Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, December 16, 1853, Image 4

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    New Cabinet Ware Rooms.
JAMES 8. TODD informs the citizens of Ebens
burg, and the public generally, that lie 1ms
opened an extensive and varied assortment of Cah
inet War in Mr. ltobert Davis' new building, Mnin
etreet, nearly opposite the Mansion House,"
where he will be happy to bare theui call and -iraio
C n sis-tin? iu part of Sofas, Bureaus, 9a files, Bed
C.eads, Secretarys, Stands, sc., Ac
He will have constantly on hau l an cxeellei.1 as
sortment of Fancr and common Chaius, whicu he
m til sell lower than ever before offered la this
Kverr article ordered will be made in the most
workmanlike manner, of the beat materials ; and
REPAIRING of all kinds will be promtly attend
ed to. His terms are CASH, and being determine i
t scli low. and keep none but good articles, lie
hopes to receive the patronage of a discriminating
Kbonsburg, July 29, 1S53.
llld; OH, and leather More-.
TTo. 21, Sooth Third Street, between Market and '
Cbesnut Streets, Philadelphia.
HAS constantly on hand and for sale, Dry and .
Dry Salted Spanish Hides. h)ry and Green !
SaMed Potna Kips. Tanners' Oil, Tanners' andCnr- !
ricrs, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the :
best term.
trST All kinds of Leather in the rongh wanted,
for which the highest market price will be given in
naah. or taken in exchange for hides.
j" Leather stored free of change and sold on
May 18, 1853.
Republican Hall.
A NTHONT VOWINKLE respectfully Informs the
J. public that he is now prepared, as the law di
i ects. with every requisite for the "accommoda
tion of strangers and travellers" at hi new stand
in the Northern Liberties of nollidaysburg, and
resDectfuily asks for a share of custom. His ta
Dare or custom, nis ta-
ipplied with the best the
ble will at all times be so;
market affords, aud his bar stocked with the best
wines and lienors.
gOff" The larger Hall can be rented by the day
or night, and a Piano and Pianist furnished.
fisST German wiues and Lager Beer kept con
stantly on hand.
Hollidaysburg, May C, 1853.
Bell, Johtrton, Jack, &. C o.
Office of Deposit, Discount, & Exchange,
JAMES M. BELL, Robert B. Johnston, and Wil
liam Jack are the Ahtni Partners, who alunt
transact the business of the firm.
mi uts kk rjJrnraa1 abb
A. P. Wilson,
W m. Dorria, Jr.,
VTn. P. Orbison,
of Huntingdon, Pa.,
T. C. McDowell,
Win. M. Lloyd,
Jamea Douniston,
R. M. Lemon,
Geo. R. M'Farlace,
Samuel W. Rhodes,
Samuel Calvin,
Thadcus Banks,
John Cress well, Jr.
Joseph Smith,
of Hollidaysburg, l'a.
Alex. M. Lloyd,
Baker & Watson,
of Gaysport, Pa.,
John Miller, of Temper-
anceville, Blair co. Pa.
E. Shoemaker,
of Ebensburg, Pa.,
Thos. White,
of Indiana, Pa.,
S. H. Smith,
John frouse,
of Johnstown, Pa.
David Watson,
John Neff, Samuel Dean, James M. Johnston, Wil
liamsburg, Pa.
8QAOiAr may and trill he added.fg,
Collections inude in all parts of the Cnited states.
Drafts furnished on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Ac,
The usual rato of Interost, in such cases, paid on
Deposits for 3, 6, and 12 months. Other Deposits
received payable on demand,
nollidaysburg, July 16, 1852.
1. J. Evas. J. D. Hvghes. i
IIJOL'LD again inform the public that they have
If just received from the Eastern cities, and have
on hand a large and excellent assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
which they are prepared to dispose of at reasonable
prices. Their stock consists, in part, of men and
hoy wearing apparel, manufactured from Cloths,
t'nssimeres, Sattinetts, Satins and silks. Also,
Woolen and Cotton Undershirts, Drawers, Ac.
Hats and C'apti,
of all kinds, suitable for the season.
Also, a largo assortment of OVERCOATS and
CLOAKS of the latest styles.
They have also on hand Cloths, Cassimeres, Sat
tinetts, and Yestings, which they are prepared to
manufacture to order according to the latest appro
ved fashion.
The goods have been selected with care, and can
be sold yskt low. Call and examine their stock
They wiil suit you as to quality aud price.
Eben6burg, Oct. 21, 1853.
AduiJnlMtratorN Xotlce,
IETTERS of Administration have been granted
-i to the undersigned, by the Register of Cam
bria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, de
ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment to us, and
those haviug claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlemcnt.
BVSAM UHKY, Administratrix.
ANDREW J. RHKV, Administrator.
Ebensburg, October 21, 1S52. tf.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg Pa.,
WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
fessional business intrusted to his care will be
promptly attended to.
Office on Main stieet opposite Dr. Wm. Lemon's
Ebensburg, April 28, 185327.
Thomnai I.. Martin.
