Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, January 20, 1854, Image 1

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    ' --J ' ' j,..1., - - -- .i- . - - .- - - . .
5ert ai tie 1 i &.-zrt cl h-ZlZS?d ;i j sd; i tt&l edi y Jsaosaa gajwoiiJi il "Cu i bcsoq tas mild ol .f.w?;' 1 3j f w-JsfiS Zi SJL.K-v-r.r7 xjfiZ& ': f 'ttFA f
- .-.f . ; ,, ,t- , ' i ! ' i 1 :
i&sia&httltzyai dew's" op 'likiVBS,-snot iW bb pistribi;ted alTkb cpok tob "inon akd Tai'iow,' tjik ittca axd'tbk poor.
JANUARY. 20; 18-51.
.1 .:;.
v? : ' VOL. 1 50. 20.
T1. -r:, TEKjrS:
Ihe DEMOCRAT &-SENfIXEL i published eyory-
.r rid ay morning, in beusburg, (Jumbvia county, 51 60 per annum, if jtaid m advatiet, if
not $2 will bettfttifrgitaM - -. .' -! ' 5-.;h?
ADVERTISEMENTS will bo conspicuously inser
ted at the following rate a, yl :
1 square 3 insertions ' 1 00
Bvery sabseoenk insertion1 olej.-s j ,ii:o.i-i2Bi
rl gquAto. 3 montha S 00
am -. 7- 6 , - . " 6 00
l.V . ;:i year,, ;5"'vs'"r " - r''0,8'00
i colmna 1 yar1'-3 4 -'; "! 30 itf
C . ; ,rs.:::: I -.; f.;:;:18 CO
CDufliness Cards -with 1 copy of tlio Democrut .,,--
J Sntintl per year J ! 5 00'
"l3XterBTOuatlJerpo5tpa1i to secure attention.'
BY T. C M.' .t.-w
, Come, sUteri lay your tender baud,, ;
. . ' Upon my burning brow, , y
, i or in mv Dreasi " me siivtr cnu'y,
'. Is slowly breaking nowy ' ' '-'
Entwine thine arm about my neck.
r And fold me to tby heart; j -,
Here has my spirit loved to rest,'
And fain would thence depart.- :
Thy tears flow fast as summer's rain-
- Thy bosom heaves with woe; 1
Thy fond and clinging kisses say, .
" I cannot let tliec go !" : r
-' , I
"Thy lips would breathe hew life in mine,
Thy love would chain inc here;
. Thy wailing tones of anguish'd prayer,
And mingled sighs I hear. ( ';
Nay, do not wildly clasp me tluia .: '.. - j
, i'hy grief doth pain my heart; ;
And every sigh new terrors add ,
. To barb the victor's dart.
- Now false appear the joys ol earth
How soon its pleasures fly ! , . .
-Its brightest hopes quick fade away, .
Like rainbows in the sky,
JJut still thy love, unclouded, shinea
- With pure arid brilliant ray.
In life in death itevcrcas'.s
A halo o'er'mv wav. '
I go ! but Death can ne'er. divide '
:'. The ties that bind tis here;
On angel wings I'll leave the skies.
And by thee linger near. ' J
- And when the" scenes of light shall fade,
. And vanish from thy sight, -..,7
r. My hand will guide Uioe thro1 the vale.'
T To Gelds of living right.; ' '
Then, sLer.'-dry those go,shLng tears
That dim thy radiant eye. -r
Kiss Hie ouce more, and on thy breasl
' III lay me down and die.
Or a Paaaionabio Take la."
''-rj'- BT INVISI BLB G&SEX,' ES1IJ . "i
r2 'QiuteVq amusing : aTair. camo off at one of our
r..Kn.?.ii lota's a few davs since. A dashing
" yeun-merchant, who had long been a resident' of L
the hotel, and who is noted Jor his whole.scmiea
. hoapitality, had beta teased fur some weeks , by a
. number. of .female acquaintances to give an oysU-r
"supper to his friends of both sexes. He did not
.relish the idea much, particularly as he .believed
, it was with the oysters and not him that the la
dies were so overly anxious to spend the evening.
He at last, however, consented to give the fete,
resolving in his own mind to test the 'friendship
of his guests.,,, . ... ...... - t ; .-, :(
He U one of those dashing fellows .w ho never
do things by halves, and as soon as his decision
was known, there was no little anxiety among
.his femala acquaintances to receive a billet doux,
or in more common parlance, an invite to the
Sandango." " Dick," "for that is the familiar
name by which he is known, invited about forty
'couplea.-and made every arrangement to " da tiro
'thing tip brown." Th largest parfors, and most
xtensive hall in the house were engaged exprcss--ly
for the occasion." Those w1k were invited con-aide-red
themselves particularly fortunate, and
Dick's oysttir supper, was for many days the main
.topic of conversation in certain circles of Ion Jon.
