TUB BLESS1XGS Of GOVERNMENT, I.IKK TITT5 DEWS OP HEAVEN", SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTE! ALIKE UPON THE niOn AND TIIK LOW, TI!E RICH AND TIIE POOR. SEW SERIES, EBEXSBURfr, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1853. VOL. 1 AO. 17. b.4 M V l!1 Ifv4 4 in I . I M tJ T 12 It 31 S : - be DEMOCRAT & SfeNTINEL is published every Friday morning, iu Ebeusburg, Cambria county, ra.t at $1 50 per annum, if paid in advance, if not $2 wilt be charged. ADVEKTtSEMENTS will be conspicuously inser ted at the following rates, vii : vl square 3 insertions $1 00 Every subsequent insertion 25 1 square 3 months 8 00 " 6 5 00 M " 1 year 8 00 I column 1 year SO 00 " 18 00 Business Cards with 1 copy of the Democrat Sriifinel per year 5 00 HfBf Letters must be post paid to secure attention. from the Waverly Magazine. WINTER. BT WILttAM RXRLE HINDER. OomWh tho winter, With ico and snow -Hark! to the hoarse winds How they blow. Hug thyself closer, The dreary time's hero, The gloomiest season Of all the whole year. Cometh tho winter The summer has fled And the trees that were preen Their foliage have shed. The flowers once so blooming No longer could stay For the frost-king hath bidden Them all pass away. 'Cometh tho winter To rich and to poor Heeding not how they . His presence' endure. Hark to his whistle ! So fierce and shrill Oomeththo ice-king With a good will. Cometh the winter The rich fear him not O'erflowing with plenty Is their-earthly lot. All they wish for They have it at common! i0 they of his coming In fear do not stand. Cometh the winter,- Alas ! for tho poor; Vor they can but feebly His cold reign endure. "Would that the spring-time, For them was eternal And the preen trees, for "their sake?-. Forever were vernal. Cometh the winter, Oh, ye rich lend an car Kcmcinber the poor In this cold time of year. The wind as it whistles Bat echoes tho cry ( Wthe poor and tho wretch!. Who languishing die. Cometh the winter, Some laugh and sonic cry; The rich arc contented, The poor can but sigh. Fierce the wind whistle.- From morn until night, Bringing sorrow to some To some but delight. Salts aiiir jrhffofjfs. THE HEROIC MOTHER. BY RPWI.V F. ROBERTS. In tho north of Europe, as well as in the north western parts of America and Asia, vast numbers tf wolves abound. The great forests arid the mountain districts of these countries afford them shelter, so that their extermination is next to an impossibility; and as they arc creatures of prey, and hunt it down in vast numbers, tho ravngc-s they commit arc sometimes as extensive as they ro tragic andhorriM;. 1 "X ( V. V. r rt-, .1 i- . , -i rl n ... ,1 1 1 'i -T . .1 tinjiri 1 1 0 1 ... . ... . .,, no kn i-nc r.rriafKi rv imnfer. nrowi I about, and as the people are necessitated, despite all perils Of the way, to traverse extensive dis tricts on sledges, these animals, spurred on by an infuriate hunger and eager scent, hover about the slcelge, its occupants, and tho flying steeds, to .ti ft ! tiirir adds wins. until ei ther the horses outstrip them, or the untiring perseverance of the rabid animals prove too much for tho noble brutes. .... ..1 r. n. r i J nhi ril ill At tho house oi a weauny iu. o. too borders of a Swabian Wrest ft great festival , by.thc awful sight. Scores of wolves, had been held, which for Fmg tongues, bla.ngeyCs, and erect hair, ..Jm pouring on after them, and the children, visitors from several distant parts so that while PJ the halls were thronged with guests, the court 1 increased the mother's alarm and yards were filled with gay and well secured bled- their dan tr mc ,ea. anf the vast stables with horses, two being 2 from death now 1 generally attached to each other. The heart of tho mother sank. A deadly sick- The snow hardened on the ground not to a so - rf ZZZZS'T'r 'SrZr ' enough to favor the rapidly gliding motion of the eledgo, and after the festival had come towards its termination, the guests one after the other be gan to depart, and the sledges, laden with their ocicupants, hourly quitted the hospitable walls. Tho merry jingle of the bells on the trappings of the horse gave a cheerfulness to me animated scene, d the free bracing air communicated to j .i . ? .t ia which S?as deno- 1 td by their impatient pawing, and by the leap- itQDj vuorimiMiuii j o inr irladness with which they plungea mw jng gmeuitaa w iw J r apparently boundless plain, while the severity of the cold was mitigated to tho wayiarers oy un ties of warm furs in which they encased them selves up to the very cluns. Amone the number wa3 the wife and two chil dren of a