IHV Crttyvott's Improved Extract of .-: YELLOW DOCK ft BAS8&FABZZXA v . . THE original and only genuine preparation for the permanent care of consumption and dis. mmi of the luugs -where they are suppoved to be affected by the two free use of mercury, iron, qui nine, &o., &c. .. The Medicine, when used according to directions, "Will Cure, Without Fail Berofala or Kings Evil. Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions t af the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Soro-Ey Ringworm or Tetters, Scald Head Kho- umatism , Pains in the Cones or Joints, old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling f the Glands, Syphilis, ease ; of Kidneys. Loss of Ap- ' - petite. Disease ar rlsiog from the use of Mercury, . Pain in the Side and Shoulders, General Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice and Costive n ess. Saline, Mich., Oct. G. 1S51. Mr. John D. Park Dear Sir: It ia with unut terable feelings of gratitude that I am able, thro' the divine providence of God, and by the wonder working agency of that excellent medicine, Guy sott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, to give you a few symptoms of my almost bopelcss case. In the winter of 1850, I was attacked with a se vere pain, which was gradually extending through the whole right side and leg ; at the same time a total prostration of my physical system; also, niy leg had shrunk to two thirds of its common sire. I procured the attendance of a skillful practitioner, who pronounced my disease one of the worst forms of liter complaint. He said my case was one not easily handled but prescribed fcr me. 1 remained ander his treatment until I was satisfied he could not help me. I then procured of your agent a this palce, A- W. Beers, two battles of Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, from which I re ceived a vast amount of benefit. After having ta ken four bottles more I was able to pursue my bus iness -without any inconvenience, and hare boea eince that time a well roan, while but a short time since I was confined to my bad three-fourths of the time; and I cannot ascribe the return of my health to any other cause than by the ngency of thrt truly valuably medicine, Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sar aapari'ila. II ASSEL VA CRirER. The followicg letter is from a highly respectable jbysicianwho enjoys an extensive practice; Navarre, Stalk co., O., Nov. 1851. Dr. John D. Park Dear Sir: Dr. Guysott's Extract of Sarsaparilla. This medciuc 1ms been prescribed by me for the last three yciirs.with good effect, in General Debility, Liver Complains Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, Cronic and nervous disease. In all female complaints it certainly is unequalcd. In the use of this medicine the patient constantly gains strengthand vigor.a fact worthy of grant cen ideration. It is pleasant to the taste and smell, and can be used by persons with most delicate stomachs. I am speaking from experience, and to the afflicted I advise its use PR. J. s: LEEPER. VTIster'a TJalsam of Wild Cherry. For the instant relief and rapid cure of Asthma, Con sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup,' ami .all disorders of the Lungs and Chest. Wlster's Balsam of Wild Cherry ! TEE BEST REMEDY EVER K SOWN TO MAN. -For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Influenza, Bron- eJutis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Difficult Brtath , " img. Liver A ffeclions, J'ain or Weakness of the Breast or Side, .yc, c., Jc. Ia abort, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted to eve ry disease of the Lungs and Liver, which is produ ced by our ever-varying climate. Fifty Thousand Persons Die annually in England of . Consumption. - In the New England States, the proportion in one in four or five. In Boston, probably one in four. In the city of New York, sixty-seven died in iwo weeks in December of this disease. It is less prevalent in the more northern latitudes, ns Russia, Canada, and among the Alps of Switzerland, where the winters are long and severe, and there are fewer anddea changes. . - i No theory can be more welcome to the human mind than the one which, establishes on good grounds the hope for prolonged existence, if the al legations of those who are at least entitled to ve racity may be believed, there is a preventive and a remedy. The great Author of Naturo has provided us with a remedy for Consumption, and the diseases leading thereto which are so fearfully common iu our country. Has He left us to find relief from that fatal scourge by ransacking other lauds ? No, the best. Nature's own remedy is at our hand. The Wild Cherry and the Pine, furnish us with a cure where a care is possible. One of the most important discovetics of the age. in ameliorating the condition of this large class of suffering humanity is Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which has been before the public some ten years. This valuable medicine was first discover ed and introduced in the . year 1838, since which time its success has constantly increased the de mand, until it has become one of, if not the most popular remedy for Consumption, in its recipient stage ever known. . . Another Physician's