Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, January 13, 1854, Image 3

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RoBBfiR at Johwstowx. Miles Ben ton, Con
stable of Johnstown borough, brought to our
County Jail ou Monday last, three lads charged
with robbery. A correspondent of the Daily
Union, says :
" " Three boys, probably 16 or 17 years of age,
came to Johnstown on New Year's day, and put
up at Magill's Hotel, registering their names as
Wm. Lendon, S. W. Townsend, and Louis Town
send, all of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa.
They left there soon and went to Mr. Zent's tav
ern, and pledged a geld watch for their boarding.
On Sunday, the inst.. when Rev. J. Martin, Lu
theran Preacher, and family, were at Divine Ser
vice, these boys entered his house, and breaking
everything open, took away one thousand dollars
"in gold and silver, one set of silver spoons, and
" gold pencil, chain, &c, When Mr Martin re
nrned and found everything torn up, he made
inquiry, and founcLout that these boys had been a
feout the house. They were seen to leave it and
ascend the hill south of Johnstown, where it was
supposed they had concealed ihe money. They
were arrested and examined, but no racts were
elicited. On Monday, the 9th, the spoons, three
gold watches, several pencils, &c, were found on
the top of the hill, concealed in a hollow tree while
the money was found in the broken-off top of the
same tree, about fifteen feet up- They gained
this height by climbing a sapling close by. The
stolen property was all recovered, and three gold
watches beside. The boys were taken to Ebens
burgh jail. Mr Martin's dwelling is not more
than ten rods from the church- in which he was
preaching at the time. The money was not his
own, but the property ol a sisterin-law.
VTe would add that the youths are now here ;
they seem to be composed.
Melaxciiolt Accident. An accident of an
exceedingly distressing character occurred in
Clearfield township, on Thursday, last. Major
"Wharton, who had just returned home with his
sled, was in the act of detaching his horses, when
he rccvived -a kick from one of them, while, stoop
ing' which threw him with tiro buck part of his
.head against a stump, causing ieath in a very
short time afterwards, lie became perfectly con
scious, a short time before he breathed his last,
and bade farwell to his friends.
Major Wharton was one of our Tvortliiest citi
zens', and by Ins industry, had acquired a com.
fortab'e home, while his kindness of heart had se
cured him a host of friends. He leaves a devoted
wife, and five infant children to mourn his un
iraely end. . His remains were interred in the
CaUiolic graveyard, at the Loop Church, on Sat
urday, last, whither they were followed dy an
immense concourse f rolaticuS and friends. Al
itgheiiidii. New. Exglaxd CcLTivATOtt. This popular
weekly quarlo, of the largest size, is devoted to
valuable practicable information on Breeding,
Rearing, Managing and Fattening of Cattle,
Swine, Sheep and Poultry care and management
of Horses and B ccs ; Horticultural, Agricultural
and Mechanical matters generally comprising
all that may be of interest to our Farmers and
Mechaics. It will contain all the important news
of the week, markets, literary contrbutions and
choice miscellany making it a complete Agri
cultural Family paper; published at 2 a year;
tfbur espies 6; twelve copies, 14? strictly in ad
vance, and copy free to ny one getting up a
cJub. Address E. B. Fitts, publisher, Boston,
Tn the present dearth of news, it is rather
heavy work to get up an interesting weekly ; oc
casionally however, something turns up to break
the monotony : for instance, in that delightful
publication, the Alleghanian," of this week, we
read tie following startling announcement :
. " In town. Abraham Kopclin, Esq-, on Satur
day, last."
- Shade of M elchisndec ! There is an item of in
telligence, calculated to -arouse the most indeffer
ent, and disturb even
' Midnight's fathomless profound."
We give in; we cannot match that; but will
endeavor to wait patiently until the next convoy
of Lager Beer arrives from Carrolltown.
t The new Church in Lorctto was solemnly con
secrated on Friday the 6th inst.
t ii ill Tlx Tl T:nt-An
tiign mass was ceieoraiea dv ru.. lvev. uisuup
Newmann, of Philadelphia ; a powerful sermon
was prcached by Rev. T. McCullough, and a dis
course delivered in German by Rev. Wimmer, of
Carrolltown. after which the benediction wtis pro-
nounced by Rev. Mr. Corbet.
N The building, although not quite completed, is
Tery imposing. .