proprietor whev dwelt some fifty miles j area' T Pr"I'"Cl"r "T:: : t w riT T-r I J?. had fallen. To the left, stretched like a white fringe, noble pines of the great forest, and within some distance of which, the level track of the sledge drive ran. This was indicated, if the outline of the ground was lost, by tall pieces of sticks at regular distances, in tho fbrm of mile stones, so that there was, at least, no fear of mistaking the way. The lady was a woman of courage and self- possession, and had often traveled out in her hus band's sledge ; ahd though occasionally she had seen wolves hovering in the distance, no serious danger had as yet been encountered. She had, therefore, no fear, though apprehensions were en tertained, that after season of unusual severity the wolves would pour out of the forest in great force, and rendered untameably ferocious by the hunger gnawing their vitals. Farewells, cordial and grateful, were uttered ; messages of friendliness passed; the horses led out ; and with a word, the sledge darted off into j the white plain tho young children crouching snugly in the bottom ot tue Sledge, on each side of their mother, with a sense of comfort and secu rity that made her smile with pleasure. The hood was drawn over the tough ash oles to keep fbe falling snow away, should a storm happen, which by the heavy blue of the distant horizon before them seemed not unlikely. Away went the noble steeds, away. Fpcd the light compact carriage with a speed like that of the wind, and which seemed likely, with a few brief hours, to p'jee them in safety and comfort withinthc walls of their wn comfortable habitation. With an occasional cry of encouragement the mother urged, almost necessarily, the horses to increase their speCi. an she had forgot ten, in the rapidity with which ihey were traveling, that there were such things' a Shelves in tne country; when suddenly a long, low hOl'ng nsing "V the air, and increasing intemauOi.' fctrucii a chill like that of death to her hear, and' Ked llle affrighted mother the wolves we re out. Horrible demon beasts, murderous and obscfoe! j there is no creature in this wonderful universe I that seems so much to liave merited the abhor rence of inan as the wolf ; and etill it would le arraigning the wondrous system of the creation if its use, in some sense or other, were ignored. The sense of self-preservation, however, that pla ces man in arms against that which is inimical to his safety, appears justified in waging war with it, and therefore every means that can 1 taken to suldue, and even to exterminate these fright ful monsters, is sanctioned in its very purse. The horses too had heird this fearful cry, and tlioir unerring instincts told them that a fe to be feared was on their track. With smoking nos trils, erect ears, and distended cyts, il.ey dashed along with the speed of the whirl wiiri ; and still the long melancholy howl gradually rose behind them r while the pule mother commended herself and her children to God, and prayed for succor, which only seemed todepend on the speed aud wind of the brave animals. The forest was pouring out its four-footed as sassins. The Hock thickened. They rushed panting on aloug the snow, and the black dots increased into masses. They beheld the prey that they must ran down, and their red throats already thirsted for blood. The howling increa sed the rushing speed with which they advan ced became more quickened, and like a living tor rent they swept over the plain. The bleak wind sung a low moaning song, as if it were the dirge j of tho human victims, while the horses strained i ever- nerve ami madly madly on from the reach of their hirsute enemies they sought to fly. 1 " Oh ! sweet mother of heaven protect us,"' t murmured the mother, hoping against hope, and still urging the steeds on, when crack! one hore stumbled -a trace snapped a pole broke ; and while a score of infuriated wolves fastened like leeches on the poor horsr, the other had (at the imminent risk of overturning the sledge, thereby dooming its freight to certain death.) de tached himself ftnd swrpt madly on. For a short space there was a lull. The ani- tuals were trormnir of their prey. ith ravenous throats they tore the flesh from the lones, drank the blood, devoured the very heart of the beast ; and those who still hungered and thirsted, not " j being able to obtain their desired food, or break the living ring around the poor brute, gathered up their energies for a-fresh pursuit, and indom uaoiv ati witu wWh now. alas ! sensibly slackened in its tremendous pace. In the struggle of the