House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Johns
town. Pa
MOPon the Island, nenrlv
ly opposite D. Lcceh ft
' Co Warehonse.
Dec. 22, 1852.
Dr. II. ML s. Jackson &. Or,
es C.
TTIAMNG entered into a Co-partnership in the
-a-i. practice of medicine, offer their services to
the inhabitant of Summitville and viciuity
the ton k,0D Tn 6 J0""'1 nt h'ls reid" near
Suinmit aX UlC ,J officc oa thc
Sept. &, 1858. tf.
Formerly Brown's Saloon.
THE Proprietors of this establishment. Drown &
- !?& thiS Mod of informing ,l7e cit-
.zens of Lbensburg and the public in general tha,
they have refitted and otherwise improved the'r
.-nloon. and are ready, at all times, to accommodate
all persons who wish to indulge in the luxurv of a
good plate of Fields' No 1 Oyster. U wilfhave
them forwardeI to us daily. We solicit a liberal
hare of public patronage.
ct 7, 1858.
Lxchanfire Hotel,
UeUUOLUg, r,
I i:- i L
' "ow preparcl with every reoT.
. r r a. if. ..(.. . . . -
;l';?J. everyXicac1;8 "J
) .h) , ,ne soason affords, and
ins Dar stocked with the het nf , , - '
petronsge Wtfully solicits a share of
Apw"! M, 1858- if
James Doagbcrty, at
WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Tobnccn,
Snuff and Cigars, wai chouse at the South
! west corner of Third and Race streets, Pliiladel
j phia, latelv occupied by Ludwig, K needier & Co.,
; , p ci nstantly on hind a large and well selected
stock of the most celebrated brands of
I ...estio cigars, unci Sr.nff. which they offer for
i sale on as favorable terms as i.iiy house iu the city.
! Orders promptly attended to.
Augue't 5, 1853 5-ly.
John Parker. Jamea H. Parker.
.IOIIX I' lRIitin &. C O.,
7HOLKSALK Grocers, dealers in Fleur.and
Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old
Monougahela aud Rectified Whiskey.
No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street,
Pittsburg, l'a.
August 19, 1853. ly.
George Rhey. Levi Matthews. William Ebbs.
HOLES ALE Grocers and Commission Mer
chants, Dealers in all kinds of Produce and
Pittsburg Manufactures, No. tt una tV water
Pittsburgh, Fa.
August 19, 1853.
HI il.l'SALE grocers and dealers in Foreign
iind Domestic i.iuuors, Reclined w uiskey,
Flour, Bacon, Fish, Cheese, ic, Ac. No 311, Lib
erty street, opposite the head of Smiil.field, Pitto
i burgh. Pa.
December 23, IS:
2 9-tf.
AS leased and refitted the McMillen Mouse,
ihite the Rennet Hotel) in the borough Of,
.kknstown, where he will be glad to receive any ol
his friends who may favor him with their patronage.
He has also opened a bar with a choice selection of
wiues alld iiquors
ala served tc
ol all kinds.
to suit passengers who wish to tra-
vel by the Pa. B. R.
Johnstown, Pa
July 22, 1853.
Campbellstown. Cambria county Fa.
UK undersigned. Proprietor of the above Ho
tel, intorms his trienris nul tne public nut
is well prepared to furnish the best of accommo
dation, and is determined to please all who may
call with him.
Campbellstown, June 1C. 1853 34-Cm.
A. YF.AGI.EY having permanently located
in Jenerson. iamr.ria couniv. respeciiuny
tenders his professional services to the citizens of
the place and thesurrounding country, in the prac
tice of Medicine and Surgery.
Office on Main street, where he can always be
found aud consulted, except when abseut on pro
fessional business.
Jefferson. April 14, 185325.
Ir. Geo. B. R.ell5,
FFERS his professional services to the citizens
of Jefferson and vicinity, in the practice
Medicine and surgery.
Office next door to Mr. Lytle's Store.
Mav 20, 1853.
C. Sheridan. M. !.,
KRPECTFULLY tenders his services to the
citizens of Johnstown and vicinity, in the
practice of Medicine anil Surgery.
Office at the Drug store of Kratzcr nnd Sheridan
corner of Clinton and Main streets. Residence
Main street, second door below Yon Luennn's store.
Or. S. It . Flch,
ESPECT FULLY tender hi services to the cit
izens of Summerhill township in the practice
of Medicine and Surgery.
Office at Half-Way House, Cambria county. Pa.
Nov. 24, 1852.
RESPECTFULLY tender his services to the cit
izens of Ebensburg, in the practice of Medi
cine and Surgery.
Office in Lr. Schneider's l'rug Store, opposite
the Presbyterian Church.
June 24, 1853.
Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa.,
lLL attend promptly to nil collections en
t trusted to his care Office, adjoining his
July 21,
1852. tf.
Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane No 4,
A. P. R. R.
1 1 "I I.I. attend promptly to all collections entrusted
f to his care. Office, adjoining the Post office,
July, 2bth, 1852.
