satis,-.
fied that tkf y are enabled to aell
than any other establishment In the place.
Ebensburg, Nov. 25, 1853. ly.
Pennsylvania It all Road. :
TRQM and after this date Passengers taking
-V . seats ia the eara without tickets, at stations
where there ia a tioket office, will be charged tag .'
cents extra. . . vv. w. 1VOUT, -
Agent I'tun. JR. R. Co. '
Summit, July 2S, 1853 S9. .
Adams &, Co's Express.
W.W. Ivory Co., Ageata,
WILL forward all packages of goods cr money,
daily, except Sunday, to all tbe principal
cities in the Union, and all towns on the Rail Road
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Drafts cl-.
lected from California. Draft sold on Ireland,
England or Scotland, from XI upwards, eney fop
drafta must be par.
Summit, July 28, 1853 80. 1
C. HAIXOWEbl., T. UEi-M, 4. OJTKMiXlMEn, I. U. BTS
rnexs. - ,
IS. 1. T-ompson, wltli
1ITH0LESALE Hat andCapManufactnreri. Fort,
Straw Goods and Hatters' Trimmings No. 178
Market Street, Philadelphia.
.. Dec 9, 1853. - . "
H. W; KAXAGAfS , .
vJ Depot, Harrisburg, Pa,
Deo. , IbH. '
Formerly tha Washington Hotel, Allegheny Eircst,
near the Diamond,
THE subscriber respectfully informs his fricndi
and the public generally that he has taken tha
above old established atand aud entirely refitted
and repaired it in such a manner aa to render it
second to no hotel in the country. The Bar haa
been newly stooked with the best Wises, Liquors,
and Segars that could be purchased, and tbe Table
will at all times be supplied with the best te Mar.
ket affords.
The RESTAURANT attached will at all tiirea
contain all tbe delicaciea that can be procured,
which will be served np at all hours, on short no,
He respectfully asks the public ta give him a
trial, fully assured that he, can render sntii faction.
Dec. 9, 1853.
1 i . a
To all wnpn It may Ccccsru.
THE subscriber having disposed of their stock
of MercUuuls to Mcroi u. npk,T plrk(
respectfully request of all persous having uaaett.eA
accounts with them, to call and settle on or before
the first day of March next.
Lumber, Grain, and all kinds of country produce,
will be taken for accounts, if delivered btlore the
time above stated. 7
Persons interested neglecting the above notice
cannot complain should their accounts be left ia
the hands of other persons fur rolleccion,
Ebensburg, Dec. 21. 1S53-
N. B. Mr. Zahm of the firm has removed the.
Books and Papers to tua office of M- D. Magebaa.
Esq., No. 2, CoUpnade Kor, vhcrcLt can hu found
at any tiiao.
M., Z. & CO.
Dac.3, 185S.
Jeffarsoa. Cambria Cszsty, rennsylvanhl.
JOUX BU1WLET, Proprietor.
THE Proprietor of this new Hotel would res- '
pectfully inform the public that ha has i
now open, and ready for the accommodation of
guesta. No paina or expense has becu spared ia
the furnishing and arranging of this House; ad
the building itself being new, pomraodl oni and
convenient, it will be found a pleasant plaao of so
journ for travellera and boarders.
HIS BAR wit) at all timet be supplied with tha
best of Winea and Liquors, apd HIS TALLE will
contain every delicacy the Market can afford. .Tha
beds are new and good, aad the health, ease aud
comfort of his guests will be untiringly studied. -
BOARDERS will be taken by the week on rea-.
souabie terms.
Bcjt An attentive Ostler will always be in attea
dance, and tbe stabling will be found good. . .
Nov. IS, 1853. . ,
Slac haul M an u Tact arc r a nuil Invent!-,
A new Volume of the
Ia commenced about the 80th September, -each
year, and is the oesi paper lur Jiecaanica ana in
ventors putiisnea in tue worm.
Each volume contains 416 pages of moat value.
ble readtng matter, and U illustrated with over 600
nal of tbe Arts, Sciences, and Mechanics, having
tor its ooject the advancement uC mo Iniereau of
Mechanics, Manufacturers una Inventors.
Each number is illustrated with from five to ten
of new mechanical inventions, nearly all Vf the best
inventions which are patented st W aLington being
illustrated in the Scientific American. It also con
tains a weekly list of American patents ; notices of
the progress Of all mechanical anft ce.iVdis im
provements; practical directions on the construc
tion, management, ana use oi au xinas ot xnaenm
ery, tools, &c. A a.
It is printed wita new type on neauiirai paper,
and -being adapted to binding, the subscriber ia
possessed, at the end or the year, ot a larg volume
of alo pages uiusrraieq wivn upwards pi o jv me
chanical engravings.
The Scienufio Amenoaa is the repertory or rat-
ent Inventions ; a volume, each cpmpjeu in itself
forma an Encyclopedia of tbe useful and entertain,
ing. Tha Patent claims alone are worth tan time-
the subscription price to every inventor.
:i:t. Occopy, for Ope Year.
Six Months . . .
Five copies, fpf Six'Moafua,
' ten copies' for. . - -1.
1' One year
. Fifteen copies "
qnthern end Western poey taken at par fo.
? . ..' t , Ctamr.1 V T t iVf-t
titiXjfhouia e directed .Wg .
--v. :,' -'128TuTtoa etreet.New "
r Jawwary 154, , -.