- r H'l ti I -i i v l 4 - A I I M t ! i I Imoertt and; sextiiel. ' ; LOCAL ITEKS. , ' . Coal. This valuable combustible now so gen citilly used for fuel and other purposes, is distri buted in different varieties, and in rich veins throughout every square mile of our County. Ani citizens lo3-ond our count- will be astonished that the inhabitants of sublime Ebensbnrg, liv ing, breathing, and walking upon a soil pregnant with minerals of many kinds, should pay as high ten cent per bushel for coal. This state of things is owing to the distance f the mines from the market. The nearest coal bank tom, is that i.f Mr. John O. Given, who with bect-ming energy supplies us with large quantities, at seven cents per bushel. Other qualities, have to be hauled ns far as six and sev tn miles, over bad roads, and all sell readily at vn cents. It is said that coal will be soon brought from ne.r Carrolltown, on the plank road for about seven or eight cents per bushel. The Car lolliown coal is represented as of splendid quali ty. A few days ago wc saw a load of Anthricite aul brought into town from Lykensvalley via JcAursou. It looks like a very pure article, and is said to lie as cheap when delivered here, as our own bituminous kind. Why don't pome of our capitalists dig a hole somewhere near town and supply the demand ? We don't like to acknowl edge a competition in coal with a county hun dreds of miles away. Makkbt IIolsk. Wc have a great deal of talk among both country and town folks, concerning the erection of a market house in this place. This is a most praisworlhy movement, and we earnestly hope it will be developed in actual re sults. Our present system of marketing at the stores, or watching every wagon and basket that passes along, with prog & provender, is trouble some and unprofitable. A good market place is something in which all are more or less intimate ly concerned, and we hope our people of both ljor ough and neighborhood will push it on. Union Hocsk. This house has been material ly improved. Mr. John A. Rlair, the gentleman ly proprietor has gone to considerable expense in Making it a desirable stopping piece for the wea ry traveller. We take pleasure in recommend ing the Union House to the travelling public. -fc 1'iR-RCii Dedication. We are informed that the new Methodist Kpiscopal Church, at Johns town, will be dedicated on Sunday next. Dis. t'-ook and Bainl, of Pittsburgh-will be in atten dance. Wk have received Harpers' Magazine for this month. We can't say too much in praise of llar-I-er. His works fpeak for themselves. Arrival of the Asia. T1IHKK DAYS LATER FROM KUllOPE Xkw York, Dec. 15. The steamer Asia arri ved licre this evening, about C o'clock, from Liver jool, with dates to the 3d inst., and 72 passen gers among them, (!. 15. English, Esq., bearer of despatches. The Asia passed the steamer America on the hli inst., at 3, P. M. RUSSIA AND T I'll KEY. La'-e despatches from Vienna state that the war make but little progress, but still it favors the Turks. A new project of arrangement for the Eastern difficulties has been proposed by Austria. The news is Interesting, though containing no movement of magnitude along the D-anubc. Skir mishes are continued between small parties, Xvith sometimes severe losses on both sides. At Mokrion island opjtosite (uergevo and At Ilerso vo, the conflicts were 'accompanied With sharp filing. In Asia the Turkish successes continue to bv very brilliant. The important fortress oFSotichaiM Kale and fort I'surghette have both been captu re I by the Turks. Hostilities haVe commenced in the lllack Sea. The Russian frigate Waldenicr has been captured by u Turkish steamer. On the other hand, a Russian ship has taken an Egyptian steamer of ten guns, after a desper ate resistance. The combined English and French fleets re main at their anchorage. It is reported that the Turkish fleet intend to lumbard Sebastopcl. It is understood that iK- new conference pio posed by Austria U to be held at either Vienna, I.ondon or Paris. The combined powers are said to be favorable. Russia and Turkej' arc invited to Bend delegates, and a new manifesto is expec ted from the Czar. The Turks, after the 20th of November, were to Seize on the Russian shipping rcinaiuing In Turkish ports, and the Russians, after the 22d, were to seize the Turkish vessels in Russian ports. The Sultan has declined to receive further sup plies for the treasury from Ulemaus, as he does not wish the present hostilities to be regarded as ft ltoly war. Apartments arc preparing at Adrianople for the Sultan, who is shortly expected there. Affairs in Servia arc causing uneasiness to the Porte. '1 he Servian government