Or. Henry Yeagrley,
Practising Physician, Johnstown, Pa.
OFFICE next door to his drug store, corner
Main and Bedford streets.
Johnstown, July 21, 1852.
int. DAVIS.
DaviK Ai. Lloyd,
HAVING formed a partnership in the Mercantile
Husiness, would respectfully solicit the pa
tronage of their friends and the public generally.
Call and see us at the old stand of William Da
vis. April 29, 1852.
Alw ays on Hand.
CTONRWAB, Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-steel
O and Salt, for sale by
May 12, 1852-20.
Wm. M'Farland and Son.
Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, Pa.
: TTSTOULD respectfully invite the attention of the
T public to their superior stock (of Furniture
I of every description. Fnrniture of all kinds man
ufactured to order on the shortest notice. All or
! ders from a distance promptly attended to.
Juiy i , ip-).
Laborer Wanted.
Laborers are wanted to work on the Ebens
U burg and Susquehanna Plank Road, to whom
liberal wr.ges will be given. Apply to either of the
Ebensburg, June 3, 185J.
Wholesale and Retail Clothing Store.
CROATS, Yests, Pants, Hats. Caps. Shirts, Hand.
4 kercheifs. Cravats, Boots, Shoes, Carpet-lings,
Trunks, Ac. Sold cheap for Gash. Summit, Cam
bria County, Pa.
J. l'a t ton Thompson,
With Marple, Ellis & M'Clure,
IMPORTERS and Dealers in Foreign and Domea-J-
tic FANCY DRY GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery
(.loves. Satins. Silk Yest.ngs, Cravats, Ribbons,
lute Goods, Suspenders, Combs, Brushes, But
tons, looking (ilasses, Ac.
No 15 North Third Street, two doors above
( hurch Alley, Philadelphia.
b, 10, 1852-32.
Bim . x v.-
Fashionable Barbera and
IN the basement storv of Davis
I room.
. war
May 1. 1851. -It.
done, and razors honed ia a
y. b.
C 1
W pTl Or manner
Ouguen cotMiingr.
A never fading picture can now be pot at the Blair
Co. Gallery, Odd Fellows Hall.
G GORGE HT. FISHER takes this method of in
forming his numorous friends throughout the
county, that he has permanently located himself at
llolIiU:.ysuurg, where lie if now prepared to fornisn
superior portraits to all that wish n good picture.
After a long aud serious time of experimenting
in the Art, he is now j rcnured to t:ike the finest
! kind of picture in all kinds of weather. A visit
j to his room and a trial is nil that is asked. His
I object is to please, nnd having the best light in the
i Borough, he feels that no failure can be made.
Pictures neatly colored and put in good cases,
j from $1.25 to $10. Children taken in the nioru
! ing from to 11. in the short space of one second.
I Instruction given. iu the art, embracing all the
i improvement, on the moss reasonable terms. Ap
I aratus and fixtures for Daguerreotyping furnished.
Hollidaysburg, Sept. 9, 1852.-tf.
'Mil wny for Good audi heap Goods.
; AT71LL be opened this week at the brick st.-re
T W ofJ. Moore, ill BfaaasbnM) general ns.-ort-
inent of clutlis, enssitueres, sntiuetts, twee is, and a
great variety of summer goods.
Together with any quantity of prints, delains,
lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres aud other
dress goods.
aud good assortment of hardware, queenswaro,
saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs. Ac, Ac.
Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats and caps
or ready made clothing, will find it to their advan
tage to call at the.
Brick Store.
The subscriber, thanklui loi .nsi iurots, ear
nestly request his customers, and the BnM
orally to at least call and examine his stock: and it'
he cannot suit everv- person in quality and price it
is not his fault. Produce and lumber of all kinds
taken in exchange for goods: and he also takes
CASH when ottered.
Ebensburg, April 28, 1851.
l oach laiiiit'a'Iry.
BE Subscriber would respectkillv inform the
citizens of Fbensburj: and the public cenerallv,
that they will carry on the Coach Making, inclu
ding the Smith work at the Machine shop formerly
occupied by Mr. Anderson, in the rear of K. Hughe's
Store : where by using none but tin choicest mate
rial, and employing none but the best workmen,
they hope to convince all that will do them the
favor to examine their work, that In point of dura
bility, appearance or cheapness, iteannot be excel
led by any similar establishment in the State or
elsewhere. Persons wishing a biwgain in the pur
chase of a carriage, will consult their own iatCBOBfl
by giving thcin a call. They are prepared to sup
ply the following kinds of Vehicles, viz:
Buggies of different qualities and prices, Barouch
es, Chariotees, one and two horse lockavays, close
ijuarter Eiiptic and C-spring Coaches : second hand
work of different kinds, Ac, m iking a variety that
will suit all tastes and all purses. Repairing done
with neatness and despatch.
May 20, 1853.
The Grant House,
Corner cf 4th and Grand sts. Fittatarg.
