J LI t! f 'J i f : . Kew Cabinet Ware Rooms. JAMKS S. TODD informs the eStiiens of Ebens bnrg, mod the public gent rally. tb' D fc8 opened an extensive and varied assortment of Cab inet Ware in Mr. Robrt Davis new building. Main 6treet, nearly opposite the "Mansion Hoose,' where be will be happy to haT them call and ex amine bis MAHOGANY, WALNUT. CHERRY A KB OTHER VARIETIES OF FURNITURE, consisting in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Titles, red steads, Secretarys, Stands, &c. &c. ' He will have constantly on hand an a; sortmeat of Fancy and common Cea.Ojlji J will sell lower than ever before offered in this Every article ordered will be made in the most workmanlike manner, of the best materials ; and REPAIRING of all kinds will be promtly attend ed to. Hi's terms are CASH, and being determined to sell low, and keep none but good articles, he hopes to receive the patronage of a discriminating public. Ebensburg, July 29, 1853. Hide, Oil, and Leather Store. D. KIRKPATRICK, Ho. 81, Booth Third Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia. HAS constantly on hand and for sale. Dry and Dry Salted Spanish Hides, Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, TannerB Oil, Tanners' and Cur riers, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the best terms. jSSy All kinds of Leather In the Tough wantcct, for which the highest market price will be given in aah, or taken in exchange for hides. j-Leatber stored free of charge and sold on commission. May 13, 1853. Republican Hall. 1 XTUONY VOWIXKLE respectfully informs the JS public that he is now prepared, as the law di rects, with every requisite fur the 44 accommoda tion of strangers and travellers" at his new etand ia the Northern Liberties of Hollidaysburg. an.l respectfully asks for a share of custom. His ta ble will at ail times be supplied with the best the market affords, and his bar stocked with the best wines and liquors. jgy- The larger Hall can be rented by the day or night, and a Piano and Pianiyt furnished. German wines and Lager Beer kept con stantly on hand. Hoilidayibnrg, May C, 1853. Hell, Johston, Jack, &. Co. (LATE BELL, JOUSSTO-N, & CO.) Office of Deposit, Discount, & Exchange, AT HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. JAMES M. BELL, Robert B. Johnston, and Wil liam Jack are the Active Partners, who alone transact the business of the firm. THE OTHER PAETNEES AB A. P. Wilson, Won. Dorris, Jr., Wnt. P. Orbison, of Huntingdon, Pa. T. C. McDowell, Wn. M. Lloyd, James Denniston, R. M. Lemon, Geo. R. M'Farlane, Samuel W. Rhodes, Samuel Calvin, Tbadeus Banks, John Cresswell, Jr. Joseph Smith, of Hollidaysburg, Ta. Alex. M. Lloyd, Baker &. Watson,' of Gaysport, Pa., John Miller, of Temper- anceville, Blair co. Pa. E. Shoemaker, of Ebcnsburg, Pa., Thos. White, of Indiana, Pa., S. H. Smith, John Crouse, David Watson, of Johnstown, Pa. John Neff, Samuel Dean, James M.Johnston, Wil liamsburg, Pa. 1gfOlhers may and will It aJdtd."i Collections made in all parts of the United States. Drafts furnished on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c, ice. The usual rate of Interest, in such cases, paid on Deposits for 3, 6, and 12 months. Otber Deposits received payable on demand. Hollidaysburg, July 16, 1852. T. J. Evans. J- D. Hughes. EVAXS& HECHES, trOULD again inform theMic that they have l just received from the Eastern cities, and have ou hand a large and excellent assortment of Tall and Winter Clothing, which they are prepared to dispose of at reasonable prices. Their stock consists, in part, of men nud bovs wearing apparel, manufactured from Cloths, Casaiineres, Sattinetts. Satins and ailks. Also, Woolen and Cotton Undershirts, Drawers, Ac. . Hats and Caps, of all kinds, suitable for the season. Also, a large assortment of OVERCOATS and CLOAKS of the latest styles. They have also on baud Cloths, Cassimeres, Sat tiuetts, and Yestings, which they are prepared to manufacture to order according to the latest appro ved fashions. The goods have been selected with Care, and can be sold v eby low. Call and examine their stock. They wiil suit you as to quality and price. Ebeusburg, Oct. 21, 1853. " AOTICE. ALL persons having claims against the Alleghe ny Portage Rail Road, for services rendered or materials furnisacd previous to the 3d day of Nov. 1853, will report them to the Superintendent, prior to the 20th of Nov. 1853. The great diliicul ty that has heretofore cccurred iu the payment of the debts of this road, has been from the negligence of creditors themselves iu failing to report their c!'mj previous to the making out of the general report of the Superintendent. It is particularly required that the entire indebtedness of the road be now reported, so that application can be made for a sufficient amount to liquidate it (luring the ensu season. All persons failing to present their claims, will have no assurance of payment out of the next appropriation. JOHN ROSS, Superintendent. Oct. 28, 1853. Administrator .otice, LETTERS of Administration have been grnted to the undersigned, by the Register of Cam bria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those having claims will present tbeiu properly au thenticated for settlement. SCSAN RHEY, Administratrix, ANDREW J. RHEY. Administrator. Ebcnsburg, October 21, 1852. tf. C. W. WEBSTER, Attorney at Law, Ebensbnrg Fa., WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business intrusted to his care wiil be promptly attended to. OfiSce'oa Main sticet opposite Dr. Wm. Lemon's office. Ebensburg, April 28, 185327. Tliomaa E. Martin, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Johns town, ra.. SITOPon the Island, nearly opposite D. Leceh & Co's Warehouse. Dec. 22, 1852. - Dr. R. M. S. Jackson & Br. James C. Howe, HAVING entered into a Co-partnership in the practice of medicine, offer their services to the inhabitants of Summitville and vicinity. J)r. Jackson can be found at his residence near the tell gate, and Dr. Howe at the old office on the Summit. Sept. 9, 1853. tf. CASH will be paid for 4000 or 50GO pounds wod, by HUGHES & WHERRY, Jefferson, Pa. 1VIEEXAM K I TIE EE, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. - OFFICE on Main Street, in the office lately occupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. -Jaauary 15, 182. Tam as Dougherty, at REIKIIOEJD. WASH & CO, WHOLESALE and retail dealers in ' Tobacco Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South . J?JZr of Third and Race streets. Philadel Twa UtTly occupied by Lad wig, Kneedler & Co keen' constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands f rffEwrua TOBActro, imported cigars, Domestic cigars, nnd Snuff, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any house in the city. Ordrs promptly attended to. . August o. Ipo-i ;-!y. John Parker. J ames H. Parker. . JOHX PARKER & CO., -XT WHOLESALE Grocers, dealers in Flour and YY Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. , No. 6, Commercial Row, Liberty Street, Plttsbursl'a. August 19, 185". ly. 1 Geore-e Rher. Levi Matthews. William Ebbs. RHEY, MATTHEWS & CO., VnOLES ALE Grocers and Commission Jler- chants, Dealers in all kinds of Produce and Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 77 and 79 Water StreCt' Pittsburgh, Pa. August 19, 1853. "ToUS m'dvTtT. WILLIAM h'DKVITT. JOI1X 31'DEVITT & BRO., "TX THOLES ALE grocers and dealers in Foreign Y V and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskey, Flour, Bucon, Fish, Cheese, &c;&c. No 311 Lib erty street, opposite the head of fcmithfield, 1 ltts- bui-gh. Pa. December 23, 1852 9-tf. JOI1X C. M AGI EE, HAS leased and refitted the McMillen House (late the Bennet Hotel) in the Wough of Johnstown, where he will be glad to receive any of his friends who may favor him with thetr patronage He has also opened bar with a choice selecUou of wines and liquors of all kinds. Msa's serveu to sun pasMfugvis nuo . vel by the Ta. R. R- JOHN C. MAG1LL. Johnstown, ra., July 22, 1853. j FOREST IIOl'SE. j Campbellstown, Cambria county Pa. j .,onhl Prnnrietnr of the above Ho- X tel. informs his friends and the public that be is well prepared to furnish the best of accommo dation, and is determined to please all who may call with him. JOHN T. PARISH. Campbellstown, June 10, 1P53 A CARD. DR. A. YE.AGLEY having permanently located in Jefferson, Cambria county, reTectfiilly tenders his professional services to the citizens of the place and tuesurrounmng coumrjf, m iut v'"- , tice of Medicine nnd Surgery. Office on Main street, where he can always be j found aud consulted, except when absent on pro- fessional business. i .l.ftVrH-,n. Ai.ril 14. 185325. ! Br. Geo. B. Kelly, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Jefferson and vicinity, in the practice of Medicine and surgery. Office next door to Mr. Lytle's Store. May 20, 1853. C. Siieridan, M. B., I" ERTECT FULLY tenders his services to the - citizens of Johnstown and vicinity, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office at the Drug store of Kratzer and Sheridan corner of Clinton nud Main streets. Residence Main street, second door below V..n Luenan's store. Br. $. R. ritli, I" ESPECTFULLY tenders his services to the cit-A- izeus of Suinniwhill tonbip in the practice of Mediclue ind eurgtrry. Office at Half-Way House, Cumbria county. Pa Nov. 24, 1852. BR. E. COMITTI, I ESPECTFULLY tenders his services to the cit V izens of Ebeubnrg, in the practice of Medi ; cine and Surgery. Office in Dr. Schneider's Drug btore, opposite the Presbyterian Church. June 24, 1853. RICH ARB JOXES, Justice of the Peace, Ehensburg, Pa., -m.-r7-IlX attend promptly to nil collections en- V trusted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling. July 21, 1852. tf. F. M. GEORGE, Justice of the Peace, foot of Plane Ho 4, A. P. R. R. TILL attend promptly to nil collections entrusted to his care. Uluce, adjoining me rosi oiuce, July, 28th, 1S52. Br. Henry Y'eagley, Practising Physician, Johnstown, Pa. o FFICE next door to his drug store, corn of i Main and Bedford streets. Johnstown, July 21, 1S52. WM. DAVIS. JOHN LLOYD. HAVING formed a partnership in the Mercantile ; Business, would respectfully solicit the pa- j tronage tf their friends aud the public generally. j Call and see us at the old stand ot U illiam iia vis. April 29, 1852. Always oil Hand. STONEWARE, Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-fiteel and Salt, for sale by DAVIS & LLOYD. May 12, 1852-29. Hm. M'Farland and Son. CABINET WARE DOOMS, Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, Pa. WOULD respectfully invite the attention of the public to their superior stock of Furniture of every description. Fnrniture of all kinds min- ufacturttd to ortlwr on the Btiortettt notice. All or ders from a distance promptlv attended to. July 1. 1852. . Laborers M auled. 1" Laborers are wauted to work on the Ebens JU burg and Susquehanna Plank Road, tewhom liberal wages will be given. Apply to either of the undersigned. GLASS & IIUT111SON. Ebensburg, June 3, 1853. S. l'eterhberger's Wholesale and Retail Clothing Store. COATS, Vests, Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, HanJ kercheifs, Cravats, Boots, Shoes, Carpet-bags, Trunks, &c. Sold cheap for Cash. Summit, Cam bria County, Pa. J. l'atton Tliompson, With Marple, Ellis 4 JTClnre, IMPORTERS and Dealers in Foreign and Domes tic FANCY DRY GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Satins, Silk Vest Jigs, Cravats, Ribbons, White Goods, Suspenders, Combs, Brushes, But tons, looking Glasses. &o. No. 15 North Third Street, two doors above Church Alley, Philadelphia. M. M. MARPLE, 1 J. A. ELLIS, I ' E. C. McCLURE, j Philadelphia, Feb. l'C, 1852-82. BKOIVX &, KEXXEDY, Faahionable Barbers and Hair Dresser. IN the basement story of Davis Co's., ware room. - Ebensburg, May l,.1851i-ly.;"- 1 3f. B. Shampooing done, and 'razors honed in a tfuponor manner. Daeuerreotjpinr. WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT IS ART ! A sever fading picture can now be got at the Blair Co. Gallery, Odd Fellows HalL G GORGE W. FISHER takes this method of in forming his numoroue friends throughout the county, that he has permanently located himself at Hollidaysuurg, where he isnow prepared to furnish superior portraits to all that wish a good picture. After a long nnd serious time of experimenting in the Art, lie is now prepared to take the finest kind of pictures ia all kinds ' of weather. A visit to his room and a trial is nil that is asked. His object if to please, and having the be.t light in the Borough, he feels that no failure can be made. Pictures neatly colored nxd put in good cases, from !5S1,25to $10. Children taken iu the morn ing from 9 to 11. in the short space of one second. Instruction given iu the art, enibrncing all the improvements, on the most reasonable terms. Ap aratus and fixtures for Dnguerreotypiug furnished. Hollidaysburg, Sept. 9, 1852.-tf. Tills way for Good andClieap Goods. be opened this week at the brick store T of J. Moore, in Ebensbnrg, a general assort ment of cloths, -cussimere, satiuetts, tweeJs, and a great v riety of eum mer goods. i. Together with any quantity of prints, delaine, lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other dress goods. ALSO A LARGE and good assortment of hardware, queensware, saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &C-, &c. Persons wauting boots and shoes, hats qndcaps or ready made clothing, will find it to their advan tage to call, at the. , Brick Store. ' The subscriber, thankful for rast favis, ear nestly requests his customers, and the pu'lic gen erally to at least call and examine his stock : and if he cannot suit every person in quality nnc) price it is not his fault. Produce and lumber of all kinds t.iken in exchange for goods; and he also takes CASH wheu offtrcd. J. MOORE. Ebetisbimr. April 28, 1851. i ROBERT KERKV. ROUtltT CAiuftAlTll. Coacli Manufactory. ! THE subscribers would respectfully iif .rm the citizens of Ebensburg and the public inerally. that they will carry on the Coach Makiig, inclu ding the Smith work at the Machine shop formerly occupied by Mr. Anderson, in the rear of E.Hughe's Store ; where by using none but the choict mate rial, nnd employing none but the best wrkmen, ihcy hope to convince nil that will do em the favor to examine their work, that in pointdf dura bility, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excel led by any similar establishment iu tbeptate or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain intlie pur chase of a carriage, will consult their owniatcrests by giving them a call. They are prepar to sup ply tbe following kinds of A'ehicles, viz: j Buggies of diifereutqualities nnd ;.rices,.iroueh es, Chariotees, one aud two horse roeknws, close quarter Eliptic nnd C-tpring Coaches; secMid J-and work of dih'erent kind.", &c, m-iking a vnety that will suit all tastes nnd all purses. Repaying done with neatness and despatch. j May 20, 1853. ' The Grant House, Corner of 4th and Grand stt. Pitttbirgr rri'lE subscriber has leasevl the large nd well JL known Hotel, (bite Lam.irtine Hous) at the coiner of 4th and Gnifit streets, Pittsbuy. which has been repaired and newly fitted up i all its apartments so as to give a birger and mrve liberal accommodation to travellers and boarder. His larder will be stocked with the most choi'i brands the markets can afford, and his Bar furnilied with the best. He would respectfully solicit nshare of public patronage. Sept. 8, 1852. B. TERRY. St. diaries Hotel I Corner of Third and Wood Eta. T HIS fine establishment, having comf into the bauds of a new Proprietor, ofterd great in ducements to the traveling community ( and also to regular boarders. Every delicacy aiJ luxury will be rrovided in its season; and no pans will be spared to make tbis liutel a comtortabierioi to all who may call there. W S. CAMPBELL, Trtprietor. Pittsburg, Sept. 8. 