DEMOCRAT AND SENTINEL. LOCAL ITEMS. Irrkgclaritt of Mails. TTe are continually annoyed by complaints fiom our numerous sub scribers along the line of the Rail Road. They say that they do not receive the "Democrat & Sentinel" until the Tuesday or Wednesday after publication. Now this is vexatious, but we pro test against being charged with the blame: part of our edition is always stricken off on Thursday night, and the balance on Fiiday morning: they are regularly mailed from the Ebensburg office, and we cannot comprehend why it is that they arc not received in time for distribution at every office on the Rail Road by Saturday afternoon at farthest. Thus far we have been able to trace the delays or detentions to only one post office Along the line of Rail Bead ; and to this office we will turn our most earnest attention, unless the abuse is speedily reformed. A Good Commencement. President Pierce, Queen Victoria, Emperor of Russia, King of Hoi Sand, President Santa Anna, Emperor of Austria. Pope of Rome, Emperor of China, King of Pen mark, Queen of Spain, King of Belgium, Sultan of Turkey, King of Prussia, King of Sweden, Em peror of France, King of Sardinia, and, in fact, portraits of all the principal rulers of the world, at the present time, may be found in " Gleason's Pictorial" for the present week, being number one of a new volume. Besides the above, this beautiful weekly contains quite a number of oth er fine engravings such as New Year's festivals in Germany, China. Algiers, and the West In dies. Also a group of the New York Police, in their new regulation unform chief, captain, pri vates, etc. A Family Register ; Scenes in Tur key ; A Turkish Lady at Home ; A Turkish Sol dier ; A Turkish Fruit Vender ; A Turkish Po liceman, etc. A number of excellent stories, poems, etc.. by the best American authors, are also to be found in the above number; and, to crown all, the paper has come out in an entire new dress being much beautified throughout. Terms of the "Pictorial," ono subscriber, one year, S3 00 ; two subscribers, one year, 5 00 ; 'four, S9 00 ; eight, 16 00. Single copies, at bLx ccijts each, may be obtained at any of the periodical depots thioughout the country. Tub Map. Messrs. Doran and Storm are -still progresssing with their beautiful map of our Borough. The map will be ornamented with en gravings of the residences of quite a number of our citizens, which have been carefully taken by Storm, as a neighbor witily remarks. We are glad to hear that these gentlemen are receiving substantial evidence of the regard in which they are held in this community. Subscriptions to the map still come in, and wc arc authorized to announce that there is room for a few more. Jcst the Paper for tour Familt. -We commend to our readers the "American Union," an elegant Literary and National newspaper, with a circulation of nearly 40,000 copies. It con tains no advertisements, all its stories are com fActe in a single number, and are American in hcir character. It employs the most popular American writers, and is in fact a paper for the .American people. Terms, always in advance; one copy one year, 2,00; on coby, two years, ?$X; four cobies, one yoar, S6.00; twelve cop ies, 515,00; twenty copies, 20, with un extra copy to any one uho gets vp a club. Specimen num bers free. Address R. B. Fitts & Co., Boston, Mass. Betcrxkd. We have learned that the Rev. II. P. Gallagher has returned from a long absence in the land of Gold ; he is said to be in fine health ; doubtless many of our readers will have the plea sure of conversing with him personally, to-day, in Loretto. Killed. Mr. Daniel Stull, of Richland Tp. was killed on Friday last by a saw log which rolled upon him from a sled he was attending. Mr. S. was well known throughout our county as an honest and industrious man. He leaves a family and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. New Advertisements. Executors Notice, by E. Roberts Orphans' Court Sale, by J. R. Stull --Orphans' Court Sale,' by John McMeel List of Letters Executors Notice ,by Elizabeth Stultz and Henry Buck Strayed or Stolen, by James A. McGough List of Jurors. r7 We have received the January number of the Pennsylvania Farm Journal. This number fully comes up to our expectation. Published b J. M. Mcrrideth & Co., AVest Chester, Pa. One dollar per single copy. TRY BARRELS INDIAN LINEMENT. It is clear and pleasant to use. 'Warranted all it is recommended or money paid back. Prepared by H. G. O. Cary. Druggist and Chemist, Cleve land Ohio, to -whom all orders should be addressed. 8ld by an authorized Agent in every town iu the Stat. For sale by Fred. Kittcl, Ebensburg Ta., and by Hughes &. 'Wherry, Jefferson Pa. PROCRASTINATION IS THE THIEF OF TIME Delay is dangerous neglect that cold and cough, a few weeks, and the hope of recovery be lost to you forever. Let not any pecuniary consideration deter you from trying to save your life and health white there is a chance. Consumption ia annually sweeping off thousands to tbe tomb; no disease has baffled the skill of the physician like it: no physi cian, perhaps, has done more for the cause of suf fering humanity than Dr. Wistar. An ounce of prevevtative is worth a pound of cure, " therefore, before your lungs become ulcerated, and so diseas ed that no human means can save you from an early grave, try in season, try at once, a medicine which has been of such infinite value to thousands --obtain a bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, take it, get another if necessary, persevere in ussng it, until you have removed the disease en tirely, which if neglected will terminate j our life. Pulmonary Consumption has, until within a gew years, been generally considered incurable, al though many medical men of the highest standin g among whom wo might mention Laenne and l is friend Bayle both distinguished authors admit that this dreadful disease may be cured, . even iu its most advaced stages when the lungs are not com pletely disorganized. The remedy which we now offer, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, not only ema nates from a regular Physician but has been well tested in all the evmr,Tint fr.r which it ia rccom- ' mended, with entire success. S advertisement. MARKETS. CORRECTED "WEEKLY BT TTDOR AVD . Ebensburg, Friday, Jan. Flour per bbl. Wheat per bush. Rye, . ; Corn, Oats, Potatoes, ".'-"' Butter per lb. Eggs, " doz. Buckwheat per bush. Hay per Ton, Wood per cord. Coal per bushel, . Chcsnuts pr bushel, ROBERTS. 6, 1853. S7 25 1 25 75 C2i 374 50 13 124 50 12 50 07 25 12 10 Lumber Market, FBr.xsBiT.G, Jan. G. 1853. C idlings, First Common, Second " Paunel, Hemlock, Chair Plauk, Cherrv, S7.00 10,00 12,00 15,00 7.00 7,50 11,00 13,00 16,00 7,50 15,00 23,00 14,00 a 14,50 a PiTTsnfR'i, Thursday, Jan. 5. The market yesterday was generally very qui et, and very few pales were reported. The wea ther was clear and pleasant for the season. Floitr The only sales wc heard of were 20 bbls.on the wharf at 5,80 for superfine, and 48 bbls. extra at 55,87 per bbl. Grain- There were 250 bu. Corn (in cars) sold on the wharf at 40c per bu. Oats are in de mand at 40c; Wheat at ? 1,10 a 1,20 ; Rye 70 a 75 ; and Barley at 65c per bu. Dried Fruit Sales 10 bbls. Apples at 1,06, and 28 bu. Peaches at S1.C2 perbu. Apples Sale of 20 bbls. from store at 51,75 per bbl. Salt Sales 60 bbl. extra at $1,95, and 500 bbls. No 1 at SI 87 per bbl. Rock Lrrb Sale of 3 bbls. 5c per bl. Hat Sales 10 loads at the scales at 10 a 13 per ton. Bitter Sale of 10 bbls. roll from store at 14c per lb. Packed in hbls. and kegs is worth 12 a 124 per lb. AGRICULTURAL SOCiETY. The J Cambria County Agricultural Soeicty, " will meet at the Court-House, in Ebensburg, on Saturday, January 14, 1851, at 2 o'clock P. M. A. J. Rhey, Secretary. Orphans Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, there w ill he exposed to pub lic sale, on the premises,- on Monday the Cth day of February next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following valuable real estate of which Soluman Oster died seized, vis : The ono undivided haif part f f a czrtein pitce or parcel of land, containing 49 ceres, be the same more or less, situate near the Half way House, in Sumnierhill township, Cambria county, having thereon erected a Grift mill, and several small shanties, hounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a spruce stump, a corner of Robert Erwin, thence North SO deg. West 54 perches to a post, thence North Co dep. East 0 perches to a post, thence North lb deg. West 7 perches to a post on railroad, thence up said road by its several courses aud distances to the line of Alexander Car lisle," thence by said line South 5 dep. West So perches to a post, South 44 deg East 26 ps. to a pest, thence .South f5 deg. West 12 perches to a walnut, thence down the Goncmaugh by its sev eral courses and distances to the public road, thence by line of George Murray South 75 deg. East 2:1 perches to a post, thence South 1 drg.. West 20 perches to a sugar stump, thence South 45 deg. East 3 perches te a post, thence by line of W illiam Murray South 55 (leg. West 20 perches to a beech, thence South 28$ deg. West 27 perches to a beech, thence South 17 degs. 22 perches to a sugar, thence South 70 dog. V'et 33A perches to the place of beginning. TlltMS OF.SALE. One third of the l.uroWu. money to be paid on confirmation or me fcale, aua th residue iu two equal annual payments thereaf ter with interest to be secured by the judgment bonds and mortgage of the j.