THE subscriber has leased the large and well
known Hotel, (lute LaTnartine Ronat,) at the
corner of 4th nnd Grant streets. Pittsbtrg, which
has been repaired and newly fitted up jn all its
apartments so as to give a larger nnd mire liberal
accommodation to travellers aud boarders. Bis
larder will be stocked with the most choie brands
the markets can afford, and his Bar furniwicd with
the best. He would respectfully solicit s share of
public patronage.
Sept. 8, 1852. B. PERKY.
St. Charles Hotel,
Corner of Third and Wood Ste.
THIS fine establishment, having conn into the
hands of a new Proprietor, offerl great in
ducements to the traveling community; and also
to regular boarders. Every delicacy inti luxury
will be provided in its season : and no pslnt will be
spared to make this Hotel a coiufortabU home to nil
who mav call there.
W S. 0 AMPBELL, Prjprietor.
Tittsburg, Sept. 8. 18"2.
Hoot and SheN.
Evans ft Jones,
"VX7"OlLD respectfully announce tothe public
T v that they still continue the inanifacture of
every description of Boots and Shoes, 'or Ladies
and Gentlemen, at their shop, a few dors Fast of
Mr. Carmen Hotel, where they will b happy to
see their customers.
Being practical workmen themselves and using
none but the very best materials, they ice confident
the- can execute work as well and as cleap as any
establishmcnt in the couuty.
May 13, 1853
George llarncame.
Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron
ware Manufacturer, and Dealer in ihe fol
lowing named Stoves :
f 1 LOBE Air Tight Cook, Portable Lingo, Flat
VT Top Complete, Union Air 'l ight, Cioks Favor
ite, Bare Cylinder, Delaware Cook, Bar-ooni, Key
stone, or Independent, Harp cannon, New com
plete, Hot Air Parlor. Yictoria complete, Ail
Tight, Complete Cook, Union Coal Burier.
Ebensburg, Sept 1, 1852.
Fashionable Clothlnp; Empji iuui,
Clinton St. Johnstown Pa.
Gf BEAT attraction at the corner of linton and
1" Locust streets, opposite the Exclnnge Hotel
and the M'Millen House, Johnstown, (ambria co.,
l'a., where the subscribers have just received
large and fashionable assortment of Fill and Win
ter Ready made CLOTHING.
Nov. 4, 1852. JOSEPH GA"S ft CO.
ins. w. ilw.
v. s. rnsoN.
II ay
& Etlfion.
Wholesale & Retail Tin. Copper, and Sheet-Iron
Ware Manufacturers, and Dealers u the fol
lowing named Stoves :
COOK Stoves, Keystone, Nine Phte, Liberty,
Parlor. Radiators. Ltna. Star FiMiklin. Wu
fie Irons, Complete Cook, Star Air-tigit. Cast iron
Sinks. Ware Room on canal St. one door below
the collectors office.
Johnstown, Pa. July 14, 1852.
"I WJSHELS good coal want-d at this Of-
fice. for which cash will la paid on de
livery. Exchange Hotel.
Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa.
TIIE proprietor assures the public that no exer
tions will be wanting on his part to render his
house home-like to those who call with him, aud
solicits a share of public patronage.
April 29, 1852.
BABRELS Coucmaugh Suit for sale by
TffeARRBL8 SALT just received at the Store of
fJJ IILGHES A WHERRY, Jefferson, Pa.
July 8.
WOOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain, taken
in exchange for goods at
"yOUabair is falling off, is it? Then call at
-I- Kittell's without delay, and buy a buttle of
Storr's Chemical Hair Inx iyorator, or you will be
come entirely bald. It is tho best Hair tonic now
in use.
CASH will be
wool, by-
paid for 400 or 5000 pounds
Jefferson, Pa.
AFRESH arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer lla!
Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw n.
orence Straw Bon-
nets, Powder, Gnn Caps, Shot,
Lead, Ac., received
June 2i, lfe.Si
lie cliean ..i4
' ""nOBE.
M liitiuorc, olir, fc Co.,
Importers and Dealers in Hardware,
S:?n if tht AnriU, So. 50 Wood it., thru tkors '
above the Si. Charles Hols!,
rmiWii, ia.
r 1 1 A K I this method of informing enstomers and
Dealers that they are now in receipt of their j
Full Snpply which has been selected with great
BSTC from the Manufactories of fBai IIJW Jjml the '.(- !
tern States.
Oar .stock comprises a much larger assortment
than is generally kept by similar establishments, j
and is particularly adapted to the Country Trade.
Having superior facilities for procuring goods it i
is without hesitation that we defy competition from j
any quarter.
We arc now receiving Birmingham nnd Sheffield .
Manufactures, purchased ;ind forwarded by one of '
the Firm, who has been spending some months in ,
England and Germany, and who will continue to
beep us supplied with Foreign llardward bought
from first hands only.