Ladies invited to an oyster supper 1 , .How xo
nantic, how iecherche ! , ; -,. ; f -'
The evening, came. , Carriage . after carriage,
equipage, after quipage, drove up to trie private
entrance of the B - Hotel, and pmptied at the
door preciuus loads pf silks and standing collars,
'amonds and kids, laces and goatess, braced up
-eaux and powdered bel3-. Dick was at his post
-nd reoeived his guesta with &U the politeness of
AD'ArcyV ; ' ''' '"'
The ladies were in an exceeding happy humor,
aased no ' douW by bright anticipations of my
fiada of oysters fried,' Btewcd, baked fricassed,
- souped, and scolloped, a la mode. ,', The gents
- with the prospect of the enjoyment of a good
Bupper directly before them, and surrounded with
: the choice of dashing Dick'i lady friends, could
-not possibly prevent being elated, into tho most
joyful mood. Not an invited guest was absent,
- so anxious were the ladies to partake of Dick's
' .oysters, and tho gents to accommodate the la-
The parlors were brilliantly illuminated, and
at a given signal delicious music from a choice
band charmed the cars of his gucsta, aud sent
them wizzing and skipping through the graceful
polka and the rapturous mazurka. Dick's mag
nificent bospliality was loudly praised, so charm
ed were ail with b4a grand preparations for their
enjoyment. .r.-a-g i" ' s& 3 '.- t--' .--' ;
1 neally, Mr. ad a yoong uay 10 me
t...t i v. ?,iae imi tbrnnch the mazy
. PUUU1 uoif J--- O "
wlt, ' really I did not antjcipaU such a wu-
liant evening-presumed thatyou merely iii-
teudwl a social gathering, that we might be per-1
initted.tQ enjoy -our company, and r , -, . j
'. Oysters,.'! interrupted pick, with'5Lsiiie.rr I
UU !, liee ilr. -7 , I nave scarcely inougni
of oysters during .-.the .evening. JTo be sure the
gathering of ladies to an . oyster supper is a'ibv.
e1ty,'"but then the'poveityii fdsfin' the pleasure
of meeting so hospitable a finetid as our host on
this Occasion." .L" '' "I ' ''iR'1: i-T r
- You' woiild flatter e. Mfsa pV and liave
me believe that T amr indebted to your company
this evening, sotcly from' the pure prompting" Of
friendship. - -
Indeed you are,cMr'.J--; and I warrant if
oysters had not " been, mentioned, not one of ns
would have been absent this evening':'-
Tou compliment me highly, indeed replied
theliosL'' " . . T-i-" " ."J
. At , that moment supper was annonnceil, by;
the. band3 jplaying the 7inger-ain'March."i "With
precise step and nulitary.cxactness, the gay and
happj- company proceeded to the supper room. '
How tbeir delicate, hearts throbbed as they be
held the. table fdled with' covered dishesr'all no
doubt full of oysters. How the ladies, almost
danced with .joy as they, beheld the mammoth
va&es with, tall and graceful stalks of celerythe
indispensable accompaniment to the savory con
tent s of Baltimore shellsr. They were about to
realize the lpng. wished .for "pri vilege of partaking
of an out and out oys.ter supper j arid as most of
them .had', not eaten anything for 1 twelve hoursj
(their anticipations were strong.) it may be im-'
agincd that they almost greedily took' tbeif, seats'.
That Ins guests might not "suffer any ".vexatious
delays," mine .host bad''Un 'careful.' to have a
servant at, every' seat, and no sooner were the
company seated, with Dick at S,he bead of the ta
ble, than .the regular drilled waiters commenced
their ashionabie manipulations. -.
" One !" cried the steward, and every servant
stood erect. " Two J." and each extended a hand
across the table.. ." Three !" and forty hands
lrom as many waiters, touched the cover of a dish
on the table. The anxiety of the ladies to look
upon the dainty eastern luxuries which had been
prepared . for their dainty appetites, was now in
tense, and r .oiice.they seemed to think that the
useless table ceremonies of fashion might Le dis
4K?nsel witlu " Tour '." shouted the, steward,
and away flew the covers quick as lightning,
displaying Vo the longing cyep, of theruesU for
ty. carefully. prepjaredt dishes oX tracLn s and
cheese! V. i, U si.' is -, yp i ! -.,!
li There was every varictygld; checso.aud new
eaecHC, cruaibjed , cheese and sliced r cheescr mild
cheese and' biting cheese; ;Ikston buttcrsoda,
pilotugar; and forty other kinds of crackers ;
yet the guest looked bewildered. To l lie polite
question of the servant .".will delady.habde
crumbled or dc . sliced cbeese l'? ne answer was
given ; whilo, what crackers will de gentlemen
prefer !'.'. was asked iu vaiu ; The guests looked
at the dishes, at each other and at the head of
thu table, r; t .t - ', : --5
Above the rest, -i
....11.. :.,..'
