1 : i t V M . i '.A 4 . DEMOCRAT MP SEKT1SEL ':. . LOCAL ITELIS. ?AGno"st. Some days back our citizens were excited by report that, in the silent hours of night, a ghost or a something had been seen walk ing, "with measured tread and stately mien," on different streets of our town. Those who saw it described it as being an Amazon-like woman, clad in dark habiliments. It walked with a ra .pid step ; avoided the light, and looked like a for midable fiend let loose to frighten the good people out of their w its. Excitement ran high! Children avoided the darkness, and women when It-ft alone almost fain ted. ' Some of our masculine citizens armed them elves and determined to ascertain if real flesh -and blood composed it. But their starch w as rain. It avoided them, and escaped without a contest. It remained incog in spite cfall scru tiny, and finally disappeared, no one knew how, no on knew whither. "Many were the tales its appearance gave rise to; and there was 'scarce a nook in a' the land " but held its kindred spirit. Among others of a simi lar kind was the following : , ".Everybody who has visited or resided in Eb ensburg knows something about the ruined set tlement Beulah. Nothing now remains of it but old walls, old fields, and an old grave-yard. It is a lonely spot, and just such an one as a rest less spirit would seek for its haunt. Some years ago I had beer: roaming over the surrounding hills in search of game, and, like the larger portion of sportsmen, had beta unsuccessful. T had climbed over precipices and through ravines until weary auJ exhausted, when I sat down be side the ruins of a house in the (loser! tJ village to rest. The sun was fast sinking in th-j .Yer-t, but the evening was pleasant. I felt no fear ; in fact the solitude for me had charms. 1 low !'ng I remained musing I know not. but my eves grad ually closed and I slept and dreamed. Dreamed 'of the many buty feet that had once trod the spot where T reclined : of the many voices that had broken the stillness of the valley and awi'.ker.ed the echoes of the surrounding hills; and of the many forms that now mculdei td in the eld grave yard ntar by. My slumbers became restless. It seemed that a form bent over me that a cold hand pressed my brow. I tried to turn away but could not ; that icy handheld mc fa ;t. In my efforts to release myself I awoke ; ar.d !..,; ror of horrors ! my dream was but too true ! " There, beside me, as I hty by that old wall, sat a form clad in a flowing sable garment, v.irh long waving Lair, of snowy whiteness, ar.d a face calm and pale at? death ! The eyes, fixed and ' moveable, rested upon mc the cold harid pressed my brow. I tried to speak but could i:ot to - turn from its gaze, but in vain. Si ill that im moveable figure remained beside me still that deathly countenance bent over mine. I attemp ted to pray for deliverance, but my thoughts would not leave the horrid imnga.. A cold perspi ration oozed from every pere of my bedy, and I felt myself sinking into a swoon, when those pal lid lips moved. It spoke : -' Mortal ! le not afraid ! I seek not to harm t hoc nor trouble thy spirit. I am lonely and w arj. MaK-y years ago, when these fields were '.iiled and the houses which have rotted away were in habited, I dwelt in the tenement beside- who.-.e ru ined wall thou reelinest. I was happy. I gree ted the morning sun vth a smile, and watched it sinking behind the western hill with a happy heart. Bat I loved gold more than God ; I .-inned and God cursed me. The crops failed ami ifj Iriendi died or abandoned their homes. But I -could not die- could not leave th's spot. For Hie hundred year.? I was doomed to roam over these hills and linger round my once loved home. Time, with me, passes slowly. O. would tc Gcd that my probation was over !" ""It was gone. I breathed freer, my heart throbbed 'quicker, and I arose. My limbs were benumbed with fear, and it was with difficulty I reached my home. "When there I fe-ll into a fe ver, and for weeks those w o: el seemed ricking in my ears that cold hand pressing my brow. I recovered slowly, but even now, when my usual health and buoyancy is restored, that form visits me in dreams, and at mielnight, when all is si lent, I hear again those words " O would to God that my probation was over !" I have never before told this tale, for I knew that men would call it a creature of the imagina tion. Even new I would not have my same con nected with it."' - Such, reader, is the tale of the troubled spirit Xf Beulah. We have wrote it as we heard it, and for its verity we cannot vouch. It may have been a dream or the workings cf the imagination of the narrator. Be that as it may, we can sec no greater reason for doubting it than there is for doubting Irving's " Rip Van Winkle," or Sue's Wandering Jew." Plask Road Election. At tha election held in this place on last