Western Merchants are respectfully invited to an '
examinrtion of our stock ntol prices previous to go- I
ing further Eastward. Among our assortment Wmj
tie toutid the following:
0524 doz. Knives ami Forks, 1100 doz. CMkils,
pen knives 36 cases planes,
tci? sors & sheers 3200 doz. files A Hasps
rasors iu ens-es J17 gun locks
silver plated lead table Spoons,
German silver ' " "
shovels and spades 350 " gross Britanin
asy am! manure forks, LiO " Sam
75 M tennent saws 15 bales Deer's hair.
400 Mill pitt and cross cutt saws
1700 doz knobs, locks and latches
120O r.,ir trace chains 2000 " pad chest locks
400 ' halter and dog chains, bellows, auvns,
vices, log and coil chains, cast, sheer and Blister
450 doz ases, liest brands, e.
Saddlery Hardware.
We are continuing to make large addition to this
branch of our business.
Sept. 2, 1853.
A Sew Arrival ol atehe and Jew
elry. On the corner of Clinton and Locust Sts.
THE undersigned respectfully invites the Ladjes
nnd Gentlemen to call aud see his new and
splendid stock of Watches and Jewelry, which he
has jut received from Germany ; warranted to be
solid and pure, and for style . mid finish it cannot be
surpassed. He has also received a large assort
ment of Jewelry from the Eastern cities, viz :
Oold hunting case watches from $75 to 100
" Patent Lever ' " 35 to
' Ladies anchor lever and Lepine, Co to
Mlvcr patent lever aud bunting case
watches from
" Anchor Levers do, from
' Lepines do,
" Quarticrs do,
15 to
12 t
10 to
5 to
Gold miniature cases, Ladies Gold Bracelets and
Necklesses, Ear-rings, Gobi Cuard, Yest nud Fob
chains. Gold chains for Ladles, Finger rings, Cold
and Silver Pens and Pencils, Silver Spoons, Silver
Thimbles, Steel, German and Silver Spectacles.
Port Monaies, Pen Knives, Silver chains, Ac, Ac.
All of the above articles are warranted to lie of
the best material, and will be sold tery ,.- J'-jr cash.
Clock and Watch Repairing.
He has the best workmen in the country in his
employ, and all work entrusted to him' will be
promptly attended to.
Thankful for past favors he solicits a continuance
of the same, aad is confident he can give satisfac
tion to all who may give him n call.
Johnstown, April 15, 1853.
5000 Dollar Reward. IJxcll t liirnt in Wales!
GEO. J. KODGER8 has just received from the
cities of Philadelphia aud New York and im
mense stock of New Goods, and now offers to his
old as well as new customers the Lartrrt.
and best assortment of SPRING & SUMMER
G 1S ever brought to the Flbenslmrg market.
His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods
tfueensware, Hardware, Cedar Ware, Ac, all of
which huvc been purchased with a view to satisfy
the wants of his numerous customers in quality
and price.
Gents Wear. Blue, black, brown and broad
cloths, plain and fancy casir.ieres, tweeds, summer
cloth, linens, silks, satin, Valencia and marseills
ILits, Caps, Boots. Shoes. Ac.
Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints, mous de
iains, ginghams, lustres and fancy colored silks,
bobinet, laces and edging, jackonetts, ribbons, fan
cy silk gimps, Ac.
Hardware, cutlery, nnd tools of various kinds.
Queens-ware, consisting of many new and splen
did patterns.
Groceries, consisting of coffees, sugar, ten, fi6h,
spices, salt Ac.
Ifej"" All kinds of country produce taken iu ex
change for goods Also Lumber, Wool, Ac.
May 20, 1853.
Look out Tor the Locomotive !
Cash and Produce Store!
Ill 4.18FS Av WHCRBT,
HAYE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few doors
East of G. L. Lloyd & co.'s store a large and
entire new assortment of Spring & Summer Goods,
which they just received from the Eastern cities,
consisting, in part, of the following articles.
LADIES DRESS GOODS. Silks. Barges, Mous
lin de I.aines, Lawns, Ac. :c. Also, Cloths, Sati
nettsj. Tweeds, Drillings, &C.
Ready Made Clothing, of all kind? and very beat
quality. Give it a trial.
Hardware, Qucensware. and Stoneware, of even
variety comprising a large assortment.
STOYES, of every decription, always on band
and warranted. We flatter ourselves tiat we can
sell Stoves lower than any establishment in Cam
bria county, and being located on the Rail Road we
ctin always secure a supply.
Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar,
linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and
every article necessaay to supply this market.
The public is solicited to call and examine our
as we arc confident it will admit of iospec-
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
Lumber bought at the highest market pri-
May 17, 1853
THE undersigned informs his customers that the
firm of Beynon A Johnston is dissolved by :
mutual consent, and that the subscriber still con- !
tinues the business in the room recently occupied .
by the old firm, where he will be happy to see his :
former patrons and as many new ones as please to j
calL He receives regularly from New York and j
Philadelphia the latest fashions and cannot be beat- j
en either in the shape or fit of Coats, Pants or
Yests, by any other Tailor in the country. He i
respectfully ask the public to give him a call, aud
Confidant his work will recommend itself.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex-
change for work.
April 20, 1852.
Tomb Stones! I out lis Stones!