Testimony. Mr. Fowle Dear Sir: 1 could send youa dozen certificates, strong and decisive, of the really san ative effects of your valuable Balsam of Wild Cherry, within the past twelve months, under my l own supervision and direction. Indeed I know of j few persons who have used it, comparatively, but j commend it in the strongest terms. A case of l Asthma, the severest I ever saw, to which I was i called a month ago, evinced the superiority of the I Balsam. It lasted him bix weeks, and the dysptca and suffering was dreadful; he sat up every night. The gentleman told me to give bim something to last him home, (21 miles) so that he might see his wife and child, and die in peace. I gave him one bottle of balsam and four ounces of syrup squills, directing him to take teaspoonful doses of best Bordeaux olive oil, when the difficulty of breathing was greatest. Next day I forced his despondent well, and made him take six bottles of Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry homo witti him as a present, lie having alledged that ho had used so much ex pensive medicines to no profit. Last week Mr. A. called and expressed his gratitude to me in the warmest manner, aaid the medicine had saved his life, paid his whole bill, and took six bo tiles more, and left my olhce tor Home, rejoicing. Very respectfully joun, WL SAAW, M. D. Washington, !7orth.Caroliua, Aug. 12. Cannot fce Discredited. We annex a few statements from inuividaals well known ia this vicinity ; the first of which is from Alderman Perkins : Boston, Febuary 3, 1851. Dr. S. W. Fowle; Dear Sir Having lately bad occasion to try your celebrated remedy for coughs and colds, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which I did with success, I cannot in justice to you with hold my testimony in its favor. For several day. I had been suffering from the effects of a seven cold, accompanied by a very sore thiunt and sick headache, which completely incapac tated me for banners. I had taken but a very etna ' wt'oi of a single bottle of this Balsam, when I experienced relief. - My conga was broken up at once, and my lungs entirely relieved from the pressure which had become so painful. I attribute the relief en tirely to the good effects of yonr Wild Cherry, as I took no other medicine whatever. I cordially re ommend it to all my frienns.- Respectfully yours, - . SAMUEL S. PERKINS. tSf" Pot np In quart bottles, $1 per bottle six kcttlea for $5. Bold by J.D.PARK, . r .... . ... Cincinnati, Ohio. - Kortbwest corner Fourth and Walnut streets. Entrance on Walnut street, to whom ail orders mast b addressed.' M array Zahm & Co. Ebensburg, Moore & Kepler Carroll town, j0bn jyory 4 wtssmit, Jekneton ft Bdeoc Johnstown, R p u;i. (flhrand ladiana. J. C Day BlalrrvfUa. ' ' -Acmt 15, ly. KewCablnet WareBoamg. j JAMES 3. TODD informs the citizens of Ebens burg, and the public generally, that he has opened an extensive and varied assortment of Cab inet Ware in Mr. Robert Davis' new building. Main street, nearly opposite the vMansiou House," Tf here be will be happy to have them call and ex amine his MAHOGANY, WALNUT, CHERRY AND OTHER ! VARIETIES OF FURNITURE, I consisting in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bcd- ! steads, Kecretarys, Stands, &c, &c ) lie will have constantly on hand an excellent as- sortment of Fancy and common Chairs, which he j will sell lower than ever beforo offered in this : place. ' ' - Every article ordered will be made in tho most workmanlike manner, of tl.? best materials; and REPAIRING of all kinds will be proratly attend ed to. His terms are CASH, and being determined to sell low, and keep none but good articles he hopes to receive the patronage of a discriminating public. Ebensbnrg, July 20, 153. Hide, OH, and leather Store. D. KTRKPATRICK, 21, South Third Street, between Market and Ho. Cnesnut Streets, .tfnuacleipnia. HAS constantly on hand and for sale, Dry and Dry Suited Spanish Hides, Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanners Oil, Tanners' an i Cur riers, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the lcst terms. All kinds of Leather iu the rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given iu cash, or takeu m exchange for times. I-S?"Lcather stored free of charge and commission. May 15, 1853. sold on Republican Hall. 4 NTHON Y VOW INKLE respectfully mtorms me - public that he is now prepared, as the lawdi- 1 rec U, with every requisite for the accommoda tion of strangers and travellers ' at. nis new biuuh in the Northern Liberties of Hollidaybburg. and respectfully asks for a share of custom. His ta ble will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and hid bar stocked with the beat wiues aud liquors. fxS The larger Hall can be rented by the day or night, and a Piano and Pianist furnished. tfct" German wines and Lager Beer kept con stantly on band. llollidaysbure, Mtiy C, 18r.3. II II, Jolifctcn, Jack, & Ce. (late dell, johnstos, & CO.) OCSco of Deposit, Discount, & Exohange, . AT HOLL1DAYSBUBG, PA. . ., JAMES M. BELL, Robert B. Join, ton, aud Wil liam Jack are the Active I'artners, whi uoi tratiaact the business of the firm. TUB OTHRK FABTNEBS ABK A. P. Wilson, Wo. Dorris, Jr., Wm. P. Orbison, of Huntingdon, Pa., T. C. McDowell, Wni. M. Lloyd, James Denniston, R. M. Lemon, Geo. R. M'Farlane, Samuel XV. Rhodes, Samuel Calvin, Thadeus Banks, John Cresswcll, Jr. Joseph Smith, of Hollidaysbnrj, Pa. Alex. M. Lloyd,- Raker & Watsou, , . of Gaysport, Pa., John Miller, of Temper- ai.ccville, Blair co Pa. 1". Shoemaker, of Ebcnsburg, Pa., Thos. White, of ludiana, Pa., S. H. Smith, John Crouse, of Johnstown, Pa. David Watson, John Neff, Samuel Dean, James M. Johnston, Wil liamsburg, Pa. tK.Others may and will b adJeJ.-R Collections made in all parts of the United States. Drafts furnished on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, ic, 4c. The usual rato of Interest, in such cases, paid on Deposits for 3, 6, and 12 months. Ottier Deposits received payable on demaud. Ilollidaysburg, July 10, 1852. ... - .I. t. i . . . ' D. J. Ev.vhs. J. I. Hicuks. EVAXS & HUGHES, II :0ULD again inform the public that they have V just received from tho Eabtcrn cities, and have on hand a large and excellent assortment of Fall and W inter Clothing' which they are prepared to dispose of at reasonable prices. Their stock consist?, in part, of ' men and boys wearing apparel, manufactured from Cloths, Cassimcres, Sattinctts, Satins and silks. Also, Woolen and Cotton Undershirts, Drawers, ic. Hats and Cap, of all kinds, suitable for the season. Also, large assortment of OYF.Rl'OATS and CLOAKS of the latest styles. They have also on hand Cloths, Cassirncres, Sat tinctu, and Vcstings,, which they are prepared to manufacture to order according to' the latest appro ved fashions. ' : r - ' Jr. The goods have been selected with care, and can be .sold vkhy low. Call and examine their stock. Thev wiil suit vou as to duality and price. ' f Z Ebensburg, Oct. 21, 185:5. Administrators Aotice, 1ETTERS of Administration have been granted -J to the undersigned, by the Register of Cam bria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those having claims will present them properly au- L'thenticatcd for settlement. SLSAN till EY, Administratrix, ANDREW J. RHEY, Administralor. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852. tf. . - C. W". M EBSTER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg Fa., "tTTILL practice in the several Courts of Cam- 1 T bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business intrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. ..-..- Office ou Main 6tteet opposite Dr. Wm. Lemon's office. i Ebensburg, April 28, 185327. Thomas I-. Martin, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Johns- S1 HOl'on the Island, nearly opposite D. Leceh & Cos Warehouse. Dec. 22, 1852. Dr. It. M. S. Jachson &. Dr. James C. Howe, HAVING entered into a Co-partnership in the practice of medicine, offer their services to the inhabitants of Summitville and vicinity. Dr. Jackson can be found at his residence near the toll gate, and Dr. Howe at the old office on the Summit. Sept. 9, 1853. tf. :: HOWEIIV SALOO.V, Formerly Brown's Saloon. THE Proprietors of this establishment. Brown & Kennedy, take this method of informing the cit izens of Eber.sburg and the public in general that they have refitted and -otherwise improved their Saloon, and are ready, at all times, to accommodate all persons who wish to indulge in the luxury of a good plate of Fields' No. 1 Oysters! Vo will have thein forwardejl to us daily. We solicit a liberal share of public patronage. . L. W. BROWN. ' , W. R. KENNEDY. Oct. 7, 1853., , Exchange Hotel, Ebensburg, Pa. rf"iHE undersigned respectfully iuforms the pub JL lie that he is now prepared with every requisite for their accommodation, and will "exert every ef fort toreuder his house an attractive and comfort able stopping place. JTis table will always be eup plied with every delicacy the season affords, and his bar stocked with the beat of Wines and Liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will have charge of the stables. Ha respectfully solicits a share of patronag. . ' -- JAMF.8 MYERS. Aria 1861 tf. . - Jama Doegharty,' at KEIMIOLD, DASH i CO.. . , , WHOLESALE and retail dealers.. in Tobacco ' Snuff and Citrars. warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadel phia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Kncedler & Co., keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands or CHEWING T0BACCO IMPORTED CIGARS, Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for sale on as fat orable terms aaaoy house in the city. Orders promptly attended to. August 5, 1853 5-ly. ( ..... John Parker. . JOII PARI : James H. Parker. ;ek&co., "TTrTHOLESALE Grocers, dealers in r lour ana V Btcon. Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old dealers in Flour and Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. . i 1 -a-m T.ihartv Rtrftat. 11 o.. 0, LUUliUClVlcU - " - -j . Fittsburg Fa. August 19, 1853. ly. : George Rhey. Levi Matthews. William Ebbs. IUI1TV. MATTHEWS & CO., r mil l's: A T.K Grocer and Commission Mer chants. Dealers in all kinds of Produce and Pittaburg Manufactures, Street, August 19, 1853. No 77 and Water Pittsburgh, Pa. jniiN m'iF.V1TT. WILLIAM m'devjtt. jOIIX xH'DEVITT & HUO., "TX THOLES ALE grocers and dealers in Foreign YY and' Domestic Lijuore, Rectified Whiskey, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Cheese, &e ic. No 311, Lib erty street, opposite the head of Smithfield, PitU- bureh. Pa. -i IncmfccrliU, maa u JOI1.V C. JIACJIL.I.., II AS leased and refitted the McJliucn House, (lute the Beuuet Hotel) in tho borough of fohnstown, where he vull be giad to receive auy oi his friends who may favor him with their patronage. He has also opened u bar with a ctioice se.csnon oi wines and liquors of all kinds. Men's served to suit paastugers who wish to tra vel by the Pa. R. R. ' , ,. JOHN C. MAG ILL. Johnstown, Pa., July 22, 1853. ' FOREST SIOISE. Campbellstown, Cambria county Pa. rriHE undersigned. Proprietor of the above IIo X tel. informs his friends aud the public that he is well prepared lo furnish the beet 01 accommo dation, and is determined to please all who may call with him. . .. . - JOHN P. PARISH. Campbellt-town, June 10, 185S 84-fim. ' '- '."".A CAIID. A. YEAGLEY having permanently located , ..- r. v r.. n .. ill Jeuerson, tamoria cuuuit, icrucviimi; tenders his professional ser iees to the citizens of the place and thesurrounumg country, in tue prac tice of Medicine and Surgery. Office on Main street, where he can always be found and consulted, except when ab6eut ou pro fessional business. Jefferson, April 14, .185825. , Ir. eo. 15. Kelly, OFFEFJ5 his professional services to the citizen of Jefferson and vicinity, in the practice of Medicine and surgery. .j Office next door to Mr. Lytle's Store. ' May 20, 1853. r- C. Sheridan, M. !., RERPECTFULLY tenders his services to the citizens of 'Johnstown jxnd vicinity, iu the practice of Medicine aud Surgery. --- j Office at the Drug store of Kratzcr and Sheridan corner of Clinton and Main streets. Residence Main street, second door below Von Lueit.m's store. Ir. S. 11. Flch, RESPECTFULLY tenders his service to tin. r?t izens of Summerhill township in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. 1 Office at Half-Way House, Cambria couuty. Pa. Nov. 24, 1852. . , .. . DR. I COMITTI, R1 ESPECTFCLLY tenders his services to the cit izens of Ehentsburg, in the practice of Medi cine and Surgery. Office in Dr. Schneider's Drug Store, opposite the Presbyterian Church. . " . ' June 24, 1853. ' . IUCUAllU JOXES, Justice of the Peace,' Ehenibuxg, ' Pa.; "T7"ILL attend promptly to- all collections en v v trusted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling. July 21, 1852. tf. . - F. in. geoiigh, - . Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane No 4, A. P. R. R." " Uf ILL attend promptly to all collections entrusted to hie care. Office, adjoining the Post office, July, 28th, 1852. .... Ir. Henry Yeagley, , Practising" Physician, Johnstown, Pa. OFFICE next door to his drug store, corner Main aud Bedford streets. Johnstown, July 21, 1852. of WM. IAVI9. JOHN LLOYD. Davis & Lloj d, , HAVING formed a partnership in the Mercantile Business, would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of their friends aud the public generally." Call and see us at the old stand of William Da vis. ' ' J' April 29, 1832. , . ; Always on Hand. STONEWARE, Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-Meel and Salt, for jsale by DAVIS & LLOYD.' May 12, 1852-20. , Win. ?I'Farland and Son. CABINET WARE "M"". - Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, Pa. : WOULD respectfully invite the attention of the public to their superior stock lot Furniture of every description. Fnrniture of all kinds man ufactured to order on. the shortest notice. All or ders from a distance promptly attended to. July I. 1 852. ' Laborers Wanted. 50 Laborers are wanted to work on the Ebens burg aud Susquehanna Plank Road, tewhom liberal wages will be given. Apply to cither of the undcrsigncdl ' , GLASS &. HUTH1SON. " Ebensburg, June S, 1853. , , , S. Fetersberger's Wholesale and Retail Clothing Store. bria County,; Pa. J. Fat ton Thompson, With Marple, Ellis & Jt'Clnre, IMPORTERS and Dealers in Foreign and Domes tic FANCY DRY" GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Satins, Silk Vest ngs, Cravats, Ribbon?' White Goods, Suspenders, Combs, Brushes But tons, looking Glasses, &c. t No. 15 North Third Street, two doors above Church Alley, l'tiiiaaeipnia. M. M. MAKI'LE, J. A. ELLIS, E. C. McCLCRE, Philadelphia; ,Fcb.l 6," 1 852-82". i, : buowx & kfjsxedt; , Faehionable Barbers .and Hair Dreaaer,. ; IN the basement story of Da via & Co'e., war room. , '" tr . . .. Ebensburg, May 1, 1881.-ly. N. B. Shampooing dona, and razors hcucd ia a ruperior manaw. ' - - -: .- . , COATS, Vesta, Pants, Huts, taps. Shirts, Hand kercheifs. Cravats, Boots, Shoes, Carpet-bags, Trunks, &c. . Sold cheap for Cash. Summit Cum 0agruerreotTlln s WOITDERFUL IMPROVEMENT IN ART! A' never fading picture can now be got at the Blair r- f Co. Gallery, Odd Fellows HalL G GORGE W. FISHER takes this method of in forming his numerous friends throughout the county, that he has permanently located himself at Hollidnybburg, where he is now prepared to furnish superior portraits to all that wish a good picture. ; ' After along and 6erious time of experimenting in the Art, he is '.now. prepared to take tho finest kind of pictures in all kinds of weather. A visit to his room and a trial is all that is asked. His object is to please, and having the best light in the Borough, he feels that no failure can be made. ' Pictures neatly colored and put in good cases, from $1,25 to $10. Children taken in the morn ing from 0 to 11, iu the short space of one second. Instruction given iu the art, - embracing all the improvements, on the most reasonable terms. - Ap arntuB and fixtures for Daguerreot vping furnished. Ilollidaysburg, Sej,L 9, 1862.-tf. Tills way for CSood andCheup Goods. WILL be opened this week at the brick store of J. Moore, in Ebensbnrg, a general assort ment cf cloths, eassiraeres, sntinetu, tweeds, aud a great variety of nummer goods. Together with any quantity of print, delains, lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other dress goods. ALSO A LARGE and good assortment of hardware, kiuceusware, saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, ic, &c. Persons wanting boots and boes, hats and caps or ready made clothiug, will find it to their advan tage to call at the. Urick Store. The subscriber, thankful tor pat favn, ear nestly requests his customers, aud the public gen erally to at leaai, vu ..i famine his atock : and if he ennuct suit every person in quality aud price ti is not his fault. Produce aud lumber of all kinds taken in exchange fur gueds; and be also taken CASH when o1rcre1. J. M00RK. Ebensburg, April 2ri, 1851. KOKSHT KHIir. HOllEBT 0 A LliB.MTJI. Coach nanufuctoiy. T HIE ftubsciibcra would respectfully iufurm the citizens of Ebensburg and tlie public generally. that they will curry on the ("ouch Making, inclu ding the Smith work at the Machine idiop formerly occupied by Mr. Anderson, iu the rear of E. Hughu's Store ; where y using uone but tho choicest mate rial, and cinployiiiT i,ue but the best workmen, they hope to convince all that wiil do tlieui the favor to examine their work, that in point of dura bility, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excel led by" any similar establishment in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the pur chase of a carriage, will consult their own interests by giving them a call. They arc prepared to sup ply the following kinds of Vehicles, viz: Buggies of different qualities and prices, Barouch es, Chariotees, one and two borne roekaw.ive. close quarter Eliptic and C-spriug Coaches; second hand work of different kind, ic, uiakiug a variety that will suit all tastes and all parses. .Repairing done with neatness and despatch. -May 20, 1653. The ft rant House, Corner of 4th. and Grand sts. Pittsburg. rTHE subscriber has leased the large and well JL known Hotel, (late Lawartiue Houae,) at the cor uer of 4th and Grant streets, Pittsburg, which has been repaired auu newly fitted up in all its apartments so as to give a larger and more liberal accommodation to travellers aud boarders. His larder will be stocked with the most choice brands the markets can afford, and his Bar furnished with the best. He would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. ... Sept. 8, 1852. B. PERRY. St. Charles Hotel, Cornor of Third and Wood St. riHIS fine establishment, having come into the -- hauds of a new Proprietor, offers great in ducements te the traveling community; aud also to rcgnlar hoarders. Every delicacy and laxury will be provided in its season ; and no pains will be spared to make thia Hotel a comfortable home to all who may call there. - V S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Pittsburg, Sept 8. 1852. - . - Boots und Shoes... ( Evans & Jones, WOULD respectfully announce to the pnblic that they still continue the manufacture of every description of Boots and Shoes, for Ladies and Gentlemen, at their shop, a few doors East of Mr. Carmen's Hotel, where they will be happy to see their customers. Being practical workmen themselves, and using none but the very best materials, they are confident they can execute work as well and as cheap as any establishment in the county. . ' May 13, 1853 George Harncame, Wholesale "& Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron ware Manufacturer, and Dealer in the fol lowing named Stoves : G' LOBE Air Tight Cook, Portable Range, Flat Top Complete, Union Air Tight, Cooke Favor ite, Bare Cylinder, Delaware Cook, Bar-room, Key stone, or Independent, ' Harp cannon,' New com plete. Hot Air Parlor. Victoria complete, , Air Tight, Complete Cook, Union Coal Burner. , . ; Ebensburg, Sept 1, 1852. Fashionable Clothing i:iuiorium, Clinton St. Johnstown Pa. G' HEAT attraction nt the corner - of Clinton and Locust streets, opposite the Exchange Hotel and the M'Millen House, Johnstown, Cambria co., Pa., where the subscribers have jnt received a large and fashionable assortment of Fall and Win ter Ready made CLOTHING. . Nov. 4, 1852. JOSEPH CANS & CO. FRS. W. II AT, W. 8. tlSO!. Hay & Fdson. Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron ' Ware Manufacturers, and Dealers in the fol lowing named Stoves : GOOK Stoves, Keystone, Nine Plate, Liberty, Parlor, Radiators, Etna, Star Fki;, Wi ne Iron, Complete Cook, Star Air-tight, Cant iron Rink. AVare tioora on canal St. one door below the collectors office. Johnstown, Pa. July 14, 1852. - ff BUSHELS good coal wanted at this Of JL lice, for which carfi w ill be paid on de- Iiverv. Exchauge Hotel. : Hollidayshnrg, Blair Co., Fa. rrillE proprietor assures the public that no exer . JL tions will be wanting ou his part to render his house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. POTTS. April 29, 1852. if BARRELS Concmaugh Salt for sale by Avr J.MOORE. ar i"BARRELS SALT just received at the Store of JJ HUGHES ii WHERRY, Jefferson, Ta. . July 8.' . . , WOOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain, taken in exchange for goods at J. MOORE'S STORE. YOUR Lair is falling off, is it? Then call at Kittell'a withont delay, and buy a bottle of Siorr's Chemical JIair Jnvigorator, or you will be come entirely bald. It is the best nair tonic now in use. CASH will be paid for 4000 or 6000 pounds wool, by HUGHES h WHERRY, ; '. Jefferson, Pa. - 4 FRESH arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer Hats, iA'Capg, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw "Bon net, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot, Lead, ftc. reserved this day and for sale at the cheap etcrVVf June 29, 18C1. " jr. MOORX. M. WITMOaB, C. H. wpur, H. JOKES, OXO. 1. lVf Whltmore, Wolff, &. Co., Importers and Dealers In Hardware,' Sign of the' Anvils, 'Xo. 50 Wood tt., thres'dcors above the St. t'harles Hotel, ; " -'- Fittsburgr, Fa. --- TAKE this method of Informing enstomers and Dealers that they are now in receipt of their Fall Supply which has bceu selected with great c ire from the Manufactories of A'urtand the Eat-, tern Slates. ' " ' - Our btock comprises a much larger assortment than is generally kept by similar establishments, and is particularly adapted to the Country Trade. ' Having superior facilities for procuring goods it is without hesitation that we defy competition from any quarter, . . We are now receiving Birmingham and Sheffield Manufactures, purchased and forw arded by one of the Firm, who has been speeding some months in England and Germany, and who will .continue to keep u supplied with Foreign Hardward bought from first hands only. Western Merchants are reapeetfully iuvitedto an examinrtion of our stock and prices previous to go ing further Eastward. Amoug our assortment may be found the following: 6524 doz. Knives aud Forks, 1100 d-z. Chislls, 8114 penknives ' K" cases planva, ' 180U ' auirsors & sheers 8-00 iuz. file & liasps 210 . " . rasors iu cases . . 217 guu locks 50 'f feilver pluted lead taUo Spoons, 250 " German silver " ; " 350 " . bhovels and spades 850 ' gross Britania 247 " hay and manure forks, 150 ' as 75 " teuneut saws 15 bales Doer's hair. 400 Mill pit t and cross cutt saws 1700 dot knobs, locks and latches 4200 " pair trace chains 2000 400 ': Luitcr aud deg chains, pad ch8t locks bellows, auvils, ivg i Ujiim. cant. ..bl.eer aud Biister 450 dot axes, Lest brands, Lc. - Suddlery Hardware. Wo aru contiuuiug to make large adJitiun to tiis branch of our baintv Sept. 2, Hif3. . 4 . . A Vcw Ari'h til of Watches und Jew- i e!rj". On the corner of Clinton and Locust Su. TIIIIE undersigned respectfully invites the Ladies JL and Gentlemen to call und see hid hew and splendid stock of Watches and Jewelry, which Le has just received from Germany ; warranted to be solid aud purr, aud for style and finish itcinnotbe surpassed. He has also received a lar-e nsvirl meut Tif Jewelry from the Eastern cities, viz : Gdd hunting ease watcbe-j frmu . ."S75 to 100 Patent Letr " " 35 to 60 ' Ladies anchor lever and Lepine, Silver patent lever and hunting case watches frohi ' Anchor Levers do,froin I.i'pins do, Qnartiers do. Z0 to 15 Ut 1 2 to 10 to 5 to 20 1 II 12 Gold miniature cases. Ladies Gold Bracelets and Necklesses, Enr-rinprs, Gold Guard, Vest and Fob chains, Gold chains for Ladies, Fiagwr rings, Gold aud Silver Pens and Pencils, Silver poona, Silver Thimblef., Steel, German and Silver Spectacles, Port Monaies, Pen Knives, Silver chains, Ac, &c. 'All of tho above articles are warranted to be of the best material, and will be sold very loic for rath. ClocK and Watch Uepairing. He has the best workmen in the ceuntry iu his employ, aud all work entrusted to bim will be promptly attended t. Thankful for past favors he solicits a continuance of rVe same, a ail i s coundeut lie can give satisfac tion to all who ui.'y give bim a call. OEORGE P. LICKHART. 'Johnstown, April 15, lPM. ; AOOO Dollars Rruurd. Great Eiclttnitat lit Wales t GEO. J. cities ROPGERS has just received from the ies of Philadelphia and New York and im mense- stock of New Good.s, and now offers to his old as well as new customers the Largest, Cheapent aud best assortment of SPRING- It SUM V EH GOOD.S ever brought to the Ebensburg market. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods Qneenswarr, Hardware, Cedar Ware," ic, all of which have been purchased with a view to satisfy the wauts of his numerous customers in quality and price. ';.-' Gents Wear. Blue, black, brown and broad cloths, plain and fancy caaitucrcs, tweed.i, summer cloth, .liuens, silks, satin, valcucia and m arse ills vesting. Hat. Caps, Bvote, Shoes, kc. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints, mous de laina, ginghams, lustres and fancy colored silks, bobinet, laces and edging, jackouetts, ribbons, fn cy silk gimps, &c. : , , Hardware, cutlery,' and tools of various kinds. Queens-ware, consisting of many new and splen did patterns. ' ' - Groceries, consisting of coffees, eugar, tea, fish, spices, salt &c. Tu5 All kinds of couutry produce tiken in ex change for goods Also Lumber, Wool, &c. GEi. J. P.ODGKBS. May 20, 1853. Looli out Tor the Locomotive! Cash and Produce Store! Ill'S'iil'v a- uiiPimv II AVE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few floors East of G. L. Lloyd & eo.'s store a larce and entire new assortment of Spring & Summer Goods, which they just received from the Eastern cities, eotiMsting,- in part, of the following articles. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Silks, Barges, Mous lia de Laines, Lawns, &c, &.c. Also, Cloths, Satt netts. Tweeds, Drillings, &c. Ready Made Clothing, of nil kinds aud very best quality. Give it a trial. Hardware, Queenswarc, and Stoneware, of every variety comprising a large assortment. STOVES, of every docription, always on hand and warranted. We flutter ourselves that we cau sell Stoves lower than auy establishment iu Cam bria couuty, and being located on the Rail Road we can always secure n supply. Groceries, Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar, linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and every article necesaaay to supply this innrkct. The pnhlic is -solicited to call and examine our stock, as we are confident it will admit of inspec tion. t3f All kiuds of produce taken in exchange for goods.- Lumber bought at the highest market pri- May 17, 1850. " ' Tailoring. TfIIE undersigned informs his customers that the "A- firm of lieyuon i Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the subscriber etill con tinues the business in the room recently occupied by the old firm, where be will be happy to see his former patrons and as many new ones as please to call. He receives regnlarly from New York and Philadelphia the latest fashions aud cannot be beat, en either in the shape or fit of Coats, Tants or csts, by any other Tailor in the country. He respectfully ask the public to give him a call, and confident his work will recommend itself. Sy" All kinds of couutrv produce takeu in ex change for work. " LEWIS BEYNON April 20, 1852.-tf. ' Tomb Stones I Tombs Stones ! RICHARD JONES respccfully informs the pub lic that he is prepared to furnish all kiuds of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, man ufactured in the latest style, and lettered according to any directions. His yard is situated at the south part of the town,- where a large assortment of articles in his line are always kept on hand. ' From long experience he feels confident be can please all tastes, end he therefore Lopes to be pat ronized by a generous public. - June 17, 1853. millS W A"V lFor I have just received and ofT J- fer sale a large lot of Stone and Earthen Tw'" b8 highest price paid for wool. Ebensburg, April 1. J. MOORE. 2000 rKrs wool, batter, eggs wanted J. MOORE. STOIIKS CHEMICAL HAIR I iGw s - j . OKATOU. THIS delightful and popular article is the bet preparation for- tiie hair which long experi ence and scientific research has produced, either as an article for the toilet, or its beneficial effects ia all the diseases to which the human hair is lii.Ue. It will impart to the roughest and coarsest hair the most beautiful appearance, entirely cleansing it from all impurities. , But while we assert that it is the best article for the toilet of those who wish to retulu tho Loir in all its youthful - ' ' LUXTTRIAlfCE A3TD BEAUTY. it must not l e forgottou that in all diseases of ihs iiair or cc:lj, fcuch as the failing of the hrur dabd ruff, pimples, or sores on the scalp, &c, it is per--haps the articie which has given deciJed satisfte tioii every instanoo where it has been used. . . Its . operation in caso of baldness id peculiarly active, so that, in numerous, where other reme-Jiea have been tried in vain, STORR'S CHEMICAL 1N VIG0KATOU has supt-rseded the ornameuts of art, by reiustuting, iu full plentitude, the permanest gifts and graces of nature. It is possessed of a character wholly differing from the Oils, Grease, Restoratives, &o., which are now so numerously foisted ou the public, for baldness, gray hair, &,cv 6torr's lavigorator Una now been tested for yearsud its efEcaey ha been proved -by thousands. Every year its reputa : tion and sales have incrensed, ui;iil l.jure of it is consiiiried unnua'Jy than of any other prcparr.tioa for the hair ever offered to the American pubjia. It is coiup.iucded on strictly scicotifm priuciples, and the proprietor will stake his reputation ou its eCii'acy-. " j -: It extraordinary cheapness places it within the I t"0'1'-! of the humblest family, nu J i;s Cuuceded I v"'" insures it a place ou the moat luxui'ivus toll; ! For sale ly tna rroprietors price 25 cents. - C. P. AlltT i CO, 120 Arch street, one door b-.-iow Sixia. Yur sale by Fred. Kitttl!. Ebensburg ; J.iuies Le'.I, Suinjjiit; G. Muckeriiide &. Co., Johnatown. December 10, lS528-ly. LIVER CO.IiPlYtl.YT. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CKR0ETC OR NER VOUS DEPIIITY, DISEASES 07 THE KIDNEYS 4 ND sil di?T..cs arising from a disordered liver or stomfich, sueh constipation, inwtri piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach, tiuuiva, Leait-burn, disgusU l'yr food, f.illness. orweilit in the etcuii'.ch.sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit tf the stomach, swimming of the he-id, hurried aud difficult breath ing, fluttering at tLe heart, choking or .saffoca Ling 6ctisutions whoa in a li-lr.g posture, dimness of vhfibii, dots or w!3 before the sight fevtr and dull piiin in the head. diCiciency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyt e, pnin in the side, back, chest, limbs, ic, sudueii flushes of Ltat. qurning in the Ccsli, constant imaginings of evil and great deprcsuju of spirits, can be effectually cured by - DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED C Ell MAN BITTEH. rjtEPABF.o nr DR. C. M. JACXSOJ. At the German JJeUieiuc Sioro. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their poicer over the above diieases is nU ieV,& if equalled by any other pnparutivn in the United States, us the cures attest, in nnsny esse ofler skilful phyieians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of inv dlis. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver aud leaser glands exercis ing the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive organs, they are wii'uai, safe, cvrtaiu and plcasart. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint an 1 Dyspepsia, no oue can doubt after using it as stated. It acts specifically upt.u the stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in ull li'ious disease the ef fect is immediate. They can 2.e adowiiiterc1 to female or infunta with safety aud lcliul-te beccfit at any Time. Look well to the marks of the Cennln They have the written signature of C. M. JACK SON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in t-e bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the German Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch meet, one d jor be low Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable deal ers generally through the country. PRIC ES R1IVCEIJ, To enable nil closes of invalids u ecjr.y tiio ad vantages of their great restorative powers. Single bottle 75 rents. . - For sale by Frederick Kittell Druist EUor burg ; James Bell, Summit; G. Muckcrkiae i Co.. Johnstowu. December 1G, 1852 S-lr. JA1IKS iu:i,l, SUMMIT, CAUEEIA CO., PA., TTAS the pleasure of announcing to all who J-X would secure the best bargains to bo offered in this county, that he is again in the field with oue of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully se lected stocks of Fall and Winter Good ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all , of which have been purchased within the last few days in Philadelphia and New York, with particular regard to the wants of this Market. 1 agaiu fling my ban ner to the breeze, inscribed with my oldmotto ef - Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attentiou of purcha3Cr to my ttoek, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, beina; full and com plete m every departmeut. Evervthina; new, fash ionable and desirable will be found embraced ia my assortment. Particular attentiou is solicited to new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DSES3 GOODS, i.:.r. t i x ..t x ne ju-,1 receiveu or late importation. Iu Gents' wear I defj competion, and confidently invite an examination of one of the largest.cheap cst nud best selected stocks of readv-made clothing cloths, cassiiuerei, &c, ever brought to Catubri.-I county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which I will sell cheap and warraut to give satisfaction. Also, caps, bonnets, . BOOTS AXU SHOES, of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books stationary, &c. - CfsTho highest market price paid for all kind of Produce. November 11,' 1852. ARE YOU BALD ? Is your hair falling ofi ? Oris your hen! covered with Dandruff or Scruff? If so, then make a fir trial of Siorr't Chemical Hair Jnvigorator. 11 undreUs of persons in all parrt of the country whoso heads were entire ly bald, have had their hair fully restored to iU original perfection by the nso of thia valuable article. Cai-tiox. Ask for "Storrs Chemical Hair In. vigorator," and never let dealers persuade you to use any other article as a substitute. Price 5 cents per bottle Proprietors. C. P. Atnet & Co No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. For sale by dealers generally. - Sold by Fred. Kittell, Ebens burg; James Bell, Summit; K, P. Uildebrand, la diana. Dec. 8, 1852 lv. " F.zeliiel Hughes, Ebensburg, Pa. DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gt teries, wholesale and retail fish; hardws ro re ano cuttiery ; guus, shect-xinc, stoves of nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron, ail - kinds, stove-pipes aud sheet-iron ware, tin ware, ties, &.C. copper and brass ket- Grain, wool, ' butter and otter country produce bought and cold. - Also, A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry lumber; lumber always bought, and a large quan tity constantly on hand for sale. Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or such as suits the present demand of the market. A large lot of new goods as , embraced is (a above list just recei ved and more craning for sale at the lowest market price. ' Saptambcc S8, 186f, tf. "