horse to free itself from its companion, tne cape oi mesicue. nuiwu - nnti,r.r were almost maU rose now into an almost exulting howl. Their instinct told them that the horse must ere long give in, and the foremost, large, strong crea tures, pressed on with redoubled eagerness. She saw the demon faces of the brutes behind ; bhc almost felt their hot breathing on her cheeks heard their fierce and unrelenting panting. and fctill she encouraged tho noble horse, though every moment lessening the distance between the rmrsucrs and the pursued. The hirsute monsters were close upon a s edge. im,, i,n,1c xrmild annear before : " "- , , i: ,lDrMlr nrr eves fixed npon her with their glaring, devouring eyes fixed npon her and her children, and once or twice, some bolder than the rest had made a bound over the edge, but the speed of the sledge struck them down, went over them, or so lamed them, that they fell yelping on the snow, and the next mo- ment wcr. devoured by their companions S StiU the horse sped on, though the poor aniu.al seemed to know that his strength was beginning, to fail liim. Still the hideous howling was heard, and still did the horrible heads appear before the half maddened mother's glance. At last, the boldest, fiercest, ran with ease almost abreast the sledge fur a long distance, occasionally turning their ravenous. eyes on their expected victims, or with a cool business-like manner, quickening their speed as the horse at times quickened his. One of tho wolves seemed to have found it an easy ta.sk to keep up with them. Every now and then he appeared to measure his distance, as if to spring in among them, and only deferred it as if j to whet luc aripetjtc still more, and to take it ea sy when the horse was finally tired cut. Merciful God ! the horse stumbles. Xo, he is up again and the wolf that had so securely counted on his meal lies on the snow with his neck broken, and the teeth of the pack rending him to pieces. A little more only a lit tle loiiger, good horse, and they are approaching habitations. The horse droops his body sways from side to side his head nods his strength is evidently going his speed slackening. The brave horse has held out as long as he could. He stumbles a second time, and tlte infernal yell of the wolves arose like the cry of triumph from the fields be hind tho mother, who clasps her children to her breast, and having kissed them, meditates a kap out of the sledge in order to give them a single chance more, for hrr devotion is equal to the aw ful sacrifice. The horse is down ; the pack are surrounding the sledge. Already the two monsters, one on each side, prepare to leap on the children, when crack ! crack ! a couple of rifle balls knockxd the brutes over, and there is rage and terror struck through the whole body of the pursuers. Thanks to heaven ! Mother and children are saved, but the noble Lorse has broken his heart in terror. For the husband, who had anticipated his wife's arrival on tlu's particular day, (punctuality is ever an advantage,) had set oiFto meet his family, accompanied by some of his servants, and all ar med v.'-'iJ1 their deadly rifles. They arc H f-aved, and who is there that can not imagine L'l lumself the thanksgiving and re joicing in tho proprietor's home that night, as clasping wife and children to his bosom, his grate ful prayers are murmured from his overcharged heart. An Ertruct from a Letter written by Vr. Frank tin, on the Death, of his Brother, John Frank lin, to llis llvlilittrd. 'I condole with you. We have lost a nost dear and valuable relation. But, it is the will cf God and nature, that these mortal bodies be laid aside, when the soul is to enter into real life. This H nuher an embryo state a preparation for living. A man is not completely born until he be dead. Why then should we grieve that a new child is born among the immortals, a new mem ber added to their happy society ? Jf'c are spir its. That bodies should 1 lent us, while they can afford us pleasure, assist us in acquiring knowledge, or doing good to our fellow-creatures, is a kind and benevolent act cf God. When they become unfit for these purposes, and afiord us pain instead of pleasure instead of -an aid be come an incumbrance, and answer none of the intentions for wliich they were given, it is equal ly kind and benevolent, that a way is provided v wnwU v m f w litem. V. tL li, u : . , . that way. We ourselves, m some cases, Tru-1 dently choose n partial death. A mangled, pain ful limb, which cannot be restored, we willingly cut off. lie who plucks out a tooth parts' with it freely since the pain goes with it, and he who quits the bod3', j.arts at ence with all pains, and possibilities of pains and diseases it washable to, or capable of making him suffer. " Our friend and we were invited abroad on a party of pleasure, which is to lint forever. His -.li nil. T,-, rftiiiir frcf nnrl Vrt Tii rr.n rt 1 n-.nvi nc ... 