RICHARD JONES respccfully informs the pub
lic that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of
Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, man
ufactured in the latest style, and lettered according
to any directions.
His yard is situated at the south part of the
town, where a large assortment of articles in his
line are always kept on hand.
From long experience he feels confident be can
please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to be pat
ronized by n generous public.
June 17, 185:1.
THIS WAY! For I have just received and of
fer sale a large lot of Stone and Earthen
Ware. The hitrhest price paid for wool.
Ebensburg. April L J. MOi K I
2000 w M,
wool, butter, eg;s wanted
OKA'l'OR. THIS delightful and popular article is the beat
preparation for the hair which long expert- j
ence and scientific research lias produced, cither as
an nrticle for the toilet, or its beneficial effect in '
all the diseases to which the human hair is liable.
It ui.l impart to the roughest aud coarsest hair the I
most beautiful appearance, entirely cleansing it
trom all impuritie.
But while we assert that it is the beat nrticle for
the toilet of those who wsh to rc'.aiu the hair in
all its '. outhfiil
it must not 1 e forgotUm that in all diseases of th
hair or scalp, such as the fnlliug of the hair dand
rutf, pimples, or (-ores on the scalp, Ac, it is per
haps the article which has given decided satisfac
tion every instance where it has been used.
Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly
active, so that, in numerous, where other i"iuedics
have been tried in vain, STORE'S CHEMICAL 1S
VIGORATOR has superseded the ornament of art,
by reinstating, iu full pleiititude, the permanent
gifts and graces of nature. It is pot-scssed of a
character wholly differing from the Oils, Grease,
Bestorati ves, Ac, which are now so numerously
foisted on the public, for balduos, gr ly hair. fc
Storr's Invigorator
has now been tested for years, and its efficacy has
been proved by thousands. Every year its reputa
tiou and sales have increased, until more of it is
consumed annually than of any other preparation
for the hair ever offered to the American public.
It is compounded on strictly scientific principles,
and the proprietor will stake his reputation on its
Its extraordinary cheapness places it within the
reach of the humblest family, and its conceded
value insures it a place on the most luxurious toil
For sale bv the proprietors price 25 cent.
C. P. A MKT i CO,
120 Arch street, one door below Sixth.
For sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg : James Bell,
Summit: G. Mnekerhide A Co., Johnstown.
December 10, 18528-ljr.
A KD nil diseases arising from a disordered livor
Cm. or stomach, such as constipation, inward
piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the
stomach, nausea, heart-burn, disgust for lood.
fullness, or weight iu the stomach. sour eructations,
sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach,
swimming of the head, hurried and difficult brenth
ing, fluttering nt the heart, choking or suffoca
ting sensations when in a lieing posture, dimness
of vision, dots or webs before the .si cht fever and
dull pads in the head, diflicicney of perspiration,
yellowness of the skin nid eye, pain in the side,
back, chest, liuilwi, Ac, sudden flushes ot heat,
qurning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil
nud gre;;t depression of spirits, can be cffcctuully
cured by
i l'l.l U.l . BY
At Ihe fHn mm Win all rill Store.
120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their foiccr over the abore disrates it not erceUeel
it cyualle'l by any other preparation in the I'm'.sd
States, as the ntrcs attest, in many cases after skilful
Ihese Bitters arc worthy the attention of inva
diis. Possessing great virtues in the rectification
of discuses of the Liver and leaver glands exercis
ing the most searching powers in weakness and
affections of the digestive organs, they are withal,
safe, certain and pleasant.
That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and
Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as stated.
Itacts specifically upon the stomach and liver: itis
preferable to calomel in nil bilious iAci--tlie ef
fect is immediate. They can be administered to
female or infants with safety ami reliable benefit at
any time.
Look well to the marks of the Genuine
They have the written signature of C. M. JACK
SON upon the wr. pper. and his name blunu in the
bottle, without which they are spurious.
For sale Wholesale and Retail at the German
Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Street, one door be
low Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable Jeal
ers gcncrallv throuch the countrv.
' Pit It' E s UDrCBB,
To enable all clasos of invalids lo enjoy tfce ad
vantuges of their great restorative power.
Sinylt bottle 75 cents.
For sale by Frederick Kittell Druggist Kbers
burg : .'nines Bell, Summit; G. Muckerhidc A Co.,
December 10, 1852 S-ly.
JAMES Hi: 1,1..
nAS the pleasure of announcing to all who
would secure tiie best bargains to be offered
in this county, that he is again in the field with
one ofthe largest, cheapest, and most carefully se
lected stocks of
Fall aad W inter f.ood !
Ever brought to Cumbria county, all of which
have been purchased within the last few dura in
Philadelphia and New York, with particular regard
to the wants of this Market. I again fling my ban
tier to the breeze, inscribed with my oldmotto of
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
I confidently invite the attention of purchasers
my stock, which will be found unusuallv
l;irrc. vane i nnt attractive, being full and emu
j plete in every department Everything new. fash
; lonable and desirable will be found embraced iu
; my assortment. Particular
I to new and beautiful stvlcs of
mention is solicited
! which 1 have just received of late importation.
