- " - . I ' f. " 1 .-Sk .t-fciat,. MV- m. -w . - ' ! I 4, i I nr MRtmrnmrr .sm - . T mkm Ml A7Sl A"S-. J TV . K f A A. A. t, 1 .' . II TIIK BLKSMNeiS OF GO VEaSMtiS-T," L1KU THE DEW'S OF HKAVKV, SHOULD BS tfI3TKlBUTl.U ALIKS LTOS Tilt DKiH AND THE LOW, THE. RICH AND THH rooR. MY SERIES. EdENSBURG, FRIDAY, JANUARY '13, 1854. VOL. 1 0. 19. V . . . , . .a .S. -.'! -J. I -4 TERM S :' . ' "' ine DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL i 'publUlieJ every Friday morning, in Ebensbeirg, Cumbria county, . I.,tl 60 per annum, if paid in adrunee, if not S2 will b churH , . Advertisements win be conspicuously iuer- i wi hi, inc lunoiring riiios, VII : 1 square 8 insertions f 1 00 25 8 00 6 00 8 00 SO 00 Every subsequent insertion 1 square 8 months g ' " 1 ye-ir J column 1 year 18 00 Business Cards with 1 copy of the Democrat j Stntintl per year 5 00 SNtyi Letters must be post paid to secure attention. Stint odrn. ' From the American Union. THINGS THAT NEVER DIE. FISLHX jonxsoN. Bright things of earth can never die. Although they often fade; For beauty and her attributes . Were by God, deathless made. And though the twilight fades away, Froin out a summer's sky: "Yet silvery stars with light divine; Adorn the dome on high." m Sweet, gentle, kind and loving words. Although but spoke in jest, God knowa are deeply stored within The glad receiver's breast; Like childhood's sweet and simple rhymes, Deep in the heart they lie Yes, words of kindness and of love, Are things that never die. Childhood, too, can never die. For fragment of the past. Float ever on our memory. As long as life shall last: And many happy scenes gone by, Again break on our view,. And iu the visions which they bring," We secin to livo anew. Sweet, gentle fancies never die They always leave behind. Some well beloved legacy ' r Stored deep within the mind: ' Some happy thought, or pleasant dream Which, though they may pass by, - Yet leavo an impress on the heart, " That thev cau never die. L afts anb lutcbrs. Touching- Reminiscence of Washington. The revolution was over. Fight "years' con flict had ceased, and the warriors were now to separate for ever, turning their weapons into plough -shares, and their camps ' into workshops. The spectacle, though a sublime and glorious one, was yet attended with sorrowful feelings: for, alas ! in the remains of that gallant army of pa triotic soldiers now about to disband without pay, ithout support, stalked poverty and dis--ctuse. The country had not the means to be grateful. The details of the condition of many of the offi cers and soldiers of that period, according to his tory and oral tradition, were melancholy in the extreme. Possessing no means of patrimonial inheritance to fall back upon thrown out of even the perilous support of the soldier at the commencement of winter, and hardly fit for any other duty than that of the camp their situation j au better be imagined than described. A single instance, as a sample of the situation -of many of the officers, as related of ; the conduct ot Baron Steuben, may not be amiss. , When the main body of the army was disbanded at New- . burgh, and the vetcrau soldiers were bidding a j-arting farewell to each other. Lieut. Col. Coch ran, an aged soldier at the New Ilampshire line, remarked with tears in his eves as he shook 'hands with the baron : "For myself I-could siand it; but my wife : and daughters arc in the garret of that wretched tavern, and I have no means of removing them." " Come, come," said the baron, .." don't give way thus. I will fay my respects to Mrs. Coch ran and her. daughters." ; . , When the good old soldier lef them, their coun- t. narui with gratitude for he left there all he had. In one of the Rhode Island regiments were sev eral companies of black troops, who had served through the whole war, and their bravery and -discipline were unsurpassed. The baron obser ved one of these poor negroes on the wharf at Newburgh, apparently in great distress. - - What is the matter, brother soldier ?" 44 Why, Master Baron, I want a dollar to- get koays ith, now the Congress has no further use .lor me." The Baron was absent for a few moments, and hen returned with a silver dollar, which he had Arrowed. ; ; 1 . i . : "There, it's all I could get. 