5.A r. " ' DEMOCRAT AND :SENTIXEL LOCAL ITEKS. Visit of the Nuncio. Our town tras this morning honored by the ' Papal Nuncio, Mon?ignore Bedim, accompanied j Et. Rev. Michael O'Conner, Bishop elect of Erie, Dr. ITaydonv ofBedfoid, and the Rev. Messrs. Walsh, McCullcugh, Jos. Gallagher, Corbet, and aome others. . Bishop O'Conner pronounced a discourse char acterized by his usual ability : after which the 'Nuncio made some remarks in the French Lan- gunge, which were translated into English by his Secretary : and the Nuncio then pronounced the benediction upon the Congregation. We are warrant ed in saying that the impres sion made by Mons. Btdini upon our citizens ha been most favorable. lie is a man of remar kably prepossessing personal appearance ; appa J rently in the flower of his age ; judging from his . remarks this morning lie possesses oratorical abilities of a high order ; his elocution clear, dis " tinct and forcible, accompanied with all the ani mation and grace of gesture peculiar to his native lan'd. During the afternoon he was waited upon at the residence of FaI. Shoemaker, Esq., by ma . i of the members of the bar in attendance at 'court, and by many other citizens. On yesterday (Thursday) the Nuncio was in Loretto, on Wednesday at Sumniitvillc, and proceeds this Afternoon to Youngstown. The Court. Tecbsdat, Dec. 8. The Court is engaged to day in trying the ease of the Commonwealth vs. A. C. Mullin and Charles Albright, Esqrs. for li bel against Col. John Piper of Blair Count-. The case is still in progress, and the result, therefore, as yet unknown. Thereare many wit nesses for the Commonwealth, present ; able counsel is employed on both sides, and considera ble interest is manifested by the public gener ally. As usual on court week, our town is full of cit izens from the country, and of others from all quarters. Clothiers, Jewelers, Booksellers, Ptd lers, &c, are busy at every corner giving the peo ple's rn'ney lack. The weather is firm, and ehould it continue all winter as now, we would agree to forgive old Boreas for past hostilities, and swear or affirm that the mountain climate is ne flu ultra the finest under heaven. Admitted. On Monday last Alexander C. Mullin, Esq., and Charles D. Murray, Esq., were admitted to practice law in the several Courts of this County. These young gentleman, we have been-told, both passed brilliant examinations before their committee. They both possess that courtesy, ability, and high moral tone which foretoken a highly prosperous career. They have our best wishes for their success. William A. Murray, Esq., a young, talented and gentlemanly member of the bar of Indiana county, was also admitted at this bar this week. 2 Our town has been full of "straugers this week, our court being in session. The Jefferson and Ebensburg Plank Road has done a smashing business.. The Hack Lines of Major Hamilton, and Messrs. Thompson &. Brawley, have been running full all week. Mp.Charles O'Neill, accominodaed the citizens from the north of the county, by running a Hack between Ebensburg and Carrolltown. We think that this weeks experience will give an impetus to Plank Road movements. The Ladies Wreath and Parlor Asxcal for December has made its appearance. It is em belished with a steel "engraving of "The Repri mand," which, if we arc not mistaken, appeared in Graham's Magazine five or six years ago : it also contains a beautiful drawing of a Tulip. The reading is choice aud interesting. Published at No. 8, Spruce St., New York by Burdock & Reed. The Cambria Tribune. We have received the first number of the Cam bria Tribune, published at Johnstown, Pa., by James M. Swank, Esq. It is decidedly a neat paper; the editorials are well written, evincing a high order of talent in its editor. MARKETS. - CORRECTED WEEKXT BY TfDOR AND EGBERTS. . EuiiNSBL-Ku, Friday, Dec. 'J, 1853. Flour per bbl. 57 25 Wheat perbush. . 