Ifl TOT BLES3IXG3 OP GOVERXMEXT, LIKE THE DEWS OP HEAVKM, SHOULD BE DI3TUI3UTED ALISK CPOX THE HIG1I A.VD THE LOW. THE EICII AND T1UE POOR. VOL 1 -AO. 14. EGEiVSniRO, FRIDAY, DEfFJBER 9, 1853. m 1 rHy h V. TERMS: Tbe DEMOCRAT &. SENTINEL U published every i Friday morning, in Ebenshurg. Camliriu county. t Fa., at 51 50 per annum, if jjaiJ in advance, it a, not $2 will he charged. ; ADVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously inser 4 ted at the following rates, vis : 1 square 3 insertions $1 00 Every subsequent insertion 1 square 3 months 3 fx q 6 00 " " 1 year 8 00 i column 1 year SO (K) 7. .. .... 18 00 Business Cierda with 1 copy of the Democrat A Sentinrl per rear 5 00 Letters must he post paid to secure attentmii. jirltit ocfrn. From tlie Literary World. HAUNTED. BI JOHK SAVAGE. I am haunted by a spirit, Every where I go : Yet I'm near it. yet not near it, I too sadly know. When I'm hushed sr.d sorrow laden, 'Tis a solace there : When my heart would clasp its maiden Figure it is air. Now deluded now hone nurtured, I am curst and blest. Till I crave for this ocr tortured Frame, eternal rest. Yet the spirit looms about me. Like a thought decreeing, As it from it it without me Cannot have a being. I am in the city's mazes. 'Mid ten thousand men There the spirit's sweet sad face is Sm;ling just a-! when. In the midnight, it from study All my soul has drawn ; Or when it, at morning rvddy, Smiled a rival dawn. Sometimes it is sad and lonely Sometimes l;kc a psa'ni. A sacred solemn joy rhi- only When 'w very calm : Sometimes 'tis as bight as dew. that, Pushed from opening bi:d, Steals the light it first falls through, that Gilds it ire it kiss the sod : Sometimes 'tis a gloomy grandeur Sorrow unconfessi d Whose loud silence would command your Life to calm its breast ; Sometimes smiling as a dreaming Child the thoughts alas. Of the soul on lips are learning That they cannot pass : Sometimes bn" oh. heat some feature Bless in silen' p ayer ! All time seeming '-'i some creature Rare, exceeding fair ! So, two shadows' dim detraction D al every moi ion One, which points my hdy's ac ion. One. my soul s devotion. Ealtsanbhctcfcrs. ANTIQUITIES OF AHERICA. CCRIOrS AND BEMAnKABLIi DISCO V- rniK. The ruins of the New World are likely to prove quite as remarkable as those of the Old and in the course of a fe w years we may look for expedi tions and scicn'ific Tarties of explorers, busily engaged in hmving out the wrecks of buried cit ies, and in the Fame spirit in which the Cavalier Bonucci is delving among the lava covered re mains of Pompeii and Ilcrculancnm. We have already alluded to the recent discoveries in the Great Basin of the West, and particularly to the alleged existence of a race of lieings whose homes re bevend the Great Desert. A more de' ailed account will be read with interest, especially as further information will, in all probability, be sought for and obt ained. The gTat basin of the We6t, so called, is an immense barre n and deso late table-land. bounded on thctast by the Rocky Mountains, and on the West by the Sierra Neva da, on the north by the Wahsatch Mountains and Utah settlements, and on the south by the river Gila. But two whi e men with parties art known to have crossed this basin. These were Capt. Joe Walker, who traversed its centre in the winter of 1850, and Lieut. Eeale, who cross ed its northern slope in his recent trip across the country. Capt. Walker states that the whole country, fi-om the Colorado to the Rio Grande, north of the Gila, is filled with ruined habit a tions and cities ; and among the ruins he has met with numberless specimens of antique pot tery. Ia his last trip over the desert, he discov ered, near the Little Red River, and about mid way across the wilderness fi-om the Colorado, a kind of eitadel, rising from an abrupt rock twen ty or thirty feet in height, and surrounded by the ruins of a city more than a mile in diameter. The outline of the building was distinct, although only the northern angle, with walls fifieen or eighteen feet long, and ten flet h:gh, was s'and ing. The houses of the city had all been built cf stone, well quarried and well built, which