-urohascr. JACOB II. STULL, Aduiiu:ttr;;tor. January C, 1854. Pit. Executor's Xoticc. LETTERS testamentary have been granted to the subscriber, on the ts-nte of George Huberts, late of Ebensburg, Cambria county, deceased; all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to settle the same without delay, and those having claims to present them dul authenticated for set tlement. EDWARD ROBERTS, Executor. Jnnuary C, 1853. -. ; Strayed or Stolen. ITiROM the undersigned, iu Allegheny township, . Cambria county, on Tuesday, December 20th 1853, one bay horse - aud one brown marc, the horse iu tolerable working order, the mare low and heavy made, and in good order, both with .. star in tho forehead. Any information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. J i wiv i T,.r.ntf-:ti Jatuary G, 185.3. Executors Aotlce. VLL persons ' indebted to the estate of Adam Stokz deceased are required to mnkc payment without delay, and those holding claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated to the undersigned, Executors of thp last will and testament of said deceased, at their' residence iu Carrol township, Cambria county. ELIZABETH STOLTZ, HENRY BUCK, Executors. January C, 1854 Gt. Mechanic Mannfact rer ana Inventor, A new Volume of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICA. Is commenced about the 30th September, each year, and is the; best paper for Mechanics and In ventors published in the world. Each volume contains 416 pages of most valua ble rending matter, nnd is illustrated with over 500 MECHANICAL ENGRAVINGS new luveu- tlThe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a 'Weekly Jour nal of the Arts, Sciences, and Mechanics, having for iu object the advancement of the interests of Mechanics, Manufacturers and Inventors. Each number is illustrated with from five to ten ORIGINAL ESGItAVIA'CiS of new mechanical inventions, nearly all of the best inventions which ore patented st Washington being illustrated in the Scientific American. It also con tains a weekly list of American patents; notices of the progress of all mechanical and scientific im provements; practical directions on the construc tion, management, and use of all kinds of machin ery, tools, &.O. &c. It is printed with new type on beautiful paper, and . being adapted to binding, the subscriber is possessed, at the end of the year, of a large volume of 416 pages illustrated with upwards of 600 me chanical engravings. """'", The Scientific American is the Repertory of Pat ent Inventions ; a volume, each complete in itself forms an Encyclopedia of the useful and entertain, in". Tha Patent claims alone arc worth ten time the subscription price to every inventor. TERMS! TERMS!! TERMS!!' - One copy, for One Year . $2 Six Months : fl . Five copies, for Six Months $4 Ten copies for " . $3 One year ' ; " $15 Fifteen copies 22 Twenty copies . " . 328 Southern and Weeera-anoncy taken at par for Subscriptions, or Post Office Stamps taken at their par value. - Letters should be directed (post-paid) to MUSS & CO., . , , ' 128 Fulton street, New York- JDidrv 6. lfol, Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria eounty, there will be exposed to publie sale at the Court House in the Borough of Ebensburg, on Monday the Cth day of February next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following real estate of which Rev. Terence McGirr died seized, viz : All that certain pitce or pareel of land situate in Cambria township, adjoining lands of Alexander McYicker, David Brawley, aud others, containing 64 acres or thereabouts, of which there is about 30 acres cleared. - ALSO, A piece or parcel of land containing seven acaes and seveuty-six perches, situate in Summerhill township, beginning at a dead sugar, thence by land in the name of Rolert Menus East 20 perches to a post, thence Sonth 40 perches to a post, thence West 20 perches to a post, thence North 40 perches to the place of beginniug, being part of a larger tract iti the name of Andrew Nelson. TERMS OF SALE. one half f the purchase money to be paid ou confirmation of the sale, nud the residue iu oue year thereafter with interest to be secured by the bond and mortgage 'f the purchaser. JUHN McMEEL, Jc, Administrator. Januarv 0, 1853. St. . j HATS AXU CAPS. fjpHE subscriber invites attention to his late styles j 1 of Hats, consisting of all the various descrip- tions now worn, which cannot be excelled in Phil adelphia elsewhere. Country merchants will find it to tteir advantage to purctnie ut litis establishment, ns our facilities for manufacturing will enable ua to offer great in ducement i to country merchants. ISAAC M. ASHTON. 172 Market it., Philadelphia. Deo-20, 1353. r.tLl'AIILE FARM FOR SALE.' THE subscribers offers to aell the fnrm ou which they reside, situate in Carroll Township, Cam bria county. Pa., containing one hundred acres, 70 of which is cleared and in a good state of cultiva tion, there are on the premises a good hewed log house, a good hewed log bank barn, a good young orchard, a never failing spring of excellent water, a good spring house and other necessary out build ings. This property is convenient to roads the plank road is within ono mile, nnd 3 miles from Carrolltown and 7 miles north of Ebensburg. An indisputable title will be given. This property will be sold cheap as the owners are going to Cali fornia. JAMES DICK. WILLIAM DICK, Dec. CO, 135.3. ixiox noise, Ebensburg, Cambria Co., Pa. frilE subscriber would respectfully inform his I friends and the travelling public, that he has leased the house formerly kept by Mrs. Mary 0. Evans, and is prepared to nccommodnte a',1 who may fnvor him with their custom. The establish ment has been furnished with every convenience that can be. Ilis rooms ere large nnd well venti lated. His tabic will be supplied with the best the market can afford. His bar will contain Liquors of the best brands, nnd his stable is large. Tind at tended by cartful and obliging hostlers. JOHN A. BLAIR. Dec. 23, 1S53. CD. MURRAY, Attorney at Law, Etenshurg, Cambria Co., Fa, o FF1CE a few doors above tho Ebensburg House. Dec. SO, 1853. WILLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. o FFICE No. 3. "Colonaue Row'" near the Court House. January 15, 1852. CAETIOX. VLL persons are cautioned not to purchase a note given by me to Hugh A. McCoy, as he has received alue for the same. - JAMES LONG. Dec. 10, 1853. " , - - l 1 1 w - - 1 - 1 ? ' TALS'AHEi: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers nt private sale the Farm (known as the M'Coy Farm,) about 'X miles North East of Ebensburg, adjoining lands of Patrick Farrcn, John D. Jones and others, now in the occipaiicy of R. R. Humphreys, containing one hundred and sixty-eight acres and some perches, about one hundred cleared and under good fence. There arc erected thereou oue two story Dwelling House, A "nod Rank Barn, with convenient Sheds and out Houses. There is a CooI Orc-Iinud , of various Fruit Trees on the place. A good spring of water convenient to the house, and a Fountain Pump at the uo-.r Water in almost every field. ALSO-rOue lot of ground with two small houses erected thereon, nnd now in the occupancy of Mrs. ('. Humphreys, at the loot of Plane No. 5, A. 1. R. Road. 8fe2?-An Indisputable title will be given for the above property. TERMS i-easouable. JOHN HUMPHREYS. Summit, Dec. C, 1853. -. IiALl-lWl;lL, T. HELM, A. Ol'I'F.MlF.lMtB, I.. II. STE J'lIKNS. 12. 9. Thompson, tllli CI1AS. HALLO WELL & CO. WHOLESALE Hat nnd Cap Manufacturers. Furs, Straw Ooods and Hatters' Trimmings No. 173 Market Street, Philadelphia. Dec. 9, 1853. . . II. W. KAXAUA'S u NITED STATES HOTEL, at the Rail R.oad Depot, Harrisburg, Pa. Dec. 9, 1853. If AXXALS HOUSE, Formerly the Washington Hotel, Allegheny Street, near the Diamond, IIOLLIDAYSRIRG, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken the above old established stand and entirely refitted and repaired it In such a manner as to rcuder it second to no hotel in the country. The Bar has been newly stocked with the best Wines, Liquors, and Segars that could be purchased, and the Table will at all times be supplied with the best the Mar ket affords. The RESTAURANT attached will at all times contain all the delicacies that can be procured, which will be served up ut all hours, on short no, tice. He respectfully asks the public to give him a trial, fully assurcJ. that he can render satisfaction. O. Y. DANNALS. Dec. 0, 1853. To all wlion It may Concern. THE. subscribers having disposed of their stock of Merchandize to Messrs. Shoemaker & Clark, respectfully request of all persons having unsettled accounts with them, to call and settle on or before the first day of March next. Lumber, Grain, and all kinds of country produce will be taken for accounts, if delivered before the time above stated. Persons interested neglecting the above notice cannot complain should their accounts be left in the hands of other persons for collection. MURRAY, ZAHM & CO. Ebensburg, Dec. 21, 1853. X. B. .Mr. Zahm of the firm has removed the Books and Papers to the office of M. D. Mageban, Esq., No. 2, Colonade Row, where he can be found at any time. - " . -' m:, z. k co. . Pec. 2. 18CS. Sl'MJIERHILL BUEWERl". THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citiKiis of Cambria aud the adjoining coun ties thatLe has commenced the Brewing in all its branches it the HALF WAY HOUSE, in Summer hill Towadup, Cambria County. He will all times be in rcaJuess to supply hia customers fith Ale Strong an? Lager BEER. ' GEO. 1IUETIIOR. Dec. J), "853. 3m. I'rniiKylvaiila Rail Road. 17 ROM tnd after this date Passengers taking seats iu the cars without tickets, at stations where thre is a ticket office, will be charged teu cents extrj. w. v. IVORY, Agent Venn. R. R. Co. Summit, July 28, 1S5.3 3'J. A4attifc &, Co's rpits, W.W. Ivory & Co., Agents, -X7"i LL frward all pnekages of yooiis or money. 1 v dail; except Sunday, to all the principal j cities in thct'nion, nud all towns on the Rail Road j between PlLidelphht nnd Pittsburg. Drafts col- I iecieu iron i. amornm. traits bold on Ireland j England orscotland, from 1 upward. Mouey for ,r-ec nt, .... i Summit, Sily 12 S, 1853 SO. A Paper fcyour Family. New Series New At- tractions Kew Typo. THE I03IE JOl'RXAL, lor 1S5 I. IN consejence of the great continually increas ing denvid for this elegantly-printed, widely circulated, tid universally popular Family News paper, we kve, heretofore, been unable to furnish the. back lnnbeis to only a very limited extent. To avoid tls disappointment in future, we shall, on the firsW January next, priut such an increas ed edition i will enable us to supply new subscri bers from lat date. Resides the original produc tions of tie Editor the Foreign and Domestic I Corrcspoienec of a large list of contributors the sniee of te Earoncan Magazines the selections of the mo interesting publications of the day the brief uo-fls the piquaut stories the sparkling wit nnd .fusing anecdote the news and gossip of the Parism papers tho pcraoni.l sketches of pub lic chambers the stirring scenes of the world we live iu e chrouicle of the news for ladies the fashions tnd fashionable gossip the facts and outlines I news tho pick of English information the wi -humor and patho of the times the es says on 1, literature, society nnd morals, and the usual vakty of careful choosings from the wilder ness of kiglieh periodical literature, criticisms, poetry, tc. several new and attractive features nf reio.ikrtb'.e interest will enrich and give value to the nw s.-.ies cf the work. Terms For oue copy, $2 ; for three copies, 55, or one cjy for three years, $5 always in ad- vance. Subsctbe without delay. Address, MORRIS & WILLIS. 107 Fulton St., N. V. CAMISRIA HOCSC. Sei rson, Cambria County, Pennijylvania, JOIX Ilil AW LEY, Proprietor. rtl HE Proprietor of this new Hotel would res JL petfuily inform the public that ho has it now opn, and ready for the accommodation of guests.! No pains or expense hn been spared in the furishing nr.d arranging of this House ; and the bidding- itelf being new. commodious and convenint, it will be found a pleasjiut place of so journ f travellers and boarders. HIS JAR will nt all times be supplied with the best of Wines and Liquors, and HIS TABLE will containfcvery delicacy tbe Market can afford. The beds an; new and good, nnd the health, case and comforfof his guests will be untiringly studied. BOAltDERS will be tkcn Ly the week ou rca sonabliterms. ftjAn ntteniive Ostler will nlwnys be in atten dance, ind the Mabiiag will be found good. Nov. s, 1853. P.. n.Tflr.. S. BOBLBT9. IMEiSRS. TI'DOR &. ROBERTS. TTVELllG thankful to the citiret.s of Ehcnsburg .1? nint vVinity lor tlieir ronrnr .trnnn,i 'ir leave to xtate, that having bceu both East and West, they haw purchase u Im-test nnd best stoW vf SBOCERIES AND CONFECTIONS, that hasver been brought to the place, to which they uowinvite the attention of the public. Their ftot-k cwiisiats of, Sugars, Black and Green Teas, C(fl'ee, Essmce of Coffee, Chocolate, Prepar ed Coinj Durkee's Baking Powder, English and America! Mustards, Crackers, Cheese. Fine nnd coarse Silt. Palm, R isiu mid Castile 'Soaps. Can dles, Floir. Bacon, Mackerel, Cod fish, Saliuou. uiid Herring, Vinegar, Syrups and Molasses, Whiskey, Brandy, Vine, Fluid, Alchohol, and oils. Tobacco and Ciga!, of the choicest brands ; 1 3IEDICTXKS, and a gelcral assortment of Tub-, Buckets, Bas kets,, Brushes. Window Glass. &.C., &c ALSO, Every variety of DRIED FRUIT, such as Citron", Prunes, Currants, Figs, Dates and Rai sins; Jelles and Preserves; IS ITS OK EVERT DESCR1PTIOS, nnd in fict, every thing that an epicure could de sire. "'.',,, Theyi will ever be happy to wait upon all who may fara: them with their custom, ni;J feci satis fied thottbey are enabled to sell LOWER FOR CASH, than anybther establishment in the place: Ebensuirg, Nov. 25, lSSS.-rly. ' JOHN PARKE. - Johnstown Marble Works, One doer (forth of the corner of Main and Clinton Streets, Johnstown' Pa. MONUilENTS, Tomb., Grave Stones, Mantels, Tabie, nnd Burenu tops, manufactured of the most beauiiful and finest quality of foreign and do mestic marble, always on hsnd aud made to order as cheap at they cnu be purchased in the En-t, with the addition of carriage. From long experience in the business nnd strict attention thereto, he can as sure the pijjlic that nil orders will be promptly at tended to nd the work finished iu the best and most handsome nanner, furnished to order and delivered at any plact desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits aud aises, suitable for ku-mers and mechanics. Sold by whole sale or rctad. Purchasers ale invited to examine stock and pri ces. Johutlown, Nov. 25, 1853. tf. Jul ion's Monster Orchestra, irHEREVER Jqlieu's name is known, the " A'afy V Did Polka" has an unrivalled popularity. There have been more copies of this piece sold, for the short time it has been issued, than any other musical composition ever published in America. Christy's ' The Other Sidi cf Jordan," though it bas not equaled i;i numbers the sale of the " Katy pid," yet tbe demand for it is great, and is driving out of markf t the mnny spurious copies purport ing to be sung by Christy's Minstrel's. Ask for Christy's " TAe difiirr Side of Jordan." It has an illustrated title, and portrait of Earle H. Pierce, in costume. AU others are spurious. Christy's new Songs, " Old Times Come Again" by Charles Con verse, " Sally Primer" and Juliut from Kentucky" are having a glorious run. They are nightly sung to crowded audiences, aud are universally sought after. VM. H ALL k SON. 289 Broadway. Dec. 0, 1853. II'IIOLSTERIXG. W. C. Illack, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Holli daysburg and vicinity that he will remain in this place for a few weeks and holds himself in readiness to manufacture Hair, Straw and Husk Mstrassej and Lounge, nnd do the general up holstering work of houses, such as hanging cur tains, carpeting rooms, &c. He will also repair Sofas, &C He femnd cither at the Exehaugo Hotel or at " McFarland & Sen's Cbint Ware Room. Hollid.yshurg, Pec. 0, 13-r.S. DCATIST. S. BELFORD, Surgeon Dtist, iaforu. public that he has retitrued to Hollidavabut and permanently located in the office he occunic' during his late visit, (one door west of Hewit's Store on Allegheny st.,) where he will be pleased to attend to any operations in Lis profession. All work done by him will be warranted. Hollidaysburg, August 20, 1853. CHARLES ALIIK1UIIT, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., 11 ii.l. practice in tne several courts of Cambria, ana lluntincaon counties. r,imnn. ..., consult and receive advice in their own language. Office opposite the Court House. fo.Jr o;u pied by U. T. tnluu, r.sq. tbensburg, February .3, 1853 ly. SAMI'EL c.Y-wRW, Attorney - "w Ebensburg, Fa. -w-wtjli practice in the several Courts of Oam- bria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. mfice on main street two doors west of the store of Murray, Zahm & Co x. a 1R-i (iLoitta: 3i. ltr.ED, Attorney at Lav, Ebensburg, Pa. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Iudiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on Centre St., joining Ceu. M' Donald's dwell ing. "Jan. 15, 1851. ly, E. IHTrillXMlX, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., WILL practice iu the several Courts of Cam bria, 1'1 air nnd Indiana counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to his care will be promptly nttended to Office on Main street adjoininghis dwelling house. Ebensburg, July 1, 1853 20-3m. II. C. CAHITH, . TEBBT, . C. DtW Geo. W. Todd, with Carutli, Terrs' & Dew. IMPORTERS r.nd Wholesale Jobbers in English, ficrmnii nnd Demestij HARDWARE, C-uns, Pistols, Waiters, ic. 151 Mahkei Steiet, between 4th & 5th, THIL ADELP111A. Sept. 2, 1853.-3m. CYItl'S L. 1ERSI1IX, Attorney at Law, Johnstown- Pa. OFFICE on Clinton street, in the Second Story of Good & Pershing's J-torc Room. January CO, lftol ly. 31, HASSO.V, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. OFFICK in the Court House, up stairs. Aug. 24, 1853. Aim A II AM KOPEEIX, Attorney at Lew Johnstown, Fa. OFFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of the corner of Main and Clinton. April 23, 1853. EGXER &. GREGG, X7-IIOLESALE dealers in Wise and I.r vart, ? V which they nre prepared to furnish cbvMptu merchants and' hotel keepers. Warehouse L'08. Market f-trett, Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 2, 1853 ly. WHISKEY, White Lead, sale by uud Linseed Oil for J. MOORE. T. E. II EVER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. OEFICE on Main street, two doors ast of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly rilHE highest price paid for wool at the stoie of GEO. J. DODGERS. 1-E EOX & HEYER. o FFICE two doors West of Mnjor Thompson e Hotel. JOIIX S. RHEY, Attorney at law, Ebensburg, Pa., II'ILL practice in the several Courts of Cambria, l Blair nnd Indiana counties. Office, No. 4, " Colonnade Row," near the Court Iluiife. Ebeu&burg, Aug. 19, 1853 ly. MItlBiKE IA.' MA EH AX, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa. OFFICE, No. "Colonnade Row," near the Court House. January 1, 1851. ly THOMAS C. M'DOWEEE, Attorney at Law, Hollidaysbnrg, Pa. WILL attend the several Courts of Cambria county, ns heretofore. Oflice one door west of IVni. McFarland's cabinet warcroom. July 21, 1852, ly Adamtj & Co.'s Express. T B. CRAIG, nccnt will forward ull packages of goods or money, daily except Sunday to all the principal cities in the Union, nnd nil the towns he Railroad between Philadelphia and Pitts- on the burg, CHARLES H. MARPLE'S WISE AXU EIQI OR STOKE, 333 KnrlUThlril t., lovr Calloivhlll, No. Kast Side, lU!llrlplla. HAS const.-.ntly on hand French Brandies. 1 Giu and a general assortment of F IIol- :OR- EIGN WINES. ALSO. All kinds of American Spirits, &C School Hooks, assortment of BOOKS, such as are A general XX. u cd in our common schools, for sale by DAVIS & LLOi D. HH'IXCOTT. WM. TKOTTEtt. EIMOXD BACOX GEORGELI PPIXCOTT &. CO., II AVE constantly on hand a full assortment of Teas, Wine?, Liquors and Groceries gcueral- Tfo. 17 North Water Street, and Ko. 10 North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA, January 27, 1853. Bushels of Beans, and 100 bushels of dried I Vlvl Apples on hand and for sale at the foot i h R. of plane 4, A. P. R July 8, lboZ. . K. riFER. Tills Way! T7V"R the highest prices arc paid for hides, skins JL. aud tanuer'o bark in either trade or cash by J. MOORE. David T. Storm, Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer, JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA CO. FA., ILL also attend to his duties as Justice. Le gal instrumepts of writing, such as dee"9. agreements, Foreign rower oi Attorney, c-, drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to his care will receive Etrict attention. May 13, 1852 30-tf. LOOK HERE! Just received by the Pennsyl vania Rail Road, and for sale hs J. Moore, Grind Stones, Patent Backets, Brooms. Cheese, Cotton Yarn, Clover Seed, and a large lot of Car. pcnteri Toolt. April 1. EATROHE HOTEL, ' '" Westmoreland Co., Pa. : JM. MARSHALL, having leased this commodi- ons and popular Hotel, situated near the Pa. R. T., invites a call from the travelling publie. The establishment has undergone considerable repair, and fiuiiihcd in tbe beet pvssiblo mannei. No pains wiil be spared add te- the eorairtp'lo-'n-. venience of its gut2, Dec. 2, 1 f. improved Extract of Dr. ImilE original and only J - JL the permanent cure of CJ"P ed t0 bo sbycrfwo yz Tcdki'.,e, when used according to direction. Serofula STfgSZ Tumor,, Eruption, of the SkK KrrBipclaa, Chronic Sore-Eyas, Ringworm ,x Xetters, Scald Head ldie umatism ,I'tensin the Doncsor JoiBts, eld Sores ,nd Ulcers, Swelling cf the GlanJs, Syphilis, case f Kiduevi l ""r-' ironi the use of Mercury, Pain in the Side and Shoulders, Genera! Debility, Dri-pr-y, Lumbago, Jaundice aud Costivs ncss. Saline, Mich., Oct. C, 151. Mr. Joi n T. Tark Dei.r Sir: It is with unut terable feelings i.f gratitude that I am nl le, thr' Ihe divine providence of God, m;d by the wonder working agency of that excellent medicine, Guy sott's Ve'low Dock nnd Sarsoparilln, to give you a few symptoms cf my nliuost hopeless ense. In the winter of 1850, I was attacked with a re vere pain, which was gradually extending through the whole right side and leg; at tl:e snne titne a total prottrntioH of my physical system; also, ray leg had shrunk to two thirds of its common pizc. - I procured the attendance of a tkijlful practitioner. j who pronounced my discuse one cf the worst forms ' of liver complaint. He said my case was one rot i easily handled but jrepcribed IV.r me. I remained UII'41 1 ills II vullut in uuiu A w.ia runruvt. . vvuiv. pot help me. I then procured cf your ngent a this palce. A- W. Peers, two bnttUa of Gnyrott's Yellow Dock and Snrsnparilia, from which 1 re ceived a vast aniouot of beneCt. After having ta ken four bottles more I was ble ) pursve Bij bus iness without any iucoiivegiencc, aud linve been cince thnt time a well man, while but a short time since 1 was con lined to my bad three-fourths of the time; nnd I cannot ascribe the return of my health to any other cause thin by the agency of thrt truly valuably medicine, Cnysott a lellow Dock andSar- sapariha. H AirSEL VACRIPER! The following letter is from a highly respectable physician -ft ho enjoys an extensive practioc; Navarre, Stalk co., O., Nov. 1 Sol . Dr. John D. Talk Dear Sir: Dr. Guysott's Extract of S-rxaparilln. This medcire hns been prescribed by me for the lnt-t three years, with good effect, in General Debility. Liver Compluint, Jaun dice, Dytf ept?ia, Tronic and nervous dibeases. Ia all femule complaints it certainly i uucc;uiled. In the use of this medicine the patient constantly pains strergthand vigor, a fact worthy of great con sideration. It is pleasant to the taste and smell, and can be used by persons with most delicate stomachs. I am tweaking from experience, and to the aftVictcd I adisc its use. DR. J. S. LLLTER. Wlsfer'M liaUam ul" Wild Clicrry. Vr the inttant reatj arid rayid cure of Attliiiia, Ce tumption, Co .', Colds, IJvari'tirsr, Crot'f, onii all intordcrs of the I.uittji and Cht'st. Wister's Balsam of Wild Cherry 1 THE HEST KEMEltY EVER KSOWS TQ MAN, Fvr Couyia. Cvlu, At'.hma, Croup. Influenza, Lrotir ciiUit, Bleeding tf the Lunyt, J.'ifrcult Breath ing, Liver Afee'icrt, I'uin or tfcahnetn tf the Breast or .Side, A c., A e., $c. In short, this Bi.lftimis peculiarly adapted to eta ry disease of the Lungs and Liver, which is produ ced by our ever-varying climutc, Fifty Thousand Penoui Die annually in England of Consumption. In the New England States, the proportion iu one in four or five. Ia Boston, probably one in four. In tbe city of New York, sixty-seven died in jwo weeks in December of this disease. It is Jess prevalent in the more northern latitudes, as Russia, Canada, and among the Alps of witz rlund, where tho winters arc long and severe, end there are fewer sudden changes. , , .u tuw.j -- . ia tut human luiud than the oue which establishes on good grounds the hope for prolonged existence, if the al legations ef those who nre at least entitled to ve racity may be believed, there is a preventive and a remedy. The great Author of Nutuic has provided us with a remedy for Counmpt&ii, and the diseases i leading thereto which nre to fearfully common in our country. Has lie lelt us to tin t relierirom that fatal scourge by ransacking other laud! Ko, the best. Nature's own remedy is at our hand. The Wild Cherry and the Pine, furnish us wi;h a eure where a cure is possible. One of the most important diicovei ies of the age, in ameliorating the condition of this large, class of Buffering humanity is Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which hns been before the public some ten yenrs. This valuable medicine wns first discover ed aud introduced in the year 1S3B, since which time its success hns constantly inerenncd the de mand, until it has become one of, if not the mott popular remedy for Consumption, In its recipient stage ever known. Another r-liyslcIan'K Testimony, Mr. Fowlc Denr Sir : 1 could send you a d?en certificates, strong and decisive, of the really san ative effects of your valuable Balsam of Wild Cherry, within the past twelve months, under my owu supervision nnd direction. Indeed I know cf few persons who have used it, comparatively, but commend it in the strongest terms. A pa of Asthma, the severest I ever saw, to which I was called a month ngo, rviuced tho superiority of the. It lasted him Mx weeks, and the dyspiea and suffering was dreadful; he sat up every night. The gentleman told wc to give him fomcthirg t lnftt him heme, (21 miles) so that he might see his wife nnd child, and die in peace. I gave him one bottle of balsam nnd four ounces of nyrp squills, directing him to take teaspoonful doses of best Bordeaux olive nil, when the difficulty of breathing was greatest. Next day I forced his despondent well, and made him take six bottles of Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry home with him as a present, he having alledged that he had used so much ex pensive medicines to no profit.. Last week Mr. A. called nnd expressed his gratitude to me in the warmest manner, said the medicine had aved his life, paid his whole bill, nud took six bottles reore and left my office for home, rejoicing. Very respectfully vours, WM. SA'AW. M. D. Washington, Xorth CaroUun, A"g. 12. Cannot le Discredited. We annex a few statements from individa!s well known in this vicinity ; the first of which is from Alderman Perkins : Boetrn, Febanry 3, 1S51. Dr. S. VT. Fowle: Dear Sir Having lately had occasion to try your celebrated remedy fcr coughs and colds, V Istar's Balsam cf "Wild Cherry, which I did with success, 1 cannot injustice to you with hold my testimony in its favor. For several 1 had been suffering from the effects of Severe cold, accompanied by a very sore tUo-t and sick headache, which completely inenprx V.ted ire Ur business. I had taken but a very er.:a r'oi of a single bottle of this Balsam, when I eTrcrlcuood relief. My cough was broken up at oner, aud my lungs entirely relieved from the pressure which had become so paiuful. I attribute the relief en tirely to the goud effects of your Wild Cherrr, as I tookno other medicine whatever. I cordially re- commend it to .11 my rS'' I bott Put up it fiur.l t bottles. 1 rtr OOtUC Sis les for . told by rf. J'. t .iun, C incinnati, Ohio. Northwest cornet Fourth aud Vslnttt streets Entrance on Walnut Mrcct, to whom .1. order, must be addressed. Murray Zahm & Co. Moore Kepler John Ivory & So Summit. Johnttcn & - Johnstown. . P. Ru; Udiavia. .'. C Pv B'.iir.ri'!. Auffiiat 10. IS, -lr