1 25 Bye, 75 Corn, " C2 Oats, 374 Potatoes, 50 Butter per lb. 12 a 13 Eggs, doz. - 12 Buckwheat per bush. 50 Hay per Ton. 10 a 12 Wood per cord, 1 50 Coal per bushel, 07 Chesnuts per bushel, 1 25 T! Pittskcko, Thursday, Dec. 8. The market yesterday was generally ery qui et, ana very lew sales were reported. J he w en- i ther was clear and pleasant for the season. I Flock The only sales we heard of were 20 j Lhls. on the wharf at 5.80 for superlinc, and 43 bbls. extra at $5,87 per bbl. Grain' Theie were 25(1 bu. Corn (in ears) j sold on the-wharf at 4Gc ier bu. Oats are in do- inand at 4Uc : Wheat at SI, 10 a 1,20 ; Itjc 70 a j 75 : and llarlov at 05c per bu. ' Dried Frtit Sales 10 bbls. Apples at'l,t'G, ' and 28 bu. Peaches at l.f2 per bu. J Appi.es Sale of 20 bbls. from store at 51,75 : per bbl. j Salt Sales GO bbl. extra at 1,05, and 500 ' bbls. No 1 at 187 per bbl. j Rock Lit rb Sale of 3 bbls. 5c per bl. j Hat Sales 10 loads at the scales at $10 a 13 j per ton. i Butter Sale of 10 bbls. roll from store at 14c j per lb. Packed iu bbls. and kegs is worth 12 a 12 i per lb. SIMMLIHIIIIM. URLWCRY. HE undersigned would rsspcctfully inform the citizens of Cambria nnd the adj-oiinng coun ties that he has commenced the Brewiug in its branches at the HALF WAY HOUSE, in Summer bill Township, Cumbria County. He will all titues be in readiness to supply bis customers fith Alef Strong and Lager BELlt. CEO. 1IUET1IOR. Dec. 9, 1853. 3m. LirrTixr;. PROPOSALS will be received nt the Commission ers efiico. until Monday the 0th of December next, for delivering 7f0 bushels of Cord at the Coutt House, and Hf Cords of Wood at the Jail. J?v order of the Hoard. M. I1ASSOS. Cb-ik. MiilJ IStcf I. CAM E to the resident--.- ot tiie subscriber in Clear field township, niiuut llie ;;iat of October, a red r.ud white Muley Hull, supposed ti be : years o! I last Spring, w ith three legs white to the knees, a slar in bis frt bead, and a white shipe across the shoulders. The owner is requested to route forward, prove property, tiav charges, and take him i awnv, otherwise be will be disposed of according to law. Joseph wilt. Nov. 19t!i, 185.J. (."EELFOBD. Surgeon Dentist, informs the that helms returued to Hollidavsburir. iituieutly located iu the office be occupied diirilis late visit, (one door west of llewit's SterdAllegkeny et., where be will be pleased to fta to nnv operations iu bis profession. All worie by him will be warranted. iliysuurg, August "b. lSod, attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa., llrl-actiee in the several courts of Cambria, 11 i and Huntingdon counties. Germans can consid receive advice in their owu laugiiage. Ollpposite the Court House, formerly occu pied I. E- .Iol.;itnii, Esq. K'JrT, h'lTimrv J, :v. .ttorncy at Law, Ebensburg-, Pa. "VT practice in the several Courts of O.m t ?ria, El air, and Huntingdon counties. ('flic main street two doers vest of the stori -lurray, Zabtn &. Co. l'c-iuisjlvauia JIail Ruad. IlUOM and after this date Passengers taking seats in the cars without tickets, at stations where there is a ticket otlice, will be charged ten Cuts extra. W. V. lVOUY, Aoc-i.t J'o.n. It. 11. Co. ' Summit, Julv 2S, 1853 S'J. M If' t)IEO, In Philadelphia, on Tuesday, Dec. G, Puilip ; P. Gkop.GE, aged about 20 3 ears. ' The deceased was a son of Taul George, of Washington township, in this county, and w as j well and favorably known throughout our county; wherever known he had many frieuds. Con sumption had been gradually wearing down his system. Some few weeks ago. he left his home in company with his brother, F. M. dcorge, Esq., hoping that a voyage to Cuba, and a sojourn iu that balmy climate during the winter months would restore him, but on reaching; Savannah, Ga., his physician advised him to return. His remains were interred in the burial ground at Summitvillc. VALl'.lHEE Its: A I. LSTAIK FUK SALE.- . JT1HE undersigned offers at private sale the Farm JL (known as the M'Coy Farm,) about 2 miles North East of Ebensburg, adjoining lands of Patrick F arren, John D. Jones and others, now in the ocoipuney of K. 11. Humphreys, containing one hundred and sixty-eight acres and some perches, about one hundred cleared and under good fence. There are erected thereon one two story Dwelling- House, A gofld Bank Bam, with convenient Sheds and out Houses. There is a liood Orcliand of various Fruit Trees on the place. A good spring of water couveuient to the house, au I a Fountain Pumn at. the door Water iu almost every field. ALSO One lot of ground with two small bouses erected thereon, and now in the occupancy of Mrs. C. Humphreys, at the loot of Plane Mo. 5, A. 1'. It. P.oad. IfefAn Indisputable title will be given fur the above property. TERMS reuViuab'.c. JUHX HUMPHREYS. Summit, Dec. G, 185:5. STE- C. UALI.OWKDL, T. J1KLM, . OlTKNIiEIMKn, L. II. I'll I'.NS. II. 1. 1'itouits:ii, wltli t ins. iiAL,jLuwa:L.L. & t o. HOLES ALE Hat anil Cap Manufacturers. Furs. Straw GooJs aud Hatters Iruumiugs No. 17U .Market Street, Phi!adelj)hia. lcc. 0, 1803. U" II. w. 14 1. ACS A 'Si UNITED STATES HOTEL, Depot, Harrisburg, Pa. Dec. 0. 