Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, December 16, 1853, Image 1

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VOL. 1 AO. Jo-
! t
The DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published every
Friday morning, in Ebensburg, Cambria county,
r., at $1 SO per annual,; iym'J 1,1 advance, if
not $2 will he charged.
ADVERTISEMENTS will bo conspicuously inser
ted at the following rates, viz :
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Business Cards with 1 copy of the Democrat
J Sntinrl per year 6 00
Letters must be post pnid to secure attention.
I mv, come circling to the ground.
November's sear and yellow leaf,
While dreary autumn strewed around
ltd garb to wrap the soul in grief.
All. melancholy hour of time,
The sadest that my heart e'er knows.
When summer voices ceases to clime,
And winter 'round the mantle throws.
The wailing winds come rushing by.
And seem to mock the summer's stay,
Tho dark clouds send across the sky,
The bird now has ceased his lay ;
We feel the blasts swtep o'er the heath,
Where bloomed the tlower fresh and fair,
And sec the hand that plucks the wreath,
And li&ngsiis ir.y sceptre there.
High on the tree top, bare and sear,
Where snows on snows are piling high,
The rook through the day we hear
Mingling his notes with winds that sigh
The heart grows sick, the spirits low,
While winter harps his doleful strain ;
Ye, 'tis the saddest hour I know
When summer voices leave the plajn.
How unlike spring. Oh. winter drear
Thou art, in all thy blighting sway ;
Oh. give me back the kindly cheer
That glads the merry month of May ;
We hear no more the morning song
Of thrush and robin on the hills,
While winter binds in fetters strong
The gentle ripples of the riibt.
Those which in sparkling gambols stole
With joyous music to the main.
Now feels "the band that holds control.
And sing no more in merry strain ;
The leaf that lent its grateful shade
To cheer the weary traveller's way,
VkWh to the change that winter's made.
And shrinking flutters from the spray.
And then I think v. ill Time no more
Review the ashes of the urn,
And will not spring when winter's o'er.
Bring back those forms when flow'rs re
turn. 1 seem to hear the voice once dear,
I sec the forms, I know the tread,
Tho autumn's leves, now brown and scar,
tr.ew thick ne dwellings of the dead.
I know 'ie time shall come again
To clothe the earth in verdant bloom ,
death sludl cease his gloomy reign,
Amid his tenants of the tomb,
A mighty voice shall break the spell
Of all that moulder's ut the dust,
And leath bo more ol victories tell,
For earth shall render back its trust.
Salrsanb Slitters.
" Lead us not into Temptation."
Law though framed for the protection of so
ciety, for the individual benefit of its members
xfien admits of a construction adverse to the de
signs of its legislators ; and in its application,
frequently deficits the object which it was intend
d to sustain. ' We have however, numerous in
stances, wherein honest juries have given their
verdicts, conformable tothe promptings of justice:
and, happily, when such decisions have not been
too widely different from the expressed rule, they
have escaped from the appeal.
We take pleasure in relating an incident, which
greatly enlisted our sympathies, held us spell
bound by its interest, and finally- made out heart
with joy at its happy termination.
In the, spring of 184- we chanced to lc spend
ing a. few days in a beautiful inland country
town in Pennsylvania, It was court-week, and
to relieve us from tlic somewhat monotonous in
dictments of village life, we stepped into the room
where the court had convened.
Among the prisoners in the box, we saw a lad
but ten years of age, whose sad and pensive coun
tenance, his young and innocent appearance,
caused him to look sadly- out of place among the
liardenad criminals by whom lie was surrounded.
Close by tho box, and manifesting the greatest
interest in the proceedings, sat a tearful woman,
whose anxious glance from the judge to the boy,
loft us no room to doubt that it was his mother.
We turned with sadness from the scene to inquire
of the offence of the prisoner, and learned he was
accused of stealing money.