; In Gents' wear I defy competion, and confidently
invite an examination of one ofthe largest, cheap
est and best selected stocks of ready-made clothing,
cloths, cassimeres, Ac, ever brought to Cambria
; county ; comprising all colors aud qualities, which
I will sell cheap and warrant to givo satisfaction.
Also, caps, bonnets,
' of the best qualities and latest styles, together
j with qucensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books
Stationary, Ac.
KP&Thc highest market price paid for all kinds
! of Produce.
November 11, 1862.
A BE YOU BALD ! Is your hair falling off?
-TV Oris your head covered with Dandruff or
Scruff? If so, then make a fair trial of Storr's
t hemtea! Hair Imiyorator. Hundreds of persons
in all parts of the countrv whose heads were entire-
iv oaiu, nine nai ineir hair fully restored
to its
original penection by the use of this
Cai tion. Ask for '-Storrs- Chemical Hnir In
vigorator," and never let dealers persuade vou to
use any other article as a substitute. Price 25
cents per uottie l i oprictors.- C. P. Am.-t ,
o. IZiJ Arch street, Philadelphia. For sale
ueaiers generally, sou by Fred. Kittell. I"! mi
burg: James Bell, Summit ; E. P. Iliidebrand, lu
Dec. 8, 1852 ly.
Esekiel Hughes,
Ebensburg, Pa
DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gro
ceries, wholesale and retail fish; hardware
and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron,
sheet-zinc, stoves of all kiuds, stove-pipes and
sheet-iron ware, tin ware, copper ami brass ket
ties, Ac.
Grain, wool, butter and other country produce
bought and sold.
A dealer in white pine, poplar. sh and cherry
lumber; lumber ahvay.- 1 ht, and a large quan
tity constantly on hand for sa'.i
( ' i-h always paid for lumber cut to order or such
as suits the present demand ofthe nirirkt
A large lot of new goods as embraced in the
above list just received and more opeuin tor sale
at the lowest market price.
Saateaabcr 3. "
lr. ftiynWl Improved Ektruct oi
THE original and only genuine preparaiieti fw
the permanent cure of Mnsumption n ; .:
eases of the lungs wh"."e they are supposes
affected b the two free use of mercury, irou, ai
nine, Ac, &c.
The Medicine, when used accor ling to direct l-.
Will Cure, Without Fail
Scrofula or King Evil. Cairccrs, Tumors. EruptV
of the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore-Fyr,
Ringworui or Tetters, SchM Head Rk
nwti .Pains in the Bones or Joints,
old Sores nnd Ulcer, gwelling
of the Glands. Syphilis, esse
of Kidney, I-os of Ap
petite. Disease ar
tising from the ue of Mercurr,
Pain in the Side und Shoulder, General
Debility Dropsy. Lumbago, Jaundice and Cot;- c
Puliue, Mich., Oct. C, 1851
Mr. Johu D. Tark Dear Sir: Hi with unci
lerable feelings of (. . . titude that I am able, ti rv
the divine provi.Unce of God, and by thaj. wonder
working agency of that excellent medicine, juv
sott's Yellow Dock and .Sarsaparillo, to give vwu'i
few symptoms or my almost hopeless case.
In the winter of 1S50, 1 was attacked with a ee
.ere pain, which was gradually extending throuju
the whole light side aud leg ; at the same time
total pi stration of my physical system; also, mr
leg had shrunk to two thirds of it common site. 1
procured the attendance of a skillful practitioner,
who pronounced my disease one of the worM forms
of liver complaint, lie said my case was one l.-.
easily handled bnt prescribed for me. I remained
under his treatment until I wns satisfied he cou'J
nut help me. I then procured of your ngeut
this palce, A- W. Bee: ., two battle of Guysotf,
VUaw and S;ti-f-.i.rilla, from which I re
ceived a vat amount of benefit. After having ta
ken four bottles more I was aide to pursue my bus without nny inconvegience, and bavv Wi
ciucc that time a well man, while but a short tim
since 1 was confined to my bad three-fourths of tht
time: nnd I cannot ascribe the return of my health
lo any other cause than by Ihe agency of tin t truly
valuablv medicine, Go; soft's Yellow Duck apd Sar
apajrflla. " HASSEL YaOBIPEB
The following letter is from a highly respectable
physician who enjoys nti extensive practice;
Navarre. Stalk co., O., Nov. 1851.
Dr. John D. Park Dear Sir: Ir. Guysotta
Extract of Sm-saparilla. This medcine has bit-a
prescribed by me fr the last three year. if h go...j
i t'ect. in Gcueiul Debility, Liver Complaint. Jxun
dice. Dyspepsia. rnic and nervous disease. lj
all female complaints it certainly is mie.i. t
In the use of this medicine the patient constauL'r
gains strengthand vigor. fact worthy of great cuu
sideratioli. It is pieasaut to the taste and :
and can le used by persons with roost delicxte
stowarh. I am speaking from experience, ivd Vj
the atflicted I advise it uso.