"Sxaix ! Sxaix !" Mr. Jacob Campbell, who
Tcsides in Blacklick township, informs ns that on
Wednesday of this week, he found three large
snakes in a snow drift ; all of which be lost no
time in sending to another and better world : these
last Roses of Summer must have had a pictur
esque time, durin-r tire late cold " spell." We
anerer before heard of snakes being caught out so
late ; wonder what their anxious Mas think ?
We had the pleasure this week of meeting
with Messrs. Todd, Dougherty, J. P. and B. P.
Thompson ; they all complain of good health,
and think that they will realize their golden
dreams, and win a " pile" in the Quaker city :
we are glad to hear of the prosperity of our Ebens
burg boys, and are proud of the good name which
Jhcy have earned for themselves.
' Ix Town- Dr. Belford, the popular Dentist, is
in town, prepared to operate upon molars, incis
ors, Ac., he will remain but a few days, at pres
ent ; it is his intention to return about the
March Court. " He has taken rooms at the Man
sion House.
Rkturked. Our former associate, William B.
Sipes, has returned from a short visit to Belfast ;
he is flourishing in fine health and spirits, and is
quite pleased with his trip.
DC?" Some disappointed politician suggests as a
remedy for damp walls that they be papered with
legislative speeches, the usual dryness of which
would render any little dampness impossible.
There is plenty of material to make the remedy
cheap.' '
0They are building a steam boat in OhV Be
long that it takes two captaiua to command her,
en at tch end. , t. : s-vf--j-v;
" The New Inn." ": -
" Rare Ben Jonson" once delighted apprecia
ting audiences with the wit, the iearhing, the
genuine poetry of a play bearing the above capti
vating title; in xur degenerate days the legiti
mate Drama has fallen sadly into disrepute; yet
although 'The New Inn" never more graces the
boards of national and capital Theatres, the scho
lar, the man of taste, always peruses the play
with feelings of refined pleasure . ... -.... .
But it is of another creation of mingled Ro
mance and reality we must now speak : to wit,
the new Inn of Robert Smith. .
The Smith family is one which during ages has
been prominently before the public ; from time
immemorial there have, been Smiths who tow
ered above the common herd, -
" In shape and gesture proudly eminent." 4
We have not space enough to widen upon them
all we cannot "expatiate upon the bright deeds,
the shining virtues, the commanding talents
which may have distinguished individual Smiths,
from the time of John the adventurer,' who made
love to. Pocahontas, down to Joseph the Mormon,
who was disposed to make love to every body ;
we are even compelled to take Alexander at his
word, and let him,- .
"Love and flush and thrill;
Or let him die." ' - -
Our business is with Robert, who' having bade
adieu to the aesthetics and the angels, is disposed
to find " that tranquility which passeth all un
dcrstftMJJng," cts or itie merest philanthropy',
in the common, every day charities of a cup of
cold water to the thirsty, and a crust of bread to
the hungry. .
Abandoning " star eyed science," turning
away from the court of the Muses, he will preside
in his new temple of the Actual ; and as Prophet
and Priest of the new Philosophy, will teach man
kind to turn the cold shoulder upon the Mystical,
the Abstract.and enrapture them with all that is
Transcendental in common provender, and all
that is Idyllic in three cent whiskey. v
So now for Robert's first " utterance." -
laurel swamp ixxV
IN the Laurel Swamp is now ready to take in
any person that may wish to be " taken in."
The Human race have been wondering why this
Tavern was not finished long ago. This is not
at all surprising, as it has been nine weeks, six
teen days, and six hours longer building than the
Tower of Babel and caused more swearing, and
confusion of tongues, undoubtedly than that same
venerable edifice, t Let good men all pray that
the same calamity the curse of God, may not
follow this feeble effort of one poor man to get up
a shanty for the protection of his fellow creatures,
which was inflicted upon the proud and ambi
tious ones of old who wished to get to Heaven
on Stone and Mortar, instead of by Good Works
and by Grace. This House and surrounding
Swamp have been a taking in concern from the
first on account of the nature of the soil. Title
quick sands, glorious legal uncertinties,and eter
nal delays. In the first place the title of the land
lias been in a state' of BornaT'wn,f (Cambria
County named for birth)' for te years. This
has been caused by a "baleful enchantment"
and the influence of Mt phistophiles.
Although seventeen scientific legal Midwives
of the most undoubted genius and reputation as
land Lawers have been at work all that time, no
title can be found.
Five Supreme Beldams are now at work with
legal forceps' and scissors to finish this " Jl or na
tion" team the forlorn mullier., of . legal, abstrac
tions, and whom it is hoped by book or by crook
by right or by wrong, will liave it accomplished.