In the shape anil gesture proudly eminent
Dick pretended not to observe the confusion of
his guests, but in the most liappy manner order
ed two fclices of cheese with a Boston cracker
veU . buttered 1 3 AThile the
pervant was
the order. Dick talked pleasantly to those on his
right and left, and urged all present to. make
themselves at home. "With the hope that oyster's
would appear in the second course, some who had
almost starved -tuciute-Ivcs to .give". the oysters
room, - called for a cracker or a bit of cheese.
Dick ate heartily, and having sati.sficd his appe
titciuul none of .his guests aiiean'ng willing to j
indulge in his magnificent repast, he iavittd them
again to the parlors to rcsuiac the merry dauoc.
But the ser-icespf musicians .were no longer
needed. Some of the ladies were suddenly seized
with a dreadful headache, others announced that
they were suffering bad colds, and others again
were very much fatigued. . In fact, finding that
no oysters were to be jhad, the ladies soon excu
sed themselves and left for home. . It is said that
some were in such a hurry that tliry would not
wait, for carriages, : r . , .. i j(-t ...IT
y-After the ladies were gone, Dick,, with a few
friends, indulged in the oysters which had been
prepared, but were kept back for a second sup
per. The hurry of the ladies to get. away; after
the first supper -satisfied him of their strong at
tachment to his seippers--and while enjoying,'
after thtf departure, the oysters and champaigne
with his male friends he avowed himself a devoted
disciple ol bachelorism. - ;
How the affair got out we don't know, but cer
tain it is, that no lady can be found who will ac
knowledge that she attended Dick --'s oyster
aupperatn ' Hotel. i I
v r - ,
. Crxiocs Historical Fact- During tho trou
bles in tho reign of Charles 1 , a country girl came
to London in search of a place as a servant maid,
but not succeeding, she hired herself to carry
out beer from a warehouse, and was one of those
called tub-women. '; The brewer observing a good
looking girl in tins low occupation, took her into
his family as a servant, and after a short time
married her. - He died while she was yet a young
woman, and left her the bulk of Uiis fortune
The business of brewing dropped, ; and MrUide
was recommended to the young; woman as a
skillful lawyer, to arrange her husband's affairs.
1 Hido, who was afterwards Earl of Clarendon, fin-
dine the w idow's fortune considerable, marriea
her. Br this marriage, there "was no other issue
than a daughter, who was afterwards the wife of
Jpb the II. and mother of jMaryi and Anne,
Queens of England. vs'ios'vv! r
:.. '; ''
-- - BZ7The effect of character is always to com
inutnd consideration, .3 We- sport, .and toy, and
i laueh. with men or women- who have none, but
: w
S we nevw conuew m tneia. i '
i l'AiKentuckian.'s Stcry.
t ' In the neishborhood of a mall town silAted
'ia : . couuty Kentuoky, and rightfat thejunc
tion of a cross-road which .boasted of, a grocery
aad a blackmitn suop, aim . yery. . smausiore,
there lives, a character .whom 'we recinUy Wt,
and whose greatest boast was',.. that be " was one
of the fiv'e hundred men who. killed Packenbajh,
lljs persoDj waj decidedly " unique, 'entertfBn
ing, as he expressed it, ".an honest passioifor
fighVing.", r In the course of his kneckdowns,5ill
the fingers of thalcftliand-had been either it,
cut, or cliawod off, with' tb.cj txceptjon of , his fVc
oo,Ivhich was a long,. lank member, with atg
nail on th end oliit, j ;, ,r ? ; ; : ; :; , ;
i Although elepriTed of the use of one flit.ihjj
finger serred him. . vmj uacfut iurposc. . .- . a 1 1
it may be proper to state, that in this seqJiun
of thd country,- fighting is regarded ' as a fae
matter of amusement; especially whea ' red ey('
iij about, atU neighbors' knock down and"gog!!.
each other in a friendly manner. The subject ef
our story had a peculiar fa.hiou for; fighting bj
ing rather short, and not very heavy,', he ld
tak as be $aU, all the little advantages tijieep
evetv,'-. His grand point was to walk, up hu
man, and by a sudden thrust, wliich lonpiac
tice bad rendered biia perfegt; in, poke hji long
bony finger with nncrring precisiou. in hioppo
nent's eye, and liit him at the same time 'kinder
thc;belt."lt wan at one cflW domesle wa
tering places where families, congregate tcass a
few weeks during the summer season, bat we
first et him. : : ' ... : !