'Take it." The negro received it with joy, hailed a stoop ?rhtie.h was passing down the river to New York, nd as he reached the deck, took off his hat and saFd - , 44 God bless you. Master Baron t" . The are only single illustrations of the army At the 'close of the war. Indeed, Washington Lad, this view at the close of his farewell address to the army at Rocky 1 1 ill, in November, 1793. 44 And being now about to conclude these his last public orders, to take his ultimate leave in ai&iort time of the military character and to bid a final Adieu to the armies he has so long had the honor to command, he can only again oCer, ia their 'be half, his recommendations to their country, and ,his prayer to the God of armies. -44 May ample justice be done them here, and may the choicest of heaven's favors, both here and hereafter, attend those who, under djvina auspices, hare secured innumerable blessings for others. 44 With thew wishes and this benediction, th j Commandw-in-Chief i? about .to retire from ser ' vice. The curtain of separation' will soon' be i drawn, and the military scenes to him will be closed forever ' closed lorever. . . . ,, The closing of. the u military scene I am about to relate:'," .1 . , New York had been occupied by .Washington on the 25th of November. A few days after wards, he notified the President of; Congress, which body was then in session at Annapolis, in Marj'land, that as the war was now closed, he should consider it his duty to proceed thence and surrender to that body the commission which he had received from them seven years !eforc. The morning of the 5th of December, 1783, was a sad and heavy one to the remnant of the American army in the city of Xew York. . The noon of that day was to witness the farewell of Washington, he was to bid adieu to his military comrades forever. The officers ' who had been with him in solemn council, the privates who had fought and bled in the 44 heavy fight," under his orders, Were to hear his commands no longer. The manly form and dignified countenance of the 44 great captain" was henceforth to livo in their memories. ' As the hour of noon approached, the whole gar rison, at the requesj of Washington himself, was put in motion, and marched down Broad-street to Francis' tavern, his head-quarters. lie wish ed to take leave of private soldiers alike with offi cers, and bid theru all adieu. His favorite light infantry were drawn up in line facing inwards, through Pearl street, at the foot of Whitehall, where a barge was in readiness to convey him to Powell's Hook. Within the dining room of the tavern were gathered the generals and field-officers to take their farewell. Assembled there were Knox, Greene, Clinton, i Steuben, Gates and others.'who had served with him faithfully in the : 44 tented field ;" but . alas ! where were others that had entered the war with him seven years before ? Their boues crumbled iu the soil from Canada to Georgia. Montgome ry had yielded up Lis life at" Quebec, Weoster fell at Danbury, Woodhull "was barbarously mur dered while a prisoner at the battle on Long Isl and, and Mercer fell mortally wounded at Prince ton ; the brave and chivalric Laurens, aficr.elus p'aying the most heroic courage in the trenches of Yorktown, died in a trifling skirmi.,h iu South Carolina ; the brave hut eccentric Lee was no longer living, and Putnam, like a helpless child was stretched upon the bed of sickness. Indeed, the battle-field and time had thinned the ranks which entered with him on the conflict of Inde pendenco. Washington entered the room the hour of .separation had come. As he raised his eye and glanced on the feces of tho.c assembled, a tear coursed down his cheek, and his voice was trem ulous as he saluted them. Ner- was he alone. Men, 44 albeit unused to the melting mood," stood arounel him, who?c hands uplifted to cover tUcir brows, told that the tears which they jn vain at tempted to conceal, bosptkc the anguish thej' could not hide. After a moment's conversation. Washington called for a glass of wine. It was brought to him. .Turning to the officers, he thus addres sed them : , 44 With a heart full of love and gratitude. I now take my final leave of you, and I most de- j j voutly wish your latter days may be as prosper- j i ous and happy as your former ones have been j glorious and honorable. He then raided tlie glass j I to his lips, and added, ' I cannot come to each j ! of you to take my h ave, but shall be obliged to ' you if each of you will take me by the hand.',' General Knox, who stood nearest, burst into andadvanced, incapable of utterance. Wash ington grasped him by the hand, and embraced him. The officers came up., successively, aud took an allectionate leave. ,o words were spo-; ken, but all was the 44 jsilent elegance of tears." j What were mere words at such a scene ? : No thing. It was the feeling of the heart thrilling though unspoken. . .. , . ,,, When theJast officer had embraced him, Washr ington left the room, followetl by , his comradci, and passed through the line of light infantry. His steps was slow and measured, his head un- -nA tonr flowing thick and fast, as he looked from side to side at the veiciu.u . he now bade adieu forever. Shortlyan event oc curretl more touching than all the rest. A gi gantic soldier who had stood by his side at Tren ton, stepped forth from the ranks, and extended his hand. 44 Farewell, my beloveel General, Farewell." a, Washington grasped his hand, in convulsive emotion, in both of his. All discipline was now at an end. The officers could not restrain the men as they rushed forward to take Washington by the hand, and the violent sobs aud tears of the soldiers told how deeply engraved upon their affections was the love of their commander. At length Washington reached the barge at Whitehall, and entered it. At the first stroke of the oars he rose, and turning to the companions of his glory,'by waving his hat, bade them a si lent adieu. Their answer was only in tears ; and the officers and men, with glistening eyes, watch ed the receding boat till the form of their noble commander was lost sight of in the distance. .V. Y, Jour, of Com. - . , Ridiculous Claim ca the U. States, It is announced from "Washington City, as a matter of importance, , that & claim has been brought before tho Mixed Commission at London for the two millions and a half of bond;, issued by the Stte of Florida, previous to its admission in to the Union as a State. There is probably no doubt that tho English bond holders will jrcs3 their claim on the Commission, and just as little doubt that they will be disallowed. . The United State has no more to do . with them bonds than it has with th debt of any otherof tha States! ' Intemperance in tlie Cities. ' The country has been surprised at the statis tics of rum selling in New York, and j et the pro gress of the evil in that city, is but a type, of its progress in every large city in 'which a free scope is given lo the mischievous traffic ami its allure ments. If Baltimore does not present as doleful a picture,' it is because the evil has' not yet ob tained as mature a growth as it has in New York. If Philadelphia does not present as large a propor tion of drinking houses, it is because the free li liccnse system with which she is cursed, has not been in operation quite long enough to complete its natural and inevitable results. Both the lat ter cities are in a fair way to catchup to New Y'ork in this infamous and destructive business, appalling as the statistics of New York are in that reTspect. . The report of the County Treasurer, by whom the licenses are granted, shows that there are now nineteen hundred and sixty-five taverns in the city and surrounding districts of Philadel phia. These are licensed ones how many pla ces are there besides, where liquor is sold with out a license?. The license-d taverns arc in the proportion of one to every forty-one taxables ! Who would have credited it, if the fact had been asserted without the verification which the Coun ty Treasurer's report furnishes 1 Yet it is offi cial and reliable ; though it has taken the com munity by surprise, and awakened alarm at the fearful