The case was soon commenced, and by the in
terest manifested by that large crowd, we found
that ourlieart was not the only one in which
sympathy for the lad existed. How we pitied
him ! The bright smile had vanished from his
face, snd now it more expressed the cares of the
aged. Ilis young sister a bright eyed girl had
gained admission to his side, and cheered him
.withthftwhisperingsof 'hopc But that sweet
, voice, which before caused his heart to bound
. w ith. happiness, added only to the grief his shame
had brought upon him. - ... - ., ..
, The progress of tha ease acquainted us with
, the crcumstances of IheJoss, the extent of which
was but a dime no more ! . . -.
The lad's employer, a , wealthy, mi.-ciiy and
unprincipled manufacturer, had made use of it.
for the purpose of what he called testing the
boy's honesty." It was placed, where from its
very osition the lad would oftencst see it, and
least suspect the trap. A day passed, and the
master, to his mortification, not pleasure, found
the coin untouched. Another day passed, and
j-et his object was not gained. He was, however,
determined that the boy should take it, and so let
it remain.
This continued temptation was too much for
the lad's resistance. The dime was taken. A
simple present for that little sister was purchased
with it. But while returning home to gladden
her heart, bis own was made heavy by beinc ar
rests J "t1'- a enme im- nature of which he
little knew. These circumstances were sustained
by several of his employer's workmen who were
also parties to the plot. An attorney urged upon
the jury the necessity of making the 44 little
rouge" an example to others, by punishment.
His address had great effect upon all who heard
it. Before, I could sec many tears of sympathy
for the lad, his widowed mother and his faithful
sister. But their eyes were all dry now. and
none looked as if they cared for, or expected aught
else hot a conviction. The accuser sat in a con
spicuous place, smilingas if in fiend-like exulta
tion over the misery he had brought upon that
poor, but once happy trio. We felt that there
was but little hope for the boy ; and the youthful
appearance of the attorney who had volunteered
his de-fence, gave no encouragement as we learn
ed that it was the young man's, maiden plea
his first address. lie appeared greatly confused
and reached to a desk near him, from wliich he
took the Bible that had been used to solemnize
the testimony. This movement was received
with general laughter and taunting remarks-
among which we heard a harsh fellow close by
us cry out
41 lie forgets where he is. Thinking to take
hold of some ponderous law book, he has made a
mistake and got the Bible."
Tlie remark maele the young attorney flush
with anger, and turning his flashing cyc upon
the audience, he convinced them it was no mis
take, saying, 44 Justice wants no other book."
His confusion was gone, and instantly he was as
calm as the sober judge on the bench.
The Bible was opened, and every eye was up
on him, as he quietly and leisurely turned over
the leaves. Amidst a breathless silence, he read
to tlie jury this sentence:
44 Letul us not into temptalion.n
We felt our heart throb at the sound of these
words. The audience looked at each other with
out speaking and tlie jurymen mutely exchan
ged glances, as tho nrquoprJatc quotation carrie-d
its moral to their hearts. Then followed an ad
dress which, for its pathetic eloquence, we have
never heard excelled. Its influence was like ma
gic. We saw the guilty accuser leave the room
in fear of personal violence. The prisencr looked
hoeful the mother smiled again and, lcfore
its conclusion, there was not an c-c in the court
that was not moist. The sjeecli, affecting to
that degree which caused tears, held its hearers
The little time that was necessary to transpire
before the verdict of the jury could be learned,
was a period of great anxiety and suspense. But
when their whispering consultation ceased, and
those happy words, 44 Not guilty," came from
the foreman, they passed like a thrill of electricity
from lip to lip the austere elignity of the court
was forgotten, and not a voice was there, that
did not join in the acclamation that hailed the
lad's release.
Tlie young lawyer's first plea was a successful
one. He was soon a favorite, and now represents
his elistrict in the councils of the Commonwealth.
The lad has never ceased his grateful remem
brances and we, by the affecting scene herein
attempteel to be ekscribed. have often lieen led
to think liowmanifold greater is the crime of the
tempter, than of the tempted.
Note. The above incident, so graphically
described by a correspondent of Arthur s Home
Gazrttr, occurred in our Court at Ilarrisburg.