had cv idently been reduced to ruin by the ac ion cf tome great heat some fierce, furnace like bias of flra, similar to that issuing from a volcano as the s'oncs were all burnt, some almost cindered and the others glazed as if melted. Capt. Walker found various s(one and earthen implemants among the ruins: he spent some time in examining this interesting spot in tra emg the outlines of the streets and houses : but he could find no other walls standing. He says that traces cf some tremendous fire are visible throughout the entire basin : and expresses the tyapjoo tbat this tract, now to barren, was oace a cha-ming country, sustaining millions of peo ple, and that its present desolation was wrought by the ac ion of volcanic fires. Lieutenant Beale says: "On his first trip across the Coninont, lie discovered in the midst of the wilderness of Gila, what appealed to be a strong fort, the walls of great thickness, built of stone. lie traversed it, and found it contained forty two rooms. In the vicinity were met with numerous balls of hard clay, from the size of a bullet to that of a grape shot. What was -singular about them was the fact, that frequency ten or twen'y of them were stuck together, like a number of belle's runout of half a dozen cem necting moulds, or like a whole baking cf rolls It is difficult to say what these were intended for. They were so hard, however, that the smal ler ones could be discharged from a gun." A correspondent of the Placcrville Herald, wri ting from San Bernardino Valley, gives an ac count of a great pyramid that was recently dis covered between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Colorado River also of the ruins of an ancient bridge. The distance from one abutment to the other was about six hundred feet, and between the two were no less than seven distinct piers. These piers were all apparently of equal height, and at the top must have been six feet broad by twenty feet in length. The)- rose in the midst cf the de sert. and were partially buried up by the sands projec'ing in no instance more than eight feet above the ir surface. There was no river within many miles cf the spot the Colorado being the nearest but from the position of the ruins the discoverers came to the conclusion that some large river from the Northwest must have once flowed between its walls and piers. Evidences of various other ancint structures were apparent in he vicinity, in numerous detached portions e.f what were once unquestionably the walls rf buil ding and these extended for a considerable dis tance in every direction except in the line which the posi inn of the bridge would indicate to have been the bed of the river. The following, also, from a late number of the San F.-anciseo He-raid : " Far away, beyond the South Pass rn the head wa'ets of the Gila Rivea lives J .hn Bridgor a trapper of the plains and moun ains for more than fo-ty yca-s. It is admit'ed by all trappers that he is bu'tcr acqualn'ed ban any oher living man wi h the intricacies cf all the hills and the s'reams lhat lose themselves in the Great Basins While trappingon the tributaries of the Cetloratk-, an Indian offered to guide Mr. Bridger and party to a peo le livin; far in the Desert, with whom they could barter. The proposit ion was accepted, provieling tl em selves with elrud ir.ea-s and wa er. they struc'.; right into the he art of that Great Desert, where no whs'e man before or since has trodden, and which the hardy inoun' ameers will only ven' un to skirt. Af.er five days' travel, the party ar rived at these mo;intain,or Buttes rising in gtan tlturinthat solidary wate. These .mountains were cevered with a divei sity of forest and f un trees, with streams of purest wa er ripp'.ing denvn 'heir d, clivities. At their bae was a nume reus agricultural people, surrounded with waving field--of corn and a profusion of vegetables. The people were dressed in leather the-y knew nothing of firearms, using only the bow and arrow : and for mile af cr mile circling the se Bntte-s, were alrfxle houses, two and three s ones h;gh. Mr. Bridger was not allowed to enter any of their towns or houses, and af er re-mining three days, bartering