The walls of the house itself have taken in more
Whiskey and money to build them, than any
ton Barns in Cambria county. The timbers of
ships to last forever and then make good oven
wood are boiled in Oil. From hili price and
scarcity of grease, the proprietor of the Laurel
Swamp Inn thought it best to boil his timbers in
Whiskey. There were also other considerations
of a Scientific or Chemical character. For al
though the Whiskey element will rot the human
gut, it preserves Timber, Peaches, and dead ani
mal matter from decay. His Bar is only tolera
ble, Whiskey predominating ; but his greatest
trouble is that he can only sell by the Barrel or
Butt, having no lisencc, as a compensation to the
human soul for the want of " the Music of the
Spheres" in the shape of three cent drinks. The
Proprietor will supply fiddling gratis, and every
man can have the piiviledge of drinking thirty
two gallons or a common barrel. The nineteen
gallon law of Massachusetts beingconsideredatoo
puritanic and contracted arrangement for the
Stomach of man in these mountain parts.
His Table is the ordinary mountain grub, com
mon shanty cooking, hard enough, but suitable
to a region near the Xine of enternal snow, where
the human nose is required to be pickled in
Whiskey or drop oft with intense frost.
The Inn is situated in the Swamp one half mile
west oTCnkation, at the crossing of the three Al
leghany Mountain roads, near a large sand rock
Spring, which has its " Bornation" from the roots
of a venerable Pine Forest.
-The building itself is of the Egyptain order of
Architect e, that is, after the first formula of a
human habitation or Temple for the household
Gods, wigwam or tent like; in short the aborigi
nal shanty of the biped man, low and cavernous:
simplicity and want having cut the graces en
tirely. . "
Hoping to have some custom, the Proprietor" is
happy to inform the public, that this resting
place for the weary laden is now arranged.
The Proprietor would inform the public that
Dr. Jackson, of the fiiw of Jackson & Howe, has
rooms in his house his office being in the origi
nal Squatters Log Cabin, opposite. The Dr. is
well known to be sound on. fits, and common
snakes in the hat. His services can be obtained
at any time.
37" To plunge a young lady six fathoms deep
in happiness, give her two Canary birds, half a
dozen moonbeams, twelve yards of silk, an ice
cream, several rose buds, a squeeze of the hand,
and the promise of a new bonnet. If she don't
melt, it will be because she can't.
CORRECTED weekxt bt tcdor axd
EBEXSBCRG.rnaay, u
Hour per bbl.
Wheat per bush.
Corn, ; :- . . i
Butter per lb.
Eggs, doz.
Buckwheat per bush.
twr Ton. -
13, 1853.
$7 25
1 25
12 a
a 12
1 50
. 07
1 25
Wood per cord, -. . :
Coal per bushel,
Chesnuts per bushel,
Lumber Market. . -
Ebekbbcrg, Jan. 13. 1853.'
First Common,
Seebnd " - ,
Pannel," v. .
Chair Plank, ,,
Cherry .
.. , .
a s
- 5 - K
. i. - - o
. . .
H a
JAN'Y. ' - 1. 2 3 " 4-5 6 - 7
. 8 9 10 11 12 ' 13 14
... 15- 16 17 18 19 20 21
'" ' '"22 23 24 25 2G 27 2S
,;29 30 31
FEBTT. A 1 " "i 2 3 . 4
':. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 .13 14 "15 16 17 - 18
. .19; 20 . 21.22 23,24 25
, 20 . 27 28 , .
MARCH.--. . . . 1 2 3 4
, 5 6 7-8. 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 10 17 18
19 20 21 21 23 24 25
20 27- 28 . 29 30 31 .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7,8
". "'. ... 9 .10 11 12 ,13 14 15
1G 17 18 19, 20 21 22
. . . . 23 24 25 20 27 28 29
- 30 v .