progress of thin monster vice. We will not attempt to estimate the amount of losses sus tained, expenses entailed, aud ruin engendered by this multitude of drunkard-making depots ; nor will we attempt to depict their blighting ef fect upon the health, morals, energy, and happi ness of the communities in which they are loca ted. A sorry and dismal picture indeed do they present, aud one from which the lover of his spe cies will recoil with horror. The rapidity with which intemperance has grown up in our cities, and the magnitude which it has reached, have not' been realized by sober people. While they have slumbered, the enemy has gained upon them incalculably ; the perni cious habit of drinking even to excess, has be- 1 come fashionable ; and as a fashionable habit, it is at this mennent the greatest blight that ever cursed our country for, like the canker-worm, it is eating put its very vitals. To attempt to conceal this fact is worse than idle it is crimi nal. Intemperance in the cities. ' fashionkLIe and brazen-faced as it has le;ome,iiie-rits the atten tion of our statcsmeu, no less than that of the philanthropists. Something should be done to arrest its fearful ravages no one will gainsay that, but what shall that something be '.'i Shall another apneal be made to the sympathy and in fluence of association' to the elofpucuce and force of persuasion or to the more potent weaj.on of legislative enactment ? The two former have been tried served their puq?osc for a time, but have well nigh exhausted their virtue. Theiat ler remains to be tried. It is in process of trial iu two or three of the States ; and the people of at least four of the other States among which arc New Y'ork, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, have arisen iu their might lo stay the evil by the pow er of the law avl its ministers.' We should not be surprised tohearthata prohibitory law had t been passed in either of these States. The pro- f ject will be presented and discussed in the I-egi- j laturc cf each of the three "States during the pre sent winter, and, as is now supposed,' with a fair j prospect of s-ieress. 5i-o.'s Weakly' s ' ' j I '!Dont Recognize Eer She's a Work- j ': 1 ing Girl P ! Such was the exclamation of a pert young niisst j dressed in silks and fine linens, as she brushed j by an old school day acquaintance, compelled to labor dilligently to support hcrSe-lf and kind moth- i er. We happened to be close at ' hand and fur- j ihcrmorc, possess a slight knowledge of the per- j nous in question. Thus informed, we were as-j tonisheel at the remark, and with difficulty, re strained an expression which the heart dictated at that moment. ., . , . The author of the language' which heads this i sketch, is by no means wealthy; on the contrary, j her mother, ( for she is a half orphan, ) an indus trious' worthy lady, has a means of obtaining a l. ;liich we will not particularize; suffice it to say, it is honorable. allowed her own way iu life, and by association has acquired habits which we must despise in a- ny individual. The affects to he what she is not; she flirts with the ease and grace of an adept.and i treats hearts as idle baubles, fit only for sportive fancies. She scorns poverty, and turns up her natal organ at the poor working girl, as unwor thy .of recognition by her ladyship. She visits con certs and public places to attract attention, and to gain this enviable notoriety, resorts to certain devices which always succeed. She is, in fact 44 an airish young woman " to use a homely phrase and deserves to be censured moat ,6evcrcl j or her conduct. The poor working girl, whom she would not recognize, is likewise, half orphaned, .and, ' by- force of eircumst-ances, labors ten hours daily, to support herself and mother., She passes our. of fice daily, on her way to and from her work, and always seems to be happy and contented. She is not ashamed to acknowledge her condition in life, and never feels half so merry as when at her engagements. She is ; a r dutiful and loving daughter, affectionate and generous to her co-laborers, and generally respected by them. She is, in short, a high minded, intelligent and ' res pectable working girl than whom, not one can bo found more worthy the appro"btion of her as sociates. And yet, she is not recognizee! by " Miss Impudence, " because she's & working girl. " We would rather have that working ; girl for a companion through life, than our would-be-greatlndy a da;VTho eee U to belored ihe ketch ! drawn from imagination. It is a true scene from agination. It is a ti every day life. Mbauy Transcript. The Virtue of Ventriloquism. 