1 1 x ,1 ..7 i , i We could not con ve-mentlv start together; and! n- T -. - -l. -1-tl.l Tlt r 1 .-" frvliiriul i f 4 c'. r t s ! (? are soon to follow, and knmc vherc to find him Adieu. B. Franklin". The American Union. Virginia first settled by the English. New York first settled by the Dutch. r0oi.-oiv.nc.ifa settled, bv the Puritans. New Hampshire settleoroy luc uuu. New Jersey first settled by the Danes. Delaware settled by Swceds and Fins. 1G07. 1612. 1 OA 102:3 1G21 1027 1634. Maryland settled by Catholic?. IO00. Cemnecticut settleil by Turitans. IGoO. Rhode Island by Roger Williams. 1050. North Carolina settled by English. 10S2. Pennsylvania Fettled by Wm. Penn. 103. Georgia settled by Gen. Oglcthrope. i720. S. Carolina separated from N. Carolina. 1701. Vermont admitted into the Union. 1702. Kentucky admitted into the Union. 1700. Tennessee admitted into the Union. 1802. Ohio admitted into the Union. 1811. Louisiana admitted into the Union. 1S1G. Indiana admitted into the Union. 1817. Mississippi admitted into the Union. 1818. Illinois adipitted into the Union. 1810. Alabama admitted into the Union. 1820. Maine admitted into the Union. 1821. Missouri admitted into the Union. 182G. Michigan admitted into the Union. 1830. Arkansas admitted into the Union. 1845. Florida admitted into the Union. 1845. Texas admitted into the Union. 1840. Iowa admitted into the Union. 1848. Wisconsin admitted into tho Union. 1850. California admitted into the Union. K7A negro in Petersburg, Va., took up and " toted" on his shoulder, a hogshead ol tobacco, from the depot to tho Centre Warehouse. It weighed 385 pouuels. Annnal Presentation. The presentation of a Thanksgiving Gift, by the compositors of the Boston Post, to the venerable cx-engincer of that tslablishment, has become, by the authority of years, an institution. Though many of the places filled by tho participants in the original scene are now occupied by others, and each year sees new changes, the spirit of kindness has been handed down, and new com ers and nil join with the same interest in the cer emonial. TJns 3'ear the occasion was marked with unusual interest, for, since the last celebra tion, recipient's name has become allied with the inventors cf the land, and his new railway for getting paper up stairs had taken its place among' the, achievements of the genius of the nineteenth century. Hence the occasion was a tribute to the inventive genius as well as the so cial worth of the man. The venerable gentleman received the offering of his young friends with becoming modesty, and with that suavity of manner that has characterized lus life, bearing oIT the honors of the season and the Thanksgiving fixings with great pleasantness. His speech was worthy tf his palmiest days, when the fire of youthful ardor marked his eloquence, and was received with tremendous enthusiasm. When he retired from the rostrum, every voice did him honor, and every step joined in the tributary pro cession that escorted him around the office. The following are substantially the speeches made on the occasion, reported for the Post : PRESLXTATIOX SPEr.CTT. Sir: It is a pleasr.nt privilege that we yc-arly enjoy of laying aside our implements of employ ment for a few moments, and, gathering aliout j ou, as devotees gather about some ohlen shrine, dark widi dust and decay, laying our floury of ferings fit your foct. Emetion. It is refreshing thus to come from our various alleys, from the destructive exhalation of the types, to breathe the atmosphere of benevolence, &c.,that pervades a scent like this. Cheers. AVe are glad to meet with you, sir, to once more exchange the civilit ias and courtesies of the season, and hear ken to (he tones of that voice whose notes have be coin a as familiar and pleasant to our ears as Uksv ef home thrilled from the throat of a tea kettle, cr Vnt-liifluously poured through the bree zy lungs of November by the mouth of the chim ney. Applause. We need the counsel of that voice an! the experience that it represents. The road we travel is a weary one. In the language cf Dr. Watts-his-nainc Jordan sm a. iiarj ro.