Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, October 21, 1853, Image 4

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This it the aeason of Agricultural Fairs, and the
following verses wiittcn by Mr?. Fiances D. Gage
for the Ohio Cultivator, will answer at vrej! in Ftnn
vlvania as ia the Euckeye State :
Home Pictures.
Ten Fisher had finished his harvesting,
And he stood by ihe orchard gate,
'One foot on the il and one foot on the ground
As he called to his good wife Kate
There were s'&ins of toil ou his manly hind,
The dust of the field on tus hat.
But twinkle of pleasure was his in ye,
As he gazed en his stock so
Here, give me that baby, dear Kate, you are tired,
I fear you have too much care,
You must rest and pitk up a little, 1 thir.k.
Before we go to the lair.
I d hate to be taking fat oxen, you know,
Fat hogs, and fat sheep, and fut cows.
With a wife at my elbow as poor as a crow,
And care wrinkles shading her brow."
Can't go," did you say? 'Can t afford the expense,
I know, Kate, our crops ain't the best,
But we've labored together to keep things along,
And together we'll now take a rest.
The orchard is bare but old Brindle is prime,
And Lilly and Fan are a show,
Your butter and chwse ran t be beat in the State,
4So up to the fair we will go.
" You've ne'er seen a city, and Clei eland is fine,
Ne'er seen the blue, billowy Lake,
Ne'er rode in a rail car, or been iu a throng,
So Kate, thia journey we'll take.
And garner new feelings, new thought and new
ways, If we find those that suit as we roam.
And garner up strength with our heads, hearts, and
Fvr the love and lue duties of bemo.
1 have sometimes thought, Kate, as I plodded
For -months ti'tr the same weary round.
That a fellow who had such a really hard time,
In Ohio nowhere could be foimd,
But when I've been called from my home for a
And eeen how the rest get along,
I've came back to my toil with a light, -cheerful
And" there's no place like home," was my song.
"I wonder that mothers don't wholly despair,
Who ne'er from their cares get away,
And walk the same Head-wheel ol duty for years,
Scarce stopping to rest niht or day.
i don't wonder they grow discontented sometimes,
That their feelings grow raspy and cold,
For toil never ending, and labor xmcheered,
Make women and men sometimes scold,"
Kate looked up with a smile, and said, " Een, we
will go,
There may be better oxen than our,
Horses swilter of foot, and cows finer by far,
Better butter and cheese, fruit and flowers.
But there's one thing I claim, I know can't be beat,
In the whole Yankee nation to-day,
I'd not swap him, I know, for a kingdom to boot,
That's my 'gude man" and Kate ran away.
Cutting Corn-Fodder.
Enas Sir.edley, of Chester county, and of much
experience as a dairyman, informs us of his great
6uccess the present winter in keeping his cows
on corn-fodder, cut and crushed by a horse power
and machine. His plan is to cut off a foot or
eighteen inches of the butts rjclbrcputUrg it tUro'
the machine. This is -worked on the baru-fioor,
with a one horse power, and the cut fodder dis
charged through a funnel into the entry below,
contiguous to the cow stables. Here it is emp
tied into a large box made for the purpose and
holding about 34 bushel baskets full. This is
well mixed up with an equal number of quarts cf
meal, and the whole slightly moistened. He lias
31 cows fastened up iu seperate stalls, and one
bushel, heaped up, is found sufficient for a cow at
a feed, and they are fed twice a day, eating it up
clean. Under this management they are improv
ing finely, and wintering as well as they u.sed to
ou the best hay.
One sheaf of fodder cut up, making two good
feeds, is worth here about three cents, making 21
cents per week. Sixteen quarts of meal per week
for each cow is worth 32 cents. To'al for keep
of cows, each per week, 53 cents. This is cheap
wintering, and a strong illustration of the great
advantage of cutting food for stock. Such evi
dence of what has been done, is worth pages of
theory in convincing farmers of the great loss
they sustain in Ceding hay and fodder uncut.
Not only will one ha'.f or two-thirds in quantity
be sufficient, but there is a great saving in respect
to waste. Those of us who have been u.sed to
feeding cattle in barn-yards out of cribs, know
that no less than about one sheaf to each animal j
is a sufficient allowance, and that when cither
corn-fodler or hay is fed whole, a considerable
portion is dragged out over the yard and lost.
Hay is now worth from 10 to 20 per ton and
by this plan of feeding corn-fodder, a saving of
some tons and tho price of several machines may
be effected in one winter, We have found in ot:r
own exprience. that when com-fodder is fed,
merely cut, without crushing, very considerable
amount is left uneaten. 'The sharp and tough
edges of tho stalk do not admit of proper masiti-
cation, and, indeed, is apt to make sore mouths
The machine Urmy's paleut is said to be able to
cut and crush from sixty to one hundred bushels
per hour. Oar readers will find in another place
an cxcellant article from the Michigan Farmer
on sowing corn for fodder, broadcast or in drills.
"We have tried this ourselves, and found it a most
raluablc food especially for cows and youn" stock
When not allowed to go to car, the stalks abound
in rich saccharine matter, and by the expert
nicnts f William Webb, of Wilmington, Dela
ware, who manufactured sugar from it, it would
appear to be equal iu this particular to the su
gar cane. Farm Journal.
Paixt roa tocb Horses. Now is the time
for preparation ; soon afier the heat of summer is
over, say in September or October, is the best
time to paint. One coat laid in Autumn is equal
xo two in ouramcr ; tnc lead dries more evenly,
and oil holds it much longer than when spread in'
hot weather. Taint laid on in Fall weather is
more lasting than when put on in the Spring,
because the surface becomes hardened through
tne Winter without exposure to the intense heat
of July and August, and is therefore much less
likely to suffer from the effects of the ensuing sum
mer. Whenever white lead adheres to the hand
when rubbed over it. nut on thin f a
house once weU painted, if lightly coated every
third year succeeding, will be
more economically
painted and kept in better
n7 0thf er Use t the Uest material
at any time Worcester Trantertji.