scarlet cloth and iron for their furs he h ft them not, however, before being given to understand that they he'd no comunica ion with any people hcyon their desert home. That these are the same people that once inhabited the banks e.f Gila and 'he Colorado and left those monnmen's of wonder the ' Casas Grand." which so deeply attracted he followers dream, there can no longer he a doubt. -r Months afer this conversion with Mr. Brid ger. I had ano her wHi Mr. Paptn. the agent e f the American Fur Company. He told me tha' another of ; he parly, Mr. Walker, the mount aineer af er whom one of he mountain passes is namtel and who is known to be a man of truth, had given him the ftnte e'ocii) t'-n of these disn'ate peop'c. and in my min i there is not a shadow of dor. b. e.f their exis ence." Car.t. Joe Walker has also visi ed this people, and gives subsiantially the same account of hem. He calls them the Miquis, and says; "Their houses are genetally built e f stone and mor er some of them of alIe. They are very sn.tg and comforable and many of them are two ami even three stories h gh. The inhabi ants are con siderably advanced in sr.me cf he arts, and manu facture excellent woellcn clo hing, blankets, leather, basket work and pottery. Unlike most of the Indian tribe of this ccunry, the woman work within eloors, the men performing all the farm and out-door labor. As a race, they are lighter in color than the Digger Indians cf Cali fornia. Indeed the women are tolerably fair, in consequence of not being fo much exposed o the sun. Mauy of ihese women are very beautiful They arc neat and clean in their habits, and dress in a picturesque costume ei uieir e. manufacture. Altoge her, the Moquii are far in advance of any aboriginees yet discovered m the territory of the Uni ed S.atcs-" Captain Walker s'a'es further that the forms of the gen ler sex are of faul less symmetry, that they have beautiful hair, which they arrange with much care, and that while the unmarried part their hair behind, and twist each parcel round a hcop six or eight inches in diameter, the married we nun twist their hair behind in a sort of club. The spirit of the West is one of the boldness and adventure, and but a liitle while will elapse before we may look for an o-ganized txptdiaon to the lionies of this newly discovmd raoa - A THRILLING- SCENE. Drowning of nBcll nn Shipboard. The following vivid account ef the sinking of the Royal George, wi(h a ball, in full ac'ivity on board. I have translated, for the Inquirer, from the " Forty Eight Years' Memoirs of a Constitu tional Officer," as exracted in'o the November number of that most admirable German monthly, " M'ljer's Mjnatshefte," published in New York. E. J. M. In the summer of 1780, the Royal George, a s'ately three decker, of 84 guns, af er an absence ot two years on a loremn s anon, case auuoor m , the Spi head Roads. At the end e.f a -week, which had been emplo3 cd in removing all traces of her long voyage, aid in a thorough cleansing, the Captain issued invitations to the officers of she fleet in the Spit head wa!ers. and to the nobil ity and gentry of Portsmouth, fr a grand ball on biard. The inferior of the upper deck, freshly painted fi-om s'em to stern, and elegantly deco- J rated, appeared like a floating palace. The appointed hour for the commencement of the fete nal arrived, and the harbor was gradual ly covered by hundreds of boats, some carrying tire invite-d guests to the Royal George, and oth ers, attrae'ed by eruriosity to witness the delica'e homage which British naval oflicers are accus tomed to bestow upon beauty. All that the most refined taste eu!d suggest, and the most lavish expenditure procure, had been bes'owed on the embellishment of the vessel. The deck, whose entire space was appropriated to the hall, resembled a vast billared hall, over which, from the masts and yards, floated the intermingled folds of numberless flag and streamers of every varie'y of color. Instead of tape-s'ry. the siiles were covered with velvets and silk hangings. Among the furniture were to be seen the most precious ivory work, and divans and chairs of rose and sanehd weeds, carved and fashion el in a