1S52. Boots and Shoes. Evans & Jones, j "XXTOCLD respectfully announce tothc public T that they still continue the manufacture of every description of Boots and Shoes, for Ladies and Gentlemen, at their shoo, a few doors Eust of Mr. Carmen's Hotel, where they will be happy to see their customers. Being practical workmen themselves, and using none but the very best materials, they ire confident they can execute work ns well and as cheap as any establishment in the county. May 13. 1853 George Harncanie, Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron ware Manufacturer, and Dealer in the fol lowing named Stoves : G1 LOBE Air Tight Cook, Portable Range. Flat t Top Complete, Union Air Tight, Cooks Favor ite, Bare Cylinder, Delaware Cook, Bar-room, Key stoue, or Independent, Harp cannon. New com plete, Hot Air Parlor, Victoria complete, Air Tight. Complete Cook, Union Coal Burner. Ebensburg, Sept 1, 1852. Fatlsioiiablc Clothing- Emporium, Clinton St. Johnstown Pa. GREAT attraction at the corner of Clinton and Locust streets, opposite the Exchange Hotel and the M'Millen House, Johnstown, Cambria CO., I'a., where the subscribers have just received a large and fashionable assortment of Fall and Win ter Heady made CLOTHING. Nov. 4, 1852. JOSEPH CANS & CO. rus. W. HAY. W. S. EDSOX. Hay & Edson. Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturers, and Dealers in the fol lowing named Stoves : COOK Stoves, Keystone, Nine Plate, Liberty, Parlor. Radiators, Etna, it:ir Fraaklin, Wa fle Irons, Complete Cook, Star Air-tight Cast iron inks. Ware Room on canal St. ono door below the collectors oihee. Johnstown, Pa. July 14, 1S52. - BUSHELS good coal wanted at iW o.-- I lice, lor which cash will be paid on de livery. 1'RttSl'ECTl'S OF THE "BLAIRSVILLE RECORD." The establishment of Democratic paper in the Borough of Blairsville, Indiana Co., Pa., has been long desired by the Democracy of Indiana and Westmoreland Counties, and t fie encourage ment that has already bet n extended, has indu ced the subscriber to undertake the publication of such a journal. He therefore, coat em plates to revive the publication of the "BLAIRSVILLE RECORD," and will eudcavor to make the paper interesting, not onlv to the political but general reader, aud hopes that in the enterprise he will be sustained by the public. Believing that our State aud National prosper ity has arisen Inm the successful administration of public anairs by the democratic party. and the firm establishment of the principles and policy of that party will promote and ensure the happi ness of the people, he will faithfully xndeavor to sustain these views, and also adhere To the regu lar established usages of the party. Deeming it unnecessary to pay more on this head, he oidy asks to be judged by the course of the paper. The materials of the office will be entirely new, and the paper will be of large size, and not inferi or to any published in the interior of Pennsylva nia. Considerable expense will be incurred, he therefore most respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of the public. Tehms. One dollar and fifty cents per year if paid in advance, or within six months, after the expiration of that time two dollars will be char ge. H. C. DEYTNE. M. WITMOBB, C. H. WOLrF, II. JO!E8. CBO. J. DCff. n lilt more, "vTollT, & Co., Importers and Dealers ia Hardware, Sign of the Anvils, JVb. 50 Wood tt., three doert atere the St: Charles Hotel, Iltfaburgr, lti. TAKE this method of informing ens torn ere and Dealers thnt they are now in receipt of their Fall Supply which has been selected with great C ire from the Manufactories of EurojeTcnd the Eas tern Slates. f)ur stock comprises a much larger assortment than is generally kept by similnr establishments, and is particularly adapted to the Country Trade. Having superior facilities for "procuring goods it is without hesitation that we defy competition from any quarter. We are now receiving Birmingham and Sheffield Manufactures, purchased and forwarded by one of the Firm, who lias been spending some months in England and Germany, and who will continue to keep us supplied with Foreign Hardward bought from first hands only. Western Merchants are respectfully invited to an examinrtion of our stock and prices previous to go ing further Eastward. Among our assortment may he tound the following: 6524 doz. Knives and Forks, 1100 dor. Chisile, 3114 " penknives 35 cases platies, 180O " sci- sors A; sheers 3200 doz. files &. Rasps 210 rasors in cases 217 gun locks 50 " silver plated lead table Spoons, 250 " German silver " T 350 shovels nud Tpades 350 gross Britania 247 " hay and manure forks, 150 ' Saws 75 " teunent saws 15 bales Deer's hair. 400 Mill pitt and cross cntt saws 1700 doz knobs, locks and latches 4200 pair trace chains 2000 " pad chest locks 400 halter nnd dog chains, bellows, anvils, vices, log and coil chains, cast, Aeer and Blister 450 doz axes, best brands, &.c. Saddlery Hardware. We are continuing to make large addition to this branch of or.r busiutbs. Sept. 2. 1853. A Sttv Arrival oi" Watclics and Jew elry. On the corner of Clinton and Locust Sts. THE undersigned respectfully invites the Ladies nnd Gentlemen to call and see his new and splendid stock of Watches aud Jewelry, which he has just received from Germany ; warranted to be soli! and pure, and for style aud finish it cannot be surpassed. He has also received a large assort ment of Jewelry from the Eastern cities, vii : Gold hunting case watches from !js75 to 100 " Patent Lever " ' 35 to fcO " Ladies anchor lever and Lepine,' SO to 5 Silver patent lever and hunting case watches from 15 to 20 44 Anchor Levers do.frons 12 te 18 44 Lcpiues do, 10 to 14 44 Quartiers do, 5 to 12 Gold miuinture cases. Ladies Gold Bracelets and Necklesses. Ear rings, Gold Guard, Vest and Fob ch.-iins. Gold chains for Ladies, Finger rings. Gold ami Silver Prtis and Pencils, Silver Spoons, Silver TLimbles, Steel, German and Silver Spectacles, Port Monaies, Pen Knives, Silver chains, &c, &c. All of the above articles are warranted to be of the best material, and will be sold tery low for cash. CIock and Watch Repairing. He has tbe best workmen in tbe country in his employ, and- all work entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors he solicits a continuance of the same, nad is confident he can give satisfac tion to all who may give him a call. GEORGE T. LCCKHART. Johnstown, April 15, 1853. ' nooo Bollars Reward Orcat ticittmenl iu alca t GEO. J. KODGEI'.S haa just received from the cities of Philadelphia nnd New York and im mense stock of New Goods, and now offers to bis old as well as new customers the Largest, Cheapest and lest assortment of SPRING k SUMMER GOODS ever brought to the Ebensburg market. Jlis stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods Queenswure. Hardware, Cedar Wore, &c, all of which have been purchas-J with a view to satisfy the wants of his numerous customers in quality and price. Gents Wear. Blue, black, brown and broad cloths, plain nnd fancy cnsicieres, tweeds, summer cloth, linens, silks, salin, Valencia and marseills vesting. H.-its, Cips, B-jots. Shoes. &c. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints, mous de biiris, ginghams, lustres and fancy colored silks, hobinet. bices and edging, jackonetts, ribbons, fan cy silk gimps, kc. Hardware, cutlery, and tools of various kinds. Queens-ware, consisting of many new and splen did patterns. Groceries, consisting of coffees, sugar, tea, fish, spices, s;t &c. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods Also Lumber. Wool. &c. GEO. J. EODGERS. May 20, 1S53. Look out for the Eoeomotlve I rash and Produce Store! IICG1IES &. M HER 111", HAVE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few doors East of G. L- Lloyd & co.'s store a large and entire new assortment of Spring & Summer Goods, which they just received from the Eastern cities, consisting, in part, of the following articles. LADIES DKESS GOODS, Silks, Barges, Mous linde. Laines, Lawns, &c, S-C. Also, Cloths, Sati uetts, Tweeds. Drillings, i.c. Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and very beat quality. Give it a trial. Hardware, Queensware, and Stoneware, of every variety comprising a large assortment. STOVES, of every decription, always on hand and warranted. We flatter ourselves tiiat we can sell Stoves lower than any establishment in Cam bria county, and being located on the Rail Road we can always secure n supply. Groceries, Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, Tinegar, linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and everv article nccessaay to supply this market. The public is solicited to call and examine our stock, as we are confident it will admit of inspec tion. gST All kinds of produce taken m exchange for goods. Lumber bought at the highest market pri- CCS. May 17, 1853. Tailoring-. THE undersigned informs his customers that tbe firm of Beynon & Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, nnd that tbe subscriber still con tinues the business in the room recently occupied by the old firm, where be will be happy to see his former patrons and as many new ones as please to cull. He receives regularly from New York and Philadelphia the latest fashions and cannot be beat en either in the shape or fit of Coats, Pants or Vests, by any other Tailor in the country. He respectfully ask tbe public to give him a call, and confident his work will recommend itself. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for work. LEWIS BEYNON, April 20, lS52.-tf. Tombstones! Tombs Stones! RICHARD JONES respccfully informs the pub lic that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, man ufactured in the latest style, and lettered according to any directions. His yard is situated at the south part of the town, where a large assortment of articles in his liue are always kept on hand. From long experience he feels confident be can please all tastes, aud he therefore hopes to be pat ronized by a generous public June 17. 1858. THIS WAY! For I have just received and of fer sale a large lot of Stone and Earthen Wares. The highest price paid for wool. Ebensburg. April 1. J. MOORE. 2000 NDS wool, btter, eggs wanted J. MOORE. LIVER COMPEAl.VT, JAUITDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHROKIC OR 1TEB VOTS DEBILITY, DISEASES OT THJE -KiTSEYS 1 ND all diseases arising from H disordered liver .A. or stomach, eucb as constipation, inward piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach, ' nausea, heart-burn, disgust for food, fullness, or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at tbe pit of tbe stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breath ing fluttering at the heart, choking or suffoca ting sensations when in a Heing posture, dimness of viniou, dots or webs before tbe sight fever and dull pain iu the head, ditficiency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &e., sudden flushe of heat, quriiing iu tbe flesh, constant iwagiuiugs of evil and great depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by DR. EOOFLAKD'S CELEBRATED GERM AX BITTERS, PREPARED I DR. C. M. JACKSON, At the German Mediclue More. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Tlteir power over the above diseases is not extelled if equalled by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many eases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva dlis. ' Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver aud lesser gluuis exercis ing the most searching powers in weakness aud affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, certaiii and pleasant. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as stated. It acts specifically upon the stonrarch and liver; it is preferabhe to calomel in all bilious diseases the ef fect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infants with safety and reliable benefit at fi-ny time. Look well to the marks of the Genuine They have the written signature of C. M. JACK SON upon the wrapper, aud his name blown it. the bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the German Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Jtreet, one door be low i-ixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable dtal ers generally through 'the countrv. PKICES KElilt ED, To enable all clases of invalids to enjoy the ad vantages of their great restorative powers. Single bottle 75 cents. For sale by Frederick Kittell Druggist Ebers burg; James Bell, Summit; G. Muckerkide & Co., Johnstown. December 1G, 1852 8-ly. B. TCIOK. aOBEETS. A w Firm. TnE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that they have just received from the city of Philadelphia, and have opened at the store room formerly occu pied by J. B. Craie. a large assortment of GROCERIES, of all kinds, consisting of the following articles, viz: Coffee, Tea, Sagars, Spicc-s, Cheese, Water, Soda, and Sugar Crackers. Essence of Coffee, Chocolate, Cinnamon. Citrons, Dates, Raisens. Dried Currants. Prunes, Figs, Almonds. Preserves Pickles, Oran ges, Lemons, Tobacco, Segars, Snuffs, &.C., tie. Flour and Bacon kept constantly on band. Families will do well to call and examine our assortment of Groceries and Confections before purchasing elsewhere. Our terms must and will be CASH, as we intend to sell lower than any establishment in the county. May C, 1853. TL'DOR &. ROBERTS. James iiell, btmmit, cambria co pa., HAS the pleasure of announcing to all who would secure the best bargains to be offered in this county, that he is again in tbe field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully se lected stocks of Fall and Winter Goods ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which have been purchased within tbe last few days in Philadelphia and New York, with particular regard to the wants of this Market. 1 again Sing my ban ner to the breeze, inscribed with my oldmotto of Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchasers to my stock, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, being full and com plete in every department. Everything new, fash ionable and desirable will be found embraced iu ray assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I have just received of late importation. In Gents' wear I defj competion, and confidently invite an examination of one of the largest,cheap cst and best selected etocks of ready-made clothing, cloths, cassimeres, Ac, ev.-r brought to Cambria county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which I will sell cheap and warraut to give satisfaction. ALso, caps, bonnets, BOOTS AND SHOES, of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books stationary, &c B3&Tbe highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. November 11, 1852. ARE YOU BALD? Is your hair falling off? Or is your head covered with Dandruff or Scruff? If so, then make a fair trial of Storr's t'hemical Hair Invigorator. Hundreds of persons in all parts of the country whose heads were entire ly bald, have had their hair fully restored to its origir.cl perfection by the use ef this valuable article. Cactiox. Ask for 44Storrs' Chemical Hair In vigorator," and never let dealers persuade you to use any other article as a substitute. Price 25 cents per bottle Proprietors. C. P. Amet & Co., No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. For sale by dealers generally. Sold by Fred. Kittell, Ebens burg; James Bell, Summit; E. P. HilJebrand, In diana. Dec. 8, 1S52 ly. Ezeklel Hughes, Ebensbnrg, fa. DEALER in 6tsp1e and fancy dry goods gro ceries, wholesale and retail fish; hardware and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron, sheet zinc, stoves of all kinds, stove-pipes and irm wait, tin copper and brass ket tles, &c. Grain, wool, butter and other country produce bought and sold. Also, A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry lumber; lumber always bought, and a large quan tity constantly on hand for sale. Cat-h always paid for lumber cntto order or such as suits the present demand ef the market. A large lot of new goods as embraced in the above list just received and more opening for sale at the lowest market price. September 23, 1852, tf. Exchange Hotel. Hoilidayibnrg, Blair Co., Pa. THE proprietor assures the public that no exer tiors will be wanting on his part to render bis house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. TOTTS. April 29, 1852. AFRESH arrival of Boot, Shoes, Summer Hats, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw Bon nets, Powder, Gun Caps. Shot, Lead, &c. received this day and for sale at the cheap store of June 26, 1851. J. MOORE. Af BARRELS Conemaugh Salt for sale by Ttvf J. MOORE, llUARRELS SALT just received at the Store of JJ HUGHES & WHERRY, Jefferson, Pa. July 8. W OOL, Batter, and all kinds of Grain, taken IB exchange for goods at J. MOOBX'fi STOIE Br. Cuyvott'a Improved Extract of YELLOW DOCK 8ARSAPARILIA 13 NOW PUT UP IN THE LARGEST SIZtB Bottles, and ia acknowledged to te the Uj. SARSAPARILLA made, as is certified by the Wc! pebfcl Ccaxtf it has performed, the orignal ccpi,, of which are in tbe possession of the proprieter -. Rehiember, this is the only TRUE and ORIQU, article: The Medrrine, when osed according to directum WU1 Cure, Without Fail Scrofula or Kings Evil. Cancers, Tumors, Eroptio of the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore-,ve, Ringworm or Tetters, Scald Head Rhe umatism .Pains in the bones or Joints, old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilis, ease of Kidneys. Loss ef Ap petite, Disease ar rising from the use of Mercury, Pain in the Side and Shoulders, General ' Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice and Costiv. ness. Let all . who wish to purge the blood from the impurities contracted from the free indulgeuc of the appetite during the winter, and to prepat tba system to resist summer epidemics, reaert now to " Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sar&a parilla," which is proving itself an antidote for many of the most malignant diseases that flesh is heir to, and they will never be disappointed ; for ia this remedy the public faith has never wavered never can waver ; for it is founded on experience, just as their want of fith in other and spnriotu compounds is also found don experience. They fly irom mineral nostrums to seek hope, life and vigor, from the purely teg table remedy, therefore, however broken down in health and spirits, however loathsome to himself and others, let no one despair of recovery; let the patient only understand Urn: his hope of phisical restoration lies only in 4Guy zott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," and persuade Mm. for his life's sake, to try it, aal we have co hesitation in predicting his peedy resto ration to htafih. Ladies of pa'e complexion and consumptive bal its. and such u are debiiiated by those oLttructitu which females are liable to, are restored, ty the use cf a bottle or two, to bloom and to vigor. Scrofula and Cancer cured by Or. Guysvtt't Extra cf i clioic Dock Arid Sarsaparilla. Ill f f f Rctleis, Grargtr county, Tenn., 1 April 27th, 1852. J. D. Pak. Esq., Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir: It gives me great satisfaction to add my testimony in favor of 4 Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," to that of the numerous and highly respectable pesMObs who have been benefited ty the medicine. My wife has been suffering for the space of ctkr ly five years with Scrofula and Cancer, which. 1 think, found its origin in tbe derangements ef the system peculiar to her sex, while in tbe mean time she was under the care of tbe most eminent Physi cians in this section of country, without derivltj any material aid from their prescriptions. Upon the recommendation of Dr. Cocke, one of our Physicians, who bad eeen the taedicisc usc-J with happy effect, I obtained of yonr Agents here, "Messrs. Rice & M'Farland," one bottle of 4,Ir. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and SarsapariUa," and as my wife found relief from that bottle, I bought some six bottles, which he has taken wiUi the most astonishing benefit, for I am pleased v say it has entiaeiy cured her, for she has enure! recovered from her illness, and the Scrofula tui Cancer are cured sound and well. Accept my gratitude. Rer-ectful!r, MICHALL G0LDMA. S fcBi.ixr-sas Cram bt son s Extxact of i'sixc w ubi csi of Da. Gci Pock ai Sassr- EILDA. Faieviiw, Butler Co.. Ta., June 14, M&Z. Ml Jons Pa as, Dbak Sis : I wish to state, :..t your excellent medicine, Dr. Guysott's Extraot of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla bas eompletely cured my son, aged seven years, of an aggravated case of sore eyes. From May till September, four mentis he was confined to a dark room under the care tf u skillful physician who consulted able counsel. Ha continued worse for two months a hen he becexe entirely blind. Hi eyes were so highly infiaicei. and so very sensitive that when covered with ievea folds of dark silk, he would scream from the paia caused by the light of a ondle. He had co appe tite ; had taken so xaucfa powerful and cffeciive medicine, that I cuuld neither coax nor force Lira to take more. He was reduced to a mere skeleton and I despaired of ever restoring his sight or health. About that time I saw your invaluable tnedielr.o advertised as a remedy for sore eyes, caused ly Scrofula, and your agent in this place, John Scott. Esq., recommended it to me highly. I purchased a bottle and gave it to toy son. I could see but little alteration in him for two er three weeks. He then began to iirprove rapidly, ad before he had taken another bottle his eyes were cempletely cured. Signed. Wa. C Campxeil. I do hereby certify that 1 am acquainted with Wm. C Campbell, and have seen his son when he was in the condition represented by him. and have seen him since and knew that he is now in godd health. Signed, Johs Scott. SPrice 31 per bottle, six bottles for $5 Sold by JOHN D. PARK, Cin., O. Northwest corner Fourth and Walnut streets - Entrance on Walnut street, to whom all orders must be addressed. Murray Zahm & Co. Ebensburg, Moore & Kepler Carrolltown, John Ivory & Sea Summit, Johnston & Edson Johnstown, Z. P. HU dibrand Indiana. J. C. Day KairsTille. August 19, 1853. ly. STORR'S CHEMICAL HAIR IA'YIG ORATOR. TIIIS delightful and popular article is the best preparation for the hair which long experi ence and scientific research bas produced, either as an article for the toilet, r its beneficial effects ia all tbe diseases to which the human hair is liable. It will impart to the roughest and coarsest hair the most beautiful appearance, entirely cleansing it from all impurities. But while we assert that it is the best article for the toilet of those who wish to retain the hair in all its youthful LUXURIANCE AND BEAUTY, it must not 1 forgottou that in all diseases of iha hair or scalp, such as the falling of tbe hair dand ruff, pimples, or sores on tbe scalp, Ac, it is per haps the article which has given decided satisfac tion every instance where it has been used. Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly active, so that, in numerous, where otber remdies have been tried in Tain, STORR'S CHEMICAL IN VIGORATOR has superseded the ornaments of arf, by reinstating, in full plentituJe, the permanent gifts and graces of nature. It is possessed of character wholly differing from the Oils, Grease. Restoratives. &c, .which are now so numerously foisted on the public, for baldness, gray hair, Ao. 8torr's Invigorator has now been tested for years, and its efficacy baa been proved by thousands. Every year iu reputa tion and sales have increased, until more of it is consumed annually than of any other preparation for the hair ever offered to the American public. It is compounded on strictly scientific priacioles, and the proprietor will stake his reputation on It efficacy. Its extraordinary cheapness places it within tbe reach of the humblest family, and itc conceded value insures it a place on the most luxurious toil et. For sale fcy pi proprietors price 25 cent. C P. AMET & CO. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. For sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell. Summit; G. Muckerhide & Co., Johnstown. December 16, 16528-ly. "V7"OUR hair is falling off. is it? Then call at JL, Kittell's withont delay, and . bny a bottle of Storr' Chemical Hair Invigorator, or you will be come entirely bald. It is the best H&ir tenia now in use. HE highest price paid for wool at the svi i GTO. J. S0PGFF5. , 4 in I