demands from the Porte that an cxequator be given to the Rus sian Cpasul at Belgrade. The J'orbo thinks that Servia is listening to Russian iutriguo.s, though a letter from the Prince of Servia to the Sultan, states tliat Servia would preserve a strict neutrality. The whole of tlie Polish division of tluj Russian nnny had inarched to the Principalities." The "Turkish forces had, for several nights, bombarded the Russian iositiou at fiiurgeyo, but were finally dislodged by the artillery under 'riicral Tormos Jl" The latest advices assert that six English and ri French steamers were about to enter tjic Clack Sea. " . , III consequence of the continued heavy rains along the whole of the Lower Danube, making xtrnsivc military operations impossible, both the- Russian and Turkish commanders, were get ting their troops under cover. ;- pinar Pacha hyl marched the bulk ofhis troops bach to the quarters he occupied previous to ..fo-isitij the Danube. The Turks had, however, formed an .entrenched camp between Kalafat and Krawia. The Russian reserve corps are moving from Bess Arabia to Wallacbia. On the 24th November Schamylaud and Is mail Pacha were' to make a simultaneous attack on the Russian lines, but the result is not yet known. " ' . ( . Omer Pacha had intercepted a letter from Menschikoff to GortsehikofT, advising him to keep quiet in the Principalities. - - Ffty pieces of artillery had been sent to Adrian ople, and the palace there was preparing for the Sultan, who designs making that his headquar ters. Russia is said to have required from England the recall of Adiniral I.ane and Capt. Rrolasc, now in command of the Turkish fleets, both of whom liold commissions in the British Navy. It is reported in Vienna that an alliance has lieen formed between Servia and Montenegro. ENGLAND. There is no English news of importance. The anniversary of the Polish Revolution, was held in London on the 2'Jth. IRELAND. The Cholera has broken out in the city of Cork. FRANCE. Rumor has been current of an assassination of the Emperor Napoleon, but there has been no foundation for them. It is reported that an alliance offensive and de fensive, has been entered into between England. France, Spain and Sardinia. Ledru Rcllin has U-cu addressing public meet ings. The Duchess of Orleans declares that she docs not recognize the late fusion of the Bourltons, but maintains her own and her sire's claims to the French throne inviolate. The I .mperor of Russis has Sold out his shares in the French funds. The Cholera was making progress in Paris. I'ORTLGAL. A report prevails of an attempted revolution in Portugal, in favor of Don Miguel. No conllrnia- .: ...: ,. , ..... . tnjn ui me aiiuir ueen nt.Tiviu, uuu me report will, probably, prove to be an exaggeration. The Latest by Telegraph Turkish. Affairs. London, Saturday Morning, Dec. 3. Des patches received from Vienua, dated the 28th tilt., state that the Austrian Cabinet lends its most strenuous support to the Servian declara tion of neutrality. The Porte, however, does not sanction neutrality on the part of Servia, and has informed that government, that, if necessary the Sultan would make use of his power as Suze rain, and march his troops through the Servian territory. The Turkish Government has issued a strict prohibition against the granting of letters of marque. Letters from Bucharest state that the Russian ami)' was exjected soon to be in a condition to take the defensive. Contradictory accounts have been given of the result of the engagement between the Russian and the Egyptian steam frigate, but the capture of the latter Appears to be correct. A British steeamer had arrived at Varna, to take off the British Consul to Constantinople. The Sultan will arrive at Adrianople toward the tnd of February. TRY BARRELS INDIAN" LINEMEN!'. It is clear and pleasant to use. Warranted all it is recommended or money paid back. Prepared by II. G. O. Cary, Druggist and Chemist, Cleve land Ohio, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by nn authorized .74ent in every town in the State. For sale by Fred. Kittel, Ebcusburg Pa., and by Hughes & Wherry, Jefferson Pa. DR GUYSOTT'S IMPROVED EXTK ACT Ol' YEL LOW DOUC AND S-VJ5S APAR1LLA is a si -dk iikm- F.1Y IOK Icrziih'-jry ftiinf. Thousands of individuals nre cursed with griev ous complaints, which they inherit from their pa rents. The U50 of the Ytilntr )ork and 'rroiril Iu will prevent all this, and save a vast amount of misery, nnd many valuable lives, for it ihorottyhly ! ejects from tfic tifstmt the Irtttiit lamt, which is thet seed of disease, and so takes off the curse by which i . r . ... . ! the sins or m.sfortuue of the pai-ents nre so often j vis.tcd upon the innocent offspring. Parents owe- it to their children to suavd them ngniust the effects of maladies that may be com municated by'decent, and children of parents that have at any time been affected with Consumption, Scrofula or Syphilis, owe it to themselves to take precaution against tlie disease being revived iu them. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is :i sure antidote iu such cases. H7" Sec advertisement. E.M'J.V HOI E, Ebensburg, Cambria Co., Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends nnd thfi travelling public, that he has leased the house formerly kc t by Mrs. Mary O. Evans, and is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. The establish ment has been furnished with every convenience thnt can be. His rooms nre large and well venti lated. His table will be suppliej with the best the market can afford. His bar will contain Liquors of the best brands, and his stable is large, and at tended by careful and obliging hostlers. JOHN A. DLAIR. Dec. 23, 1833. To all lvlion It may Concern. THE subscribers having disposed of their stock of Merchandize to Messrs. Shoemaker & Clark, respectfully request of all persons having unsettled accounts with them, to call and settle on or before the first day of March next. Lumber, Grain, and all kinds of country produce will be taken for accounts, if delivered before the time above stated. Persons interested neglecting the above notice cannot complain should their accounts bo left in the Lauds of other persons for collection. MURRAY, ZAHM & CO. Eber.sburg, Dec. 21, 1S33. N. R, Mr. Zahm of the firm lias removed the Rooks and Paper to the ofiieo of M. D. Magellan, Ei., No. L'oloiwLj Row, where he can be found at any tiiue, M., Z. & CO. Dec. 23, ISO;;. - LATKOIIE HOTEL, Westmoreland Co., Pa. JM. MARSHALL, having leased tbis coinniotli- ons and popular Hotel, situated near the Pa. R. R., invites a call from the travelling public. The establishment has undergone considerable repair, and finished in the best possible maimer. No pains will be spared to add to the comfort and con venience of its guests. Dec. 23, 1SG3. MARKETS. . COItHKCTED WEKKLY KT TUDOR AND ROBfcUTS. Euensburg, Friday, Dee. 22, 1853. Flour per bbl. . :. Wheat per bush. . Rye, . ,: Corn, Oats, ' Potatoes, Butter er lb. Eggs, " doz. Buckwheat per bush. . Hay per Ton, Wood per cord. Coal per bushel, Chesnuts per bushel, ST 2-1 1 25 75 C24 37J. 50 12 a 13 124 50 10 a 12 I 50 07 1 25 Lumber Market. Euknseuro, Dee. 23, 1853. CulUngs, 7,00 a 7,50 First Common, 10,00 a 11,00 Seeond " 12,00 a 13.00 Pannel, 15,00 a 16,00 Hemlock, 7,00 a 7,50 Chair Plank, 14,00 a 15,00 Cherry, 14,50 a 23,00 Pittsburg, Thursday, Dec. 22. The market yesterday was generally very qui et, ami very few sales were reported. The wea ther was clear and pleasant for the season. Flour The only sales we heard of were 20 bbls. on the what f at 5,80 for superfine, and 48 bbls. extra at 5,87 per bbl. Grain- There were 250 bu. Corn (in ears) sold on the wharf at 4c jkt bu. Oats are in de mand at -10c: Wheat at SI, Hi a 1,20 ; Evo TO a i o ; and Bai ley at 05c per bu Diukd FitriT Sides 10 bbls. Apples atSl.OC, and 28 bu. Peaches at SI, 02 per hi i. ArPLKS Sale of 20 bbls. from store at 1,75 per bbl. Sai.t Sales CO bbl. extra at 51,95, and 500 bbls. No 1 at $17 per bbl. Rock. Lkrb Sale of 3 bbls. 5c nor LI. IIav Sales 10 loads at the scales at 10 a 13 per ton. Bcttkk Sale of 10 bbls. roll from store at 1 Jo per lb. Packed in bbls. and ke-gs Is worth 12 a 12i per lb. WILLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebenstjurg, Pa. i "P1'ICF. No. 3. "C T Ilouse- January lo, 18r. Colonadc Row" near the Court CAITIO.V. A LL persons are cautioned not to purchase a In- note given by me to Hugh A. McCoy, as he lias received value for the same. JAMES LONG. Dec. 1C, 1S53. VALr iHLE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. rTlIIF. undersigned offers at private ale the Farm -!L (known ns the MCoy Farm.) nbout 2 1-2-miles Xorth East of Ebcnsburg, adjoining lands of Patrick Fiirren, John I). Jones and others, now iu the occpancy of It. K. Humphreys, containing one hundred nnd sixty-eight acres und some perches, about one hundred cleared and under good fence. There are erected thereon one two story levelling House, A good Diink Darn, with convenient Sheds and out Houses. There is a C;ool Orcliaml of various Fruit Trees on the place. A good spring of water convenient to the house, and a Fountain Pump at the door Water in almost every field. ALSO One lot of ground with two small houses erected thereon, and now in the occupancy of Mrs. C. Humphreys, at the foot of Plane No. 5, A. P. It. lload. -An Indisputable title will be given for the above property. iLKMS reasouablc. JOHN HUMPHREYS. Summit, Dec. C, 1850. C. HALI.OWE1U., T. IIKI.M, A. OITKMI K1MER, L. II. STK I'UEXs. II. I. Thompson, widi HAS. IIALLOIVELL & CO. II 'HOLES ALE U't nnd Cap Manufacturers. Furs, It Straw (Joods and Hatters' Trimmings No. 173 Market Street, Philadelphia. Dec. 0, IS'i-i. II. Vv. HAA'AliA UNITED STATES HOTEL, at the Rail Koad Depot, Harrisburar, Pa. Dec. J, 1833. V II I O EST EK I ti. W. C. Iliac n, 1" ESPECTFL'LLY informs the citizens of Hoili- daysburg aud vicinity that he will remain in this place for a few weeks and holds himself in readiness to manufacture Hair, Straw and Husk Matrasses aud Lounges, and do the general up-. holstcruig work of houses, such as hanging cur tttlI,s carpeting rooms, &c. He will also repair Sofas, &c. He may be found either at the Exchange ,,oU,, or at jland & Sou.s Cabinct Wa?e Room, Holli.Iaysl.urg, Dec. 0, 1333. UAA'XALS IIOISE, Formerly the Washington Hotel, AUegheny Street, near the Diamond, liOLLIlKlYSZtl lt;. IA. rilllE subscriber respectfully iu forms his friends X nnd the public generally that he has taken the above old established ctaud and entirely refitted and repaired it in such a manner as to render it second to no hot-l iu the country. The Pav has been newly stocked with the best Wines, Liquors, nnd Segars that could be purchased, aud the Table will nt all times be supplied with, the best the Mar ket affords. The RESTAURANT attached will at all times contain all the delicacies that can be procured, which will be served up at all hours, ou short no tieci He respectfully asks the public to give him a trial, fully assured that he can render satisfaction. G. W. DANNALS. Dec. 0, 1803. Julicn'K Monster Orcliefctra. IIMIEREVER Julien's name is known, the "Kitty JUil Volka" has an unrivalled popularity. There have been more copies of this piece sold, for the short time it has been issued, than any other musical composition ever published in America Christy's " The Other Side of Jordan," though it lias not equaled in numbers the sale of the Katy Did," yet the demand for it is great, and is driving out of market the mnny spurious copies purport ing to be sung by Christy's Minstrel's. Ask for Christy's The Othrr Side of Jordan." It has an illustrated title, mil portrait of Earle H. Tierce, in costume. Ail others are spurious. Christy's new Songs, ''Old Timet Come Again," by Charles Con versi!, " StiUy Primer" and "Julius front Kentucky" nre having a glorious run. They are nightly sung to crowded audiences, and are universally sought after. WM. HALL & SON, 239 Broadway. Dec. 0, 1833. STRAY COW, CAME to the residence of the subscriber, liv ing in Whentfield Township, Indiana County, Pa., near 351acklick Furnace, nbout two months since, a clever sized RRINDLE COW, about 8 or 9 years old, cll on. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. JAMES W. KILLIN. Dec. 9. 1853, 2000 POUNDS wool, butter, eggs wanted by J. MOORE. ' SLtfMHRlIILL. BUKWGRV, T!H? undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Cambria Irhd the adjoining coon tics that he has commenced the Brewing in all its branches nt the HALF WAT HOUSE, in Summer hill Township, Cambria County. lie will U times J bo in readiness to supply his customers with Alo, ; Strong and Lager BEER. GEO. IIUETIIOR. Dec. 9, 1853. 3m. i-irrxixci. PROPOSALS will be received at the Commisbion ers ollice. niitil Monday the 5th of December next, for delivering TOO bushels of Cord nt the Court House, and 2-5 Cordu of Wood at the Jail. By order of the 15onrd, M. IIASSON. Clerk. Stray Hull. CAME to the residence of the subscriber in Clear field township, about the 31st of October, a red nud white Muley Dull, supposed to be 3 3eirs old Inst Spring, with three legs white to the knees, a star in his. forehead, and a while stripe across tlie bhoulders. The owner is requested to come forward, prove propcrt3 pay charges, nnd tike hiiu away, otherwise he will be disposed of nccording to law. . JOSEPH WILT. Nov. 18th, 1853. lcimsylvuiil;i Hail Koad. I71ROM and after this date Passengers taking seats iu the cars without tickets, at stations where there is a ticket office, will be charged ten cents extra. W. W. 1Y0H1", Agmt 1'cim. R. R. Co. Summit, July 28, 1853 3J. Adams & C'o's Express, W.W. Ivorv&Co.. Airenta. ! TTHLL forward all packages of goods or money. j V daily, except Sunday, to all the principal j cities in the Union, and all towns on the Rail Road between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Drafts col- ! lectuJ froln Cnlifornia. Drafts sold on Ireland, ! England or Scotland, from XI upwards. Money for ura"8 mustpe Pr. Summit, July 28, 185339. A Paper for your Family. New Series New At tractions New Type. THE HOME JOUKXAL, Tor 1S51. IN consequence of the great continually increas ing demand for this elegantly-printed, widely circulated, and universally popular Family News pnper, we have, heretofore, been unable to furnish the back numbers to only a very limited extent. To avoid this disappointment in future, wo shall, on the Erst ot January next, print such an increas ed edition as will enable us to supply new subscri bers from that date. Besides the original produc tions of the Editors the Foreign and Domestic Correspondence of a large list of contributors the snice of the European Magazines the selections of the most interesting publications of the day the ' brief novels the piquant stories the sparkling i wit aud amusing anecdote the news and gossip of I the Parisian papers the personal sketches of puh- j lie characters the stirring scenes of the world we I live iu the chronicle of the news for ladies the 1 J fatdiioits nnd fashionable gossip the facts and outiiues ot news tue picii ot English information the wit, liumor and pathos 01 the times the es snvs on life, literature, society nnd morals, and the usuii! variety of careful choosings from the wilder ness of i.:Mtlisu periodical literature, criticisms, poetry, etc. several new and attractive features of remarkable interest will enrich and give value to the new series of the work. Terms. For one copy, ."2 ; for threecopies, $-3, or one copy for three yean, 3 always in ftU vnnco. Subscribe without delay. Address. MORRIS & WILLIS, 107 Fulton St., N. Y. C'AMISICIA IIOISE. Jefferson, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, JOHX KRAWLEY, IMopt letor. rjUIE Proprietor of this new Hotel would re JL ptjcifully inform the public that he has il now open, nnd ready for the accommodation of guests. No pains or expense has been spared in j the furnishing and arranging of this House; and ! the building itself being new, commodious and J convenient, it will be found a pleasant place of 60 , journ for travellers and boarders. I HISJUAU will at all times be supplied with the best of Wines nnd Liquors, and HIS TAIiLE will contain every delicacy the Market can ntford. The beds are new aud good, and the health, ease and comfort of his guests will be untiringly studied. HOARDERS will be taken by the week on rea sonable terms. An attentive Ostler will always be in atten dance, nnd the stabling will be found good. Nov. IS, 1803. U. 11. TfllOB. M. UOBF.BTS. 3IESNHS. TI DOR &. HOIIEIITS. IIKELIXG Ihnhkful to the cithens of Ebensburg and vicinity for their former patronage, beg leave to ttnte, that having been both East and West, they have purchased the largest and beet stock of GROCERIES AND CONZECTIONS, thnt lias ever been brought to the place, to which they non invite the attention of tlie public. Their itock consists of, Sugars, Black and Green Tens, CoTee, Essence of Cofl'ee, Chocolate, Prepar ed Corn, Dnrkec's Baking Powder, English nnd American Mustards, Crackers, Cheese. Fine and coarse Silt, Palm, Rosin and Castile SonpS, Can dles. Flour, I'acon, Mackerel, Cod-fish, Salmon, and Herring, Vinegar, Syrups nnd Molasses, Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, Fluid, Alcbohol, aud oils", Tobacco and Cigirs, of the choicest brands 5 MEIIt'IXES4 and a gnel-al assortment of Tubs, Buckets, Bas kets, Brooms, Brushes. Window Glass. &c, &c. ALSC, Every variety of IHUKP tllt'lT, such as Citrons, PrVnes, Currants, Figs, Dates and Rai sins; Jellies and Preserves; StTS OF EVEUV DESCRIPTION", and 'in fact, every thing that an epicure cuuld de sire. ! They will ever be nappy ib watt upon all who may far them with their custom, and feel satis fied that they are enabled to sell I LOWER FOR CASH, than any other establishment in the place. Eborisburg, Nov. 20, 1803. ly. JOHN PARKE, .lolmsto vn Marble Works One door Ncrth of the corner of Main and Clinton Streets, Johnstown Pa. . MONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, Mantels, Table, and Bureau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and do mestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they Can be purchased in the East, with the addition of carriage. From long experience in the butiness and strict attention thereto, ho can as sure ths public that all orders wilt be promptly at tended to and the work finished in the best and most handsome manner, furnished to order and delivered at any dace desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and sises, suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold by whole sale or retail. Purchasers are invited to examine stock and pri ces; Johnstown, Nov. 23, 18o3. tf. Thirteen School Teacher Wanted THE School Directors of Suinmerhill township, will employ the above number of teachers, for which $23 per mouth will be paid. None need ap ply but those who come well recommended. An examination will be held on ihe 10th day of Decem ber next, in the town of Jefferson. By order of the Bonrd, MICHAEL O. SCALLT. Nov, 23, 1833 3t. l'AMI'HLET LAWS. THE Pamphlet Laws of the Scssiou of 1833, have been received, and are ready for distribution to those entitled to receive them. R. L. JOHNSTON, I'rotkouolaro. Prothonotary's office, Ebensburg, I November 1, 185". "l. $ 19EXTIST. S. EELKORD. Surceon Dentist, informs the D ll. public that be has returned to llollidavsburp. and permanently located iu the office he occupied during his late visit, (one door west of Hewit'a Store on Allegheny st.,) where he will be pleased to Attend to any operations in bis profession. All work done by hiiu will be warranted. Hollidaysbnrg, Angust 20, 1653. CIIAULES ALIIUIGIIT, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., 1ITILL practice in the several courts off'nmbria, Dlair. nud Huntingdon counties, (iermnnscnu consult and receive advice in their own l.mgunjre. Office opposite the Court Ilouse, formerly occu pied by It. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebeu.sburg, February 3, IS 53 ly. namTel c. M IXCAlYlV, Attorney at Law, Ebemburg, Pa. ""7"ILL practice in the several Courts of Cum- S bria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Office on main street two doors wett of the store of Murray, Xahm & Co. May 8, 1851 ly. KLORGC M. HEED,- Attorney at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa. "TXTILL practice in the several Courts of Cam- T bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on Centre st. .joining Gen. M'Donald's dwelling- Jan. 13, H?51. ly. - .- E. Ill TCIIIXSOX, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensbnrg, Fa., WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Indiana counties. Ail pro fessional business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Ofticeon Main street ailjoiuinghiadwellingbouse. Ebensburg, July 1, 1853 20-om. H. C. CtHUTlf, WM. TERRY, J. C. DEW Geo. IV. Todd, M il hi Carutli, Terry &. Uew. IMPORTERS and Wholesale Jobbers in English, German and Domestic HARDWARE, Guns, Pistols, Waiters, &c. 134 Maukkt Stbeet, between Jth & oth, PHIL ADELPHIA. Sept. 2, l&53.-3ro. t'YRIS L. l'EIlSIIIA;, Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa. OFFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second : of Good & Pershing's Store Room. January 30, 1831 ly. :tory 51. IIASMLY, Attorney at Law, Ebensbnre.Fa. o FF1CE in the Court House, up stairs. Aug. 24, 18.33. Alllt All AM KOPELIV, Attorney at Law Johnstown, Pa. FFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of the corner of Main and Clinton. o April -23, 1803. ECiXEIt &. CREGU, "VfTHOLESALE denlers in H m and I.iv,art, y which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers. Warehouse 208, Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 2, 180:5 ly. 7"IIISKEY, White Lead, and Linseed Oil for J. MOORE. gale by T. L. II El Ell, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. OFFICE on Main street, two doors cast of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly fTllIE highest price paid for wool nt the ftoie of JL GEO. J. RODGERS. EEXLOX & IIEYER. Attorney at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa. FFICE two doors West of Major Thompson's Hotel. O JOHV 8. It II Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., ll'ILL practice in the several Courts of Cambria, II Blair nnd Indiana counties. Office, No. 4, " Colonnade Row," near the Court House. Ebensburg, Aug. 1 9, 1 803 ly. 31 It II A EE 1)A. 31A;i:ilA, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa, OFFICE., No. 3, "Colonnade Row," near the Court House. January 1, 1801. ly THOMAS C. M'lMWELL, Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg, Pa. WILL attend the several Courts of Cambria county, ns heretofore. Office oiie door west of Wm. McFnrland's cabinet wareroom. July 21, 1802. ly Ada ins &. to.'s Express. JB. CRAIG, ngent will forward all packnges of goods or money, daily except Sunday to all the principal cities in the Union, nnd nil the towns on the Railroad between Philadelphia aud Pitts burg. CHARLES H. MARFLE S WIXK AM) LIO.ro It STORE, Xo. '2 "3 3 ZVortli 1'hlrri ., hoi Callow hill, East Side, Philadelphia. HAS constantly on hand French Brandies, Hol lan 1 (..in nud a general assortment of FOR EIGN WINES. ALSO. All