-ul "10 trcbblc, I believe," and when we can, at stopping places like the pre sent, pick up a gem or two of oracular wisdom, we pouch it with all the avidity with which an !irchin scrambles to procure an est ray penny. Cheers. Sir, we have at this time to congrat ulate vou" upon your recent invention an inven tion that dors o much towards saving labor that is, vour own. It would seem that the genius of years, directed tocTCC grand object, had herein culminated, and Utility and Elegance had shaken hands together over an invention the like of which the world had never before seen. Hear, hear. By the aid of this, labor becomes a mere pastime. This railroad has no rival. No fluc tuation in its shares i.s seen at the brokers' board; no accidents occur upon its track; no damages from collisions ; no complaints of engineers and conductors ; no bursting of boilers. Cheers. And though it is to I regretted that it could not be made to run down hill loth ways, fbr your . V.l !! own convenience, we trust that the genius which . . . . . ... . . achieved the present road 11133- likewise pc-rfect the improvement suggested. Applause. Sir, believe me, as the exponent of the compositorial corps of the Boston Post, that they are gratified at the statcofyour preservation, that thcrhinocer ian cuticle that surrounds you is yet whole from the insidious teeth of Time's sttack, and that ex tension cf years seems to add, mst remarkably, to the chances of your perpemity. Rapture. May you long continue to wave, and cling to me with the tenacity ol a corone. . , r to a subject. i Cheers. I have nothing more to add but to j make my presentation in behalf of the men. Sir, phrase accept this votive offering of their regard, accompanictl with wishes as flagrant as the bree zes of the south over w hole acres of vegetables. or the aroma of Carter's coffee mills upon tho still stir of morning, and many a" hearty Thanks- giving dinner give your internals a grateful mem- ory Of your friends, the compositors of the Boston The Chairman of the Cennm-.nv . - raents then addressed the beneficiary as iollcws : Mr : Miatvspcarc, a writer oi some noec iu oiu times, has said " 'Tis cruelty to load a faliiny man, therefore 1 will request you to mount vender stool, not of repentance, but of exaltation of triumph andacceptthe homage of our eyes as we listen to the worels that flow from your venerable lips. And as the same author has said "Courage mounteth with occasion." I trust your courage will be sustained to any amount on the present occasion The beneficiary thon took the chair amid great cheers. ms SPEECH. Cheers.1 Genlemen It eloes my heart gooel to come before ve. Hear, hear. Genlemen I thank you for your kindness to me, which 1 tlon't deserve. fYes, vcs.l I have been Ehow ered fthe reporter understood the orator to say " chowdered " but he is assured that showend was the word! with manv thincs like this. rPointhu? to the has of flour. Delighted an- - " . piause. You have been geod enough to speak of mv railroad. I Rapturous scnsation.l It is not yet completed, and, when it is done, I will 1 . .... call you in. A voice "We d rather you'd tate ' us out." Laughter j to capt. lngranam 1 ot Wm, whose brave Mnyrua i much to cheapen raisins. Tremendous cheer i f:nf.n with rcsnect der ol the surrounding peasants, prouuecu a nanu- 1 . we llaTC reason i" 1 - - -- act in Smyrna has done so he made omclcte, and grew ncn in jius ingvnu- j ing. I would also congratulate Mr. Foster for j Ksatk of ax Ixsaxepersos llicu Connns the basket of apples. Applause. Alout the j poxpence. An inmate of the Insane Hospital new constitution, I say it was a goo 1 thing. j at Augusta. Maine, named Samuel M. Whcphy, Cheers. It was for the benefit r-f the poor man, j but who calls himself Edgar Maur.ce. made his and instead of taking nine f hillings out of the j escape a few days since, obtained a horse and w.ng- poor man's pocket, it made the governor give him nine shillings out of his own. Enthusiast. Genlemen I thank you for the flour, buck wheat, &c, aside to say nothing of other arti cles, which I have tried. Cheers and laughter. Genlemen, with regard to the Maine law, I don't think much cf it, and it onght to be repealed. Applause. The venerable orator adverted to foreign politics, and jumping from Water stree t to the Danube;, said : About this trench they arc digging m Water street, I hope the lurks will dig just such a one to bury the Russians in. Groat sensation and e-lieers. May they have just such a trench to surround 'cm, to keep otf the Russians. Cries of "good." Genlemen I am glad to see you round this festered lioard j I don't expect to sec you round many more of em. Silence. He indulged in a few compli mentary remarks about Mrs. Partington, and the old lady bowed her thanks, and took a large pinch of rappee in honor of the occasion, lie complimented the Post in an eloquent panegyric, . 