MAY. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 -17 18 19 20
- 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 27
- 3 28 29 30 31
JUNE. - - - - 12 3
4 5 0 '7 " 8 " 9 10
11 12- 13 14 15 16 17
v 18 19 20 21 .22-23- 24
j i - - - 25 26 - 27 -28 29 .--an.
jur.v - "' i
'- 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8
- 9 10-11 12 13 1 14 15
" :t 16i17 "18 19 20 2L 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
AUGUST. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 -12
13 14 15 10 17 18 19
. . 20 21 -22 . 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
SEPTTl.1 - " 1 2
3 4 -5 6 7 8 9
10 11 -12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 20 27 23 29 30
OCTOBER. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
': - 15 16 17 18 ' 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
.'.' 29 30 31
XOTH. 12 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
.12 13 14 15 16 17 18
. ' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
, 26 27 23 29 30
DEC'R. . 12
- .. . 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
SEALED proposals will be: received at the effice
of the Superintendent of the Allegheny Portage
Hail Road, from ti.ii date, uutil Saturdav, the loth
inst for supplvins the following materials for the
- 1 -Avy.'rt 1 - . - 1. J -1 .. 1-
year ISo-j: ju.uw wiuie onit nuu traoui u
cross ties, Osm. J reel in lengm:
60,000 feet -white oak nnd sttgnr erring timber, 6x8
in. 12, 10. and feet in lengtu.
The above wood materials to be delivered at
such points on the rond most convenient to con
tractors, piled up in good erder, Conveniently for
loading, inspecting awl . measuring, and at such
times as may be required. ;
For supplying coal at V'ies ro. , o, o, o, y,
and 10, and at llollidaysburgand JolnigtownJe
pota auil lioat Slips. , . -
For. supplying Motive Tower, and repair -castings
in such quantities auJ at such time as may be
- . - dOHX ROSS, Supt. Motive Tower.
Superintendent s Othce.
Ilollidaj'sburg, Jan. 11, '54.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan s Court or
Cambria County, the subscriber will offer Cor
sale the followinff real estate, viz: About fifty a-
cres of land situated near Jefferson, in the town
ship of Summerhill, adjoining lands of Dr. Kern,
Harriet Montgomery nnd others, being the proper
ty of Woodburn Benson, one of the tuinor Heirs of
Michael Benson dee'd.
Sale to take place at the public House kept by
John Brawley in the town of Jeffersou on Saturday
the 11th of February ISO at one o clock, 1. M.
Ttrtnt of Sale. One third in baud and the bal-
lance in two equal annual paymeuts, with interest
from the confirmation of sale, to be be secured by
judgment, bond and Mortgage.
... j. . Jl v-ui.
Guardian of Woodburn Benton.
Jan. 13, '54. 4t.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of
Cambria county, there will beexposedto pub
lic sale, on the premises, on Monday the Oth day
of February next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following
valuable real estate of which ooloman Uster died
seized, vit :
The one undivided half partcr. a certain piece or
parcel of land, containing 49 acres, be the same
more or less, situate near tue iinu way tiousc, tn
Suinuierhill township, Cambria county, having
thereon erected a Grist mill, and several small
shanties, bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a spruce stump, a corner of Robert
Erwin, thence North 30 deg. West 54 perches to a
post, thence North 65 deg. East 6 perches to a
post, thence North 18 deg. West 7 perches to a post
on railroad, thence up said road by its several
courses and distances to the Hue of Alexander Car
lisle, thence by said line South 5 dep. West 83
perches to a post, thence South 44 deg East 26 ps.
to a post, thence South 50 deg. West 12 perches to
a walnut, thence dowu the Conemaugh by its sev
eral courses and dlniiice to uic jiuuiiy ruad. thence
by line of George Murray South 75 deg. East 23
perches to a post, thence South 21 deg. West 20
perches to a sugar stump, thence South 45 deg.
East 3 perches te a post, thence by line of William
Murray South 55 deg. "West 26 perches to a bcecb,
thence South 2SJ deg. West 27 perches to a beech,
thence South 47 degs. 22 perches to a sugar,
thence South 70 deg. West 83 J perches to the place
of beginning. -" -' '
TERMS OF SALE. One third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
th residue in two equal annual payments thereaf
ter with interest to be secured by the judgment
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
January C, 1854. St.
- Executor's Xotlce.
LETTERS testamentary have been granted to the
subscriber, on the estate of George Roberts,
late of Ebcnbburg, 'Cambria county, deceased; all
persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to settle the same without delay, and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for set
tlement. EDWARD "ROBERTS, Executor.
January 6, 1853.
Ebensburg, Cambria Co., Fa.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and the travelling public, that he has
leased the house formerly kept by Mrs. Mary O.
Evans, and is prepared to accommodate all who
mav favor him with their custom. The establish-
innt has been furnished with every convenience
.v. Ka His rnnma are larcc and well veuti-
lUilt V 11 w- . - t)
lated. Hirtable will be supplied with the best the
market can afford. His bar : will contain Liquors
of the best brands, and his stable ia large, and at-
. . , j . i - - i .i .
tendea oy carciujt,an( tujjlue r - .-
,, ..... -4 JOUN At BLAIR.