kinds of American Spirits, &c. Scliool IIookK. Vgenernl assortment of BOOKS, such as nre used in our common schools, for sale bv DAY1S & LL0YD. CEO. lirriSCOTT. WM. TBOTTBR. KOMoND BACON Ci EO lU; E LI PPIXCOTT &, CO., AVE constantly on hand a full nssortment of IT Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries general- ly. No. 17 North Water Street, and No. 10 North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. January 27, 1S03. - rBushels of Beans, and HX) bushels of dried JL V J Apples on hand and for sale at the foot of plane 4, A. V. R. R. July 8, 1832. W. K. TlPER. Tills Way ! TOR the highest prices nre paiJ for hides, skins gnu laulici a uutft iu t.uuv v. ..no., ujr J. MOORE. Daiid T. Storm, Notary Public; Scrivener and Conveyancer; JOHNSTOWN, CAMRRIA CO. PA.; "T 7"ILL also attend to his duties as Justire. Le V gal instruments of writing, sufeh ns dces agreements, Foreign Power of Attorney, &c-, drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to his care will receive strict attention. May 13, 1832 30-tf. "1" OOK HERE! Just received bv the Ppruavl. -I J vania Rail Road, and for sale bs J. Moors, Grind Stones, Patent Buckets, Brooms, Che, Cotton Yarn, Clover Seed, and a large oi off Car penteri Tool. April!. STRAY 9IE, STRAYED from the field of Simon Kirsht In Car rol township, SaturJay. the 20th ult., a dark brown marv utth kick mark" on the loft h.'p, is about 13 run bbl n.1 kit. I a VoWtrln X reward ci l will tc paid for Uer tet jio o the- sub scriber, or (or inforniatiou which will lend to her recovery. JOHN TCttL. Nov. 4. 1?j3. Dr. ai)koUa Improved Extract of YELLOW DOCK & SA&3AFARILLA' rilUE origiiial and only genuiua prcparatian for JL the pet'iiiiineut cure of couauoiptiua and lia enses of tha lungs where tbey are auppuauj. t ba -effected by the two free use of mercury, iron, qui nine, Ac. The Medicine, when ueJ according to directives. Will Cure, Without Fail Scrofula or Kings Evil. Cancers, Tumors, Eruption of the Skin, KrysipelnS, Chronic Sore-Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Scald Hesd Rhe umatism ,1'nius in the Kotiiesor Joints, eld J-wjres and i'lee, Hriliug vt the (ihindi, yjMis, easo - of Kidneys, Less of Ap petite, Disease r ris'ffrg from the use of M-etvwY, Pain in the Side nud Shoulder, General Debility, Dropsy, Luinbngo, Jaundice utid Costive-' ness. ."rline, M'tHt., (Vet. C. ISOl. Mr. Juhn D. r.uk-4cnT Sir: 1tis with tinut terablo ictlings of ftrrtituile that I nm uMc, thro' : the divine providence of trail, -nH y the wonder working agency of thnt excellent Tncdicinr, Cuy sott's Yellow Dock nnd ' Snr9:tpriM, jrvve ju few symptoms cf my nlmost In pel cry cafe. Iu the winter of 1600, I was Mtnckrd wteh t vcrc pain, which was gradually extmhg through' the whole right side and leg ; at tlie same tiim n total prostration of my physical t-j tttm; a!o. Hi;' leg had t-hruuk to two thirds of its common i.e. "l procured the attendance of a skillful practitioner, who pronounced my disease one of the wortt foi ui of liver complaint. He said my case was oue uvl easily handled but prescribed for me. 1 reucuued under his treatment until I as satisfied he could not help me. I then procured of jmr agent a this palec, A- W. Ilcera, two battles of Guysott a Yeiiow Dock nnd Snrsaparilla, frota wlikii I re ceived a vast amount of benefit. After having ta ken four bottles more 1 was able to pursue niy bus iness without any inconvcgieiice, and hav been citicc thnt time a well man, while but short time since 1 was confined to my bad three-fourths of tL time; and I cannot ascribe the return of my nesdth to any other cause than by the agency of tbrt truly valuably medicine, Guysott's Yellow Dock anlSar saparilla. H ASSEL VACR1PLR- The following letter is from a highly rtspectabl physician who enjoys an extensive practice; Navarre, Stalk eo., O., Nov. 1851. Dr. John D. Park Dear Sir: Dr. Guysott's Extract of Sarsaparilla. This tnedcine has been prescribed by ine for the lust three years, with good effect, in General Debility, Liver Complaint, Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, Croiiic and nervous diseases, la all female complaints itcertaiuly is uuccjualcJ. In the use of this medicine the patient conetniitly gains strengthand vigor.a fact worthy of great con sideration. It is pleasant to the tiiste nnd smell, and can be used by persons with most delicr.to stomachs. 1 am speaking from experience, and tJ the afflicted 1 advise its use. DR. J. S. LEEFEH. Winter's llalsam f Wild Cherry, For the inflant relief and rapid cure uf Atthma, Coit suiiijitian, Covglir, I'oldf, JIoartrMcst, frvtif, and all ditordi-r of the J.uiiyt wid Clu'tt. Wister's Ealsam of Wild Cherry ! Tilt: JiEST REMEDY EVER KSDUS TO MAX. for Coti'jh. Cold), Aiihma, Croup, lull!" ura, ISron cfiitit, JJleedmff of the Lunyx, JlijhcuU JirelK iny, J.irrr Affie!ion, V'uih or Weakness vf the Breast or Side, $c., e., c. In short, this Bnlsnmis peculiarly ndnptetl to eve ry disease of the Lungs nnd Liver, which is produr ced by our ever-varying climate. Fifty Thousand IeroitK Die annually in England of Consumption. In the New England States, the proportion in oue in four or five. In Boston, probably one in Tour. In tha rity of New York, sixty-eevvn died in iwo weeks in December of this disease. It is less prtvajent in the more northern latitude, ns Russia, Canada, and among the Alps of Switzerland, where tuo winters are long aud severe, aud there are fewer sudden changes. No theory can be more welcome to the human, mind than the one which establishes ou good groundg the hope for prolonged existence, if the al legations of those who are at least entitled to ve racity mny be believed, there is a preventUS and a remedy. The great Author of Nature ha provided us with a remedy for Consumption, and the diseases leading thereto which nre so fearfully common iu our country. Has He left us to find relief front that fatal scourge by ransacking other lands? No, the best, Nature's own remedy is at our baud. The Wild Caerry and the Pine, furuUh US with a euro where a cure is possible. One of the most important discovel its of the nge, in ameliorating the condition of this large class of suffering humanity is Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which has been before the public 6ome ten years. This valuable medicine was first discover ed and introduced in the year 1838, since which time its success has constantly increased the de mand, until it has become one cf, if not the moat popular remedy for Consumption, in its recipient stage ever kuowu. if Another iMijfcician'K Testimony. Mr. Powle Dear Sir: 1 could send you a dozcu certificates, Strong and decisive, of the really enn. ative effects of your valuable Balsam of Wild Cherry, within the past twelve months, under my own supervision and direction. Indeed I know of few persons who have used it, comparatively, but commend it iu the strongest terms. A ense of Asthma, the severest I ever saw, to which 1 was called a month ago, evinced the superiority of tha Balsam. It lasted him six weeks, and tho dyrpn-a. and suffering was dreadful; he sat up every night. The gentleman told i:e to give him something to Inst him home, (21 miles) so that he wight ee his wife aud child, and die in peace. gave him oue bottle of balsam and four ounces of syrup squills, directing him to take tcaspoouful doses of best Bordeaux olive uil, when the difficulty of breathing was greatest. Next day I forced his despondent well, and made him take six bottles of Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry home with him as a present, be bavinjf alledged that be bad used so much ex pensive medicines to 110 profit. Last week Mr. A. called and expressed bis gratitude to me in tho warmest maimer, said the medicine had saved bis life, paid his whole bill, n.l tru.k six buttles uiorc, and left tny ortice for home, rejoicing.- Very respectfullv yours, WM. 8 A ,V, U- Uv Washington, North Carolina, Ag- Cannot he Discredited. annex a few statements from individual well known in this vicinity ; the first of which is from Alderman Perkins Bout on, Febunry 3, 1P31. Dr. S. W. Fowle: Dcnr Sir Having lately hal occasion to try your celebrated remedy for coughs and colds, W istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, L'chi Idid with success, 1 canuut injustice to you with hold niy testimony in its favor. For several days 1 had been suffering from the effects ftf a severe cold, accompanied by a very or throat and sick headache, which, oouvpletoly incapacitated me for business. I had taken u a very email por,U i a single bottle of tbis Balsaia. wfeen ) !cuiicc'( relief. My oe was Uxxtiu u.p at 04c?, luntrs entirely relieved from the pressure' which J had. W.s to. valuta. 1 attr;iut the relief " 1 tirvly to the good effects of your WiVl Coerry, as I took no other medicine wnatve?. I tk.ydially ru- cumiacuJ. it V U iny frienna. Hespecuuny yours. SAM I' ELS. PERKINS. 1SU up in .-)uai4 tu!c. ?1 pev bottle six bottle fov Suia by . J. 1. I AUK, Cincinnati, Ohio. Nv4tinret corner Fourth aud Walnut streets. Untrnii;e on Waluut street, a whom all orders mus ba Addresied. Murray Xabui & Ce. Kbcnsburg." More '&. Kepler CarruUtown, John 'vory & So Summit, Johnston &. F.dsou Johnstom n, L. P.. U'.i- ! dibrand Indiana, J. C. Day I51airsvi!'. Auusl 1?, 1-J. Iv. " o