manner to rival the most ingenious Chinese tas'c. The awnmg was composed of carpets of the rich-e-s- Orien al fabric, ornamente-d with gold and silver cmbroielery, and the rugs lie fore the s'a e rooms were pre due ions of Cachcmire, which might have figured as articles of luxury in the wa -il I of priucily dames. The side boards glittered with gold and silver vessels, among which was a magnific nt vase, -et with costly jewels, the gift of an East Indian prince. Otto of roses in crys al jars f ern nie he s e xpresly made, scattered in profusic n its eleli cious perfume. In a word, the whole scene wiih itssplendiel decoration;, resembled ra her ihe banquesting room of a royal palace, than the in e. ior cf a flag .ship. Aficr the Admiral had cast a last satisfied J.anee upon the tas eful ciMbelli.shnitn s. and had passed in re view the brilliant preparations, he re-paii-ed to the deck, where in sta'e and sur r tindeel by his eifiicers, as a king by his ne hies, he took his post to receive his guests. Whilst a select band of music filled the air wi h melody, frem every side .here was seen gliding over the smooth wa'ers towards the ship, gaily dressed lieats lnaring the e'.i e of beauty and nobili y fivin Portsmou h,Porsa. the Isle of Wight, and other neighlx ring points on the const. The- uni ve-sal joy of ihe officers and guests was enhan ced by the leauty e.f the night, not a clot d dim ming tlie radiance of the sars, and not a breath of air ruffling the surface of the sea. And yet, destruction was maliciously hovering in this hour of fes ivi j over the finest shin in lheleet. Already death invisibly sat grinning behind the seats of htsc pleasure devoted guess. Of mutiny there was no a: prehension, as the wheile crew w ere all true and loyal, and warmly at. ached to the cotr.mrnding officer, nor was there any possibility of a hak, as the utmost precautions had been adopted, and the powder magazine had len additionally secured by triple fastenings. Who could have believed that the swcl.ing of a gentle west wind, would Lc si ffi cient to I roditce a ca astro he, as unra.alkled in its cha ac er as in its awf.d incidents ! About two hours later, as the ball was in fid movement, there arose, not a light breeze but rather a b.eaih of air, from the south west, which hardly stirred a curl of hair among the crowd of danci:ig beauties. The oscillation, which it bro't as it steile across the mo 'ionics face cf the water, appears to have been unnoticed But, inscruta ble fate ! This insensible puff of air, not surfi cient to d aw a sound fn m the cords of an Tleli an harp, by 'he under swell it created disturbed the equilibrium of two immense chain anchors which, wi.h some heavy guns, had been stowed ! in the open ports, and, on account of the calm i we a her. had not been secured by fastenings. ' This ponderous mass started from its balance by j ! the heaving ef the sea. with lightning Fpeed roll ' ed to the opposite s'ule of the vessel, and in a mo- ! j ment threw the Royal George upon her side. One heart piercing cry of woe from a thousand voices, a sound be-fore which the stoutest sailor quailed, rose in frightful dissonance, and broke upon the startled ears ef those in the surrounding ships, while echo bore the death wail to the adja cent coasts, whete it rolled along, like a thunder- ;peal deaeltuiug the roar of the surf, and striking with terror the shuddering inhabitants. The lofty masts immediately bowed to the sur face of the sea, which at first, as it were, over awed by the sudden cessation of the prevailing 1 joy, receded in a w ieie citc'.c. and then as quickly returned, as if to theexecu ion of a fearful judg ment, pouring over the high bulwarks, and through the ports into the innermost recesses. Once more the stately fabric, in all i s imposing mass, vpon the restora ion for a moment of its lost balance throi'f.h the settling water, rose erect, as if to display in full majesty the impo sing grandeur of its form. Pioudly stretched the lofty masts their tx'cnded arms to the blue sky but the flags and streamers, already soaked by the overwhelming sea. hung in loose folds, I like emblems of mourning. Sow the 6hip, deep er, deeper sinking, began, in giddy whirls, a hor ror striking dance a few seconds more, and it shot, wi ll i's thousands ofhumanlie-ings, in vain with dea'hly pallid and agonized coun-enance-s imploring he-aven for deliverance, and clinging convulsively to the shrouds, in'o the gar-ing abyss. The foaming sea. with hud and terrib'c gurgle, forever closed over the black, yawning gulf, and al' was silent ! A fe w moments suffice d to complete 'he terrific ca'astrophe. From all the ncighloring vessels lmats were seit out to attempt to save some of the d -owning thousands, but the vast whirl ion! ca'i.