.?IIe was dressed in. the most approved ljinting
fjtsl'io.i, haying on buckskin pantaloons.iand a
coon skin cap, with a fox's tail in it. . is face
was particularly striking, from the fact,proba
bly, of it having been repeatedly 4 strucki' as it
was-covered with scars. ; ' , . . ?. i j
To complete his description, he had oly one
eye, and that louely orb, when -we saw his, gave
evidence of a recent muss.. . , ., j 7
A crowd of some four r . five visitors lad as
sembled at the spring, which gushed out of the
side of a bill, and were sitting on some wii bn?
ches, listening to his marvellous adventure "by
flood and field," and the innumerable ucn Lc
;f.fout" and " licked.?'- , ; ,,,
f . One of the party present, at the; risk being
considered impertinent, ventured to a:L him
" how he lost his eye.".
The oUjfeiir iwmqiliatcly .brigbtcneeT ip, and
fitting upon an empty keg, drew a huge jvist of
ry anuc lois, s uou l but it s a tact, ana no
- 5oine forty years &gO. things waniVmven
ted to skeeyr game and let foreigners in.
VcJi-, about tliat time 1 hoop-pole' my
cabin, on the side of oneof the Licking hills pre
.vkus' to. my going to agriculture TLere ras a
powerful lot of game then, and a fellow jould
pick, and choose. . , : . . .... ,. . j .
' One day I started out on astill hunt to drap
bucks' and admire natur, I , went alxuthrce
miles without seting a deer fat,. enough toivaste
powder on. AYhen I came to a precipice i the
Brushy Fork of Licking, I stopped, and coiimen
ced tliinking about , ' I'ilgrim's , .Progress' , and
Robinson CJrusoe,' when presently I eeen a big
buck lying at the foot of a precipice, which were j
about four jamrenls de'cp... I- tell you, religion
and literature flitted immediately, and I just con
cluded to ' .harness' .that specimen in uat'ral his-
torv and takchitn alive. . ., , , . i
I laid down Sweet Betsey that's what I call
my rifle and shed my flannel for a regular tus-
sel. ; He was a laying iu the sun at the bottom,1
and never know'd the danger he war in. . I made
one jump and lit right across his back and grab-i
bed both his horns, i they War horns, and no mis
take, and looked like young black-jacks' sprout
ing out of the side of his head. The deer was a
tue native iciii . irom in.- oucK.sivin, ana sm:j,
" tTCiitlemen, you won t hardly belieyetas
leetle surprised, and run like;h 11 straight ur,f 1 t,n n-cted heir to the throne. If the
thn Vir.!l..r I br-ii"li thu thickest, finrt c,t wnoil. T
v., ..w..., . .... - -
hungon to the horns, for I tell you, if. I had let
loose, the way he war running, I'd a lit on tliu
other side of Licking and no mistake. ; . .'
I know'd I war in for the race, and ; was ma
king it a heap under two-forty. On we went,
liko tho dt-il - beating tan bark, ' through the
j- I commenced to get tired by and by, aud
thought I would 4 case' myself off by grabbing
some saplingi I seen a small blackjack tree and
snatched it with my left hand, holding on with
the other to the horn of the critter. - .'
Something .'cracked.' it warn t thn rv
.but '-by gum' the horn of the buck had slipped,
and I thought I was a goner. His head must
nave ached orful, for he run ahead faster ; and
them UgamtVers of his'n,Tas ho rushed through
the bushes, rattled agin his skull like shelled corn
in a gourd-; T -;t ? 1 - I
r' All at wons't something keen hit me in the
left eye, but it got mighty elark of a sudden on
that side of my head." : r :. ' -
I 'sposc lie run about four mucs, when he
fainted,' and I got off. and after I rested, tied all
four of his le-gs together before the influence left
bini. v-The blood was running down the ielt side
of my face, and I shut my other eye, and d- n
me ifl didn't'sce nothing. -I -went back, to the
trail we had run, when i I seed a : busU move, I
stopped stock- still and ' went tho other eye on
it.": .. ' ' : i t .: ''' ' :
; Here he paused and took anotlter quid.;
c Gentlemen,", he resumed, ". it's a fact and no
mistake, ifit wim'tuiT left eve hancujc: on abush
and winking at roe." .v irs --! ;
' j Every body was silent surprise was too deep
for utterance, when one of the party, drawing a frnm bin Ttfw.kot-handed it to the man. with
a request that he." would wash the story down
: He smelt it to be sure that it was whiskey, and
i looking round at the party aid ?' Gentlemen
here's tQ all humbugs and temperance lecturers';
-may they have an cvcflas'tin 4 itchln' without j
the privilege of ' scratchiri.' " And 'calfmg his';
dog, bade ui good by and lefi.SYLouij llepub-
Ail5d Story Extraordinary.
'Some.Alabama'coiTcspondent of the ''Spirit of
the Times," tells the richwst yarn we have heard ;
for some time; He'sa-'s:: ' V" :- i J-j, i ,J
"A few weeks since," your "correspondent was a
candidate before the Legislature' for the office of
Solicitor, in which race it is matter of record.'that
he got a " demnitiont threshing." ' He had divers
friends in tlie good city of Montgomery, and
among them was Mac, (who thought himself po-
lititieally darned because he raised a big fellow,
inreeconseculive'suolsj wjth a first rate 'revcrf
vej) , Mac was ' dead in" for " our ticket," and'
proposed to do some " trailing" of' rather a novel
sort. Said he to the candidate ' Your pointer
LoM, "will have puppies sbortly, eh ?" ' Ves."
" TVell, leave the disposing of them to mc--don't
promise one ayay ; the litter must bring you
votes enough to elect you:"" " 5 - ' ' ; '
So, Mac they fay went to work,' promising
Lola's puppies to young members who seemed to
be " favorable.',' . His description of the bitch
abounded in superlatives andj as to' that, they
yere ari deserved.'' Xl.'c"001'" ITieni d some
that wanted to be shoo'ling men, were "all alive"
to get specimens of stock of such transcendaat
qualities. ' " ' ' ' . '.' ' ,
When the caiididato was referred to about bis'
dogs', he gently waived tlie matter, saymg that
lu's friend Mac had somehow' got control of all
that, an J so forth and so on. J ".' "
Things progressed 'gloriously ; Mac 'reported
his successes daily, only once remarking, slyly,
that he was afraid it would strain Lola, sadly, to
comply with all his engagements; and at" last,
the day get apart for the election arrived. ;
" Our ticket V candidate was in the rotunda,
doing its best, an hour before the two Houses
met in convention: Presently a very young mem
ber, stepped up," slapped' 'him on the shoulder,
said be was for " our ticket,"' an! wound up
with'j "' don't forget my puppy ! Several bthers
came up, about tlsis tiine, all " for our ticket,"
and each anxious to know when h'is poppy would
reach the metropolis. ', The ""candidate grew un
easy ; the crowd still thickened and nea'rjy eve--ry
one was saying' something about the 'fine jioin
ter puppy he.'was about to receive.' Tlie candi
date mentally counted the claimants, and when
he mared tlie figure; 12 and saw .others ap
proaching who looked as if they were "in," too.
he inconlincutly left for Ids' hotel.'
Two hours afterwards, there was a
liiiecUn-'cl two rri'cudst "ina small roonY. on tlie
fourtli fleor of tlie Exchange.- .. .
" Well," said Mac, u they've beat you, old
ftl.''; 'couldn't Ik? helped ! After you left, the ftl-
iou s I bad pt oinised the pup's' to, got to' cross-
questioning one another, and then they g-t to
. . . ; . . 1 ' . .i ....
crossrquestioning mc ; and tlie upsnoi t, uio-
found out I had engaged a ra thcr large litter : and
so the Intone oV11 bolted1. Ah; old fe-1, ! if that
spoke hadn't broke you'd better believe you'd
have made Shell-road time !" '. ' . " ;.
"ow Mac" on honor, how many puppies did
you promise, and when and wlierc didyou prom
ise to deliver them T" y '
' ' Mac scratched his head, thoughtfully, and re
marked '.' , ' , ' ''.'".
" I pledged aljout as many as generally come at
one time to be 'delivered here, -within ten days;
thirtu-snen of'nn! and ulldozs, at that!"'
' Poor Lola! ' No wonder Mac thought it would
strain her to comply. . '
; .1 '' ' His Birtli.
,-: Abbott, in his -Life of Napoleon," thusppeaks
of the birth of tho " King of Rome,", the son of
Napoleon, by Maria Louisa : - . -. .
" It had previously been announceel that the
cannon of the Invalided should proclaim the ad
child were a princess, twenty-one puns nere eo
be fired, if a prince, one hundred. : At six o'clock
h' morninsr of the 20lh of March, all Taris
1 v i f
was aroused by the deep booming of those heavy
guns, in annunciation of the arrival of the wel
come stranger. Every ear was on the alert.
The slutubercrs were aroused from.the-ir pillows,
and silence pervaded all the streets of the busy
metropolis, as the vast tlirongs stood- motionless
to count the tidings which those explosions were
thundering in their ears. . ' 1
The twenty-first gun was fired-. The interest
was now intense beyond conception. For a mo-
Paris stood waiting in breathless suspense. The
heavily loaded guns then witu redouoiea voice,
pealed forth the announcement. From , the en
tire city, one universal roar of acclamation rose
and blended with their thunders. -Never was a
'monarch saluted with a more affecting demons
tration of a nation's love and homage. The
birth of the King of Rome I how illustrious 1 The
youthful mind will pause and muse upon the
striking contrast furnished by hisdeatb. vno
would then have imagined that his Imperial fath
er would have dkd -a prisoner in a delapidated
stable at St. Helona ; And that this cluld the ob
ject of a nation's love and expectation, would lin
ger through a few .short, years 01 neglect ana sor
row, and then sink into a forgotten grave." !
The rooms of the Mercantile Library Associa
tion Boston, were broken into during the night
of Saturday last, and numerous' papers scattered
over the floor, and the box containing the con
tributions of the members towards the "Washing
ton Monument fund was opened and the con
tents carried off. Tho amount is not known. i.
ti,. 1 . i.i cttinir that he reirrct led
V be obliged to steal the money intended iohe
used for uch a purpo5,rtut could not bclp it
A Sheriff Dreaming to Some Ptirp6se.-j
, The Highland Eagle, (Westclkistet county, T5T. j
YM) re-la fW t lie foHoriaf curioaa ator n ?u,hu j
, " A few days tice, Mr. Oeorgi V. Sherman, of ;
Cold Sprinff while oii laV-war home-from his I
j place of business, missed his pocket bexk, con- '
i tainine about 3372 in bank' bills, and a number i
of drafts uoes-and valuable uapers Vlther '
it wai dropped from his pocket accideuxly. or fel- !
, Wrrfil 4erefromw Mn.- S. was'-not i
able to Qecrmine. vj Tho fact was communicated
to Daniel Dyke-man, DejHity ;ShcViff of Putuaui
county. Ho dreamed that night Unit the money
ia possession Of Geo. McXary, a clerk iu the hard
ware More of Messrs. IL &. E..Pt Uoiu that a part
of it was fastened in the inner lin;ug of his vetr
aiida part in tho crown-of bis cup, and that)
among toe bills was a ten UoUar uute on tuc t ut
nam County Bank. . Sir. Dyfceman, conuuunijja
tcd this jiingular dream, they kept an eye upon
McNarv. and on Saturday niirht as be was
on Ids wav to the. cars, with the intention 'of J
leaving the place he was arrested.
On searching him the money to the. amount of
323 was fbuud as indicated, jn Dykeman's
dream,. and the 10 note was especially recogni
zed. JfcNary confessed that he found the pocket-book
in bis employer's ' store wlulc making a
fire early'bn the morning of the" 2Tst ulti, that be
slipped out the package of bills and flungthe wal
let, ; wjth -whatever it contained, into the stove,
and it -was consumed by the flames.'. Having
disbursed a part of the money, he promised the
Sheritf that be would restore the balance if they
would take hitn to a relation of lua in Orange
county. Ho was conveyed to the place pointed
out, and was permitted j.0 enter the house, unac
companied by the officer, thro' which he escaped
and was not perceived until over half a mile in
the distance. Dykenian pursued Lim about six
miles ; wlien darkness coming on, the felon plun
ged into a swamp and was hid from view. In his
valise' was found a valuable patent spring trunk
lock, and some other things taken from the bard
ware store of Messrs. E. & II. Pelton.
Poland and Greece.
' ; Despotism -and liberality find thtir puuithuient
and reward 'aiaetig nations, as do charity and
niggarduess among1 individuals.' " About twenty
years since, says the .New York Journal of .Com
merce, the sympathies of 'England aud America
were largely enlisted in behalf of tlie Gi-etke- and
Poles.. Both it was feared would be crouched
the one. by thcSuliau, the- other by Uic
Yielding to uivincible numlers Poland fell.. Her
existence as a nation was L'.otUd out ; her wealth
confiscated ; her churches burned;-and her young
men'. draughted into the armies ( .the Bussian
EiTfj.eror7 "Aideet'ty' "VresteririE'uiopc,- Creecc
j compounded for freedom. . Part of ber luhabi-
tants have since ; lxen ruled by an independent
j sovereign, part have bceu attached to the domin-
j i,jns of the Porte. But tinder the beuif-
j ;Ct nt reigns of Mahmaud and Abdul Medjid, they
t - , . : r.i.:-
1 have been enjoying uumoiesica pos.-cs.sion 01 w.-n
civil nrivileges, and religious freedom
j belief. ' Time, that vindicates justice, and
j ,akes all things even," passes by. Twenly
yearj afu-rwanls the Czar and the Sultan are at
j war. News is pent out fi-om Constantinople that
i the Turks need help. Pvecruits flock m from the
j Provinces ; from Egypt and from Ptriia ; and fi-
' nalli comes an address to the Sultan from the
Greeks at Constantinople, expressing " profound
! gratitude for the preservation of our ancient re-li-'
gious privileges, and for his justice and goodiuss
I in watching over our well-being and tranquility."
It is but the payment oj an old debt, they say.
as they tender him the support of their purses
and their arms.
Wasn't She Spunky?
A couple who had Ifved together for some years
in seeming contentment, one day went a fishing,
I and tied their boat by a rope to a post in the wa-
tor.: All of a sudden the boat went floating down j thrw, or fol. jncues in kp'Ji ed clean straw, wncn
the stream, and a contest of words immediately I j-roin jie accumulation of sheep dung and dis
arose as to the real of the parting ol the rope- , chnrv r uriue the straw becomes dirty, the ear-
Tlie wife said it mus', have Uen cut witu incsc.a- ( fa( nt C0TCrcd v. UU iresu straw .-
soi unR-e-ling old fogy, st-ut- j ouUlie strewed ovtr the floor at least oaoe a
y maintained that it wasa kuife that did the bu- t.,'-.; ' - -.-....:
sincss. ' Scissors! " said the wife. . ?' Knife." j For Cimvcn;t.ncc cf feeding grain or roots a
said the husband. ' knife, " said both; ..but at trough nging round tho shed should be provi
last the husband, losing Ids temper ,cricd out-r- defl 0 The s!lceT juid have salt always acccss
- If you say scissors again, 1,11 duck you. " j iU(J t0 tlcm. best p'an to secure this would
" Scissors 1 " said the wife, determined to hold tQ have a trouth iu which rock-salt should ba
out to the lasC r r: c : ,::' IconstanUykept., The sheep hauld have acocs.
Awav went the old woman into the water, and :
1 iv
as she camo up
the first time, the billowed
tM.iov.-iii . iu r iw vrnr-ic. The. old
man pushed her down again., ...
" Scis-sors ! ", sputtered she, iu fainter tones,
as she rose again; but, the old fellow liad her by
the bead, and plump' she went down for Ihe third
. , 1 ' S . . 1 . .. M ... .
time. Now sbc rose more siom ly, uu i - j0 health oiaioes, 01 iuuiuj, v w."-.ter-logged
form neared tbo surface, having loft njps wm answer. Water should l given to the
the power of articulation, yet determined never ! kp twice a day, to wit, in tlie morning and in
to give in, she thrust her hand out of the water,
and imitated with tlie first and second fingers,
the opening and shutting of a pair of scissors. 1 '
The old man was then convinced that it wis
useless to try to fetter a woman's speech. "-
r-Rvrocrtv The Tyler, Texas,' Tele-Taphi
tl elOth says - " good dea has ijecn Eaia 01
lato about the precocity of American youth-,-but
.. . . , . r v.n; ia VnmnlrU'lv out.
all that we nave seen j n..". 1 j .
v f c,'n ATitnnJo.
ittrinned bV a AlCUCa:! uv; ...
ITc attemDted to give m ms voie ae mc i-c .v
- , i t- vr . ,,1,r..l n"arnpe bis VOte
tion. Duiirorau.V"uw..-. - ......:.".". .'....., nce durin
,.t..llonred" and it was proven on oatn tnai
v. v,t n,;ri.n vears of ace. Tlie Ledger
o -
says that he Las a wife, and a child one year old,
. . -.v - r n-r,tifiTi ruriositv. theeditor
nri t,tr me sa.c m --o
f that ha'ner was led to consult a
rv.;r.-t ." nd was retired that tnis
::'r,S -.t-4h
could not have
time of bis marriage.
- Old Farms. """T.
-tlr- vworge. y .. lunuums, of, bmyrna,, Lea-
ware.'purcled a dna uear that place, contain?
inf?loet 20O acres The' land had been undor
Cultivation for half a century or more, audits'
il comj k-tely exhausted as not to be'capatle cf
- owiape - HUng for ti labor and seed cxiK;ndid upr
oil vrojSs. It had, nevertheless, been rented ujr
to the time of the purchase, and one of the can
ditions was the annual payment of two-fifths - of
the corn crop. From an 0 acre field the rent
paid last year Wi ti.!y abint 80 . bushels ! Clo
ver refused to" grow upon tlii, -end whtat would
not 3-ield nluch more than' the seed sown. Th
sou was a sauay loam.