A never fading- picture can now be got at the Blair
A never ""jery, 0dd Fellows EalL
GORGE W. FISHER takes this method of iu
CjT forming his nuruorou friends throughout the
county, that he has permanently luoated himself tit
Hollidayahurg, where he is now prepared to furnish
superior portraits to all that wish a good picture.
After a long and serious time of experimenting
in the Art, he is "now prepared to take the finest
kind of pictures in all kinds of weather. A visit
to his room and a trial is all that is asked. His
object is to please, and having the best light in the
Borough, be feels that no failure can Le made.
l'ictures cently colored nnd put iu good cases,
from 1,23 to S!0. Children taken iu the morn
ing from 9 to 11, in the short space of one second.
Instruction given m the art, embracing; all the
improvements, on the most reasonable terms. Ap
arutus and fixtures for Daguerreotypiug furnished.
Hollidaysburg, Sept. 9, 1S52.-U'.
Tlifs was for Coed oudC'lieaj Goods.
JILL be opened this week at the brick store
of J. .Moore, in .Lccusbntg, a general assort
ment of cloths, enssirneres, satiuetts, tweeds, and a
great variety of summer goods.
Together witii any quantity of prints, detains,
lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other
dresa goods.
and good assortment of hardware, queensware,
saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &c, &c.
Persons wanting boots nnd shoes, hats and cups
or ready made clothing, will find it to their advan
tage to call at the.
I5rl c5i Store.
The subscriber, thankful lor past favois, ear
nestly requests his customer.", nnd the public gen
erally to at least call and exauiiue his stuck : and if
he cannot suit every person in quality nnd price it
is not his fault, l'roduce uud lumber of all kinds
taken in exchange for goods ; and he ulso takes
CASH when offered.
EbensbtarjrTApril 28, 1S01.
R011EKT liEKUY. 110 11 BUT UALIlltAlTH.
Coacli Manufactory.
THE subscribers would respectfully iuform the
citizens of EbensLurg and the public gcuerally,
that they will carry ou the Couch Making, inclu
ding the Smith work at the Machine shop furmerly
occupied by Mr. Anderson, iu the rear of E. Hughe's
Store ; where by using none but tho choicest mate
rial, nnd employing none but the best workmen,
thc-y hope to convince all that v. ill do them the
favor to exauiiue their work, th:it in point of dura
bility, nppearance or cheapness, it cannot be excel
led by any similar establishment in the State or
elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain iu the pur
chase of a carriage, will consult their own interests
by giving theiu a call. They arc prepared to sup
ply the following kinds of Vehicles, viz:
Euggies of ditiureiitqualitits and prices, Barouch
es, Chariotees, ono and two horse rockuways, close
quarter Eliptio and C spring Conches ; second hand
work of ditferent kinds, &e, ni iking a variety that
will suit all tastes nnd all purses. Impairing done
with neatness and despatch.
May 20, 18-33.
The Grant House,
Corner of 4th and Grand sts. Pittsburg.
THE subscriber has leased the large and well
known Hotel, (lute Lumartinc House.) at the
corner of 4th and Grant streets, Pittsburg, which
has been repaired and newly fitted up in all its
apartments so as to give a larger and more liberal
accommodation to travellers and boarders. His
larder will be stocked with the most choice brands
the markets can afford, and Lis liar furnished with
the best. He would respectfully solicit a share of
public patronage.
Sept. 8, 1802. D. PERRY.
St. Charles Hotel,
Corner of Third and Wood Sts.
rrtH IS fine establishment, having come into the
JL hands of a new Proprietor, offers great in
iluocmcntd to the traveling community; ana also
to regular boarders. Every delicacy and luxury
will be provided in it season ; and no pains will be
spared to make this Hotel a comfortable home to all
who may cull there.
W S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor.
Pittsburg, Sept. 8. 1S-32.
JSoots and Shoe'.
Evans & Joes,
WOULD respectfully announce to the public
that they still continue the manufacture of
every description of Boots nnd Shoes, for Ladies
and Gentlemen, nt their shon, a few doors East of
Mr. Carmen s Hotel, where they wiU le Loppy to j
see ineir customers.
Being practical workmen themselves, and using
none but the very best materials, they are confident
they can execute work as well and as cheap as any
establishment in the county.
May 13, 1803
CJeorarc Ilariicnme,
Wholesalo & Eetail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron
ware Manufacturer, and Dealer in the fol
lowing named Stoves :
GLOBE Air Tight Cook, Portable Range. Flat
Top Complete, Union Air Tight, Cooke Favor
ite, Bare Cylinder. Delaware Cook, Bar-room, Key
stoue, or Independent, Harp cannon. New com
plete, Hot Aii Parlor, Victoria complete, Air
Tight, Complete Cook, Union Coal Burner.
Ebensburg, Sept 1, 1802. '
I'JisliIoiialilf ClolfiJiifr Emporium,
Clinton t. Johnstowa Pa.
GREAT attraction at the corner cf Clinton and
Locu3t streets, opposite the Exclumgo Hotel
and the M'Mil'.eu House, Johnstown, Cambria Co.,
Pa., where the subscribers have just received a
large and fashionable assortment of Fall aud Win
ter Ready made CLOTIIINfJ.
Nov. 4, 1S02. JOSEPH GANS & CO.
Fits. W. HAT.
w. s. tnsux.
Hay 5i i:Ison,
Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron
Ware Manufacturers, and 'Dealers in the fol
lowing- named Stoves :
00 K Stoves, Keystone. Nine Plato. LMiprtr
Parlor, Radiators, Etna. Star Franklin,
fle IroiiM. Couij-lfte Cook, Star Air-tight, Cast iron
Sinks. Ware Room ou. cnual St. ono door below
the collectors office. -
Johnstown, Ta. July U, 18".2.
T;I!oi intf.
rrillE undersigned informs his customers that the
J- firm of E1711011 & Johnston is dissolved by
mutual consent, nnd that the subscriber still con
tinues the business in the room recently occupied
by the old firm, where he will be hnppy to see his
former patrons and as niauy new ones as please to
call. Ho receives regularly from New Vork and
Philadelphia the latest fashions and canuot be beat
en either iu the shape or fit of Coats, Pants or
Vests, by any other Tailor in tho country. He
respectfully ask the public to give him a call, and
confident his work will recommend itself.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
change for work. LEWIS REYNOX,
April 20, 1852.-tf.
Tombstones! Tombs Stones!
T"ICHARD JONES resnecfullv informs the nub-
-L lie that ho is prepared to furnish all kinds cf
iomo atones, ot Italian and American Marble, man
ufactured iu the latest style, and lettered according
to any directions.
His yard is situated at the south part of the
town, where a large assortment of articles in his
line are always kept on hand.
From long experience he frol i,fi.7.,t .
please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to be pat-
' " f--i.-iuUa 'uoiitj.
June 17, lo3.
4 FRESH arrival of Boot, Shoes, Summer Hats,
-LM Caps, iancy Cibid nnd Plm. i '
nets, lowder Gun Caps, Shot. Lead, &c., received
th.s day and for sale at the cheap store of
June 2G, 18.31.
YtV.R 13 falU"g off. " t? Then call at
Kittell s without delav. and huv hnii.
Slorr't Chemical JIair lnmaoraUtr. or von will K..
Wliltiucrc, "W'olir, &, Co.,
Importers and Dealers in Hardware,
Sign of th Anvils, -Vo. 50 Wood st., Ihrci daort
above the St. Charles Hotel,
litlslur&, Iu.
rTIAKE this method of informing enstomers and
X Dealers that they are now in receipt of their
Fall Supply which has been selected with great
c:u-e from the Manufactories of i'unyxrar.d the Las
tern Stata.
Our stock comprises a much larger assortment
than is generally kept by similar establishments,
aud is particularly adapted to the Country Trade.
Having -srrpirior facilities for procuring goods it
is without hesitation that we defy competition from
any quvter.
We arc now receiving Birmingham and Sheffield
Manufactures, purchased and forwarded by one of
the 2'irm, who has been spending some months in
England and Germany, nnd who will continue to
keep us supplied with Foreign Hurdward bought
from first bands only.
Western Merchants are respectfully invited to au
cxaiuiiirtion of our stock and prices previous to go
ing further Eastward. Auiorig our assortment may
be tound the following:
0o2-l doz. Knives and Forks, 1100 doz. Chisils,
3114 " pen knive3
1800 " scissors & sheers
210 " ra3ovs in cases
iiO " silver plated lead
oo cases planes,
S200 doz. files &
217 gun locks
table ypoons,
2.50 " German silver " " "
800 " shovels nnd spades 850 " gross Britauia
2-17 " hay and manure forks, 1 00 Saws
70 lenneiu Eaws 10 bales Deer's hair.
100 Mill pitt and cross cutt saws
1700 doz knobs, locks aud latches
i 4200 " pair trace chains 2000 "pad chest locks
400 fi halter nnd dog chains, bellows, anvils,
vics, log and coil chains, cast, sueer and Blister
-itrJ doz axes, best brands, &e.
Saddlery Hardware.
We are continuing to make large tdditiou to this
branch of our business.
Sept. 2, 1S03.
A. Sew Arrival of Watclie and Jew
elry. On the corner of Clinton and locust Sts.
rjUlE undersigned respectfully iniites the Ladies
JL and Gentlemen to call aud see his new and
splendid stock of Watches and Jewelry, which he
li.isjii,t received from Genuauy : wirrauted to be
solid au l pure, and for style and fit?fch it cannot be
surpassed. He has also receive 1 a large assort
ment of Jewelry from the Eastern cities, viz :
Gold hunting case watches from
" Patent Lever " "
" Ladies anchor lever and Lepinr,
Silver patent lever and hunting case
watches from
' Anchor Levers do, froia
" Lepiucs do,
$70 to 100
i0 to
oO to
10 to 2U
1 2 to If
10 to 14
5 to 12
tUiarticrs do,
Gold miniature cases, Ladies Gold Bracelets and
Neeklesscs. Ear-Tings, Gold Guard, Vest and Fob
chains. Gold chains for Ladies, Finger rings, Gold
and Silver Pens and Pencils, Silver Spoons, Silver
Thimbles, Steel, German and Silvfr Spectacles,
Port Monaies, Pen Knives, Silver clains, &c, &c.
All of the above articles are warmuted to be of
the best material, uud will be sold rtry luir fur cash.
ClocK and Watch Repairing.
He has the best workmen in the country in his
employ, and all work entrusted to him will be
promptly attended to.
Thankful for past favors he solicits a continuance
of the same, aad is confident he can give satisfac
tion to ail who may give him a call.
John.-town, April 15, 1S03.
Goods Offered at Cost.
ON SECTION 101, Pa. R. R.
TTMIIE subscribers being about to remove
JL Cambria county, offer to se'd off all
large stock of Goods by private sale, iu large or
o.ill rjnint'.t ioa, tr cui-t f urcli nSCl'S, til Ul'tt CoJSi.
The stock consists in part of Dry Goods, such as
French, English ami American cloths, cassimeres,
satiuetts, tweeds, pilot cloth, satin Valencia, aud
other vestings, silks, alpaccas, luusdelains, bom
bazines, and
of every description; shawls, handkerchiofs,scarfs,
cravats, tibbets, ribbons, gloves and hosiery of all
descriptions, table linen, draptrs, crash, red,
white, yellow and Canton flannels, linsey, blank
ets aud coverlets, hickory shirting. Irish linen,
wl ite goods of every description, lacing, edging,
Slc, hats, caps, bonuel?, bootsand shoes,
Hardware, queensware, glas3, nails, flour, fish,
salt, iron, a splendid stock of Groceries, Drugs,
Paints, and Dve Stuffs, all of which, we offer at
lower prices than goods have ever been sold in the
country, all kiuds of country produce tnkenin ex
change, such as Lumber, Railroad Ties, Flax
seed, Rags, &e.