1 1 ' II 111'. U lll"IU... 1 l"l IFH -7 V... 'l IIUII, and conclu- ded as tollows: " Finally, gen'leinen, to con- elude, I am rejoiced to think my white brethren, the compo.Mtors of White &. 1 'otter, were saved lrom leing burnt the other night iy the ropes of my railway great sensation, by which they werc hoisted down. Clapping. Gen'leinen, I have done, and a merry Thauksgiving to ye." Eest.v-y. The orator here, uisiueomtcd amid mighty cheers, and the various articles were deposited on the wheelbarrow, the orator decisively decli ning a ride thereon himself, though the honor was proffered him by the men. Boston Post. Tlxe rietliodist Chnrch Property. It will no doubt le highly gratifying to the community at large, to learn that the prolrited difficulty between the Methodist E. Church North and South, has at lt-ngth been brought to a close. The decree which was elrawn up y Judge Mc Lean, is said to afford entire satisfaction to all parti-, and will be published at large in a few days. As the case is now happily settled, says the N. Y. Coin. Ah, we are permitted to give the following synopsis of the decree, Wing all that is necessary for gene rr.l information. The Commissioners of the Methodist Episcopal Church North, retain all the property belonging to the Bock Concern, including the deposuories at Boston, Tittsburg and Charleston, South Car olina, with the papers ?.t Auburn and Pittsburg, and pay to th-j Commissioners of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, the ir pro rat' e'iviuend, Amounting to the sum of SCO, 002 o9 And for their interest in the properly, the sum of 121,837 41 Whole amount to be paid tc the South $101,037 00 The South retain their ne wspaper presses, with about 40,000 in old notes and book accounts, within the bounds of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. Ugly vs. Ugly. In the eastern part of Delaware county, in this State, there resided a man named B , now a j justice cf the peace, and a very sensible man. but by common consent the ugliest looking indi vidual in the whole country, being long, guant, sallow, and awry, with a gait like a kangaroo. One day he was a hunting and on one the mountain roads he met a man on foot and alone, who was longer, gaunter, uglier, by odds, than himself. He' could give the " Squire " fifty and beftt him. Without saying a word, B raised his gun and delilcrately levelled it nt the stran ger. " For God's sake dont shoet," shouted the man in great alarm. " Stranger," replied B , " I swore ten year ago that if I ever met a man uglier than I was, I'd shoot him, a ad 3-011 are the first one I've seen. " The stranger, after taking a careful survey of Lis rival, replid, " Wall, if I look worse than von do, shute, I dont want to live any longer !" . for Housekeepers, Takts. Cut out the paste with a tumbler, ut 'i'" "j""c'JI1.t rC'IHV --1.0!' ni-at- . . swtutmeats, &c, and bake on tins. n,v n nilflPt f milk, nine ckts. nine spoonsful of flour, a little salt, put in a bag 1 v,.:i ; l.n;t;iii.-otnrnm linnr And a half. I 0 . . , . , 1 AtlltA II 11 .111 . Celery. Scrape and wash it well, let it lie in cold water vntil just before used" , dry it with a cloth, trim it, and split down the stalks almosi to the l-ottom. Send it to the table in a celery glass, and eat with salt only; cr chop it fine and make a salad drossing for it. But ap Omei.kt. Put a hanelfulof bread crumbs in a sauce pan, a nine cream, sau, icpjcr im nutmeg. W hen the bread has ausoroeu au tne cream, then reak into it ten eggs, l-eat au 10- 1 gcther and fry like an omelet Trus Miracle. A priest in extreme poverty resolved to get credit for a miracle. He put the yolks cf several eggs Into a hollow cane, and stopped tne end wnn ouiicr men waiamg mm I . . 1 . A . 1 11 ' i - an ale-house, he begged to fry a single egg for his dinner. The emauness 01 uic repn.