0, MIKE Ml'RMtY AND THE GHOST. " -An ncident occurred in the liotel of one of the picturesque marine villages which skirt Lake Poncjiartrain, on a certain occasion last summer, that effectually served to dispel tlie listless cnuui too prevalent in such case. Amoug the guests there for the time being was one Michael Murphy, an eccentric, good natured soul, from what used to bc par excellence, the land of potatoes, but which may now be called the potato-less land. He hid been on a 44sprec" in the city, and went over b'h lake to dispel the fumes of his debauch and take salt baths aud soda water at the same time." AH this became known to a ventrilequi.st who paid a flying visit to tho place, and who had such command orer his vencc that he could make it do anything, from the squeaking of a pig under the gate, to the tinging of a mocking bird. Believ ing that Michael was just about that time in an impressable state, in a reformatory mood, he thought he would, through the medium of his art, endeavor to efTect a change in his morals. With this view, he booked his name for a bed in the Same ro4m with Michael, and about twelve o'clock at nkD'ht that hour when the supersti tious mind is so fraught with terror he 44 pitch ed his voice" outside tlie door, saying in a kind of trombone tone : ' : 44 Michael Murphy ! Michael Murphy ! are vou I asleep?" ; ' : ' 44 Who's tht ?" said Michael, much Startled at the sepulckral tone in which the query was put, and the time of putting it. 44 Ask me not, but answer," said the ventrilo quist, still continuing his ghost-like accent. 4 Well, what have you got to say ?" said Mi- j shael. . ' ' 1 - 44 Much of what I want you to taks notice," said the 'ventriloquist, or rather the Tentrilo-I quist's voice. , 44 Oh, clear ofT." said Michael, 44 or else I'll give you tay." 44 Better you had continued to take tea, than to break the pledge as you have done," said the voice outside the door. :' 44 What in all this noise about V said the ven triloquist, speaking from the bed. - 44 Sonic dirty blackguard that's outide the 1 door- there,1" said Michael,- 4 interfering with what's none of -his business.' ' ' . 'i Why don't you drive him from it ?" said tlie ventriloquist, speaking from the ltd. " I wish he'd dare," said the voice of th ven triloquist outside the door. ,: 4IHlet you see I dare," said Michael jump ing up, seizing his history, and hurriedly open ing the door, ready on tight to knock down an anuoycr. .' Give it to him," said the ventriloquist from the bed." ' ' - 44 1 believe it's the old boy himself as in it," said Michael, 44 for I don't sec a sowl here." 44 It's very mysterious," said the ventriloquist lrom the bed. - ' 44 I wonder," said Michael, "if there" any evil spirits in this country." .-, ' r I don't know," said 'the ventriloquist, 44 but other H be detested. This is no fancy they say the ghosts of departed Indians hauut tion," replied Mr. Adolphus Browu, the phrcnol the place." ' ' ogist, with a great flourish of words. - Oh. that's no Indian ghost," said Michael, 44 Jehu ! du tell 1" ejaculated Jonathan, starting for k spoke as good Knglish as I do myself." back in astonishment. 44 Then you ain't Mioter ' 4 And a little better, Michael.' paid the voice, 1 Brown, the old fernolopy cuss, hrij ?" as it Proceeded from one standine hv his wde. I 44 I am Mr. Brown. ir, the phrenologist." ' 44 Och !" said Michael. 44 what are vou. at all. at ail V' " Ne , evil tpirit but your guardian gonitis," &aid the voice.; ; ; - ' - ... !t 4 A . mertal queer genius you are,'.' . said Mi chael, . ihat can.be heard and net seen." . Get into bed, then," said the voice, 44 1 have ..something to say to, you." . You wemt do anything bad to me ?"aid Michael- , - ; ;i . 44 Nothing," said the voice. . i Honor bright ?','. .-. v . . . ,44 Honor bright, ".said the. voice.. 44 You know you have been a hard liver ?.", . 44 That's a fact," said Michael.. . , 44 You broke tho plctlgc," again said the voice. . .-".Thrue asprayckin," was Michael's answer. 4 did other bad tbiE-" 4-:J u ' 44 More than I could ever keep tally of," said JMiebael." , . .. . 44 Then you will pledge yourself to me that yon will change your mode ol life ?" said the voice. 44 I'll do anything you ask me," paid Michael. 44 Then, you promise never to drink a drop aain,'' said the voiee. ,,44Not so much as would bathe a wren's bill," said Michael. 44 Then I'm -off," said the voice, 44 but remem ber, if ever you attempt to break it. 111 be pres-1 ent, and punish you through life." 44 Who is that with whom you are holding con versation V said the ventriloquist, speaking from the bed, in his natural voice. 44 Nobody at all," said Michael, 44 ban-in' some mighty polite, invisible gentleman that seems to take an interest in my welfare.". . 44 Oh, you are dreaming, said tlie ventrilo quist,'.' continuing to speak in propt ia persona. . ,.44 Faith it's like a . dream, sure enough," said Michael. - The next morning a friend asked Michael to take his bitters. He consented, hut just as he trtnk the irlaic lr Th'c Viand tha vnico nf ihn vn - - ..... i t-j uin . . , - . v.w v. - j truoquist, who was present, was neara aoove nis head, in the air, crying out: .... ... 44 Touch it jiot, Michael Murphy remember your promise I" j -: ' ' : -' - r It was enouch Michael would not taste it "The pleasure of wine with you. Mr. Mar- phy," stud a gentleman at the dinatr table, 44 With pleasure, sir," said Michael, but just t at that moment a voice was heard to sue from j a corner of the room. It was that of the vcntril- exjuist, who sat by his side, uttering hi aduieaii- tions. , .... . Thus matters went on for a wee k, till Michael was then and forever made a teetotaller of. ' lie now industriously minds his own bu.-Jness, i which is fed by hand. . : enjoys good health, and prospers. In regard to Still there is a question in rtgard to the length the circumstances under which he became a tec- j of tlUlC during which the calf t-hould I permit totaller, he says he never liad the pleasure of see- i ted to draw from the teats. If three months be ing his best friend. j allowe-d, the cow will not b likely to culve ia " season iu the followiiij!: year aud the calf Mill UOing a rarenOiOglSX. . 44 You say you have made the subject your eon- slant study for the last six years ?" interrogated j Fight or ten weeks will be long enough lor tho a little gentleman of Mr. Adolphus Brown the j calf to suck its mother. In the meantime let it "man of burn," who was sojourning in the j learn to eat fine hay in the yen, ai.d a little oats quiet town of S -. 'giving glorious evidence and India meal. " Tlu's it wiil do if it is placed of the irrefragable trutlis of great science, by lee- in a clean trough by tlie sida of the -pen. When tures and explanations, public and private. one calf has learned to eat meal, the others will 44 1 may say, sir," replied Mr. Brown, 44 that I imitate him al an early- ate ay tour weeks have devoted more time to this profession, than Calvc. ftre ulor wcal;L.j CI1 finc bar and any other subject that ever engaged my atten tion. There was a numerous assemblage of persons in the little office, some wailing to be examined, some for the purpose, of investigation, and others from mere curiosity to see this singular individ ual, who couhl fatliom the mysterious depths of human character, by gently passing his digitals over their astouialied craniums. The little gen tleman proceeded : 44 Nothing could gratify me more, than to sec the science thoroughly tested." . .- . 44 Then you have not had the pleasure of atten ding any of the lectures ?" said Mr. Brown. 44 Oh, yes, sir ; but you know there is a possi bility that characters of individuals may be arri ved at by physiognomic or physiological ober v at ions or by scanning" the dress, maimer and general appearance of the person. Mr. Fowler has, on different occasions, consetited to make public examinations while blind folded." 44 He lias, sir ; aud the result has invariably prove-d, to every honest mind, the incontcstible truths of this great science." At this juncture of proeeedi:igs, both the spea ker and the listeners were suddenly aware of the ; fact that the door of the little office was being ojened, and more-over, that a real Jonathan was alnmt to intrude hi inquisitive se-If into Uic pre sence of the learned disciple of Spurzheim. lie was habited in a mortal 44 long-tailed blue," beneath which a pair of rusty cowhides peeped forth in all their puritanic glory. On his head of dirty red locks, sat a most antique bell-crown ed hat pitched jauutiugly to one m!v, while the j Jonathan wreathed m a sunsmnc of smile, a suusmnc ol smile, no sooner opened the door than he bawled out at the , top of his voice, regardless cf all present. 44 Feel a feller's pumpkin, here, Mister?" 44 Sir!" acrcely ejaculated the thoroughly dis gusted professor. "I. say yeou feel raound amoust a feller's squash hiseoevanut, OU know, said Jonathan, j removing ms encraoie nav, ..g head with his fist, by way ot elucidating ms iu- j terrogatious 44 to see w hether he's got any sense iu himT hey ?" .'"- .' 44 1 can manipulate the exterior surface ef the i capital member, to ascertain the peculiar charac I teristic qualities of the j-crfion under examiua- t " Oh, yeou be ill? Can examine a feller's head, hey for the Jji'jpiT7u-y 44 1 make phrenological examinations, ir," re-'j plied the genius of bumps. 41 Charge in advanc-, kty V 44 One dollar," answered Brow::. -And forthwith Jonathan ioikoiover the - Cal ifornia,'' and deposited hiumelf n the professor's great arm-chair, .to be operated ujon.: During the examination, that he purposely i made as verbose and unintelligible as passibly, in order to appear of some magnitude in the eyes cf tlie assembled auditors, Jonathan would occa sionally exclaim : , ' i ,-Jehu yeou don't say ! wall, neow I never knowed that ar afore ! mistake, doctor, never was in all my life. Never knowc-a I wms UmU er a feller, afore ; no heow !" Ac, always disputing the truth of tlie characteristic quali ikations" ascribed him by the "doctor," much to the chagrin of the latter, and much to the meriment of those present. When the examination was nearly concluded, Johnatliau began to work around rather uncom fortable in Ids seat, and at length exclaimed , 44 1 say yeou doctor, ain't it rather warm here, just now ? Guess I'll take off my overcoat." And suiting the action to the word, he procee ded to rid himself of this extensive garment cx- Dosine beneath, a kuit of well made fasluonable j clothes ; and then placing his hand on his head, a he removed with a grace that would have done honor to John Van Buren himself, his trig! 44 Why, Judge! is it possible 1" exclaimed the little gentleman, springing forward and shaking the ex-Jonathan cordially by the hand. Never was a man more completely dumb-founded than Mr. Adolphus Brown, the phrenologist, as the Judge held up the little dirty wig before his astonished gaze, saying, with a good humor- ed smile, while a wieked titter tan thrc-utA the crowd : Wal, doctor, you've gin that ar' wig a purty fair character, considering it used to belong to an actor, and neow I want yon to give me mine if you please ! Star Spangled Banner. fTT-A Wag thus eulogizes his musical attain- T lrnn,r t-n tnnes the One IS 44 Aftld Lang Syne, " and the othtu U'nt; I the latter. 't u h niVa. Ji'nir I alwax s aim? n.riculiiin!. Raisinu Calv The best way to raiae calves is to let them have their mother's milk for a while. This gives theyouiigliiig bore and sinew, and iU form will be better than that of the calf l,aVc a fixed habit of suckini? milk after the lima j of weaujng. . . , ... meal than in the best pasture ground. It is best to keep tliciu in the baru most of the time through the first summer, when they may have rowen and other articles fed to ll.eui. In this way they will become more used to the kind if focd which they must have in the wiu'.er. A New Mancke. Robert Bryson, Fsq., of Cumberland County, about tight mile, from liar jioburg. Pa., has been experimenting for the last ten years, to make e-i.hu us :ed tan Lurk available aud valuable as manure. Besides his maguifi cent farm, he likewise carries on the tauairg bu siness. Finally, af;er a great deal of expense, and many failures, he has succeeded in di.-cover-iug a method of producing from the tan an effi cieat manure. Tliu is his p. an : Ho has his tan wheeled out en a level piece of ground, and leveled oil' two or thieo feet thick. Over this he spreads a layer of two or three inches of lime, and over that again a strata ef tan then, a layer of lime, and so on. He lets the bed so prepared re main for two year ; at the end of that time he finds a bed of uiauure, the electa of v hich upon the laud can hardly be surpassed ly tne richness of its products, and the durable fertility which it imparts. Spent tan, two years old, is not a bad mau'Are williout the liu.cvj - L'memuat be taken not to apply it to -plants of any-kind, until tha tanie acid is entirely exhausted, or it will prove fatal.' C'ci Har oit Milch Cows. In a communica tion to the Woices.er (Mass.) Agricultural Soci- et y I.incoln rcn-.r.rks: " - .-ousted rf(,,:c cow which - of October, the trial cows. and the other, which calved last April, and is ex pected to calve ajruin the 1st of next April. Some time be fore commencing this experiment, I wa3 feeding-tuy slock what would lc called poor stck with nr.y, witn an allowance oi root--, a commenced cutting tins hay for ail my stock. ... .. . t- . r and old, (10 head.) occupying me H shtxuUanl,3 with feeding the' cut hay, was an increase cf milk very per ceptible, as it was milked iu t'..'-- pail- An in quiry v as made by my wife, who in person takes charge of the dairy, a-, to the cauMj of this in crease. 'An cvpsive'rvpiV wasw.ade. From day to day the milk increased enough for the substi tution of six quart far four quart puns, which had l.oea previously used. I thin'.: I am within bounds in savin-thrt the ineicasc wus over a pint daily, per cow, occasioned, to the Ust ofmy knowledge, sikly by the use of cut buy." PnEr-ARixeJ PmrnT ron Mauket. "How du:kd, . . a(1 my turkeys, geese and chickens, to s-t ;d to market? j ' That question u easily answered. j 'Hang your turkeys up by tlie heels aud cut the jugular win. 1'icK li.tm :.-y. ivcmovc u.o ntestin;s and wipe ins'.de dry. If you use water at all, do it by koldir.g the bird by tlc lcs and let tin" an assistant t cur the water through them. Wipeandhangthe-.il r.p in .a ev..l phicc twelve hours cr till thoroughly dry. S- rve ee we, iacks and chickens the name w ay. Do net tcald them unless you would lie -io . Lave thun ioilcd. Take a" box thet wiil hold 2o0 chi' kens cloia parted, ..Put oidv 00 m it... The remainder tf the space fill with Rye stn.w clean rye straw no chaff. Do net use wheat strawior cats fcti aw if you can avoid it. You may use coarse, e'ean marsh buy. A wi.-p of straw in each bird wil he advantageous. Nail up your box tight and hoep strong and mark plainly what is in it, and to whom it is bent. Send only iu cold weather Seio York Tribune. To Pck.vent Met.vi.s rwui Ci-sTi.vo. Melt together three parts of lard and . one of rot, in iu poweler. A very thin coating applied -ith a br. v. will preserve Russia iron stoves from rust ing during summer," even in damp situations. For this purpose, a portion of blacklead may bo mixed with the lard. The effect is equally good on brass, copper. Bled, lc. The fcaiuo com pound forms an excellent water proof for leata- Gall is Houses. A correspondent of the ! Spirit of the Times, writmg from franco, says it J is the practice in that country, when hoit.es get I their hair rubbed off, or tho -k sacrificed, to ap- ply a blister to the part at Once. I nis it app.iexl vm the iniury is done, will, it is said, re- j store the growth of the hair He states that it been known to fail when applied iu ; baa never time. 1 ETTbe lter-ammals can hc-M. and tha more comiorvaweuifyv.. ... . r. " fitaUe they are -and all farmers work for pro .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers