Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, December 09, 1853, Image 2

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    BEMcciuT jab sentinel
WHITE DEVISE, Editors and Proprietor.-.
beniburg, Friday, Idee. 3,
V. B. PALMER, the American Newspaper
Agent, is the tny authvrfeert A'jeut fur (Lis paper
in the cities of Boston, New York and I'hihieMpiiia.
ud is duly empowered to take advertisements ntnl
subscription at the rates required by u. His ra
. celpts will be regarded as payments. His cilices
are Bontou, Scollay'u EiiMiiig : Xew York, Trib
une TtatMiiijr ; Philadelphia, N. W. comer Third
and Chestnut Sta. .
TCubjeet to the decision ol the DemocraUc Convent ion. 1
To the Public.
The announcement made in this paper, No
vember 25, 1853, by the (then) editor, Mr. S'ipes.
that "Money due the establishment eau b-; paid
to Andrew J. Rhey," is incorrect ; the contract
between Mr. Sipes and myself to that effect being
rescinded. All indebtedness to the Democrat S'
Sentuul, since their consolidation, August 1 1 ,
1853, will be paid to the present editors and
proprietors, Messrs. White & Divine.
Ebensburg, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1853.
A Card.
The undersigned would announce to the public,
that he has been compelled by reasons of a pri
vate and personal nature, to relinquish the idea
of establishing a press in Blairsville, Indiana Co.
He is glad to avail himself of this opportunity,
to express his gratitude to those who were dispo
sed to give him aid and comfort " in his enter
prise; and especially to the citizens of Blairsville
and its vicinity.
He will visit Blairsville next week.
To the Patrons of the Democrat and
Again we greet you. Circumstances have
forced us to take charge of this establishment.
We could have wished that the press had remain
ed as heretofore ; but inasmuch as the responsi
ble task has been forced upon us, we cheerfully
accept, and will endeavor to bear the burden
with what ease and grace we may.
Our antecedents being known to the former
patrons of the "Democrat," we can have but
little more to say to them. We will endeavor to
maintain the josition then taken. To the patrons
of the late " Sentinel," we will say ihat no effort
will be spareel to sustain the high character
which that paper ever sustained, as an orthodox
political organ, and interesting county paper.
We desire the patrons of the united establish
ments to judge us, as journalists, by the course of
the paper ; ours is intended to be a politiesd jour
nal, and of course strongly democratic in its ten
dencies and feelings, as every sensible journal at
this stage of the game ought to be.
It shall be our constant aim and endeavor, in
National and State Politics, to adhere to the reg- j regard p.TCi-.Lnts hi Li.; first public address in
ular line Democracy; to keep constantly in vie w ! England, and secrnid to Landv lying compli
the old landmarks of the party. As regards lo- j meiiis, w hich, at best, are but the unmeaning
cal matters we are proud to- say that we have in j resort of feeble minds. He is described as sitting
this county a party, which, numerous, cnthusi- i av id the blazing courtiers ef power, clad in a
aslic and well disciplined, w id wt as a unit. 1 simple Vuit of republican plainness, unadorned
Sternly discountenancing faction, our efforts shall wi.h ought except the dignity of his rcprc.-e-nta-cever
be wanting to keep up the vigor and fre.-h- tive character. After the efHr-.ii.aie platitudes
cess of this organization: we si .till be constantly ' of Lawrence and Settle, the strong Anglo Saxon
on the watch to sec that neithvr treason or luke- ' of Buchanan, is exhilarating. In his short but
warmness creep into our camp, to distract our : effective speech, we can find no approach to the
coun ils or unnerve and paralyze' our ranks on j fulsome flattery with which the fawning tools of
the day of battle. In the discussion of the rela- : party seek to bedaub the tilled and tinselled
tive merits of candidates among ourselves, we
shall rnete out even-handed justice too ail treat
every Democrat, high or low, rich or poor, on his
own individual merits and services, regardless
alike of clique, interest, or prejudice. We there
fore, cheerfully and cordially tender the use of
our columns to every member of the party, and
insite them to consider it as an organ of their
In our intercourse with the opponents of the
Democratic creed and eloctrine, we shall deal with
fairness and candor, and carefully avoid personal
ities; should we after a careful search, be enabled
to find a regularly organized parly acting against
us, or should any of the incongruous factions
which have been annihilated during the last flw
years, again suddenly turn up, and endeavor to
attain the dignity of a party, we beg them to
consider us on hand.
As- regards the department of selection, in all
that relates to matter of general interest, foreirn
and domestic news, the material interests of our
county, Literature, Family Reading- Commercial
Intelligence, markets, and also in Typographical
Execution, we think that in a short time we will
turn out a paper not surpassed in this section of
the State. Our subscribers may rely upon re
ceiving their papers regularly every week ; in
this particular there will be a visible and peculiar
improvement in tic management cf the Demo
crat & Sentinel."
We think that we have now said all that is ab,
solutely necessary to be said upon a trving occa
sion like the present and without further apol
ogy for the suddenness of our intrusion, we beg
to assure you cf cur intention this time to make
longer stay.
The Message.
By an arrangement with our enterprising
friends of the "Daily Union," Kecnan and Hop
kins, we hare been enabled to furnish our patrons
with the Message neatly printed on an extra half
meet, for which no charge will he made to them.
We like this new plan, and hope it will be
persevered in upon future occasions ; it is a shock
ing bore to intelligent citizens in the "rural dis
tricts," to have tbe "Annual Message" dragginr
It s slow length along, like an iutcnselv stupid
nal noToUbroush ,w wfrnr mmn r,f(ho
(intr paper. -
Organization of the House.
The lower House of Congress has been organi
zed by the re election of the officers of the last
We consider the selection of Hon. Linn Boyd
as fortunate, and undoubtedly the most judicious
which could have bicn made at this juncture.,
Mr. Boyd is a high tontd southern gentleman,
whose personal character is respected all over the
Union and to the must uuswei ving integrity
unites a rit'cnid experience and thorough acqtiain
tance with Parliamentary Rules.
The selection of Col. Forney, as Clerk, we sup
pose is all right on the principle that the majori
ty rules.
" The late -disastrous defeats w hich have
visited the Whig party have in a measure disor
ganized us. v What must we do to be
saved?" AHchan'an.
The situation is lamentable. We tender our
sympathies, and would aelvise repentance, were
it not that death-bed lepmlanceis of no avail.
CSrTw o young men, named Gibson and Ward,
J have been tried in Grcensburir, Pa., fur murder,
j robbery and arson, and-loth hae been found
! guilty ofmurder in the first degree. A new trial
has been granteel.
Take Your own Paper.
We take the following sensible article from
that excellent paper, the Boston American Un
ion :
" People hardly know how much they lose by
not subscribing for their county paper. There
ate always certain matters of local interest, in
which it behooves every good citizen to keep duly
iostrd up." Instead of sending awaj- fifty or
a hundred miles for a miscellaneous paper suited
only for the general reader, every man should take
tirst, the paper published in his county, and pny
for it in advance; then if he has any money to
sj are for mere amusement or gratification of his
own taste, let him subscribe fur a good city pa
per containing able rt ports of scientific lectures,
h-gislative and congressional intelligence, with a
summary of foreign and domestic news to the la
test moment of going to press. Now if this is
not good advice we hardly know what is. It is
the way we should do ; and we are not so selfish
as to mourn the loss of a dozen subscribers, if it
should come to that, who are perhaps leaving a
fellow townsman, some poor, but worthy printer,
to work on in weariness of spirit, for want of sup
port which would not only cheer his heart, but
enable him to make his paper all that his patrons
could desire. We know something of the sad
experience of those who have control of a country
paper, from our own connection, in years by gone,
with a Journal of that class. It becomes a man
to bo just, before he is generous, and to remem
ber that " charity begins at home." Never sub
scribe to a paper w ithout paying for it. The man
who does his duty in this respect, reads his paper
weekly with an increased satisfaction. Every
one knows that his grea'est comfort is derived
from the consciousness of having done or tried to
do right, and it is certainly no more than right
to pay the printer, who is constantly incurring
large outlays lor paper and e-om petition, and w ho
almost invariably, pays for every article ".setup"
for his paper, even before it passes into the hands
of the subscribers. Apain we say, take your
county paper, and pay for it too !'
Phihtetci; Li.: Register,, throws off the f.,1
: Y e arc ghid f .r I if .- honor of our glorious
old Co:: l.i eal;h.
thai the Minister to the
Court of .ft. .J.'.y;.v-. hits had tl e rood taste to dis-
great ones, but in honest patriotism he turn
away from the royal pageant w hich surrounds
him, to give a word of commendation to the ac
tive republic, w hose lust interests 'it is his first
and only duty to advance. If we had more of
such speeches, and fewer " assurances of distin
guished consideration," American diplomacy
w ould find a wanner welcome and exert a more
abiding influence in the Courts of Europe.
House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives at Ilarrisburg is
undergoing some alterations and repaiis, and is
to be furnished in an elegant and tasty manner.
New- curtains are to adorn the windows, and the
Speaker's chair is to be draped with magnificent
and costly curtains, composed cf red India dam
ask silk. Over the top of the chair is to be sur
mounted a large beautiful eagle, with outspread
wings, holding in his beak the centre of the cur
tains, which will fall diagonally in graceful folds
eacli way, fixing an effect to the whole arrange
ment of the most imposing and Striking charac
ter. The entrance to the Hall is also to be adorn
ed and curtained, and the whole room through
out furnished in a style richly calculated to at
tract the attention, and please the fancy of all
who may visit the Capitol of our State. The
curtains, drapery and carved eagles, are to be
furnished by Mr. W. D. Carryl, of this city, at
whose cstablisluuent, in Chesuut street, they
may now be seen, aud no onecan look upon them
without feeling an abiding satisfaction in con
templating the progress of industry, science, and
manufactures. In them are exhibited various
materials from their original and rough condition
through all the gradations of manufacture, up to
the softness of the richest and costliest dow n of
silk and satin. Philadelphia Sun.
Important to Postmasters.
Postmasters should bear in mind, (says the
Fredonia Advertiser,) for their advantage as well
as that of the local press, that for every county
paper delivered by them to subscribers, they are
entitled to retain of the Post Office funds, ten and
cue half cents per yiar. It is for their interest
as well as that of the publisher, that the county
papers 1 preferred, since there is no trouble of
making collections or keeping accounts thereof,
as on foreign papers, the commission on which
will not average more than from six to eight
cents per yer.
Washington; Dec 6.
. Senate After the reading of the Journal, a
message was received from the House, announ
cing the appointment of a committee to inform the
President that bo'h houses were, organized, and
j prepared to receive any communications he might
; have to make.
i Mr. Dodge, if Iowa, offered a resolution that a
i like committee be appoint id' on the part of the
I Senate which wns ndoiitrd.
Messrs. Dodge, of Iowa, and Bell were appoin
ted a committee.
j Mr. tiwin introdenrcd a bill grHnling land to
j California for a Railroad from San Francisco via
the valley of Sacrumtnto to the Boundary of Or
I egon. He said that at the close of the last ses
sion, at the time he was urging the passage of
j the Pacific Railroad Hill, he promised that at this
session he would aid in the passage of the Home
stead Bill ; in order to redeem that promise, lie
now gave notice that lie would, at an early day.
introduce the bill general!' known as the Home-
j stead Bill.
I Mr. Petit offered a resolution, directing the
j Committee on Commerce to enquire into the ex-
peeliency of making Michigan city, in Ineiiana, a
port of entry.
Mr. Chase gave notice if a Bill ceding to Ohio
all the public lands remainingnsold in that
Mr. Adams gave notice of several bills granting
land to Mississippi to aiil railroads.
Mr. Bright, said that a bill passed lioth Houses
of Congress at the last session to indemnify the
State of Indiana for certain lands, but owing to
neglect on the part of an officer of the House, it
failed to receive the signature of she President of
the Senate aud President of the L'nited States.
He asked to introduce the same bill now, and ot
have it passed. The bill was accordingly intro
duced, read and i assed.
Mr. Bright gave notice of a bill providing for
the surrender of certain be nds of Indiana, he-Id 1 y
the United States.
At one o'clock the Committee returned and
reported that the President would communicate
with Congress in writing immediately, aud at
ten minutes past one. the message was dclircrcd
by Sidney Webster, Private Secretary.
After the message was read, the usual number
of it, with the accompanying documents, wa
was orelered to be printed, and also 10,000 addi
tional copies.
Mr. Clayton offered thc'Tollowing resohilirn :
Resolved, That the President be respectfully
requested to pre.-ent to the Senate the 'an refer
red to in his message to Congress this elay, and
w hich he is prepared to rci'ommcnd for the en
largement and modification of the judicial system
of the U. States, which was laid over.
Mr. Hamlin moved that the Senate go into ex
ecutive session. Agreed to. In about ten min
utes after, the Senate adjottrneel.
IIorsE Several additional members appeared
and took their seats. After the reading of the
President's message, a resolution was passed to
elect Chaplains for the entire session of Congress.
The Ilou.-e then aeljourutd.
rcmccratic Caucus.
The Washington City papers if Sunday give
ua the following account of the I)i moeratic Cau
cus. AVe are glad to see the lobby members de
fea'edby the nomination of Linn Boyd f r Speak
er, one of the noblest works of God, an honest
Agreeably to the call, the ehmociaiic members
of the House of Represent a' ives convened in the
hall cf the house at six o'clock last evening, and
organized by choosing Hon. F.tlson 15- Olds, of
(duo, as chairman, and Hon. Colin N. Ingersol,
of Connecticut, anil Hon. John G. Davis, of Indi
ana, secretaries.
The rules of the last House were adop'idas the
rules of this meeting.
Hon. F. P. St an on, of Tenncssf e. offend a se
ries of resolutions, affirming the principles of tf.e
Baltimore platform, in favor of carrying out the
principles of the late inaugural, opposing all in
terference, by thiadniinistra'.ion, in Sta'e politics,
including an extract from Thomas Jeffe-rson in
point, &.c.
On a point of oreh.-r these rcselutions were vo
ted out. An aj peal was taken, which was not
The meeting then proceeded to ballot fir Speak
er, with the following result :
First ballot : Linn Boyd, 45 ; James L. Orr,
33 ; David T. Disney, 37 ; Thomas L. Babcock,
1. Whole numler, 118.
Second ballot : Boyd, C4 ; Orr, 23 ; Disney,
31. Whole number, 118.
Hon. Linn Boyd, of Kentucky, was therefore
declared to be noininateel.
The meeting next proceeded to ballot for the
remaining officers of the House in succession,
with the follow ing results ;
John W. Forney was nominated for Clerk on
the first ballot the only opposing candidate be
ing Hon. It. M. Young.
Mr. GlossbiTiier was nominated for Sergcant
at Arms, without opposition. .
Mr. McKucw was nominated Door-keeper on
2d ballot.
Mr. Johnston was nominated for Postmaster
without opposition.
It will therefore be perceived that all the offi
cers of the last Congress were nominated.
Several of the members present in the city were
not present at this meeting.
Uxci.K Sam's Accounts. If the following
! statement is correct, wlmh we find in the New
York 2 imes, communicate 1 to that paper by a
! Washington correspondent, the United States
j Government has a great number of unsettled ac-
counts a legacy of trouble bequeathed to it, we
suppose, by the late Whig officials of Mr. Fill
more :
Secretary Guthrie, in his Annual Report, will
show that the une-ollccted balance due to the
Government, on the Treasury books on the 4th
of March last, were over one hundred millions of
dollars, of which over twenty millions have been
secured, and about eighty millions remain still
unsettled. Ordvrs have leen issued to the ac
counting officers to use strenuous measures to en
force further settlements.
d7"In Alabama the law exempts from execu
tion, among other property, one hundred bush
els of corn, thus securing the poor debtor from
st itiug 'i rial-A L-icrcj u lh ; . cvit. uj.
cf XLurder-Eis Attempted I rrder cf
the Prosecuting Cfdcer, and Suicide.
The Washington (N. C.) Whig brings us au ac
count of the trial of the Rev. George W. Carawan
for the murder of C. II. LassiU-r, In Hyde county.
North Carolina, in November of last year. Car
awan -was first arraigned before the Superior
CoyHof Hyde, at the spring tc rm of this year,
and en his affidavit that he could not have justice
done him in Hyde, the case w as removed to Beau
fort. The trial commenced on Wednesday, the 2?.d
j ul' the Superior Court, before Judge Baily.
j and was brought to a close on Wednesday, the
j 3th, having lasted jtist otic week.
j Carawan is fifty six yinrs old, anil for many
j years has bten a popular prtacher in the Baptist
Church a man ofstrontr will, exercising1 a ox
erful influence over his friend-,, and feared as
much as hated by his f es. Lassj'cr was a quiet
young manengagid in the business of ttaehmg.
Some months b' f re the murder. La-si terboarth d
in the house of Carawan, and a qt arrel arose be
tween them, Carrawan alhgir.g tha! Lassitcrwas
too familiar with his (C.'s) wife. Carawan talk
ed very freely among his neighbors on the suliject :
said that L. ought to be shot ; that shooting was
too good for him, aud that he aitd L. could not
liriii tLot fimc ncihboi hood, &o. , ond finally
tried to get out a peace warrant against L., alleg
ing that he had attempteel to take his life. He
went on this way for some time, when L. sued
him for slander, laj-ing the damages at 2.CoO. A
few hours after the writ was served on C, Lasai
ter was killed.
" He had finished a school on Rose Bay, and i n
Monday, the 15th of Noveml er, (1852) starUd
on foot, with a carpet bag in his hand, to go to
the Lake, where he had engaged auotjier school.
About 3 o'clock, I'. M. he jaseel C.'s house, on
his way to the Lake. Shortly lie assed. t '.
left his house and went across the field towards
the woods which lie between the- house and the
spet on the road w here L. was killed, his w ife
follow ing, with a gun wrapped up in her apron.
She returned to the house immediately Caravau
not until sundown. That night he- was gone,
the witness could not tell how long: he was net
at home wh n the witness wont to )cd. Tues
day he remained at home, but on Wednesday, a
rainy day, lie took a hoe and went into the wooels,
and was gone several hours. Thur.-d.iy, before
L. was missing, (the people on the Lake think
ing he was at the Bay, aud the people on the Bay
thinking he was at the Lake,) C. w ent to one of
the neighbors anel inquired if he had seen anv
thingof L., statinglha' his (C.'s) family had seen
him pass his house on Monday with a package of
clothes, and he w as thinking he had run away.
Friday evening, when - told that the people were
searching for L., he express d great surprise that
he should be missing ; never had heard anjuhing
of it. Saturday morning, the search for L. still
going on. he wrote to a friend to come and see
him; that L. was missing, snppfi.-ed to be killed
and added that he (C.) was at home all day Mon
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and that lie could
prove it by Caraw an Saw er. (the main w itness
on the trial for the State) his nephew, a boy who
was living with him.
" Tho hr.Ay of L. wa-t found Satitrdav cvenintr
back of C.'s house, in an open spot which was
surrounded with briars, underbrush. Ac, and
which was covered with moss. The moss over
the grave had been carefully removed, the grave
elug just large enmtgh to hold the body, the lody
pressed into it, the grave tilied up even with the
surrounding earth, and pressed down, and The
mo.-s carefully laid back upon it. The mess
I ainriio trace of a loot print, there was no sign
that anybody had ever bten there, except that
the moss over the grave had faded a little, and
about a handful of fie.-h dirt was near it, ami a
dead limb of a tree had apparently been recent I v
disturbed, the bark, which had evidently recentlv
j fallen eiff. lying in one spot and the limb in an
j other. The men who were searching for the bo
i dy Jad stopped in this lonely spot to rest, having
j given up the search f:r the etay., w hen these an
! pt arance-s attracted their attention, and the boelv
! was found.
" L. was kilhel by gunshot wounds. Several
shot were taken from the boely, three from the
heart. There wire three sizes of shot found in
the body, and in one of the barrels ef.C.'s gun
found in the house just such shot, and of three
sizes, were found. That night C. left lLydc coun
ty, telling his nephew (Saw -er) that if he staid
there he should be hung; that he should send for
his family, and he (S.) must go with them. Stm
elay morning lie landed from a canoe at Durham's
Creek Mills, in Beaufort comity, about thirty
mile-s from his home, telling the man who rowed
him over that lie was after a piece of land which
another man was trying to buj-, and that was the
reason of his hurry, and charging him to keep
his movements a secret.
"From this tune till his arrest at night in his
house, in January following, the S.ate did not
know his whera bouts. But, from letters receiv
ed by the Sheriff of Hyde from Tennessee, it
ycems he had been in that S ate preaching, under
the assumed name of John Forl-es.
" After his imprisonment in Hyde county jail,
he tried to get a friend to hire the witness Sawver
to go aw ay. lie had offered t his same w itness,
before the body ef L. was fi unef, a negro if he
w ould swear he (C.) was home all elay, Monday,
the murder was committed. And whilst in Hvele
jail he wrote to a friend (the letters were produ
ced in court) for get Sawyer out of the way. He
had given, he saiel in one of the letters, Mat v
(his wife) $500 to get Sawyer off; if that would
not do, give him S1GTO; and if ihat wtmld not do,
he (his frimd) must get t id of Saw yer 'by heck or
by crook.' and not suffer his (C.'s) 4 nick to be
broke.' "
The above arc the main facts brought out by
the mass of testimony on the trial. The defence
set up for the prisoner was that three of the w it
nesses (including Sawyer) had sworn falsely; that
they had committed wilful and deliberate perju
ry ; that it was impossible for Caraw an to hae
gone through the woods after Lassiter passed his
house quick enough te have cut him off; and the
danger of convicting a man of murder on circum
stantial evidence was learnedly, ingeniously, and
elaboratily dwelt upon, But the Whig states
that the general it might say unanimous
opinion of those who heard the trial is that Cara
wan was guilty of the murder, lie, however
maintained bis self control throughout, even when
the clothes worn by Lassitc-r, when he was killed
o . e a u. '. e i ... L c, 1' . e 2 ...... ...e . -to a
and stained wiih blood. He is thus described in
the Whig:"
" Carawan is as fine a looking man as one
would find among a thousand tall, admirably
bnilt, wi'h a massive head, showing, with enor
mous animal passions, large intellect. These
passions have destroyed him, having given him
self all his life to their unbridled sway. Iliswife,
appannthy about his own age, and his three chil
dten, have bun with him during the trial, ac
companying him to and from the Com t-house and
tail. It is a melanehe lv si;ht."
At half past eight o'clock, last Wednesday j
morning, the jury returned into court wi.ha ver- I
diet of guilty. The jury was then polled and j
discharged by the Juelge. A recess of the court
for one hour was then ordered, aud the crowd
con-minced leaving the courtroom, when two
reprts of pistols w ere heard in i p. tick succession.
It was found that Caraw an had two self cocking
single band pistols. One of them he had dis charged
at K. J. Warren, L"sq., (the counsel f.-r
the prosecution who hail made the closing ad
dress to the jur3-,) who was but slightly woun
ded, the ball having struck just above his heart
and glanceel : and with the other Carawan hied
shot a hole through his own he ad, and fell a corpse
in the prisoner's box.
I-'ium t'ie Union jcm.'il.
Proposed Improvements in Western
For a long series of years, the western counties
of the State of Pennsylvania have remained al
most in a s'a.e of primitive simplicity. Situated
at some distance from the Ohio river, and, until j
re-cemly, not irtiver-H-d by nrlroads, the lauds
Lave baldly attracted '.he attentie ii if any one.
Although situateel three degttes further south
than ourselves and ftee I'm .in the inclemencies eTj
certain seasons of the year, their husbandry falls j
in the rear of many of our New England localities,
lor want cf proper husbandmen, and the improv- j
ed instruments of agriculture. . In the oui3- large
Corj orate places, Pittsburg and Allegheny .w-hich j
are situated w here the confluence e f the Ailegha- j
ny and Mononhahela rivers firm the Ohio, there j
are opportunities for many e-x tensive and renin- j
neratiug enterprises. The- vat deposits of coal j
w hich are found along the banks ot these i hets j
aud ihcir tributary streams, and the beds of iron
ore which are easy of access, con-pire to render
every natural facility to the capital of Alleghany j
county. But. in order that the treasures of the
earth may be prepared for the market there ne-eds j
eastern capital and eastern men.
We never saw au individual from this section
of the' country, who has travelled through Pitts- j
burgh without observing the di-advantagis under :
which the Pittaburghers cany- em the iron busi- J
ness, in w hich so much of their capital and so i
many of their hand; arc employed. Almost, if
notqui'eall the manufactures of iron purchase I
their iron in the pig, which is fttnii-heel by the
blast furnaces in Ohio and western Pennsylva
nia. Their catlings, in point of finish, are very
far brhir.el those e.f our own ci'y, so much so that !
new works which arcf rectmg within an h.'iulred j
miles of Pittsburgh are obliged to send to Boston i
for their cas'ings. And the Pittsbinghers are;
not unconscious of these defects, for many ef;
them have tolel us that if enterprising peeiple from i
this section we olel imigrate thither, they should i
be pleased to atforel them facilities where their j
labor wouhl be much more remunerative than at j
home. j
The vast iron works located at Johnstow n, Pa. '
by the Cambria Iron Coinj any, arc progn-ssing ;
rapidly towards coinpcti.n under the superin- t
tendance of Yanke es, and the managers talk of 1
K ing able to commence the e.f pig !
iron upon the first of Jan wary next, and to turn j
out immense eptautiiicse.f railroad iron from their i
rolling nulls upon the ensuing first of A; ril. j
This gigantic ta'ablishment is looked ufou with"!
some disfavor by the Pitt: burghers, who leur in I
it, a monopoly ef their favorite branch ofbusi- j
niss. But it wiil only excite them to greater uc-
tivity. ami to the employment of more able arti- .'
zans, aud in this rivalry we think the iron man- '
ufacturers will scon lie able to snap the ir l'r.ger-.
at Congress, ami despite any protee'ive eluiie-s, i
sup; ly all the railroad iron which this couatrv !
will pmspectfuily ehmand. !
About thirty miles be-l.nv Pittsburg, upon the i
Beaver River, and lour miles from its junction I
with the Ohio, a company composed chiellv of '
New- Yorkers and Phihieleli hians, under the title
of the " Beaver Manufacturing Company," are:
making preparations to the slack w ater of the
Beaver River to account. Their charter con ten.-
plates the manufacture of silk, cotton, woolen, i
flour, iron and railroad cars. They are advan
tageously situated with reference to water on - 1
er, the S.ate of Pennsylvania having erected three '
dams, in order to produce slack water for the I
navigation of the Beaver river, and confining it- I
self to that portiem w hich is necessary to feed its I
canals around the dams. The lower dam is Use- !
less for water power, in consequence of the rise ;
of the Ohio, when the liver is full: but the two '
upper dams being protected from" such occur- '
rence, furnish very valuable sites for manufac- '
turing. J
The lands bordering upon one half of the upper
dam and upon the whole of the lower are owned j
by the company, together with many of the con
tiguous hills, in which are large quantities of hi- '
tuminotis and canned coal, iron ore, hydraulic
cement, fire clay, and superior article purposes
and for tho manufacture of grindstones.
The company contemplate erecting a rolling
mill during the coming season, for the manufac
ture of bar and hoop iron, spikes and nails, and
to hase or sell the residue of the waterpowcr, to
enable those who choose to carry on other opera
tions designated in their charter. The extent of
tho company's land in Brighton, where the roll
ing mill will be located is about twelve hundred
acres, ana thev are
prepanue to offer em-i in
ducements to those who wish to engage in any
of the above designated enterprises.
The Darlington Cannel Ctal Company, whose
operations are earned on about ten miles above
Brighton, are about finishing a six mile railroad
which w ill connect the ccal bids with the Ohio
and Pennsylvania railroad. Ihey have made
preparations to send about five hundred tons of
coal per day over the road, whence it will find
its way to Cleveland, northwardly, and south
wardly, down the Ohio river to the cities along its
hanks. This coal is considered superior to any
other of the American cauncl deposits, and is be
coming a favorite lor parlor coal, as well aa th
this article the Darling on jeople 1 ave Lr.l,
maintained an exclusive traffic in this section ,
country ; but recently, Mr. Merrick, the ea-. r ,
prising landlord cf tho elegant hotel in v., V'
Brighton, which is designated by his name,.
discovered a large and thick seam of cannt-1 "
upon land owned by him, about a mile from ;
village w hich it is thought will rival the Dar'.i.j.
ton cannel in quality and be much easier of i '.
cess to the Ohio river.
Arrival of the Humboldt,
Halifax, Dec. :
The steamer Humbolt, in attempting to put
for coal, went ashore last night at the moatiy
the harbor. She had 00 pa-sengorsand 4-'0 t :.
e.f fnitht. She brings Liverpool dse'.ts to .,
The Herman touched at Southampton on if
20th, short of coal. The Niagara and the Ct'r
of Manchester arrived at Liverpool on the 2r, !u.
Donr.a Maria, Qu en of Pen-lugal, died on t';,t
loth in childbed. The King was minie-diii-..'.
eleclared Regent until the majority of the you:.; '
Prince, w ho is iu his fiftimth year. LiiUj
tro nquil.
The Cabinet, held at London on the lStiiK.:
22d, was fully attended.
Naple-on had decreed a reduction if the (J.-T
on cc.-d to 30 ccriiiii.cA ; wrought iron is n-L-.-. .-;
to Is centimes ; eat iron 4c. for the fir-.t via
and 4c. for the secot.el year.
The Superior Court e.f Paris has decide J ttit
the Gcv'.-rnmtnt h:s a right to ojn-n a f it-:: . i
rcspondeue e tut rust eel to the post office.
The Russian miui.-tcr at Paris had joint ! t't.r
French Liuoeror at Foutainb't-au.
Arrests have been made at I.j'on.s cf j
posting revolutionary proclamations, alkg.:.; j
w ant of wrk and the dearness of bread becu.-. S
hey contained the elements if revolution ; tl. -,-had
appeartel in several places.
The retreat of the Turks across the Daren
officially confirmed. 'I he passage was e'iV t.- '
without interruption. The Turks hold Kal,t.y.
w ith 25,1 m-O troops. The lateness of the s.-a- :.
i, tlit- u-ason w hy Oinir has decided to retire.
It is rep r.ed that the Rus-iuns have evacua'-.i
the lesser Wa'lae'ula. and advices fro:n St.
burg con fit in the report.
The Russian licet is dismantled aad
winter quarters on the Baltic.
It is reported from the front iers of Bosiva, that
a co.-ps of 12.000 were preparing to join the Tu:
kish standard, and would cross theSetviau terri
tories with or without leave.
The Russians w ere fortifying Odessa.
An ukase has been published, granting th
the port cf Odessa shall continue its commcr
under neutral flags.
The French Consul at Constantinople hal in
vited te-mlers f..r supplyiug the French
which will winter in the Black Sea.
It is reported that the Russian ambassador
Indn and Taris had orders to demand pa-sports,
in case the combined fleets remained in
the Black Sea.
Austria and Prussia have given forma1 r.-.-v
rances e f their determinatieu to remain l.eutis'..
Vienna, Nov. 22. It is reported that the Rj,
sian force was beaten by the Turks in Ge-orgis-
1 he editors in Vienna received a w arning
to publish anything calcrlatiel toj roveke Ru'- ii.
The Russian cut j .v.s r.iar Kalafat Lave haj
frcque nt skirmishes wiih the Turks. e Lo h'-"
strongly fortified Kalafat. IV Russians are r -I
cried as marching to attack Kalafat. Tie
Turks are receiing strong re-infr.rcements, ar.d
a despera'e fight is expected. The Turks arc
setidh g ,-uccor to the Circassians.
Toe Czar is reported ill.
The Murninj Chroui-.-le contains a ui.-pat-';.
stating that the Turks have erected a camper
the hiitiii frontiers, and commenced throwing a
briihre acres, to Dcvir.d. The Servians offered a resistance.
'1 he Sas-dtan Chambers have d.ssoltcd.
L. iiiri i Markets. WL;at in lair request at Is
adva...-c per quarter, w hich checked business.
Frcui Salt Lake.
M-;ssccre of Copt. Gunnison anl others by VtM
Independence, Nov. 5.
The Salt Lake mail has just arrived, bringing
us sad from the Exploring Party un-lc!-
the command of Capt. Gunnison, who w as
ordered to survey the route for a railroad from
Kansas by the way of Sangre del Christo. or
Coochatope, to the Pacific.
This news is conveyed in letters from Govern
or Brighatn Young, of Utah, and others, aud it is
tendered positively certain that Capt. Gunnison's
party hid been surprised by Walker's band ci
the Utah Indians, and many of them cut off.
Gov. oung writes that an express reached hira
on the Slst October, from Capt. R. W. Morris,
giving an account of a massacre committee! by
Indians on the 5th, on the Sevier River, near
Sevier Lake. Those killed were Capt. J. V".
Gunnison, in command of the Expeditiem j R. II.
Kern, topographer of the expedition ; Crutzfieldt.
Balancst, and Wm. Potter, guide ; and private
Canfield, Liploreit, and Melton, company A.
Mounted Riflemen ; and John Bellam, employee:
and all iheir arms, mules, &c, taken from then.
Upon the reception of the news, Gov. Young
immediately sent out aid and presents to Captain
Morris, in order to relieve, and if possible obtain
the lojt properly. Capt. Morris is in a critical
position, being in the midtt of a hostile and
treacherous hand of Indians.
A partj- of Cheyenne Indians surrounded tho
Mail company, from Salt Lake City, and demand
ed the most of their provisions which had to be
given up of course.
Padre Gallegos the Delegate to Congress, from
New Mexico, with his interpreter, reached her
on Sunday, and left to-day for Washington. St.
Louis Rep.
C7" On one of the railroads In New England
the directors have come downon the " dead head
system, and very much curtailed the " free list."
An inelividual who had been in the habit of trav.
tiling to and fro without any charge recentlv ap
plied to the superintendent for a " pass," and wai
much offended when it was refused. As he wa
leaving the room, he angrily exclaimed, " 111
pay my far this time, but the road shan't fce iy
better for it I '11 pay tht endvet?r .'"