The 44 youthful attorney" ailuded to, who made
such a" brilliant debut, was Jonx C. Kc.vk.el,
now one of the ablest and most successful law
vers in this judicial district. For several years
nc represented Dauphin county in the popular
branch of the legislature, and was subsequently
elected to the State Senate of which distinguished
body he is now a mei.'.ber. The Whigs regard
Mr. Kixkki. as one of their ablest champions,
and in various quarters we hear his name men
tioned in connection with the next Gubernatorial
nomination. Crytial Fountain.
Life of a West Point Cadet.
The Cadet sleeps in the barracks, in a room
with one other. At five in the morning, in sum
mer, and at half past five in the winter reveille
awakens him, he immediately arises, doubles up
his blankets and mattress, and places them on
the head of his iron bedstead, he studies until
seven o'clock, at the hour the drum beats for
breakfast, and the cadets fall into rank and pro
ceed to the mess hall. Twenty minutes is the
usual time to spend at the ireak! tiuam
niounting takes place at half-past seven, and
twenty-four arc placed on guard every day. At
eight o'clock the bugle sounds, and the recitations
commence. At one o'clock the bugle again
sounds, the professors dismiss their respective
stations, the cadets form ranks opposite the bar
racks and march to dinner. Between eleven and
! one a part of the cadets are occupied in riding
i and others in fencing daily. After dinner they
have until two o'clock for recreation and from
two to four they arc in recitations. At Jour o'
clock the bugle sounds, and they go cither to
battalion e.r light artillery drill. These exerci
ses last an hour and a half. After that they de
Totc the time to recreation until paraelc, which
takes place at sunset. After parade they form
into rank in front of llic barracks, and the names
of the delinquents are read by an officer of the
cadets. Supper comes next, and after supper re- J
creation until eight o'clock, when the Luglesounds J
to call to quarter, ant every cadet must be found !
in his room within a few minutes at study, and
must remain there thus employed until half-past
nine the bugle again sounds, tliis is called tatto ;
and at ten the drum taps aud every cadet mist
be in bed, having his light extinguished, atd
must remain there until morning. If duriug the
night the cadet is fouud to be absent from hi$
room more than tlurty minutes,, and does not
give a satisfactory account of himself charges are
preferred against him, and he is court-martialed.
Tl, ,u -r -4ivoiwguuiiKS HUU 01 loiKiei o
is strictly repudiated, so arc playing at chess
wearing whiskers, and a great many other things.
The punishment to which cadets are liable are
privation of recreation, &c, extra hours of eluty,
reprimands, arrests, or confinement to his room
or tent ; confinement in light prison, confinement
in dark prison, dismission with the privilege of
resigning, and public dismission.
Through the months of July and August the
cadets are encamped and during the encampment
the instructions is exclusively military-.
The only furlough allowed to cadets is two
months when they are in tlie third class.
The pay of the cadets is twenty-four dollars
per month, and thcboarel costs him ten of this.
Krom the balance he is required to dress and de
fray his other expenses, and he is prohibited from
contracting debts without.
As tlie reward for his labor and de-privation,
the cadet acquires an excellent education, in
mathematics, better probably than he can get at
any other institution in the country. The train
ing here of both body and minel is very thorough
and complete.
' Summer, like some cpieenly matron with loose
and flowing mantle, has swept gracefully by.
The curtain has fallen on her final worels, and
now the golden haired Autumn leads the old man
Winter on the stage. With faltering step and
thin white locks he totters forward. His long
and heavy robe he holds closely - folded over his
spare and shivering breast, and his cold white
teeth chatter in the frost y air. His eyes are clear
and liard and gray, his voice cracked and sharp
and thin, aud his beard bespangled with the fro
zen dew drops. At his approach the earth seems
to shrink and crouch, the very heavens to lift
themselves up, and the stars to recede farther in
to the blue depths above. Before his chilly breath
the branches grow bare, the feathered songsters
cease their merry notes, the music of the mur
muring waters arc hushed, and all nature, as in
respect to his old age, Incomes more thoughtful
and silent. With an unmoved face an unmois
tened eye, he looks upon the bleak and desolate
earth, and totters on. Few to consider his stor
my brow and wasted checks would thiuk him
kind ; but in the old mau's lreart there are many
warm and cozy corners. While the bleak winds
whistle cold and clear, lifting his snowy lock in
their rude caress while over his brow breaks no
smile, and his outward seeming bespeaks the
death of life, the waste of joy, yet within there
may le found summer and music birds which
sing a cherry song, anel fountains that gush with
happiness. , He brings not with him frowns and
chilling blasts alone but also the bright warm
firesiele, the dear old books, and the gay gather
ings of youths, and be-auty as well. And to him,
who hath the twin-flower of life growing at his
side, to bloom in the sunshine and nestle closer
in the storm, how fleet the moments fly. Like
Tarthcnia for the rude son of the forest, she will
44 sing sweet songs, and tell brave tales," and in
the melody of the lukelike voice, time rides a
dashing race. Around the frozen brow of nature,
love binds its brightest garland, and sunlight in
the frown of winter seeks its refuge in the he-art.
With unsteady ste-p he will soon go his way, aud
the bright-eyed youth, whom they call Spring,
with a song on his lips and a wreath on his brow,
will trip gaily forth and bid the world good mor
row. Nashville (laz
Lindley Murray.
It is not generally known that this 44 prince of
English grammarians" ws an American, and
born within tho present limits of Lebanon coun
ty. He was born ia the 3-car 1745, on the Swa
tara, in East Hanover township, then Lancaster,
now Lclanon county. His father was a miller, j
and followed that eiccupation when Lindley was I
born, but afterwards elevoted his attention to i
mercantile pursuits, and amassed a considerable i
fortune by trading to the Wet Intlios. Lindley i
was the eldest of twelve children, and when about S
years of age was sent to Philadelphia, that
he micht have the benefit of a better education
than could be had at Swatara. He studied law
in New York, and at the age of twenty-two was
called to the lor, where hegnined for himself the
reputation of an '44 honest lawyer." His 44 Gram-
mar of the English Lammase" was composed in
c 1
Emrlatid.-in 1704. and miblishcd in the snrinr of
1795, many millions of copies of wliich have been
sold.- He resideel forty-two years in England,
most of which time he was an invalid. He com
posed many other works besitlcs his Grammar.
He died in 1826, in a village in Yorkshire,
of ei-htv years old. He is represented
stian and a philanthropist. He left leg-
j upward:
I as a christ
! ae-ics to a numlx-r of relatives and friends, and
! sums of money to many religious societies. He
j also direcf eel that the residue of his property, nf
I tc r the death of his wife (a New Yeirk lady, his
I 44leloved and affectionate Hannah," who had
j been his companion for sixty years,) should le
I elevoted to pious anel Tienevolent uses. ' He was a
Quaker, and intei reel in a burying ground of that
f sect, in the city of York, 44 far
i fatherland."' ' ' ': ''
f-om friend and
The Lioueir Law has been defeated in Wis-
Longevity of Great Men.
From the advance sheets of 44 The Art of pro
longing Life" In press by Tickner, Reed and
Academicians, in respect to longevity, have
been particularly distinguished. I need mention
only the venerable Fontenelle, who wanted but
one year of a hundred, and that Nestcr, Formey,
both perpetual secretaries, the former of the
French, and the latter of the Berlin Acaele-my.
We find, also, many instances of long life
aw-v-' ; ;,
tya continual intercourse with youth may con
tribute some thing towards our renovation and
Bjit poets aud artists ; in short all those fortu
naUmorlals whose principal occupation leads
them to be conversant with the sports of fancy
an self created worlds, and whose whole life, in
theproperest sense, is an agreeable dream, have
a jhrticular claim to a place in the history of lon
gevity. We have already seen to what a great
agf, Anacreon, Sopocles, and Finder attained.
Yojing, Voltaire, Bodmer, Ilaller, Melastasion,
Gtym, L'tz, and Oeser, all lived to be very eId.
the following short list of the ages of distin
guished men may le interesting to the reader in
tbid place; for a more complete catalogue, ar
ranged according to the classes of science and lit
erature upon which they shed their light, he is
referred to Madden's 44 Infirmities of Cn-nius."
Fen don
LA Fontaine
.r2)Roger Bacon
. 84
Gl Claude
C2 West
G4 Ilershell
G6 Anacreon
G9 Voltaire
70. Teu wenhoec
70i Hans Sloene
TliMichacl Angelo
75 Herodias
75j Fontenelle
"Our Home."
Horace Grcly conclueles a recent agricultural
address in the followiug beautiful st3de :
44 As for me, long tosseel on the stormiest
waves of doubtful conflict and arduous endeavor,
I have begun to feel, since the shades of forty
3-ears fell upon me, the weary tempest driven
voyager's longing for land, the wanderer's j-car-ning
for the hamlet where in childhood he nestled
by his mother's knee, and was soothe-d to sleep
on her breast. The solier down-hill of life dispels
many illusions wltile it developes or strengthens
within us the attachment, perhaps long smother
ed or overlaid, for 44 that elear hut, our home."
And so I, in the sober afternoon of life, when its
sun, if not high, is still warm, have bought me
a few acres of land in the broad, still country, and
bearing thither my household treasures, have re
solved to steal from the City's labors and anxie
ties at least one d3' in each week, whe-rein to re
vive as a farmer the memories of 103' childhood's
humble home. And already I realize that the
experiment cannot cost so much as it is worth.
Already I find in that day's quiet and antidote
and a solace for the feverish, fvstormg cares of the
weeks which environ it. Already my brook
j murmurs a sewthing, even-song to iy binrmg,
j throbbing brain : and my trees, pcutly stirred 03
: the fresh breezes, whisper to 1113- spirit something
j of the-ir own quiet strength and patient trut in
j God. And thus do I faintly realize, but for a
brief and flitting da3-, the serene joy which shall
irradiate the Farmer's vocation, whert a fuller
and truer Education shall have refined and chas
tened his animal cravings, anel when Science
shall have endowed him with her treasures, re
deeming Labor from drudgery while quadrupling
its efficiency, and crowning with beauty and
plenty, our bounteous, bencficient Earth.
Romantic Marriage.
On the hist trip of the steamer Sonora, one of
those little episodes of life occurred which is bo-
3'ond those ordinary transactions that make the j
sum total of human existence. At an early hour i
as we arc informed, this fleet and noble sttamer
! lniSIlt ,,ave xen sco rearing the town of Green-
' v,l,c- xnc anxious iooks exenangeu oeiween
j many'of her passengers, portended that there was
j something extraordinary about to occur. AVas
! j1 a cai!e of cl'lcra ? or had some one's pocket
j ,xcn ViC ? vorc the exclamations of those who
1 Sinv' tut ""t comprehend the mystery. At
, iViV--..., , .1 .1 ...
! lengiu ine matter was expiainea oy tnc announce-
ment that if there was a Judge, Justice or Par-
son on board, his services were required. Every
one breathed easier, for now it was a clear case of
matrimonv, and that too 44 on the wing." This
' important functionary was soon found in the t or
! of Judge Barnett. who being on his way to
1 Greenville, upon King Inlroeluce-d to the couple,
eleclarcd his readiness to solemnize the bans on
the arrival of the steamer at that place. Every-
body was happy, for a wcelding is always a joy-
ful event, whatever the consequences may be
that resi ilt frr.m it. Tn fi-w minutes tho Txa,
arrived, and after she was fairlv landed, the fa-
mous 4 shepherd hoy," Thomas G. Noel; of Jef-
crson, led forth from the ladies' cabin the beau-
ulul a,'a accomplished .Miss l-vcna .-iinou, ui
Evansville, attended by the charming Miss V.,
1 r 1- Ci -
of New Orl.-;inK. and a rentleman from France.
I when hi.i Honor, in the presence of a hundred
' passenger, awed into FpecchlovS silence by his j
impressive' manner, procrcded in the -4 lcau
t if ul formula" of judical rite to make tin m one,
and sealing their vows at his command 44 salute
the bride," uttered with distine-t measured tones,
the breathless stillness was broken 13' the simul
taneous echoes from a hunelrcd tongues, 44 long
live in blissful happine-ss the wedded pair." The
steamer immediately unloosened her moorings,
and Captain La Barge, with becoming liberalil3',
had a feast prepareelas was a fe-ast, while a 4 few'
bottles of champagne buffered, and all went hap-
3cVras sTrTnterl, fcff theYamlEL n
City linked in golden chains, to pursue one life
and one pathway. May that life and pathway,
be to them ever unclouded. St. Louis JUpvb
licun. '
A Thief in a Trap.
Tlie Evansville (Ia.) Journal gies an account
of a curious attempt at robbery in that 0413-. It
seems thot a few iMghls ago the Rev. Mr. McCa
rer, of Evansville, was disturbed twice iu the
course of tlie night by a noise about the house.
Upon making his second tliorough search, he
tracked the noise to the chimney. A close ex
amination convinced him that some owl or other
wild animal had taken up quarters there for the
night. In a trul3' unchristian spirit, he resolved
to burn the intruder out, when what was his sur
prise, as the big volumes of smoke and name roll
ed up the chinnw-, to hear a half-stifled voice
proceed from the flue, imploring him to 44 put out
the fire." The fire was immediately quenched,
the city- marshal was se-nt for, and the occupant
of the chimney, who turned out to be a strapping
thief, was hoisted out eif Ids nest by means of a
strong rope, lie confessed that he had leen par
ticularly struck with the appearance of a fine
watch which Mr. MeCarcr, had worn, and had
resolved in this vr&y to gain an entrance and ap
propriate the same for his own use. Unfortu
nately for himself, he forgot to measure the size
of the chimney beforehand, and on arrivingat the
bottom of it, found himself in a sort of cul de sac.
The apperature was too small for him to pass
through, and all his attempts to ascend proved
fruitless. It was the noise he made in trying to
return which aroused his captors.
Bill Leach's Dream.
Bill Leach, (who, by the way, can always be
found at his rauchc, corner of Concord and Jay
streets, Brooklyn, cocked and primed with all
the luxuries that thirst or appetite ma3" elesire,)
tells a good one, as follows :
41 Some t eais ago," says Bill, 44 1 was sick with
the measles; (ugh, did you ever have them?)
During my illness 4 1 dreamt a dream' a singu
lar one too. I dreamed that I had died, and went
where the good folks go Heaven of course. A
short time after my arrival at 1113- new home, an
old gentleman, carrying in one hand a large bun
dle of ke3'S, and whom I took to be St. Peter,
from the description I had re-ad of him, came up
to me, and with a good natuivd smilv illumina
ting his phiz, says he :
44 Young man what's your name ?"
44 William Ich, tir,"I answered.
44 Leach? Leach ?" mumble-el the eld gentle
man to himself. " Jlr. Iach," he resumed,
44 where arc you from ?"
4 From Brooklyn, sir," I repeated.
44 my young friend," says St. Peter,
44 not Brookl3-n you're mistaken."
44 No, sir, I am not I was lorn in Brooklyn,
and always lived there," I answcreel.
44 Brooklyn Brooktyn let me sec," says St.
Peter, drawing the palm of his Iknd over his
C3-CS, and then down over his face evident- try
ing to call to his mind some name long sin-e for
gotten. 44 Young man," he resumed, ' are you certain
that tire name of the place is Brooklyn V
44 Yes, sir, of course I am."
"Where is it located?"
44 In the Unite-d States State of New York
countt- of Kings directly opjositc New York
city-," I answered.
44 Here, point it out to me," says St. Peter, at
the same time handing mc a map of the State of
New York.
I, of course, did so very readily-, which nston
i she-el the old gentleman, and lie 4 acknowledged
the corn.
44 Well, vouncr man," savs he, 44 1
was never
more astonished in 1113- life-."
44 Wli3' so, sir ?" I asked.
44 From this fitct, sir : so long as I have had
cliarge of this department, I have never known
a man, woman, or child to enter Heaven, irho
kiU from Brooklyn!"
Gen, Leslie Coombs on Story Telling.
tew men uae "erp '
, more fun and ppularity than the Hon. Leslie
Coombs, of Kentucky. In the way of anecdote,
j he is unequalled, while his mode cf tolling stories
j imparts a tone to them that 110 one can apprecr
i ate who has not made his acquaintance.
I 4l. ..1... ............. o (k.i ff WmKc
-""""S'" ...
that Mr. Coombs
j knows like a book, is old Major J.uckey, whose
j taste for bragging amounts at tunes 10 Use sun-
', lime. Whe never the Major has a stranger in the
, neighborhood, he 44 opens wide and spreads him-
- ' self." with a success that leaves us nothing ;
; to desire. Tlie following scene toe.k place be-
I tween the Major and Col. Peter, 4- a lato arrival :
from Illinois :". I
; " Major, I understand from Gen. Coombs, that
', shortly after the Revolution you visited England; j
how did you like the jaunt ?" j
1 44 Canitallv ! I had not hecn iu London five j
hours before Rex sent lor mc to play whjst, and
a elevil of a time we had of it !' .
, 44 Rex ! what Rex ?"
. - . . .
C K I.'nv t hit K - fl . AjTrJk 4 In li. vJ ha
, " j . "-, ".-".. w.....
game earn off at Windsor Castle-Rex and
.... . . .... - .
Plaved against isilly rut ami r.elwant iurKe
and resulted rather comically.
44 Hcwho ?'
4 As we were playing the lasfcgame. Rex iI
in rather a familiar manner, Major, I suppose
you know George Washington, the Father of hi.
country.' FaAiicr be d d,' says he, he wa
a cursed rell, aud had I served him right, he
would be hung long ago.' Tlds of course ri'.c-i
mc, and to that degree, that I just drew beck,
and gave him a blow between the eyes, that fell
ed him hke a bullock. Tho next moment Pitt
and Burke mounted me, and in leas than tea
minutes 1113' shirt and breeches wc:e so torn and
tattered, that I looked hke Iazarus. This gave
the next moruiKgl 'sri VairSoi 'sCtolr.wA on
weeks afterwards I landed at Washington. The
first person I met, after entering tho city- was
Q ?"
44 Q ! what Q !"
44 Why, that d d old federalist. Quin-y Ad
ams. He wanted me to play uiuepine with him."
and I did so. Won 8200 at two shillings gems,
and then had a row."
44 About what ?"
44 He wanted to pay me oITia Continental nuri
ey, worth alout a shilling a peck. I got angry,
and knocked him into a spittoon. Whilst I still
had him down, Jim came in and dragged me off
to the White House."
'What Jim?"
44 Why. Jioi Madison. I went, played cuehre
for two hours, when Tom came In and insntc 1
that I should go home with him."
44 What Tom ?"
44 Why, Tom Jefferson. Jim, however, would
not listen to it, and tho oon.equouco was that
they went into a fight. Iu the midst of it they
fell over the banisters, and dropped about fifty
feet. When I loft they were giving each other
hell in the coal cellar. How it terminated
I never could learn, as just then Martha came in.
find said I mu6t accompany her up to Mount
Vernon, to sec George
44 What Martha do you nie-an?"
44 Martha Washingtem, wife of George, tho old
boy that give Jessy to the He.isians."
About here, Coombs said the stranger btf an
to discover that he was 44 sw allowing things."
The next stage that came along he took passage
in it for an adjacent town. The Majer, we be
lieve, is still living, and si ill believes that the
walloping he gave Ixmis the Eightcen-h is tlie
d st lMt thing on record. .N'ctr York Dt:h-
Dick Dailey'B Slump Speech.
Feller Cithens : This wc a day for the pop
erlation of Boonville, like a boblaile-d pullet on a
ricket3' hen roost, to be lookin' up. A crLiia
have arriven, and aomeihinV bust. What are
we ? Here it is, and I d stand lcre and ex pirate
from now till the days of the synagogues, if j-ou'd
but whoop for Dick Daiiey.
Fclkr Citizrns Jerusalem's to pay, an'we
hain't got an3' pitch. Our hyperbolical nd ma
jestic canal of creation has unshipied he-r rudder,
and the captain's broke his nwk. and the cook 's
div to the depths of the vasty deep in search of
dimuns ? Our wigwam 's torn to pieevs like s
shirt on a bush fence, and cities of tliose trc lat
itudes is vanishing in a blue flame. Are such
things to be did ? I ask you in the name of the
American Eagle who was whipped by the shaggy
headed lion, and now sits on the magnetic tele
graph, if such doings is going to be conglomera
ted ? I repeat to you in the name of the jic-acocW
of Lilrf-rty, when he's flcwin over the cloud cab
ped summits of the Rocky Mountains, if we'
goin' to lie extemporaneously btgdagged in thie
fashion ?
44 Oh answer me.
Iet mc not blush in ignorance."
as Shakcspcal says. Shall we lie bamlxtozleified
with such unmitigated oudaciousness ? Methinks
I can licar you yelp No, sir, c-c-c, hosfly !
Then 'lect mc to Kongrcss, aud tliarll be a rev
olution sartain'.
Feller Citizens If I Was standkn' on the ada
mantine throne of Jupiter, and the lightning was
flashing around mc, I'd continue to sptut ! I'm
full of bilin' lather of Mount Ebny, and I won't
be quenched 1 I've sprung a leak, and mubt
howl like a bear with a sore head. Flop t ge'thcr
jump into ranks and bear mc through.
Filler Citizens Y'li know mc, and Mast my
i ,tre if 1 wvin1 cl irV in -er liLn l.rirk dust to
"4"'- " " -
a bar of soap. YMiar s my opponent: ro
whar! 1 was brought up among ye, feller citi
zens, and pappcvl in a school house, but he can't
get round me with his highfalutm big word.
Quasha. albran o1 catnip, Br.izr.el, Kogloeacy,
and Ramus Bay, what do y-ou think o' that ?
'JB 44 Go it porkie root bog or die,"
as Shakcspca! said when Cie.-ar stabbed him in
u. HUse Mlcprccmativcs.
j FcUer Citizens 'Lect me to KongrviS., and. Mi
1; ,na(i .logs, muskee-U-rs, bad. cests sud go,
. ;u fur tlic Rnnn,iiatloi 0f niggers, camp mcctins
, aml ja-lls j'ji repuelia'e cv a,nd, suhtiubyr.,
: iawxi n jta vc KW rwisy ' every uv, Sunday s
; - ... . , .
excepted, and llekeT la Splints, ve
: f c;i;7Cn, n.-ot iue to Koncress, and I shall
lx, tQ i,vcaun m the sublime hxA. tcrilic Ian-
j ,- f vonaparte. when ni cachin in the wil-
; denicS;.
UiohardV kwiself apra'"."'
Oit, then, onward to the polls 44 gallop apace
fkry-Oted steeds," and let the welkin ring
nti-pasuiodicyclU for Ikylty!
44 Hence, ye Brutus ! broad axe and glory J"
Ixt's lickcr,
CCTTlie Ne w Yeirk Herald says Voc
1 . ... -il V il
on f;mcy slocks m that ony u'U tmr im
j months, have not l-n less than three million4! of
i ! dollars.
. ... x,,
C Thc New Wk Courier .ays that the
. o..i,.i,,rii,iit iitv in iictrinninr to imrreve.
, cy .'... y r .
i Good paper is becoming scarce, and the ratv rf
leading ilovnward