-,i excuea cu- nosity, and they gave mm a morsel ci lard, lie 1 ... . . .... i 1 stirred tne laru wun ins cane, anu, 10 me mi : it v. , i. v..,l I rmA..t TViia Tiimto rstablished his fhme 1 " on of Mr Sawyer, of the Cushuoc House, on the representai ion that he wanted it to pursue a cra zy man who had just escaped from the hospital, (he be-ing the very man,) nad thus equipped left town. The only clue to his whereabouts is iWiv-i from the following letter, since received from J him by DrllarW, superintendent of tho llospi- t tal, w ho had taken pains tOFcctin.lv lock him up the night previous to his escape. The letter ! js one of the coolest imaginable. Here it is, ver- batum et literatim: " Five o'clock. I am sotne-what iu bhuri ;, .so you mir-t excuse any informalities of address, fce. I find that swimming a river in November J is no envious job. Thank you, dear doctor, for the remarkable care with which you had mo se cured last night. I was really afraid sometliiug might hr.vc happened to me if I had not been so snugly e-nsconsed. If you hapicn to sec or hear anvlliin nf lliat. L-ru i-.Ti.;f inform ivio l,v ri-lnm r ., r , ... ,, , , of mail. I got one this morning that answered as well I am writing in a fellow's shop who in s,- J d suiiv, and T am so chilled, that I muit j j j ose. to all iiKixiriiiQ triemi please quote tho lowing admirable lines from Harper's Magazine- ' Is it anybody's business What another's business i.s V " If j-ou wish to know concerning my heptia, I have not time to write the particulars, but can say with the warlike liichmoud. " Thus far into the bowels of the laud have We marched without tin pediment." " Goel bless j ou and yours, decter, and fare well. C7 Among the numlier of gallant spirits from Indiana who volunteered iluring tho war with Mexico, was a Captain B . He was in Gen eral Scott's line, and was made quart cr-iraster at a port in Mexico, where he was faithfully dis charging Lis duty to himself, and preparing to come home a richer, if not a better man. The in telligence that Clifford had arrived to open nego tiations for peace, found biin dismayed, in the midst of his lucrative ojeraf ions, at the prospect of their speedy termination, lie detci-mined to sec the commissioner, and did see him. '"I hear," said he, " Mr. Clifford, that you are sent out to conclude a treat j-of peace. I am a jioora:au. sir, and have a large family at home; but I'm a gooel democrat, sir; I'm as good a democrat, sir as uiiy man; and my father was a democrat before mc. Now, Mr. Clifford, I'm United StaUs'J. bnstia Agent hero, and I'm making a power of money while this war lasts: jest vou held on a se!l, wod7 y-iiV Isn't it barely possible that some such motive sometimes prolongs, if it does not assist to create " war ef conquest?" Epitaph on a Kitten. Here lies, by death smitten, A hapless young kitten. To moulder away in the dust h. had it lired longe-r, It initrht havebec-n stronger. And died somewhat older te trust-. Had it rrown up to cat -hood, Then many a rat would Have mourned in the deepest of wo;; Let the curtain be drawn to, We hope it has gone to That land where other cats gr. A Coxnreron's Jcke. A great in.j roVerocnt has been made on the Camden and Ainloy Rail road line by petticoat in ? all round the cars, which prevents the dust from rising and annoying tho passengers. You may now travel in these cars in your best sunday-go-tcmeeting clothes. A Frenchman travelling in the olhir line by way of Brunswick, which is Uncle Sam's line aske-d the Cenductor, "what for you no have ze pe t tieoat on 7. is line?" " Can't sir," answered h", " Thia is a Jii7 line!'' ZZT A Western farmer found a cxy fine hog dead in the field after a heavy thunderstorm, but to his astonishment he could discover no sarns ofthe bolt,nor any external sijrus to in dicate where he had Vecn struck. The animal was dead though, and this drew forth the fol lowing verdict from the owner, who said it must becnth; thunder it would have knocVcd Lira" all to Emish. 7 Tom Marshall, cf Kentucky, and one Pilcher, were rival candidates f jt office, and were stumping each other. Pilcher was haranguing about " his father having ken a poor man, his father having been a cooper," and more of that sort cf thing. Marshall said he would i-Iuiit the gentleman's father was a joor man ; perhaps hu had been a cooper, but if he was, ( point mg to Pilcher,) he made a mighty poor bead U one 0 his whiskcv larrcls ! yy A good old deacon, whose exhortations, and whose example for many years bh-ssed one of the back towns of this State., will always bo rcmemlercd for Lis many quaint expressions which he bequeathed to immortality. " My friends," once txhotte-d the gnoJ deacon, " bo ware of idleness, in cultivating the garden cf your hearts ; else the wed of sin, Fr"uS,55 up. vul. cheke the ws I" A waggish api-rentice one day after dinner, de hlx.TatelyCstfppcl P Ws master, and asked, liim what he valued liis services at per day. Why about six cents,', said lus master. Why then," said the boy, putting jus into his iockct. and drawing out borne copitrs here's three ceuts-I'in of! on a ccii'C ?;. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers