Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, November 11, 1853, Image 1

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    1 fiw &
VOL. 1 SO. 11.
: v
v t
'nf TT?t r -r. A . - - .....
Friday mornine in
-r -l-i ou per annum, if paid in c-ivancc, if
not $2 will be charge.!,
t . - . ' . '
ADVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously inser-
" ' " raies' TIZ : ,
1 equate 3 insertions $100
E-rerv suhaeniiont .irti o-
J 1 'I
1 square 3 mouths 3 00
., , ' " 00
i column 1 vear 20 tla
' 13 00
Business Cards with I copy cf the Democrat
j ucRiuin per yenr O O'J
2f& Letters must be post paid to see ure attention.
They told me he hail won before
Another's heart than mine,
And laid his first and deepest love
Upon an earlier thrine.
They raid my spirit o:'t must grieve,
my lot wosiltl cast
With one who held t-o sacred still of the past.
1 heeded nit : my bark was launched
"With his on life's twift tide.
And earth holds not a happier heart
Titan mine a second briiie.
I know thst h". I11.S loved and lo.-t
Vhtli(e may ne'er give back.
The flowcrb that bloomed in lrefUnesss once
Have withered in his track.
I incx that t-';.e t!ie arzrl-rnnri
Looked out iron yon blue Jleaven,
A watcher o'er the earth-bound H'l.I
From v hie h lier own wss ric.i.
Together do we oft rrca'l
This dicam of other yf-iF;
Kor do 1 love him Icfs to know,
lie once had caute for te'-irs.
Io:e blest am I thtt it hatii Itcn
.My love's appointed tak
To wake anew the " rights of home '
In which his soul may has'...
Sales aiii) SMtbrs.
Trarlatcd fir the Pailv Kegitter.
Traasiatcd from the German of Tso'aokke.
I doubt not that the year 17;'C may have iiad
many terrible nights both for the Italians and
Germans. It was Napoleon Bonaparte's first
year of victory, and the time of Moreau's rcirta.
I had then just finished my academical studies
at the university of my native city, was eloe'or of
lw, and would have undertaken to settle the case
of all the emperors and kings of Europe versus
. 1 . . ... .. !
the French Kepuhhc of that time, if Grotius, !
rufTendorfl and I had enly Ix-cn chosen as urn-!
J 1
I was, however, in the meantime mi rely ap
pointed to the office of Commissioner of Justice
in a small town in East Prussia. Much honor
for me. To have one foot in office, and the other
in the academical lecture-room, is rare good for
tnDe. That I owed to the conquest or creation
of a new East Trussia, and the fall of Kosziusko.
The late monarch is accused of having committed
a crying injustice when he helped to destroy an
independent nation, but had it not been for this
ftlight injustice (I cannot call it a crying one,)
thousands of Prussian students had rcmaineel
without places. In nature, the death of one
thing is the life of another. The herring is made
for the stomach of the whale, and the whole ani-
mal, vegetable, and even mineral kingdom, -if !
the latter were not occasionally indigestible, j
that of man. Besides it can easily be proved, j
that a nation that outlives its indei end. ncc, is as ,
much to blam-c for its oyn misfortunes, as a girl j
who outlives her honor. F or whoever can die is j
invincible. Death is the immovable fulcrum ,
which supports a great and glorious life.
My moiucr gave me her best blessing, together j
with clean linen and traveling money ; and thus
I proceeded towards my
brilliant destination m I
Jjew-tast-Frussia, 01 wmcn piace ene .5ie5l Bc-
ojrraphcrs know nothing, although it was by no
means a magic or fairy laRd that comes into ex- j
istence and disappers at the nod of an Oberon. I ;
will not tire xny readers with a long account of j
the journey. Flat land, fiat people, rude post-;
coaches, rude post-ofEcers, miserable roads, mis-
erable company, and every one as proud on lus i rt.t ma ek- ;a...
dnng-hill as a Persian Shah on his throne. It is i Purkhardt, The man did not seem to hear well,
one of nature's best ideas that she assigns every j f(jr iie did not answer. But as he afterwards held
creature its proper e'ement, in w hich it can move conversation with a letter carrier, I concluded
laout with comfort. The fish pines away in the j that dumbness aroe from his wishing to
ur, and the Polish Jew in the elegance of a bou- I convince me, by the universal post office inciil
jtr j jty, that I was in no other place than one of the
therefore, short and sweet, 1 arrived one even- it regulated post offices. After the sixth time
jag just before sun-set at I believe the place ' of a,king he snubbed me with a sharp ill-natured
as called Breczwezmcisl, a friendly town, al- j w hat do you want ?" I propounded the same
though the houses wcre sooty and dirty, the qn0stion for the seventh time with the utmost of
streets unpaved and mueldy, and the people not I Berlin, or Lcipsie courtesy,
.orcr neat. But a charcoal-burner may look as j . Jn the old Starosty," snarled he.
friendly in his way, as an opera danseus wheso j 4 Excuse me, but if I may le allowod to ask,
papers are applauded by connoissieurs. will you have the goodness to tell me where I
' i had imagined Breczwezmcisl, the place of ; shall find the old Starosty."
my calling, to be a much more fearful place than j " I hav'nt time. Peter show him the way."
it really was'; probably that was why it appear- j Peter showed me the way. Tho pest master
d"so friendly to me. My first attempt to pro- ! who had no time to answer me, stuck his head
nouoce the'name of the place came near giving j out the window- with his pipe in his mouth, to
me the lock-jaw,
in doubtless, was tin. !
origin of my secret fear of the place itself. The
name always has an important influence on our
notions of things, and as good ana oaa in ine
S .t. !
world dwell less in the things themselves, than j
ra our conception of them, an improvement of!
name is an embellishment of life.
; The circumstance that I had never before in
y life traveled any further from my native city
than I could Eoe from a church-tower, added not
a little to my fear of the New-Ersa-rrussian stage
cf ray future lg&l life. Although I had learned
from hand-looks and geographies that the man-
' eaters live at a considerate distance, yet 1 was
: nmr! lie. fs: n lc:f :i nr e v- t l q.
been mordured at least two or three times on the
; way. Truly you first gain confidence in man-
' kind when, as a stranger or guest, vou surrender
1 . . ..b ' , .
yourself up to it at discretion. Man-haters are
: always the most complete and narrow-heart edejjo-
hearted ego- j
ul, which is j
lace. Ifyouj
! tists ; egotism is a disease of the so
I Muswl hY always remaining in one pi
' wish to cure an egotist, send him on a journey.
- '
Change of air does the mind as much good as the
j , i
j When I first saw Hreczwezmeisl from the ton
j of the post-coach, it looked in the distance like
f a dung hill rising out of the plain ; but Berlin
' and Paris would not apptarmuch more imposing
I to one navigating among the clouds rny hc-.rt
; beat violently. There was the end of my jour- j
i ney, the commencement of my public career, and i
the end of it tuo jrerhaps, if the Poles, metamor-
j.hisetl into Xew-I-'ast-Prussians, should, in some j
uproar, take it into their heads to make way
i with me as a lureling of their oppressors. I knew
not a soul there, with the exception of a Univcr-
sity friend, named liurkkardt, who l;ad only a
j short time before been appointed chief tax"-guth- j dagger in it, then pointing to his breast and ro!l
! crcr. He knew cf my arrival, and had hired lodg- ) ing up his eyes in a guns' ly manner. I began
j ings for me, and prepared every thing ready for i to feel rather uncasj-. Peter could not have been
my reetption, bceauso I had requested him to do j crazy, f r how could crazy people be employed
. o. Tiiis Burkhaidt, in whom I hud never take?. . at the post ofliee i
I much interest, v i:h whom I had never had much ! We do not seem to luiilers'aud each other '
inierccuKC at. the University, and wh.m, by the
advice of mv mother, I had rather avoided, be
cause he h."d the reputation among the students
of being a hard drinker, a gambler, and a quar-
i re'some fellow, gaii.ed, in my esteem and friend- j
, ship, the nearer I approached Brecwezmcisl.
On the way, I swore to love him and be faithful !
to him till death, lie was indeed, the only one j
I of my acquaintances in the (to me) entirely '
I s range Polish town: he seemed like a ship j
vneeked, who, by clingir.gto a plank, :
had gained a desert i.-JurJ. I
I am net really superstitious, but some times I
cannot help paying regard to omens. When
none will appear 1 make them for myself. I be
lieve everyone eloes so when the mind is at lei
sure, it is a diversion that amuses one for the mo
ment. Thus I proposed to myself to observe
carefully the first person 1 should see i.-'sne from
the door of the town ; if it should be a voting girl
I would lake it as a sign of good luck, if one of:
the other sex, as an evil forboding. I had hardly
conipleted this arrangement in my mind when I
caught sight of the door from which came forth
what appeared to be a very well built voting
; woman. Kxcellcnt ! I could j
have I!oh'!1 down with my tired limbs, b-uised
as they were by the abominable Prussian post- i
coach to have worshipped this Polish charmer. '
T . " , , , , " , . , '
I hxiked sharplv at her, in order to impress nr
.1 1 r , 1 1
self tnc more v ith tier fealures, andwiiedaa
the last mote mv lorgnette. for I am son;
ss mv
a v tor 1 am sonic
what near sighted. '
However, as we approachcel each other, I soon I
t.erce-ived that the Venus of Brcc.wczir.cisl was !
; not at all goexl looking,
j sure, but almost like a
Slender she was, to be
skeleton, dried up, bent !
lover, and, horror: absolutely without any
1 nose, which member she must have lost by some
r.... ... t 11 v a.cmcue. x euui,, nu- so,n ,1 ,
wasaeieath s head had not something red pro- .
traded from beneath the teoth of it. I could hard
ly believe my eyes. But when I look eel closer at
it through the glass, I perceived that the patriot
ic Polish woman was running e-ut her tongue at
me as a sign of contempt. I quickly withdrew
my hat end thanked her very politely for the com-
!ri-n.rt Win uni; 1 -.rel inl it e nQ UTw.YT.f-Mffl t ti
hcr hvn tQ ni(J -qilicklv (rcu. in
hcr tongutt and iaiigbcd immorate-Iv, that
sLc came m,ar choking to dca(h.
rfcaBant circumslanccs j cn.crttl
Jhc coach sturpi,(1 u.fore tho post.
rruS3;an new j paintcd ovf r
aUnost covercd with !jlotclles pf
thjwn at it probably by cnaie patriotic
s,rtet boy Thc daw.s cf tlje royal Wrd wcre lu.
. , , , . , , ... b,cause (hc ,aid
celebrated hird of prey eloes as much mischief .ta clawa ag whh .,s bcakj or ljccausc thtt ;
c::fi. .WW tW il,?mcJ
had M morc Sri Xew-Eaust-Prussia
inlcJ cagIe ht!d in ils clav.,s.
tse OI.d 6TAR)STr.
j vcry p0iitc'y requested !ie postmaster to di- j
look nfrer me as I was coing down tne street.
Curiosity probably. With all my inborn polite
ness, I was yet furious in my heart at such inde-
. , . . T T 1,,t ... e. tlAqtmun.,.
cent, treatment. 1 cwncuvu mj n.n iunu....0
ly in my coat pocket and thought :
"Only wait, Ilerr Post-master! if y
you ever
happen to fall into the claws of justice whose
well-appointed royal commissioner I have the
honor to be, we shall see what you will get for
your churlishness ! you will remember my legal
tricks as long as you live
Peter a ragged Pole, who showed me the way, j
f understood and spoke German w ith much difheul-
ty, my conversation with Jam was, therefore, ho
; ...... r , l.., t l tiin! r : , .- i
long as I live.
il r.Pr i1 f T nnrn. O. Ifoc
."". nci. o
ing as 1 live. 1 tie know loosed fnghiiully be-
sides, wi.h his yellow peaked face and black brist -
ly hair.
"My friend," said I, as we were wading
through the deep mud, " can you tell me w hether
you know Herr EurLhardt ?"
T!ie old Starosty ! answered Teter.
I id T 1 . f 11a 1 .
jusi so mi iiieuu, out 3 ou Know 1 wisu to
;c the tax-gatherer, Ilerr Burkhardt."
-Theo'.l Staros'y.
"Tt..y well; but what have I to do in your
I old Starosty ?
"Dit!" ,
" The devil take it ! I have no idea of that."
Die, dead, killed!"
" Win ? what Tiavc I done then 1"
Prussian, not Pole!"
" I am a Prussian."
" I ki.ow it."
' Why
must I die, then 1 Y7!
.t do
mean V
1 " So and so and so!" said the fellow, thrusting
: his clenched fist out towards mo as if he had a
very well, cliarming friend." I conimcucetl a-
What J ) you ir
.nke dead, kill,"
e.v.i by dying ?"
and he s juinted
1 slvly
" What ! dead "f"
When night is"
'Night? To-n:lit?
richt wits."
You are not ia your
' Good for Pole, for Prussian not good."
I shock my head end was silent. It was plain
that we, did not understand each other. And
1,1 .. , it - , , ., .
yet there was something horrible in what the 111-
I Solent fellow said. For I was well aware that
: the Poles hnted the IcrmariS, or what was the
j same thing, the Prussians. I Lad heard cf cases
I in which this hatreel Lad brought abutt deeds cf
j violence. What, if the feliow had wished to
i warn me? What, if the blunderhead had, by
j reason e f his arrogance, betrayed a deadly plot to
I murder all the Prussians in thcright ? I became
reflective, and had concluded to communicate
the matter to my friend and countrymen, Bark-
hardt, when we arrived at the so-called old Star- '
osty. It was a tr.l! eld stone building, in a quiet, j
re! ired street. Before we came i:p to it I obst-r- j
ved that those who pas.'-td it cast fearful stolen I
glauoes at the tlark grey building. My guide did
so also. He raid not a word more, but jointed
with his finger
front, and ran away
as ii he had been shot
', " ; ., . , ' ., ,.f
enciirsi persons 1 n: greeuu me, ir.v onpo.ue ,
7.i(lk.'in t ii fl.ifif.M-flr ll.o iiiii-ivil fiocf in r. r ni
.. . . . .. . ' ' . . . .
..,., 1, i Lien 1 nici'i'n,. . I t.'t.l lo-
ken from me all liking for my new place of abode
A my o(r, T lho,; ht inys(lf fortunate, final
; ly, to reach a man who had at least once before
; breathed the same air with me. Ilerr Bark hardt
, , . .,...., rc.!(Utilt;un -t ll01ue. to I
. Kllpft ; hnt rilfv onr m,in-mlls of mon nrP !
- 1 i
altered by change of circumstance ! Is not char
acter the effect of circumstance? The weak j
man in agony Incomes a giant, the cowardly ;
man on the battle-field becomes a hero, and Her- 1
cules among women a spinner of flax. Whatcv
er may havel-en the ptLSt character of the chief,
tax-gather, a gocd-nalurcd tippler was much bet- j
ter than a noseless skeleton with a tongue run
out, a light-minded gambler than an insulting '
postmaster, and a courageous fighter and bully
was much better company than a h"ssatisfied !
Pole. Indeed, thc last named ef Btirkliardt's j
vie- served rather as a recommendation of him
to me, for between ourselves my gentle, mod- .
est, bashful character, which Mama had so e'fen
praised, might in case of insurr.ciion, cause ,
my most ignominious destruction. There are '
virtues that become vices iu another place, and ;
vices which become virtue?,. Everything is not j
the same always, although it remains the same, j
As I entered the so-called old Starosty through
tne spacious uor, i was very mucn 1 erpiexea as ,
1 , ' , . , ,
. , -1 1 T 1 T
to where I should find my dear old friend Burk-
hardt. The house was very lui ge The shriek- j
; -r .u- r1o. I.;nnii crW-Jl iui-- - .
w hole building, j-et no one came to see who was ,
there. I boldly ascended the broad stairs. !
As I observed a chamber doer at the left, I
knocked softly on it. No one answered with a
friendly " come in." I knrcked louder. All was !
silent. My knockin g awakened the echoes in thc
third and fourth stories of the house. I became
impatient. I longed to embrace my tk-ar heart's- !
friend, Burkhardt. I opened tho door, entered, 1
and saw in thc middle of the room a coffin. It
would have been impossible, to be sure, for the .
person that lay in it, to have weicomcu u.e wnu .
a friendly " conic in." !
I am, by nature, vcry polite to the living ; much j
more so to thc dead. I was about to withdraw j
as quietly as possible, when I perceived that the
sleeper in thc coffin was no other than the chief 1
tax-gatherer, Burkhardt. There he lay, careless j
of his wine-glass and cards, and looking so earn- j
est and sole mn that I hardly presumed to think of
his favorite amusements. In his counienance j
was a foreigner to human life, as if he had never j
had anvthintr to do I believe that when j
the unseen Almighty hand lifts the veil from be- ;
fore the other world, the outward eye breaks and i
the inward eye rccives sight, all earthly life must
appear trifling and insignificant enough, and thc
attention be entirely drawn away from it.
Much shocked, I slunk out of thc chamber of
aoti, intn tlm rlnrk- lonelv nassaire-wav. And
now the horror of life, at the sight of death, first
. came ever me, so that I could not conceive how I
i had had the courage to look the tlead body so long
' "r. 1 T A T 1
in niuiatc. jii nit same nine, i was irigmonoi
j at my own situation. There I was. hundreds of
! miles away from home, in a place the nan.e of
whict I had never lu ard until'I was appointed
, commissioner of justice in it. in ordvr to Prus-
sianiz it. The only person I knew in it was '
! dead, and I vas left entirely to myself. The1'
1 qitesVjn was, where shall I lav mv htad ? where !
j t,si tl dead man ordered my lodgings ?
Whilst lost in such roaeetioisa. the'rusty front
door hinges screeched so pirrcf h.glv that the
j 'fcln:ost tcre f-VCrv nerve in my bed v. A
, iW-la. airv fellow, dresr.ed in llverv. strain un
1 sftiT-s, starcat mo with .
I V 1 .
' nd I
uallv addressed me. IW knees trembled.
' I let
' had
lie fellow talk as long as he ehor.-, br fright
eprived me of laii ia-e. Besides the 'an-
: gtia'i
he spoke, I uercr LsJ possessed, for it was
; tl
ic saw that I did not understand him, and :
nowranslatcd himself into CJcrmau, which he !
spokjas fluently as any Berliner, I took couraee, I
1 ( ' , ,
in my name, business, and ail the aden- '
tureiT had had since mv entraneo into !l
10 v.Cil'S-
tablitown, the name of v.hieii it still made n-.e
f his hat. and related to me, very-circum-il'y.r.Il
that here fallows, with oointr.enda
2viiy :
lely, he himfelf was called Icb"echt :
en a faithful servant r.r. ! itifcrprcter to the
ble ii
tax-rr.thr rer. until
yesterday evening.
heilt had '
:!.s-?d heaven to promote that grod
of ex
en tii1
ran from this temporal life to a better state
ence. The promotion had to be sure been
y against the desire of the dccraed, who
had 4'K-h rather have remained by his post of
tlierer. but he had yesterday engaged in
i!ftvr Uh several 1 ohsn noblemen, the wine class
! had avakened Prussian pride in him, and Sar-
I - ti.t. .i
1 mxiiii iia . rioii jji 111 iiici oies, a i:v ei e.i:i anpe
i . J, , ' ., , ,
ot wjas, ana nnhitv oiows iiau iui.oweu, wiiere
upon, tie of th; Sarmatians hud given thedeceas-
ed geTdomaafrom three to four stitba in the heart, .
akhotgh ejuc would have been quite sufficient to
have ciused death. In order to nvoiel any disa- !
greeate encounter with New-IIast-Pri:.-sIan jus- '
tice, jhe victors had escaped in the same night,
no oit- knew where. Shortly before his depar-
tore Ir the bettor world, the ileceased had l:red j
and filed up .evTial aj.artments for the exjieo'ed
Comnssioner ffJusf ice. that is fir me, furnish-:
ed then with every thing necessary, and even '
engage! a well-experienced German cook, who j
was retdy to ertor service any moment, so that ;
Twas ivell pro ited l-r. Tlie Poles, the narrator ;
remarked incidentally, were sworn enemies to i
I the Prussians, and I would therefore le obhgid
to accustom mysvU to such tokens of division as j
lllK UUillU ei'-HjUVatt-V Ul IrtUV Jll liiV ali v c" if
.feasnnidcton to he sure, hut s,: pose-a he una ;
n,y j, (o lform la t:f ,hc death of the
.i . m . t i i
'-icl tax-gatlu-rer, to u whica, lie haei not pos-
ft ssed a sufficient supply of words. From which
circumstance a mutual misunderstanding must
hive taken place. He the narrator, nevertheless
advised me to le very cautious, as the Poles we re
(nilv in a state of surrressed rage. He had de-
. , .1 ' " i, B
f , ,....,
ne umoriunaie masier a uunvu.
After giving me this information, he conducted
me down the broad stone steps, to show me my 1
new habitation. We passed through a suit of ,
large empty rooms and finally arriveel at one in i
which there was a l ed, shaded by ancient yellow :
damask curtains, an old table with half gilded:
h-gs, and a half elozen dusty chairs. A prexlig- !
ions mirror frame, covercti with gilded omanicn- ;
tal work, hung against the w all, of which the fa
ded tapestry, representing scenes in the edd Tes- j
lament, was half moulded away. King Solomon,
seated on his throne to judge, had lost his head, ;
and the sinful hands of the lascivious old man in ;
Susanna's bath had rotted away from him. The ;
drenrine-ss of the place made ine shudder. I had '
T,-!,ich oilier lnvp fhrscfvii r.n inn for tlu mace e.f
my abode. O, had I only done it ! But I said ;
nothing-rartlv from Lawfulness, and partly to
show that I wis not afraid of being in tiro same '
honsr- with a dead liodv : fori doubted not that
T.i.-.-,f -re.. , ,'h fl:P Tvell -ex ncrienoc.l :
-"- -
, . , , ..,, .. : ,t . i.t t
cook wi;uld keep me company in the nif lit. he-
brccht quickly l'gh'etl two candles that already
cirO'l r n 1 1 vr i
:,'.! l(rnl fable ft.r it l.-.-l
and then went awa3 to fetch cold
to grow ctarii,
meat, bread, wine and other m'Ces.saries for my ;
supper, to order ray trunk to be brought from 1
the post office, anil to notify the well-experienced
cook of my arrival. The trunk came, the supper
also, but Ltbrecht, as soon as I had given him a;
much money as he hail spMit for me, w ii heil ir.e
good night aod took have.
I first undersiccel him w hen Le had
ed, the fellow made off so nimbly as son as he
f hinl and 1 of him not to leave me, but
shame held me back. Should I make the misera
ble man a witness of my fearfulness ? I doubted
not tjiat jic wouid j.avS the night up stairs in one
o j.-;S rauvdtrcd masters rocns. But suddenly I
iicard t-lC hinges of the outer door screech most
pUCOusly. The noise pierced the very marrow of ,
niy iJOnL.s. I rushed to the window and saw the ;
fcji0NV flying dow n the street, as if death w as af- ;
tcr im 1 e soon jrj j tu; t ,l in ihc darkness :
T WRS t.t-t a-j aone -. thc dd hc,ly iu the eld
laroRty. 1
I elo not believe in ghosts, but I fear them at
night. Very natural. Who yum everything
possible? Yet every one h opes and fors every -
thing possible. ,
Thc death stillness, thc ragged old tapestry of
the vast gloomy apartment I was in, the dead
man over my head, the national hatred of th
I Poles id I
conspired to give me t!;e blues. I
could not cat although I washur.gry, arid as tired
T. T ,t i ,
a 1 was, t couta not Sleep, i wcTit to ttie win
dow to see if in ca.e of r.t -si; v T r.-.i-' 1 f.nin f 1,
j street by that way, for I f. arc J I sh-juld loo.-e
j myself in the labyrinth of chambers and passage
wavs of the hurc buildinsr. but it v.-a. rr,-a.,-,
ly strong iron bars,
" But now the whole S
alive in i moment. Ii
Starcstv seemed to become
heard voices, the opening
and J-hv:tti:ir of d"rs, and steps far and mar.
! W,at con,1 5t An inward voice
! warnt'5 n!C s!,;,i : jt is only too true, the sim-)
i F-eto:i- ltcr, really Utrayed a horrid plot to
. !
' ":,!rri'r ! l ihc Prussians 1:1 the r.jrnt !
Thny j
! arc hiking f.r you ! Save yctirpclf! I sntv
tl:e :
thcr 1
! Uo''a tLir-i5" v--'is arranging with cech
! lfcc -r:-1Tirier -fv '-h : the cold sw at ctc,a on
! - re " aa : 1 htaratiiem coming nearer ?nd
: ,!tartr : bey were r.lrcaoy m the nti-rcci that
j leei to my r.; r.rt::;e:it ; itiey lowered tueir voices.
and whh-ptrc.l softly ; I rushed to the door and
bolted it, Mid in the same morai nt some one tried
to open it from the outside. I hard! v dare breathe I
lest I shouM betray myself. I perceived bv the j
language of the whisperers that they were iVle-s. j
I had unfortunately learned just enough Polish j
words to know that they were speaking cf blood, j
death, raid Prussians. Mv knees trembled. !
Ouce ru'-re they tried to open the door of my room, '
but it . vet. led as if ;! iv wcr, afraid of R.akinc a '
1 h-
ardth'in slink o-?v
the P'jh s wi.-hed to jrv s'lo or
mv im rev :
v. 1
ifther t
hf-v wished to carrv
out tl
ir design wav
'.bout ral
g r.n a
a' all
arm : or ia
evenls, to
j put out my he.ii's, thr.t they should not feci into
I my room f.un the s'reet, and thus rec. rx.izo me.
j How could I know but that one of the villains
j might sec me ai.d sheiot at mt through the win
l dow.
: The r.irht is no man's friend, therefore maa is
a born ei.eoiy to ela,k:.e s,a:.d even children that
! have ne ver hearel of ghosts an 1 apparitions are
; afraid in the dark cf s' mething thev do not knew.
H ad hnr.
iown m ii,e i!P.r:..rev.c
the farther adventures of the night when the mo?t j
horrible pr.ssihllit ies presented themselves to rny ;
frighteui d imagination. An enemy e.r mi.-f rtune j
that one r-ees and knows, is not half so horrible
as one to v,hi:-h cue is compelled to give himself
Up blindly. In vain I trd to divert myself, in
I tVr. ,.-,-.l!V..i tl... l.r.lfl-ir .1H r.t-l .1 1 - w :" t."i
. ,. ., ; ' r' :' ."it... V ti. 1 "i !
had a disagreeable, musty .scent a'oout it, audi!"!
sat up I was terrified from time to time by a kind
of tusiling noii', as if some living creature were
moving neanne. The figure of the murdered tax
ga'.le rer, wiili its cold, stiff flalures. seei'.ed to
be hovering about me always., and 1 would finally
hav-f iHvf'i nil I was ri ssessed of to Lnve be-"li
.he own R;r f,r g,, fixndly people.
. . - - .1 1,M- T
f., 1 ,: ncn superstitious fi.l and a coward
mvst it ! r I'cincti suj.ersiiuous ioen ami u i n
but that did 110 help the matter. Finally I
could stand it no : w bother actuate-d by
desperation or heroism, I know n- t, but I sprang
up. d thi-f gh th darVness, vcachisi tho
door and unbolted it, re-so'vod to gain t lie open air
if it should cost me my life. But when the door
was opened heavens what a sight ! 1 reeled
backwards in a paroxysm of terror. Such I a had
not expected to see !
AtJONY of math.
Bv the dim light of an 01 lamp, placed on a
small table at one side, I saw the murdered tax-
-athuvr lavir.g in his coilin, on the floor in the
" ..
miti.t.e e.t the ante-reoni, just as 1 n.iu see.i
the evening before, enly that this time the dark
stains of blood on his shirt, which -rvl lef .re been
hiddert by the hearse cloth were in plain sight.
I trie-d to collect, myself: to convince myself that
this apparition was only a Lalluciaation of sight.
I approv-ched it. But when my foot struck
against the coffin, which gave out a dull sound,
and it seemed as if the corpse tried to move and
, . ....... t 1
open ils eves, my consciousness almost disappear- ,
ed. I fied with terre-r back iuto my room and turn
"c-d head long into the U d.
U the meantime a loud noise proceeded froui
the coffin. as if some-one wore raismg hnnsed wi h
mucu (iitn.'uuy, auu iiieo i.i.i.u.s c
thought that the tax-gat .re
th-eit r must have arisen
. . , , , . J .
from the dead. 1 hcarda groaning, and soon
after I saw the figni-e if the murdered man stand
inir ir. 1 .lmr.vM-l.fliH- r.C.-n.
doorpost ; saw it stagger slowly into the 10.. 11:
and then lose itsilf in the dark. Whilst my in
credulity tried once more to deny all that I had
heard tni st-en, it -was refuted by the ghost, or
dead man come to life again, in the most horri
ble mar.nir. For the latter. Urge f.nd heavy a
lie w as, kid himself down on my bed, right
across me, so that his back touched my face, and
hardly left me room to breathe
T cannot conceive, at present, efirow I escaped
alive, for mv fright was mortal. I must have . ters charged upon h.ia, r.-i l a tuea, to u.'-uu.r-lain
some time in a fainting ii-., f r whoa I heard man of the ( V.mmitte-0 of Investigntiou, that v hen
the clock strike a-aia, and siippox d it would be he refitted ope n the opportunities for gain be
one o'clock, the wished for end ef thc ghostly - possessed. "By , sir, I am astonished at my
hour, it w as two o'clock. own moderation !" It was the candor of Chve
let one imagine mv drcs.di.-l situafini.m com his l!dnrs lU braverv-and his indern-
parison to which all t'hc misery in Panic's hell is h ncc which led many to de-fend his conuo.ct.
r,o:hin. I had not the strcn-th to w ork mvself Tried U fare the Commons, his case and m
. - - -
out from under the corpse, and if I had had 1 he
k( rer.eth I should not have had the couraeo, for I
ow perceived p'.aiulv that the unfortunate man
, A
had, after the first bleeding cf 1 is wounds, fallen
into a dcipswoi.n and been taken for ekad, and
was now awakened from his fainting fit and
1 wrestling with real death. It seemed as if he could
i 1 . ...if 1: ,v.. 1 ,..1 1 ,.-4...
, neither come to maisu, nu-, u, u.e-. 1 " -
to be the ekath pillow of the tax-gatherer,
i Several times I was inclined to regard every
j thing that had happened to ir.e since my arrival
in Breczwezmcisl as- a horrid dream, but my
consciousness of my misery, in all its detail, was
j too great. Yet 1 should finally have ron-ii.crd
mys if that the whole night of horrors, with all
its apparitions, was a dream and nothing but
dnnrii, had not a new occurrence Msured me that
I was wid- cvako.
Namely, the ccmirg of day . I could not aa
it to ).c sure. f'T my dying friend covered my
fjfs t'ph'ly wi;h his shoulder blade, but I knew
! it from the ik ise cf people going and coming in
! the street. Suddenly I heard ste
j voi .es. I cci: hi not understand w
f r it was rolisb, but I heard a so
i oofiin Wfsbein- uiovcd. " No d-o
steps and men a
hat was said.
sound as if th
doubt," tliooglit
I, " thev will look fjr the dead man, and soon
deliver ice ;" and so they did, but in a way that
I had not cxpectci.
Some one beat the dead or dying man, with a
j 11 --g car.c most uumcreiiu.iy, so tuat ne 6prang
r.p ar.u s.ooa upright on ins egs oeiorc tne oeu.
; oiy uniortr.r.hte persjn reoeiveu iso koiuc ei mw
i)lo.vs. which wore so hard that I could not help
crying oeie aloud, and jumping up behind th
dead man. As I looked about me and saw every
thh-g by daydig'-t, perceived that the room WM
full of men. motly Poles. The blows had been
de-It out by the CVtnmihsioncr of the Police, who
was s-'.ip-.-mt Tiding the burial of the tax-gatherer;
The latter j-i III lav d
ertu 111 his cothn m the ante
; before, several intoxicted
ed to rm-wve the corpse into
room. The tveninj
Poles ha I tr. crd'-r
what had f r
thev had th.
.-rlyV-een the Porter's-room, but
.h fit to put it in my ante-room
ire one r f their drunken comj'an
"h. The It'tr-r bad prediably fal
sv t.lo : , d by the r.oiae I made in
- ,;-.e in- ii. 1 !;,' to my bed, and
y the f :;-.;es e f liquor.
ms't itl.
leu avhe'i. r.t:
the l.-I -,l.:e'
there s le: i tav
The advent uies ef that honble niglit had such
an effect that I f.ll into a burning fever,
which lasted seven weeks long. Even now
thanks to t'.e Polish insurrection! I am no
longer Coivonissloncr cf Justice at Bixczwezmcisl
. I cannot think of them without shudder-
ir.-r. Yet I like to relate tlie-m. They may
anittse some end instruct others. It is not well
to fear what we do not believe.
" Gems" from Fanny Tern.
Our wives are never weary but they are tired
to death, never warm but they roast, never chilly
but thev are frozen. If they have a pain, it is
deaf hi v! If thev have a scratch on the finger.
their hands an- all raw. If there is a spot on our
j linen they tell us we are covered witn ink., ana a
1 soiled dress is utterly ruined. When a friend
goes home with us to try pot-luck, if the fire has
been out once it ha been out forty times; if the
; I f is brown it is l.nrnt to a cinder ; if ihe eonp
i is too savory it is salt as brine. I irgnua ilits-
! O, nonsense ! Be thankful you have any 6ort
; of a wife. How many poor, dilapidated wretcb
I es, who never got anything but " thc mitten,"
are at this minute sewing up thc toes in their
; stockings. inning up the rents in tlieir coat
i flaps, hemming their own handkerchiefs, paring
off the ra-rge-d edges oftheir wristbands, and ink
tut: the gapes in th'-ir elbows. There they Bit,
all alone, in an upper story chamber, staring
straight into the ashes, and wishing a wife would
i come to them, as easy as old Adam gothis.with-
out any circumlocution or nonsense! O, you
' d .n't knr how to value your privileges ! Every
, wife ought to go auny onre a tml- and stay itven
!m,f) to give you a realizing sense of your inde
pendence. Wouldn't you miss her, hey ? Might
write vour name in uie uusi on t
-.. Xo'.dv to til v you when your Icjt car
" 1 A 1
a.-he s. No bright eyes opposite to "
you sit down to your badly ot-up dinner. Can't
find vour striped' vest, or your favorite neck tie.
)ne of vouv " fine fe-liuw t:'" comes in and smokes
with you. You tell him with an hysterical laugh,
and "a frrorious attempt to be witty, that
you are "vour own master now," all the while
keeping your hand in the neighborhood of your
mouth, to check an incipient yawn. I Ie sees it's
fJirce, and goes off.
wishing your --pretty
wife" l-.r. l been at home. A ell, you take up a
hr,,k. :i.-V.dy there to help you appreciate a
fine sentiments. You throw it down in disgust,
light vour critdle and go up stairs. There's a
guitar, a id a pretty work lx, and a fairy thim
ble : there's a pair of lit lie Cinderella slipper
-..und the floor the lacings that have
.....-c- .t 1 .it ireili;ii III -
to" tanking round vour
lect like sr. many serpen's : you go to the closet
to hang r.p v
,ir r,-,n there s a race nress, wim
the very r.d of her p'.ump arm ia
the sleeves.
bat tJ,i re's r. i';o Ml in
.' Clork strikes eleven
(1 ;i loiserable W retell V'U tire'
you begin to think w ith the pen t" Blessings
briirhten f-s thev take their (light ?" hey?
Astomsui-o at lli.'asr.r.r. When I.crJ Clive
v. as called t- answer before Parliament for his
peculations ia India, he b"! iiy admitted the mat-
character lcanie so identified so iuterwovi-n
the one with the other that the verdirt firally
rendered was at
.ugh mixture rf ccmimnda-
t:.-,n and of ce:isure-e f applause for his bravery.
r,-.d of ernqhiint of his or-quisltions. now
maintains an hon-rabl? face in the h.-toiy of
his country
c7Ladv reti.f. rs may be .meicfed to Know
thai the tueen. on her laic visit to Dublin, woie
her bonnet on her lead.
young man iu Washington, P. C, late
ly gave his wife a wlupphie, l--aus ilnf wouldn't
nav her prayers.