DR. J. S, LLlA'Ul:
vVlsler s MOW 1 Mild Cherry.
Fi.r tht instant relief and ra. id urt of Asthma t'vu-
tump4. Vuvmm. . ' t f -. '
and all
rdirs i t the Lunys aud
Wisier's Balsam of Wild Cherry !
I fyjjjt, Cld
isthinr'. i up. Influenza, I,. ,
r. i.'r., JiUrdinaot Kg&Lun-!, I'rffieult Jlr-
l..vr AtJ'-eHcmt. ram or M cahnttt
the Ijrcart or Side, je., Set., c.
iu short, this Balsam is pecnlinrly adapted to eve
ry disease of the Lungs aud Liver, which is
ced by our ever-Taryiug climate.
Fifty Thousand f'erson
Die annually in Enghind of Consumption. In ii.
New England States, the proportion in one in four
or five. In Boston, probably one in four. Iu tb
city of New York, sixty-seven died in iwo wci.s
in December of this disease. It is lets prevnlei.t
in the more northern latitudes, Bussia. Canada,
aud among the Alps of Switzerland, where the
winters are loup ami sever, and there are fcirri
suddi n changes.
No theory can be more welcome to the Manta
miiid than the one which estnblishc on go...i
ground the hope foi prolonged existence, il the
legafious of those who are at least entitled t.. vt
racity may be believe i. there is a preventive and
The great Author of Nature has provided c
witta a remedy for Consumption, !ltiJ the -
leading thereto which re so tearf ullv cymiuon ia
our country. Ha. He left M to hud relief froo.
that fatal bcourgc by ransacking other lands- o
the best. Nature's own remedy our hand li
Wild Caerry and the Piue, furnish us with a eute
here a cure is possible.
One of the most important discoveries cf th ago.
in ameliorating the condition of this large class ul
suffering humanity is lr Wistaria Balsam of Wild
Cherry, which has been before the public 6omc ten
years. This valuable me liciuc was first discover
ed and introduced iu the year 1838, sinoe which
time its. e.iceess has constantly increased the d
mand. until it has baaJH SSM of. if not the mint
popular remedy for Consumption, iu its recipient
stage ever known.
Another Fh)sieian Testimony.
Mr. rowle lear Sir: I could send roes doiea
certificates, strong aud decisive, of the reallv san
ative effects of your valuable Balsam uf'vri.i
Cherry, within the past twelve months, under mv
own supervision ami direction '----- l e
I few persons who have used it. comparatively, but
co..,, i u n, me strongest terms. A case of
Asthma, the severest 1 ever saw, to which I wa
called a month ago, evinced the superiority of the
Balsam, it lasted him si weeks, and th dysp;.i
and suffering was dreadful; he sat up every night
The gentleman told mc to give him something t-
last him home, (21 miles ) so that he might see his
wife and child, and die in peace. 1 gave him one
bottle of balsam nnd four ounces of syrup souil'i?
directing lima to take teaspoonful doses of bct
Bordeaux olive oil, when the difficulty of breathin'
was greatest. Next day I forced hia despondent
well, aud made him take six bottles of Wistar's Bal
sain of Wild Cherry home with him as a present,
lie. haviug alledged that he had used so much ex
nenaive medicines to no profit. Last week Mr. A
called and expressed his gratitude to me in the
warmest manner, said the medicine had saved his
life, paid his whole bill, and took six bottles more,
and left my office fov home, rejoicing.
Very respectfully vours,
Washington, North Carolina, Aug. 12
C annot be Discredited.
We auucx a few statements from individuals
well known in this vicinity ; the first of which is
from Alderman Perkins :
Boston. Febuarr 3, J85I
Dr- S. W. Fowle: Dear Sirllavin's latolv had
occasion to try your celebrated remedy for cough
r"r j WistT a Ba!sa, "f Wild Chcrrv, which
. ..... .u. nuccess. i cannot injustice to vou with
i.d i my testimony iu its favor. For several dav.
1 had been suffering from the effects ol a sever,
cold accompanied by a very sore throat nnd sick
headi.chc. which completelv incapacitated me for
husiness 1 had taken bal vera small portion of
a sing.e bottle of this Balaam. .heu 1 xpcricuci i
reliet. My cough was broken up at once, and mv
tings entirely relieved from tho pressure wbu
had become so paiuful. 1 attribute the relief en
Urely to the good effects of your Wild Chcrrv. a I
took no other medicine whatever. I cordiallv re-
'.nmend it to all my fi ienna Bespectfullv vmr
lr- I ut up in quart bottles.
f 1 per bottle-
iiottiet tor ) Sold bv
Cincinnati, thi"
nbwest oiner I'ourih and Walnut street
Kntaaaoo on WaVnut street, to whom all orders mil-:
be ad.freed. Murray Zahm A Co, Ebcusburf.
Moon A Kepler Carrolltown, John lvor- A Fe
Summit, 'ohnttoa l.dsnn John.-towu K V Hi -dibrand
Isdiana. I t Iuv BUicviU
August 10. 1858 ly