1853. Adnms &, Co's Impress, W.W. IvorytCo., Agents, ""7"11' forward r.U packages of goods or money. V V dailyexcept Sunday, to nil the princa! cities in the Union, and all towns on the Kail Knad between Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. Drafts cl lected from (!:iliforiiia. lrafts sold on Irelaid, England o" Scotland, from 1 upwards. Money for drafts must be par. Summit, July 2?. IS'Z 30. A Paper for your Family, New Series Hew At tractions Hew Type. T5IK II033I: JOI RXAL, for 1S5 I. j IN conseiiucnce of the gn at continually inereas ! ing demand for tli!3 elegantly-printed, widely j circulated, and universally popular Family News I paper, we have, heretofore, been unable to furnSl ! tnc back iiumners to only a very limited extent. To avoid this disappointment in future, wc shall on the fir.-t ot January next, print such an inereas ed edition as will enable us to supply new subscri, bers from that date. I'esides the original produc tions of the Editors the Foreign and Dorncstii Correspondence of a b-.rge list of contributors ths spice of the European Magazines the selection; of the most interesting publications of the Jay tie brief novels the pbpiant stories the sparking wit and amusing anecdote the news ami gossip f the Parisian papers tho personal sketches of pub lic characters the stirring scenes of the world ve live in the chronicle of the news for ladies tie fashions and fashionable gossip the facts aid outlines of news the pick of English infoi-matim the wit, humor and pathos of the times the ei says on life, literature, society and morals, and tit usual variety cf careful choosings from the wi'ue--ness of English periodical literature, criticism:, poetry, etc. several new and attractive features of remarkable interest will enrich and give valie to the new series of the work. Terms. For one copy, ; for three copies, or one copy for three years, sfcj uhvnys in al vniicc. Subscribe without delay. Address, MOUKIS & WILLIS, 107 Fulton St., N. V. JA3:iKIA IIOI'.SE. Jeffe-rson, Cambtia County, Pennsylvania, JOII.V KKAWLEY, I'ropi ietor. rTltlE Proprietor of this new Hotel would ris JL pectfully inform the public that lie has it novr open, and ready for the accommodation M guests. No pains or expense lias bee n spared hi the furnishing and arranging of this House; nud the building itself being new, commodious r.id convenient, it will be found a pleasant place of so journ for travellers nnd hoarders. HIS EAR will at all times be supplied with tht best of Wines and Liquors, nnd HIS TAIJLE wi!i contain every delicacy the Market can allord. The j beds are new and good, nnd the health, ease ami ! comfort of his guests will be tntiringly studied. HOARDERS will be taken by the week on rea sonable terms. An attentive Ostler will always lie in attcn- Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. "t"S t. practice in the several Courts of Caai- V j.i, Indiana, ami Westmoreland counties. OffieitCeiitre St., joining Gen. M'Douald's dwell- g. Jaf, IS',1. lv. E. leill.tno.i, .., attorney at Law, rbenEbur", Pa., "TirL practice in the several Courts of Cam- Via, li'air and Indiana counties. Ail pro- L.IST OF HKTAILLIIS OF Goods nnd Merchandize in the county of Cam bria, for the year ltuo, designating those who have, and those who hsvc uot, taken out Licences. PublUhed iu l'ursnauco of the Act of Assembly, approved the Jtb day of March, 18-J2. Joseph Todd, not taken out. John & W. Diincnn. Distillery, do do Aloitsius Marts, 1A. only, tithcii out David Piifdi. dv. do :ut tnkeu out. Kniauual Si.itzbrick, Liquor, dj do Moore & Roberts, do do O'Neill & Cairo. 1, do do R. N. Packiild, Uu da Petrr tt ieble, L'.juor only, d j do Martin Schr-te, Eitwery, dj do ( Daui-.d Litiner, Li juor, do do j Roger .iiiels, tin ! do ! John Zt rbe, d. Jo i Wi'.li:im Lt;i"u.u-.". la' . cut. I P. Shiels. I Oail.-iguer, tin ! Hugh McMuiien, do 1 Hubert Folks, Ere-wciy, do Kbey, Mathews & Co., do .Viidrew Smith, Liquor oi.ly, d-j .tig. Power, io do - lo Win. Bverlv. Piewerv. 'o Lot t:iktti out. lj do d) do .). fessi i pron t i:iiu .tl.liu S! reel tui 0111 m" n : a u e: i.ii" uoue. urg. July 1, 1803 2ti-om El business entrusted ta his care will be attended to. LTll, J. c. 1EW WM TKIIKY. Geo. AV. Todd, !! Cartitli, Terrs' &. Ie, 'M STERS nnd Wholesale Jobbers in English, an and Domestic HARDWARE, Guns, FistoV'aiters, Ac. loituKET Stkeet, between 4th & -rth. riUL ADEjHA. Sept. 2, lS-OU.-Sm. ciRts i ii:itsisi., o Ja Attorney at Law, Johnstown; Pa. tl'E 011 Clinton street, in the Second ood & Pershing's Store Room. y 3", IS jI ly. ;torv Casper Fox, Peer House, taken out. Patrick P.r.irken, LbjU'-r & Deer, do do Cnmbriii Iron Co., lien's Creek Ftirn::ce, do do Mi'.loreek Furnace, do do famlrla " .la Leonard Caste. Li'uoor only, cot taken out. Stiles, Allen & Co., do do Canan & Urothrs. do do John Kingston, Liquor, taVen out. Thomas M'Cabc, do do do John Reed, do tiot tftken out. John Dollar, do do ei 0 Edward Cashman, d do do John Pierson, l.ecr Hous, taken out. Adain Stein, do do not taken cut. Joseph Allwine, do do do do do da Ten-pin Alley, do do Karnes &. LYotln rs. Leer House, do do .sboemakt r & Clark, do do Edward Roberts, do do Murray, Zahm i Co. Li iuor, do do Evans Ov Hughes, do do Tudor lii Roberts, do do M. 2 ASSO.V, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta. OH E in the Court House, ud stairs, fr.' '1 J. 1H,:J. O'l lABKAH.IM KOI'ELn, lAttorney at Lrw Johnstown, Pa. ICE on Clinton Street, n few doors north of the corner of Main and Cl'.ntou. App, lbCC "X tfLESALE dealers in Wine tirul I.i'jvjrr, r r bich thej' are prepared to furnish cheap to merclts nnd hotel keepers. Warehouse 2'jS, Mark.street. Philadelphia, Pa. FcL'. 1803 ly. KEY ale by W bite Lead, nnd Linseed Oil for J. MOO HE. j t. i iis:yek, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. OTlCE on Main street, two doors east of the iho Office. ly M il lo. T highest price pai'l lor wool at the stoic GF.O. J. RODC.ERS. of , Attorney at Law, Ebeiibburg, Pa. OS F. Kitted, J. Moore, Liquor, Davis &. Lloyd, George J. Roilgers, F. Schneider, Liquor orb-, E. Hughes, Win. Milii, Jr., Wm. Murray, Geo Murray, 15. Kohler, Liquor only, John Sawyer, Liquor, Kurtz Martz, Liquor only, John Oater, Deer House, Geo. Hcuther & Co., llrewery Joseph Cans & Co , John fc. l'ucbanan, W. C. Lewis, S. L. Gorgas & Co., E. A. Vickroy, 1 Good ,v Pershing, Jacob Frouheiscr, Liquor, o. W. swauk, When i Walters, Liquor, II. Kratzer, G. P. Luckhar It, Levy, Retlly Jic Co., C. Durgralt, Liquor, A. Marbourg i Co., Johnston & Edson. Kratzer & Sheridan, M. Weigert 4: Co., John Parks, Jane Thodou, Liquor, only, J. M. King, John Dinert, Conrad Suppes, Samuel Dtiusla. Win. U irndollar, Liquor, A. J. Loht, Liquor, only, Geo. Ctipp, '' " Henry l'rown, ' " j A. Fockler, Deer House, I Jacob FcnJ, do do do do do do do do do do do do do two doors West of Major Thompson's at the Kail ltoad I dance, and the stabling will be found good. Nov. lb, 180C. riMlOLSTERIXG. W. C. JSlack, I ES PECTFULLY informs the citizens of Holl't V. daysburg and vicinity that be will remain in ttiis place for a few weeks and holds himself iu readiness to manufacture Hair, Straw nnd Husk Ma trashes and Lounges, and do the general up bolstering work of houses, sucb as hanging cur tains, carpeting rooms, &c. He will also repair Solas, &.c. He may be found either at the Exchange Hotel or at McFarluud A Sou's Cabinet Ware Koo m. Uollidiiysburg, Dec. 9, 1303. DAXXALS HOT'S U, Formerly the Washington Hotel, Allegheny ! 11. Tfi'on. 3IIS!l?. M. IlOUF.ltT. Tl'DOR & EiOIUKTS. j Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., 1ITIS practice in the several Courts of Cumbria. j lir ami Indiana counties. Olfc, No. 4, Colonnade Kow," near tie Court Hun." EUsburg, Aug. IS, 1803 ly. i 1 1 m Ai:i7 ax 31 a; 1:11 a x , i Attorney at Law, EhenLburg, Pa. PICE. No. 0, "Colonnade low," near i.urt House. the trcet, Swohk ix. Thco. L. lleyer, District Attor ney elect, was sworn in and entered upon the duties of his office. Theophihs is a favorite of the Democracy of Cambria. We are sure that he will give satisfaction. Proceedings of Court. Court was called on Monday morning, last, with Hog. George Taylor, President Judge, and Evan Roberts, and Harrison Kinkcad, Esquires, all upon the bench. ' Up to the time of going to prcb'4'but fvw Com monwealth cases were disposed of, court having adjourned Thursday evening till Friday afternoon. The Commonwealth vs. A. C. Mullin and Chas. Albright Esqs. for libel against Col. John Piper of Blair Co. Pa. , was disposed of, the jury find . ding them guilty in manner and form as they stood indited. Commontcealth vs. Janus Kaylor. Indictment for keeping a tippling house. 5th Dec., 1853, deft, pleads Guilty." Sentenced to pay a fine of ?20 and costs. Commonxoea'th vs. Terrence Flood. Indictment Assault and Battery. 5th Dec, 1S53, not a true biu, ud the prosecutor, James Foster sen tenced to p?7 fke costs. Commonwealth vi. Microti Erinfdt.lndict- taent for Assault. 6th Dec, 1S53, not a true "bill and the prosecutor, James fcConnel, ten- ttneed to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. James Foster, Mrs. Bridget Foster, Ftlix Murphy, Ltwis Delahunt and Au- gustin JIitMe7 Indictment for Riot aud Assaulij and Battery. Ota ucc, 1000, uw. true mu, and Charles Collins, the prosecutor, sentenced to pay coats. ' . Commonwealth vs. Rilfiard HasUtt and Danid Smey, Indictment for Burglary. 6th Dec. 1853, Deft., being arranged, plead nonculetde hoe, &c. Distriet Attorney similiter et issue, and Jury call ed and sworn ; who do say that the Defendants re guiliy. ia manner and form as they stand in dicted, i, . - Commonwealth vs. Daniel SmoIudictment &r JLaircnr, Verdiet, Guily. ' ' " ' ' near the Diamond, 130LLdTI)ASm;UG, IA. rjHE subscriber respectfully informs bis friends JL and the public generally that be has taken the above old established stnd and entirely refitted and repaired it In such a manner as to render it second to no hotel in tiie country. The lbir has bceu nely stocked with the best Wines, Liquors, and Segars that could be purchased, and the Tble will at all times be supplied with the best the Mar ket nlfru-ds. The RESTAURANT attached will at nil times contain all the delicacies that can be procured. whi;li tvill be served up at nil hours, on short no tice. He rcspecttully asks the public to give dun a trial, fully assured that he can render satisfaction. O. V. DANNALS. Dec. 9, 1853. Julica-s Monster Ortlicstra. MMIEREVER Julien's name is kno-wi, the " Kaii Did .Talka" has an unrivalled popularity. Ttiere Lave beeu more copies of this piece sold, for the short time it has been issued, t han any other musical composition ever published in America. Christy's The Other Si'te of Jordan" though it loo not eoualed iu numbers the sale of the ' Kitty Did" yet the demand for it is great, and is driving out of market the ninny spurious copies purport ing to be sung bw Christy's Minstrel's. Ask for Christy's " T Other Side cf Jordan." It has an illustrated title, and portrait of Earle II. Tierce, in costume. All others are spurious. Christy's new Songs, "0 Times Come Again," by Charles Con verse, " Sally Primer" ami " Julius from Kentucky" are having a glorious run. They are nightly sung to crowded audiences, and are universally sought after. ' WM. II ALL & SON, 239 Broadway. Dec. 0. 18-53. . ' " STRAY COW, t ME to the 'residence of the subscriber, liv ine in Wbeat6eld Township, Indiana County, Pa near bicklick Furnace, about two months since? a clever sized 151UNDLE COW, about 8 or 9 years old, ell on. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. - ' " JAMZS W. KILLIN. Dec. 9. 1803. 1 DELING thankful to the citizens of Ebensburg l and vicinity for their former patronage, beg I leave to state, that h iving be n lioth East and West, j they have purchased the largest and best stock of GP.GCESIE3 AKD CONFECTIONS, ' that has ever be.n brought to tV.e place, to which they now invite the uttention of the public. Their stock consists of, Snirars. lilack and tureen Teas, Coffee, Essence of Col'iVf, Chocolate, Prepar ed Coin, llm kee s Uniting PowW, English and American Mustards. Crackers. Cheese. Fine and course Stilt, Palm, Rosin aud Castile Soaps, Can dies. Flour, Bacon, Mackerel, Cod-fish. Salmon", mid Herring, Vinegar. Syrups and Molasses. Whiskey, Brand v. Wine, Fluid. Alrhohol, and oil.4, Tobacco and Cigais, of the choicest brands ; and n general assortment Tubs, Buckets, Bas kets. Brooms. Brushes. Window tilass. &. &c. ALSO. Every variety of lUtll.h FHUIT, such as Citrous. Prunes, Curraiits, Fiii E'.-if. s am Kai- siiis; Jellies an I Preserves; ! SUTSOFEVEBV DESCKIPTIOS, j nnd in fact, every thing that au epicure could de- J sire. - ' They will ever be happy to wait upon rdl who may favor them with their custom, and feel satis fied thnt lhiv srp ennhleil tn - LOWES TOR CASH, than any other establishment in the place. Ebensburg, Nov. 25, lS-i3. ly. JOHN PARKE. JoXmstown Marble 'oj-Kb, r One door North of the corner of Uain and Clinton Streets, Johnstown' Pa. MONUMENTS. Tombs, Grave Stones. Mantels. Table. ihd Bureau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and do mestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased iu the Last, with the addition of carriage. From long experience m the business and strict attention thereto, lie can as sure the public that nit orders will be promptly at tended to and the work finished m the best and most handsome manner, furnished to order aud delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and sises, suitable for fan-.ui a iHid mechanics. Sold by whole sale or retail. Purchasers arc iuvitcd to examine stock oud pri ces. Johnstown, Nov. 25, 1853. tf. Jaiary 1, 1S51. ly "Wi; Chas. Zimmerman, " ' Craig ti Hamilton, G. L. Lloyd & Co., Robert Lytic, Kane & Mt Colgan, C. G. Lovrry. Hughes & Wherry. Andrew Reiliy, Liipior, only, J. Foster. Michael Eutz. Peter Boiioughe, Liquor & Beer Peter Cussidy, Beer House Charles Collins, Liquor, ouly, S. A: K. Black, Given . Col'ins, " James Bell. ' .lohu P. Black, W in. M'Cpniicll. Patrick Hiuleu, Liquor, only, Alex. Jenkins, ' " James Gleasoii, ;T1S03SAS C jmOWELL, Attorney at Law, Holiidaysburg1, Pa. ILL attend the several Courts of Climb " ! James A. Mcllvrnut Co , mint v. as lieretofore. tMhce oneuoor west of McFarlatKl's cabinet wareroom. Jut 21, 18--.2. ly j ! AtlaniN & t'o.'s FAtrfKi. T ! CRAIG, agci.t will forwar-l all packages of nods or monev. ilailv except Sunday toad l.if lincipal cities in the t. on tii Uailroal bur:' do dj do do do do do taken out. not taken out. do do taken out. cut taiceu out. taken out. not taken out do do do do do do do do do do taken out. not taken out. t.-.ken out. not taken out. do do taken out. not taken out do do do do taken out. do do do do not taken out. do do do do taken out. not taken out. do do taken out. do do not taken out. do do do do do do taken out. taken out. do do do do do do do do taken out. takcu out. do do takcu out. do do not taken out. do do taken out. do do taken out. do d.) do do do lr. CUiyfcott'ti Improved Extract Oi' YELLOW DOCK & 8AESAPAE1LLA . p TnK original and only genuine preparation fur the permanent cure of consumption nd di euses of the lungs where they are supposed to W atTcctd by tho two free u&e of mercury, iron, qui nine, Aie., &c. . The Medicine, whtnue l ac;ir ding to directioti.. Will Core, Without Fail Scrofula or Kings Evil. Cauctrs, TuiuorB, Eruption i f tiie Skin," Lrysipelii, Chronic Sire-Ercs, Bit gworui or Tetters, Scald HeaJ r.bo uiaatitm.Pniusin tho Bones cr JoinU, uM Sore. mot Ulcers, fcwellins of the Clauds, Syphilid, eas. ' cl' Kidneys. Loss of Ap petite, Disease nr ( rising lrom ihe use of Mercury, , Pi. in iu tue Side and Siioulduri, Ocueral L'vb'.ljy , Livp y, Lumbago, Jaundice and Costie ! r.css. i Si'iue, M.cU., Oct. C, 1851. Mr. JjU i'. r-rk lear Sir : It ia with unut tci: "'le t'eelii-g of gratitude that I am able, thro' ' the divine providence of God, and by the wouder i woi king agency of thut excellent medicine, Guy- sotl's icdow l).ck ai.d Saraaparilla, to give you , lew sinj-t ia s of my ulnost iiopeleiS case- Li the winter of lb'jd, I wrs attacked with a so ' vcie paiu, which was gradually extending through t'ae whole r'.jrht side and leg; at the same tinio a i total prostration of my physical sybteui; also, luy leg had "-brunk to two thirds i f its common size. I procured the attendance cf u skillful practitioner, win pwrtMu My ilicuaAe uiii! of the worst forms . of l.vcr cou.plaiot. 11c said my case wns one not : easily handled but jrescrihed for me. 1 remained ' under h.s tratme:it until 1 was satisfied he could not help inc. 1 then procured of your agent a this paice, A- V. Beers, two battles of Guy sot.' B Vel'oiv Bock and Sarsnpnriila, from which I re ceive I a v ast amount of benefit. After having ta ken four bottles more I was ft' Ie to pursue my bua ' iness without any inconvegience, aud have bceu '. cincc that tiu.e a well man, while but a short timo s'n -e I was confined to my bad three-fourths of the time; and I cannot ascribe the return of my health I to any other cause than by the agency of thrt truly valuably mediciue, Guvsott's Veilow Lock andSar i saparilla. " 11 ASSEL VA CR1PER- I Tii following letter is from a highly respectable i physician, who ei.jiys au extensive pructiae; ! Navarre, St'dk Co., O., Not. 1H51. , Dr. John 1). Park Dear Sir: Dr. Guysotfs i Extract of Sarsai aril'.i. This niedcine has beeu ! prescribed by me for the last three ycars.witb good ' effect, iii Genei il Debility, Liver Complaint, Jaun- dice. Dyspepsia. Cranio mid nervous diseases. Iu ' all female com laints it certainly is unequaled. Iu the use of this me liciiie the patient constantly g.iins streugthand vigor, fact worthy of great con sideration. It is pleasant to the tHSte uud smell, and can be used by persons with most delicate stomachs. I i.m speaking from experience, and tu the aillictedl advise its usi. DR. J. S. LEEPER. not do do do do do do not Wlster'tf Ralsr.m of Wild Clierry- For Hie inttant rAi'f awl ruyid cure af Asthma, Con ' tW'J'tiun, Cou.jhz, C:l '. Jloartriie&s, Crovp, i a:.d all di onhrs i f the Lutty and i Chat. Wistcr's BalEam of Wild Cherry! ; THE BEST REMEDY EVER A'.VOIf.V TO j MAS. F r Coiijl. Cohlt, Asthma, Cri.np, lu-lueuza. Erfin- ehitis, Ji'.erJiny of the 1m7,li Din cult JJreath- itij, Liver AJ'tetin&, Pain or H'cakntst cf the Drtast or iie, ,c, A e , ,yc. I Iu short, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted to eve ! ry disease of the Lungs and Liver, which is produ j ccd by our ever-varying climate. Fifty Thousand Persons Die annually in Euglai.d of Consumption. In tha New England States, the proportion in one in four u uostou, jiotiauiy one in lour. In tho city of New York, sixty-sevm died iu iwo weeks in December of this disease. It is less prevalent iu the more northern latitudes, as Russia, Canada, and among the Alps of Switzerland, where the winters aru long aud severe, uud there are fewer sudden changes. No theory can be moro welcome to the human mind than the one which establishes on good grounds the hope for prolonged existence, if the al legations cf those who are at least entitled to vo racity may be believed, there is a preventive and a remedy. I The great Author of Nature has provided ns with a remedy for Consumption, and the diseases leading thereto which nre so fearfully common iu our country. Has He left us to find relief from that fatal scourge by ransacking other laDds! No, the best. Nature's own remedy is at our baud. Tho Wild Cicrry and the Pine, furuisii us with a cure I where a cure is poss'.ble. One of the most imj oit int discovciies of the age. iu ameliorating the condition of this large clasa of 1 sulLruig fi-J'.uanity is Dr. Wifs:r"s Balsam of Wild j Cherry," hicli has been before the public some ten years. This valuable me licine was first discover i ed and introduced iu the year IfcSS, since which tantly uicrcasea tiie ue- not except nioii, and all the towns between Philadelphia and Puts- CHARLES H. KARPLS'3 f; asi Liinm store, Xo. 133 Xorlh Tlilrl .. hove Callowhlll, i;t SiUr, Pillalelpiil. "TTS conitantlv on hand I rench lSran'lies. H M ! ixPml Gi;i and a coneral a.-Sortu;cut of FOR E1G1 WINES. do do do do do do Co d.t do Al?0. All Ui.ds of A m l a general a.-sortu;cut of lean Spirits, cliool assortment Hooks. of BOOKS, fuch ns nre 4 jenernl -iJLtised in our common schools, for snle by ! DAVIS & LI.OTD. lSUJIOXK BACON zri 5 LORfi E Liri'I.t'OTT A. CO., H,VE constantly on band a full assortment of Tea?, Wines, Liquors and Groceries geucr.il- A FRESH arrival of Boot, Shoes, Summer Hntg, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw Bon nets, Powder, Gun Cups, Shot, Lead, &c, received this day and for sale at the cheap store of Jn20, 1651. JHOOREJ. Ho. 17 Korth Water Street, and No. 10 Korth Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. no At do tlo do do do do iio do taken out. not taken out. do do tto do do do do do do do do do do do d . do do do do do do do do do do Jiuuary 27, 1853. j "- J Apples on band and for sale at tho foot t f ine 4, A. V. n. K. Ily8, 1802. W. K. PIPER. Thirteen Sclicol Teacbers Wanted. TIIE School Directors of Sumnurhill township, will employ the above number of teachers, for which S25 per month will be paid. None need ap ply but those who come well recommended. An examination will be held on the 10th day of Decem ber next, in the town of Jefferson. By order of the Board. MICHAEL O. SCALLX. Nov. 25, 1853. St. PAJII'IIbET LAWS. milE ramphlet Laws of the Session of 1853, have i been received, and are ready for distribution to those entitled to receive tlieiu - - R. L. JOHNSTON, Frotlionotaro. Pi-nthnnfiiarv's office. Ebensburt;. ) ; . , s November 4, 1853. 3t. 5 Tills Wav! Tltlt the highest i.rices i.re n.id for bides, skins JL I aud tanner's bark in either trade or cash by J. MOOBE l)al(l T.Moim, Rotary Pcblic, Scrivener and Conveyancer, i JOHNSTOWN, CAMBEIA CO. PA., WILL also attend to his duties as Justice. Le gal instruments of writiug, such as deeds, agistments, Foreign Power of Attorney, &c, dnrfli up accurately. Collection entrusted to histnre will receive strict attention. Say 13, 1852 CO-tf. IOOK HEIIE! Just received by the IVtinsy I i vaniii Bail Boad, and for sale bs J. Moore, Grind Stones, Patent Buckets, Brooms, Cheese, Cofon Yarn, Clover Seed, aud a large lot of Car peiU'r's Tools. April 1. i STRAY M tllE. CTltAYED from the tld of Simon Kirsh, in Car- O rol township, on Saturday, the 20th ult., a dark brown mare, with a kick mark on the left hip, is about 13 years old, and had a head haller on. A reward of $5 will be paid for her return to the sub scriber, or for information which will lead to her recovery. - . JOHN TURL. Kov 4,' lS58.-3t. ' , . ...... J. Condon, Liq. & Eating House, V. W. Ivorv vC C"., Liquor, I S. Petersbei ger, j M. G-iiiaher, i J. F. MeDvroiit, Liq. i Beer II-ius? j Humphrey O'Eeary, Liquor, j John li ner. Boer House, I Sainl. Davis, Liq. i. Eating IIuus, ! .1. Petel-sbelger, j Jas. B. Brad.ey, I Charles E. Stew:-rt, Liquor, j Daniel McLaughlin, " j Clmrles MtGovern, " William Hurd, i Thomas Butter, Boarding !!''", ; Henry Dixon, ', i-'arrcl Kouikc, Liquor, only, j Job'! Smith. ! Patrick Kelly, " ! Thomas Martiu. ' ' ; John Hi pan, ' tlcurv 0'Dot.nclI. " ' John "Barry, " Patrick Keogh, " George Englebaub. Liquor, Jacob Stinemaii, ' D. It. Kiupcrt, Henry Byrne, Jacob Gannan, Geo. Walters, John Bens, Liquor, Ouly, Jas. Mageban, M. M. Adams, I James Burns. Liquor, only, Henrv Mchibtun, " " Cornelius Daily, " James MeColgau, Samuel Dillcu. lolin Bradley, Liquor, Bernard Sheridan. Liquor, ouly, Juo. Wi'.sou. (No. 2,) B. M. Colgan, J. Cassiday, " Beer House. 11. Stewart, (No. 4,) Geo. N. Hobman, " Liquor, only, Mullen & Short, Liquor, F. M. George, Jer. McGouigal, Liquor, only. Iew. Cassiday, Beer House, S.C., Michael Bargoon, Liquor, only, Wm. Strous, ' " Dum. Kennedy, Brewery, Mcphen Moytrs, Liquor, only, Jacob Leip, - - Mich. Iuroldsbyv " Michael Farabaugli, BrcT.ery P Bradley, Liqucr, F. O. Free!, John Kennedy, Liquor, only, John S. Miller & Co., George Weakland, Liquor, on!;', BEES J. LLOYD, Treasurer. Ebensburg, Nov. 18, 18o3. -It. lime iis success has cons mand, uut:l it has become one of, ir not the most popular remedy for Consumption, ia its recipient stiiire ever known. r 3 Another risjiclau"s Testlaiony. Mr Fowlc Dear S r : I could sen I youa dozen certificates, strong nnd decisive, cf the really sail itive eii-cts of vour vaiualde Balsam of Wild Cherry, within the past twelve months, under tny own biipcrvUion and diiertioa. Indeed I tnow ot 1 , , .,.1 If .r.ro rllt 1-m ! i vel v. tint ins w no uav. u .-1 t terms. A case or sw, to which I was do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do taken out. do do j do do j do do j do do I do do i do da I do do j do do do do d do do do do do do do do do do do do do ; do do j do do ! lew icrs com.i.eud it in the strongc: il... severest 1 eve c I'b-d a' mouth ao. evinced the superiority of the Bu S im 1'. lusted Lim :ix weeks, and the dyspa;a d Miffeiing was drcadlul; be Sat up every night. The eeutlen.an told ine to give liim something to li st im ho:..e, (21 miles) so that he might see his wite and child, and die iu peace. 1 gave hn on bottle of halsarn nwd oujr oujiecof jjyrup squills, 'filrrdiaui o'lTve oiT.'when tiTe dilliculty of breathing w is greatest. Nest day I forced his despondent well, and made him take six bottles of Wist ar's Bal sam of Wild Cherrv home w ith, him as a j re.-ent, he having nlledged that he had used so much ex pensive medicines to uo profit. Last week Mr. A. called and expressed bis gratitude to me in the wannest manner, eaiJ the medicine had saved his life, paid his whole bill, and took r'ix bottles more, and left my ofuce for home, rejoicing, i Very respect iu'ly yours, j WM. SA.AW. M. D i "Washington, North Carolina, Aug. 12. ! Cannot be IHscredlled. j We annex a few statements front ind-.vidaals ! well known in this vici.ty ; tie Ci st of which Is I from Aldtrmau Perkics: j Boston, Febuary 3, lPol. ! Dr. S. W. Fowlo; Dear Sir Having lately had i . r- ri.iir releluatcJ remedy for Coucbji c dds, ;s:ar's Ea'.sam of V i'id Cherry, which 1 did with success, 1 cannot injustice to jou wua- hol I my testimony m its raver, for several aays I had been sutlering from the eficcts cf a severe . . :.. l l... n t .rA tlirmit find fciek- COM, ttCCOIlipau" "J J -- hendaebe, which c.mpleteiy lacapacuaieu me ior business 1 bad taken but a very small portion or a sincle bolt.o of this Balsam, when 1 experienced rcli-t My cou-h was broken up at once, aud liny lungs entirely relived ...rZ t 1 1 a T.tltllTUI. JL MIO iv UI1U UtCUHIU i . . . tlrely to the good ejects of your Wild theirf, " . 3 i::.. ul,o,.vnr 1 cordially sri SAMUELS as I re- rEKKlNS. er bottle sir WELL.l.iai lilTTELI, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa, OFFICE on Main Street, in tbi vice UUly occupied hy Gen. Joi. Mr I Jannary 16, 1Sc2. -- - tgyTut up iu quart bottles, "fl I bottles for ?.-. v . t n t vpk- - i Cincinnati, Ohio. x- .,--. corner Fourth aud Walnut streets. ' r- 11 "Z Wut street, to wboui all orders must 1 PTdd". cd iu-"ray iaUin & Co Ebensburg. im dllrZu?ly Vrrolti.wu. John Ivory & Son IS.trJobtoni: Edson Johnstown, E. T. 1W- iibrand Indiana, J. C Day BUnrsvUlc AugoM i', i' o.-ir- 1