-DEXTIST. - " v
DR. S. BELFORD, Surgeon Dentist, informs the
public that he has returned to Hollidaysburg,
and permanently located in the office he occupied
daring bis late visit, (one door west of Ilewit's
Store on Allegheny st.,) where he will be pleased
to attend to any operations in his profession. All
work done by him will be warranted.
Hollidaysburg, August 26, 1853.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa.,
liril.L practice in the several courts of Cambria,
II Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans can
consult and receive advice in their own language.
Office opposite the Court House, formerly occu
pied by R. L. Johnston, Esq.
Ebensburg, February 3, 1853 1y.
'S.4MLEL' C. iri.GAIU,
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa.
WILL practice in the Bcveral Courts of Cam
bria, Blair, nnd Huntingdon counties.
Office on main street two doors west of the
store of Murray, Zahm it Co.
May 8, 1851 ly.
' GEORGE 31. ItEED, , .
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa.
WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
briA, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.
Office on Centre st., joining Gen. M'ponald's dwcll-
Jan. 15, 1851. ly. - - -
. ,1 E. llUTCElIX.SOX, Jr.,
. - Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa.,
"1T7"ILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
V V bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
fessional business K.Kitr.ol 1,1a oM--wili bo
promptly attended to.
Office on Main street adjoining his dwelling house.
Ebensburg, July 1,-1853 2(-8m.
,Cv -. . , Gto. W. Todd, vrltl
ti c.'arut!i,Terrj'& Dew.
IMPORTERS and Wholesale Jobbers in English,
German and Domestic HARDWARE, Guns,
Pistols, Waiters, &c.
154 Mabket Sthekt, between 4th & 5th, TIIIL
ADELPUIA. Sept- 2, 1858.-3m.
cywis i. ii:hsiii.u,
Attorney at Law, Johnstow Fa.
FFU'E on Clinton Street, in the Second Story
of Good & Pershing s Store Room.
January 30, 1851 ly.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa.
OFFICE in the Court House, up stairs.
Aug. 24, 1853.
Attorney at Law Johnstown, Fa. .
FFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of
the corner of Main and Clinton.
April 23, 1853. - .
"TTTTHOLESALE dealers in M ine and Liquart,
V V which they are prepared to furnish cheap to
merchants and hotel keepers. Warehouse 208,
Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. .
Feb. 2, 1853 ly
"T7"HISKEY, White Lead,
Y v sale by
Linseed Oil for
Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa.
EFICE on Main street, two doors tast of the
Echo Office. ' "
March 13, 1851. ly
THE highest price paid for wool at the toie of
- - - . . - GEO. J. RODGEUS. -
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg-, Fa.
FFICE two doors West of Major Thompson's
Attorney at Law,- Ebensburg, Fa.,
II Blair nnd Indiana counties.
Office, No. 4, Colonnade Row,
Ebensburg, Aug. 19, 1853 ly.
. near the Court
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
OFFICE, No. 3, "Colonnade" Row," near the
Court House.
January 1, 1851. ly
Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg, Fa.
WILL attend the several Courts of Cambria
county, as heretofore. Office one door west
of Wm. McFarland's cabinet wareroom.
July 21, 1852. ly
Adams &. Co.s Express.
JB. CRAIG, agent will forward all packages of
goods or money, daily except Sunday to all
the principal cities in the Union, and all the towns
on the Railroad between Philadelphia and Pitts
No. 233 North Third St., hove Callow hill,
East Side, Philadelphia.
HAS constantly on hand French Brandies, Hol
lan 1 Gin and a general assortment of FOR
ALSO. All kinds of American Spirits, &c.
Sc-Itool Rooks.
general assortment of BOOKS, such as are
A. used in our common schools, fur sale by
- dCOnuliliiri-i.iwri fccw.,""
HAVE constantly on hand a full assortment of
Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries general
ly. no. n anna waier oireei, ana.
No. 10 North. Delaware Avenue,
January 27, 1853.
- f"lBusbels of Beans, and 100 bushels of dried
JLvl J Apples on baud and for sale at the foot
of plane 4, A. P, R. R.
July 8, 1852. W. K. PIPER.
This Way !
OR the highest prices are paid for hides, skins
and tanner s bark m either trade or cash by
David T. Storm,
Notary PubUc, Scrivener and Conveyancer,
WILL also attend to his duties as Justice. Ee
gal instruments of writing, such as deeds,
agreements, Foreign Tower of Attorney, &c-,
drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to
his care will receive strict attention.
May 13, 1852 30-tf. .
T OOK HERE ! Just received by the Tennsyl-
-nM vaiua Kail Uoad, ana lor sale bs J. Moore,
Grind Stones, Patent Buckets, Brooms, Cheese.
Cotton Yarn, Clover Seed, and a Urge lot of Car-
penter $ loot. . April 1.
Westmoreland Co., Fa.
T M. MARSHALL, having leased this commodi-
r ons ana popular Hotel, situated near the Pa.
R. R. invites a call from the travelling public. The
establishment has undergone considerable repair,
and finished in the beet possible" manner. , No
pains win be spared to add to, the comfort sad con
veaience of its gueeto.- i y .i : . -,
Deo. 28, 186. ' , - ... , - ,
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an alias order of the Orphans Court
of Cambria county, there will be exposed to
publio sale at the Court House in the Borough of
Ebensburg, on Monday the 6th day of February
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.r the following real estate
of which Rev. Terenee McUirr died seised, vix:
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in
Cambria township, adjoining lands of Alexander
McVicker, David Brawley, and others, containing
C4 actes or thereabouts, of which there is about 30
acres cleared.
. ' . AL?0,
A piece or parcel of land containing seven acaes
and eeveuty-six perches, situate in Summerhill
township, beginning at a dead sugar, thence by
land in the name of Robert Means East 20 perches
to a post, theuce South 4$ perches to a post, thence
West 26 perches to a post, thence North 4t perches
to the place of beginning, being part of a larger
tract in the name of Andrew Nelson.
TERMS OF SALE-r-oue half of the purchase
money to be paid ou ccufirinntion of the tide, and
the residue in one year thereafter with interest
to be secured by the bond aud niortg.-ige of the
purchaser. - -
" Administrator.
January , 185-3. 3t-
THE subscriber invites atteution to his late styles
of Hate, consisting of all the various descrip
tions now worn, which cannot be excelled iu Phil
adelphia or elsewhere.
Country merchants will find it to their advantage
to purchase at this establishment, as our facilities
for manufacturing will enable us to offer great in
ducements to country merchants.
172 Market St., Philadelphia.
Dec. 30, 1853.
Strayed or Stolen.
FROM the undersigned, in Allegheny township,
Cambria county, on Tuesday, December 20th
1853, one bay horse and one brown mare, the
horse in tolerable working order, the mare luw and
heavy made, aud in good order, both with a slur
in the forehead. - Any information leading to their
recovery will be thankfully received.
Jatnary G, 1853.
Executors Xotlce.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Adam
XL Stoltz deceased are required to make payment
without delay, and those holding claims against
said estate will prc5etit them duly authenticated to
the undersigned. Executors of the last will aud
testament of eaid deceased, at their resideuce iu
Carrol township, Cambria countv.
January 6, 1854 0t.
Johnstown Marble 1Vork.B,
One door North of the corner of Main and Clinton
Streets, Johnstown' Fa.
MONUMENTS, Tomb, Grave Stones, Mantels,
Table, and Bureau tops, manufactured of the
most beautiful aud fine.-t quality of foreign and do
mestic marble, always on hand and made to order
as cheap as they can be purchased in the East, with
the addition of carriage. From long experience in
the busiuess and strict atteution thereto, he can as
sure the public that all orders will be promptly at
tended to and the work finished ia the best and most
handsome maimer, furnished to order and delivered
at any place desired. .
ALSO, Grindstones of various grits aud bises,
suitable for farmers aud mechanics. Sold by whole
sale or retail.
Purchasers are invited to examine stock aud pri
ces. '
Johnstown, Nov. 25, 1853. tf.
THE subscribers offers to sell the farm on which
they reside, situate in Carroll Township, Cam
bria county, P., containing one hundred acres, 70
of which is cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion, there are on the premises a good hewed log
bouse, a good hewed log bank barn, a good young
orchard, a never failing spring of excellent water,
a good spring house and other necessary out build
ings. This property is couveuieut to roads the
plank road ia within one mile, and 3 miles from
Carrolltown and 7 niilc-a north of Ebensburg. An
indisputable title will be given. This property
will be sold cheap as the owners are going to Cali
fornia. JAMES DICK,
Dec. 30, 1853.
Attorney at Law,
Ebensburg, Cambria Co., Fa.
FFICE a few doors above the Ebensburg
Dec. 80, 1853.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa.
OFFICE Nol 3. "Colonade Row" near the Court
January 15, 1852.
ALL persons are cautioned not to purchase a
n.iie civen bv me to Hueh A. McCoy, as he
has received value for the same.
Dec. 10, 1853.
rTlHE undersigned offers at private sale the rarra
L (known as the -M'Coy Farm,) about 2 1-2
miles North East of Ebensburg, adjoining lands of
Patrick Farrcn, John 1). Jones and others, now in
the occipancy of R. R. Humphreys, containing one
hundred and sixtv-eigbt acres and some perches,
about one hundred cleared and under good fence.
Tlinv 1 tlB.Mtn Aw. . J .
Dwelling" House,
A good Bank Bam, with convenient Sheds and
out Houses. There is a
Good Orchand .
of various Fruit Trees on the place. A good spring
of water convenient to the house, and a Fountain
Pump t the do.r Water in almost every field.
ALSO One lot of grouud with two small nouses
erected thereon, and now in the occupancy of Mrs.
C. Humphreys, at the loot of Plane So. o, A. 1 .
R. Road.
Jay-An Indisputable title will be given for the
above property.
TERMS reasonable.
Summit, Dec. C, 1853. - -
W. C. Black, f
fc. i-onrfWCI'T T V infiimi. tl, .itivnn. if 1 1 nl It
daysburg and vicinity that be will remain in
this place for a few weeks and holds himself in
readiness to manufacture Hair, Straw and Husk
t .....c. .ml Tiiinrfs. nnd do the eeueral tin
liiau.wn. o o .
bolstering work of houses, such as hanging cur
tains, carpeting rooms, &c. He will also repair
Sofas, &c. He may be found cither at the Exchange
nr Dt Mi-Far; aud & eons Laumct n are
Hollidaysburg, Dec. 9, 1353.
THE undersigned would respectfully inform the
citizens of Cambria and the adjoiuing coun
ties that be has commenced the Brewing in all its
branches at the HALF WAY HOUSE, in Summer,
hill Township, Cambria County, . He will all times
be in readiness to supply his customers xrjm Aie,
Strong and .Lager BEER. Gt0 Hl-ET1I0B;
Dec. 9, 1853. 5m. ' .j.. . ...
iu H.Tunoa. . ; - ; it. aoBiaraT
FEELING thankful to the oitiaans ef Ebensburg
and vicinity for their former patronage, beg
leave to state, that having been both East and West,'
they have purchased the largest and best stock of
that Las ever been brought to the place, to which
they now invite the attention of the publio. - ' '
Their stock consists of. Sugars, Black and Green
Teas, Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Chocolate, Prepar
ed Corn, Durkee ' Baking Powder, Engliaa and
American Mustards, Crackers, ' Cheese, Fine and
coarse Salt, Palm, Rosin and Castile Soaps, Can
dles, Flour, Bacon, Mackerel, Cod-fish, Salmon, and
Herring, Vinegar, hyrnps and Molasses, Whiskey,
Brandy, Wine. Fluid, Alchohol, and oil, Tobacco
and Cigars, of the choicest brands J -
and a general ossnrtmi-iit of Tubs, Buckets, Bas
kets, lii-ouiiia. Brushes. Window Glass.-&o., &c.
ALSO, Every variety of I'KIKU VLU1T, aucb.
aa Citrons, Prune.", Currants, Figs, Dates and Rai
sins; Jellies and Preserves ; ,
and iu fact, every thing that ou epicure could de
sire. They will ever be Lnr py to wait upon all aho
m.iy favor thcin with their custom, and feci satis
fied that they are enabled to sell " "
than any other establishment ia the place. "-' -
Ebenbburg, Nov. 25, 1853. ly.
l'cnnsylviinlu Rail Road.
ROM and after tliis date Passengers takinar
seats in tte cars without tickets, at stations
where there is a ticket ofUce, will be charged ten
cents extra. W. W. IVORY,
Agent Pcnn. It. 11. Co:
Summit, July 29, 1853 yj. :
Adams K C o'k Espmg,' ' '.'
W.W. Ivory & Co., Agent,
"TTdl-L forward all packages of goods or money,1
v t daily, exct'pt Sunday,-to all the principal
cities iu the L'nion, aud all towns on the Rail Road
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Drafts col
lected from California. Drafts sold on Ireland,
England or Scotland, from JL'l upwards. Money for
drafts must be par. . .
Summit, July 28, 1853 "9. - - ,
I'HfcSS. B. 1. Thompson, Willi
lirilOLESALE Hat and Cap Manufacturers. Furs,
1 Straw jooU and Hatters' Trimmings No. 175
Market Street, Philadelphia.
Dec. 9, 1H53. . - -s
NITED STATES HOTEL, at the Rail Eoai
Depot, Hnirisburg, Pa. . '
Dec. 9, 165a. ..... ...... j. ,.i
Formerly the Washington Hotel, Allegheny Street,
near the Diamond,
THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public generally that he has taken the
above old established stand and entirely refitted
and repaired it in such a manner as to render1 it
second to no hotel iu the country. The Bar has
been newly stocked with the best Wines, Liquors,
and Segars that could be purchased, and the Tabie
will at all times be supplied with the beat the Mar.
ket affords. K
The RESTAURANT attached will at all times
contain all the delicacies that can be procured,
which will be served up at all hours, on abort r
tice. "
He respectfully uki the public to give bim a
trial, fully assured that he can render satisfaction.
It' Tl 1 VV 1 I U
Dec. 9. 1853.
Tn sill vilinult 111 a v Concern. '
THE subscribers having disposed of their stock
of Merchandiie to Messrs. Shoemaker & Clark,
respectfully request of all persons having unsettled
accounts with them, to call and settle on or before)
the first day of March next. ' r -
Lumber, Grain, and all kinds of country produce
will be taken for accounts, if delivered before the
time above stated.
Persons interested neglecting the above notioe
cannot complain should their accounts be left in
the hands of other persons for collection.
Ebensburg, Dec. 21, 1853. - - . t
N. B. Mr. Zahm of the firm has removed the
Books and Papers to the office of M. D. Mxgehaa,.
Esq., No. 2, Colonade Row, where he can be found
at anv time. r ' :
M-, Z. L CO-
Dee3, 1653,
Jefferson, Cambria County, Pennsylvania,
JOI1X BRAWLEY, Proprietor,
THE Proprietor of this new Hotel would res-
pet t fully iufornt the public that he has it
now open, and ready for the accommodation of
guests. No paius or expense ha been spared in
the furnishing and arranging of this House ; and
the building itself being new, commodious and
convenient, it will be found a pleasant place of so
journ for travellers and boarders.
HIS BAR will t all times be supplied with the
best of Mines nnd Liquors, and HIS TABLE will
contain every delicacy the Market can afford. The
beds are new and good, and the health, ease and
comfort of bis guests will be untiringly stirfied.
BOARDERS will be taken by tU ,ekou rea
sonable terms.
j3 An attentive Ostler will always be in atten
dance, and the staourg wtu te loena gooa.
Nov. 18, li3.
Mechanic Manalacl artn aud Inventors. .
A new Volume of the i
Is commenced about the 30th September, each
year, and is the best paper for Mechanics and ln-
venvors TJuniisueu in int.- .i"".
Each volume contains 416 pages of most valua.'
ble reading matter, and is illustrated with over 600
M EC 11 AX I CA L E.GKA l.tJS ol new Inven
tions. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a Weekly Jour-
nal of the Arts, Sciences, and Mechanics, having
for its olject the advancement of the interests of
Mechanics, Manufacturers and Inventors.
Each number is illustrated withjrom five to ten
of new mechanical iavei;tionsrjicarly all ef the best
inventions which are patented st Washington being
illustrated iu the Scientific American. It also Con
tains a weekly list of American patents; notices of
the progress ef all mecbauicat aua scientino im
provements: practical directions on the construc-
tion, mauagemeni, ana use oi ui waiu oi maciuu
erv, tools. Sc. &c, ' -. - ?
It is primed with new type on beautiful paper,
and being adapted to binding, the subscriber is
possessed, at the end of the year, ef a large volume
of 416 pages illustrated with upwards of 500 me
chanical engravings. -
The Scientific Amei'wan is the Repertory of Pat
ent Inventions ; a volume, each complete iu itself
forms an Encyclopedia of the useful and entertain,
ing. Tha Patent claims alone are worth tea tiia&r
the subscription price to every inventor. -
One copy, for One Year
Six Months
Five copies, for SU Months
Teu copies for
. : Cue year r
Fifteen copies .
Southern and Weatern money taken at par for
cK.inticuia. or Post Office Stamp taken at their
Letters should toe oircctea jposi paiaf ia - - -....
; - ' . ' MUNNACO. "
128 Fulton street, New
Jeausry . ' :