N. 15. Country merchants will be supplied with
any of the above splendid selections of goods at
wholesale city prices, putting on only a nominal
figure for freight.
July 21, 1803 38-tf.
5000 Dollars liewarri.
(irtaticlltniMillii h'alta!
GEO. J. RODGERS has just received from the
c!tie3 of Philadelphia and Nev York and iin-
mense stock of New Goods, and now offers to hi.
old as well as new customers the Larqext,
an I If st assortment of SPRING SUMMER
GOODS ever brought to the Ebensburg mniket.
His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods
Queensware, Hardware, Cedar Ware, &c, all of
which have been purchased with a view to satisfy
the wants of his numerous customers in quality
and price.
Gents Wear. Blue, black, brown and broad
cloths, plain and fancy casimcres, tweeds, summer
cloth, linens, silks, satin, Valencia and marseills
Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, &c.
Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints, mous de
fains, ginghams, lustres and fancy colored silks,
bobinet, laeca and edging, j.ickonetts, ribbons, fan
cy silk gimps, &c.
Hardware, cutlery, nnd tools of various kinds.
Queens-ware, consisting of many new aud splen
did patterns.
Gi ocries, consisting of coffees, sugar, tea, fish,
spices, salt &c.
JCaiJ" AU kinds ot country prouuee uscu iu ex
change for goods Also Lumber, Wool, &c.
May 20, IS33.
Look out lor tltc Locomotive!
Cash and Produce Store!
Ill'dlCS & MllLKItY,
HAVE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few doors
East of G. L. Lloyd & co.'s store a larce nnd
entire new assortment of Spring i Summer Goods,
which they just received from the Eastern cities,
consisting, iu part, of the following articles.
LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Banres, Mous
lin de Laines, Lawns, &e., Sc. Also, Cloths, Sati
uetts, Tweeds, Drillings, &c.
Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and very best
quality. Give it n trial.
Hardware, Queensware, and Stoneware, of every
variety comprising a large assortment.
STOVES, of every decription, always on hand
and warranted. We flatter ourselves tiiat we can
sell Stoves lower than any establishment in Cam
bria county, aud being located on the Rail Road we
can always secure a supply.
Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar,
linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and
every article necessxay to supply this market.
The public is solicited to call and examine our
stock, as we are confident it will admit of inspec
tion. .
Xpsg- ah Kinds ot produce taken iu exchange for
goods. Lumber bought at the highest market pri
ces. May 17, 1853.
Thomas I 3Iartin,
House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Johns
town, Fa.
p TT.r ,:,(.,, . t.- - , .
Mr. Ciuysott's Improved Extract of
Bottles, nnd is acknowledged to be the best
SARSAPARILLA made, as is certified by the Wox
dkbkii. Ccheu it has performed, the orignnl copies
of which are in the possession of the proprietor.
Remember, this is the only TRUE and ORIGINAL
The Medicine, when used according to directions,
Will Cure, Without Fail
Scrofula or Kings Evil. Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions
cf the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore-Eyes,
Ringworm or Tetters, Scald Head Rhe
umatism, Pains in the Bones or Joint.-",
old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling
of the Glands, Syphilis, case
of Kidneys, Loss of Ap
petite, Disease ar
riving from the use of Mercury,
Tain in the Side and Shoulders, General
Debility, Drops;.', Lnmbngo, Jaundico and Costive
ness. ZfQa, Let all who wish to purge the blood from
the impurities contracted from the flee indulgene
of the appetite during the winter, and to prepare
tha system to resist summer epidemics, resort now
to " Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa
parilla," which is proving itself an antidote for
many of the Tnost malignant diseases that llesh is
heir to, and titey will never be disappointed ; for in
this remedy the public faith has never wavered
never can waver; for it is founded on experience,
just as their want of faith in other nnd spurious,
compounds is nlso founded ou experience. They
fly irom mineral nostrums to seek hope, life ami
vigor, from the purely veglable rtnt'l;!, therefore,
however broken down in health and spirits, however
loathsome to himself and others, let no one despair
of recovery; let the patient only understand thai
his hope of phisical restoration lies only iu "Guy
zott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsar.ariila,"
and persuade hini, for his life's sake, to try it, aud ;
we have no hesitation in predicting his speedy rcsto- I
ration to health.
Ladies of pale complexion nud consumptive hab-
its, and stc!i as are debi'iated by those obstructions j
which females are liable to, are restored, by the j
use of a botile or two, to bloom and to vigor. I
Scnfitl.i ami Canctr eurr'l Li lr. (,'ny itt's L tract )
1 1 1 t tl'jic J'occ nna burstrwrit la.
y, S s
BiTi.F.iGK, Granger county, Tciin
April 27th. ISOl'.
J. D. Park, I'so.. Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir: It
gives me great satisfaction to add my testimony in j
favor of Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and
Sarsaparill.i," to that of the numerous and highly ;
respectable persons who have been bencfit'.-d by j
the medicine. j
My wife has been suffering for the space of near- '
ly five years with Scrofula and C.mct-r, which, 1
think, found its origin iu the derangements of the j
system peculiar to her sex, while in the mean time !
she was under the care of the mot vminent Physi- '
ciaus in this section of country, without deriving i
any material aid from their pi -en i ipt ions.
Upon the recommendation vf Dr. Coc!:es, cue of !
our Pb sicians, who had seen the mfdicitie used t
with happy effect, I obtaiirud of your Agents hen, !
Messrs. Rice & M'Farland," one bottle of -Dr. !
Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," I
and as my wife found relief from that bottle, 1
bought Some six bottles, which she has taken willi i
the most astonishing benefit, for I am r-b.-ased to j
say it has tutiacly cured her, f-.r she has entirely ;
recovered from her illness, and the Scrofula aud ;
Cancer are cured sound und well.
Accept my gratitude. Respectful! v, ;
fc'jf Bl-IMi.NKSS Ct'!lKI BY
sort's ExTu vt r or Yellow
SKF. VbK of Dir. (liv-
DoClx ANU S.MlSAi'A-
Faievilw, Butler Co., rV, -jw 14, 18-33.
Mn. John Park, Di:ak Sin: 1 wih tost ite, that
your excellent medicine, Dr. Guysott's Extr.ict of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has completely cured
my son, aged sevx-n years, nf an aggravated of
sore eyes. From May till September, four months
he was confined to a dark room under the c:-.rc of a
skillful physician who cousulte l able counsel. He
continued worse for two mouths when he became
entirely blind. His eyes were so highly iutlaiucd,
aud so very sensitive that when covered with seven
folds of dark silk, he would scream from the pain
caused by the light of a candle. He had no appe
tite : had taken so much powerful and offensive
medicine, that I could neither coax nor force him
to take more. He was reduced to a mere skeleton
and I despaired of ever restoring his s:ght or j
About that time I saw your invaluable medicine
advertised as n remedy for sore eyes, caused bv
Scrofula, and your agent iu this place, John Scott,
Esq., recommended it to me highly.
I purchased a bottle nnd gave it to my son. 1
could see but little alteration in him for two or three
weeks. He then bgan to improve rapidly, and
before he had taken another bottle his eyes were
ceinpletely cured.
Signed, W.-i. C CiMi'imu..
I do hereby certify that I am acquainted with
Wm. t Campbell, and have seen his son when he
was in the coudition represented by him, and have
seen him since and know that he is now iu good
Signed, John Scott.
5,1'ricc $1 per bottle, six bottles for
Sold by JOHN D. PARK, Cin., O.
Northwest corner Fourth and Walnut streets.
Entrance on Walnut street, to whom 1. 11 orders must
be addressed. Murray .a hm & Co. Ebensburg,
Moore & Kepler Carrolltown, John Ivory & Son
Summit, Johnston & Edson Johnstown, E. P. Ilil
dibrand Indiana, J. C. Day Blairsvilie.
August 10, 1S-33. ly.
RE YOU BALD! Is your hair falling off?
Scruff? If so, then make a fair trial of Slurr's
Chemical Hair Invigorator. Hundreds cf persons
in all parts of the country whose heads were entire
ly ba'.d, have had their hair fully restored to its
original perfection by the use of this aluabie
Caution. Ask for "Storrs' Chemical Hair In
vigorator," and never let dealers persuade you to
use any oiuer article as n suosiictite. i rice
cents per bottle Proprietors. C. P. Amet & Co.,
No. 1:20 Arch street, Philadelphia. For sale by
dealer tncu..v eia bj,- Fred. Kittell Ebens
burg ; James Dell, Summit; E. P. Hildebruud, In
diana. Dec. S, 18-32 ly.
Ezeklfl Unfiles
Ebensburg, Pa.
TNi'iirt" : t r j
iiiaiiiiH in Btuuc aiiu jaucy ary gooas TO
JL ccries, wholesale and retail fish ; hardware
and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron,
sheet zinc, stoves of all kinds, store-pipes and
sheet-iron are, tin ware, copper and brass ket
tles, &c.
Uraiu, wool, butter and other couutry produce
bought and sold.
A dealer in white pine, poplar, asb and cherry
lumuci , luiuocr uiways nougut, ana a large quan
tity constantly on hand for 6ale.
Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or such
as suits the present demand of the market.
A large lot of new goods as embraced in the
above list just received and more opening for sale
at the lowest market price.
September 23, 1852, tf.
Ixclutiige Hotel.
Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa.
THE proprietor assures the public that no exer
tions will be wanting on his part to render his
house home-like to those who call with hini, and
solicits a share of public patronage.
April 29, 1852.
40 BARRELS Contango Suit for unle by
''lie iii"..t CCI GU RUMEUV.
e WiO(j una nrunny, nun
4,:i,.?r ll-;m.ty in fun
iu!t of 'uf I:;uiiV fir TH
,.' l.-w. fciimi M"! l!l-n!'t OJ r, .iw vvilj
.iicn. t''il Xi-.t ve V'.' '
tiAi d in I ll i If Mil II I
if t!. rillrj wTf- f-n-T.i-.'.
.rah.l n-ul oiKiiiiiplmii :
in uii m:' ' : -U.S-
.omi iff l.j-t IfA iir. .
t-V i!r,id kai l ! li.i- U4 ' lUai t hti ('til-lllilIltM
Tin llttf-! i'i- i-o
io ni'l to b- h.p-;eniy ' ' !
rill IIM1 ll l'd. v a ..-.a., r - -
SUh;-i.i i.ri-Siiirullv..f rr l!i i -"T-
K,Hioii-lirr!i- t.t.r .i7'.f -.Sar,;:.-:tl. i wn nwny
u : , , . . .( ki.i turv c-u'd tu t live f"k
T. .late, i.irt. I'V !; use ;.t. n.
:atJyf (:y
ThU Hill 11 Ml i- F-rrtV r. , rVr rnJ H Oil-. (D1TH i.V INlHi IHtf , rf,yt,rntl, B'yl Iui-
Cuit,- lluw.:i; Ii,taM., viz.;
....... 1 ! . I.'.nn. I..M .I.fI17. .-3'lllll.lf ! . .. -
21 B'li 'ii. ...... ' .' . .--
.a at tht y.. ... t. I;ii, tle ;". " J-,-:-
t SvM Sr:rtr. '.tlr'""- '' ' T
I ll- U i:tKNKSrs ni CumfUtmU r;ius tue.u-
u .. i ..... i .,, . ir
- i r iinrtirullli- of ('un-.
, a.f- our Priii
'i'luj ir'rj:eM
T-t the wiitiLF World!
IX" Price I per JlotUe, or Sir H ,ttlc$ f .r
It T n-'wp!" "V jtI jr-i:T nTT7,i:S, .f the Hire
l-owr and mtdf.if f,',if.- iu v l ;n fi't!I liMTii-s. ''' r
jTP iMitiif r..n::.m I V I V-1 M' It DilKS, nnJ ll.
ntcd.c-j'.' rtn ar rtrnail' 'n riretii rrt tnl '''t i:i'y
One i i'V.-rx..)i t u-'i j.r-.t it! h o4 llirrt-
tha on hft j-- 1 niy-4ir' fa?r, whtch it v. turn
i ruir?'l o! !i is a trm iu::iilifv ai n die
T it arn S.' i-nrv ' !: Blood I'oHflrr ovrr a'l
ot t-r iii.l'Ci: s, ftdi s'm in ft f.-rn! uirnmrt! in n poi-:i
a rt Vn r-Mj-'!!':-l, t!;c? 2nefut .Mccilcul irtir
of ica.j .'r n nii-i liure
Indian Ivcots and Barks,
w tiiirh iiO otic r tmi'.f.tic p rft-ea. 1!. n arf th mtt t-n
l'iri!itr 't it.' Ill i w.rc t-vt-r t invi to
I Lttt.tii iT lA,V n. i'tl-J isCMr, CJUipOUitdid W KB ll.-c tilOMJ-
ly-iJerntiiiUJ I'.sUucts of
Sarsaparilla, Yellow Doclt,
Ui fi VfSM'ibli I! vf rnr, u A (n!y Tl gratnt f SI wl
Plirif:!!, I nl-, a lu-niei vi?d"-inr hy jZfi-tit Ollls
iltJia Hiy .ili'r. Jt i crr, 1-ccnuM? tlio quustttty u( it
niav l- hiti fr r I)ollr f.i iui ititirh loni mid
vii!rt- 'I'i'll I lilK'A r.'.-iro Ut-jol ti.6itc, Uij.ll Im' ' I
nr li rf n.-iv i(ljr -i .f.rt".
kr ui:!tuttf.i pitfjf of tlio ( va of
Scrofula, Fever-Sores,
Sc ii.l-Hrid, Kri-rrpt I,tg, Stftt- h'htim. hhnrtr.-itttm, Fyj-h K-:ip-tt
nt, tltJt: "U t FtA-, Iivrr-f l!Ililnilll, t'frt, I Tim-
4'ttirccv lirrtt, C 'oM i t rKfM, .vr h.yrn, !tp Pliith iii thr Stjr. Jittutt. li-tnct. tiA Jfi-rjrijnd Al.t. iTMl.ft
iMfUKK-hi.tHH I)iiV".Af:', urn our P.iMI'Iil.xLl H a.-f Mand-L-Ui
vt ry A .-fill li.t tuem to iaiV.
rBHII.S delightful nnJ popular sit'cleis the best
-S- preparation f ir the hair which long experi
ence and c': i tific research has produce, !, cither as
an article for tiie t.i!ct, or its biiicfioiu! e Sects in
all ili lii.-eascs to which the human hair is liable.
It will in. part to the roughest and Coarsest hair the
most bcauiiful appearance, entirely cUanslng it
from :iil impurith s.
Hut while w e as-ei t that it is the best article f.r
the toilet of those who wish to retain tbc hair in
all its veil 1 1: f nl
it must n' t 1 e fnrgott u that in all diseases of the
hair or scalp, such as tiie falling of the hair dand
ruff, pimples, or sores on the scalp, c, it i.- per
haps the article which has given deeided satisfac
tion every instance wlic-re it tin lecn used.
Its operation iu case of baldness is peculiarly
active, so that, in numerous, where other remedies
have been tried in vain, STOH R'S CHEMICAL IN
VltiUKATOK has superseded the ornaments of art.
by reinstating, in full pleutitude, the pcrmment
gifts and graces of nature. It is possessed of a
character wholly differing from the Oils, (.;reae,
Restoratives, uc, which are uo'.v so numerously
i ti ittcd ou the public, i.r baldness, crav -c.
S'.crr's Invig-omtor
has now bcon tested for years, and its efficacy has
been proved !y,th usauJs. Every yt-.-r its reputa
tion mii I s;iles have increased, until moie of it is
consumed annually than of any other preparation
fur the hair ever offered to the American public.
It is coinpoiimic 1 en strictly scientific ri itie: :!. s,
nnd the proprietor will stake his reputation ou its
Its extraordinary chi-nptie.-s places it within the
reach of the humblest family, and its conceded
value insures it a place ou the most luxurious toil
et. For sale by the proprietors price 2" cents.
120 Arch street, one door hel Sixth.
For Sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg : James He!!,
? u mln it : (i. Mnckeri.ide ."c Co., Jobiistuw-fi.
liecember 10, 1SjS-!v.
I'lYi:il C'O.IXI'IilXT,
4 Xl all diseases arising from a dlsordere I liver
J.X. or (stomach, such as const:.,aiion, inward
piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the
stomach, nausea, heart-burn, disgust for food,
fullness, cr weight in the stomach, sour eructations,
sinking jt fluttering nt the pit of the stomach.
sw imming of the he-id, hurried-and difficult breath-
ing, fluttering at the heart,
ting sensations when in a lie;
ccoking or suftoca-
nj- rturc. dimness
oi iisioii, uots or webs before the si-bt fcv.-i- ..n.l
a -.
dull pain iu the head, dlfhcicncy of perspiration,
yedowness of the skin and eyes, pain iu the side
back, chest, limbs, &c, sudden Mushes of heat,'
burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil
and great depression of spirits, cau b effectually
cured by
DH. o. ar. jacksct.
At llio Gerinau 91ctiliip store.
120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Ihetr power over the above d.ttascs is not ex. elleJ
if equalled by any other preparation in the Cited
Atatef, as the cures attest, in i,ia:,y casts after t!.H ful
physicians hadfuihtl.
Inesc Hitters are worthy the attention of inva
das Possessing great virtues in the rectiucutioi
ureases oi tiie Liver and l0SSL.r glands eserci
ing the most searching powers in weakness nud
afiections of the d:Kest'.ve organs, they are withal,
sale, certain and pleasant.
That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint nud
dyspepsia, no one cau doubt after using it as stated
It acta specifically upon the stomach and liver; it is
preferable to calomel in nil bilious diseases the cf
feet is lnimA.liu ti. Ti.i... i -
.ll . . . " 1 l V illllrll 11
female or infants with safety and reliable benefit at
any time.
Look well to tha marks of the Genuine
They have the written signature of C. M J CK
SON upon the wrapper, and his name blowuinthe
bottle, without which they are spurious
sale Wholesale ai.d Ketnil at the German
Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, one door be
low Stxth Philadelphia; and by respectable deal
ers generally through the eountrv
Tr nl1 all .1..... , - ....
au uiiK, oi invalids to enjov the ad-
riinlnim nf : . . . .. J lut " 1 '
; , "l" restorative powers.
Single bottle i o cents.
For sale bv Frederic- t ...
December ?6, 1852 8-ly.
"Aroor- letter, nnd nil kd? of C,
rniii, tckn
- 1 ": (Tr 5 c 1
Life aril Ilwlih
an1 in tk? H!dOj.
i.f :.i: I't.' Dion.T,i;a To.' I.. 1'e f '--T
.-ir:fi to li t a cr.-Hl j.-.l..-
. . . it. inlv Li i I. i-n.i purirj . 1
?! ;, .1
,ii I ia, a
.7 vrj 1 iTn li Xl- au 1 IJi'.'
Tdl: la- wiitii:
ri;' I' r i I'm wrtti uow'i fi t '"I a"ui I. -:f t- n
ly in Hi So othT iiieit.eiiio h4 itlwt.-J U U
ll it in;r.teu!uin euro of
Scrofula, Fever Sures, Sail Illuin,
4VI,l!lt.l.'.i.nd ota.-r trap-Ire nn.l i.n li aw. :
FHion. Xrr. I'lrer. Llrrr,t,4 SjrC M'ftli a.i't I Urct
$r!rr Sore Mourti ll'a.l. Il l P'lrt, I'imiltM o i it
'ace. timiM'i'n. I. IV Hit CJM1'J.A1 T. n I iimny nlve
,HM'H'L-S. Tl '' " ; M." ol u"!l f.rfH IllTO !rt;rn:il
v tiiM PURIFIER, mid cr.rc-J itj the uj ul FOUf
Less Quantity, at Less Cost
y fun r. fold. t'a:.n rv-r frurh ui4-n' wfrf tK-ture or in
ii.reii, l.v p-inlln, or hiijt ol'i.r n-rix-.ljr. V. i.-.t fn t
tlip fjueiiti'in lor tac; iut-ri-iiieil ilaJ!. h to n-vtKun
li.t h. Hlth? 1 !llT i' rvrf y it I fl.C
UNO Js it chcijirr f TiiiKU
Uliieti diften'- nttr litlUir't irnrttt of .irntpa-uia li
ia, tii.-n it is FOUR TIMES CHEAPER tlmn
i tiu. And to prove this vrc oTler oue eae ol' cuic, ou: i
Utc aiy cased of
To realize .h ma pater r f t!ii mtln n ur; i
raH. iu our Punplil-tn. tr Tl- t run- vrT-vUii oi. Mr. J
B. Iof'cin, of ii'im One.iiix connti, V Y. JJ rt,!,r;u.
4i hi lMf Un Year was not txK'tf J to lvs ircn!y fmt
Sjuis hi?tr life s.A ;tt i n-- f y -'!. 'miji t ti
jMr r hole ki fHVn jhrottrh the Wind pipr ip w.r iu-ht
fa'cii out llio wc ol one an di stroytdHn l';-t-rt m lr.
lii:ri crc tn iiim, iii
J'wenly Lare, Dec', Disirlnrsln; Ulcers
nliii h were ALU CUR ED, ':i I Iu; r- 'tonvl tu &- ilik tut
-Trufh t.) La'mr aj-nn. It th': u ol ON'I.Y '1 VVULYI
t (JlTLI.d. Tiii n-ua.i niul can; a o-rlidJ to Ly
Fourteen Hevpectal'lL' Vitiiw.s?.s.
An.i it i ti tTrratett cur' t!i mot U'i I-irt'iiy ntir-.iit:t
e.i, tf one ol mnt horrid w taat A-.V rn of
'Scrat'uia, th t i t (rv-r ! --n rMi.l .! vvrJ r
iitc. c:i(Tiy!'-t- ly t-i'iiiD j Viji crcat yu-rr uj crrzu
txww n'.I t'a' rl. -.n'inj r.n.l purity ins virtm-s n.i'v .-
jom it! ai h nil A' i'.vi- n t if -r- i in i. on J BRANT'S
nri'il Irnai ii'TcrJ ut.n.T mi'd cul oi's, wl.i. ll nrc (K'C i'y
Ji.jU.d t., alul ro esM-nLiilij n f fmu-, Iu cura
Wilt T trtl.
:AM hra's nnd rnres tlcrrw in tlin .itf. an 1
,na la. t certaiui ti. a it uti-t,
tlnract riirri Ui.i irA. L'i-,-r rUriia lu. Tii; tLmm
zurtM vii.e ra' ff i'enruntj'frjn wt o! ten. fttU.r ail e:iu
rcuiedtc Lavr faded io to jfod. Ch rot-tic C'tafh?. hhiin.Utjit'v prt . c
v P
ithitf rfkrrn
. ol U:t t !i I A i I ,
x vs(; woii.i s.vvdd:
W'r t-t th- tUi nirr to jnve tlif pwr o rirt l'r. . m
iff fitl?c.n in n-d. t-Vi-n fdur the w roit.acrrtft t y
fl:yi i rnJ It! inij. t lo in tlic .'.tt irayrj rf dttcir
luni'y ti:rnjf Ui tliM rasr, far a'v if. Xn't tun h-rn
znd hnrutl do: hi wt? bought. Kor the partirular nt tti
bii 1 t:jr r ff;nblc kiiit u n dai: bitl ol tii" t IT
.urjit:ajr s Mid ia f, f n.tcr to our V. M l il I. KTS
'J'ii' ruin wo 4 M-b-J on Mi:J. YJUA lKLMAN, nf
f4.ttltan Sfi.Snmtoa county, S. Y. V rt.ii jirov? L;nnj
dinit. jtuitif tu't almost equally urn hoplM. an.l turn
tneraUlr ms-i of C-iUifUt nud Jonuinp:ioh CfULL, r Lr!i
wiTi' prinounpfd infitrchte lr sKiit'ul phtirtnn.
inptiut. Cot'irks, Cola, Spittiujf vf i io4. Hired tnf at
Luti$, rahit t the Urea ft and Side, Palj natton rf'rf Hen:.
Cu"!fra infantum, I yftcry hAxd Hammer Vtraplain!. is
CtiildrcH mil adults bui ALL,
Female "Weaknesses and Complaints.
No rrtnedy offered tii t?i pubUc hru eTr ben knlf fi
t:ctn imd rfTectual in restoring ALL tl: 1 tri-
uer Mid irrrit Inr it tc ol the as BRANT'S PUL
MONARY BALSAM. It makes no dirtfi-.w w u c-r
df iJ.-nitii;rmi'nt suppression txcess, or other rake
t UKdl'LATKS ALL, tT tren'heitt'f tin Bxmlm. rejua.'.
kirte thf r?rrn?nimt. mn fOOTHINti wni ALLAlLHJ
NLUVUL'd iKUrj'AlSlLirV. l a.-nphlu$.
change: of life.
From thr (Sirl to tiie Woman, tkiii tiie Woman nt mtdi!
far" tiif one fHae ar?.?U rated, nnd th' oth-r - praiutitif
.ppretttd. H4 to prevent any of li ft'ai diseases Izc
ucnllj Tic in cuiiijqucuce ol such cUauc.
Sec Uicrtire or . Hubbard, of Srmtford, Cou , Dd other
DYSPEPSIA So T. S. iriLaz, ot Asica, iryomiLg
county, y.t ami many uioic.
Icrvous Diseases and Ierau?ement
cured witJiout fail.
an j a lult and
No mother nerd ev,-r mourn the di-nta f hT cl.ild r y
CluiIiT lutnntum. wh-! ti.-ctaia;. i( BRANT'S PUL
MONARY BALSAM b dmant.r.d. H shuuU be.
for euca curj. adiunusii;rod m lar-. r taii tiit; crdji.T
It. TI I u It.
A Sew l'ii iii.
TilE si;li3Ci"ibors would rc-iei-tru'.h" hif iri
i citizens oi LU'r.sburir uvA vicinity that
mi I ho
Iimv iti.t rt'ctived lrnin the ritv r.r
l'liila Jt-1 Uin.
nuii nave oicncJ at the ttore rocu furmeiOv aca
i cicti bv J. i. (;. l-.r-r n,fTimii t r.r
fc - - f- " " KHVUt
"f nil kinds, conistinR of the followir? nrtie'o. x-t:
Coffee, Tea, Suaars, Spicts, Cheese, Water, SuJa.
auj Sugar Crackers, licence of Coffee,,
Cinuunion, Citrons, Dates, Unison. DiieJ Currant,
rrunes, Figs, Alrr.otuls. l'reserves l'icklcs, Ciua
ges, Leuions, Tolwcco, Sefrnrs, Snutfs, 5.C., tc.
Flour aad Bacon
kept constantly ou hand. Fumiiics T. 'ill Jo well to
cuil (iml examine our a.-sjrtnient of Groceries imj
Confections before pnrciiHsinjj elsewhere. Our
terms must anil will be CASH, as we inteud to eell
lower th.iu liny establishment in the cauntv.
May 0.180:. Trnott A- TnnVnT:
J.43li:S IIVAI
T-T-S tho pleasure of announcing to all who
X A would secure the best bargains to be offered
in this county, that he is atrai,. in the fi(.M .ui.
one ol the largest, cheapest, ajid most carefully eo-
lected ttoc
Tun and "W later Gooils !
Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which
lJe,eu, Pn-hnseJ within the last few days in
I hiladelphia and New Vork, with particular reg.rd
to the wants of this Market. 1 again fling mv ban
ner to the breeze, inscribed with my olduiotto cf
t c ,iuick Sale as Small Profits.
1 confidently invite the attention of purchasers
to my stock, which will be found unusually
i i"., .area ana attractive, being tull ana co:n-
plete iu every department. Everything new, fah
j tonablo and desirable will be found embraced In
wy assortment. Particular attcntica is eollcstod
to new aud beautiful styles of
which I have just received of late importation. -
In Gents' wear I def couipetion, and confidently
invite an examination of one of thelart r.i.'.
est and best selected ktocks oi ready -made clothin .
j cloths, cassimeres. kc, evr brought to Catnbrfa
county ; comprising all colors and qualities, mhiclt
I will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfactiba
Also, caps, bonnets,
come entirely IcM. It U k-t,i hs wi-. -w