The first step taken by Mri Cummins.'for tha
restoration of bi Jand to' fertility, f3 to sow
one bushel tf ground jhister Ho-the Were, flush it
! in tlie spring.and spread upon it seventy bosh:
.,nTS?Sc'JreiftC"ta the -acrc.-"-OaT5-w-r hm
sown at the rate of two or ' three bushels' to tho
acre-, and in July, when nearly fit for harvest, tha
straw being partly yellow and partly green, they
were plowed under, an ox chain having been rig
ged in Croulof the coulter, - so as to tur.i thcci
dowaJefoie the plow. 1'ixvjous to this plowing,
one and a quara.r bushels more of ground plasier
of pans was sprinkled on U:e ground. A second
crop of oats sprung up in a thiuk mat from thoso
plowed undor, and about the first of October thes
were turned down by the plow like .the first
growth. . Vheat was now sown, about one and
half bushels to the acre and harrowed in, fol
lowed by clover in the spring. The crop of wheat
averaged about eight bushel to the acre, aud this
it will be obcerved, without a shovel ftll of stabh
or other kind of animal manure. The clover had
a busliel of ground plaster spriukJed upon it in tLo
spring, aud yielded, the second season of its
growth, about a ton per acre the first mowing.
This laud, from which the vegetable mould lial
been cu'.ircly txhauated, vn, iu a coiuarative
lyshoxfe time, and without tho a.-i-tauce of tLo
barn -yard, or nay other kind of animal manure,
brought iuto a condition to yield con. pedaling
crops of wheat, corn, and vigorous clover. J?y
the assistance cf tle urdiuary. quantity of barn
yard uianuiv, the pioducc ef wheat would aver
age about twenty-five bushels, aud of corn' Tort y
or fifty bushels to the acre. The ground' was
very Lght and easy to. work, and lis . Cummins
intimated the actual expense incurred per aero,
in the -improving cooiac, as follows:
First plow ing, ... - 0.50
70 bus. of bLuied liuie, at 12 c's. a bu. 8,C0
Two aud a half bus. oats, sown, CI 4 cts., 811
- ' " y 1.
tSuTl illg WLVl-A liM'IW WtfoW.. - . " ' I
Various i4asii-r applioauons, . .. C7i
Second plowing under of oats, " " 1.00
One aiidahalf bushels of wheat sown. 1.50
Harrowing and sowing, do., S71
Total expense per acre, S 13.731
Thus the whole expenses incurred preparatory
to the wheat and clover crops, amounted to ?13--73
1, aud as tho wheat raised tbout eight bush
els, and sold fi..r tl-50, add the clover mown
about one ton to the acre, worth about eight or
tea dollars r r ton, the "expenses; were abundant-
ly repaid by tucTu-si crops, and tho land -left ia
i good la-art for future profitable tillage. -' -
SitEEr is "Wixtkh. In tho first place, sheep
should be provided with ample and warm accom
modations Jbr shelter. Therefore, if you have
notciiuaiivndy, build a fcbed of suilkaent dimen
isous to accommodate ihe number of shoep yoa
have to winter." If the number of sheep be large,
have a shed for every liny or sixty brad. Each
th a tichtlv enclosed
, K - t tach .j muBi be through' aa
! ut t,nc , ,f the ends; ventilation other than
doorway i:uit U provided. The floor of the
j sl,oulll covered in the first instance with.
i0 tbo yard at aU times.
- . 1 .
TW. n mlS Ot JiaV, Or ioauer, or t.a -4.--
l,.t in moal or roots i"tr day will sustain each
head of sheep, which, should be eiiven them thnco
a day, viz: early in tlie inorniug, at noon. And
'( .
1 ,
at an. hour before sunset, occasional letus n
roots, say twice or thrice a week, are conducive
I . . . . .. . . . V. .... . s wi . . .r hir.
1 tkc eveiiing.:
Sheen can be kept housed during tho wir.lcr.
altogether to aavantagr 17- va..v. v
as above letting them out in fine wtatLer lor air
ing and exercise. Amer. F&rnur.
of now to Keep Smoked Hams A writer ia th
farmer's companion, puunsuv v
that nc has for many years preserved his hau.
1 v,fb'tbe summer, in the most perfect contv
.. -..j... -
nacV-nB-thMn in barrels, with layer
. nv", j t o ,
- , corneous uei.." -
I rn nninfi In Contact
th each otbar. The.
; should I taKcn out ana j
the fumitier.
The cask should be piacea ou
j bench or tassel, m a ccoLdry
""" 1 '
cellar: - -
on "ZZt havered
. . . :M .rfTH a,. I I IB BUUkAll. 1 U I- L' L.
boy Mieaotiowa nc -c ... ,
wso to destroy '
- 'come detractive to the wht flldi.