Monday, the following ex cellent Board of Officers of the Ebensburg and j Susquehanna Tlank Road, were chosen for the ensuing year : President, George J. Rodgers ; Managers, Rev. P. II. Lcmpke, Ezekiel Hughes, Johnston Moore, William Kit tell, James Myers ; Treasurer, Edward Shoemaker. The Weatoer. Winter Eetms to have fairly set in. Tho ground is covered with snow, and the air ia cold. Ere long we can expect sleigh ing, and then all will go well as all kinds of bells csn nake it. " Blessed is ue who gives.' Yes, and bles 6cd is he who receives. We thought so as we regaled ourself on an excellent bunch of cellery presented us by our enterprising citizen, R. L. Johsio.v, Eq- It was a gem," certainly, and as a specimen of the productions of an Ebensburg garden cannot be beaten. Kiw Hotel. Mr. Jno. Blair has taken the house formerly kept by Mrs. Mary 0. Evans, as s boarding house, and opened a Hotel. This bu siness" suits Mr. Blair to a " T," as he is just tho kind of a man to make a good Landlord. . -v. . ' Nevt Road to Loketto. The viewers on the new township road to Lorctto report a route of bulfoc miles in length and a grade no where ex cecdTng three degrees. This will make an easy aod xcdlent road. The old road is six miles loDg, and tho hills almost perpendicular. Death op a Cambbiak is Califobnia. We regret to learn the death of Daniel Iluber, of Johnstown, whd was shot on the American Riv er, in California, on the 16th of September, last. We have not learned the particulars of his death, lie leaves a widow, and two children. AHtgha-nian. Appointments by the Canal Btard. The Canal Board made the following appoint ments, in llarrisburgvlast week : J. B. Baker, Superintendent of the Columbia Railroad. J. Ross, Superintendent of the Portage R.R. W. W. Dimock, Superintendent of the Middle North Branch. D. Vandercock, Superintendent "of tire Upper Branch. W. Y Wilson, Superintendent of the Lower Branch. Coli.ectofs. II. C. Bturd, Athens. Rooms, Pott.-town. S. M. Strickler, Columbia. It. Patterson, Bristol. M'm. Cole, Outlet I-ock, Portsmouth. J. II. Shoemaker, Juniata Aqueduct. J- Black, Freeport. James L. Riely, Ilarrisburg. R. Laverty, Paoli. Weighmastebs. II. Yaid, Easton. Lot Watson, Lane-aster. J. Maker, Columbia. J. liightz, Columbia. I). E. Martin, Portsmouth. J. D. Leet, Ilollidavsburg. J. It. Herd, do'. J. C Barrett. Johnstown. J. R. Gregg, do. C. J. Brown, Northumberland. II. R. Kline, Lock Haven. t'AU,i lXSJ'ECTOHS. I). Willard. Bristol. J. Hunter, Philadelphia. Thomas V.'tlh, Columbia. D. Deio, He'liidaysburg. ('. Cnr:r, Johnstown. R. Bieeklv, Pittsburg. The Tasteru Question. Tiie '--tilioii of a flairs remains unchanged, as ree.-r.rds tin.- pors;cet if hostilities. - me .no.qnc s.-on ti.e ,tn tut. it was not expect- cdtlat Ii-tiii::is would ecnmuncc before the 2'.h. lleseliid I'ai-La'fi fen was the bearer X'f the inimt'ws to l'rinee Gorchakofi". He al.so e-on-vt-yed to Omer elefinite instructions how to act in -event of the litisi-iaas refusing to leave the terrir t.rics. Duplicates f llicc dispatches v ere suit n '!:e co"5:nar.-;er ed the TuiKii-h iorces in Asia, ;o tVi.t . tlie a i'tion cf the two divisions of the j army might be in concert. ! The following is a translation of I OMFK PASHA'S LKTTEK TO GORCIIAKOI-T. ! ' M-Jv--i5;i"s lu Gknuial : It is by the order of ! Guverr.nieiit that I have thelioncr to address :1.1s ji-iter Lo yeur Kxttllt-Jjcy. ' n'liilc the 5ubl;i::e I'orte has o.Lausteel all nur.ns of conciliation to maintain at once r tace r.nd its own independence, the Cottrt of Kttssia has r.ot erased to inise difllculiies in the way of any such tetth ment, and has emkd with the vi- : elation cf ire-atie.s invading- the two Pniie-ij a!i- ' ties o!" Moldavia and 'U'aUi'.cLia, intettral rerls of ' tt:e Ottotnan J-.nipirc-. lYitc to its pacific system, the Porte, instead of e.vercisir.ir the i it,ht to make reprisals, confin ed itselfeven then to protesting, and did not de- v;:k'.e i.e-n ll.c v, . ll.at lV.ight lead to Ml .ti-naifj- ;:.c;U. " l'.'ts-ia, cu the contrary far front evincing corresponding sentiment, has enele-tl by njectitig-trie- proposals recommended by the august courts prcposal.? which were alike necessary to the hii tor anei to ihe security of the Porte. ''fnere only remains to the latter the indis-pen- sable necessity of war. But as the invasien cf J the Principalities and tlie violation of treaties erected a two story" frame house, now ki the oecu whioh have attendeel it, are the veritable causes i o-mcy of the said Fr-mcU MtDermitt. of war, the ?ablirnc Por;e, as a last exj-ression cf its pacific sent intents, proposes to your Excel lency, by my ia.crventioti, the evacuation of the two Provinces, and grants for your decision a term of fifteen elays, to date from the receipt of this letter. If within this interval a negative an- swer shall reach me fvem vour Exceliencv. the ootiiri.enceiaent of ho.-tiiities will be the natural ct-rcqutTice. Wliilu I Lave the honor toTnake the intimation to your Excellency, I embtace the opportunity to ofJer the assurance cf my high esteem. (r-rgrre-d,) Omek." The following curt tiocumcnt is ;OKCIIAKOFF'S REPLY. ' My Muster is not at war with Turkey, but I have ureter not to leave the Principalities until the Porte shall have given to the Czar the moral satisfaction he demanels. "When this point has been obtained, I will evacuate the Principalities immediately, whatever the time or the season. If I am attacked by tbe Turkish army, Iwill defend myself confine myself to the defensive. GORCHAKOFF." Remarkable Ixstaxck of Abstinence from Food and Drink. II. Doesburg, Esq, editor of 77tc llullanda; a paper published in the Dutch language, in the Hollander Colony, in Wctcrn Michigan, communicates to The Tribune an in tt resting item which he cullcU from one of his Netherlandish exchanges, of one Engeltje Van der Mies, a female at Pijnacker, near Rotterdam aged 60 years, who has not eaten in 35 nor drank in 31years. She is now m her last decline. Professors and Doctors and numerous scientific men from all parts of the world, go to see her. The Board of Health, of the Hague, instituted in quiries into the matter as far back as 182G. No medical man has yet ascertained the true con dition of that wonderful lady. She lives in good humor, and suffers with Christian love and faith, her lot and conelition. This is certainly a remark able phenomena in the history of humanity, and is an important news item for the whole world, as no instance of such long abstinence among mankind is known. Immigration. The following table exhibits the number cf immigrants arrived at the port of New York from Oct. lie to -ov. a, inclusive; Vessels. Lady Franklin South Carolina Albert Gallatin Garrick Republic Forest King Constantine Olivia Prince Albert From Liverpool Antwerp Liverpool Liverpool Bremen Liverpool -do. Brcmerhaven London No. pas. 600 2'J3 755 380 302 588 700 235 290 4,152 7,987 12.139 Total Arrived from October 21st to 27th Total since October 21 Late and Important from California. New Orleans, Nov. G, 1853. The steamship Daniel Webster has arrived at th South w est Pass, with -advices to the 16th Octobt-r a fortnight later. The Wclster brings one hundred and seventy passengers, and fifty thousand dellars in gold, received by the steamer Sierra Nevada from San Francisco on the lGth. The Golden Gate and Uncle Sam sailed on the same day for Panama. The passage was made between San Francisco and New Orleans in twenty days. The city Sonora was destroyed by fire Oct. 3, and the loss of property "will amount to a million anel a lialf of dollars. The mining news is -encouraging. John Mitchel, the Irish patriot, who rcovntly escaped from Australia, arrived safely with his family at San Francisco on the 12th cf October. He last came from the Sandwich Islands. A public dinner has been tendered to John Mitchel, before his departure for New York, which was accepted. The Supreme Court of California has made an important dvcision, declaring valid all grants made in accordance with the Mexican law. The elleet of this will be "to oust hundreds from lots held by them for years, anel restore them to the original grantees. It is considered a death-blow i to the set natters, and will cause millions of nron- j erty to change hands by the mere operation ol i law. i The magnetic telegraph is working freni San , Jose to San Francisco. ' Murders anel outrages arcoccurriug throughout ! the State to an alarming extent. The old city government of San Francisco had retired, af'.'cr contesting the election and the new ' one been finally organized. The improvenrents in the city were progressing ! at a wonderful rate. ! Biglcr's majority throughont the State is only j eighteen hundred ar:d live- votes. From Sandwich Islanel the news is highly iin i portant. Dr. Judd had been removed from the j oiiice c .Minister 01 rmance-, aud LliMia 11. Alle-n, j ,atc u s. CwllsuK ai,,,0inte,i iuilis place. j t ,i,.,;,i ci.n 1,1 1.,, ,r,i 5n,,(.v. j ation to the United States. The French and : j lirilish Consuls l-.ad protested to the King against ; ; such an act, and the American Coinniissiotrers ; j had replied in a firm hut dignified manner. This i movement had caused the greatest excitement in i the Island. 'I'll AY 314 UK. in the il ld of Simou Kirsh, in Car- r i; a vr.i fr rr! tciviisir.p. ci t-'aiurdav, the 'Jtli ult. dark ! rown marc, v. itli r. k-ick mark on the left L:f is about 111 Team -dd, r.nd had a LvaJ baiter on. i reward of ;-." will be paid Ur liei ret' r:i to the sub- j soi iber, or f v iuf urination whkli vi'tl lead to her I I ree-jverr. JOHN TUP.L. Nov 4. lKi;5.-8t. ! j fit HE I'.nn IA?IiJH..I.T S.AiVV.S. i hill Laws of the Pe.-sion of lf-j.3, have been received, and are ready for distribution to Obe- entitled t i receive them. K. L. JtilLNSTON. Vrothonylaru. rrothonotary t ollice. L be lis burp;, ) November 4, 1 bo3. :5t. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exponas and Levari Kacbis, isued out of tlie Court of Cum- j hicii l iens of Cam lo in C'omty, and to me directed, there wtt Ve ex; cs. d to sale at the Court House, in the li-ronjMi (d i.hersr.urjr. t. arubna countv, on Monday ti.e otii ei.iy of Dec 1'. M. L-tnber next at 1 c'e'.uck, All the rlht, tit'o jad ii.t. resi of rrineia Mc Dermitt, of, in and to a Ijt of prr.tn!, situate in the borough ofSiiinniltville. ( an:i.i-:a county, fron ting on the Ailecbetiv Portage It liiroad, adjoinin-' I :iUi 1" Tnoma: ' IaSJ r;'"tn fa I of San! bi.r.-.r.ili Tnomas Jackson ou the North, and lot of ra the fc'o'ith, mi l kuowu on the olun li hv the N. . having ihoreon I :.ke:i tti rxeeaiir.i!, and to be- hold at the suit of Dvie c LuchaiiMi. ALSO. All the ri't.t, tiile and interest of Ignatius Ad- ' ams. Jr., of. in m l to a piece or parcel of land i ci,,., -,ri : ee. Ft.:n... ,. ....... i.:.. u..:.. ... I . V,,.U!1,iei ,,y Un:U a.?d by Ignatius Adam-, Sr., ! containing twenty seven acres, more or less, about 1 "vc ;icl C3 of wi!iru nre cleared, having thereon crec ted a one and 11 t.alf storv log house, n two story ; frame Ionise, a one story log liousj, a frame stable. J Co il bank, Itaiir.iad and coal hoppers attached, I now in -the -oscupauev of the said Ignatius Adams, j Jr. j Taken in cieeirtiea s.nJ to be eolJ at the suit of i Jediu i'eightner. ALSO, Ait theriiiht, title and inferos! of i'cter McG.,ugh, one of the Dells., -of, be and to a piece or parcel of laud situated in Washington township, Cumbria county, udjoiiiininjr binds nf John Noel, Win. K is sel, L:-p, mid others, containing eixty-four acres more or less, about forty-live acres of which are cleared,' having thereon erected a one story Lewed log house, a stone cellar wall, a hewed log barn and a plank hay house, now ill the occupum-y of John Mc;..ujch, Kaq. Taken in executiuii, auJ to be aold at the suit of William itussel. AL:-0, All that certain two story frame house now in the occupancy of Thomas (' llarrah, with the lot of ground, or curtiiege appurtenant thereto, situate in the town of Galitzin, iu the t-iwuship cf Alleghe ny, Cambria county, bounded on the North by bouse and lot of John Murray, on the Last by town ship road leading from the said town to the b'tooe Tavern, or bead of IMnneNo. 0, A. l It iron, tins; ou ;J .oUl ill foot, nnl extending back 10 feet, and ou the South and West by lots of said Le lendent, unoccupied. Taken in execution as the property of the saiel Thomas O'llarrab, at the suit of James J. Will. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of John P. Parrish of, in and to a lot of ground eitiiate in Campbells town, Carrol township, Cambria couot3 fronting ou the iibeiisburg and irusi-jueuaun't Koad, adjoiu injr lot of James Kirkpatrick on the North, and lot of John Campbell on the South and West, and known 011 the plan of said town by number C, con taining about half an acre, having llicseou erected a two i-tory frame house, and back buil lih attach ed, now in the occupancy of the said John P. Par riuii. Taken in execution, and lo be sold ut the suit of i II. Child:, Co. ALSO, AU the right, title and inleiest of Martin Lager, of. in, and to a piece or parcel of lasd fcituatc in Jackson township, Cambria county, adjoining lauds of Jas. C. Fishers heirs and others, contain ing one hundred acres, more or less, about thirty acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a two story log house, and log burn, now in the oc cupancy of Marttu Kager. Taken in execution, and to be sold Rt tbe suit of the Executors and Trustee of James C. Fisher, de ceased. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Michael Fore, of, in and to a piece or parcel of laBd situate in Iilucklick township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of James Wilson and others, about fifty seres of which are cleared, ou which is erected a two sto ry log houe, and cabin barn, now iu the occupan cy cf Michael Pore. Taken iu execution, and to be sold at the suit of Susan Khey and A. J. L'hey, Aeluiinistxatore of James Kbty, deceased. ALSO, All the right, title and interest nf Elisha Movers, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situate iu Richland township, Cumbria countv, adjoining lauds of David Snnvely, Daniel Shoemaker ar.d oth ers; containing one hun Jred and sixty three acres, more or less. Laving thereon erected a two story hewed log house, a blacksmith shop, a cabiu l.arn, and a saw mill, now in the occupancy of the suid Elisha Moyera. Taken in execution, and to be sold ut the suit of Mngehau aud Uever for use of Johnston Mocre. ALSO, AM the right, title aud interest c f Valentine Krise of, in and to a tract of land, situate in Clearfield township, Cumbria county, Adjoining lands f Da vid Krisc, Thomas Adams nml others, cotitaiuit.g one hundred and sixty live ac-Ves, more nr less, a- I bout forty eight acres of which arc cleared, having j thereon erected a two story hewed lo;; house, u ; hewed lo barn, ni J a p w ir.'. W, uovr iu the occu j pancy of the bai l Valentine Kivse. i Taken in execution, aud to be sold at the suit ot" John Leers. ALfO, All the light, title t.nd interest cf Sumnel ileum of, in and to a lot of ground situate iu the borough of Johnstown, formerly Kernvilie. Cambria county, frontin- on the Johnstown and Lifiouier Turnpike boaJ, a.ijoiiiiiig lot of William Campbell, aud run- nu.g on said Load to i. alTey. Laving thereou erec- ted a two striy plank house aud a frame stable, now in the occupancy of Harman Greeves and tlie j said Samuel Ream. Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit of ! Hurphy, Cooper U Co. j ALSO, Ad that eert-iiu tract or piece .f 1 in 1, situate in j j SrS usfolS fimbria countv, P.i., bounded ! 4: Leiriiuihi!! at a Post pile I I nu ite lie o an r) E,rry Suitil twenty six de- ! ; jxroe. West, two heudred t-iid Sve perched more or i ltfsiio a 4tt, thvuce Sou lit eleven p.-rthes mure or i ! Icsiro u IJeitiiock, (ueuco South ei'ity eight nod ! ; a haf decrees l.n-l. one hundred and set-my cipht i pci-eies more or Ic-j t a t.ost, tln nee . .rt !i degre and n half L'.isf, oue hundred and fn'iv s-v en p r.du--i more nr le.-s to J hemlock, thence Nortl j" 'he-nee .oi t.. - d df.v.. per- .-outMu..ig....e j s:t five e??g5-ie.t West, one' h iodi thestnore or loss to the b-tiiiniiw huntred aud furtv i-ii:-.' atr-s ::uJ eixlv verchu j ir.nn or le;3. Tike-n in execution, and t ) be sold as the proper ty oIKdwarJ JoiieE. at the Suit of Auti Titlier tt al. ALSO. .i inc ngiii, title au l iriterpst ot Cunr.es I.';.:.ja, : f , V. mol to a tract o la I fritunte ill Jack n i ' tui.d:i;t. Caml. a C.-.irr ttj.i-.liin-.'- liin'ji A- hr;it;!ii llagcr, Samuel Davis find cthcr. eor.t-iin-ing t"-e hundred and fifty acres, in. re or les-. iib:a!t eigliy five acres jf which nr.' e'.cired, '...iviuj there on er.-cted a two nory hewed log hi '.i-c. a liewe ! log (table, a log barn, a frame r-he 1 and pi ink LiuOtsiuiih shot', now ia the occutaucv of Herv ! llr.'u-. AV ' I'iHi . all the rluht of. in, and t' i : t ''ret of Ch'ii'cs tract of !:m I sit-iii tc in Ja ns fainliia co-.ititv. r. iriir.g lands i ; on 2 : a a i re JantsC. 1'iIi'i's heirs, contain: and t v tl-j-ee ru ns, -':f-e r ' '.I-. It :: t v acr-s ( f iv hicii .".re cleared, h: in'iii: tneroori cre.-tvu ii eal'.ti Lara and i ibin Ittusc 'i J '.n in eLCnti j:i. an 1 to not now occupied. e si.ld ::t t'.ie o.t d John t n .M ci e, aur I . :v. -ni .r o: of .f .i. J. Mi-re. : AL5.. i Al the riidit, t'. tic and Interest u e Vui. s Iilloi;, ! ; of, ii, and to a tract of bind i.-itei-ite in Jackson t;. j j Canilria county, n djoiniu l iri is ot Aoraham La- i :er, tamuel Davis and tdher.. eontaiidujr 'iie hun- : di ed aid ti ty acre!', mc re or le-, nbmit ti-tidy live 1 acresuf vvl);...-.h are cleared, luiviny thereor. elected ; a tw. story hev.e l bi hous--. wcatl.erboari.e i, an-1 i fraiiK kilcbe-n atta. '. : d. a '.Value stable, r. jsewe !! p ! Stable a )' bar:., a frame the 1. and r 'ank b!:ie-li- ! ! smith shop, now in the ooitup-incy f henry ll-n- r All., all the ri-at, liih; and i;-.::-i'o.-i of t'i - VAU-t of. ir.. ur. 'l '.-I .1 tract t f I, sit'i;- in .!.; : I son tiwiishin, Cambria county, adjoining lauds of ' Jainet C. Fisher's heirs, containing one hundred ; and nneiy three acres, mere or b .-s, about li'.tv acres if which are cleared, hav ing thereou erected a cahit bouse and cabin bntn, not now occupied. Tnlm n ...i!tti tSi-A r.-i l,e r ',! l Ihe suit of ; j i i(u ., ' ALO. : and i::tci c-t . f Go or parcel of i'i'! ! t'a!nl'ii-i r.tv il the ib ht, V N'a j of. in and to a pit c. iv ."..-1:iii".ii t..v.-n--h:n, ( ami i;lv. lein :ninj . lauds of Tin. nns Jackson, fc'ainue) Iiih;u and i. ll j I ers, cnj:taiiii:i; t'-ielve a.-ics, l.i ire or 1c-;-. .-.Ce nt ; ! two acres rf v. hioh are cleared, having 'Uai'' u j erected a two st'.j v .r.-..p, part hc'Ved !,; ;.'i l ; ::'! irnmc N.itT? no'.v i.i the eceupancv ul ihe s.iu lieor he Take a in e.ctitioi, aud to Vc U at the John Ivory AUf.L'Sl'IN LCnUlN, SLrrrT. hcrifTs Office, IlhcntLurir, November d, lbC'l. :otic s:. A LL persons bavinz cuiir 2. ny PortiKie K-tirUfad inis against ti.e .-ii.?f.'ue- ny l ortiKie Kail H?a'l, iur se-rvtces ren.iere.i ! or materials J'urnisicd previous to the ;".d day d' ! Nov. 1833. will report them ts the Superintendent, j prior to the 2ti of Nov. 1S;1. The great ditti.'itl j ty that has heretofore recurred i'i the pa;, men t -f the debts of this road, has befit from the negligence j of creiiiteis themselves in failing to report their j c'a:ii.s previous to the tanking out of the general report of the Superintendent. It is paitieuiai'y required that the entire- imb I tednoss of the road t e j now reported, so uiut iipplieati ui can be made for a sufficient ar.uti".it to btudate it during the rnsu season. All persons failing to present their claim:1, will ha.-eno assurance of payment out of the next appropriation. JOHN ROSS, Snpciintcndcut. Oct. 23, 1 S--.3. To Contractors. OLAI.LD l'r.ipesals will be received at the l). e of the Superintendent of the New I'or.d i avoid Incline.! Planes of the Allegheny Portage Rail lb" ad, at the Summit, Cambria county. Pa., en orbetVre the first day of November, lK'.a. for tl.j baibisintr and track biying ou seetions No. tl'd, Cl. "". ", L.7, 38, E9, 0, jTijcI 41, of said road. Also for the cl ots ties required for tedious No. 31, "'. nn l'j. TIMOTHY I LS. Sup"t of New 1'ortagu Road. Oct. 27. ISoQ. Agrricultural Society. MELTING vvill be held nt the Court House on Saturday evening the lllth day of November A next, at precisely 2 o'clock, 1. M., tor the purpose of forming an Ajricu'iural Socirty. All persons in favor ol elevating the agricultural character of our County, are respectfully invited to attend. MANY. Oct 28, 18f3. TiliC SOTICL. Allegheny Infantry ct" Icretto. IN conformity to the 7th section of nn K t. to rr;; ulate the Volunteer force of thin Commonwealth, parsed Janunrv 81st. ISjo, a court of appeals will ! behe'ld '-n the first Monday of November (the 7th) 111 tho biirough ofL-iretto. All de-.iu-ient meuioeis vill rectify li.err non-attendance to duty, or abide the coriseoiier.ee and riper of the law. ULNRY sCIINLTLEUCr, Captain. Oct. 21, lfeo3. I'l UCIlASr.KS I2i: AEili. THE piece of land eontainiog about heven acres, advertised by John M'.Vtel, Jr., adrn'i.sira tor of Ucv. Terrenee M'Cirr, elefastd, to be sold on the i! -ItU day of October inst. does not belong to said Estate, but is the pruperiv of LUeu M 'Curly. M.D. MAG EH AN. Auonify for 22. Al'CVr.'y. October 7, 1S53. Fabhionabl Barbers and Hair Lresserg. IN the basement story cf Davis &. Co's., ware room. Ebensburg, May 1, lS51.-ly. Is. B. Shampooing done, ani raiori honed is a , eoperior manner. Important lor ttie l'ubllc. IIYUKAILIC RAMS. flHE firm of Prown & Co., lms sold t be right of J setting in operation Water Rams in the counties of Cambria, Iridium and Armstrong, tj the firm cf Ilerncaine, Jones & Potter, who n il) be happy 10 accommodate, ull persons in want of these useful ar ticles. 1 OieWs tuny be left rlth Mr. (Jeorj-e llerucr.me. j who will jrive all information ia rignrd to these j Rams, their cost. kc. i HF.RNCAML, JuN MS i i'OTTF.R ' Oct. 21. ' ' AI'DiTOK'S .tiXEtt:. j TV iVl'K. E Is hereby pi vt-u thit the ui:dersgt:ed has j -Ll b'-i-n appt-iii'.ed Auditor by the Orphans Ctuit f trt! iTi-i county, t ) ex-iunne into M.d nr'.ko re I'oit i pontile Esceptioit filed t..t'ne aC'. o..;.t c f Ja'ob Luther, 12xecutir of John Milv, der-asej. :.n! sh:it lie will S'.t f.r tlr.it purpose r.t his ot'.U-e, iu L'.eus hurjr, on Th'jrs biy, the 21th i-y of Ni.vcmberni vt. when and "where f.'.l person it.tercsteJ mn y al ien 1. John s. raiEv. Auditor. Oct. 21, lS-:-3-4t. JIJ,!,. (ill nn l I ,!!.... la,,. e, OH, ana LfUUitl Moj C. D. KIREPATRICK, ! Ko. 21, South Third Street, between Market and kClie.nut Streets, Philadelphia. "I IT AS coii.-tantl.v on hand and iuc sale, Drv and ' i- Di y Salted "( anV ltid.-s. Dry snJ (.mcu Saltid P'itua Kips, Tanneri Oil, Tunnord' and Cur- i "er?, TOOLS, at the lowest prices aud up.n the- ; l c' t( nns- I E-af All kinds of Leather m tue rc-ah "antcd, ' ''r wiiica i v.s i.ine-M maruet j nee mm be givcu iu , ;:'-n. m- takeu i:i i-X'.Iiar.ge fur hiJe-b. ! I.eatl.v.- itered free of elurjc nn i sold on c-uiii:sie.ii. L-iy 1 M: ; nc'iTrb".!caia Hall. . NT!! 'NY YO'.VI N KLL rcr etfull v inf. rr.-.s tl. :!. :. r r.;,.;.,rcJ, tL.-l.i-.vdi- r,,.,., ,v;;l, eve tv ,.,.,:.-,". l lor the .:ce-o....mod.i- f strat.gvi a ..n l travelers' at bis new tinu'i .'ii-fiue-rii Llbci tits of l!c:':'.';.iyslurg, and .tfu'i'y ;sS:s t r n br.rs of custom. ills I i d ;.l nil ti.-iu-a he supplied with the be-t the it Su'i.rda. fli I lii b:.r StOe'kel t.'ith th lest fin-t liquors-. - Th? i.r;.'i r lla'.l cm ! rentel br t'.ic d iv r. a;.c hie w iii.il''.. V. i . 1 1 or liijiat. a i a I'iano i I'i i-ui: :.t f-ii alshed. rnian i::: ha:.d. 1.1 Lr.z-y, ieit Cu-n- v Acrw C':t?.i:it-t X"ar ricoiits. JMF.? S. TOM.) r bi:ia, and the J I; opened i.u exte-i.s!'. e- : frrms the citizens of Ll-ens-lie tii.iivii'iv, that l:e has 1 varied nssertaient of i 1 I r. 11 .': i rt LVvis" I fw l oiSdinc M.dn .- e-y j e s'.-.e the 'Oiar.-i.n 11 ' ". bapry tj have the. I'll call fc.id ex- V." ALN Li. CiiLliLY AND 0 THE it iLin: or n Mia. t. a:r..:ie i.i M A lie JU ANY VAI (l;'!t"(ii ill '.rt vt.....,,.u t.,; .". t; : re l':5, . u . V .1, . c , a -talltiy ' .'!U.i i'j:,. ii e-'.a.r He v.'i.l liave 0:'-! .'t.t Of lail'-y 1 t; ;n I an e.. "li-t. t Cu.-.llis. wiit.-ii oil'.rjj In t wn -e;t at r.. I- IN. ry '& 'tkint! K'.i'.'iii ed t i. : t.. M'.I "1 article ''rdcred tv i-inf manner, .f . ': N 1 of ail kilel" 11 1 lr-ude jr. I iv.- i-e-t ;;-,a ;. vi i:t be j .Uit 1 itti !id ! .i.ined lis t.n.-.s r reCAH, ...v. :.i 1 l ee;, iife e ar.d 1 eing eiet but ;'iij m l .v e Ii.e l-atl'.... of u. di'-M'i:u:iia-.:i' I' II kll...ti. Attorney at Law, Lbecsbu.:, Ta. Ot KICK two du is West of Maj0r 'i i.o.rj s -j j': ( lb. tel. Ji23. s. c:tfii:Y, : Attorney at Law, EbtntViu-r;, ?a., ! 5'i!.!. practice in the several Cueirto cf Catt.brla j lha:r and Indixii'i c.,i.tivs. i i t-tlc--. No. i, ' Coioi.i ado Row, j-.e.ir tae e rt i Eberiisbiir. Aufc-. 1 '., b "d-iy. 5IC 2i ASli. Z?A. .! AiiiJkeA: AttDraey at Law, TV.i-.birg, Pa. 1 OlTlft". No. :, - C ,:ide ik-.iv, n tnc i J miliary 1, Ibl. '.j 'M203Z ks 6". n;; WZlZ.i., Attorney at Lu.v, UolUdiysburg, I" a. 7"iri.I. a'.te.i 1 the C-untv, ai- her '.U.i 1 the --r:. C .'. ris el" Cambibi ret oli ie. t'lbee utieujur west f W'ii. Mcl-'ariau 1 s oafcinei v. ai eruwa. Ju'v '21 . Ib-j-. i v re s- jrr.cy nt Liv. JoLr.slr.v.u Pa 1 n i,.til-'iti Mro't, 111 me 1 i N; lVrsbii.i''s : :c. e K . ;-!, 11H. -1 e e-1 J ,,f (.:.-, Janu.-irv 3J. t3AS.v", Attorney at Law, Ebensbur j, ?a. Ol'i le. li. in the 'o ( Aug. -2i. bs.Vl. ourt liuii.se, up btu.is. AHItliliM ivI'i:t.I', Attoj.uey at L?w Joanstowa, i'a. "VKF1CE on Clint. 11 Street, a fevr dv irs north Of J the April 23, 1 L-orner el" -Mai. 1 tiuJ Clinton. D. J. Evax. J. D. liee,nts. LV.45S &. Iil'CiIIi:?i, IS'OUI.D r..-1-.in inform the public that thy have J just received fr .iu the L i; :ern t-i lie", and have ,.r. 1, 11. 1 .1 biiiie mid esc.-iieiit asiortmetit ot I'a 11 ana Wliitcr C Jillil:jr, irbi.-h ihrv are vrenarcd to dispute of at reasoiiaii:e j :rt. e f men and i 1, rices. 'J heir stock cns'iMs, in 1 l.ovs wearing nr.io.rel. .., r..au.-J ;';'" 4 '' eii.S3inie.-es, att:neits. .ifins 1.11I si. us. Also, Woolen ai.d Cotton Cno'evsiiirts, firawers, i.c. Ifats uikd Caps, of all kinds, suitable for the t-eueoii. Also, a large ii.-soi'tii'.cr.t of OVLIiCOATS and CLOAKS ef tlrt latest styles. They have also on hand Cloths, C istitiif res. Sat tiuetts and Vestings, which they are ire-, and to lii.ii.u-aeture to order iieioniing to ti.e latest appro ved fashions. The goods have been seh-ete 1 with care, an -3 e n be s old 'very low. Call and esnmine their itovk. '1 !k v wiil suit vou as to equality ar.I j nee. Lt Ci-sburg, Oct. '21, 1 .")."'. A tliii i n N ( r i: t o rs X o 1 1 c v . "jj" T1TTKRS of A bi.in's'rat:. n b-tve been errinud ai to the tin 1; T-ir:' d, l.y ti.e Register d C.1n1 t.ria c-'Jt'.te, ii-.o'.i toe e-..i.i- o; J. tii.es l'.lo'y, i!c ceubed. All persons ii.-lcl t d to sail ei-tate aie ! icv'it tti'l to io:.ke imin :.tv roei.t I j tb'.s- havinj claims aid present tin u pr; per v an ti.euticaiel lor pe:::emcr.T. i l SAN RltEY. .-1 ..'';.. -r.'.j.'.-.V. AM'llEU J. RliUY, -li; ii.-!..';. Kbfrsbarr. October 121, IS tf. "HOLES A LK dei-.lers in b'-n- on-l L-v,tr. r.hic'u thr-v are prepaie l to furnish ci.i.i'.t i mercliaitts ana noiei pipers. nsnxoius - - , I Market sirt-et. l'hilaelelpbi.i, l'a. Feb. It. ly. TillKEY, hite LeuJ, and Linseed Oil f.r sale by J. MOORF. Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. OF.F1CE on Main street, two d"-?rs ast of the Echo Oiiice. Mw.h 13, 1851. -ly DU. S. L'ELFOUD, Surgeon Ih-utist, informi tb public that he has returned to Hollidaybrf, and permanently located ia the office he occupied during his lute visit, (oue door west of Ilewit'a Store on Allegheny st.,) where lie will le pleased to r.ttitd to any operations' In bis profession. Ail work done by him will be warranted. . Holii'luj sburg, August 2o, 1803. ClIUtLES ALISIUMIIT, Attcracy at Law, Ebetsbnrg', Ts.., 'IM. j.rnctii e in the several courts of Cambria, I IVnir. and iiuritiiicdon counties. Germans cau cun'a't un l roc-e ivc advice in their own largunge. -r.'-Q hi i.r.s'te th? Court House, formerly occu 1 ie I l y V.. L. Johnston, E.". Kbeii.uri!;, February 3, 1? j3 ly. -mu:l. c. hi vgahu, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa, "Yr 7"II.L practice iu the several Courts of Cam v 1 !'.,;, lilair, und Ihir.tingdon counties. Ufiiii itn.in street two doorB west of tho stcre of ', urrav, .uhUi & Co. M.iv 8, 1SC1 lv. (.liOIttill M. KLI1U, Attorney at "L&t, Ebensburg, Pa. "11 "ILL pructicc in the several Courts of Cam- r I ri, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Olllce en Cfr.tre St., joining Gen. M'Donald's d well- Jan. 1... lfe:l. lv. v.. iit'mu.so, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., "XTII.L j nictic-e in the several Courts of Cam- v Lria, lilair r.nd Indiana counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to bis caro will b promptly- n'ten b.-1 to. ( tlieo .;i Main street luiininincr bis dwelling bouss. Et-er-sbtirg, July 1, lfcoS 2ti-Sm. :r. i'. ti: ".1:1, wm. ti.ruv, j. v. ltw Geo. W. Toild, C;:rtit!, Terry A. Iev. TMT'Or.TLI'.S rub Whol .'de Jobbers in Englisli, J- ierm::it and 1'eiaesti.- JJ AUD WARE, Guns, .'i t : . Waiters, iv. 1.-.1 M .; ;:l r St:-.!.et, tetVVl tn 1th k Cth, PHIL AI.ii.M'IilA. Sept. 2, lS:.3.-3m. SIxcliango Hotel, rr:u:iuig, Pa. I'-'jfueJ ro--p'ctf'j'.1y informs the cub .L l. ii; t!i..t i; i.o.r 1 u r .area witli everv reauisita fur their no n. in l.iii nn d w ill ciert cverv f. t r: to r. i: ,r n.s h.ue an attractive nu j comfort able sii. jii.ir i'la ; ?. Ills tat le will always be eup ; lie i vvi.li every d- 'icicy the ernsan allordg, anj his lur stoeke i with the best ot V ii.es and Liquors. A c ; rel'ol and attentive hostler i!l Lave cbarg f toe t table-, lie respectfully solicits a tharo of JAMES MYERS. Apti! t:"-. I'.,'.". tf. Ii'.OM m.J after' tea's i-i t.:e cr t'-.is b'.ie l'-i senders taking f ,;:u-ul to xets, at station . here v..ts e t!:;; - : j a t'.;-.vt e nice, w i 1 be chnreed tea W. W. IVORY, .-5 Ten. Ji. Ii. Co. C't.'i Kx press, ''. V.'. I.- :yLC.o . Aleuts, I.L t i v.j.i j j ..(. ':..-. .. s of t;o,.d cr money. Yi u.,i.V. t ' o; mo .y, to j,;, the principal a.. 1 a"! 1 vrns on the Kail Road i' i.iiJ l'ittobur;. J'raftB ccl- ri.l Th afts sold on Ireland, 1, ;";o::i Cl i:ptr-.r.1s. Money for ties;., the l.i t '.ver n I '.i' . :. ted J.v.n C nn, : : s tr ;;. he ; '.t. Julv TX;is Way I .Vest viiei h Ma? pkid for hides, 6kini lt"s bark in cither trade or cash by J. MOORE. r th-: and ta: Dtlti.l T.hlui lll, Itotary Public, Ecriveiifrmd Conveyancer, JOHKSTOV.'K, CAMtilUA. CO. PA., ""V 711.1. a?F.j at..:.! t... bi-diuics as J ustie-e. . Le- V e .1 it;i-ru:.i;-!,e- .f v ikli.-j;, such as dees, nrcenie-iits. 'uir of Attorney, ic.. Collections entrusted ta t rict at lection. .v.ii u;. a - care w ii! i Mar i:;. lr .'III It; -Ju'-t received t y the lennyl a 1. and for tale bs J. Moore, nt Lockets, lboums. Cheese, c; SveJ, r.ul a large lot of Cur April 1. i Van li! i: Tat Ciov nd .-I i an Yarn y..,;(. At .litis l'o."t I'.xinest. J) ". ( i: .V !;. m i.t ; :'. forward ull packages of poods or money, daily except Sunday to all the- prineipa! e.t'es in the Cnion, and all the towns .-rt the r -.::: :. I Lctrr-.-n l'hi'ade'pbia and l'itt !i'. r-. CHAHLES II. MAEPLE'S xvi"1.;: t",: ej1'ok stohc, rwirltiTl'.lril "kI., ntinvr Callow kill, l.abl 1U-, I'iiilatlrlpltlKk io. n.'.S ce-ii-t:;iit'..v on baud Frciie 1 1,1 I t.in M.1 a .ctieial u.-e baud French Drandie, llol- .oruncut of F0R- bit Wi;, is. ALS('). Al! kin li of American Spirits, &c. Vgeio ral ri.-auriiiii -ut of I-OOlvS, fruch as are uhI in cur c.:..t.ioa 'v'n''!. for sale by 1AVIS & LLOYD. i.ii i in'm; r. wm. nuiirtu. i.dmomj uacosi s:o :i 1: :: MPnxtOTT & t o., ! i-r; AVE cjii.-t iiit'.v e a hand a full ORsortmcnt of e.-.s, YV i;n.., Li ;.i;rs nuj Groceries gcueral- i:o. 17 I'orth "VTater Stroet. kad 10 lioria Delatvare Avenue, riULAUZLPIUA. .Taf.':-.r fft"-v.,''.s of Leans, and 1(K) bushels of dried l 9 : i ,t, band aul for bale at the foot ei 1 Ji .:i" 1. A. 1. R. 8, iv. 12. w. k. rirrn. J. C. Clt'.tii. JAS. D. HAMILTOM. Cummlvsloii & Fort arding, Till subscribers would respectfully itifolin their frier ds s.ud the public that they are now pre parej to receive aul ferward all good consigned to t!i. li- c.irc by i.i.y of the Lines, or by Central ltail r a 1, j: n i lo. ; e that by strict attcntiou to their bu s.:.v.i iii.it, they will be ( uatded to render perfect t it'f.iot;. n to a'.! tbtit trill patronire them. AU rrooris T-'ll receive the greatest care and attention. CRAIG 5; HAMILTON. .sr.-en, veil 1 Ibjj. A ;iwitor's oticc. j r.'.ideislgt.-d, au.liti r appointed by the Court . f i". 1.11110.1 Pleas of Cumbria, county, to mar it-.- proceeds of tlie Sheriff 's Sale of tbe real i 1' .b s. Ii.iser, sold at the suit of Joseph , i.;i 1. leu 1. Lpon. No. Cl June Terra 1S63, y 1. .;'. ( .; a"! parties interested in said fund, e wi'.l att?T..- to ihe duties of paiJ appointment o: i -e in the Horoiicb oi" Lbensburg, on Tues- ! '' i f d v tl. i.";d. f.r tday of Nevetuber next, at oue o'clock 1VM. KITTLE, Auditor. t. 2 - is." ;;-st. I'ortlit'rly Iil UHtt H ?illOn. fit. Ill i r rietors of tins eitni'li'iii"1. uro'S J Keniie.lv, take this method of niforaicg ClU iie-ns ot Lb". 1 sburg an 1 th fiblic in cenera that they Lave mined mid oiherwise iinproted their Saloon, und are ready, n" times, to aceommodate ill Person w t.o i"h to jnnu ge in tn luxury or 1 coo I 1 -ot 1 I iel ld" No 1 Oysters. We will have Ihem lol r.' u .d to us d:nly. We solicit a liberal Uarc of public prlrentge. L. W. BROWN. W. R. KENNEDY. f 't 7. IoA r