-cd by t sinking shin, prevented a nea-ai proaoh. Onlvafw of the mort experienced sailo-s. who climlie-d to the opma:ts as ihe Roy al Ororgc for the last time he-av.el erect, wc-o m abled to save themselves by swimming. All the rest, in the midst of a jubilee, fell a prey to the drowning sea. Tscape cf Fcntane. During the seige eif Lyons, the root Fon'ane had bcrn shut up wi h his family in the midst of the city in ruins. Full of alarm f r ti e fa'e of his young wife and infant, he resolved, at all risks, to escape if he could. Having oVaine-d a passport, a difficulty arose a 1 1 t i - .. rr . nnrt ' a.S lO nOW IIP l-OIim ta:iV nn i.t'unr y.n V t.m o'he-r valrnb'.c articles then consid r d qoi'c an li republican. Among these valrables was a chalice, a present from a sovereign, on which an able artist had e ngraved the arms of the King eif Sardinia. Fontane grea'ly dreaded le st this cha lioefihonhl lie discovere d as being a vesse l use el in the se-rvice of the church, ami lK-aring the arms of a king, it would tell as a thre e fi.ld pw-o of aristocracy. However, he elecided on 'akitg and hastentel to the house of a friend, who had been a nursery gardener. The poet then laid aside all his feudal oma men's set aliout exc'iantring his clothes to give himself another aprearance. Having d esse-el himself in wide pantaloons and shoes stuck full of la-ge nails, his hair c-opped and every grain of p-wele-r remeived. he emerged ftitn the gardener's h'-vse in cl a-acer rf a laun dnss's porter, wi'h a heavy basket of clothes on his shoulder he pla'e and cha'ice care full- rackeel iineler the linen. Ilis young family fol l-we-d a fe-w paces Whind him wi h tin- passport, but they had to pass close to the terrible instru ment f d a h : for the-e it stood, always ready fir use. Fonane shi elder, d. His wife turned pale. To them their sitrarion was aw fid ! But re asfm and neevwsity urged them on, Fontane resolved to act a deid d rart. He wa!k d up in font of the guillotine, gra-ning 'he basket firmly with his band and loo-ening the leather s'rap as if to ease himself, he looked steadily at the scaf fold. A man of ruffianly arpearane. who a'tcnel.-d as if he were a guard of ihe guillotine, came up to him. " Are yon afraid," sa d he to Fon'anc, that 3-0U look in this way at the na'ional lazor V " Afraid," said Fontane : "di you take me for a Federalist, that I should be f igh'ene d at the sight of a guillo ine! Sccre lien ! Leok at me t d you see anything like an aristocrat in my face ?" " What are you ?" said a second interrogator, addressing Fontane. " I am a bleacher and scourer." "And his good won: an !" "What a qnes ion," said Fontane. " Look at the little one don't you see the likeness I'ir la Tiyiillique'." " Ah ! that's right !"said themisc-cant: 3-ou're a goel one. Down with musca.lius and aris 0 crats. Vice i Rcpulliqne ! and Vive la Guilto tin' .'" Fon'ane could not jo:n in this sanguina-y cry. He saw his wife tremble, and took her hand. "Come, wife." said he. " let us have a song." "Ay and a dance too," said the barbarian who had first spoken : " so, down with your basVet. my jovial fellow." " But I I" "Nonsense nobody will run away with your basket : down wi.h it, I say ! Why, w hat's the mat'er ? is it glued to your neck ?" Fontane objec ed and resisted for a while, but was soon obliged to submit and. wiping the cold perspiration from his f..rliesd. in a state more dead than alive, w as relieved from the bur then of ht li-Vct. lie f.w it plaod on a hear of stones, and feared everything would lie turned tosv-turvy. Oh ! the fa al cha'ice ! All h- pe of safety was gne he was on the point of ele liverirg himself up and claiming cemrasstrn fir his wife and child, in the hope lhat they would beallowcd topass, when, happily heroused him self, clapped his hands, and assumed a joyful as pect. " Hollo ! my friend," cried one of the fellows, "you're wonderfully merry all at once." " A thought has struck me," said Fon'ane, "a bold idea ! You see my poor wife? I know the Carmagne le alwaj-s raises her spirits. Come, my goeid fellows, let us dan:e it." His w ite gazed at him with a levk of despair, as he snatched the child from her arms. " What now ! don't make a wry face, wife," said he. " Excuse her, she's young and timid. Come, let us put the little one on the basket there he lies on the top of the linen, and sleeps t.r.,11e. Wife, vour hand. Now, the ring the republican ring. Come, friends, join hands far the ring the patriotic dance." Madame Fontane now comprehended what her husband meant. She tny ped hghily roui.d the ring, and joined in the chorus of the Carmagnole. Whe n the dance was over she took up her c'.ild : Fontane w as assisted in replacing his lasket on his shoulder, lie made his wife lead the way, and walked off af.er her, whistling the Chant da depart. And ao they ecad. Married in Spite cf tLeir Teeth. Old Governor nitons' all, of Connecticut, who flourished some years since, was a man of some humor, as well as perseverance in e-lfec ing the end he d'.-sired. Among either anecdo'es told of him by the New London people, the place where he re-sided. U the following: Of the various sic s w hich have flourished Pr their elay. an 1 then ceased to e xist, was one known as the Rogerites, so called f.-om the'r founder, a J l.i or Tom. or some other town a foresaid. Tin- dis ingui.-hed 'enot eif this sec was their d nial rf ihe propriety and ncriptvrali ty of the form of marriage. .The y V lie-ved " it is not good for man to lc alone," and also tha" one wife only should "cleave unto her husland." B-jt this should be a matter of agreement n.e-re ly. and the oniric should come together, and live as man and wife, dispensing with all '.In forms of the marriage covenant. The old G:ve--nor used frequently to call upon Ucp r, and talk he matter over with htm, and end.-avor to con vince him of the imtroprie-ty of living w ith Saah as he did. But neither John nor Sa-ah would give up their argument. It w as a n a'ter ofcen science with them : they were very happy V get he r as they were : e.f what use, the n could a mere form be ? Suppose they would hereby escapc scandal, were they not firmly bound to "take up the c-rss," and live accord ing to the rules eif the religion tiny possessed? The Governor's logic was powerless. He was in the neighloihood e.f John one day, and meeting wi h him, accepted an invitation to ditie wi' h him. Conversa.itu, 2 usual, turned upon the subject. " Now. John," said the Governor, af cr a long eliscu.-siein of ihe peiint, "why will you nut t lar rv Sarah ? Have you not taken Ler to be ycu. lawful w ire,- ?" " Yes," replied John, "but my own conscie nce will not rc-riuit me to marry her ia the formo! the world s pe-ople-.' " Very well, but you love Ler?" "Yes" "And respect her ?" " Yes." ' And cherish he r as the bone of your bone and f!e.;b e.f your flesh ?" "And you love, obey, respect, and cbtrUh him ?" he continued to Sarah. " Cer ainly I do." " Then." said the Governor, rising, " by the. laws of God and the Commonweal h of Connec i cut, I pronounce you to le husland and wife." The ravings and rage of John and Sarah were of no ava'l t the knot was tied by the highlit au hori'y in the State. IIow Kurat met H3 Fats. The sen'ence of the mili nry commission w ar re a 1 tet him wi h d-ie solemnity. lie listcne-el 'e it as he would have lis etietl to the cannon of ano .her hat le d iringhis mili ary life, equally wirii out emotion or bravadt. He neither aske-el fo" nardon. for delay, nor for appeal. lie advance d of his own ac -ord towa 'd the do-ir. as if to a-cel crate the catastrophe. The door e; ened on n narrow e sp'anade. lying 1 ween the towers e.f the cas le a id the outer walls. Twelve seldiers, wi h loa Id muskets, awaited hi in there. The narrow spa-e d el not permit them to s and a' a s-iffi-rent dis'a ice to d - prive dea h of its horror M irat, in step i:ig over the th-es'.old of hi coamber found hitnse'if face to face with them. He refused to let his eyes be 1 andanped. anel hooking at the soldiers with a firm and Ix-ncyo -lent smile. " My friends," said he, " do not make me snf for by taking bad aim. The narrow space nam rally compells you almost to rest the muzzles of your muskets on my breast : do no- tremu e, a not strike me in the face aim at the heart, hen it is." , As he spoke thus, he placed his r:ght hand up on hiscoa. toindica e he posi ion of his heears. In his lef. hand he held a small medallion, which contained in one focus of love, the image e.f hi wife and of his four chihlren, as if he thus wished to make them witnesses eif his last hour, or to have their image in his last loek, as in his last thoucht. He fixed his eyes on th s jwrtrait. and received the elea h b'ow wi hout feeling i', ah sorted in cem empla i.m of all he 1-ved i;iKn ear .h ! His IkhIv. pierced at so sliort a etistatice liy twelve balls, fill wi.h his arms e.jien and his face to the earth, as if s ill eiub acing the king efoin he had emce jKissessed. and which he 1 ail ce.me to reco-iqvcr fir his tomb They th-ew lis c'eiak upon t'-e lody, which was b iried in the calhe-elral of Pizzo. Thti. el ed he ti osi ch'u al rous se ldier eif the imperial epeich : not the gnat-e-s. but ihe most hc-oic figure amemg the Com panions of the new Alexcnder. L imariiae. S r.ATilSG IX OF TUB Tl KKISU TBOeP3 The news from Cons an inople contain some det ails of the scene which te.k plac at Shun.Ia, when the oa h of fidelity was sworn oy tneanny in me presence cf the (.rand .dut.i, w No was "s ith the Ke:an in his hand. The oa h was. that the men would bind the- last drop their blood in defence of the soven-ign righ s of the Ottoman Throne. Omer Pacha addressed a speech to " the Asial ie , African . and Eurapean '. ti arriage of Lau.ar ie is one of romantic intcrtat. officers and soldiers," af.er w hich the Grand Muf-, Tiie lady.w ho.se maiden name was Birch, waa ti offereil up a prayer, the Amen of w hich w as j possessed of consideiable property, and when, repealed by the whole army. The drums then passed the bloom of her you h hh', "became pas beat, and a prolonged shout of " Lemg live the alonately eiianiored of the .'t, frotu thcie-usa! Sultan" was rai.-ed. Oiuer Pacha refused to of his " MeLt;:0r'. for swe time she nursed permit the troops to de-tile Ixfore him, saying this sentirt Jn st.Cre-t, and being apprifed cf that he w ould not accept such a distinguish!?! the Vffiban a.-sed sta.e of l is affairs, i-he w rote to honor until he had gaiae-el a vic.ory over ihe Rus- tenUci ing him the bulk f 1-tr fortune- . Sians. Among 111c iore-tguers pi eseut w;-cre yjr Neale, the Briash Consul at Yarn a s0;l of j.. ron B.uck's, and General P;'mi ncej.e Jt spleudid charger as a pncm u.om vivtr paciia. u-" cha-ge against the purse is of more seri ous concern, with many, tbao a charge aaiaat the character, a . a. Fete Whetslcce and tte K ail 07. Tele Whetstone, of Arkansas, waa onoe travel ling on horseback throi feh the in criorcf th S:ie, and called one evening to atay all uifcht at a little log house ne ar L.-rod w here cn'er ainment a:id a postoflicc were kept. Two other s' rangers w ere he-re, and the mail Loy rode op about daik. Sup'tr being over, the mail carrier and the time gen'lemen were invited iuto a small rxom f irnished with a good fire and two bed, which were to accou xaoelate the four persona for thenht. The mail carrier wa a littlu, dirty, shabby, lo" ;sy lcokii.g wretch, wi h wh-.ru r.ona of the gentlemen likesd the idea of sleeping. Put Whets ore i-yed l.iui clostly at he aakt-d : " Where do you sleep to-night. Uiy Ui ?" " I 11 thlcep w Kb you I reckon." lisped tbo you h " or with oue oHiem other fillers. I doa't care which." The other two gentlemen took ti e hint and oo eu- ie-d one cf the bed Uige'ht-r immediately leaving the o her bed and tie conftb to be enjoy ed by Pe'e and the meil boy torrtthcr as best they could. Tete and the boy buth coinmeocetl laul i 13 off 'heir dads, and Pe c getting into bed first, and w ishing to get riicf aleeping with the boy, remarked very earnestly " try frieud, I te.ll you beforehand, i'eegt t'i ttk! and you'd be' ter no' pet ia here with ice, for the disease is catch' The boy, who was just getting into bed too. drawled out very cotjlly. " wal, I reckon that don't make a bit o' difference to n-.e : I've had it now for nearly the.se thtve-n years," and into bed he pfe'tt 1 with Pete, who pi ched out iu a great a hurry as if he had waked up a hornet's nest ia ti c bed. The o her two gentlemen rcand. and the mail lioy, who had got peace-able possession of a bed to himself, d a.vl d out " Why you ni -st be- a thet of darned fules mam an 1 dad s got the ta ch a heap wurth than I i.. and they thTept in th.it lei lat niht wLca the-' w as here to the quil ing." The o.hur two s rai geva were now in a worse pndicament than Pe e had ben, and b uncing f oin their ne sts as if the house had beta on fire, s rip-ed and hhook their clo lies, put them to. again, ord rfd their horses, and. though it was .learly ten o'clock, they all time left, uid rode several ii.il es lo the next tow n be fore they blept, leaving the iuifer'uable mail earlier to tLfc Llifcg of scratching and sleeping ahnc. Tlio Force of Ia5aiaaticn. Euckland the di-tinguishe-d geeihgist, one day gave a dinner, af er dissecting a Mi.siippi alli ga or, liaiug asked a to id n.any of he most dis ; inguisl.ed e f li s classes to dine v i h Liiu. His louse and all his cs ablishn-int were in geejd style and tas'e. Ilis gt e;U c n-re-ga ed. The .linner table- UkiI e-d s; h-odidly, w i li lass, chiua: a id plate, a.id .he meal ci uvntr.ced with cxctl-e-n' soup. " How do you like the soup ?" asked the doe eir. af er having finis! ed his own plate, addrcss sing a famous got rmand ef t he day. .. ve.v gejenl. indeed, ai se ed the other; tur tle s i-. not ? I only asked because I dj not ie an .' r en fat." The docter shrok his head. " I think it has so.newhat of a musky taste," said am ther : " not unple asan', but jeculiar." " All alliga e.rs have," replied Buckland ; " the cayman peculiarly so. The fellow w hum I dis ected this morning, and whom you have just be-tn ta ing " There as a general rout of tie whole guos'a. F.very one t :mod ale. Half a d7cn startt-d from the -able. Two f them ran out ot be roe m, and only those who had stout stomachs remained to the clotc of an excellent tnterta.nn.eut. "S-e what imagii a ion is," aid Buckland, " ifl had told them it was turle, or terrapin, or bii-el's-r.e-it soup, salt wa cr amphilia or froh or the glu en of a fish from the n.aw t-f a sea bird, ihey would have j ronounced it excellent, and their diges.ion been none the worse. Such ia prejudice." - But was it re ally an nllit a or ?"' asked a lady. "A good a calf s head as ever wore a coro net," said EucUand. A COW FeiR THKEB TlieifSA.VO I)eLI-ARS. Col. Thorne, of Washington Hollow, Duel ess Co., N. Y. lately imported a valuable Durham bull, and o hers ock by the s earner Herman, w hich wera .-clec el wi bout re-gard lo ceist, of the best to be f mud in England. The bedl is Hated to havo cost five thousand dollars. By the Washing on o.i her last trip, he received a cow, of the f-ame s. aiu as the bull, for w Inch w e are le 11 he aid S3,U0 , beside-s expenf-e of her iiasage. Th a ia probably the highest prioed cow ever imp nt d.. She was accoui anie-d by a two tnonlhs old calf, which cost 5:750. Also, a lot ef South Dowa she-ep, cf superior quality. If they a e better ' tlian those importe-d by Mr. Morriss.of Mt. Ford- j must u ycfy cxtraordinary. but not , mQre R) lhan tLc niania ncw ,.1;, for rxli. ils the s andard of cut tie in 'jiis country by fre.di imfxirtations e.f the bct ever produce-d by Etiglish breeders. V. 1". T ibw e, Markiagk eF Iam A,ktts e The story of the Touolied with ibis remarl awe prexi oi r.tr erosity, and supposing it could only U caused by a pielcrcnce for himself he at once made an otr of his hand and heart. Ilcjudtd rightly, aud the poet was pre-mpily accepted. ; fX7.Irriag ii a fiatst whara tho graqa ia 9Qmt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers